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XXX QY DPN WMPQFSB vanlopera@gmail.com www.500px.com/vlopera2
MedellÃn, Colombia
CONTENT 01 Femal eDi ver s i t y 02 Bl ueHour 03 Pl ayOfLi ght s 04 Bl ack& Whi t e 05 Ol dAge& Chi l dhood 06 Nat ur e
PORTFOLI O Wi t ht hes ef i r s ts t epsi nphot ogr aphyIs eekt o hi ghl i ghtbeaut yt hatdoesnotf i tours oci als t er eot ypeswhi l ei mmer s i ng mys el fi nt he dai l y l i vesofhundr edsofpeopl e byt r ul yl ear ni ng t hei rcul t ur e.Ial s odes i r et oempowerwomen t obr eakt hees t abl i s hedf emi ni nes t andar dsi n ours oci et y. Thi spor t f ol i oi scompr i s edofpor t r ai t sdepi ct i ng women,chi l dr en,and t he el der l y,whos e uni ques t or i esIcapt ur edont hes t r eet sofCol ombi a.
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“ Ther ei snot hi ng wor s et han a s har p i mage of a f uz z y concept ”Ans el Adams Phot ogr aphyopensmi ndsandnew Pat hs ,t aki ngyout opl acest hat Youneveri magi ned.
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“ I fyou wai t ,peopl e wi l lf or getyour camer a,andt hes oulwi l ldr i f tupi nt o vi ew”St eveMcCur r y Phot ogr aphyi snotaboutbei ng i nvas i ve,phot ogr aphy s eeks t o make a cont actcl os erands i ncer e.
Val ent i naLoper a Aspi r i ngphot ogr apher
ABOUTME Mynamei sVal ent i naLoper aGómezandIam 19year sol d.I n2016Ihadt heoppor t uni t yt ous ea pr of es s i onalcamer af ort hef i r s tt i me.I nt hatmomentIbeganmyj or neyi nt ot hewor l dofphot ogr aphy, whi chl edt oaf l oodofnew exper i encesandi ncr eas edt echni calpr of i ency.
The Par adeoft heNegr i t osar ecel ebr at edi n t heAnt i oqueñot own" Ret i r o" .Thi spar adei s enj oyedwi t hal lt hef ol kl or et hankst ot hes e young peopl ef r om Úr aba. Thes e peopl e move t hei rbodi es wi t houtcompl exes and wi t ht ot alpr i det oexpr es st hei rvi br antand pas s i onet ecul t ur e.
Weneedt ocr eat eas oci et y wi t houtt heobj ect i f i cat i on ofwomen,i n whi ch women ar e val ued by ot her ,mor er el evantt han t hei r yout h,beaut y,ors exual i t y. Thes e beaut i f ul ,power f uland pas s i onat e womenr epr es entourcul t ur e, anddes er vet o gr ow i nanenvi r onmentt hatmakest hem f eel s ecur e.
FEMALEDI VERSI TY “Ther ei sj us ts o muchexces si nt er msoft hemar ketf or s el f r emodel i ng.It hi nk mos twomen ar e per f ect l y gor geousandbeaut i f ult hewayt heyar e, ” ― EveEns l er
Wewer ewai t i ngf ort hemoonbutl i f egave usabeaut i f ulvi ew,i nwhi cht hecol or soft he s uns etandt hel i ght soft heci t yar emi xed. Fr om Puebl i t oPai s a.
STREETARTS “Phot ogr aphy,asapower f ulmedi um ofexpr es s i on and communi cat i ons ,of f er sand i nf i ni t evar i et yof per cept i ons ,i nt er pr et at i onsand execus i on. ”Ans el Adams .
Medel l i ncel ebr at eswi t hgr eatemot i onChr i s t mas .Li ght sar eever ywher e andf ami l i esandf r i endsgooutt owal kandwat cht hel i ght si nt heci t y. Par queNor t e
“One oft he manywaysofcont es t i ng l evel z er o,andoneoft hebes t ,i st ot akephot ogr aphs ,anact i vi t yi nwhi chones houl ds t ar t becomi ngadeptver year l yi nl i f e,t eachi tt o chi l dr ens i ncei tr equi r esdi s ci pl i ne,aes t het i c educat i on,agoodeyeands t eadyf i nger s . ” J ul i oCor t áz ar Medel l í n,Fr edoni a,Bel l oandSant aFéde Ant i oqui a.
Ol dAge&Chi l dhood “Thepur pos eofar ti swas hi ngt hedus tofdai l yl i f eof fours oul s . ” Pabl oPi cas s o. ElCar mendeVi bor al ,ElRet i r oandElPar queBot er odeMedel l í n.
Nat ur e “Man i st he mos ti ns ane s peci es .He wor s hi psani nvi s i bl eGodanddes t r oys a vi s i bl e Nat ur e.Unawar et hat t hi s Nat ur ehe’ sdes t r oyi ngi st hi sGodhe’ s wor s hi pi ng. ” -Huber tReeves