December 16th, 2012
Published by: valentino_crawford
Wealth Dynamics Profile Test-Star Profile Wealth Dynamics Profile Test-Star Profile | Valentino Crawford Source:
December 16th, 2012
Published by: valentino_crawford
December 16th, 2012
Wealth Dynamics Profile Test-What is a Star Profile?
The Star Profile of the Wealth Dynamics Profile Test is the person who likes to shine the light on others. The Star Profile is a great promoter and is always looking to build a better brand.
High in dynamo and blaze energy, the Star is quick on their feet. They seem to dominate conversations. Stars find their flow when shining the light on others instead of themselves. In other words, they make YOU look good!
Wealth Dynamics Profile Test-The Star Profile Thinking Dynamic The Star Profile uses intuitive thinking, just like both the Mechanic and Creator. Their head is always ‘in the clouds’. Value is created through their magnetic personality.
They are highly optimistic and have the ‘can do’ attitude. The instinctive nature allows Stars to think fast on their feet.
Wealth Dynamics Profile Test-The Star Profile Action Dynamic Stars are extrovert in nature and lead from the front. Because of this they are able to leverage their unique identity through relationships and magnify their brand.
The less accessible Stars are, the more they shine, which in turn increases their value.
December 16th, 2012
Published by: valentino_crawford
Star Profile Strengths The ability to create a unique identity is their greatest asset. A Star Profile’s magnetic personality allows them to be extraordinary promoters.
By putting their name behind your product or service, they help you make a name for yourself as well as increase their own value. Creators set the stage…Stars steal the show! Let their light shine!
Star Profile Challenges The Star Profile needs variety. Due to the blaze energy of the Star, details get lost in the midst of all the excitement. Also, as Stars move up in stature, the more valuable their time is.
This causes an increasing demand to always deliver. Burnout is sure to come if one has not learned to leverage their time effectively. Due to the pressure of being consistent, their egos can get the best of them if they feel that they aren’t delivering.
What Profile Types Should a Star Team With? Star Profile types must first team up with: -Deal Maker Profile because they know how to make necessary connections with the right people. Those connections will allow Stars to monetize their value. -Lord Profile. The analytical nature of a Lord will help bring structure to the team and catch all the important details that Stars have a tendency to overlook.
Remember that Stars, as well as the rest of the profile types cannot build wealth alone. Wealth is a team sport, and it requires all players to be ‘in flow’ to find the path of least resistance. If you are a Star Profile, delegate the execution of tasks so that you may focus on your biggest asset…YOU.
Yours in Mastery, 3
December 16th, 2012
Published by: valentino_crawford
P.S.-Are you a Star Profile? Don’t let guesswork determine your path to true wealth. Take the Wealth Dynamics Profile Test and find out exactly what you need as an entrepreneur to build your wealth effortlessly. Take the Wealth Dynamics Profile Test Now!