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ball back and forth over a lower net in a court that is the size of a badminton court.

While playing this game, its players are in each other’s faces, which allows for plenty of opportunities for good conversations, but serious banter.


The courts are loud with laughter and competitive talk among its players. There might even be a boom box for music to liven up the camaraderie on the courts.

There are both frequent and infrequent players. Some players play every day.

Since the court is small, one does not run long distances. But still, players are constantly on the move.

Play a game, sit down, drink some fluids, and then you will be ready for another game.

One dominant thing that is present at a pickleball court is people enjoying themselves in this game that continues to draw more players.

Through this game, everyone is exercising and being a part of the community.

The learning curve is very easy and fun. Play one game and you will be hooked.

Players state that it’s addicting, and pickleheads are very compelled about this game.

As a bonus, there are many health benefits to playing pickleball. This game is an aerobic exercise, so it helps your lungs function better, controls your blood-sugar levels, regulates your blood pressure, and improves your cardiovascular conditioning.

The incredible success of pick- leball has been the accessibility of people of all ages.

The game can be as intense as one likes. This is a driving force with senior communities.

In 2008, the game of pickleball was featured on “Good Morning America” in a live onair game. That TV moment gave the game its legitimacy.

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