How To
You can INSTANTANEOUSLY Manifest Abundance Doing What You Love... You're about to discover THE fastest and easiest way to put cash in your pockets TODAY doing what you love...
CONGRATULATIONS! You're in the right place, at the right time, to unlock the secret to manifesting abundance doing what you love. The information you've got in your hot little hands right now could change your entire life, possibly overnight.
Wealth Creator, what you're about to discover here works like a charm. I've done everything I'll teach you, so I know it works. Better yet, I'll even tell you about my coaching clients who used the very same technique you're about to discover to create INSTANT CASH in their pockets, doing what they love. It's not rocket science. Anyone can do it... that includes YOU. Once you master the material here, you'll use this strategy to literally CREATE MONEY for yourself ON DEMAND. That's because what you're about to be exposed to works. And the good news is... I'm going to teach you how to put cash in your pockets TODAY, doing what you love. This very same technique you'll learn here I've used with my coaching clients to get INSTANTANEOUS RESULTS. That's what you want, isn't it?
Great. You're in the right place. Before we dive into the meat of this fool-proof 4-step system, let's begin with a powerful prayer for prosperity. As a Spiritual Life Coach, my intention is to base everything I do on a firm foundation of SPIRITUAL LAW & PRINCIPLES. Why? Because they work, every time, regardless of who's using the law or principle. In the meantime, here's our very FIRST STEP in MANIFESTING MONEY, a Powerful Prosperity Prayer...
STEP 1 – PROSPERITY PRAYER: God, we pray from the consciousness of abundant prosperity and enter these holy inner gates with rejoicing and praise, grateful that everything in our lives is working out perfectly. Oh God, grateful in this moment, here in the eternal now, to be entering Your gates within with joy, feeling good, alive, awake, aware and happy to be in this circle of love, light, truth and grace. Mother Father God, bless our finances this morning. God bless our finances every day. Bless us to be excellent receivers. Bless us to expand our consciousness so that we receive greater and greater good than we've ever even imagined or experienced. Oh, Holy & Divine Blessed Light Eternal, open in our beings a whole new spirit of receptivity of the divine ideas that you are pouring forth through our consciousness now and forever. God, you’ve given us so many bright ideas. If we simply got up and acted on one or two of them, we'd be multimillionaires, even billionaires by now. Mother Father God, we thank you that today, we courageously act on the divine ideas that are forever unfolding in our consciousness. These are a sign and symbol of the presence of the living God in us, as us, through us.
These divine ideas now take shape and form in the world of physicality and cause us to experience untold wealth and abundance. Oh, Almighty Creator of Heaven & Earth, thank You. It's our natural state to be abundantly wealthy. It’s our natural state to be prosperous in every area of our life and affairs. We now claim this good, and wholly accept it as ours now. God, today, we call upon the spirit of Abraham, that wonderful sage, mystic and prophet who walked the earth as a rich man, richer than the kings of his time simply because he said YES without question to whatever the divine will asked of him. Great Spirit, we thank You that we now say YES! to the divine will. We say YES! to divine ideas. We say YES! to our calling. We say YES! to prosperity and abundance. We say YES! to receiving everything that is ours by divine birthright: an infinite flow of blessings. We say YES! and thank You. Thank You, God! Thank You with hearts overflowing with gratitude expressed through a grateful mind and a grateful spirit.
We open ourselves to receive a word, a word that will lift us higher in prosperity consciousness now... right now... not tomorrow... not next week... NOW. There is no moment other than the eternal NOW. Divine Mother Father, we are grateful for the energy of Life pouring forth through us NOW. We are grateful. We thank You, God. We thank You. We thank You. We thank You. We thank You with an open heart, an open mind and an ever expanding consciousness of oneness with all Life. We thank You. We call this prayer of prosperity into manifestation in all its forms and fashions, and especially as increase in bank accounts, increase in wallets, increase in $100 bills, $50 bills, $20 bills. Whatever manifested prosperity we desire now becomes our physical reality. We imagine it. We see it. We feel it.
We sense it. We know it is so. Right now, we have so many $100 bills bulging out of our wallets, Divine Light Eternal, we just don’t know what to do with them! We give generously! The more we give, the more we receive! We’re grateful in our giving and we’re grateful in our receiving. Our giving and receiving are one circular motion that causes everyone to prosper. Eternal Mother Father, we pray abundance and prosperity for ourselves and for everyone on the planet. Oh, thank You, God that we are ALL prosperous. When one of us prospers, we all prosper. For this, we’re deeply grateful. Thank You God that our bank accounts now receive the energy of money as deposits of all kinds. We are grateful that it is all the blessing of God. If we find a penny on the street today, we pick it up with rejoicing. If we find a quarter somewhere, oh, we’re happy and joyful. Pennies and quarters on the street today are down payments on the millions that are coming. Thank You, God.
Thank You, God. Thank You, God for the abundance we are, the prosperity that now manifests divinely and elegantly, and the blessings bubbling up and pouring over, forever and ever. This prayer takes on flesh and form becomes our right now experience by the power of all the Holy Names of God, by the power of Christ who reigns in our consciousness and by the power of the Holy Spirit. We let it be so, and so it is. Amen, Amen and Amen
STEP 2 – RECORD YOUR DIVINE IDEAS There are two VERY important aspect of Manifesting Money you'll want to remember: •
You are continually receiving DIVINE IDEAS
These DIVINE IDEAS are WHOLE & COMPLETE... meaning they require nothing more than what you have right now to begin implementing them
'IF-THEN' DREAM SNIPER You know you've been caught by the monster when you hear yourself saying (out loud or in your head) something like this:
“If I only had more money to invest in my new business, then I could be successful” or,
“If only I had a little more time, then I could schedule space on my calendar to do what I love”
BEWARE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The IF-THEN DREAM SNIPER is on the loose, you COULD be the next victim if you're not EXTREMELY CAREFUL. I'm a Spiritual Life Coach that provides SOLUTIONS, so what's the solution? Simply remember this (as a matter of fact, emblazon it on your consciousness):
There is no DIVINE IDEA that is incomplete or lacking in any way. EVERY DIVINE IDEA you receive is IMMEDIATELY IMPLEMENTABLE!!! You can ALWAYS take the FIRST STEP... with whatever you have RIGHT NOW. Believe this—feel its truth in your heart and soul—and you'll escape the clutches of the dreadful IF-THEN DREAM SNIPER. To drive this point deep into your sub-conscious mind, where infinite creative powers lurk, repeat this mantra 77 times each day:
Now, go ahead and whip out that journal or notepad and start recording on paper your DIVINE IDEAS. Give no thought to how any of these DIVINE IDEAS will manifest. That's not your business. Mind your business, and let God mind God's business. God's business is how. Your business is to clearly know, feel, sense and believe the WHAT and the WHY... That means, you've got to know—with crystal clarity—what you want, and why you want it. Then write it on paper. There is a special magick that happens when you write what's in your head onto paper. Your sub-conscious mind begins to take it a little more seriously. Energy begins to move. Oh, yeah, you're in the manifesting energy now... This step of recording your DIVINE IDEAS is the first physical step toward MANIFESTING MONEY DOING WHAT YOU LOVE.
STEP 3 – EVERY VISION HAS PROVISION We've already established that you have everything you need—right now —to take the first step in implementing your DIVINE IDEAS. The next step is to know and work with this principle:
God doesn’t give you things to do in the way of DIVINE IDEAS without the provision to do them.
Where there is a vision, there is pro-vision. What does that mean? It means the stuff that you need to create the vision has already been provided. That’s what a pro-vision is. Provisions are the things God gives you for your vision.
God always gives provision with the vision... which becomes the means to carry them through to fruition.
STEP 4 – OFFER YOURSELF IN SERVICE Now's a good time to tell you the story of one of my spiritual life coaching clients... Let's call her Sue (that's not her real name, coaching is confidential you know... no snooping around in other people's business!)... Anyway, Sue loves yoga. I mean she REALLY loves yoga. She loves teaching yoga, she loves doing yoga, she loves, loves, loves yoga. She also loves teaching. But there's a 'problem' (I don't believe in 'problems', but she did, so we'll use the word here). Sue was working at a job that she doesn’t like, and worse still, it wasn't fruitful or abundant for her. Worse still, she didn't like the people she reported to. Worse still, she had multiple challenges, the BIGGEST of which was that SUE NEEDED CASH. Worse still, not only did she need cash, SHE NEEDED IT YESTERDAY. Now that you have a pretty good idea of what Sue loves, and what she's challenged with, you get to do a little eaves-dropping on our conversation...
Val (that's me, in case you didn't read the name of the author of this ebook): “So, you love yoga.” Sue: “Yes! I love yoga.” Val: “I heard you say you want to go to school to become certified as a yoga instructor?” Sue: “Yes. I went to go to yoga school.” Val: “Do you know yoga now?” Sue: “Yes! Yes, I do yoga every day. I love it. People I know have even asked me to teach them. But I haven't been to school for it yet.” Let's pause for a moment... DID YOU NOTICE THE 'IF-THEN' DREAM SNIPER SLIPPING IN THE DOOR?!?!? UH-OH!!! THE CLIENT'S ABOUT TO BE ATTACKED.... She needs a solution ASAP!!! Back to the conversation... Val: “Well, how come you’re not teaching yoga to people right now?” Sue: “I don’t know but that’s a great idea!!!” Val: “Do you know anyone that would love to learn yoga from you?”
Sue: “Yes!” (She's getting REALLY excited now... I love when clients get enthused over DIVINE IDEAS) Val: “Do you know anyone that would pay you money to learn yoga?” Sue: “Yes!!!” Val: “Do you know five people that would pay you money to learn yoga?” Sue: “Yes, I do!!!” Val: “Can you list them on a piece of paper right now?” Sue writes feverishly and announces she's come up with 11 people who she thinks would pay her to learn yoga TODAY. Before I tell you how the story unfolds, here's the golden key to MANIFESTING MONEY DOING WHAT YOU LOVE today:
Providing PERSONAL SERVICES is the BAR-NONE, FOOL-PROOF, FAIL-SAFE MOST IMMEDIATE CASH CREATION strategy you could possibly implement.
This is how you put money in your pockets and bank accounts immediately... I mean lickety-split.
Offering yourself in personal service requires ZERO INVESTMENT (All you need is you.)
• It requires no business cards • It requires no website • It requires no getting ready (Some of us love to do that... we love to get ready to get ready to do something, without ever actually DOING ANYTHING.... news flash: getting ready doesn't put money in your pockets and bank accounts)
On the other hand, TAKING ACTION on your DIVINE IDEAS BY OFFERING YOURSELF IN PERSONAL SERVICE WILL. Back to Sue. She called five of the people on her list and asked if they would be interested in hiring her as their yoga teacher. What do you think happened?
All 5 accepted her offer of PERSONAL SERVICES. Better still, one of them agreed to see her the very next day because of his back issues. Sue said: “You know, the first thing we do is we throw up all the reasons why we can’t do it. Well, Valerie, I don’t have any place – I don’t have a yoga studio to teach yoga, so to get around that, I offered to go to his home.” (She knows him really well...) (POW! She hit the nasty IF-THEN DREAM SNIPER right between the eyes with that one.) Here's what Sue realized about her DIVINE IDEA: She didn't need a yoga studio to begin implementing her DIVINE IDEA immediately. The yoga studio may come in month 6 or month 12 but if Sue never took step one, how would she ever get to step 22? Step one is: I love yoga. Step two is: I love teaching yoga. Step three is: I wonder if there’s someone I can teach yoga to right now that would love to engage in an energy exchange with me... They give me some of their manifested wealth and abundance in the form of a check or cash and I give them a wonderful yoga lesson. Both prosper. After all...
when one of us prospers, we all prosper.
I wondered to myself if there were 5 or 10 or 20 or 50 or 100 people like that in the world for Sue to teach yoga to. I’m sure there are. The story gets better. Sue kept making phones calls. The next thing I know she’s emailing me. She’s calling me, thrilled, virtually beyond words. “Valerie, I’ve got a yoga practice!!! Oh my God!!!” Sue decides to charge $10 for her sessions. She figures if she does five sessions a week, that’s an extra $50 per week or $200 per month, instantaneously. That's MANIFESTING MONEY. She lets the client know how much she charges per session. He agrees and off Sue goes to her buddy's home to do what she loves. She does the yoga practice with him. He feels so good by the time they finish, he hands her a $20 bill, scoffing at her humble insistence over her $10 fee. He asks Sue, “Do you know how good I feel right now??!?!?” Sue put money in her pocket in a matter of hours after our coaching session. Like I said, Offering PERSONAL SERVICES is the BAR-NONE, FOOL-PROOF, FAILSAFE, MOST IMMEDIATE CASH CREATION strategy you could possibly implement.
IT'S PROVEN TO WORK, in ALL economies.
Conclusion So.... Even if: • • • •
You have no money... And no income... And no resources... And bad credit...
in other words, you're pretty much STARTING FROM SCRATCH. That's okay. Let me remind you:
You do have two things... 1. You have divine ideas that you can share for an energy exchange, And 2. You have a gift or talent that you can offer as a personal service. The personal service may be that you come into a person’s home and organize their closet because you love organizing. You charge them a fee to reorganize their closet, and presto... you've just created an energy exchange that puts money in your pockets and bank accounts and you've got a smile of fulfillment on your face and a warm feeling in your heart.
You can do that today by making a few simple phone calls to people who are waiting for you and need your help NOW.
Remember this:
YOUR PERSONAL SERVICE MUST BE BASED ON WHAT YOU LOVE!!! WHAT YOU FEEL INSPIRED TO DO! WHAT YOU WOULD DO FOR FREE JUST BECAUSE YOU LOVE IT SO MUCH. You see, love kicks it over into a whole new dimension. It takes what you're doing out of the dimension of work and puts it in a dimension of play. You’re playing. I read the other day that a rich person stated that the key to success is making your VOCATION your VACATION. Doing what you love, and receiving manifested abundance for it by offering your
PERSONAL SERVICES Now that you know the fastest way to get cash into your pocket from what you do is personal services, here's a final word for you...
ONE FINAL WORD: The whole universe is simply waiting for you to stand up and do what you LOVE TO DO, AND SHARE IT!!! LOVE and ABUNDANCE, they’re twin sisters and they take their best friend JOY wherever they go. If you've got LOVE, your got JOY and ABUNDANCE. If you don’t love what you’re doing, how can the abundance come in? How can the joy come in? And when you LOVE what you do, you manifest the ABUNDANCE you are and you draw up the JOY within. So, make your commitment. Say you'll do it by setting your intention. Then get to work, taking inspired ACTION TODAY to...
Valerie Love Divine Midwife Supporting YOU in Birthing Your DESTINY
Your dreams are WORTHY of fulfillment!!! Contact me for Destiny Coaching or Coach Training at: Live Your Destiny Today!