MarchApril 2014 Valley Art Association newsletter

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From the



Valley Art Gallery

We welcome you to the

2022 Main Street Forest Grove, Oregon

Artists’ Reception Saturday, March 8, 2-4 p.m.


Valley Art welcomes oil painting artists Royce Kugler and Linda Jerome and pottery artist Janet Buskirk.

Gallery open Mon.–Sat. 11 a.m.–5:30 p.m. and special occasions.

Complimentary refreshments will be served.

Valley Art is dedicated to supporting working artists and encouraging beginning artists. We exhibit exceptional artwork and offer art classes for the entire community at affordable prices.

A new show opens...and so much more! January 2014 Valley Art Association began its 48th year supporting working artists and encouraging beginning artists. Valley Art exhibits a wide range of work by Northwest artists and offers affordable art classes to community members. The association is entirely volunteer run and operates as a recognized nonprofit. Throughout March and April, the works of artists Royce Kugler, Linda Jerome and Janet Buskirk will reign in the main gallery.

Valley Art board meetings are held on the fourth Tuesday of each month at 6:30p.m. These meetings are open to all who might like to attend.

Mendenhall Glacier by Royce Kugler.

Linda Jerome, a Hillsboro artist, has been painting in oils for more than 20 years. Originally from Indiana, she moved to Oregon in 1978. She is now a substitute teacher who, in her spare time, paints, gardens, cooks and reads. “I continue to explore figurative work in oil painting for this series,” Linda says in reference to her current series of paintings. These are paintings of children, some of which are about the transient state of exhilaration when someone is involved in a physical activity they love. “The person, moving through the atmosphere, loses track of time and is intently focused only on the activity they’re performing,” Linda explains. Linda finds that a lot of detail tends to make a static image. “Using uneven textures and fading edges, Continued on page 2



Classes & Workshops for Everyone



Caroline’s Corner



Caught My Eye



Artist Honors & Art Raffle

A new show opens... I hope to suggest the sense of continued action, as though the person has paused and is about to swing back, land on the ground, or look up to see the ball fly into the air. I present as well, some portraits, up close, with the person caught in contemplation.” These techniques­—leaving things out, fading edges, “running off the page” and using lots of texture—bring a person into the picture to participate in the scene. Even though she has painted for a long time she finds it “still exciting and I am learning all the time.” She takes life drawing classes to continually learn more about the art of drawing the body. Her advice to others is “Keep working. I encourage others to keep trying. Contemporary art has no limits to what you can do. The boundaries of contemporary art are so malleable, it feels like there’s room for every style.”

“Apex” by Linda Jerome.


March/April 2014

Vessel by Janet Buskirk.

Janet Buskirk has made pottery and ceramic art professionally since 1985. The majority of her work is functional stoneware and porcelain with bright, colorful glazes. When in a playful mood, she makes a variety of non-functional or semifunctional pieces. “Some of these are straightforward, some are humorous and some are funky,” she says. Janet uses different types of kilns to fire her work. Most functional pottery is fired in a gas kiln she designed and built. Other types of work are fired in electric, soda and wood-fired kilns. Her work is both thrown on the wheel and built with clay slabs. Janet says, “I make every piece of pottery myself. I formulate and mix all my glazes and design and build my own kilns. I have no employees or helpers in the studio, although my husband, Jim Koudelka, occasionally brings me lunch. We share a studio and it’s a wonderful fusion of creative energy for us both.” Janet relates that “Making or using handmade pottery is reminiscent of an era that is long over in the United States. “When I was a young child, my family moved to Germany. Later in life, I spent

many months at a time traveling through eastern and western Europe, as well as Mexico. In each of these cultures, people had everything they needed, but they had a lot less than we are accustomed to [in the U.S.]. What items people did own, they cared for and did not consider disposable. They gave careful thought to their dishes, their home and their surroundings. This awareness of my surroundings is always a part of my pottery making.” Every piece Janet makes has her careful consideration while she works on it. “I pay careful attention to detail, and my work takes a long time to make. I hope that the person who purchases my work is thoughtful and enjoys eating from handmade pottery,” says Jane. Royce Kugler, an Aloha resident, is originally from Southern California. She moved to Oregon in 1975, picked up her first brush in 1976, and has taught oil painting and drawing in Oregon for more than 25 years. She works in oil because she loves the “feel” of oil­­—and its smell. She plans to teach oil painting at Valley Art for both beginning and advanced students. (Watch for earliest details in the gallery and at An avid artist, she loves to share what she has learned with others and enjoys painting in the studio and “en plein air.” “If you have the desire to start, don’t quit,” Royce advises. “Everybody can be taught to do it and everybody has their own style. They should express what’s inside of them,” Royce said. She has traveled throughout the Northwest and Alaska, and along both east and west coasts of the U.S. You will usually find her outdoors researching and painting what she loves. Besides painting, gardening and being out in nature are two

Valley Art Association

of her favorite things. Royce is very excited to share her work at Valley Art—work influenced by the natural world that has meant so much to her. Her subject matter varies, from the bird of prey portrayed in “Successful Hunt”—a Harris Hawk—to the bison she observed in the morning and evening at Yellowstone National Park. She painted the bison in warm colors standing alone. “He was such a majestic animal, warm and powerful,” Royce noted. She also paints “the not-so-wild life,” such as fields and streams. Royce has chosen to display her original oil paintings in a large format. “Evening Glow,” a 36 inch x 48 inch oil painting, was born out of a trip to Teton National Park in Wyoming. She loves to travel and paint on location. There she is able to capture the true essence of nature on canvas.

“Bison” by Royce Kugler.

We encourage the community and our Valley Art members to join us in greeting these three talented artists during their artist reception on Saturday, March 8, from 2-4 p.m. in the Valley Art gallery at 2022 Main Street in Forest Grove. There will be refreshments and everyone is welcome at no charge.

March/April 2014


Something for Everyone Art Classes & Groups Adult Pottery Thursdays, January 23 to March 20—7:00p.m. until 9:30p.m.

Pottery class is for adults 18-years and older at levels of pottery skills from beginning to intermediate. Learn to hand build or throw pottery on the wheel. Demonstrations will be given and your participation is a requirement. Stoneware is $12-$13 per bag and porcelain is $16.00 per bag. Tool kits are available for $15.00 each. You must bring your own towel and apron. Class size is limited to 10 students so sign up soon! You must sign up for a Valley Art membership before signing up for the class to receive the member tuition price. Prepaid registration is with Christine at 503-501-7589 or email her at Cost is $109.00 for members and $119.00 for non-members. Supplies additional. Additional adult pottery sessions are planned for: April 3-May 29, June 12- August 7, August 21-October 16 and October 23-December 18

Adventures in Screen Printing: Tuesdays, March 4 - March 18, 5:30 - 8:00pm

Learn one of the easiest methods of screen printing. In this 3 session class we will cover the basics for printing in small batches that can be done at home. Make your own screen printed tea towels, a scarf, a set of coasters, as well as stationery. This class is for ages 18 years and older; class size is limited to 6 students. To register, email Ashley Young at Cost: $135. All tools and materials provided.

Beginning Watercolors- small journal format: Wednesdays, March 5-April 9—3 p.m.–5 p.m.

In six sessions you will learn to create beautiful watercolor journal pages by mixing and applying watercolors in a pleasing way. Using small pages will give you the opportunity to learn techniques with confidence. JoAnn is a retired RN and Portland Museum Tour Guide who is passionate about creating small watercolor jewels. To register, email instructor JoAnn Pari-Mueller at by March 1st. Cost: $109. Course fee includes a small, high quality journal; contact instructor for full supply list

Personal Geography Workshop Series Based on the book by Jill K. Berry Thursdays February 13, February 27, March 13, March 27, 2-5 p.m.

In this class we will map that most familiar territory: Ourselves. We will also map the most unknown land: Ourselves. Jill K. Berry says, “Along the way you might discover some facts about yourself that surprise you. Isn’t that true that the more you learn, the more you realize what you don’t know? At no time is this truer than in the exploration of our own selves.” No drawing talent is needed. Bring markers, crayons and a fine permanent pen. (Perhaps a fine Sharpie.) Everything else is provided. You do not need to buy the “Personal Geography” book, but you may if you wish. Adult class. Register by emailing leader Jeanne Levy at Cost: $30 for two classes; $45 for all four. Fifteen dollars will go toward a membership in Valley Art Association. Need-based scholarships are available for up to 50% of class cost. Email to request assistance. All events and workshops take place in the Valley Art Gallery Workshop Space unless otherwise noted. Valley Art is located at 2022 Main Street in Forest Grove. Parking is available along Main Street and in the public parking lot located directly behind Valley Art, a half a block to the west. Gallery Hours are Monday-Saturday 11am to 5:30pm. Stay up-to-date with Valley Art events at 4

March/April 2014

WANTED: Spring and Summer Art Instructors

Email to find out more about leading a local art class, workshop, or group.

Rubber Stamp Sets Workshop: Thursday March 27, 5:30 - 8:30pm.

Learn the basic techniques for creating your own stamps out of a rubber block in this fun workshop. These stamps can be used again and again on a variety of surfaces. We will focus on how to make a versatile collection of stamps in order to get the most out of your materials. Class size is limited to 6 students, ages 18 years and older. To register, email Ashley Young at Cost: $40. Carving tools, inks and printing surfaces will be provided.

Screen Printed Scarf Workshop: Friday, April 18, 5:30 - 8:30pm

In this class students will learn one of the easiest methods of screen printing to design and print one of the most versatile accessories - a scarf! The techniques we will cover can be applied to many different materials - with the right tools at home there’s no end to the possibilities! Class size is limited to 6 students, ages 18 and older. To register, email Ashley Young at Cost: $65. All materials provided.

Forest Grove Camera Club Wednesdays (except 1st Wednesdays)—7:30 p.m. The Forest Grove Camera Club is a member of the Photographic Society of America (PSA) and the Columbia Council of Camera Clubs. The club participates in a variety of competitions, evaluations and provides programs as well as field trips. To join, contact Carol Berget at Cost is $25 Annual membership / $5 student / $10 Associate membership

Quilting Studio: 101 Fridays—9 a.m.–1:30 p.m.

This is an ongoing class and may be joined at any time. All levels, from beginning to advanced are welcome. This is the time to do your own work; get expert advice on a special project; and meet with other local quilters. Join the fun! Cost is $28/year for members and $43/year for non-members.



MARCH 8 is the next Artist Reception. We can always use help, especially people who have never done this before. It’s not hard—set up, put food out, keep plates full and last but definitely not least, clean up. In between you get to shop and visit with artists or friends. Bringing some finger foods to share helps us too. Of course we accept food from anyone, whether or not they want to help that day.

Valley Art Association

Sweet and Sour Meatballs 1 ½ lb. ground beef ½ cup finely minced onion ¼ tsp. garlic powder

1 egg 1 Tbsp. Worcestershire sauce ½ tsp. salt

Mix together, gr. Beef, egg, onion, garlic powder and salt. Form into 1-inch balls and brown (9 to 10 minutes). Place in heat proof serving dish pour sauce over and serve. Sauce ¾ C. barbecue sauce 2 oz. water 2 tbsp. brown sugar Bring all ingredients to a boil, and then simmer for 10 minutes.

If you can help with food set up, please give me a call at 503-747-7321. March/April 2014


A warm crowd on a blustery January day! January/February Featured Artists: John Pedersen and Brenda Somes and Sculptor Robynn Fulfs.

The Featured Artists Show for January/February 2014, included works by Robynn Fulfs, John Pedersen and Brenda Somes. The opening reception was well attended by Valley Art members and guests and we were proud to shine a spotlight on these talented people. Right, Robynn shows one of her herd of hand-sculpted horses and a sculpted mask. Behind her are photography works by Brenda Somes. Above/left, Robynn discusses her inspiration and techniques with reception visitors. Left, John stands by several of his images.

Our thanks goes to the December mailing party who broke from holiday feasting to get last month’s newsletter from our gallery into your hands. Gripped with a strong case of rescue-angel modesty, they did their work anonymously. Needless to say, we couldn’t do it without them! We also want to thank our printer, Forest Grove Business Solutions for faithfully printing up our newsletters each month.

How can you become a Valley Art Volunteer? Drop by the Valley Art Gallery or pick up the phone and call Caroline, our volunteer coordinator at 503-747-7321. Tell her what you love to do and hear what VAA needs help to accomplish. Volunteers working with children must provide either a current teaching certificate or be willing to undergo a background check. Come join us and have a lot of fun helping this wonderful community arts outreach!


March/April 2014

Caught my eye... Artist Honors Spring is around the corner so we have started our Spring Cleaning at the gallery. Board members have each taken a storage or office section and have been working away, sorting, tossing, cleaning and organizing. The office is looking great. The back rooms are coming along. It is amazing how nice it will all be when we are finished. And it is so nice to have such a great Volunteer Board that steps up to get the job done. Thanks to all of you for your hard work and the time you spend to make Valley Art one of the best galleries around. —Lynne Magner, Valley Art Board President

Congratulations to Harold Walkup for being awarded the grand prize in the December competition of International Artist Magazine. Congratulations to Kris Preslan. Her watercolor painting of a nostalgic Woody, “Cars I’ll Never Own #10” will be published in the April/May 2014 issue of International Artists magazine. If you are a Valley Art artist with news to share of awards, honors or grants awarded to you and your art, we’d like to celebrate in your honor right here! Please email us the details of your honor­—and a JPG of the piece of work if it relates to one specific piece—to Thanks!

Weekly Raffle Help Valley Art fund a Mural $1 per ticket or $5 for 6 tickets Drawings will be Saturdays through March! Stop by the gallery to see what item is going to be raffled off each week!

Tickets are only good for that week’s prize Winner will be notified by phone and/or email Winner does not need to be present to win

Valley Art Association

March/April 2014


Join the conversation! Scan this QR code to like Valley Art on Facebook. NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION U.S.P.S. POSTAGE PAID FOREST GROVE OR PERMIT NO. 5

Valley Art Association P.O. Box 333 Forest Grove, OR 97116

OF SPECIAL NOTE... Valley Art is entirely volunteer-run and we could use your talents too. Please call us for ways you can contribute to this artistic asset of Forest Grove! Now that you have your 2014 calendar up, mark September 20 as the date for this year’s Chalk Art Festival. Fun is guaranteed; sun...well, we hope for that!

Mardi Gras- March 4 Daylight Savings- March 9 St. Patrick’s Day- March 17 April Fool’s Day- April 2* Passover- April 14-22 Easter- April 20 Earth Day- April 22 First Wednesday- May 7 * kidding

Featured Artists Show March-April Show Reception, March 8, 2-4 p.m. Featured Artists Show May-June

“Five Abstract Artists...Plus Two”

The abstract works of Michael Orwick, Joanie LIlja, Sandy Dutko, Bruce Ulrich and Elena Grace Orwick, and the repurposed metal and rock sculptures of Joe Pogan and Terry Powers.

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