Vol. 11: #3 • Tidbits Has Some Chit Chat About Cha-Cha • (1/11/15) Tidbits of Coachella Valley

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by Kathy Wolfe

Tidbits is doing the cha-cha this week! But we’re not limiting our look just to that lively dance. We’re also chockfull of other charming words to check out that begin with “ch-.” So we challenge you to chug along as we choose a few choice ones to chalk up and chew on!

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• The style of cha-cha music was first introduced ADVERTISING PROOF check:  Phone Number(s)  Spelling  Prices  Hours in 1953 by Cuban composer and violinist Please review carefully. Double Center of Excellence TUES., Contact your Tidbits representative immediately withAUG. changes or19 corrections. Final Changes DUE: 5:00 in Orthopedic Enrique Jorrin. Some time later a French dance Office: 760-320-0997 Fax: 760-320-1630  Please review carefully.KneeDouble check:  Phone Number(s)  Spelling P Surgery Replacement Surgery teacher, Pierre Zurcher-Margolie, visited Cuba Dr. Ahmad has served Coachella Valley Property of with changes or corr to study their music and dance methods and Contact your Tidbits representative immediately patients for thirteen years, introducing AdVenture Media, Inc. the newest medical advancements. was fascinated with Jorrin’s rhythmic style. By Office: 760-320-0997 Fax: 760-320-1630 Make your appointment today and find how personalized one-on-one orthopedic putting the music together with pronounced Sohail Ahmad, MD care makes such a positive difference. FREE of Coachella Valley body movements, he devised the ballroom 760.320.0997 Desert Spine, SportFax: & 760.320.1630 Joint Center dance he dubbed the cha-cha. Published by: AdVenture Media

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• Another “cha” dance is the chaconne, which began as a lively spirited street dance in 16th● Medicare, PPO ● All ages accepted ● Evening Hours TO T century Spain. However, by the 18th century www.AhmadOrthopedics.com This is a ADVERTISING PROOF appear i it gradually transitioned into a slow majestic TO T This is a dance performed by courtesans. Final Changes DUE: 5:00COMPA p.m WITH Please review carefully. Double check:  Phone Number(s)  Spelling  Prices


COMP CONTE • The chasse dance movement consists of quick WITH Contact your Tidbits representative immediately with changes or correction GRAPH CONTE gliding steps with the same foot always leading. GRAPc please Office: 760-320-0997 Fax: 760-320-1630 FREE please It’s commonly seen in line dancing, ice dancing, be below, low,ss proved) proved) ballet, and in the ballroom. to FAX to: FAX Property of AdVenture Media, Inc.

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• Chamois skin has very curious absorbtion properties that allow it soak up and hold an

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lack of access to good medical care, Patricia Bath developed a community ophthalmology system for those unable to afford treatment.




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• A move to California brought her to a faculty position at the University of California as professor of surgery and ophthalmology, as well as a position at the UCLA Medical Center as the first African-American woman surgeon. In 1977, she co-founded the American Institute for the Prevention of Blindness, an organization devoted to “protect, preserve, and restore the gift of sight.”

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• In 1981, Patricia began working on her famous invention, the Laserphaco Probe, and after Brazilian Body & Face Place years of research and testing, she received Business Card, 4 color, 26x rate • $71/insertion a patent for this device which uses a laser to Starting: Oct. 19, 2014 - Vol. X: #43 • runs bi-weekly vaporize cataracts through a tiny insertion into ADVERTISING PROOF the patient’s eye. This enables the patient’s TUES., OCT. 7 Although the name Patricia Bath is not well- ADVERTISING PROOF ADVERTISING PROOF (Answers on page 16) Final Changes DUE: 5:00 p.m.. own lens to be removed and a replacement ADVERTISING PROOF Final Changes DUE: 5:00 p.m.. view carefully. Double check:  Phone Number(s)  Spelling known,  Pricesher unique Hours invention has provided sight TUES., APR 29 lens inserted in a nearly painless procedure.5:00 Final Changes DUE: to thousands of people around the world. Final Tidbits’ Changes DUE: 5:00 Her revolutionary invention gave sight to  p.m the tact your Tidbits representative immediately with changes orfocus corrections. Please review carefully. Double check:  Phone Number(s)  Spelling Pric this week is on this brilliant ophthalmologist Please review carefully. Double check:  Phone Number(s)  Spelling  individuals who had been blind for decades. Prices  body & face place who was a pioneer in cataract surgery. Office: 760-320-0997 Fax: 760-320-1630 Contact Tidbits representative immediately changes or correc Contact youryour Tidbits representative immediately withwith changes or correction • Patricia Bath is also the first African-American For MEN & WOMEN • Patricia Bath was raised in Harlem by her father, Office:doctor 760-320-0997 760-320-1630 female to receive a Fax: medical patent. She Fax: 760-320-1630 Full Body WAXING (Specializing in: Brazilian & Sphynx) an immigrant from Trinidad, and her mother, Office: 760-320-0997 continued work on the Laserphaco Probe and a domestic worker. Her father was a part-time Facials • Back Facials • Make-up Applications received additional patents on its innovations. In Tinting • Eyebrows &Deli Eyelashes newspaper columnist and former merchant Délicatasse Body Olde World EuroProperty of 2000, she was granted an additional patent for a AdVenture Media,Center Inc. marine who was also the first African-American Jeanne at the Aurora Medical 1/16 pg BW 13x disc Property of method she developed for the use of ultrasound Media,Alessandro Inc. man to work as a motorman for the New York Dr., Oct. 12, (760) 2014 Vol. 10 - AdVenture No. 42 73-950 technology in the treatment of cataracts. FREE • Palm VDesert brazilianbodyfaceplace.com Ste.of3Coachella City subway system. Her mother saved most alley Somatherapy Institute FREE ADVERTISING PROOF of her salary for her children’s education, and • Now in her 70s, Patricia continues to pursue her 760.320.0997 Fax: 760.320.1630 26x disc.passion – the prevention, treatment, 760.320.0997 Fax: 760.320.1630 Final Changes 5:00 p.m.. gave Patricia her first interest in science whenBZ 4Clifelong CLIPDUE: AND SAVEAll Rights Reserved ADVERTISING PROOF May 4, and 2014cure Vol.of10blindness. - No. 19 ‪ All Rights Reserved ease review carefully. Double check:  Phone Number(s)  Spelling  Prices  Hours she bought her a chemistry set. Tues., 12/9/14 Authentic - Delicious Final Changes DUE: 5:00 p.m.. Contact your Tidbits representative immediately with changes or corrections. • Patricia became interested in medicine Please after review carefully. Double check:  Phone Number(s)  Spelling  Prices  Hours German Sausages & Meats Office: 760-320-0997 Fax: 760-320-1630 studying the life of Dr. Albert Schweitzer andContact your Tidbits representative immediately with changes or corrections. Gourmet Sandwiches Office: 760-320-0997 Fax: 760-320-1630 his ministry to lepers in the Congo. At age 16, Imported Cheeses, Wine & Beer she had already been invited to attend a cancer Property of research workshop sponsored by the National Meal An AdVenture Media, Inc. Our Student Clinic is Entrée Science Foundation. open to the public. Deal!


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1. U.S. PRESIDENTS: How many U.S. states are named after a president? 2. GEOGRAPHY: Which Japanese island is the home of Mount Fuji? 3. FAMOUS PEOPLE: What was gangster Al Capone convicted of, sending him to prison for 11 years? 4. MOVIES: What 1980s movie featured the lines, “My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die.”? 5. PSYCHOLOGY: What would someone who suffered from chorophobia be afraid of? 6. TELEVISION: Which long-running country variety show featured a radio station named KORN? 7. SCIENCE: Who is known as the “father of taxonomy,” a system of naming, ranking and classifying organisms? 8. LITERATURE: Who wrote under the pseudonym of Lewis Carroll? 9. FOOD & DRINK: What is a scuppernong? 10. MUSIC: What does the musical notation “da capo” mean? (Trivia TestAnswers answers page 16) 1. One, the state of Washington 2. Honshu 3. Tax evasion

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GREAT FREE • While working at Columbia, Patricia noticed ADVERTISING PROOF a! Ide t Gif that African-Americans seemed twice as likely 760.320.0997 Any Fax: Waxing* 760.320.1630 Any New Set* Final Changes DUE: 5:00 p.m.. review carefully. Double check: All  Phone Number(s)  Spelling  Prices  Hours to suffer from blindness than Wee any other Haul ethnic Moving &Please Storage Rights Reserved Gift & with changes or corrections. Tidbits representative immediately group she was caring for. She1/8th alsopage, foundSPOT this Color,Contact Certificates 26xyourrate Office: 760-320-0997 Fax: 760-320-1630 34 351 group was eight times more likely to 2014 develop July 27, - Jan. 18, 2015Date Palm Dr., #3E • Cathedral City Available Call today: (760) 324-3139 Open 7 days glaucoma. Concluding that this was due to the *Must present ad. Not valid with other discounts, promos or previous purchases. Exp. 12/31/14 1-31-15 4 Million Readers Weekly Nationwide!

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by K Tidbits of Coachella Valley

Week of January 11, 2015

Cha-Cha Chat (from page one) unusual amount of moisture. It’s not very

likely that the chamois you use for washing and mopping off your car actually came from the animal of that name. This species of goatantelope is native to the mountains of Europe and grows to a height of about 31 inches with hooked upright horns. Because European law now prohibits the hunting of the chamois in order to preserve the species, today’s car owners use chamois skins made instead from the hides of deer, domestic goats, or sheep.

released the chart-topping song “Chantilly Lace,” which spent 22 weeks in the Top 40 and became the third most-played song of that year. The following year, the 28-year-old Bopper was tragically killed along with Buddy Holly in a plane crash while on a new tour.

Page 3

what exactly is chalk anyway? It’s a porous 1. QUIZ BITS form of limestone, composed mostly of

by Kara Kovalchik & Sandy Wood calcium carbonate. It usually forms underwater on the sea bed from the gradual accumulation of tiny calcite plates and marine organisms. England’s White Cliffs of Dover are the most famous deposit of chalk, although large 2.

1. What’s the proper scientific name for the Cha-Cha Chat: To page 15 moment that the spring season begins?

W sci mo sea

W • Geoffrey Chaucer is widely known as the Father of English Literature, and considered tra the greatest English poet of the Middle Ages. fir He is best known for The Canterbury Tales, sp a collection of 24 tales about a group of UIZ ITS pilgrims traveling together from Southwark to Canterbury Cathedral. The tales were 1. What name is given to a sudden • Don’t confuse challis with chalice. Challis more than just stories – they represented a cramp or pain in the muscle? is a light clothing fabric of wool, cotton, or satirical picture of English society and the rayon, which usually has a printed design, Church of England. In addition to his literary 2. What is the term for a person while a chalice is a goblet most frequently achievements, Chaucer was also a philosopher, Jan. 4, 2015who makes candles? used to hold drink in a religious ceremony, alchemist, astronomer, and diplomat. Upon his Reset “K” Q for example, the wine used in a Communion Answers page 16 death in 1400, he became the first poet to be A service. interred in the Poet’s Corner of Westminster Abbey. • Chantilly means different thingsPROOF to different ADVERTISING Clip & Save 1. V people. To some, it’s aTUES., community of 11,000 AUG. 20 inal Changes DUE: 5:00 Two p.m.. 2. C inhabitants in France’s Chantilly Forest, 24 species of edible mushrooms begin with view carefully. Double check:  Phone Number(s)  Spelling  Prices Hours cha-,the champignon, which is the mushroom miles (38 km) northeast of Paris. To others, it species most commonly used in cooking, refersrepresentative to the handmade bobbin lace made there or corrections. tact your Tidbits immediately with changes such as the button mushroom. The other is $ $$ in the early 1600s. This intricate lace is made ADVERTISING PROOF the chanterelle, an orange or yellow, meaty, Office: 760-320-0997 Fax: 760-320-1630 funnel-shaped variety. from silk with complex flower patterns woven TUES., AUG. 19 ™ Final Changes DUE: 5:00 p. anylove LoveitItIt™or GottaHave Have Size any Love oror Gotta Have ItIt™™Size any Gotta Size from continuous silk thread. For hundreds of ™™ Signature Creation Signature Creation Signature Creation Please review carefully. Double check:  Phone Number(s)  Spelling  Prices years, the fabric was usually black and often • If you’re having trouble sleeping, try brewing Contact your Tidbits representative immediately with changes or correction used for mourning wear, as well as shawls, a cup of Anthemis nobilis, more commonly ADVERTISING Gee-Ar-Gee Construction Co.PROOF Office: 760-320-0997 Fax: 760-320-1630 veils, and umbrella covers. known as chamomile. It’s known to fight 1/16 pg. BW 13x disc. Valid Only At The Following Locations: Valid Only At The Following Locations: Valid Only At The Following Locations: Final• Changes DUE: 5:00 p.m.. In 1958, J.P. “The Big Bopper” Richardson 68-718E Palm Canyon Dr., Ste. 101 • Cathedral City, CA (next Theaters) 68-718E Canyon Dr., Ste. 101 • Cathedral CA (next toto Pickford Theaters) ● Palm Palm Springs: 155 So. Palm CanyonCity, Dr. (Downtown - Pickford Near Ruby’s) insomnia and act as a muscle relaxant. And se review carefully.  Spelling  Prices  Hours Aug. 25,Double 2013check: Vol.  9 -Phone No. Number(s) 35 155 Palm Canyon Drp •E Palm Springs, (Downtown, Near Ruby’s) S. S. Palm Canyon Drp • Palm Springs, CACA (Downtown, Near Ruby’s) ●155 Cathedral City: 68-718 Palm Canyon Dr. (Next to Pickford Theaters) Hwy 111 Suite 190 Quinta, (Point Happy, and Hwy 111) 78-380 Hwy 111 Suite 190 LaLa Quinta, CACA (Point Happy, WAWA and 111) just as Peter Rabbit’s mother gave him ●78-380 La Quinta: 78-380 Hwy. 111 (Point Happy, Washington &Hwy Hwy. 111) Contact your Tidbits representative immediately with changes or corrections. ORD General Contractor chamomile tea because he wasn’t feeling well, Office: 760-320-0997 Fax: 760-320-1630 many claim that it eases a sour stomach. Some 1/8 pg. 4C 26x disc. Expires 1-31-15 PLU Expires XX/XX/XX PLU PLU # XX Expires XX/XX/XX # #XX XX mothers put it in a baby’s bottle to reduce gum Aug. 24, 2014 Vol. 10 - No. 35 CONSTRUCTION CO., INC. inflammation during teething. Others use it in Handling All Phases of Construction & Home Improvement RESIDENTIAL cream form to relieve the pain of bug bites. & COMMERCIAL However, chamomile is not for those allergic A-1 Specializing in to ragweed, as the two are from the same plant KITCHEN & BATH REMODELS family. Insurance Jobs Welcomed FIRE DAMAGE RESTORATION CABINET • In 1609, French explorer Samuel de ChampNew Construction  Remodeling Roofing  Room Additions  Drywall  Stucco lain happened onto a lake situated near the Tile Block Walls  Concrete  Patios  Apartments present-day border between Canada and the Mobile Home Specialists  Retirement Homes 10 Upgrade your kitchen % Country Clubs  Commercial Tenant Improvements United States, spanning across Vermont, with NEW cabinets, No Job Too Small -- Free Estimates DISCOUNT New York, and Quebec. Lake Champlain is “We Aim cupboards & countertops for Seniors to Please!” 760-318-2490 and SAVE $$! about 400 feet deep and was used as a water ADVERTISING PROOF Fully Insured 877-433-1920 Se Habla Espanol LIC. #826297 www.geeargeeconstruction.com passage between the St. Lawrence and Hudson Final Changes DUE: OVER 20 5:00 STYLES p.m.. Property of Please review carefully. Double check:  Phone Number(s)  Spelling  Prices  Hours Valleys. Samuel de Champlain claimed that AND COLORS TO AdVenture Media, Inc. he saw a monster in the lake 5 feet long, “asContact your Tidbits representative immediately withCHOOSE changes orFROM! corrections. ETS G Office: 760-320-0997 Fax: 760-320-1630 E G thick as a man’s thigh, with silver-gray scales All upgrades included: NU EDGFREE L Property Pullout of W trays, self-closing of Coachella Valley a dagger could not penetrate.” The explorer O N ofPaper Ever Read AdVenture Media, Inc. trash slide-outs, K TheProperty Neatest Little drawers, F AdVenture Media, Inc.760.320.1630 O760.320.0997 wrote that the monster had 2.5-ft. jaws with Fax: and more! If you happen upon sharp and dangerous teeth. His story is backed a chacma, chances All Rights Reservedare good FREE FREE $4,999 Kitchen Upgrade Sale Price Includes: of Coachella Valley up by claims of the Native Americans in the that you’re wandering somewhere NEW CABINETS AND ALL 760.320.0997 Fax: 760.320.1630 We aren’t around southern or eastern Africa. 760.320.0997 Fax: UPGRADES 760.320.1630 area. The monster tale has found its way into CABINETS (avg. 10’x10’ kitchen) plus happy until E READY AR TheAllchacma is a grayish black Rights Reserved the naming of sports teams and mascots, most !! THE NEXT DAY All Rights Reserved TOP YOU are GRANITE COUNTER (INCLUDING baboon, also called the Cape happy! notably, the Vermont Lake Monsters and their CUSTOM & FREE INSTALLATION! SIZES) baboon, and is one of the mascot Champ, that state’s minor league largest of all monkeys.The New Construction  Remodels baseball team. male has large, fang-like ����������������������



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incisors and can weigh close to one hundred pounds.

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GENERAL CONTRACTOR • During medieval times, knights protected the front of their war horse’s head with special armor, some which added hinged cheek plates. This armor was known as chamfron.

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Tidbits of Coachella Valley

Vol. XI Issue 3

a check and instead pay cash for money orders or cashier’s checks. Any activity having to do with finances is self-rewarding. You get to see the benefits of careful spending rather quickly. As you keep to your resolution, you’ll see your expenses come down, by David Uffington your savings increase and maybe your health even By Samantha Weaver ADVERTISING PROOF get better if your financial goals keep you from ● It was American author Gail Kathleen Godspending money on snacks whileDEC. you’re14away from TUES., Final Changes DUE: 5:00 p.m win who made the following sage observation: home. But the first step is to become more aware of Please review carefully. Double check:  Phone Number(s)  Spelling  Prices  “Good teaching is one-fourth preparation and money. It’s said that it takes 30 days to develop a three-fourths theater.” habit. If you reduce your spending to necessities only for one month, it might become a habit you ● Elizabeth Montgomery, best known for play Have you broken your New Year’s resolucan keep. ing the witch Samantha in the TV sitcom “Betions yet? Many people have. When it comes to witched,” in 1975 played the title role in the resolving to get control of your finances, however, Becky Brom David Uffington regrets that he cannot personally TV movie “The Legend of Lizzie Borden.” This the longer you do it, the more you benefit, and that answer reader but will incorporate them into his BZ 4C [P.O.questions, rate] would not be remarkable, except that a genecolumn whenever possible. Send email to columnreply3@ can be an incentive to continue. Dec. 19 +26, 2010 TUES., DEC. 2 gmail.com. alogist later showed that Montgomery and the If you write checks at the end of the month notorious axe-murderer were actually sixth (or especially if you have automatic deposits andcarefully. Double check:  Phone Number(s)  Spelling  Price Please review cousins once removed. bill paying and never ever see the money), you don’t have a close-up relationship with your cash. Contact your Tidbits representative immediately with changes or correct Money is far more subjective (and easier to spend) ● Those who study such things say that if Office: Fax: 760-320-1630 Deep760-320-0997 Swedish when you don’t actually touch the cash. Consider you grew up in the era before color TV, you’re Tissue a no-frills 30 days as your New Year’s resolution, more likely to dream in black and white. Shiatsu during which time you work to become more familReflexology iar with actual money on a daily basis. ● In April 2014, the Florida Fish and Wildlife Resolve to go 30 days with no unnecessary Conservation Commission moved to forbid (760) (760) expenditures. Mortgage, of course. Car payment, Property of the sale of stuffed baby alligators in “an unnatCastelli Art Framing AdVenture Media, Inc. 318-4840 409-4703 and food and utilities, of course. But for 30 days go ural body or body part positioning” -- including BZ 4C 6x disc. Licensed Therapist without coffee on the way toNumber(s) work, mealsout, im-  Prices Please review carefully. Double check:  Phone Spelling Hours upright human poses. pulse spending, movies and popcorn ... you get the Dec. 7, 2014 Vol. 10 -ofNo. 50 FREE Coachella Valley idea. Ifrepresentative it isn’t necessary, don’t spend. Contact your Tidbits immediately with changes or corrections. The Neatest Little Paper Ever Read ● You might be surprised to learn that during 760.320.0997 Fax: 760.320.1630 Start carrying cash if you’re in the habit of Proof created by: Office: 760-320-0997 Fax: 760-320-1630 the Revolutionary War, only one out of every only carrying credit or debit cards. When you leave All Rights Reserved six able-bodied men in the American colonies Proof created Property of by: the house each day, count up the cash you’re carProfessional Phone: 320.0997 Fax: 320.1630 actually took up arms. valleybits@msn.com rying. If you need more, go to the ATM, but don’t give in and use a credit card for purchases. ● Largest frame selection in the Valley! 760.320.0997 760.320.1630 ● John Pemberton, the inventor of CocaPhone: 320.0997Fax: Fax: 320.1630by Norman Empty your pockets of change at the end of ● Personal, professional service valleybits@msn.com valleybits@msn.com Cola, came up with the recipe by boiling coca Property of with a lid and don’t every day. Put it in a container Present this ad for ReservedNumber(s) Please review carefully. Double check: AllRights Phone  Spelling  Price Inc. custom framing leaves, kola nuts and a variety of herbs in a touch it. At the endAdVenture of the Media, month, count it up and 1570 S. Palm Canyon Dr. pot in his backyard. It was originally sold in his put it toward a credit-card balance or savings. DurContact your Tidbits representative immediately with changes or correc Palm Springs, CA 92264 Dr. Sana Khan Red Bow Medical Assoc. drugstore as a “nerve medicine.” ing the day, see how often you can get FREE change in 760-327-3700 of Coachella Valley Office: www.CastelliPalmSprings.com 760-320-0997 Fax: 760-320-1630 1/12 pg. 4C 26x rate The Neatest Little Paper Ever Read the form of coins, and add it to the pile. 760.320.0997 Fax: 760.320.1630 Dec. 28,check: 2014 10 53 younormally Pick aVol. few bills- No. for which Please Double  Phone Number(s) Spelling write  Prices  Hours ● It’s well-known that camels arereview able tocarefully. go All Rights Reserved long periods of time without access to water, Contact but biologists say that giraffes are able toyour sur- Tidbits representative immediately with changes or corrections. vive even longer than camels when deprived Office: 760-320-0997 Fax: 760-320-1630 Introducing the Valley’s Newest Property of of moisture.

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● In the 18th century, so-called anatomical demonstrations became very popular. At the time, museums, colleges, private homes and even bars hosted public dissections of human corpses. Competition to obtain the sometimescostly tickets to these events was fierce, and the crowds attending often were raucous. *** Thought for the Day: “I love Mickey Mouse more than any woman I have ever known.” -- Walt Disney

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442-666-3025 IndianAccepting WellsMedicare, SmileCovered Center California, PPO and Workers Compensation ADVERTISING Hours: Mon.-1/8 pg 4C 13x disc. rateFri. 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. www.drsanakhan.com Final Changes DUE: June 15 (through June 29, 2014)

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Week of January 11, 2015

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ADVERTISING PROOF is located at Ohio’s Urbana University, which Final Changes DUE: 5:00 p.m.. claims to have a tree believed to have been

• The color chartreuse, a pale apple green halfway Please review carefully. Double check:  Phone Number(s)  Spelling  Prices  H planted by Chapman. However, an Ohio farm between green and yellow was named after a Contact your Tidbits representative immediately with changes or corrections. family disputes that claim, also insisting that French liqueur made by Carthusian monks. This Office: 760-320-0997 Fax: 760-320-1630 House Yogurt Chapman the only surviving tree stands on Roman Catholic religious order was founded by Beach BZ 4C 26x disc rate their property. ‪ Saint Bruno in 1084 in the Chartreuse Mountains Nov. 24, 2013 Vol. 9 - No. 48 near present-day Grenoble, France, The monks ADVERTISING PROOF CLIP AND SAVE began making the pale green liqueur in 1737 Tues., 4/1/14 5:00 p.m.. from distilled alcohol aged with 130 herbs, Final Changes DUE: Please review carefully. Double check:  Phone Number(s)  Spelling  Prices  Hours plants, and flowers, and it is still manufactured in their distillery today. The Crayola companyContact your Tidbits representative immediately with changes or corrections. Office: 760-320-0997 Fax: 760-320-1630 officially added the color chartreuse to its box • “Pardon me, boy, is that the Chattanooga Chooof crayons for the first time in 1972. Choo?” These are the opening words of the 1941 gold record recorded by Glenn Miller • The fine wines of France are named for the and his Orchestra. Featured in the 1941 movie region where they are produced. Chablis, Sun Valley Serenade, the song was No. 1 on the which is a very dry white Burgundy wine, is ADVERTISING PROOF Billboard charts for nine weeks, including on Final Changes DUE: FRI., 1/1/15 5:00 p.m.. produced near Chablis in north central France. December 7,check: the infamous day thatPearl The region’s cool climate produces a wine with Please review carefully. Double  Phone Number(s) SpellingHarbor  Prices  Hours was attacked. The song is the tale of a train more acidity and a less fruity flavor. Chablis is Contact your Tidbits representative immediately with changes or corrections. traveling from New York City to Chattanooga. usually fermented in stainless steel tanks rather Office: 760-320-0997 Fax: 760-320-1630 It was nominated for an Academy Award that than oak casks. Chardonnay, from the Burgundy Property of AdVenture Media, Inc. year for Best Song. wine region of eastern France, is a green-skinned ADVERTISING PROOF Facial And Cosmetic Enhancement Final Changes 5:00 p.m.. grape variety used to make a white wine with a • The name DUE: Chattanooga comes from the Native Property of Surgery Center of the Desert ease review carefully. Double check:  Phone Number(s)  Spelling  Prices  Hours more fruity taste of plum, citrus, and pear. The FREE American language, translating “rock coming AdVenture Media, Inc. of Coachella Valley sparkling white wine champagne, is produced A New Look for You The Neatest Little Paper Ever Read Contact your Tidbits representative immediately with changes or corrections. to aOF point,” which refers to nearby Lookout SONS NORWAY 760.320.0997 Fax: by 760.320.1630 performed Jennifer Hearne MD, Office: 760-320-0997 Fax: 760-320-1630 in Champagne in northeastern France. The Mountain, an Color, unusual rock rate formation. FREE Business Card, Full non-profit = $71/insertion of Coachella Valley premier specialist the area’s DDS, All Rights Reserved rules of making champagne call for a second Tennessee’s January 11, 2015fourth-largest city, Chattanooga in Maxillofacial Surgery, & fellow760.320.0997 Fax: 760.320.1630 fermentation of the wine in the bottle which was 11: the Issue site #3 of three significant Civil War ship trained in Facial Cosmetics. Volume All Rights Reserved Property of creates the carbonation. This is accomplished battles – the Battle of Chickamauga, Missionary AdVenture Media, Inc. State-of-the-art facility & friendly staff - for complete patient comfort by adding additional yeast and rock sugar. A minimum of a year and a half is necessary to Specialized Procedures: PROOF FREE ADVERTISING of ADVERTISING PROOF completely develop its flavor. • Facelift • Necklift • EyelidFax: Cor10/28/14 760.320.0997Tues., 760.320.1630



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rection • Botox & Facial Fillers  Spelling  Prices  Hours review carefully. Double check:  Phone Phone Number(s) • The legendary pioneer Johnny Appleseed All Rights Reserved Please reviewPlease carefully. Double check: Number(s)  Spelling  Prices  Hours • Rhinoplasty, Nose Surgery Contact your Tidbits representative immediately with changes or corrections. was born John Chapman in Massachusetts in Contact your Tidbits representative with changes or corrections. Office: 760-320-0997 immediately Fax: 760-320-1630 • Maxillofacial: Reconstructive 1774. Chapman was an eccentric person who Office: 760-320-0997 Fax: 760-320-1630 Dental & Facial Surgery, Extracfrequently traveled barefoot, dressed in casttions, Orthognathic Surgery • Liposuction: Legs, Arms off clothing, as he introduced apple trees in or Full Body American Bistro Emergency Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, andMike’s Most insurances accepted Jennifer Hearne Care 4c, 13x discount rate West Virginia. Although our image of Johnny• 1/12th, Available (760) MD, DDS Appleseed is one of him randomly scattering• Nov. 2, 2014 - Jan. 18, 2015 1900 E. Tahquitz Canyon Way, Ste. C-4 • Palm Springs seeds wherever he went, he actually planted Learn more online • www.JenniferHearneMD.com them in nurseries, constructing fences around the area as protection from animals. He CLIP AND SAVE entrusted the nurseries to neighbors, revisiting TOP PR the area every two years to check on it. IZE

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Medical studies of brain activity show that the right half of the brain controls the left side of the body. If that’s true, then only left-handed people are in their right minds. All Rights Reserved

Page 6

Tidbits of Coachella Valley

Vol. XI Issue 3


Bjorn (Alexander Ludwig) continues as alliances Do you know yet if “Legends” got and loyal friendships are tested, faith is questioned picked up for another season? It’s my favorite new and relationships are strained. “Vikings” tells the exshow of 2014. -- Michael J., Brunswick, Georgia traordinary tales of the lives and epic adventures of these warriors, and portrays life in the Dark Ages, The TNT series based on the awarda world ruled by raiders and explorers, through the winning book by Robert Latell will be back this MON., SEPT. 29 eyes of Viking society. summer for a second season. So you’ll get 10 more Please review carefully. Double check:  Phone Number(s) Spelling *** episodes of action-hero Sean Bean kickingbutt and  Pric taking names. Also, in case you’re interested, TNT your Tidbits representative immediately with changes or correc I remember a while backContact you rerecently announced the perennial favorite “Rizzoli & ported that David Letterman was going to retire Office: Fax: 760-320-1630 Isles” will760-320-0997 be back for an 18-episode sixth season of and Stephen Colbert was to take his place. Do crime-busting and mystery-solving, with Angie HarADVERTISING PROOF you know when this will happen? mon and Sasha Alexander (as Det. Jane Rizzoli and -- Patty T., via email Final Changes p.m.. Dr. MauraDUE: Isles, respectively) returning to5:00 lead the Please review carefully. Double check:  Phone Number(s)  Spelling  Prices  Hours CBS has announced that David Letter- charge. man’s final show as host of “The Late Show”Contact will beyour Tidbits representative immediately with changes or corrections. Office: Write to Cindy at King Features Weekly Service, P.O. May 20. Letterman has been a prominent fixture in Desert 760-320-0997 Fax: 760-320-1630 Coatings c/o Maisano Box 536475, Orlando, FLJim 32853-6475; or e-mail her at letters@ late-night television for decades, and upon his retirecindyelavsky.com. BZ BW 26x disc. rate ment in May, he’ll hold the record as the longestOct. 5, 2014 Vol. 10 - No. 41 OCT 21 MON., tenured host in late-night talk-show history. (c) 2014 King Features Synd., Inc. *** Please review carefully. Double check:  Phone Number(s)  Spelling  Prices 

ADVERTISING PROOF A: Final Changes DUE: 5:00


Can you tell me when “Vikings” will be back? It seems like it’s been gone forever! -- Jeremy T., via email


You don’t have much longer to wait. The History Channel’s hit historical-fiction drama will return Thursday, Feb. 19, at 10 p.m. ET. The new 10-episode third season begins with Ragnar (played by Travis Fimmel) as king, and follows the great responsibility that now rests on the shoulders of the former farmer. With the promise of new land from the English, Ragnar leads his people to an uncertain fate on the shores of Wessex. King Ecbert (Linus Roache) has made many promises, and it remains to be seen if he will keep them. But ever the restless wanderTravis Fimmel er, Ragnar is searching for something more -- and he finds it in the mythical city of Paris. Rumored to be impenetrable to outside forces, Ragnar and his band of Norsemen must come together to break down its walls and cement the Vikings’ legend in history. The gripping family saga of Ragnar, Rollo (Clive Standen), Lagertha (Katheryn Winnick) and



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Please review carefully. Double check:  Phone Number(s)  Spelling  Price Fred Babineau

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“I think I’m going to have to go out there and explain the concept of ‘Neighborhood Watch’ again.”

Week of January 11, 2015

Tidbits of Coachella Valley

Page 7

savings, we will have $50,000 left. Given the market today and the uncertainty of it all, what would be the best thing to do with this money? Should we put it in a bank or buy gold? Everyone has a different suggestion for us. -- Sandra



by Mary Hunt

Dear Sandra: If this is money you won’t need by Freddy Groves for 20 years, using it to buy a diversified stock portfolio could make you quite wealthy. And you may want to use some of it to buy precious metals like gold and silver. On the other hand, if you will need this money Dear Mary: You are my last resort. Please help. in a few years to buy another home, you dare not I bought a lovely cedar-lined wood chest at an aucput it at that kind of risk. Without plenty of time tion about 10 years ago. Unfortunately, I have not to recoup any losses, you could find yourselves The Department of Veterans Affairs is now been able to use it for storage of anything due to with much less than the initial $50,000 you will going super high-tech in its approach to medical ® the brutal smell of mothballs. Obviously, the former need for a down payment. In that case, I suggest treatments. owner used them and I cannot rid the chest of this you park it in a Certificate of Deposit or savings If you’re a fan of the television game-show by When Mary Hunt terrible smell. we first purchased it, we left vehicle where it will earn at least some amount of “Jeopardy!” you might have seen the segment back it outside with the lid open for weeks and weeks. interest. in 2011 when a computer system named Watson That didn’t help at all. Can you suggest anything? But honestly, you need to speak with a profescompeted against former winners. Millions of pages -- Joanne sional who can advise you appropriately. My best of content had been programmed into the computadvice is that you meet with a reputable financial er, including whole encyclopedias and dictionaries, Dear Joanne: I’d like to wring the neck of the planner who, for a fee similar to the kind of hourly in question/answer format in preparation for the guy who invented mothballs in the first place. To fee an attorney would charge, will create a unique event. Of course the computer won, and not only me, that odor is worse than moths. As for your investment plan (rather than a commission-based because its answers were a circuit blink away when problem, it’s a tough one for sure. The only thing I planner who will make recommendations and the humans had to actually reach out to a button to NOON know for sure that will get rid of that odor is a prodthen earn a commission when you follow his or press it. The computer was able to analyze informaMON., DEC. 29 uct called Nok-Out (www.NokOut.com), which has her advice). Ask your circle of friends, family and tion, parse language, decide and offer answers in worked for me with a similar problem in a piece ofcarefully. Please review Doublefor check:  Phone Number(s) Spelling  split Prices  Hours co-workers a referral. Or check out theNaseconds. antique furniture. The trick is that you must comtional Association of Personal Financial Planners Fast-forward to 2013, when IBM hooked Contact representative immediately with changes or corrections. pletely cover every square millimeter of the woodyour Tidbits at NAPFA.org. up with Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center to provide surface, as well as the areas in cracks and crevicOffice: 760-320-0997 Fax: 760-320-1630 clinical support decision “answers” in lung-cancer es, with Nok-Out. Then it must be allowed to sit for Would you like to send a tip to Mary? You can email treatment. Instead of a search function with possible at least 10 minutes. Nok-Out must come in contact her at mary@everydaycheapskate.com, or write to Evanswers ranked by relevance, the computer hunts eryday Cheapskate, P.O. Box 2099, Cypress, CA 90630. with the offending odor. I would not be fearful at all through all the available information (including speInclude your first and last name and state. Mary Hunt is of using Nok-Out liberally on and in this chest. It is the founder of www.DebtProofLiving.com and author of 24 cific patient files, journal articles and studies), renot toxic, has no fragrance of its own and is clear Property of books, including her 2013 release “The Smart Woman’s sponds to questions in natural language and comes Golf like water. It does not need to be rinsed off or re- McCaddy AdVenture Media, Inc. Guide to Planning for Retirement.” Visit the Creators Synup with a treatment. BW 6x disc. moved. I would set the piece outdoors and allow it BZ dicate Web page at www.creators.com. The VA is hooking up with Watson. It has inito air dry. Hint: Use coupon code DPL at checkout January COPYRIGHT 2015 CREATORS.COM 4, 2015 Vol. 11 - No. 2 FREE of Coachella Valley tiated a two-year, $6.8 million contract to use Watson for 10 percent off at NokOut.com. The Neatest Little Paper Ever Read 760.320.0997 Fax: 760.320.1630 to search electronic medical records and literature Another option is to sand down all of the cedar for relevant studies. According to a VA.gov press reAll Rights Reserved lining with fine grit sandpaper. Vacuum away all of lease, during that two years it will assess how Watthe dust. This will renew the cedar fragrance that son does with speeding up evidence-based clinical may be strong enough to overcome the smell of decisions. No medical decisions will be made for acmothballs. Hang in there. I know you’ll find the soluMcCaddy Golf needs your help to launch tual patients, only simulations will be run. tion. Just don’t give up. a new and exciting golf cart accessory. In the end, if it works as well as is hoped, VA * * * Review the product at: doctors will be able to get all the pertinent informaDear Mary: We just sold our house and will be tion in a very short amount of time, leaving them moving. We are going to pay off all of review our debts www.mccaddygolf.com Please carefully. Double check:  Phone Number(s)  Spelling  Prices  Hours more time to spend with veteran patients. with the money we get, and then we are going to Tim Bryant Contact your Tidbits representative immediately with changes or corrections. rent for a while. After paying off cars, credit cards 760-565-6306 Freddy Groves regrets that he cannot personally anand the existing mortgage and putting a nest egg inOffice: 760-320-0997 Fax: 760-320-1630

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By Matthew By Matthew Margolis Margolis

Challenges To Expect With A New Puppy

With any new puppy come certain predictable realities. There may not be blood, but there will be challenges: FREE of Coachella Valley 1) There will be chewing. Professional 760.320.0997 Fax: 760.320.1630 Puppies, like babies, teethe. It’s a painful proComputer Problems? Windows Mac Smartphones cess that most of us have zapped from our bank of All Rights Reserved For In-Home Help or Netflix Streaming Training Contact Jerry by childhood memories. But in search of relief from the ●Instruction in basic to advanced skills intense pressure of new teeth forcing their way out, phone: 7 6 0 . 4 5 9 . 5 0 9 2 ● New computer & peripheral setups ● Install Wifi, Skype, Magic Jack & others e-mail: i n f o @ o s x t e c h . b i z puppies chew and gnaw -- on furniture, on shoes, on Bring your unwanted We Pay Top Cash for ● Website design & maintenance precious metal items anything that feels good to their aching mouths. or visit our website: ● Troubleshoot Mac ortoPC the issues local dealer ● Old Jewelry The solution is to provide your pup with ●Integrate iPhone, iPads & Macs with iCloud you can trust. www.OSXtech.biz ● Coins Created by Tom Underwood Nowcalls over 10 years ©North ● Will make house North American Syndicate 2015 2012 www.wuzzleking.com America Syndicate, 2010 something that feels good but isn’t potentially harm● Watches Rates:$45/hour in business serving ● Diamonds thec Coachella Valley. ful and doesn’t cost hundreds of dollars to replace. macdo (Wuzzles answers on page 16) ● Dental Gold Professional Computer Services The perfect chew toy for a teething dog? A frozen ● Platinum Top prices 760-267-4805 www.mac-doc.net paid! washcloth. ● Sterling Silver TWO VALLEY LOCATIONS: Soak several washcloths and store them in 73121 Country Club Drive 72624 El Paseo, Palm Desert 760-346-7600 760-773-2417 your freezer. Whenever your puppy puts his teeth Double check: Professional  Phone Number(s)  OPE Spelling  to Prices  Hours C Please o m p u t ereview r P r o b lcarefully. ems? N: Windows Mac anything you’d rather he not, take the item away Mon. - Fri. Smartphones For In-Home Help or 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. and immediately sub in a frozen washcloth. His sore Netflix Streaming T r a i n i n g Contact C o n t a c t J your e r r y b Tidbits y representative immediately with changes or corrections. ●Instruction in basic to advanced skills gums will feel immediate relief, and the previous phone: 7 6 0 . 4 5 9 . 5 0 9 2 Office: 760-320-0997● New computer & peripheral setups Fax: 760-320-1630 item will fade from memory like so many forgotten ● Install Wifi, Skype, Magic Jack & others e-mail: i n f o @ o s x t e c h . b i z baby teeth. Ice cubes also do the trick. ● Website design & maintenance or visit our website: ● Troubleshoot Mac or PC issues The pain of teething also brings nipping and ●Integrate iPhone, iPads & Macs with iCloud www.OSXtech.biz mouthing. Nipping is a diminutive bite. Mouthing is ● Will make house calls Rates:$45/hour the constant placement of the dog’s mouth on some macc Propertydo of part of you -- hand, leg, ankle, arm. Both habits can AdVenture Media, Inc. Professional Computer Services lead to biting if not corrected, so keep the washcloths www.mac-doc.net 760-267-4805 coming. FREE of Coachella Valley 2) There will be elimination. 760.320.0997 Fax: 760.320.1630 Eliminating bodily waste is an act of nature -- like breathing. We as dog owners must understand All Rights Reserved that he doesn’t care where he goes -- we care. Thus, it is our job to teach him what we want. And so we must first make a choice: outside or inside? Housebreaking your puppy means he goes outside and only outside. Paper training entails Tidbits® Word Search teaching him to go inside the house, in a specific area. I strongly recommend housebreaking. Once a “Ch-Ch-Challenge” dog gets the go ahead to eliminate inside, it’s difficult to switch gears. X N X D T C H A T T A N O O G A Once you and your vet have determined the F T G M N J K M R D W F K H B N proper diet for your pup, you’ll want to establish a L M T C H A M B E R R K F K V C (Mega Maze solution page 14) consistent feed-water-walk schedule: He eats accordZ G Y L L I T N A H C X W H N H ing to schedule, drinks according to schedule and is X P C C N P M R P E H X Q K W A taken outside on the heels of either activity. Should P V P H Q L D M G Y A K K M B M 4 Million Readers Weekly Nationwide!


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Tidbits of Coachella Valley

Vol. XI Issue 3

CASEY’S CORNER (from page 9)

SENIOR NEWS LINE by Matilda Charles © King Features Synd., Inc.

Depending on Medicaid for Health Care The Department of Health and Human Services was asked to survey three things from lists of Medicaid health-care providers: 1. learn which providers could offer appointments to those with Medicaid. 2. Assess the wait times for care. 3. Find any differences between the availability between primary-care providers and specialists. The results aren’t pretty. Half of providers could not offer appointments, either because they weren’t at the location where they were listed (43 percent), or because they weren’t participating in the plan or because they weren’t taking new patients (8 percent). Some providers couldn’t be found: No one had heard of them, or they had retired or left years ago. For those not accepting new patients, they were retiring, they had too many patients already or they were tired of all the no-shows for appointments. Of those providers who did offer appointments, the median wait time was two weeks, but one-fourth had appointment times more than a month away. Ten percent only offered appointments more than two months away. (Most of states have requirements that patients be able to get care within one month.) But it gets worse: Some providers who were accepting new patients wouldn’t give an appointment date without first having more information about the patient. Some wouldn’t make an appointment without seeing the patient’s records. Others wouldn’t accept patients with certain medical conditions. One wouldn’t see patients who were overweight. When it came to primary-care versus specialists, primary care providers were less likely to give an appointment. However, to get in to see a specialist took twice as long. Some took the winter off; some only worked a few days a week. As of last year, 69 million people depended on Medicaid, and they’re depending on inaccurate lists of providers when they’re seeking care. Matilda Charles regrets that she cannot personally answer reader questions, but will incorporate them into her column whenever possible. Send email to columnreply2@ gmail.com.

Once he’s had time to warm to the idea, take him on a walk. Allow him to pull you. Tugging on an accident occur, clean the area thoroughly, and im- the leash while it’s attached to his neck is no way mediately take the dog outside and praise him. to make him enjoy wearing one. He’ll learn to stop Accidents are not cause for punishment. pulling once he begins obedience training and learns They are opportunities for learning. Rather than ac- “heel.” Until then, cut the little guy some slack and centuating your displeasure when he gets something have fun. wrong during the early leaning stages, focus on dem- For more information TUES., on creating and 4impleNOV. onstrating how pleased you are with his corrected menting a feed-water-walk schedule, housebreaking, Please review carefully. Double check:  Phone Number(s)  Spelling  Price Please review carefully. Double check:  Phone Number(s)  Spelling  behavior. chewing, mouthing, nipping or leash training, read 3) There will be leash resistance.Contact your Tidbits representative immediately changes or correct “I Just Got a representative Puppy. What Do I Do?” with or “When Good Tidbits immediately with changes or co Most of us know better than to throwContact a sad- your Dogs Do 760-320-0997 Bad Things,” or visitFax: www.unclematty.com. Office: 760-320-1630 Office: 760-320-0997 Fax: 760-320-1630 dle on a horse that’s never worn one and hop on. A Woof! leash to a dog is no more natural. Dogs don’t come with diplomas. We must be patient with them as they Dog trainer Matthew “Uncle Matty” Margolis is coadjust to all our wacky expectations. author of 18 books about dogs, a behaviorist, a popular radio The best way to gently introduce the leash and television guest, and host of the PBS series “WOOF! It’s a to your pooch is to fasten a lightweight model to his Dog’s Life!” Read all of Uncle Matty’s columns at the Creators website at www.creators.com, and visit him at www. collar and supervise as he wears it around the house. Syndicate Classic Garage Door Openers unclematty.com. Send your&questions to dearuncle.gazette@ This allows him to get used to the weight around his BZ 4C 26x disc. unclematty.com or by mail to Uncle Matty at P.O. Box 3300, neck. Play fetch with him, have him walk to his food Diamond Springs, CA 95619. Nov. 9, 2014 Vol. 10 - No. 46 bowl and eat, and do any number of normal activi- COPYRIGHT 2008 CREATORS SYNDICATE, INC. ties; however, do not ever leave him alone with the WED., AUG 27 leash on.


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The idea of Go Figure! is to arrive at the figures given at the bottom and right-hand columns of the diagram by following the arithmetic signs in the order they are given (that is, from left to right and top to bottom). Use only the numbers below the diagram to complete its blank squares and use each of the nine numbers only once.



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Week of January 11, 2015

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a more lenient earnings threshold for the year you time this month to find out if it’s to your advantage to reach your full retirement age. Specifically, it says file for those benefits in January. you can earn up to $41,880 between January and the If you have a Social Security question, Tom Marmonth you reach your full retirement age and still genau has the answer. Contact him at thomas.margenau@comget Social Security benefits. And even if you earn YOUR cast.net. To find out more about Tom Margenau and to read more than $41,880, you lose only $1 from your benpast columns and see features from other Creators Syndicate efits for every $3 you exceed that threshold. writers and cartoonists, visit the Creators Syndicate website at Ed is going to make $40,000 between Janu- www.creators.com. ary and June (i.e., before he reaches the magic age by Tom Margenau COPYRIGHT 2015 CREATORS.COM of 66). And that’s just under the $41,880 threshold for 2015, which means Ed is due benefits beginning in January. He does NOT have to wait until July to apply for his Social Security checks. There is a bit of a catch. By starting his benefits in January, Ed will be accepting a slightly reduced amount. (Benefits are reduced roughly onehalf of one percent for each month they are taken before full retirement age.) If Ed’s Social Security benefit at full retirement age is $2,200 per month, let’s look at his op I write a column similar to this one about this tions. time every year. But I don’t mind plagiarizing myself Ed’s first option is to wait until July (his full because it contains a very important message for retirement age) to start his Social Security benefits. people planning to retire in 2015. He’ll get $2,200 per month for six months or $13,200 January is a critical month for the hundreds for the year 2015. of thousands of potential Social Security beneficia Ed’s second option is to file for Social Securiries who are reaching 66 (their so-called full retirety in January. Starting his benefits slightly early, his ment age) in 2015. monthly rate is reduced to about $2,130. That comes The important message: Most of them out to $25,560 in total benefits for the year 2015. The should at least consider the possibility of filing for downside to option two is his ongoing monthly bentheir benefits this month, even though they may not efit rate will be $2,130, $70 less than what he would be reaching their retirement age until later in the have been getting in option one. But because he’d year. But please note: This procedure should not be be getting about $12,360 less in total 2015 benefits employed by folks planning on using one of the Soin option one, it would take Ed a long time to make cial Security maximizing strategies I’ve discussed so up that loss with his extra $70 per month in ongoing often in this column, like file and suspend or file and benefits. If I were Ed, I’d choose the second option. restrict, because those provisions generally require Even if Ed was going to make more than you to wait until age 66 before filing for benefits. the $41,880 income threshold between January and The reason for this early filing timeframe June, he only loses one dollar in Social Security benfor everyone else has to do with some quirky and efits for each three dollars he exceeds that amount. complicated features of Social Security’s earnings So he probably still comes out ahead by filing in Janpenalty provisions. Those provisions generally keep ADVERTISING PROOF uary. seniors who are still working off of Social Security’s Monday, 9/8/14 • 5:00 4 PM Final Changes p.m.. HereDUE: is a quick example using that scenarrolls until they reach that magic full retirement age. Please review carefully. Double check:  Phone Number(s)  Spelling  Prices  Hours io. Let’s say Ed will make $50,000 between January The law essentially says if you are over 62 and June. That’s $8,120 over the $41,880 limit. And Contact but under your full retirement age and are still work-your Tidbits representative immediately with changes or corrections. one third of that excess, or about $2,707 must be deOffice: 760-320-0997 Fax: 760-320-1630 ing full time, you are not eligible for Social Security. ducted from his 2015 benefits. But he would still get Specifically, the rules require that the SSA deduct $1 $22,853 in benefits for the year. That’s still way betfrom any retirement benefits you might be due for ter than the $13,200 he would be due by waiting until every $2 you earn over $15,720 in 2015. July to file for his Social Security. However, the rules say that once you reach I know these rules are complicated and the your full retirement age, you are due full Social Semath in the examples above might be difficult to curity benefits even if you are still working and no Mr. & Mrs. follow. But my Kleaning overall message is easy to follow: If matter how much money you are making. Business Card, BW66 in 2015, and don’t plan on you’re reaching age Let’s follow an example. Let’s say Ed was using of therate aforementioned 26x one discount ($51.00/wk •maximizing Rate Card strate#6) born in July 1949, which means he’ll reach his full gies, talk to a Social Security representative someretirement age of 66 in July 2015. And let’s further ADVERTISING PROOF say Ed generally makes about $80,000 per year, and ADVERTISING PROOF Final Changes DUE: 5:00 p.m.. he plans to continue working indefinitely. Based on Please review carefully. Double check:  Phone Number(s)  Spelling  Prices  Hours Tues., 12/2/14 Final Changes DUE: 5:00 p.m.. Contact your Tidbits representative immediately with changes or corrections. the earnings penalty rules I briefly outlined above, Please review carefully. Double check:  Phone Number(s) Office:  Spelling  Hours 760-320-0997  Prices Fax: 760-320-1630 Ed figures he must wait until July (his full retirement Residential • Commercial • Carpets • Windows Contact Tidbits representative age) to begin collecting hisyour Social Security benefits.immediately with changes or corrections. Seasonal Rates: Office: 760-320-0997 ordable760-320-1630 HOUSE AffFax: As I said, at that magical point the earnings penalty e SITTING •24/7 Servic rules no longer apply and he can get his Social Se•Daily • TRUSTWORTHY •Weekly curity. And prior to that, he’s making way more than • LICENSED y kl ee i-W •B • BONDED the $15,720 income threshold. ly th •Mon But here is why Ed should check into applyWe leave it SPARKLING Champion Tires ing for Social Security in January. Congress set up 1/8 page, 13x disc., 1-color rate Call Today: (760)


January Often the Best Month to File for Social Security



Dec. 7, 2014 • Volume X: Issue #50

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Tidbits of Coachella Valley

mon bile duct, such as a stone or tumor. The CT scan is good, but if there is doubt, an endoscopy may need to be performed. If your doctor determined that the cause is alcohol, then I’m afraid I have to agree that no amount of alcohol is safe. Drinking even modest amounts of wine, even months or years later, could bring about pancreatitis again. In addition to the pain and suffering that go with an episode, the more episodes of acute pancreatitis you have, the more likely you are to develop chronic pancreatitis (with constant pain), pancreatic insufficiency (leading to inability to properly digest food) and worsen your diabetes. *** DEAR DR. ROACH: I take the statin drug atorvastatin since my heart surgery. The sticker on the bottle reads, “Do not eat grapefruit or drink grapefruit juice at any time while taking this medicine.” My cardiologist said this warning was based on rather thin clinical


Pancreatitis Means Giving Up Alcohol

Vol. XI Issue 3

trials, and it was OK to continue eating one grapefruit in the morning and taking the statin at bedtime. Are there new developments on this topic? ANSWER: Grapefruit juice indeed can affect the metabolism of atorvastatin (Lipitor) and many other medications. However, the amount of grapefruit needed in order to have a significant efTUES., NOV. 11 fect is quite high -- the manufacturer recommends avoiding consumption of more than a quart (1.2 liters) of grapefruit juice a day. I agree with your cardiologist that a grapefruit is a healthy way to begin the day and is not likely to cause any problems with atorvastatin. ***

Dr. Roach regrets that he is unable to answer DEAR DR. ROACH: I went to the emerindividual letters, but will incorporate them in the column gency ward with severe chest pains and bloatwhenever possible. Readers may email questions to ToYing. I was sure I was having a heart attack. ourGoodHealth@med.cornell.edu. To view and order health After tests, a CT scan revealed I had pamphlets, visit www.rbmamall.com, or write to P.O. Box pancreatitis; also, my potassium was low and 536475, Orlando, FL 32853-6475. Kent Marshall Air Cond. / Htg. sodium was critically low. I am 62, 5 feet, 9 BZ2015 BWNorth 26xAmerica disc. rate (c) Synd., Inc. inches tall and weigh 210; I have Type 2 diaAll Rights Reserved Tuesday, 7-1 Nov. 16, 2014 (20x) thru Mar. 29, 2015 betes with an A1C of 6.7 and high blood pressure. I was discharged after four days with no Tuesday, 7-1 check:  Phone Number(s)  Spelling  Prices  Hours review Double restrictions other than to Please eat light and refraincarefully. TUES., MAR. Professional, Honest15 & from alcohol 100 percent for the rest of my life Reliable Service Please review carefully. Double check:  Phone Number(s)  Spelling  Prices  Hours to avoid another occurrence. Please reviewwith carefully. Double check:  Phone for Number(s) Contact your Tidbits representative immediately changes or corrections. 23 Years.  Spelling  Pr I had never heard of pancreatitis, and it Contact your Tidbits representative immediately with changes or corrections. HEATING & AIRimmediately CONDITIONING Contact your Tidbits representative with changes or corr was devastating news to me. I make wine, and Office: 760-320-0997 Fax: 760-320-1630 have for years. I do not drink anything except Office: 760-320-0997 Fax: 760-320-1630 24/7 service on all makes and models Office: 760-320-0997 Fax: 760-320-1630 wine, and the thought of never being able to ● Furnaces ● Central Air Conditioning Units ● Window Units ● Swamp Coolers ● Water Heaters drink again is very disturbing. Is there a pos● Refrigerators Freezers Providing Reliable●Service for 21 Years sibility that I may be able to drink wine again in Bob’s Clock RepairHonest, the future? The doctor’s assessment seemed BZ 4C 26x - OR Lic. No. 965831 prettyWellness harsh toCenter me. Synergy -- J.C. Synergy Mar. 20, 2011 Vol. 7 - No. 12 Wellness Center





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A Blood Test To Detect “Increased-Risk” Conditions

digestive enzymes and insulin. Acute pancreatitis Contact your Tidbits representative immediately with changes or corrections. can be very severe, even life-threatening on occaOffice: 760-320-0997 Fax: 760-320-1630 sion. There are many causes, but the most common in North America are gallstones and alcohol. Early Warning TheSigns diagnosis is made from the history For and physical exam, and an elevated pancreas enzyme level, usually amylaseEarly or lipase. High Cholesterol Warning These Signs Foroften are elevated into the thousand range. A CT scan High Lowconfirm Blood Sugar also can/ help the diagnosis. High Cholesterol Synergy Wellness Centre HeartBefore Healthconcluding that alcohol is the cause A Revealing Test Detect “Increased Risk” Conditions the4C pancreatitis, important sure 1/4ofPg. 6x disc. it’s Blood Highto /make Lowto Blood Sugar Sluggish Thyroid there nothing Sept. 28, is 2014 Vol.blocking 10 - No. the 40 pancreatic and com-

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5:00 p.m.. Wilson Casey’s 2015 Daily Box Calendars make

Tidbits of Coachella Valley

Week of January 11, 2015

opportunity to keep in touch with family and friends. Teasing her about her purchases might get chuckles when she brings home a real white elephant, but give her a break. This grandma has found a harmless activity she enjoys, and it gives her a reason to visit friends and see the grandkids. It also means the grandkids will want to see her more often. Actually, I think she’s on to something! * * *

Dear Doug  

Creators News Syndicate

Thrift Store Treasure Hunting Recreational



Our elderly mother spends at least one day a week shopping in thrift and dollar stores. She comes home with sacks of "treasures," which usually turn out to be things she really doesn’t need. She also buys numerous toys for her grandchildren. We believe she spends too much money with this constant buying habit. Should we try to discourage this wasteful spending routine she's in?

One of my pet peeves is arriving at the doctor’s office on time for my appointment, only to find that I have to wait because he is running behind schedule -- and this always seems to be the case. When he sees me, it’s obvious he’s needing to catch up. I feel this is inconsiderate and rude to his patients and I'm not receiving the attention I deserve and am paying for. Am I wrong by thinking this way?


I know from my own experience what you’re talking about. Frequently, doctors grab your chart, review your last visit, and then proceed to ask patients, “So, how are you doing?” But if a patient is While it’s understandable that you’re prepared and brings a written list of their ailments, he concerned about your mother’s habits, you must can get right to the problem. Otherwise, it takes time keep in mind that how she chooses to spend her to probe and learn how the patient has progressed time and her money is entirely her choice. In many since the last visit. Doctors are on the clock and do ways thrift shopping can be a form of recreation, and not have time to chit-chat about your vacation, family apparently it is for her. She obviously enjoys herself affairs or golf game. Some patient visits also require more inwith these little mini-sprees and finds it satisfying to buy inexpensive toys and trinkets that she can give depth discussion than others. It wouldn’t be ethical or fair to patients with urgent problems to rush to others. A lot of the fun in shopping through thrift through their visit just because another patient is It could well be that the day is coming when stores is in the hunt itself. ADVERTISING You never know what waiting.PROOF you will be the patient who needs treasures you’re going to find! The rewards mightTUES., JUNE12 Final Changes DUE: 5:00 p.m..more of his time! Pleaseprices reviewand carefully.  Phone Number(s)  Spelling  Prices  Hours also be in comparing findingDouble greatcheck: bargains Doug Mayberry makes the most of life in a Southern on quality items. Practical like representative toothbrushes,immediately Contact things your Tidbits changes or corrections. Californiawith Retirement community. Contact him at deardoug@ cleaning supplies Office: and greeting cards canFax: also760-320-1630 be a msn.com. To 760-320-0997 Email: find valleybits@msn.com out more about Doug Mayberry and read real value. Spending a little to share gifts with friends features by other Creators Syndicate writers and cartoonists, and neighborsSteele, keepsNicolette her engaged and gives her an visit the Creators Syndicate website at www.creators.com. Nordstrom, & Blythe


June 17, 2012 Vol. 8 - No. 25 /

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Thisapproval means that you pay no attorney’s fees unless This that you pay no attorney’s fees unless your approval or wins a judgement in court. throughout California refer their This method of compensation makes legal throughout California refer refer their their your lawyer either negotiates a settlement with This method of compensation makes legal your lawyer either negotiates a settlement with throughout California This method of compensation makes legal injury cases to us. This means that you pay no attorney’s fees unless representation available many who otherwise Discover other attorneys attorneys Discover why injury cases why to us.other your approval or wins judgement in in court. your approval or to wins a judgement court. representation available to who otherwise injury cases to us. representation available toamany many who otherwise could afford it. 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Itit. also means that if your could not of afford It also means that if yourthroughout California refer their qualifi ed attorney. • Automobile Accidents Thishas method compensation makes legal a case qualifi edmerit, attorney. Automobile Accidents Please carefully. Double check: by  Phone  Spelling  Prices  Hours DEATH •• Automobile Accidents you can be represented case has merit, youreview canwell be well represented by Number(s) PERSONAL INJURY AND WRONGFUL DEATH CLAIMS PERSONAL INJURY AND WRONGFUL CLAIMS Pedestrian •Slip Slipand andFall Fall to ••us. Pedestrian Slip and Fall to many who otherwise injury •••cases arepresentation qualifi ed attorney. a qualifi edavailable attorney. Pedestrian • •Automobile Accidents Automobile Accidents Contact your Tidbits representative immediately• with changes or corrections. Motorcycle and Bicycle Accidents LOOK BEYOND ADVERTISING • Motorcycle and Bicycle Accidents LOOK BEYOND could not afford it. 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Asked friends orlawyers, attorneys you know references •Medical andRelated Hospital Malpractice •Medical and Hospital Malpractice California Bar Association. It’s the to California Bar Association. bestwith way to • Automobile Accidents •Medical and Hospital Malpractice •Asbestos Lung Cancer California Barinjury Association. It’s way to •Asbestos Related Lung Cancer of personal lawyers, orthe check the of personal injury lawyers, or best check with the • Construction Accidents • Construction Accidents nd an ethical, competent with the trial fifi nd an ethical, competent attorney trial • •Construction Accidents •Medical and Malpractice fiCalifornia nd an California ethical, competent attorney with the trial •Medical and Hospital Hospital Malpractice Pedestrian • Slip and Fall Bar Association. It’s It’s the best way to to Bar Association. the best way Product Liability experience it takes to case to a fair •Product ProductLiability experience it to bring your fair • •Construction Accidents ••Construction experience it takes takes to bring your case tothe a the fair find an ethical, competent attorney with trial Accidents find an ethical, competent attorney with trial • Motorcycle and Liability Bicycle Accidents LOOK BEYOND ADVERTISING conclusion. Beware of and claims Construction Defect cases conclusion. Beware promises claims Construction Defectcases cases ••Product Liability experience it takes tothe bring your case to a fair conclusion. Beware of the promises and claims Product Defect Liability experience it of takes to bring your case to a fair •••Construction some attorneys make • Birth & Brain Injury • Dog Bites some make in their ads. conclusion. Beware of claims • •Construction Defect cases Askattorneys friends or attorneys you know forand references conclusion. 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● On Jan. 13, 1128, Pope Honorius II grants a papal sanction to the military order known as the Knights Templar, declaring it to be an army of God. The self-imposed mission of the Knights Templar was to protect Christian pilgrims on their way to the Holy Land. ● On Jan. 14, 1860, the U.S. House of Representatives’ Committee of ThirtyThree submits a proposed constitutional amendment protecting slavery in all areas where it already existed. The proposed measure was not enough to stem the tide of seceding states. ● On Jan. 15, 1870, the first recorded use of a donkey to represent the Democratic Party appears in Harper’s Weekly, drawn by political illustrator Thomas Nast. Four years later, Nast originated the use of an elephant to symbolize the Republican Party in a Harper’s Weekly cartoon. ● On Jan. 18, 1882, A.A. Milne, creator of Winnie-the-Pooh, is born. Years later when his son, Christopher Robin, was born, Milne used the boy’s stuffed animals as inspiration for the stories “Winnie-the-Pooh” and “The House at Pooh Corner.” ● On Jan. 12, 1932, Ophelia Wyatt Caraway, a Democrat from Arkansas, becomes the first woman to be elected to the U.S. Senate. Caraway had been appointed to the Senate two months earlier to fill the vacancy left by her late husband, Thaddeus Horatio Caraway. ● On Jan. 17, 1984, U.S. Supreme Court decides Universal v. Sony, the court battle over the legality of the video cassette recorder (VCR) and its allegedly detrimental effect on the motion-picture industry. The U.S. District Court ruled in favor of Sony, stating that taping material for private entertainment purposes was fair use.

If you need an attorney as a result of a serious injury, there certain If need attorney as of youpersonal needan attorney aresult result IfIfyou you need anan attorney asasa aare result ofofa aa things you should consider. serious personal injury, there are certain serious seriouspersonal personalinjury, injury,there thereare arecertain certain things you should consider. things you should ETHICAL CONDUCT If you need anconsider. attorney as as a result of of aa things you should consider. If you need an attorney a result ETHICAL CONDUCT serious personal injury, there areare certain serious personal injury, there certain ETHICAL CONDUCT We feel it isETHICAL inappropriate for a lawyer or CONDUCT thingsthings you should consider. you should consider.

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Page 13

● On Jan. 16, 1991, the United Nations deadline for the Iraqi withdrawal from Kuwait expires, and the Pentagon prepares to commence offensive operations to forcibly eject Iraq from its five-month occupation of its oil-rich neighbor. Operation Desert Storm was conducted by an international coalition under the command of U.S. General Norman Schwarzkopf and featured forces from 32 nations. (c) 2015 King Features Synd., Inc.

Page 14

Tidbits of Coachella Valley

would probably be worth $45 to $50.

Q: This mark is on the bottom of an

ironstone jug that I have. It was given to my mother by a neighbor. It stands about 7 inches tall and is decorated with blue and yellow flowers with green leaves against a cream background. Even though it has a handle, it is not a pitcher. It is in mint condition. I am interested in it because my ancestors came from Czechoslovakia.

Vol. XI Issue 3

glass factories sprung up from 1918, and the pieces are now collectible Your early 20th-century jug would probably be worth $50 to $75. Address your questions to Anne McCollam, P. O. Box 247, Notre Dame, IN 46556. Items of a general interest will be answered in this column. Due to the volume of inquiries, she cannot answer individual letters. To find out more about Anne McCollam and read features by other Creators Syndicate writers and cartoonists, visit the Creators Syndicate website at www.creators.com

by Anne McCollam

Grandmother’s Mystery Plate

Early 20th Century Jug was made in Czechoslovakia.


Enclosed is a photo of a plate decorated with a scene of “Washington Crossing the Delaware.” I inherited it from my grandmother Julia, who died in 1963 at the age of 99. She loved this plate, and I know nothing about it or where it came from. The border that surrounds the scene is cobalt blue, and the scalloped edge is trimmed with gold. Marked on the back is a crown above a wreath with the words “Empire China.” Also, below that is the number “4061.” Any information you can provide will be appreciated.


In 1918 the Czechs and the Slovaks separated from the Austro-Hungarian Empire and formed one country: Czechoslovakia. It consisted of several provinces that included parts of Bavaria, Moravia, Bohemia and Silesia. Czechoslovakia was occupied by Nazi Germany from 1938 to 1945. It was under Soviet Russia control from 1948 to 1989. After the “Velvet Revolution,” when the two parts decided to separate in 1993, it peacefully became two sovereign countries again. They are now the Czech Republic and Slovakia. Many pottery, porcelain and


Empire China was made by Steubenville, Pottery in Ohio.




“Empire China” was made by Steubenville Pottery in Steubenville, Ohio. They were in KWXY - Trade business from 1879 to 1959. The number “4061” is a 1/8 pg. vertical design number. 3.33” x 6.0” Your plate was made in the early 1900s and

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CHA-CHA-CHAT (from page page 3) quantities are also found in Denmark. Today’s blackboard chalk used in classrooms is actuallyNAPA Desert Area Corp. a manufactured substance made from gypsum,2” x 6” Golf “Caddy” 13x which is calcium sulfate. Some chalk is formedOct. 12, 2013 Vol. 10 - No. 42 from talc, which is magnesium silicate. CLIP AND SAVE • World-renowned fashion designer Gabrielle “Coco” Chanel came from very humble beginnings, born to a peddler and a laundress in 1883. When her mother died 12 years later, Chanel’s father put her and her two sisters into an orphanage run by nuns. They never saw him again. During her six years in the orphanage, Coco was taught to sew, a skill that shaped the remainder of her life. Before her clothing ADVERTISING PROOF career, she was a nightclub singer, but in 1910, Final she Changes DUE: 5:00 p.m.. financed by her current love interest, Please review carefully. Double check:  Phone Number(s)  Spelling  Prices  Hours opened her first shop in Paris. In the 1920s, Contact Tidbits representative immediately with changes or corrections. she introduced the legendary Chanel suityour and Fax: 760-320-1630 the timeless “little black dress” as well as herOffice: 760-320-0997 signature Chanel No. 5 perfume. By 1935, her Get $50 OFF listed prices with this coupon company had over 4,000 employees. TIME Property of magazine has included Coco Chanel on their 6V - AdVenture $689 Media, Inc. Pricing list of “The 100 Most Influential People of Includes 8V $789 the 20th Century,” the only fashion designer to Taxes With this coupon ONLY. Must be FREE usedof same day. Not V valid with other Coachella alley 12V - $839 receive this honor. ‪ discounts or previous purchases. The Neatest Little Paper Ever Read Offer Ends760.320.1630 4-13-14 760.320.0997Leading Fax: TABLE OF Industry


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UNRETURNED PROOFS day, ARE but wenovel no longer discarded I approve as thankfully, below — copies ofindicated the original as heseecould find, UNRETURNED PROOFS ARE CONSIDERED “APPROVED AS IS. ” pull-tabs. The tabs on older easy-open beverage CONSIDERED “APPROVED AS IS. ” hoping toSignature keep the story’s ending a secret. Property of Sign Play a Round AdVenture Media, Inc. cans pulled completely off the can. People who s! ur ho in 1.5 13 Date: / / • The famous shower Psycho wasdodging filmed Join us! Date: walked in bare feetscene wereofconstantly ❐using APPROVED AS IS — The ad may FREE COME HERE 1ST TO BRUSH UP YOUR GAME! a double for Norman Bates, as Anthony these incarelessly-dropped by Jason Jenkins appear the Beacon with no metal hazards. ❐ APPROVED AS 760.320.0997 Fax: 760.320.1630 Perkins was appearing in a play (Greenwillow) changes. The Desert’s Best Golf Buy! appear • ❐in The rhythmic “beep” of the scanner is the in the All Rights Reserved APPROVED WITH S —The first time Perkins New York at CHANGE the time. • 9-Hole Executive changes. Format and content of the ad are to the supermarket musical accompaniment Golf Course (Public) TRULY “FU actually saw that scene was back at the studio, approved, with indicated changes. N” The takeaway has been one of the most varied checkout line. But you’ve wondered ❐ APPROVED W No additional proof need beif sent. • The Area’s Only watching the daily “rushes,” andever he said he was LEAGUES for topics in golf instruction over the years. While Format ❐ where APPROVED WITH CHANGES; Walking Course the cliché of saying “ka-ching!” in re-and con there is a wide range of preferences and paramjust as scaredREQUESTED as everyone • Men = Wed NEW PROOF — else. approved, • Cart Rentals lation money comeswithfrom, that’s the sound with i For mat andtocontent approved, eters for club and body movement, the majority un! • Women = Thurs F No additional pr • changes. Take a New close look requested at Michael mask in • Club Rentals proof of top players tend to fall into a similar category that the old-style electric, not Myers’ electronic, cash n! • Couples = Sat (subject to deadlines). • Driving Range Fu the 1978 camp Halloween. Does the of “one piece takeaways”. The term implies that ❐ APPROVED W made.classic Cashiers ❐ registers NOT APPROVED; CAMERA- of that era had to ! to Joi FRE n. E • Short Game n the club movement away from the ball involves a u face look familiar? The movie was filmed on NEW PROOF ART TO COME — READY F manually punch a series of buttons to ring up Fun to Play! Practice Facility unison of body movements rather than a drastic Client will provide a camera-ready Format and cont such atime tightforbudget, that the department adyour in purchase, publication. followed byprop a smack of the leading of one part over the others. • Friendly Staff! CALL TODAY! changes. New Please call (760) 668-2226 for guid had to make do with what they had. For Myers’ One of the common dangers of the takeaway “total” button with the heel of the hand. ance. (subject to deadlin is an overly dominate wrist action that forces disguise, they used an old Captain Kirk (Star BEL AIR 1001 S. El Cielo Rd • “Do you want your carbons?” used to be an the club well to the inside of the target line. By ❐ NOT Trek) mask, which they spray painted white and APPRO Palm Springs coordinating the arms, shoulders, torso, and hips automatic question asked by merchants after ART GREENS READY then re-shaped the eyeholes. to move together, with little independent hand you’d signed for a credit card payment. At that Call NOW to Book Client will provid turn the page for more! action, the club will move in a neutral, on plane (760) your Tee Time: time, credit card receipts were filled out by hand ad in time journey. Please call ADVERTISING PROOF in triplicate, with a small piece of carbon paper (760) Final Changes DUE: 5:00 p.m.. inserted between each sheet. It didn’t ance. take long Please review carefully. Double check:  Phone Number(s)  Spelling  Prices  Hours for thieves to realize they could retrieve the Contact your Tidbits representative immediately with changes or corrections. used carbons from the trash and steal valuable Office: 760-320-0997 Fax: 760-320-1630 credit card information. Once that scam gained popularity, waiters and cashiers regularly offered the carbons to customers, giving them the opportunity to destroy them. 4 Million Readers Weekly Nationwide!



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FREE The first two feet of club travel should involve 760.320.0997 Fax: 760.320.1630 the chest turning to the right while the “triangle” All Rights Reserved of the arms and hands stays passive. The lower body many times has to make a slight shift and rotation to allow the upper body’s action. The grip end of the club may stay aligned to the navel during this sequence. Avoid excessive wrist or forearm rotation in this phase. of Coachella Valley


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Jason Jenkins was a 16-year member of the Jim McLean Golf School teaching staff and was one of GOLF Magazine’s Top 100 Teacher Nominees 1999-2010. He was named one of the Golf Digest Top Teachers in California in 2011. Contact Jason at 760-485-2452 or devgolfinstr@gmail.com

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Dec. 28, 2014 Vol. 10 - No. 53

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® 1. U.S. PRESIDENTS: How many Go Figure! †† U.S. states are named after a presianswers by Linda Thistle G Odent?F I G U R E ! ** 2. GEOGRAPHY: Which Japanese The idea of Go Figure is to the home ofgiven Mount Fuji? arrive at island the isfigures at † Weekly SUDOKU 3. FAMOUS PEOPLE: What was the bottom and right-hand DAY TRIAl columns ofgangster the diagram by folAl Capone convicted of, -Answerlowing the arithmetic signs in sending him to prison for 11 years? the order they are given (that What top 1980stomovie is, from left4. toMOVIES: right and bottom). Use only the numbers featured the lines, “My name is Inigo below the Montoya. diagram complete Youtokilled my father. Pre† its blank squares and use each pare to die.”? of the nine numbers only once. 5. PSYCHOLOGY: What would DIFFICULTY: � from chorosomeone who suffered � Moderate phobia be�� afraid Difficult of? ���6. GO FIGURE! TELEVISION: Which long-running country variety show featured a radio station named KORN? 7. SCIENCE: Who is known as October 23-29, 2006 the “father of taxonomy,” a system *Savings valid at participating locations only. Savings and models vary by store. See store for details. Offer may not be combined with other offers and does not apply to prior sales. **Audiotone® of the naming, ranking and classifying Pro not included. †If you are not completely satisfied, aids may be returned for a full refund within 45 days of the completion of fitting, in satisfactory condition. Fitting fees may apply. See organisms? store for details. ††Hearing test is always free. Not a medical exam. Audiometric test to determine proper amplification needs only. Open M-F, 10am-6pm Weekly SUDOKU 8. LITERATURE: Who wrote under ©2015 Miracle-Ear, Inc. 15873ROPA/HP/117 Answer the pseudonym of Lewis Carroll? Go Figure! 9. FOOD & DRINK: What is a scupanswers by Linda Thistle by Linda Thistle G Opernong?F I G U R E ! Sudoku answer peeking strictly forbidden. GO FIGURE! - Answers 10. MUSIC: What does the musical Tidbits Tidbits®® Word Word Search Search The idea of Go Figure is to ANSWERS notation “da capo” mean? TRIVIA TEST arrive at the figures given at Weekly Weekly SUDOKU SUDOKU the bottom and right-hand Answers Answers Property of columns of the diagram by fol-Answer1. One, the state of Washington AdVenture Media, Inc. lowing the arithmetic signs in Honshuare given (that the order 2.they is, from left right and top to 3. Taxtoevasion bottom). Use only theBride” numbers 4. “The Princess WUZZLES Answers 4 Million below the diagram to complete 5. Dancing BIBLE TRIVIA Readers Weekly its blank squares and use each Answers FREE “Hee Haw” only once. Nationwide! of the nine6. numbers 1. (C) Neither of Coachella Valley 1. (C) Neither 7. Carolus Linnaeus 2. (D) Moving forward 2. (D) Elisha DIFFICULTY: � The Neatest Little Paper Ever Read 8. Charles L. Dodgson Quiz Bits 3. (D) Beth-shan 3. (D) Nebuchadnezzar Media For Advertising Call (760) 320-0997 valleybits@msn.com Place a number in the empty boxes in such a way Published by: AdVenture 9. Type of grape 4. (A) Elijah 760.320.0997 Fax: 760.320.1630 4. (A) 1 John � Moderate �� Difficult that each row across, each column down and each 5. (B) Ephesians 5. (D) Ekron 10. From theFIGURE! beginning ��� GO small 9-box square contains all of the © 2006 King Features Syndicate, Inc.

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DIFFICULTY THIS WEEK: �� � Moderate �� Challenging ��� HOO BOY!

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