Madrid Proposal

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BACKGROUND & PURPOSE In November 2016, the University of Pennsylvania’s Center for Social Impact Strategy + IDEO

U brought together 21 global creative leaders in California to explore how design thinking can create real impact in their organizations, industries and communities.

This group of changemakers came from five continents and industries as diverse as

education, business & finance, design, arts & culture, the environment and healthcare. With representatives from the government, public, private and non-profit sectors, this intensive experience left a lasting impact on these leaders and their work.

The Inaugural Impact House Fellows are now preparing to gather again in Madrid to: •

develop as a collaborative network

identify opportunities to have even greater social impact through their work, both

apply their advanced design thinking abilities to live challenges individually and collectively

The Madrid program will be an accelerator to explore the intersection of creativity, design

thinking, leadership and social impact. Over 7 days (October 29 - November 4), the Fellows will extend their abilities for positive change by exploring leading practices, sharing experiences in the field, and setting a new direction for their individual and collaborative work.

AN OPPORTUNITY FOR PARTNERSHIP Impact House Madrid provides a unique opportunity to connect with a high profile, closely

bonded group of global design thinking leaders who are committed to making positive social impact in the world.

We are seeking partners who hold similar values and would like to contribute to this unique

experience. We expect to tailor any contribution package to meet the interests and priorities of the partner. For example, a contribution of 10,000 EURO could be recognized through

branding and inclusion of up to 2 guest fellowships, or a gala dinner and exploratory session on a live design challenge of your choice. For more information and to discuss partnership opportunities further, please contact Valerie Cuppens at We look forward to discussing our collaboration further.


A DYNAMIC PROGRAM “Our time at the Impact House reminds me everyday of the

need to suspend judgement while thinking about potential solutions and to remember that “customers” can provide many ideas so long as we are in their context.” Sandeep Dubbireddi HSBC, Singapore

IDEAS TO ACTION In Madrid, Fellows will participate in a dynamic week that blends learning of leading edge practice, sharing of experiences from this group of multidisciplinary leaders and putting ideas into action.


from leaders in design

thinking, social impact,


community design


by a diverse group of •


expertise from across

disciplines to elicit new

approaches and solutions to live challenges and •


reflections on personal leadership challenges,

goals, and opportunities


solving turning ideas into individual practice and

challenged and stretched


real world problem

action within Fellows’

spective fields, to have it

skills and applied knowl-

and insights for social

edge at the cutting edge

of practice in our re-

advance design thinking

professional skills, tools

experiences and knowl-


by addressing local •


collaborative work by identifying and

commiting to next steps for impact beyond the days of Impact House















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Fellows represent diverse industries

The Inaugural Impact House was a program sponsored by

the University of Pennsylvania’s School of Social Policy, The Center for Social Impact Strategy, and IDEO U.

What makes this group of Fellows unique is that we represent multiple perspectives, drawing

on a diverse set of disciplines, sectors, and cities around the world. We were originally brought together to recognize and develop our creativity in design thinking and social impact. This

closely bonded group of global design thinking leaders are committed to making positive impact in the world. Join us!

Fellows across all business sectors

Fellows across the globe

In the 6 months since the inaugural UPenn/IDEO U Impact House, collaborations between the fellows have emerged across sectors and countries. Here are 6 inspiring examples:

“This group of 21 problem solvers and leaders from a variety of industries and cities around the world is becoming a powerful design thinking collective. Collaboratively, how might we build a community of practice to have sustained, real-world impact, stay connected and empower others? This is my compass.“ Valerie Cuppens Producer/Designer USA


The Impact House

experience has served as a

John Lewis

catalyst to begin changing the culture within my

team at Caterpillar, which

is responsible for all Latin America, a challenging

Sofia Nunez

At Intelligent Futures, a Canadian firm that

territory filled with many

sustainability, the UPenn / IDEO U Impact

surpasses $10 bn). Currently, we’re working on

practice of community engagement, allowing

opposed to mandatory team meetings) and using

into our projects. This has led to greater

complex excel models). My team is taking IDEO

citizen voices to inform the decision-making

can apply design thinking to our day to day, but

works at the intersection of urbanism and

opportunities (in any given year, our revenue

House experience has helped evolve our

implementing monthly “drop in sessions” (as

us to introduce a higher degree of empathy

post it notes to work around problems (instead of

insights in our work, which allows more

U’s “Insights for Innovation” course to see how we

process in the communities where we work.

also in an effort to expand the methodology to

Ceri Gorton

our Dealer network.

John Lewis

Shelley Danner

Shortly after returning from the UPenn / IDEO Impact

vision, data set and toolkit - to enable culture in the

House, Bird & Gorton was selected to work with the

city to adapt and thrive over the next decade.

people of Nottingham to create a 10-year Cultural

Nottingham is one of ten core cities in the UK. Four

Statement and Framework for the city.

million people live within 45 minutes of this regional

and civic engagement were developed with experts

Framework places culture at the heart of civic life in

Insights into leadership, cultural collaboration,

hub for cultural activity and creative careers. The

from cities in the UK and globally, including Creative

Nottingham and is designed to be used by decision

Impact Fellows John Lewis (Calgary) and Shelley

makers, communities, universities, businesses, and

Danner (Detroit). These insights informed the design

government to identify shared priorities, forge new

of an active Framework of resources - including a

partnerships, and develop collaborative activity.




Wicker Kimes


Since the experience with Ideo U/Impact House last fall, my work within my global

design firm has become more focused on

Since the Impact House experience, Valerie

social impact. In January, I worked on a

has set a new direction for her work. Making

pro-bono project with Waikiki Community

major life and career transitions, she has

Center in Hawaii to utilize design thinking

become more intentional about crafting

to understand how they could make more

her leadership skills to inspire the next

positive impact - adjusting their center to

generation of design thinkers. In addition to

accommodate transitional housing for the

being an IDEO U alumni coach, she envisions

homeless, a food bank and a daycare for

the Impact House Fellows as a community of

low-income families. The experience helped

practice. Her efforts have shifted from being a

me refine my skills to lead the team at Waikiki

storyteller, to becoming a storymaker.

Community Center to become a better

resource and partner to their community.

Pablo Esteves Shelley Danner

John Lewis Emzingo is a leadership development design

aligned to the Emzingo values and committed to

leaders. We design leadership solutions that help

impact and are sustainable in social, environmental

firm that helps great organizations develop great

responsible business practices that create positive and financial terms.​​John Lewis of Intelligent

people and organizations expand to their full

Futures and Shelley Danner of Challenge Detroit

potential. Every month, Emzingo’s team nominates individuals for The Emzingo LeaderSHIFT Award

were selected for their achievements that show

recognizing the efforts and achievements of

a strong commitment to responsible leadership

purpose-driven responsible leaders, who are



The experience with Impact House

has given me access to a wide subset of Strategic Thinkers to generate

insight for my company’s pitch to a

Global Confectionary Brand. The client

commented that it was “impressive to have access to such a network”.


Matt Kendall, Retrofuzz Manchester, England

Dr. Ceri Gorton is Co-Director of Bird & Gorton, a UK-based creative consultancy. She is also a leadership coach, mentor and @CloreLeadership Fellow. Bird & Gorton empowers arts

organisations, museums, univer­sities, cities, and creative businesses to develop innovative

new programmes and ways of working. Specialisms include leadership experience design,

strategies and capacity-building for collaboration, and impact research. Drawing on design

Ceri Gorton Bird & Gorton

Warwickshire, UK @Bird_Gorton @CeriGorton

thinking processes, much of Bird & Gorton’s work explores how digital technology can benefit cultural leaders, experiences and spaces. Clients include The Guardian, Royal Opera House, Royal Shakespeare Company, British Council, King’s College London and Midlands3Cities. Ceri has directed Arts and Culture for the city of Oxford, led AHRC research into digital

leadership at the University of Warwick, developed national strategy for Arts Council England,

and negotiated cultural and educational partnerships in the US, Canada and India. Ceri serves on the board of international dance company @MotionhouseDT and is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts.

Gonzalo is helping the Peruvian Government be more innovative and human-centered

through a series of projects and programs facilitated in different Departments, such as Early Childhood, Healthcare, and Industry. The focus of his work is to help others feel more confident with their own creativity. The work he does is in the intersection of storytelling, design research, organizational design, purposefulness, and education.

Gonzalo Perez Lima, Peru

In the past, Gonzalo was a founding member at La Victoria Lab — a corporate innovation lab created with the help of IDEO in Lima for Intercorp Group (the most active entrepreneur-

ial group in Peru), where he used design thinking to create better services for the Peruvian emerging middle class and to help organizations create more innovative cultures. He has

advised some of the most influential Peruvian corporate leaders on how to tell their stories. Also, he has worked on creating the brand identity of multiple new businesses and outlined the communication strategy of educational nonprofits in Peru. Gonzalo is currently working towards becoming a theater director and writer.


Hannah Greenfeld is an engineer by training, and for more than 15 years has been designing

solutions to enable individuals and organizations to transform themselves. Hannah is passionate about wild ideas, challenging problems, and helping others unleash their full potential.

Hannah is a Director at NIKE where she works on large complex change efforts. Prior to NIKE, Hannah was a Consultant at IBM where she worked with many diverse companies on strate-


Greenfeld Oregon, USA

gic changes. Hannah earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Industrial Engineering from the

University of Washington, and a Sustainable Enterprise Certificate from Willamette University. Hannah is an outdoor enthusiast and a fiercely devoted mother.


Born in Vietnam and currently residing in the United States, Hao is an experience junkie. He has worked across the United States, Europe and Southeast Asia in the financial services

sector, energy segment, extreme sports arena and entertainment industry performing various

roles such as an innovation leader, financial auditor, IT manager, product development leader and his favorite job, as a professional skateboarder. Currently Hao is passionate about nurtur-

Hao Dinh North Carolina, USA General Electric

Grow by Design

ing his creative confidence and utilizing innovation to solve complex issues. He is spearheading an initiative to transform a traditional Fortune 10 organization into an innovation power-

house. Additionally, Hao started a non-profit called Grow by Design that is focused on helping K-12 students nurture their creative skills and spark their innovative fire!

Jes is a product manager at Simson Cards, an Australian greeting card company, where she’s lucky enough to spend her days making things, diving deep into data, and writing the occasional pithy one-liner. She is a board member of Art Education Victoria, a not-for-profit that helps Victorian art teachers be the best that they can be, where she helps ensure that their

products meet the needs of busy art teachers. Jes holds a Bachelor of Laws and a Bachelor of

Jes Simson Simson Cards

Melbourne, Australia

Creative Arts from the University of Melbourne. She nerds out over beautifully printed pages, business models that click and legal contracts designed for the people who actually have to read the fine print.


John Lewis is the President and founder of Intelligent Futures – a firm that works at the in-

tersection of urbanism, sustainability and engagement. John brings together elements of

community engagement, strategic planning, effective communication and capacity-building

to create meaningful conversations for communities and organizations. Projects that John has

worked on have won awards from the Canadian Institute of Planners, the International Associ-

John Lewis Intelligent Futures Alberta, Canada

ation for Public Participation, the Federation of Canadian Municipalities, the Canadian Urban

Institute and the Alberta Urban Municipalities Association. John is a Member of the Canadian

Institute of Planners, was President of LEAD Canada (Leadership in Environment and Development) and is a member of LEAD International training team and has also been an instructor at the University of Calgary, the University of Alberta and Simon Fraser University.

Kevin DeBell is the Associate Director of the Office of Strategic Environmental Manage-

ment at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Throughout his career, Kevin has led significant policy projects at the agency by working with and serving as a translator for engineers, lawyers, economists, and other technical experts. His government career

also includes positions in EPA’s Office of Wastewater Management and Chesapeake Bay

Kevin DeBell

Program Office. Kevin is also an adjunct faculty member in the University of Baltimore’s

Negotiations and Conflict Management graduate program, which has been instrumental

US Environmental

in his appreciation of diverse learning styles. Kevin holds a Master’s degree in political

Maryland, USA

professional success has been a commitment to lifelong learning and empathy for his

Protection Agency

science and a Ph.D. in conflict analysis and resolution. The most important aspect of his colleagues.

Lisa Brown leads Northwest Colorado Health from Steamboat Springs, Colorado. She grew up

and still lives on her family’s hay farm in this rural area. Her unique childhood and education in public schools up through a BA in American Studies from the University of Colorado developed her belief that everyone deserves the chance to live their best life. Her work focuses

on leveraging the power of arts, education and health into positive life experiences. Besides

Lisa Brown Northwest

raising Gen Z teens, she is proud to have been elected to a Board of Education and received a Livingston Fellowship for Nonprofit Leadership.

Colorado Health Colorado, USA


Matt is a Creative Director driven by challenge. After starting his professional career in London’s creative scene at the tail end of the dot com boom, Matt co-founded a design studio

because he enjoyed working and creating alongside like minded individuals. Now 10 years later the studio has a 13 strong team working with global music and fashion brands. Being

part of two of the most exciting and digitally disrupted industries in the world has taught Matt

Matt Kendall RetroFuzz

Manchester, UK

to continuously evolve and explore with his team, using new platforms to deliver new experi-

ences that connect culture with commerce. In such a messy creative world, Matt’s mission is to help his amazing team to find logical connections and ways forward, turning their ideas into

action that deliver growth to its clients and delight to its customers. As a passionate and proud

resident of Manchester Matt is inspired by the rich heritage of his city, yet finds the prospect of contributing to its new creative future infinitely more motivating.

Victor Udoewa is the Education Lead and Deputy Director of Learn at 18F, a civic consultancy

inside the government. He directs the education strategy and business line, while serving as a UX/instructional/organizational/service/program designer and strategist. As a Global Edu-

cation Instructional Designer and Training Development Specialist at Google, he designed

curricula on internet technologies for people in low-to-middle-income countries around the

Victor Udoewa

Washington D.C. USA 18F

world, advising Good in energy and access work in both community and international development. Victor current serves as a blended learning specialist and advises schools, districts, and ministries of education. Prior to Google, he served at USAID and DHS as a science &

technology policy advisor and development engineer focusing in infrastructure, post-disaster reconstruction, climate neutrality and global health. As a former secondary school teacher, he

still teaches teachers as an educational specialist and adjunct professor of education focusing on science and math education through classes, workshops and video series.

Mira Gupta is a Senior Consultant at PwC where she focuses on program design, strategy and evaluation. She has developed successful foreign aid projects in 18 countries, including 13 in

Africa, on topics including Democratic Governance, Conflict Management, and Global Health. Mira uses principles of design thinking to gather insights and approach challenges from new

angles. She is most proud of a project she helped develop in northern Ghana that challenges

Mira Gupta PwC

Washington D.C. USA

long held beliefs about the determinants of maternal and infant mortality. Mira has a Master’s

degree in Conflict Mitigation and Economic Development from Columbia University, and currently resides in Washington, DC.


Nathalie has over 20 years experience in the FMCG sector and pharmaceutical industry across a variety of functions incl. PR and communications, marketing, business excellence and inno-

vation. She is currently working for a biopharma company as Transformation Manager and also started in 2016 her own consultancy business. Her mission is to help professionals better communicate, innovate and navigate the constantly changing corporate reality with one objective:


Van Ryssel Abbvie and

thriving in the workplace. Nathalie offers a brilliant track record of building innovation capability and transforming corporate culture. She is curious, dynamic, passionate and always looking for learning opportunities. Great source of energy for others, she manages her own practicing yoga, running in the woods and spending time with her two kids.

Private Consultancy Limal, Belgium

Nikolaj Bebe is Senior Advisor and Head of Insights and Design at The Innovation House, City of Copenhagen. With a background in both psychology and design, and almost a decade of experience in the field of innovation, Nikolaj is now part of a small but powerful team strate-

gically situated close to the politicians and directors in the City of Copenhagen. The mission is to make the city more innovative in all aspects. The keywords are: Smarter, Better, Faster, Cheaper, Human-centered. The tool (or at least the major): Design Thinking. Nikolaj is an

Nikolaj Bebe

alumni of all four of the IDEO U courses and has also acted as an IDEO U mentor.

The Innovation House City of Copenhagen

Copenhagen, Denmark

Pablo Esteves has been involved in entrepreneurial endeavors for over twelve years. Upon

completion of his MBA at IE Business School in Madrid, he joined Emzingo, later becoming a

managing partner. Currently, Pablo is responsible for Emzingo’s Corporate Services, supervising the development of social innovation and leadership development programs. Over the

past five years, he has helped Emzingo manage social projects, supporting NGOs, social en-

terprises, and community-based organizations in Brazil, South Africa, Peru, the U.S. and Spain.

Pablo Esteves Emzingo

One of his current interests is the intersection of Social Entrepreneurship (as an economic driver) and Altruistic Capital (as a business strategy.)

Madrid, Spain


Sandeep is the Chief Operating Officer for the consumer banking business of a leading international bank and is based now in Singapore. He originally joined this bank in 2005, and has since held a variety of multi-disciplinary roles in the U.S., U.K, U.A.E, and Oman. He holds an

M.B.A from the Peter F. Drucker School of Management and still fondly remembers attending

a class led by the father of management himself. Sandeep is an interestingness hunter. People,


Dubbireddi HSBC


conversations and experiences help him understand this world. He likes to connect dots and

cross pollinate ideas from multiple disciplines in order to combine and recombine the pieces to build new ideas. He is inspired by random acts of kindness, likes to plunge into things that he has not tried before (he is quick to remind that there are a few exceptions), and likes to

learn from people who are passionate about anything and everything. Although he may not

look it, he is a passionate foodie and enjoys playing sports. In the tussle between passion for food and enthusiasm for sports, he’d be the first to admit that the former usually wins.

Sofia is currently the Assistant Finance Manager for the Latin America Region based in Mi-

ami, FL. She is also a member of the AED Women’s Advisory Council and has co-chaired the

United Way appeal campaign. Her diverse background includes experience in Corporate and Investment Banking, Wealth Management, and Marketing. Since 2016, she has collaborated

with IDEO U as an alumni mentor and is a fellow of University of Pennsylvania’s Impact House


Lopez Nunez Caterpillar

initiative. Sofia grew up throughout Central America and the Caribbean and is currently living in country #7! Even though she holds Latin America close to her heart, as she truly feels there is opportunity to make a real impact in the Region, she loves to travel and meet people from all over the world to keep an open mind and learn new things.

Florida, USA

A Brand Strategist at CallisonRTKL, Sarah Kimes is part researcher, psychologist, planner and

business executive with over 13 years of experience in branding and design. She has worked

with retailers, developers and entrepreneurs all over the world to create enduring brands rooted in culture and community. As an expert in global trends and disruptive thinking, she ana-

lyzes consumer behavior and macro-economic indicators and applies this knowledge to the

Sarah Kimes

CallisonRTKL, Inc. Texas, USA

design of environments. Sarah’s portfolio crosses borders and cultures, and, in addition to her

experience throughout the United States, she has been responsible for a wide variety of brand work around the globe – including projects in Asia, the Middle East, South America, Europe

and the Caribbean. Sarah also enjoys sharing her work and insights as a keynote speaker and

panelist at industry conferences such as ULI, ICSC and AMA. When she isn’t traveling for work she’s most likely traveling somewhere new with her husband, training for her next marathon

with friends or taking a class for fun with her sister. Last year, they learned to tap dance (badly). 14

Shelley Danner is Co-Founder/Program Director of Challenge Detroit and has a background in management consulting. In 2012, she launched a nonprofit organization focused on

leadership, social impact and revitalization in Detroit as part of a two-woman founding team.

Over four years, Shelley has scoped and led over 40 community impact projects using design thinking for Detroit nonprofits and developed 120 next-generation leaders in the city. In

Shelley Danner Challenge Detroit Michigan, USA

May 2016, she completed a leadership coaching graduate certificate through the Institute of

Transformational Leadership at Georgetown University. Shelley is immersed in the innovation

and social enterprise landscape in the city, and is passionate about design thinking, education and leadership, sustainable cities, food, the arts, and travel. She is originally from the Detroit area and holds a Bachelor’s of Science degree in Business from Miami University in Ohio.

Valerie is passionate about using design as a catalyst for change. As an IDEO U alumni coach for Insights for Innovation, she is one of a select team of problem solvers and leaders from

a variety of industries and cities around the world. In her role as design thinking coach, she supports learners, helps deepen their understanding of content, and grows connections with others. Formerly, Cuppens was Producer-Creative Director of Educational Media at

NET, Nebraska’s PBS and NPR station. Her most recent work was an innovative, multimedia

Val Cuppens

project that used the power of storytelling and photography to grow understanding about

Nebraska, USA

Lawrenceville School, Westminster Choir College, Westminster Conservatory, and The New

Modus, Inc.

our most precious resource: water. In addition, Val has been on the artist music faculty of The School for Music Study.

Wioletta works as an Innovation & Design Manager at UBS AG Zurich, Switzerland. With a

Master in Psychology, pedagogy and postgraduate Diploma in Personnel Management and MBA in Innovation and Entrepreneurship, she is a Pioneer and ambassador of the Design

Thinking methodology and human centered approach within the Bank. She has more than 8

years of consulting and management experience across diverse multi-cultural industries. Lead

Wioletta Simonet

global transformation projects within Alstom, Bombardier, NHS but also worked as Freelance

consultant to fully empower her creativity and leadership skills. She is driven by collaboration, engagement and creativity, she loves to watch people grow and smile.


Zurich, Switzerland 15

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