USS Excalibur Officer's Manual

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USS Excalibur NCC 1664-A Officer’s Manual

Contents 1 Introduction 2 Command 2.1 Commanding Officer 2.2 Executive Officer 2.3 Second Officer 2.4 Chain of Command 2.5 Orders on the Bridge 3 Engineering 3.1 Chief Engineering Officer 3.2 Engineering Officer 3.3 Propulsion Systems 3.4 Primary Systems 3.5 Defensive Systems 3.6 Life Support and Environmental Systems 3.7 Computer Systems 3.8 Power Generation Systems 3.9 Emergency Systems 3.10 Secondary Systems 3.11 Transporter Systems 4. Medical 4.1 Chief Medical Officer 4.2 Medical Personnel 4.3 Crew Physicals 4.4 Away Team Support 4.5 Medical Research 4.6 Medical Assistance 4.7 Relief Aid 5. Operations 5.1 Chief of Operations 5.2 Operations Personnel 5.3 Personnel Allocation 5.4 Resource Allocation 5.5 Traffic Control 5.6 Procurement 5.7 Communications 5.8 Transporters Systems

6. Science 6.1 Chief Science Officer 6.2 Science Officer 6.3 Sensors 6.4 Astrometrics Laboratory 6.5 Departmental Support 6.6 Science Departments 7. Security 7.1 Chief of Security 7.2 Security Officer 7.3 The Brig 7.4 Internal Defence Procedures 8. Further information 8.1 Starfleet General Orders 8.2 Observation of Protocol

1. Introduction from the Commanding Officer Welcome aboard the USS Excalibur, NCC 1664-A. The year is 2296 and Starfleet is expanding to explore the Beta Quadrant. The recent signing of the Khitomer Accords between the Federation and the Klingon Empire has put an end to over 70 years of hostility and are the start of a new era of peace. However, not everyone is happy with this, with dissent from within both the Federation and Klingon Empire and increased tension and hostility from the Romulan Star Empire, there are challenging times ahead for the Federation. As a result, Starfleet has recently commissioned the USS Excalibur, a state of the art Excelsior Class starship and the second starship to bear her name. The Excalibur has been dispatched to the Beta Quadrant to be a Federation presence in the areas of tension, as well pursue her mission of exploration. She is under the command of Captain Valerius Swansong, and some the brightest and best Starfleet officers have been assigned to her. You are invited to come live the dream and experience the adventure as a Starfleet officer on board the USS Excalibur. If you choose to accept the challenge, you will find yourself immersed in Starfleet of the 23rd century, and living the typical life of a Starfleet officer aboard a starship. In other words, this is a fully immersive SIM, which means you will be “in character” at all times, as will everyone else who you interact with here. This means that your attire, your equipment, and even your IC knowledge need to line up with the year 2296, as defined by the Star Trek movies and television series. You will be expected to conduct yourself with the honour, integrity and courage of a Starfleet officer. You will be expected to follow the Chain of Command, just as they did the Star Trek. Do not fret if you are not fully knowledgeable in this period, because we have documentation and a training program to help you come up to speed. The goal is to live the dream and have fun role playing the Star Trek adventure. The Excalibur has been carefully designed to be as close to Canon as possible, from the layout of the ship to the controls and display screens to the uniforms, etc. We offer weekly missions that will enable you to “be” a Starfleet officer and to face the unknown with the same gusto as you have seen on the Star Trek movies, cartoons and television series. I look forward to serving with you! Captain Valerius Swansong Commanding Officer USS Excalibur, NCC 1664-A

2. Command The Command department aboard the USS Excalibur comprises the Commanding Officer and Executive Officer. The Second Officer also sits within a command position; however they are first and foremost a department head within their own department. Therefore, they do not wear a command uniform. The command uniform comprises of a white undershirt. 2.1 Commanding Officer’s Duties The Commanding Officer, or CO, is always held to a higher standard than any other position. The CO is the mainstay of the crew and is often the barometer of the crew's moral and enthusiasm. It is the responsibility of the CO to set an example for the crew at all times and the actions of the CO reflect on the ship and its’ crew and is often the basis of judgment on the calibre of the crew. The primary goal is to achieve the mission objective and the secondary goal is to ensure the safety and security of the ship and her crew. It is the CO's duty to oversee the crew, in co-ordination with the Executive Officer, or XO. The CO has the right to countermand any orders given and has the final say whether the ship may open fire upon an enemy. The CO determines the course and speed for flight control. The CO is responsible for the final say on any assignment/order given by another senior staff. 2.1.1 Command of away teams when applicable While it is often an unwritten practice that the CO does not go on away teams, this has never been set as a directive. It is up to the discretion of the CO whether it is more beneficial for the CO to be on the away team or on the bridge during any given situation. The overriding factor in establishing this is if it is in the interest of achieving the objectives. If the CO is on an away team, the XO will take charge of the bridge. Even while on an away team, the CO may countermand any orders given on the bridge. 2.1.2 Uphold Starfleet General Orders At the heart of all that we do, is the Prime Directive, or Starfleet General Order 1. The Prime Directive prohibits Starfleet personnel and spacecraft from interfering in the normal development of any society, and mandates that any Starfleet vessel or crew member is expendable to prevent violation of this rule. Any violation of any of the crew will result in a court martial of both the commanding officer and the offending crew member. 2.1.3 Communication with visiting dignitaries and adversaries The CO is often the first hand liaison for VIP and other visiting dignitaries. It is customary for the CO to host a dinner in honour of any guests. During an adversarial situation, the CO is the one responsible for contact with the adversary in an effort to cease all hostilities. If a face-to-face meeting is required to establish peace then the CO is to attend, usually leaving the XO in command of the ship.

2.1.4 Diplomatic/Peace keeping missions Starfleet acts the deep-space exploratory and defence service maintained by the United Federation of Planets. Its principal functions included the advancement of Federation knowledge about the galaxy and its inhabitants, the advancement of Federation science and technology, the military defence of the Federation, and the practice of Federation diplomacy. Often times the CO will find themselves in the role of peace keeper where diplomacy and tact are required. Under no circumstances can the CO take sides in an internal dispute involving another society or species. Humanitarian aid is not considered interference and is acceptable as long as it is given equally to both sides. Under no circumstances can a CO or any of their crew give, sell or manufacture any kind of weaponry for a disputing side. 2.1.5 First Contact The CO represents not only their ship and crew but also the entire Federation and therefore must maintain proper decorum at all times. Parts of these duties are first contact communications with newly encountered species. It is up to the CO to establish if this species meets the qualifications for membership into the Federation and to make their recommendations to Starfleet Headquarters. It is also up to the CO to ascertain if a newly discovered species meets the requirements for first contact or if the Prime Directive should take effect and passive observance should be established instead. 2.1.6 Final responsibility for any and all actions of crew The CO has the final responsibility for any and all actions taken by their crew both on and off duty.

2.2 Executive Officer's Duties The Executive Officer, or XO, act as the second in command and must maintain a high standard of excellence. They act as mentors for the crew and provide support to the CO. Many times the CO will need to rely heavily on the XO and a relationship of trust and respect between the two is vital. 2.2.1 Liaison between the crew and the CO If a crew member has a complaint or issue that requires the CO's attention, it is the XO's responsibility to make sure the report is sent to the CO after first reviewing the situation and ascertaining that it is a legitimate issue. Often times the XO will accompany the crewmember and attend the meeting between them and the CO. The XO is also responsible for any follow-up required for this matter. A crew member should always go through the XO instead of confronting the CO directly. 2.2.2 Conduit for information between crew and CO The XO is responsible for conveying the CO's orders to the crew and making sure they are carried out. The XO is responsible for the distribution of any pertinent information to the crew. Another aspect of the XO's job is to also inform the CO of anything they need to know that the crew found either through research or sensor data. And also to keep the Captain informed with up-to-date status reports on any given situation. 2.2.3 Ensuring the safety and security of the CO The XO is responsible for the safety of the CO and must ensure their safety at all times, but not to the detriment of the primary goal of the mission. Although an XO may object vigorously to the CO going into a hostile situation, it is still the CO's decision to do so. The XO is then responsible to assign security to accompany the CO and provide the best safety available for the Captain at that time. 2.2.4 Advising the CO and acting as a sounding board The XO is often the only person a CO has to talk to about a situation. The XO also has a primary duty to advise the Captain about any given situation. If the XO disagrees with a CO's order the XO is well within their rights to object but this should be done in private. It is up to the XO to provide an atmosphere of co-operation and accord within the command staff. Disagreements should never be aired publicly and the XO should support the CO in all final decisions, regardless of their personal feelings.

2.2.5 Handling all CO's duties when the CO is unavailable Often times the XO will be called upon to stand in for the CO when the CO is otherwise engaged. The XO assumes all of the duties and responsibilities that would go with the position and at this time the Second Officer, or 2O, assumes the duties and responsibilities of the XO. In addition to this, the XO is quite often found on the bridge assuming command of all bridge crew and functionality while the CO is otherwise engaged. It is at the XO's discretion in any situation if it requires the CO's presence or not. In that event it is the XO's responsibility to contact and inform the CO of the situation. Otherwise it is the XO's responsibility to handle the situation in accordance to Starfleet General Orders and regulations. 2.2.6 Away Team Allocation The XO is responsible for selecting the away teams and which crew will be taken, although the CO has the final say. 2.3 Second Officer's Duties The Second Officer, or 2O, maintains their position as a department head but is in the line of succession to assume a command role. As with the CO and the XO, the 2O must maintain the highest standard at all times. 2.3.1 Handling all of the XO's duties if the XO is unavailable The 2O will assume all duties and responsibilities of the XO if the XO is unavailable, absent or has assumed the duties and responsibilities of the CO.

2.4 Chain of Command The CO has authority over every person on their ship/station until they are relieved from command. The XO has authority over every member of the crew. The 2O has authority over the people within their department and only when standing in for the XO do they have authority over the entire crew The only officer that to hold authority over the CO is the CMO, under Starfleet Order 104, Sections B and C. when if the CMO believes there is due cause, the CMO can relieve the CO from duty and the XO will become the Acting CO until the CO is deemed fit to command again.

2.5 Orders on the bridge There is a definitive but fine line in the Chain of Command on the bridge and often times that line gets blurred in the midst of a crisis. Different situations call for different command structures, although the Commanding Officer always has the final word on any given order. 2.5.1 Relieving the standing Bridge Officer When an officer is placed in command of the bridge by the CO, the XO or the 2O they retain that command unless they relinquish it to a higher rank or are relieved by either the 2O, the XO or the CO. When an officer is placed in command, a higher ranking officer that is not a part of the command staff cannot relieve that officer, no matter what the standing bridge officer's rank or position. It is customary for the junior officer to offer command to the ranking officer and it is customary that unless there is a pressing need the senior officer will decline the offer and let the junior officer continue their watch. 2.5.2 Orders in Battle During a battle, time is of the essence so the normal issuance of orders is usually suspended. During normal operations the CO will often give an order either directly or indirectly and leave it up to the XO to make certain it is carried out. During a battle the CO will always give an order directly to whichever officer the order pertains to, bypassing the XO. The XO will pay close attention and fill in any gaps that may occur during this hectic time. For example: The CO may be issuing orders for the Helm Officer to fly a certain evasive manoeuvre while the XO instructs the Tactical Officer to raise shields. They must always work as a team, complementing each other in a show of unity. At all times the XO must defer to the CO, although they are not only encouraged but expected to give their advice and insights to the best solution to the situation. Only the CO may give the order to fire weapons. Regardless of the situation and what anyone on the bridge may think is the correct action. The order to fire must always originate from the CO or the XO if the CO is injured and cannot take command. There are times when the CO may order the Tactical Officer to 'fire at will' or 'fire at your discretion'. In this event, the Tactical Officer may fire whenever they think it is the most opportune time without waiting for an order each time. Likewise the Helm Officer can continue evasive manoeuvres at their discretion if ordered to take evasive action without a particular manoeuvre being dictated.

2.5.3 Countermanding Orders The XO may countermand any order given by any officer except for the CO. The CO, of course, can countermand any orders given on the ship regardless of who gave them, unless the Captain is deemed unfit by medical for some reason and is temporarily relieved of command, under Starfleet Order 104, Section C. In the case where an officer was given two conflicting orders by two superior officers except for the 2O, XO or CO, the officer must obey the most senior officer. If that is not distinguishable, then the officer may take their case to the XO for arbitration. If an order was given that contradicted Starfleet rules and regulations or was immoral, then the officer may refuse to obey without fear of prosecution. But they must be able to prove that the order went against the rules, regulations and policies of Starfleet. If it is questionable then they may take their concerns to the XO or the CO. Generally though, unless the CO and/or the XO are under the influence of some Alien entity or are ill, the officer should follow the order, trusting that the command officers have a good reason for the order and will not betray them.

3. Engineering The Engineering department aboard the USS Excalibur comprises the Chief Engineering Officer, Engineers and Specialists. The division wears the yellow undershirt of the operations department. Engineering’s primary purpose is to be the central point for control of all engineering systems aboard the USS Excalibur, especially those related to propulsion and power generation. 3.1 Chief Engineering Officer’s Duties The Chief Engineering Officer is responsible for managing the Engineering department and personnel and advises the CO on possible solutions to certain technical problems. The CEO is also a member of the senior staff and is accountable for the overall performance of the USS Excalibur. 3.1.1 Schedule maintenance to prevent breakdowns or discover breakdowns The CEO is responsible for all maintenance scheduling and will ensure that engineering teams regularly maintain all systems to ensure peak efficiency. 3.1.2 Schedule or triage repairs The nature of deep space missions is that in spite of the very best of maintenance regimes, things can and do go wrong. The CEO is relied on to ensure that this work is carried out in a way that minimises disruption and ensures that the ship is not left in a vulnerable position. 3.1.3 Oversight of damage control The CEO is responsible for overseeing all damage control, and ensuring that the repairs are in-line with Starfleet standards. 3.1.4 Investigate, report and task damage control The CEO is responsible for all reporting and investigation of any damaged systems and ensuring that they can be brought up to speed in a timely fashion.

3.2 Engineering Officer The Engineer's duty is to assist the CEO in the above tasks as well the following duties that include, but are not limited to: 3.2.1. Coordinating with Operations for requisition of supplies. 3.2.2. Inventory department supplies [both consumables and equipment]. 3.2.3. Over-sight of damage control. 3.2.4. Coordinating with Flight control during flight operations.

3.3 Propulsion Systems Aboard Federation vessels there are three main propulsive units: the Warp Drive, Impulse Drive, and Reaction Control System or Thrusters. We'll review those systems and Engineering duties in that order. 3.3.1 Warp Drive The Warp Drive is the common name for the Continuum Distortion Drive, which is the faster than light propulsion system on Federation starships. 3.3.2 Basic Warp Theory Warp Drive works on the practical application of Warp theory. In normal space the laws of physics prevent a vessel from travelling faster than the speed of light. However with the use of asymmetrical subspace fields, a vessel can capture itself and the space it is occupying. The subspace field doesn't move the ship, but rather the "bubble" of space the ship is in. It does this by creating a field imbalance, thus the asymmetrical shape, having the stronger portion of the field in the aft of the ship causing it to go in the opposite direction. Speed is determined by the strength of the subspace field compared to the potential of that area of space. A stronger field can be obtained by the layering effect. Because the potential of an area of space varies, the amount of power necessary to create a subspace field varies. For instance, in any area where a rift in the boundary of space and subspace has occurred, the potential is negative, and often times infinitely negative. An infinitely negative potential means that no amount of power from the warp drive will create a workable subspace field. The opposite is true, but the positive values have never been infinite.

3.3.3 Systems Review & Duties There are three main subsystems that the Warp Drive is comprised of: the fuel system, warp core, and nacelles. All three are basically in the same configuration no matter what ship you are on. a) Fuel System The responsibilities of an Engineer towards the fuel system are to report fuel consumption to the Commanding Officer and maintain the integrity of the tank and its piping as well as their flow. Engineers have to keep a vigil to make sure that the containment system within the antimatter pods does not fail. If the containment began to fail it would be necessary to eject the pod. Engineers have to monitor the entire length of piping from the antimatter storage pods to the warp core and the magnetic field as well as adjust the various constriction parameters to maintain the flow. b) Warp Core The next part of the warp drive is the Warp Core. Magnetic containment fields must be maintained for the entire core from the matter injector to the antimatter injector. The Engineers duties to the dilithium crystal focus on alignment. He must make sure that the injectors and the dilithium crystal are appropriately aligned so that the reaction will take place at the right part of the core. This is especially important during intermix changes, that is the ratio and amount of matter and antimatter as well as the speed in which they are injected into the core; such changes in the ratio are the Chief Engineer's duty. Alignment checks are also important during acceleration/deceleration. Physical adjustments can be made to the injector nozzles or the dilithium articulation framework. Another means of adjustment is the magnetic containment fields within the core itself. While adjusting these for alignment purposes is one duty, the Engineer must also adjust these to maintain containment of both the antimatter and radiation within the core.

Dilithium re-crystallisation is also another duty of the Engineering officer and should be done at appropriate times to prevent complete loss of dilithium regulation. c) Power Transfer Conduits Efficiency drops in the power transfer conduits could be a sign of trouble and must be monitored. The containment fields on these conduits must also be monitored to prevent plasma and radiation from leaking. Heat and pressure from the plasma must also be monitored, too much and the conduits can be easily ruptured. Pressure is regulated by the use of the magnetic containment fields, but the heat has to be taken care of by the use of coolant. Engineers must monitor the pressure and heat regulation system regularly because of the danger involved if either gets out of hand. EPS taps of the power transfer conduits must also be monitored. d) Nacelles The firing rate of the plasma injectors are controlled by the computer and the programming for that firing rate is loaded from the time the ship is built. Adjustments can usually be made to the mass produced system to make it ideal for the ship, Engineers are responsible for making these adjustments so the ship runs as efficiently as possible. Equipment must be monitored regularly to make sure that the injectors are firing properly. Warp field tuning is achieved through the warp field grill and proper management is necessary for an efficient warp field. Engineers must watch the warp field coils to make sure they do not overheat, and that the structure of the nacelles themselves to do not overheat. The final necessary item to watch is the plasma vents, making sure that they are functioning properly so that plasma is released and held only when necessary with the proper flow rate. Equipment for masking the plasma and ion trail is within the vents and must also be maintained.

3.3.4 Impulse Drive The Impulse Drive is the slower than light, or sub-light, drive on Federation Starships. 3.3.5 Systems Review & Duties There are five main subsystems used by the Impulse Engine. The fuel systems are the same ones used by the Warp Drive, and those duties will overlap except for the care and maintenance of the sub-tanks that are used mainly by the Impulse Drive. The other four systems of the Impulse Engine are the Fusion Cores, Accelerator/Generator, Space Time Driver Coil, and Vectored Exhaust Director. a) Fusion Cores The fusion core has an inner liner of crystalline gulium fluoride 40 cm thick that must be maintained to protect the reactor from the reactions and radiation within it, once eroded the reactor sphere is replaced with a new one, average swap out is 10,000 hours. If 0.01 mm of the inner line is ablated or if ≼2 fractures measuring 0.02 cm3 form the reactor will be swapped. Efficiency must be maintained through the adjustment of various factors. One such factor, which also affects power output, is the size of the frozen deuterium pellets used to fuel the reactor. Fusion initiators must be maintained. b) Accelerator/Generator The accelerator/generator is the switch that uses the energy from the impulse reactors to either power the impulse drive or the ship. Normal wear and tear change out is 6,250 flight hours, however damage or anomalies may accelerate this. Connections to the reactors, driver coil, and electroplasma system must be monitored and maintained. Only the accelerator portion of this subsystem may be disconnected and put through testing while the ship is away from a starbase, but the testing cannot be destructive. Efficiency of both portions of this system must be maintained to Starfleet standards.

c) Space-Time Driver Coil On vessels that have them, this coil must be maintained to keep the vessel moving under impulse. Replacement of and scheduled repair on the driver coil assemblies cannot be done without a dock-capable starbase. Servicing is scheduled at 6,250 flight hours. Following flight rules prevents most early replacement, and the Chief Engineer is charged to enforce these rules absent of emergency situations. d) Vectored Exhaust Director The device that controls the direction in which the ship goes must be synchronised, each vent and each separate engine. Programmed and human input commands must be verified from time to time to test mechanism communication. The directional veins within each vent can be replicated and replaced if damaged or not performing to specifications. 3.3.6 Reaction Control System Also known as thrusters, this propulsion system is generally used for station keeping, making sure that the ship stays in one position, and orientation. They are also used to move the ship in and out of dock. 3.3.7 Systems Review & Duties Thrusters are similar to the Impulse Reactors; they use gas-fusion, not solid fusion. Their fuel is deuterium, so most of the checks necessary for the fuel system have been covered; the only addition is the immediate-use supplies for each thruster package, the piping from the main deuterium tank, and proper flow maintenance. Each thruster package has initiators, magneto-hydrodynamic field traps, vectored thrust nozzles, and mooring tractor beam emitters.

a) Initiators The initiator must be synchronized with the fuel intake. This includes firing rate timing and ignition strength. The ability of each thruster package to act in unison with any other package or group of packages is key. The reaction chambers can withstand 400,000 firings and 5,500 hours of operation before the inner wall requires resurfacing. b) Magnetohydrogynamic Field Traps This device performs energy recovery in the first stage maintenance must insure it is capable of returning the appropriate amount of undifferentiated plasma to the power net. The plasma return channels are rated for 6,750 hours before the inlets must be replaced. The second stage performs partial throttle operations, as the exhaust enters the thrust nozzle. Proper flow must be maintained. c) Vectored Thrust Nozzles These devices exert so much force against the space-frame of the vessel that they must be checked for secure mounting regularly. Flow checks among the nozzles should also be done regularly. d) Mooring Tractor Beam Emitters Nothing special is required to maintain this equipment, see Tractor Beam Emitters. 3.4 Primary Systems The systems necessary to the safe and expedient operation of a ship or station are called Primary systems. These include the propulsion and power generation systems, the hull and its structure, the defensive systems, life support and environmental systems, and the computer. All effort is made to keep these systems in operating order and they are given priority when damage occurs. Priority within the primary systems is the same as above. Serious damage to any of these systems can cause the ship or station to be abandoned if not destroyed.

3.4.1 Hull and Structure Ensure through computer diagnostics and visual inspections that the hull is within Starfleet guidelines. Maintain checks on baron particle build-up. Check for the integrity of the waveguides of various systems within the structural members, including both the Structural Integrity Field (SIF) Waveguides as well as the Deflector Grid. Waveguides must not only properly transmit the fields for the SIF and deflector systems, but thermal and radioactive energies from inside and outside of the ship as well. Damage to substrate segments of the hull can only be repaired at starbase or station facilities. Erosion by micrometeoroid impacts is normally kept to a minimum by the deflector systems, but after an average of 7.2 standard years 30% of the leading-edge segments will require replacement. a) Structural Integrity Field The Structural Integrity Field (SIF) is needed to keep the ship’s hull and structural integrity stable during high speeds and erratic manoeuvres. The SIF is used to support the space frame of the vessel by providing a series of force fields that compensate for the propulsive and other structural loads. The SIF applies energy directly to the field conductive elements within the space frame and increases the load bearing capacity of the structure. Coolant levels, pressure, and temperature of each SIF generator must be monitored. After the normal duty cycle of 36 hours, a nominal 24-hour period of degauss and scheduled maintenance time follows. Graviton polarity sources have a 1,500 hour operation rating between servicing of the superconductive elements. b) Inertial Damping Field The Inertial Damping Field (IDF) is the system that allows a ship to travel at high acceleration/decelerations, at both Impulse and Warp speeds, whilst keeping the crew safe and maintaining the ship’s structural integrity. Without the IDF those on-board the ship or the ship itself would not be able to withstand the stress of the high G forces. The IDF operates in parallel with the SIF system. This system generates a controlled series of variable-symmetry force fields that serve to absorb the inertial forces of space flight.

Duties include regular maintenance of the waveguides, which are separate from the SIF waveguides, and gravity plates. Coolant level, pressure, and temperature for each generator must be checked. After the normal duty cycle of 48 hours, a nominal 12-hour period of degauss and scheduled maintenance follows. Graviton polarity sources are rated for 2,500 hours of operation between routine servicing of superconductive elements. c) Deflector Systems (Excluding shields) The Navigational Deflector is used to push objects from the path of the ship. These objects could range from as small as an atom or micrometeor particles to rare but more hazardous larger objects such as asteroids. Navigational Deflector is a series of high power graviton polarity source generators. The dish is steerable under automatic computer control using electrofluidic servers capable of deflecting the dish on a z-axis by varying amounts dependent upon ship class. The Deflector System must be kept in proper alignment; Flight Control, Science, and Tactical rely on the deflector system to help supplement scans from the various sensors. Proper alignment is also required for the long-range sensors to function properly. The Deflector Dish should be maintained to a completely intact state so that no gaps occur in the field. Generator maintenance should be regular. The graviton polarity source should be replaced within a reasonable operational time period. The diagnostics of the Navigational deflector are an automatic computer function. Alignment is done via human input into the computer.

3.5 Defensive Systems 3.5.1 Shields In order to ensure the ship/station’s shield generator is operating properly and at optimum efficiency, coolant level, pressure, and temperature must be kept within Starfleet guidelines and monitored constantly. Generator synchronisation must be maintained. Shield Generators are rated for normal duty cycles of 12 hours and a nominal 12-hour period of degauss and scheduled maintenance follows. Graviton polarity sources are rated for 1,250 hours between servicing. As with the Navigational Deflectors the Deflector Shields utilises one or more graviton polarity source generators. The difference here is the output is phase-synchronised through a series of subspace field distortion amplifiers. Cruise Mode operating rules require one generator in each of the major sections to be operational at all times with at least one additional unit available for activation should an alert condition be invoked. 3.5.2 Weapons While the Tactical department is responsible for most maintenance and upkeep of the weapon systems, the Engineering Department is required to assist in repair and overhaul procedures. With all systems, it is the engineer’s job to perform major repair work and refits of the weapons systems. This includes repairs during alert condition where damage control would be called. All engineers should have a working knowledge in the weapons systems used aboard Starfleet ships. They should be ready to assist the Tactical Department when requested. a) Phasers Assist tactical in alignment and routine maintenance of the phaser emitters when called on. Be ready to perform emergency repairs at a moment’s notice. Maintain proper power input through the Electroplasma Conduits and power taps.

b) Torpedoes Assist tactical in routine maintenance on all torpedo launchers when called on and perform emergency repairs of the launchers as required. Maintaining the piping that carries the deuterium and antideuterium to the launcher. Care, storage, and maintenance of torpedo casings are the responsibility of the Tactical department, but the Engineering department maybe called to assist at any time. The manufacture of new casings using spare parts is a joint operation between both departments, special ordinance packages included. c) Tractor Beam The main concern of when the tractor beam is in use is the physical limitations of the technology. This includes insuring that the tractor beam’s mount is not overly stressed. d) Sensors Sensors, specifically those not used by the Engineering department, are maintained during all normal operations by the departments that use them. During upgrades, refits, and emergencies the Engineering department will assist. The exchange of external sensor pallets is a joint operation between the Operations, Science, and Engineering departments. e) Probes Although there are a number of probes in stock on most vessels, it does become necessary to build probes from time to time. In this situation the job of building the probe falls to Engineering. Circumstances that would dictate the need to build a probe would be: 1. If the probe needed is not in stock due to its specific type. 2. The Probe needed is a special request from the Science Department. In cases where off the shelf parts are available, and standard configuration is called for, the Science Department usually performs the operation of probe construction. But in cases where parts need to be made, either standard or specialised, then the Engineering department will assist.

3.6 Life Support & Environmental Systems Of all the ships systems, life support and environmental control are among the most critical. Engineering is responsible for maintaining the Life Support and Environmental systems through inspections and preventive maintenance. Each processing module has a duty cycle of 96 hours and a normal maintenance schedule every 2,000 hours. With multiple layers of back up complete system failure is highly unlikely. Even if there is a complete failure of the main systems, the back-up systems should insure crew survival in most situations. Life Support and Environmental Systems under go constant computer monitoring and diagnostics, in conjunction with Medical personnel. 3.6.1 Artificial Gravity As with the life support and environmental systems, the Artificial Gravity is maintained through inspections and preventive maintenance. Although a lower priority then Life Support, it is still import to maintain gravity aboard ship/station. A controlled stream of gravitons like those produced by the tractor beam creates the gravity field. Power from the EPS is channelled into a hollow chamber of anicum titanide 454, a sealed cylinder measuring 50 cm in diameter by 25 cm high. The stator, once set to a rotational rate above 125,540 rpm, generates a graviton field with a short lifetime, on the order of a few picoseconds. A second layer of generators is placed beyond a 30-meter distance. 3.6.2 Waste Recycling There are three types of recycling aboard a Starship: Water and Sewage Recycling, Solid Waste and Hazardous Waste. a) Water and Sewage Recycling Wastewater is pumped to treatment and recycling units located throughout the ship. It under goes three stages of recycling then is pumped back out to the ship. Filtration until all solids and particulates are removed. Osmotic and Electrolytic fractioning used to remove dissolved and microscopic contaminates. Heating until the water is super-heated to 150C for biological sterilisation.

b) Solid Waste Solid waste includes such items as clothing, packaging and other discarded containers, and small personal articles. These items are conveyed to processing units on the ship where they are scanned and classified as to type of composition. Items that can be recycled are then processed into packets, which can later be used to replicate new material such as uniforms or other containers. c) Hazardous Waste This is all liquid and solid waste, which is considered hazardous materials under toxicity, reactivity, biohazard or radioactivity standards. Such materials are separated from other waste material and immediately diverted for processing. 3.6.3 Systems Review & Duties The entire waste-recycling unit undergoes constant computer monitoring due to the hazardous materials that rotate through the system. Each unit should be taken down for standard period maintenance every 300 hours of online use. 3.6.4 Atmospheric Recycling Atmospheric processing modules are found throughout the ship at about 50m3 of habitable ship’s volume. The device maintains a comfortable class M atmosphere, by removing the CO2 and other waste gases and particulates. Cruise Mode operational rules specify a 96 hour duty cycle for processing modules, although normal time between scheduled maintenance is approximately 2,000 operating hours. 3.6.5 Turbolift The inspection and maintenance of the three linear motors and Inertial Dampening Field of the Turbolift Car is of primary importance, along with the electromagnetic conduits located along the side of all turboshafts. With acceleration of 10 m/sec 2 the IDF system is crucial to a comfortable ride.

3.7 Computer Systems The Computer System is a joint responsibility between Engineering and Operations. The Engineering department’s job is not the day-to-day handling of the computer systems, but is the monitoring and repair of the hardware within the computer. Each section of the computer must have a level 4 diagnostic run at each shift change. If there are multiple cores they need to be synchronised. The symmetrical subspace field in the FTL processor must be maintained for speedy processing. Synchronization between the multiple isolinear sub-processors and the core is key. ODN links between all terminals and equipment must be maintained. Back up short-wave radio transmitters also need to be running properly. LCARS software must be upgraded regularly with patches and these are received when contact with a Starbase or a Federation ship with that patch is made and installed automatically. Isolinear storage chips must be checked with diagnostics and inspection for integrity, suspected damage or performance deviations maybe signs of deeper problems. Accurate records of all computer maintenance and scheduled maintenance must be kept. And Engineers are expected to assist Operations department when requested with software diagnostics.

3.8 Power Generation Systems 3.8.1 Review Warp, Impulse, Reaction Control System As previously discussed the Warp Drive, Impulse Drive, and Reaction Control System provide power not only for propulsive purposes, but energy purposes as well. The only addition to maintenance tasks previously mentioned is the monitoring of the EPS power taps. a) Backup Fusion The backup fusion generators are used in case the propulsive power units are unable to provide enough power for normal operations. These function just as the Impulse Drive’s fusion generators, and therefore have the same maintenance requirements.

b) Batteries There are times when an abundance of power is created during normal operations. This energy is stored in power cells for later use, especially during emergency situations. Monitoring the efficiency of the battery’s storage and output capacity is the primary maintenance function. c) Fuel Systems

The responsibilities of an Engineer towards the fuel system are to report fuel consumption to the Commanding Officer and maintain the integrity of the tank and its piping as well as their flow. Engineers have to keep a vigil to make sure that the containment system within the antimatter pods does not fail. If the containment began to fail it would be necessary to eject the pod. Engineers have to monitor the entire length of piping from the antimatter storage pods to the warp core and the magnetic field as well as adjust the various constriction parameters to maintain the flow. d) Bussard Collectors The Bussard Collectors are actually a series of specialized high-energy magnetic coils. They are used to pull low-grade matter from the interstellar medium. The Ramscoop pulls in tenuous gas found within the Milky Way galaxy. The gas maybe distilled for small amounts of deuterium for contingency replenishment of the matter supply. Alignment of the magnetic coils to bring in deuterium particles must be closely synchronized with the warp drive when it is in operation.

3.9 Emergency Systems Emergency systems must be monitored closely at all times. a) Lifeboats Lifeboats, or Lifepods as they are also known, have many of the same systems that a ship does. Each of these must be equally monitored as the main vessel does. Regular maintenance schedules must be performed on each lifeboat. b) Fire Suppression The sensors and fire suppression chemicals must be kept within Starfleet guidelines. The Chief Engineer is charged with the task of making sure that all equipment, furnishings, and personal effects conform to Starfleet fire safety guidelines. c) Damage Control During emergency situations, when the ship has been damaged, the Engineering Department must prioritise and then proceed with repairs. Personnel within other departments will continue to work within their own department’s concerns, however in non-critical areas, where there might even be damage, cross trained personnel will temporarily transferred to the Engineering department and used to repair critical systems. 3.10 Secondary Systems Whilst most of these systems aren’t vital to the survival of a vessel, their smooth and continued operation is necessary for optimal vessel performance. 3.10.1 Communications Systems a) Internal The engineer’s duty is to insure that all data line sets and terminal node devices aboard the vessel are operating with in Starfleet specifications. This is done by automated computer diagnostics; computer assisted diagnostics, and limited visual inspections.

The engineer should start at the computer core; move on to the Optical Data Network, which contains the local sub-processor short-range RF pickup, then down to the various input devices. b) External As before the engineer’s duty is to insure that all data line sets and terminal node devices aboard ship are operating with in Starfleet specifications added to this is making sure all subspace receivers are also operating with in Starfleet specifications. This is done by automated computer diagnostics; computer assisted diagnostics, and limited visual inspections. The engineer should start at the computer core; move on to the Optical Data Network, which contains the local sub-processor short-range RF pickup, then down to the various input devices. c) Universal Translator When dealing with the Universal translator, it is best to allow the computers automated diagnostics to do most of the work. Since the translator is actually a program with in the computer there is no hardware to deal with outside the already stated hardware. The one thing to make sure of is the program does not get corrupted. In the event that the Universal Translator malfunctions or is corrupted, personnel from both the linguistics division of the Science department and the communications division of the Operations department would assist in fixing the problem.

3.11 Transporter Systems There are two types of Transporters: Personnel with a quantum resolution (life form) and Cargo with a molecular resolution (non-life form). Although they work on the same principle, they both have their limitations. Although the transporter system under goes a constant computer diagnostics with each use, it is necessary for engineering to run other diagnostics on a regular basis. Since the transport beam conduits permit the matter stream to be rerouted to any of the pattern buffers any of the chambers can be reused immediately without waiting for cool down. Engineering is charged with the maintenance and up keep of all transporter components.

3.11.1 Personnel Transporters As stated these have a quantum resolution and are used for transport of life form. This resolution can be changed, but is usually unnecessary. 3.11.2 Cargo Transporters As stated the cargo transporter is set to molecular resolution, but unlike the personnel transporters the resolution cannot be changed to quantum resolution. With the change of resolution they transporter loses payload capability.

4. Medical The Medical department aboard the USS Excalibur comprises the Chief Medical Officer, Medical Officers, Nurses and Orderlies. The division wears a pale blue undershirt. The department is dedicated to biological research and to the treatment of officers. 4.1 Chief Medical Officer’s Duties The Chief Medical Officer, or CMO, is responsible for managing the Medical department and personnel and is directly in charge of sickbay, commanding medical personnel and activities. The CMO is also a member of the senior staff and has full medical over any patient admitted into their care, including superior officers, until they are formally discharged from care. 4.1.1 Schedule crew physicals to ensure optimum health and well-being The CMO is responsible for scheduling all the crew physicals and will ensure that medical teams regularly monitor the health and well-being of the crew. 4.1.2 Schedule or triage surgery and medical procedures The nature of deep space missions despite ever precaution, injuries and illness can still happen. The CMO is relied on to ensure that any medical procedure, scheduled or emergency is carried out in a way that minimises impact to the dayto-day operation of the ship. 4.1.3 Oversight of surgical procedure The CMO is responsible for overseeing all surgery, and ensuring that the procedures are carried out in-line with Starfleet Medical standards. 4.1.4 Investigate and report special measures, including Quarantine The CMO is responsible for all reporting and investigation into any special measures, such as Quarantine Orders.

4.2 Medical Personnel There are three types of medical personnel that operate within Starfleet. These are Doctors, Nurses and Orderlies. All medical personnel assist the CMO in the above tasks as well the following duties that include, but are not limited to: 4.2.1. Coordinating with Operations for requisition of supplies. 4.2.2. Inventory department supplies [both consumables and equipment]. 4.3 Crew Physicals Upon reporting aboard, each member of the crew is required to undergo a baseline physical check-up. During this physical four readings (heart rate, blood pressure, respiration, and temperature) and ten scans (Cranial scan, Brainwave scan by hyperencephalogram, Bronchial scan, Gastrointestinal scan, Muscular scan by resonance tissue scanner, bone scan, cardiovascular scan, blood scan, lymphatic scan, reproductive scan) should be performed. In addition to this, Starfleet requires all personnel to undergo an annual physical that forms part of the crew members Performance Evaluation. In addition to this, Starfleet regulations stipulate that a physical is required after any Away Team Mission that poses any medical risk. Four readings (heart rate, blood pressure, respirations and temperature) and two scans (Brainwave scan by hyperencephalogram and blood scan) should be done for this physical. 4.4 Away team support It is standard practice for medical officers to accompany the away team. Their main area of responsibility is to treat any injuries that may occur to any member or the away team and provide support during any other medical emergencies. 4.5 Medical research In the context of Mission Orders being sent with the purpose of research, medical often supports science, or replaces them if there is no science officer on the Away Team. The primary area of support to Science lies in the Biological Sciences.

4.6 Medical Assistance There are times when a ship will be sent out to help another ship that is in the midst of a ship wide medical emergency. Medical on the ship will lend assistance to the ship on which the emergency is located. 4.7 Relief Aid There are other times when planets may be in the midst of planet-wide or even a localised epidemic. In cases like this Medical may be called upon to research, diagnose, and treat the medical ailment, providing detailed information about the course of action, which may include quarantine orders.

5. Operations The Operations department aboard the USS Excalibur comprises the Chief of Operations, and a number of specialist posts. The division wears the yellow undershirt of the operations department. Members of the operations division may have specialised in a ship or base service, administration, or military operations, or served as staff officers. Operations officers include some service specializations such as communications, helmsmen, shuttle deck personnel and yeomen. 5.1 Chief of Operations’ Duties The Chief of Operations, or COO, is responsible for managing the Operations department and personnel and advises the CO on possible solutions to certain technical problems. The Chief of Operations is also a member of the senior staff and is accountable for managing logistics aboard the USS Excalibur. 5.1.1 Schedule personnel allocation The COO is responsible for ensuring that, with the XO, all department heads enter their rosters into LCARS. Once the information is in the system, OPS can then coordinate with the departments on the allocation of personnel. 5.1.2 Schedule resource allocation Many shipboard operations involve scheduling of resources or hardware (such as power or the use of sensors) that have an affect a number of departments. In many such cases, it is common for various operations to present conflicting requirements. It is the responsibility of the COO to coordinate such activities so that mission goals are not jeopardised. 5.1.3 Oversight of mission operations The COO is responsible for assignment of resources and priorities according to guidelines and operating protocols. Mission Operations monitors the computer activity to ensure that such computer control does not unduly compromise any mission priorities. This is particularly important during unforeseen situations that may not fall within the parameters of pre-programmed decision-making software.

5.1.4 Administrate the computer core and LCARS databanks Next to the crew, the computer is probably the most important single operational element. The maintenance and upgrading of this system is an immense task and one that falls under the responsibilities of the OPS department. Extensive programming knowledge and skills are required and the ability to quickly diagnose and correct any problems is mandatory. 5.2 Operations Officer The duty of Officers in the Operations division is to assist the COO in the above tasks as well the following duties that include, but are not limited to: 5.2.1. Coordinating with all other divisions for requisition of supplies. 5.2.2. Communications. 5.2.3. Flight operations. 5.2.4 Traffic control. 5.3 Personnel Allocation USS Excalibur operates on a three shift rotation: Alpha Shift = 00:00 - 08:00, Delta Shift = 08:00 - 16:00 and Epsilon Shift = 16:00 - 00:00. If an emergency should arise, the Ops officer will check to see who is or is not on duty and will then inform the department heads who will then decide who can attend to the emergency. In the event of Battle Stations, ALL personnel will then be on duty. As per regulation, a red alert brings Delta Shift on duty automatically. Most senior officers are assigned to Delta Shift but, from time to time anyone may be called to do double shifts or work evening or nights. 5.4 Resource allocation The Ops panel presents the Operations Officer with a continually updated list of current major shipboard activities. This list permits Ops to set priorities and allocate resources among current operations. This is especially critical in cases where two or more requests require the use of the same equipment, entail mutually exclusive mission profiles, or involve some unusual safety or tactical considerations. For example: Stellar Physics is conducting an experiment using the lateral sensor array to study a nearby binary star. Simultaneously, part of the same array is being time-shared with a long range population survey. A request from the bridge for a priority scan of a planetary system might jeopardize both studies unless OPS authorizes a minor change in ship’s attitude, permitting the Stellar Physics observations to use the upper sensor array. Alternatively, Ops may weigh the option of placing one of the on-going studies on a lower priority to provide the bridge with immediate use of the lateral array.

5.4.1 Priority levels for resources / ranking essential systems Most routine scheduling and resource allocation is done automatically by the Ops program. This frees the Ops Officer from routine activity, leaving him or her able to concentrate on decisions beyond the scope of the artificial intelligence software. The level of these decision filter programs can be set by the COO, and also varies with the Alert status of the ship. In cases where priorities are ambiguous or where specific Ops approval is required, the panel will display a menu of the most probable options for actions. In virtually all cases, the COO also has the ability to input choices beyond those presented by the action menus. This is important because it is impossible for mission planners to anticipate every possible situation. Action menus may be displayed for any current activity (even those which would normally be handled automatically) upon keyboard request from Ops. During crisis situations and Reduces Power Mode operations, Ops is responsible for supervision of power allocation in coordination with the Engineering department. Load scheduling on nonessential power usage in such situations is based on spacecraft survival factors and mission priorities. The COO is also responsible for providing general status information to the main computer, which is then made available to all departments and personnel. Ops routes specific information to specific departments to inform them of anticipated changes and requirements that may affect their operations. The example is a scenario where an Away Team is to be sent on a mission to a planetary surface. Typical Ops responsibilities might include: ■

Notification of Away Team personnel of the assignment and providing said personnel with mission objective information. When Away Team personnel are drawn from operational departments, Ops will sometimes coordinate to provide cross-trained personnel from other departments.

Coordination with Mission Ops for assignment of communications relay frequencies and preparations to monitor Away Team tricorder telemetry.

Notification for issuance of tricorders, phasers, environmental gear, and other mission-specific equipment. Assignment of personnel transporter room to handle transport operations, as well as the assignment of a transporter chief to the mission. If available, Ops will also provide transport coordinates to the transporter chief.

Such notifications are generally accomplished automatically without the need for active intervention by Ops. However, because pre-programmed functions cannot be expected to anticipate all possible situations, Ops is responsible for monitoring all such coordination activity and for taking additional action if necessary. Such flexibility is particularly important during alert and crisis scenarios, during which unpredictable and unplanned conditions must frequently be dealt with.

5.4.2 Power allocation and rerouting power during emergencies The Main Bridge is directly responsible for the supervision of all primary mission functions. Through the COO, the bridge also monitors all secondary mission functions to provide an optimal operating state. The multi-mission operational profile of the USS Excalibur requires extensive coordination between different departments. 5.4.3 Bridge Operations During Alert Conditions Cruise Mode: This is the normal operating status of the spacecraft. Cruise mode operating rules require a minimum bridge staff of a Command Officer (typically the Captain), Flight Control Officer, Operations Officer, and at least one other officer available to serve as tactical or other stations as required. Other stations may be attended as specific mission requirements dictate. Yellow Alert: During Yellow Alert condition, all active bridge stations are automatically brought to Full Enable Mode. Auto diagnostics (Level 4) are initiated for all primary and tactical systems. Ops is responsible for evaluating all current operations and shipboard activities and suspending any that may interfere with ship’s readiness to respond to potential crisis situations. Red Alert - All tactical and long-range sensors arrays are brought to full operational status. Secondary mission use of sensor elements is discontinued, except with the approval of OPS. Red Alert can be invoked by any senior staff officer, or the Officer of the Watch. Additionally, the main computer can automatically invoke Red Alert Status in some cases upon detection of certain type of unknown spacecraft, as well as upon detection of certain types of critical malfunctions or system failures. In such cases, the automatic declaration of Red Alert status is subject to review by the Commanding Officer. 5.4.4 Reduced Power Mode When reduced Power Mode is invoked, a level 5 system analysis is performed for the entire spacecraft, with the results made available to the Commanding Officer, the Chief Engineer, and the Chief of Operations. The purpose of this analysis is to determine an overall energy budget for the spacecraft, to help plan power allocations that will minimize operational compromises. Hourly energy budget and consumption reports to be made by the Chief of Operations to the Chief Engineering Officer and the Commanding Officer. All use of tactical and lateral sensor arrays for secondary mission to be discontinued, except where deemed essential by the Operations manager.

5.5 Traffic Control 5.5.1 Coordinating shuttle bays The Flight Deck Chief is responsible for shuttles and the shuttle bay, the Ops officer is responsible for communicating with incoming and outgoing shuttles to make sure there are no accidents. 5.5.1 Starship protocol leaving and docking at a station and/or docking rings The Ops officer is responsible for communicating with base operations and relaying that information to the Helmsman when the ship is docking or leaving. During this time they are also responsible for relaying the information to the engineering department for switching power accordingly. 5.6 Procurement 5.6.1 Where to officially obtain additional materials Every Starbase and station has a supply depot. Plus there are supply runs continuously throughout Federation controlled territory. Any Starfleet issued materials can be obtained from these supply depots and supply drops. In addition to this, extra parts can often be found on a sister ship. Every Ops officer should be aware of who is in the area and where they are. Disasters can often be prevented by the quick procurement of parts 5.6.2 Where to unofficially obtain additional materials There are many items that are required for a ship or station due to the diverse amount of species. Although many of these items can be found in Starfleet stores, personal icons, exotic foods and even some custom furniture may need to be obtained through other sources. There are several resources available. Civilian shops often cohabit along the promenades of most stations and starbases. But the biggest resource is the independent trader. A good Ops Officer will build a network of traders with their territory. Although latinum is the currency most used in the quadrant, there is a large bartering system in place. A good Ops officer must be aware of the different bartering systems in different areas. What may be valuable in one sector may be common place in another. Ops officers are in constant communication with each other so that these things may be shared.

5.7 Communications Ops is responsible for all communication systems and the use of any of those systems. Although engineering works hand in hand with the Ops department, the regular care and maintenance of the entire communications system falls under the responsibility of the Ops department. Any communications coming in or going out passes through the Ops station. Although most of it is handled automatically there are many instances where a message is flagged or needs special handling. All traffic going to and from the bridge must be handled directly through the Operations Console. Certain criteria can be set on each individual ship or station to scan for anything within any communication leaving or arriving, regardless of who sent it and to where. This must only be done at the direct order of the Captain or the Executive Officer and then must be able to be justified to Starfleet Command at a later date. This is due to Starfleet’s profound respect for individual rights and privacy. 5.8 Transporter systems 5.8.1 Transporters responsibilities The Ops department is responsible for the maintenance and usage of all of the transporters, including the cargo transporters. Each transporter room has a transporter chief on duty at all times. Regularly scheduled maintenance is performed and each circuit is meticulously checked and double checked. Tests are done at the beginning of each shift. 5.8.2 Maintaining transporter lock From the bridge it is the responsibility of Ops to maintain a transporter lock on the away teams, liaising with the transporter room accordingly.

6. Science The Science department aboard the USS Excalibur comprises the Chief Science Officer (CSO), Science Officers and Lab Technicians and the division wears a grey undershirt. Science’s primary purpose is to be the central point for overseeing scientific investigations and control of all science systems aboard the USS Excalibur, especially those related to the sensor arrays. 6.1 Chief Science Officer’s Duties The Chief Science Officer, or CSO, is responsible for managing the Science department and personnel and is directly in charge of the ship’s labs, commanding science personnel and activities. The CSO is also a member of the senior staff. 6.1.1 Control of sensor arrays The Chief Science Officer is responsible for the control of the ship’s sensor arrays. Since sensor systems are a shared resource the Chief Science Officer is usually involved in a number of scientific projects and will work with Ops on system allocations. 6.1.2 Manage cross-departmental support and reporting lines The CSO is responsible for ensuring that the Science department can effectively deliver work with other departments as required. 6.1.3 Oversight of scientific endeavours The CSO is responsible for overseeing all scientific research aboard the USS Excalibur, and ensuring that the procedures are carried out in-line with Starfleet Science standards. 6.1.4 Investigate and report on all scientific data The CSO is responsible for ensuring all research and reports on scientific data gathered meet with Starfleet Science division guidelines

6.2 Science Officer’s duties The duty of Officers in the Science division is to assist the COS in the above tasks as well the following duties that include, but are not limited to: 6.2.1. Coordinating with Operations for requisition of supplies. 6.2.2. Inventory department supplies [both consumables and equipment]. 6.3 Sensors Sensors are vital to starship operations, providing the ability to detect phenomena at great distances. They have wide application in scientific, engineering, medical and defensive endeavours. There is no single all-purpose sensor on a ship; rather, they tend to be grouped together in sensor arrays. Most sensors work by detecting various energy fluctuations, such as electromagnetic oscillations, spectral wavelengths and gravimetric distortions, which are then interpreted by the main computer into usable information. Starfleet vessels have three primary sensor types: Long-range (main), lateral (short-range) and navigational sensors. 6.3.1 Main Sensors The main sensors are located at the front of the ship, designed to sweep far ahead to gather navigational and scientific information. 6.3.2 Lateral sensors The lateral sensors provide coverage in other directions: aft, port, and starboard. Both are tied into the science stations and various laboratories on board. 6.3.3 Navigational sensors The navigational sensors, which keep track of the ship’s position and velocity, and are tied directly to the Conn’s flight control systems. This combination provides starship crews with extensive capability for astronomical observation, planetary analysis and remote life-form analysis. 6.4 Astrometrics Laboratory The Science Department has sole control over the Astrometrics Lab. Its main function is to correlate all the data collected through the sensors and represents it in a visual form. The information is just not limited to the sensors. Information can be received form the Computer Library, manual inputs, and from personal/duty logs.

6.5 Departmental support 6.5.1 Medical Sciences are used by the Medical Department to help study new life forms, help cure diseases, and to help with the general smooth running of the department. The areas of study include: Biologist - Studies living things from cells to sentient beings and the processes that occur in living things. Microbiologist - Biology concerned with very small and microscopic-sized, living cells and organisms. Exobiologist - One who specializes in the study of alien life form physiology. Zoologist - Life scientist concerned with the study of animals and their evolution, characteristics and behaviour. 6.5.2 Tactical The Tactical Department uses the Sciences, but not to the extent as some of the other departments. When a tactical situation arises, a hostage situation for example, it may draw on the resources of the Political Sciences to get a feel for the volatility of the situation, or the Geologists to discover a possible hidden base on a planet. 6.5.3 Operations When Ops encounter a new life form and are unable to communicate with them, linguists and xeno-linguists will assist Ops with the language so a line of communication can be established Linguistics - The study of languages past and present, including idiosyncrasies, slang and dialects. Xeno-linguistics - The study of alien languages, morphology, phonology and syntax. In addition, with the aid of the Astrophysicists and the sensor array, the Helmsman will be able to plot the ships course and avoid any stellar matter that is felt might be a threat to the ship and/or crew. 6.5.4 Engineering Even though the Engineering Department is not too concerned with Science Department as a whole, they still utilise members of the Science Department to aid the department in its daily work and repairs, especially in the field of computers.

6.6 Science Departments 6.6.1 Physical Sciences Geologist - Concerned with the structure of planets, their behaviours, and what can be expected to happen in its future. Archaeologist - Study of fossil relics, especially remnants of past sentient societies. Oceanographer - Studies the evolution, characteristics and life forms that inhabit the oceans of a world. This can range from mapping the ocean floor to finding new organisms and communicating with intelligent life forms. Chemist - Deals with the behaviour of elements, compounds, mixtures, and solutions and with the nature of the reactions that occur among elements. Physicist - One who teaches, does research in, or does experiments with the nature and behaviour of matter, energy, and forces in the universe. Astrophysicist - Concerned with the behaviour of celestial bodies and the structure and evolution of stars, galaxies, and the universe in general. 6.6.2 Life Sciences Botanist - The study of plant life Anthropologist - Studies the behaviour, customs, religious, sciences, and beliefs of a society. Political sciences - Studies governments, their laws and judiciary systems. Palaeontologist - Studies ancient life forms based on fossil remains.

7. Security The Security department aboard the USS Excalibur comprises the Chief of Security (CSec) and Security Officers and the division wears a green undershirt. Security’s primary purpose is summed up easily as any and all duties that protect from or counter threats to the USS Excalibur. Security is considered the catchall phrase for matters that occur within the hulls of a Starfleet Station or vessel. 7.1 Chief of Security The Chief Science Officer, or CSec, is responsible for managing the Security department and personnel. The CSec is also a member of the senior staff. 7.1.1 Advising the Commanding Officer on matters of ship safety. 7.1.2 Providing protection under Starfleet Regulations and standing orders. 7.1.3 Delegating duties within the tactical department. 7.1.4 Man the Tactical Station during regular duty shifts as primary duty station. 7.2 Security Officer’s duties The duty of Officers in the Security division is to assist the CSec in the above tasks as well the following duties that include, but are not limited to: 6.2.1. Coordinating with Operations for requisition of supplies. 6.2.2. Inventory department supplies [both consumables and equipment]. 7.3 The Brig The Brig of the USS Excalibur is used to enforce disciplinary actions, or to hold a prisoner until they can be transferred to a Starbase or another facility better suited for carrying prisoners. The Brig is made up of containment force fields over the cells and Brig area. The second is the requirement of two personnel in two different locations with access to the Brig. Normally this is the Officer in the Brig and someone watching the events from a second location, such as Security Command, Control and Communications. The final layer of protection is armed guards. At least one guard is present, even when no prisoners are currently being held. If there are prisoners the guard compliment is increased to the appropriate level to handle any potential threat. Personnel on guard duty and entering the Brig area must have their Phaser set to no higher than maximum stun.

7.4 Internal Defence Procedures Security forces are charged with protecting the USS Excalibur, however certain areas require additional protection. Using a combination of restricted areas and Security Stations, security personnel can protect restricted access areas by ensuring that only authorised personnel are able to enter such areas. The restricted areas are the Bridge, Main Engineering, Armoury, Brig, and Computer Core. Guards are posted in these restricted areas during all alerts.

8. Further Information 8.1 STARFLEET GENERAL ORDERS General Order 1 As the right of each sentient species to live in accordance with its normal cultural evolution is considered sacred, no Starfleet personnel, Federation citizen and/or representative may interfere with the normal and healthy development of alien life and culture. Such interference includes introducing superior knowledge, strength, or technology to a world whose society is incapable of handling such advantages wisely. Starfleet personnel may not violate this Prime Directive, even to save their lives and/or their ship/installation, unless they are acting to right an earlier violation or an accidental contamination of said culture. This directive takes precedence over any and all other considerations, and carries with it the highest moral obligation. General Order 1A TOP SECRET - CAPTAIN’S RANK AND ABOVE ONLY General Order 2 No Starfleet personnel shall unnecessarily use force, either collectively or individually, against members of the United Federation of Planets, their duly authorised representatives, spokespersons, or designated leaders, or members of any sentient non-member race, for any reason whatsoever. General Order 3 The sovereignty of each Federation member being respected in all things, Starfleet personnel shall observe any and all statutes, laws, ordinances, and rules of governance currently in effect within the jurisdiction of a member planet. Violators of such ordinances will be subject to such punishments or corrections as shall be determined by local governmental bodies.

General Order 4 If contact is made with hitherto undiscovered intelligent life forms, under no circumstance shall Starfleet personnel, either by word or deed, inform said life forms that worlds other than their own or intelligent life-forms other than their own exist outside the confines of their own space or answer questions by said life forms pertaining to the existence of other species outside said space. General Order 5 In cases of extreme emergency, Federation special representatives are empowered to assume emergency powers to deal with a condition or circumstance that is deemed hazardous to the welfare of Federation citizenry. Within the scope of these emergency powers, duly authorized civilian personnel may assume temporary command of Starfleet vessels, installations, and/or personnel to deal with the emergency. Starfleet personnel must submit to their authority for the duration of the crisis. General Order 6 The request for emergency assistance from Federation citizenry or non-aligned persons demands unconditional priority from Starfleet personnel. Such personnel shall immediately respond to said request, postponing all other activities. This responsibility extends to current governments at odds, actively or passively, with the Federation. General Order 7 No Starfleet vessel shall visit the planet Talos IV under any circumstances, emergency or otherwise. This order supersedes General Order 6. Any transgression of this general order shall be punishable by death. General Order 8 Upon sighting a warship within Federation space and identifying it as belonging to a foreign power, the commander of the Starfleet vessel/installation shall determine the reason(s) for that craft's presence in the vicinity. If there is conclusive evidence that the vessel has hostile intentions, the Federation vessel may take appropriate action to safeguard the lives and property of Federation members or other non-aligned persons under current Federation protection. In such cases, the commander may use their discretion in deciding whether to use force to disable the hostile vessel. However, care should be taken to avoid unnecessary loss of sentient life. General Order 9 A commander of a Starfleet vessel or installation, military or auxiliary, may grant political asylum to any individual without first being given express permission to do so by a representative of the Federation government. However, said decision may and can be overturned by a superior officer or representative of the Federation government pending a review of circumstances.

General Order 10 If there exists eyewitness testimony by senior officers or similar verifiable evidence that an individual, military or civilian, has violated the Prime Directive, said individual may be relieved of duty by a duly sworn representative of the Federation government and placed under immediate arrest. The governmental representative shall then take such action as he deems necessary to minimize the results of the violation. General Order 11 Starfleet officers with command-level rank or higher are granted full authority to negotiate conditions of agreement and/or treaties with legal representatives of non-Federation planets. In such circumstances, the acting officer carries de facto powers of a Federation Special Ambassador. Any and all agreements arranged in this manner are subject to approval by the Chief of Starfleet Operations, the Secretary of Starfleet, and the Federation Council. General Order 12 When approaching a vessel with which communication has not been established, all Starfleet vessels are to maintain maximum safety precautions, regardless of the origin of said vessel, be it a foreign power, a hitherto unknown ship, or a Starfleet vessel. General Order 13 Except when orders state to the contrary or in accordance with General Order 6, Starfleet personnel will respect the territorial integrity of independent planetary systems and governments within and without the confines of the Federation's borders, and will not violate territorial space belonging to such worlds. General Order 14 Starfleet personnel may intervene in local planetary affairs to restore general order and to secure the lives and property of Federation citizens only upon receiving a direct order to do so from a civilian official with the effective title of governor or higher. General Order 15 No officer of command or flag rank shall travel into a potentially hazardous area without suitable armed escort. General Order 16 Starfleet personnel may extend technological, medical, or other scientific assistance to members of foreign powers or previously unrecognised sentient species only if such assistance in no way compromises the Prime Directive or the security of the Federation or Starfleet.

General Order 17 The commanding officers of Starfleet vessel and installations are to consider the lives of their crew members and/or civilian population as sacred. In any potentially hostile situation, the captain will place the lives of his crew above the fate of his ship. General Order 18 Upon being accused of treason against the Federation, Starfleet personnel may demand a trial conducted by the Federation judiciary or representative Judge Advocate General for that sector. If the individual is acquitted, Starfleet Command shall have no further legal recourse against the accused in said matter. General Order 19 Except in times of declared emergency, Starfleet personnel may under no circumstances convey personnel or material between planets or planetary systems when there is reason to believe that said personnel or material may be used to conduct aggression, whether against Federation members or other nonaligned worlds. This order applies to independent worlds within the Federation as well as to Federation members. General Order 20 Officers and personnel of Starfleet Command may employ whatever means necessary to prevent the possession, transportation, sale, or commercial exchange of sentient beings held against their wishes within the boundaries of Federation space. This includes temporary violations of General Order 13, but not of the Prime Directive. General Order 21 No Starfleet personnel, either officer or enlisted, may offer his services to an independent foreign government without the express authorization of the Federation Council. General Order 22 As the rights of individual expression and free discourse are considered sacred, Starfleet personnel may debate the policies, decisions, and actions of their governmental representatives privately at any time, to the extent that such discussions do not violate their command oath or specific duties to the Federation per these General Orders or Starfleet regulations.

General Order 23 When verifiable proof is presented to the senior commanding officer of a Starfleet vessel or post that a Federation representative may currently be acting or have acted in the past to violate the Prime Directive, the officer may relieve said representative of office, and then assume the full powers of that office pending a full investigation by governmental officials. General Order 24 If a commanding officer deems that a planet has been culturally contaminated to a point where correction is no longer viable and said culture now poses a direct threat to Starfleet personnel or Federation civilians, he may order the destruction of a planet's surface to occur within a time limit set upon invocation. General Order 25 Civilian and military personnel, whether a citizen of the Federation, a non-aligned world, or a foreign power taken into custody by Starfleet personnel during times of extreme emergency shall be accorded proper treatment consistent with their rank or station, insofar as such treatment does not compromise the security of the Federation or Starfleet. General Order 26 No member of a ship's complement or other ground-based installation can be held directly accountable for the actions of their superiors. Similarly, no member of a ship's company or other Starfleet personnel will share in disciplinary measures taken against the Commanding Officer(s) if said individuals were not directly involved in the actions leading to disciplinary measures. This order extends to conditions involving proven violations of the Prime Directive; where proof of such violations exist. However, failure to attempt to halt the actions of said superiors is a violation of the order and as such is punishable by general court-martial. General Order 27 No member of Starfleet shall be required by the assignment of standard duties and responsibilities to undergo extended separation from his family if family members can be reasonably provided for aboard ship or as a part of an existing Starfleet installation. General Order 28 No officer of command rank shall be removed from command status unless such action has the complete and unqualified agreement of at least three senior officers present per Starfleet Procedural Order 104, sections B and C. Whenever possible, such officers shall include the ship's First Officer, Chief Medical Officer, and one junior officer of command station.

General Order 29 The primary responsibility of the commander of any Starfleet vessel or installation is the welfare and safety of his crew, including any civilian members. No action may be taken that creates an unwarranted threat to the safety of those individuals under the officer's charge, except in the line of duty and when otherwise unavoidable. This is a concurrent order with General Order 17. General Order 30 Starfleet Command recognises the right of each ship commander to interpret the specifications of the Prime Directive as he sees fit, consistent with the conditions of other existing general orders in effect, and based upon circumstances that may arise in dealing with newly discovered sentient races. However, said decision may and can be overturned by a superior officer or representative of the Federation government pending a review of circumstances. General Order 31 The conditions and specifications of the Prime Directive shall henceforth apply to all sentient life forms discovered, whether they are of natural or artificial origin. General Order 32 Federation officers may violate Neutral Zone areas as designated by treaty only if such action is required to save the lives of Federation citizens under conditions of extreme emergency as required by General Order 6. General Order 33 If a commanding officer deems that an individual or group of individuals pose a direct threat to the safety of Starfleet personnel, Federation citizens, or those under current Federation protection, they may take any actions necessary to safeguard the lives of those threatened. In such cases, the commander may use their discretion in deciding whether to use force. However, care should be taken to avoid unnecessary loss of sentient life. General Order 34 All Starfleet personnel and/or Federation civilian contractors shall follow a superior's order to the best of their ability, unless said orders should conflict with the regulation laid out in these orders. Special dispensations are granted in emergency situations as per specific orders, with the exceptions of General Orders 1, 2, 3, or 7. General Order 35 Should the entire personnel of a Starfleet vessel or installation become severely incapacitated or deceased due to an environmental or medical contaminant, said vessel is to be destroyed within a 24-hour period from initial discovery of cause to prevent spread of the epidemic agent.

General Order 36 No Federation vessel, whether civilian or Starfleet, is allowed to visit a planet or star system placed under quarantine by Starfleet or the Federation Council unless the visitation falls under the jurisdictional actions accredited by General Orders 1, 5, and 6. General Order 37 Starfleet personnel shall respect binding contracts, agreements, and bonds made by the Federation government and/or Starfleet itself and shall operate within the boundaries and governance of said treaties, especially in matters dealing with the co-signatories of said treaties. General Order 38 In the event of the death, absence, or incapacitation of the commanding officer of record, command of a ship or installation falls to the next highest-ranking crewmember, regardless of position in the command structure. When two officers in the line of succession are of comparable rank, command first falls upon the officer with command experience; barring that requirement, command will fall upon the officer with seniority. General Order 39 An officer or crewmember may be removed from active duty status if they are judged to be incapable of fulfilling their obligations as a member of Starfleet, whether for medical or psychological reasons, by either the Chief Medical Officer or by the two ranking command staff officers. 8.2 OBSERVATION OF PROTOCOL 8.2.1. Addressing officers of higher rank The use of "Sir" will always be used with an officer of higher rank. It is a plain show of respect for rank, even if he/she is "outranked" in terms of position. The use of "Ma'am" in Starfleet is used only if it is the known personal preference of the female officer. "Sir" is used for all genders and all races in Starfleet out of respect to asexual races (not all races have just male or female genders). The commanding officer of a starship is referred to as "Captain," as he/she is the captain of the ship, regardless of rank. When asked a question by a superior officer, the proper response is "Yes Sir" or "No Sir" (substitution of their rank in place of "Sir" is also appropriate) When given an order, the response is "Aye Sir." ("Aye" stands for "I understand and will obey")

8.2.2 Protocols for the Commanding Officer or Flag Officers When the CO or a Flag Officer of the rank of Commodore or above enters a space where junior personnel are present, the senior officer/crewman present yells "Attention on Deck!" At that point, all personnel stand at attention until the superior officer states "as you were," "at ease," or "carry on." The exception to this rule is when the superior enters the bridge of a station or ship. The senior person present then says "_____ on the bridge!” where the blank is to be replaced by the rank of the superior. Personnel do NOT stand at attention, as that would disrupt the watch officers on duty. Instead, the senior officer on the deck is the only one that acknowledges. For example, if the commander of a naval vessel enters the bridge, and he/she is the rank of commodore, the senior crewman/officer calls "Commodore on the bridge!" to let all watch officers know that the commodore has entered. 8.3 Customs 8.3.1. Change of Command Ceremony When the commanding officer of any space worthy vessel boards his command for the first time, it is customary that all senior staff stand at attention, in formation, at the airlock entrance. Note that, when the CO is taking command for the first time, he/she will use an airlock to board, not a transporter. When the CO boards the ship, the XO stands in the middle of the two flanking files and comes to attention as a Yeoman blows the Boatswain’s Whistle, signalling that the CO has arrived. The CO then says "permission to come aboard." And the XO's reply is "permission granted." At that time, the CO will usually read his/her standing orders to take command of the vessel. After that, those present are usually dismissed. 8.3.2. Banquet Arrangements When a Flag Officer or Political Figure, such as a Head of State or Diplomat, comes aboard the ship it is customary to hold a reception and/or banquet for that individual as a sign of welcome and respect. As the guest boards or disembarks the ship, they are "piped aboard or ashore.” Generally, the senior staff will be present, in ranks, and the Yeoman will blow the Boatswain’s Whistle to signal arrival and departure.

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