The Real Estate Quarterly

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1622 Arden Bluffs lane (Listing agent: Tom Phillips)

Second Quarter 2014

Photo by Valado Mori

A special advertising publication of Valley Community Newspapers •

Real Estate Quarterly • Second Quarter 2014 • A special advertising publication of Valley Community Newspapers • To advertise, call 916-429-9901

To advertise, call 916-429-9901 • A special advertising publication of Valley Community Newspapers • Second Quarter 2014 • Real Estate Quarterly

Your Area Real Estate Specialists!

Real Estate Quarterly • Second Quarter 2014 • A special advertising publication of Valley Community Newspapers • To advertise, call 916-429-9901

Po c k e t / G re e n h a v e n R e s i d e n t i a l R e a l E s t a t e Tra n s a c t i o n s • S e c o n d Q u a r t e r • A p r. – Ju n . 2 0 1 4

Address BR /BA

Date Value

95831 1360 47th Ave . ......................... 3 2...........14.05.29.... $400,000 6871 Arabella Way . ............ 3 2...........14.04.15...... 369,000 7341 Barr Way ......................... 3 2...........14.06.03...... 330,000 109 Bleu Water Cir . ........... 3 2...........14.05.14...... 260,000 22 Blue Water Cir ............... 3 2...........14.06.26...... 274,000 6870 Buena Terra Way ..... 3 2...........14.04.18...... 347,000 422 Bunkhouse Way .......... 3 2...........14.05.29...... 289,500 22 Cache River Cir ............. 2 2...........14.04.24...... 225,000 7024 Catlen Way . ................. 3 2...........14.06.13...... 285,000 6360 Chetwood Way . ....... 3 3...........14.05.01...... 449,000 6500 Chetwood Way . ....... 3 2...........14.06.17...... 310,300 6 Chickadee Ct .................... 3 2...........14.04.28...... 315,000 6875 Claiborne Way .......... 3 2...........14.06.06...... 202,500 6819 Coachlite Way .......... 4 3...........14.06.13...... 399,000 569 Cork River ...................... 3 3...........14.05.30...... 347,000 815 Crestwater Ln ............ 3 3...........14.04.11...... 140,000 443 De Mar Dr ......................... 3 2...........14.05.06...... 267,000 376 Deer River Way ............ 4 3...........14.06.17...... 523,000 430 Deer River Way ............ 4 3...........14.05.21...... 450,000 7448 Deltawind Dr . ........... 3 3...........14.06.10...... 228,000 6312 Driftwood St . .......... 4 2...........14.04.04...... 378,888 6531 Driftwood St . .......... 3 2...........14.05.22...... 336,000 7361 Durfee Way ................... 2 2...........14.05.06...... 194,000 7371 Durfee Way ................... 3 2...........14.05.30...... 270,000 737 El Macero Way ............. 4 3...........14.06.04...... 345,000 19 Estuary Ct . ....................... 4 3...........14.05.02...... 288,000 40 Estuary Ct . ....................... 2 2...........14.06.05...... 240,000 7268 Farm Dale Way ........... 3 2...........14.05.15...... 270,000 1177 Fay Cir ............................... 4 2...........14.05.30...... 450,000 430 Florin Rd . ........................ 3 3...........14.04.11...... 170,000 825 Florin Rd . ........................ 3 2...........14.05.15...... 170,000 1006 Foxhall Way ............... 3 2...........14.06.20...... 280,500 6705 Freehaven Dr . ........... 4 3...........14.06.06...... 494,500 968 Glide Ferry Way .......... 4 3...........14.06.12...... 415,000 6824 Gloria Dr ....................... 4 3...........14.05.08...... 430,000 6470 Grangers Dairy Dr 3 3...........14.04.08...... 350,000

Address BR /BA

Date Value

6889 Greenhaven Dr ........ 3 3...........14.04.18...... 1009 Greenhurst Way ..... 3 2...........14.05.20...... 6816 Havenhurst Dr . ...... 3 3...........14.06.30...... 7300 Havenside Dr ............. 4 2...........14.04.16...... 6360 Holstein Way ............. 3 3...........14.04.07...... 832 Klein Way ......................... 3 2...........14.05.29...... 31 Lakeshore Cir ................ 4 3...........14.04.29...... 56 Lakeshore Cir ................ 4 4...........14.05.28...... 6785 Langston Way ........... 3 2...........14.06.27...... 7345 L’Arbre Way .................... 3 3...........14.06.24...... 6332 Leaf Ave ........................... 3 2...........14.04.01...... 8044 Linda Isle Ln ............... 3 3...........14.04.30...... 1157 Monte Vista Way . ... 3 3...........14.06.10...... 68 Moonlit Cir ..................... 3 2...........14.04.03...... 6319 N Point Way ................. 4 3...........14.05.09...... 411 Nasca Way . ...................... 5 3...........14.04.08...... 6916 Northshore Way .... 4 3...........14.04.11...... 6312 Oakridge Way . ........... 3 3...........14.04.15...... 6329 Oakridge Way . ........... 3 3...........14.04.23...... 7720 Oakshore Dr . ............. 3 3...........14.06.11...... 329 Outrigger Way . .......... 4 3...........14.04.11...... 7756 Park River Oak Cir 3 3...........14.05.08...... 7798 Park River Oak Cir 3 3...........14.05.30...... 23 Park West Ct ................... 2 2...........14.05.16...... 55 Parklite Cir . .................... 4 3...........14.04.30...... 23 Parkshore Cir ................ 3 3...........14.05.19...... 7461 Pocket Rd . .................... 3 2...........14.06.05...... 7465 Pocket Rd . .................... 5 4...........14.06.20...... 775 Portugal Way .............. 2 2...........14.05.15...... 2 Princeville Cir ................ 3 3...........14.05.23...... 14 Ripple Ct . ............................ 3 3...........14.06.05...... 7835 River Estates Dr . .... 3 2...........14.05.28...... 308 River Isle Way ............... 3 3...........14.05.01...... 725 Rivercrest Way . ......... 2 2...........14.05.15...... 440 Rivergate Way ............. 2 2...........14.06.13...... 516 Rivergate Way ............. 2 1...........14.04.22...... 563 Rivergate Way ............. 3 2...........14.05.08...... 6150 Riverton Way ............. 4 3...........14.06.06......

287,000 313,000 362,000 310,500 576,000 297,500 396,000 392,000 310,000 448,000 260,000 383,500 502,500 311,000 438,000 434,000 335,000 426,000 444,000 439,000 335,000 225,000 212,000 172,000 525,000 361,638 390,500 640,000 198,000 285,000 350,000 295,000 239,000 250,500 293,000 199,500 325,000 433,000

Address BR /BA

Date Value

7276 Riverwind Way . ........ 3 3...........14.04.07...... 7343 Riverwind Way . ........ 3 2...........14.04.09...... 7647 Roman Oak Way ........ 5 3...........14.05.02...... 1215 Rose Tree Wau ............ 2 2...........14.04.15...... 403 Roundtree Ct .............. 2 1...........14.06.09...... 508 Roundtree Ct................ 2 1...........14.06.06...... 812 Roundtree Ct .............. 3 2...........14.04.02...... 1004 Roundtree Ct.............. 2 1...........14.04.29...... 1107 Roundtree Ct . .......... 3 2...........14.06.09...... 881 Royal Green Ave . ....... 4 2...........14.06.13...... 6456 S Land Park Dr . ......... 3 2...........14.05.14...... 6457 S Land Park Dr . ......... 3 2...........14.06.06...... 6489 S Land Park Dr . ......... 5 2...........14.04.25...... 451 Sailwind way ................ 4 2...........14.04.17...... 7422 Salton Sea Way ......... 3 2...........14.06.25...... 10 Sea Ct ..................................... 4 3...........14.05.02...... 6 Seaside Ct . ........................... 4 3...........14.04.07...... 944 Shellwood Way . ........ 4 3...........14.06.19...... 7716 Silva Ranch Way ...... 4 4...........14.04.10...... 1065 Silver Lake Dr ............ 3 2...........14.05.16...... 1112 Silver Lake Dr ............ 4 2...........14.04.10...... 7705 Sleepy River Way . .... 3 3...........14.04.08...... 37 Springbrook Cir .......... 4 2...........14.05.30...... 54 Starglow Cir .................. 4 3...........14.04.29...... 6850 Steamboat Way . ....... 3 2...........14.05.23...... 809 Still Breeze Way ........ 4 4...........14.04.25...... 7451 Summerwind Way ... 2 2...........14.04.04...... 7496 Summerwind Way ... 2 2...........14.05.29...... 6622 Trudy Way ..................... 3 2...........14.04.10...... 1341 Tuggle Way .................. 3 3...........14.04.12...... 528 Valim Way ......................... 4 3...........14.05.20...... 14 Waterfront Ct ............. 3 2...........14.04.15...... 15 Waterfront Ct ............. 3 2...........14.06.04...... 780 Westlite Cir .................. 3 3...........14.06.18...... 7689 Windbridge Dr . ........ 3 3...........14.05.27...... 61 Windubey Cir .................. 3 2...........14.05.02...... 62 Windubey Cir .................. 3 2...........14.06.25...... 458 Windward Way . .......... 4 3...........14.04.30......

To advertise, call 916-429-9901 • A special advertising publication of Valley Community Newspapers • Second Quarter 2014 • Real Estate Quarterly

230,000 250,000 511,500 323,000 120,000 107,900 120,000 115,000 115,000 320,000 465,000 499,000 479,000 340,000 272,000 358,000 330,000 330,000 867,500 312,000 300,950 478,500 430,000 434,000 269,500 600,000 270,000 271,500 315,000 390,000 473,000 225,000 281,000 390,000 305,000 245,000 237,000 352,900

L a n d Pa r k R e s i d e n t i a l R e a l E s t a t e Tra n s a c t i o n s • S e c o n d Q u a r t e r • A p r. – Ju n . 2 0 1 4

Address BR /BA

Date Value

95818 2525 10th Ave............................. 2 1...........14.05.23..... $427,000 1545 11th Ave............................. 3 2...........14.06.10....... 672,500 3347 11th ST................................ 3 2...........14.06.17....... 507,500 2622 12th ST................................ 3 1...........14.04.01....... 360,000 2629 12th St................................ 3 2...........14.04.17....... 389,900 2701 12th ST................................ 2 2...........14.05.27....... 400,000 2610 14th St................................ 2 1...........14.05.05....... 295,000 2801 14th St................................ 3 2...........14.06.04....... 545,000 2117 17th St................................ 5 2...........14.05.09....... 318,000 2601 17th ST................................ 2 2...........14.06.17....... 405,000 2990 17th St................................ 3 2...........14.06.23....... 368,000 3621 17th St................................ 4 3...........14.04.28....... 980,000 3731 17th St................................ 3 2...........14.05.14....... 735,000 2110 18th St................................ 3 2...........14.04.29....... 339,000 2402 18th St................................ 4 4...........14.06.20....... 465,000 2006 20th St................................ 2 2...........14.06.12....... 352,500 2028 21st St................................. 3 3...........14.06.25....... 716,143 2705 22nd St................................ 3 1...........14.05.29....... 430,000 2847 22nd St................................ 4 2...........14.06.19....... 769,000 3411 23rd St................................ 2 2...........14.04.24....... 257,000 3640 24th St................................ 2 2...........14.05.30....... 270,000 2009 26th St................................ 2 1...........14.05.30....... 322,000 2404 26th St................................ 2 1...........14.04.18....... 312,400 2875 2nd Ave............................... 3 2...........14.06.25....... 280,000 1714 3rd Ave............................... 3 2...........14.05.21....... 576,200 2816 4th Ave............................... 3 2...........14.06.03....... 429,000 669 5th Ave................................. 2 2...........14.04.28....... 399,000 564 6th Ave................................. 2 2...........14.05.07....... 340,000 2186 6th Ave............................... 2 2...........14.06.20....... 355,000 1531 7th Ave............................... 4 3...........14.05.08....... 810,000 1281 8th Ave............................... 3 2...........14.05.29....... 508,000 1630 9th Ave............................... 2 1...........14.06.12....... 434,700 2410 9th Ave............................... 3 3...........14.06.24....... 475,000 2724 9th Ave............................... 2 1...........14.05.06....... 381,000 1832 Beverly Way................... 2 2...........14.04.08....... 499,000 1972 Bidwell Way................... 2 1...........14.05.02....... 353,200 2040 Bidwell Way................... 2 2...........14.05.02....... 427,000 1740 Burnett Way................. 2 2...........14.06.30....... 325,000 1704 Caramay Way................. 3 2...........14.06.30....... 509,000 1845 Caramay Way................. 2 1...........14.06.03....... 360,000 2840 Castro Way.................... 3 2...........14.06.20....... 485,000 3601 College Ave................... 4 3...........14.06.23....... 885,000

Address BR /BA

Date Value

3771 College Ave................... 4 3...........14.05.27....... 695,000 2666 Curtis Way...................... 3 3...........14.05.09....... 499,000 2677 Curtis Way...................... 4 3...........14.06.27....... 717,000 3325 Cutter Way.................... 3 2...........14.06.30....... 475,000 2661 Donner Way................... 2 1...........14.06.11....... 396,000 2725 Donner Way................... 4 2...........14.06.13....... 679,000 616 Dudley Way....................... 4 4...........14.04.15....... 342,500 3349 E Curtis Dr...................... 4 2...........14.04.11....... 680,000 2940 Franklin Blvd............. 2 1...........14.05.08....... 202,000 3401 Franklin Blvd............. 2 2...........14.05.30....... 310,000 2617 Freeport Blvd.............. 3 1...........14.04.23....... 290,000 3089 Freeport Blvd.............. 3 1...........14.04.15....... 335,000 529 Fremont Way.................. 3 1...........14.06.11....... 340,000 2600 Harkness Way.............. 3 2...........14.05.22....... 514,000 2730 Land Park Dr................ 3 3...........14.06.30....... 638,000 1801 Larkin Way..................... 2 1...........14.04.22....... 400,000 1288 Marian Way.................... 3 1...........14.05.06....... 485,000 1341 Marian Way.................... 4 3...........14.05.02....... 735,000 1746 Marshall Way.............. 4 2...........14.05.16....... 540,000 2872 Marshall Way.............. 2 1...........14.05.22....... 329,900 2898 Marshall Way.............. 2 1...........14.05.30....... 230,000 733 McClatchy Way............ 3 2...........14.05.19....... 275,000 520 Merkley Way.................... 3 2...........14.04.04....... 319,485 2773 Portola Way................. 2 1...........14.05.15....... 308,000 562 Robertson Way............. 2 1...........14.06.30....... 304,000 1216 Robertson Way........... 3 2...........14.06.18....... 741,000 2516 San Fernando Way.. 3 2...........14.05.08....... 188,000 2559 San Fernando Way.. 3 3...........14.05.30....... 295,000 2760 San Luis Ct...................... 2 2...........14.05.29....... 319,000 559 Swanston Dr.................. 3 2...........14.06.12....... 279,000 1315 Teneighth Way........... 4 3...........14.06.20.... 1,104,000 1020 U St........................................ 3 2...........14.06.12....... 435,000 786 Vallejo Way...................... 3 1...........14.06.26....... 350,000 1329 Vallejo Way.................... 4 2...........14.05.13....... 561,500 1401 Vallejo Way.................... 3 2...........14.05.28....... 529,000 1521 W St....................................... 3 1...........14.06.03....... 297,500

95822 5813 13th St................................ 3 2...........14.05.09..... $485,000 2171 20th Ave............................. 3 2...........14.04.16....... 190,000 2246 22nd Ave............................ 3 1...........14.06.16....... 267,000 4129 23rd St................................ 2 2...........14.06.13....... 160,000 4641 23rd St................................ 3 2...........14.06.30....... 335,000

Address BR /BA

Date Value

6811 23rd St................................ 3 2...........14.05.09....... 130,000 1133 25th Ave............................. 3 2...........14.04.09....... 319,500 1230 27th Ave............................. 4 2...........14.06.10....... 555,000 1301 35th Ave............................. 3 2...........14.05.30....... 275,000 2421 36th Ave............................. 3 1...........14.04.23....... 171,000 2436 37th Ave............................. 3 1...........14.06.12....... 229,000 2404 39th Ave............................. 3 1...........14.05.22....... 210,000 2409 39th Ave............................. 3 2...........14.05.15....... 236,500 2405 40th Ave............................. 3 2...........14.06.16....... 224,000 1945 66th Ave............................. 2 2...........14.04.24....... 190,000 6009 Annrud Way................... 3 2...........14.04.16....... 380,000 2130 Arliss Way........................ 3 2...........14.06.30....... 162,000 5642 Capstan Way.................. 4 2...........14.05.06....... 460,000 1103 Darnel Way.................... 3 1...........14.05.20....... 276,500 5020 Del Rio Rd........................ 3 2...........14.04.17....... 439,000 5665 Delcliff Cir.................... 4 4...........14.05.19....... 440,000 5517 Dorset Way.................... 3 2...........14.04.04....... 270,000 2040 Florin Rd......................... 3 2...........14.05.30....... 132,000 4630 Francis Ct....................... 4 2...........14.05.28....... 695,000 5805 Gloria Dr......................... 2 2...........14.05.22....... 120,000 5820 Gloria Dr......................... 3 2...........14.04.09....... 200,000 5885 Gloria Dr......................... 2 2...........14.05.15....... 123,500 1711 Harian Way.................... 5 2...........14.06.24....... 372,000 5840 Holstein Way............... 3 2...........14.05.23....... 427,000 5981 Holstein Way............... 3 2...........14.04.08....... 416,500 6017 Holstein Way............... 3 3...........14.06.06....... 480,000 6048 Holstein Way............... 3 2...........14.04.23....... 385,000 1431 Kitchner Rd.................. 2 2...........14.05.23....... 225,000 1142 Lancaster Way........... 3 2...........14.05.07....... 349,500 924 Linvale Ct......................... 3 3...........14.06.06....... 447,000 1443 London St...................... 3 1...........14.05.13......... 80,000 10 Lundy Dt............................... 2 2...........14.05.08....... 229,000 5825 McLaren Ave................. 2 1...........14.04.03......... 85,500 5961 McLaren Ave................. 3 2...........14.04.25....... 150,000 1458 Potrero Way................. 3 2...........14.06.26....... 449,000 1728 Potrero Way................. 4 3...........14.04.11....... 588,000 1821 Potrero Way................. 3 2...........14.04.09....... 328,000 4531 S Land Park Dr............. 3 2...........14.06.27....... 435,850 5020 S Land Park Dr............. 3 2...........14.06.27....... 361,000 1137 Sherburn Ave............... 2 1...........14.04.21....... 315,000 1425 Sherwood Ave............. 3 2...........14.05.22....... 415,000 1500 Sherwood Ave............. 3 2...........14.04.22....... 415,000 5609 Surf Way............................ 3 2...........14.04.22....... 369,000 1160 Theo Way.......................... 3 2...........14.04.07....... 275,000 1157 Weber Way....................... 3 2...........14.06.20....... 350,000

Real Estate Quarterly • Second Quarter 2014 • A special advertising publication of Valley Community Newspapers • To advertise, call 916-429-9901

To advertise, call 916-429-9901 • A special advertising publication of Valley Community Newspapers • Second Quarter 2014 • Real Estate Quarterly

Real Estate Quarterly • Second Quarter 2014 • A special advertising publication of Valley Community Newspapers • To advertise, call 916-429-9901


77 13 South Cove Drive









26 31 S St re et

1545 11th Avenue



TRADITION OF TRUST G L A S C O C K R E A L E S TAT E . C O M 394 0 A m e r i ca n R i ve r D r i ve

916 600 9689 CalBRE # 01924223

To advertise, call 916-429-9901 • A special advertising publication of Valley Community Newspapers • Second Quarter 2014 • Real Estate Quarterly


Real Estate Quarterly • Second Quarter 2014 • A special advertising publication of Valley Community Newspapers • To advertise, call 916-429-9901

To advertise, call 916-429-9901 • A special advertising publication of Valley Community Newspapers • Second Quarter 2014 • Real Estate Quarterly



Real Estate Quarterly • Second Quarter 2014 • A special advertising publication of Valley Community Newspapers • To advertise, call 916-429-9901

To advertise, call 916-429-9901 • A special advertising publication of Valley Community Newspapers • Second Quarter 2014 • Real Estate Quarterly



Real Estate Quarterly • Second Quarter 2014 • A special advertising publication of Valley Community Newspapers • To advertise, call 916-429-9901

E a s t S a c ra m e n t o R e s i d e n t i a l R e a l E s t a t e Tra n s a c t i o n s • S e c o n d Q u a r t e r • A p r. – Ju n . 2 0 1 4

Address BR /BA

Date Value

95816 1116 22nd St................................ 2 1...........14.06.13..... $345,000 216 23rd St................................... 3 2...........14.05.05....... 282,000 1119 23rd St................................ 3 2...........14.04.16....... 490,000 1901 23rd St................................ 2 1...........14.05.19....... 379,900 610 24th St.................................. 3 2...........14.06.17....... 425,000 618 24th St.................................. 2 2...........14.06.25....... 235,000 817 26th St.................................. 3 3...........14.04.03....... 505,000 1511 26th St................................ 3 2...........14.05.09....... 435,000 317 27th ST.................................. 3 2...........14.06.16....... 335,000 1341 32nd St................................ 2 1...........14.06.13....... 325,000 1443 32nd St................................ 2 1...........14.04.16....... 325,000 421 33rd St................................... 3 3...........14.04.23....... 849,000 952 33rd St................................... 3 3...........14.05.07....... 525,000 1223 33rd St................................ 2 1...........14.04.25....... 390,000 592 34th St.................................. 4 3...........14.04.21.... 1,175,000 601 34th St.................................. 3 2...........14.06.06....... 570,000 1040 34th St................................ 3 2...........14.06.19....... 600,000 1125 34th St................................ 2 1...........14.05.08....... 405,000 1494 34th St................................ 2 1...........14.04.09....... 315,000 1547 34th St................................ 2 1...........14.05.19....... 329,000 1564 34th ST................................ 2 2...........14.05.19....... 260,925 1441 35th St................................ 2 1...........14.04.03....... 498,000 1559 35th St................................ 3 2...........14.06.02....... 460,000 719 36th St.................................. 4 2...........14.05.19....... 680,000 855 36th St.................................. 3 2...........14.04.07....... 555,000 1550 36th St................................ 2 1...........14.05.02....... 292,000 1632 36th St................................ 3 2...........14.06.19....... 365,000 541 38th St.................................. 2 1...........14.05.01....... 420,000 824 38th St.................................. 2 1...........14.05.23....... 365,000 1435 38th St................................ 5 5...........14.05.14.... 1,225,000 253 39th St.................................. 2 2...........14.06.06....... 465,000 632 39th ST.................................. 2 1...........14.05.19....... 375,000 1341 39th St................................ 2 1...........14.06.25....... 475,000 3271 B St......................................... 2 1...........14.05.08....... 360,000 3117 C St........................................ 2 2............ 14.06.1........ 430,000 3129 Carly Way......................... 2 1...........14.05.19....... 263,000 3177 Carly Way......................... 2 1...........14.05.19....... 355,000 2731 D St........................................ 3 1...........14.05.16....... 354,000 3522 D St........................................ 2 1............ 14.06.2........ 379,000 3531 D St........................................ 2 1............ 14.06.2........ 385,000 3577 D St........................................ 4 2...........14.05.29....... 380,000 1108 Dolores Way................. 2 1............ 14.06.2........ 427,000 2517 E St......................................... 4 3...........14.04.09....... 525,000 2420 F St......................................... 7 5...........14.04.29....... 644,500

Address BR /BA

Date Value

2631 F St......................................... 3 3...........14.05.28....... 2120 G St........................................ 4 5............ 14.04.3........ 2605 G St........................................ 2 2...........14.04.18....... 2504 H St........................................ 3 2...........14.06.02....... 3835 H St........................................ 2 1...........14.05.07....... 2402 I St.......................................... 3 3...........14.05.21....... 2501 I St.......................................... 5 3...........14.04.04....... 2200 N St........................................ 3 3...........14.04.25....... 3325 N St........................................ 3 2...........14.04.08....... 3708 S St......................................... 3 2...........14.06.03....... 3832 S St......................................... 2 2...........14.06.18....... 1125 Santa Barbara Ct..... 2 1...........14.04.15....... 1310 Santa Ynez Way.......... 3 3...........14.04.25....... 3131 Serra Way......................... 5 4...........14.06.26....... 2515 T St........................................ 4 2...........14.04.28....... 3319 T St........................................ 4 2............ 14.06.2........

669,000 994,680 399,000 553,000 317,000 437,500 273,000 608,700 420,000 396,000 387,000 409,000 634,450 434,000 540,000 276,000

95819 208 40th St.................................. 2 1...........14.04.24..... $420,000 282 40th St.................................. 3 2...........14.06.04....... 510,000 381 40th St.................................. 2 1...........14.04.18....... 370,000 524 40th St.................................. 2 1...........14.06.30....... 380,000 640 40th St.................................. 3 4...........14.05.01....... 609,900 1332 40th St................................ 4 3...........14.05.06.... 1,050,000 1708 40th St................................ 3 3...........14.05.20....... 680,000 658 41st St................................... 3 2...........14.06.10....... 428,025 1331 41st St................................. 4 2...........14.04.29....... 866,000 1364 41st St................................. 3 3...........14.04.30.... 1,015,000 1752 41st St................................. 2 1...........14.05.20....... 359,000 1732 42nd St................................ 2 1...........14.05.28....... 425,000 140 43rd St................................... 4 3...........14.05.29....... 785,000 1065 43rd St................................ 5 3...........14.04.30.... 1,080,000 1857 48th St................................ 2 1...........14.06.02....... 245,000 710 50th St.................................. 3 2...........14.06.05....... 615,000 1709 50th St................................ 2 1...........14.05.23....... 349,000 95 51st St...................................... 2 1...........14.06.11....... 300,000 127 51st St................................... 2 1...........14.06.18....... 326,000 833 51st St................................... 2 1...........14.05.27....... 300,000 115 52nd St.................................. 3 2...........14.05.16....... 582,350 618 52nd St.................................. 3 2...........14.05.15....... 361,850 650 52nd St.................................. 3 1...........14.05.12....... 370,000 1440 52nd St................................ 2 1...........14.06.23....... 365,000 649 54th St.................................. 2 1...........14.06.27....... 357,900 1537 54th St................................ 2 1...........14.06.25....... 395,000

Address BR /BA

Date Value

656 55th St.................................. 2 1...........14.06.25....... 847 56th St.................................. 2 1...........14.06.27....... 1425 57th St................................ 4 3...........14.06.06....... 1211 58th St................................ 2 1...........14.04.02....... 1352 61st St................................. 3 2...........14.06.12....... 1347 62nd St................................ 2 1...........14.04.30....... 1216 64th St................................ 3 2...........14.05.29....... 4457 A St........................................ 3 2...........14.04.08....... 5400 Aileen Way...................... 3 2...........14.05.13....... 4556 B St......................................... 3 1...........14.06.23....... 4719 B St......................................... 3 2...........14.04.28....... 4911 B St......................................... 3 1...........14.05.13....... 4408 C St........................................ 2 2...........14.05.09....... 5644 Camellia Ave................. 2 1...........14.04.11....... 142 Coloma Way..................... 3 2...........14.05.29....... 4509 D St........................................ 4 3...........14.04.18....... 5413 E St......................................... 3 3...........14.05.12....... 5669 Elvas Ave........................... 3 1...........14.06.03....... 3754 Erlewine Cir................. 3 2...........14.06.18....... 5080 F St......................................... 3 1...........14.05.23....... 142 Fallon Lane..................... 3 1...........14.06.20....... 4100 Folsom Blvd.................. 3 2...........14.05.02....... 4100 Folsom Blvd.................. 2 2...........14.06.30....... 5125 J St.......................................... 3 1...........14.05.15....... 558 Lagomarsino Way...... 3 2...........14.05.09....... 4701 M St....................................... 3 2...........14.04.18....... 4730 M St....................................... 3 1...........14.05.27....... 5124 M St....................................... 3 3...........14.06.17....... 5607 McAdoo Ave................... 3 1...........14.05.21....... 5190 Moddison Ave.............. 3 1...........14.06.09....... 5539 Moddison Ave.............. 3 2...........14.06.30....... 5740 Moddison Ave.............. 2 1...........14.06.10....... 5737 Monalee Ave................. 3 2...........14.05.02....... 5749 Monalee Ave................. 3 2...........14.04.11....... 4939 P St......................................... 2 1...........14.06.26....... 4922 Reid Way............................ 2 1...........14.04.18....... 401 San Antonio Way........ 3 1...........14.06.09....... 221 San Miguel Way............. 4 3...........14.06.13....... 530 Sandburg Dr................... 3 2...........14.06.09....... 5331 Sandburg Dr................. 4 2...........14.05.05....... 5605 Seward Ct........................ 3 2...........14.04.14....... 5312 Shepard Way.................. 3 1...........14.05.20....... 5017 T St........................................ 2 1...........14.04.24....... 5401 T St........................................ 3 2...........14.04.16....... 107 Tivoli Way......................... 3 2...........14.06.30.......

To advertise, call 916-429-9901 • A special advertising publication of Valley Community Newspapers • Second Quarter 2014 • Real Estate Quarterly

355,000 390,000 510,000 415,000 391,000 297,400 406,500 425,000 398,500 405,000 335,000 394,500 465,000 315,000 540,000 689,000 450,000 395,000 387,000 404,900 434,000 420,000 430,000 319,000 479,500 725,000 402,000 555,000 374,500 334,000 419,000 280,500 462,500 412,000 283,000 365,000 383,000 650,000 405,000 445,000 494,500 399,500 387,000 432,500 399,000


A rd e n - C a r m i c h a e l R e s i d e n t i a l R e a l E s t a t e Tra n s a c t i o n s • S e c o n d Q u a r t e r • A p r. – Ju n . 2 0 1 4

Address BR /BA

Date Value

95608 5324 Agate Way........................ 3 1...........14.04.17..... $194,888 5329 Agate Way........................ 3 2...........14.06.20....... 299,000 4811 Andrew Cir.................... 4 3...........14.05.23......... 35,000 5314 Angelina Ave................ 3 2...........14.06.09....... 276,000 5105 Appleton Ct.................. 3 2...........14.05.23....... 325,000 6000 Ard Aven Pl.................... 5 4...........14.05.07....... 725,000 1639 Arden Bluffs Ln......... 3 2...........14.05.06....... 552,000 1643 Arden Bluffs Ln......... 4 3...........14.04.14....... 579,000 5441 Arden Way....................... 3 2...........14.04.10....... 415,000 3200 Ashwood Ln.................. 2 1...........14.05.09....... 200,000 5305 Baumgart Way............. 3 2...........14.06.09....... 280,000 2117 Bircher Way................... 4 2...........14.04.18....... 305,000 4909 Boyd Dr.............................. 4 2...........14.05.02....... 249,000 3203 California Ave............ 4 3...........14.06.30....... 340,100 3516 California Ave............ 3 2...........14.05.30....... 325,000 4834 Camden Ct...................... 4 2...........14.06.05....... 340,000 5953 Camray Cir...................... 3 3...........14.04.18....... 335,000 2011 Carob Ct........................... 3 3...........14.06.23....... 435,000 5722 Chaffey Ln...................... 5 3...........14.06.27....... 432,000 5727 Chaffey Ln...................... 4 2...........14.06.19....... 375,000 4601 Charleston Dr........... 4 3...........14.05.22....... 370,000 6032 Cherrelyn Way........... 3 2...........14.05.16....... 207,000 5750 Classic Pl......................... 4 2...........14.05.27....... 580,000 4957 Clear Cir........................... 2 2...........14.04.09....... 220,000 6210 Cole Way........................... 3 2...........14.05.29....... 340,000 2722 Compton Parc Ln...... 3 3...........14.04.04....... 217,000 4746 Crestview Dr............... 3 2...........14.06.26....... 325,000 4849 Cypress Ave..................... 3 2...........14.04.09....... 247,500 5312 De John Ave.................... 3 2...........14.06.17....... 347,250 1682 Del Dayo Dr.................... 5 3...........14.05.12....... 875,000 3225 Deodar St........................ 4 3...........14.04.11....... 530,000 6205 Diernan Dr..................... 3 2...........14.04.29....... 263,000 5540 Dye Way.............................. 4 3...........14.04.18....... 545,000 5541 Dye Way.............................. 3 2...........14.06.11....... 454,000 5457 Edgerly Way.................. 4 2...........14.04.14....... 175,000 2553 El Vita Way...................... 3 2...........14.05.12....... 369,000 1549 Elsdon Cir...................... 4 5...........14.04.17....... 835,000 5029 Engle Rd........................... 2 1...........14.06.26....... 150,000 5631 Engle Rd........................... 3 2...........14.06.03....... 215,000 5216 Fair Oaks Blvd............. 4 2...........14.06.23....... 427,700 2404 Fallwater Ln................ 3 3...........14.06.03....... 273,000 6145 Fountaindale Way.. 3 2...........14.06.18....... 300,000 5712 Frontier Way................ 4 4...........14.05.19....... 455,000 4307 Galewood Way............ 4 2...........14.05.13....... 349,000 4353 Galewood Way............ 3 2...........14.05.05....... 275,000 3305 Garfield Ave................. 4 5...........14.04.10....... 738,000 3949 Garfield Ave................. 4 3...........14.04.25....... 359,000 4109 Geyser Ln......................... 3 3...........14.06.04....... 420,000 4900 Gibbons Dr...................... 3 3...........14.04.29....... 287,000 5518 Gibbons Dr...................... 3 2...........14.04.10....... 180,000 4249 Glenridge Dr............... 3 2...........14.06.09....... 260,000 4244 Gold Flower Ct......... 3 2...........14.05.22....... 367,000 3700 Gordon Way.................. 4 3...........14.06.09....... 850,000


Address BR /BA

Date Value

2336 Gunn Rd............................ 2 2...........14.04.21....... 2341 Gunn Rd............................ 2 1...........14.05.30....... 2425 Gunn Rd............................ 4 1...........14.06.05....... 1748 Haggin Grove Way... 4 5...........14.05.28....... 3035 Hanna Ct......................... 3 3...........14.06.24....... 4840 Hazelwood Ave......... 4 2...........14.06.19....... 5907 Higgins St....................... 3 2...........14.05.30....... 6333 Hillrise Dr...................... 3 2...........14.04.14....... 3824 Holloway Ln................. 3 1...........14.06.04....... 4345 Jan Dr.................................. 4 2...........14.05.05....... 4450 Jan Dr.................................. 4 2...........14.06.19....... 4507 Jan Dr.................................. 4 2...........14.04.29....... 4707 Jan Dr.................................. 3 2...........14.04.15....... 3129 Joellen Ct....................... 3 2...........14.04.09....... 5031 Kahn St............................. 3 2...........14.04.14....... 5843 Kimberly Hill Ct........ 3 2...........14.04.22....... 4951 Kipling Dr....................... 4 3...........14.05.22....... 5162 Kipp Way............................. 4 2...........14.06.13....... 5419 Kirkland Way............... 4 2...........14.05.06....... 5133 Kovanda Ave................. 3 2...........14.05.13....... 4647 Ladera Way..................... 4 2...........14.06.05....... 4760 Liesel Ct............................ 4 3...........14.04.09....... 6406 Lincoln Ave................... 4 3...........14.06.02....... 6820 Lincoln Ave................... 4 3...........14.04.23....... 6907 Lincoln Ave................... 4 2...........14.06.11....... 6935 Lincoln Creek Cir.... 3 2...........14.06.03....... 5548 Linda Ln............................ 4 3...........14.04.23....... 5204 Linda Lou Dr................. 3 2...........14.06.27....... 4781 Loch Lomond Dr....... 4 3...........14.04.22....... 5406 Locust Ave...................... 3 2...........14.04.16....... 5116 Love Way........................... 3 2...........14.05.30....... 6425 Madison Ave.................. 3 2...........14.06.13....... 6231 Mahala Dr...................... 3 2...........14.04.18....... 5940 Maleville Rd................. 3 2...........14.04.22....... 4720 Marguerite Way........ 4 2...........14.06.12....... 4812 Marietta Way............... 3 3...........14.04.16....... 5924 Marlin Cir....................... 3 2...........14.06.27....... 3538 Marshall Ave............... 2 1...........14.06.26....... 3912 Maudray Way................ 4 3...........14.04.17....... 3119 Mayer Way....................... 4 2...........14.05.22....... 4817 Melvin Dr......................... 3 3...........14.06.12....... 6536 Miles Ln............................. 3 1...........14.06.05....... 5416 Miriam Ct......................... 4 3...........14.04.29....... 5420 Miriam Ct......................... 3 2...........14.06.17....... 1741 Mission Ave..................... 3 2...........14.04.25....... 3221 Mission Ave..................... 4 2...........14.04.30....... 5259 Mission View Ct.......... 3 2...........14.05.07....... 3312 Monteglen Ct............. 4 3...........14.06.19....... 6016 Muldrow Way.............. 2 2...........14.05.30....... 7345 Nob Hill Dr..................... 3 2...........14.06.27....... 4832 North Ave....................... 3 2...........14.05.12....... 5048 Oak Leaf Dr.................... 4 2...........14.04.24....... 4727 Oak Twig Way............... 5 3...........14.06.06....... 4776 Oak Twig Way............... 3 2...........14.05.14....... 4768 Olive Oak Way.............. 3 2...........14.05.27.......

274,500 206,000 161,000 998,000 385,500 235,000 230,000 396,000 162,500 275,000 339,000 397,000 269,900 320,000 205,000 243,000 840,000 350,000 303,000 252,500 359,000 359,000 304,500 457,000 376,000 419,000 550,000 280,000 410,000 315,000 295,000 199,000 665,000 175,000 575,000 315,000 249,950 209,950 425,000 315,000 270,000 140,000 405,000 424,000 312,000 379,000 298,000 510,000 300,000 370,000 425,375 250,000 380,000 361,250 305,000

Address BR /BA

Date Value

4920 Olive Oak Way.............. 3 2...........14.05.01....... 410,000 4961 Olive Oak Way.............. 4 3...........14.06.06....... 465,000 3700 Orangerie Way............ 3 2...........14.06.10....... 284,500 6402 Palm Ave............................ 3 2...........14.04.24....... 263,500 6105 Palm Dr.............................. 4 3...........14.05.05....... 436,000 6500 Palm Dr.............................. 4 4...........14.04.08....... 655,000 2917 Palm Estates Ct.......... 4 2...........14.06.10....... 465,000 6326 Perrin Way...................... 4 2...........14.05.12....... 390,100 6493 Perrin Way...................... 3 2...........14.04.29....... 322,000 3216 Petty Ln............................ 3 1...........14.06.05....... 158,000 23 Quali Point Pl.................. 3 3...........14.04.17....... 400,000 6401 Rampart Dr.................... 3 2...........14.06.19....... 340,000 5900 Ranger Way.................... 4 3...........14.05.12....... 325,000 6044 Ranger Way.................... 4 3...........14.04.18....... 323,000 6732 Rappahannock Way 4 2...........14.04.30....... 255,000 6441 Rexford Way................. 3 2...........14.04.17....... 270,000 25 River Bluff Ln................... 2 3...........14.05.05....... 540,000 5834 River Oak Way.............. 3 2...........14.04.18....... 595,500 5921 River Oak Way.............. 7 4...........14.05.27.... 1,282,500 4804 Robertson Way........... 3 2...........14.05.29....... 269,500 4430 Rustic Rd.......................... 3 3...........14.04.07....... 430,000 6147 Rutland Dr.................... 3 2...........14.04.04....... 265,000 6506 Saint James Dr............. 3 2...........14.04.10....... 289,000 3933 San Juan Ave.................. 3 2...........14.05.30....... 365,000 5909 Sarah Ct........................... 3 2...........14.04.28....... 282,500 5205 Schuyler Dr.................. 3 2...........14.06.25....... 225,000 5209 Sagel Ct............................ 3 2...........14.05.14....... 260,000 5858 Sharps Cir....................... 4 2...........14.06.12....... 249,900 5213 Shelato Way.................. 3 2...........14.06.20....... 470,000 6254 Silverton Way............. 3 2...........14.04.03....... 269,000 3224 Smathers Way.............. 3 2...........14.05.23....... 280,000 3111 Steinbrenner Ct....... 4 3...........14.04.29....... 349,000 4553 Stoney Way.................... 4 2...........14.05.29....... 375,000 7136 Sutter Ave...................... 2 2...........14.04.09....... 530,000 5519 Tashi Bell Ln................. 4 3...........14.05.19....... 489,000 5904 Telesco Way................... 3 2...........14.04.08....... 250,000 6140 Telesco Way................... 3 2...........14.05.09....... 250,000 6507 Templeton Dr.............. 3 1...........14.04.28....... 160,000 6606 Templeton Dr.............. 3 2...........14.06.13....... 240,000 5813 Twin Gardens Rd...... 3 3...........14.04.25....... 444,000 5645 Valhalla Dr.................. 3 2...........14.06.17....... 339,000 5904 Via Casitas Way........... 3 3...........14.06.17....... 138,000 5113 Walnut Place Ln....... 4 3...........14.04.28....... 377,450 3606 Waynart Ct.................... 2 1...........14.04.08....... 255,000 5205 Whisper Oaks Ln........ 5 3...........14.06.11....... 426,500 3115 Whitewood Dr........... 4 3...........14.04.11....... 456,000 5481 Wildflower Cir.......... 4 2...........14.05.29....... 425,000 7220 Willow Bank Way..... 4 2...........14.05.15....... 385,000 6034 Winding Way................. 3 2...........14.06.10....... 279,000 6111 Winding Way................. 3 2...........14.05.16....... 220,000 2545 Winsford Ln................. 3 3...........14.05.30....... 308,000 4541 Woodfair Way.............. 4 2...........14.04.24....... 346,500 5726 Woodleigh Dr............. 3 2...........14.04.21....... 145,000 5500 Wyndham Hill Ct..... 4 3...........14.06.05....... 475,000 5249 Wyndham Oak Ln..... 4 2...........14.06.19....... 380,000

Real Estate Quarterly • Second Quarter 2014 • A special advertising publication of Valley Community Newspapers • To advertise, call 916-429-9901

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To advertise, call 916-429-9901 • A special advertising publication of Valley Community Newspapers • Second Quarter 2014 • Real Estate Quarterly



Real Estate Quarterly • Second Quarter 2014 • A special advertising publication of Valley Community Newspapers • To advertise, call 916-429-9901

To advertise, call 916-429-9901 • A special advertising publication of Valley Community Newspapers • Second Quarter 2014 • Real Estate Quarterly


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