English CV + Portfolio 2019

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PORTFOLIO Valentine Aguiar


Portfolio - Valentine AGUIAR - 2019


Valentine AGUIAR Student in last year of Master degree in architecture Student in last year of Master degree in engineering 24 years old Born on 26th January, 1995, in Soissons, France Hard worker, curious, used to work in group, attentive to social and environmental issues, interested in biosourced materials

C O N TA C T 90 rue Montfaucon, 33000 Bordeaux, France +33(0) valentine.aguiar@hotmail.fr issuu.com/valentineaguiar INTEREST Sport : swimming, running, handball

Music : volunteer at the electronic

music festivals Paco Tyson and Scopitone (2018) in Nantes, France

Association : engaged in the humanitary association Take my Andes

E D U C AT I O N 2013-2020 Double degree in architecture and engineering 2017-2019

Ecole Centrale, Nantes


Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture, Nantes

(a school of engineering confering a Master’s degree) - option «engineering sciences for housing and environment» (a school of architecture confering a Master’s degree)

2013 Scientific Baccalauréat (with High Honours) European English Section, option History-Geography

EXPERIENCE September 2019 Internship in 180 degrés ingénierie environmental engineering office Bordeaux, France (6 months)

August 2018

Humanitarian mission in Peru

Construction of a raw earth green house in Tacmara, Peru (2 weeks)

July 2018 Internship in Atelier Mima architecture agency Nantes, France (2 months)

March 2016 Construction site supervision internship, AIA architects agency Saint-Nazaire, France (4 months)

July 2014 Worker internship on a construction site, HEULIN S.A.S firm (Vinci Construction) Le Mans, France (3 weeks)

June 2011 Job shadowing in CAUE (Architecture, Urbanism and Environment Council) of the Sarthe Le Mans, France (1 week)

R E SEA R CH & E XP E R I MENTATIO N 2017 Master thesis, « Une terre promise pour l’architecture »

(about the re-use of construction site excavations in raw earth construction for architecture)


1st prize in the international architecture contest Mosul Postwar Camp

July 2016-2017 Participation in experimental architecture festivals

«Superstock» and «La ville des terre» (Earth city), Bellastock, Paris

SKILLS Photoshop








LANGUAGES French native

English fairly fluent







.WORK IN PROGRESS. O O D This project questions the characteristics and possibilities offered by wood construction in order to develop a building that can accommodate innovative office workplaces for La Poste group as well as housing and services. The challenge of the project is to propose a mixed architectural program and public spaces that bring together the users of the plot and the inhabitants of the neighbourhood and to think of a mix and a virtuous interweaving between housing and office programs. Thus, the objective is to offer, thanks to a system of interlocking volumes and overhangs, spaces that can be adapted to different working methods, structured and with diversified scales, as well as a new relationship between interior and exterior. The challenge is also to imagine a reversibility of spaces in order to allow offices to evolve into housing in the long term. This project also raises the question of how to deal with the structure in order to generate an optimized and pleasant workspace and proposes to exploit the specific characteristics of bio-based materials to integrate the furniture as an architectural feature that can be adapted to the needs of the user. This issue lead to develop and build a prototype of table which leans against the structure without alter it.

Developping a wooden building for innovative office workplaces

L ast year project - N ew office workplaces N antes (F rance ) U nder the supervision of P ascal G ontier and S ylvain G astĂŠ 2019 (4 months )



Relay assistants nursery Bar


Sport field




Ground floor plan

2nd floor plan

4th floor plan

Section BB

Section AA

CLT core Glue laminated column-beam structure

CLT floor Diagonal bracing

Structure diagram

Prototype axonometry

.HABITER LES VUES. .LIVING IN VIEWS. Located in the municipality of Rezé, the project site take part in the restructuration of a former slaughterhouse site and in the project of the new residential area of Pirmil-Les-Isles. The project parcel constitute a connection between a local and a metropolitan scale at the interface between a diversity of landscapes and landmarks : the «Maison Radieuse» of the famous modernist architect Le Corbusier, the Chronographe parc and Saint-Pierre church. That’s this privileged rapport with nature and close landscape which leads to the urban island form composed of housing, services and shopping facilities. Housing elements are disposed on succesive and offset planes in order to generate perspectives, to provide view corridors towards the landscape for every accomodation and also to minimize the building opposit. In this way, each housing element is considered as a watchtower and each apartment get a «confrontation with view strip», an inhabited window which is appropriable according to inhabitants needs. It can be used as an exterior space as well as an interior space extension or as a separated room. The project expands on two levels initiating a walkway within the urban island : the public ground level which serves shopping facilities and services ; the semi-public high street level which serves a few stores and offices but mainly accomodations. This walkway continue in the vertical circulation of the housing buildings. In fact, for the two typologies of buildings developed during this project which are the block and the tower, each apartment is accessible from a collective and appropriable vertical circulation.

Proposing an original way of inhabiting in a mutating environment

4 th year project - SAS (S ensitive A rchitecture S tudio ) N antes (F rance ) U nder the supervision of C laude P uaud 2017 (3 months )

2nd floor plan of the block

Common floor plan of the tower

.PORTE SEINE. . G AT E S E I N E . In this West parisian district, large transport infrastructures physically and visually isolate the different urban entities and break the link with an element which is structuring at the metropolitan scale : the Seine River. Spaces between the city and the river become residual, inacessible and even impractical at the pedestrian scale. In this way, this project deals with one of these forsaken spaces, an underused site in spite of its exceptional location : a wide slab of concrete hosting a two levels underground parking, topped by a service station, surrounded by express traffic routes, on the Seine level and in the midst of the french capital city. The project propose to break with this abrupt confrontation with the Seine. The idea is to bring together the city and the river and to open up the urban fragment which constitute the site. To achieve that, the proposition rests on a rehabilitation of the riverbanks and on the creation of a wide multifunctional public space on the Seine level along with a series of programs which catalyse some too discrete attempts of reversal towards the river. This is, for example, the case of the rehabilitation of the ÂŤ Maison de la Radio Âť, pushing for a policy of spreading and opening to the public and to the city which remains still too little stated. These cultural, sportive, educational and touristic programs overlook the Seine. They take place in a structure which affirms the reversal of the city towards the river in a frontal way and reveals its urban context. They allow a multiple appropriation of the site and create a synergy of new flows on one of the last privileged site of the riverbank in the center of Paris.

Identifying and resolving an urban problem linked to nature and water

4 th year project - T erritoires liquides P aris (F rance ) U nder the supervision of X. F ouquet , J. P erraud and JL. V ioleau W ith P ierre M angematin and M ĂŠlanie R icher 2017 (4 months )


The challenge of the project is to come to terms with the existing situation. Thus, the extension volume is fixed to the existing facade and extends around it, towards the back of the plot. The constraints in terms of proportions of this house (5.70 x 11 m) lead to a decompartmentalization of the spaces in order to open them up to the outside world and to constitute a luminous heart. The rehabilitation aims to more fluidly rectify the difference in level between the street and the garden and to create a continuity between the living space and the garden. The three spaces of the office, living room and kitchen communicate with each other visually and through a sequence of circulation consisting of appropriate steps and a suspended staircase. On the upper floor, a through space that can be converted according to the user’s wishes makes it possible to serve the independent rooms. A loggia is located in the extension of this space. The elevation was carried out with vertical CLT panels fixed on the existing stone walls. The floors are made of joists attached to the stone gabled walls by a mural system. The desire to create a volume consisting of homogeneous wooden cladding has led to the development of technical details at the junctions between the existing stone facade and the cladding, between the roof and the facades and about the fixing of the shutters.

North existing facade

North project facade

Renovating and expanding a 1950s house with wood technology

4 th year project - M atière à construire bois N antes (F rance ) U nder the supervision of B ettina H orsch 2016 (2 months )

South existing facade

South project facade


2 3

Longitudinal section




.LA TERRE DU MILLE LIEUX. .MIDDLE-EARTH. The village of La Chevallerais is organized around «punctualities» which are the town center, the school and theater place, the sport field and the channel. Their revalorisation or intensification constitute issues for the future development of the village. The project is based on the elaboration of a new programming which could respond to an obvious lack of equipments. In fact, the canteen is set in a temporary building and the library can’t answer the readers demand. Discussions with inhabitants highlight the needs of mixed and flexible spaces to complete existing equipments. That is the stakes of meeting these current needs and conforming with the characteristic shape of the plot which lead to the principle of alcove in this project. This research of intimate spaces led to the organization of the plan. In fact, thanks to the volumes imbrications and the facades penetrations, space is structured and generates cosy spaces with alcoves within windows and walls. This appropriation of the structure is made possible thanks to the thickness of 80 centimeters induced by the constructive system : raw earth executed with the technique of «pisé». In the library, there are double windows with two height of seats adapted to children and adults but there are also windows where the user can isolate from others and immerse himself in the surrounding natural landscape. The walls thickness is also optimized to put work tables and computer stations. In the canteen, windows are used as seats and allow a direct immersion in the landscape. Interior walls are drilled and enable a mutualisation of the furniture while allowing children surveillance through the partitions. Both buildings interact around a public space thought in connexion with the existing school and theater place. Their implantation allows the crossing of the plot and links two entities of the village. It leads to rediscover a forgotten and recluse natural patrimony.

Proposing a forward-looking strategy from the situational analysis of a rural territory

3 rd year project - M ille lieux à sept lieues L a C hevallerais (F rance ) U nder the supervision of B oris N auleau and M atthieu C haumet W ith M aï G uellec and L ucie G ennevée 2016 (4 months )

ground floor plan

library section

library facade

transversal section

canteen section

canteen facade





.LE RUISSEAU. .THE STREAM. The city of Rotterdam developed around the port forsaking some plots near the downtown core. This project focus on De Esch district which is located between the river Meuse and the highway borders and surrounding by residential, tertiary and industrial areas. The site is composed of a natural reserve and an industrial site with architectural qualities unknown by the neighbourhood residents. Because of the will to visually and physically reconnect these different entities, the project spread in the form of a line. It splits into ramifications and takes root alongside two monumental drop-shaped tanks made of steel and designed by architect Wim Quist. This line, which takes up tanks materiality, has an esthetic an technical role. In fact, the figuration of a stream by a water corridor permits to reflect environment and to bring dynamism proposing several pathways in the whole site. The line meets different contexts and type of soils according to which it adapts and declines. Water dynamism is generated by height differences. In case of heavy rain, excess water is recovered into half-buried tanks which are strategically placed on the line according to the estimated quantity of water recovered in one year. Moreover, the will to reclaim the site creating a convivial area of promenade and meeting points leads to punctuate the line with urban furniture which answers to functional uses. Furthermore, because access by bus, metro or tramway is limited in this remote area, it seems necessary to spread this stream along a preexisting green axis in order to connect with urban context and to invite passerbies to take a walk in a several speeds course. In this way, De Esch returns to its history and takes advantage of a recurring problem in Netherland : recovery and treatment of water.

Identifying and resolving a specific ur ban problem of R otterdam ter r itor y

3 rd year project - E ntrÊe en matière dans la ville des possibles R otterdam (N etherland ) U nder the supervison of F rançoise C oulon and S abine G uth W ith M argot M enez and L aura B escond 2016 (4 months )



After years of war and destruction, the greatest resource of a country is the solidarity of its inhabitants. Our project aims to cultivate this wealth, in order to use it as the foundation of a new society. If building a two-part infrastructure to respond to the urgency seems to be the more rationnal solution, it implies to erect temporary shelters for the short and the medium term before the reconstruction of the residential area. Instead of thinking of the project in different steps, why don’t we consider it as a process, including the participation of the community ? The idea of our project is to gather six families in clusters which will be shelters as much as places to create new social interactions. Indeed, the modular structure design allows to transform the initial emergency tents into different housing projects achieved by families themselves. In such a process, professionals just have to provide the frame and advice the inhabitants for the construction of their houses. All these clusters are gathered around an economic and social area : the Roof, where the first public infrastructures can develop before being built permanently in the surroundings of this symbolic core.

Proposing a solution to welcome and reintegrate refugees in the city of Mosul

F irst prize of ÂŤM osul postwar camp Âť contest M osul (I rak ) with

A lexandre H oudet , A ntonin B elot and H ans F ritsch

2017 (3 months )



1 2 3 4

A. Start of the process

B. New urban morphology

The simple and modular structure design of clusters leads to a rational urban morphology. First public services (registration office, health help, prayer spaces...) develop under the Roof.

The diversity of housing typologies draws a new urban morphology. Houses are connected to the street by several collective spaces with different levels of intimity :








square between several clusters


cluster’s collective space


private unit

Permanent public infrastructures could be built in the surroundings and primary tents would be replaced by new activities under the Roof.

Services and public spaces A large symbolic wooden Roof is built by local authorities and NGOs at the beginning of the construction process and allows many different activities and public services to develop (registration office, health help, prayer spaces...). This is the cultural and economic heart of the project. When authorities will have sufficient resources, permanent public infrastructures could be built in the surroundings and primary tents would be replaced by new activities under the Roof.



In the first time, groups of 5 or 6 families gather in a prefab structure provided by local authorities and NGOs. In each cluster, a collective central space is surrounded by private fabric shelters.


Life on construction site

After consultations between professionals and families, cluster’s inhabitants begin to build the walls around their fabric shelters. They keep living on the construction site at the same time.


First private units

All the community can contribute to the construction of the houses. Walls are made with sand and gravel (from ruins) filled bags tight by metal and wooden frames. After several weeks, the inhabitants could have built first small private units.


Final units

From a primary prefab structure, each group of 5 or 6 families have built a singular cluster according to their needs.

.INTRASTRUCTURE. Located facing the Loire and hiding the old quarry which will accommodate the future « Heron Tree » and the « extraordinary garden », the CAP 44, a concrete mastodon, raises questions as part of the renewal in the lower Chantenay district. The current challenge of local politicians is to arbitrate between the demolition or the assignment of a new purpose to this imprint of the former industrial era of Nantes. If the transformation is imperative, the destruction of the CAP 44, witness to the innovation and beginnings of reinforced concrete techniques, would be a loss for the history of architecture. Thus, the purpose of this project is to preserve and reveal as much as possible the structure of the building as a heritage of the past and to make it coexist with bio-sourced materials (wood, thatch, linoleum) and geosourced materials (excavated earth from the quarry) that meet tomorrow’s ecological challenges. The proposed program (hostel, exhibition space, offices, fab lab, ressourcerie, restaurant, auditorium) is the result of a desire to respond to the local expectations of the inhabitants and associations of the district as well as the tourist attraction generated by the Heron Tree. The aim here is to develop a space for sharing, open to all and dedicated to representation and artistic creation.

Proposing a new place to live in the ear th of a revealed heritage

!MPACT - T he student contest for sober and engaged architecture N antes (F rance ) W ith K enza L isfi and M arie B uet 2019 (4 months )

5th floor plan

4th floor plan

3rd floor plan

2nd floor plan

1st floor plan

ground floor plan

Perspective transversal section



This thesis deals with the requalification of inert soils generated by excavations, qualified as wastes as the rubbles producted during demolitions. It seeks to link this problem of cumbersome resources with the need of building a sustainable architecture. How to conciliate the availability of a huge amount of soil matter to revalorise and the emerging use of raw earth in architecture ? This problem query the way to requalify inert soils considered as wastes once they are excavated. It also questions the reorganization of matter cycle towards material and aims at understanding and show how a construction field can organise to promote this cycle. The issue also questions, by pointing out the considerable quantity of excavated earth during Grand Paris Express construction works, the actual system and actors of management of excavating material.

M aster thesis U nder the direction of B ettina H orsch and P ascal J oanne 2017 (12 months )

available on : issuu.com/valentineaguiar

. U N E S E R R E A TA C M A R A . . A G R E E N H O U S E I N TA C M A R A .

The aim of this humanitarian project was to help the inhabitants of a Peruvian village to build a greenhouse from local resources (stone, earth, straw, wood) by providing them with the materials which have to be financed (polycarbonate). The foundations were made with the stone collected in the mountains by the men of the village. For the walls, the excavated soil to level the site’s ground was used using the « pisé » technique. The mud, used in a plastic state (very wet due to the climate), has been associated with local fibres, the straw that grows naturally in the mountains, and compacted into a formwork using a « pisoir ». The wooden framework was made from the trees cut in such a way as to provide access to sunlight for the greenhouse.

B u i l d i n g a gre e n h o u s e w i t h l o c a l raw m ate r i a l s i n a Pe r u v i a n v i l l a g e

H umanitarian mission T acmara (P eru ) J uly 2018 (2 weeks )


The challenge offered to festival participants (architecture students, collective work amateur, designers, engineers) was very ambitious : make come out of the soil a city which could host 500 festival-goers in less of 48h with the available resources on the site, that is to say 20 000 compressed earth blocks and 100 earth mounds of 2 metres high. The stake was to highlight the recyclable aspect of the material dismantling the city on the forth day, after an opening day to the public. The whole earth provided to participants on site in the form of compressed earth blocks or raw earth had been used. On one side to construct shelters combining raw earth bedrocks made with different techniques (bauge and pisĂŠ), compressed earth block bonding and wall filling with cob. On the other hand, it had been used for earthwork and public spaces development allowing circulation within the city and access to shelters thanks to play of levels and stairs. In this way, in less of 48h, shelters, supporting walls, streets, squares, stairs, gardens and all the infrastructures which made this city accessible had been came out of the soil. A real collective effort had been provided to achieve this ambitious objective of bringring out a city on such a short laps of time.

B u i l d i n g, l i v i n g a n d d e co n s t r u c t i n g a raw e a r t h c i t y i n co m m u n i t y i n 4 8 h

E xperimental architecture festival ĂŽ le S aint -D enis (F rance ) J uly 2017 (3 days )


The challenge of this experimental architecture festival was to rely on a huge collective energy which could contribute to the sustainable transformation of a territory. Architectural collective from the «Superville» network and festival participants collaborated in order to design and build temporary equipments in the public space of the parc de la Bergère in Bobigny. The role of these equipments was to introduce and prepare inhabitants to the future infrastructures planned by the city. That’s why these ephemeral installations was scheduled to last and be used by festival participants and also by the territory users during summer. The developped project is a grid of furniture relying on a pre-existing and untapped equipment of the parc de la Bergère : an hemicycle overhung by columns which looks gloomy. The challenge of this project was to reveal these «ruins» and to make this space a convivial and festive place. Before the festival, the architectural collective «WTF» realised an equipment taking the shape of a strip which adapts to environment while proposing various type of seats. The festival purpose was to compose with this equipment. Therefore, a grid of seats, taking root on a bar and a barbecue, spreads and defies the laws of gravity each time it cross the logs.

Building summer equipments of the parc de la Bergère in Bobigny

E xperimental architecture festival B obigny (F rance ) J uly 2016 (3 days )


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