My Genius Test-Identify Your Business Success Posted by Valentino Crawford (Dream Team) on August 26, 2014
How do you identify your business success? Each of the four Geniuses has a different type of business that they find greatest success in. You can be successful in many businesses where you are working with others in a team. But if you want to run your own business, your Genius will make you best suited for one of these environments:
Business Success-Different Genius, Different Focus
Dynamo Geniuses love creative businesses With constant change and innovation. Whether it is a product or service based business, the most important thing is to have the freedom to create and express yourself.
Blaze Geniuses love people businesses
With ongoing contact and interaction with people. Whether it is from the stage or on the road, the most important thing is to be in front of people face-to-face.
Tempo Geniuses love trading businesses With constant activity and quick response. Whether it is trading the markets, serving in a restaurant or saving lives, the most important thing is serving and reacting to the moment.
Steel Geniuses love systems businesses With ongoing analysis and smooth systems. Whether it is working online or behind the scenes, the most important thing is to be in control of the system and details.
Spirit love social businesses As you grow your Genius, the desire to give back also grows. As you receive flow you increasingly will want to pass it on. Whether it is contributing to a charity or supporting a cause, the most important thing will be to make a difference through your giving.
In Conclusion
When you follow the path of others that share your Genius, you will notice that their success comes from what they say ‘no’ to - How they keep to their strengths and have others support them on their weaknesses. When you choose the right type of job or business, it’s like choosing the right river where you can stay in your flow every day.
It is very important to know what your genius is so that you can maximize your natural vision. It’s time to take action. >>>Click here.
Yours in Mastery,
Valentino Crawford The EnvironMENTAL Architect
P.S. – Which path should you follow in life? When you follow your natural genius, life becomes joy. But when you focus on your weaknesses, everything becomes hard work.
Take the free, one minute Genius Test and discover your genius. **
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