Bid for hosting Valencia 2019 – 90th International Session of the European Youth Parliament

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Bid for hosting VALENCIA 2019 The 90th International Session of the European Youth Parliament


Acknowledgements A group of young volunteers have dedicated time and effort to read, suggest, and advise possible changes regarding the overall content and the specific details of each section. Being aware of our human limitations and bearing in mind the size and importance of this project, we have opted to seek advise that guarantees the technical, academic and logistic exceptionality of the BID we are presenting. The entire Organising Team would like to hereby recognise, extol and show our gratitude towards the work, help, interest, and support shown by the following individuals: Ignacio ArgĂźelles (ES) Chris Hall (UK) Elisa Martinelli (IT) Ignacio SĂĄnchez (ES)

Rebecca Smith (FR) David Soler (ES) Anya Suprunenko (UA, International Office) Nora Wilhelm (CH)

Bid supported by Bid appreciated by:

Royal Household of Spain

Other supporters Italian Embassy in Spain Other small companies (see Annex R)


Bid for hosting the 90th International Session of the European Youth Parliament in Valencia (Spain) in Summer 2019 Released and published by Carlota Cumella de Montserrat, María Granero de la Asunción and Aritz Labrador Odriozola. Date: 1st November 2017. Initiated and supported by the European Youth Parliament España (EYPE). This bid has been endorsed by Enrique Tasa Sanchis, President of EYPE.

Mr. Jaime Alfonsín Alfonso Head of the Royal Household In the name of the King of Spain Mr. Ximo Puig Honorable President of the Generalitat Valenciana

Ms. Sandra Gómez First Deputy Mayor Valencia City Council

Mr. Bartolomé Nofuentes EU Projects Deputy Valencia Regional Council

Mr. Joan Calabuig Council for the European Union and External Affairs at the Generalitat Valenciana

Mr. Enrique Guerrero Member of the European Parliament

Ms. Daría Terrádez Director General for the European Union at the Presidency of the Generalitat Valenciana

Ms. Nadia Calviño Director General for the EU Budget of the European Comission

Mr. Manuel Alcaraz Transparency, Social Responsibility, Participation and Cooperation Minister of the Generalitat Valenciana

Ms. Pilar de la Oliva President of the High Court of Justice in the Comunitat Valenciana

Mr. Vicent Marzà Education, Research, Culture and Sport Minister of the Generalitat Valenciana

Mr. Ignasi Guardans Former Spanish Parliament Member Former Member of the European Parliament


Contents 06

1. Motivation to Organise


8. Venues & Accommodation


2. Theme & Implementation


9. Travelling to Valencia


3. Location


10. International Strategy


4. Why now?


11. Special Considerations


5. The National Organising Committee


12. Social & Environmentally Friendly


6. Financial Planning


13. Legal Affairs


7. Event Framework


14. Making a Difference


Annexes and Copyrights


Executive Summary National Committee

European Youth Parliament España (EYPE) / EYP Spain

Names of the Head Organisers

Carlota Cumella de Montserrat, María Granero de la Asunción and Aritz Labrador Odriozola

Host City


International Session

90th International Session of the EYP / Summer 2019

Proposed dates for delegates

27th July 2019 – 4th August 2019

Proposed Theme

Sailing Towards New Horizons

Proposed Minimum Budget

EUR 119,613.01

Proposed Ideal Budget

EUR 153,982.07

In case you bid is not selected, are you willing to apply for future International Sessions?



1. Motivation to Organise “Ships are safe in harbour, but that is not what ships are made for” Respect for human dignity, freedom, democracy, equality, human rights, promotion of peace and the wellbeing of all individuals – these are all values that we deem essential. It is our responsibility, as citizens of the European Union and as part of the youth, to make sure that the aforementioned values are pursued. We are witnessing too much inactivity and conformist behaviour, and it is not surprising. We find it hard to stop thinking about ourselves and start thinking about the future. We must not keep complaining from the comfort of our lives; we must not keep claiming that the responsibility is on someone else’s shoulders. We must act, being nonetheless conscious that we will not achieve everything on our own. That is the main reason that we chose to embark on this project: so that in two years time, there will be 320 more European citizens willing to lead this change. EYPE is ready to bring this challenge forward. A new generation of Spanish EYP alumni are looking for the perfect opportunity to be part of the future. Over the past decade, EYPE has made great strides and now possesses the ability, resources and human capital, along with the motivation, skills, and experience to make Spain--specifically, Valencia--the home to an unforgettable event. We, as an NC, are extremely excited to embark in this adventure together, an adventure that will be a time of change for EYPE and will always be remembered like the sum of little steps that took us further than we ever thought we would get.

This organisation has an infinite amount of possibilities that we sometimes do not even realise. We could consider EYP as an enormous path that can lead you anywhere. A path that we want to make sure it will takes us to Valencia 2019, because Valencia 2019 would be the proof that EYP gives you the ability and opportunity to debate, to stop and think critically, to be respectful, to listen to all kind of opinions and to set you in a place, out of your comfort zone where you can develop yourself and make a contribution to making this world a little better.



JAN DE PEUTER (BE) “The passion that drives Spanish EYPers is unbelievable. It is the main reason I try to go back every year!”

We are the generation who aspire to be the protagonists in a time of ever-changing global landscapes. We embody the collective will to create a common sense of vigour, youth and Europeanism. We are a generation fully aware that now is the moment to teach those who come after us what no one knew yesterday, and be ready to face what no one knows even today. Valencia 2019 is the opportunity to continue a path that has already been started: the path of responsible optimism, conscious hope and, all in all, the path of a Europe with real values in which our generation can lead the present into a future based on equality, progress and hope. We want to offer young people from all over Europe a platform to exchange viewpoints and thus shape the future of the old continent. We want the city of Valencia to be an agent of change and educational opportunities.

“What I have seen at every EYP Spain session and gathering is a great organising capacity, but mostly passion, which transpires in an incredible amount of dreams and motivation, that coupled with great professionalism makes you feel that anything is possible, and it will be done well.”

From the very first day a quote has defined our work vision: Wings and Roots. We consider essential to find the balance between dreaming big and getting things done in a safe and efficient way. Reading this BID you will see the hard work of eleven individuals that have put together their dreams, creativity, skills, motivation, knowledge and effort. Eleven individuals that firmly believe in EYP and the opportunity that this platform gives us. Eleven individuals that have captained this boat towards Valencia, but no boat would sail far without an entire team of sailors supporting us, that is EYPE, a national committee of over 300 individuals that fully commits to make sure that this boat safely docks in the port of Valencia. But we do not just believe in it, we also want to make sure we get the best out of it.


2. Theme and Implementation Sailing Towards New Horizons As an Organising Team, we believe it is crucial for our session to be relevant academically, making sure it is a an enriching educational experience, especially given that it will be one of the main driving factors of the experience of the delegates. The session theme needs to be relevant in the current political context and we want it to be able to spark discussions and, in a way, challenge delegates to go one step further. Therefore, when trying to find a theme for our session, we felt inspired by Horizon 2020 and we looked into the history of the city of Valencia and how it could be linked to current political issues and discourse. The link is reflected in our theme: “Sailing Towards New Horizons”. To know where to go you have to know where you come from: Roman first, then Arabian and then finally Spanish; along with the centuries, the city built up on the different cultures to create it’s own identity as much as Europe is trying to now. Starting with the rise in the textile industry in the 15th century, Valencia quickly became a hub for industry, trade and commerce – its strategic location within Spain and the Mediterranean Sea made it into a bustling port town. As time progressed, manufacturing grew and Valencia con-

tinued to industrialise, focusing on textiles, shoes and furniture; quickly becoming one of Spain’s largest cities, third in terms of population, standing just behind Madrid and Barcelona. Nevertheless, with the coming of more modern times, Valencia followed the trend in an increasingly unstable Spain and lagged behind in terms of industrialisation in comparison to other countries – with the arrival of democracy in Spain in the late 20th century, its economy, although bustling, quickly swayed towards a service oriented one.



“Having attended two IFs and one IS hosted by EYP Spain before, I was delighted to hear that the NC is currently setting up plans to host another major international event. From what I have experienced, EYP Spain has been very successful in organising inclusive, memorable, well-organised events. They have a way of giving their participants a balanced social and educational experience that leave you wanting for more. Many of my fondest memories come from the Spanish sessions I have been part of.”

You also have to know where you want to go to: Because of this context, Valencia is a city that has experienced great benefits with programmes such as Horizon 2020 or the Global Compact Cities Programme, which enabled it to invest and invest into areas like scientific research, social programmes or the promotion of further industrialisation. However, like many urban areas around Europe today, Valencia aims to convert its economy into an exponential economy based on digitalisation, that focused on the digital market and new technologies without forgetting where its roots lay. It is important for the city to modernise but also to retain its personality and centuries-old traditional industry.

Valencia, and many other cities around Europe, are now looking at today’s modernised world, and the new issues that come with it, with the necessity of looking for new horizons. How to adapt? How to embrace the 21st century? We would like to have our session focused on how cities and regions can move towards the new digital era without forgetting their traditions and values. Areas such as innovation, technology, demographics, social changes and the environment will be key in this conversion, and we would like the delegates of Valencia 2019 to be very aware that these issues exist and think about ways of improving certain aspects of our society.

What have we tried? We are obviously not the first ones to realise that there are challenges to be solved in this regard, and many alternatives have been tried to modernise the EU and the world. Within the UN’s Millennium Development Goals, many institutions took to goals 7 and 8 to promote the idea of development in first-world countries; and the EU’s own Horizon 2020 programme aimed at modernising the industry in countries all over the world, achieving scientific excellence and tackling current social challenges. Other examples are the 12 global challenges proposed by Singulari-

ty University, which many took as inspiration to develop new technology for the current social global needs. These programmes and schemes have been greatly successful, but in many places society has rebelled towards this so-called development, claiming that these moves towards further globalisation are harming local and regional traditions. Although unsuccessful in stopping programmes and meetings from occurring, in the EU alone we have seen massive protests such as farmers in the south of Spain, secessionist movements, brexit etc.


What to talk about from now on? It is an exciting time. We are in a moment in which innovative technology development is not only a very accelerated pace, but also permeating into everyday life. While new jobs keep emerging, traditional positions are becoming obsolete, landscapes are changing as green technologies make their way into our lives; even urban mobility is being transformed. Not only the innovation in technology, but all these changes lead to a complicated social and cultural picture. Perhaps because modern life tends to go towards a more autosufficient way of doing things, we find ourselves before situations like Brexit, more autonomous education systems, scientific and medical discoveries that lead to ethical dilemmas, the Catalan and Scottish independence movement and many other issues that, together with the innovation regarding technology, form the XXI century in Valencia and in Europe. Decision makers need to step up to the challenge, and lead the way. Driverless cars are still illegal in most places, yet the technology that drives them gets better every day; the way in which we generate our energy is being revolutionised and resources need to be dedicated to making all our energy green; people

of all ages need to get access to the internet and new businesses need to be started and promoted. As the influx of novelty continues, an influx of new problems has arisen, such as the extreme parties or raising nationalisms – and they need to be solved. Meanwhile, decision-makers also need to stay aware of the importance of maintaining traditional and regional values alive in a world that strides towards the aforementioned globalisation. How can these issues be resolved? We need to begin sailing towards new horizons. A parallelism that relates not only to the need of identifying the problems and fighting to conquer challenges (new horizons), but also because one of the highlights of our session is its geographical situation: Valencia, a perfect location to host such an event, surrounded by sea. A city that is willing to embark with us in the Ship of Valencia 2019 and all together sail towards new horizons.


3. Location Valencia is a Mediterranean coastal city, capital of the autonomous community of Comunidad Valenciana located in the east of the Iberian Peninsula. It is the third largest city in Spain –after Madrid and Barcelona– and it is well-known for its warm weather and famous tourist attractions. Moreover, its location provides a combination of both a metropolitan city centre, and a more relaxed seaside which we could take advantage of in many aspects of the proposed programme. The city of Valencia is of special relevance for us, since it was the starting point of the Head Organisers’ EYP career and has always welcomed us in the many events celebrated in the region. We hope to open the path to other EYP alumni like us to become more engaged with our network and, hopefully, let Valencia become the starting point for many new adventures. With Valencia 2019 being the first International Session in the city, the local community will embrace with open arms the 300 young attendants, so that both EYP and Valencia can fulfil their expectations in different fields. Valencia 2019 was designed to both foster innovation and establish the region of Valencia as a centre point of activity for EYPE. This event tries to prove that frontiers are not insurmountable walls, and that cultural exchange and international dialogue among European citizens is a wonderful opportunity for individuals and collectives. Focussing on European programmes such as Horizon 2020 and other global challenges, we seek to create a safe space of open dialogue, cultural exchange, and critical thinking. Following the educational model of EYP, we want to give these young European citizens the opportunity to evaluate the strides of Horizon 2020 and establish new goals. We firmly believe that the City of Arts and Sciences (Ciudad de las Artes y las Ciencias) in Valencia is the perfect host for such an event, given that it is a representation of everything that we have achieved until now. Valencia is indeed a city full of culture and tradition with celebrations such as Fallas, which have recently been declared heritage by UNESCO. Moreover, Valencia is moving towards being a more sustainable and eco-friendly city, it currently boasts the highest percentage of bike rides in the whole of Spain. Not only does Valencia provide numerous high quality venues that suit perfectly with the proposed theme, but its ease of access is also highly valuable, since it can be reached from every corner of Europe at a moderate cost. Furthermore, Valencia has many connections with both Barcelona and Madrid in case participants find it easier to arrive to the aforementioned cities. Its diversity on the streets, its weather,

gastronomy and international atmosphere are some of the many reasons for which Valencia is the perfect city to host this event. Furthermore, EYPE has already organised events in Valencia before, and it has always been an all-around positive experience. We will like to offer the participants of Valencia 2019 a similar experience, so that when they go back home they remember how much Valencia has to offer. We have willingly chosen a city in which both financial and institutional support is readily available; a city that fits into our theme; a city that means something to us as the Organising Team; and a city that can host all activities to success. Other than the many aspects for which Valencia will be an ideal location for hosting any session, it is of special personal relevance for us to be able to complete a cycle. Currently, half of the organising team (including the three Head-Organisers) started their EYP career in the National Selection Conference that took place in Valencia in 2014. Knowing that after organising an International Session our EYP careers will be closer than ever to an end, we would like to end in that very same place where we started. We want to literally go back to that city that gave us so much and give it back. Knowing that it all ends where it started makes us in a way feel at home, a home that we left to develop our skills and our personality all around Europe and that we want to go back to. We cannot wait to stand in the same place where we stood five years ago and look back to everything that EYP has given to us.


HUGO DÜRR (SE) “You will get warmth, energy, and only good vibes at a Spanish International Session. Though not only from the sun, but I mean from those caring, excitable, and solution-oriented EYPE alumni. Aritz, Carlota, and María are the depiction of this image of Spanish EYPers, and with such a fun-loving, dedicated, and passionate team of Head Organisers (and NC), an International Session in Spain can only be a success - unless there’s rain in July - and leave its participants with memories for a decade to come.”

ILIR KOLA (AL) “I am fully convinced that the Valencia IS will have everything that it takes to be a great learning experience for the delegates, a chance for further development for EYP Spain, and yet another proof of what our organization can achieve for the external partners. This is more than a personal opinion: having attended more than 30 sessions (and 5 ISs) in every possible role, having already been part of spanish session and experienced how inspiring Valencia can be for the participants, and most importantly having personally witnessed the care, effort, and passion that Ariz, Carlota and Maria put in what they do, I cannot think of a better bit for our next flagship event. They have my full support, and I am already jealous of those who will be part of it.”


4. Why now? EYPE is prepared to continue developing itself and committing to both larger and higher-quality sessions. Valencia 2019 is an opportunity for putting an end to an intense but fruitful EYP career. “If not us: who?, If not now: when?â€? After having successfully organised the 76th International Session of EYP in Barcelona, we still believe EYPE has much more to give to our network. Barcelona 2014 was the first step towards many more large-scale sessions in our National Committee. We are now willing to prove that there are many more steps to come. At a personal level, organising an International Session is, of course, one of the biggest dreams of any EYP alumni. Ever since Aritz, Carlota and MarĂ­a joined EYPE back in Valencia 2014, they have been actively involved with the activities of the National Committee and it is now time to look back at their EYP career and sadly put an end to it before finishing their studies and moving into the labour market. However, after having made EYP an essential part of their lives, leaving EYP shall be done as it deserves: through the big door. For anyone that enjoys organising in EYP, to imagine the possibility of putting together an International Session is without any doubt a huge accomplishment. Starting from the bottom and managing to, step by step, put together the motivation, experience, knowledge, time and effort into a project they truly believe in. This event might mark the end of a cycle, but every cycle opens a new one, and new generations of EYP alumni will come along with Valencia 2019.

Spain has been slowly recovering from a deep economic crisis and we believe now is the moment to invest in youth initiatives. The current political situation in Valencia makes the city and timing of the session an ideal one to host a youth event such as an International Session of the EYP. Spain is well known for its warm weather and enjoyability during summer, and it is because of this that we could choose no other season to host the session. Being aware that our country has a natural charm for foreigners and no one can resist a sunny session near the beach, choosing any other time of the year will be rejecting a huge asset that Valencia can offer to all participants. The timing of the session is also closely connected with the proposed theme: sailing towards new horizons. Taking into account the objectives set for the Horizon 2020 programme, it was important not only to look back and evaluate the action that was already taken, but also to allow for improvements for future continuing programmes in research and innovation.


5. The National Organising Committee 5.1. Experience and Strengths of the NOC EYPE organised its first National Session in Girona in 2007. Since then, multiple generations of EYPers have risen uninterruptedly, representing the Spanish youth and acting as the central agent in the dynamics of the organisation. For this reason, EYPE organises a National Selection Conference every year, in spred-out places of the country’s territory with the objective of choosing the delegations that will represent Spain in the International Sessions and international events to come. Up until May 2017, there have been 12 National Selection Conferences held in our country under the auspices of EYPE. It is also important to highlight our recent transition from a one-day GA Days, to full weekend Regional Selection Conferences. This evolution has allowed us to develop our organisational skills resulting in the creation of a much broader session concept. Alongside our organisational history in terms of numbers, EYPE is known as “La Familia” for its welcoming character. As a National Committee we embrace every opportunity to open our houses to every member. All of our choices are backed by motivation and caring for our alumni. For that end, we place a lot of effort in providing a relaxed and comfortable environment at our sessions, and always being approachable and close. Many of the feedback received


“Thinking about summer 2019 IS, I can’t think of a better host NC than EYP Spain with some of the most professional and inspiring individuals who have the courage to head organise one of our flagship events, and have the will to encourage more Spanish EYPers to get involved and reach news milestones for EYP Spain.”


ELISA MARTINELLI (IT) “I have had the pleasure to attend the National Selection Conference of EYP España in 2013. The atmosphere created by the National Committee was just outstanding for the participants to get know each other as well as to reach high academic quality. Up to today, Bilbao 2013 stays one of the best sessions I have ever attended and I met some of my best friends under the Spanish sun.”

history of EYPE highlight this welcoming and bonding environment at our sessions. What differentiates EYPE and its sessions is the human quality of members, volunteers and organisers. Regarding Financial Affairs, our National Committee has had several successful applications to the Erasmus+ and has been able to put on numerous high-quality sessions with a realistic, yet tight, budget. As one of our main strengths, EYPE is particularly experienced in in-kind sponsorship, which increases the variety of products available at our sessions, remarkably food, while also allowing for money to be distributed into other session parts. Moreover, EYPE is characterised by having positive final budgets in its EYP events and a moderate and steadily increasing financial account. Other EYPE events include WeekNs and National gatherings and Trainings, also with successful accounting.

The biggest budgetary project for EYPE has been Understanding Europe. Once more, our organisation has been capable of successfully handling the big amount of money donated by the TUI Foundation to implement this project. Furthermore, Valencia has responded very positively-responsive since the very beginning. GA Days, Regional and National Selection Conferences have been successfully organised thanks to the general support of the City Council. Venues are normally offered for free and its institutions and companies are very collaborative in terms of sponsorships. Additionally, in-kind fundraising for materials and food is normally an easy task in Valencia. Consequently, all previous sessions in Valencia have had positive final budgets. Therefore, the viability of the city of Valencia as a host for EYP events is unquestionable.

EYP Spain in figures Barcelona 2014 International Session

RS Madrid RS Girona

Mallorca 2016 +30 Regional

Sessions RS Valencia RS Galicia RS Bilbao RS Zaragoza RS Barcelona

Sevilla 2015

Girona 2017

12 National Sessions

Girona 2007 Banyoles 2007 Sevilla 2008 Barcelona 2009

Sitges 2012

Zaragoza 2010 Madrid 2011

Hiber 2015 Zaragoza

Iberian Forum

Girona 2012 Iberian Forum

Girona 2011 Iberian Forum

Girona 2009


5.2. Areas where the NOC might need help Even though EYPE has been successful in organising many sessions throughout its relatively short history, we are still a young National Committee who lacks experience in certain areas. These include: FINANCIAL SUPPORT


EYPE is particularly good at obtaining in-kind sponsorships and academic contributions with other organisations. However, when it comes to financial support from both public and private institutions, our current country’s economic situation and general vision towards financing non-profit projects comes as a drawback.

We lack a bit of experience on the legal matters of the project, such as founding a separate organisation/association only for the event. However, we are already in contact with a Legal Advisory Office to guide us on the legal process of Valencia 2019 IS. STASH SUPPORT

ADMINISTRATION SUPPORT The main drawback in EYPE’s administration and bureaucracy is that we do not have a physical office, thus having difficulties to collect materials, for example.

MEDIA SUPPORT EYP and EYPE are not very known in Spain. That is why we would need support to have a successful media output. We are already in contact with a journalist that supports us by checking and correcting our press releases and communications with media. Until now and as a Candidate City, we published a press release in August 2017 and have contacted several press and media companies to be media partners of the session.

EYPE spends in every session lots of money on stash and materials. As we do not have a physical office nor a stash room, used materials are stored in members’ homes. We make a point of keeping. We do try to keep exhaustive track of the materials and goods so that they are accessible by any Organising Team. However, it would be far easier and more professional to rent a space where we could stash all our official materials. HUMAN RESOURCES We are aware that our National Committee is still relatively new, so we will be giving trainings based in our qualifications and skills to strengthen the team’s knowledge in the organisation of large events.


5.3. Track record in organising EYP events HEAD ORGANISERS



Valencia RSC 2015 (ES) | Head-Organiser Hiber IF 2015 (ES) | Organiser Valencia RSC 2016 (ES) | Head Organiser Barcelona RSC 2015 (ES) | Head Organiser Mallorca NSC 2016 (ES) | Organiser Girona NSC 2017 (ES) | Head Organiser The Week 2017 (ES) | Organising Trainer External Communication Manager of EYPE 2015/2016 Councilor of the Outreach & Volunteering Council of EYPE (2015/2016) Carlota is currently studying her third year of law and Global Governance in ESADE university in Barcelona (Spain). By 2019, Carlota will have finished her fourth year of university and will be about to head of to an exchange programme.


From BILBAO Large Event Organisation Certificate by FIBA

Bilbao RSC 2015 (ES) | Head Organiser Sevilla NSC 2015 (ES) | Organiser Hiber IF 2015 (ES) | Organiser Laax 2016 IS (CH) | Organiser Donostia RSC 2017 (ES) | Head-Organiser Girona NSC 2017 (ES) | Organiser The Week 2017 - Annual Meeting, Training and Week’n (ES) | Head-Organiser

Member of the Board of EYPE 2016/2017 Vice-President Councilor of the Communication & Visibility Council of EYPE (2014/2015 & 2015/2016) Team Emerald (2017/2018): accepting applications from people over 18 or those who have not been selected through the National Selection Conferences).

External Communication Manager of EYPE 2014/2015 & 2016/2017 Councilor of the Communication & Visibility Council of EYPE (2014/2015) Councilor of the Council of Alumni Development, EYPE (2015-2016) Coordinator Understanding Europe Spain

Currently, María is a third-year student of International Studies and Law in Madrid (Spain), although now involved in an exchange programme at Tulane University (United States). By summer 2019, María will be about to finish her degree, having completed 4 years of her university education.

Aritz is currently a first-year Music Student at Musikene (Donostia) and first-year graphic design and digital creations at the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (online). By summer 2019, Aritz will be in between his 2nd and 3rd year of his Degree on Music in Donostia-San Sebastián (Spain).

“Having attended Hiber 2015 and having worked with some of the members of the session’s organising team, I am entirely confident that Valencia 2019 will be an excellent session by all measures. I think that EYP Spain has a strong track record in creating sessions with a fantastic atmosphere among all participants, strong academics and a great balance between the different aspects of sessions. I’m already looking forward to at least visiting the session, if not attending as an official!”


5.4. Team structure and vision

ILIJA JERKOVIĆ (RS) “I was lucky enough and had opportunity to attend 2 sessions in EYP Spain, but also meet people behind the NC at BNC Meetings, sessions abroad and in EYP Serbia. What I always felt is an incredible devotion to contribute and create challenging, but fun and enjoyable environment where an individual, wherever they come from, would feel comfortable. What really made me appreciate EYP Spain is realising that in Mallorca NSC some of their very experienced and wellknown members abroad committed to being organisers and prioritised that role within the NC. Having said that, it makes me really optimistic to know that there is a possibility that EYP Spain and these people would host an International Session, as it would definitely be an event the whole network would enjoy and be proud of.�

In order to organise a successful International Session, it is important to not only secure both institutional and financial support, but to complementarily have work ethics and a visioned structure. It is essential for us to achieve an outstanding work environment, where the entire organising team feels comfortable and confident to be able to better develop the tasks and to manage an incredible personal improvement and development. We realised from the very first moment that this is not a shortterm project. Organising this session involves two years of very hard work. That is one of the reasons that pushes us, even more, to want to ensure a work environment where we can all cope with our lives and emotions and still give Valencia 2019 everything it needs. We all have very clear and high expectations and we dedicate time to talk about our personal and collective strengths and weaknesses. The success of a session for us is not only in the session itself but also a personal success in terms of ending this project knowing that we have grown, improved and developed our skills, and reached our potential. We wanted to make sure everyone is working in a team where we all have something to offer and we all learn from each other. For us, the team is not a group of individuals that must achieve objectives. In fact, we consider we are all on the same boat, and the only way to reach a good port is to sail together with our eyes fixed in the same horizon.


IRIDA KARASMANOGLOU (GR) The team structure has been carefully designed to enhance the potential of our organisers and is based on a vision of knowledge-sharing between teams as well as collaboration. As to better manage our human resources, we have divided our Core Team into four larger departments that we believe match perfectly with the needs and exigences of an International Session. Due to our personal experience and what we have seen in other sessions we firmly believe this structure will allow us to accomplish the organisation of the session successfully. We also wanted to maintain a gender and regional balance in our Core Team, and we thus involved people from almost all the active regions in EYPE. For the preparation of the BID, the way we decided to start working is by making sure that each HO had one or two departments under his/her supervision to maintain coherence. That way, each one of the Head Organisers have worked closely with the team leaders, dividing the preparation of the BID into the following departments: FINANCIAL AFFAIRS (FA) Scholarships and Public Funding Private Funding Foundations Budgeting and Accounting COMMUNICATION AND PROTOCOL (CP) Patrons and Guests Institutional Support Public Relations & Press Corporate Visual Identity Website and Digital presence Social Media IT Support

“Attending a session of EYP Spain is a truly unique experience. Having attended three of them, I can confidently say that it is one of those NCs that pay attention to the high quality of their products, driving the learning at its top level. Knowledge and its impact is on all of the participants is something EYP Spain cares for. But that’s not all. EYP Spain also caters for the needs of every participant in a way that it makes you feel like home. Some of the fondest memories come from these sessions and I would suggest them eyes-closed to everyone who asked me about them! Needless to say, I’m waiting for the next opportunity to attend a session of EYP Spain again.”

VENUES, LOGISTICS AND ACCOMMODATION (VLA) Venues for Events Accommodation and Equipment Logistic Plan and Transportation Travel Fundraising In-side Caterings EVENTS AND PARTICIPANTS (EP) Coordination of Events Legal Affairs, Wellbeing & Fun Theme & Academics Participants’ Support Food and Beverages


There are two important matters that we have been specially careful with. Firstly, the budget is only controlled by the HOs with external help and advice from the company SAGE; and secondly, all the legal affairs and issues will be looked over by one of the HOs (who is currently studying law) and an external law expert making sure that both Valencia 2019 and EYPE follow the specific legal requirements to put this project forward. We are also starting to enrol in different courses to enable the Organising Team to be more than experienced EYP alumni (e.g. Erasmus+ courses, risk management, other official certificates, etc.). To this extent, by the time of the session, at least the Core Team will have both a food handling and a first aid diploma, allowing them to touch on other relevant fields. Moreover, the Communication and Protocol team has been strongly encouraged to take the course on basic techniques of protocol and international event organisation offered by the Escuela Internacional de Protocolo in Valencia.



LUCAS MATEU Financial Affairs

LAURA MARCA TELLO Financial Affairs

Currently working as an undergraduate systems developer as part of his Electronic Engineering degree at The University of Manchester.

Currently working at GPMETHOD, an event agency specialised in largescale productions for Brands around the world, including Coca-Cola, Real Madrid, MKTG, and SAMSUNG. Bachelor in Information Systems, Digital Innovation.

3rd year student of International Business Economics at University Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, although in January she will be involved in an exchange programme at UC Berkeley (United States) during 4 months.

2nd Tr. and Annual M. (ES) | HO Valencia RSC 2016 | HO Mallorca NSC 2016 | Organiser Member of the Board of EYPE 2017/2018 | President Member of the Board of EYPE 2016/2017 | International Relations and BNC Representation Regional Coordinator of EYP Valencia 2014-2016

Understanding Europe Trainer (2017) Councilor of the Fundraising Council of EYPE 2016/2017

Girona RSC 2015 (ES) | HO Girona RSC 2016 (ES) | Organiser Member of the Board of EYPE 2016/2017 | Treasurer Member of the Team Sapphire

(accepting applications from people over 18 or those who have not been selected through the National Selection Conferences)


PEPE BONO YAGÜE Venues, Logistics & Accommodation

MONTSERRAT PADILLA MEDINA Venues, Logistics & Accommodation

1st year student of Master’s Degree in Biomedical Biotechnology at Universidad Politécnica de Valencia

3rd year student of International Studies and Law at Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, although now is involved in an exchange programme at Maastricht University (The Netherlands)

Hiber IF 2015 (ES) | Organiser Barcelona IS 2014 (ES) | Organiser Valencia NSC 2014 (ES) | HO GA Day Valencia 2013 (ES) | HO Member of the Board of EYPE 2014/2015 | Vice-President Regional Coordinator of EYP Valencia 2012/2013 & 2013/2014

1st Core Team Weekend Barcelona, 7th-9th July 2017

Girona NSC 2017 (ES) | Organiser Valencia RSC 2017 (ES) | Organiser Donostia RSC 2017 (ES) | Organiser Councilor of the Outreach and Volunteering Council of EYPE 2016/2017

Member of the Team Sapphire

(accepting applications from people over 18 or those who have not been selected through the National Selection Conferences)

RAFAEL GONZÁLEZ GRACIANI Communication & Protocol

ORIOL ROCHE i MORGÓ Communication & Protocol

CECILIA BITRIÁN SISTAC Events & Participants

1st year student of International Studies & Law at University Carlos III of Madrid (UC3M)

3rd year student of Physics and Medical Physics at University College London (UCL)

3rd year student of Medicine at Universidad del País Vasco (Bilbao)

Sevilla RSC 2017 (ES) | HO Girona NSC 2017 (ES) | Organiser The Week 2017 (ES) | HO

Valencia NSC 2014 (ES) | Organiser Barcelona RSC 2015 (ES) | HO Hiber IF 2015 (ES) | Organiser

Officer of the External Communication Manager of EYPE 2016/2017

Member of the Board of EYPE 2017/2018 | International Relations and BNC Representation

Councilor of the Communication & Visibility Council of EYPE 2016/2017 External Communication Manager of EYPE 2017/2018

Regional Coordinator of EYP Catalunya 2015/2016 Councilor of the Outreach and Volunteering Council of EYPE 2014/2015 Member of the Team Ruby

(accepting applications from people over 18 or those who have not been selected through the National Selection Conferences)

GA Day Huesca 2014 (ES) | HO Hiber IF 2015 (ES) | Organiser Zaragoza RSC 2016 (ES) | HO Girona NSC 2017 (ES) | Organiser Member of the Board of EYPE 2017/2018 | Vice-President Regional Coordinator of EYP Aragón 2015/2016 & 2016/2017 Councilor of the Outreach and Volunteering Council of EYPE 2014/2015, 2015/2016 & 2016/2017 Member of the Team Sapphire

(accepting applications from people over 18 or those who have not been selected through the National Selection Conferences)


NORA WILHELM (CH) “EYP Spain feels like home. Everyone is so welcoming, forthcoming and calm - an exemplary attitude for a hosting NC. Everyone will find their place in their sessions, and for sure have fun as well. In general, they do a marvellous job at being open and transparent, also in their work as a NC, and include people wherever they can.”

5.5. NC Capacity An International Session requires extensive support from both the EYP community and the host country’s National Committee. So as to ensure that EYPE was prepared and willing to engage in such a demanding but rewarding event, we had an internal vote.

The support of the National Committee is reflected in the results, including the amount of people wanting to take part in the session as an organiser. EYPE is composed currently by 154 engaged and caring members distributed over 7 regions that have provided all their support to make this dream a reality. Out of the 154 total active members of our Familia, there are 14 active members in the region of Valencia. EYPE is motivated to put together such a large event and, as proved by the results, it has enough human resources to adequately run the International Session. This bid was already voted upon by all the members of EYPE. The results came as follows: ■■ Participation of the 60.39% (93 members). ■■ 92 members in favour of hosting Valencia 2019 (98.92%). ■■ 1 member against of hosting Valencia 2019 (1.08%). ■■ 0 members abstained from voting for the hosting of Valencia 2019 (0%). ■■ 68 members (73.12%) of EYPE stated that they would like to be part of the Organising Team. Regarding the current financial situation of EYPE, it should be highlighted that this year has been characterised by moderation and a light but steady increase. As this has been the norm during several years, it demonstrates not only the capacity for self-sufficiency of our National Committee, but also the adequacy of our candidature. As for the exact figures, EYPE’s bank account currently counts with +22.653,48€, an amount which demonstrates the economic bonanza of our NC as well as its suitability to host the 90th International Session.


Continuing in the line of financial capacity, our NC’s Fundraising Council should be mentioned. The main goal of this Council is to procure long term sponsors -not having to depend on the point contributions of the RSCs and the NSC- through agreements with companies that go beyond a concrete collaboration for a session. This is the reason why this year the Fundraising Council has started collaborating with the Communication and Visibility Council in order to enhance and renew the “EYPE” brand not only nationally but also internationally. It is true that this work is currently in its initial stages; however, we strongly believe that by 2019 -when the IS will take place- it will have made great progress and it will help both the NC and the financial viability of the International Session.

6. Financial Planning In the past months, we have been working hard to have as much money as possible secured. As for now, the realistic budget for our event raises to EUR 130,026.60 (breakdown can be found in attachment E) and the secured income includes the following: ■■ EUR 35,000 (endorsed by the Schwarzkopf Foundation/International Office) ■■ EUR 15,000 (endorsed by Generalitat Valenciana) ■■ EUR 2,500 (endorsed by Universitat de València) ■■ EUR 100 (endorsed by donations through Crowdfunding) ■■ EUR 1,000 (endorsed by the Italian Embassy) ■■ Total secured: EUR 53,600 The City Council and other institutions are also interested in economically supporting our project once it becomes a reality. Based on the successful Fundraising process of Barcelona 2014 IS and other EYP and EYPE events, the Fundraising process of Valencia 2019 will be focused on 5 main areas: ■■ Private sector, including multinational firms, strong national companies, local businesses, universities and private-funding organisations connected to leadership, the youth or our theme. ■■ Public sector, including the confirmed support of the City Council of Valencia, the Regional Council of Valencia, the Generalitat Valenciana (the three local institutions) and Embassies from other countries (such as the Italian Embassy in Spain). ■■ Foundations, for instance Fundación La Caixa or Fundación Princesa de Girona, who have contributed to previous EYPE sessions. ■■ Scholarships that support youth projects coming from the above mentioned institutions. ■■ Crowdfunding, including little contribution from local, national and international patrons, sponsors or donors (regular donations or smaller donations).

IGNACIO ARGÜELLES (ES) “After seeing the progress and hard work from the members that comprehend the candidacy of Valencia IS, there is no doubt that excellence, precision, comfortability and dedication will definitely guide them through their path. EYPE had its progress clearly marked by the celebration of youth education that was Barcelona IS 2014, and from then on, its members have been capable of creating more and more, both inside and outside our ‘La Familia’. Not endorsing this candidacy would definitely imply making a huge mistake, and personally, I would not like to fall into such. I would like to send my best wishes for the Organising Team of this very promising upcoming event!”


6.1. Fundraising History of the NOC In the past, EYPE has generally reached its fundraising goals. The National Committee has good contacts at firms from previous events and new ones have significant interest in our project. The main collaborators typically have consisted of national and local governments, municipalities, and large companies’ foundations. As stated before, EYPE is generally lucky to be sponsored with in-kind products on its sessions. The sponsoring rate is pretty high and it is a very efficient way to save expenses for certain areas. During the last years, entities and private companies have also supported EYP Spain (e.g. Girona NSC 2017) by directly paying bills of session expenses, which is another way to save money and to ensure that such resources are covered on what they were aimed for. Previous events in Valencia include a Regional Selection Conference every year since 2012 and a National Selection Conference in 2014. RSCs have all resulted in a surplus. Valencia 2014 NSC was a lowcost session and a clear example of money management. Even though there were real difficulties to get money, the budget was adjusted and the fundraising made the session a high quality one, with nice feedback from participants. This is a clear example of how, even in the case of unforseen challenges in fundraising, our nsc has shown a good capacity to adapt and keep a high quality output and good experience with more limited funding than wished for.

Other events of EYPE were also successful in terms of fundraising and expenses management. Barcelona IS 2014 got a surplus of the 8.5% over the budget. Hiber IF 2015 also had a very positive financial planning, having a final surplus of 27.5%. This year 2017, EYPE hosted 14 RSCs and, even if coordinating so many of them may result difficult, as a whole they achieved a final budget of 1001.26â‚Ź . We did however, try to organise an International Forum in 2016, that resulted in its cancellation due to the lack of income and support received from institutions and sponsors. The National Committee decided to cancel the event as it could not guarantee the expected quality for the development of the session. We are aware of the difficulties that this session had, but the Organising Team firmly believes that having learnt from the past, both Spain and EYPE are ready to successfully host the 90th International Session of the European Youth Parliament.


These are the budgets and final balances of the last EYP events organised in the city of Valencia: EYP Event

Budget Balance

GA Day Valencia 2014

EUR 263.36

Valencia NSC 2014

EUR 281

Valencia RSC 2015

EUR 306.37

Valencia RSC 2016

EUR 360.18

Valencia RSC 2017

EUR 150.85

The last International Session, International Forum and National Selection Conference of EYPE also balanced with a significant surplus: EYP Event

Budget Balance

Barcelona IS 2014

EUR 10,708.78

Hiber IF 2015

EUR 10,564.08

Girona NSC 2017

EUR 2,556.02

6.2. Fundraising Strategy The fundraising strategy for Valencia 2019 is thought out and curated - we believe in offering potential sponsors a return for their investment in our project, in finding sponsors that will be interested in our project in particular and in tailoring our approach to each individual sponsor. It is relevant to our strategy to ensure that our sponsors are committed to our project and to the values and ideas that it embodies. We will seek to connect with brands and organisations that are genuinely interested in the issues that will be spoken about in Valencia and will not only provide us with financial support for the event to occur, but also try to get

involved and bring experts and “real-world� professionals to interact with the participants. By doing this we aim at facilitating the process of fundraising, given that the organisations that will be approached will already have a pre-existing interest in funding projects such as ours.


Tailored Approaches We think it is very important to have close and fluid relations with our sponsors. We want to be able to know the representative of the organisation we talk to personally, and not use email templates and box words to interact with them. Our goal is to have our organisers in charge of fundraising be approachable “fundraising officers” that represent our project and are able to be resolute and give individual and tailored responses to sponsors concerning their fundraising agreements, their options to contribute and the returns they will get from their investment in our project. We will also have sponsored events in order to give exclusivity to certain sponsors, for example: ■■ Coffee Break sponsored by Mercadona. ■■ Coca Cola®, official drink of the session. ■■ TESLA, official sponsor of the “Broadening our horizons” fair. Returns One of the biggest issues we have encountered when seeking fundraising in the past has been the lack of return that sponsors get when contributing to our projects: organisations want more than a simple shout-out at Opening/Closing Ceremonies if they are to contribute with big sums of money. In order to be able to offer better returns, we have aimed at achieving session elements that will please potential sponsors from the very beginning. For example, we will have communication agreements with newspapers and TV stations that guarantee that sponsors will

have their contributions documented, thus reaching a wider audience than that of an auditorium; and sponsors that are involved in areas close to that of the session topics will be invited to participate in the session via expert talks or sponsored events, given that these add academic value to the delegate’s experience. Partnerships One of the highlights of the Fundraising Strategy is to have a Partnership with a big company that supports our project in many working areas such as Accommodation, Food & Beverages and Other Venues (auditoria, conference-rooms…). This is a way to have a centralised partnership that includes the support of the company in all these areas, but also to have a more fund-seeking-focused team. If the same company provides us with accommodation, venues for events and food/drinks, the coordination of those is much simpler, and all organisers can be more focused on money and in-kind fundraising. We believe this general focus is essential to get a considerable amount of funds for the event to happen. Theme Fundraising Another point is to attract our supporters and sponsors by the concept of the session/theme. Taking into account that Horizon 2020 includes a wide variety of projects in terms of research and innovation, we believe that research centres, universities and innovation agencies will be interested in collaborating with us, be it with funds, or providing us with speakers and experts for any of our educational activities.

6.3. Financial Achievements ■■ The Generalitat Valenciana will contribute with EUR 15.000 and institutional support/patronage of the Honorable President of the Generalitat Valenciana. ■■ Secured money from Universitat de València. The amount rises to EUR 2.500, plus free venues for CMO, Committee Work, Opening Ceremony and other academic activities. ■■ The Italian Embassy will collaborate with EUR 1.000. ■■ The Crowdfunding platform “Generosity” is also working online. We have received several microdonations to ensure a financial stability for some expenses during the bid-writing process (printing dossiers...).


LAURE STEINVILLE (FR) “I believe what struck me most at the Barcelona 2014 IS was the gargantuesque effort set in motion by the Organisers’ team to share their cultural heritage, in the case of Barcelona IS the Catalan culture. Venues, activities, food, were all thought so we’d get the most exclusive access to what Catalunya represents and why it is such a beautiful (region/country).”

7. Event Framework We believe that officials should develop strong bonds of trust ahead of the session, since a cohesive team who knows each other beforehand - will be more effective and efficient. For that reason, we have planned a preliminary schedule for a meeting –Setting Horizons Weekend– that would take place in Valencia, from Friday May 3rd , 2019 to Sunday May 5th, 2019. The accommodation for this meeting is planned to be the River Hostel, located in the city center, next to the Turia Gardens, 5 minutes’ walk from Valencia Cathedral and Alameda Metro Station. Other than the logistical details, we have also developed a vision for this meeting, where all three teams would collaborate with the different tasks that have to take place, creating a sense of responsibility. There are also some night events planned that would not only allow the different teams to get to know each other, but also take place in the city centre, providing a full cultural experience. A complete description regarding the “Setting Horizons” Weeekend (CAT MAT OAT) can be found in Annex A.


7.1. Session Preliminary Programme Day/Session Activity

Cultural Activity

Thursday 25th July 2019 Official’s Arrivals and Registration

Afternoon: Visit to the “Horchata” Factory Evening: Spanish tapas

Friday 26th July 2019 Morning: CMO Teambuilding Rest of the day: CMO Training

Evening: Welcome event Paella Contest

Saturday 27th July 2019 All Day: CMO Training & Delegations’ Arrivals

Evening: Welcome party: Mediterranean Night

Sunday 28th July 2019 Morning: Opening of TB Rest of the day: Teambuilding Evening: Eurovillage Monday 29th July 2019 All day: Committee Work Evening: Opening Ceremony and Reception Dinner

Social Activity

Morning: Symbolic Activity Biopalomas (Bio-pidgeon)

Opening of the OC: Valencian Music

Tuesday 30th July 2019 All day: CW Morning: “Broadening our Horizons” Fair and Expert Talks Evening: 90th IS Anniversary / Movie Night Wednesday 31st July 2019 All day: Committee Work Evening: Delegation Dinners Thursday 1st August 2019 Free Morning, three options: Volunteer service, beach, city tour Afternoon: Lobby event Evening: Dinner Reception + Euroconcert

Evening: Nit del foc (Firenight)

Free morning: Volunteer service Evening: Euroconcert


Day/Session Activity

Cultural Activity

Social Activity

Friday 2nd August 2019 All day General Assembly Morning: Opening of GA Evening: Committee Dinners Saturday 3rd August 2019 All Day: General Assembly Afternoon: Closing Ceremony Evening: Farewell dinner Sunday 4th August 2019 All day: Departures

7.2. Event Description Official’s Visit to Horchata Factory The officials that will be arriving early in the morning or even the day before will have the opportunity to visit one of the horchata factories in Valencia. Horchata is one of the most typical drinks in Valencia. This activity aims at introducing Officials to the Valencian culture and making sure they merge into the city from the very first day. The visit will be optional for those that want to have something to do in the afternoon. Welcome event with Paella Contest Spain has always been famous for its gastronomy, and among many of our well-known meals probably one of the most venerated are tapas. This evening we will offer all the officials team a vast variety of them, as well as some other typical spanish beverages. After a long day of CMO training we will have a “paella contest”. We have contacted “Galbis Paellas Gigantes” who won a Guinness Records and have plenty of experience in organising this kind of events. We consider this an amazing opportunity to bond among officials and try the typical dish of Valencia. Officials will have the opportunity not only to taste paella, but also to learn and help cook it.


Mediterranean night The Spanish culture is not only famous for its gastronomy but also for its music and festive events. This evening we will offer to all participants a typical Spanish dinner and a Spanish “Charanga”, a music band. Symbolic Activity “Biopalomas” This activity is born when trying to find a significant and at the same time eco-friendly activity for all participants. We have contacted a company that makes balloons with the shape of the doves of peace, but inside the balloon, the dove carries seeds. We will give one balloon to each participant during teambuilding so that everyone in the session can send a dove of peace and plant a tree in Valencia at the same time. Experts Fair “Broadening our horizons” Our fair will be organised in different stands. Each one will be dedicated to a Valencian enterprise; here, participants will have the opportunity to have a cultural exchange learning from these entrepreneurs and sharing what entrepreneurship is like in their country. Meanwhile, there will be a couple of expert talks. We will reserve this space for well known experts on a national level. In addition to this, we also want to give the opportunity to these enterprises to learn from one another, therefore we will organise a roundtable during lunch so they can share their own experiences and we can collect feedback from them.

“As one of the founders and former long-standing member of the national committee of EYPE, I saw the community of members grow from a few bunch of people who learnt by doing to a large, talented and engaged group of people. I have no doubt that the organisers of the bid of the International Session in Valencia are fully ready to take on the challenge to bring EYPE another step further. I endorse their candidacy and I wish them best of luck in yet another successful event organised by Spanish EYPers!”



90th IS anniversary To celebrate the 90th session of the EYP, we will prepare a reception catering with a designated area for special events. We are planning to celebrate this special event with music from the 90s, as well as a cake. Delegation dinners In order to enrich the typical delegation dinners, we will invite someone connected to each delegation’s country such as ambassadors. In fact, many embassies have been contacted and we have received several positive responses for example from Italy, Lithuania and The Netherlands. Free morning So as to cater for all different needs and preferences, we have planned three options for the free morning. Participants will be asked beforehand which activity they would like to enrol in. Other than the options described below, participants may also sleep in for the morning. ■■ “Casco histórico” city tour: guided tour of the Old Town of Valencia. The city’s tourist office as well as the City Council have shown interest in providing us with english-speaking tour guides to show our participants the wonders of Valencia at no cost. ■■ Beach: for those wanting to enjoy Valencia’s seaside during summer. The exact location will be Playa de la Malvarrosa, which can be reached after a short walk from the accommodation. ■■ Volunteering: so as to follow our aim to promote ecofriendly and social activities, participants will be able to spend the morning in different locations helping the local NGOs such as Cáritas Diocesana de Valencia, Fundación Infantil Ronald McDonald or ADSIS. GA prep - Lobby event In order to enrich the delegate’s debating and oratory skills we will invite different experts in this field. Apart from the classic Lobbyt event, the GA Prep will have workshops that will teach them how to improve the skills that they are going to bw shown during the next days in GA, such as how to make a good speech, how to debae in a constructive way or how to take advantage of the body language. Euroconcert Euroconcert is a well-known activity in EYP. The idea is to share the cultural diversity through the freedom of expression in artistic areas, such as music, dance, magic, etc. We have contacted nursing homes to invite the elderly to enjoy the experience and give them the opportunity to embrace the European spirit. Moreover, we are already in contact with local musicians that have shown interest in attending and opening/closing Euroconcert and delight us with traditional Spanish and Valencian music. Eurovillage Another well-known EYP event is Eurovillage. We have taken some special considerations, like making sure there is an area of food for those participants with allergies or special requirements. Moreover, we have ensured the venue ensures the possibility for each delegation to have enough space to spread out their food and walk around having a chance to live the cultural diversity through the culinary arts.


8. Venues and Accommodation Event


Proximity to accommodation


Colegio Mayor Universitario Galileo Galilei

Main accommodation

CJO Teambuilding & Training

Universitat de València Campus de Tarongers

5 minutes walking


Jardines del Río Túria OR Polideportivo UV

10 minutes by bus 5 minutes walking

Mediterranean Night

Centre del Carme

15 minutes by bus


Centre Cultural La Beneficencia

15 minutes by bus

Opening Ceremony

Aula Magna Facultat de Medicina Universitat de València

10 minutes by bus

Committee Work

Universitat de València Campus de Tarongers

5 minutes walking

90th IS Anniversary

Ciudad de las Artes y las Ciencias

12 minutes by bus


Palau de la Música

10 minutes by bus

General Assembly

Palacio de Congresos de Valencia

15 minutes by bus

Farewell Party

High Cube

10 minutes by bus

A complete description of the different venues and Accommodation is available in this chapter of the bid. Further information regarding useful facilities near each of the venues and in-session transfers can be found in Annexes L and M.



Accommodation Colegio Mayor Universitario Galileo Galilei The Colegio Mayor Universitario Galileo Galilei is located in the campus of the Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, and right in front of the Campus de Tarongers of the Universitat de València. Not only is it 25 minutes walking distance from Valencia’s city centre, but also right next to many of the potential venues. Among the useful facilities offered in this accommodation option, there is a barbeque area as well as a music room useful for Euroconcert auditions and rehearsals, and a large movie room useful for those preferring a more relaxed alternative for night activities. The price per person including breakfast will be € 15.90 and participants will be staying in triple rooms. There is also the possibility of staying in single rooms and there are is availability of rooms for those participants that may have special needs, such as wheelchair use. After having visited the Colegio Mayor and having met with its Director, we are firmly convinced that this accommodation will offer participants an enjoyable experience.


“Attending the Valencia NSC as a board member was an incredible experience thanks to the constant positive energy present throughout the session and the incredible venues. Thanks to the organisational team around a hundred delegates got the once in lifetime opportunity to debate on Valencia’s most beautiful buildings.”


CMO Teambuilding and Training & Committee Work Universitat de València: Campus de Tarongers CMO Teambuilding and Training will be held in the facilities of the Universitat de València which can be eached in 5 minutes by foot from the accommodation (this will facilitate the in-session transfers). These are perfectly adapted for this purpose, since they have mobile furniture, we will be able to make use of their projectors, flipcharts can be hanged on the walls and there is high-speed internet connection. Other than these facilities, the building a has a large space for Coffee Breaks that can allow all participants to enjoy their break together, and a canteen for having lunch. General Assembly Preparation and the Lobby Event will also take place in the Universitat de València.

Teambuilding Jardines del Río Turia & Sports Centre Universitat de València Teambuilding of Valencia 2019 will take place in Jardines del Río Turia, which are 10 minutes by bus from Colegio Mayor Galileo Galilei. This park runs through the city from east to west and is considered the largest purely urban garden in Europe, with a length of more than 7 kilometers. We are evaluating the use of tents and shaded areas to facilitate greater comfort of the participants. However, since we are aware of the high temperatures in the city of Valencia during the month of July, we have been able to ensure the use of one of the sports centers of the Universitat de València, located at a walking distance of 5 minutes from the Accommodation. Also, the City Council is willing to collaborate in the search of a suitable space for Teambuilding.


Mediterranean Night Centre del Carme The Centre del Carme is located in the historic center of Valencia and is considered to be one of its most emblematic buildings. Different exhibitions are hosted at this location annually and it is used for the celebration of a variety of acts and concerts. To this end, this venue is used to holding events with many people and is also prepared to host activities where there will be music played. It is run by the Generalitat Valenciana, who will be willing to provide it free of charge. Its large outdoor spaces will allow participants to get to know each other and we are sure that they will enjoy the first activity of Valencia 2019.

Eurovillage Centre Cultural La Beneficiència The Centre Cultural La Beneficència, managed by the Diputació de València, will be the chosen venue for Eurovillage. This venue hosted the General Assemblies of the past three Regional Selection Conferences in Valencia. Its large outdoor spaces, with more than enough space for all the participants to enjoy a cultural activity such as this one, make it the ideal place for this event. After meeting with its Manager, they assure us that the space will be given free of charge, as well as the tables that will be needed to set up food and beverages for each country. Having taken into consideration the different requirements for a good venue for Eurovillage, we firmly believe that this venue will meet all the participants’ needs.


“I have been an official at three different levels (Regional, National, and IF) of session in EYP Spain and have had an absolutely fantastic experience every time. All three organising teams were a lovely blend of thoughtful and competent - their good relations with each other and ability to get the job done while having such a positive and energetic influence on the session is something I have never replicated in quite the same way at EYP sessions elsewhere. Carlota, Maria and Aritz themselves embody this special dynamic mix of personable and capable - eyp international would be privileged to have these three Head Organising the organisation’s flagship event.”


Opening Ceremony Aula Magna - Universitat de València The Aula Magna of the Facultat de Medicina i Odontologia of the Universitat de València will be the place where the Opening Ceremony will be held. This room has a capacity for 470 people. There is a space for the reception of VIPs and a room to serve dinner after the Ceremony. It is located in the centre of Valencia and at a distance of 6 minutes by bus from the Accommodation.

90th IS Anniversary Ciudad de las Artes y las Ciencias The Ciudad de las Artes y las Ciencias is a cultural complex built by the famous architect Santiago Calatrava and it is considered one of the 12 Treasures of Spain. We are planning a meeting in the near future with its managers to negotiate the use of the terraces of the Prince Felipe Museum. They collaborated with us in the organisation of Valencia 2014-9th National Selection Conference of EYP Spain by hosting the General Assembly in one of their auditoriums and seemed interested in our educational value. We want to celebrate this special event in an idyllic place like the Ciudad de las Artes y las Ciencias, located 10 minutes by bus from the Accommodation.


Euroconcert Palau de la Música The Palau de la Música, located next to the Jardines del Río Turia and 10 minutes away by bus from the Accommodation, has different auditoriums used in musical auditions, conferences, exhibitions, etc. We are in contact with their managers, with whom we will meet in a short period of time to negotiate the conditions for the use of its auditoriums and technical material. More specifically, the auditorium that will host Euroconcert will be the Sala Joaquín Rodrigo, which has a capacity of 420 people and is acoustically equipped for the event. Being literally the palace of music of Valencia, this venue is perfect for the purpose of this activity. Furthermore, it has several outdoor spaces, where dinner will be served in the evening.

General Assembly Palacio de Congresos de Valencia The General Assembly of the 90th International Session will take place at Palacio de Congresos de Valencia, which was designed by the architect Norman Foster. In 2010, the Palacio de Congresos de Valencia was designated the World’s Best Convention Center by the International Association of Convention Centers. After having visited the Auditorium, the City Council has confirmed the use of Auditorium 2, which has a capacity of 468 people. This Auditorium is usually used for General Assemblies of different entities of Spain, as all the chairs count with a small table and there is a big stage with a presidential desk. The building also has a cafeteria, several multipurpose rooms, VIP lounges and press rooms, parking service and 7.000 m² of garden. It should be noted that they have recently renovated the audiovisual equipment of the Auditorium 2. The transfer to the Palacio de Congresos de Valencia will be done by bus, taking slightly less than 15 minutes.


Farewell Party High Cube High Cube is one of the most popular night clubs in Valencia, where different “fiestas” are celebrated during the summer term. We are in the process of negotiating the conditions of use of the space with the owners, with special focus on the restrictions to be followed for our alcohol policy. It is located right next to the Valencia Port, allowing participants to put an end to such a wonderful experience by the sea.

9. Travelling to Valencia Valencia, as the third-largest metropolitan area in Spain, has excellent connections to other cities and countries. We believe that both, officials and delegates, will be able to arrive to Valencia easily and relatively cheap the table below is a small sample of flights and their prices and frequencies-. Indeed, we also offer participants the possibility to flight first to Madrid or Barcelona, and then go by train to Valencia, since national connections are also an economical way to arrive to Valencia. In fact, there are several trains connecting Valencia with main Spanish cities that will be able to be purchased at a 30% discount from Renfe, which has already supported our events in the past and has proved willing to collaborate again in this session. Moreover, travelling by bus from any major city in Spain is also affordable. For more information about how to get to Valencia, please refer to Annex D. Further details regarding more flight connections and approximate prices can be found in Annex O. Departure


Price (2 way ticket)


Amsterdam (NL)


€ 170

At least 1 flight/day

Athens (GR)


€ 289

At least 2 flight/day

Berlin (DE)


€ 150

At least 4 flight/day

Brussels (BE)


€ 160

At least 2 flight/day

Helsinki (FI)


€ 240

At least 2 flight/day

Istanbul (TR)


€ 380

1 flight/day

Krakow (PL)


€ 180

4 flights/week

London (UK)


€ 210

At least 4 flight/day

Paris (FR)


€ 200

At least 4 flight/day

Rome (IT)


€ 170

At least 2 flight/day

Vienna (AT)


€ 200

At least 2 flight/day


SIEBE GEERTS (BE) “Visiting a session hosted by ‘la familia’/EYP Spain is like spending some time at your grandma’s place. You simply cannot leave without having tasted the great food or having experienced its immense care and charm.”

“A second IS organised by EYPE is for sure a great project to carry out. I am fully convinced the NC’s previous experiences have prepared its members to be up to this challenge, specially under the leadership of Maria, Carlota and Aritz, who are incredibly committed to EYP’s educational purpose. Professionality, flexibility, temperance and the warmth of fellowship: let’s make it happen in Valencia!”


10. International Strategy We believe Valencia 2019 will come accordingly with the Long-Term Strategies set both by the EYP Network and EYPE. EYPE’s Long Term Strategy acts as a settlement for the committee and as the baseline for further developments. Available on:

Inclusion EYPE needs to organise more activities that enhance the inclusion of various sectors of the society. That is why Valencia 2019 aims at including people of all ages: not only youngsters, but also older men and women who can somehow benefit from our project and who show interest on what we do. For example, we will be inviting elderly people to the Euroconcert, as part of our aim to have an impact on Valencian society (through music in this case). Another example

for this is the organisation of activities that match young and older entrepreneurs, innovators, workers, members of associations, NGO members, etc., with our participants, bonding with citizens from all societal sectors. To this end, we will work closely with the Outreach and Volunteering Council of EYPE. In terms of Outreach and Mobility, we aim at having a reimbursement scheme in order to cover the main travel costs of every participant.


DOROTHEA WEBER (DE) “EYP Spain has shown great capabilities when it comes to organising large as well as smaller events and they call themselves La Familia. From my experience I can tell you that La Familia is more than open to adoption and will happily accept new members into their circle.�

Empowerment One of the main objectives of Valencia 2019 is to promote the educational value of the European Youth Parliament. For this, we aim at maintaining a high education and academic standard, not only in terms of topics and academic preparation, but also overall as a learning experience process for participants. In Valencia, we would like to offer the space and the

time to develop and to learn from each other. This is why we want to take this opportunity to organise other smaller activities apart from the session itself, such as discussion panels and colloquiums, to further promote EYP and its educational values, and all these aims stated in the Long Term Strategy.

Contribution We see contribution as a relationship among people who share something. Taking into account that the human resources in our team are completely volunteer-based, we would like to encourage national, but also regional and local companies and personalities to support our work and help us organise the project. Contribution also includes cooperation with other youth networks. The same way we ask for help, many associations in Valencia and Spain also need help to develop. That is why we aim at somehow including these organisations in our session and hav-

ing a both-way solid contribution for the future too. Contribution also includes a fundamental pillar in our philosophy: the National Committee. Since the very beginning, the Head Organisers and afterwards the Core Team, agreed on developing and organising an International Session that would indirectly include all EYPE Members (La Familia as such). That is why we asked for ideas to EYPE members in the past and had the approval of this bid (further read in the following sections).


Stability and Continuity We believe that organising Valencia 2019 IS will give EYPE stability and continuity. During these past eleven years of history, EYPE has been growing non-stop, expanding its work to more and more territories and people, and organising more events with high quality standards. This is why Valencia 2019 IS aims at being a high quality event that will give continuity to the work EYPE has been doing during the past years and to implement all those learning points we got from previous experiences. For this, we want to keep a connection between the National Councils (Outreach and Volunteering Council, Alumni Development Council, Fundraising Council and Commu-

nication and Visibility Council) and the Organising Team. Valencia 2019 IS will also give stability to the National Committee as an educational project. After expanding year after year, it is now time to settle down our territories and give stability to the EYP project both in Valencia and Spain. With the approach that Valencia 2019 IS will have towards institutions and public entities (includes professionalism as a basic rule for this), we want our project to be the building bridge between the National Committee and the public agents that will further support EYPE and its activities after Valencia 2019 IS is over.

11. Special Considerations Considering the International Strategy of the EYP, as well as the feedback provided by the Governing Body for previous International Sessions, we have elaborated a series of considerations for Valencia 2019 that are mainly based on the areas for development found in the aforementioned reports. We created a list of over 20 aspects to take into account, here are some of the most relevant ones: ■■ Ensuring close cooperation between all teams by meeting face to face every official before the session. ■■ Making the well-being of organisers a priority so as to avoid health concerns and improve efficient problem-solving. ■■ Guaranteeing enough hours of sleep for every participant and a more relaxed alternative for night events. ■■ Being aware of Valencia’s hot weather, especially during summer, we have already contacted several water and suncream companies that will become potential sponsors of the session. ■■ Considering the importance of providing shade during Teambuilding or other outdoors activities, we have contacted the town hall regarding the required licences to set up a tent at the proposed venue. ■■ Taking into account previous experiences regarding toilet facilities in outdoor venues, we have also contacted the town hall to allow for the installation of portable toilets. ■■ Having a volunteer session medic during the whole session as well as providing organisers with a first-aid course prior to the session.

ANASTASIA NTRACHA (GR) “If I were to describe EYP Spain with a dish it would firstly have a spicy base for the feisty temperament and the vivid culture of the country, then a pinch of sweetness for the warmth and the hospitality of people and lastly a mixture of different flavours and textures for the multifaceted experience they provide with their sessions as they manage to create an open space for academic development and creativity but lots of dancing and fun as well. EYP Spain isn’t just another national committee, it is a Familia, a family that I proudly feel I can belong to!”


■■ Involving the municipality and using the local fountains for drinkable water, and having parties like Eurovillage where there are all these fresh water sources. ■■ Arranging for an organiser from Venues, Logistics and Accommodations to be responsible for visas. ■■ Avoiding potential catering problems because of special food requirements by marking the badge of those participants in need of special meal plans. ■■ Participants getting a custom USB stick with all the pictures and videos of their committees and all the online papers. ■■ Strict alcohol and drug policy that will be carefully taken into account and measures will be taken for those who infringe it.

12. Socially and environmentally friendly Sustainability and respect for the environment have been growing in importance in our EYP sessions. Taking into account previous examples of the implementation of eco-friendly actions into our routine at sessions, we wanted Valencia not to be least. We are aware that there is only one planet Earth, therefore there are no second chances if we ruin this one. In Valencia 2019 we want to introduce participants to new ways of being socially and environmentally responsible. We will show them how easy it is to start new habits and how to carry them out in their own houses. Moreover, for the organising team, recycling and avoiding food waste is one of our priorities because of the love we all have for Valencia: we do not want to leave a negative impact behind us.

We have realised that many times an EYP session ends having made no difference in the place where it took place. We are determined to make sure that after Valencia 2019, not only participants take home a positive impact, but the entire city of Valencia has something to be thankful about. We, youngsters, have a lot to offer, for this reason we have come up with a list of small actions that all together can make an actual difference in the city where this session will take place.


SOCIAL ACTIONS ■■ Invite the elderly to enjoy Euroconcert as well as local bands to play as the opening and the closing. ■■ Take the leftovers from the food to dinning soup. ■■ Possibility of engaging in a volunteering activity during the free morning, allowing participants to have a positive impact in the city’s society.

WASTE MANAGEMENT ■■ Promote recycling during the session by putting different-color trash bins. Place these bins in strategic locations near food delivery zones. ■■ Provide ashtrays allowing those participants that smoke to deposit cigarette butts neatly rather than dropping them to the ground. ■■ Reusing waste through the donation of surplus materials to public schools and using them for the decorations of thematic parties during the session. ■■ Minimise waste production by buying food and materials with the least possible packaging. This will be achieved by buying large-scale rather than small packaging. ■■ Discuss the possibility of carrying organic waste to a composting plant. ■■ Use 50-100% recycled paper for all printed material, for this we have already searched for companies such as Utrese and ASPAPEL that can help us with it. ■■ Take special care with making sure that all the waste is cleaned after every event.

RESPONSIBLE FOOD MANAGEMENT ■■ Provide seasonal products produced in the city to reduce pollution coming from transport of food. ■■ Calculate in advance the amount of food to be consumed to avoid food waste. ■■ Donate all the surplus food that is in good condition to social kitchens in the area. Previously contact them to ensure what type of food they accept and set the date and time of delivery. ■■ Buy in stores and local producers.

ECO-FRIENDLY MERCHANDISING ■■ Give each participant their own hard compostable plastic cup so as to reduce the waste of plastic cups. We are already exploring the different provider options for this practice. ■■ Ensure the printing of certain leaflets (e.g. Euroconcert programme) could have a second use (following the example above, print the programme on a bookmark). ■■ Use bio doves as a symbolic activity of this type of session. They are biodegradable balloons with seeds inside, planting a flower when they finally reach the ground. ■■ USB stick for each delegate with the media output and the resolution booklet to avoid printing issues and as a way to take the memories home in a eco-friendly way.


ARMINE KHAMOYAN (AM) “The events organised by EYP Spain are at a superb organisational standing, and are every bit worthy of an IS level. Moreover, what makes EYP Spain so unique is that they truly put all their heart and soul into their sessions. The amount of care and personal commitment they dedicate to their events is second to none. Among all the sessions I’ve ever had the honour of attending, EYP Spain events stand tall and precious in my heart. EYP Spain is known as La Familia, and it couldn’t be more fitting, as it makes everyone who ever had the pleasure of being a part of its session feel right at home.”

RAISING AWARENESS ■■ Working together with the Council of Outreach & Volunteering, EYPE’s own body responsible for designing posters and leaflets to help raise awareness of the ecological problems of our society. ■■ Encourage good recycling and cleaning practices among participants by offering small prizes or gifts. ■■ Estimate the CO2 emissions produced by the event and try to compensate them with the planting of trees in some area of ​​interest of the municipality. ■■ Establishing a partnership with “Auara”, a water bottle company which has as its two main goals to bring clean water to those most in need -in fact, there are 700 million people who still do not have access to clean water- and to reduce the environmental impact the bottles we consume cause. More information at:

IMPLEMENTATION OF A SUSTAINABILITY OFFICER ■■ Designate a person responsible for compliance with all measures established prior to the session.


13. Legal Affairs Hosting such a large event requires extensive legal preparation. While writing and working on this Bid we have been encountering and taking into account those situations that might arise during the session that require to be legally taken care of. There are certain details that should be considered; these include: the maximum number of people allowed to concentrate in a public space, setting up tents for teambuilding, the use of roll-ups in train stations or airports, the permits needed from the city council, the maximum noise level for events such as Eurovillage etc. Moreover we have taken into account the need to have a session medic with us at all times (24h a day). We have contacted a volunteer of the Red Cross and a professional doctor that will attend the session and be there in case their services are needed. Also concerning the safety of our participants, we have started researching on possible insurance companies for the session.

For all of this we have seeked for help and advice from professional legal experts that have taken into account the different activities of the programme to make sure they are all within the legal possibilities of the city. Lastly, we have evaluated the worst case scenarios and how that would affect the stability of EYPE as a National Committee. To make sure that EYPE does not suffer any negative consequences that could possibly arise if everything went wrong, we are studying each possibility and covering our backs since the very beginning with, among other initiatives, separating the bank accounts and other measures.

14. Making a Difference Since the very beginning, we count on the institutional support of the City Council of Valencia (local level), the Regional Council of Valencia (regional level) and the Generalitat Valenciana (autonomous community level). This means that our project is solidly based in Valencia, because we not only have the support of the city, but we also make them feel part of this, helping us build Valencia 2019. We are also honoured to count with the support of Mr. Enrique Salom Guerrero, MEP and Vice-President of the S&D Group, and Mr. Ignasi Guardans, former member of the Spanish Parliament and its European Affairs Committee and former member of the European Parliament, who know everything about

the project since its birth and allow us to have a close and professional approach to the European Parliament. Our Organising Team has official qualifications in various organisational areas such food handling, first aid or event management. Likewise, members of the Core Team have been part of International Sessions before, such as an Organiser at the successful Barcelona 2014 (76th International Session of the European Youth Parliament) who is part of the current Organising Team of Valencia 2019. We believe that this will make Valencia stronger by taking advantage of EYPE’s past experiences. The Core


Team has also a member who is expert in large-scale events organisation.We believe our commitment and an eager National Committee that is willing to help us will make this International Session more structures, more environmentally friendly as well as more inclusive towards and outside the EYP community, by thinking about local economies and society in Valencia. Valencia is said to be one of the best cities for the University community –by QR rankings– thanks to its prices, life quality and integration. Plus, Valencia has an International Airport that connects to 20 countries all over the European Union and had a flow of 6,000,000 people in 2015-2016.

LUCY BRADFIELD (IE) “Although my experience at the Iberian forum dates back to 2011, long before the organisers of this session knew what EYP was, it remains one of my most positive experiences. The organisers at that session understood the importance of creating an environment conducive to learning and development, and as a result of their hard work, delegates engaged with each other on levels I never experienced elsewhere. Highlights included watermelon hydration breaks, and while this may seem a joke, it was in fact incredibly useful, practical, and well put together. This past experience of EYP Spains ability to put a top quality event together leaves me with no hesitation in endorsing their new project for Valencia 2019!”

KERSTIN ECKART (DE) “Spanish organisation from my experience is both putting a strong focus on an incredibly caring attitude to the session participants’ needs and always trying their physically best to accommodate suggestions and expectations. They also create a perfect balance between relaxation, fun and hard work. For organising an International Session I am convinced that EYP Spain would be dedicated to create a sound session framework and put a lot of care for the little details that makes participants’ feel welcome and valued as the most important part of the session.”

UNDERTAKING DIGITAL Additionally, our team has conceptualised the implementation of technology as a key feature of the session. Not only will we be developing digital media on our different platforms (web, social networks, etc..) but we will also be implementing LIVE activities and infographics on our management panel: a backend website that will support features ranging from attendance tracking, data validation to centralised access to our calendar, documents and session documentation. This will result super useful both for the organising team but also for the delegates, since we will be able to offer a much richer experience while we make sure are not forgetting anyone on the transfers. This infrastructure will allow us to develop super fun concurrent activities using this technology, where individuals will be able to use their devices to interact/network with the EYP community and much more. We will count with the help of Stratecma Digital Agency for the implementation of this technology and with the hardware and software development support of EXYT, a leading Spanish company in Access Control for events. We are currently waiting on the letter of support.


Annexes Ann. A “Setting Horizons” Weekend (CAT, MAT, OAT) Ann. B Fundraising Strategy Ann. C Programme in detail Ann. D How to arrive in Valencia Ann. E Budgets Ann. F Support Letters Ann. G Communication Manual Ann. H Protocol Manual Ann. I Publications in the Media Ann. J Team vision and description Ann. K Detailed explanation of teams Ann. L Useful facilities near each venue Ann. M In-session transfers of Valencia 2019 Ann. N Food plan Ann. O Travelling to Valencia: Airlines and Trip Costs Ann. P Website Ann. Q Session Workflow 2017-2019 Ann. R Small Business Support


“In the summer of 2014 I had the privilege of working closely with EYP Spain when Presiding their last International Session in Barcelona. I recently called time on a 10 year association with the European Youth Parliament​, and can comfortably said that the Barcelona IS, specifically the work of EYP Spain, was the high point of that decade. EYP Spain worked so hard to create an experience which mixed awe-inspiring venues, remarkably capable organisation, and a unique vision for the session, and were unquestionably successful. However, what set EYP Spain aside at the time, was the genuine desire to make everyone’s experience as personally rewarding as possible, and every member of the NC from the supportive Board, the unbelievably dedicated Head Organisers, to the wide-eyed and warm-hearted session organisers was responsible for that success. I fully believe that EYP Spain’s vision for Valencia will be an opportunity to reach those heady heights again.”

Copyrights Page 12 – Valencia Spanish Map – CC BY-SA 3.0, Page 12 – Comunitat Valenciana Map – Page 33 – Accommodation – by R. U. Galileo Galilei (used with permission). Page 34 – Río Turia CC 3.0 – (used with permission). Page 37 – Congress Hall – by Congreso (used with permission). Page 27 and 40 – Schwarzkopf Foundation.


Annex A: “Setting Horizons” Weekend As aforementioned in the Bid, our idea is to organise an officials meeting before the session. We believe that officials should create strong bonds of trust ahead of the session, since a cohesive team - who know each other beforehand - will be more effective and efficient. As a matter of fact, our objective is to develop team bonding, improve the working environment, develop a proactive approach, incentive motivation… A more successful session depends chiefly on the officials team, hence, is our task to promote an atmosphere where officials share responsibilities.

PRELIMINARY PROGRAMME Friday, 3rd May 2019 Until 11:00 11:00 - 11:30 11:45 - 12:00 12:00 - 14:00 14:00 - 14:45 14:45 - 15:00 15:00 - 17:00 17:00 - 17:30 17:30 - 19:30 19:30 - 19:45 19:30 - 20:15 20:15 - 21:00 20:30 - 22:00 22:00 - 23:45 23:45 - 00:00

Arrivals Check-in Transfer to Río Welcome + CJO Team Building Lunch (packed lunch) Transfer to Universidad de Valencia CJO Training Coffee Break CJO Training Transfer to Hostel Get ready for dinner Transfer to Dinner Dinner (Tapas) Gymkhana Transfer to Hostel

Saturday, 4th May 2019 08:00 - 08:45 Breakfast 08:45 - 09:00 Transfer to Universidad de Valencia 09:00 - 11:00 CJO Training

11:00 - 11:30 11:30 - 13:30 13:30 - 14:30 14:30 - 17:30 17:30 - 17:45 17:45 - 18:15 18:15 - 19:00 19:00 - 19:30 19: 30 - 20:15 20:15 - 20:30 20:30 - 22:00 22:00 - 23:45 23:45 - 0:00

Coffee Break CJO Training Lunch (Paella) CJO Training Coffee Break Transfer to Museu Faller Visit to Museu Faller Transfer to Hostel Get ready for dinner Transfer to dinner Dinner (Pollo criollo) Evening Programme Transfer to Hostel

Sunday, 5th May 2019 08:00 - 08:45 08:45 - 09:00 09:00 - 11:00 11:00 - 11:30 11:30 - 13:30 13:30 - 14:30 After 15:00

Breakfast Transfer to Universidad de Valencia CJO Training Coffee Break CJO Training Lunch (Hot dog/burger) Departures


Annex B: Fundraising Strategy All the entities that support our project are divided into the following type of collaborations: ■■ Partners: organisations, associations, NGOs and youth networks that wish to support our project in matter of communication, networking or common strategy. ■■ Sponsors: companies and private sector that support our budget funds with money income. ■■ Supporters: companies that support our activities with in-kind support (self-produced products). The Financial Affairs Department has designed a series of sponsoring plans depending on the type and amount of the collaboration received from Sponsors. This means we give different benefits to every donor depending on their contribution. ■■ Titanes: more than 20K – sponsored events/activity, official product of the session, topics, invitation to certain events, etc. ■■ Reptiles: from 5 to 20K. ■■ Lizards: less than 5K. ■■ Amebas: little donations through crowdfunding. After a thorough brainstorming we have established several compensation options that cater to every type of sponsorship depending on the contribution and needs of the sponsor. We always offer these returns: 1. Inclusion of the company’s/institution’s logo in every graphic material produced by the Organising Team and the Media Team. For instance, at the back page/cover of the participants’ Resolution Booklet or at the session roll-up. 2. Be mentioned as a collaborator/partner/sponsor/supporter during the Opening Ceremony or Closing Ceremony. 3. Possibility to include a personalised and adapted activity of the collaborating company/institution to the programme of the session. 4. Possibility to send a worker/an employee as an expert on an area of knowledge to be tackled during the conference, either giving talks/seminars to participants or giving feedback to participants on the resolutions they are working on. 5. Official invitation to the Opening Ceremony of the session, including a front seat, VIP reception and aperó, and a VIP dinner afterwards. Furthermore, the main partner can be invited to give a speech therein (depending on the level of collaboration). 6. Official invitation to the Euroconcert and to the Sponsors’ Dinner afterwards (HOs, Sponsors, Office). 7. Possibility to propose one of the 15 topics to be discussed/debated during the session (note that this does not mean that the topic will be 100% at the session, as this requires a check/confirmation from the Office and the Academic Council). 8. Possibility to offer in-kind products during a Coffee Break or include own roll-ups/banners/photocalls during Coffee Breaks. For instance, Red Bull offered drinks during Girona 2017 NSC and they set a project in which participants had a Red Bull under their seat when they came back from Coffee Break. On another note, Coca-Cola was the official drink of the session, and their roll-up was standing in every Coffee Break when their drinks were served. 9. Inclusion of their logo in the session website and the offer to make a shoutout via web or online (social media, mailing list…).


10. Possibility to negotiate a common collaborative Marketing Strategy. 11. Setting up a Photobooth in an activity of the conference (parties, coffee breaks‌). 12. Setting up and running personalised project along with the Media Team. This team is in charge of freezing every moment of the session and therefore, there is a possibility to work in cooperation as a Media Partner or include a project in their work to get more visibility of the trademark. 13. Special mention of the company/institution in Press releases and radio, television, magazines and newspapers interventions.


Annex C: Programme in detail Thursday 25th July 2019 9:00 - 13:00 13:00 - 14:00 14:00 - 17:30 17:30 - 20:30 20:30 - 00:00

Registration Lunch Registration Visit to the “Horchata” Factory Welcome event: Spanish tapas and Ice breaker games

Friday 26th July 2019 8:00 - 9:00 9:00 - 11:00 11:00 - 11:30 11:30 - 13:00 13:00 - 14:00 14:00 - 16:30 16:30 - 17:00 17:00 - 19:30 20:30 - 22:00

Wake up call and breakfast CMO Teambuilding Coffee Break CMO Training Lunch CMO Training Coffee Break CMO Training Paella Contest

Saturday 27th July 2019 9:00 - 10:00 Wake up call and breakfast + Delegate Arrival and Registration (until 19:30) 10:00 - 11:30 CMO training 11:30 - 12:00 Coffee Break 13:00 - 14:00 Officials Lunch 13:00 - 16:00 Lunch Packs for delegates 14:00 - 16:30 CMO Training 16:30 - 17:00 Coffee Break 17:00 - 19:00 CMO training 20:00 - 23:30 Mediterranean Night Sunday 28th July 2019 8:00 - 9:30 9:30 - 11:00 11:00 - 11:30 11:30 - 12:45 12:45 - 13:00 13:00 - 14:00 14:00 - 17:00

Wake up call and breakfast Outside Teambuilding Coffee Break Outside Teambuilding Symbolic Activity Lunch Inside Teambuilding

17:00 - 17:30 Coffee Break 17:30 - 18:30 Inside Teambuilding 19:30 - 20:00 Preparation of Eurovillage 20:00 - 23:30 Eurovillage Monday 29th July 2019 8:00 - 9:00 9:00 - 11:00 11:00 - 11:30 11:30 - 13:00 13:00 - 14:00 14:00 - 16:00 16:00 - 16:30 16:30 - 18:00 18:30 - 19:00 19:30 - 23:00 Dinner

Wake up call and breakfast CW Coffee Break CW Lunch CW Coffee Break CW Preparation for OC Opening Ceremony and Reception

Tuesday 30th July 2019 8:00 - 9:00 9:00 - 10:30 10:30 - 11:00 11:00 - 13:30 13:30 - 14:30 14:30 - 17:00 17:00 - 17:30 17:30 - 20:00 20:30 - 21:30 21:30 - 23:30

Wake up call and breakfast CW Coffee Break “Broadening our horizons” Fair Lunch CW Coffee Break CW Dinner in Accommodation 90th IS anniversary / Movie Night

Wednesday 31st July 2019 8:00 - 9:00 9:00 - 11:00 11:00 - 11:30 11:30 - 13:00 13:00 - 14:00 14:00 - 16:30 16:30 - 17:00 17:00 - 20:00 20:30 - 23:00

Wake up call and breakfast CW Coffee Break CW Lunch CW Coffee Break CW Delegation Dinners (Reso Typing)


Thursday 1st August 2019 9:00 - 13:30 13:30 - 14:30 14:30 - 16:00 16:00 - 16:30 18:00 - 19:30 19:30 - 20:30 20:30 - 21:45 21:45 - 22:15 22:15 - 23:00

Free Morning, three options: Volun- teer service, beach, touristic visit Lunch GA Prep Coffee Break GA Prep: Lobby event Dinner Reception Euroconcert Part I Recess Euroconcert Part II

Friday 2nd August 2019 8:00 - 9:00 9:15 - 10:00 10:00 - 11:30 11:30 - 12:00 12:00 - 13:30 13:30 - 14:30

Wake up call and breakfast Opening of GA General Assembly: Debates I, II Coffee Break GA Debates III, IV Lunch

14:30 - 16:00 16:30 - 17:00 17:00 - 18:30 20:30 - 23:00

GA Debates V, VI Coffee Break GA Debates VII, VIII Committee Dinners

Saturday 3rd August 2019 8:00 - 9:00 9:00 - 10:30 10:30 - 11:00 11:00 - 12:30 12:30 - 14:00 14:00 - 15:30 15:30 - 16:00 16:00 - 16:45 16:45 - 18:00 20:30 - 00:00

Wake up call and breakfast GA Debates IX, X Coffee Break GA Debates XI, XII Lunch GA Debates XIII, XIV Break GA Debate XV Closing Ceremony Farewell dinner & party

Sunday 4th August 2019 All day: Departures


Annex D: How to arrive in Valencia VALENCIA’s AIRPORT Valencia’s airport, located in Manises, is the tenth busiest Spanish airport in terms of passengers and second in the region after Alicante. The airport has flight connections to about 20 European countries. Low cost carriers operating in Valencia include: Air Europa, Wizz Air, EasyJet, Eurowings, Air Nostrum, Lufthansa, Ryanair, Vueling… among many others. However, a database has been created with all the airlines that operate in the airport, in order to make your travel arrangements easier. VALENCIA’s PORT The Valencia’s port is the fifth busiest seaport in Europe, being also the largest in Spain and in the Mediterranean Sea basin. At 200 meters walk from the cruise terminal you can take bus number 4 to the city centre, which runs every 15 minutes. The journey takes about 35 minutes and the single ticket costs approximately €1.50 per person. VISAS Citizens from the Russian Federation, Turkey, Albania, Belarus, Georgia, and Kosovo, for the time being, will need a Schengen visa to attend the International Session. As to ensure effective visa application, an organiser will be responsible for providing all the necessary documents as well as solving any inconveniences that may arise during the process. However, we have had successful previous experiences sending invitation letters and have never had any inconveniences regarding this issue in the past. How to get from VALENCIA AIRPORT to VALENCIA CITY CENTRE When you arrive to Valencia’s Airport you will be able to arrive to the city centre, which is situated just 8 km west, by metro, bus or taxi. METRO: Two lines of metro communicate the airport of Valencia Manises with different points of the city, the L3 and L5. Both lines share journey to the city centre, specifically to the station of Alameda, where their journeys divide. The entrance of the Metro is located in the ground floor. The journey in Metro from the airport to the city centre is of approximately 25 minutes. To get to the centre of the city, it is recommended to stop in Colón (commercial area) or in Xàtiva. Single ticket price: 3.40€. Trains leave approximately every 15 minutes on weekdays and 20 minutes on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays from 6 to 00:30. TAXI: In front of the terminal you will find taxis that can take you to the centre of Valencia and the cost is between 20-25€. How to get from JOAQUÍN SOROLLA TRAIN STATION to CITY CENTRE Alternatively, if you arrive to Joaquín Sorolla Train Station, you will be able to arrive to the city centre also by metro, bus or taxi.


METRO: From Joaquín Sorolla you are able to get the metro at the Jesus Metro station. Through line 7 you can arrive to Colón, main commercial area of Valencia. Single ticket price: €1,30 (zone A) BUS: There’s a free bus that Renfe offers to its passengers in Valencia to connect the stations of Joaquín Sorolla and Valencia Nord, in the city centre. It is used by the travellers of the AVE. It works the 365 days of the year, from 6:15 until 23:30, and it stops in the station every 10 minutes. The journey does not take more than 5 minutes to the centre. TAXI: From the Train Station to the City centre, the taxi will cost minimum 4€ if you choose to go to La Paz Street and Colón Street, La Plaza de Toros it will usually cost the minimum. Take into account that from 9 pm, the taxi rate starts from €6. How to get from ALICANTE’s AIRPORT to VALENCIA Moreover, you have the possibility to fly to Alicante and then go to Valencia. There are several trains that connect both cities, but the fastest train is Euromed, which covers the 125 km in 1 hour and 32 minutes. How to get from MADRID to VALENCIA An interesting and perhaps more convenient option for some participants is flying to Madrid, capital city of Spain. There are several ways to get from Madrid to Valencia, being the most recommendable a fast-speed train or a bus. TRAIN: This option is the fastest and probably most comfortable way to get to Valencia. It takes around 1h30 and there is a large frequency during the day, with approximately one fast-speed train connecting the capital city and Valencia per hour. Travelling by train also offers participants many advantages, as we plan to have a sponsorship agreement with Renfe, that will provide a discount for participants wanting to arrive to Valencia via this means of transport. BUS: Alternatively, it is also possible to reach Valencia from Madrid by bus; Avanza Bus is one of the Spanish bus company best known. This means of transport is usually cheaper, but it takes around 4 hours. How to get from BARCELONA to VALENCIA Flying to Barcelona will be one of the other options for the participants. Barcelona is just 300 km away from Valencia and participants will be able to get to the host city either by bus or train. TRAIN: Travelling by train also offers participants many advantages, as we plan to have a sponsorship agreement with Renfe, that will provide a discount for participants wanting to arrive to Valencia via this means of transport. Participants will be able to arrive to Valencia in 3 hours and the average price of the ticket is 20 euros. BUS: Alternatively, it is also possible to reach Valencia from Barcelona by bus; ALSA is one of the Spanish bus company best known. It will take around 4 hours to arrive to Valencia and a single ticket can cost between 5 and 15 euros.


Annex E: Budgets > Ideal


International Session in VALENCIA, Spain, 26th July - 4th August, 2019 || IDEAL Delegates: Teachers: Head-organisers Organisers Editor Journalists: President Chairs Chair Trainer & Teambuilder GB/Office/NC board member TOTAL participants Total Officials

Line A Preparation Printed materials for Sponsors Mobile sim-cards Mobile costs Meeting costs Printing contingency B




Total Organisers weekend Organisers weekend travel costs Organisers weekends accommodation Organisers weekends venue Organisers weekend catering Materials

Session accommodation committee work Total Catering Lunch 25 Jul Dinner 25 Jul Lunch 26 Jul Dinner 26 Jul Lunch 27 Jul Lunch 27 Jul Dinner 27 Jul Lunch 28 Jul Dinner 28 Jul Lunch 29 Jul Dinner 29 Jul Lunch 30 Jul Dinner 30 Jul Lunch 31 Jul Dinner 31 Jul Lunch 1 Ago Dinner 1 Ago Lunch 2 Ago Dinner 2 Ago Lunch 3 Ago Dinner 3 Ago Coffee Breaks CMO training



Projectors Printers Coffee break equipment CW and TB equipment GA equipment Total Session's and external communication


% of budget Cost 1,50€ 5,00€ 20,00€ 0,00€ 100,00€

100,00€ 10,85€ 0,00€ 7,00€ 50,00€

Officials' Academic Training (CAT, MAT, OAT = CMO) CMO flight reimbursements 180,00€ CMO accommodation 12,00€ CMO Venue costs 0,00€ CMO Meals 7,00€ Coffee Break 0,50€ Materials 50,00€ Total Accommodation (incl. breakfast) CMO accommodation 15,90€ Session accommodation teambuilding 15,90€

Coffee Breaks (Sun to Sat) Total Transport Total Rent Organisational Transports (car rent, fuel, etc.) Total Venue Rent Pre-session training Welcome party Teambuilding Eurovillage Opening Ceremony VIP Lounge room before the OC Committee Work Euroconcert General Assembly Farewell Party Culture day - room hire for GA prep Total Technology/Equipment


Ideal 241 0 3 22 2 16 1 18 1 3 307 66


Total EUR

Cost EUR


Number of units Frequency 100 1


Dossiers/Presentation Brouchure

10 10 1 1

50,00€ 200,00€ 0,00€ 100,00€

SIM for President, Vice-President, Editors, Some Organisers

1 1 1 1

25 25 0 25 1

2 4 0 8 1

66 66 0 66 66 1

1 2 0 4 4 1

66 307

2 2



Approximate costs for in-session phone expenses N/A Plackards, booklets, printing


500,00€ -

500,00 €-


5.000,00€ 1.085,00€ 0,00€ 1.400,00€ 50,00€ 7.535,00€ -

7.535,00 €-


11.880,00€ 1.584,00€ 0,00€ 1.848,00€ 132,00€ 50,00€ 15.494,00€ -

15.494,00 €-

100 € / organiser

2.098,80€ 9.762,60€


29.287,80€ 41.149,20€ -

41.149,20 €It is relatively easy to fúndraise food in-kindly for different meals, and especially for the coffee breaks.

1,30€ 5€ 6€ 2€ 4€ 6,00€ 4,50€ 5€ 0,00€ 6€ 20,00€ 6€ 6€ 6€ 0,00€ 8,00€ 20,00€ 10,50€ 0,00€ 10,50€ 25,00€ 0,40€ 0,40€

8.160,00€ 200,00€

0,00€ 0,00€ 0,00€ 0,00€ 0,00€ 0,00€ 0,00€ 0,00€ 0,00€ 0,00€ 0,00€

400,00€ 98,00€ 0,00€ 15,00€

66 66 66 66 66 241 307 307 307 307 347 307 307 307 307 307 327 307 307 307 307 66

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3

85,80€ 330,00€ 396,00€ 132,00€ 264,00€ 1.446,00€ 1.381,50€ 1.535,00€ 0,00€ 1.842,00€ 6.940,00€ 1.842,00€ 1.842,00€ 1.842,00€ 0,00€ 2.456,00€ 6.540,00€ 3.223,50€ 0,00€ 3.223,50€ 7.675,00€ 79,20€


14 29,1

1.719,20€ 44.794,70€ -

44.794,70 €-


8.160,00€ 200,00€ 8.360,00€ -

8.360,00 €-


0,00€ 0,00€ 0,00€ 0,00€ 0,00€ 0,00€ 0,00€ 0,00€ 0,00€ 0,00€ 0,00€ 0,00€ -

-   €-

1 1

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

1 1 5 20

1 1

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

1 1 1 1

Jose Manuel G. S.A. Spanish Montaditos Universidad Paella Contest / Packed Lunch University Al Paladar Catering TGB Eurovillage Universidad Reception Dinner OC Universidad Accommodation Universidad Delegation Dinners Free Morning? Fancy Dinner Euroconcert GA Lunch Committee Dinners GA Lunch Farewell Dinner 2 CB/Day 2 CB/Day

Often it makes sense to doube check whether it's worth renting or if you can get one for free. In that case add insurance fees!

400,00€ 98,00€ 0,00€ 300,00€ 0,5

798,00€ -

20 sets of committee work materials

798,00 €Make sure to calcualte +10 extra copies of all the prints for the guests of the event




Session newspaper Resolution Booklets Certificates Website Merchandise Welcome packs Presents for guests Total Other expenditure Keep-cups for coffee breaks Insurance Cultural activities Other Total Travel reimbursement

Reimbursements for delegates Reimbursements for officials Total

3,00€ 3,00€ 0,40€ 15,00€ 7,00€ 0,00€ 10,00€

307 317 317 1 307 0 20

2 1 1 18 1 0 1 3,6

2,00€ 300,00€ 0,00€ 0,00€

50,00€ 150,00€

307 1 0 0

100 66

1 1 0 0

1.842,00€ 951,00€ 126,80€ 270,00€ 2.149,00€ 0,00€ 200,00€ 5.538,80€ -

Possibly for free with HP as a printing partner Possibly for free with HP as a printing partner 18 months T-shirts Free

5.538,80 €-

614,00€ 300,00€ 0,00€ 0,6

914,00€ -


5.000,00€ 9.900,00€ 14.900,00€ -

1 1

914,00 €In the ideal budget there should be a mobility fund included, to offer as many delegates as possible a possibility to apply for the travel scholarship. Moreover, usually in E+ we receive the money for travel reimbursement, this money should be aimed to be spent accordingly

14.900,00 €-


- 139.983,70 €-

Contingency 10%


13.998,37 €-



153.982,07 €-


Annex E: Budgets > Minimum


International Session in VALENCIA, Spain, 26th July - 4th August, 2019 || MINIMUM Delegates: Teachers: Head-organisers Organisers Editor Journalists: President Chairs Chair Trainer & Teambuilder GB/Office/NC board member TOTAL participants Total Officials

Line A Preparation Printed materials for Sponsors Mobile sim-cards Mobile costs Meeting costs Printing contingency B








Total Organisers weekend Organisers weekend travel costs Organisers weekends accommodation Organisers weekends venue Organisers weekend catering Materials

Minimum 220 0 3 22 1 15 1 15 1 3 281 61 % of budget Cost 1,50€ 5,00€ 20,00€ 0,00€ 100,00€

100,00€ 20,00€ 0,00€ 7,00€ 50,00€

Officials' Academic Training (CAT, MAT, OAT = CMO) CMO flight reimbursements 180,00€ CMO accommodation 20,00€ CMO Venue costs 0,00€ CMO Meals 7,00€ Coffee Break 0,50€ Materials 50,00€ Total Accommodation (incl. breakfast) CMO accommodation 15,90€ Session accommodation teambuilding 15,90€ Session accommodation committee work Total Catering Lunch 25 Jul Dinner 25 Jul Lunch 26 Jul Dinner 26 Jul Lunch 27 Jul Lunch 27 Jul Dinner 27 Jul Lunch 28 Jul Dinner 28 Jul Lunch 29 Jul Dinner 29 Jul Lunch 30 Jul Dinner 30 Jul Lunch 31 Jul Dinner 31 Jul Lunch 1 Ago Dinner 1 Ago Lunch 2 Ago Dinner 2 Ago Lunch 3 Ago Dinner 3 Ago Coffee Breaks CMO training Coffee Breaks (Sun to Sat) Total Transport Total Rent Organisational Transports (car rent, fuel, etc.) Total Venue Rent Pre-session training Welcome party Teambuilding Eurovillage Opening Ceremony Committee Work Euroconcert General Assembly Farewell Party Culture day - room hire for GA prep Total Technology/Equipment Projectors Printers Coffee break equipment CW and TB equipment GA equipment Total Session's and external communication Session newspaper


Total EUR

Cost EUR


Number of units Frequency 100 1


Dossiers/Presentation Brouchure

10 10 1 1

50,00€ 200,00€ 0,00€ 100,00€

SIM for President, Vice-President, Editors, Some Organisers

1 1 1 1

25 25 0 25 1

2 4 0 8 1

20 20 0 20 20 1

1 2 0 4 4 1

61 281

1 2



Approximate costs for in-session phone expenses N/A Plackards, booklets, printing


500,00€ -

500,00 €-


5.000,00€ 2.000,00€ 0,00€ 1.400,00€ 50,00€ 8.450,00€ -

8.450,00 €-


3.600,00€ 800,00€ 0,00€ 560,00€ 40,00€ 50,00€ 5.050,00€ -

5.050,00 €-

100 € / organiser

969,90€ 8.935,80€ any 'saved' euro in this Price, makes a huge difference for the Budget, so if possible to negotiate any discounts - go for it!


26.807,40€ 36.713,10€ -


79,30€ 305,00€ 366,00€ 122,00€ 244,00€ 1.320,00€ 1.264,50€ 1.405,00€ 0,00€ 1.686,00€ 6.420,00€ 1.686,00€ 1.686,00€ 1.686,00€ 0,00€ 2.248,00€ 6.020,00€ 2.950,50€ 0,00€ 2.950,50€ 7.025,00€ 73,20€ 1.573,60€ 41.110,60€ -

41.110,60 €-


8.160,00€ 200,00€ 8.360,00€ -

8.360,00 €-


0,00€ 0,00€ 0,00€ 0,00€ 0,00€ 0,00€ 0,00€ 0,00€ 0,00€ 0,00€ 0,00€ -

-   €-

36.713,10 €It is relatively easy to fúndraise food in-kindly for different meals, and especially for the coffee breaks.

1,30€ 5€ 6€ 2€ 4€ 6,00€ 4,50€ 5€ 0,00€ 6€ 20,00€ 6€ 6€ 6€ 0,00€ 8,00€ 20,00€ 10,50€ 0,00€ 10,50€ 25,00€ 0,40€ 0,40€

8.160,00€ 200,00€

0,00€ 0,00€ 0,00€ 0,00€ 0,00€ 0,00€ 0,00€ 0,00€ 0,00€ 0,00€

400,00€ 98,00€ 0,00€ 15,00€

61 61 61 61 61 220 281 281 281 281 321 281 281 281 281 281 301 281 281 281 281 61 281

1 1

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

1 1 5 20

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 14

1 1

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

1 1 1 1

Jose Manuel G. S.A. Spanish Montaditos Universidad Paella Contest / Packed Lunch University Al Paladar Catering TGB Eurovillage Universidad Reception Dinner OC Universidad Accommodation Universidad Delegation Dinners Free Morning? Fancy Dinner Euroconcert GA Lunch Committee Dinners GA Lunch Farewell Dinner 2 CB/Day 2 CB/Day

Often it makes sense to doube check whether it's worth renting or if you can get one for free. In that case add insurance fees!

400,00€ 98,00€ 0,00€ 300,00€ 0,7

798,00€ -

20 sets of committee work materials

798,00 €Make sure to calcualte +10 extra copies of all the prints for the guests of the event





Possibly for free with HP as a printing partner




Resolution Booklets Certificates Website Welcome packs Presents for guests Total Other expenditure Keep-cups for coffee breaks Insurance Cultural activities Other Total Travel reimbursement Reimbursements for officials Total

3,00€ 0,40€ 15,00€ 0,00€ 10,00€

291 291 1 0 20

1 1 18 0 1 2,6

2,00€ 300,00€ 0,00€ 0,00€

281 1 0 0

1 1 0 0




873,00€ 116,40€ 270,00€ 0,00€ 200,00€ 3.145,40€ -

Possibly for free with HP as a printing partner 18 months Free

3.145,40 €-

562,00€ 300,00€ 0,00€ 0,7

862,00€ -

862,00 €-


3.750,00€ 3.750,00€ -

3.750,00 €-


- 108.739,10 €-

Contingency 10%


10.873,91 €-



119.613,01 €-


Annex F: Support Letters


TRANSLATION This translation was done by Oriol Roche i Morgó, in the city of London, on the 1st of November 2017.

Letter from: Head of the Royal Household Palacio de la Zarzuela Madrid, 23rd of Octboer 2017 Mr. ARITZ LABRADOR ODRIOZOLA Head Organiser of the project “Valencia 2019 – 90th International Session of the European Youth Parliament (EYP)” Av. Camilo José Cela, 16, 3rd B 28100 ALCOBENDAS (Madrid) Dear Sir : I am delighted to acknowledge receipt of the letter directed at Their Majesties the King and Queen on the last 28th of July, in which you kindly informed them about “Valencia 2019”, the project to present the city of Valencia as a candidate for the celebration, in 2019, of the “90th International Session of the European Youth Parliament”, in which you also asked for a support letter from Their Majesties to push forward the candidacy. Their Majesties are conscious of the need of Europe for its young generations -well represented in the European Youth Parliament- to contribute to involve European citizens in the integration, unity and progress of Europe. That is why I would like to wish you success in the project Valencia 2019 – 90th International Session of the European Youth Parliament that you are developing. Kind regards, JAIME ALFONSÍN



TRANSLATION This translation was done by Oriol Roche i MorgĂł, in the city of London, on the 22nd of October 2017.

Letter from: Presidency of the Generalitat Valenciana (Regional Government of Valencian Autonomous Community) Letter of support Valencia 2019 - Candidate to host the 90th International Session of the European Youth Parliament ON BEHALF OF, Generalitat Valenciana THEREFORE, Mr. Ximo Puig i Ferrer, as the Very Honorable President of the Generalitat Valenciana, having been informed of the goals, objectives and activities comprised in the project Valencia 2019 - 90th International Session of the European Youth Parliament, I HEREBY STATE: That the Generalitat Valenciana gives institutional support to the project Valencia 2019 - 90th International Session of the EYP, organised and promoted by the non-profit organisation European Youth Parliament EspaĂąa (EYPE), with headquarters in Madrid, Spain. That the institution agrees to cooperate with the EYPE to attain the goals and objectives of the project highlighted above, focussing on fostering the establishment of common European goals that can be achieved through research and innovation. And to that effect, I hereby sign this letter of support, in the city of Valencia on the 27th of September 2017.



TRANSLATION This translation was done by Oriol Roche i MorgĂł, in the city of London, on the 12th of October 2017.

Letter from: Delegation of the Council for the European Union and International Relations of the Valencian Generalitat Letter of support Valencia 2019 - Candidate to host the 90th International Session of the European Youth Parliament ON BEHALF OF, Delegation of the Council for the European Union and International Relations of the Valencian Generalitat THEREFORE, Mr. Joan Calabuig Rull, as Delegate of the Council for the European Union and International Relations, having been informed of the goals, objectives and activities comprised in the project Valencia 2019 - 90th International Session of the European Youth Parliament, I HEREBY STATE: That the Generalitat Valenciana gives institutional support to the project Valencia 2019 - 90th International Session of the EYP, organised and promoted by the non-profit organisation European Youth Parliament EspaĂąa (EYPE), with headquarters in Madrid, Spain. That the institution agrees to cooperate with the EYPE to attain the goals and objectives of the project highlighted above, focussing on fostering the establishment of common European goals that can be achieved through research and innovation. And to that effect, I hereby sign this letter of support, in the city of Valencia on the 25th of September 2017.



TRANSLATION This translation was done by Oriol Roche i Morgó, in the city of London, on the 12th of October 2017.

Letter from: Presidencia de la Generalitat Valenciana (Presidency of the Valencian Generalitat) Letter of support Valencia 2019 - Candidate to host the 90th International Session of the European Youth Parliament Ms. Daría Terrádez Salom, as Director-General of Relations with the European Union and the State, from the Presidency of the Valencian Generalitat, which hosts the offices for Information Europe Direct Valencia as well, and having been informed of the goals, objectives and activities comprised in the project Valencia 2019 - 90th International Session of the European Youth Parliament, I HEREBY STATE: That the Directorate-General of Relations with the European Union and the State gives institutional support to the project Valencia 2019 - 90th International Session of the EYP, organised and promoted by the non-profit organisation European Youth Parliament España (EYPE), with headquarters in Madrid, Spain. That the institution agrees to cooperate with the EYPE to attain the goals and objectives of the project highlighted above, focussing on fostering the establishment of common European goals that can be achieved through research and innovation. And to that effect, I hereby sign this letter of support, in the city of Valencia on the 20th of July 2017.



TRANSLATION This translation was done by Oriol Roche i Morgó, in the city of London, on the 12th of October 2017.

Letter from: Consellería de Transparencia, Responsabilidad Social, Participación y Cooperación de la Generalitat Valenciana (Regional Ministry of Transparency, Social Responsibility, Participation and Cooperation of the Valencian Generalitat) Letter of support Valencia 2019 - Candidate to host the 90th International Session of the European Youth Parliament ON BEHALF OF, Regional Ministry of Transparency, Social Responsibility, Participation and Cooperation of the Valencian Generalitat THEREFORE, Mr. Manuel Alcaraz Ramos, as regional minister, and having been informed of the goals, objectives and activities comprised in the project Valencia 2019 - 90th International Session of the European Youth Parliament, I HEREBY STATE: That the Regional Ministry of Transparency, Social Responsibility, Participation and Cooperation of the Valencian Generalitat gives institutional support to the project Valencia 2019 - 90th International Session of the EYP, organised and promoted by the non-profit organisation European Youth Parliament España (EYPE), with headquarters in Madrid, Spain. That the institution agrees to cooperate with the EYPE to attain the goals and objectives of the project highlighted above, focussing on fostering the establishment of common European goals that can be achieved through research and innovation. And to that effect, I hereby sign this letter of support, in the city of Valencia on the 1st of September 2017.



TRANSLATION This translation was done by Oriol Roche i Morgó, in the city of London, on the 12th of October 2017.

Letter from: Regional Ministry of Education, Investigation, Culture and Sports of the Valencian Generalitat Letter of support Valencia 2019 - Candidate to host the 90th International Session of the European Youth Parliament ON BEHALF OF, Regional Ministry of Education, Investigation, Culture and Sports of the Valencian Generalitat THEREFORE, Mr. Vicent Marzà Ibáñez as Regional Minister of Regional Ministry of Education, Investigation, Culture and Sports of the Valencian Generalitat, and having been informed of the goals, objectives and activities comprised in the project Valencia 2019 - 90th International Session of the European Youth Parliament, I HEREBY STATE: That the Regional Ministry of Education, Investigation, Culture and Sports gives institutional support to the project Valencia 2019 - 90th International Session of the EYP, organised and promoted by the non-profit organisation European Youth Parliament España (EYPE), with headquarters in Madrid, Spain. That the institution agrees to cooperate with the EYPE to attain the goals and objectives of the project highlighted above, focussing on fostering the establishment of common European goals that can be achieved through research and innovation. and to that effect, I hereby sign this letter of support, in the city of Valencia on the 29th of September 2017.



TRANSLATION This translation was done by Oriol Roche i Morgó, in the city of London, on the 12th of October 2017.

Letter from: Diputación de Valencia (Council of Valencia) Letter of support Valencia 2019 - Candidate to host the 90th International Session of the European Youth Parliament ON BEHALF OF, Council of Valencia THEREFORE, Mr. Bartolomé Nofuentes López as councillor for European Projects of the Council of Valencia, and having been informed of the goals, objectives and activities comprised in the project Valencia 2019 - 90th International Session of the European Youth Parliament, I HEREBY STATE: That the Council of Valencia gives institutional support to the project Valencia 2019 - 90th International Session of the EYP, organised and promoted by the non-profit organisation European Youth Parliament España (EYPE), with headquarters in Madrid, Spain. That the institution agrees to cooperate with the EYPE to attain the goals and objectives of the project highlighted above, focussing on fostering the establishment of common European goals that can be achieved through research and innovation. And to that effect, I hereby sign this letter of support, in the city of - on the 5th of July 2017.



TRANSLATION This translation was done by Oriol Roche i Morgó, in the city of London, on the 17th of October 2017.

Letter from: Regional Secretariat of Youth of the Valencia City Hall (Concejalia de Juventud, Ayuntamiento de Valencia) Letter of support Valencia 2019 - Candidate to host the 90th International Session of the European Youth Parliament ON BEHALF OF, Regional Secretariat of Youth of the Valencia City Hall THEREFORE, Mr. José Luis López Sanz, having been informed of the goals, objectives and activities comprised in the project Valencia 2019 - 90th International Session of the European Youth Parliament, I HEREBY STATE: That the Regional Secretariat of Youth of the Valencia City Hall gives institutional support to the project Valencia 2019 - 90th International Session of the EYP, organised and promoted by the non-profit organisation European Youth Parliament España (EYPE), with headquarters in Madrid, Spain. That the institution agrees to cooperate with the EYPE to attain the goals and objectives of the project highlighted above, focussing on fostering the establishment of common European goals that can be achieved through research and innovation. And to that effect, I hereby sign this letter of support, in the city of Valencia on the 16th of October 2017.



TRANSLATION This translation was done by Oriol Roche i Morgó, in the city of London, on the 31st of October 2017.

Letter from: Deputy Mayor of the Valencia City Council (Primera Tenencia de Alcaldía, Ayuntamiento de Valencia) Letter of support Valencia 2019 - Candidate to host the 90th International Session of the European Youth Parliament ON BEHALF OF the City Council of Valencia THEREFORE, Ms. Sandra Gómez López, having been informed of the goals, objectives and activities comprised in the project Valencia 2019 - 90th International Session of the European Youth Parliament, I HEREBY STATE: That the City Council of Valencia gives institutional support to the project Valencia 2019 - 90th International Session of the EYP, organised and promoted by the non-profit organisation European Youth Parliament España (EYPE), with headquarters in Madrid, Spain. That the institution agrees to cooperate with the EYPE to attain the goals and objectives of the project highlighted above, focussing on fostering the establishment of common European goals that can be achieved through research and innovation. And to that effect, I hereby sign this letter of support, in the city of Valencia on the 23rd of October 2017.





TRANSLATION This translation was done by Oriol Roche i Morgó, in the city of London, on the 12th of October 2017.

Letter from: Presidencia del Tribunal Superior de Justicia de la Comunidad Valenciana (TSJCV) (Presidency of the High Court of Justice of the Valencian Community)

Pilar de la Oliva Marrades President of the High Court of Justice Valencian Community Valencia, 6th of October of 2017 Having been informed of the objectives and activities included in the project Valencia 2019-90th International Session of the European Youth Parliament, organised and fostered by the Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO) European Youth Parliament España, with headquarters in Madrid, I declare my institutional support to the aforementioned project and the will to cooperate with EYP España to achieve their objectives and goals. Faithfully,

Pilar de la Oliva Marrades President of the TSJCV



Pilar de la Oliva Marrades Presidenta Tribunal Superior de Justicia Comunidad Valenciana

Valencia, 6 de octubre de 2017

Que habiendo sido informada de los objetivos y actividades enmarcadas bajo el proyecto Valencia 2019-90th International Session of the European Youth Parliament, organizado y promovido por la Organización no Gubernamental (ONG) European Youth Parliament España, con sede en Madrid, declaro mi apoyo institucional al referido proyecto y la voluntad de cooperación con EYP España para cumplir los objetivos y metas mismo. Atentamente,

Pilar de la Oliva Marrades Presidenta TSJCV



Avenue Louise, 453 1050 - Bruxelles Belgique


Brussels, September 21, 2017 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN It has been brought to my attention that European Youth Parliament EspaĂąa (EYPE) is generously offering its best efforts to host in Valencia, Spain, the 90th Session of the European Youth Parliament, to take place in 2019. I have spent a large part of my adult life working in support of the European Union, its ideals and its values: as a Member of the Spanish Parliament and its European Affairs Committee (1996-2004), and later as a Member of the European Parliament (2004-2009). I have the best appreciation for this initiative, and for its impact in the construction of Europe. I believe that EYPE is an excellent candidate to take the lead of that splendid project in such a special occasion, and I therefore support them in their candidacy. Indeed, it will be my pleasure to collaborate with them and to contribute to the best success of the encounter as much as they consider it useful. I wish them the best success in this endeavour, and I remain available for any further reference. Kind regards

Ignasi Guardans



TRANSLATION This translation was done by Oriol Roche i Morgó, in the city of London, on the 12th of October 2017.

Letter from: Agència Valenciana de Turisme (Valencian Agency of Tourism) Letter of support Valencia 2019 - Candidate to host the 90th International Session of the European Youth Parliament ON BEHALF OF, Regional Secretariat of the Valencian Agency of Tourism Valencian Generalitat THEREFORE, Mr. Francesc Colomer Sánchez as Regional Secretary of Tourism and President of the Valencian Agency of Tourism, and having been informed of the goals, objectives and activities comprised in the project Valencia 2019 - 90th International Session of the European Youth Parliament, I HEREBY STATE: That the Regional Secretariat of the Valencian Agency of Tourism gives institutional support to the project Valencia 2019 - 90th International Session of the EYP, organised and promoted by the non-profit organisation European Youth Parliament España (EYPE), with headquarters in Madrid, Spain. That the institution agrees to cooperate with the EYPE to attain the goals and objectives of the project highlighted above, focussing on fostering the establishment of common European goals that can be achieved through research and innovation. and to that effect, I hereby sign this letter of support, in the city of Valencia on the 3rd of July 2017.



TRANSLATION This translation was done by Oriol Roche i Morgó, in the city of London, on the 12th of October 2017.

Letter from: Fundació Comunitat Valenciana-Regió Europea (Foundation Valencian Community-European Region) Letter of support Valencia 2019 - Candidate to host the 90th International Session of the European Youth Parliament ON BEHALF OF THE FOUNDATION VALENCIAN COMMUNITY-EUROPEAN REGION (FCVRE) Ms. Daría Terrádez Salom, as Director for the FCVRE, and having been informed of the goals, objectives and activities comprised in the project Valencia 2019 - 90th International Session of the European Youth Parliament, I HEREBY STATE: That the Foundation Valencian Community-European Region gives institutional support to the project Valencia 2019 - 90th International Session of the EYP, organised and promoted by the non-profit organisation European Youth Parliament España (EYPE), with headquarters in Madrid, Spain. That the institution agrees to cooperate with the EYPE to attain the goals and objectives of the project highlighted above, focussing on fostering the establishment of common European goals that can be achieved through research and innovation. And to that effect, I hereby sign this letter of support, in the city of Valencia on the 1st of August 2017.





Annex G: Communication Manual



Dearest organiser, First of all, welcome to the Communication and Visibility Handbook! This document is designed to help, support you and give you the resources to communicate this dream to the outside world. Communication, when done right, changes everything. The work we do is already incredible in itself, but it's useless if we do not know how to communicate it. Good communication can even improve our final output. As a first step towards our goal, the Core Team Leaders from the Communication & Protocol Department have identified the most key and basic aspects that can affect us in any situation . This Communication and Visibility Handbook also aims to be the first step towards an uniform, professional and serious communication techniques promoted by all Core Team members. This manual sets out the communication guidelines and policies inspired in the International Office Communication Manual, as well as advice tailored for the event that will be pretty useful. With the aim of reading being as dynamic and interactive as possible, I have divided the manual into four well-differentiated blocks so that when you need something you can go to the required point as quickly as possible. Even so, as team leader in charge of communication of Valencia 2019 and person that I am, I will always be there to give you a hand. Do not hesitate to call me or send an email to when you have any doubts of any kind. Huge hug and many kisses from the South,

Rafael Gonzรกlez Graciani Team Leader & Project Organiser (Communications & Protocol Department) Valencia 2019 | Candidate to host the 90th International Session of the European Youth Parliament















Original Title

Valencia 2019, Manual de Comunicación y Visiblidad



Date of issue

October 10th 2017

Authored by Proof Read Version

Rafael González Graciani (Communications & Protocol Dept. – Core Team) Aritz Labrador Odriozola being Head Organiser of the Event, October 10th 2017 2.0 (October 2017)

1. Valencia 2019,

Who are we and where are

e we headed?

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Project Concept Definition of an International Session Goals of our Project Theme: Horizon 2020 Words to use Pictures to use Affiliations Values and FAQ

Valencia 2019. For each one of us these two words will mean totally different concepts. However, the corporate behavior of a project is fundamental. Each one cannot define the project as desired, and hence, the reason of this section. When working with an institution or company, this behavior is crucial to meet expectations.

I. Project Concept

(Dossier Valencia 2019 + Self- authored)


Valencia 2019 is the official candidature of the European Youth Parliament España to host the 90th International Session of the European Youth Parliament during the summer of 2019. Once the project is approved by the International Office of the organisation, based in Berlin, Valencia 2019 will become the second International Session celebrated in EYP Spain in its 13 years of history, as well as a flagship event for the European youth in 2019 and the most important event of its kind at a national level. The session will try to prove that borders are not insurmountable walls, and that cultural exchange and dialogue between European citizens is a fantastic opportunity both for individuals and society as a whole. Focussing on the European programme of Horizon 2020, the project will create an open space for dialogue, cultural exchange, taking down societal hurdles and critical thinking. Following EYP’s educational model, we want to give all the European youth the opportunity to stop and evaluate the path that we have trodden so far, and the path that lies ahead. The activities that will take place during the session follow the prototype of the 90 International Sessions that have already taken place in several locations in Europe to enormous success. This goes to show that the programme does meet all the objectives established in the international strategy of the office of the EYP, which revolves around inclusion, empowerment, social contribution, continuity and stability.

II. Definition of International Session (Definition as stated by the International Office)

The European Youth Parliament organises three international sessions annually, each with a length of approximately nine to ten days. These are the flagship events of the organisations and usually include honorary guests from the organising country. They are organised in different countries all over the continent and all European countries can participate, including the European Union’s member states. Each national committee (40 independently run organisations representing the EYP) chooses the delegation that will represent the country. The delegation’s size will depend on the country and its seniority in the organisation. Delegations are spread among different committees, which are in turn based on the Committees of the European Parliament. Each committee faces a concrete topic and challenge. This ensures maximal cultural diversity and motivates the relationship between different people, being this the main objective of the organisation: interaction among people, regardless of their country of origin, culture or language. All International Sessions begin with a period of Teambuilding for the first two days, during which delegates get to know each other and start creating the synergies that will help to work as a group. That is achieved by playing a variety of games specifically designed to break the ice and foster a good atmosphere for the next phase of the session: Committee Work (CW). Committee Work takes place along the following four days. Throughout this time, delegates debate around a challenge that the European continent is facing at the time. Certain procedures are generally followed to ensure productive discussion, and the conclusion that the team reaches are written down in an official document as a series of measures (a resolution) which will be presented and debated during General Assembly. Generally, an expert in the field of the topic in particular visits the group to answer the questions that they might have.

General Assembly (GA) is the last part of the session. During GA the resolutions of every committee are revisited, modified, debates and approved (unless they do not have a 51% of approval from the delegations). If the resolution is approved, it is sent to the European Parliament, so that members of the Parliament can consider it. GA usually takes place in distinguished and prestigious facilities, such as the Parliament of the hosting country or the town hall. Furthermore, national committees in EYP usually organise several national and regional sessions every year. National sessions are used to select the delegations that will attend future international sessions. These are generally shorter (4 to 5 days) and not as important as international sessions for the entire organisation. However, in order to attend a national session, a jury must have selected the best delegates from the regional sessions in the country. The latter span for three days and imitate the same proceedings described in international sessions -however, they count on a much more modest budget and resolutions are just drafts that do not get to the European Parliament.

III. Project Objectives

(“European Youth Parliament España” Statutes +International Office’s Objectives)

• • •

Representation, defense and promotion of the interests of the youth from higher education onward.

• •

Be a referent in the strengthening of the abilities on both a personal and academic level of the European youth.

Promote the awareness of European institutions, nations, citizens and current political topics among the young. Incentivise the creation of a dynamic and interactive forum where European youth can express their opinions regarding current topics. Give an opportunity to the youth to reflect, learn and debate about topics that affect them directly and that they would not have access to debating otherwise.

General Assembly of the 72nd International Session, held in Munich (Germany). © European Youth Parliament

IV. Tema: Horizon 2020

a n (Dossier Valencia 2019 – Sesión Candidata) a p o In 2014 a project was born in the the European Commission: Horizon 2020. This is the biggest programme for l research and innovation that has ever been planned, because it proposed to revolutionise the society that we o live in, promising to approach scientific research to the market and multiply discoveries. The three main areas g encompassed by Horizon 2020 are the following: industrial leadership, excellent science and societal y challenges. f o Horizon 2020 is built as a series of multiannual work programmes that have access to funding provided by the r project. The work programmes are prepared by the European Commission as part of Horizon 2020, and via a l strategic programming process that integrates the political objectives of the EU. o w Nowadays, Europe is sailing towards the near horizon of 2020, but we want to take a step further and give an e opportunity to participants to, on the one hand, evaluate our established objectives and our successes in r Horizon 2020; and, on the other hand, allow for a discussion about what is the next horizon that we are aiming q at. What are the goals of the EU? Where should we direct our efforts? Are we achieving what we set out to do? u a l We have wanted to bring a i parallelism with the sea for two t separate reasons. First of all, as y much as it may sound obvious, . Valencia is set in the seaside, bathing W in the Mediterranean sea -that is, in e fact, something that will make our w session stand out. Secondly, we are a interested in motivating young n people to keep navigating onwards, t even when 2020 arrives, so that the p EU still has a finish line. Similarly, we e wanted to widen our own horizon, o by choosing Valencia as a perfect p place to hold this event. The city has l a great deal to offer and it is high e time we show the world. t o Bearing this all in mind, the topics of b the different committees in the e session will be related to this very i theme. From issues close to m scientific projects and innovations to p social themes, such as women’s r rights, we will thus offer a perfect © European Commission e opportunity for delegates to debate s about their future -our future- based s on everything we have learnt so far.. e d b y o u r

V. Words to use when talking about Valencia 2019 (International Office’s Communication Manual + Self-authored)

Examples of appropriate words (to use in all contexts) • • • • • • • • • • • •

Young, Innovation, Social impact International Inclusive Active, Creative, Multicultural, Purely transnational, Abilities, Future, Ideas.

Examples of inappropriate words: (never use them) • • •

• •

Elite, exclusive - we want to be an open and inclusive event Technical EYP words such as “chairs, journos, MTMs, orgas, teambuilding, committee work…” with no previous explanation. Also, to talk to a sponsor the word “event” is better than the word “session”. “EYP International” - for legal reasons and because the international structure of the EYP still needs to be defined in certain aspects, “EYP International” must never be used in official communications. It is better to talk about the “International Office of the EYP” or “the international structure at a European scale”. Abbreviations like T4ET, BNC, GA, NC, etc. Always use the full word and briefly explain what it means. EYP España is not a legally correct term. Instead, we should use EYPE.

Examples of complicated words (only to be used in certain contexts): • • •

Tomorrow’s leaders” - It is attractive for sponsors and the media, but it can give a very elitist image to schools and the general public. Informal or juvenile vocabulary - especially not when communicating with sponsors or the media. “Europe” - Europe and everything related to it are not necessarily well-received among certain areas of society. Depending on our target, it might be good to stress our independence from European institutions and focus on terms like “transnational”, “diversity”, “building bridges”... Of course, in other situations selling ourselves as purely “European” can be beneficial. Technical terms : - Terms like “peer-to-peer learning” or “non-formal education” might be adequate for schools or public institutions, but slightly impertinent for young people, the general public or certain sponsors. - Abbreviations of committees (“AFCO”) or details about European institutions might be productive for European politicians, but are generally too technical for other communications. - “We are an organisation of volunteer” - Even though we are obviously proud of the fact, sometimes people might mistake this for “low quality”. We want people to be impressed by our job which, as a plus, happens to be carried out by volunteers.


VI. Pictures to use when presenting Valencia 2019 (International Office’s Communication Manual)


Often, sponsors and institutions will ask for photographic or audiovisual material from EYP to understand what they are investing in. Instead of using any image that springs to mind, he International Office has an archive of carefully selected images that can be used for that purpose. Here is the link to said archive: We should use images that feature: • • • • • •

Young people, Faces, preferably smiling and moved. Sometimes, a few faces work better than a big group, Teambuilding activities, especially if there is action, Discussions during committee work, especially those where delegates are talking, Delegates speaking excitedly, Diversity, colours, flags; the Eurovillage and the Euroconcert are perfect for this purpose.

We should not use images that feature: • • • • • •

People sleeping (beware GA pictures!), Alcohol, People smoking, The “rich youngster” type, Brands (e.g. we should not feature Apple, especially to remove ourselves from an elitist image), Beware of abusing images with a lot of formal-wear.

Why is this important? Basically, we do not want to sell ourselves to sponsors as an elitist, closed organisation. The ideal image to convey is that of diverse, young people from all kinds of backgrounds, enjoying their time and learning.

VII. Political and religious affiliations (International Office’s Communication Manual)

Being a referent, as we are, when it comes to education and debate at a European level, we will be asked multiple times whether we are involved with any specific political party or private business. In those cases, the communication policy of the International Office says the following:: • • •

EYP is a politically and religiously neutral organisation. EYP does not associate with the opinions of any political party, national government, international organisation or NGO so that we can keep EYP an independent, non-partisan educational programme. EYP volunteers are expected to act in a neutral manner when having specific roles in sessions or representing EYP. •

Furthermore, we have collected here the “forbidden” sponsors, according to the ideals of the International Office: •

Under no circumstance may a session have a sponsor related to the sale of tobacco, alcohol, adult content or arms.

Beware of organisations or businesses which might be clearly connected to a certain political party, government or religion.

Businesses generally sponsor EYP events to enhance their CSR. However, w emust remain independent and not become their public relations managing tool. The fact that they are our sponsors does not mean that we have any opinions in common.

VIII. Values and Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) (International Office’s Communication Manual + Self- Authored)

The concept for our session does not come out of the blue. It is deeply based on and must reflect the values of our organisation. Hence, since these are essential for the development of our project we must know what to answer when we are asked about them. Here are the most important FAQ and some possible answers that we can have ready. But… What does Valencia 2019 involve? • • •

Our product is an event that offers the youth a unique experience combining intercultural exchanges with political and social discussion. Furthermore, our event is the main access for many of these young participants to be a part of a widespread network of people with similar interests. As a project, we are: - independent, - purely transational (we go beyond Spain and the EU’s borders), - active across all Europe, - politically neutral, - focused on education.

Why should we invest in you and not another European organisation? •

EYP works. Backed up by a trajectory of 35 years and 89 international sessions, it has been proved time and time again that EYP works both at an educational level and a personal level. Our efforts have gained us several prizes, among which there is the “European Movement of the Year 2012” or the “Mérite Européen”. Moreover, public politicians such as Mr. Torbjørn Jagland, General Secretary of the Council of Europe, or Mr. Jean-Claude Juncker, the president of the European Commission. EYP is a referent. In 2015, 592 events were held in 40 countries with an overall participation of 34428 young people from all over the continent.

The 76th International Session was hosted at Barcelona (Spain)) © EuropeanYouthParliament

Who is your audience? • • • • • •

Young people Teachers and schools Families Sponsors Alumni from the EYP network Political leadership

How will you share our sponsorship? • • • • • • • •

Our brand is always professional, young and innovative. We always aim to maintain our own unified brand in our whole network, without jeopardising the members’ creativity. We are a volunteer-run organisation. Social media are our key form of communication both internally and externally. We are also equipped with membership platforms where we keep our followers updated. Our network includes more than fifty different webpages We aim to be present in traditional media, even though it is not our maximal priority The “ear-to-mouth effect” is extremely important for our network and must not be underestimated

How are you financed? • •

To start with, our financial means are scarce, being as we are a non-profit organisation. Our finances generally come from foundations, educational organisations, and local or national institutions that identify with our message. All contributions to our financial means go to provide accommodation, food, logistics and overall quality to all participants.


Teambuilding during the 82ª Sesión Internacional hosted in Rennes (France) © European Youth Parliament



Communication Channels,

How to communicate?

1. 2. 3. 4.

Emails Letters Spelling and style Procedures


Communication. And after all, the process by which our dream will come true. Owing to the fact that we send a large number emails, institutional support letters and similar per week, these are the guidelines we must follow in order to guarantee fruitful and professional external communications.

I. Emails

(Self-authored + Guidelines Dept. C&P – Valencia 2019)

Emails are everywhere, and for EYP they are the most important tool for building relationships with the outside world. Being a determining aspect of the EYP network, emails will take up much of your work. Due to this, taking into account the following guidelines may be very advisable.


1. Structure Subject It is best to use a subject that immediately refers to the content of the email. Once a conversation is started, always keep the same subject for the conversation so it is linked and afterwards, it is easier to find in the inbox. In order to keep a a concice and direct subject, we establish the following scheme:

For institutional affairs, follow the following scheme:

For any contact with entities and organizations that involve any collaboration that is not institutional, the team leader will decide the pertinent subject in relation to the topic to be treated (for example, if it is about transfers, you can put "Transfer and Logistics | Valencia 2019 - Candidate City. In case you are doubtful, you can always bet on the typical "Solicitud de Colaboración - Request for Partnership ". Format and Structure In professional communication, you always have to keep the email to which you respond under your answer (1&1 does this automatically, so don’t worry). This serves to ensure that the receiver does not lose the thread of the conversation. It is very important to mention the purpose of the email as soon as possible following the KISS scheme (Keep it Short and Simple). In typographic terms, the font and font size are already set. We will use the Arial font with 10px size. Also, don’t forget to justify the text. This is really important and must be taken into account by the sender of the email. To do this, go to Format>Alignment>Justify. This gives more professionalism to the email.

Also, when writing an email, paragraphing is highly valued. In addition, the use of headings, lists with bullet points and bold is very appreciated. If you want to start a new topic with a person who has already been contacted; it is better to write a new message with a new subject to facilitate communication and help anyone who later wants to see that message in the inbox REGARDS: Dear D./Dña | To whom it may concern INTRODUCTION: My name is [NAME AND TWO SURNAMES] and I am writing to you on behalf of the Organizing Committee of the Valencia 2019 Candidature to host the Ninth International Session of the European Youth Parliament (EYP). The European Youth Parliament is an apolitical, non-profit non-profit organization whose purpose is to instill a critical spirit in young people across Europe by organizing debates on current issues. In this way we encourage the development of entrepreneurial citizens, committed to society, and tolerant of the different realities of European countries. Within this framework, we are proud to announce that we are working on the project of an International Summer Session, in Valencia, in the year 2019. You will find a descriptive attached dossier of the event in question. REQUEST: As the person in charge of [ADD TEAM], I forwarded our request for ... FAREWELL: Thank you in advance and receive a cordial greeting, Sincerely, [FIRM] If you have to include a list of what we offer in an email, you should include from the following the most suitable clauses (more details on the Fundraising Booklet). It is preferable to contact Aritz Labrador (HO in charge of Comm. and Fund. Departments) to specify which considerations should be granted to the recipient organisation: •

• •

Inclusion of the company’s/institution’s logo in every graphic material produced by the Organising Team and the Media Team. For instance, at the back page/cover of the participants’ Resolution Booklet or at the session roll-up. Be mentioned as a collaborator/partner/sponsor during the Opening Ceremony or Closing Ceremony. Possibility to include a personalised and adapted activity of the collaborating company/institution to the programme of the session. For example, Tampere 2015 IS designed an activity in which participants –in groups– had to build a mosaic using post-its, thanks to the generous support of Post-it ® and 3M. Possibility to send a worker/an employee as an expert on an area of knowledge to be tackled during the conference, either giving talks/seminars to participants or giving feedback to participants on the resolutions they are working on. For example, Barcelona 2014 IS welcomed 15 experts, one per topic of debate. Official invitation to the Opening Ceremony of the session, including a front seat, VIP reception and and a VIP dinner afterwards. Furthermore, the main partner can be invited to give a speech therein (depending on the level of collaboration). For example, the former Mayor of Barcelona talked during the Opening Ceremony at Barcelona 2014 IS. Official invitation to the Euroconcert and to the Sponsors’ Dinner afterwards (HOs, Sponsors, Office).

• Possibility to propose one of the 15 topics to be discussed/debated during the session (note that this does not mean that the to Propose a topic. For example, the Ciudad de las Artes y las Ciencias proposed a topic on scientific education for Valencia • Possibility to offer in-kind products during a Coffee Break or include own roll-ups/banners/photocalls during Coffee Breaks. For instance, Red Bull offered drinks during Girona 2017 NSC and they set a project in which participants had a Red Bull under their seat when they came back from Coffee Break. On another note, CocaCola was the official drink of the session, and their roll-up was standing in every Coffee Break when their drinks were served. • Inclusion of their logo in the session website and the offer to make a shoutout via web or online (social media, mailing list…). For example, logos can be included in the footer of emails and communications with participants, other companies and institutions. • Possibility to negotiate a common collaborative Marketing Strategy. For example Laax 2016 IS set a common strategy and action plan with another organisation –Euforia–, thus making publicity one to the other, while working for common objectives. • Setting up a Photobooth in an activity of the conference (parties, coffee breaks…) • Setting up and running personalised project along with the Media Team. This team is in charge of freezing every moment of the session and therefore, there is a possibility to work in cooperation as a Media Partner or include a project in their work to get more visibility of the trademark. • Special mention of the company/institution in Press releases and radio/television/magazines/newspapers interventions. For institutional-related emails follow this structure: Estimado/a _______, Mi nombre es _____ y le escribo como representante del Comité Organizativo de Valencia 2019, ciudad candidata para albergar la 90ª Sesión Internacional del Parlamento Europeo de los Jóvenes. Podrá encontrar adjunta una carta en la que detallamos y explicamos el proyecto y la necesidad de disponer de su apoyo institucional para que el proyecto sea una realidad. No dude en escribirnos si tiene cualquier pregunta al respecto. Quedamos a la espera de su respuesta. Atentamente, FIRMA

Dear Mr./Ms./Mrs. Dear Sir/Madam, My name is ______ and I am writing to you as representative of the Organising Team of Valencia 2019, candidate city to host the 90th International Session of the European Youth Parliament. Attached you will find a letter that explains our project and outlines our need for institutional support so that Valencia 2019 may become a reality. Do not hesitate to contact us if you have any question. Looking forward to hearing from you. Yours faithfully, Yours sincerely, FIRMA



Each team leader has its own signature customize for sending emails. It is mandatory to use in order to raise our level of professionalism on our emails, and also, to have some control of the sent emails. To use the signature when sending an email, you must click on Firma and select yours. The team leader’s signature follow this scheme: Name + Surnamess Project Organiser | Valencia 2019

Candidate to host the 90th International Session of the European Youth Parliament

Email: Phone: (+34) 123 456 789

If you are a Head Organiser, use the “Project Manager” customized signature: Carlota Cumella, María Granero & Aritz Labrador Project Managers | Valencia 2019

Candidate to host the 90th International Session of the European Youth Parliament

Email: Phones: (+34) 676 231 082 | (+34) 618 307 623 | (+34) 649 153 802

2. Types of Receiver When sending an email there are three types of receiver:: •

Main Receiver: It is the receiver that directly receives the email. Always review that the email is right to avoid sending information to the wrong person.

Carbon Copy (CC): Sometimes there are people who are not directly related to the email but still need to know about their content. This is the case of personalities who have a helper or generic information emails as, for example.

Blind Carbon Copy (BCC): When sending a “template email” to many people always use this option when adding the recipient. This option makes the recipient not see who else you sent the email and therefore gives more seriousness to the email. There is nothing worse than being someone important and seeing that they have used a template with you. In addition, when contacting companies or institutions of high caliber always include HOs to monitor the activity.


5 14

3. Email Delivery Schedule It may seems silly, but the time we send our emails is decisive for the correct reception of them. According to several marketing studies, emails should always be sent from Monday to Thursday from 12:00 to 17:00.


Therefore, it is not advisable to send emails on Fridays or the weekend unless it is very urgent. As an exception, you could send emails on Sundays from 19:00 (so that on Monday morning, the first thing that companies and institutions will read is our email). It is important to take this into account, especially if emails are going to be sent to patrons or entities.

II. Letters

(Guidelines Dept. C&P – Valencia 2019)

Although most communication is through emails, there are circumstances in which sending a letter is indispensable. To contact personalities or company directors, this option is the best option.

Letters of Presentation and Institutional Support Request Following the template established by the International Office, here you can find the templates made by the Department of Communication and Protocol of Valencia 2019 for the letter models “Letters of Presentation” and “Request for Institutional Support”. This template must be attached in all emails that request an institutional support to any organization, foundation, government or institution in general. The team leader must include his contact information in the field enabled for this. In addition they should modify the signature including his digital signature. Pay attention to editable fields. • •

Spanish version: English version:

Templates for Support Letters and Institutional Support Request Letter. © Valencia 2019

Letter of Institutional Support Following the template established by the International Office, here you can find the template made by the Department of Communication and Protocol of Valencia 2019 for the letter model “Letters of Institutional Support”. This template must be attached in all emails that request an institutional support to any organization, foundation, government or institution in general. In this case, the team leader should not edit any field since this letter will be modified by the receiving institution to certify their support. • •

Spanish version: English version:

Letter of Partnership Following the template established by the International Office, here you can find the template made by the Department of Communication and Protocol of Valencia 2019 for the letter model “Letter of Partnership”. This template must be attached in all emails that request an institutional support to any organization, foundation, government or institution in general. • •

Spanish version: 1. Communication & Protocol> Partnerships> Drafts Letters English version: 1. Communication & Protocol> Partnerships> Draft Letters

Sending Letters via Email When contacting an institution requesting support, the email must be sent with the appropriate body and with the attached Letter of Presentation and Institutional Support Letter and Letter of Institutional Support, plus the dossier in the appropriate language. The first one must be properly modified and adjusted to the characteristics of the receiver. Once the letter has been sent, it should be uploaded to: 1. Communication & Protocol> Institutional Support> Sent Letters.

Sending Letters via Ordinary Postal Mail

In some cases, it is best to send the signed letter by mail to the appropriate institution. If it is an A4 letter, it will be folded in three and inserted into the ordinary envelope of 110x220mm. If it is a dossier or other type of document, choose the most appropriate envelope. It will be sent by ordinary mail and the ticket that indicates the cost of the shipment should be sent to Aritz Labrador, Head Organiser in charge of Accounting.

Official sizes Correos España © Correos España

III. Spelling and Style

(International Office’s Communication Manual)

A mere reminder of an aspect that we should all know already. The most important thing is the content and we can never neglect our spelling.

Orthography It is important to use correct spelling and grammar. This includes the proper use of capital letters. It is always very useful to read your email again even if it is a mate. For emails in English check with, or resort to semi-natives. Oriol Roche and Enrique Tasa can be of great help in this regard, therefore, for important English mails, always go through their check. Emoticonos In official emails, smileys and ^^ do not suggest at all a professional image for partners and sponsors. The use of the same should be limited to internal emails with members of the network. Greetings

Keeping in mind that the entities we contact receive hundreds of emails a day, a polite and correct greeting is always appreciated. • • • •

Sr. Mr. Mrs. Dear Sir, Dear Supplier, Dear Customer, Dear friends. Appreciate customers, suppliers, friends. My lovely friend.

And to go straight to the point, always use the following expressions: • • • •

In compliance with, in relation to, in response to your letter. I confirm, I repeat, I communicate. At present, by means of. I have the pleasure of informing you, once you have read the letter.

Style In spite of our young character, we should never neglect our style. Informal language should never be born from us. Owing to the fact that we are dealing with people in high positions, they are the ones who set the tone for the relationship between them and us.

IV. Procedures

(Girona NS 2017’s Communication Manual + Self-authored)

For letters and emails, the guidelines set in this manual must be used and followed by a proofread of any of the HOs. For any document that is more than one page (any document other than a letter addressed to a sponsor / collaborator) must pass an image control; For this, simply notify Rafa or Oriol (Communication & Protocol) For future booklets (Information Booklet, Travel Booklet, Preparation Kit ...), the content must arrive (via Google Docs) with a minimum margin of 14 days of publication. Thus, C & P will have two weeks for its correct layout

If any other department wants to publish something on the website / Facebook / Twitter / Instagram (for example, Chairs team prepares some preparatory videos about the topics), they will have to send the content, including links / files 14 days before its publication. Then C&P will have to square it in the calendar of social networks’ posts.


Xavier Trias, ex-Mayor of Barcelona, during the Opening Ceremony of the 76th International Session of the European Youth Parliament. Š European Youth Parliament

3. Visual Elements

Our identity

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Logo Valencia 2019 – Candidate City Colours Fonts How to use the European Youth Parliament logo How to use the European Youth Parliament Espaùa logo


Our identity.


Despite the fact that we are currently just a candidate project, we have already started developing and thus we have an identity. These are the logos, fonts, etc. that we will use for all our communications.

I. Logo Valencia 2019 - Candidate city (Self-authored)


For any kind of document that needs to include a logo, these are versions of the official logo (“Candidate city” version) that was approved by the Core Team on May 2017. These can be found on our Drive (1. Communication & Protocol > 1.2 Communication > 1.2.5 Manual de comunicación).

Official original logo in PNG transparent format on a white background. .

Official original logo in PNG transparent format on grey background and light focus in the centre.

Logo on a white background.

White logo in PNG transparent format on blue background and light focus at the top left corner.

Logo in longish version on white background.

As ac pro

II. Colours (Self-authored)

As a colour that vividly represents the Ciudad de las Artes y las Ciencias, the sea, the horizon and the sky, we have chosen a chromatic scale of blues to represent us, focussing on three different colours. These three will be used in all kinds of production by the Team, as much as possible.

Variation of the International Klein blueÂŽ

Variation of light steel

Variation of sky blue

Colour palette for the identity of Valencia 2019 - Candidate city.

III. Fonts

(Realización Propia)

For official session documents the following fonts will have to be used. This is pretty important and should always be checked carefully. • • • •

Big Titles (cover pages): Gotham Bold (Regular) - Available on: Page titles / Subtitles: Gotham Bold (Regular) - Available on: Section titles: Source Sans Pro Bold (16 pt) (Official Office Font) - Available on: Main text: Source Sans Pro Light (10-12 pt) - Available on:



IV. European Youth Parliament logo (International Office’s Communication Manual)

The international logo of the EYP is made up of blue and yellow starts forming together the symbol of a parliamentary setting. It also includes the name of the organisation in English. It is used for all activities at an international scale (International Sessions and projects carried out with the Office’s support), as well as to represent the international structure of the EYP (Governing Body, Board of National Committees, Councils, International Office).

The European Youth Parliament has no legal validity at an international level. It is a part of the Schwarzkopf Foundation. Thus, so that documents are professional and legally valid, the EYP logo must be used in combination with the logo from the Schwarzkopf Foundation.


V. EYP España logos (Self-authored)


Just like the EYP exists under the Schwarzkopf Foundation, we exist under EYP España. This means that in all official communication we must include the EYP España logo next to the Candidate city logo. These are the EYP España logos, and we will use the Standard Normal – No Background

Family Logos EYPE Standard

Family Logos EYPE Longish

Thus, the official composite version of the two logos looks as follows:

Euroconcert during the 83rd International Session, Hosted in Laax (Switzerland) Š European Youth Parliament

4. European Youth Parliament

What do we do?

1. 2. 3.

What is EYP? Figures The Schwarzkopf Foundation Young Europe

European Youth Parliament. Three words that resume why we are here. Many of us talk about EYP as though we know a lot about it, but whenever we European Youth Parliament .

meet with personalities or externals, it is important to have a unified explanation and clarification of what our Three words that resume why we are here. Many of us talk about EYP as though we know a lot about it, but whenever we organisation really is. This is what the International Office wants us to say about the EYP: meet with personalities or externals, it is important to have a unified explanation and clarification of what our organisation really is. This is what the International Office wants us to say about the EYP:

I. What is the European Youth Parliament? (Communication Manual fromEuropean the International Office) Parliament? I. What is the Youth (Communication Manual from the International Office)

The European Youth Parliament (EYP) is a unique educational programme which brings together young people from all over Europe discuss current topics in a parliamentary setting. Its mission is to support The European YouthtoParliament (EYP) is a unique educational programme which brings togetherthe young development young people into politically aware and responsible citizens by involving them inis European peopleoffrom all over Europe to discuss current topics in a parliamentary setting. Its mission to support the politicaldevelopment thinking and of promoting intercultural understanding. young people into politically aware and responsible citizens by involving them in European political thinking and promoting intercultural understanding. The EYP is a non-partisan and independent programme. Its methods are based on non-formal education and The EYP is a non-partisan and independent programme. Its methods are based non-formal education peer-to-peer learning. Thereby the programme facilitates the learning of crucial socialonand professional skills; and peer-to-peer learning. Thereby the programme facilitates the learning of crucial social and professional skills; and encourages independ-ent thinking and socio-political initiative. and encourages independ-ent thinking and socio-political initiative. The EYP is a pan-European organisation which does not limit itself to the current political borders of the The EYP isAsaapan-European organisation which doesEYP notislimit itself present to the current political countries, borders of the European Union. network of independent associations, currently in 40 European European Union. As a network of independent associations, EYP is currently present in 40 European countries, enabling contacts across borders and beyond frontiers. The EYP thus offers a platform for intercultural enabling contacts across borders and beyond frontiers. The EYP thus offers a platform for intercultural meetings, fosters mutual understanding and makes a vital contribution towards the uniting of Europe. meetings, fosters mutual understanding and makes a vital contribution towards the uniting of Europe.


If a personality or external asks for more information about the EYP, you can send the file • If a personality or external asks for more information about the EYP, you can send the file “Understanding the EYP” from the International Office, available at: 
 “Understanding the EYP” from the International Office, available at:

If a school, pedagogue or company is interested in the educational value and the role of the EYP in • If a school, pedagogue or company is interested in the educational value and the role of the EYP in education, you can send them the file “Education in the EYP”, provided by the International Office education, you can send them the file “Education in the EYP”, provided by the International Office and available at: and available at:

II. Figures II. Figures

(Communication Manual Manual from thefrom International Office)Office) (Communication the International

These numbers have been compiled from allfrom National Committees for thefor year Each Each year the These numbers have been compiled all National Committees the2015. year 2015. year the International Office sends out a questionnaire to all National Committees in order to update these numbers. International Office sends out a questionnaire to all National Committees in order to update these numbers. • • • • • • • • • • •

592 •events 592 events 40 countries • 40 countries 1456• days of days EYP of EYP 1456 132 •training events events 132 training 1578• committees/resolutions 1578 committees/resolutions • total 34 428 total participants 34 428 participants 3020volunteers active volunteers 3020• active 1387 schools 1387• schools involvedinvolved 1402 teachers 1402• teachers • facebook 77 000 facebook 77 000 likes likes • 128 politicians attended 128 politicians attended events events

International Governance of the International Governance of the European Youth Parliament network European Youth Parliament network © European Youth Parliament © European Youth Parliament

Patrons of the 69th International Session, hosted in Istambul Š European Youth Parliament

III. The Schwarzkopf Foundation Young Europe (Communication Manual from the International Office)

Since 2004, the Berlin-based Schwarzkopf Foundation Young Europe (Schwarzkopf-Stiftung Junges Europa) is the international umbrella organisation of the European Youth Parliament and the legal representative of EYP on the international level. The non-partisan Schwarzkopf Foundation was founded in 1971. Since then the Foundation aims to support the development of young people into politically aware and responsible citizens. The Foundation focuses specifically on: • • • •

reinforcing the European project, advancing pan-European understanding, strengthening democratic civil society the fight against racism, right-wing extremism and anti-Semitism.

With a big variety of events, seminars, debates, visits to embassies, background discussions and conferences about Europe, including direct exchanges with key personalities from politics, economics, culture and civil society, the Schwarzkopf Foundation offers young Europeans a platform for discussions. One of the biggest programmes of the Schwarzkopf Foundation is Understanding Europe with its EU Crash Courses: a 4hour interactive seminars in schools, based on a peer-to-peer approach, conveying basic knowledge of Europe. Through fruitful partnerships with the European Youth Parliament the programme could also establish active trainer-teams in some European countries. Each year more countries join our international team of Understanding Europe. Just like the EYP-Programme, also the Schwarzkopf Foundation is a fundraising-based organisation, seeking for external funding for all projects and events. More about the Schwarzkopf Foundation: • • •


Published by the Core Team of Valencia 2019 – Candidacy to host the 90th International Session of the EYP European Youth Parliament España

Annex H: Protocol Manual



Dear organiser, Before delving into the manual, I want to welcome you into the world of protocol! Unlike my dear Rafael González Graciani, I am not going to give you a long speech, because you already know what this document is for. Moreover, I have already copy-pasted from him the design of the document -I don’t need to also mimic his long introduction. If you have any doubt, do not hesitate to call me or send me an email to (even though it would be really weird if you sent me an email, given that we are friends and all that). A big hug, my lovelies.

Oriol Roche i Morgó Team Leader & Project Organiser (Communications & Protocol Department) Valencia 2019 | Candidate to host the 90th International Session of the European Youth Parliament









Valencia 2019, Protocol Manual



Date of publishing

September 2017


Oriol Roche i Morgó (Communications & Protocol Dept. – Core Team)

Proof Read Version

1.0 (September 2017)

1. Courtesy

Courtesy. The idea of “courtesy” involves all the ways that we have to refer to people around us. As an organising team, we will most probably contact the representatives of important organisations or institutions, and we must treat them with due respect. Of course, nowadays some of these courtesy forms are slowly losing track -however, we cover our bases by using them.

I. Basic formulae Before starting to talk about specific forms of courtesy, we should remind the reader of the allencompassing form of courtesy in Spanish: Señor Don or Señora Doña. It is not always necessary to use both, even though it is always acceptable to do so. The options are as follows: -

Señor Don (Sr. D.) / Señora Doña (Sra. Dª) Señor/a (Sr./Sra.) + Surname Don/ña (D./Dª) + First name (+ Surname)

In front of Señor/a Don/ña we can add forms of courtesy specific to the title of the person that we are addressing. In English, we will generally use the protocolary and universal Mr./Mrs./Miss/Ms. These are the differences: -

Mr. – used for an adult married man Mrs. – used for an adult married woman Miss – used for an unmarried woman Ms. – used for an adult woman, regardless of her civil status.

As the organising team, we should always use Mr. and Ms., and avoid using Mrs. and Miss because these forms are viewed as sexist by a large part of the public. In the following section you will find a table with various forms of courtesy. These have been kept in Spanish, because they are meant for use mainly to Spanish institutions. Besides, protocolary forms in English are much more simple given that Mr./Ms. are already considered valid forms of courtesy. If there is any doubt regarding courtesy in Spanish, do not hesitate to consult in the following webpage:

II. Standard protocolary forms


King and Queen of Spain

Majestad, Su Majestad (S.M.) eg. S.M. el Rey Felipe II

Princes, Infantas and the Royal Family

Su Alteza Real (S.A.R.) eg. S.A.R. la Infanta Leonor

Royal House

Excelentísimo/a (Excmo/a.) eg. Excmo. Sr. D. Emilio Tomé de la Vega

President of Spain

Excelentísimo/a (Excmo/a.) eg. Excmo. Sr. D. Mariano Rajoy Brey

Vice-president of Spain

Excelentísimo/a (Excmo/a.) eg. Excma. Sra. Dª Soraya Sáenz de Santamaría

Spanish Ministers

Excelentísimo/a (Excmo/a.) eg. Excmo. Sr. D. Luis de Guindos

Members of the Spanish parliament

Excelentísimo/a (Excmo/a.)

President of the Generalitat in Valencia

Molt Honorable Sr./Sra. eg. Molt Honorable Sr. Ximo Puig

Ministers of the Generalitat in Valencia

Honorable Sr./Sra. eg. Honorable Sra. Mònica Oltra

Rector of the university

Magnífico/a y Excelentísimo/a Señor/a

Vice-rector of the university

Excelentísimo/a (Excmo/a.)

Dean of the university

Muy Ilustre Señor/a o Ilustrísimo/a

Vicedean of the university

Ilustrísimo/a (Ilmo/a.)


Usía y Señoría

Spanish Ambassadors

Excelentísimo/a (Excmo/a.)

Councillors of an Embassy

Ilustrísimo/a (Ilmo/a.)

Secretaries of an Embassy

Señor/a Don/Dª

Members of the European Commission Members of the European Parliament

Excelentísimo/a Señor/a Excelentísimo/a Señor/a

2. Precedence


Precedence. The order of precedence is a protocolary concept that indicates which person or institution is prioritised with respect to another,among all the people and institutions attending an event.

I. Institutional Precedence In Spain, according to the Royal Decree 2099/1983, the order of precedence of oficial institutions is as follows: 1. King Felipe VI. 2. Queen Consort Letizia Ortiz. 3. Princess of Asturias, Leonor de Borbón. 4. Infanta, doña Sofía de Borbón. 5. Honorary King Juan Carlos de Borbón. 6. Honorary Queen Sofía of Greece. 7. Infantes of Spain. 8. President of the Government. 9. President of the Congress. 10. President of the Senate. 11. President of the Constitutional Court. 12. President of the General Council of the Judiciary and of the Supreme Court. 13. President of the Governing Council of the Autonomous Community. 14. Vice-presidents of the Government, according to their order. 15. Government ministers, according to their order. 16. Dean of the Diplomatic Corps (Apostolic Nuncio) and foreign ambassadors accredited in Spain. 17. Presidents of the Councils of Government of other Autonomous Communities. 18. Former Presidents of the Government, by seniority. 19. President of the Legislative Assembly of the Autonomous Community (Regional Parliament). 20. Delegate of the Government in the Autonomous Community. 21. Mayor of the municipality of the place. 22. Head of the House of his Majesty the King. 23. President of the State Council. 24. Ombudsman. 25. Secretaries of State, according to their order; and Chief of Defense Staff and Heads of State Major, of the Armies of Earth, Sea and Air. 26. Vice-presidents of Congress and Senate, according to their order. 27. Government councilors from the Autonomous Community, according to their order.

28. President of the Social and Economic Council. 29. President and Prosecutor from the Supreme Court of the Autonomous Community. 30. Secretaries from Congress and Senate, according to their order. 31. President of the Spanish Institute. 32. President from the Council, group of municipalities or cabildo. 33. Congressmen, congresswomen and senators from the province where the event takes place. 34. Subdelegate of the Government. 35. University Rectors where the event takes place, according to age of the University. 36. President of the Provincial Hearing. 37. Delegate of Defense, Subdelegate of Defense and Chief of the Naval and Aerial Sectors, according to Rank in employment and/or seniority. 38. Deputy mayor from the city council. 39. Foreign consulate representatives. This order of preference will have to be taken into account when we need to sit the guests, time their speeches or record their contribution to the session in official documents.

II. Precedence and positioning of flags In general, the flag of the hosting country in an event always precedes the rest, and that’s why it is considered “the most important�. However, the European Union always shows all its flags in a line, with the Union flag in front, right after the flag of the country that presides the EU at that time, and then the flags of all Member States in alphabetical order, that is:


Austria Belgium Bulgaria Croatia Cyprus Czech Republic Denmark Estonia Finland France Germany Greece Hungary Ireland


Italy Latvia Lithuania Luxembourg Malta The Netherlands Poland Portugal Romania Slovakia Slovenia Spain Sweden United Kingdom

In those events where we will use less flags (for instance, just the EU flag, the Spanish flag, the flag from the Comunidad Valenciana and the flag from the city) we need to abide by the rules of precedence and positioning in that case, which are as follows: •

In case of an odd number of flags: The most important flag goes in the middle. The next most important flag goes to the left, and then the next one to the right. This continues like this until all flags are set.


In case of an even number of flags: The most important flag goes to the left, then the next to its right, and the next to its left, etcetera. This continues until all flags are set.

The precedence between flags is as follows: Spain > European Union > Autonomous Community > Municipality > City

Published by the Core Team of Valencia 2019 – Candidacy to host the 90th International Session of the EYP European Youth Parliament España


Annex I: Publications in the Media Generalitat Valenciana content/calabuig-se-reune-con-el-comite-organizador-de-la-nonagesima-sesion-internacional-del-parlamento-europeo-de-los-jovenes-;jsessionid=7D58E0A5AA772DDBBB9271BF0B0C6E3E? lifecycle%3D0%26p_p_state%3Dnormal%26p_p_mode%3Dview%26p_p_col_id%3Dcolumn-2%26p_p_ col_count%3D1 Planeta Joven Comunicae La Información All the report by our Media Agency “Comunicae” can be found here:


Annex J: Team Vision and Description It is not a coincidence that the entire EYP community know EYP España as “La Familia”, creating a good environment between us helps us make sure that all the participants feel comfortable. The word “team” is a word we use very often in our daily lives, especially in EYP, but we are determined to make sure that this word is not emptied of its significance; for us it is a priority and one of our main objectives. During our first Core Team meeting in Barcelona in July 2017, we defined the roles of the Head Organisers and Team Leaders (that all together form the current Core Team): Head Organisers: should be the ones to provide the general vision of both the session and the team. They are the ones holding the final power of decision of important matters and supervise the steps given by all members of the team. Although they do indeed become the image of the session, which reduces their ability to be present at all times, they shall also be open to recommendations and are included in the division of tasks. The role of the Head Organiser also includes to maintain a coherence through all the tasks of the session and ensure communication among teams and with the International Office. Team Leader: considered to be the link between the Head Organisers and Organisers. We consider that the team leaders must comply with the following requirements: responsability, resolution, authority and experience. The team leaders are individuals who receive the maximum confidence from the Head Organisers and develop the specific tasks of each department. Team leaders are expected to be able to solve any question or issue if the Head Organisers are not present at that time. They encounter the experience and knowledge to do so and have been involved in the project since the very first moment. Team leaders should have some authority over the organisers that will join the project later on, but still take into account that teamwork is essential in our vision and they must work together with the rest of the organisers.


Annex K: Detailed Explanation of Teams Communication and Protocol (CP): This department has two main objectives. Firstly, to manage patrons and guests, as well as to achieve institutional support and take care of all public relations in general. Secondly, to maintain a clear and professional communication standards through a proper corporate and visual identity explained in the Communication Manual, an elaborated plan to implement the visual identity and image of the project and the NOC, and a clear way to reach national and international entities, personalities and press. This team currently has two members of the core team and we would like to add two more organisers in the first round of applications. Venues, Logistics and Accommodation (VLA): This department is in charge of making sure all events have a proper venue during the session where they can take place. Moreover, this team has found an excellent accommodation and has been working in the logistics of the session regarding transfers, arrival and departures coordination, travel fundraising, visas etc. Currently, this team has two members of the core team and we would like to add three organisers in the first round of applications, having a total of five people working in this area. Events and Participants (EP): This department is in charge of coordinating and defining the different events and the programme. Moreover, this department has been working with legal affairs, wellbeing and fun, theme implementation and academic support, in-kind sponsors, session medic, social and eco-friendly issues and food and material. Once the session is closer, this department will be in charge of chair, media and delegate support. This department currently has one core team member and the idea is to add three organisers in the first round of applications and three more in the second one. Financial Affairs (FA): This department is in charge of making sure that we have the enough economic resources to put forward this session. The main objectives of this team is to apply for scholarships and subventions as well as searching for both public and private funding. Moreover, this team closely works with foundations and in kind sponsors. Lastly, we consider the accounting and budgeting of the session is also a part of this team’s workload, in tight cooperation with the Head-Organisers. This team currently has three members of the core team, and we would like to add three organisers in a first round of applications. HEAD ORGANISERS Carlota Cumella In February of 2014 she took part in a GA Day in Barcelona, after that she participated in Valencia NSC 2014 and since then, EYP has been a vital part of her daily life. Some of the people she has met in her EYP path have become very close friends, close enough to embark in this project together. Carlota has kept herself involved both in the National Committee in general and in specific sessions as well. As a first organising experience she was a Head Organiser in the first Regional Selection Conference of EYPE (Barcelona RSC 2015). After that, she was an organiser in Mallorca 2016 National Selection Conference and Head Organiser of Girona National Selection Conference 2017. In September 2017, she gave an organiser training in the Annual Meeting of EYPE. The very positive feedback she has received in her EYP career has motivated her to always carry on and develop even further. Moreover, she has been External Communication Manager of the National Committee (2015-2016), member of the Outreach and Volunteer Council (2015 - 2016) and through other EYP roles in over 20 sessions has acquired the necessary experience and skills as to take this project forward.


María Granero María has been involved in EYP since 2014, when she participated in her first GA Day in Valencia and then got selected for the first National Selection Conference in Valencia, where she met Carlota and Aritz. Since, she has been actively involved in EYP and also a close friend of her co-Head Organisers. Organising in EYP has been an important and truly fruitful life experience for María. As her first Head Organising experience in Valencia, she was in charge of Venues and Logistics, successfully achieving the necessary venues for the new session format in EYP España: Regional Selection Conferences. Having attended almost 30 sessions, of which the aforementioned RSCs account for more than half of her experience as an Official, she took on the role of Vice-presiding EYP España for the term 2016-2017. Under María’s portfolio, she has coordinated the fourteen RSCs of EYP España in 2017, which has endowed her with the relevant organising and leadership skills necessary for Head Organising an International Session. Aritz Labrador Aritz started EYP in 2014. His EYP journey started in the GA Day Euskadi 2014, followed by Valencia 2014 National Selection Conference. Since then, he has been involved in the EYP both in the National Committee and internationally. His past organising experiences include organising the 83rd International Session in Laax, head-organising “The Week 2017” (alumni training, alumni week’n & annual meeting of EYPE), Donostia Regional Selection Conference 2017 and Bilbao Regional Selection Conference 2015, and organising Girona NSC 2017, Hiber IF 2015 and Sevilla National Selection Conference 2015. Apart from almost the 30 sessions that he has attended in various roles, he has also been the External Communication Manager of EYP España (in charge of coordination of the image of the NC and all the Regional Selection Conferences) during the 2014-2015 and 2016-2017 school years. Morover, he is the current Project Coordinator of Understanding Europe in Spain since March 2016.


Annex L: Useful Facilities Near Venues In this Annex, different maps are shown with the useful facilities near the most important venues (Teambuilding, Committee Work and General Assembly). The most important facilities that have been taken into consideration are the closest ATM, pharmacy, supermarket and hospital near each venue.

Accommodation: Colegio Mayor Galileo Galilei

Teambuilding Venue: Jardines del RĂ­o Turia


Committee Work Venue: Universitat de Valencia (Campus Tarongers)

General Assembly Venue: Palacio de Congresos de Valencia


Annex M: In-Session Transfers Date

Approx. Departure time




Approx. Arrival time

Participants in transfer


All day






Officials' arrival - VLC centro (Estación del Norte)






Horchata Factory







Horchata Factory

Welcome event Accommodation




26/0 7


26/0 7


By foot


By foot

Optional activity depending on the officials arrival


CJO TB & Training Universitat de València



CJO TB & Training Universitat de València






All day


Delegates' arrival - VLC centro (Estación del Norte)



All day


Delegates' arrival - VLC Airport


All day





By foot


CJO TB & Training Universitat de València



CJO TB & Training Universitat de València





All day


Other comments

There will be organisers in different meeting points and at different hours to take the delegates to the Accommodation




By foot






Mediterranean Night - Centre del Carme


300, divided in 6 groups of 50 individuals, divided in 6 groups of 50 individuals





Mediterranean Night - Centre del Carme



300, divided in 6 groups of 50 individuals, divided in 6 groups of 50 individuals


300, divided in 6 groups of 50 individuals, divided in 6 groups of 50 individuals 300, divided in 6 groups of 50 individuals 300, divided in 6 groups of 50 individuals 300, divided in 6 groups of 50 individuals






TB - Jardínes Río Turia






TB - Jardines Río Turia








EV - Centre Cultural La Beneficencia






EV - Centre Cultural La Beneficencia






By foot


CW - Campus Tarongers, Universitat de València





By foot

CW - Campus Tarongers, Universitat de València








OC Facultat de Medicina, Universitat de València








OC Facultat de Medicina, Universitat de València




By foot


CW - Campus Tarongers, Universitat de València





By foot

CW - Campus Tarongers, Universitat de València








90th IS Anniversary Ciudad de las Artes y de las Ciencias






90th IS Anniversary Ciudad de las Artes y de las Ciencias



300, divided in 6 groups of 50 individuals 300, divided in 6 groups of 50 individuals 300, divided in 6 groups of 50 individuals 300, divided in 6 groups of 50 individuals

300, divided in 6 groups of 50 individuals 300, divided in 6 groups of 50 individuals 300, divided in 6 groups of 50 individuals 300, divided in 6 groups of 50 individuals



CW - Campus Tarongers, Universitat de València





By foot




By foot

CW - Campus Tarongers, Universitat de València

Delegation dinners Blasco Ibáñez





By foot

Delegation dinners Blasco Ibánez



300, divided in 6 groups of 50 individuals 300, divided in 6 groups of 50 individuals 300, divided in 6 groups of 50 individuals


Annex N: Food Programme We will take into account all religious/health requirements for all menus

Thursday 25th July 2019

Breakfast: At accommodation Lunch: Lunch Packs Dinner: Spanish Tapas and meals

Friday 26th July 2019

Breakfast: At accommodation Lunch: Hot meal at university Dinner: Paella

Saturday 27th July 2019

Wednesday 31st July 2019

Breakfast: At accommodation Lunch: Hot meal at university Dinner: Delegation dinners for delegates and “reso typing food� for officials

Thursday 1st August 2019

Breakfast: At accommodation Lunch: Hot meal at UV Dinner: Reception Dinner - Catering

Breakfast: At accommodation Lunch: Lunch Packs for delegates and hot meal at university for officials Dinner: Mediterranean Food

Friday 2nd August 2019

Sunday 28th July 2019

Saturday 3rd August 2019

Breakfast: At accommodation Lunch: Sandwich and burgers Dinner: Eurovillage

Monday 29th July 2019

Breakfast: At accommodation Lunch: Hot meal at university Dinner: Reception Dinner - Catering

Tuesday 30th July 2019

Breakfast: At accommodation Lunch: Hot meal at university Dinner: at accommodation

Breakfast: At accommodation Lunch: Catering Dinner: Committee Dinners

Breakfast: At accommodation Lunch: Catering Dinner: Farewell dinner

Sunday 4th August 2019

Breakfast: At accommodation


Annex O: Travelling to Valencia Flights and Prices to Valencia (as of 01/07/2017) Country


Way in










Direct flight





Wizz // Vueling + Wizz


Stopover in Barcelona

Czech Republic




Czech airlines


Direct flight





Lufthansa // Swiss


Stopover in Frankfurt // Stopover in Zurich




Air Frances // Transavia


Stopover in Paris // Direct flight






Direct flight




Tap Portugal // Iberia


Stopover in Lisbon // Stopover in Barcelona






Direct flight // Stopover in París






Stopover in Frankfurt






Direct flight






Stopover in Zurich



Great Britain

Hungary Ireland


Malta NL

Poland Portugal Scotland Switzerland





Ryanair // Eurowings


Direct flight




EasyJet // Ryanair


Direct flight // Stopover in Brussels






Direct flight






Stopover in Frankfurt




Monarch // Eurowings


Direct flight // Stopover in Dusseldorf

East Midlands





Direct flight // Stopover in Rome






Direct flight






Direct flight






Stopover in Zurich






Direct flight






Direct flight






Direct flight






Direct flight






Stopover in Milan






Direct flight




Ryanair // Vueling


Direct flight






Direct flight // Stopover in Bari






Direct flight






Direct flight




Ryanair // Vueling


Direct flight // Stopover in Barcelona






Direct flight






Direct flight






Direct flight






Stopover in Frankfurt






Stopover in Frankfurt






Direct flight




Tap Portugal


Direct flight






Direct flight






Direct flight






Stopover in Madrid Stopover in Frankfurt





Lufthansa // Swiss






Fly One


Stopover in Chisinau







Stopover in Frankfurt







Stopover in Frankfurt

Average price



Flights and Prices to Madrid or Barcelona (as of 01/07/2017) Country


Way in














480 €

Direct flight





200 €

Direct flight











290 €







Direct flight





230 €







Direct flight





265 €






250 €

Direct flight

Czech Republic





Direct flight






Direct flight





220 €






240 €

Direct flight






Direct flight





460 €

Direct flight






Direct flight





289 €







Direct flight






Direct flight






Direct flight





380 €






340 €

Direct flight





250 €

Direct flight






Direct flight





270 €







Direct flight Direct flight










150 €







Direct flight






Direct flight






Direct flight






Direct flight





180 €






150 €






290 €






185 €

Direct flight






Direct flight












Direct flight




Direct flight



Average price


Average price of bus or train round-trip ticket to Valencia





All Flights to Valencia Airport






















































































































































































































Annex P: Website Website available at: Screenshot:


Annex Q: Long-Term Workflow Communication and Protocol COMMUNICATION January 2018 Welcome to the new organiser and brainstorming. I SKYPE COMM. Plan the video - teaser - trailer of Valencia 2019, the 90th International Session of European Youth Parliament. Drafting of the press release about Valencia 2019 and its election as the host city of the 90th International Session of the European Youth Parliament. Issuance of the press release (launched via Comunicae) about Valencia 2019 and its election as the host city of the 90th International Session of the European Youth Parliament. Start to contact with Graphic Designers to create the logo and corporate design (CD) of Valencia 2019 - 90th International Session of the European Youth Parliament. February 2018 Start editing the video - teaser - trailer taking into account the output of RSCs 2018. Get in touch with prospective regional and national Media Partners. Choose the graphic designer and meeting with him/her to decide the image and corporate design of the session. II SKYPE COMM. (Sunday, February 18th 2018) March 2018 Continue to edit the video - teaser - trailer taking into account the output of RSCs 2018. Continue to get in touch with Media Partners. Graphic designer will have all this month to design the logo and corporate design of Valencia 2019 – 90th International Session of the EYP. III SKYPE COMM. (Sunday, March 18th 2018) April 2018 Finalize and publish the video - teaser - trailer of Valencia 2019 Publish the official website of the session Logos and corporate design ready to be used. Continue to contact media partners. IV SKYPE COMM. (Sunday, April 22nd 2018) May 2018 Create the final database with all the media partners of the session Modify the Communication and Visibility Manual with the new corporate design. Plan the concept that we want for Social Networks (projects, image, layout announcements ...) EYP International ‘s BNC Meeting: Show video - teaser - trailer of Valencia IS 2019 V SKYPE COMM. (Sunday, May 19th 2018) June – July – August 2018 (Summer) Issue press release (3rd) with the progress made one year before the event Prepare layouts of publications, resobooklets, dossiers, placards and other visual material. Publish pages of Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Flickr, Youtube on 07/27/2018, just one year before the event. (Include countdown and similar) VI SKYPE COMM. (To be determined)


September 2018 All layouts should be prepared in the form of templates. Contact again with media partners for an interview with the HOs, one year before the vent. Search for even more media partners. VII SKYPE COMM. (Sunday, September 22, 2018) October/November/December 2018. Get at least an interview for the President or HOs Publish event in the Media Platform The editor has been selected; meeting with him/her so that there is rapport between both teams (media and comm. & prot.) VIII SKYPE COMM. (to be determined) January/February/March 2019 Order roll-ups, graphics and visual materials for the session with the previously made designs (see October / November / December 2018) Contact the City Hall to place flags on the streetlights of the city center. Start to edit the video “Valencia is coming” Layouting of Info. Booklet XIX SKYPE COMM. (determined) April/May/June 2019 Call media partners to provide them the latest information about the session. Ensure maximum Facebook page activity Publish video “Valencia is Coming” Support to the rest of the organisingl team X SKYPE COMM. (Sunday, July 1st 2019) PROTOCOL January 2018 Contact organisers from other International Sessions who were in charge of the Board of Patrons to have their advice. Brainstorming of Patrons. February 2018 Full list of Patrons, including contact details (phone and email if possible). Check that there is no clash in contacts between the Fundraising team and the Protocol team. If there is one, choose which team should contact. Start to contact the most important Patrons and the ones that we are certain will accept, so that we start to build up a good Board of Patrons. March 2018/April 2018/May 2018 Continue contacting. Start to contact Patrons that are less crucial or more out of reach as we get more and more people interested in the project, or as the project in general becomes more attractive for potential Patrons. REMINDER: the BNC Meeting will be happening around this time. It would be a great moment to take advantage of the situation and stay in Berlin to have some meetings (be it with possible Patrons or regarding anything to do with Valencia 2019). May 2018/June 2018/July 2018 The objective at this time will be to have had meetings with more than one possible Patron. The Board of Patrons does not need to be formed yet, even though that would be optimal.


August 2018 Advance with regards to logistics (necessary documentation, etc.). Help the rest of the team. September 2018 Rewire contact that dwindled out during August. October 2018/Novemeber 2018/December 2018 Contacting does not stop until the Board of Patrons is satisfactorily built and there is no need for anyone else. Contact with the Red Cross to see if they could deliver a training on first aid during the Officials’ event on May 2019. January 2019/February 2019/March 2019 Our objective is that the Board of Patrons is completely done in January. Whilst contacting, it is necessary to learn which events and which days will the Board of Patrons attend the session. Once we know, we need to investigate if there is any special requirement around their attendance. Keep the Patrons informed on the progress of the session. April 2019/May 2019/June 2019/July 2019 Make sure that there are no problems with the Board of Patrons. Help the rest of the Organising Team with the preparations for the session.

Events and Participants January 2018 Presentations and Team selection February 2018 Brainstroming in-kind food. Contact in-kind food. Brainstorming to describe events in detail and make them better. March 2018 Braistorming merchandising. With Comm & Protocol: design mechandaising. Decide who will be in charge of food (will work with venues on caterings) + parties + cultural events. April 2018 Contact business for merchandising prices and budgets. May 2018 Make a list of ALL material: academic + parties + media team, etc. June 2018 Start contact with the performers (falleros, local bands, etc.) Organiser for food: start working with organiser for venues (caterings) July 2018 Booklets and forms (internal documents) + prepare orga weekend September 2018 Orga weekend. Implement ideas from the orgaweekend


October 2018 Eco-friendly: contact businesses and implementation. Second round of organisers comes in: presentations and dividing the work. December 2018 Brainstroming businesses for the material. Contact businesses for the material. For the new orgas: read everything available and catch up + add ideas for the brainstormings. January 2019 Deadline: food, merchandising and materials done February 2019 Finish all booklets (bare in mind layouting with communication). Distribute all positions: eco-friendly, media/chair/delegate support. March 2019 Contact the Office for forms; send forms. Organise everything necessary for the CAT MAT OAT (food and activities). April 2019 Start registration, special food needs, committee allocation, etc. Organise session medic + Red Cross’ first aid activity May 2019 CAT MAT OAT. Contact again ALL businesses. Delegate, media and chair support. June 2019 Finish off details from all events. Delegate, media and chair support. July 2019: Iron out details of all events. Delegate, media and chair support.

Financial Affairs PUBLIC FUNDING November 2017 End of November: Contact embassies again to announce them that Valencia IS has been selected. Also, first contact with “Hablamos de Europa” (possible sponsor). February 2018 February 2nd: Deadline Erasmus +. September 2018 September 20th: Deadline online registration of our association (EYPE) in order to be able to submit an application for the EYF. September 22nd: Approximate deadline “Subvenciones a Asociaciones Juveniles y a Federaciones y Confederaciones de estudiantes universitarios”. October 2018 October 1st: Deadline EYF.


FOUNDATIONS December 2018 Foundations begin to get information about Valencia finally being confirmed as the city to host the 2019 summer session, we introduce the idea of support from the foundations January 2018 Presencial meetings with the bigger foundations in Spain, those associated with banks such as Obra Social La Caixa and Foundaciรณn Santander to attain monetary contributions February 2018 As the organisers get selected, the Foundation team within Fundraising gets a new member, who is put in charge of scouting foundations and associations that might be interested in our project in the area of Valencia April 2018 Once we have done some work in contacting foundations, we seek a meeting with AEF, the association of foundations in Spain, to ask how they can help us contact foundations that might be interested in our project August 2018 By the summer of 2018, we will aim to have a written overview and plan of what Foundations could bring to Valencia 2019: the timing is good because by then we will have a good grasp of the contacts made and the possibilities for them to be involved in our project September 2018 We will seek to attend University association fairs in Valencia at the beginning of the academic year to look into university foundations that might want to help with our project October 2018 October 2018 is the internal deadline for funding from big foundations - by then, we want to know what funding we will have available coming from foundations such as Obra Social La Caixa and Foundaciรณn Santander. November 2018 We will seek to attend the Congress of Spanish Foundations, organised by AEF, in order to have a physical presence and have some networking time with Foundations that might be interested. December: January 2018 Finalisation of monetary agreements that might have occurred until January 2019. We begin conversations with Foundations about supporting the session in non-Fundraising ways, be it with experts or through the lending of material.

Venues, Logistics and Accommodation GENERAL February 2018 Team introduction rounds & bonding Internal Communication Strategy


VENUES April 2018 Night event venues contact & negotiation. December 2018 All venues secured & lending agreements signed. March 2019: Ensure venues have all necessary facilities (Checklist). LOGISTICS Bus March 2018 Contact database finished. September 2018 Budgeting options. February 2019 Bus transfers secured Airlines and Cars April 2018 Contact database finished for airlines Contact database finished for car rentalsç September 2018 Contact with airlines regarding discounts Contact with bus companies regarding car rental/lending General logistics February 2019 Transfer booklet for organisers finished Update “How to Arrive in Valencia” for greater precision June-July 2019 Schedule Participants’ Arrival & pickup points. ACCOMMODATION February 2018 Accommodation reserved & secured. May 2019 Accommodation meeting for specific requests.

Annex R: Small Business Supporters


Al-Paladar (Bar & Restaurant)


Brasero DroguerĂ­a (perfume shop)


MartĂ­nez S.L. (decoration shop)


Entre Hilos Me LĂ­o (Haberdashery)


Fatasan (Real Estate)


Salvia (Herabalist’s Shop)


Kiosko Carmen (Newsstand)


La ComiderĂ­a (Restaurant)


PapelerĂ­a Ana (Paper Shop)


Vuelta de Tuerca (Ironmonger’s)


Bon Vestir (Clothes Shop)

Bid for hosting the 90th International Session of te European Youth Parliament in Valencia (Spain).

CONTACT INFO Valencia 2019 Candidate City

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