Valentino Crawford Presents The Grow Rich Project
4 Valuable Lessons I Learned in Life
4 Valuable Lessons I Learned in Life If you are looking for tips on how to stop making mistakes, you have come to the wrong place. But if you are looking for ways to make better decisions in life, then I definitely have something for you. Pay attention…
Have an Attitude of Gratitude I’m going to start off with having an attitude of gratitude. When I used to hear people say that they were grateful even after disclosing whatever ailment or challenging circumstances they are enduring, I would think they were just simply psyching themselves out to avoid the reality of the situation.
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But as I began to read about and study successful people, I learned that having an attitude of gratitude was essential, and the gratitude had to be authentic…meaning, that we have to have a genuine attitude of gratitude. It’s about acknowledging our challenges while we focus more energy on the positive that is going on in our lives.
In Og Mandino’s book, The Greatest Secret of the World, Scroll #2 says the following: “I will great this day with love in my heart. And how will I do this? Henceforth will I look on all things with love and I will be born again. I will love the sun for it warms my bones; yet I will love the rain for it cleanses my spirit. I will love the light for it shows me the way; yet I will love the darkness for it shows me the stars.”
Stay Green and Growing I thought that learning (at least extensive learning) ended in college. After college, we find a career, and any education after that would be basically training we learned on the job. But the more I learned, the more I realized that there was still a lot I did not know.
The 3 most destructive words that can hinder our development are, “I know that…”What happens after we say that, whether aloud or through internal dialogue, our mind throws up a wall and blocks any additional information for that period of time. Treat information like a favorite movie you have seen over and over again. Every time you watch it, don’t you pick up something new that you didn’t catch the last time? It happens with life lessons as well. Always stay green and growing…it’s sometimes that one little nugget that we need in order to receive our breakthroughs.
Take 100 Percent Responsibility This one will be a hard pill to swallow at first. You may be asking yourself, ‘how can I take responsibility when it was such and such fault that this happened?’ Notice that I said take responsibility, not fault. There is a difference. Responsibility is simply the ability to respond…nothing more, nothing less.
Regardless of what circumstances you’re in, you must not wait on someone else to clean up the mess. By depending on someone else to come save the day, you give your power away. By taking responsibility, you retain your power…and you are empowered to take action to change your circumstances. You play the role as victor instead of victim…any additional help is icing on the cake ;)
Use Your Gift
Believe it or not, we each have a gift to offer to the world. You say you don’t have a gift? Well, let’s see. Is there anything you are good at that folks come to you for help with? Maybe you are good with numbers, or maybe you are a good soundboard for someone to bounce ideas off of. Perhaps converted by
you have great athletic ability…or maybe you are good at reading people and therefore have a naturally ability to communicate no matter how different their backgrounds are from yours.There are a ton of examples, but you get the point. Your gift is not for you…it is for others. What you feel is easy to do and not a big deal may be what the next person is looking for. Someone out there is looking for exactly what you have to offer…don’t let them down…they may have something you’re looking for as well.
4 Valuable Lessons I Learned in Life There you have if folks, my 4 Valuable Lessons I Learned in Life! I would love to know what valuable lessons you have learned yourself. If you received value from this post, feel free to LIKE, SHARE and COMMENT below.
One of my core commitments is to listen to inspiring audio at least 1 hour a day. With all the negativity that we take in at a subconscious level, we must take action to counter the effects. The audios I listen to on a daily basis play a major role in my development as a person and as an entrepreneur. Click the image below to discover the audios I listen to.
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Valentino Crawford “I am here to inspire you to live life by design. I see people worldwide in a non-judgmental society living life on purpose, honoring each other's dreams as they live their own. I can help you gain the clarity to awaken your hidden potential."
Speaking of potential, do you know what your Genius is? Click here to discover your Genius
Day 8: Tino’s #RiseUp2015 Video Blog Challenge Day 7: Tino’s #RiseUp2015 Video Blog Challenge Success Leaves Clues-Best Motivational Quotes For Success 1-12-2015
Great lessons that will take a person far in life Valentino. REPLY
I fully agree, Janet…thanks for stopping by :-) REPLY
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# 3 is so real in life, I had to start growing a gain REPLY
Yes Tyree…#3 is very real. I believe that the sooner we learn this lesson, the better off we are because it allows us to take in and accept other important lessons :-) REPLY
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{ Very motivational quotes right here! Thank you for sharing! } – Jan 13, 4:52 PM
Bruce Bryant Felton tyree
{ I love it Tino, I love this post! } – Jan 13, 1:40 AM
Bianca tyree
{ I'm loving this! awesome post! } – Jan 13, 2:28 PM
{ Thanks for these! } – Jan 13, 12:05 AM
{ Valentino I was thinking the same thing as you about once a quarter. It is true that great minds think alike. I do accept the... } – Jan 12,
11:22 PM
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Day 7: Tino’s #RiseUp2015 Video Blog Challenge January 14, 2015 Success Leaves Clues-Best Motivational Quotes For Success 1-12-2015 January 12, 2015 Sunday Soothe and Groove Session-Nor Elle Desert Storm January 11, 2015
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