World War II Project

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International Daily Friday, February 16, 2010 turned to Czechoslovakia, one of the two remaining democracies in Eastern Europe. Britain and France however were still seeking peaceful answers to the problems, they did not wage war. Hitlers yet again increased his demands as a result. Czechoslovakia was asked to surrender and so it became German territory. Hitler went too far however, when he invaded Poland on September1, 1939. A couple of days later Britain and France declared war, which began World War II. German and Italian Empires. Hitler violated the treaty and expanded beyond its boundaries. Italy on the other hand went over seas.

Germany sets out to take back old territory! By Luther Pedeglorio Staff Writer

Germany – Adolf Hitler found the Western Democracies' need for peace as a weakness and decided to militarized Germany, which is against the Versailles Treaty. Western democracies saw the threat but took no real action instead adopting an appeasement policy. An appeasement policy is when a country gives in to the demands of the aggressor in order to keep the peace. Hitler exploited

this weakness, he persevered on his goal of bringing all German speaking people into the Third Reich. He was in favor of the German race or “Aryans race” and thought they were superior to all other race therefore he wanted to set in to the inferior Slavs to the east. He declared, “Nature is cruel , therefore we, too may be cruel...I have the right to remove millions of an inferior race that breeds like vermin.” By 1938, Hitler engineered the Anschluss, the union of Austria and Germany. He later became ruler of Austria when Austrian leader “gave in” to Hitler's demands. Germany then

Ambitious Mussolini…Just can't get enough. By Luther Pedeglorio Staff Writer

Italy – In 1935, Italian leader Benito Mussolini also saw the need for peace as a weakness and he took advantage of it by invading Ethiopia and rising to power. Italy gained momentum and in no time Ethiopia asked the League of Nations for help. In turn, the League of Nations tried to enforce penalties but was too weak to really cause changes. This led to Italy's expansion into Ethiopia.

A2...........Japan A3...........Germany A4...........Italy A5...........Soviet Union A6...........Spain A7...........Britain A8...........U.S. A9...........U.S. / Extra


Adolf Hitler, known for his genocidal acts.

Adolf Hitler By Luther Pedeglorio Student

Adolf Hitler was born in 1889. As a kid he became engrossed with the German victory in the Franco-Prussian War. To quote, “I became more and more enthusiastic about everything... connected with war.” In 1923, he failed in seizing Munich and was imprisoned. While in prison he wrote Mein Kampf (“My Struggle”), this book would later become the basis for most of Nazi ideology and goals. Less than a year later, Adolf Hitler was released from prison and he launched a program to end reparations, and create jobs. Within a year, Hitler became the dictator of Germany and he built a new Germany and called it the Third Reich which he based on the empire that Bismarck created in

1871. This he achieved by ruling with an iron hand, controlling every aspect of German life. He organized a system that eliminated all that argued against his actions. With this kind of ruling in place he managed to take control of Germany as a dictator. Hitler believed that the Aryans was the “master race,” and considered the Slavs of Eastern Europe to be inferior thus they were driven aside to make more room for the superior race. During the 1930's thousands of Jews together with political opponents were sent to concentration camps, where they were forced to work in harsh conditions. His racial acts led to a killing spree in which they killed all people he believed was “racially inferior,” European Jews in particular. He also killed other people who did not meet the “Aryan ideal”which included Slavs, Gypsies, homosexuals and the disabled. By 1945, the Nazis slaughtered more than six million Jews in what became known as the Holocaust. The Final Solution is the short term for “Final Solution of the Jewish Question” which is the Nazis' term used to describe the attempt in killing all the Jews in Europe.


Dessert Fox on the loose By Luther Pedeglorio

Erwin Rommel was a German Field Marshal of World War II, renowned for his African desert victories during World War II, thus the nick name, “The Desert fox.” He achieved a brilliant record as a tactician in desert warfare, driving the British from Libya to elAlamein. In 1944, he commanded the German armies charged with the defense of northern France. Accused of complicity in the attempt on Hitler's life in July 1944, he chose to take poison rather than stand trial.

“Desert Fox” ready for battle

Soviet Union

Joseph Stalin By Luther Pedeglorio Персонал писатель

Joseph Stalin was born on December 18, 1878. He was the General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union from 1922 till his death in 1953. he became the leader of the Soviet Union in 1924. By 1928, He proposed one of his “five-year plans” in which the focus was on building a heavy industry, improving transportation and increasing Joseph Stalin in battle ready uniform. farm output. The Soviet union also developed a command economy where the government official made all basic economic decisions. Under Stalin, agriculture fell into the government's control. The government wanted the farmers to produce grain to feed city farmers and at the same time excess products were to be sold abroad for extra income to the state. This however failed miserably because the peasants working the lands refused to produce the products. In turn Stalin launched a program called “de-kulakization” where all the wealthy farmers, who Stalin thought was behind the resistance, were sent to labor camps, where they died from starvation and overwork. This ruthless action became known as The Terror Famine. Stalin used terror against his people to ensure obedience. Yet later in 1934, he launched the Great Purge.

A5 During this time, Stalin's secret police were rounding up anybody who revolted. As a result Stalin's power increased because the people were aware of consequences if they revolted. In August 1939, the Nazi-Soviet Pact was created, which was a nonaggression pact between Hitler and Stalin. The pact however was solely based on fear because Hitler feared communism as Stalin feared Fascism. The pact was later nullified however when Hitler invaded the Soviet Union in June 1941, in hopes to gain natural resources. Although the Soviet lost more than two million soldiers trying to fight off the German Army, nature came into play because the German army was not prepared for the bitter winter weather that also eliminated Napoleon's Grand Army in 1812. In the end Germany was the loser losing a substantial number of its army and not being able to really take hold of The Soviet Union.


Peace during War Era? By Luther Pedeglorio

The Western Democracies, namely France, Britan and The United States sought policy of appeasement amidst Hitler's uprising. France suffered from internal political division. Britain had no intention to face Germany and The United States was depleted by the Great Depression. These countries had their own problems to deal with so in the mid 1930's the U.S. Congress passed a series of Neutrality Acts which forbade the selling of arms to any waring nation and loans to nation at war. On September 1, 1939 German forces invaded Poland, this caused Britain and France to declare war on Germany. This was the beginning of World War II. The Western Democracies were finally aware that Hitler's actions has gone too far.


Winston Churchill boosts Britain's morale. By Luther Pedeglorio

Sir Winston Churchill was a British politician who became the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. On 3 September 1939 Neville Chamberlain, British Prime Minister at the time, declared war on Germany following the German invasion of Poland. Churchill did not lead Britain into World War II rather he Sir Winston Leonard Spencer-Churchill seating continued what Chamberlain in a chair, with the infamous Churchill cigar. started especially when Britain's outlook was down to the ground. Churchill quote: “We shall defend or island, whatever the cost may be, we shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender.� These morale boosting speeches helped Britain win the War even though it seemed like everything was doomed.

United States

32nd President of the United States.

Franklin Delano Roosevelt By Luther Pedeglorio


arsenal for the democracies. During WWII, Roosevelt and Winston Churchill, Great Britain's prime minister, personally determined Allied military and naval strategy in the West. They gave priority to Germany's defeat and, in view of Hitler's claim that Germany was never defeated, only betrayed, in the first war, insisted on unconditional surrender. Before the war ended however, FDR died in April 12, 1945, and Harry Truman took office.

Douglas MacArthur By Luther Pedeglorio

The United States officially entered World War II in December 1941, after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. At the time, the 32nd President, Franklin Delano Roosevelt (FDR) had a lot of things to jumble. First he needed to get the United States of of the depression and then try to help in the war against the Axis power. He launched a program called the “New Deal� which regulated the stock market and protected bank deposits. Government programs created jobs and gave aids to farmers. This helped the United States out of the Great Depression. He also advocated preparedness and that the nation should serve as an

Douglas MacArthur was an American general, who commanded Allied troops in the Pacific during World War II, supervised the postwar occupation of Japan, and led UN forces during the Korean War. He retired in 1935 but was soon Recalled to active duty to command American troops in the Philippines in July 1941, MacArthur jettisoned a plan that called for U.S. forces to withdraw to Bataan in case of a Japanese attack and to go on the defensive until help arrived; he optimistically hoped to stop the Japanese on the beach. When war came, however, he soon reverted to the original plan.

Douglas MacArthur smoking his pipe. Taken probably at Manila, Philippine.

United States/Extra June 1942 he was given command of U.S. forces in Europe by Army Chief of Staff George C. Marshall.

Doctrines and Plans By Luther Pedeglorio

34th President of The U.S.

Dwight Eisenhower By Luther Pedeglorio

Dwight D. Eisenhower was an American military leader, whose great popularity as Allied supreme commander during World War II secured him election as the 34th president of the U.S.During training exercises in 1940–41, Eisenhower won praise in several army staff positions, culminating in that of chief of staff of the Third Army; at the same time he was promoted to brigadier general. Called to the War Department as a Philippines expert a few days after the attacks on Pearl Harbor and the Philippines, he won further promotion to major general and was named chief of the newly organized Operations Division of the General Staff three months later. By this time the army's top planner, he then prepared plans for the European theater of operations, and in

New conflicts developed when Stalin showed aggressive intentions outside of Easter Europe, particularity Greece. In 1947, Britain could no longer defend Greece. President Harry Truman of the United States too action by outlining new policy to congress on March 12,1947. The policy states: “I believe that it must be the policy of the Unites States to support free peoples who are resisting attempted subjugation by armed minorities or by outside pressures.” This policy became known as the Truman Doctrine. After the war Western European lands were fertile for communist ideas due to hunger and poverty. To combat this, the United States offered a massive aid package called the Marshall Plan. With this program in place, the U.S. Sent food and economic assistance to Europe to help countries rebuild.

Together at last! By Luther Pedeglorio

The UN was founded on October 24, 1945 in San Francisco, California, following the Dumbarton Oaks Conference in Washington, DC, but the first General Assembly,

A9 with 51 nations represented, was not held until January 10, 1946, in Central Hall Westminster, London. Before World War II, there existed a somewhat similar organization under the name of League of Nations, which can thus be considered the UN's precursor. UN membership is open to all "peace-loving states" that accept the obligations of the UN Charter and, in the judgment of the organization, are able and willing to fulfill these obligations. The General Assembly determines admission upon recommendation of the Security Council. The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), also called "the (North) Atlantic Alliance", is an intergovernmental military alliance based on the North Atlantic Treaty which was signed on 4 April 1949.The organization constitutes a system of collective defense whereby its member states agree to mutual defense in response to an attack by any external party. The Southeast Asia Treaty Organization (SEATO) was an international organization for collective defense which was signed on September 8, 1954. The formal institution of SEATO was established at a meeting of treaty partners in Bangkok in February 1955. It was primarily created to block further communist gains in Southeast Asia.



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