3 minute read

A Prickly Encounter: Meeting the Cape

Crested Porcupine

The quill-covered creature you may have seen around the Estate is the Cape crested porcupine (Hystrix africaeaustralis), which forms part of the 'Old World' porcupine species. In Afrikaans they are known as an ystervark. These large rodents can grow up to 60cm in length and have a rugged, spiky appearance with black and white quills covering their bodies. Despite their intimidating appearance, porcupines are pretty gentle creatures and essential to the Estate's biodiversity.

Did you know?

The Cape crested porcupine can have up to 30 000 quills covering its body. The quills are just modified hairs specifically designed to protect it from predators.

Cape crested porcupines are nocturnal, sheltering in burrows and stormwater drains during the day and foraging between rock crevices for food at night. Their diet consists of roots, bark, tubers and bulbs, and they also have a taste for salt and calcium, which they get from gnawing on bones.

The Cape crested porcupines are surprisingly good swimmers and can stay underwater for up to five minutes.

The Cape crested porcupine uses its sharp front claws to dig burrows, offering protection from predators and creating a habitat for many species.

Attackers are given plenty of warning signs. Cape crested porcupines bristle their quills, rattle their tails, stomp their feet, hiss and snort. If the attacker persists, the porcupine will whip around and charge backwards and sideways to lodge razor-sharp quills into the attacker.

Successful projects are achieved through understanding their purpose, paying attention to spatial awareness, respecting their surroundings, their future impact and client requirements

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M e e t o u r n e w l y a p p o i n t e d h e a d o f F a m i l y L a w

Liesl Fischer Liesl Fischer

Liesl graduated from the University of Stellenbosch in 2005

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With special thanks to our cover star Marlie Marx.

VAL DE VIE ESTATE +27 (0)21 863 6100 | info@valdevie.co.za www.valdevie.co.za | @valdevieestate

THE GRAPEVINE +27 (0)21 863 6100 marketing@valdevie.co.za www.valdevie.co.za/publications/

Marketing Director – Ryk Neethling

Editor – Marli van Schalkwyk

Sub-Editor – Nadia Carlin

Advertising Sales – Dina Swart

Contributors – Simon Allen, Iza Slabbert, Anika de Goede, Amy Capendale, Adri-Ann Oosthuizen, Christa Botha, Dina Swart and Lorraine Hadfield.

Cover Image – Daniel Saaiman

Photography – Daniel Saaiman & Phillip van Dyk

Production – Marli van Schalkwyk & Andrea Godwin

Designer – Andrea Godwin

Printers – Novus Print

The Grapevine newspaper is printed on recycled paper.



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