7 Blogger Hacks That Can Increase Organic Traffic to Your Blog

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Valentino Crawford Presents The Grow Rich Project

7 Blogger Hacks That Can Increase Organic Traffic To Your Blog

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Your Blog In the next 8 seconds, I am going to show you how to increase your organic traffic to your blog. Pay attention…


Lists Everybody loves lists! Lists take an enormous amount of information and put it into short form. List posts are effective in that readers are attracted to them with the promise of some sort of result. Examples: 5 steps to Sexy abs in 60 days. Top 10 business blogs, Top 50 places to live.


Tutorials How often do you visit the internet to learn how to do something? Right now, you’re reading this post to learn how to generate traffic with your posts. It just works. Create how-to posts that solve problems for your readers. Provide them with step-by-step solutions that will help them achieve their desired result. Tutorials do not make you unnecessary. It’s the exact opposite. You establish your credibility by being a knowledge source. Examples: How to generate traffic, how to hyperlink a URL, 7 Steps to tying your shoes


Create a series Sometimes trying to cover a topic in one blog post is next to impossible. There is just too much! Consider creating a series where your readers will have to visit your blog periodically to get the rest of the story. Make sure to add a teaser at the end of each part to build the anticipation for the next part.


Checklists A checklist is a ‘how-to’ in bullet format that is aimed at getting a desired result. Readers love checklists, because they feel the satisfaction of checking things off. Checklists are valuable to your reader, because then they know nothing has been forgotten. Example: Facebook Marketing checklist, 7-Day Travel checklist


Reviews Reviews educate your audience. They want to learn about products and services before they spend their money. You can do one of two things. You can do a straight review where you talk about one specific product, or you can compare and contrast two similar products


Resource list Resource posts can be as valuable to you as to your readers. A resource list is a compilation of tools and content your readers can use in their own lives. Examples: 22 Tools Every Internet Marketer Must Have or Top 10 business blogs How is this beneficial to you? If you’re creating a resource list of products and services, be sure to hyperlink your affiliate link, so if your reader buys that particular item, you will earn a commission. It is also beneficial to you in establishing yourself as a leader in your field. When you share tips, tricks, and tools you use to build your business, your followers will follow suit!

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Interviews Interviews are perfect to relieve you of having to create content period. You have to prepare for the interview, by having questions and topics to discuss, but you don’t have the task of creating new content. You can interview anyone! Industry leaders are ideal interview candidates. They already have an audience to whom they will promote the interview. That provide exposure to an existing audience, which will result traffic from new sources!

This, by far, is not a definitive list of posts that will drive traffic. The thing you must focus on is creating awesome content that you readers will want to consume over and over again. Sound off below and let me know which one of these you will implement immediately!

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Valentino Crawford “I am here to inspire you to live life by design. I see people worldwide in a non-judgmental society living life on purpose, honoring each other's dreams as they live their own. I can help you gain the clarity to awaken your hidden potential."

Speaking of potential, do you know what your Genius is? Click here to discover your Genius

Day 8: Tino’s #RiseUp2015 Video Blog Challenge Day 7: Tino’s #RiseUp2015 Video Blog Challenge Success Leaves Clues-Best Motivational Quotes For Success 1-12-2015

TODD / DECEMBER 16, 2014

This is a great post, thanks for sharing!  REPLY


Glad you like it, Todd…thanks for stopping by!  REPLY

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{ Very motivational quotes right here! Thank you for sharing! } – Jan 13, 4:52 PM

Bruce Bryant Felton tyree

{ I love it Tino, I love this post! } – Jan 13, 1:40 AM

Bianca tyree

{ I'm loving this! awesome post! } – Jan 13, 2:28 PM

{ Thanks for these! } – Jan 13, 12:05 AM

{ Valentino I was thinking the same thing as you about once a quarter. It is true that great minds think alike. I do accept the... } – Jan 12,

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Day 7: Tino’s #RiseUp2015 Video Blog Challenge January 14, 2015 Success Leaves Clues-Best Motivational Quotes For Success 1-12-2015 January 12, 2015 Sunday Soothe and Groove Session-Nor Elle Desert Storm January 11, 2015

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