Valley Sentinel - 09-08-2022

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The River Valley School District stadium project is finally nearing its end, with the first sporting events set to be played on the new turf whle this edition is on newsstands.

Senator Marklein, who only six years ago inveighed against the unchecked abuse of opioids, now says the DHS plan is and will be blocked indefinitely to “improve” it in ways not described. So the Republican

Marilyn RichlandMartinCenter, Wisconsin

Photo, by Jaime Hegland

including abuse of prescription opioid pain relieving medicine. Senator Marklein stated that addictive drugs including opioids were “destroying families and taking lives from us every single day, out in the open, in our homes, our schools and our communities” and noted that almost 19,000 of 47,000 drug overdoses in 2014 were caused by opioids.

Photo contributed by Katie Green A sandhill crane in "slow motion ballet."

"New turf in the River Valley Stadium" (2022)

Leah cares about public education and teachers, administrators, after-school teachers, cooks and janitors. I know that Leah will always strive to prioritize and

wants to use the first payment of $6 million for community prevention efforts, increased availability of Narcan to reverse overdoses, and creation of treatment facilities.ButSenator Marklein, as co-chair of the legislative Joint Finance Committee, responded that there was an objection, which he did not identify, and that the DHS was not free to implement its plan.

Dear Editor, If you want to understand the urgency of our current moment, look to young parents. More than most, we’re the ones who bear the brunt of the unprecedented problems we face today. That’s why I am voting for Leah Spicer who in running against Todd Novak for the 51st Assembly District seat.

legislature, under the leadership of Senator Marklein, is preventing the use of millions of dollars to alleviate the serious problem of opioid addiction in Wisconsin.

Gorby, farewell. Not that I spent many waking hours thinking about him in recent years, but I regret the passing of Mikail Gorbachev, a courageous and visionary man, who tried to buck the system in the USSR after the death of Stalin. For a while he was successful, putting his reputation and career on the line as President in order to pursue important goals dear to his heart: he wanted to ratchet down the Cold War by opening up lines of dialogue with the US, reduce the stockpiles of intercontinental ballistic missiles each of the great powers had, enlarge openness in the rigid political climate at home. His concepts of glasnost (a form of governmental openness where many points of view are included and a wider distribution of information is allowed) and peristroika (restructuring the economic and government system) are political attributes we could stand to apply to our own system of lopsided economics and dysfunctional government today. I, for one, am tired of feeling as if we are walking a tightrope over fiery coals...or watching the inmates of a home for the criminally insane act out their unhinged scripts.Aftera succession of dowdy, hardline premiers, and ineffectual drunks, Mikail (outgoing and actually possessing a sense of humor) and his smart, stylish wife Raisa were a dashing addition to the international scene, as well as allowing the whole world some respite from terror. Just maybe we wouldn't die in a flaming nuclear disaster after all!

Dear Editor,

with little kids: the struggle we have finding and paying for childcare; the reality of juggling school, daycare, work, and family time; and the worry that our kids could grow up in a world with less rights and economic opportunities than previous generations.


Katie Green, Columnist

Marie Dodgeville,BakerWisconsin

Dear Editor, I am voting for Leah Spicer for the 51st State Assembly District because she cares about democracy.

Anyway, wouldn't it be wonderful if the death of Gorbachev revived ordinary Russians' memory of a better time and bolstered their courage to insist on glasnost and peristroika again? If that occurred, then we would have to observe more openness and reconstruction of

Thursday, September 8, 2022Page 2 Commentary/Opinion/Lte

Katie Green

On the cover

our system, too, wouldn't we? For my pie-in-the sky agenda, on the national level I'd like to start with scuttling the cumbersome Electoral College (with its outrageously-flawed conception and tendency to aid corruption ever since) and institute universal health care. I'd like to see programs to provide nourishing food for everyone in danger of going hungry, decent shelter for everyone who needs it, full employment for the able bodied, and a guaranteed annual wage to keep money in circulation and give the poor a fighting chance to climb into the middle class. Don't be fooled, reapportioning the wealth of this richest of nations would pay for such righteous goals. A nation hums along more efficiently, without frequent destructive convulsions, if everyone has enough and is treated with dignity.

The (not so) Plain and Simple Correspondent: Gorby Farewell

her name on the ballot. Her decision to put herself forward when no one else would illustrates to me that she is serious. It shows me that she is committed to fighting for our democracy and providing bold ideas and options to the people of the 51st. It shows me that she cares about us.

While certain assembly members strip away our rights, Leah Spicer is working two jobs, raising three little kids, helping her

aging parents, and campaigning for all of us.We must begin to build back our progressive power on the state and local level, and Leah Spicer is the best chance we have. If you are pro-democracy, join me in voting for Leah Spicer on November 8th.

As a mother of young children, Leah understands the challenges facing parents

On June 10, 2016, Republican State Senator Howard Marklein issued a statement on drug addiction and abuse,

and world peace. One of my sons, while taking a year of study abroad long ago, picked up a cheap souvenir watch in Slovenia featuring pictures of George H.W. Bush and Gorbachev on it. That's a little weird, since it was the previous president, Ronald Reagan, not Bush, with whom Gorby met to try to iron out a non-proliferation agreement.

The project is a culmination of years of district budgeting and community fundraising, after numerous field drainage and track integrity issues had limited its use. Submit your artwork or photography for cover consideration: Cover lightly image traced by Julianna Williams

Now, in the summer of 2022, Wisconsin has received $31 million in settlement funds from a multi-state lawsuit against opioid manufacturers. The Wisconsin Department of Health Services (DHS)

Apparently Gorbachev is much more admired in the Western countries than in Russia, where he was and still is blamed for the break-up of the conglomerate of countries bundled together as the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, considered by them as the Golden Age of Soviet influence. His legacy was eclipsed for a long time and the hardline returned. Even so, his funeral was attended by many thousands – with the conspicuous absence of Mr. Putin at the public ceremony, who disdained to be seen honoring a man dedicated to diplomacy

Meanwhile, when the foibles of the human race get to be too much, the sandhill cranes stalking in slow motion ballet across the street from where I live fill me with awe and keep me somewhat grounded in the real world.

rewarded was worth having to cross an ocean and join the campaign to rid the country of unethical politicians and exploitative businesses. Ghana's gain is ourMeantime,loss. I give a lot of thought to the “erratic ethics” that everywhere abound, worldwide. In politics, I heard there are two candidates for office in the northern part of our state who have been convicted of felonies and are still on the ballot. Other countries suffer from similar inferior leaders. Surely there are better options for voters than these characters!Thenthere's the brouhaha about college debt forgiveness. There's enough sour grapes out there from those who already paid off their loans to make many vats of vinegar. Whiners don't think it's fair that now a helping hand is extended to those who struggle to pay back the loans. Sounds like the outraged dutiful son in the parable of the prodigal son. And anger is expressed by people who don't see the point of educating the populace and resent chipping in to make that happen. Who helped them along the way, I wonder? If those critics are church goers, I suggest they reacquaint themselves with the parable and the concept of “jubilee” in the Bible. Life isn't necessarily “fair” but better to rejoice with some of our fellows at their good fortune than simmer in resentment because you weren't one upon whom fortune smiled this time. In some circles such carping is termed “vulgar criticism.” Getting free of envy and the other six deadly sins is the work of a lifetime. Isn't easy but puts hair on your chest.

The 51st is a purple district. Up until May, the only choice for me and my neighbors wasOutred.of56,000 people here in the 51st district, she is the only person who stepped forward to challenge Todd Novak by putting

fully fund rural public schools, and that she cares about the well-being of families. Her opponent, meanwhile, is out of touch with the struggles parents and working people face. If you want a candidate that will fight for us, I hope you will consider voting for Leah Spicer on November 8th.

Katie, who until recently lived in Plain, has been writing for fun and profit since childhood. Self-described as opinionated, she writes in the interests of a more loving, better-functioning world for all. She may be reached at

Erin Crooks Lynch Spring Green, Wisconsin

Two young African American women were interviewed on the radio recently who had moved to Ghana to live. Worn out from being harassed and maltreated in their native Maryland and North Carolina, they expressed the joy and relief at being able to blend in with other people of color and not have to keep a fearful watch out for the police or white gangs. Ghana is not perfect, of course. It has political corruption and exorbitant inflation, as the women acknowledged, but being accepted and their talents

Senator Marklein owes it to Wisconsinites to explain why on earth he is blocking the use of newly-available funds to implement the DHS opioid plan, what the alleged Republican “improvements” to the plan will consist of, and how quickly he, as a Republican leader, will act on this urgent public health problem.

Late in the evening of Aug. 2 nearly 60% of Kansas voters let out a sigh of relief. The Kansas Legislature had included in the primary election an amendment to the state constitution. If passed, it would have allowed them to enact anti-abortion laws that are currently unconstitutional – it failed. The Republican legislators, the agents of the representative democracy system, were overturned by the voters of our direct democracy system. The voter turnout during this primary broke all records and reached the level of a Presidential election turnout. Three cheers for democracy. This begs the questions: Do voters always engage in our democracy as they should? Do our representatives always honor the wishes of the voters?

controlling part of our political decisions. They probably should have.

“Our Fragile Democracy” is a series of thought-provoking columns by retired local professor Beverly Pestel exploring the history and struggles of our nation's form of government from its founding to our current social, cultural and political tensions — looking at solutions and means of learning to work with one another, in hopes of preserving our democracy.

Up until 1996, the notion that someone could prevent a records custodian from fulfilling someone else’s records request was not recognized in Wisconsin law. But that

year, the court created a private right of action to seek the denial of records access in a case, Woznicki v. Erickson, concerning a school district employee accused of improper contact with a minor.Public employees and others were given a pre-release right to review and attempt to suppress certain records. But for years afterwards, in the words of former Freedom of Information Council President Jeff Hovind, “public record keepers struggled with the hows, whos, whens, and whys of this new process.” Many records were now being released only after “a long, often expensive legal jangle.”


Beverly Pestel, Columnist

The Wisconsin Supreme Court has recently affirmed important limits on such efforts. Ironically, it was the court that created the opportunity in the first place.

Christa Westerberg, Wisconsin Freedom of Information Council Wisconsin’s open records law is most often used by requesters seeking to obtain records from a government agency. But occasionally it works in reverse, allowing someone to block the release of records to a requester.

Letters submitted for consideration are subject to fact-checking andediting for space and clarity. Submissions must have a compelling localcommunity interest. Letters to the editor must fit within a 500-word limit, and include name, city and phone number. Phone numbers arefor office use only and will not be published. Letters of a political nature,without chance of rebuttal, will not be published the week before anelection.

Community Discussion Policy

After getting rid of the King, the Founders wrote the Constitution assuming that everyone was going to be on the same team, we are all just Americans, right? So, when and how did political parties emerge? If you go to multiple sources, you will get multiple answers. Groups with differing views on how government should work have been with us from the beginning, and that is one thing. Deciding to band together to promote or impose specific views on the functioning of government or place certain people in office is another. This banding together actually showed up very early in our political history.

When George Washington stepped down as President after two terms, the constitutional process of selecting candidates for the presidency began to morph. When Washington was selected as President using the Electoral College, the proportional system as designed worked just fine with individual electors of each state functioning independently to cast their votes. As the election of 1796 approached, however, Jefferson realized that if the Virginia delegation all worked together and backed him as a winnertake-all candidate, his election was almost guaranteed. From here onward, political parties were off and running.

The vote to amend the Kansas Constitution was a nonpartisan issue, it was included on both the Republican and Democratic primary ballots and Independent voters were also able to vote on it. As such, it allowed voters to divorce themselves from their party affiliation and vote directly on an issue. This happens, but probably not often enough.

The Wisconsin Legislature created a special committee to study the issue and make recommendations. That

Valley Sentinel is published in Spring Green, Wisconsin every other Thursday by Lower Wisconsin River Valley Sentinel, LLC. ISSN 2694-541X (print) — ISSN 2694-5401 (online)

Should the Founders have seen this coming?Asearly as 1780, before the Constitution was even written, John Adams wrote: “There is nothing which I dread so much as a division of the republic into

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I hope to get to those two questions later, but the thing that intrigues me at the moment is how our political party system influences our vote. In a recent video, Heather Cox Richardson, American historian and professor of history at Boston College, made an interesting point. According to her, the writers of the Constitution did not consider that political parties would form, much less that they would become a

graphic design experience or interested in meetings, events or writing and becoming a community contributor?

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Christa Westerberg on page 4

Beverly Pestel

two great parties, each arranged under its leader, and concerting measures in opposition to each other. This, in my humble apprehension, is to be dreaded as the greatest political evil under our Constitution.”Washingtonin his farewell address warned of the emergence of these political parties. “…combinations or Associations…may now & then answer popular ends, they are likely, in the course of time and things, to become potent engines, by which cunning, ambitious and unprincipled men will be enabled to subvert the Power of the People, & to usurp for themselves the reins of Government; destroying afterwards the very engines which have lifted them to unjust dominion.”

Our Fragile Democracy — Part 4: Voters and Parties

Adams and Washington called it. So, we have entrenched parties, complete with loyalties that call to us regardless

Your Right to Know — Outsiders can’t block records access

of whether the positions of that party tend toward our benefit. Because of party primaries, we are locked out of expressing our choices on some important races that only appear on the other ballot. We have bills dying in Congress when one party does not have a large enough majority to pass them and the opposite party refuses to function in a bipartisan manner. We have congratulatory fist-bumping when a bill proposed by one party is subverted by the other even when the benefits would go to sick and dying veterans. Oh dear, it is too depressing to continue with this.

Thursday, September 8, 2022 Page 3Commentary/OpInIon Contact us PO Box 144 Spring Green, Wisconsin 53588 USA (608) 588-6694 EDITORIAL Editor-in-Chief Nicole Aimone Managing Editor Taylor Scott Legal Editor Gary Ernest Grass, esq. Graphic Designer Julianna Williams Commentary/Opinion Column Beverly Pestel Commentary/Opinion Column Katie Green Commentary/Opinion Column Barb Garvoille Editorial PolicyOn certain topics in areas of great community interest, the editorsof the Valley Sentinel may take positions they believe best representand serve the interests of the community. Any opinions or positions taken by the editorial board are separate and distinct in labeling andsubstance from the community journalism that appears in the rest ofthe publication and does not affect the integrity and impartiality of our reporting. Column PolicyEditors may feature opinion columns written by public figures,members of the

CRACKED, from the earliest days of our union. Fractured now almost to the point of no return. But wait, in Kansas, the parties fell away and the voters prevailed in an independent decision based on a need to preserve individual rights and freedoms. Direct democracy won the day over an out-of-control representative democracy. The Pledge of Allegiance prevailed – “liberty and justice for all.” Democracy, cracked and fragile, but with the promise and pledge still alive and fighting. “We the People…in Order to form a more perfect Union…promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution…” A Constitution and democracy protected only by our informed, well-reasoned, and overwhelming votes. A victory in Kansas to be celebrated and learned from.

Letter to the Editor Policy

Est. 2020 igne conflatum “Forged in Fire”

Beverly is a retired professor. She lives in a remodeled farmhouse and tends 40 acres of woodland in Richland County. When not in the woods she spends her time reading, writing and enjoying the beauty of the Driftless Area. public or other publication staff. Columns reflectthe opinions of the individual contributors and do not representpositions of the publication. Guest columns of an anticipatedlength more than 500 words should seek prior editor authorization.

Member, Wisconsin Newspaper Association


Valley Sentinel is a free, bi-weekly single-copy news publication, available on newsstands in the area.

Deadlines: The display and classified advertising dead-line is Monday at noon for that week. If you would like ourdesign team to design the ad then please allow extra time for the creative process and proofing.

Have Let us know. Thank you to all of our contributors for believing in our community.

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From time to time the editorial board may select letters to the editorof a particular compelling community interest where apublic figure or accountable public action is the recipient of criticismand allow, in the same issue, the subject of the criticism chance forrebuttal, with expounded independent input. The format shall be point, counterpoint and expert analysis. This community discussionshall serve as a moderated dialogue that presents multiple views of important community topics.

Covering Arena, Lone Rock, Plain, Spring Green and the surrounding areas in Sauk, Iowa and Richland counties.

led to the bipartisan passage in 2003 of what was known as the “Woznicki Fix.”Itlimited the ability of nonrequesters to review records before they were released to a few narrow categories of people: public employees who were the subject of a disciplinary investigation, persons named in records created by private employers, and persons named in records obtained through subpoena and search warrant. And it set strict timelines, so that disputes could be

Ben Mulwana selected as 2022 Spring Green Musician in Residence

unpaid, interns will be required to sign a FSLA-compliant internship agreement. If credit

Autumn Antics (Special Section) – Everything apples, autumn and fall! A special section and autumn activities guide to take you through your autumn antics in the Valley and day trips beyond. Section sponsorship, premium positions, sponsored content, events and activities listings and display ads available.

continued from page 3

We have so many ideas to grow and do more for our community, but we need help, we CAN’T do it alone.

An original version of this story ran on Wisconsin Public Radio's 'Wisconsin Life.'Matt Geiger is a Midwest Book Award Winner, a national American Book Fest Finalist, and an international Next Generation Indie Book Award Finalist.

We are looking for interns/volunteers who want to be in the unique position to learn the nuts and bolts of a news media publication that started from the ground up.

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Blaze Orange Board (Special Section) – TBA – Inquire if interested.

So, what does he think of the movies that bear his name and have racked up more than half a billion dollars at the global box office?

Despite not seeing — or hearing — them, he has enjoyed the movies’ success.

Looking for a challenge?

again. Let’s hope that this time, the win sticks.

Internship will be is

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“Oh yeah, it’s been a lot of fun,” he said smiling.

here with Mr. Wick, it occurs to me just how important Helen, who died five years ago,Theis.real John Wick grew up on a farm, joined the U.S. Navy, and had a long career in construction. He proudly points out the size of his family — his “clan” as he calls them — which includes 58 people.Despite all the fun, outlandish aesthetics and action of the film, perhaps what makes these movies so popular is how they capture the bond between two people.When someone we love is taken in real life — usually simply by time rather than assassins — we are left to go on without them. But we refuse. We hold on, and in our memories, in the stories we tell, we keep them here in our world, just a little longer.“Over the years, Helen and I often went into Madison, to eat and go to a movie. Just the two of us,” reminisced Wick. John Wick’s grandson told a story that’s been seen and heard by millions of

Thanksgiving Recipes – TBD – Dependent on participation.

While WMC lost the case, it did succeed in blocking the release of these records for nearly two years, until long after this information was useful from a news-gathering or public health point of view.


“No, I haven’t seen them. And Derek knows I haven’t seen them. But on the internet I followed them and kept track of the numbers — the showing,” said Wick.

Want to help build community? Know a college student that’s looking for a summer or fall internship for academic credit or to gain experience? Already attending village board or school board meetings and want to record or report on them? Want to engage with arts & culture, ag, businesses and other topics important to our community? Want to take scenic walks or drives delivering papers to subscribers and businesses?

September 22:

In 2020, Wisconsin Manufacturers and Commerce brought a case that, had it succeeded, would have made the Woznicki Fix almost meaningless and the right to block the release of public records expansive. Alerted that the Wisconsin Department of Health Services

December 1:

Local Holiday Gift Guide (Special Section) – TBA – Inquire if interested.

All special sections subject to change and participation. The more support and engagement we get, the more we can offer the community together.

2022 Deer Season Forecast (Special Section) – TBA – Inquire if interested.

assassin John Wick, for his grandfather. And the assassin’s wife, Helen, for his grandmother,” said Wick. “It was Keanu Reeves, who in a desire to create a series of movies, removed the name ‘Scorn’ and gave it the name ‘John Wick.’”

Administrative and financial support for the program is generated from volunteers, local performance venues, The Shitty Barn Sessions, River Valley ARTS and The Wisconsin Arts Board.


Wisconsin Life: Meet the real John Wick of Mazomanie, Wisconsin

incubator, and The Shitty Barn Sessions, a local music venue known for bringing a variety of high quality music to Spring Green. We wanted a way to provide a

December 15:

block release of records. It concluded that WMC’s claim was barred by the statute. The group has since filed a motion for reconsideration, which remains pending.

-Social media posting/creation -E-newsletter -Website posting -Agriculture reporter/columnist (current events)

Thursday, september 8, 2022 Commentary/OpInIonPage 4


Your Right to Know is a monthly column distributed by the Wisconsin Freedom of Information Council (, a group dedicated to open government. Christa Westerberg is the Council’s vice president and a partner at the Pines Bach law firm in Madison, Wisconsin. She filed an amicus brief in this case on behalf of the Council and other organizations.

If you want to be a part of something bigger please email us and let us know what your interests are:

Photo contributed by Angela Major/WPR John Wick, right, and Rosie Peterson, left, share a greeting at Grandma Mary’s Café.

But this summer, the Wisconsin Supreme Court ruled 4-3 that the Legislature had “in no uncertain terms” limited the right to review and

“I don’t go to movies, because I can’t hear them. I don’t have a television, because I can’t hear it.”

available from intern’s educational institution for participation in an internship, we are glad to work with you to meet any requirements for receiving credit. ADVERTISING/MARKETINGEDITORIAL/JOURNALISMSOCIALMEDIA GRAPHIC DESIGN/PAGE DISTRIBUTION/CIRCULATION/CRMDESIGN/LAYOUTMNGMTPODCASTING/AUDIOPRODUCTION

intended to release data on certain businesses with two or more COVID-19 cases, WMC and two other trade groups sued to block release under a different law: Wisconsin’s declaratory judgments act.

Initially, WMC was successful. It convinced a circuit court to put a stay on the release of records while the case was litigated.

You will have the chance to make an impact at the ground level of a startup and see the effect of your work and ideas carried out with a lot of flexibility, in an environment and creative culture you can help influence and create.

October 6:

-School board meeting reporters -Graphic design (publication layout, visual story design/infographics)

And it demonstrated that battles transparency advocates think they have won sometimes have to be fought

We are a new, all volunteer local source that holds a strong belief that by working to keep our communities informed and engaged on a variety of topics including arts & culture, events, community news and serving as a watchdog for our local governmental bodies, we can help create a strong identity for our community and ignite positive growth and change throughout the area.

In the movies, Wick fights against villains who killed a puppy that was a gift from his recently deceased wife. As I sit

quickly resolved and any responsive records made available as soon as possible.Problem solved, right? Wrong.

continued from page 1

November 17:

Brown.Theidea was born from a collaboration between Springboard, a local civic

Your Right to Know — Outsiders can’t block records access

continued from page 1

people. Here in Grandma Mary’s diner, surrounded by clattering dishes and far from Hollywood, the original John Wick tells his own story. They’re not about the movies that bear his name, but of the films he used to see, all those years ago, and the person with whom he saw them.

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More information:

Spooky Season (Special Section) – MAY BE MOVED TO OCTOBER 20 – Everything spooky! A special section and spooky activities guide to help you plan your spooky activities in the Valley and day trips beyond. Section sponsorship, premium positions, sponsored content, events and activities listings and display ads available.

fair wage for creation and performance, promote growth among local artists via collaborations, and bring even more original music to Spring Green.

Barb Garvoille, Columnist

Each edition, retired dairy farmer Barb Garvoille brings her musings on dairy farm life from her own years of experience on Lost Horizon Farm with her late husband Vince “Mr. Farmer” Garvoille. This mooving memoir focuses on 1980-2000, join Barb as she rises with the herd.

Photo contributed by Barb Garvoille Inside the dairy barn with a view of the hay diverter.

Left remaining upstairs was an historic wooden hay diverter on its railed track in the center of the haymow. When loose hay used to be stored in barns and before motordriven hay elevators were widely used, a hay diverter received either loose hay or baled hay that was brought up to it in the jaws of a fork with 3 or 4 curved tines four feet in length. The forked load was moved upward via a pulley drawn by either horsepower or a tractor. The loose hay was released from the fork onto the diverter that was tipped either to the left or to the right. Once both sides of a mow were full, the diverter could be pulled out of the way to the next mow, and the center of the mow could then be filled by allowing the fork to drop its load straight down.

Thursday, September 8, 2022 Page 5Commentary/AGrIcuLture

In the wintertime, on very cold days, hoarfrost made the hay mow an incredible crystalline landscape. On every blade of hay poking out of the stacked hay bales, on the loose hay on the floor, on hay ropes, fork handles, shovels, interior barn boards, and stretches of electric wire over feed bins were shimmering ice crystals. Thousands of abandoned spider webs became a showcase of gossamer beauty. When the sun shone in between the barn boards, the directed rays of the sunlight on the frosted contents of the hay barn made the confines look as one might imagine Heaven to Constructedappear.tothe walls of each mow were homemade ladders to help a person get atop stacked hay or reach a shielded light fixture, and on the floor of each mow was a chute with a recessed sliding cover that could be opened in order to throw small squares of baled hay into the mangers below. Sometimes the chutes were left open to provide better ventilation in the dairy part of the barn. Several of the mows had grated or covered openings through which loose hay or straw could be pitched into a pile below and then used either to bed the cows or to line

Photo contributed by Barb Garvoille The girls roller blading in recently opened mow space and Mr. Farmer observing.

Barb Garvoille

be brought out of storage, positioned on the mow floor, and weighted down with barn lime bags. The greater the amount of hay used, the bigger the basketball "court" became. When a sufficient space was free of hay, the rope swing would be unwound from its beam, and another play activity created. In the spring, it was not unusual to send someone up to throw hay bales down to the cows, and hear the hollering of a delighted person having a ride on the swing or hear the basketball thumping on the mow floor. Once in a while, a ricocheting ball might even come sailing down an open chute in front of a very surprised cow! Open mow space above the barn driveway was a godsend in the summertime because it could be used as one more place (besides the machine sheds) where a hay wagon loaded with newly baled hay could be parked when a sudden rainstorm stopped the process of getting the bales onto the elevator and into the mow. Sometimes, when calf hutches were full, a space on the mow floor provided the temporary and cozy home site for a newborn calf. A wire calf panel could be coaxed into a ring and tied in place with baler twine. Loose hay or straw in the mow would provide the bedding for the calf ring, and hay bales would be moved into place around it to prevent draftiness.

Photo courtesy Eva and Leo Lins Family The Barn, circa 1969.

Our hay mow was filled with hay during summertime, and year-round had storage bins for both calf feed and cow feed. When fresh feed had been delivered, there was the lingering smell of molasses, corn and oats, and when first, second, or third crop hay had been stacked in the mow, there was the sweet smell of freshly cut grass and alfalfa. New hay made the mow an olfactory paradise!

theAnyonegutter.walking in the hay part of the barn always had to remember to check for or be aware of open chutes. A slip from the top of a mow full of hay to the cemented manger in the diary part of the barn would mean a fall of roughly 25-30 feet. When the chutes were left open, it was not uncommon for young kittens exploring their environs in the hay mow to fall through. Usually the small animals suffered no ill effects. The hard part was for the human to figure where amongst the thousands of bales of hay the kitten's litter mates were located and then to maneuver to that spot. Careful listening for kitten sounds or observing the path of a returning mother cat could be helpful. The hay mow was the residence of the stationary feed mixer and assorted conveyors. Silage could be mechanically unloaded from the silos into the conveyors and deposited into the mixer. When full enough, the mixer would be turned on, bagged supplements such as salt or mineral poured in, and the entire batch would be rotated by the mixer's great augers into a kind of custom tailored cow feed.

Reflections from Lost Horizon Farm — The Dairy Barn (Part 1)

The focal point of any livestock farm is its barn. Lost Horizon Farm's 32’x90’ barn is a bank barn with limestone walls 2 feet thick, pine sideboards painted red, and oak flooring and beams. The original part of the barn (30’x30’) with 2 bays was erected in the 1860's. In 1907, an additional 3 bays were added. 1968 saw the downstairs completely remodeled with new mangers, walkway and gutter cemented in as well as new stanchions and dividers installed. Left in place on the lime rock walls and still visible to this day were the metal rings to which horse teams were tied years ago.

A critical step in operating the feed mixer was to never neglect a visual check of its cavernous interior before loading. Raccoons or opossums would sometimes crawl into it to feed on leftover bits of grain. If any animal were to be inside when the mixer was started, it would,of course, be killed and its body stretched on the auger to an incredible length. The dead animal would also contaminate the ton of feed just mixed. We knew this from bitter experience!Astheyear's crop of hay was fed out of the mow, it left open space for the basketball hoop on rollers that could

Barb has called Lost Horizon Farm, just north of Spring Green, her home for the past 42 years. She is fond of all creatures (including snakes). Her joy stems from being able to be outdoors every day observing and treasuring the plant and animal life on her small piece of this planet. She loved milking cows and is proud to have been a dairy farmer.

The Hay Mow Component of the Dairy Barn

wintertime, especially, the smell of cat urine was inescapable. Mingled in were the musky animal smells of visitors and sometime residents in the hay barn: raccoons, opossums, rats and

A multitude of barn cats had their homes in the haymow, and in

mice, and the occasional woodchuck. When a new hay crop was in the mow, the giant double doors at the top of the inclined plane that was the driveway to it were left open for maximum ventilation. At twilight, bats would fly in and out of the doorway on their hunt for insects. On one occasion, a terrified, injured doe had run into the darkened hay mow through that open doorway. Her presence was detected because of the unusual sound of her footfalls on the oak floorboards!

Driftless Landscape Tour 9:45 AM - 10:45 AM . Frank Lloyd Wright Visitor Center, 5607 Cty. Rd. C, Spring Green Adult $25, Student, Senior & Military $20, Kids 6 and under are free Join us for a conversation about the intercon nectedness of land and culture while enjoying a 1-mile walk across the Taliesin estate. This outdoor tour will speak to the natural history of the estate, using Frank Lloyd Wright as the connecting theme between topics. Explore the landscape that Wright felt drawn to and learn about the geology, ecology, and agricultural history of south western Wisconsin that attracts so many people to the Driftless Area.

Morrill Lecture Series: Being the change — Getting from concern to action Rob Greenfield 6:30 PM - 5:00 PM Octagon Barn, E4350 Horseshoe Rd, Spring Green Rob Greenfield, activist, humanitarian and Wisconsin native, will share how he began his transformation from "drunk dude" to "dude making a difference." He'll share what inspired his move to action, what obstacles he encoun tered and how he overcame them, and how he maintains his resilience and energy.

Fall Storytime 10:30 AM - 11:00 AM 234 N. Broadway St, Lone Rock. lonerockl Join us for storytime and crafts!

Tarot Readings with Gwyn Padden-Lechten 12:00 PM - 4:00 PM North Earth Crystals & Gifts, 124 W. Jefferson St, Spring Green Dianne Walters-Butler is a Psychic Medium of over 30 years. Besides connecting with your loved ones on The Other Side. She is gifted with insight into such issues as relation ships, business, addiction, and untimely deaths. $60 per half hour session. Walk-in appointments will be taken as availability allows. Time slots fill up quickly, so please call 608.588.3313 to set up an appointment.

Friday, September 16

Storytime 10:00 AM Spring Green Community Library, 230 E. Monroe St. Spring Green (608) 588-2276 Join Ms. Grace for storytime at the library. We'll have stories, songs, and fun! We ask that people sign up in advance through the library website, as storytime will not be hosted if less than 3 families sign up. Families are still welcome to attend if they have not signed up, but be sure to check the website or Facebook page to ensure we have not cancelled for that day.

Richland County Fair 5:00 PM - 10:00 PM Richland County Fairgrounds, 23630 Co Hwy AA, Richland Center Carnival rides, balloon creations and magic shows, axe throwing, demolition derby, beer garden and more! Check online for the full schedule and event details!

Tuesday, September 13

Knit Night at Nina’s 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM Nina’s Department Store, 143 E. Jefferson St. Spring Green Every Thursday from 6 to 8 pm. All knitters and crocheters are welcome. Store closed after 5:30 pm.

Tour of Wyoming Valley School Cultural Art Center 11:00 PM - 3:00 PM 6306 State Road 23, Spring Green 608.588.2544 or see us on Facebook 45 min tours of Wyoming Valley School Cultural Art Center, designed by Frank Lloyd Wright. Tours at 11, 1 and 2. Adults $6; Seniors, students and military $5; under 6 free. St. John's Family Tailgate 5:30 PM 6306 State Road 23, Spring Green In true tailgate fashion, this is a BYOE (bring your own everything) event! We bring the heat. You bring the meat. There will be several grills available for you to use to grill your meat. Come to St. John's parking lot & enjoy some fun before the River Valley Football game! Game time is 7:00PM. Go to the game or keep hanging out and listen on WRCO. Questions? Contact Meg at

Wednesday, September 14

Friday, September 9

Hill and Valley Exploration Tour: Local Stop - Mary’s Organic Farm 10:00 AM4:00 PM E3346 Kessenich Road, Plain Free The Hill and Valley Exploration Tour: a celebration of rural living is a unique opportunity to explore the vibrant and resilient small farm community of Northern Sauk and Richland Coun ties! For the full list of participants, visit:


LIVE MUSIC: Bluegrass Jam 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM Spring Green General Store, 137 S. Albany St., Spring Green 608-5880-707,, Spring . Free event. All ages welcome! Bluegrass Jams will be held on the second Saturday of each month. While the weather permits they'll be held on our back deck. Bring your instrument and play along or come to listen; all are welcome.

LIVE MUSIC: The Honey Pies @ Local Night 5:30 PM - 7:00 PM Post House Garden, Jefferson Street, Spring Green Look up “The Shed” on Facebook for more Grills will be fired and beverages available, so come and enjoy the best that River Valley has to offer!

Saturday, September 10

APT: Saturday Salon 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM American Players Theater, 5950 Golf Course Rd, Spring Green A casual conversation with APT and Leadership about whatever is on your mind. Free event.

LIVE MUSIC: Rare Element 7:30 PM Slowpoke Lounge, 137 W Jefferson St., Spring Green Rare Element performs high energy instrumental funk music in a truly unique manner. The band’s highly talented roster coupled with it’s creative and intricate arrangements make Rare Element a must-see act. Tickets $15 in advance, $20 at the door.

Sunday, September 11

Homeschool Group 11:00 AM - 4:00 PM Twin Valley Lake, Gov. Dodge State Park, 4175 WI-23, Dodgeville 608.553.3292 Homeschooling? Interested? Area Homeschool families meet to play, explore, share resources and experience. ALL are welcome!

APT: Sunday Salon 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM Post House Garden, E. Jefferson St. Spring Green A casual conversation with APT and Leadership about whatever is on your mind. Free event.

Monday, September 12

Stitch and Bitch 1:30 PM - 3:00 PM Spring Green General Store, 137 S. Albany St. Spring Green The Spring Green General Store’s Stitch and Bitch handwork group meets Thursday afternoons weekly. All are welcome.

Thursday, September 15

Slo-Pitch Softball Tournament 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM Kaul Park, WI-130, Bear Valley 9v9 (can have subs if needed), 10 teams max, $150 per team, Top 3 payout, Teams must sign up via Great Lakes Sports Leagues, not at event. For more information, look up the event on Facebook!

THEATER: Play Talk – The Rivals 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM American Players Theater, 5950 Golf Course Rd, Spring Green Learn more about the plays. Visit our website for specific topics and speakers as they become available. $5 or Free with an APT Insider's Card.

Saturday, September 17

Driftless Landscape Tour 9:45 AM - 10:45 AM Frank Lloyd Wright Visitor Center, 5607 Cty. Rd. C, Spring Green Adult $25, Student, Senior & Military $20, Kids 6 and under are free Join us for a conversation about the intercon nectedness of land and culture while enjoying a 1-mile walk across the Taliesin estate. This outdoor tour will speak to the natural history of the estate, using Frank Lloyd Wright as the connecting theme between topics. Explore the landscape that Wright felt drawn to and learn about the geology, ecology, and agricultural history of south western Wisconsin that attracts so many people to the Driftless Area.

Events for September 9 - September 22

Wine & Yoga 5:30 PM - 8:00 PM Wild Hills Winery, 30940 Oakridge Dr., Muscoda Come for the wine specials...stay for a peaceful and rejuvenating yoga session with certified instructor Lara Carpenter. All sessions are held outdoors in our vineyard. Yoga sessions are $10 cash only.

Richland County Fair 12:00 PM - 4:00 PM Richland County Fairgrounds, 23630 Co Hwy AA, Richland Center Carnival rides, balloon creations and magic shows, axe throwing (No open toed shoes) and more! Live music from High Mileage Band at 7! Check online for the full schedule and event details!

Trivia Night 6:30 PM - 9:30 PM Slowpoke Lounge, 137 W Jefferson St., Spring Green Join us for a night of Trivia! Kyle Adams will host as we put teams together for a contest of trivia. Come for the prizes, stay for the fun! First Question at 7:00 - and it should last about 2 to 2 1/2 hours.

LIVE MUSIC: Shitty Barn Session 274 — Gaines & Wagoner // Three Hours 7:00 PM . 506 E Madison St, Spring Green Doors open at 6 Tickets are $15. Chris Wagoner and Mary Gaines have been in-demand private instruc tors session musicians and performers in the Midwest for over three decades with tours spanning the US and Europe. They bring together multiple genres as founding members of Harmonious Wail (vintage jazz), The Common Faces (original “folk-soul”), The Bob Westfall Band (original “jazz-grass”), The Moon Gypsies (Americana), The Stellanovas (“cafe jazz”) and more!

Thursday, September 8, 2022 CommunityPage 6


Spring Green Farmers Market 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM S230 E. Monroe St., Spring Green Spring Green Farmers Market Is a year-round outdoor market offering seasonal produce, local meats, baked goods and many other wonderful items. Held outside the Spring Green Community Public Library every Saturday morning. Pre-or ders are recommended. Visit our Facebook or Instagram page or email SGFarmersMar for a list of participating vendors and their contact into.

Spring Green Farmers Market 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM S230 E. Monroe St., Spring Green Spring Green Farmers Market Is a year-round outdoor market offering seasonal produce, local meats, baked goods and many other wonderful items. Held outside the Spring Green Community Public Library every Saturday morning. Pre-or ders are recommended. Visit our Facebook or Instagram page or email SGFarmersMar for a list of participating vendors and their contact into.

Monthly Community Potluck 11:30 PM - 1:00 PM Spring Green Community Center, 117 S Washington St, Spring Green . . Bring a dish to pass! All are welcome! Ending time is an estimate only and varies.

LIVE MUSIC: Richland County Fair 12:00 PM - 10:30 PM Richland County Fairgrounds, 23630 Co Hwy AA, Richland Center Carnival rides, balloon creations and magic shows, axe throwing (No open toed shoes), pedal pull, meat animal sale, beer garden and more! Live music from High Mileage Band at 7! Check online for the full schedule and event details!

Fall Garden Cleanup—End of Season Lessons Learned 12:00 PM - 4:00 PM Community Gardens, Corner of Westmor Street and Locust Drive, Spring Green As the growing season ends, we can look back and learn, plus plan for next year. For gardeners, winter is the time to evaluate, research and plan for next year. Bring your stories, thoughts and questions for a fun and educational discussion about gardening. The discussion will be led by Roger Reynolds. For more information, look up River Valley Area Community Gardens on Facebook!

THEATER: Play Talk – A Raisin in the Sun 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM American Players Theater, 5950 Golf Course Rd, Spring Green Learn more about the plays. Visit our website for specific topics and speakers as they become available. $5 or Free with an APT Insider's Card.

Savanna Institute Spring Green Campus Open House 1:00 PM - 4:30 PM Savanna Institute, North Farm, E6828 State Rd 60, Spring Green. Come explore the agroforestry research and education going on at Savanna Institute. Deep rooted foods table ongoing, Driftless nutshells 1:30-2:30, River float with the River Alliance of Wisconsin Meet At Pecks Landing 1 PM (must register through their website to participate), Farm tour 2:00-3:00.

River Valley Stadium Open House 5:30 PM - 7:30 PM River Valley High School Sports Stadium, 660 Varsity Blvd, Spring Green During this time, we invite everyone from the community to check out the new synthetic turf and track and have any questions answered by River Valley staff. In addition, the River Valley Athletic Booster Club will be serving free popcorn.

LIVE MUSIC AND FOOD: Spring Green Fire and EMS Open House 11:00 AM - 3:00 PM Spring Green Fire Department, 327 S Winsted St, Spring Green springgreen We are excited to invite the community into the station to see what we do and to remind our neighbors how to stay safe when an emergency arises. This aware ness day will include: Live local music, fire truck rides, fire hose spray competitions, jaws of life demos, DNR/WI River Project life jacket safety, canoe/ boating safety, Med Flight, SG Police, Alliant Energy Wires and Fires, Free blood pressure and blood sugar check. Also a variety of raffle items, as well as hot dogs, brats, chips, and a drink for sale. Live music from Ben Mulwana, Musician in Residence.

Monday-Thursday: 10 AM - 7 PM Friday: 10 AM - 5 PM Saturday: 9 AM - 1 PM

ongoing art exhibitions

Tuesday, September 20

Hill and Valley Exploration Tour: Local Stop - Mary’s Organic Farm 10:00 AM4:00 PM E3346 Kessenich Road, Plain Free The Hill and Valley Exploration Tour: a celebration of rural living is a unique opportunity to explore the vibrant and resilient small farm community of Northern Sauk and Richland Coun ties! For the full list of participants, visit:

OPEN HOUSE: Harrisburg School & Museum 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM Harrisburg One-Room School House, E7646 Cty Rd. B, Spring Green Restored one-room school, veterans exhibit, farm equipment museum, area historical memorabilia.

Iowa County Sheriff Candidate Forum: Be an Informed Voter 6:00 PM Dodgeville High School Auditorium, 912 West Chapel St, Dodgeville Myra Enloe will moderate the public forum, wherein the two candidates, Kim Alan (I) and Michael Peterson (R), will make short introductory statements, followed by a timed question and answer session, and concluding with the candidates’ closing remarks.

This calendar will be a place listing (for free) the typical meeting dates for area governmental bodies,

Songs for a New World 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM Slowpoke Lounge, 137 W Jefferson St., Spring Green Join us for a River Valley Players concert produc tion of Songs for a New World. The first musical from Tony Award winner Jason Robert Brown, this moving collection of powerful songs examines life, love and the choices that we make. Brown introduces his audience to an array of characters that range from a young man who has determined that basketball is his ticket, to a woman whose dream of marrying rich nabs her the man of her dreams... and a soulless marriage.Tickets $15 in advance, $20 at the door

Local Art at the Library: Sharon Nicholas and Amber Westerman Hours Vary Spring Green Community Library, 230 E. Monroe St., Spring Green Sharon Nicholas is exhibiting her Bead Architecture in the Glass Case Gallery. Amber Westerman is illustrating a variety of her architectural design projects with hand-drawn sketches, color marker presentation drawings, hand drafted plans and elevations, computer aided drafting (CAD) plans, photographs and more in the Community Room Gallery

THEATER: The Backstage Series — Mission Control: Stage Managers Make It all Happen 4:00 PM - 5:30 PM American Players Theater, 5950 Golf Course Rd, Spring Green $5.00 or Free with APT Insider's Card Interested in learning firsthand from the extraordinary team that makes sure each performance runs smoothly? Come listen, learn, and laugh with American Players Theatre's excep tional stage management team as we go backstage.

Monday, September 19

The Community Calendar is curated and designed by Julianna Williams. Events are subject to change, always check ahead for up-to-date information on any events you are interested in.

Healthy You 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM Spring Green Community Center 117 S. Washing ton St. Spring Green Free event Dawn Kabot will host sessions on health issues. You will be provided with simple, realistic steps that you can take to achieve and maintain your best health. Myths will be debunked. Be prepared to share the health topics that you would like most addressed and ask questions about health that you would like to have answered.

September 21:

For everyone asking “where have all the Bridge and Cribbage clubs gone?” (those go in our general community calendar, but nice try), “why won’t any young adults attend village board meetings?” and “how do I get more people at my service organization meetings?” — this is the calendar for you!

Stitch and Bitch 1:30 PM - 3:00 PM Spring Green General Store, 137 S. Albany St. Spring Green The Spring Green General Store’s Stitch and Bitch handwork group meets Thursday afternoons weekly. All are welcome.

Please email us with these meetings, or use the form on our Community Calendar page — and let's build community together:

LIVE MUSIC: Sugar Mama and the Rent Check @ Local Night 5:30 PM - 7:00 PM .Post House Garden, Jefferson Street, Spring Green Look up “The Shed” on Facebook for more . Grills will be fired and beverages available, so come and enjoy the best that River Valley has to offer!

LIVE MUSIC: Ben Mulwana at Slowpoke Songwriters Round 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM Slowpoke Lounge, 137 W Jefferson St., Spring Green No cover, but tips are always welcome. Featuring Tracy Mangold, Jay Hoffman, Tom Miron and Ben Mulwana. Musician in Residence, and honorary Driftless resident for two weeks, Ben Mulwana will perform as part of the Slowpoke Songwriters Round. These are great, stripped-down, "storytellers" sessions with multiple musicians taking turns sharing their works. Check out Slowpoke Lounge's events page for more details.

Wednesday, September 21

Arcadia Book Club discusses "Mercury Pictures Presents" by Anthony Marra 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM Virtual/ Zoom Mercury Pictures Presents explores fascism, propaganda, censorship, the myths of the movies, ambition, inequality in the workplace for talented women, greed, guilt, and family. Anthony Marra deftly blends the crosscurrents of political and social history, life in Italy and America, and the world of Hollywood to create an expansive vision of mid-twentieth century life. Through it all shines his belief in these complicated, often tender individuals willing to fight with dignity.

September 13:

This calendar will grow and change, but is not necessarily intended to be exhaustive. We can't build it alone, if your service or community organization would like to be included, please let us know.


Sunday, September 18

Fall Storytime 10:30 AM - 11:00 AM 234 N. Broadway St, Lone Rock. lonerockl Join us for storytime and crafts!

LIVE MUSIC: Acoustic Jam 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM . Spring Green General Store, 137 S. Albany St., Spring Green . 608-5880-707,, Spring Free event All ages welcome! Acoustic Jams will be held on the third Saturday of each month. While the weather permits they'll be held on our back deck. Bring your instrument and play along or come to listen; all are welcome.

Evenings Afield: Controlling Invasive Plants 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM Frank Lloyd Wright Visitor Center, 5607 County Rd C, Spring Green Learn how to identify and control common invasive plants in our area from people who have battled them for many years. See plant samples, tools that work well, and both print and online resources that help in the field. Registration required.

Open Play 10:30AM - 11:15 AM Spring Green Community Library, 230 E. Monroe St. Spring Green (608) 588-2276 There will not be a storytime, as Ms. Grace is out, but families are still welcome to come in for open play in the community room! These will be cancelled if we have less than 3 families signed up, so make sure to sign up here if you plan on attending!

Thursday, September 22

September VOLUNTEERING:9: Ridgeway Pine Relict Workday 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM . Ridgevue Road, Ridgeway . Ridgeway Pine Relict State Natural Area is known for its large, quality wetlands and spring complexes. With prescribed burning and brush control, DNR crews and volunteers have increased efforts to improve this site. Questions or to RSVP to attend this workday, contact Mary Kay Baum at or 608-935-5834.

September COMMUNITY12:GARDENS: RVACG Board Meeting 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM . River Valley Area Community Gardens, Corner of Westmor Street and Locust Drive, Spring Green Bring lawn chairs if attending.

Exploring the Caves of the Driftless 6:30 PM Grandma Mary’s Brisbane Hall,175 Hwy 14, Arena (608) 228-0261 . Doris Green, local author of “Wisconsin Underground: A Guide to Caves, Mines and Tunnels” will present a visual power point of the local caves of Southwest Wisconsin. Sponsored by Arena Historians. Free. Open to all.

Knit Night at Nina’s 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM Nina’s Department Store, 143 E. Jefferson St. Spring Green Every Thursday from 6 to 8 pm. All knitters and crocheters are welcome. Store closed after 5:30 pm.

YOGA: Sunday Series — Yoga for Rural Bodies 8:30 AM - 10:00 AM North of Plain in a private studio space Cost varies This series, held on select Sundays thru October, will help you build a regular movement and mobility practice based in the yoga traditions. This Sunday will focus on the spine.

SOLD OUT – LIVE MUSIC: Shitty Barn Session 275— Night Moves // The Nunnery 7:00 PM 506 E Madison St, Spring Green Doors open at 6 This Minneapolis-based quartet returns with a psychedelic new song “Fallacy Actually,” a head-spinning swirl of layered synths, harmonica, and guitar. Advance tickets sold out. That sald, tickets often come up that people can't use. Check website or socials for the latest detalls about ticket availability.


Art in the Woods Sunrise - Sunset Throughout APT property, 5950 Golf Course Rd, Spring Green FREE Art in the Woods is a series of art installa tions displayed throughout the APT property. Art that evokes conversation, that intertwines with our landscape, that sparks your imagination. Art in the Woods is presented with major support from the Wisconsin Department of Tourism.

Family Storytime 10:15 AM - 11:00 AM Plain Kraemer Library and Community Center, 910 Main St, Plain Fun stories, songs, and themed activities each week for children and their caregivers. Stories and songs 20-30 minutes followed by craft/activity. Children under 6 must be accompanied.

Wine & Yoga 5:30 PM - 8:00 PM Wild Hills Winery, 30940 Oakridge Dr., Muscoda Come for the wine specials...stay for a peaceful and rejuvenating yoga session with certified instructor Lara Carpenter. All sessions are held outdoors in our vineyard. Yoga sessions are $10 cash only.

LIVE MUSIC: Gerri DiMaggio 6:30 PM - 9:30 PM Slowpoke Lounge, 137 W Jefferson St., Spring Green With the sound of a night club singer right out of a 1940's film noir Gerri DiMaggio evokes romantic nostalgia with a modern edge. Tickets $10 in advance/$15 at the door.

SG Library Board Meeting 5:00 PM Community Room, Spring Green Community Library, 230 E. Monroe St., Spring Green Changes to this schedule are posted at least 24 hours prior to the meeting. The meetings are open to the public.

Saturday, September 17 cont.


SERVICE: Hillcrest Riders Snowmobile Club - First Club Meeting of the Season 7:00 PM American Legion Dr, Plain Please join us for the first meeting of the season. Membership dues are $20 and need to be paid by November. All members receive a discount on trail passes! Come find out how you can help and become a valuable part of a great organization!


SERVICE: Friends of Governor Dodge Sept. Meeting and Cookout 5:30 PM - 7:30 PM Governor Dodge State Park, 4175 WI-23, Dodgeville Bring your own drinks. Hot dogs and s’mores provided.

Thursday, September 8, 2022 Page 7Community Events for September 9 - September 22

Taliesin Program with Keiran Murphy 6:30 PM - 8:00 PM Spring Green Communi ty Library, 230 E Monroe Street, Spring Green gram Speaker Keiran Murphy began as a Taliesin tour guide over 25 years ago and has become an historian for the building. She will give a history of the home in a PowerPoint presentation including unusual photographs. Her presentation will be one-and-a-half hours with questions. This free event is open to the public and all are welcome. Light refreshments will be served.

A Night of Words 7:30 PM - 9:30 PM Slowpoke Lounge, 137 W Jefferson St., Spring Green An open mic. Watch. Listen. Speak. Share. Maybe you have a favorite poem, or passage from a book you’d like to share. Or maybe you write your own and are ready to share it with the rest of us. Maybe you just want to tell a story. Or maybe you just want to listen. It’s all good. Let’s hang out and share words together. Poetry. Stories. Original work and old favorites.

Thursday, September 22 cont.

Thursday, September 8, 2022 CommunityPage 8 .”stuffgood“The COVID-19WisconsinDashboardSummary Cases as of 9/7/2022 Cases as of 9/7/2022 Graphic by juliAnna1,620,223Williams Positive Cases +15,547 from 8/24 +68from 8/24 Percent of Wisconsin residents ages 5-11 who have received at least one dose by county Vaccine Summary Statistics Vaccine Data 5,939,822 3,800,719 344,49510,085,036 Pfizer administereddoses These two core measures are measures of herd immunity in Richland, Sauk and Iowa County. We do not yet know what level of vaccination leads to herd immunity for COVID-19, or how current or future variants might affect herd immunity. We know based on other diseases that herd immunity is likely at least 60%, and if more transmissible variants become more common, that threshold may become higher, so the current target range is 60-90%. -Adapted from Madison Public Health and Dane ModernaCountydosesadministered Johnson & Johnson doses administered Updated: 9/7/2022 Updated: 9/7/2022 Updated: 9/7/2022 Ages 55-6445-5435-4425-3418-2412-175-1165+ Cases per zip code Percent of Wisconsin residents who have received at least one dose 13,377 Deaths Data From: +50 from 8/24 +1 from 8/24 4,575 Positive Cases 52 Deaths Richland County Ages 5-11 Ages 5-11 Ages 5-11 Ages 5-11 33.3%20.1% 26.8% 61% Higher %Lower % Richland County Iowa CountySauk County Dane County +168 from 8/24 +2 from 8/24 19,103 Positive Cases Sauk County 142 Deaths +0 from 8/24 +54 from 8/246,281 Positive Cases 31 Deaths Iowa County Iowa Percent with at least one vaccine dose Target Range Percent fully vaccinated 67.7%70.3% Sauk Percent with at least one vaccine dose Target Range Percent fully vaccinated 65.6% Richland Percent with at least one vaccine dose Target Range Percent fully vaccinated 57.7%59.9% 29.3% 61.3%62.5%65%69.8%72%78.3%84.8% 62.7% covid case activity level


9/7/2022 This map shows the current CDC COVID-19 Community Level for each county in Wisconsin. Community levels measure the impact of COVID-19 illness on health and health care systems in communities. COVID-19 community levels can help communities and individuals make decisions based on their local context and their unique needs. Community vaccination coverage and other local information can also inform decision-making for health officials and Updated:individuals. 9/7/2022 county level weekly statistics Updated: 9/7/2022 2,076,558 572,7162,649,274 First AdministeredBooster SecondAdministeredBooster Total administereddosesTotaladministeredboosters

I would first like to start off by saying, thank you Coach Eastlick. All of the River Valley area and community greatly appreciates what you’ve done for the football program during your tenure as a coach, and as a mentor.


Due limited with coaches and parents. If you don't see your then please reach encourage them to send along write-ups or comments, stats and pictures

manpower, our sports coverage is dependent upon engagement

LETTER WINNERS LOST: Boys: Julius Ross (1st Team All Conference), Mason Henkel, Josh Maes, Ethan Wastlick, Eli Johnson Girls: Abi Cummings, Anna Johnson, Jayla Maier, Madeline Hutnik, Madison Krey


Kalen Scott is a 2021 River Valley High School alumnus, having played football all four years of his high school career. He is currently attending UWPlatteville for History Education.

River valley High School Fall sports Preview

One of the most defining traits of Eastlick’s coaching was his knack of knowing exactly where to put or move a player, either mid-game, or midseason, and doing so allowed them to excel at that position. Coach Eastlick

Head Coach: Brian Krey Years Coaching: 2nd Year Assistant Coach: Jon Novak, 2nd Year Conference: SWC

Thursday, September 8, 2022 Page 9Community/OpInIon


Our team lost almost 50% of our team to graduation, so we will be looking to rebuild this year.


always knew where to put talent so that it would thrive underneath his mentoring, always willing to coach the players personally, no one can doubt Eastlick’s prowess as a head coach.

Kalen Scott, Contributor

GENERAL COMMENTS ABOUT TEAM: Our team will have a lot of new faces this year. The boys will be led by Noah Radtke and the girls will be led by Bobbi DuCharme – both were 2nd team All-Conference runners last year. We are starting the year with many unanswered questions in regards to our lineups and depth, but I know that our student athletes will bring a great attitude and work ethic to practice each day. Last year’s senior class left a very positive impact and impression on the current roster to continue building the program.

9/15: Boscobel Invite 9/24: Reedsburg Invite 10/1: Platteville Invite 10/8: Riverdale Invite 10/13: SWC Conference at River Valley (@Spring Green Municipal Golf Course)10/22: Sectionals at Prairie du Chien

Brian Krey, RVHS Cross Country Head Coach


student's sport

the defensive line, coaching up one of the most successful defensive line games for years in the conference. While Maxwell coached up the defensive backs and safeties, even having a player for a while being number one for interceptions in the state, and keeping high flying offensives grounded. Holding multiple conference rivals to very small amounts of points, while winning through offensive talent. Making a Division 4 playoff run, making it to the fourth level as the semi-finals for the State championships, with a great defensive game, holding all opponents to beneath 20 points up until the final game of that playoff run. The year after, between Machovec and Maxwell, their defensive game held an all-state running back and a Max Preps ranked top 20 team (Mineral Point) to just 28 points while being able to put up 19 points of their own, making it look as if competition in the big leagues was possible. They as well beat down their opponents that same year in the playoffs out-scoring them 80-13 before playoffs were stopped due to COVID-19 concerns. Multiple years the scoring differential, not only offensively but also defensively, has shown that the coaches are the real deal, giving confidence in the choice of new two co-head coaches who had put together a spectacular

The new starters and new leaders can cause changing climates and affect team cohesiveness, as well as a possible new playbook. Between Machovec’s high football IQ, great relationship to the players, his hard-nose attitude towards always training to win, and Maxwell’s intuitive teachings and understanding of offenses, the ability to stop pass games and always willing to kindly teach players how to get better, the River Valley football program is in good hands.

Boys team finished 2nd at Conference. This was the highest finish at the conference meet for our boys’ team since 1989. Boys team placed 10th at Sectionals.

Thank you Coach Eastlick, for being a coach of the players and being so supportive of the River Valley

On and off the field Eastlick cared for his players as athletes and as students, making sure that they stayed on track no matter what was going on.

Boys: Isaac Limmex (9), Ben Reis (9), Noah Radtke (10), TJ Strine (12)

An overview for this boys and girls cross country season:

résumé for tough defensive football, while their offensive counterparts, who they sometimes helped coach as well, did more than enough to take advantage of what the defensive had done.There will be some bumps and tough goings, as it is their first year, and a lot of seniors and previous starters have been lost. With some good players coming up the next few years and the seniors this year, there could be some great games, but expect a tough conference, as there are always some stubborn teams that stand between River Valley and success.

LETTER WINNERS RETURNING: Boys: Noah Radtke (Sophomore), TJ Strine (Senior); Girls: Bobbi DuCharme (Junior), Emma Anding (Junior), Kylie Morrey (Senior)

Coach Eastlick excelled during the regular season as well as in the playoffs, multiple conference championships and numerous playoff appearances. His coaching résumé is chalked up with a state championship appearance as well as a few deep runs into the third and fourth levels of playoffs. Coach Eastlick ended his coaching career with another playoff appearance, one of his many, making it another addition to the long streak of appearances in a row.

Don't See your student's sport?


A great leader, Eastlick coached from experience of his own, as well as his surrounding staff, making sure he had all bases covered for any game. Using information from his past experiences as well as other coaches' experiences, a plan for a game was almost always guaranteed, especially for conference games.

It's also entirely possible that we didn't have time or space, unfortunately. In the future we'd like to have a dedicated community sports reporter, updating sports stories online weekly and in print bi-weekly. Parents and community members are also very welcome to send along pictures and write ups as well for consideration. Want to help out with our community sports coverage? Email us at:

Coach Eastlick has been a great coach and mentor for many players throughout the years. Eastlick was always willing to go above and beyond for his players and the program. He’d individually coach, scout and talk to players, taking time out of his day just to be a better coach as well as make his players better.

RVHS Football Alumnus: Coach Eastlick’s legacy, football program in good hands with Maxwell, Machovec

Girls team finished 6th at Conference and 14th at Sectionals.

SCHEDULE: 8/25: @ UW River Falls 9/3: Darlington Invite 9/10: River Valley Invite (@Spring Green Municipal Golf Course)

the River Valley football program now rests in the hands of new co-head coaches Chadd Maxwell and Dan Machovec. Both coaches are familiar with the River Valley football program and high in football IQ on both offensive and defensive sides. Machovec is a civics teacher at the middle school and has been a coach for years in the football program. Machovec was an assistant coach for

CONFERENCE FAVORITES: Dodgeville-Mineral Point are the heavy favorites for the boys’ and girls’. The battle in conference will be for 2nd place between Platteville and Lancaster in both the boys’ and girls’ divisions.

Girls: Grace Morrey (10), Aubrey Frazier (10), Anya Seffrood (10), Emma Anding (11), Bobbi DuCharme (11), Kortney Sebranek (12), Emma Knoble (12), Kylie Morrey (12)

out to the coach and

beating Argyle, East Dubuque, East Troy, and Southwestern, and only losing one match to Brookwood.

was our best WR and it was hard to get him the ball. Now that he’s the QB, he touches the ball every single play. He is very shifty and has a great arm. He’s starting to read the field. It looks like there will be a strong position battle for that spot. When Rece has had to sub in the last two weeks, he’s made great reads as


Photo contributed by Cory Schmidt The RV Boys Varsity Soccer team is having too dominant of a year to summarize here.


Many runners for River Valley ran

A: Dan — Prochaska had an amazing game. Three touchdowns in one game is a phenomenal accomplishment. He is someone who has been battling to see the field and is finding his spot in the offense. He’s starting to learn how to line up at WR to help set himself up before the play even starts. Radtke has been a solid RB/WR type for us. Again, he is someone who needs the ball in his hands. He’s reliable and runs strong routes to get open. Chayse is a big sophomore with excellent hands. He’s still learning the game, but he improves each week. I cannot wait for him to build that confidence in his route running.

Recap: Q&A

FOOTBALL River Valley vs. Wisconsin Dells

The River Valley Varsity Football team came into this September 2 game 0-2 on the season. They lost versus Wisconsin Dells, 28-35.

The River Valley Cross Country team competed against 19 other teams at the Darlington Redbird Invitational on Saturday, September 3 at Darlington High School. The girls' races were fortunate to be dry, while the boys had to run after a 75 minute weather delay, leaving the course very wet and muddy. Individually, Bobbi DuCharme was the first female runner to finish for River Valley and earned a medal by placing 15th in a time of 22:05.

Photo by Steph Hegland Tournament champions River Valley High School Varsity Girls Volleyball at Southwestern.

their first high school cross country race and did a fantastic job.

Q: Prochaska, Radtke and Gilbertson

Q:well.The Dells appeared to have their rushing game going for them. What were their strengths in the run game and how did you slow them down?

Runners that ran their first race included seniors Kortney Sebranek and Emma Knoble, junior Arie Snow, and freshman Isaac Limmex.

We did a lot of good things this weekend and I was proud of my team for bouncing back after a loss and not letting it bring us down and coming back and winning 2 more matches to win the tournament.

had six catches each. Talk about their pass catching and how they helped you move the football

Thursday, September 8, 2022 CommunityPage 10 •Natural double shredded oak bark mulch •Colored decorative mulch Red-Brown-Gold•OtherOrange landscape supplies available! Gravel-Boulders-Screened Topsoil-Sand, etc. Jand J We offer complete landscape and lawn care service •Full Landscaping from start to finish •Lawn •Limestone•Bark•Grading•PlantingsMowing&SeedingsSpreading&Boulder Retaining Walls Total Lawn Care and Snow Removal•QualityWork•FullyInsured•FreeEstimates SatM-F8am-5pm8am-noon James Harwood •608-588-2453• E4792 Kennedy Rd. oneWe’reyourstopshop! DirectoryBusiness/Professional Reserve a spot in our directory!business/professional Add $30 to any ad order or $60 as a stand-alone order and you’ll be added to the next edition’s premium placement business/professional directory. Bigger than business card sized, full color, updated annually or for a flat $25 design fee. Perfect for top-of-mind awareness, runs under an attention-grabbing header. Want to run it every edition at a discounted rate? $750 for 6 months, $1000 for 1 year (36% discount)

Q: Trey had quite a game passing for 275 yards and running for 15 of your 52. He is listed on your roster as a receiver and he did not QB the first game. Is he set at that position now and talk about his improvement since taking over calling signals

Mariah Hill, RVHS Volleyball Head Coach


A: Dan — The Dells did do a lot of good things in their run game, but we had plenty of missed tackles that helped with a large portion of that. They did a good enough job making initial holes but the cutback lanes got us. Our guys were over

Set 5 was back and forth, but ultimately RV came out the winners 15-13.

Brian Krey, RVHS Cross Country Head Coach

Blackhawks were Senior Katie Hahn with 23 kills, Senior Morgan Brickl with 2 ace serves and 7 kills, senior Lydia Weiss had 4 blocks, Senior Brooke Anderson with 30 assists, and Senior Brianna Zaemisch and junior Hannah Hegland both had 21 digs. We headed to Southwestern on September 4 and won the tournament

A: Dan — Our original starting QB was Rece Rhoades, but he hurt his ankle pretty badly in the Edgewood game. The injury is still limiting him, but Trey has stepped up nicely to fill that gap. Trey

running plays and missing key open field tackles. When we filled the gaps, we were very successful against the run game.

River Valley Blackhawks Girls Volley Ball team won their first conference match September 1, in a hard fought 5 set battle against Dodgeville.

Head coach Brian Krey stated that he was thrilled with the way these four new runners handled the hard parts of the race, and is eager to see how they continue to improve as the season progresses. Krey also said that he was impressed with the resolve the boys showed, as they had their race delayed by 75 minutes, and all gave solid efforts considering the conditions.

A: Dan — The Dells is a strong team. We were able to improve our special teams and find a way to get into the endzone offensively multiple times. It was a big confidence booster. It also showed that we are not going to give up. We were down 21-7 at one point and just kept battling back. We are very proud of them and hopefully, they bring that momentum to the SWC. There are going to be some very competitive games in the upcoming weeks.

Q: How did this game help prepare the Hawks for the SWC which starts for you this week?

Photo contributed by Dan Machovec Trey Schulte hands off to Landon Radtke as Chayse Gilbertson runs a route.

Dan Machovec, RVHS Football Co-Head Coach

The Blackhawks started strong and took a 2-0 lead, but the Dodgers pushed back and took the next 2 sets.

I was very happy with how we started and finished the match. We let off the gas a little in the 3rd and 4th set and Dodgeville has a strong defense and they definitely turned up their offense. 5 set matches really test your mental and physical abilities and I am proud of this team for never giving up and pushing through till the end. Leaders for the

Noah Radtke was the top runner for the River Valley boys, just missing a medal in 28th place in a time of 19:36.

Healthcare Employment Opportunities

*MRI Imaging Technologist - .5 to a 1.0 FTE day shift position. Up to a $5,000 Employment Bonus, prorated based on FTE!

Seeking office space

*Clinic Registration Specialist – full-time day shift position in our Mineral Point and Dodgeville clinics.

houseplants from others that are already in the home. This will give you time to eliminate an infestation before it spreads to your entire houseplant population. Carefully inspect each plant for signs of pests, especially the underside of leaves and near the stems. Even if you don’t see any insect, give them all a shower, using a handheld showerhead or spray nozzle to wash the underside as well as the top side. If you have insects such as aphids and mealybugs, you can wipe them off using a cotton swap dipped in rubbing alcohol. Scale insects will need to be scraped off. If the infestation is in the early stages, you can potentially eliminate it with multiple applications of insecticidal soap. Read the labels carefully to make sure it’s effective against your pest. For more details on how to deal with a particular insect problem, visit cutrelated-pests.factsheet/,backonthewateringand

Flexible ideas for the space include a newsroom, co-working space for small businesses and entrepreneurs, local retail/consignment, local art exhibition/gallery space and (eventually) working collaboratively with area businesses to provide extended hours coffee and potentially grab-and-go food.

Seeking a full-time field


*Grant Writing Specialist – .5 FTE day shift position.

crew member to support ecological agriculture on our Spring Green farm – Duties include outdoor fieldwork, maintenance, and site management of integrated agroforestry systems. $20-22/hr, starting ASAP.

Jeannie Manis, Wisconsin Certified Master Gardener

Plain Subscribers: AVAILABLE

Please let us know if you have any vacant or soon-to-be vacant commercial space, know of any space, or have any creative ideas or partnership opportunities, by phone at 608-588-6694 or by email at

Want to enjoy scenic drives or a walk around town and assist in connecting our businesses, subscribers and community? Whether for fun or for volunteer experience, just one village, route, or more, we’d be happy to have you! We can’t thank those who have recently stepped up to offer to help enough, thank you!

Preventing an insect problem is easier than eliminating one. If the plant was placed on the ground, it may have some insects that got in through the drain hole so take the plant out of the pot and check the soil. Find a place where you can segregate your

Bringing Houseplants Indoors

*Med Tech, MLT or CLS – 1.0 FTE p.m. shift position.

If you have any gardening questions, please contact the Extension Sauk County by emailing to trripp@ or calling the University of Wisconsin Madison Division of Extension Sauk County office at 608355-3250.

*RN Emergency Department – Weekender .6 FTE position working Saturday/Sunday, 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Premium pay program!


Even though it’s still early September, I know I need to plan ahead for my houseplants if I don’t want it to be a mad scramble if we get an early frost. Many of us have houseplants that take a summer vacation out on the deck or patio. But before you bring them back indoors for the winter, there is some prep work you’ll want to do.

Email: or call 608-588-6694


-Henry David Thoreau

*Clinic CMA or LPN – .8 FTE day shift position for our Barneveld and Mt. Horeb clinics.

fertilizing. Winter is their dormant time, so they don’t need as much water or fertilizer as they did during the growing season. Fertilizing will start in the spring and the plants need just water so they don’t dry out.

*RN OB unit - .75 FTE evening/night shift position. $3,750 Employment Bonus Eligible!

find out more detailed information about all open positions and to apply, go to our website at adno=300787For more informaon on these current openings or to complete an online applicaon, please visit: hps:// Human Resources The Richland Hospital, Inc. 333 E 2nd St, Richland Center, WI 53581 608-647-6321 Equal Opportunity Employer Come join The Richland Hospital team, whose work was just recognized with 5-Star ranking for medicare Currently we have the following full-me benefit eligible employment opportunies available: RE GIS TERE D NUR SE S Full-me and Part me posion ME DICA L AS S IS TA NT Full-me posions PATI EN T AC CE SS Full-me posions ENVIR ONMENTAL SER VIC ES TE CH Full-me posions CER TI FI ED NUR SI NG ASSIS TA NT Full-me Night posions LPN Full-me posions PH YS ICAL THE RAP IS T Full and Part me posions ULTRA SOUND TE CH NICIAN Full-me Posions MAINTENANC E ME CHA NI C / PO WER PLA NT AS S IS TA NT Full-me Posions SENIOR LIFE SOL UTIONS THE RA PIS T Full-me Posions RE SP IRATO RY T HERAP IS T Full-me Posions PHA RMA CY TE CH Full & Per Diem Posions Updated Wage Scales Want to be the first to read Valley Sentinel? We’re looking for help distributing the paper! Paper Distribution Routes

*Environmental Services Staff – full and part time p.m. and night shift positions. $1,000 Employment

The houseplants that I allow to go on summer vacation are typically tropical plants as they can appreciate the warmth and humidity of our summer weather. Just like in the spring, they need to get acclimated to our indoor temps, warmth, and lighting so they don’t throw a fit by withering and dropping all their leaves.

Yourgrowth.houseplants will need to get used to the lower light levels in our homes so move them to a shady place a couple weeks prior to bring them indoors. This is a great time to trim them back if they’ve become a little overgrown.

Valley Sentinel is seeking office space in the downtown area of Spring Green to move into before the end of the year.

The Sauk County Gardener

Upland Hills Health 800 Compassion Way Dodgeville, WI 53533

Thursday, September 8, 2022 Page 11Community/Outdoors

Arena Businesses: COVERED Lone Rock Subscribers: COVERED Lone Rock Businesses: COVERED

Before you bring houseplants indoors, check for insect hitchhikers.

*Patient Access Specialist – .85 FTE day shift position and a .6 FTE p.m. shift position.

*Director of Home Medical Services – full-time managerial position based in our Platteville office.

be determined by watching overnight temps. If the temps are going to drop below 45 degrees, it’s time to bring them in. If it gets any colder, you will most likely see damage on any newer plant

*Director of Obstetrics – full time nursing management position

*Certified Nursing Assistants – part-time positions available in our Nursing & Rehab Center on day, evening and night shifts, $3,000 Employment Bonus included along with a competitive wage and benefits package for part or full time work!

Arena Subscribers: COVERED

*Infection Prevention Coordinator – .8 FTE day shift position

We also currently have publication racks available for businesses that would like them.

"Happily we bask in this warm September sun, which illuminates all creatures."

I did a poor job last year and fought mealybugs all winter long. Some other major pests include aphids; spider mites; fungus gnats; root ball pests such as pill bugs, millipedes, and slugs; scales, and whiteflies.

*Maintenance Technician – full-time day shift position.

While your houseplants rest, they still need bright, indirect light. If you don’t have a sunny window, consider supplementing with grow lights. Our homes tend to have dry air in the winter so your plants will appreciate a little extra humidity. We run a humidifier in the winter, and I place my houseplants near it. You can place your plants in a pebble tray with some water or mist your plants daily if you have time. Follow these steps and you should have happy houseplants until their next summer vacation.

To find out more detailed information about all open positions and to apply, go to our website at

Knowing when to end your houseplants’ summer vacation can

*RN Float Nurse –.6 FTE Premium Pay Weekender position and a .75 FTE evening/night shift position. Employment Bonus Eligible!

*CulinaryBonus!Aide – .6 FTE day shift position including our full benefits package.

The Savanna Institute Employment Opportunity

Plain Businesses: AVAILABLE Spring Green Subscribers: AVAILABLE Spring Green Businesses: AVAILABLE

*Operating Room Technologist - .8 FTE day shift position.

Photo contributed by Mark Walters The pups at the beginning of a new day.

Photo contributed by Mark Walters Mark Walters, Red, and the first walleye of the trip.

The time before that I was three miles from shore, fishing in the War Eagle and I got a call from Jeff Moll that a bad storm was going to hit. I got whacked hard on the ride back to the launch and it was one of the top 10 “I should have died” experiences of my life.

Hello friends,

Today would be different, almost no wind, sunny skies and it seemed like there were at least a hundred boats on the water. I would be pulling two

An Outdoorsman’s Journal


crawler harnesses or a crankbait that I would switch about every two hours as I experimented.Ihadbeentrolling for four hours and had not had a hit when one of my rods with a crawler harness started bending and it was fish on. The fight was great and soon I netted what would be a 27inch walleye. As far as I was concerned my trip was a success.

Monday, August 22 High 82°, Low 57°

Mark Walters, Columnist

I did not get a hit until I had been fishing for three hours and my first whack would be an 18-inch walleye and that made me feel like I was doing something right. In some ways I am extremely patient and when it comes to trolling and tip up fishing I am very patient. You have to be checking your

I had camp broke and was on the water before sunrise with high hopes. I joined the growing pack of fishermen in deep water and let me tell you it is quite a world out there. Trolling with planer boards is a game of skill and common sense, especially when you are alone. You have to be wise or you are going to have an almost constant issue with other trollers and when you get a fish on, especially a good one, getting it in the net and not messing up your other lines is a very cool challenge.

The old Chevy would turn 350,000 miles this week and it still has its original motor, transmission and exhaust. To be honest, I was very satisfied to see it do an excellent job pulling the War Eagle to Little Suamico where I would launch at GeanoAnytimeBeach.that you put a boat in the water with a plan of camping and fishing it’s kind of a big deal to have all of the right gear. I had the gear and secured some solid advice at the landing and that was to head out to 27 feet of water and troll with night crawler harnesses.

I pulled lines, headed to some private land which was remote and beautiful, built camp, and slept on the sand with my two pups.

Green Bay for Walleye

Check out previous weeks’ columns at

P U T T I N G P E O P L E B E F O R E P O L I T I C S Paid for by Spicer for 51st, 7080 Leaches Crossing Road, Avoca, WI 53506 RURAL OPPORTUNITY • QUALITY OF LIFE FOR SENIORS • FREEDOM AND SECURITY FOR ALL I grew up on a small farm here in the 51st My partner Kyle and I live on that same farm and are raising our three little kids there. We own a restaurant in Spring Green and I am the clerk of my town board It would be my honor to go to Madison to fight for the rights of working people, for the future of our small businesses and farms, for our aging parents, and for the future of our kids

The last time that I launched at Geano Beach was with a canoe and I limited out on walleye and caught a 47-inch musky on a crawler harness. I had no idea the musky was a musky and it pulled me around for a half an hour before I saw it.

Tuesday, August 23 High 84°, Low 53°

lines at least every fifteen minutes or you will be weeded up which means that you are wasting your time. It would be another three hours before I had another chance and this fish would be another 24-incher, which made me very happy.

This past week I headed to Green Bay with my 18.6 War Eagle, both of my golden retrievers Ruby and her 5-month-old pup “Red” for two days on the water and a night of camping. My plan was to troll for walleye and see what I could catch.

Photo contributed by Mark Walters Walters camp on Green Bay.

Thursday, September 8, 2022Page 12 Outdoors & Recreation

The pups were awesome in the boat and to keep them cool I just put wet towels over their bodies and they were fine. Red and Ruby always wrestle and Red is probably the sweetest golden retriever that I have ever had. I needed a trip like this and was thankful that it worked out with relative ease. Live large!

Want to read more?

It seemed that my action was slow but steady, three hours later I had my next strike and this time I caught a 24-inch walleye and I was a very happy camper. It seemed 27 feet of water with my harness back, 100 feet behind my planer board was the right number and my third and last hit of the day came just before dark and it was another 24inch walleye.

Follow along the adventures of Mark Walters, a syndicated outdoor adventure columnist who lives in Necedah, Wisconsin. He began writing his column, An Outdoorsman’s Journal, in 1989. It includes hunting, fishing, lots of canoeing and backpacking. He currently writes for around 60 newspapers on a weekly basis. He hopes you enjoy reading about his adventures!

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