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My Genius Test-What is Your Losing Formula for Success
Posted by Valentino Crawford (Dream Team) on July 30, 2014
My Genius Test-What is Your Losing Formula for Success
Once you read the following, You will start to think back to All those times when you weren’t in flow‌your oh sh*t moments.
And more than likely, you were playing to your weakness instead of your strengths.
Take heed.
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What is Your Losing Formula for Success? Dynamo Genius - Consultation: Relying on intuition, Dynamo Genius is weakest at timing, service and sensing others
Blaze Genius - Calculation: Relying on their big heart, Blaze Genius is weakest at analysis and detailed calculation
Tempo Genius - Creativity: Relying on their senses, Tempo Genius is weakest at innovation, public speaking and strategic planning
Steel Genius - Communication: Relying on their sharp mind, Steel Genius is weakest at small talk and constant communication
It’s time to take action. Click here.
Yours in Mastery,
Valentino Crawford The EnvironMENTAL Architect
P.S. – Which path should you follow in life? When you follow your natural genius, life becomes joy. But when you focus on your weaknesses, everything becomes hard work.
Take the free, one minute Genius Test and discover your genius. **
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Check out some of my other articles related to the Genius Test: The Genius Test-What’s Your Genius?
Five Reasons To Take the Genius Test
How To Love-My Genius Test
What is Your Learning Style-My Genius Test
My Genius Test Leadership Styles
My Genius Test-How You Live Matters
Income Disclosure: Any tips or advice presented on this blog are just the opinion of the author. There is no guarantee of success by following these tips and strategies. Some people will make zero money, some will make a little money, and some will make a lot of money. The results of Valentino Crawford or anyone mentioned in this blog's contents are not typical
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