Four Steps Towards Your Radio-Show: Speed Identity Radio Guide

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Speed Identity guide is a publication whose main aim is to reveal the secrets, introduce the community and motivate you to initiate your own radio-show. The book itself divided into four steps that take you through the whole process of radio making, starting from concepts to community, design, and reflection on a past work. Besides going along with texts and illustrations that are working in a helpful and inspiring way, don’t hesitate to interact with this guide with the help of QRs that provides you with an even deeper level of communal integration. In the end, I would like to take this opportunity to thank Alla Pigalskaya - supervisor of this publication, Tom Kom - creator of Minsk Community Radio, Mavros Skylos and Princes - mysterious trendsetters from Palanga Street Radio. Valentine Duduk Speed Identity

Radio-Show Step 1


1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4

radio questions Struggles Fluid radio radio name



Go to Page: 16 to listen the podcast Prototype: a conversation with Reginald Chapman


step 1.1: radio questions

- Forewords

The actual beginning of a radio-show starts from the moment of asking yourself. Questioning can help you bring to live and reveal preferences, ideas, attitudes. All the things that are essential details in the process of building the identity of a radio show. - How to try

If this process of self-exploring seem new to you here some tips and questions you can start with: 1. Try to be honest with your2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

self and think of 10 things you really care about... Ask yourself... What was the last song/book/video I liked... Why radio seems to be a suitable platform for me... Who could play on my radio... Who is my audience and what I am expecting from them... What is my past experience... Where my passion comes from... What seems boring and what i would not like to repeat...



Go to Page: 16 to listen the podcast Prototype: a conversation with Reginald Chapman


step 1.2: struggles

- Take a distance

Struggles are an essential feeling which is not something to be scared of. Take a distance and look through the fears and struggles you have. The importance of this step reveals when you founding out that half of your struggles were just emotional stress. Ignore games of your mind and you will see the actual amount of things to be solved. - Everyone hesitates

We all do hesitate and the step of realizing your struggles is crucial to escape hesitating crisis and keep on working on your idea. Whenever you feel like there is no way you can do it, take a pause, open a conversation with yourself and reach topics you are worried about. It is normal to feel a lack of support or energy or fresh ideas or just luck of understanding yourself. I believe that on this state it is a must to come through the hesitations and focus on struggles you have to deal with at this stage - identifying your own radio-show and making it stand out.


Fluid Radio

13 - What fluid means?

step 1.3: fluid radio

“We are each many things. Our identity is multifaceted and distinctly our own. It is a function of where we’ve come from, our vertical identity: our parents, race, gender, age, socioeconomic status and so on. Our identity is also shaped by what we’ve developed: those skills and interests into which we’ve poured our 10,000 hours, and often (but not always) shows up in our vocation. But it’s not just our past or our work that defines us, we can also have as our identity those things we dream as possible, what I sometimes label as horizontal identity because it is what pulls us into the future. And as we grow and adapt, that identity shifts also. When researching Onlyness, I was thinking about the interlinked ideas of agency and power and identity in a city where all of that got remixed again. (It’s not that Paris or France doesn’t have it’s own bias structures of who is in and out. And I’m happy to share what those are, if you’re interested). It was there that I clearly understood: identity is not fixed, it’s fluid.” I believe that understanding of it is a crucial knowledge that gives you the freedom you were struggling about just step before. Identity is not rigid so how can we be afraid of changes? We don’t have to stay the same either our radio-minded ideas!


Radio Name

Go to Page: 16 to listen the podcast Prototype: a conversation with Reginald Chapman


step 1.4: Radio name

- My name is...

“Hey you, struggled DJ. What is your name?” Few steps back probably you were trying to give yourself a stage name. From the very beggining, it could be a complicated thing to work on. As I see the thing, stage name becomes a short form which includes all the ideas, approaches, and experience you collected. What I want to show and at the same time try to conclude the first step concerned speed identity is that fist goest honesty with yourself. Don’t be afraid to spend some thinking, talking to yourself. Even make a list. But that are all things you can put into your name. Somehow it may feel not that important but I want to emphasize the importance of it, at least just because your name/name of your radio-show is the first thing to interact with the audience. - Conclusions

I want to say, be honest with yourself, don’t try to fake, just be yourself, see the number of interests and possibilities. At the end of this section, honest talk is the way to get your name to come up and shine.



1.2 Struggles


1.1 Radio Questions



1.4 Radio Name


Prototype: A Conversation

with Reginald Chapman by Montez Press Radio


Radio-Show Step 2


2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4

radio creators community Radio Services radio Connect



Noun /kriːˈeɪtə/ 1. A person or thing that brings something into existence. 2. Used as a name for God.


step 2.1: radio creators

- Where values comes from?

The previous step was partially about searching for approaches you personally agree and disagree. Knowing of these things is an essential knowledge you can use to put into word for values you have and share. Another way of doing value research more based on visual analysis. So far we are talking here about community integration and what particular communities we are interested in the visual analysis could help us. Just the way radio platforms represent themselves visually could tell a lot about the values they share. So took some time digging deeper into the radio world to find the platform you are truly interested in. - Values we all share...

Here I want to provide with some possible directions of thinking towards possible and important values for radio community: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Non - commercial structure NO Discrimination Post-colonial approach DIY Approach NO Power relationships Self-organised platform Local community importance and support



Noun /kəˈmjuːnɪti/ 1. A group of people living in the same place or having a particula characteristic in common. 2. The condition of sharing or having certain attitudes and interests in common.


step 2.2: Community

- What community radio means?

Community radio is characterized by access, public participation in production and decision-making and, predominantly, by listener-financing. The intention is that management of the station is in the hands of those who use and listen to it. Though the workings of such stations are never easy, the structure does offer the possibility of accountability to the audience/user in a way state and commercial stations do not. - Why it is necessary for us?

Community radio is thus part of a broader struggle for grassroots access to communication media, a struggle not only for freedom of communications but for freedom to communicate. In Europe, community radio began as an unlicensed (pirate) service, sometimes going on to gain legal recognition - though often at the cost of government regulation, or of opening the door to commercial broadcasters as well. While pirate broadcasters are often closely integrated with social movements and explicitly activist in tone, this illegal status leaves them vulnerable to suppression and creates barriers to wider community involvement.



Noun /ˈsəːvɪs/ 1. the action of helping or doing work for someone. 2. a system supplying a public need such as transport, communications, or utilities such as electricity and water.


step 2.3: Radio services

- Who are services?

Organizations or services are already pre- existing platforms who are would be grateful to host your radio idea. If you are new to this whole sphere it could seem complicated to look for organizations (radio-platforms) to contribute to. - Why it is necessary for us?

The obvious and unbeatable importance of the existence of these organizations is the support they give. Either technical or mental. They are both really important, especially for beginners. The good thing about DIY radio stations that they are open for new contributors and creative minds. Don’t hesitate to contact everyone you are interested in, and share ideas you have and want to make happen in the format of radio. Use the right side to open for yourself some DIY platform around the world.



Verb /kəˈnɛkt/ 1. Bring together or into contact so that a real or notional link is established.


step 2.4: radio connect

- How to connect?

To make a final step towards integration into the radio community means to get in touch with people involved in this. Either physically or virtually. Feel free to share your ideas or proposals for radio-show. - Ways to connect... The easiest way to

establish contact is via e-mail. Especially it could be useful when you are located far away and need to stay in touch. Another way is obviously physical contact. Usually, all the radio platforms having their own studios and most of the time looking forward to new people to come for a talk. The third way is more involved in creative work and bringing people together. Radio platforms sometimes post Open Calls looking for new radio-show ideas. If you are already following radios you like don’t hesitate to apply with the proposal of your radio show.

- This page intentionally left blank

Radio-Show Step 3


3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4

radio-concept radio-designs Music radio day



Go to Page: 48 to listen the podcast Queering. Episode 1: out by Radio Rietveld


step 3.1: radio-concept

- Why we need concept...

Basically, your radio visual representation and music comes from the concept. Which honestly could be whatever you could think of and feel enthusiastic about. - Where concept comes from...

The starting point to think about the concept happening in your head. But to organize this process I would like to share with you some tips: 1. Write down all the ideas you have. 2. Think of imganary playlist you would like to play there. 3. Think of alternative formats. 4. Make a moodboard based on previous steps. 5. Try to share with community you are part of. 6. And based on a feedback try to make first steps toward radio idea and design.



Go to Page: 48 to listen the podcast Queering. Episode 1: out by Radio Rietveld


step 3.2: Radio-designs

- How to design...

Graphic design and design in overal, esperially for fluid identity radio charecterised by several key principles: - Conceptual approach...

Work starts from concept and should be represented via tools of a graphic designer. - Not too much obvious...

I believe that in the field DIY radio stations, design merging with visual art which allows viewers as well and designers use a bit more sophisticated way to communicate. So don’t be afraid to make it a bit less obvious... If you feel like it. - Dynamic and flexible...

As was mentioned before the key aspect of radio-show “Speed Identity” is fluidity. Which basically mean dynamical visual language which can be adapted to dynamic ideas and organizational practices. - Collective...

Community is one of the important things in the sphere of DIY radio-stations. So don’t hesitate to make contributions as a designer or invite more people to share their way of seeing.

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Playlists, Mixes

45 - What to play?

step 3.3: music

Organizational practice such as music choosing always goes along with design practice. This way of working helps to fulfill each other with more details and get it closed to the main idea you developed. There are no actual rules on how to make music selections, and actually, it’s not necessary to play music at all. There are alternative formats of sound communication via means of radio, it could be field recording sound collages, generated noise, interviews, talking or eventually anything you could imagine. Staying on the side of Music playing you could think of mood that your selection make. How long you feel comfortable playing or what kind of day time your people to enjoy your music selections.


Radio Day


step 3.4: radio day

- All about organization and plans...

All about organization and plans... When the actual day has already come, it’s would feel busy and a bit stressful. But at that point, you would not feel pressure about concepts, visuals or music. My advice would be spending some time on planning things and the actiually good thing is the planning approach could be concept related. Whatever how messy you would make it, as far as it’s stuck to the concept you would feel more comfortable while living radio day. Another way of thinking about organizing is to just to let everything goes as it goes. You have to prepare yourself for a bit of a stress but the beauty of unexpected things would be a huge pleasure, the reward for the work you did. So whatever your approach is, your main aim is to make yourself and people around feel comfortable and less stressed. Whether it would be strictly planned radio line-up or “whatever happens“ approach, be prepared for unexpected tasks and stay flexible and free. 1. Write down all the ideas you have. 2. Think of imganary playlist you would like to play there. 3. Think of alternative formats. 4. Make a moodboard based on previous steps.



by Radio Rietveld

3.2 Radio Design


3.1 Radio Concept


Queering. Episode 1: out )


4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4

After radio Reflection radio past radio loop



Preposition /ˈɑːftə/ 1. In the time following (an event or another period of time). 2. Behind.


step 4.1: After-Radio

- Why it is important?

The key step in the whole cycle of Speed Identity Radio Show is the step of reflection. To make the cycle works as it created to work it is crucial to analyze the outcome you got from the whole process of making radio-show. - What comes after...

At the very first moment, it is easy to forget to analyze past steps. Hopefully, this After-Radio step will help you to remember about analyzing your feelings. Possibly you could feel a bit empty at the end of a cycle but try to remember and think of this step as part of radio-show designing and essential information needed to keep on with developing new ideas for next radio-shows.

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Noun /rɪˈflɛkʃ(ə)n/ 1. The throwing back by a body or surface of light, heat, or sound without absorbing it. 2. Serious thought or consideration.


step 4.2: reflection

- What is reflected there?

Reflection is a step of collecting whatever feelings you experienced during 3 previous steps. - How reflections works...

The process of reflection works in a way of converting feelings into experiences. You starting from collecting all the bits of moments you felt while working, all the comments you get from people you worked with or people who listened to your radio-show. After the collecting stage you starting bit by bit analysing this data: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Make a list of memories you get. Try to remember feedback you get from your peers or listeners Try to gain more feedback if possible Think of things you think were successful. Think of changes you would like to make next time Think of complaints you have on your mind. Take your experience seriously as energy for further changes.


Radio Past

Adjective /pÉ‘Ë?st/ 1. Gone by in time and no longer existing. 2. The time before the moment of speaking or writing.


step 4.3: Radio-past

- What is going to be after...

At this particular step, all the main organizational or design process is over. This step is about taking some time to combine all the feelings and feedbacks you get and analyze it without any hurry. The importance of this analysis is explained by the idea of bringing changes into new radio-show transformations. If the whole idea of the cycle is about endless looping of transformations, then the step of radio-past is the beginning of the transition towards developing new ideas for future episodes or identities. After gaining all the information from the previous step, my recommendation would be either structurize it and analyze precisely. Or make all conclusions based on feelings without actual structuring. Both approaches are equally functional as far as you feel comfortable. Last thing is to convert all the collected data into presised changes you want to put into your next radio-show.


Radio Loop

Verb /luË?p/ 1. Follow a course that forms a loop or loops. 2. Put into or execute a loop of tape, film, or computing instructions.


step 4.4: radio-loop

- The end...

After you get the idea about the changes you want to implement on future episodes of the radio-show, the whole cycle got looped. It can be a real pleasure to catch the speed identity approach and see the endless resources to keep on working within constant changes you want to make happen as a part of your radio show. The only and the last tips I want to give while you are reading this are: 1. Be honest with yourself. 2. Don’t be scared of struggles. 3. Be curious. 4. Contribute to the community. 5. Create more space for people to participate. 6. Be open for unexpected changes you may face with. 7. Don’t be a snob. 8. Be attentive to what you feel. 9. Feel the need in something different. 10. And make these differences based on experiences.

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Speed Identity Guide & Interactive Book Designer: Valentine Duduk Supervisor: Alla Pigalskaya Publisher: print.kamp Contributors: Berlin Community Radio MontezPress Radio Minsk Community Radio Palanga Street Radio Radio Rietveld

European Humanities University SaviÄ?iaus g. 17 01126

Vilnius, 2019

- Afterword

“Thank you so much for all the time, energy, love and support throughout. _______ is all of you. Some things are not meant to be forever. Let’s celebrate what we accomplished over the past years and hope _______ will survive in the memories of everyone who helped, created, hosted and listened!”

Vilnius, 2019

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