Find out if a home business is right for you

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Find Out If A Home Business Is Right For You by Valentino Crawford | on August 28, 2012 Like anything you do in life, a home business start up can be simple if you know the right information. This article describes many tips about developing your home business. Consider running a meal service that delivers fully prepared dishes, or possibly setting up a grocery delivery service. There are so many options for you to help out people around you, so brainstorm! While conducting business in comfortable clothes may be fun at first, you may find yourself missing the professional attire required at your previous job. Try going to different places every week to maintain personal relationships. If your business incurs expenses associated with entertaining clients, then these expenses can be claimed as a tax deduction. These meetings are legitimate expenses for your business. Be very careful, however, that such meetings are with paying or potential clients, because otherwise meals and entertainment are not tax-deductible expenses. When your work from home, it is all too easy to bury yourself in work. It is important to have a separate area for work purposes. When you are finished with work, spend time with loved ones, rather than mixing your work and personal life.

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rather than mixing your work and personal life. You should use your business address rather than a post office box whenever possible. If you run the business from your home you should not use your home address for your business advertising. Customers like to know that you are not faceless, but have a stable location. They will trust you to do right by them, and communicate with them when need be – and you must! Your home business should satisfy all standards of safety, particularly if there are children in the house. For instance, it’s a good idea to have a way to separate your business from the rest of your house. This will help you to avoid any accidents that can cost a lot of money, and will make your home safer for your family. Working from home does not protect you from inspections. Accurate record-keeping is crucial for a home business. Make certain you keep receipts for expenses associated with your business. Keeping track of your finances will make it simple to file your taxes, and will help prevent any problems if you were to get audited. All businesses should have an emergency fund. Such a fund helps you deal with unplanned costs and maintain smooth operations during times of financial uncertainty. Do not go into a emergency savings account unless you have to. If you do, replace the money. Think about how much your products will cost. If you make your own merchandise, add up your material costs, labor costs, shipping and anything other expenses to figure out what you pay. The generally accepted formula to deduce the price that the customer will pay is to double the cost that you pay for the merchandise. This is what you should charge when others buy wholesale. Multiply the price you paid times three for the suggested retail price. When you are the only owner of a home business, you will be the one making the financial decisions as well. Consider the choice to hand out your company credit card carefully, as your ability to include purchases in a tax write off may be negatively influenced. Be realistic and honest with yourself about what you hope to achieve when you think about starting a home business. Do you have a great product that can continually gain interest? Will you be able to run your business without resorting to shady tactics? A helpful peer group can support you in your home business endeavors. It helps to build a network with other peers. These people may come from completely different industries, but they, too, will be striving to run a profitable home business. Tons of people want to start a business. You cannot succeed if you don’t have good information and knowledge on hand before you start a home business P.S.-If you love to have an office home business and would love to make an extra $1000/day blogging about it, find out how my 2 friends are helping thousands of people make money about their passions ===> Discover why this game-changer is the most bad-ass business for home in the industry’s history! This entry was posted in Entrepreneur « Previous Post

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About The Author: Valentino Crawford Prior to Empow er Netw ork Dream Team, I w as a frustrated netw ork/internet marketer. I w as told to make a list of friends and family to invite to home parties, hotel meetings, and do 3-w ay calls w ith. I got sick and tired of being stood up by prospects at business presentations. I got sick and tired of spending thousands of dollars on gas, door fees, auto-ships, and ‘marketing material’. I got sick and tired of playing the ‘3 foot’ rule…passing out business cards to people, only to find them on the ground or in the trash the moment I turned my back. W hen I decided to learn how to leverage the pow er of the internet, things got easier…but it w as still a grind. I spent thousands of dollars on information products. There w as something missing, and I thought that the next ‘shiny object’ w as going to be the answ er to my problems...I w as far from being right! The learning curve w as steep, and those w ho w ere successful at internet marketing w orked 12-18 hours a day 7 days a w eek putting together sales funnels from scratch. I did not have that kind of time…nor the funds to pay someone to put sales funnels together for me. Building a business w hile w orking a 9-5 w as extremely challenging for me…but I never gave up! Now Enter the Empow er Netw ork Dream Team… As a result of plugging into the Empow er Netw ork Dream Team, I am now the ‘hunted’ instead of the ‘hunter’. I generate leads on a consistent basis and I make more money doing less w ork. I am part of the most supportive, visionary and family-


oriented team in the industry…forging relationships that I am sure w ill last a lifetime! If you are looking to make a change in your life and love to be part of an extremely supportive community of badass entrepreneurs w ho know how to build a business w hile having a life, then I HIGHLY recommend that

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you to click the link below NOW, because w e have a PROVEN formula that w ill allow you to FINALLY live the life of FREEDOM that you deserve! "The Ultimate Goal is Self-Mastery." Once you begin to take


accountability for your ow n actions, you w ill no longer make excuses for yourself...nor tolerate anyone else's. "Perception is reality. Reality is life. The w orld is an Illusion. How deep DOES the rabbit hole go?

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We are on an interesting journey to say the least. Let's go!" There is so much out here the w orld has to offer...but w hat do YOU have to offer? I believe the more VALUE you give to the w orld around


you, the more you can truly enjoy w hat life has in store for you. There is more than enough abundance for everyone out here, but you must CLAIM it by tapping into YOUR source of unlimited potential. Let's W ORK together to unlock that pow er that lies w ithin each and everyone of us.

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Valentino Craw ford enjoys entrepreneurship, personal development, online marketing, reading, traveling, helping folks that w ant to help themselves.

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