VA L E R I A GONELLA PERSONAL NAME Valeria Gonella ADDRESS Via Don Francesco Marinelli 2 13871 Verrone (BI), Italy PHONE NUMBER + 39 331 2087352 E-MAIL BIRTHDAY 17/04/1997 GENDER Female DRIVER’S LICENSE License B (Italian) LINKEDIN LANGUAGES Italian English SOFTWARES
Autocad Photoshop Illustrator Indesign 3D modeling system Office suite
Born and raised in Biella, I attended the Scientific High School in my town. I moved to Turin to start the course of architecture, completing it in three years. I took this path driven by the dream that I have always shared with my dad: the desire to open a studio guided me like a polar star among the difficulties. I am convinced to have acquired, in these years, skills in many areas: the path in Architecture, in fact, provides to deal with several issues, both humanistic and scientific, without neglecting the complexity of an organic vision. Subsequently, I have strengthened my desire to deepen my studies in the historical field in order to be able to work on the existing, a desire that I have been carrying on for a long time. And it is for this reason that I am currently attending the course of history and architecture at the Politecnico di Milano, based in Mantua. Finally, thanks to my experience at the Polo di Mantova, where I met Professor Marco Introini, my passion for photography has grown, and I am currently working with him on my thesis, while working as an assistant to photographer Giuseppe Gradella. In the meantime, I think my interest in architecture has shifted towards its more practical aspect, and I have developed a desire to approach the world of “ Management “. I embrace many areas of what a building is, from its history, to its design, to its final representation, to its management, I don’t preclude anything. I believe that I am a very versatile personality and that the course in the Faculty of Architecture has allowed this aspect of mine to evolve.
Work Experiences Period from/to (02/2021 - Today) Role/Responsibility: CV intership At: Giuseppe Gradella photographer My curricular internship took place under the supervision of architect and photographer Giuseppe Gradella and Professor Matteo Moscatelli, as my academic tutor, in Mantova. My internship was useful and in line with the objectives I am pursuing for my thesis and my future. My work with Giuseppe Gradella was stimulating in every respect. I was able to deepen my limited knowledge in the field of photography and broaden other types of knowledge, such as image composition, architectural language and the study of light.
Period from/to (03/2019 - 06/2019) Role/Responsibility: CV intership Company Architect: Danila Voghera’s studio
Period from/to (10/2016 - 07/2019) Degree in Architecture University Politecnico di Torino
I had the opportunity to do my CV internship at the studio of architect Danila Voghera, in Turin. The studio deals with different sectors, from private to public, from small apartments to large industrial buildings. Through this experience I had the opportunity, for the first time, to really approach what could one day be my world. Although the tasks entrusted to me were quite basic, I was able to deal with many things, from the design of a tomb to the drafting of some documents. The internship gave me the opportunity to compare myself with what I thought I knew about this area and has stimulated me to explore several aspects.
The three-year course followed at the Politecnico of Turin has allowed me to acquire knowledge that I did not previously possess. This faculty allows me to develop a wide range of interconnected disciplines. The course of study includes courses that are more strictly scientific and others that are humanistic and historical in nature, thus touching on more aspects of the surrounding reality. The challenge lies in knowing how to connect the skills acquired through the study of the discipline seach other: in fact, they all contribute to the success of design.
Period from/to (07/2015 - 08/2015) Role/Responsibility: Child Educator’s Help Company: “Il Girotondo” Nursery school I did an internship at the “Il Girotondo” nursery school in Biella. The experience was useful to learn how to deal with children of such a young age. I followed the children in their different needs: from physiological ones to moments of play and entertainment. This experience was a first approach to the world of work, to the need to share spaces with other colleagues and to follow rules dictated by an owner.
Education Period from/to (09/2019 - today) Master Degree in Architecture and History University Politecnico di Milano The two years of my Master’s degree at Politecnico di Milano have given me the opportunity to deepen and develop the knowledge I learned during my Bachelor’s degree. Although the course is called “Architecture and History”, as in the previous three years, there was no lack of scientific courses, allowing me to pursue what I define as an all-round knowledge of architecture, although oriented more towards an in-depth study of history of the buildings. During these two years I had the possibility to develop my passion for photography thanks to the course held by the professor Marco Introini, now my thesis - tutor.
Period from/to (09/2011 - 07/2016) High School Scientific High School Avogadro Biella In the past I chose to attend the Scientific High School already in view of the path that I would have taken at university. I knew that this type of high school would give me the opportunity to develop skills in both the scientific and humanistic fields. Although my school background did not provide me with the necessary skills to face the main courses of the University,I acquired in the field the necessary knowledge for the development and elaboration of projects.
Other experiences and skills Among the experiences that I can note as personal enrichment certainly include the 4 years of animation at the summer center of my small town. As far as volunteering is concerned, I never give up participating in the National Food Collection Day, as a volunteer in supermarkets. This is an opportunity to get in touch with people and see their reactions to a small request for help.
01| the openair theatre Sabbioneta 2021 02| ga·bī May Aini 2021 03| un - muTo Torino 2021 04| pavillion Mantova 2020 05| nuovi sguardi Terni 2019 06| le pont sur le canal Parigi 2018
the openair theatre Sabbioneta 2021
01 The project is located in the area where, until 1921, the wall connected the San Giovanni and San Nicola bastions, in Sabbioneta, where the city wall was demolished to create space for the new urban expansion. The development of the project was preceded by an analysis of all the signs that now characterise this area in order to obtain the knowledge necessary for a conscious design. The demolition of the wall has had as a secondary effect to create a new opening of the city. In fact, this is the only place in the city where the Sabbioneta of Vespasiano Gonzaga and the countryside surrounding the walls meet. The project plays the role of mediator and narrator of this relationship. The project is intended as an ideal reconstruction of the rampart through the abstraction of the parts that compose it: the wall, the rampart walk and the moat. The wall is perforated, becoming a succession of wall sections. They originate from the section of the ancient wall, still visible near the loggetta, re-proposing it with a more synthetic form. A loggia is added to this system of partitions, creating a first floor. The differentiation between the two floors, obtained by altering the proportions of the structural elements, allows to express their different nature and function. The first floor aims to recreate the rampart walk, shaded and protected by a thin roof cover. The wall system becomes the element in which the relationship between countryside and city is staged. The spaces identified by the loggia become an open-air theater in which two parts can be distinguished, one internal to the city and one belonging to the surrounding countryside. The loggia becomes therefore also a stage. It is made of hollow steel profiles and steel beams, which enable to manage easily the electric system necessary in a theater. A ledge is placed in the square facing the loggia, becoming one of the theatre’s cavea. The space beyond the loggia is excavated to reach the level of the ancient moat that once surrounded the city. With it the wall system is completed. This place will remain a wide meadow where traditional and innovative performances can take place. The functioning of the theater is completed by a building that, fitting into the space between two wall sections and deriving its measures from the surrounding buildings, houses the ancillary functions, such as dressing rooms and storage rooms. The ideal reconstruction of the wall is completed with the insertion of a vertical connection element in the San Nicola bastion, connecting the two bastions through the rampart walk. This element retakes the constructive system of the theatre’s loggia, integrating stairs and elevators. It also serves as an entrance to the city, so ir doubles as an exhibition space: exhibition panels are integrated on the ground floor and a podium on the upper floor on which to display replicas of the ancient wall’s remains. The relationship between the project and the history of Sabbioneta takes place both on an ideal and evocative level and on a more real level, expressed in the direct relationship between the new elements and the historical ones. In particular, there are four points in which the closeness between both requires an indepth examination of the construction technique and the history of the city walls. These four points are the small loggia adjacent to the San Giovanni bastion, the excavation and the external moat, the lowered cannons emplacement and the conjunction between the historical walls and the new retaining walls.
final workshop antico e nuovo | section B proff. Massimo Ferrari | Stefano L’Occaso | Nora Lombardini | Cristian Octavio Undurraga Saavedra tutors Annalucia D’Erchia | Claudia Tinazzi | Nicola Cimarosti
gr. 04 [6]
Francesco Coroni | Valeria Gonella |
Isabella Traeger | Chiara Zanacchi
axonometry of the project
REPRESENTATIONS: 1. project views 2. sections and plan 3. axonometries of the two zones 4. model 1:200 [11]
ga·bī May Aini 2021
02 This project was computed during the workshop “Necessary Architecture” in febrary 2021. The aim of the project was the realization of a school, with other spaces, in the camp of May Aini, in Ethiopia. The name of this complex is “Gabi”. Gabi is a traditional hand-woven cloth. It is similar to a blanket and, although it is very thin and made of four layers of cotton, it is often used because it is very warm. It can be worn indiscriminately by men and women, also used as a children’s blanket. From the interweaving of the threads comes the idea of weaving community into a fragile context, such as a refugee camp, which started as a temporary arrangement but becomes permanent as time passes. The project starts from the school for the children of the camp, often orphans, which takes on the shape of a closed courtyard, a place of learning but also of outdoor recreation. Along the east-west diagonal of the lot is developed a second body, an open court, to accommodate single women and elderly in difficulty. At the end of this directrix a circular canopy is arranged, where the whole community can meet in the open air. Every single element is conceived as modular, starting from the single adobe brick to the metal trusses supporting the canopies: in fact, the project concept is based on the idea of recovering local materials and learning-by-doing, so that all demographic groups can take part in the construction and be able to expand the complex in the future. Particular attention has been paid to sustainability. given the particular context in central Africa: a system of metal sheet canopies protects the spaces from sunlight but also allows water, a scarce and precious resounrce, to be conveyed during seasonal rains. In the proposed drawings the idea behind the development of the project is visible: the move away from the busy road, the modular base of the building, which allows for future expansion, the strategic location of the complex, along two main axes and close to green areas, and the possibility for different types of people to frequent the complex. Ample attention has been paid to the technological aspects of this project: the modules, which are repeatable, the materials used, earth and steel sheets, and the quality of the spaces are fundamental elements of the project.
workshop Necessary Architecture | Politecnico di Milano proff. Alisia Tognon | Luca Trabattoni Tutor Margherita Capotorto | Arch. Jolta Gurra | Ing. Sonia Luisi | Ing. Francesca Sammito
gr. 04 [12]
Maria Bolognesi | Valeria Gonella |
Giulia Pampuri | Carola Riva | Giuditta Sartori
s h e l t e r
detachment from the traffic road.
m o d u l e
expansion possibilities in the future.
c e n t e r
the plot is located at the point of intersection of the two main axes of direction.
e x t e n s i o n
connection of the existing green area to the new camp area.
h u b s
new short films dedicated to the community allowing the involvement of different age groups.
2 axonometric view of the complex: 1. school 2. senior house 3. women house
1 [15]
steel trusses
adobe walls
metal sheet
bamboo roof
[struct u r e]
adobe bricks
wooden pillars
[coveri n g] [furniture]
school desks
LEGENDA 1_Compacted sand bedding 2_Foundation in stone cage 3_Clay and aggregate mortar 4_Adobe brick wall 5_Clay and straw plaster
6_Wood frame - 2cm thickness 7_Wooden beam 8_Steel plate 9_Trusses HEb 80mm 10_Rafter HEb 40mm
11_Purlings HEd 40mm 12_Metal sheet 13_Hardcore 50cm 14_Compacted sand background 15_Terracotta tiles
16_Woven bamboo+clay and straw plaster 17_Wooden rafters 18_Wooden pillars 20x20cm 19_Metal sheet gutter
environmental section
un - muTo Torino 2021
03 This project was designed during the course “Heritage Management”, held by the professor Aranda-Mena. The aim was the requalification of the Palazzo del Lavoro in Turin, and the entire management that preceeds its constuction. The project is developed through the creation of pre-configured modules suitable for hosting different types of functions. The two plans that make up the building are divided into different rooms in each of its parts. On the ground floor, through two large entrances on two adjacent sides of the building, it is possible to access the meal service area, the production area, which occupies the entire western sector, and the classrooms dedicated to teaching. The meal service area stands out for being organised in a way similar to a street food restaurant, around a space equipped with tables. The ground floor is certainly the fulcrum of the area dedicated to events and exhibitions, an extremely flexible space that winds its way between thin pillars, and the shop next to it, destined for the sale of books, records and musical instruments. The exhibition area, defined by the pillars, is covered by an imposing auditorium, suitable for hosting events of all kinds, from conferences to concerts. Going up to the upper floor the atmosphere becomes quieter and less chaotic than the lower area. The floor in fact hosts the rooms dedicated to creativity and health, such as music therapy, workshops and classrooms for social integration. Music therapy is the clinical and evidence-based use of musical interventions to achieve individualized goals within a therapeutic relationship by an accredited professional who has completed an approved music therapy program. Through musical involvement in the therapeutic context, clients’ abilities are strengthened and transferred to other areas of their lives. Music therapy also offers communication pathways that can be useful for those who have difficulty expressing themselves in words. Research in the field of music therapy supports its effectiveness in many areas, such as: general physical rehabilitation and facilitation of movement, increasing people’s motivation to engage in treatment, emotional support for clients and their families and venting for the expression of feelings. Within our project, this element represents one of the fundamental points for social integration through music. Being able to make available to people such a sensitive and rehabilitating place has the aim of being able to offer a reason for openness, personal and common growth that can relaunch social and cultural integration within the city of Turin. Music therapy is one of the fundamental cornerstones for un-muTo to be able to unite people through music, making them feel good and helping them. ENTIRE EXPLANATION OF THE PROJECT ON: https://orbitinnova. heritage management proff. Guillermo Aranda-Mena Marley D’Amore | Ettore Galimberti | [18]
Valeria Gonella | Manfredi Parrella | Giulia Pampuri | Michela Pilotti |
on vi
un - muT
health care
zero energy building
music therapy
music lesson
material reuse
social reintegration
events production
noise pollution
thematic conferences
production of sustainable musical instruments
music archives
of situation the current analysis Analysis of the current
project idea
2 Preliminary preliminary project
3 Contract contract administration administration
4 Development development of the detailed of design the design
5 Realization realization of the buildingof
6 ofOpening opening the complex of
the building
the complex
PU BL IC 7 On-going on-going operations
pavillion Mantova 2020
04 The laboratory proposed the construction of a Public Pavilion in Mantua. The pavilion located in Piazza Carlo d’Arco, north-west of Mantua, has the purpose of accommodating invariable spaces for variable functions and users. The idea was born and developed from the desire to ensure that this space continue to carry its main function, the one of an open public space that can be walked and lived in different ways. A large roof that covers the entire square thus stands on a regular grid of pillars of 7.5 meters, whose irregular quadrangular shape recalls those of the main lots and buildings that surround it. The roof itself is then emptied in the center, once again with the aim of reconnecting it to the general design of the city, which has a large majority of buildings with internal courtyards, and to the design of the mantuan headquarters of the Politecnico di Milano, to which it hooks. Viewed from the elevation, the roof assumes different heights, going to meet the buildings overlooking the square. Beneath these wide «wings» are the various blocks that house the functions of the pavilion: a large classroom that can serve as a conference room, meeting room or classroom for lectures, a large multipurpose hall, to the north-west, a small exit block from the two underground parking levels and, in the center, a cafeteria, a space connecting the different new functions. The new volumes have different floor levels. The new public spaces inserted in the square, not in connection with the university, have 0 quota, which is also underlined by the continuity of the pavement design, which seems uninterrupted from the outside to the inside, oriented so as to converge the movements and paths towards the city center. The design of the paving grid also aims to emphasize which spaces are completely open and accessible to the city public. While the level of walking of the class inserted in the university, placed at a height of one meter, marks the detachment of this semipublic space from the others. Another theme that can be found in the design is the one of the transparency-opacity relationship. the solid walls here are used to mark the main orientation of the blocks : the cafeteria and the multipurpose space are open with transparent walls towards palazzo d’arco, while the classroom is a large glass box that fits into the facade of the school, completely glazed to receive and accommodate as much light as possible. The pavilion therefore aims to be an open space, completely croassable, from one direction to the other without interruption, connecting with the historical center, providing shelter and protection. A space that can change in its functions according to the users, remaining unchanged in its forms.
architectural design in historical context – studio | section A proff. Barbara Bogoni | Angelo Lorenzi | Eduardo Souto de Moura | João Luís Carrilho da Graça
gr. 10 [22]
Flavie Meyer-Bertola | Valeria Gonella |
Shape initated by the square
Shape initated by the square
Shape initated by the square
Initial square
Shape initated by the square Cuts guided by the buildings around
Cuts guided by the buildings around Shape initated by the square
Cuts guided by the buildings INITIAL SQUARE around
The shape of the roof INSERTION OF THE ROOF
Cuts guided by the buildings around Growing of a skeleton to reach the initial shape
Cuts guided by the buildings around Growing of a skeleton to reach the initial shape
Growing of a skeleton to reach the initial shape Folding INSERTION OF THE ROOF
Growing of a skeleton to reach the initial shape
Insertion of the «boxes»
Growing Foldingof a skeleton to reach the initial shape
Final covering
Final design
nuovi sguardi Terni 2019
05 This is a project elaborated with the aim of functionally resizing the area around the Fausto Amphitheatre in Terni, creating a new attraction pole that would include the Roman building itself. The indications we tried to follow were few and simple: the alteration of the Roman structures was not recommended, rather an overlapping of new elements with the ancient ones and a re-functionalisation of the spaces. The project revolves around the idea of connecting the areas of Piazza Duomo, Piazza Harris and La Passeggiata park into a single urban space, dedicated to citizens and tourists, through the themes of enhancing the territory, cultural heritage and local products. The Amphitheatre has been thought as the junction that connects the underground archaeological museum and the tourist route to the spaces dedicated to the well-being of the person: the food boutique, the educational spaces and bicycle rental in the park area, the urban gardens reserved for residents in Piazza Harris. Permeability is therefore the fundamental element of the intervention: the elimination of physical barriers between the park and Piazza Harris, together with the opening of all the entrances to the Amphitheatre to allow people to use it as a transit point and “public square”. The amphitheatre can be accessed through four entrances: the paths follow the ancient passages of the ambulatory. The reconstruction is located in the northeastern part of the Amphitheatre and resumes the dimensions of the original cavea. In the centre of the arena is the underground museum. With regard to the intervention involving the La Passeggiata park, a new building has been designed between the Carmine church and the high school: the structure is composed of two volumes, superimposed and rotated, each according to a different grid. On the lower level there is a food boutique, while on the first floor there is a refreshment point. Along via del Vescovado there is a bicycle rental connected to the regional cycling circuit. With these three elements, linked together by the enhancement of the Amphitheatre, the project aims to create a nucleus of wellbeing and knowledge of the Terni territory. An intervention that would put at the center the ancient, wisely protected and integrated parts that make it easier to use, placed next to structures that fit into the environment without distorting it. The entire project, in short, keeps an eye on the architectural schedule of which the area has been the protagonist and respects it, protecting the traces of a past that is, here, preserved, respected and enhanced, but also made usable and enjoyable. An intervention, in conclusion, which would not only aim at the valorisation of the Amphitheatre, but which intends to insert it as a node in a network that leads to the discovery of the surrounding territory and the fruits of the work of those who work there.
atelier di Restauro e Progetto proff. Silvia Gron | Emanuele Morezzi
gr. 07 [28]
Alessia Aloi | Ilaria Giubellino | Valeria Gonella |
via Lodovico Aminale
piazza Duomo +1.0 m
via dell’Arringo
giardini pubblici La Passeggiata
+0.8 m -2.2 m
-0.5 m
museo archeologico
0.0 m 0.0 m
0.0 m
0.0 m
+0.2 m
modello anfiteatro
chiesa di S.Maria del Carmine
orto 1:50
noleggio bici
+0.02 m
boutique alimentare
via del Vescovado
-2.2 m -2.2 m
0.0 m
+0.2 m
0.0 m
+0.2 m
-6.5 m -6.5 m
+10.0 m +10.0 m +5.0 m +5.0 m
0.0 m
0.0 m
0.0 m
0.0 m
+1.0 m -2.2 m
+1.0 m
-2.2 m
protezione, acciaio impermeabilizzante, guaina bituminosa isolamento, polistirene estruso, 12 cm struttura, cls prefabbricato, 20 cm
finitura, intonaco, 2 cm struttura, cls armato, 60 cm
telaio, alluminio
finitura, resina, 2 cm isolamento acustico, gomma e sughero sottofondo, massetto, 7 cm isolamento, polistirene estruso, 12 cm struttura, cls prefabbricato, 20 cm finitura, intonaco, 2 cm struttura, cls armato, 60 cm
telaio, alluminio finitura, resina, 2 cm sottofondo, massetto, 7 cm isolamento, polistirene estruso, 12 cm struttura, cls armato, 15 cm aerazione, vespaio, 35 cm allettamento, magrone, 5 cm struttura, cls armato, 40 cm allettamento, magrone, 5 cm impermeabilizzante, tnt drenaggio, pietrisco finitura, graniglia di cemento, 2 cm sottofondo, massetto, 5 cm
B 0.0 m
0.0 m pedana espositiva
B +0.8 m -1.24 m
0.0 m
A ricostruzione cavea
-0.5 m
0.0 m -2.2 m
museo archeologico
-6.5 m
0.0 m
La ci�à di Terni è oggi il centro abitato principale dell'omonima conca, nonché una delle ci�à più importan� e popolose dell'Italia Centrale e dell'area appenninica. Si sviluppa su un piano alla destra del fiume Nera, in un territorio alla confluenza della valle del Velino e della Valnerina, dove i fondovalle intersecano gli importan� corridoi naturali appenninici come la valle del Naia, il medio Tevere e la valle del Clitunno, storicamente a�raversa� dalle principali vie di comunicazione dell'Italia centrale. I primi reper� archeologici, che tes�moniano la stabile presenza umana nel territorio, sono emersi da alcuni scavi periferici e risalgono all'Età del rame e all'Età del ferro. Dopo la prima metà del III secolo a.C., i Romani fondarono una colonia in territorio nequinate, presso Narni, col nome di Interamna. La colonia fu poi inserita in età augustea nella Regio VI.
barbariche, nel Medioevo vide dapprima la dominazione dei Longobardi di Spoleto, poi la libertà come libero Comune ribelle allo Stato Pon�ficio, con sempre a capo il par�to ghibellino ci�adino, fino alla defini�va annessione allo Stato Pon�ficio, avvenuta so�o papa Pio IV nel 1563. Per tu�a l'età an�ca Terni fu una fiorente ci�à di medie dimensioni nella campagna umbra fino a quando, nel XIX secolo, lo sviluppo industriale e ferroviario prima, e l'is�tuzione dell'omonima provincia poi, portarono la ci�à, in un periodo di tempo rela�vamente breve, ad un radicale cambiamento della sua economia e dei suoi equilibri sociali
0.0 m
-3.0 m
le pont sur le canal Parigi 2018
06 This idea presents the design of a building in the La Villette district, located in the 19th arrondissement of Paris. The aim of the laboratory was the construction of a co-house. From the name of the course, “Building in the built”, it is clear to understand what the purpose of the workshop was. No rigid compositional schemes were imposed on it, while the ability to fit the new building into the neighbourhood itself was clearly assessed. The project clearly takes into account the relationship of the project with the context in which it is inserted, and is intended for an average user of young economically independent workers. The plot, located in a busy area, is free on all sides and relates to important elements of the urban landscape, such as the Pont du l’Ourcq, the Bassin de la Villette canal and the cycle path linking Place de la Bataille de Stalingrad and La Villette park. In order to interact with the flow of people, all rooms at street level have been designed to be visibly permeable and designed to allow a relationship between inside and outside on all sides of the building that contain the common functions for co-housers. This choice is compositionally opposed to the one adopted for the upper floors, mainly private and characterized by opaque facades. Here the distribution elements are combined with the functional ones: in fact, a central junction has been designed that allows access to the different apartments but also the cohabitation and social relations between co-housers. In addition, these ‘filter’ zones house the common kitchens, separating the cold environments of the stairs from the apartments. In order to be able to light all the rooms and keep the common areas always at street level - in spite of the strong difference in height that characterizes the lot - the building is raised on a 1 m podium. This element places the user living in the co-housing and the passer-by along the canal on two different levels: the latter will only have a partial view of the interior, so as to guarantee the privacy of the interior. Another element placed on the façade is the stairs, which place a visual limit in order to shield the view of the interior spaces. The stairs and the suspended study room, are elements that create shadow on the building, in order to protect the large windows from excessive radiation in summer, while allowing the winter radiation to enter. The apartments simply consist of bedroom, living room and bathroom. The apartments are organized for singles, couples or roommates and for their different space requirements. All the time for recreation or meals is, instead, intended as spending in the common areas: the cinema-auditorium, the large living room, the reading room and the roof garden. On each floor there are kitchens while, on the lower levels, there are all the useful services for co-housers: a bicycle storage room, a workshop, a storage and a laundry room. atelier Costruire nel Costruito proff. Daniele Campobenedetto | Roberto Giordano
gr. 04 [34]
Alessia Aloi | Stefano Garro |
Ilaria Giubellino | Valeria Gonella
double room
double room
+15.30 kitchen
double room
triple room
double room
+12.20 kitchen
single room
double room
triple room
+9.10 terrace
+9.10 kitchen
single room
+9.60 library
+4.10 +4.10
living space
technical room
+1.00 living space
+1.00 laundry
laboratory +0.00
+0.60 +0.60 bike storage