Petition: Save Our UW-Richland Campus - Meet with the Community
Name City State Postal Code Country Signed On
Rhonda Utermoehlen 22628 Covered bridge rd WI 53581 US 12/5/22
Joel Rodriguez Martinez 24118 cty hwy D WI 53581 US 12/2/22
Rachael Hesseling Adams WI 53910 US 12/5/22
Zeb Carpenter Albany WI 53502 US 12/4/22
Hannah Nolte Appleton WI 54914 US 12/4/22
Meghan Leigl Appleton WI 54914 US 12/1/22
Sandra Hurm Appleton WI 54915 US 12/2/22
Caressa Brandenburg Arena WI 53503-9237 US 12/7/22
Katie Blair Arena WI 53503 US 12/5/22
tegan kienitz arena WI 53503 US 12/4/22
RaeAnn Makos Argyle WI 53504 US 12/3/22
Roger Lovelace Arpin WI 54410 US 12/5/22
Bryann McGuire Avoca WI 53506 US 12/1/22
Cattalina Knoble Avoca WI 53506 US 11/30/22
Naomi Post Avoca WI 53506 US 11/30/22
rich offerdahl avoca WI 53506 US 12/1/22
Vanda Niebuhr Avoca WI 53506 US 11/30/22
Heidi Schultz Olson Baraboo WI 53913 US 12/4/22
john harrison Baraboo WI 53913 US 11/30/22
Judith Reith Baraboo WI 53913 US 12/5/22
Karol Pomerening Baraboo WI 53913 US 12/9/22
Melody Banks Baraboo WI 53913 US 12/2/22
Michael Leuth Baraboo WI 53913 US 12/5/22
Randall Holtz Baraboo WI 53913 US 12/1/22
Stephen Collins Baraboo WI 53913 US 11/30/22
Teresa Nee-Holtz Baraboo WI 53913 US 12/2/22
Dennis D. Carpenter Barneveld WI 53507 US 11/30/22
Jim Johnston Barneveld WI 53507 US 12/4/22
Nicholas Sessler Barneveld WI 53507 US 12/1/22
Kim Cooley Belleville WI 53508 US 12/3/22
Sherry GEORGEFF Beloit WI 53511 US 12/3/22
Jennifer Erickson Blanchardville WI 53516 US 12/1/22
Kristen Clary Blue Mounds WI 53517 US 11/30/22
Anne Keller Blue River WI 53518 US 12/7/22
Bobbie Childs Blue River WI 53518 US 12/1/22
Christopher Simonson Blue River WI 53518 US 12/1/22
Dakota Knoble Blue river WI 53518 US 12/5/22
Daniel Hendricks Blue River WI 53518 US 12/2/22
Dianne Hendricks Blue River WI 53518 US 12/2/22
Erika Thayer Blue River WI 53518 US 12/5/22
Gregory Kinney Blue River WI 53518 US 12/5/22
Gretchen Stoehr Blue River WI 53518 US 12/2/22
Hendricks Alayne Blue River WI 53518 US 12/1/22
Izeah Currier Blue River WI 53518 US 12/16/22
Jan Hirschy Blue River WI 53518 US 12/9/22
Jane Kinney Blue River WI 53518 US 12/6/22
Janet Kinney Blue River WI 53518 US 12/4/22
Jennie Silver Blue River WI 53518 US 12/1/22
Joshua Nachtigal Blue River WI 53518 US 12/9/22
To: Senator Markein, Assemblyman Kurtz, UW President Rothman, Governor EversPetition: Save Our UW-Richland Campus - Meet with the Community
Katie Kinney Blue River WI 53518 US 12/4/22
Kayla May Blue River WI 53518 US 12/3/22
Kelly Ehorn Blue River WI 53518 US 12/17/22
Kent Kanable Blue River WI 53518 US 12/5/22
Kira Kinney Blue River WI 53518 US 12/4/22
Kristen Williamson Blue River WI 53518 US 12/7/22
Kyrie Kinney Blue river WI 53518 US 12/2/22
Matt Hatfield Blue River WI 53518 US 11/30/22
Rita Dilley Blue River WI 53518 US 12/3/22
Susan Dax Blue River WI 53518 US 12/5/22
Terri McGraw Blue River WI 53518 US 12/5/22
Tina M8ller Blue River WI 53518 US 12/9/22
Tricia Kinney Blue River WI 53518 US 12/4/22
Valerie Keegan Blue River WI 53518 US 12/6/22
Valerie Mangion Blue River WI 53518 US 11/30/22
Brandi Walton Blue River (Boaz) WI 53518 US 12/1/22
Bob Scallon Boscobel WI 53805 US 12/4/22
Darcy Elliott-Wiegel Boscobel WI 53805 US 12/4/22
Diane Yonker Boscobel WI 53805 US 12/5/22
john meehan Boscobel WI 53805 US 12/8/22
Kate Hennessy Boscobel WI 53805 US 12/5/22
Kristi Bruner Boscobel WI 53805 US 12/1/22
Lily Scallon Boscobel WI 53805 US 12/2/22
Riley Blair Boscobel WI 53805 US 12/8/22
SARA WILLIAMSON Boscobel WI 53805 US 12/5/22
Sarah Martin Boscobel WI 53805 US 12/5/22
Allie Forseth Brookfield WI 53005 US 12/7/22
Troy Everson Burlington WI 53105 US 12/8/22
Jenny Zahn Cashton WI 54619 US 12/9/22
Benjamin Kirkham Cazenovia WI 53924 US 11/30/22
Daniel Robie Cazenovia WI 53924 US 12/4/22
Dawn Kiefer Cazenovia WI 53924 US 11/30/22
Hildegard La,Bert Cazenovia WI 53924 US 12/5/22
Jean Grassman Cazenovia WI 53924 US 11/30/22
Katelyn Grissom Cedarburg WI 53012 US 12/6/22
Wendi Stitzer Chetek WI 54728 US 12/5/22
Michelle Erickson
Chippewa Falls WI 54729 US 12/7/22
Thomas Russ Clinton WI 53525 US 12/2/22
Meghan Richardson
Bobbi Zauner
Jackson Hall
Jeffery Bakken
Mary Thering
Betty Pares
Felicia Billings
Riley Conner
Cottage Grove WI 53527 US 12/4/22
Cross Plains WI 53528 US 12/3/22
Cross Plains WI 53528 US 12/1/22
Cross Plains WI 53528 US 12/5/22
Cross plains WI 53528 US 12/1/22
Cuba City WI 53807 US 12/10/22
Cuba City WI 53807 US 12/9/22
Cumberland WI 54829 US 12/3/22
Kyla Radloff Darlingon WI 53530 US 1/9/23
Elaine Hansen
De Forest WI 53532 US 11/30/22
McKenzie Foege De pere WI 54115 US 12/12/22
Scott Gelzer De Soto WI 54624 US 12/26/22
Senator Markein, Assemblyman Kurtz, UW President Rothman, GovernorKelsey Deets
Petition: Save Our UW-Richland Campus - Meet with the Community
Markein, Assemblyman Kurtz, UW President Rothman, Governor Evers
DeForesr WI 53532 US 11/30/22
David Allain DeForest WI 53532 US 11/30/22
Nina Smithback Deforest WI 53532 US 12/1/22
Jennifer Kinney Delavan WI 53115 US 12/3/22
Mercades Mara Dickeyville WI 53808 US 12/5/22
BreAnne Keyes Hesseling
Dodgeville WI 53533 US 12/5/22
Debra Nordloh Dodgeville WI 53533 US 12/5/22
Ethan McCracken Dodgeville WI 53533 US 12/7/22
Gena Green Dodgeville WI 53533 US 11/30/22
Jeanne Jabs Dodgeville WI 53533 US 12/1/22
Jessie Jelle Dodgeville WI 53533 US 11/30/22
John Kidd Dodgeville WI 53533 US 12/4/22
Luanne Kindschi Dodgeville WI 53533 US 11/30/22
Martin Adams Dodgeville WI 53533 US 11/30/22
Michelle Godez Dodgeville WI 53533 US 12/1/22
Natasha Zadrazil Dodgeville WI 53533 US 12/5/22
Brenda Williams
Eau Claire WI 54703 US 12/6/22
Denny Williams Eau Claire WI 54703 US 12/2/22
Heather Galloy Eau Claire WI 54703 US 12/3/22
Reid Fenton Eau Claire WI 54701 US 12/18/22
Stephanie Georgeson Eau Claire WI 54701 US 12/15/22
Susan Houck Eau Claire WI 54701 US 12/10/22
Yia Lor Eau Claire WI 54703 US 12/18/22
Sara Gobin Edgerton WI 53534 US 12/1/22
Rachel Cordero Elroy WI 53929 US 11/30/22
Sarah Hora Elroy WI 53929 US 11/30/22
Marsha Scieszinski Evansville WI 53536 US 12/2/22
Nate Bard Evansville WI 53536 US 12/2/22
Gregory Schaefer Fennimore WI 53809 US 12/5/22
Kayleena Schauff Fennimore WI 53809 US 12/10/22
Nancy Zeman Fennimore WI 53809 US 12/2/22
Timothy Tim Gratz Fennimore WI 53809 US 12/1/22
Koren Gunderson Ferryville WI 54628 US 12/2/22
Tonya Halverson FERRYVILLE WI 54628 US 12/6/22
Vicki Neuman FL WI 34949 US 11/30/22
Chandler Sami Franklin WI 53132 US 12/4/22
Matthew Chandler Franklin WI 53132 US 12/4/22
Vicki Evans Friendship WI 53934 US 11/30/22
Lacey Sime Gaya Mills WI 54631 US 12/7/22
Christina Murray Gays Mills WI 54631 US 12/7/22
Clare Bruckner Gays Mills WI 53581 US 12/2/22
Erik Kinney Gays Mills WI 54631 US 12/5/22
Jackson Kinney Gays Mills WI 54631 US 11/30/22
Jennifer Knutson Gays mills WI 54631 US 12/7/22
Lindsey Floerke Gays Mills WI 54601 US 12/3/22
Martha Querin-Schultz
Gays Mills WI 54631 US 12/3/22
Michelle Burbach Gays Mills WI 54631 US 12/8/22
Rick Redfield Gays Mills WI 54631 US 11/30/22
Robin Chamberlain Sweeney Gays Mills WI 54631 US 12/6/22
Shannon Gher Gays Mills WI 54631 US 12/6/22
SenatorTina Allbaugh
Petition: Save Our UW-Richland Campus - Meet with the Community
Gays Mills WI 54631 US 12/6/22
Lila Kirkpatrick Germantown WI 53022 US 12/6/22
Jeff Bartels Gleason WI 54435 US 12/6/22
Kari Bartels Gleason WI 54435 US 12/6/22
Kathy Oswald Gleason WI 54435 US 12/6/22
Anne Welsh Gotham WI 53540 US 12/3/22
David Hinrichs Gotham WI 53540 US 11/30/22
Gloria Hinrichs Gotham WI 53540 US 12/5/22
Julie Ringelstetter Gotham WI 53540 US 12/12/22
Amber Hubbard Green Bay WI 54311 US 12/5/22
Carla Langyel Mathews Green Bay WI 54313 US 12/3/22
Corey McCauley Hartford WI 53027 US 11/30/22
Jayne Cler Hartland WI 53029 US 12/3/22
Susan Hesslink Hartland WI 53029 US 12/1/22
Brody Smith Highland WI 53543 US 12/5/22
Katie Schultz Hillpoint WI 53937 US 12/7/22
Sativa Self Hillpoint WI 53937 US 11/30/22
Shelly Anders Hillpoint WI 53937 US 12/3/22
Aaron Murphy-Lopez Hillsboro WI 54634 US 12/1/22
Allan Stowell Hillsboro WI 54634 US 12/1/22
Becky Farra Hillsboro WI 54634 US 12/5/22
Brockwell Lani Hillsboro WI 54634 US 12/5/22
Dan Soukup Hillsboro WI 54634 US 12/5/22
Danita Hammer Hillsboro WI 54634 US 12/5/22
Francis Goodman Hillsboro WI 54634 US 12/1/22
Griffin Gary Hillsboro WI 54634 US 12/5/22
Jennifer Malphy Hillsboro WI 54634 US 12/5/22
Jewel Huffman Hillsboro WI 54634 US 12/2/22
Juli Van Cleve Hillsboro WI 54634 US 12/5/22
Karin Woods Hillsboro WI 54634 US 12/4/22
Karla Frederick Hillsboro WI 54634 US 12/5/22
Kimberly Heal Hillsboro WI 54634 US 12/8/22
Lee D. Van Landuyt Hillsboro WI 54634 US 11/30/22
Linda Deyarmin Hillsboro WI 54634 US 12/5/22
Loni Weber Hillsboro WI 54634 US 12/5/22
Michele Nolen-Karras Hillsboro WI 54634 US 12/4/22
Nancy Nelson Hillsboro WI 54634 US 12/8/22
Patrick Sullivan Hillsboro WI 54634 US 12/5/22
Pettit Molly Hillsboro WI 54634 US 12/5/22
Shane Moen Hillsboro WI 54634 US 11/30/22
sheryl gehri hillsboro WI 54634 US 12/5/22
Sue Scoville Hillsboro WI 54634 US 12/10/22
Tasha Mueller Hillsboro WI 54634 US 12/5/22
Tim Lochner Hillsboro WI 54634 US 11/30/22
Tina Munson Hillsboro WI 54634 US 12/5/22
Troy Granger Hillsboro WI 54634 US 12/5/22
Yvonne Chapman Hillsboro WI 54634 US 12/1/22
Zachary Woods Hillsboro WI 54634 US 12/4/22
Zoe Woods Hillsboro WI 54634 US 12/4/22
Ann Wilson Holmen WI 54636 US 11/30/22
To: Senator Markein, Assemblyman Kurtz, UW President Rothman, GovernorPetition: Save Our UW-Richland Campus - Meet with the Community
bella miranda
Holmen WI 54636 US 12/2/22
Cheryl Hancock Holmen WI 54636 US 12/1/22
Connie Bender Holmen WI 54636 US 11/30/22
James Reed Holmen WI 54636 US 12/8/22
Kevin Place Holmen WI 54636 US 12/2/22
Marcia Hubanks
Holmen WI 54636 US 12/6/22
Renee Fletcher Holmen WI 54636 US 12/6/22
Vinny Heal Holmen WI 54636 US 12/2/22
Rick Huebsch Hudson WI 54016 US 12/5/22
Kevin Simpson Hustler WI 54637 US 12/3/22
Megan Stumpf
Iron River WI 54847 US 12/6/22
Roland Wise Iron River WI 54847 US 12/8/22
Jennifer Ottman
Janesville WI 53545 US 12/3/22
Kathryn Granger Janesville WI 53545 US 12/5/22
Kayleigh Matheson
Janesville WI 53545 US 11/30/22
Lisa Hanson Janesville WI 53546 US 12/5/22
Lynn Retzlaff Janesville WI 53546 US 12/3/22
Gail Aumann Jefferson WI 53549 US 12/8/22
Denise Beal Juneau WI 53039 US 12/1/22
Jamie Bell Kendall WI 54638 US 12/8/22
julianna Shannon Kenosha WI 53144 US 12/3/22
Sarah Abbey Kenosha WI 53144 US 12/7/22
Alyshia Towne
La Crosse WI 54601 US 11/30/22
Chad Dull La Crosse WI 54601 US 11/30/22
Connie Kinyon
Dawn Oelfke
La Crosse WI 54601 US 12/8/22
La Crosse WI 54601 US 12/5/22
Destiny Ziel La Crosse WI 54601 US 12/5/22
Dianne Nachtigal La Crosse WI 54601 US 12/4/22
Dull Marcia La Crosse WI 54601 US 12/1/22
Ellen Berg La Crosse WI 54601 US 12/8/22
Emma Williamson La Crosse WI 54601 US 12/7/22
Gabrielle Beardsley La Crosse WI 54601 US 12/5/22
Grant Dull La Crosse WI 54601 US 11/30/22
Hope Scallon La Crosse WI 54601 US 12/2/22
Jamie Dedrick La Crosse WI 54603 US 12/3/22
jean PintzOlson La Crosse WI 54601 US 12/2/22
Jerry Jewell La Crosse WI 54601 US 12/2/22
Karen Stoltz La Crosse WI 54601 US 11/30/22
Kathryn Feeny
La Crosse WI 54601 US 12/1/22
Linda Moser La Crosse WI 54601 US 12/1/22
Mckenzie Dull La Crosse WI 54601 US 11/30/22
Pearl Scallon La Crosse WI 54601 US 12/2/22
Ryan Champlin
Scott Fjelstad
La Crosse WI 54601 US 12/4/22
La Crosse WI 54601 US 11/30/22
Sheila Jubera La Crosse WI 54601 US 12/1/22
Susie Spaag
Sydney Pulvermacher
La Crosse WI 54601 US 12/2/22
La Crosse WI 54601 US 12/2/22
La Crosse WI 54601 US 11/30/22
Chelsea Karper La Farge WI 54639 US 11/30/22
Courtney Mahan La Farge WI 54639 US 12/1/22
To: Senator Markein, Assemblyman Kurtz, UW President Rothman, GovernorTo:
Daniel Check
Dean Young
Ken Grunke
Lisa Young
Macey Wood
Robert Gabbey
Marilyn Rinehart
Angie Falk
Brenda Stenli
Bruce & Trisha Vermilyea
Debra Monson
Kiersten Bradley
kristin stull
Lori Bradley
Marty Richards
Mary Miller
Elizabeth Schultz
Lili Fandrich
Petition: Save Our UW-Richland Campus - Meet with the Community
Markein, Assemblyman Kurtz, UW President Rothman, Governor Evers
La Farge WI 54639 US 12/6/22
La Farge WI 54639 US 12/4/22
La Farge WI 54639 US 12/6/22
La Farge WI 54639 US 12/6/22
La Farge WI 54639 US 12/5/22
La Farge WI 54639 US 12/5/22
La Richland Center WI 553581 US 12/3/22
La Valle WI 53941 US 11/30/22
La Valle WI 53941 US 12/10/22
La Valle WI 53941 US 12/2/22
La Valle WI 53941 US 12/9/22
La Valle WI 53941 US 12/4/22
La Valle WI 53941 US 12/6/22
La Valle WI 53941 US 11/30/22
La Valle WI 53941 US 11/30/22
La Valle WI 53941 US 12/1/22
LaCrosse WI 54603 US 12/3/22
LaCrosse WI 54601 US 12/9/22
Liz Huml Lake Geneva WI 53115 US 11/30/22
Lynn Gillitzer
Lake Mills WI 53551 US 12/8/22
Richard Gillitzer Lake Mills WI 53551 US 12/18/22
Daniel Merwin Lancaster WI 53813 US 12/4/22
Margaret Neary LaValle WI 53941 US 12/5/22
Alan & Sandra Matteson Lodi WI 53555 US 12/6/22
Allicia Woodhouse Lodi WI 53555 US 12/2/22
Amanda Hamby Lodi WI 53555 US 12/2/22
Anna Clark Lodi WI 53555 US 12/1/22
Bonnie Downs Lodi WI 53555 US 11/30/22
Bryan McCarvel Lodi WI 53555 US 12/5/22
Cathy Rooney Lodi WI 53555 US 12/8/22
Cherish Jongquist Lodi WI 53582 US 12/3/22
Darlo Wentz Lodi WI 53555 US 11/30/22
Davina Storkson Lodi WI 53555 US 12/4/22
Gaile Burchill Lodi WI 53555 US 11/30/22
Gregory Dettmann Lodi WI 53581 US 11/30/22
GREGORY REEVE Lodi WI 53555 US 12/1/22
Janice Sabin Lodi WI 53555 US 11/30/22
Jean Bruhn Lodi WI 53555 US 12/1/22
John Poole Lodi WI 53555 US 11/30/22
Josephine Tagliapietra Lodi WI 53555 US 12/4/22
Karee Stull Lodi WI 53555 US 12/5/22
Karen Scott Lodi WI 53555 US 12/1/22
Kassie Mondragon Lodi WI 53012 US 12/4/22
Katie Culver Lodi WI 53555 US 11/30/22
Kimberly Adams Lodi WI 53581 US 12/4/22
Lester Parker Lodi WI 53555 US 12/3/22
Linda Gentes Lodi WI 53555 US 11/30/22
Lynne Eichinger Lodi WI 53555 US 12/1/22
Marcia Carlson Lodi WI 53555 US 12/10/22
Mark Chambers Lodi WI 53555 US 12/1/22
Mary Jane Champagne
Petition: Save Our UW-Richland Campus - Meet with the Community
Markein, Assemblyman Kurtz, UW President Rothman, Governor Evers
Lodi WI 53555 US 12/1/22
Nicole Kartman Lodi WI 53555 US 12/9/22
Pam Kramer Lodi WI 53555 US 12/5/22
Paul ONeal Lodi WI 53555 US 12/5/22
Paula Welte Lodi WI 53555 US 12/3/22
Peter Ludlum Lodi WI 53555 US 12/8/22
Robert Bellman Lodi WI 53555 US 11/30/22
Robert Deckert Lodi WI 53555 US 11/30/22
Sabrina Rider Lodi WI 53555 US 12/1/22
Sandy Keller Lodi WI 53555 US 12/4/22
Sharon Panske Lodi WI 53555 US 12/5/22
Sherry Hillesheim Lodi WI 53555 US 11/30/22
Stephanie Wallace Lodi WI 53555 US 12/6/22
Susan Price Lodi WI 53555 US 11/30/22
Tom Everson Everson Lodi WI 53555 US 12/1/22
Vickie Wilson Lodi WI 53555 US 11/30/22
Victoria Lane Lodi WI 53555 US 12/1/22
Wayne Lunk Lodi WI 53555 US 12/3/22
Doug Kozak
Loganville WI 53943 US 12/3/22
Marianne Louis Loganville WI 53943 US 11/30/22
Phoebe Steiner
Virgi ia Gieseke
Abby Burt
Amy Grassman
Amy Jacob
Angela Larson
Audrey Fries
Barbara Voyce
Christina ONeal
David Harper
Dennis Gunderson
Edward Leineweber
Elizabeth Shevokas
Emily Simonson
Heather Wilson
Loganville WI 53943 US 12/3/22
Loganville WI 53943 US 12/14/22
Lone rock WI 53556 US 12/1/22
Lone Rock WI 53556 US 12/1/22
Lone Rock WI 53556 US 12/3/22
Lone Rock WI 53556 US 12/2/22
Lone Rock WI 53556 US 12/9/22
Lone Rock WI 53556 US 11/30/22
Lone Rock WI 53556 US 12/1/22
Lone Rock WI 53556 US 12/6/22
Lone Rock WI 53556 US 12/5/22
Lone Rock WI 53556 US 12/1/22
LONE ROCK WI 53556-4135 US 1/5/23
Lone Rock WI 53556 US 12/3/22
Lone Rock WI 53556 US 12/3/22
James Crist Lone Rock WI 53556 US 12/2/22
John Heasley
Kyle Coppernoll
Margaret Neefe
Marie Nelson
Roxanne Klubertanz-Gerber
Shane Gundlach
Sharon Tanner
Starlyn Miller
Steven Polkinghorne
Susan Dvorak
Tiffany Olson
Lone Rock WI 53556 US 12/12/22
Lone Rock WI 53556 US 12/7/22
Lone Rock WI 53556 US 12/6/22
Lone Rock WI 53556 US 12/1/22
Lone Rock WI 53556 US 12/5/22
Lone rock WI 53556 US 11/30/22
Lone Rock WI 53556 US 12/2/22
Lone Rock WI 53556 US 11/30/22
Lone Rock WI 53556 US 1/11/23
Lone rock WI 53556 US 11/30/22
Lone Rock WI 53556 US 11/30/22
Travis Molzof Lone Rock WI 53556 US 12/8/22
Mark Kraska
Lone Rock WI WI 53556 US 11/30/22
Dawson Nonn Luxemburg WI 54217 US 11/30/22
Petition: Save Our UW-Richland Campus - Meet with the Community
Markein, Assemblyman Kurtz, UW President Rothman, Governor Evers
Aasha Dobbs Madison WI 53717 US 11/30/22
Alison Koelsch Madison WI 53705 US 12/1/22
Amanda Kinyon Madison WI 53713 US 12/8/22
Amanda Schultz Madison WI 53704 US 12/7/22
Amanda Stevens-Fancher Madison WI 53703 US 11/30/22
ANDREW LOBDELL Madison WI 53719 US 12/3/22
Anna Chang Madison WI 53705 US 12/4/22
Ashley Bauer Madison WI 53704 US 12/7/22
Ava Wilkerson Madison WI 53706 US 12/3/22
Ben Doran Madison WI 53704 US 12/6/22
Ben Shannon Madison WI 53704 US 12/3/22
Bharati Holtzman Madison WI 53716 US 12/7/22
Brian Walter Madison WI 53717 US 12/1/22
Bryce Kinney Madison WI 54704 US 12/3/22
Cindy Stroede Madison WI 53704 US 12/2/22
Daniel Huebsch Madison WI 53719 US 12/5/22
Daniel Puser Madison WI 53706 US 12/4/22
Dara Foust Madison WI 53711 US 12/2/22
David Tallard Madison WI 53711 US 12/3/22
Dean Anderson Madison WI 53711 US 12/3/22
Don and Joan Gray Madison WI 53711 US 12/5/22
DORIS Gassen Madison WI 53718 US 12/1/22
Elliot Maroney Madison WI 53706 US 11/30/22
Emily Nadine Fish Madison WI 53711 US 11/30/22
ERIC MARX Madison WI 53713 US 11/30/22
Erica Subera Madison WI 53711 US 11/30/22
Erin Robbins Madison WI 53711 US 12/9/22
Hanna Meister Madison WI 53717 US 12/1/22
Jana Lenz Madison WI 53704 US 12/7/22
Jane Hansen Madison WI 53704 US 11/30/22
Jenna Storms Madison WI 53711 US 12/2/22
Jeremy Henning Madison WI 53704 US 12/4/22
Jeri Walsh Madison WI 53716 US 12/2/22
Jim Giebel Madison WI 53719 US 12/6/22
Joanne Yee Madison WI 53705 US 12/3/22
Josh Voss Madison WI 53703 US 12/1/22
Joshua Stromer Madison WI 53704 US 11/30/22
Judith Bezdecny madison WI 53704 US 1/3/23
Julie Path Madison WI 53719 US 12/5/22
Katherine Formosa Madison WI 53719 US 12/1/22
Kelsey Thorell Madison WI 53704 US 11/30/22
Kimbert Kaukl Madison WI 53705 US 11/30/22
laurie stephens vance Madison WI 53704 US 12/1/22
Linda Atkins Madison WI 53705 US 12/7/22
Lorie Wesolek Madison WI 53716 US 12/3/22
Lucas Annear Madison WI 53705 US 12/3/22
MARGARET MARONEY Madison WI 53705 US 11/30/22
Marina Drake Madison WI 53704 US 12/6/22
Megan O'Sullivan Madison WI 53705 US 12/3/22
Meghan Ard Madison WI 53719 US 11/30/22
SenatorPetition: Save Our UW-Richland Campus - Meet with the Community
Much Hagenbaugh Madison WI 53705 US 11/30/22
Nancy Edwards Madison WI 53711 US 12/1/22
Natasha Pierce Madison WI 53705 US 12/3/22
Nathan Jandl Madison WI 53705 US 12/3/22
NICK BERIGAN Madison WI 53705 US 12/3/22
Nick Smith Madison WI US 12/4/22
Paul Carlson Madison WI 53713 US 12/5/22
Peter Nee Madison WI 53719 US 12/3/22
Renee Cairns Madison WI 53703 US 12/5/22
Rita Cairns Madison WI 53704 US 12/5/22
Robin Good Madison WI 53719 US 12/3/22
Ruth Lillie Madison WI 53716 US 11/30/22
Shawna Dobbratz Madison WI 53714 US 12/7/22
Steven Tenney Madison WI 53711 US 12/1/22
Sussan Bruss Madison WI 53711 US 12/9/22
suzette buck Madison WI 53704 US 11/30/22
Tezra Menne Madison WI 53719 US 12/3/22
Tracey Long Madison WI 53711 US 12/1/22
Trinity Pulvermacher Madison WI 53717 US 11/30/22
Virginia Erling Madison WI 53713 US 11/30/22
Tony Olson Manitowoc WI 54220 US 12/3/22
Stephanie Hamburg Markesan WI 53946 US 12/9/22
Reba A. Englebretson Marshfield WI 54449 US 12/4/22
Curt Meine Mauston WI 53948 US 12/6/22
Mark Gill Mauston WI 53948 US 11/30/22
Nan Setterlund + Mauston WI 53948 US 12/5/22
Thereasa Alexander Mauston WI 53948 US 12/3/22
Traci Peterson Mauston WI 53948 US 12/3/22
Kasie Setterlund Mazomanie WI 53560 US 12/7/22
Kaylee Schultz Mazomanie WI 53560 US 12/3/22
Elizabeth Keegan Mequon WI 53092 US 11/30/22
Dale Nauertz Merrimac WI 53561 US 12/2/22
Kathy Bruno Merrimac WI 53561 US 12/8/22
Terri Winscher Merrimac WI 53561 US 12/13/22
Alisa Gutweiler
Middleton WI 53562 US 11/30/22
Carrie Richardson Middleton WI 53562 US 12/2/22
Ellen Nibbelink Middleton WI 53562 US 12/7/22
Joan Leannah-Brumm Middleton WI 53562 US 12/2/22
Sara Triggs
Middleton WI 53562 US 12/3/22
Susan Dunn Middleton WI 53562 US 12/6/22
Jennifer Carr Milton WI 53563 US 12/9/22
Andrea West Milwaukee WI 53215 US 11/30/22
Angela Kehl Milwaukee WI 53202 US 12/5/22
Briana Krause Milwaukee WI 53214 US 12/11/22
Brock Louis Milwaukee WI 53211 US 11/30/22
Carrie McKenzie Milwaukee WI 53213-3737 US 12/1/22
Cassandra DaValt Milwaukee WI 53219 US 12/5/22
Daniel Wolfram Milwaukee WI 53211 US 12/8/22
Denise Kallian Milwaukee WI 53216 US 12/7/22
Diane Silbaugh Milwaukee WI 53217 US 12/4/22
To: Senator Markein, Assemblyman Kurtz, UW President Rothman, Governor EversPetition: Save Our UW-Richland Campus - Meet with the Community
Diondre Howard Milwaukee WI 53218 US 11/30/22
Jennifer Lindsay Milwaukee WI 53212 US 12/9/22
John Birkholz Milwaukee WI 53208 US 12/3/22
Kenneth Rentz Milwaukee WI 53213 US 12/1/22
Laura Schneider Milwaukee WI 53211 US 12/11/22
Liz Wick Milwaukee WI 53211 US 12/6/22
Marion Angeloff Milwaukee WI 53206 US 12/4/22
Martha Drew Milwaukee WI 53204 US 11/30/22
Matthew Peterson Milwaukee WI 53211 US 12/5/22
Nicole Stelzner Milwaukee WI 53209 US 12/5/22
Phyllis Matel Milwaukee WI 53227 US 12/5/22
Tirzah Peterson Milwaukee WI 53211 US 12/5/22
Sean Deglow Mineral Point WI 53565 US 12/2/22
Danielle Bailey Monroe WI 53566 US 12/1/22
Sharon Blohowiak Monticello WI 53570 US 12/1/22
Polly Field Mount Horeb WI 53572 US 12/6/22
JJ Lund Mukwonago WI 53149 US 12/6/22
Shawn Lund Mukwonago WI 53149 US 12/4/22
Shawn Verdoni Mukwonago WI 53149 US 12/8/22
taylor grieger Mukwonago WI 53149 US 12/10/22
Alexis Ambort Muscoda WI 53573 US 12/8/22
April Fish Muscoda WI 53573 US 11/30/22
Ava Jones Muscoda WI 53573 US 12/4/22
Barbara Vertein Muscoda WI 53573 US 12/6/22
Brianna Hagen Muscoda WI 53573 US 12/6/22
Bug1308 Bug1308 muscoda WI 53573 US 12/4/22
Caleb Schlehlein Muscoda WI 53573 US 12/4/22
Carla Meyer Muscoda WI 53573 US 12/22/22
Cindy Schlehlein Muscoda WI 53573 US 12/5/22
Dakota Burghagen Muscoda WI 53573 US 12/1/22
Dan Pulvermacher Muscoda WI 5573 US 12/5/22
Daniel Biba MUSCODA WI 53573 US 12/5/22
Deb Bomkamp Muscoda WI 53573 US 12/8/22
Delaney Imhoff Muscoda WI 53573 US 12/12/22
Ellis Felker Muscoda WI 53573 US 11/30/22
Erin Miess Muscoda WI 53573 US 12/5/22
haley rynes muscoda WI 53603 US 12/1/22
Heather Horton Muscoda WI 53573 US 12/5/22
Heather Simonson
Muscoda WI 53573 US 12/2/22
James Singleton Muscoda WI 53573 US 12/4/22
Janette Frawley Muscoda WI 53573 US 12/9/22
Jeffrey Bethke Muscoda WI 53573 US 12/4/22
Jen Daly Muscoda WI 53573 US 12/3/22
Jenna Wiitanen Muscoda WI 53573 US 12/3/22
Jennifer Furgason Muscoda WI 53573 US 12/1/22
Kyana Dowell
Muscoda WI 53573 US 11/30/22
Linda Moe Muscoda WI 53573 US 12/3/22
Lisa Farness Muscoda WI 53573 US 12/4/22
Lori Anderson Muscoda WI 53573 US 12/2/22
Mark Stoltz Muscoda WI 53573 US 11/30/22
To: Senator Markein, Assemblyman Kurtz, UW President Rothman, GovernorMelanie Bloyer
Nancy Brewer
Petition: Save Our UW-Richland Campus - Meet with the Community
Muscoda WI 53573 US 12/3/22
Muscoda WI 53573 US 11/30/22
Paula Bruckner Muscoda WI 53573 US 12/5/22
Payton Kinyon Muscoda WI 53573 US 12/2/22
Riley Friederick Muscoda WI 53573 US 12/4/22
Sabrina Line Muscoda WI 53573 US 12/4/22
Sally Heffner
Sandy Campbell
Muscoda WI 53573 US 12/9/22
Muscoda WI 53573 US 12/1/22
Sarah Bailey Muscoda WI 53573 US 12/2/22
Susan Carr Muscoda WI 53573 US 12/4/22
Tayden Krause Muscoda WI 53573 US 12/4/22
Janelle Brodhagen
Muskego WI 53150 US 12/5/22
Lauren Tomas Muskego WI 53150 US 12/5/22
Michelle Paradis Muskego WI 53150 US 12/4/22
Timothy Bailey Muskego WI 53150 US 12/4/22
Lora Schultz Necedah WI 54646 US 12/3/22
Alexzandra Batts Neenah WI 54956 US 12/1/22
Tracy Breaker Neshkoro WI 54960 US 12/3/22
Claire Harris New Richmond WI 54017 US 12/4/22
Greg Geller North Freedom WI 53951 US 12/1/22
Chelsea Bailey Onalaska WI 54650 US 12/5/22
John Grothjan
Onalaska WI 54650 US 12/5/22
Orion Roen Onalaska WI 54650 US 1/3/23
Pao Vue Onalaska WI 54650 US 12/1/22
stephanie steiner Onalaska WI 54650 US 12/15/22
Toña Valdez Onalaska WI 54650 US 12/3/22
Ann Axe Oregon WI 53575 US 11/30/22
Deborah Fortman Oregon WI 53575 US 12/11/22
Nicola Winterberg Oregon WI 53575 US 12/5/22
Sheila Drea Oregon WI 53575 US 11/30/22
Chandler Brindley Oshkosh WI 54901 US 12/3/22
Eden Protheroe Oshkosh WI 54901 US 12/3/22
Linda Hohneke Pardeeville WI 53954 US 12/8/22
Vicki Ramsay Pardeeville WI 53954 US 12/1/22
Jon Belflower Park Falls WI 54552 US 12/15/22
Luis Garcia Plain WI 53581 US 12/1/22
Robin Hampton Plain WI 53577 US 11/30/22
Zane Woods Plain WI 53577 US 12/4/22
Ann Chitwood
David Thering
Donna Swanson
Edwina Melby
Heidi Miesen
Kimberlee Dobbs
Mallory Miess
Mari Sue Bethke
Mark Schell
Noelle S
Paige Carter
Samantha DeBeukelar
Platteville WI 53818 US 12/5/22
Platteville WI 53818 US 12/3/22
Platteville WI 53818 US 12/1/22
Platteville WI 53818 US 12/4/22
Platteville WI 53818 US 12/6/22
Platteville WI 53818 US 12/1/22
Platteville WI 53818 US 12/4/22
Platteville WI 53818 US 12/3/22
Platteville WI 53818 US 12/18/22
Platteville WI 53818 US 12/3/22
Platteville WI 53818 US 12/1/22
Platteville WI 53818 US 12/1/22
To: Senator Markein, Assemblyman Kurtz, UW President Rothman, GovernorTo:
Veronica Carpenter
Ann Griffin
Laura Arbuckle
Bruce brochtrup
cheryl johnson
Petition: Save Our UW-Richland Campus - Meet with the Community
Markein, Assemblyman Kurtz, UW President Rothman, Governor Evers
Platteville WI 53818 US 12/3/22
Plymouth WI 53073 US 12/5/22
Plymouth WI 53073 US 12/5/22
Portage WI 53901 US 12/1/22
Portage WI 53901 US 11/30/22
Miller Jan Portage WI 53901 US 12/4/22
Nancy Kraemer
Tricia Krueger
Cindy Conner
Jennifer Leffler
Konie Walz
Merica Day
Miller Lori
Tayler Nelson
Vicki Sander
Delores Nebl
Jarrett Fillyaw
Joy Leineweber
Karen Persinger
Kristi Zumach
Portage WI 53901 US 12/1/22
Pound WI 54161 US 12/7/22
Prairie du Chien WI 53821 US 12/1/22
Prairie du Chien WI 53821 US 11/30/22
Prairie du Chien WI 53821 US 12/6/22
Prairie du Chien WI 53821 US 12/6/22
Prairie du Chien WI 53821 US 12/6/22
Prairie du Chien WI 53821 US 12/1/22
Prairie du Chien WI 53821 US 11/30/22
Prairie du Sac WI 53578 US 11/30/22
Prairie du Sac WI 53578 US 11/30/22
Prairie du Sac WI 53578 US 12/2/22
Prairie du Sac WI 53578 US 12/6/22
Prairie Du Sac WI 53578 US 12/3/22
Andrew Payne Readstown WI 54652 US 12/1/22
Angie Kagel Readstown WI 54652 US 12/6/22
Hannah Hanson Readstown WI 54652 US 12/5/22
Linda Gallaway Readstown WI 54652 US 12/2/22
Salena RANDOW Readstown WI 54652 US 12/15/22
Adam Steiner Reedsburg WI 53959 US 12/3/22
Amy Hergert Reedsburg WI 53959 US 11/30/22
Andrei Steiner Reedsburg WI 53959 US 12/3/22
Arthur Shrader Reedsburg WI 53959 US 12/4/22
Joan H Reedsburg WI 53959 US 12/4/22
Kyle Biba Reedsburg WI 53959 US 11/30/22
Laurir Allen Reedsburg WI 53959 US 12/5/22
Matthew Steiner Reedsburg WI 53959 US 12/3/22
Mindy Shrader Reedsburg WI 53959 US 12/1/22
Samantha Ozelis Reedsburg WI 53959 US 12/5/22
Rebecca Frank Reeseville WI 53579 US 11/30/22
Denise Ellefson
Jasmine Sturdevant
Jodi Griffith
Kathleen Elliott
Rebecca Bremmer
Kristie Brunner
Rice Lake WI 54868 US 12/1/22
Rice Lake WI 54868 US 12/5/22
Rice Lake WI 54868 US 12/3/22
Rice Lake WI 54868 US 12/5/22
Rice Lake WI 54868 US 12/8/22
Richand Center WI 53581 US 12/1/22
Rita Kidd, past mayor of R.C. Richland WI 53581 US 12/9/22
Rita Mulholland
Aaron Dettmann
Aaron Halverson
Abigail Weers
Richland WI 53555 US 12/2/22
Richland Center WI 53581 US 11/30/22
Richland Center WI 53581 US 12/6/22
Richland Center WI 53581 US 12/3/22
Adam Hall RICHLAND CENTER WI 53581 US 12/15/22
Alana Nelson Richland Center WI 53581 US 11/30/22
Aliyah Sander Richland Center WI 53581 US 11/30/22
SenatorAmalia Moore
Petition: Save Our UW-Richland Campus - Meet with the Community
Markein, Assemblyman Kurtz, UW President Rothman, Governor Evers
Richland Center WI 53581 US 11/30/22
Amber Hilby Richland Center WI 53581 US 12/3/22
Andrea Cooper Richland Center WI 53581 US 12/1/22
Angela Larse Richland Center WI 53581 US 12/5/22
Angie Paulson Richland Center WI 53581 US 12/1/22
Anna Arms Richland Center WI 53581 US 12/4/22
Anna Ewing Richland Center WI 53581 US 12/1/22
Anne Wilson Richland Center WI 53581 US 12/3/22
Annie Ewing Richland Center WI 53047 US 12/8/22
Ardie Vallem Richland Center WI 53581 US 12/3/22
Autumn Carter Richland Center WI 53581 US 12/1/22
Avery Manning Richland Center WI 53581 US 12/3/22
Barb Marshall Richland Center WI 53581 US 12/1/22
Barbara Blackmore Richland Center WI 53581 US 12/5/22
Barbara Clary Richland Center WI 53581 US 12/1/22
Barbara Duerksen Richland Center WI 53581 US 11/30/22
Barbara Wentz Richland Center WI 53581 US 11/30/22
Barry Ziegahn Richland Center WI 53581 US 12/4/22
Becky Bergman Richland Center WI 53581 US 12/3/22
Becky Dalberg Richland Center WI 53581 US 12/1/22
Ben Koelsch Richland Center WI 53581 US 11/30/22
Benjamin Stowell Richland Center WI 53581 US 12/4/22
Beth Delagrave Richland Center WI 53581 US 12/3/22
Beverly Laue Richland Center WI 53581 US 12/1/22
Beverly Pestel Richland Center WI 53581 US 11/30/22
Beverly Pittman Burns Richland Center WI 53581 US 11/30/22
Bill Cary Richland Center WI 53581 US 12/1/22
Billy Jones Richland Center WI 53581 US 12/5/22
Bob Nugent Richland Center WI 53581-6637 US 12/5/22
Bonnie Arbegust
Bonnie Richardson Richland Center WI 53582 US 12/1/22
Brian Kennedy Richland Center WI 53581 US 11/30/22
Brooke Dobbs Richland Center WI 53581 US 11/30/22
Brooke Hackl Richland Center WI 53581 US 12/5/22
Brooklyn Freestone Richland Center WI 53581 US 12/4/22
Bruce Roesler Richland Center WI 53581 US 12/5/22
Cameron Cormican Richland Center WI 53581 US 12/9/22
Carl Bethke Richland Center WI 53581 US 12/5/22
Carmen Decot Richland Center WI 53581 US 11/30/22
Carol Goska Richland Center WI 53581 US 12/6/22
Carol Kramer Richland Center WI 53581 US 11/30/22
Cecile Even Richland Center WI 53581 US 12/1/22
Celeste Weston Richland Center WI 53581 US 11/30/22
Chad Kanable Richland Center WI 53581 US 11/30/22
Cheryl Crook Richland Center WI 53581 US 12/1/22
Chris Jarvis Richland center WI 53581 US 12/1/22
Christine Mulholland Richland Center WI 53581 US 12/6/22
Christopher Kanable Richland Center WI 53581 US 11/30/22
Cindy Hanold Richland Center WI 53581 US 12/5/22
Claire Stadler Richland Center WI 53581 US 12/4/22
SenatorClarissa Vieth
Petition: Save Our UW-Richland Campus - Meet with the Community
Markein, Assemblyman Kurtz, UW President Rothman, Governor Evers
Richland Center WI 53581 US 11/30/22
Cliff Schiesl Richland Center WI 53581 US 12/5/22
Coltyn Bomkamp Richland Center WI 53581 US 12/8/22
connie craig Richland Center WI 53581 US 12/2/22
Connie Frye Richland Center WI 53581 US 12/6/22
Corolyn Kanable Richland Center WI 53581 US 12/8/22
Craig Chicker Richland Center WI 53581 US 12/5/22
Crystal Foley Richland Center WI 53581 US 11/30/22
Crystal Long Richland center WI 53581 US 12/1/22
Cynthia Chicker Richland Center WI 53581 US 12/5/22
Dale Schultz Richland Center WI 53581 US 12/7/22
Dale Sinnett Richland Center WI 53581 US 12/5/22
dalton Johnson Richland Center WI 53581 US 12/3/22
Daniel Miller Richland Center WI 53581 US 12/2/22
Danny Zadrazil Richland Center WI 53581 US 12/1/22
Darcie McCallum Richland Center WI 53581 US 12/3/22
Darlene Waldsmith-Tagliapietra Richland Center WI 53581 US 12/1/22
Darrell Waldsmith Richland Center WI 53581 US 12/6/22
David Shannon Richland Center WI 53581 US 12/8/22
David Thompson Richland Center WI 53581 US 11/30/22
Dawn Propp Richland Center WI 53581 US 12/3/22
Deb Schwarz Richland Center WI 53581 US 11/30/22
Debra Ruskamp Richland Center WI 53581 US 12/4/22
Delaney Hagstrom Richland Center WI 53581 US 12/1/22
della nehring RICHLAND CENTER WI 53581 US 12/1/22
Denise Brewer Richland Center WI 53581 US 12/1/22
Dennis Fry Richland Center WI 53581 US 12/3/22
Derek Kalish Richland Center WI 53581 US 12/4/22
Derek Wilson Richland Center WI 53581 US 12/5/22
Destiny Crist Richland Center WI 53581 US 12/3/22
Diane Brinkley Richland Center WI 53581 US 12/1/22
Don Hubbs Richland Center WI 53581 US 12/1/22
Dorothy Thompson Richland Center WI 53581 US 11/30/22
Dustin Wilson Richland Center WI 53581 US 11/30/22
Echoe Mulholland Richland Center WI 53581 US 12/3/22
Ed and Colleen Pulvermacher Richland Center WI 53581 US 12/1/22
Edith Syftestad
Richland Center WI 53581 US 11/30/22
Eleanor Siebert Richland Center WI 53581 US 12/5/22
Elizabeth Deitelhoff
Richland Center WI 53581 US 11/30/22
Elizabeth Moore Richland Center WI 53581 US 12/13/22
Elizabeth Scallon Richland Center WI 53581 US 12/7/22
Emily Portwine Richland center WI 53581 US 12/6/22
Eric DeBeukelar
Richland Center WI 53581 US 12/1/22
Eric Rynes Richland Center WI 53581 US 11/30/22
eric Scholl richland Center WI 53581 US 11/30/22
Erica Steinmetz
Richland Center WI 53581 US 12/4/22
Erin Jelinek Richland Center WI 53581 US 12/6/22
Erin Kepler Richland Center WI 53581 US 12/1/22
Evan Wontor Richland Center WI 53581 US 12/3/22
Evelyn SHERWIN Richland Center WI 53581 US 12/2/22
SenatorFavorite Rudersdorf
Petition: Save Our UW-Richland Campus - Meet with the Community
Richland Center WI 53581 US 12/4/22
Francis Braithwaite Richland Center WI 53581 US 11/30/22
Gavin Tjossem Richland Center WI 53581 US 12/21/22
Gian pierre Mazanett Richland Center WI 53581 US 12/1/22
Haley Durst Richland Center WI 53581 US 12/1/22
Haley Zumach Richland Center WI 53581 US 11/30/22
Haley Zumach Richland Center WI 53581 US 12/2/22
Hannah Tomas Richland center WI 53581 US 12/4/22
Hannah Zumach Richland Center WI 53581 US 11/30/22
Hayleigh Breininger Richland Center WI 53581 US 12/2/22
Heath Zumach Richland Center WI 53581 US 11/30/22
Heather Boyer Richland Center WI 53581 US 12/3/22
Heather Mase Richland Center WI 53581 US 12/7/22
Heather Stocks Richland Center WI 53581 US 12/2/22
Heather Tague Richland Center WI 53581 US 12/5/22
Heather Walling Richland Center WI 53581 US 12/3/22
Heidi McLaughlin Richland Center WI 53581 US 12/6/22
Helen Gillingham Richland Center WI 53581 US 12/1/22
Holly Nelson Richland Center WI 53581 US 12/1/22
Ingrid Glasbrenner Richland Center WI 53581 US 12/11/22
Ira Coppernoll Richland Center WI 53581 US 12/2/22
Irene Joyce Richland Center WI 53581 US 12/7/22
Izeah Currier Richland Center WI 53581 US 11/30/22
J R Hamby Richland Center WI 53581 US 12/1/22
Jacque DeYager Richland Center WI 53581 US 1/2/23
Jake Steele Richland Center WI 53581 US 11/30/22
Jamaine Carruthers Richland Center WI 53581 US 12/3/22
Jamie Rodriguez Richland Center WI 53581 US 12/1/22
Jane Kintz Richland Center WI 53581 US 11/30/22
Jane Mueller Richland Center WI 53581 US 12/2/22
JANET WILSON Richland Center WI 53581 US 11/30/22
Janis Stephens Richland Center WI 53581 US 12/7/22
Jason Judson Richland Center WI 53581 US 12/2/22
Jason Pilla Richland Center WI 53581 US 12/5/22
Jaszamin Lutz Richland Center WI 53581 US 11/30/22
Jean Birkett Richland Center WI 53581 US 12/5/22
Jean DeLaMater Richland Center WI 53581 US 12/1/22
Jean Halverson Richland Center WI 53581 US 11/30/22
Jenalee Moore Richland Center WI 53581 US 12/1/22
Jenna Sebranek Richland Center WI 53581 US 12/1/22
Jennifer Britt Richland Center WI 53581 US 12/1/22
Jennifer Carley Richland Center WI 53581 US 12/3/22
Jennifer Carter Richland Center WI 53581 US 12/1/22
Jill Layer Richland Center WI 53581 US 12/1/22
Jill Sommer Richland Center WI 53581 US 12/2/22
Jill vestuto Richland Center WI 53581 US 12/2/22
Jo Krulatz Richland Center WI 53581 US 12/2/22
Joanne Harris Richland Center WI 53581 US 12/6/22
Jodie Pretsch Richland Center WI 53581 US 12/4/22
JoEllen Mcauliffe Richland Center WI 53581 US 11/30/22
To: Senator Markein, Assemblyman Kurtz, UW President Rothman, Governor EversJohn Annear
Petition: Save Our UW-Richland Campus - Meet with the Community
To: Senator Markein, Assemblyman Kurtz, UW President Rothman, Governor Evers
Richland Center WI 53581 US 12/3/22
john kraska Richland Center WI 53581 US 11/30/22
John Rudersdorf Richland Center WI 53581 US 11/30/22
Jolene Coy Richland Center WI 53581 US 12/5/22
Judy Barnicle Richland Center WI 53581 US 11/30/22
Judy Rudersdorf Richland Center WI 53581 US 12/1/22
Julie Bethke Richland Center WI 53581 US 12/1/22
Julie Lewis Richland Center WI 53581 US 12/2/22
Julie Marquardt Richland center WI 53581 US 12/5/22
Julie Peckham Richland Center WI 53581 US 12/5/22
Justin Eder Richland Center WI 53581 US 12/2/22
Justin Yeung Richland center WI 53581 US 12/15/22
Kaija Schmidtkunz Richland Center WI 53581 US 12/4/22
Kari Nelson Richland Center WI 53581 US 12/3/22
Kate Crofton Richland center WI 53581 US 12/6/22
Kathleen Starr Richland Center WI 53581 US 12/2/22
Kathryn Lewandowski Richland Center WI 53581 US 12/17/22
Kathy Allbaugh Richland Center WI 53581 US 12/5/22
Kathy Fry Richland Center WI 53581 US 11/30/22
Katie Olson Richland Center WI 53581 US 12/8/22
Kay Ziegahn Richland Center WI 53581 US 11/30/22
Kelly Coppernoll Richland Center WI 53581 US 12/1/22
Kevin Melby Richland Center WI 53581 US 11/30/22
KEVIN O'Halloran Richland Center WI 53581 US 12/5/22
Kim Lux Richland Center WI 53581 US 12/4/22
Kratochwill Shawna Richland Center WI 53581 US 12/5/22
Krista Carpenter Richland Center WI 53581 US 12/2/22
Lacey Clark Richland Center WI 53581 US 12/23/22
Lana Myers Richland Center WI 53581 US 12/4/22
Laura Huth Richland Center WI 53518 US 12/3/22
Laura Melby Richland Center WI 53581 US 12/24/22
Laurie Swenson Richland Center WI 53581 US 12/6/22
RICHLAND CENTER WI 53581-6342 US 11/30/22
leon goska richland center WI 53581 US 12/6/22
Leslie Schauer Richland Center WI 53581 US 11/30/22
Lexa Breininger Richland Center WI 53581 US 12/4/22
Lillian Kraft Richland Center WI 53581 US 12/1/22
Linda Kaufman Richland Center WI 53581 US 12/7/22
Linda Kohn Richland Center WI 53581 US 12/6/22
Lisa Behling Richland Center WI 53581 US 11/30/22
Lisa Swaziek Richland Center WI 53581 US 12/7/22
Liz Perkins Richland Center WI 53581 US 12/3/22
Lorraine Dalberg
Richland Center WI 53581 US 12/3/22
LouAnn Walton Richland Center WI 53545 US 12/2/22
Lucy Lucy Burkhamer Richland Center WI 53581 US 11/30/22
Maggie May Richland Center WI 53581 US 12/5/22
Mandy Barto Richland Center WI 53581 US 11/30/22
Marcia Dax Richland Center WI 53582 US 11/30/22
Marilu Miller Richland Center WI 53581 US 12/4/22
Marilyn Houck Richland Center WI 53581 US 12/3/22
Marilyn Martin
Petition: Save Our UW-Richland Campus - Meet with the Community
Richland Center WI 53581 US 11/30/22
Marilyn Peckham Richland Center WI 53581 US 11/30/22
Mario Fetterly Richland Center WI 53581 US 11/30/22
Mark Jelinek Richland Center WI 53581 US 11/30/22
Mark Schroeder Richland Center WI 53581 US 12/14/22
Mary Clare Richland Center WI 53581 US 11/30/22
Mary Colllins Richland Center WI 53581 US 11/30/22
Mary Fairbrother Richland Center WI 53581 US 12/1/22
Mary Krueger
RICHLAND CENTER WI 53581-8809 US 12/3/22
Mary Lou Tessmer Richland Center WI 53581 US 12/4/22
Mary Mazurczak Richland Center WI 53581 US 12/1/22
Mary Peterson-Smith Richland Center WI 53581 US 11/30/22
Mathew Wilson Richland Center WI 53581 US 12/4/22
McKenna Delagrave Richland Center WI 53581 US 12/2/22
Melanie Harper Richland Center WI 53581 US 12/1/22
Melissa Peterson Richland Center WI 53581 US 12/5/22
Michael Ames Richland Center WI 53581 US 11/30/22
Michael Breininger Richland Center WI 53581 US 11/30/22
michael port Richland Center WI 53581 US 12/1/22
Michele Kleppe Richland Center WI 53581 US 12/1/22
Michelle Elfers Richland Center WI 53581 US 11/30/22
Michelle Peckham Richland Center WI 53581 US 11/30/22
Moody Ahmad Richland Center WI 53581 US 11/30/22
Myrna Toney Richland Center WI 53581 US 12/3/22
Nancy Bittner Richland Center WI 53581 US 12/5/22
Nancy McCauley Richland Center WI 53581 US 12/5/22
Natashia Mueller Richland Center WI 53581 US 11/30/22
Neil Bard Richland Center WI 53581 US 12/1/22
Nikki Allbaugh Richland Center WI 53581 US 12/14/22
Norlene Emerson Richland Center WI 53581 US 11/30/22
Pam Kul-Berg Richland Center WI 53581 US 12/7/22
Pamela Flick Richland Center WI 53581 US 12/5/22
Pamela Taliaferro Richland Center WI 53581 US 12/1/22
Patricia Newman Richland Center WI 53581 US 12/1/22
Patrick Durst Richland Center WI 53581 US 12/29/22
Patrick Neff Richland Center WI 53581 US 12/6/22
Patty Pulvermacher Richland Center WI 53581 US 12/2/22
Paul McManaway Richland Center WI 53581 US 12/1/22
Paul Murphey Richland Center WI 53581 US 11/30/22
Peggy Durkin Richland Center WI 53581 US 12/1/22
Peter Walsh Richland Center WI 53581 US 12/5/22
Rachel Jelinek
Richland Center WI 53581 US 11/30/22
Rachel Schultz Richland Center WI 53581 US 12/6/22
Raymond Smith Richland Center WI 53581 US 12/5/22
Reba Ahmad Richland Center WI 53581 US 12/5/22
Rebecca Smith Richland Center WI 53581 US 11/30/22
Rene Stoltz Richland Center WI 53581 US 11/30/22
Rhonda Louis
RICHLAND CENTER WI 53581-6754 US 12/3/22
Ric Piasecki Richland Center WI 53581 US 11/30/22
Richard Burris Richland Center WI 53581 US 12/8/22
To: Senator Markein, Assemblyman Kurtz, UW President Rothman, GovernorTo:
Richard Neumann
Petition: Save Our UW-Richland Campus - Meet with the Community
Markein, Assemblyman Kurtz, UW President Rothman, Governor Evers
Richland Center WI 53581 US 11/30/22
Richelle Bishop Richland Center WI 53581 US 11/30/22
Robin DeFabbio Richland Center WI 53581 US 12/3/22
Robin Stoddard Richland Center WI 53581 US 12/3/22
Rod C Perry Richland Center WI 53581 US 12/5/22
Ryan Paukstat Richland Center WI 53581 US 11/30/22
Ryan Zoellick Richland Center WI 53581 US 11/30/22
Sally Jackson Richland Center WI 53581 US 12/2/22
Sally Larson Richland Center WI 53581 US 11/30/22
Samantha Machovec Richland Center WI 53581 US 11/30/22
Sandra Granger Richland Center WI 53581 US 11/30/22
Sara Dahlke Richland Center WI 53581 US 12/2/22
Sarah Rynes Richland Center WI 53581 US 12/6/22
Savanna Propp Richland Center WI 53581 US 12/3/22
Schyler Scott Richland Center WI 53563 US 11/30/22
Scott Coppernoll Richland Center WI 53581 US 12/1/22
Serena Salisbury Richland Center WI 53581 US 12/5/22
Shannon Hamby Richland Center WI 53581 US 12/1/22
Sharon Long Richland Center WI 53581 US 12/1/22
Sharon Zales Richland center WI 53582 US 11/30/22
Sheila Bradford Richland Center WI 53581 US 11/30/22
Sheila McCauley Richland Center WI 53581 US 11/30/22
Sheila Melby Richland Center WI 53581 US 12/6/22
Sheila Troxel Richland Center WI 53581 US 12/2/22
Shelly Dobbs Richland Center WI 53581 US 12/5/22
Shelly Stibbe Richland Center WI 53581 US 11/30/22
Sherry Allbaugh Richland Center WI 53581 US 12/1/22
Sherry Giddings Richland Center WI 53581 US 12/4/22
Shirley Steiner Richland Center WI 53555 US 11/30/22
Stacy Pilla Richland Center WI 53581 US 12/5/22
Stein Goering Richland Center WI 53581 US 12/1/22
Stephanie Welte Richland Center WI 53581 US 11/30/22
Steve and Barb Michel Richland Center WI 53581 US 12/17/22
Steve kohlstedt Richland Center WI 53581 US 12/8/22
Steven Karr Richland Center WI 53581 US 12/1/22
Sue Larson Richland Center WI 53581 US 12/1/22
Sue Presser Richland Center WI 53581 US 12/5/22
Susan Haffner Richland Center WI 53581 US 12/1/22
Susanne Joyce Richland Center WI 53581 US 12/5/22
Tanner Behling Richland Center WI 53581 US 12/1/22
Tanya Brush Richland center WI 53581 US 11/30/22
Tayashalynn Lutz Richland Center WI 53581 US 11/30/22
Tempest Robledo Richland Center WI 53581 US 12/4/22
Teresa Miller Richland Center WI 53581 US 12/2/22
Terese Armstrong Richland Center WI 53581 US 12/2/22
Teri Sawle Richland Center WI 53581 US 12/1/22
Theresa Richards Richland Center WI 53581 US 12/1/22
Thomas Williams Richland Center WI 53581 US 12/5/22
Tim Nehring Richland Center WI 53581 US 12/3/22
Timothy Thiede Richland Center WI 53581 US 12/5/22
SenatorTodd Coppernoll
Petition: Save Our UW-Richland Campus - Meet with the Community
Markein, Assemblyman Kurtz, UW President Rothman, Governor Evers
Richland Center WI 53581 US 12/7/22
Tom Fowell Richland Center WI 53581 US 11/30/22
Toni McCarvel Richland Center WI 53581 US 12/6/22
Tyi Cirian Richland Center WI 53581 US 12/3/22
Vicki Davis Richland Center WI 53581 US 12/3/22
Virginia Wiedenfeld
Wayne Morgenthaler
Whitney Hansel
Richland center WI 53581 US 12/1/22
Richland Center WI 53581 US 11/30/22
Richland Center WI 53581 US 12/28/22
Will Green Richland Center WI 53581 US 12/5/22
Pamela Kanable RICHLAND CENTER, WI WI 53581 US 11/30/22
James Dickman III
Mike Scheidegger
Richland Ctr WI 53581 US 12/5/22
Ridgeway WI 53582 US 12/1/22
Nancy Becker Rio WI 53960 US 12/3/22
Tim Fox Ripon WI 54971 US 11/30/22
Dean Bloch Rockland WI 54653 US 12/5/22
Bo Linney Sauk WI 53578 US 12/6/22
Bill Muth Sauk City WI 53583 US 11/30/22
Carol Wilson Sauk City WI 53583 US 11/30/22
Cathy Cooper Sauk City WI 53583 US 12/1/22
E L Sauk City WI 53583 US 12/1/22
Heid Unbehaun Sauk City WI 53581 US 11/30/22
Jason Louis Sauk City WI 53583 US 12/1/22
Kathy Powers sauk city WI 53583 US 12/8/22
Keith Behling Sauk City WI 53583 US 12/5/22
Peg Mellem Sauk City WI 53583 US 11/30/22
Steve Coy Sauk city WI 53583 US 12/1/22
Tara Ruhland Sauk City WI 53583 US 12/5/22
Tina Shaw Sauk City WI 53583 US 12/1/22
Tyler Beatty Sauk City WI 53583 US 12/6/22
john overton sextonville WI 53556 US 12/5/22
Vicki Edges Sextonville WI 53584 US 12/1/22
Kimberly Mallmann Sheboygan WI 53081 US 12/5/22
Angela Salmon Soldiers Grove WI 54655 US 12/1/22
Anna Kleinsasser Soldiers Grove WI 54655 US 12/6/22
Barbara Nagel Soldiers Grove WI 54655 US 12/9/22
Carla Rathmann Soldiers Grove WI 54655 US 11/30/22
Carrie Morga Soldiers Grove WI 54655 US 12/5/22
Cindy Wiar Soldiers Grove WI 54655 US 11/30/22
Dick Woppert
Soldiers Grove WI 54655 US 12/1/22
Elizabeth Bjorklund Soldiers Grove WI 54655 US 12/3/22
Ellen Byers Soldiers Grove WI 54655 US 12/5/22
Grace Clark Soldiers Grove WI 54655 US 11/30/22
Jeff Johnson Soldiers Grove WI 54655 US 12/5/22
Jeri Lynn Lindner Soldiers Grove WI 54655 US 11/30/22
JOHN & CONNIE TURGASEN Soldiers Grove WI 54655 US 12/1/22
Kathy Benson Soldiers Grove WI 54655 US 12/5/22
Larry Mahan Soldiers Grove WI 54655 US 12/8/22
Mary Rondeau Soldiers Grove WI 54655 US 12/3/22
Mary Webb Soldiers Grove WI 54655 US 12/4/22
Maura Otis Soldiers Grove WI 54655 US 1/6/23
SenatorPaul Klawiter
roberta ledman
Petition: Save Our UW-Richland Campus - Meet with the Community
To: Senator Markein, Assemblyman Kurtz, UW President Rothman, Governor Evers
Soldiers Grove WI 54655 US 12/1/22
Soldiers Grove WI 54655 US 12/2/22
Scott Hoffman Soldiers Grove WI 54655 US 12/3/22
Sherry Watters Soldiers Grove WI 54655 US 12/7/22
William Sharp Soldiers Grove WI 54655 US 11/30/22
Becky Brown
Shawn Grimm
Sparta WI 54656 US 12/9/22
Sparta WI 54656 US 12/1/22
Sparta WI 54656 US 11/30/22
Dylan Luther Spring Green WI 53588 US 11/30/22
Jan Montgomery Spring Green WI 53588 US 12/1/22
Kathy Kinney Spring Green WI 53588 US 12/7/22
Kathy Wunnicke Spring Green WI 53588 US 12/1/22
Marnie Dresser Spring Green WI 53588 US 12/1/22
Stephanie Kraemer Spring Green WI 53588 US 12/1/22
Vern Clark Spring Green WI 53588 US 12/2/22
Vixki Limmex Spring Green WI 53588 US 12/7/22
Lyle Wanless Steuben WI 54657 US 12/2/22
Angel Rakow Stevens Point WI 54481 US 12/7/22
Brittany Stevens Stevens Point WI 54481 US 12/8/22
Jessica Bemowski Stevens Point WI 54481 US 12/1/22
Andrea Kunz Stitzer WI 53825 US 12/1/22
Gregg Roberts Stoddard WI 54658 US 12/1/22
Brittany Kinney Stone Lake WI 54876 US 12/4/22
Les Wilkinson Stoughton WI 53589 US 12/3/22
Patrick Lally Stoughton WI 53589 US 12/15/22
Rachel Bakken Stoughton WI 53589 US 12/3/22
Leslie Berg Stratford WI 54484 US 11/30/22
Ann Sederquist Sun Prairie WI 53590 US 12/1/22
Jordan Keehn Sun Prairie WI 53590 US 12/9/22
Kristel L Keehn Sun Prairie WI 53718 US 12/1/22
Marissa Wright Sun Prairie WI 53590 US 12/1/22
Patricia Limke Sun Prairie WI 53590 US 12/5/22
Richard Wagner Sun Prairie WI 53590 US 11/30/22
Susan Werner Sun Prairie WI 53590 US 12/1/22
Suvan Sharma Sun Prairie WI 53590 US 12/4/22
Ewoldt Nancy Tomah WI 54660 US 12/8/22
Kimberly Rieck Tomah WI 54660 US 12/4/22
Lisa Reavis Tomah WI 54660 US 12/8/22
Marie Walter
Trempealeau WI 54661 US 12/6/22
Mark Dull Twin Lakes WI 53181 US 11/30/22
Nancy Dull TWIN LAKES WI 53181 US 11/30/22
Paul Annear Two Rivers WI 54241 US 12/3/22
Brenda Jennings
Carolee Hampton
Cindy Paulson
Hillary Glass
Jane Barnett
Kris Stodola
Renee Dahlk
Sarah Aeschbach
Verona WI 53593 US 12/24/22
Verona WI 53593 US 12/2/22
Verona WI 53593 US 12/1/22
Verona WI 53593 US 12/5/22
Verona WI 53593 US 12/5/22
Verona WI 53593 US 12/8/22
Verona WI 53593 US 12/1/22
Verona WI 53593 US 12/1/22
Petition: Save Our UW-Richland Campus - Meet with the Community
Theresa McMunn
Angie Egge
Verona WI 53593 US 12/3/22
Viola WI 54664 US 12/5/22
Billy Alexander Viola WI 54664 US 12/8/22
Diana Forkash Viola WI 54664 US 11/30/22
Elizabeth Tigan Viola WI 54664 US 12/2/22
Erin Kelly Viola WI 54664 US 12/6/22
Julie Burnham Viola WI 54664 US 12/1/22
Kathie Hysel
Viola WI 54664 US 12/9/22
Laurel Lee Viola WI 54664 US 12/5/22
Linda Ness Viola WI 54664 US 12/1/22
Marilyn Starkey Viola WI 54664 US 12/10/22
Rufus Haucke Viola WI 54664 US 12/2/22
S. Faraj Viola WI 54664 US 12/2/22
Sandra Sander Viola WI 54664 US 12/2/22
sheila johnson Viola WI 54664 US 12/4/22
Thomas Wallace Viola WI 54664 US 12/6/22
Amy Kalkbrenner Viroqua WI 54665 US 12/1/22
Andrew Anderson Viroqua WI 54665 US 12/1/22
Arthur Bernstein Viroqua WI 54665 US 12/1/22
B Robert Viroqua WI 54655 US 1/4/23
Beau Schroeder Viroqua WI 54665 US 12/8/22
Christie Knapp Viroqua WI 54665 US 11/30/22
David Boyer Viroqua WI 54665 US 12/4/22
Gabrielle Daniels Viroqua WI 54665 US 12/5/22
Hannah Hastings Viroqua WI 54665 US 12/1/22
Hannah Miller Viroqua WI 54665 US 12/3/22
Jo Anne Shrum Viroqua WI 54665 US 12/8/22
Julie Turino Viroqua WI 54665 US 12/2/22
Kathleen Kroska Viroqua WI 54665 US 12/3/22
Kathy Doerfer Viroqua WI 54665 US 12/2/22
Kiara Yttri Viroqua WI 54665 US 12/2/22
lorilea harms Viroqua WI 54665 US 12/1/22
Lucy Danforth Viroqua WI 54665 US 11/30/22
Lyle Williams Viroqua WI 54665 US 12/5/22
Margaret La Martina Viroqua WI 54665 US 12/2/22
Maureen Karlstad Viroqua WI 54665 US 12/2/22
Michelle Goebel Viroqua WI 54665 US 12/1/22
Nicole Steldt Viroqua WI 54665 US 12/3/22
Paula Grenier Viroqua WI 54665 US 12/5/22
Priscilla Williams Viroqua WI 54665 US 12/5/22
Rebecca Wainscott Viroqua WI 54665 US 12/2/22
Sarah Bratnober Viroqua WI 54665 US 12/5/22
Sarah Caldwell Viroqua WI 54665 US 12/2/22
sheryl fortney Viroqua WI 54665 US 12/16/22
Travis Coy Viroqua WI 54665 US 12/3/22
Lauraq O'Connor Eimon Watertown WI 53094 US 12/5/22
Cory Hanson Waukesha WI 53188 US 12/5/22
Gregory Deets Waukesha WI 53188 US 12/5/22
Jeff Thering Waunakee WI 53597 US 12/2/22
Marti Dettmann Waunakee WI 53597 US 12/1/22
To: Senator Markein, Assemblyman Kurtz, UW President Rothman, GovernorPetition: Save Our UW-Richland Campus - Meet with the Community
To: Senator Markein, Assemblyman Kurtz, UW President Rothman, Governor Evers
Peggy Moe Waunakee WI 53597 US 11/30/22
sandra osterman Waunakee WI 53597 US 12/1/22
Jessica Taylor Wausau WI 54403 US 12/6/22
Sheila Dembowski Wausau WI 54403 US 12/5/22
Julie Mullikin Wauzeka WI 53826 US 12/6/22
Krystal Boylen Wauzeka WI 53826 US 12/3/22
Shannon Aylesworth West Bend WI 53095 US 12/4/22
Thomas Allen West Bend WI 53095 US 12/5/22
Jennifer Campbell-Jandt West Salem WI 54669 US 12/1/22
Angela Arneson Westby WI 54667 US 11/30/22
Ashley Young Westby WI 54667 US 11/30/22
Garrick Olerud Westby WI 54667 US 12/9/22
Jeana Stuber Westby WI 54667 US 11/30/22
Sandy Bakkum Westby WI 54667 US 12/1/22
Issiaka Bara Whitewater WI 53190 US 12/5/22
Jan Berglin Whitewater WI 53190 US 12/9/22
paige schauer Whitewater WI 53190 US 12/5/22
Katrina Bollig Wild Rose WI 54984 US 12/3/22
Monica Titley Windsor WI 53598 US 12/6/22
Nate Bisco Windsor WI 53598 US 11/30/22
Lacey Falk Wisconsin Dells WI 53965 US 12/1/22
Neil Steiner Wisconsin Dells WI 53965 US 12/3/22
Sue Steiner Wisconsin Dells WI 53965 US 12/3/22
Brooklynn Elliott Wisconsin Rapids WI 54494 US 11/30/22
Bryan Abing Wisconsin Rapids WI 54494 US 11/30/22
Nan Pedersen Wisconsin Rapids WI 54494 US 12/1/22
Marilyn Kinsman-Kharbush Wonewoc WI 53968 US 11/30/22
Stephaine Baker Wonewoc WI 53968 US 12/5/22
Pamela Brownlee Woodman WI 53827 US 12/4/22
Shaun Murphy-Lopez Yuba WI US 11/29/22
Terrance jindrick Yuba WI 54634 US 12/1/22
Isaac Pischer WI US 12/19/22
kendall cruikshank Morgantown WV 26505 US 12/9/22
Patricia Phung Duvall WA 98019 US 11/30/22
Nicole Jones Kirkland WA 98034 US 11/30/22
eLaine Riley Omak WA 98841 US 12/2/22
Saloni Sahni Seattle WA 98112 US 12/14/22
Staci Strobl Gainesville VA 20155 US 12/1/22
Emily Frank Portsmouth VA 23703 US 12/3/22
Robin Mogk Virginia Beach VA 23462 US 12/4/22
Pierre Towers Salt Lake City UT 84118 US 12/1/22
Mona Maclay Austin TX 78753 US 12/5/22
Chris Brannan Corpus christi TX 78412 US 12/8/22
Sindie Schoonover Frisco TX 75035 US 12/5/22
Mikayla Faber Harker Heights TX 76548 US 12/2/22
Mischa Enos Houston TX 77077 US 12/6/22
Jan Retrum Leander TX 78645 US 12/1/22
Mohi Sadegh Richardson TX 75081 US 12/1/22
David Williams Round Rock TX 78665 US 12/6/22
Way Laurie Weatherford TX 76087 US 12/5/22
Daniel DeFilippo
Petition: Save Our UW-Richland Campus - Meet with the Community
To: Senator Markein, Assemblyman Kurtz, UW President Rothman, Governor Evers
Henderson TN 38340 US 12/3/22
Stephanie Hafez La Vergne TN 37086 US 12/2/22
Kaylie Block London TN US 12/1/22
Jason Bomkamp Milbank SD 57252 US 12/8/22
Dr. Deborah Brown Cureton Lancaster SC 29720 US 12/8/22
Jose D'Arruda Newport RI 2840 US 12/5/22
Kathy Howell Philadelphia PA 19123 US 12/5/22
Emily Vanyi-Vine Milwaukie OR 97267 US 12/2/22
Kelsey Putman Hughes Broken Arrow OK 74011 US 11/30/22
Paige Tesnow Cleveland OH 44130 US 12/7/22
Brenda Tesnow Columbus OH 43214 US 12/7/22
Daniel Biro Columbus OH 43230 US 12/6/22
Nora Penkoff Columbus OH 43202 US 12/6/22
Michael Butz Franklin OH 45005 US 12/7/22
Connie Gelfer Reynoldsburg OH 43068 US 12/1/22
Teresa Holbrook Trenton OH 45067 US 12/4/22
Adrian Wall Brooklyn NY 11236 US 12/1/22
Doreen Taylor Cold brook NY 13324 US 11/30/22
Carol Costa Cortlandt Manor NY 10567 US 12/1/22
Amelia Johnsrud New York NY 10118 US 12/2/22
Anjali Mathew Queens NY 11368 US 12/1/22
Madison Chamberlin Schenectady NY 12309 US 12/4/22
Maura Koelsch Las Vegas NV 89145 US 11/30/22
Melodie Gander Reno NV 89520 US 11/30/22
Robert Gander Reno NV 89502 US 11/30/22
Xenia Whitacre Jamesburg NJ 8831 US 12/7/22
Jeannie Hunter Ramsey NJ 7446 US 12/1/22
Joy Vodak Exeter NH 3833 US 11/30/22
Michael Christy Sam Carrboro NC 27510 US 12/1/22
Emmanuel Mensah Acquaye Charlotte NC 28079 US 12/5/22
Erin Sweet Charlotte NC 28079 US 11/30/22
Ellen Kelly Raleigh NC 27608 US 12/8/22
Cheryl Allbaugh Branson MO 65616 US 12/1/22
Kat Molitor Cedar Hill MO 63016 US 12/5/22
Pamela Wissbaum Elsberry MO 63343 US 12/3/22
Deanna Biefer Hillsboro MO 63050 US 12/18/22
Vaught Michelle Kansas City MO 64137 US 12/1/22
Tara Napoleone Knob Noster MO 65336 US 12/8/22
Kathleen Bastian Leslie MO 63056 US 12/3/22
Rafael Lamourt Saint Clair MO 63077 US 11/30/22
Shari Gillingham- Tetrick Brainerd MN 56401 US 12/4/22
Brianna Vigil Duluth MN 55812 US 12/2/22
Sammi Nelsen Hopkins MN 55305 US 12/1/22
Aaron Wickland Minneapolis MN 55330 US 12/6/22
Abigail Hougan Minneapolis MN 55439 US 12/5/22
Abigail Pierson Minneapolis MN 55405 US 12/6/22
Cecilia Holder Minneapolis MN 55406 US 12/1/22
James Rawlins Minneapolis MN 55443 US 11/30/22
Lynn Richards Minneapolis MN 55445 US 12/8/22
Margaret Mauch Minneapolis MN 55404 US 12/9/22
Petition: Save Our UW-Richland Campus - Meet with the Community
To: Senator Markein, Assemblyman Kurtz, UW President Rothman, Governor Evers
Scott Scribner Minneapolis MN 55426 US 12/8/22
Kali Parvey New Prague MN 56071 US 12/5/22
Jesse Pingel Rochester MN 55902 US 12/4/22
David Duffey Saint Paul MN 55106 US 12/3/22
Donald Hart Saint Paul MN 55105 US 12/8/22
Ella Kahnke Saint Paul MN 55124 US 12/9/22
Sophia Kahnke Saint Paul MN 55124 US 12/9/22
Dawn Welte Sandstone MN 55072 US 12/1/22
Jon Mohrmann Willmar MN 56201 US 11/30/22
Sammy Gondola Winona MN 55987 US 12/3/22
Marie Riemer WINSTED MN 55395 US 11/30/22
Kerry Peterson Ann Arbor MI 48108 US 12/5/22
William Loveless Caledonia MI 49316 US 12/1/22
Dana Peterson Kalamazoo MI 49007 US 11/30/22
Maureen spitzley Lansing MI 48916 US 12/5/22
Susan Hunter (Kinsman) Wakefield MI 49968 US 11/30/22
Judith P Chute Falmouth ME 4105 US 12/15/22
Matthew Maclay Baltimore MD 21218 US 12/4/22
Mai Ewing Bethesda MD 20814 US 12/9/22
Amy Dorn Stevensville MD 21666 US 12/1/22
yihan wang Quincy MA 2169 US 11/30/22
Tegan Wendland New Orleans LA 70117 US 12/1/22
Osama Abdl-Haleem Lexington KY 40505 US 12/3/22
Nathan Underwood Richmond KY 40475 US 12/1/22
Jenny Buchanan Avon IN 46123 US 12/6/22
Anita Randall Fortville IN 46040 US 12/5/22
Amelia Bomkamp Indianapolis IN 46217 US 12/8/22
Casey Huber Indianapolis IN 46205 US 12/6/22
Samuel Lawson Indianapolis IN 46220 US 12/6/22
TJ Swanson Indianapolis IN 46201 US 12/6/22
jada baker Martinsville IN 46151 US 12/4/22
Charlie bitmyfinger
Arlington Heights IL 60004 US 12/4/22
Ed Keller Arlington Heights IL 60004 US 12/15/22
Hannah Dull Arlington Heights IL 60004 US 11/30/22
Samantha Schlehlein Arlington Heights IL 60004 US 12/3/22
Colleen Coyle Aurora IL 60502 US 12/6/22
Ellen Lindeen Barrington IL 60010 US 12/5/22
Logan Mathews Belvidere IL 61008 US 12/8/22
Ellise Tallard Berwyn IL 60402 US 12/1/22
Kathryn Schmidt Bonfield IL 60913 US 12/1/22
Betsy Roesler
Chicago IL 60602 US 11/30/22
Dave Lang Chicago IL 60634 US 12/8/22
Dawn Anderson Chicago IL 60602 US 12/29/22
Khalid AbdlHaleem Chicago IL 60602 US 11/30/22
Linda Lieb Chicago IL 60602 US 12/2/22
Mitchell McCarvel Chicago IL 60660 US 12/3/22
molly doane Chicago IL 60626 US 12/5/22
Alice Pehlke Crystal Lake IL 60014 US 11/30/22
Kurt Wassinger Downers Grove-DG IL 60516 US 12/7/22
Faith Rathmann Elgin IL 60123 US 12/2/22
Petition: Save Our UW-Richland Campus - Meet with the Community
To: Senator Markein, Assemblyman Kurtz, UW President Rothman, Governor Evers
Lynnette Lamczyk
Connie Champnoise
Elgin IL 60120 US 12/7/22
Elk Grove Village IL 60007 US 11/30/22
Emily Lund Elmhurst IL 60126 US 11/30/22
Sarah Freese Elmhurst IL 60126 US 11/30/22
William Fallon Galena IL 61036 US 11/30/22
Vince Balistreri Geneva IL 60134 US 12/3/22
Mira Lund Gilberts IL 60136 US 12/2/22
Ann Wanless Grayslake IL 60030 US 12/2/22
Maryann Metz Hanover Park IL 60133 US 12/1/22
Carol Johnson Hoffman Estates IL 60169 US 12/6/22
Margie Freeman Jacksonville IL 62650 US 12/5/22
Tim Peterson Kenilworth IL 60043 US 12/26/22
Corey Kanable Lake Zurich IL 60047 US 11/30/22
Terry Kwiatt Libertyville IL 60048 US 12/5/22
Edwin Burton Lombard IL 60148 US 12/4/22
Connie Goodwin Machesney Park IL 61115 US 12/1/22
Shawn Tracy McHenry IL 60050 US 12/3/22
Rachel Carter Moline IL 61265 US 12/6/22
Marryam Abdl-Haleem Morton Grove IL 60053 US 12/5/22
lucinda crofton New Boston IL 61272 US 12/4/22
tom crofton New Boston IL 61272 US 12/4/22
Bridget Krupa Oak Lawn IL 60453 US 12/5/22
Barbara Cody Palatine IL 60074 US 12/3/22
Maycee Knowler Palatine IL 60067 US 12/1/22
Mary Kane Rockford IL 61107 US 12/1/22
Kimberly Burke Roselle IL 60172 US 12/7/22
Jennifer Mally Round Lake IL 60073 US 11/30/22
Jordan Maclay Saint Charles IL 60174 US 12/4/22
Ann Birdd Streamwood IL 60107 US 12/5/22
William Page Streamwood IL 60107 US 12/5/22
Stephanie Kirkwood Sycamore IL 60178 US 12/8/22
Don Klaas Wheaton IL 60187 US 12/8/22
Nancy Mase Woodstock IL 60098 US 12/8/22
Tiffany Duncan Woodstock IL 60098 US 12/3/22
Krista Andreas Alleman IA 50007 US 12/4/22
Justine Stevens Cedar Rapids IA 52402 US 12/3/22
Kathryn Riggle Cedar Rapids IA 52404 US 12/5/22
Jim Staszewski Davenport IA US 12/8/22
STACY MOSER Elkader IA 52043 US 12/1/22
Janelle Mcbain Marion IA 52302 US 12/7/22
Dawn Werthwein McGregor IA 52157 US 12/8/22
Renee Pletzer-Dykmann McGregor IA 52157 US 12/1/22
Cody Hackenmiller Osage IA 50461 US 12/5/22
Sheila Bowell Prairieburg IA 52219 US 12/17/22
Tomomi Fujimaru Waukee IA 50263 US 12/5/22
Paul Marshall Atlanta GA 30301 US 12/5/22
James Robbins Jefferson GA 30549 US 12/10/22
Agnes Francis Adolphine Roswell GA 30075 US 12/1/22
Dmitry Kuznetsov Fort Lauderdale FL 33317 US 12/4/22
Eunice Carter Gainesville FL 32608 US 12/6/22
William Simmons
Petition: Save Our UW-Richland Campus - Meet with the Community
To: Senator Markein, Assemblyman Kurtz, UW President Rothman, Governor Evers
Gainesville FL 32608 US 12/1/22
Joann C Hollywood FL 33025 US 12/1/22
Mary Bard Key West FL 33040 US 12/2/22
Harriet Meermann Miami FL 33196 US 11/30/22
Sabrina Dukeshire N ft Myers FL 33903 US 12/8/22
Dante Meyer Punta Gorda FL 33980 US 12/4/22
Shirley Kjelland Saint Augustine FL 32084 US 12/6/22
Amy Simonson St. Petersburg FL 33707 US 12/1/22
Rick Unbehaun Wesley Chapel FL 33543 US 12/4/22
Richard McKee Winter Garden FL 34787 US 12/2/22
Timothy Brown Washington DC 20020 US 12/3/22
Hailekiros Abera Enfield CT 6082 US 12/1/22
Darren Sidote Meriden CT 6450 US 12/5/22
Chad Johnson Simsbury CT 6089 US 12/8/22
Carson Raamirez Aurora CO 80012 US 12/4/22
Aryn Kinney Denver CO 80215 US 12/3/22
Kate Gillespie Denver CO 80251 US 12/1/22
Kimberly Wilson Denver CO 80222 US 12/10/22
Maureen Smith Steamboat Springs CO 80487 US 12/3/22
Kathleen Heil Apple Valley CA 92308 US 12/3/22
Jim Cowles Bakersfield CA 93304 US 12/5/22 pamela hamilton Palo Cedro CA 96073 US 12/1/22
Stan E Fairchild San Diego CA 92117 US 12/10/22
Cadence Stiffler San Leandro CA 94579 US 12/7/22
Lori Moon Santa Barbara CA 93105 US 12/1/22
Emily Pardee Sonora CA 95370 US 11/30/22 gary anderson Thousand Oaks CA 91362 US 11/30/22
Jennifer Foley Mesa AZ 85204 US 12/9/22
Anne Hudgins Scottsdale AZ 85260 US 12/2/22
Jay Smoke Tucson AZ 85710 US 11/30/22
Jessica Bezdecny Yuma AZ 85365 US 1/2/23
Katherine Murdock Greenland AR 72737 US 11/30/22
Etzar Cisneros Birmingham AL 35206 US 12/1/22
Joey Parkhurst Mobile AL 36695 US 11/30/22
Laura Bobula Akron 44313 US 11/30/22
Jaden Harrison Alexander City 35010 US 12/1/22
Forough yegan Aliso Viejo 92656 US 12/1/22
James Moser Anchorage 99515 US 12/1/22
Liz Siddiqui Ashburn 20147 US 12/1/22 soude shahhosseini Atlanta 30301 US 12/1/22
Robert Carroll Bangor 4401 US 11/30/22
Kelvin Herrera Bayamon 957 US 12/1/22
Joel Alexander Alaniz Beaumont 77708-1909 US 12/1/22
Ceilidh Bishop Bellingham 98226 US 12/1/22
AMANDA DICK Beverly Hills 34465 US 12/1/22
Ashton Sauder Birmingham 35226 US 12/1/22
Sylvain Loyer Bobigny 93000 France 12/2/22
Barbara Gowen Boonville 47601 US 12/1/22
Heidi Campbell Boscobel 53805 US 12/6/22
Michelle Rodriguez Brooklyn 11213 US 11/30/22
Maryam Pakzad
Petition: Save Our UW-Richland Campus - Meet with the Community
To: Senator Markein, Assemblyman Kurtz, UW President Rothman, Governor Evers
Buffalo 14202 US 12/1/22
Mohammed Hanif Buffalo 14216 US 12/1/22
Adam Kaluba Burleson 76028 US 11/30/22
Sam Janami Carlsbad 92011 US 12/1/22
Nicole Atterbury Cartersville 30120 US 12/1/22
mike hack Chandler 85249 US 12/8/22
Amber Brigman Charlotte 28216 US 11/30/22
Tiffany Glasper Charlotte 28269 US 12/1/22
James Avery Chicago 60638 US 12/12/22
Victor Popovici Chisinau Moldova 12/6/22
Ella Robinson Cincinnati 452002 US 12/1/22
Hailey Weingartner Cincinnati 45215 US 11/30/22
Richard Bridges Clinton 37716 US 12/1/22 robert chandler Denham Springs 70726 US 11/30/22
Richard Eng Deposit 13754 US 12/1/22
Jasmine Ford Eau Claire 54701 US 11/30/22
Mary Le el monte 91731 US 11/30/22
Gabriela Acosta El Paso 79912 US 12/1/22
Cheyenne Randall Elmira 14901 US 12/1/22
kiara tylee Evansville 47714 US 12/1/22
Robert Mezera Fayetteville 28312 US 12/6/22
Guy Provins Fernandina Beach 32034 US 12/1/22
Shane Gastineau Fishers 46037 US 11/30/22
Marie Pagano Flemington O8823 US 12/1/22
Blake Taylor Flint 48507 US 12/1/22
Michelle Michaels Fort Lauderdale 33323 US 12/1/22
Min Khant Zaw Fremont 94539 US 11/30/22
Ileana Lopez Fresno 93727 US 12/1/22
Altonio Brooks Georgetown 29440 US 12/1/22
Frank Marquez Grand Forks 58201 US 12/1/22
Kathy Neckar Grecia 53518 Costa Rica 12/2/22
Amir Bagheri Hartford 6105 US 12/1/22
Mariah Young Hattiesburg 39402 US 12/1/22
Jasmine mayorga Hesperia 92345 US 12/1/22
Connie Ching Hong kong Hong Kong 12/4/22
breysa dieguez Houston 77044 US 12/1/22
Hunter Crosby Houston 77018 US 11/30/22
Joshua Deskin Houston 77074 US 12/1/22
zahra babazadeh Houston 77002 US 11/30/22
Christopher Robinson Indianapolis 46224 US 12/1/22
Tianyuan Luo Iowa city 52245 US 12/1/22
Kusayama Yoshinao Isehara 259-1114 Japan 11/30/22
Kiara Bradshaw Jackson 39212 US 11/30/22
selma hidayat Jackson Heights 11372 US 11/30/22
Dorin Jacobi Jamaica estates 11432 US 12/1/22
Miranda L Jersey City 7302 US 12/1/22
Yu-Jen Hu Kaohsiung Taiwan 12/7/22
Diego H Katy 77450 US 12/1/22
Payton Cummings Kent 98032 US 12/1/22
Gordon Poston Kingstree 29556 US 11/30/22
Jose Salas
rachael Glogovsky
Petition: Save Our UW-Richland Campus - Meet with the Community
To: Senator Markein, Assemblyman Kurtz, UW President Rothman, Governor Evers
La Quinta 92253 US 12/1/22
Lake Geneva 53147 US 11/30/22
Alyssa Rubio Lake in the Hills 60156 US 11/30/22
Emily Everhart Lexington 27295 US 11/30/22
Caroline Kelly Long Branch 7740 US 12/1/22
Aixa Fielder
Los Angeles 90028 US 12/1/22
Paola Arambula Los Angeles 90044 US 12/1/22
Phu Van Huynh
Los Angeles 90007 US 12/1/22
Ramon felix Los Angeles 91601 US 12/1/22
reed swenson Lutz 33558 US 11/30/22
Christina Jamil Macomb 48042 US 12/1/22
Landen Sowinski Macomb 48044 US 12/1/22
Barbara Jenkin Madison 53704 US 12/6/22 yorlin bolanos Managua Nicaragua 12/24/22
Mhdse B Manassas 20109 US 12/1/22
Amin Vakhshourpour Marietta 30066 US 12/1/22
Irene Colon Colon Massachusetts 1524 US 11/30/22
Diane Storms Mauston 53948 US 11/30/22
Emerald Tate Mesa 85202 US 12/1/22
Raymond Okeefe Middletown 7748 US 12/1/22
Kaukl Azusa Mie 515-2414 Japan 12/9/22
Tammy Paris Milwaukie 97267 US 12/1/22
Arianna Wiinamaki Minneapolis 55423 US 12/6/22
Jaydon Paul Minneapolis 55441 US 11/30/22
Morgan Parvey Minneapolis 55414 Bulgaria 12/5/22
Shannon Welle Minneapolis 55423 US 12/1/22
Dorothy Jackson Mirrabooka 2264 Australia 12/5/22
rohollah javan Mission Viejo 92691 US 12/1/22
Matthew Gray Mississauga L5G 2R9 US 11/30/22
Carla Engle Moline 61265 US 12/1/22
Laurianne Evain Laverdet Montauban 82000 France 12/5/22
beautie korth moxee 98936 US 12/1/22
Bhr elh Mshhad Bhr US 12/1/22
Gabrielle Reid Neptune 7753 US 12/1/22
Chasity Lambert Nesbit 38651 US 12/1/22
Armand Sena New York 10003 US 12/1/22
Cate Han New York 10018 US 12/1/22
Greg Nillson New York 10118 US 12/1/22
Hamidreza Akbari New York 10001 US 12/1/22
Maneli Babaiee New York 10013 US 12/1/22
Sunny Choi New York 10011 US 12/1/22
Tina Mao New York 10010 US 12/1/22
Yewon Lim New York 10016 US 12/1/22
yuqing zhang New York 10009 US 12/1/22
Kay Bastante Newark 7104 US 12/1/22
nazanin zarrini Newark 7094 US 11/30/22
Kassie Saylor Nicholasville 40356 US 12/1/22
Brandon Douglas Noblesville 46062 US 11/30/22
Yuehan Ma NY 10003 US 12/1/22
Brandy Simpson Oakland 94621 US 12/1/22
Petition: Save Our UW-Richland Campus - Meet with the Community
To: Senator Markein, Assemblyman Kurtz, UW President Rothman, Governor Evers
Richard McConnell
Olympia Fields 60461 US 11/30/22
Dominick Godfrey Orlando 32810 US 11/30/22
Izzy Apple Oxford 45056 US 11/30/22
Kris Mettlen Oxnard 93041 US 12/1/22
Joshua Barbosa Palmdale 93551 US 12/1/22
Margaryta Korobieinikova Panama City 32408 US 12/1/22
Emmanuelle FEYT Pantin 93500 France 12/2/22
Joshua Curphey
Peterborough PE7 US 11/30/22
Lisa Tung Philadelphia 19131 US 12/1/22
Katherine Hutchins Phoenix 85050 US 11/30/22
Marcia Cole Pittsburg 94565 US 11/30/22
Margaret Bayerlein Pittsburgh 15210 US 11/30/22
Ashley McKinnis Port Orange 32123 US 12/1/22
Faith Betts Quaker City 43773 US 12/1/22
Saeid Safaei Reno 89523 US 12/1/22
Farideh Cheharbidi Reston 20190 US 11/30/22
Shaki Asghari Reston 20190 US 12/1/22
Brandy Wilkerson Richland Center Wi 53581 US 12/6/22
Bradshaw Richardson Riverside 92508 US 12/1/22
zaineb zafar Riverside 92509 US 12/1/22
Quenna Moore Rochester 48307 US 12/1/22
John Crouch Rockland 4841 US 11/30/22
Krista Glover Rocky Mount 27804 US 11/30/22
Tino Hinke Rotterdam 3061 Netherlands 12/5/22
Claudette James Saint George Grenada 12/26/22
Justin Truong San Francisco 94112 US 12/1/22
Rolando Fajardo San Salvador El Salvador 12/2/22
Mehdi Rad Santa Clara 95052 US 12/1/22
Max Gaither Scottsdale 85259 US 12/1/22
Abbey Mikami Seattle 98125 US 12/1/22
Cecille Hansen Seattle 98166 US 12/1/22
Fatane Golmohamad Seattle 98160 US 11/30/22
Faith Morga Soldiers Grove 54655 US 12/6/22
Bradley Taylor Spokane 99202 US 12/1/22
james smaha Spring 77386 US 11/30/22
Robert Naegele St. Charles 60174 US 12/6/22
Mark Stuk stanton 48888 US 12/1/22
Ali Tazi Tampa 33617 US 12/1/22
Mary Hanson Toronto M4T Canada 12/5/22
Tejas Sahni Toronto M6K Canada 12/14/22
Brianna Stough Tucson 85705 US 12/1/22
Mercedes Crum Utica 13502 US 11/30/22
Ladaja Sanders Waldo 71770 US 11/30/22
Dustin King Warne 28909 US 12/1/22
Alexis Murray West Chester 19382 US 11/30/22
Thiri Nyunt West Orange 7052 US 12/1/22
Kiley Brault Wilbraham 1095 US 12/1/22
Resa Elsbernd Wonewoc 53968 US 12/1/22
Dan De Yo Yorba Linda 92886 US 12/1/22
Alim Bekzhanov Qatar 12/7/22
Petition: Save Our UW-Richland Campus - Meet with the Community
Ardea Smith
Hong Kong 12/5/22
Asma Smati Morocco 11/30/22
Ava Komprood US 11/30/22
Daria Schindler Switzerland 11/30/22
Debra Linder US 12/1/22
Dr Beverly Griffin PhD US 11/30/22
Jasper Laman 2023TD Netherlands 12/6/22
Jing Guan US 12/1/22
Katy Guglielmino US 12/6/22
Katy Kei Ting Chan Hong Kong 12/9/22
Katy Tiller US 12/9/22
Keegan Hemenway US 11/30/22
Kervin Bateau Dominica 12/1/22
Luis Alvarado Guatemala 12/5/22
Luis Alvarado Guatemala 12/23/22
Marge Sherwin US 12/1/22
Marlena Hernandez US 12/1/22
Mekdes Ambaye US 12/1/22
Nancy Helt US 12/6/22
Nataliia Tataryn (Bokotch) Ukraine 12/8/22
Nelson Goering Belgium 12/7/22
Nina Helt Nielsen Denmark 12/5/22
Orsa Cornwall US 12/6/22
Pamela Ward US 11/30/22
Richard Farley Barbados 12/26/22
Sache Taylor US 12/1/22
To: Senator Markein, Assemblyman Kurtz, UW President Rothman, GovernorTo:
Name City State Postal Code Country Commented Date Comment
Kathryn Riggle Cedar Rapids IA 52404 US 12/5/22
"Unique college in an amazing community! I have been to 3 other colleges after graduating from Richland and I by far learned the most at Richland"
Colleen Coyle Aurora IL 60502 US 12/6/22 "Everyone deserves and has the right to an education"
Kathy Schmidt Kankakee IL 60901 US 12/1/22
Kathy Schmidt Kankakee IL 60901 US 12/1/22
"My father taught at UWC-R for 30 years. My sisters and I feel like we grew up there. It’s simply heartbreaking to hear of its closure. I don’t understand!"
"My father taught at UWC-R for 30 years. My sisters and I feel like we grew up there. It’s simply heartbreaking to hear of its closure. I don’t understand!"
Anita Randall Fortville IN 46040 US 12/5/22 "Local colleges are very convenient for so many."
Nathan Underwood Richmond KY 40475 US 12/1/22
Matthew Maclay Baltimore MD 21218 US 12/4/22
Maureen spitzley Lansing MI 48916 US 12/5/22
"I'm a first generation student who grew up in the area. I was a good student but lacked confidence, support, and knowledge about college. UWC-Richland helped me grow and learn how to be a leader. I have worked as a school counselor and college professor to help others. The two year campuses should be bursting at the seams if properly marketed to families."
"I attended UW Richland for 2 years and know the incredible value of the education I received and experiences I had. The UW campuses provide an immense service to their local communities."
"The young people in the surrounding area need it. Instead of shutting it down work on building it up."
William Simmons Columbus MS 39701 US 12/1/22
Daniel Biro Columbus OH 43230 US 12/6/22
Roger Lovelace Arpin WI 54410 US 12/5/22
"This truly hurts my heart. Without UW Richland, folks like yourself, included, there is NO way I would have made it through college. I am a First-Gen college graduate and that is in large part because of what UWR provided; people there really invested in me and without UWR I would have easily failed out of college. I was a terrible student early on, no direction, lazy, etc. but UWR believed in me and once something/someone believes in you and provides hope, amazing heights can be reached. This is failing those in Richland and the surrounding counties. Once a Roadrunner, always a Roadrunner."
"Access to education, ESPECIALLY in rural areas, is so so so important. We live in a time when good education is becoming harder and harder to come by and that's just not good"
"UW colleges are instrumental to do many students. I wouldn't have succeeded without my first 2 years at a UW College"
Brandi Walton Blue River WI 53518 US 12/1/22 "I daughter is a senior at RCHS and we were seriously considering UWP-Richland as her next step in her educational journey. Now we have to rethink everything "
Hendricks Daniel Blue River WI 53518 US 12/2/22
Jackson Kinney Blue River WI 53518 US 12/5/22
"My wife and I attended. The WI legislature and UW Platteville is doing all it can to redirect students away from the Richland campus, and take away thriving programsleaving a tremendous negative impact upon our futures."
"The UW Richland is so important to the community, students and staff! We need it....It's been a valuable place for decades!"
Jackson Kinney Blue River WI 53518 US 12/5/22
"UW Richland is vital to the community and the option of affordable higher education for aspiring students in the area and beyond- it employees many long staff as well...please support our campus...there is a lot that can be done to improve enrollment, like hiring a recruiter."
SARA WILLIAMSON Boscobel WI 53805 US 12/5/22 "We need a college in Richland Center!"
Marilyn kinsman kharbush Cazenovia WI 53924 US 12/1/22
"Seven of siblings and I attended UWC-Richland. It was a fantastic and local, affordable college for us. Amazingly talented and dedicated staff. Closing this institution is truly a big loss for the area."
Nina Smithback Deforest WI 53532 US 12/1/22
"UW Richland Center was the perfect first college for my daughter. The support she received from professors and academic staff helped her to succeed and have a happy, excellent and lower cost college degree education than she would have received by starting at a bigger, 4 year college. It gave her the foundation to go on to complete her 4 year degree at UW Platteville and her MBA at UW Madison.Without this individualized academic, emotional and financial support her first 2 years after high school, I am not sure she would be the successful person she is today. It is a terrific, small college campus that fills a need for many."
Jeanne Jabs Dodgeville WI 53533 US 12/1/22 "My Daughter went to College there. She LOVED THE SMALL COLLEGE EXPERIENCE"
Jessie Jelle Dodgeville WI 53533 US 11/30/22 "Jessie Jelle"
Chas Kinney fennimore WI 53809 US 12/5/22 "Chas Kinney"
Lila Kirkpatrick Germantown WI 53022 US 12/6/22
"I have family members who live in the Richland area. Having an educational communityCollege campus is a positive aspect for any community."
Sativa Self Hillpoint WI 53937 US 11/30/22 "Was a place my senior wanted to go know cant"
sheryl gehri hillsboro WI 54634 US 12/5/22
Chad Dull La Crosse WI 54601 US 11/30/22
"I went to school at UW-Richland and so did both of my daughters. It is a great campus. Teachers and staff are all amazing too. It would be a shame to close it down. Please reconsider."
"Both my parents were First Generation college students and UW-RC was the first step in changing the arc of our family. This is a problem of neglect and is fixable"
jean PintzOlson La Crosse WI 54601 US 12/2/22 "this school is needed in our community."
Kathryn Feeny La Crosse WI 54601 US 12/1/22
Margaret Neary LaValle WI 53941 US 12/5/22
"This school means so much to the students and to the community. It will be a hardship for the current first year students and their families. Many of those first year students will be unable to continue their education. The community will suffer economically and culturally. There do not seem to be any positives to closing this campus."
"I started out at UW Richland. I would have never been able to start my education as a nurse if that campus was not there.I am so saddened by its closure"
Petition Comments: Save Our UW-Richland Campus - Meet with the Community Governor Evers, Senator Marklein, Assemblyman Kurtz, UW President RothmanPetition Comments: Save Our UW-Richland Campus - Meet with the Community
Susan Price Lodi WI 53555 US 11/30/22
Phoebe Steiner Loganville WI 53943 US 12/3/22
"This campus has offered opportunities for many young adults in and around our community over the years, in addition to international students. It has been a focal point for many community activities and gatherings. The impact of closing this campus will be devastating for our town as well as the people throughout this area."
"I have six teenage children and two attending UW Richland. The experience has been so positive and I would like the same experience for my other teens."
Tom Kobishop Loganville WI 53943 US 12/3/22 "Grandchildren need this school"
Jeremy Henning Madison WI 53704 US 12/4/22
Kelsey Thorell Madison WI 53704 US 11/30/22
Nick Smith Madison WI US 12/4/22
"Having lived and taught in the area, I got to see many ways UW- Richland brought opportunities to my former students, the community, and region. These small schools provide crucial access to higher ed and are important community hubs."
"Richland center campus was my home and an integral part of the person I am today due to the incredible faculty, and life long friends I made here. It’s history and necessary functions should be preserved."
"Closing campuses ignores and exacerbates the problem that our state legislature has been cutting education funding so this exact situation happens. This CANNOT be allowed to happen, the colleges need SUPPORT."
Kaylee Schultz Mazomanie WI 53560 US 12/3/22 "Hannah told me to"
Carrie McKenzie Milwaukee WI 53213-3737 US 12/1/22 "Wisconsin needs to keep moving FORWARD with education, not backward."
John Birkholz Milwaukee WI 53208 US 12/3/22
"Do we really want folks voting for a huckster like Trump again due to a lack of education?"
Tirzah Peterson Milwaukee WI 53211 US 12/5/22 "It’s important to my family"
Sharon Blohowiak Monticello WI 53570 US 12/1/22
"Both my brothers and I attended UWC-Richland. It is an institution in Richland Center and makes college affordable for so many people."
Lisa Farness Muscoda WI 53573 US 12/4/22 "I attended there in August 1977 - December 1978. Great start to my college years."
Greg Geller North Freedom WI 53951 US 12/1/22
Staci Strobl Platteville WI 53818 US 12/1/22
"In my experience there is just no substitute for in-person classes and the chance to interact with professors and staff."
"My husband taught Sociology there as an adjunct and had a great experience. The students were appreciative and caring. And all the continuing Ed stuff is so important for the community. This campus was always about access and not the bottom line. We must invest in lifting up communities like Richland!"
Veronica Carpenter Platteville WI 53818 US 12/3/22
"I attend the UW-Platteville main campus, but growing up in Richland Center, I recognize how hugely important the Undergrad programs and others are to the community. UWRichland enriches the community and also provides opportunities to youth and high school students and it would be a shame to lose."
Bruce brochtrup Portage WI 53901 US 12/1/22 "It's the right thing to do"
Kristie Brunner Richand Center WI 53581 US 12/1/22 "I believe firmly that our Campus should stay open."
Anna Arms Richland Center WI 53581 US 12/4/22 "I got my degree at this college. I loved the small campus. The staff were amazing"
Benjamin Stowell Richland Center WI 53581 US 12/4/22
Carol Goska Richland Center WI 53581 US 12/6/22
DANIEL MILLER Richland Center WI 53581 US 12/2/22
Danielle Rudersdorf Richland Center WI 53581 US 12/4/22
"I’ve taken multiple classes at the campus while enrolled at RCHS, and it’d be a shame to remove that accessibility from other high-achieving high schoolers."
"It's so important, people can go to school close to home, not as expensive as Madison, and can hold a job."
"I CALLED THE GOVERNOR'S OFFICE AND LEFT A MESSAGE - TALKED TO AN OPERATIVEASKED TO MEET and you can too and or leave an opinion about UWRC continuing to make RC a College Town that people fought for . . . . Governor's Office (608) 266-1212 . Try this page link. https://evers.wi.gov/pages/connect.aspx"
"I'm a County Board Supervisor and probably shouldn't say this but.... That's the Republican agenda. They want people to lack basic or especially critical thinking skills or no one would vote for them... Just my opinion since George W though..."
Danielle Rudersdorf Richland Center WI 53581 US 12/5/22
Danielle Rudersdorf Richland Center WI 53581 US 12/5/22
"Do you mind if I share your comment? I think this is so important! Calling state senators and the governor directly and flooding them with calls about all of the Richland County budget cuts that have been hurting more than just the campus. I'm a County Board Supervisor and think that everyone in Richland County should be calling state officials."
"Did we pair up with Platteville as a way to connect students or to get financial help in anyway? I remember the merger happening and wondering why."
Danielle Rudersdorf Richland Center WI 53581 US 12/5/22
"I think the hope that Tony Kurtz was bringing to the table, was getting Southwest Tech to come in and help us with grade school education since it seems the UW system and 2 year campuses will probably not exist sooner than we think. We need to show Republicans that we need more than just trade jobs and it's also an opportunity for those to transfer to get a bachelor's degree. This will and has affected so many people."
Danielle Rudersdorf Richland Center WI 53581 US 12/5/22 "Yes Wisconsin's motto is simply FORWARD!"
Danielle Rudersdorf Richland Center WI 53581 US 12/5/22 "I'm so sorry to hear that Kathy! Sounds like really great memories."
Danielle Rudersdorf Richland Center WI 53581 US 12/5/22
"I'm a County Board Supervisor and had no idea about it's closure until my old English professor posted about it on Facebook. Let's just say, not all of the County Board members were told about this move. The good ole boys club pretty much keeps the things quiet until the last minute. We've had many upset members that didn't know about certain cuts, not just this one. Even in my own departments. This County is going under fast!"
Governor Evers, Senator Marklein, Assemblyman Kurtz, UW President RothmanDanielle Rudersdorf Richland Center WI 53581 US 12/5/22
Danielle Rudersdorf Richland Center WI 53581 US 12/5/22
"Thank you Mama Sue number 2! As you know, I'm on the County Board and there was no discussion about completely closing the campus. We talked about the decline in student population and talked about using a few buildings for the campus and were, I thought, hoping to get SW Tech to maybe do some programs in the other buildings. I don't remember anything about actually closing the campus so I would like to know who actually made this decision?"
"And yes, I'm reading every single comment that I can. This community means too much to me to put my children through this."
Danielle Rudersdorf Richland Center WI 53581 US 12/5/22
Eric Rynes Richland Center WI 53581 US 11/30/22
Helen Gillingham Richland Center WI 53581 US 12/1/22
"Wait... Mrs. Farness that taught 1st grade at Riverdale? If that's you, do you remember a student a very long time ago that got her tonsils out and couldn't wait to come back to school so my mom brought me to visit one day? My maiden name is Danielle Cooper. I'll never forget that day. We were making a self portrait of what wanted to do for a career and I wanted to be a nurse. Funny, I was a CNA for 6 years, then couldn't work because of my disabilities but tried going back to college to be a special education teacher. I wasn't able to graduate and was hoping to at least take the one semester I need for an associate's degree, but now that's out of my hands too. I am on the County Board though and I can say you were an amazing teacher that I never forgot and so is your mother!"
"I have a daughter who wants to attend next year and I feel our community needs this campus."
"The Campus is vital to this rural area an a tertiary educational and cultural reaource. Rural areas must not be ignored."
Jane Kintz
Richland Center WI 53581 US 11/30/22
"As a lifelong resident of Richland County I attended UW-R where I earned my BA. All credits transferred to UWL where I received my BS and Masters degrees. Upon graduation I returned home to Richland County where I recently retired from teaching art for the RSD. My parents were able to save a lot of money by my attending this local campus that I lived only two miles from but that was not the only reason for attending. The knowledgeable instructors and the quality education I received were a definite consideration, too. Our county needs our campus to thrive again. I hope the powers that be will reconsider their devastating decision to close."
Jenna Sebranek Richland Center WI 53581 US 12/1/22
"UW Richland got me started on my path to becoming a physician! Good base for education moving forward, and people who knew me and my passion to write letters that eventually helped me get into the school of my dreams! I started there 20 years ago next fall!"
Jennifer Carter Richland Center WI 53581 US 12/1/22
"My daughter is currently a freshman at the UW Richland. She has enjoyed this year and the financial support along with the closeness to home allows us to provide support for her also. She is approaching her education with a careful approach on ways to save on schooling and minimize her financial debt that plagues so many. The actions being sent forth are making her continued education more difficult. As a small business owner and working class family, we are already struggling in this economy. When coaches are being flown in on private jets, it's hard to believe the system as a whole is in check. The email the kids were sent is unsympathetic and basically only states they can get any help, which does not outway the cost they face, if they go to UW Platteville. I was very disappointed in the Chancelloer's email. A horrible way to address students who have to basically start over in their college plans. Disappointed only begins the feelings and stress in our household for this holiday season."
Kathy Fry Richland Center WI 53581 US 11/30/22
"I have been a host parent to many international students who attended UW Richland, got a wonderful start, and went on to be successful adults in their home countries or here in the US. Richland Center and County need this campus and we need to do everything possible to find a way to keep it open as an educational and cultural center in southwest Wisconsin."
"I am forever grateful for the ability to go to UW Richland in 2006-2008. I was fully prepared to enter UW Madison and have finished 2 bachelors degree since. I am sad this opportunity might not exist for others."
Richland Center WI 53581 US 12/4/22
Richland Center WI 53581 US 12/7/22
"It is yet another attempt to stifle Richland County. I have been a resident of Richland Center for more than 40 years and always happy to let people know when asked what we had to offer and proud to say “the campus”. I give so much credit to those that work so hard trying to develop interest in our community & then we face those that don’t care."
"I attended UW-Richland in 1969 and again in later years to finish my 2-year degree. We have also hosted many international students from the Campus, and I feel very strongly about the impact that the Campus--faculty and students--have in our community."
Richland Center WI 53581 US 12/1/22
"I was recruited to RC by former Dean Marge Wallace. Every Dean since her has contributed to the culture, diversity, and knowledge of our community. This community supports UW Richland and were never consulted about this drastic move to close the campus. I am proud of all of the graduates of UW Richland and our entire state is better for the students who have been educated here. Keep a good thing going and help us strengthen UW Richland. Do not close it!"
Sarah Rynes
Richland Center WI 53581 US 12/6/22 "I loved attending college classes there!"
Richland Center WI 53581 US 12/5/22
"I don't think it is fair to the present students or those in the future. The faculty are having to move to another facility or a forced retirement isn't health for our community. Also, why hasn't the community been asked what they want for the campus?"
Petition Comments: Save Our UW-Richland Campus - Meet with the Community To: Governor Evers, Senator Marklein, Assemblyman Kurtz, UW President Rothman Krista Carpenter Richland Center WI 53581 US 12/2/22 Lana Myers Kaufman Neil Bard Serena SalisburyShirley Steiner Richland Center WI 53581 US 11/30/22
Theresa Richards Richland Center WI 53581 US 12/1/22
Tom Everson Richland Center WI 53581 US 12/1/22
"The campus has been such a great opportunity for students of all age to continue their education. This is what The Wisconsin Idea is all about!It has been an affordable way for students to get their first years of college and has provided enrichment in the area for all ages."
"I did well over 30 credits there back in 2001-2002. My oldest got an AD in 2010. My second daughter went for a semester. It's a wonderful resource in our county and money well spent"
"Never attended. Know a couple who have. If this stays, please cut the chains and give the community a great school. Add tech and skilled trades. This town needs it.Best of luck!"
Lyle Wanless Steuben WI 54657 US 12/2/22
Leslie Berg Stratford WI 54484 US 11/30/22
"This campus is dear to my heart. I as a former student, after getting out of the army, was able to continue on to get a PHD in Educational Administration. Interesting enough there are resources and expertise within the community that can form a colloquium to provide a foundation or problem solving of this issue. It is important to identify issues and potential ways to maintain the local education and community resource. All high school counselors who assist students with ideas for their future need to realize the potential we have right here at home. The Army recruits in high schools why not our local campus."
"This has been a great resource for kids to start their post secondary path. Without it many wouldn’t have ventured on to school."
Gabrielle Daniels Viroqua WI 54665 US 12/5/22
"This has been a gift and vital part of Richland Center and surrounding communities as far afield as La Crosse and Madison. I've attended many events there, met the supportive & talented staff, and the dedicated &grateful students. It would be a shame to lose such a hub for the community."
Paula Grenier Viroqua WI 54665 US 12/5/22 "It is so important to give students a chance to get an education if they so desire."
Thomas Allen West Bend WI 53095 US 12/5/22
Diane Storms Mauston 53948 US 11/30/22
"I am currently a student at a UW extension school and I believe that these schools are seriously neglected. Whether that's taking all the funding away or not providing any good reason to go to these branch campuses is a real shame because it's a no-brainer option for many. You can't count on the transition process to be smooth. Best wishes to the students of UW-Richland Campus!"
"I was a student at UW Richland x2. Once to get a start in the nursing field and the second time to earn an associate degree before transferring to UW Whitewater to finish my teaching degree. I have also taken a few continuing education classes that were offered. This campus has been such an asset to the RC community!!"
Richland Center 53581 US 11/30/22
Pamela Ward US 11/30/22
"The UWP-R campus has benefited Richland County and surroundingcommunities in so many ways forthe past 55 years! Indeed, the benefitsfrom our campus have been immeasurable. We can’t just let them“write us off”. Your help and supportis needed. Stay positive!"
"I was an international student there from 1992-1994 and it was a magnificent cultural exchange. My experience there has left a profound and lasting effect on me. There are many future students who need to experience UW-Richland also."
"I have 6 Grandsons who were planning to take classes at this campus after finishing high school. They all live in Richland Center."
Petition Comments: Save Our UW-Richland Campus - Meet with the Community To: Governor Evers, Senator Marklein, Assemblyman Kurtz, UW President Rothman Bellman Kervin Bateau Dominica