Wealth Dynamics Spectrum Test-Indigo Level Trustee

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Wealth Dynamics Spectrum Test-Indigo Level Trustee

Posted by Valentino Crawford (Dream Team) on October 07, 2014

If you are familiar with Wealth Dynamics, then you know that it teaches us that there are 8 ways to create true wealth.

The Wealth Dynamics Profile Test tells you WHO you are as far as your ability to attract wealth, and the Wealth Dynamics Spectrum Test tells you WHERE you are financially.

What Does It Mean to Be at the Indigo Level?

The Trustee is the first level of the Alchemy Prism. Rightfully termed, being at the Indigo Level means that trust is your biggest asset. You have established a name for your enterprise and have somewhat become a ‘household name’ amongst the movers and shakers in your niche. Indigo is the playground of the billionaire!

How Do You Get Out of the Indigo Level? You cannot move to the next level without 'public approval'. Increase your influence to the point in which the community recognizes you as a leader beyond your business and its shareholders. When you can create foundations for your causes that affect government policies, this is a good indicator that you have moved beyond the Indigo Level.

Yours in Mastery,

Valentino Crawford The EnvironMENTAL Architect

“I am here to inspire you to live life by design. I see people worldwide in a non-judgmental society living life on purpose, honoring each other's dreams as they live their own. I can help you gain the clarity to awaken your hidden potential."

P.S. – You may be doing all the right things to reach your financial goals, but may be doing them out of order. Your falling short of your goals is not from lack of information, but in lack of direction. To finally get some direction >>> take the wealth dynamics spectrum test now.

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