Valley Sentinel - 02-17-2021

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Inside this edition

Review: Lone Rock Bistro Brunch kicks off Page 6

Movie Review: Netflix’s ‘The Dig’ is a hit Page 7

Season end: RV sports head to regionals, sectionals

Spring Green, Wisconsin

Page 8-9

Wednesday, Feb. 17, 2021 Vol. 2, No. 7 Free, Single-Copy

Spring Green moves to create village administrator, questions remain Emilie Conlon, Editor-in-Chief The village of Spring Green is set for a few structural changes to its staff following its Feb. 10 meeting, where the board approved the creation of two new positions to alleviate workload stress on the village clerk and employees. At the meeting, the board voted to create a Village Administrator

position, designed for Village Clerk Wendy Crary to fill the spot. With the creation of this position, Crary will carry the title of Clerk, Treasurer and Village Administrator and perform duties for all three jobs. According to the position description from the personnel committee, Crary would be responsible for implementing and carrying out policies and intent of the village board, pro-

vide supervisory, clerical, financial and administrative direction for the village, maintain complete and accurate public records and perform the duties of the clerk and treasurer. The position will allow Crary to be involved in the hiring process for other village staff, with the exception of the police department, alleviating stress on the personnel committee. When the board first discussed

River Valley Boys Basketball take on Regionals

Photo by Mike McDermott, Contributor Following four games on the road, the RV Boys Basketball team took on Regionals Tuesday against Westby, and went home with a 56-52 win. Next, the Blackhawks go back on the road to take on the Richland Center Hornets Feb. 19 at 7 p.m. in another WIAA Regional match-up. Pictured: Blackhawk Will Bailey takes a shot at the game against Dodgeville on Feb. 11. See page 8 for more photos.

the topic of this position in January, Trustee and Personnel Committee member Robin Reid stated that Crary already performs many of the duties of an administrator. When asked what in the description she was currently not performing, Crary responded “not much.” “This will allow for the hiring pro-

See page 5

New Sauk County Health Officer takes department reins Last month, the Sauk County Board of Supervisors voted unanimously to appoint Treemanisha Stewart to serve as the county’s Public Health Officer. Stewart started work in the county Feb. 1. Valley Sentinel spoke with Stewart regarding her first weeks on the job, her experience and her goals for the county health department. Below are her answers. Valley Sentinel: Tell us a bit about yourself and your background. How will this help you in your position in Sauk County? Treemanisha Stewart: My name is Treemanisha Stewart and I was born and raised in rural southern New Jersey. I went to the big city of Washington DC for college; so I have experienced both urban and rural life. I have worked in the non-profit, education and government (local and state) sectors and have volunteered in a multitude of capacities including being a firefighter. I think my varied experiences complements the Sauk County community. I have worked boots on the ground at the community level and with law makers to make systemic changes. I am very personable and love working in the community. I believe team work and collaboration are the most valuable tools we have to affect positive change.

See page 4

Plain, Lone Rock remove fluoride from water supply Emilie Conlon, Editor-in-Chief

Recently, the village of Lone Rock and the village of Plain have decided to remove fluoride from their municipal water supplies, citing resident concerns, staff safety concerns and modern dental products containing fluoride as reasons for the removal. In late 2020, the village of Lone Rock voted to remove fluoride from the water, effective Jan. 1, 2021. Lone Rock public works director Adam Reno stated the

board voted for the change after a small group of local residents lobbied for the chemicals removal in recent years. “There was a group of people in town for a couple of years who wanted it out of the system,” said Reno. “We treat with chlorine also, so I called our DNR rep and she said since we treat with both, we don’t need the fluoride too.” Reno said increasing fluoride costs were not included in the decision to remove the chemical from the village’s water supply.

Last year, Lone Rock failed a test of water in the village, with the test finding traceable amounts of lead in the village’s water system. Reno stated the use of fluoride was not the culprit for lead in the water, instead piping in older homes throughout the village. “The way that you sample for that is kind of goofy, because we have to go to a resident that was built in 1982 or older. On one block I tested three houses, one house came back positive, the other two

came back negative,” said Reno. “The DNR looks at it as you had a positive, even if the rest of the system was negative.” In Plain, the Utilities committee made the decision to remove the chemical from the water at its Feb. 8 meeting, after discussion with Lone Rock on their decision and the recent removal decisions of other nearby municipalities, said Plain Village Clerk Sheila Carver.

See page 4

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WednesdaY, Feb. 17, 2021

Legal Editor’s Column: Whoa! Where’s the fire? Spring Green needs to re-visit village administrator hiring Gerry Strang, esq., Legal Editor The Village of Spring Green Village Board met on Wednesday, February 10, and among the actions it took were to create a Village Administrator position, create a job description for the position, fill the position, and have all these actions take effect immediately. I have no doubt that the Board had good reasons for deciding to create a Village Administrator position. One can go to the websites of the Wisconsin City/County Management Association (WCMA) or the League of Wisconsin Municipalities (LWM) and learn about all the advantages of having a municipal administrator. The Board was unanimous, the public appeared supportive, and apparently the village was nine-tenths of the way to having the Clerk-Treasurer act as a Village Administrator already, without being formally designated. If you’re going to operate

in a given way, that should come with a formal decision and not just occur by accident. But it looks like the Village violated the law here. Now, I don’t want to make too much of this. You could make an argument that what the Village did ignored the fundamental rules of democracy, that the board members violated their oaths to act responsibly under law, and so on. But let’s be reasonable. The board meant well and village boards violate the laws in minor ways all the time. Here the violation was the legislative equivalent of speeding. The Village posted public notice that it would be creating a Village Administrator position, not that it would be hiring the administrator. So it acted outside of the scope of notice, and that’s illegal. Moreover, it made what seems like a fundamental change in the structure

of village government, which the LWM suggests and the WCMA says directly should be done by ordinance, but there it is not clear that the change was written in the form of an ordinance and passed that way. It certainly would be a good idea for the Village Code to reflect the existence of a major village officer. Ordinances do not take place until the day after publication: they cannot be made effective immediately. And hiring an insider immediately without any chance for others to compete? I think they can do that, but it’s definitely not the normal, time-tested way of complying with employment laws, and I would not take it for granted. Because the Board decided at a moment’s notice to fill the position, they did not consult with the village attorney, and they broke at least one law, probably several. The village should have slowed down and taken things one step at a time.

Publish the notice, give a heads up to the village attorney. This was not an emergency. Village board, you should have paid attention to the speed limit. So far as I’m concerned, I’ll let you off with a warning. But I would suggest fixing this up by going back and ratifying the action with public notice, and probably placing an ordinance in the village code. Talk with your village attorney. Otherwise, anyone in the state could sue over this and win. They probably won’t bother, but they could. All it takes is one.

OUR VIEW Spring Green Village Clerk Wendy Crary has been nothing but helpful and wonderful as we’ve navigated covering local municipal government, Spring Green couldn’t find a better Village Administrator. But, for the Village’s sake, revisit the action item and codify the changes in ordinance, while properly noticed at a future meeting.

Letter to the Editor: Wisconsin Elections Commission follow-up Dear Editor, By now I’m sure it’s apparent to you and your readers that the majority of Wisconsin republican voters, half of the Wisconsin supreme court judges and I disagree with the Wisconsin Election Commission regarding how the November election was run. I’ll just say that the one point that they kind of conceded on was the “indefinitely confined” voter directive. The Supreme Court agreed with us but said it was up to us to prove which of those voters did not meet the requirements of that designation. If we are able to prove 20,700 out of 240, 000 of those, and that process is ongoing, that will open up the possibility of a lawsuit challenging the election

results. So I guess all I am saying is, if it doesn’t matter whether elections are conducted according to election laws then why do we have election laws? When laws are broken or procedures are not followed it’s impossible to guarantee the legitimacy of the outcome of any activity. The Wisconsin voters and all American voters deserve the answers to a very simple question, are states allowed to violate election laws? How can its voters ever trust the results of an election? It only serves to disenfranchise voters, especially republican voters, which is what I believe is the democrats hopeful outcome so they can get to their ultimate goal of one

party rule which gets us one step closer to socialism. Samuel Adams said about our right to vote, “let each citizen remember at the moment he is offering his vote, that he is not making a present or a complement to please an individual, or at least that he ought not to do so, but that he is executing one of the most solemn trust in human society for which he is accountable to God and his country” For those of your readers whom only watch mainstream media ABC-NBCCBS or CNN-MSNBC etc. and other supporters of the Democratic Party, they have probably never seen examples of what I believe is the truth regarding election fraud. I would suggest they go to and look for

the “art of the steal” a three part series with the facts that they have hundreds of affidatives regarding election irregularities. Also go to www.michaeljlindell. com (if they haven’t already taken it down) and scroll to “the ultimate proof” and at least, with an open mind, take a look at what the other side won’t let you see. Draw your own conclusions. What don’t they want you to see? Why are they fighting so hard to keep us from seeing? Show us the truth, help up trust that our vote counts. —John Wilson Lone Rock, WI

Weekly Poll: Should municipalities add fluoride to their water supplies?

As stated in the story on page 1 and page 4 of this edition, the villages of Plain and Lone Rock recently decided to remove fluoride from their municipal water supplies, citing safety concerns, rising costs, and the common use of fluoride in over-the-counter dental products as reasons for discontinuing use. In our weekly social media poll, we asked for your opinion on the matter, should municipal water be fluorinated? 56% of voters said yes, with 44% saying no. If you missed the weekly poll but would like to share your thoughts on the use of fluoride in municipal water, please email To vote in our weekly polls, follow us on Instagram, @vs_wisconsin or like us on Facebook, www.


WednesdaY, Feb. 17, 2021

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Excerpts from Gov. Evers’ 2021-23 Budget Message Tony Evers, Governor MADISON — Below are excerpts from Gov. Tony Evers’ 2021-23 Budget Message, delivered virtually on Feb. 16. ... “When I gave my State of the State address last month, I talked about the struggles we’ve shared this past year, and the challenges we have faced and will face in the days ahead. I know I don’t have to tell you how hard this past year has been because we’ve lived it—you’ve lived it. “People across our state and country spent the better part of the last year worried—worried about how you’ll see a doctor or afford your prescriptions, worried about taking care of your loved ones from a distance, worried about affording childcare for your kids, and how this pandemic has affected them. I know there have been sleepless nights worrying about finding work or being safe at work, worrying about the future of the business you built from the ground up, worrying about making sure you can keep the lights and heat on at home. “So, as you’re watching tonight filled with a year’s worth of worry, I know you’re also wondering whether we will claw out of this crisis, where we can go from here, how we get back on track, and what’s next.”

... “Well, Wisconsin, we aren’t going to retrace our steps back to the way things were. “We aren’t going to follow the map back to where we started when this pandemic began. “After all we’ve been through, we aren’t going to apologize for wanting more for each other—for our neighbors, for our kids, our parents and grandparents, and our state’s future. “So, I want to tell you something tonight and I need you to really hear me—don’t let anyone tell you we can’t afford to make healthcare more accessible while saving your hardearned tax dollars. Don’t let anyone tell you we can’t afford to fully fund our public schools while cutting taxes at the same time. Don’t let anyone tell you we can’t afford to support our farmers, our rural communities, and our small businesses while protecting our natural resources and investing in new, clean jobs. Don’t let anyone tell you we can’t spend within our means while still supporting Wisconsinites who need help to recover. “Because they’re wrong. We can. I’ve got a blueprint that will do just that and make sure we bounce back and better than before.” ... “That’s why we’re going to make unprecedented investments in

the Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation to be able to help support our small businesses and economic development. Our Badger Bounceback agenda makes a larger state investment into the WEDC than the last three budgets combined. We’re going to put $200 million into helping small businesses affected by the pandemic, including helping them retain and rehire the jobs they’ve lost. And we know that if we want to come out on the other side of this pandemic stronger than ever, we need to commit to investing in innovation and economic growth, too. That’s why we’re also going to invest $100 million into a venture capital program to jumpstart innovation and startups in Wisconsin. “But as I’ve said all along, if we’re going to get serious about economic development in our state, then we have to connect the dots. And you’ve heard me say that a lot—connect the dots. It means recognizing how every issue our state is facing affects all of the others. We have to understand how having good roads and transportation affects small businesses and farmers getting their product from Point A to Point B. We have to understand how lack of access to affordable housing affects kids in the classroom. We have to understand how lead pollution and poor water

Contact us

PO Box 144 Spring Green, Wisconsin 53588 USA (608) 588-6694 Editorial Editor-in-Chief Emilie Conlon Creative Director Morgan Marlenga Managing Editor Quincy Aston-Lott Legal Editor Gerry Strang, esq.

quality affects our healthcare system. We have to connect those dots between these issues to make sure we can recover from this crisis. And that’s why, in the coming days, the WEDC will also be announcing our administration’s vision for economic development to make sure we can bounce back with an economy that works for everyone.” ... “Wisconsinites, when I ran to be your governor, I said it was time for a change. And I told you then like I’ll tell you tonight—that change won’t happen without you. “That’s why, because of you, I’m optimistic. I’m hopeful. Because over the last year, I’ve seen the heart and grit and resilience of the people of this great state. I believe we can pass a budget with bipartisan support. I believe we can pass a budget that will make sure our state can bounce back and better than it was before this pandemic hit. I believe we can pass a budget that will finally realize the future we’ve dreamed. I know that the Legislature and I can get this done. “Change is possible. The future we want to build is possible. Because I know you will hold us to account and demand it.”

Deadlines: The display and classified

Valley Sentinel is published in Spring Green, Wisconsin every Wednesday by Lower Wisconsin River Valley Sentinel, LLC. ISSN 2694-541X (print) — ISSN 2694-5401 (online) Interns Graphic Design/Pagination Amber Mueller

advertising deadline is Monday at noon for that week. If you would like our design team to design the ad then please allow extra time for the creative process and proofing.

Ad team:

Sports Austin Keach

Graphic Design/Editorial Nicole Hansen

Editorial/Social Media/Marketing Matthew L. Beyer

Marketing/Community Relations/Video Production/Editorial Adam Meyer

Graphic Design/Pagination Anna Stocks-Hess

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Database Engineering Jessie Zheng

Our team will be growing and changing as we settle into publishing regularly, please stay in touch. Thank you to all of our contributors, by name and by pen, for believing in our community.

Editorial Policy

On certain topics in areas of great community interest, the editors of the Valley Sentinel may take positions they believe best represent and serve the interests of the community. Any opinions or positions taken by the editorial board are separate and distinct in labeling and substance from the community journalism that appears in the rest of the publication and does not affect the integrity

Letter to the Editor Policy

Letters submitted for consideration are subject to fact-checking and editing for space and clarity. Submissions must have a compelling local community interest. Letters to the editor must fit within a 500-word limit, and include name, city and phone number. Phone numbers are for office use only and will not be published. Letters of a political nature, without chance of rebuttal, will not be published the week before an election.

and impartiality of our reporting.

Est. 2020 igne conflatum “Forged in Fire”

Valley Sentinel is a free, weekly single-copy news publication, available on newsstands in the area. Covering Arena, Lone Rock, Plain, Spring Green and the surrounding areas.

Column Policy

Editors may feature opinion columns written by public figures, members of the public or other publication staff. Columns reflect the opinions of the individual contributors and do not represent positions of the publication. Guest columns of an anticipated length more than 500 words should seek prior editor authorization.

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Community Discussion Policy

From time to time the editorial board may select letters to the editor of a particular compelling community interest where a public figure or accountable public action is the recipient of criticism and allow, in the same issue, the subject of the criticism chance for rebuttal, with expounded independent input. The format shall be point, counterpoint and expert analysis. This community discussion shall serve as a moderated dialogue that presents multiple views of important community topics.

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WednesdaY, feb. 17, 2021

Villages cite multiple reasons for removing fluoride from water supply continued from page 1 Public Works Director John Ruhland said the committee felt comfortable with the decision to remove fluoride because dental products like toothpaste and mouthwash include fluoride, and many homes have filtration systems that handle the effects of fluoride. Ruhland said the biggest reasons for the village’s decision was safety for village staff working with wellhouses and water, as fluoride is an acid. Additionally, fluoride price increases was a factor the committee considered when making the

removal decision. Recently, Ruhland was the victim of a small burn from fluorosilicic acid splashing his arm while handling the chemical in a wellhouse. “It was a little minor splash on my arm,” said Ruhland. “I have forgotten to wear rubber gloves before and have burned my fingertips but nothing serious.” Ruhland said the village does provide hand and eyewear protection in each well house. According to Amy Kluby, Department of Natural Resources (DNR) Water Supply Engineer and the DNR municipal water

rep for Iowa and Sauk counties, the DNR does not require adding fluoride to water systems or provide a specific recommendation to municipalities. “Fluoride addition is elective, and if a system elects to add it, the department then regulates the use of fluoride,” said Kluby. “Residents in Lone Rock and Plain, if they do elect to discontinue fluoride addition, should be aware that fluoride is no longer being added to their water.” According to the Wisconsin Dental Association, a lobbying group for dental professionals, who reached out to Valley Sentinel unprompted during writing, “For

more than 70 years, community water fluoridation has proven to be a safe, effective and economical way to prevent tooth decay in children and adults – regardless of an individual’s age, income or education.” Both the village of Spring Green and the Village of Arena currently add fluoride to the water, and do not anticipate discontinuing that at this time, according to the village clerks. Fluoride was removed from the water in Lone Rock at the start of 2021, and will be removed beginning around May 1 in Plain, when the village’s current supply depletes.

Health department focused on COVID-19 continued from page 1

In other news Free Coffee Event

Butternut Road Coffee Truck is offering free coffee 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Feb. 19 at 185 N Main St in Richland Center. The event is hosted by Southwest Title, LLC and will offer a single complimentary beverage of choice and a complimentary Sidney Bakes, LLC cookie or cupcake per customer. The sleeves provided with the coffee cups can be presented at Court and Main, J.Jay Walsh Jewelers, Ocooch Books and Libations and Robins Nest Country Gifts and Flowers in Richland Center for discounts.

My Neighbor in Need is a website that provides local citizens in the Greater Sauk Prairie area a way to ask for help from their community and a way for community members to give back in a dignified way. Photo by Emilie Conlon, Editor-in-Chief Newly hired Sauk County Public Health Officer Treemanisha Stewart addresses the county board for the first time at the boards Feb. 15 regular board meeting. VS: How do you feel your first week (or so) went? TS: I feel it went pretty well. I have met lots of wonderful people that are so passionate about what they do, it really is amazing to be a part of a department that is so hospitable. VS: What are some goals for the Sauk County Health Department? What is on the horizon for the health department? TS: It is obvious that the Department was working on some very progressive projects and then COVID diverted their responsibilities. After I can fully immerse myself in the health programs and post our COVID response; I really want us to pick up where they left off. The work they were starting was really exciting! VS: What are a few of the most pressing challenges facing the department? TS: COVID has really engulfed all of our attention. We really want to ensure that people are testing if they

have symptoms and that when they are eligible they get vaccinated. The community partnerships for testing and vaccinations is exceptional, so although we take on a lot in planning; with our partnerships the execution is bar none. VS: As the department head, how do you plan to tackle COVID-19? TS: The Health Department has done a good job of communicating a consistent message. We follow the CDC and State guidelines. We have been encouraging testing and vaccinations (when eligible) along with (an acronym I created to help me memorize) SWWW: Stay home, Wear your mask, Wash your hands, and Watch your distance. The guidelines, testing and vaccines will help us see the end to this quicker. We see some light at the end of the tunnel but we are not there yet; we just need to stay the path for a little while longer.

Whether you request a need or fulfill a need, all personal information (including all names) will remain anonymous. If you request a need, one of our volunteers will ask you questions about your situation. As stewards of the community’s willingness to help since 2012, we have to verify if your request is legitimate. Some questions will concern your financial situation, employment status, living arrangement, and history of receiving help from other organizations. We must verify all the facts before posting your request on our website. Our motto is simple: If we cannot verify it, we do not approve it. We are a volunteer group and receive no state or federal funding. We rely on montary donations from caring organizations, businesses, and individuals to enable MNIN to purchase requested items from local retailers. Please look at our website to find out more information about MNIN. You will see how to request assistance in our approved categories and how to give assistance to the client whose need you want to fulfill. Our telephone number is 608.644.0504 ext 18. My Neighbor in Need serves the communities of Black Earth, Black Hawk, Denzer, Leland, Lodi, Mazomanie, Merrimac, Plain, Prairie du Sac, Roxbury, Sauk City, Spring Green, and Witwen. —Submitted by Mary Ellen Beich, My Neighbor in Need

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WednesdaY, Feb. 17, 2021

Page 5

Spring Green approves village administrator, utility clerk continued from page 1

cess to go much faster, the committee won’t need to schedule a meeting for three people, I can bring the chair of the personnel committee in, or if it’s a police officer, I can bring in the chair of the police committee or have Chief Stoddard,” said Crary. “It’s going to speed up the process, which really is the biggest thing.” Following the approval of the position and position description, the board took impomptu action to appoint Crary into the position immediately, however the discussion and action of hiring for the position were not listed on the approved, public agenda for the meeting. The agenda items pertaining to the Village administrator position included “discussion and possible action regarding creation of Village Administrator position”, and “Dis-

cussion and possible action regarding proposed position description of the Village Administrator Position” At the meeting, following the approval of position description, Village President Eugene Hausner questioned when Crary would step into the role, and it was determined the village board could determine the timeline. “I would be comfortable with it coming into effect after our vote if the other board members are,” said Hausner. Following a question on whether that would require a vote, Crary said “that wouldn’t be a bad idea if it’s desired immediately,” Valley Sentinel reached out to Crary regarding unagendized action by the board and the hiring process for the position, but did not receive comment by press time. If we receive

a response, the story will be updated on Crary did recuse herself from presenting the position to the board at the meeting, saying “I won’t go too much into it because it actually concerns me, so if someone else from the personnel committee wants to they can.” The board also voted to create a new part-time Utility Clerk position, that will be responsible for administrative work and billing for the almost 900 water and sewer accounts of the village services, along with part-time administrative duties for the Public Works department. “Our plan is to hire a part-time person to start, so we don’t put the village too much over budget right away,” said Crary. “It’s just to kind of get us pushing in the right direction for where we want to be in a year or

two.” The board considered this position after Crary presented the need in January, and the personnel committee created a position description. Currently, the Crary is responsible for the utilities and public works duties, which has created additional working hours and stress on staff. While the position will alleviate administrative and billing work, Crary will continue to oversee accounting, reporting and auditing for the utility services. “I think the job description looks really good, exactly what we were all expecting,” said Trustee Michael Broh. “I’m thrilled.”

4PeteSake announces successful 2020 fundraising, new recipients Sam Van Hellgren, 4PeteSake Spring Green, WI – When the Covid-19 pandemic forced Spring Green’s 4PeteSake charity to cancel its largest fundraising event of the year the annual Day in the Park - the future of the organization looked uncertain. The single-day event typically raises over $40,000. “The money we raise during the year goes right back into the River Valley community, directly to recipients,” said 4PeteSake’s Todd Miller. “Without the visibility that the Day in the Park gives us, there was a concern that it would impact our ability to raise the kind of money we have in the past—and to offer financial assistance to those in need.” Since 2005, generous contributions from area residents and businesses have allowed 4PeteSake to provide assistance to more than 90 River Valley residents facing economic hardship as the results of a medical crisis. But despite the pandemic and despite the cancellation of the Day in the Park, the River Valley community did not forget about 4PeteSake. Employing fundraising efforts like a House on the Rock golf outing; virtual run, walk and bike rides; a lemonade stand - and hugely successful mailing and online campaigns - the organization was able to raise enough to cover funding rounds for both Fall 2020—and Spring 2021. Applications for 4PeteSake’s Spring Funding round are due on March 15th. A decision about this year’s Day in the Park will be made later in the year. Fall 2020 4PeteSake recipients were: Natalie Nicoll and Alaxandria Deneen from Lone Rock; Shawna and Andrew Fromfeld from Plain; and Regina Caldwell, Heloise Idstein, and Theresa Rupp from Spring Green. Donations to 4PeteSake can be made online at or through the mail to P.O. Box 577 Spring Green, WI 53588. Checks should be made out to Christ Lutheran Church/4PeteSake.

Fall 2020 Recipients Alaxandria Deneen

For Lone Rock’s Alax Deneen, 4PeteSake kept a terrible year from becoming a catastrophic one. “I wouldn’t have a place to live without 4PeteSake,” says the 2012 River Valley grad and mom of two. Early in 2020, Deneen learned that she carried the same cancer mutation that had afflicted her mom. She had surgery in July, but then she developed a life-threatening infection

that sent her back to the hospital. During her recovery, she lost her job. Bills started piling up before she turned to 4PeteSake. “They helped me when I really needed it,” says Deneen. “It’s amazing that we have something like them in our community.”

Theresa Rupp

“There are people in this community that don’t make a lot of money, that need help,” says Spring Green’s Theresa Rupp. The Rockford native moved to the River Valley in the early 90s, wanting to raise her kids in a place where they could just “be.” They took to the country, learning to fish, hunt and camp. She’s called Paulus Road home now for 18 years. She and her three grandkids love watching the deer out her windows. On a fixed income and battling multiple health issues, Rupp reached out to 4PeteSake when she started to fall behind.

Natalie Nicoll

Natalie Nicoll is a fighter. She’d lost six siblings to cancer when she was diagnosed herself in 2014. She beat it. “The doctor came in and told me ‘you’re cancer-free.’ I couldn’t believe it.” But in August of last year, the cancer returned. “I’m 84 - 85 in March - and I want to take one more trip,” she says. Nicoll had an itinerant upbringing, moving from New York state as a child to places as far-flung as southern California, Waco, TX, Douglas, AZ, and Goldfield, NV (now one of the country’s most famous ghost towns). She settled with family in the River Valley in the early 70s. She currently lives in Lone Rock with her son, her daughter-in-law and her five-year-old chihuahua Faun. She has plans to visit family in Oregon in the summer. 4PeteSake has been able to help with expenses while Nicoll undergoes treatment.

Regina Caldwell

Caldwell and her family moved to Spring Green in 2019. They loved it here. 8th grader Zach started a successful lawn and snow removal business. But then in April of last year, Caldwell’s husband David suffered a heart attack, requiring triple bypass surgery. It sent the family reeling. Uninsured and without a steady source of income, Regina did what she could to keep the family of four fed and a roof over their head. She applied for loans and used the food pantry. But she was still falling behind. That was when someone suggested that Caldwell reach out to 4PeteSake. “If anyone out there needs help, they

should apply,” says Caldwell. “They helped us so much.”

Heloise Idstein

“The universe opened its helping hands for me,” says Spring Green’s Heloise Idstein. Idstein - a native of South Africa, who moved to the area in 2015 with her husband Frank Chaffee - received a cancer diagnosis in May of last year. She was uninsured. “It felt like the bottom had fallen out,” she says. Scared and anxious about the financial toll the diagnosis would take on her and Frank - and worried about not having a reliable vehicle to get her to treatments - she recalls running an errand to People’s Community Bank, where she was told: “There is help.” A day later, she got a call from Stef Morrill at River Valley Commons, who put her in touch with 4PeteSake. “The people in this community really help,” says Idstein. “They don’t just offer help, they jump right in.” 4PeteSake worked with Darlington’s Virtue Motors to get Idstein a car, which proved its reliability earlier this year when she experienced a medical emergency. “We could have taken an ambulance—or the car,” says Idstein. “We took the car.”

Shawna and Andrew Fromfeld

The Fromfelds and their 11 year-old twins were expecting 2020 to be a challenging year, but what they got was so much more than they anticipated. In November, 2019, Shawna was diagnosed with a brain tumor. In December, she learned that it wasn’t a single tumor—it was two. Surgery was scheduled for April, 2020, but when Covid hit, it was postponed. And that’s when the Plain family got more news: they were about to become foster parents. “We were approved to foster in early 2019 and had been waiting for a placement,” explains Shawna. “And just when my surgery got delayed, we learned we’d been selected.” Two brothers, 7 and 9, soon joined the Fromfeld household. Shawna finally had her surgery in June, but remained out of work for months while she recovered. The family - now six - needed help. A school counselor referred them to 4PeteSake. “They understand that it wasn’t just not just the big things that we needed help with,” says Shawna. “But the daily bills that can get overlooked when you’re focused on the biggies. They’re miracle workers.” The Fromfelds are looking forward to taking their first family vacation together in 2021.


•To make an online contribution, visit or send checks to P.O. Box 577 Spring Green, WI 53588. Checks should be made out to Christ Lutheran Church/4PeteSake. •4PeteSake thanks the River Valley Community for 16 years of generous support!

Apply for assistance

•The next funding cycle is scheduled for Spring, 2021. •Additional information and application forms are available online at •Applications are also available at Arcadia Books, 102 E. Jefferson Street in Spring Green. •Completed applications should be mailed to: 4PeteSake, P.O. Box 577, Spring Green, WI. •Applicants may also write to the address above to request that an application be sent to them. •Questions about the application process may be directed to 4PeteSake Committee Member Todd Miller at 608-5884619. 4PeteSake provides funds for River Valley residents who, through no fault of their own, find themselves in health-related circumstances and are in need of financial assistance. Applicants must be residents of the River Valley School District.

About 4PeteSake

Since 2005, 4PeteSake has provided over $1.2 million of assistance to more than 90 recipients. 4PeteSake is run by a 9-member, volunteer group. The independent committee is part of the public outreach program of Christ Lutheran Church, which gives 4PeteSake access to a 501(c) 3 organization, allowing contributions to be tax-deductible. The committee chooses at least one recipient each year through an application process. Recipients must live within the boundaries of the River Valley School District and find themselves in circumstances, through no fault of their own, for which assistance is needed. All recipients must have had medically related needs. The group’s mission is to raise money to assist recipients in a way that can substantially change their circumstances and impact their quality of life. For more information on how to participate in 4PeteSake, visit

Page 6


WednesdaY, feb. 17, 2021

Review: Lone Rock Bistro starts regular Sunday Brunch on Valentine’s “Let them eat brunch” —Marie Antoinette (probably)

quality is there for an incredible price. 4/5 stars.

Okay, so I sincerely doubt that Miss Antoinette actually proclaimed the peasants of the third estate should be allowed to brunch (Fun Fact: she also never said her infamous “let them eat cake” line but that’s a story for another time.) Anywhoo, I do imagine that the French monarch loved herself some brunch— something her and I would have in common. Basically, this is my long way around of telling you all that I am ~beyond~ excited that the Lone Rock Bistro and Taproom is now serving Sunday Brunch. As a younger millennial, brunch is speaking my language, and I think it’s so incredibly inspiring to see our rural area introducing something like brunch—and they did it well. Brunch or not, the Lone Rock Bistro offers a pleasant ambiance, it truly feels like a perfect mix of your local bar where you can catch a few local friends or unwind with a good ole’ Wisconsin brewed beer after a long days work, while also giving the feel of a Madison-esq gastro pub with upscale food and a dark, romantic dining room, separated from the bar area. The brunch menu featured the typical breakfast/brunch food options with some additional items thrown in to give it that “brunch flare.” It featured the usual entree options with eggs, breakfast meats and toast, in addition to a steak and eggs option, a breakfast croissant sandwich, loaded Belgium waffles, biscuits and gravy and in true brunch fashion, a brunch burger featuring a fried egg. The menu also gave the option to “build your own” brunch by ordering different menu items ala carte. In my opinion, the best feature of the menu was the bottomless mimosa and coffee options, which brings into play that upper scale Madison-esq feel to the restaurant. It’s not something you see very often in this area, so I was glad to see it. I opted for the bottomless mimosas, and they were perfect, not too strong for the time of day and consistent in each new one I was poured. I do wish they had offered pitchers for the bottomless beverages that could be left on the table and refilled as the table wanted. I found that we were finishing our beverages pretty quickly and would have been nice to just be able to refill them on our own, instead of constantly asking the server to run back and forth for a single cup refill, I think it would be more efficient to refill an entire pitcher less

—Emile Conlon, Editor-in-Chief ••• Well I wasn’t a History minor, so I have no idea what Marie Antoinette had to say about brunch, but to use the words of a recent letter to us here, I ‘bet a dollar to a donut’ that it had something specifically to do with brunch skillets, which was the only major menu staple missing from the Lone Rock Bistro’s brunch debut. For a restaurant that has delighted with unconventional dinner specials such as Chicken Vindaloo Curry, Jerk Chicken, Yellow Thai Curry and more (along with supper club-esque staples such as New York Strip, Ribeye and the necessary Friday Fish Fry), the brunch offerings were more reminiscent of a small-town diner than a quirky gastro pub. Gone were the Croque Madame, Crepes and Lox. Here were staples: French toast, waffles, breakfast potatoes. Still missing: the skillets — but we’ll circle back. Of honorable mention were the Ribeye Steak & Eggs and the Vegetable Quiche. I had the former and thoroughly enjoyed perhaps the best ribeye I’ve ever had. The flavor needed no addition and paired well with the eggs over easy. The eggs themselves stood alone as well, but was marvelous when combined with the steak. The atmosphere and slow classical music were perfect for a Sunday Valentine’s brunch, and would complement future Sunday brunches just as well. The Lone Rock Bistro saw a need for more depth in Valley brunch options and is striving to fill it, and it will definitely pay off. To finish, brunch isn’t truly brunch to me without a good, everything-on-it country skillet — but the bottomless coffee and mimosas were a thoughtful and welcome distraction. The Bistro has a great thing going and has creative, community-minded people at the helm. To use one of our favorite quotes here, “First make it work, then make it work better” — by adding skillets. 4/5 stars.

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Photo by Emilie Conlon, Editor-in-Chief Various offerings from the Lone Rock Bistro and Taproom Sunday brunch menu, including the Lone Rock breakfast, steak and eggs, bottomless mimosas and Brewhaha coffee. often. I think pitchers would make for a more seamless experience for both the customers and servers. While pitchers are a personal preference, the servers did walk around fairly regularly to refill drinks and were always happy to run and grab me one if I asked. I also ended up trying a bit of the coffee, and it was good. The Bistro serves the Brewhaha Good Sumatran blend, and it was perfectly balanced, strong enough but not bitter. Food-wise, I opted for The Lone Rock, which came with two eggs, a choice of two meats, two slices of French toast and a fruit cup. I ordered my eggs scrambled and they were perfectly done, not slimy or too dry. I was a big fan of the option to order two different breakfast meats because I cannot decide between bacon and sausage—and you can’t make me. The bacon was cooked perfectly, crispy but not overdone and flavorless and the sausage had good flavor. Personally, I’m not much of a French toast gal (it’s a texture thing, and only picky eaters will understand.) To me, French toast is squishy and usually ends up tasting like burned scrambled eggs. I ordered it because I wanted something sweet to go with breakfast

and pancakes were not an option, however, despite my reluctance, the French toast did color me impressed. The texture was still a problem for me (it’s me, not you), but the flavor was delicious— cinnamon-y and vanilla-y and nothing at all like burned scrambled eggs and it was served with Valley Gold Syrup, a syrup made in Lone Rock. The fruit cup was a nice touch, it had a good variety of different fruits, melons, bananas, berries and you could tell it was made in house. If there was anything that was a disappointment, I’d honestly say: that pancakes weren’t an option. However, that’s probably a personal preference and most people would be happy with the French toast or waffle options. I think there’s some room for small improvements, but I’m sure that will come with time and I have no doubt that whatever they do will be good. Overall, I think they knocked this one out of the park, I love that they are bringing a current trend to the River Valley area so people can stay local for the bigger city amenities that are occasionally nice to have, I love that they use a handful of local products and the

—Quincy Aston-Lott, Managing Editor

If you go:

Brunch continuing on Sunday’s 10 a.m. - 3 p.m.

Arts & Culture

WednesdaY, feb. 17, 2021

Page 7

Movie Review: Netflix’s ‘The Dig’ is a gift As we search for normalcy to get us through winter and the remainder of this stage of the COVID-19 pandemic, streaming services have become a major part of many people’s lives. Many studios are moving forward with “theatrical” releases at home as everyone adapts. In an effort to contribute to that normalcy, Valley Sentinel will endeavor to include reviews of trending, classic or otherwise interesting pieces of art or media to inspire. Feel free to send along your contributions. ••• Looking for an engaging, feel-good movie as you weather the pandemic? The Dig (directed by Simon Stone, 2021) is the true story of Mrs. Edith Pretty (Carey Mulligan), who hires Basil Brown (Ralph Fiennes), a local, self-taught archaeologist to explore the burial mounds on her estate. The story takes place about 100 miles northeast of London, in Suffolk,

Further Reading: The Midwest is home to many burial grounds

England. It’s 1939 and World War II is starting to unfold for the Brits. The movie highlights social class distinctions in the United Kingdom that were more prevalent than today. Brown has no formal education past age twelve and is a working-class man of limited means. A highly skilled archaeologist and astronomer, the humble Brown refers to himself as “an excavator.” While the thoughtful and wise Mrs. Pretty comes from money, she has more in common with Mr. Brown than Charles Phillips (Ken Stott), the snooty archaeologist from the British Museum who takes a leadership role in the project. When the pretentious Philips says Brown is unqualified for a task, Mrs. Pretty responds, “Now that’s just snobbery isn’t it Mr. Phillips.” Brown is an underdog, and I like rooting for these types of characters. Mrs. Pretty’s nine-year old son Robert (Archie Barnes) forms a bond with Mr. Brown as he introduces the boy to

astronomy. Barnes is perfectly cast for the role of Robert and I expect we’ll see more of him in the future. The real-life Basil Brown was an autodidact known to have taught himself Latin, French, and a number of other languages. He had articles published in respected astronomy magazines and wrote a well-regarded book on the subject. With his passion for archeology, Brown was indeed a Renaissance man. Lily James of Downton Abbey, Baby Driver, and Yesterday fame plays Peggy Piggott, the love-starved wife of an archaeologist who helps out the project. Her storyline adds dimension to the film and some poignant moments. The Dig has all the hallmarks of an outstanding movie. There are inspiring characters, love, loss, war, history and triumph. The film never drags, and the plot advances the narrative quite nicely. This is a different role for Ralph Fiennes, who is brilliant in his portrayal of Basil Brown. Fiennes usually plays

more highbrow characters like Count Almasy in The English Patient and Monsieur Gustave, the clever concierge in The Grand Budapest Hotel. He is hardly recognizable as a dirt covered archaeological excavator and is sure to be recognized for his fine work in The Dig. Note: when searching for this film on Netflix, you may need to enter the name as, “The D I G” with a space after D and I.

In this week’s edition of the Valley Sentinel, Bill Gordon reviews The Dig (Netflix). The film is centered-around an archaeological excavation at a small group of Anglo-Saxon burial mounds in Suffolk, England. The Midwest is home to thousands of burial mounds. Referred to as Native American Effigy Mounds, they were built during the Late Woodland Period (1400-750 B.C.) by Native Americans known today as

the Effigy Moundbuilders. Mounds in the shapes of birds, bear, deer, bison, lynx, turtle, panther or water spirit are the most common and are considered sacred spaces by many Americans. Much like the mounds in The Dig, their excavation has been fraught with controversy. Effigy Mounds in our area extend from Dubuque, Iowa north into southeast Minnesota, across southern Wisconsin from the Mississippi to

Lake Michigan, and along the Wisconsin-Illinois boundary. Wisconsin was once estimated to have 15,000 to 20,000 effigy mounds, but now fewer than 4,000 remain. For more information about Effigy Mounds of Southern Wisconsin, visit .

—Bill Gordon, Contributor

Viewing information How to view: Netflix Release date: 2021 Duration: 112 Minutes Genre: Biographical Drama Rating: PG-13

—Alison Graves, Contributor

APT The Road Back: Chapter 5—Testing, podding, housing

American Players Theatre

Housing and Podding and Testing (Oh My!)

Nicole Tilford’s spreadsheets are not working. Since she became APT’s Company Manager in 2015, she has relied on her trusty Excel template to map out housing for the season. Though no two seasons are alike when charged with the care and housing of 140 theater artists, at least the season has always had the same shape. She had come to rely on the pattern of two parts – the first rep of 5 plays, followed by the second rep of 3. The leases always started on March 1 for a move-in date of April 15. Every detail was there in her spreadsheet – which apartments allowed pets, which were accessible, which had shaky internet. Her job is never easy, but it’s familiar. She could depend on a modicum of consistency. Until now. Marching toward this unprecedented, topsy-turvy season, Nicole admits it’s taken her a while to get her head around the unfamiliarity of it all. This year, the artists will be in pods. Or bubbles, if you’d like. At APT, they’re also referred to as “testing groups” based on who will get their COVID test on different days, and in different frequencies. Whatever name you use, the bubble represents a group of artists who will be working on a specific play together. Because the actors will sometimes rehearse (and will

always perform) without masks, and will often be within six feet of each other, the whole group will take precautions that go beyond the CDC guidelines. Everyone in the group, including actors, understudies, director, stage managers and some costume staff, must agree not to interact with anyone outside of their bubble. To further complicate the puzzle, the nine plays planned for the season have staggered start dates. That means there’s a maximum of two in rehearsal or performance at one time, rather than the usual where five plays begin in May, three begin in July and most artists work in both parts. Nicole concedes that she’ll have fewer people to house this year – about 100 compared to the usual 150 or so - but there are many more restrictions and complications. In most years, her job involves bringing people together, planning celebrations and making sure Spring Green feels like home. But this year it’s largely about keeping people apart. For instance, people in rehearsal for one show can’t cross over with the people working on another show. Also, people who have direct contact with actors, such as stage managers, need to separate from the people who don’t have direct contact, such as costume stitchers. Furthermore, each work group will stay together. For example, costume shop

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folks will only live with other people who work in the costume shop. Another layer to this logistical lasagna is the designers. This year, the costume, scenic, sound and lighting designers will make fewer trips to Spring Green, meeting with people virtually whenever possible.(i.e. costume designers will join all fittings via Zoom). However, when they are in town for technical rehearsals, they will need to have contact with people who have contact with the actors, such as the director and stage manager. During this time, we’ll temporarily and very carefully expand the bubble, before once again shrinking it to include only the people involved in performance (directors and designers are gone but wardrobe staff and other crew members take their place). As complicated as all of this sounds – and is – it’s just the beginning of Nicole’s work this year. All apartments will need to be cleaned to a higher level to be up to COVID standards, and the housing will turn over more often because artists’ residencies will be much shorter this year. Also, the company management staff will essentially double as a delivery service. Since the artists in the pod agree to avoid public places throughout rehearsal and performance, it falls to Nicole to see to their needs, including shopping and running errands. To

Want Valley Sentinel delivered to your home/business? Send a check with your name, address and $30 to: Valley Sentinel PO Box 144, Spring Green, WI 53588.

handle the extra work, Nicole will increase her staff from one assistant to two. Each assistant will coordinate with one of the show’s pods and will spend some of their time working on other COVID compliance tasks (that’s another complex story to come in a future post). Despite all the challenges, the new housing spreadsheet is starting to take shape. Artists’ names are starting to be added as they are hired, which Nicole says goes a long way to help her envision how this is all going to work. And despite all the complications, she refuses to let go of her mission – to make sure everyone is comfortable, content and connected. She’s determined the celebrations will continue this season. They just may need to take via Zoom, but the joy of the APT season will abound. Next week: Q&A! Have a question for The Road Back? Email it to info@ and we’ll answer as many as we can.

APT Q&A For Chapter 6 of The Road Back, APT will be hosting a Q&A. Email questions regarding returning to the stage to

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“The good stuff.”

Page 8


WednesdaY, feb. 17, 2021

Boys Basketball returns for regionals following four away games continued from page 1

Photo via Mike McDermott, Contributor Left: Blackhawk player No. 14 Preston Hying blocks a shot from a Dodgeville player on Feb. 13 at one of four away games the ‘Hawks played in the last week. Right: No. 23 Zach Gloudeman jumps up to take a shot against Dodgeville. The other games the boys basketball team played this week include a win at Lancaster 59-52, a loss at Fennimore, 61-45 and a loss at Prairie du Chien, 52-47.

Girls Basketball River Valley Girls Complete Basketball Season The River Valley girls basketball season came to an end last Friday with a regional tournament loss to Westby. The Blackhawks won their first tournament game last season by defeating the higher rated Viroqua Blackhawks this past Tuesday. River Valley traveled to Viroqua to start WIAA tournament action and earned a 46 to 31 victory over the higher seeded home team. River Valley got off to fast start and was never really challenged in the game. Taking a 30 to 10 lead at half-time lead, the Blackhawks enjoyed an offensive explosion led by several players. Leading the way was

sophomore Brooke Anderson with eight points and senior guards Emily Esser and Lindsey Wallace added six points a piece. The Blackhawks continued to solid play into the second half and cruised to a regional victory. All 15 players on the roster saw tournament action and eight different players scored with Anderson totaling 11 points. Seniors Esser and Wallace would finish with eight points. Others who scored include seniors Sophia Hass and Ava Liegel who added five and four points a piece. Sophomores Charlotte Ferstland Kaite Hahn added four a piece with fellow sophomore Brianna

Zaemisch chipping in two points. River Valley headed east again on Friday night to challenge the number one ranked team in their regional; the Westby Norsemen. The Norsemen started fast and raced out to a 14 to 4 lead before the Blackhawks responded with six straight points to draw within four points. The teams played spirited basketball with Westby leading by a score of 30 to 20 with less than a minute to go in the first half. A turnover by River Valley, led to a three point basket by the Norsemen, who enjoyed a first half lead of 35 to 20. “We needed to close out the first half with a

stop and basket so we could keep the score around the ten point mark going into halftime.. The game slipped away from us a bit at that final stretch of the first half and the team had a tough time gaining momentum the rest of the game,” said Head Coach Brent Johnson. “We played with energy and effort, but give them credit, they shot the ball really well and pulled away in the second half.” Sophomore Charlotte Ferstl led the way with 13 points and Seniors Emily Esser and Ava Liegel added seven points a piece. —Brent Johnson, Girls Basketball Coach



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WednesdaY, feb. 17, 2021

Page 9

RV-Barneveld gymnastics crushes conference championship Photo via River Valley School District Facebook Page

The River Valley-Barneveld gymnastics team took home a win at the SWC Conference championship Feb. 11 in Dodgeville. The team went undefeated in two meets, and won with a score of 131.25 The team will move on to take on WIAA sectionals Feb. 20 in Platteville.

Wisconsin DNR Announces February Wolf Harvest Season

Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources MADISON, Wis. – The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) announced Monday that a wolf harvest season will take place Feb. 22-28, 2021. All hunters and trappers interested in obtaining a wolf harvest permit or preference point must apply beginning at 12:01 a.m. Tuesday, Feb. 16. The application period will close at 11:59 p.m. on Saturday, Feb. 20. Customers may apply through their Go Wild account or by visiting a participating license agent. The application permit fee is $10 plus $49 ($251 non-resident) for a wolf license if selected. The department will post application results to each applicant’s Go Wild account the morning of Monday, Feb. 22. Customers may commence the harvest season once they secure their license and carcass/pelt tag. The DNR will post the updated rules and regulations for the February 2021 wolf harvest season on the wolf hunting and trapping webpage no later than Friday, Feb. 19. Printed copies will not be available in time for the February wolf harvest season. Customers interested in applying for a harvest permit or preference point should note that the Go Wild website will be down for previously scheduled maintenance 2- 6 a.m. Saturday, Feb. 20. During the Natural Resources Board Special Meeting on Feb. 15, the board unanimously voted for a harvest quota of 200 wolves outside reservation lands. The department’s approved quota considered 2020 wolf population data, population response to previous harvest seasons, scientific literature, and population model projections. The proposed quota objective is to allow for a sustainable harvest that neither increases nor decreases the state’s wolf population. Before any licenses are issued, the department will take steps to honor the Ojibwe Tribes’ right to declare up

Photo via Wisconsin DNR Hunters and trappers interested in applying for a wolf harvest permit or preference point may do so beginning 12:01 a.m. on Tuesday, Feb. 16. / Photo Credit: to half of the harvestable surplus in the Ceded Territory, per the Tribes’ treaty rights and court rulings. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service removed gray wolves from the federal endangered species list on Jan. 4, 2021, returning management authority to the lower 48 states and tribes.

The Wisconsin DNR has successfully managed gray wolves for decades and will continue to do so under our state’s laws and the best science available. The DNR will continue to plan for a wolf harvest season to open on Nov. 6, 2021, while simultaneously working towards completing a 10-year wolf

management plan to guide management decisions beginning in 2022. For more on wolves in Wisconsin, visit the DNR website for additional information on wolf hunting and trapping, wolf management and wolf conflict abatement.


Page 10 WednesdaY, feb. 17, 2021

An Outdoorsman’s Journal

Mark Walters, Contributor

Late Season Squirrel Hunt

Hello friends, Early this fall I decided that I was going to do a squirrel hunting story. I have been writing this column for almost 32-years and although I was an avid squirrel hunter as a kid growing up in Columbia County, I have not hunted squirrel since the 70’s. As you are about to find out, squirrel hunting was the goal but not a big part of this story.

Saturday, January 30th High 26, Low 16

My plan was to backpack and camp somewhere in Wisconsin where there are squirrel, and I would use my Remington model 597 ‘22” as my firearm. Just before I left home with my official squirrel dog Ruby, I added my dying rabbit coyote calls to my arsenal. Where I would hunt is the real story and that was kind of a lastminute choice and it would be a 160-acre piece of pure paradise in Iowa County near Mazomanie that is owned and lived on by Ken and Moni Schuster. I am kind of related to them by my brother-in-law Dick Schuster. The Schuster’s land could be described as two ridge lines with a valley in between with mature hardwood trees that is loaded with deer and can be pretty physical to walk. Three days before I started this adventure is when I talked to Ken and told him of my plan to camp. Ken told me that he had built a 16x16 log cabin on the back part of the property that had a wood stove

Photo by Mark Walters, Contributor Robert Walters loved to fish salmon and trout on Lake Michigan.

and that I could stay in that. So here is the inside story. My dad, the late Robert Walters passed away on April 30th, 1994. I was very close with my dad from the day I was born until the day he died. One of my dad’s favorite sports back in the late 80s and early 90s was turkey hunting and he did it at Ken and Moni’s in Iowa County. So today I had a good talk with Ken and Moni and then began the trek to the cabin with my backpack, 22 and Ruby in about 12 inches of snow with another 6 predicted. The cabin was everything I hoped for, I felt like I fell back to 1970 in northern Wisconsin. One bed, the logs came from this forest, a woodstove for heat, and a cookstove that required wood. Ken stays here a few nights a year during bowhunting and during rifle season. The hunt began soon after and my plan was to travel on foot about 400-yards at a time, sit, relax, watch for squirrels and after ten minutes blow into my coyote call. Ruby would lay perfectly still, and our job was to observe. Over the course of the afternoon, I saw one squirrel and it was on the neighbor’s land. I hunted the entire property, and it was a very cool experience.

Sunday, January 31st High 29, Low 18

Photo by Mark Walters, Contributor Shultz lake, which is a fly-in lake, was Robert Walter’s favorite hangout!

Six inches of snow fell last night and this morning and I really enjoyed that, as winter is my favorite season. I saw 17 deer and not a single squirrel and at dark the season closed until next September. Here is the rest of the story: I was a writer in April of ‘94, just like now. I camped on Ken and Moni’s with Dad and he hunted, I did not have a tag but sat with him. My dad was a captain in the Marines and could

Photo by Mark Walters, Contributor Ken Schuster built this cabin on his property.

walk in any terrain without losing his breath. I noticed on that hunt that he was a bit winded. When the adventure was over, I returned to my home in Glidden and Dad went to what is still our family home in Poynette. Our next trip was only supposed to be 12 days later and that was salmon fishing on Lake Michigan. I had set up a charter the year before and we kicked ass and we were excited for that year’s adventure. On the Thursday night of April 29th, I spoke with my dad for over an hour on the phone and kept thinking this bill is going to kill me as it was with a landline and I was what you might call on the low income end of life. The following night, Friday, April 30th, at the age of 60, my dad passed away in bed due to a heart attack. To this day that is the worst thing that has ever happened in my life.

This trip was the first time I was able to come back to Ken and Moni’s and it was good for me. The day after dad’s funeral Dick Schuster, Mike Walters, Tom Walters, Bob Walters “my brothers” and myself did the charter. For those of you that are not aware of this, hunting is way more than filling a tag! —Sunset

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WednesdaY, feb. 17, 2021 Page 11

COVID-19 Dashboard 556,332 Positive Cases

+5,282 from 2/9

Wisconsin Summary

2,570,798 Negative Cases

Cases as of 2/16/2021

+29,214 from 2/9

6,094 Deaths

+110 from 2/9

On February 8, DHS removed the 7-day percent positive by person and comparison of percent positive by test and by person visualizations from our website. As the pandemic continues, calculating 7-day percent positive by person becomes a less useful metric than percent positive by test. This is because many Wisconsinites have been tested multiple times for COVID-19. In percent positive by person calculations, people are only counted once – either as a positive or negative case. Over time, the proportion of people with positive test results has increased, causing the 7-day percent positive by person to increase as well. For a more accurate picture of COVID-19 percent positivity in Wisconsin, reference 7-day percent positive by test which counts all positive and negative results by day.

Vaccine Summary Statistics

Up to date as of the numbers provided on 2/16/2021




In Transit





Percent of Wisconsin residents who have received at least one dose Updated: 2/16/2021

Richland County

1,265 Positive Cases +17 from 2/9 7,971 Negative Cases -101 from 2/9 13 Deaths +0 from 2/9



Percent of Wisconsin residents who have completed the vaccine series

Iowa County

1,834 Positive Cases +13 from 2/9 10,563 Negative Cases +118 from 2/9 9 Deaths +0 from 2/9

Sauk County

Updated: 2/16/2021

5,185 Positive Cases +33 from 2/9 33,953 Negative Cases +263 from 2/9 39 Deaths +2 from 2/9



The orange represents the population for whom the vaccine is authorized. The gray indicates the population under 16 years of age whom the vaccines are not authorized.

River Valley School District

Cases per zip code Cases as of 2/16/2021

Total cases since 3/15/2020

Cases as of 2/16/2021

Please note, case numbers reflect the River Valley School District as a geographical area, not as an entity. Graphic by Whitney Back

Data From:


Page 12 WednesdaY, feb. 17, 2021

Get in touch with Butternut Rpad Coffee today! 608-459-5016 Butternut Road Coffee Truck butternutroad_coffeetruck Butternut_Road


Business Spotlight We are a full service coffee shop on wheels! We are located in Spring Green, wWI and serve several surrounding southern wisconsin cities. We aim to serve specialty coffee and baked goods created with ingredients that are organic, locally sourced and sustainable. And we love our communities; a percentage of each sale supports a local charity! We deliver directly to businesses, cater events and parties, and service all coffee-needs in between! •Weekly routes •Employee/teacher appreciation •Weddings & private events •Public events (runs, games, fundraisers) •Client/customer appreciation •Contact us for all events!

Question & Answer With owner, SAm sveum Can you give us a brief background and history of Butternut Road Coffee Truck and Miss Georgia? I started Butternut Road Coffee Truck based on my passions for excellent customer service, supporting and serving my local community, and a love for coffee. Having a mobile operation that could serve several locations, events and businesses seemed like the perfect fit. What began as just an idea, came into fruition over the course of 6 months. In that time, I worked my full-time job as a civil engineer, bartended on the side, and spent almost every other waking moment developing a business plan. I had a fire in my gut, and I knew that I could not relax until it came to life. February of 2020 was the official start of the Butternut Road Coffee Truck. I bought an old mail truck from Georgia, quit my full-time job, and dove headfirst into creating my business from the ground up. It took 7 months to completely retrofit Miss Georgia into the beautiful coffee truck that she is today. My fiancé and I did most of the work ourselves, but owe a lot of credit to a few stellar local businesses: Kraemer Plumbing (Spring Green), George’s Auto Body (Spring Green), Mueller Graphics (Barneveld), Four Way Auto Body (Spring Green), Alt Electric, LLC. (Lone Rock) Nachreiner Auto,Care (Plain) and Kraemer Kustom Cabinets (Spring Green). Butternut Road Coffee Truck hit the

roads for the first time on September 9th, 2020 and has not slowed down since then. We have been all over Southwest Wisconsin serving coffee and smiles to schools, businesses, farmers’ markets, and all events in between. And we can not wait to see where the future will take us!

Your motto is “coffee and baked goods that are natural, local and delicious”, what does that mean to you? What local businesses are included in your offerings? We aim to create everything that is served with ingredients that are all-natural, locally sourced and – of course – delicious. We support and serve goods from local businesses on the coffee truck: JBC Coffee Roasters (Madison), Brewhaha Coffee Roasters (Spring Green), Sidney Bakes, LLC. (Spring Green), Quality Bakery (Dodgeville), Kissed by the Sun Honey and Blueberries (Spring Green), Driftless Farms, LLC. (Viola), and more. We use all-natural syrups and mixes. We also have future goals of sourcing all of our dairy products from local farmers, and using only compostable cups and carriers. We love local!

How had COVID-19 affected your business? Have you had to make any changes to how you provide services? I began Butternut Road Coffee Truck in the midst of COVID-19, so I am unsure what my coffee truck business looks like without being in a worldwide pandemic! From day one, the nature of the coffee truck has been a place to safely visit, while still abiding by the health

and safety restrictions. Customers are outdoors and able to social distance while standing in line; or even able to stay in the comfort of their homes while we have delivered bottled coffee right to their doors.

What is on the horizon for Butternut Road Coffee Truck? For this summer? Any plans for a physical winter location? We plan to keep on trucking! We are currently booking events (weddings, graduation parties, fairs, business visits, etc.) for the Spring and Summer! And we are so looking forward to the temperatures coming back above freezing, so we can get Miss Georgia out onto the road more often. There are also a few more exciting expansions that will also come to light in the next few months!

to this point. It would have been much easier (and made much more logical sense) for me to continue with the career that I had a college degree in, but I took a risk in the unknown – which was terrifying, but completely gratifying. Life is too short to not do something that you are totally passionate about.

How do you believe you’ve made a positive impact on the community? Supporting our local community has been, and will continue to be one our utmost top priorities. Although I am not originally from Spring Green, this beautiful area is my forever-home. In the short time that Butternut Road Coffee Truck has been open, we have made it a point to give back to this community in any way that we can. We will continue to serve and support this wonderful community as we go forth and grow.

What is your proudest accomplishment/endeavor with the business? My proudest accomplishment was in taking the leap to start Butternut Road Coffee Truck. I already had an extremely non-linear path through college and

“Absolutely fabulous flavors!” -Jessica Harris Coy

“Delicious coffee & adorable truck!! Wonderful service. Worth the wait if the line is long. Can’t wait to stop again.” -Jessica Seider

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