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(sub ject to deadlines). approved, withsix indicated chang es. on November 23, 1919, the first playNinety years ago No additional proof needCAMERAbe sent. ❐ NOT APPROVED;
by-play in radio broadcast history took ART football TO COME game — when the University of Texas faced off against adplace inPROOF time for publication. NEW REQUESTED — Please call (760) 668-2226 for guidFor mat and content withrecognition of this milestone event Texas A &approved, M. In ance. changes. New proof requested and as our current football season shifts into high (subject to deadlines). gear, let’s look at some of the history behind this ❐ NOT APPROVED; CAMERAART TO COMEspectator — READY most-watched sport in America. READY
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Please call (760) 668-2226 for guid• In an 1897 football ance.
game, Georgia was playing the University of Virginia. During a pile-up, a player named Von Gammon ended up on the bottom and was found unconscious. He later died of a brain concussion. As a result of his unfortunate death, the school ordered its team disbanded as protests against the brutality of football began to spread.
• A bill was introduced to the Georgia state legislature to ban the sport of football from the entire state. When it passed and was sent to the governor for his signature, it looked like football was doomed. But a woman came forward. She wrote a letter to the governor, pleading with him not to use Von Gammon’s death as an excuse to outlaw a good game. Because of this letter, the Governor refused to sign the bill into law. Football was saved. The woman who had written the history-changing letter was Von Gammon’s own mother.
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Fraser pulled the knobs off a standard Etch A Sketch and hooked it up to two motors which NOTEWORTHY I NVENTIONS attached to the port of his computer. The motors ADVERTISING PROOF work by remote control, enabling Fraser to TRIVIA NMON., W F O T E NOV. S R18 N 5:00 p.m.. al Changes DUE: draw without ever touching the toy. Robotic w carefully. Double check: Phone Number(s) Spelling Prices Hours components are also able to tilt the Etch-ASketch upside-down and shake it. your Tidbits representative immediately with changes or corrections. • George Vlosich creates works of art using the Office: 760-320-0997 Fax: 760-320-1630 Etch-A-Sketch as an artistic medium. He was a nine-year-old kid in 1989 when, on a long ADVERTISING PROOF drive, he brought along his Etch-A-Sketch for Final Changes DUE: 5:00 p.m.. backseat entertainment. A sketch he drew was so review carefully. Double check: Phone Number(s) Spelling Prices Hours goodADVERTISING his parents took a picture of it, and an artist • In 1959 a French electrician named André PROOF Contact your Tidbits representative immediately with changes or corrections. was born. Because one of his main interests was Cassanges invented what he called “L’Ecran Final Changes DUE: Tues., 10/13/15 5:00 p.m.. Office: 760-320-0997 Fax: 760-320-1630 sports, heDouble began portraits sports Beach House Yogurt Please review carefully. check: sketching Phone Number(s) Spellingof Prices Hours Magique” (“magic screen”) in his garage in heroes. Then he waited after games hoping to BZ 4C 26x disc rate Contact your Tidbits representative immediately with changes or corrections. Paris. He took it to the International Toy Fair in (Answers on page 16) Office: 760-320-0997 Fax: 760-320-1630 Nov. 24, 2013 Vol. 9 - No. 48 ADVERTISING PROOF Nuremburg, Germany. The Ohio Art Company get them to autograph his Etch-A-Sketch. bought the rights to it in 1960 for $25,000 and • His reputation as the “Etch-A-Sketch Kid” grew AND SAVE MON., JULY 22 inal ChangesCLIP DUE: 5:00 p.m.. renamed it the Etch-A-Sketch. They advertised quickly. It takes George between 40 and 60 hours view carefully. Double check: Phone Number(s) Spelling Prices Hours it widely in time for the Christmas season in to complete a single Etch-A-Sketch masterpiece. 1960 and sales immediately took off. They’ve act your Tidbits representative immediately with changes or corrections. After it’s done, he carefully unscrews the back sold over 100 million since then. and removes the excess aluminum powder to Office: 760-320-0997 Fax: 760-320-1630 preserve the picture forever. Today George is • How does it work? There’s a stylus mounted on known far and wide for his artwork and has two rails with its pointer touching the inside of appeared numerous times on radio, TV, and in the screen. When the knobs are turned, a system newspapers and magazines. His Etch-A-Sketch of tiny cables and pulleys moves the stylus left ADVERTISING Gee-Ar-Gee Construction Co.PROOF artwork sells for up to $10,000. and right, and up and down The gray coating pg. BWDUE: 13x rate Final1/16 Changes 5:00 p.m..is powdered aluminum mixed with tiny plastic Tues., 4/1/14 se review carefully. Number(s) Spelling Prices Hours July 28, Double 2013 check: Vol. 9-Phone No. 31 PROFESSIONAL Reliable Expert beads. The beads help the powder flow easily, Handyman Services Contact your Tidbits representative immediately with changes or corrections. and static electricity makes it stick to the glass. Repairing Desert and Office: 760-320-0997 Fax: 760-320-1630 Homes for over The stylus lightly touches the glass surface, home repair 15 years! Property of and when it moves it scrapes off the aluminum Plumbing • Carpentry • Electrical • Painting Property of AdVenture Media, Inc. AdVenture Inc. Fans Drywall • Vanities • Cabinets •Media, Ceiling powder in its path. Shake it, and the powder is CONSTRUCTION CO., INC. Flooring • Laminate • Tile • Showers • Stucco coated evenly again on the glass surface. Handling All Phases of Construction & Home Improvement Concrete • Pet Doors • Appliance Installs • MORE! FREE Property of FREE AdVenture Media, Inc. • The basic design hasn’t changed a bit since % of RESIDENTIAL Coachella Valley 10 “Our repeat 760.320.0997 Fax: 760.320.1630 SE NIO R The Neatest Little Paper Ever Read customers make our 1960, although variations on the model have DISCOUNT All Rights Reserved 760.320.0997& COMMERCIAL Fax: 760.320.1630 business thrive!” 12-7-15 Insurance Jobs Welcomed FREE ADVERTISING PROOF been introduced. Now there are pocket-sized CALL of Coachella Valley d Johnson, FREE icharp.m.. All Rights Reserved 760.DUE: 347.9485 -R5:00 TODAY: Final Changes Estimates -ownerFIREFax: DAMAGE RESTORATION models, travel size models, glow-in-the-dark 760.320.0997 760.320.1630 Please review carefully. Double check: Phone Number(s) Spelling Prices &Hours Visit us online: www.ultimatehomerepair.net Bonded Insured models (only the frame glows), and also noisy New Construction Remodeling Contact your Tidbits representative immediately with changes or corrections. All Rights Reserved Roofing Room Additions Drywall Stucco Office: 760-320-0997 Fax: 760-320-1630 models. The Zooper model makes all kinds Tile Block Walls Concrete Patios Apartments of weird noises - beeps, boops, squeaks, and Mobile Home Specialists Retirement Homes Country Clubs Commercial Tenant Improvements squawks - as the knobs turn. Also available is 10% No Job Too Small -- Free Estimates DISCOUNT the Etch-A-Sketch “action pack” which offers “We Aim Facial And Cosmetic Enhancement for Seniors to Please!” 760-318-2490 various puzzles and games printed on overlays 877-433-1920 Surgery Center of the Desert Fully Insured Se Habla Espanol LIC. #826297 placed on top of the screen. www.geeargeeconstruction.com A New Look for You Property of • To celebrate the toy’s 25th anniversary in performed by Jennifer Hearne MD, AdVenture Media, Inc. 1985, the Ohio Art Company came out with an DDS, the area’s premier specialist in Maxillofacial Surgery, & fellow“Executive” model made of silver with drawing FREE ship trained in Facial Cosmetics. knobs set with sapphires and topaz and a handof Coachella Valley ofPaper Ever Read TheProperty Neatest Little State-of-the-art facility & friendly staff - for complete patient comfort AdVenture Media, Inc.760.320.1630 carved logo at the top. Price: $3,750. 760.320.0997 Fax: ADVERTISING PROOF • Today it’s estimated that 8,000 Etch-A-Sketches Specialized Procedures: All Rights Reserved Tues., 7/22/14 FREE Final Changes DUE: 5:00 p.m.. • Facelift • Necklift • Eyelid Corare sold every day. In 2000 the Ohio Art Please review carefully. Double check: Phone Number(s) Spelling Prices Hours rection • Botox & Facial Fillers 760.320.0997 Fax: 760.320.1630 FREE Company moved the Etch-A-Sketch factory to • Rhinoplasty, Nose Surgery Contact your Tidbits representative immediately with changes or corrections. All Rights Reserved China. 1. HISTORY: What conflict did Sec• Maxillofacial: Reconstructive Office: 760-320-0997 Fax: 760-320-1630 Dental & Facial Surgery, Extracretary of State John Hay refer to as a • Steve Jacobs created the world’s largest Etch tions, Orthognathic Surgery “splendid little war”? A Sketch at the Black Rock Arts Festival in • Liposuction: Legs, Arms 2. MUSIC: What was Aretha Frankor Full Body California in 1997. He placed 144 regulationEmergency lin’s first No. 1 hit? Most insurances accepted Care sized Etch-A-Sketches in a huge square and Jennifer Hearne 3. GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: MD, DDS Available (760) 459-2880 surrounded them with a huge red Etch A Sketch Wee Haul Moving & Storage What does the candy name M&M’s TWO CONVENIENT OFFICE LOCATIONS: frame, including huge white knobs. qualified 1/8th It page, SPOT Color, 26x rate stand for? 1900 E. Tahquitz Canyon Way, Ste. C-4 • Palm Springs 4. GEOGRAPHY: Which California him for a Guinness World Record. July 27, 2014 - Jan. 18, 2015 78-080 Avenida La Fonda, La Quinta city is the farthest west — San FranLearn more online • www.JenniferHearneMD.com • A Canadian computer programmer named Neil cisco, Los Angeles or San Diego? 5. AD SLOGANS: What laundry detergent vowed to erase “ring around the collar”? 6. FAMOUS PEOPLE: What was the profession of Duncan Hines, whose Move for as Low as name became a household brand of We move you today- at 1980’s prices!! per food products? hour • Professional Movers • Fast, Reliable, Free 7. TELEVISION: Who was talkincludes Truck! from Damage • Local & Long Distance show host Johnny Carson’s announcer and sidekick? ADVERTISING PROOF • Residential & Commercial • Expert Packing of Final Changes DUE: •Property 5:00 p.m.. 8. MATH: What is the only num& Unpacking Loading & AdVenture Media, Inc. Unloading ber whose letters are in alphabetical • A/C Climate Controlled Storage order? FREE 9. FOOD & DRINK: What is the col“Moving the Valley since 1980!” 760.320.0997 Fax: 760.320.1630 FREE or of the liquor called absinthe? All Rights Reserved ESTIMATES 10. LANGUAGE: What is the meanCALL TODAY (760) ing of the term “canard”? 34901 Spyder Circle • Palm Desert Answers PUC CAL T169389 (Trivia Test answers page 16) (located by “Barkingham Palace”) 1. 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Football (from page one) of the game diminished somewhat when the forward pass was introduced, which cut down the number head-on confrontations. • In 1890 the Naval Academy in Annapolis, Maryland challenged the Army cadets of West Point to a game of football, but West Point had no team. A cadet named Dennis Michie accepted that challenge and set about trying to recruit some willing players. However, Michie’s father, a West Point officer, felt that football was nothing more than a pathetic game for ruffians and had no merit as a legitimate academy-level sport. He told his son to quit the project. • But Dennis Michie defied his father, and three weeks later 300 spectators gathered to watch the first Army-Navy football game in history. The inexperienced Army team was easily defeated 24 to 0. Not even Dennis Michie’s father could swallow such a humiliating defeat. He ordered his son to do better next year and “beat the pants off that Navy team.” Today the football stadium at West Point is named after Dennis Michie, founder of the Army-Navy rivalry. • In 1893 a little old lady found watching football very entertaining and was often in the crowd whenever the Annapolis football team played a game. She had become friendly with one of the players named Reeves. During one game she
by K
saw Reeves take a hard hit in the head during a him full tilt, ready to take him down. “Don’t hit1. W pile up. Thinking about that awful blow to the him, he’s hurt!” yelled one of the ends. At that sc skull, she became so concerned that she went point both players gently scooped Adams up and home and designed a crude helmet for him. m slowly dropped him flat on his back. When he wore it in the next game, fans laughed QUIZ BITS • Coach Fielding Yost was giving his team an se and players teased. But its practicality as a safety by Kara Kovalchik & Sandy Wood intense pep-talk during half time, whipping the measure couldn’t be denied, and before longADVERTISING PROOF team into a frenzy. “All right men!” he hollered. player helmets became standard gear. 2. W TUES., 6 that, he “Follow me towas victory -- let’s OCT. go!!”a With Final Changes DUE: 5:00 p 1. ‘Daisy’ originally • During a football game at West Point a second tra Football: page 15 Prices Please review carefully. nickname Double check: for Phone Number(s) Spelling W what longerTo string team member sat on the players bench fir girl’s name?immediately with changes or correcti representative watching Jim Thorpe run all over theContact field. Asyour he Tidbits sp was sitting there dreaming of becoming as great Office: 760-320-0997 Fax: 760-320-1630 ADVERTISING PROOF UIZ IT S 2. Which member of Britain’s a player as Thorpe, the coach pointed to him and Tues., June 30, 2015 Changes 5:00 p Royal sent him into the game. His moment ofFinal fame was 1. DUE: WhatFamily event is thehas mostbeen watched carefully. Double check: Phone Number(s) Spelling Prices called ‘Lilibet’ (as finally at hand! Unfortunately,Please in hisreview very first television program every year in the T in U.S.? private) play he was hit so hard that it brokeContact his leg.your He Tidbitsleast representative immediately with changes or correctio Property of n 2. How many cow hides are rewas carried from the field, his dreams shattered. since childhood? AdVenture Media, Inc. It Has Its Placeevery / Tracy Hartman Office: 760-320-0997 Fax: 760-320-1630 quired year to keep the He never played football again, but the player BZ 4C 6xNFL in footballs? went on to far greater successes. His name was FREE Valley Q Oct. 11, 2015 Vol. 11 -of Coachella No. 42 Answers page 16 Dwight D. Eisenhower. 760.320.0997 Fax: 760.320.1630 ����������������������
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• When the Nomads were up against Knute GET ORGANIZED NOW! 1. V Rockne’s Notre Dame team, Rockne could not 2. C understand why so many of his players were QUIZ BITS Maria Urey - Cleaning Services ADVERTISING PROOF Professional Organizer suddenly breaking their ribs. Player after player Secretary/Bookkeeper BZ ANSWERS Full Color 13x (alternating weeks) Finaland Changes DUE: was hauled out of the game on a stretcher Relocation Assistance 5:00 p. July 5, 2015 Vol. 11 No. 28 ADVERTISING PROOF 1. MARGARET review carefully. Double check: Phone Number(s) Spelling Prices the team doctor admitted thatPlease perfectly normal www.ithasitsplace.com Changes DUE:ELIZABETH p.m.. ribs were breaking like kite sticks. Rockne gotFinal 2. QUEEN II 5:00 carefully. Double check: Phone Number(s) Spelling Prices Hours ContactPlease yourreview Tidbits representative immediately with changes or correctio suspicious and found that the Nomads were CALL TODAY! Contact your Tidbits representative immediately changes or corrections. 760-320-0997 Fax: with 760-320-1630 wearing steel knee braces. Rockne hit the roof Office: Tracy Hartman Office: 760-320-0997 760-408-6194 Fax: 760-320-1630 Licensed and insured while the Nomad coach feigned ignorance. ADVERTISING PROOF “Guess they didn’t want to hurt their knees,” he 5:00 p.m.. said. From then on a new rule went on the books Final Changes DUE: Fri., 11/6/15 QUOT Please review carefully. Double check: Phone Number(s) Spelling Prices Hours that made it illegal for any player to wear metal Property of AdVenture Media, Inc. with changes or corrections. Contact your Tidbits representative immediately knee braces.
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The team huddle was originated by Paul Hubbard, a legally deaf quarterback from Gallaudet University. He would “huddle” together with his other players so he could hear them better and protect their strategy tactics from the other team’s prying eyes.
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FREE CLIP SAVE • On October 7, 1916, the powerful Georgia of SAVE Coachella Valley CLIPAND AND The Neatest Little Paper Ever Read Tech team invited little Cumberland College to 760.320.0997 Fax: 760.320.1630 TOP PR IZE play on Tech’s field. Cumberland did not have ComfortadeFood All Rights Reserved m a regular team, so they rounded up some men BEST T Granny-Style“ ASTE Property of who were willing to give it a try. As no surprise, “ AdVenture Media, Inc. the game did not go well for Cumberland. FREE Later, fullback A.L. Macdonald recalled their TS E G G 760.320.0997 Fax: 760.320.1630 "longest yardage of the day. That was when I E NU California Style BBQ LEDG W All Rights Reserved was shoved backwards 25 feet.” In one play, a O N Slow Cooked • Wood Smoked • Homemade from Scratch OF K Cumberland reciever fumbled the ball and yelled Knute Rockne was the Property of AdVenture Media, Inc. at a teammate to pick it up. But with five huge captain of the Notre Dame football team Georgia Tech men thundering PROOF towards him, he when his mother came to watch him play ADVERTISING FREE in a game. He did his best, making brilliant yelled back, “You pick it up! You dropped it!” ADVERTISING PROOF Mon., 8/24/2015 Final Changes DUE: 5:00 p.m.. 760.320.0997 Fax: 760.320.1630 plays, tough catches and good tackles. The game was mercifully called in the third Final Changes DUE: 5:00 p.m.. Please review carefully. Double check: Phone Number(s) Spelling Prices Hours Please review carefully. Double check: Phone Number(s) Prices Hours AllLight Rights 10 oz. Rib Eye in our ‘n’ Reserved Crispy Spelling Smoked DryRubbed When the game was over he hurried to quarter, with the final score Georgia Tech 222, Delicious House Marinade Fish ‘n’ Chips Back Ribs Contact your Tidbits representative immediately with changesBaby or corrections. Contact your Tidbits representative immediately with changes or corrections. see his mother and asked her what Office: 760-320-0997 Fax: 760-320-1630 Cumberland 0. • Steak • Rib Eye • Shrimp ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ©2005
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Office: 760-320-0997 Fax: 760-320-1630 she thought of the game. “Oh, it • BBQ or Smoked Chicken • Quarterback Harry Adams was playing for was wonderful,” she replied. “That • Pulled Pork • Chili ADVERTISING PROOF • Turkey Burgers • Salads American Bistro Montana in a game against Washington State in cheerleader who turns cartwheels Vista Cove at Rancho Mirage Steak•Seafood•Barbeque • Fish ‘n’ Chips • Brisket Final Changes 5:00 p.m.. 1920. He Banner had DUE: a badly injured ankle but insisted is the most marvelous Ad, 4c, 26x rate $ Please review carefully. Double check: Phone Number(s) Spelling Prices Hours 68-525 Ramon Rd. A-101 • Wine: 5/glass • Cold Beer thing I think I’ve on playingAugust anyway. When the punt went over 30, 2015 - August 15, 2016 (“every other week” schedule) Cathedral City ever seen!” Contacthis yourhead, Tidbitshe representative immediately with changes or corrections. limped back to retrieve it, but by Office: the time he 760-320-0997 picked it up heFax: was760-320-1630 flanked by two very large Washington ends who were racing to
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Like Finding Money You Didn’t Know You Had
It was 20th-century American journalist Walter Lippmann who made the following sage observation: “Our conscience is not the vessel of eternal verities. It grows with our social life, and a new social condition means a radical change in conscience.”
You know the feeling when reach into the pocket of a coat you haven’t worn for a while and pull out a $20 bill? What would it feel like if you According to a recent analysis of data pulled out hundreds of dollars? And what if you ® from the online music streaming service found money like that month after month? Spotify and artist popularity data from a It’s not magic -- it can be done. Pinholes by Mary website called The Echo Nest, Americans in your financial lifeHunt can turn into massive moneytend to stop listening to new music at the gushers. Patching these holes is the key to improvage of 33. ing your income. The problem is that it’s easy to ignore the John Tyler, born March 29, 1790, was tiny cracks. We’re busy -- there’s the mortgage or the 10th president of the United States. rent, car payment, credit cards, insurance, college He was married twice and had a total of savings, carpools, vacation plans, retirement ac15 children. These children, collectively, counts, work benefits; kids, dog, guinea pig. So the were witness to a surprisingly large swath little stuff happens without our noticing. We think: of American history. The oldest, Mary Tyler What’s the harm in picking up dinner from Jones, was born in 1815, the year that saw the drive-thru again? Our lives are so busy and we the end of the War of 1812; the youngest, have to eat. Pearl Tyler Ellis, survived until 1947, two Why go to the trouble of scoping out the years after the end of World War II. Presisales before I hit the supermarket? It’s just easier dent Tyler even has two grandsons who to buy what looks good that the kids will eat. are still alive today. Why pay more than the minimum payment this month? It won’t make that much difference in You might be surprised to learn that it the long run and besides I need to start Christmas costs the U.S. government nearly 2 cents shopping. to mint a single penny. Those three small, seemingly innocuous money issues -- everyday financial decisions that Unless you’ve been to Crater Lake Napop up regularly -- can end up costing thousands of tional Park in Oregon, it’s difficult to bedollars a year. lieve just how blue the water of that lake Consider the following: appears. In fact, there was a time when It will cost at least $25 to feed a family of the rich blues made the professionals at five at any junk food drive-thru. The food will be Kodak believe the photos to be overdevelmarginal in taste and nutrition. You could prepare oped, and the pictures would be returned a much tastier and much more nutritious meal at to the cusomer at no charge. home for just $10. Easy. Do the math. If you do that twice a week, you’re letting $780 leak out of your Those who study such things say that TUES., NOV. 3 life (52 x $15 = $780) every year. if you were (for reasons unspecified) to If you are diligent to buy your supermarket eatDouble the liver of a polar bear, you’d die. The iew carefully. check: Phone Number(s) Spelling Prices Hours food items only when they are on sale (don’t worry, amount of vitamin A stored in that organ everything goes on sale in a typical supermarket act your Tidbits representative immediately with changes or corrections. constitutes a fatal dose for humans. in a 12-week rotation), you’ll cut your grocery tab *** Office: 760-320-0997 Fax: 760-320-1630 by at least 50 percent! The difference between full Thought for the Day: “You never know price and sale price is stunning when everything in what you’ll want to write until it starts writyour cart is on sale. ing itself in your head.” -- Jill Ker Conway It’ll take you 10 years and cost you an additional $10,000 in interest alone on a $10,000 credit(c) 2015 King Features Synd., Inc. Property of card balance if you pay only the minimum amount NEW FORTUNE ASIAN CUISINE AdVenture Media, Inc. required. 1/12 pg 4C 13x disc. See how easy it is for slow leaks to turn Nov. 8, 2015 Vol. 11 - No. 46 FREE of Coachella Valley into big money blowouts? Then imagine those little CLIP SAVE CLIPAND AND SAVE The Neatest Little Paper Ever Read 760.320.0997 Fax: 760.320.1630 leaks draining money from your bank account a
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Mary invites questions, comments and tips at mary@everydaycheapskate.com, or c/o Everyday Cheapskate, 12340 Seal Beach Blvd., Suite B-416, Seal Beach, CA 90740. This column will answer questions of general interest, but letters cannot be answered individually. To find out more about Mary and read her past columns, please visit the Creators Syndicate Web page at www.creators. com.
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Week of November 22, 2015
“swashbuckler” was one who made a great show of fencing, by swashing his sword and striking his opponent’s buckler.
Etymology is the study of the origin of words and the way that their meanings have changed throughout history. Here are just a few you’re sure to recognize -- but we’ll bet you never knew how they originated!
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• In John Milton’s 1667 poem “Paradise Lost” ADVERTISING PROOF the city of Pandemonium is the capital of hell. Final Changes DUE: Self-Serve Frozen Yogurt5:00 p.m Pandemonium is coined from the terms “pan” 21 Flavors - 60 Toppings! review carefully. Double check: Phone Number(s) meaning “all” and “daimon”Please meaning demons: SPECIAL! Spelling Prices BUY ONE - GET ONE the city of All Demons. Contact your Tidbits representative immediately with changes Of equalor correction
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• “Lady Gunhilda” was the name bestowed upon Office: 760-320-0997 760-320-1630 78-447 Hwy. Fax: 111 - Ste. B La Quinta, CA 92253 a large catapult that protected Windsor Castle in (S.W. corner Washington & 111) . 760-564-0033 Exp. 12-15-15 10-31-15 14th century England. Eventually the weapon’s name was shortened to “Lady Gun” and then to ADVERTISING PROOF simply “Gun” which then became a word that 10/16/15 Final DUE: Property of • In the early days of the 1800s, trade was just Changes denoted any catapult, Friday, or any weapon that would 5:00 p.m.. AdVenture Media, Inc. Please review carefully. Double check: Phone Number(s) Spelling Prices Hours beginning to open up between Japan and hurl things such as bullets: a gun. America. Most American trade ships docked in What does a catacomb have to dowith withchanges a cat oror corrections. FREE Contact your• Tidbits representative immediately of Coachella Valley the port of Yokohama. The city had one main aOffice: comb?760-320-0997 Nothing. The word is from the Greek Fax: 760-320-1630 760.320.0997 Fax: 760.320.1630 PROOF street that was well-policed at night, and it was “kata” meaning down, and “kumbe” meaning ADVERTISING All Rights Reserved called Honcho-dori Street. It was the only safe NOON hollow. Final Changes DUE: WED., OCT. 21 5:00 p thoroughfare in town; sailors caught in the city • The Latin word “supra” means Please over review and carefully. Double check: Phone Number(s) Spelling Price Dupuis after dark trying to return to their ship through Carol ADVERTISING PROOF “saltus” Permanent means jump. “Suprasaltus” passed Contact your Tidbits representative immediately with changes or correct Impressions Makeup alleyways and darkened sidestreets were farFinal Changes DUE: 5:00 p.m.. through Spanish, French and Old English before Office: 760-320-0997 Fax: 760-320-1630 Please review check: Phone Number(s) Spelling Prices Hours BZcarefully. • BWDouble • 6x more likely to be robbed, beaten or murdered. becoming our somersault. Contact your 25, Tidbits representative changes or corrections. Oct. 2015 • Vol. immediately 11: #44 -with thru - #49 Men being granted shore leave were warned ADVERTISING PROOF Office: 760-320-0997 Fax: 760-320-1630 never to wander through Yokohama at night, Final Changes DUE: Mon., April 28, 2015 5:00O.R.D. p.m..Contractors and to stick only to the main routePlease of Honchoreview carefully. Double check: Phone Number(s) Spelling Prices Hours 1/8 pg. V 4C 26x dori street, later converted to English slang as Property of Contact your Tidbits representative immediately with changes or corrections. Oct. 25, 2015 Vol. 11 - No. 44 AdVenture Media, Inc. "hunky-dory." Office: 760-320-0997 Fax: 760-320-1630 Limit one per customer. Not valid with other discounts
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• The French “hoche” means “a shaking.” Add that to the word “pot” and you have “a shaking together in a pot.” “Hotch-pot” became the word for a stew and led to our “hodgepodge” meaning a jumbled assortment.
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• In Middle English “habben” meant to have; and “ne habben” meant to have not. “Habben, ne habben” was eventually abbreviated to “hobnob.”
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In fact, unsolicited personal contact supporters. One voting district in Essex County All upgrades included: FREE accident. In fact, contact NOunsolicited FEE RECOVERY All Rights Reserved is prohibited by the State Bar. The decision to UNLESSpersonal of Coachella Valley is prohibited by the State Bar. The decision to Pullout trays, self-closing Property of Paper Ever Read looked like the shape of a dragon. The Neatest Little contact an attorneySomeone is yourscontact and yours alone. an attorney is yours and yours alone. Media, Discover AdVenture Inc. why other attorneys drawers, trash slide-outs, 760.320.0997 Fax: 760.320.1630 throughout California refer their looking at a map of the new district mentioned injury cases to us. and more! NO FEE UNLESS RECOVERY NO FEE UNLESS RECOVERY All Rights PERSONAL INJURY AND WRONGFUL DEATH CLAIMS Reserved Starting at that it looked like a salamander. A bystander FREE • Automobile Accidents This means that you pay no attorney’s fees unless This means that you pay no attorney’s fees unless • Pedestrian • Slip and Fall Discover why other attorneys throughout $4,999 Kitchen Upgrade Sale Price Includes: suggested a better name would beeither Gerrymander, your lawyer negotiates a settlement with your lawyer either negotiates a settlement withFax: 760.320.1630 • Motorcycle and Bicycle Accidents LOOK BEYOND 760.320.0997 ADVERTISING Discover other • Birth & Brainwhy Injury • Dog Bites attorneys ALL Discover why other attorneys PROOF NEW CABINETS AND UPGRADES We aren’t your approval or wins a judgement in court. your approval or wins a judgement in ADVERTISING court. California refer their injury toCancer us. •Asbestoscases Related Lung after the Governor himself. a result, throughout California All Rights throughout California refer their This method compensation makes legalReserved •Medical and Hospital Malpractice refer theirCABINETS This methodAs of compensation makes of legal (avg. 10’x10’ kitchen) plus happy until DY REA E AR Accidents Final Changes DUE: 5:00 p.m.. THE NEXT DAY!! injury• Construction cases to us. representation available to many who otherwise injury cases us. PERSONAL INJURY &toWRONGFUL DEATH CLAIMS available to with many who otherwise • Product Liability “gerrymander” came torepresentation mean tampering YOU are GRANITE COUNTER TOP • Construction Defect cases could not afford it. It also means that if your LUDING Please review carefully. Double check: Phone Number(s) Spelling Prices Hours (INC could not afford it. It also means that if your • Automobile Accidents • Pedestrian happy! CUSTOM case has merit, you can be well represented by PERSONAL INJURY AND WRONGFUL DEATH CLAIMS something to make it advantageous to yourself. case has merit, you can be well represented by representative & FREE INSTALLATION! SIZES) PERSONAL INJURYimmediately AND WRONGFUL DEATH CLAIMS Contact your Tidbits with changes or corrections. ADVERTISING PROOF a qualifi ed attorney. FREE CONSULTATION • Automobile Accidents • Slip & Fall • Motorcycle & Bicycle Accidents a qualified attorney. • Automobile Accidents PROOF Office: 760-320-0997 Fax: 760-320-1630 • Edward I of England invaded Scotland in 1296. ADVERTISING • Pedestrian • Slip and Fall • Birth & Brain Injury Dog • Pedestrian • Slip and Fall Bites Final Changes DUE: New Construction Remodels 5:00 p.m ••Motorcycle and Bicycle Accidents LOOK BEYONDDUE: ADVERTISING Tues., 11/17/15 Final Changes 5:00 p.m.. In every town that was overtaken, he ADVERTISING would • Motorcycle and Bicycle LOOK BEYOND • Accidents BirthCancer & Brain Injury • Dog Bites • Asbestos Related Lung Ask friends or attorneys you know for references Please review carefully. Double check: Phone Number(s) Spelling Prices Hours Please carefully. Double check: Phone Number(s) Spelling Prices Residential Commercial Brain Bites •Asbestos Related review Lung Cancer Ask friends or attorneys you of know for references personal injury lawyers, or• Birth check & with theInjury • Dog force the local politicians to sign a document • Medical & Hospital Malpractice www.nordstrom-law.com •Asbestos Related Lung CancerandorHospital •Medical Malpractice Contact representative changes corrections. California Bar Association. It’s the immediately best way to with of personal injury lawyers, oryour checkTidbits with the Today for a FREE DESIGN ESTIMATE! Contact immediately with changes or correction pledging support to the King. The term • Construction Accidentsyour Tidbits representativeCall •Medical and Hospital Malpractice (760) 837-1884 • (800) 830-7746 fiIt’s nd an attorney with the trial California Bar generic Association. theethical, best way to •competent Product Liability • Fax: Construction Defect cases Office: 760-320-0997 760-320-1630 72-960 Fred Waring Dr., Palm Desert, CA 92260 Liability • Product experience it takes to bring your case to a fair • Construction Accidents fi nd an ethical, competent attorney with the trial OFFICE & SHOWROOM: for any official document written on a scroll Office: 760-320-0997 Fax: 760-320-1630 claims Liability • Construction Defect cases • Product experience it takes to bringconclusion. your case Beware to a fairof the promises and 74991 Joni Drive, Suite 7, Palm Desert some attorneys make in their ads.• Construction Defect cases was a “ragman roll.” conclusion. OfficialsBeware made public of the promises and claims FREE Consultation Noted lecturers for California Continuing Education of the Bonded 760.674.5888 Lic. #893549 some attorneys make in their ads. Bar; Recipients Trial Lawyers of the Year Award; Insured attorneys DO NOT charge forEducation aCAALA consultation. readings of the long and boring ragman rolls, FREEOur CONSULTATION www.ordkitchenandbathdesigns.com American Board of Trial Members: State Bar Noted lecturers for California Continuing ofAdvocates; the of CA; American Bar Association; Northern, LA County, Bar; Recipients CAALA Trial Lawyers of the Year Award; and people got tired of listeningFREE to what we now Desert Members: Bar Association: Attorneys Association CONSULTATION Our attorneysOur DO NOT charge for aBoard consultation. American of Trial Advocates; State Consumer Bar firm limits its practice to PERSONAL Pro Fix of LANorthern, (PresidentLA Elect 1998 - President 1999-2000); OUR FIRM LIMITS of ITS PRACTICE CA; American TO Bar Association; County, Consumer Attorneys of CA; Association of Trial Lawyers of call “rigamarole.” Desert Bar Consumer Attorneys Association INJURY MATTERS. WEAssociation: HAVE THE INJURY matters. We have the experience Our attorneys DO NOT charge PERSONAL for a consultation. Property of America; National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys; Panel Banner Ad, 4c, 26x rate of LA (President ElectTO 1998 President 1999-2000); EXPERIENCE IT TAKES of- Arbitrators, American Arbitration Assoc. AdVenture Media, Inc. OUR FIRM LIMITS ITS PRACTICE TOAND DEDICATION Consumer Attorneys oftakes CA; Association of Trial Lawyers of you. and dedication it to represent REPRESENT YOU. • During the days of knights in shining armor,WE HAVE THE America; PERSONAL INJURY MATTERS. Nov. 22, 2015 - May 15, 2016 National Academy Law Attorneys; Panel HomeIT and HospitalTO Consultation • 24-Hour Hot Line ofTheElder AND DEDICATION TAKES of Arbitrators, American Assoc. holds the highest Legal Ability and General Recommendation The Firm holds the highest Legal Arbitration Ability Firm and General Recommendation Southern California Offi ces a “buckler” was a smallEXPERIENCE shield used to defend Ratings AV (Very High to Preeminent) Martindale-Hubbell Law Directory REPRESENT YOU. “You’re always pushing me around,” FREEGladys Ratings AVLos (Very High to Preeminent) Martindale-Hubbell Law Directory Palm Desert, Orange, Angeles & Escondido and Hospital Consultation • 24-Hour Hot Line The Firm holds the highest Legal Ability and General Recommendation oneself from the blows of Home an adversary’s sword. www.nordstrom-law.com snapped at her husband, “and you’re always Southern California Offices 760.320.0997 Fax: 760.320.1630 Ratings AV (Very High to Preeminent) Martindale-Hubbell Law Directory Palm Desert, Orange, Los Angeles & Escondido “Swash” meant the same thing as the word talking behind my back!” All Rights Reserved www.nordstrom-law.com 72-960 Fred Waring Dr., Palm Desert, CA 92260 “swish” today: the sound that a sword cutting “Of course I am.” he replied. “You happen to be in a wheelchair ! ” Home & Hospital Consultation • 24-Hour Hot Line through the air might make. Therefore a 4 Million We feel it is inappropriate for a lawyer or Weekly representative Readers to contact you as a result of an Nationwide! of Coachella accident. In fact, unsolicited personal contactValley is prohibited by the State Bar. The decision toEver Read The Neatest Little Paper Published by: AdVenture Media and yours For Advertising Call (760) 320-0997 4 Million contact an attorney is yours alone.
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This means that you pay no attorney’s fees unless your lawyer either negotiates a settlement with Media For Advertising Call (760) 320-0997 your approval orPublished winsby:aAdVenture judgement in court. This method of compensation makes legal representation available to many who otherwise could not afford it. It also means that if your 4 Million Readers Weekly case has merit, you can be well represented by Nationwide! a qualified attorney. of Coachella Valley
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Ask friends or attorneys you know for references of personal injury lawyers, or check with the California Bar Association. It’s the best way to find an ethical, competent attorney with the trial experience it takes to bring your case to a fair conclusion. Beware of the promises and claims some attorneys make in their ads.
Noted lecturers for California Continuing Education of the Bar; Recipients CAALA Trial Lawyers of the Year Award; American Board of Trial Advocates; Members: State Bar of CA; American Bar Association; Northern, LA County, Desert Bar Association: Consumer Attorneys Association of LA (President Elect 1998 - President 1999-2000); Consumer Attorneys of CA; Association of Trial Lawyers of America; National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys; Panel of Arbitrators, American Arbitration Assoc.
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Vol. XI Issue 48
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*** Can you tell me what the actress who plays Maeby on “Arrested Development” has been doing lately? -- Linda R. in Virginia
A: Alia Shawkat stars in a new TBS dark Q: I’m glad to see that “Agent X” is finally on TNT. I’ve been looking forward to seeing Sharon Stone in this. She is wonderful, of course, but I’m also impressed with the actress who plays Olga. What can you tell me about her? -- Jonathon T., via email
A: Olga Fonda, whom you might remem-
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RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL comedy series of her own, which is currently in development. It’s called “Search Party,” and it co-stars 15-yrs Experience ServingPROOF All Desert Cities ADVERTISING John Early, John Reynolds and Meredith Hagner. 5:00 p.m.. The show follows a group of four self-absorbed Final Changes DUE: Please review carefully. Double check: Phone Number(s) Spelling Prices Hours 20-somethings who come together when a former with changes or corrections. college acquaintance mysteriously disappears. The Contact your Tidbits representative immediately Property of Office: 760-320-0997 Fax: Inc. 760-320-1630 AdVenture Media, series will debut sometime in 2016. *** ELLIOTT FREE ELLIOTT My wife heard that there is going and Prices offer the Best We 760.320.0997 Fax: 760.320.1630 to be a new “Star Trek” series. Is that true? ! Workmanship Friday, 5/26/15 Professional All Rights Reserved -- Paul T., via email
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A new “Star Trek” series has indeed ber from “The Vampire Diaries” and “Real Steel,” is the gorgeous actress who plays Olga Petrovka. She been greenlighted at CBS, with an expected debut was born in Russia and came to the U.S. when she in January 2017. Prolific writer and producer Alex Kurtzman (producer of the “Star Trek” feature-film was 14 as a foreign reboots) is developing. exchange student. According to The Hollywood Reporter, She was thrilled to “The new ‘Star Trek’ will introduce new characters come to America, seeking imaginative new worlds and new civilizawhich is, in her tions, while exploring the dramatic contemporary words: “a land of themes that have been a signature of the franchise opportunities and since its inception in 1966.” dreams. So, when The latest in the “Star Trek” feature films I got the opportuwon’t premiere until 2019, but die-hard Trekkies nity to go to the will have plenty to tide them over until then. United States, I happily grabbed it. Write to Cindy at King Features Weekly SerI always wanted to vice, 628 Virginia Drive, Orlando, FL 32803; or e-mail get an experience her at letters@cindyelavsky.com. of living in different countries, (c) 2015 King Features Synd., Inc. studying in difOlga Fonda MON., APRIL 6 MON., JAN. 27 ferent countries, learningreview the different cultures, and, check: of course, Please carefully. Double Phone Please review carefully. Double check: havPhone Number(s) Number(s) Spelling Spelling Prices Prices Hours Hours ing better opportunities.” Aside from the show, Olga is Contact your Tidbits representative immediately with Contact yourworking Tidbits on representative immediately with changes changes or or corrections. corrections. thrilled to work with Sharon Stone and Jeff HepOffice: 760-320-0997 Fax: 760-320-1630 760-320-0997 hner. “There is a greatOffice: mix of action, mystery and Fax: 760-320-1630 drama -- and a sense of humor. It’s a well-done show. Sharon is beautiful and smart and a talented woman. And she is fun to be around. She is very supportive of her fellow actors. There was one scene she did where she had to work with kids. It Property of was such a great experience to observe that she Media, Inc. AdVenture Indio Water was so kind Authority and so patient. It was a really beautiful Indio Water Authority moment. She’s superstar. And Jeff is a talented, Qtr. pg. 4C Qtr. pg. 4C 6x 6xadisc. disc. FREE nice, good-looking guy with a great, ofof Coachella Valley April 12, 2015Vol.Vol. 11 - No. 16 great sense The Neatest Little Paper Ever Read Feb. 2, 2014 10 No. 6 humor. We have so much fun together.” 760.320.0997 Fax: 760.320.1630 Published by: AdVenture Media
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To save time, cut up the raw stuffing ingredients the night before, then cover and refrigerate. Stuff the bird just before roasting -- never in advance -- and roast immediately. Lightly stuff the body and neck cavities. Do not pack; the stuffing needs room to expand during cooking. (Bake the extra ADVERTISING PROOF stuffing in a covered, buttered baking dish 30 minutes or until heated through.) 3 PM Final Changes DUE: Mon., 10/19/15 • 5:00 p.m..
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After cooking, the stuffing temperature have Please review carefully. Double check: Phone Number(s) should Spelling Prices Hours * On Nov. 28, 1582, William Shakespeare, Classic Bread Stuffing ◦ reached 160 F to be safe. If the poultry has
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reached the correct temperature but the stuffing bond for their marriage license in StratfordOffice: transfer 760-320-0997 1/2 cup butter or margarine (1 stick) hasn’t, the stuffingFax: to a760-320-1630 buttered baking upon-Avon. Six months later, Anne gives dish and continue baking until 160◦ F is reached. 5 celery stalks, finely chopped birth to their daughter, Susanna, and two Leftover stuffing should be promptly removed 1 medium onion, finely chopped years later, to twins. from the bird to avoid potential bacterial growth. 2 loaves (16 ounces each) sliced firm white bread; cut into 3/4-inch cubes * On Nov. 27, 1703, an unusual freak For thousands of triple-tested recipes, visit our website at 1 can (14 1/2 ounces) chicken broth storm finally dissipates over England after www.goodhousekeeping.com/recipefinder/. Mr. & Mrs. Kleaning 1/4 cup chopped fresh parsley wreaking havoc for two weeks. Packing Business Card, BW 1 teaspoon dried thyme hurricane-strength winds, the storm killed (c)26x 2015discount Hearst Communications, Inc. rate ($51.00/wk • Rate Card #6) 3/4 teaspoon salt between 10,000 and 30,000 people, and All rights reserved TUES., AUG. 18 1/2 teaspoon ground black pepper sank hundreds of Royal Navy ships. ADVERTISING PROOF 1/2 teaspoon dried sage Please review carefully. Final Double check: Changes DUE: Phone Number(s) 5:00 p.m.. Spelling Prices Hours Please review carefully. Double check: Phone Number(s) Spelling Prices Hours * On Nov. 29, 1929, American explorer Contactrepresentative your Tidbits representative immediately with changes or corrections. Contact your Tidbits immediately with changes or corrections. Richard Byrd and three companions make Office: 760-320-0997 Fax: 760-320-1630 1. In 5-quart Dutch oven, melt butter over medium Residential • Commercial • Carpets • Windows the first flight over the South Pole. In 1996, Office: 760-320-0997 Fax: 760-320-1630 heat. Add celery and onion, and cook, stirring a diary of Byrd’s was found that seemed • PRESSURE : tes Affordable Ra occasionally, about 15 minutes, until tender. WASH ice rv Se to suggest his plane had turned back 150 7 4/ •2 SERVICE 2. Remove Dutch oven from heat. Add bread •Daily miles short of its goal because of an oil Seasonal •Weekly cubes, broth, parsley, thyme, salt, pepper leak. •Bi-Weekly HOUSE and sage; toss to combine well. Use to stuff •Monthly SITTING Property of 12- to 16-pound turkey, or serve in baking dish Habitat for Humanity of the Coachella AdVenture Media, Inc. Valley * On Nov. 23, 1936, the first issue of Life • TRUSTWORTHY We leave it SPARKLING alongside poultry or ham: Spoon stuffing into BZ 4C N.P. Rate • LICENSED magazine is published, featuring a covgreased 13-by-9-inch baking dish; cover with (760 Call2015 Today:Vol. • BONDED FREE Aug. 23, 11) - No. of35 er photo of the Fort Peck Dam. When it Coachella Valley Property of foil and bake in preheated 325 F oven about 45 The Neatest Little Paper Ever Read AdVenture Media, Inc. folded during the Great Depression, pub760.320.0997 Fax: 760.320.1630 minutes until heated through. Makes about 10 lisher Henry Luce bought the name and reAll Rights Reserved cups stuffing. launched Life as a picture-based periodiFREE of Coachella Valley cal. The Neatest Little Paper Ever Read 760.320.0997 Fax: 760.320.1630 Each 1/2 cup: About 170 calories, 4g protein, FREE 24g carbohydrate, 6g total fat (3g saturated), 1g All Rights Reserved * On Nov. 26, 1941, President Franklin TUES., Sept. 1 fiber, 13mg cholesterol, 475mg sodium. D. Roosevelt signs a bill officially estabPlease review carefully. Double check: Phone Number(s) Spelling Prices Hours lishing the fourth Thursday in November Donate your Furniture, Appliances, as Thanksgiving Day. In 1789, President Contact your Tidbits representative immediatelyHome with changes Goodsor & corrections. Building Supplies George Washington had proclaimed a holiOffice: 760-320-0997 Fax: to 760-320-1630 a good cause -- and a tax deduction! day of national thanksgiving for the U.S. Constitution. Please review carefully. Double check: Phone Number(s) Spelling Prices Hours To Schedule a Pickup Remember that the stuffing is only being heated * On Nov. 24, 1971, a hijacker calling himContact your Tidbits representative immediately with changes or corrections. 34470 Gateway Dr., Ste. 110, Palm Desert through while inside the bird and does not self D.B. Cooper -- wearing only wrapPreferred Plbg, Htg. & A/C actually cook. Therefore, it is important that the Office: 760-320-0997 Fax: 760-320-1630 around sunglasses, a thin suit and a rainc/o JNS Advertising ingredients are thoroughly cooked before being coat -- parachutes from an airplane into 1/4 pg. 4C 26x disc. combined. a thunderstorm with 100-mph winds and Sept. 6, 2015 Vol. 11 - No. 37 temperatures well below zero over Washington state. Despite a massive search, no Property of trace of Cooper or the $200,000 in ransom AdVenture Media, Inc. money he carried was ever found.
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On Nov. 25, 1990, after a howling wind- and rainstorm on Thanksgiving Day, Washington state’s historic floating Lacey V. Murrow Memorial Bridge breaks apart and sinks to the bottom of Lake Washington. The bridge had been made of 22 floating pontoons.
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Tidbits of Coachella Valley TUES., OCT. 21
Week of November 22, 2015
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They leave it, We retrieve it! PET WASTE REMOVAL SERVICE
Dogs and Other People By Matthew Margolis
Creators News Service
Adopting the “Unadoptable”
The holiday season is upon us, which means men, women, moms and dads are in the market for We scoop, disinfect and remove yo cuddly companions. Thankfully, when looking a $9.75 THEN YOU NEED OUR SERVICE, poop weekly forfor only EVEN IF YOU DON’T KNOW IT YET!! new dog or cat, many of them will turn to America’s animal shelters. ►Starting at $9.75/wk Andy Muellerfor one dog◄ The Humane Society estimates that about Don’t put it off! CALL online: Satisfaction 1/16 TODAY: Pg. BW visit 6x us disc. six million to eight million animals enter those shelADVERTISING PROOF GUARANTEED! gotdooky.com Nov.Final22, 2015 Vol. 115:00 - No. Changes DUE: p.m.. 48 ters each year. About half are adopted. The stakes are high for these animals. But they’re also high for ADVERTISING PROOF Final Changes DUE: 5:00 p.m..the people who have to choose just one. How do you Created by Tom Underwood it? Please review carefully. Double check: Phone Number(s) Spelling Prices Hours ©North North American Syndicate 2015 2012 www.wuzzleking.com America Syndicate, 2010 Too Much DusTy JuNk? do I talked to three people last week who had Contact your Tidbits representative immediately with changes or corrections. (Wuzzles answers on page 16) adopted dogs from a shelter. One said their dog has Office: 760-320-0997 Fax: 760-320-1630 bitten eight people in as many months. The other WANT To sEllProperty GRANDpA’s said they’ve only had the dog one day and he has alof AdVenture Media, Inc. ready growled at one of their children. And the third sTuff/JuNk...? wrote me the following letter: We like to buy: old watch collections, old trains, old FREE “I am fostering this dog deemed unadoptof Coachella Valley toys, old computer piles, W.W.2. Items, old odd things, able. ‘Alvin,’ an adorable Cairn terrier-Schnauzer Fax: 760.320.1630 slot cars, 760.320.0997 vintage memorabilia, etc. mix, had been at the shelter for six months. He was Bigger and older pile, the better! All the Rights Reserved deemed unadoptable after an attempt to introduce Whatta Ya Got? Storage unit, garage, storage room. him to my dog. Got lotsa dusty stuff? Want it gone? Call! *not interested in china, glasses, clothes, artwork, photos. “The shelter asked me to foster Alvin or he Cash paid. would be destroyed. We have come a long way, but we still have a biting history and ongoing issues. The Call: 760-218-0009 Free to Call / Have us look. If it’s not our kinda stuff, we can guide you to someone else shelter wants a decision from me on whether I will keep him or return him to be put down. “I am desperate to find a sanctuary or a professional to help him or help me help him. He has bitten everyone in the family so far. But it is bizarre how loving and sweet he is 99.9 percent of the time. I want to give him every possible chance before giving Property of AdVenture Media, Inc. up on him. He was obviously abused and abandoned. He has fear-based aggression and dog aggression, FREE and he is unbalanced. Our family has been working 760.320.0997 Fax: 760.320.1630 with him extensively since April. If you could contact Tidbits® Word Search All Rights Reserved me and help in some way, we would be forever grateful.” “Gridiron Gallery” The problem, as I see it, is all too common: N W O D T S R I F R E B P T J People buy the outside of the dog without knowing the inside. L E M I T F L A H N M M I R G This person wants desperately to save a M L T O U C H D O W N M R R C M P G X K R L Z R L E L E M C CASEY’S CORNER: Turn to page 10
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SENIOR NEWS LINE by Matilda Charles © King Features Synd., Inc.
Does Exercise Delay Parkinson’s Decline? People who have been diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease might want to reconsider doing strenuous exercise as a means of keeping their physical abilities. A recent short-term study concluded that normal, frequent movements are better for Parkinson’s patients than working out. The study was funded by some power hitters -- the Department of Veterans Affairs, the Michael J. Fox Foundation and the National Institutes of Health -- and conducted by Parkinson’s research teams at the University of Michigan. Their conclusions bear paying attention to, even though they might seem contrary to logic. Many Parkinson’s patients begin to reduce the amount of time they spend moving. Whether it’s a walk around the block, doing dishes or strolling the aisles of the grocery store, many prefer to forgo those daily activities to keep from falling or losing balance. In the four-week study, using 48 participants, researchers looked at the result of nonexercise movement versus exercise activity. They did PET scans of the brain to look at dopamine levels and used questionnaires to learn about the participants’ level of activity and the type they did -- daily routines or exercise. Researchers tested whether a strenuous exercise program such as swimming or aerobics could
Vol. XI Issue 48
Tidbits of Coachella Valley
Matilda Charles regrets that she cannot personally answer reader questions, but will incorporate them into her column whenever possible. Send email to columnre-
know who a dog is on the inside. Personality tests reveal whether a dog is shy, responsive, fearful, alert, calm, high energy or aggressive. Pain tolerance tests alert you to any areas on the dog’s body that are sensitive and may provoke a response. There are also hand tests and noise tests to determine other idiosyncrasies. Some trainers or animal behaviorists can be enlisted for a fee to come with you to a shelter and test several dogs on your behalf. Or you can read more about how to administer these tests in my book “When Good Dogs Do Bad Things.” At the very least, though, spend a couple of hours with several dogs before you take one home. As my good friend Mordecai Siegal used to say, this is the one time you get to pick your relative! Woof!
(c) 2015 King Features Synd., Inc.
help with symptoms. The answer: No, it’s the daily, small activities that were protecting motor skills. It’s those routine movements that were linked to fewer motor symptoms, even in those patients with lower dopamine levels. So, say the researchers, get up and move. Any kind of movement appears to help, as long as it keeps you active and doing your normal, daily tasks. Reminder: The open enrollment period to sign up or change your Medicare health and drug plan ends Monday, Dec. 7.
CASEY’S CORNER (from page 9)
Dog trainer Matthew “Uncle Matty” Margolis is co-author of 18 books about dogs, a behaviorist, a popular radio and television guest, and host of the PBS series “WOOF! It’s a Dog’s Life!” COPYRIGHT 2010 CREATORS SYNDICATE, INC.
dog’s life, even at the risk of her own family. In the meantime, though, there are up to 7,999,999 other animals who also need homes, whose lives are also at risk. And the vast, vast majority of them are not biters. At the same time, shelters are not Home DeOur Student Clinic is pot, and a dog is not a lamp. The idea is to adopt open to the public. ADVERTISING PROOF the dog -- not take him home for a test run and then ALWAYS: $30 per hour or Final Changes DUE: Tues,, 10/06/15 5:00 p.m.. return him if it doesn’t work out. Being adopted and $ 40 per 1.5 hours Please review carefully. Double check: Phone Number(s) Spelling Prices Hours then returned is not only hard on the person; it’s M–F 9am to 5pm your Tidbits representative immediately with changes or corrections. a black mark against the dog. In many shelters, a Contact Call for an appointment or book online 760.321.9214 • www.somatherapy.com Fax: 760-320-1630 Office: 760-320-0997 dog can only be returned so many times before he 70-225 Hwy. 111, Ste B, Rancho Mirage, CA 92270 Just west of the Valero Gas Station at Peterson Rd. is deemed unadoptable. So it’s that much more important to take the time to ensure you are bringing home the right dog for you. How do you know if he’s the right dog? In the animal behavior and dog training worlds, there are tests professionals use to get to
You deserve a massage!
ERIC A. RUDOLPH P.C. Property of AdVenture Media, Inc. 4 Million Readers Weekly Nationwide!
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1. Who had a #1 hit in 1961 with the sardonic 5. Candy cinodras e renthLightner giL ydnaC .5 “Mother-in-Law”? www.RudolphLegal.com 2. According to the proverb, what is “the eht“ s mother of invention”? EALWAYS ERF SYAFREE WLA 3. What was the real first name of African-nacirf American comedienne Moms Mabley? ?yelb ALWAYS FUN N UF SYAW LA 4. What film actor wanted to Throw Momma ammoM from the Train in 1987?
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Stop worrying and get a good night’s rest. You did what you did and that’s that. And in my opinion, you didn’t make a mistake. Had you started your benefits at 70, you would have received an ongoing monthly benefit equal to 132 percent of your full retirement-age rate. By taking benefits six months early, your ongoing rate will be 128 percent of your FRA benefit. So you lost four percent. But you gained the six months of retroactive benefits. I hope you took that money and had a good time with it!
I am 60 years old and have been getting disability benefits for about 5 years. When can I start getting some of my ex-husband’s Social Security? He is 66 years old and has been on Social Security for many years.
I am 69 years old. I get $1,348 per month from my own Social Security. I was married just one time. I was married Nov. 21, 1974 and divorced on Nov. 1, 1984. My exhusband married several more times after he divorced me. Is there any way I can get any extra Social Security from his record? I sure could use the money.
Oct. 15 -- Dec. 7, 2015 Your health matters! Your insurance choice is IMPORTANT!
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Medicare Open Enrollment
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No. Social Security does not pay any special benefits to caretakers. However, if your grandmother is incapable of handling her own Social Security affairs, and if you are indeed handling all of her caregiving and financial needs, then you should apply with the Social Security Administration to be her “representative payee.” If you are so appointed, your grandma’s Social Security checks will be sent in your name to your bank account to use on her behalf. Office: 760-320-0997
I took widow’s benefits at 60, intending to switch to my own at 70. When I was about to turn 70, I called Social Security to make the switch. The man on the phone talked me into taking 6 months retroactive benefits. So I didn’t get my full age-70 rate. That was about a year ago and I’ve been losing sleep about it ever since. Did I make a huge mistake?
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This week, instead of concentrating on just one topic, I’m going to dig into my mailbag and answer random questions. I will try to keep my answers short and sweet so I can squeeze in as many questions as my column space will permit:
I’m sorry, but you aren’t due any extra Social Security from your ex. The law is very specific. It says you must have been married at least 10 years to qualify for benefits as a divorced spouse. Or to be more precise, the law says your marriage must have reached its 10th anniversary. And if the dates you gave me are accurate, you came up just 20 days short of reaching that anniversary. And I’m afraid that means you also come up short in trying to get extra Social Security benefits.
The Wright Group 1/4 pg. 4C 6x Oct. 4, 2015 Vol. 11 - No. 41
Mailbag Miscellany
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My grandmother is 92 years old. I have become her caretaker. Am I eligible for any kind of caretaker benefits from her Social Security account?
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by Tom Margenau
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program to the retirement program. But again, the money amount remains the same, so the changeover will be transparent to you. Although you will get a letter from Social Security that essentially says this: “Effective with your 66th birthday, you will be considered a retired person and not a disabled person.”
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Week of November 22, 2015
I was single all of my life and thought I would die that way. But out of the blue, I met a man and fell in love and we got married last year. He is 84 and I am 79. He was married once before for about 30 years. He divorced his first wife 10 years ago and she is getting part of his Social Security now. His Social Security check is almost twice as much as mine. He isn’t in the best of health, and I don’t think he will live the 10 years required for me to get any widow’s benefits after his death. But would I at least qualify for his burial benefit? Or will that go to his first wife?
Burt Horowitz
Doug Wright
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Once you are 62 years old, you will be potentially eligible for divorced wife’s benefits. At that age, you could get your benefit supplemented up to about one third of your ex’s full retirement5-Star Rating Service age benefit. In other words, if one third of his rate is more than what you are getting now, you will get the difference. If there is no difference, meaning if your benefit exceeds one third of his, then you could wait until age 66 to file when you could get supplemented up to one half of his full-benefit rate. The 10 year marriage duration rule PROOF If that is still less than you’re already getting, then ADVERTISING only applies to divorced spouses. You to you’ll just have to wait until he dies. At that point,Final asChanges DUE: Wed., 9/9/15only need 5:00 p.m.. ADVERTISING PROOF be married to him for9 Phone months to qualifyfor bene- Prices Final 5:00 p.m.. suming you are 66 or older when it happens, Pleaseyou’ll review carefully. Double check: Number(s) Spelling HoursChanges DUE: Please review carefully. Double check: Phone Number(s) Spelling Prices Hours fits on his account. So you certainly will be due widget the difference between your rate and 100 per- your Tidbits representative immediately with changes or corrections. Contact Contact your Tidbits representative immediately with changes or corrections. ow’sOffice: benefits when he dies. And there is a chance cent of his benefit. Office: 760-320-0997 Fax: 760-320-1630 760-320-0997 Fax: 760-320-1630 you are even due some extra wife’s benefits now. NO FEE, NO OBLIGATION I am 63 years old and have been You should call Social Security at 800-772-1213 to getting disability benefits for about five years. find out. You could get those benefits even though Phone consultations available. When can I get real Social Security? And how his Windsor ex-wife is already something Courtgetting Assisted Livingon his acCall us today! do I apply for it? count. AndAd, when dies, Banner 4c,he 26x rateyou each would be due widow’s And Sept. benefits. 13 - Dec.You 13,don’t 2015offset • Vol.one 11: another. #38 - #51 As I’ve written a hundred times in this finally, when he dies, that little $255 one-time death column, you are getting “real Social Security.” A benefit would be paid to you. Social Security disability benefit is just as real as a Email: JustAskDoug@yahoo.com *** Social Security retirement benefit. In fact, a Social If you have a Social Security question, Tom Mar2015 pt. 9,rate Sesame Website: JustAskDoug.net Security disability benefit pays the as your genau has the answer. Contact him at thomas.margenau@ full retirement-age benefit. When you turn 66, you comcast.net. To find out more about Tom Margenau and to CA Lic #0B39683 • CA Lic #OJ16854 will be automatically switched from the disability read past columns and see features from other Creators Syn-
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whenever Dr. possible. WongReaders may email questions to ADVERTISING PROOF disease (especially Hashimoto’s, the most common ToYourGoodHealth@med.cornell.edu. To view and order 1/16th page, BW, 13x rate of low thyroid) than expected, to the TUES., MAR. 15point 5:00 Final cause Changes DUE: p.m.. health pamphlets, visit www.rbmamall.com, or write to where everyone with celiac disease should have a November 15 & 22, 2015
Good Health, 628 Virginia Drive Orlando, FL 32803. Please review carefully. Double check: Phone Number(s) Spelling Prices Hours blood test to look at thyroid levels. Celiac disease,
ADVERTISING PROOF WANTED:DUE: HYPOTHYROIDISM SUFFERERS! TUES., JULY 28 consider for celiac disease in people withChanges Office:testing 760-320-0997 Fax: 760-320-1630 Final 5:00 p autoimmune thyroid disease. However, I would not or intolerance of gluten in general, may have few
Contact your representative changes or Tidbits subtle symptoms, andimmediately it might be with worthwhile to or corrections.
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Strange Spells May be Due to Anxiety
Are you suffering from hypothyroidism even with medications? Please reviewwith carefully. Double check: Phone Number(s) Spelling Prices recommend a drastic change in diet for people FREE thyroid disease if there are no symptoms. Bob’s Clock Repair Contact your Tidbits representative immediately with changes or correcti 760.320.0997 Fax: 760.320.1630 *** BZ 4C 26x ...there are 10 causes of hypothyroidism & only 1 needs medication? Reserved 760-320-1630 Dr. Roach regrets that he is unable to answer in- Office: 760-320-0997 All RightsFax:
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ANSWER: You aren’t crazy. Your neuroloAll Rights Reserved gist may be right -- this can be related to anxiety -- but I wouldn’t jump to that diagnosis without considering a few things first. A warm sensation over different parts of your body should make your doctor think of conditions like carcinoid syndrome and pheochromocytoma. These are tumors that secrete hormone-like substances that can cause odd feelings, such as flushing or warmth, in different parts of the body. They can be screened for with simple urine and blood tests. I agree with you that being awakened with this sensation makes anxiety or panic attack less likely. It does not sound like a seizure disorder to me. Sometimes, people notice sensations that defy medical explanation. In that case, we generally just try to make sure it isn’t something that doesn’t threaten life or health and help people ADVERTISING PROOF minimize and live with the symptoms. TUES., NOV. 10 Final Changes DUE: 5:00 p.m.. *** Please review carefully. Double check: Phone Number(s) Spelling Prices Hours DEAR DR. ROACH: I have to take levothyroxine in order toTidbits obtainrepresentative an acceptableimmediately with changes or corrections. Contact your TSH number. I have read that some doctors are Office: 760-320-0997 Fax: 760-320-1630 stating that there is a relationship between hypothyroidism and gluten intolerance, possibly even celiac disease. Is this proven to the point that a patient should alter his or her diet and giveMichele up the basic foods of bread and cereal?Property of Dr. Quam AdVenture Media, Inc. -R.K. Advanced Functional Medicine
1/8 pg 4C, 13x rate ANSWER: People with celiac disease Nov. 2015 higher Vol. 11risk - No. 47 760.320.0997 have 15, a much of autoimmune thyroid
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...the #1Final causeADVERTISING for hypothyroidism in USAPROOF - & what 5:00 to dop.m.. about it? Changes DUE: randfather loCk epair ...the right tests to order - & how to read them? ...your signs & symptoms of hypothyroidism include: tired, weight, Property of Howard Miller • Ridgeway • Sligh • Antique AdVenture Media, Inc. GI distress, depression, headache, hair thinning, nervous, night Service, Repair and New ADVERTISING fog, cold handsBow & feet,Medical heartPROOF palpitations, and infertility? Movements from Germany Dr.sweats, Sanabrain Khan - Red Assoc. FREE 32 years 1/12 pg.DUE: 4C If you26x arerate suffering then email me at: 5:00 p.m Final Changes experience BoB’s CloCk shop 760.320.0997 Fax: 760.320.1630 @ Aug. 2, 2015 Vol. 11 - No. 33your FREE DoctorChunWong gmail.com for report today. review carefully. Double check: Phone Number(s) Spelling Prices Carlsbad / San Diego /Please Desert Communities
DEAR DR. ROACH: I have been having weird spells for about six months. They occur only occasionally and last a couple of days and nights. They awaken me out of sleep and are a little frightening. It starts with a burning sensation on the right side of my nose. I feel as if I have to remember something, and a wave of warmth floods over my upper torso, down to my arms. I feel my heart fluttering, and am a little sick to my stomach. I also have funny sensations in my right ear. It lasts a few seconds, and I just have to ride it out. When it’s over, I feel weak for a while. I saw a neurologist, who mentioned that it might be anxiety, which made me mad -being awakened out of a sound sleep doesn’t seem to me that I am anxious, as I have no trouble sleeping! He wanted to put me on a medication with a lot of side effects, such as dizziness and hallucinations. I do not want to be on medication, but I also don’t want to have a grand mal seizure. He could not tell me if I could have one or not. I only want affirmation that I am not crazy! -- L.G.
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1. In which book's 5:18 does it state, "In every thing give thanks, for this is the will of God concerning you"? a) 1 Thessalonians b) 1 John c) 1 Timothy d) 1 Peter 2. What items of food and drink did Jesus give thanks for at the Last Supper? a) Figs/water b) Bread/wine c) Fish/wine d) Lamb/milk 3. Which book (KJV) mentions the word "thanksgiving" the most times at eight? a) Genesis b) Nehemiah c) Psalms d) Isaiah 4. From Leviticus 22, a sacrifice of thanksgiving is most meaningful when it is ...? a) Often b) Sincere c) Voluntary d) During worship 5. Where was Jonah when he prayed with the voice of thanksgiving? a) Fish's belly b) In the wilderness c) After he preached d) Aboard ship 6. Whose thanksgiving is expressed in Pilippians 4:10-20? a) Paul b) John the Baptist c) Mark d) Timothy (Answers on page 16)
For comments or more Bible Trivia go to www.TriviaGuy.com
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Week of November 22, 2015
Senior-Friendly Furniture Aids for Mobility Challenged Seniors Dear Savvy Senior: I am interested in purchasing a recliner that lifts and lowers off the ground, or some other type of senior-friendly furniture that can help my elderly father. He’s arthritic and overweight and struggles mightily with getting up from most of the cushioned furniture in the house. What can you recommend? -- Need a Boost Dear Need: The task of sitting down and/or getting up from soft cushioned furniture is a problem for many seniors who struggle with excessive weight, arthritis or other mobility issues. Here are some different product solutions that can help. Lift Recliners One of the most popular types of cushioned furniture on the market today for mobility challenged seniors is an electric recliner lift chair. While they look just like regular recliners, powerlift recliners come with a built-in motor that raises and lowers the entire chair, which makes sitting down and getting up much easier. With literally dozens of different types and styles of lift recliners to choose from, here are a few key points that can help you select a good fit for your dad. • Chair size: The recliner needs to fit the
I am a mother. I am a swimmer. I am a volunteer. I am a technology lover.
I am Mission Hills. — anna, assisted Living resident since 2013
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Tidbits of Coachella Valley
person sitting in it, so your dad’s height and weight will determine the size of chair he needs. • Reclining options: Aside from the lifting system, the degree in which the chair reclines is your choice too. Most lift recliners are sold as either two-position, three-position or infinite-position lift chairs. The two-position chairs recline only to about 45 degrees, which makes them ideal for watching TV or reading. But if your dad wants to nap, he’ll probably want a three-position or infinite-position chair that reclines almost completely horizontally. • Style and features: You’ll also need to choose the type of fabric, color and back style you want the chair to be, or if you want any extra features like built-in heating or massage elements, or a wall hugging chair which is great if you’re tight on space.
by Freddy Groves
Unsettling Testimony
Witnesses recently testified before the Senate Committee on Veterans’ Affairs about the problems veterans experience trying to access mentalhealth services through the Department of Veterans Affairs. Witness A was a Naval Academy graduate with a certificate from Stanford Graduate School of Business, a Marine Corps intelligence and specialops officer, with two combat deployments in Af While there are many companies that make ghanistan. He receives health care through the VA. lift recliners – such as Med-Lift, NexIdea, Catnap Witness A said it took over a year to get per, Berkline, Franklin and La-z-boy – Pride Mobilaccess to the VA’s health care. Once in, he asked ity (pridemobility.com) and Golden Technologies for a mental-health consult for mild symptoms. It (goldentech.com) have been around the longest took more than a month to get an appointment. The and have some of the best reputations. With prices physician dispensed pills, and within two weeks typically ranging between $600 and $2,000, you those initial mild symptoms became much worse. can find lift recliners at many medical supply stores ADVERTISING PROOF He stopped taking the pills and felt better, but it was and online. over aChanges month DUE: before he could get another Final 5:00exam. p.m.. Thecarefully. doctorDouble offered another of pill. You’ll also be happy to know that Medicare Please review check:to prescribe Phone Number(s) Spellingkind Prices Hours Witness A asked to try cognitive therapy, but the provides some help purchasing a lift chair. They your Tidbitsprovide representative immediately changes or corrections. VA doesn’t that kind ofwith care ... only pills. cover the lift mechanism portion, which equates to Contact Office: 760-320-0997 Fax: 760-320-1630 In his next attempt to get care, he kept around $300 towards your purchase. leaving messages in an attempt to get an appointment, but no one ever responded to his calls. Now Risedale Chairs the VA is threatening to cut his benefits for missing If powerlift recliners don’t appeal to your dad, another option to consider is a Risedale chair. appointments ... appointments that had never been These are open-legged, wing back chairs that are made because he couldn’t get a human on the line. different from lift recliners because only the seat If you want to read the rest of the testimoADVERTISING PROOF cushion lifts instead of the whole chair. Sold by nies, Final go online to www.veterans.senate.gov. Click Changes DUE: Mon., 9/21/15 5:00 p.m.. Carex Health Brands (carex.com), the Risedale “Hearings” and Double scroll to the one dated Oct. -- VA Hours Please review carefully. check: Phone Number(s) Spelling28 Prices costs $725. Mental Care. ContactHealth: your TidbitsEnsuring representativeAccess immediatelyto with changes or corrections. Office: 760-320-0997 Fax: 760-320-1630 On the same day as the hearing, the GovFurniture Adapters ernment Accountability Office released a report If you’re looking for something less expenclaiming that the VA’s calculations of mental-health sive, or if your dad doesn’t want different furniture, wait times are not the times that veterans actually there are also a number of assistive products that wait. To read the full report, go online to www.gao. can be added to his current furniture that can help gov/products/GAO-16-170T. too, like the Stander CouchCane or EZ Stand-N-Go Herd Property Maintenance Freddie 1/16th pg, SpotGrove Color,regrets 13x that he cannot personally (see stander.com).
Friday, 6/19/15
These products provide support handles that make sitting down and standing up a little easier, and they both work on couches and recliners. Available online at Amazon.com, the CouchCanes sell for around $110, and the EZ Stand-N-Go costs $129.
answer will 11: incorporate them- into Sept. 27 reader - Dec.questions, 20, 2015 but • Vol. Issues #40 #52his column whenever possible. Send email to columnreply2@ gmail.com.
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ADVERTISING PROOF Property of Another way to make your dad’s furniture AdVenture Media, Inc. Fri, June 6, 2014 Changes DUE: 5:00 p.m.. more accessibleFinal is by increasing its height with
Please review carefully. Double check: Phone Number(s) Spelling Prices Hours Contact your Tidbits representative immediately with changes or corrections. Office: 760-320-0997
Fax: 760-320-1630 Property of
Media, Inc. furniturePlease risers.review These carefully. typically range from 2 to 5 Phone Number(s) Spelling AdVenture Double check: Prices Hours ADVERTISING PROOF FREE inches in height, are made of heavy-duty plastic or of Coachella•Valley Drywall • Baseboard Crown Molding • Trim Final Changes DUE: 5:00 FREEp.m.. The Neatest Little Paper Ever Read Pleasewith review carefully. Double check: corrections. Phone Number(s) Spelling Prices Hours Contact your Tidbits representative changes or wood, and are inserted under the base of the legsimmediately 760.320.0997 Fax: 760.320.1630 Painting • Leaky Sinks •760.320.1630 Door Installation 760.320.0997 Fax:with Contact your Tidbits representative immediately changes or corrections. or supports of his furniture. Costs range Office:typically 760-320-0997 Fax: 760-320-1630 Office: 760-320-0997 Fax: 760-320-1630 Garbage AllDisposals • Furniture Assembly AllReserved Rights Reserved Rights from a few dollars up to $50 or more and can be Ceiling Fans • Outlets & Switches +MORE! purchased at retail stores like Walmart and Target, MENTION JACK HERD R or online at Amazon.com. THIS AD FO 4 Million Readers Weekly Nationwide!
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Send your senior questions to: Savvy Senior, P.O. Box 5443,Wells Norman, OKCenter 73070, or visit SavvySenior.org. Jim Indian Smile 12-7-15 Exp.PROOF ADVERTISING Miller is a contributor to the NBC Today show and author of 1/8 “The pg 4C 13x disc. rate Call Savvy Senior” book. Final Changes DUE: www.herdpm.com5:00 760. Today p.m.. June 15 (through June 29, 2014)
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ADVERTISING PROOF jar. The product did not last long on the market. OCT. I found no information of sales on the sec- Changes praised. You could searching the 7 Internet 5:00 Final DUE:begin byTUES.,
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ondary market. Sometimes, it is amazing what peo-carefully. for honest appraisers. Please review Double check: Phone Number(s) Spelling Pri ple will collect. Given enough time, “Cracker Jack *** your questions to Anne McCollam, Hot Air Popping Corn” memorabilia will Contact probablyyour Tidbits Address representative immediately with changesP.or corre O. Box 247, Notre Dame, IN 46556. Items of a general interest some collectors. Your jars with the original Office: Fax: 760-320-1630 interest will760-320-0997 be answered in this column. Due to the volpackage might be worth $5 to $15. ume of inquiries, she cannot answer individual letters. *** To find out more about Anne McCollam and read features by other Creators Syndicate writers and cartoonists, visit the Creators Syndicate website at www.crePalm Springs Hearing Aid Center ators.com
The enclosed photo is of John Lennon and Ringo Starr autographs. They are on the back of an Athens, Greece, postcard. In 1/8 pg. 4C 13x COPYRIGHT 2015 CREATORS.COM the early 1960s -- I think it was in 1961 -- my Oct. 12, 2014 Vol. 10 - No. 42 sister was visby Anne McCollam iting in Athens. She saw and heard an excited crowd down the street and The enclosed photo is of the packServing the Desert Since 1966 went to see age containing “Cracker Jack Hot Air Popping what was hapCorn” that was sold at grocer y stores. The jars pening. The are still sealed. “Cracker Jack” was owned by Beatles were in BE THE FIRST to try Xino Tinnitus® RISK FREE Borden Foods at that time. Borden tried to there and she for 14 days. NEW TECHNOLOGY is designed to use the “Cracker Jack” brand name awarewas able to sedeliver relief for ringing in your ears. ness to help market the product. The popping 12 NOON WED, NOV. 11 cure these two Xino Tinnitus is a new technology designed to make the corn was introduced about the time that hot constant ringing, buzzing or humming you hear significantly autographs. Please review Icarefully. Double check: Phone Number(s) Spelling Priceslessannoying. Hours A unique, soothing sound is created to counair popcorn poppers became popular. be Do you lieve this was sometime in the 1980s. As you terbalance that irritating sound. Contact your Tidbits haverepresentative any idea immediately with changes or corrections. can see in the photo, there were two flavors, ADVERTISING PROOF of what the Call us today for an appointment with one of our signed by Beatles Fax: 760-320-1630 pre-salted and pre-salted butter flavor. Both Office: 760-320-0997 Postcard Final Changes DUE: 5:00 p.m.. John Lennon and Ringo Starr value of them licensed and experienced hearing aid dispensers. jars contained 16 ounces. The corn was not Please review carefully. Double check: Phone Number(s) Spelling Prices Hours in early 1960s. might be? successful and it was dropped from Borden’s REMEMBER - While immediately other hearing seem to Contact your Tidbits representative withcenters changes or corrections. come and go, PALM SPRINGS HEARING AIDDesert CENTER Since 19 line of products. Serving the Office: 760-320-0997 Fax: 760-320-1630 John Lennon and Ringo Starr autohas been your mainstay since 1966. We Property of are proud and I can find nothing about “Cracker Jack grateful to have served you forMedia, the past 47 years! Catherine Real Estate graphs canMarcy be found selling on the Internet anyIs Your Hearing Keeping AdVenture Inc. Property of Hot Air Popping Corn” on the Internet. Can AdVenture Media, Inc. You in Isolation? ONL where from $2500 to over $8000. The hard part 1/12 pg 4C it possibly be considered a collectible or have • Watching Television is having your autographs authenticated and apNov. 15, 2015 Vol. 11 - No. 45 any value? Family & Friends Serving the• With Desert Since 1966
Palm Springs
Popcorn Was a Dud
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• In a Work Environment of Coachella Valley SONIC Is Your Hearing Keeping The Neatest Little Paper Ever Read You in Isolation? ONLY $995 Published by: AdVenture Media For Advertising Call (760) 320-0997 valleybits@msn.com The human voice is Fax: one 760.320.1630 of the most Feel free to walk into mostCIC any 760.320.0997 complex sounds. Our lives center around our ability confident that your hearing in • Watching Television to communicate with others. The ability to hear and stantly adjust to your surroundi • With Family & Friends understand what someone is saying is at the heart of mum sound quality. • In a Work Environment that communication. All Rights Reserved SONIC VELOCITY 4 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ©2005
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KWXY - TradePROOF F Two Locati REE ADVERTISING 11/22 Humane Society Anniversary A: “Cracker Jacks” is a popcorn snack 11/23 International Day to End Impunity that was first seen around 1876. It was a Final mixture Changes of Business DUE: Card size 5:00 p.m.. popcorn, molasses, and peanuts. It became so pop11/24 Celebrate Your Own Unique Talent Day Please review carefully. Double check: Phone Number(s) Spelling Prices Hours IT’S TUNE-UP TIME! FRE ular that the people used “Cracker Jack” to define Special 11/25 Macy’s Parade Day 3.33” x 2.0”” 100% Digital something of very good quality. It was included in Tidbits representative immediately with changes or corrections. Contact your 4 Million Readers Weekly Nationwide!
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Catherine Marcy the lyrics of the song “Take Me Out To The Ball Lic. #01308234 Office:BRE760-320-0997 Fax: 760-320-1630 Game.” “Cracker Jack” was a division of the BorServing the Coachella Valley den Company and in 1985 they introduced “Crack760.272.0753 Or visit me at: www.CatherineMarcy.com er Jack Hot Air Popping Corn.” It sold for $1.89 a
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briskly yanked open the locker room door and bolted out. But he had opened the wrong doorNAPA Desert Area Corp. and plunged headlong into the swimming pool,• 2” x 6” Golf “Caddy” followed close behind by his hyped-up players.• Oct. 18, 2015 Vol. 11 - No. 43 Although the men in front tried to stop, they CLIP AND SAVE were pushed ahead into the water by the rushing team behind them. Thrashing desperately about in the water in their heavy football gear, several of the players nearly drowned before the other team members were able to pull them out.
• Coach Knute Rockne would often drill his players by setting up imaginary situations and grilling them about what they would do next if caught in such a position. One day he said, “It’s ADVERTISING PROOF our ball, fourth quarter, we’re behind by three Final Changes DUE: 5:00 p.m.. points, ball on our 45-yard line, fourth down, laugh a Please review carefully. Double check: Phone Number(s) Spelling Prices Hours three to go— what do you do?” He asked a bit with Contact your Tidbits representative immediately with changes or corrections. third-string quarterback. “Well, Mr. Rockne,” Fax: 760-320-1630 replied the bench-warmer, “I’d slide a few yardsOffice: 760-320-0997 How many have paid good money for ENDANGERED SIGHTS & SOUNDS (cont’d): down on the bench to get a better look at the Get $50 OFF listed prices a ticket to a horror film, only to cover with this coupon next play.” Property of • How long has it been since you’ve used a
• Joe Namath was listening to a lecture by coach Bear Bryant, who was goading them to do well in their college classes because there was more to life than football, and he didn’t want any dumbbells on his team. “If there is a dumbbell in ADVERTISING PROOF this room, I wish 10/12/15 he would stand up,” Bear said. inal Changes DUE: Mon., 5:00 p.m.. view carefully. After Double check: Phone Number(s) Spelling stood Prices up. Hours several moments, Namath “How tact your Tidbits representative immediately with up, changes or corrections. come you’re standing Namath?” said Bear. Office: 760-320-0997 Fax: 760-320-1630 “You ain’t dumb.” “Coach,” replied Namath, “I just hate like the devil to have you standing up there by yourself.”
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It is a good idea when checking your batteries’ water levels to also check tire pressure. (It should be about Property of 22 toInc.25 psi.) Properly inflated tires AdVenture Media, also help lengthen battery life!
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their eyes and “see” very little of it?
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For years the chipping set up was taught with a series of mysterious and confusing elements. Point the feet way left. Put the ball behind the right foot. Lean most of the body weight left. All of which created an awkward looking system and typically low, screaming chips that ran off the green. Modern tour players keep chipping quite simple. They aim slightly left or fairly square with their feet, usually a clubhead apart. No need to aim way left. The ball position is slightly back of center. This keeps the club from leaning drastically, giving the clubhead reasonable loft. The body weight is partially left sided, which again aids in a little more loft on the shot. If you need a long distance, running chip that comes out hot…grab your 7 iron instead of the sand wedge. Clear out the confusion with a simplified chipping set up.
A college student took his girlfriend to her first gridiron game. Afterward he asked what she thought about football.
typewriter eraser? Or, if you’re younger, have you moved your belongings into a long-unused HAPPY FROM TIDBITS! desk, onlyHALLOWEEN to find a strange-looking gadget with fiber-like hairs bushing out of one end? What SCARY MOVIES you’ve foundbyisRyan a typewriter Toepfer eraser. Usually shaped likejust a pencil, tiphaving was made of an Some people seem tothe love the living especially-abrasive to daylights scared out ofrubber, them.which Why was else used would “erase” typing error. Thebeother end featured horror and the suspense movies so popular? To a small brush made of stiff plastic strands that celebrate Halloween, Tidbits goes behind the wasof used to sweep remnants of the erasure scenes some classicthe thrillers. off the page. • When Alfred Hitchcock purchased the film • rights There’s shortage litter on theupground tofornoPsycho, heofalso bought as many day, butofthankfully, wenovel no longer discarded copies the original as heseecould find, pull-tabs. The tabs on older easy-open beverage hoping to keep the story’s ending a secret. cans pulled completely off the can. People who • The famous shower Psycho wasdodging filmed walked in bare feetscene wereofconstantly using double for Norman Bates, as Anthony these acarelessly-dropped metal hazards. Perkins was appearing in a play (Greenwillow) • in The rhythmic “beep” scanner is the New York at the time.of Thethefirst time Perkins musical saw accompaniment the at supermarket actually that scene wastoback the studio, checkout line. But if you’ve ever wondered watching the daily “rushes,” and he said he was where the cliché of saying “ka-ching!” in rejust as scared as everyone else. lation to money comes from, that’s the sound • Take a close look electric, at Michael mask in that the old-style not Myers’ electronic, cash the 1978 camp Halloween. Does registers made.classic Cashiers of that era hadthe to face look familiar? The movie was filmed on manually punch a series of buttons to ring up such tight budget, that the department your apurchase, followed byprop a smack of the had to make do with what they had. For Myers’ “total” button with the heel of the hand. disguise, they used an old Captain Kirk (Star • “Do you want your carbons?” used to be an Trek) mask, which they spray painted white and automatic question asked by merchants after then re-shaped the eyeholes. you’d signed for a credit card payment. At that turn the page for more! time, credit card receipts were filled out by hand in triplicate, with a small piece of carbon paper inserted between each sheet. It didn’t take long for thieves to realize they could retrieve the used carbons from the trash and steal valuable credit card information. Once that scam gained popularity, waiters and cashiers regularly offered the carbons to customers, giving them the opportunity to destroy them.
Play Better Golf with JACK NICKLAUS
“I guess I liked it,” she said, “but I couldn’t understand why they were attacking each other so roughly that way for 25 cents.” “What on earth do you mean?” he asked. Property of AdVenture Media, Inc.
“Well, after they flipped the coin at the beginning Final Changes DUE: 5:00 p.m.. Correct Incorrect FREE everyone kept yelling, ‘Get the quarter back’” Please review carefully. Double check: Phone Number(s) Spelling Prices Hours 4 Million Readers Weekly Nationwide!
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Jason Jenkins was a 16-year member of the Jim McLean Golf Contact your Tidbits representative changesTop or 100 corrections. School teaching staff and wasimmediately one of GOLFwith Magazine’s Teacher Nominees 1999-2010. He Fax: was named one of the Golf Office: 760-320-0997 760-320-1630 Digest Top Teachers in California in 2011. Contact Jason at 760-485-2452 or devgolfinstr@gmail.com
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� Moderate �� Difficult 5. AD SLOGANS: What laundry "Making homes ��� GO FIGURE! detergent vowed to erase “ring around 79-710 Highway 111, Ste. 103 ADVERTISING PROOF beautiful the collar”? 6. FAMOUS PEOPLE: WhatFinal was the Changes DUE: La Quinta, CA 92253 5:00 Games p.m.. of Duncan Hines, whose since 1972"profession Please review carefully. Double check: Phone Number(s) Spelling Prices Hours October 23-29, 2006 name became a household brand of © 2006 King Features Syndicate, Inc.
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