My Genius Test-Your Social Media Genius Posted by Valentino Crawford (Dream Team) on August 27, 2014
If you are in online business and you are on social media, you may be wondering how to manage social media most effectively. Each of the four Geniuses has a different way in which they manage their social media most effectively.
Each of the four Geniuses has a different way manage their time online and create a following. Each has a different way in which they interact with their friends and audience:
Dynamo Geniuses create Dynamo Geniuses find it easiest to create original content and attract like-minded people when they do. As they build their reputation, their original work is shared widely. There’s little need for them to respond to every comment as their images and videos speak for themselves. In conversation, less is more.
Blaze Geniuses converse Blaze Geniuses find it easiest to engage in conversation, posting comments and replies more easily than trying to create their own original work, which is a struggle. They will share the things they love and the things they are doing, and attract people who connect to their conversation.
Tempo Geniuses curate Tempo Geniuses are master curators. They rarely create their own work or spend hours in discussion. Instead, Tempo Geniuses attract by being master organizers of the best content, sharing only what resonates most with them and so collecting a following of people who love quality content.
Steel Geniuses debate Steel Geniuses struggle to create their own content, and have little time for conversation. They create attraction, however, when they pick a subject that stirs debate. When they pick a subject or cause to champion, others soon follow - both supporters and critics - and as ringmaster Steel Geniuses are in their flow.
Your Social Media Genius-In Conclusion You can spot the Genius of your friends and the people you follow by their natural habits when online. Do they tend to create new content? Or reply to every post? Do they share other people’s posts often? Or so they start debates?
Most of us already tend towards our Genius, but then spend too much wasted time on areas which are not our Genius, losing our time and our energy. Follow your natural path to grow your attraction globally.
It is very important to know what your genius is so that you can maximize your social genius. It’s time to take action. >>>Click here.
Yours in Mastery,
Valentino Crawford The EnvironMENTAL Architect
P.S. – Which path should you follow in life? When you follow your natural genius, life becomes joy. But when you focus on your weaknesses, everything becomes hard work.
Take the free, one minute Genius Test and discover your genius . **
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