Wealth Dynamics-The Spectrum Test Review Posted by Valentino Crawford (Dream Team) on September 29, 2014
If you are familiar with Wealth Dynamics, then you know that it teaches us that there are 8 ways to create true wealth. The Wealth Dynamics Profile Test tells you WHO you are as far as your ability to attract wealth, and the Wealth Dynamics Spectrum Test tells you WHERE you are financially.
Wealth Dynamics Spectrum Test-Why Take the Test? According to the Spectrum Test Homepage:
Your greatest costs on your personal road to success will be: -Time and effort wasted on strategies that simply aren’t right for you. -Money lost from missed opportunities you didn’t even see in front of you. -Your confidence knocked by risking too much or waiting too long. -Confusion from too many choices and too much information. -Regrets later about “If I had only known back then what I know now”...
The Benefits of Taking the Wealth Spectrum Test
-You get clarity on the next steps to take Deciding whether it is more important to market ourselves, put systems in place, find a CEO, look for financing or sort out our personal finances becomes easy when we know our level. The next step becomes the right step.
-When you know the step to take, your progress is in your power We can learn to play the guitar, decode our DNA, and fly to the moon, yet our wealth and business is still such a mystery. Once you have a map and a location, uncertainty disappears and your progress is entirely up to you.
-Clarity of the levels gives us clarity of our reality Every level, like a radio station, makes our reality sound like the only song in town. The reason we get stuck in debt, stuck in our business, stuck at a level of wealth or effectiveness, is because we are not clear on what the other levels are, and how they operate – often in opposite ways to the level we are at.
Yours in Mastery,
Valentino Crawford The EnvironMENTAL Architect
“I am here to inspire you to live life by design. I see people worldwide in a non-judgmental society living life
on purpose, honoring each other's dreams as they live their own. I can help you gain the clarity to awaken your hidden potential."
P.S. – You may be doing all the right things to reach your financial goals, but may be doing them out of order. You falling short of your goals is not from lack of information, but in lack of direction. To finally get some direction, take the wealth dynamics spectrum test now.
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