4 minute read
Introduction: What is QDiary?
from Quarantine Diary
If you’re here now, it means you’re tired of those two or more months of selfisolation, lockdown, COVID-19, and quarantine - all the stuff you probably never experienced or heard about before the winter 2020 happened. While feeling overwhelmed by all the terrifying news, zoom calls, loads of coffee, you’re searching for i n s p i r a t i o n , d i f f e r e n t perspectives, a new breath of air. I believe that on the pages of QDiary you will find at least one thing, that will bring a divine creative impulse into your routine and let you get back on track. And you will be ready for your #afterquarantine life. The Quarantine Diary was created for those who are looking for answers to the question of how to get inspiration back while staying surrounded by the same four walls, how to act in post quarantine reality, or how to wear the most fashionable accessory of the season - a face mask. All the following (and previous) more substantive pages of this magazine will be accompanied withthe photos that were taken by me during those long days of social isolation. They became my visual diary with a lot of stories hidden behind.
There is a moodboard collected from the captures of facemasks from all around the Internet.
Hopefully, you will take some screenshoots of the pages of this magazine, then don’t hesitate to share them with friends or those, who can take advantage of it as well. You know, sharing is caring. If you have any thoughts or feedback, jokes, or serious propositions after reading QDiary, feel free to share them with me. Without further ado, scroll/ swipe to get inspired and to find something, you’re searching for.
«This small temporal space, that appeared in our life, contains our ugliest and most beautiful experiences, it makes us the protagonist of this pandemic, and gives us the opportunity to look at our life with different eyes, which seemed to really need to stop for a moment to breathe.»
— Corina Abdulahm Negura

At the time when our world was turned around, and then it united us with new mindsets, coronamems, toilet paper stocks, and balcony applause for those, who have become our new heroes.
We tried to prevent the disease while it was restless, we try to smile, but it’s invisible through the masks...But as long as we support each other, let’s be sure – andrà tutto bene,everything will be good.
Get Inspired: 5 webpages for your daily dose of inspiration
After staying at home, or somewhere in our comfort zones, it seems that there is nothing else left than Me, myself, and...my computer. And it’s totally normal to NOT be at your most productive during a global pandemic! But let’s be honest, Netflix or constant updating of social media wouldn’t keep your interest forever. So in case you seek for some daily dose of motivation, check this five webpages. I guarantee you, they can become your endless source of inspiration within one click during and after quarantine. Here you can find the examples of the best websites, that were rewarded by digital design professionals from across the globe. And literally this is a webpage that always leaves me open-mouthed in astonishment!

The Awwwards extension for Google Chrome will help you to collect your favorite websites or videos, to do screen captures, and store them in folders of inspirations. awwwards.com
If you’re a big fashion admirer, then there is no better or more aesthetic website for you, then Inside Chanel. This microsite provides you with videos, that look like chapters of the book, about the house’s history and heritage, and chronicles of the people, places, things, and events that have contributed to the success of this iconic fashion brand. inside.chanel.com

Harvard University or Berkeley University of California, Mandarin language or Biomedical Engineering, Shakespeare’s Life and Work or Big Data in Business - have you ever thought to study that? With nowadays technology that’s possible. eLearning courses inspire and motivate you to obtain a new skill, change your behavior, or improve your performance at work and personal life. Choose your own subject and open a whole new world with www.edx.org

Another day when the only restaurant you visit is your kitchen? You run out with ideas of what can appear on your plate? And you ask yourself, again and again, whatthefuckshouldimakefordinner, then this micro-website will generate the perfect answer especially for you:


It’s not a secret that other people inspire us more than anything else, especially when they talk to us from the stage, and behind them, there are three letters: TED. Always inspiring, broadening your horizons, and stimulating to act TED talks. And here you have the instruction: one coffee, one TEdtalk and one page of notes - your perfect recipe for morning inspiration. www.ted.com