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Week of February 7, 2016
“The Neatest Little Paper Ever Read” ®
Famous Trios
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Vol. XII
Issue No. 7
We’re Taking The Plunge
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ADVERTISING PROOF No doubt you've heard it said that things usually CAREFULLY This is a proofIT of your ad that will Final Changes DUE: 5:00COMPARE p.m.. appear in the Beacon. This is a proof of your ad that will apTO pear THE in the Bea . TISER: ADcon VER
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Start Your in 1976, “Charlie’s Angels” starred Farrah Fawcett, Jaclyn Smith, and Kate Jackson. 832-8131 Weight Loss tact your Tidbits representative immediately with changes or (760) corrections. DATE DUE: / /14 The crime action series chronicled the adventures Program I approve Office: 760-320-0997 Fax: 760-320-1630 DATE DUE:as indicated / below /14— ADVERTISING PROOF of three police academy graduates who craved I approve as indicated Signature below — TODAY! Changes DUE: 5:00 more excitement than working as a meter maidFinal or 14 Date: / / So. California Please review carefully. Double check: Phone Number(s) Spelling Pr We Also Have crossing as ❐ APPROVED AS IS —guard. The ad may Hired by Charlie Townsend Signature appear in the Beacon with no Contact your Tidbits representative immediately with changes or corre private investigators, the three worked alongside changes. B12/B6/Lipo Shots Date: / /14 Office: 760-320-0997 Fax: 760-320-1630 ❐ APPROVED WITH CHANGE S — Townsend’s associate Bosley. Bosley acted as and content theadad are 72-270 Highway 111 ❐Format APPROVED AS IS —ofThe may approved, indicated chang es. PAY LESS SENIOR appear in with the Beacon with no the primary go-between since the trio of ladies Palm Desert Ste B4 No additional proof need be sent. for the changes. DI Property of SC OU NT S never WITH laidCHANGES; eyes on their employer, and received ❐ APPROVED BEST! Professional Weight Control Centers PLEASE RETURN THIS PROOF. AdVenture Media, Inc. Dr. Sohail Ahmad PROOFWITH REQUESTED ❐NEW APPROVED CHANGE S —— Valley Patios UNRETURNED PROOFS ARE A Nursing Corporation their assignment Format and content approved, with over speakerphone. Actor John Exp. Feb 29 2016 760.574.7621 Premium Front Page 13x Fchanges. ormat andNew content of therequested ad are proof CONSIDERED “APPROVED AS IS.” Property of Front pg 4C T.F. (sub ject to deadlines). Forsythe was the voice behind the mysterious approved, with indicated changes. AdVenture Media, Inc. April 7, 2013 Vol. 9 - No. 15 ADVERTISING PROOF FREE No additional proof need be sent. ❐ NOT APPROVED; CAMERAof Coachella Valley Charlie, who was occasionally seen from the back. READY ART TO COME — Final Changes DUE: FREE 5:00 p.m will provide a camera-ready ❐Client APPROVED WITH CHANGES; five seasons, other Angels made 760.320.0997 Fax: 760.320.1630 Over the show’s ad in time for publication. PLEASE RETURN THIS PROOF. Please review carefully. Double check: Phone Number(s) Spelling Prices NEW PROOF REQUESTED — Orthopedic Surgery HUGE DISCOUNTS Please call (760) 668-2226 for guid760.320.0997 Fax: 760.320.1630 their way into the cast – Cheryl Ladd, Shelley UNRETURNED PROOFS ARE For mat and content approved, with All Rights Reserved ance. Contact your Tidbits representativeAllimmediately with changes or corrections Rights Reserved changes. New proof on Adjustable & CONSIDERED Sports Medicine “APPROVED AS IS.” Hack, and requested Tanya Roberts. Office: 760-320-0997 Fax: 760-320-1630 Property of
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on a record player. He used his
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Ross Bagdasarian came up with ❐• NOTSinger/songwriter APPROVED; CAMERAREADYanART TO COME — innovative idea in 1958 while experimenting Client will provide a camera-ready speeds ad inwith time the for publication.
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Vol. XII Issue 7
Tidbits of Coachella Valley
any fur, which starts growing at about two weeks. The little creatures grow quickly and leave the nest when they are 35 days old. Their eyes are very tiny and are covered with skin or fur. The moles aren’t completely blind, but they see very poorly. Since they live in the dark the majority of their lives, good eyesight isn’t crucial since they are sensitive to changes in light and movement. They find their prey through scent sensors on the tip of their nose. Moles also have no external ears.
One in a series
• Although moles often consume many insects and grubs that cause damage to lawns and gardens, ADVERTISING PROOF they are generally perceived as pests, as their much do you know about those burrowing al Changes DUE: 5:00 How p.m.. constant tunneling produces unsightly mounds underground animals called moles? Tidbits has w carefully. Double check: Phone Number(s) Spelling Prices Hours of earth. Their burrowing can also damage a few interesting particulars for you about these (Answers on page 16) the roots of plants underground. PROOF Damage to your Tidbits representative immediately with changes or corrections. curious little creatures that prefer to make their ADVERTISING agricultural machinery can alsoFEB. result 1 from 5:00 habitat where the sun don't shine. Office: 760-320-0997 Fax: 760-320-1630 Final Changes DUE: MON., the moles exposing rocks in a field, as well as Double check: Phone Number(s) Spelling P • It’s highly likely you’ve never evenPlease seen areview mole carefully. damage to drainage systems and waterways. since they live secluded lives in underground Contact your Tidbits representative immediately with changes or cor burrows and only rarely venture above ground. • The tiny male mole is referred to as a boar, the Office:is760-320-0997 Fax: 760-320-1630 female a sow, and the collective term for a Our Student Clinic is They are able to reuse the oxygen they inhale Property of group of moles is a labour. � open to the public. AdVenture Media, Inc. on their brief trips to the surface, enabling ALWAYS: $30 per hour or them to survive in the lower levels of oxygen $ 40 per 1.5 hours RDM Assoc. Tax Services FREE M–F 9am to 5pm underground. 1/16th Pg. BW 13x disc.
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Rights Reserved 70-225 Hwy. 111, Ste B, RanchoAll Mirage, CA 92270 Just west of the Valero Gas Station at Peterson Rd.
Property of • The average mole’s body is only about 6 inches AdVenture Media, Inc. long and weighs between 2.5 and 4.5 ounces. There are three kinds of people in The width of the tunnels they excavate is only this world... those who can count, of Coachella Valley about 2 inches wide and 1.5 inches in height, Grow Your Money... and those who can't. 760.320.0997 Fax: 760.320.1630 yet their labyrinth of passageways can extend 1/16th pg BW 26x February 7, 2016 Vol. 12 No. 7 All Rights Reserved for more than 250 feet. 4 Million Readers Weekly Nationwide!
Don’t get stuck! I know the tax implications of the new Healthcare Law & regulations. With 40+ years tax experience, I can help you minimize your liability & maximize your 2015 return.
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• Although a moles’ legs are short, they are I CAN SHOW YOU HOW TO powerful. They use their very broad front feet and large curved claws as shovels to rapidly dig GET MORE FROM their tunnels. They are able to move backwards YOUR CD or nearly as quickly as forward. The moles aren’t ADVERTISING PROOF the only ones to use their tunnels. Other small RETIREMENT NOON Final Changes DUE: TUES., DEC. 8 5:00 p mammals such as voles and mice move through Please review carefully. Double check: Phone Number(s) Spelling them, feeding on any grains and seeds they find. “Learn to Price
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• Moles are not social animals and tend to Contact avoid your Tidbits representative immediately withmoney changes or correct grow Plus the each other, except in breeding season. Every ‘inside track’760-320-0997 on Office: Fax: 760-320-1630 without the risk! ” SENIOR Life Insurance mole has its own tunnel system, which includes ASSOCIATES ADVERTISING PROOF For a Free Report Call: DISCOUNT INCOME TAX a special “larder” or underground storeroom INFORMATIONAL SERVICES Scott with this ad. Exp. 4/18/16 Contractors WORKSHOPS 5:00 p for storing food to eat later. Their primary dietO.R.D. Final Changes DUE: Nelson COMING SOON. 1/8 pg. V 4C 26x location) is earthworms, which the mole paralyzes with CA Ins. Lic. # 0C87428 Please review carefully. Double check: (La Quinta Phone Number(s) Spelling Price Property of Dec. 13, 2015 Vol. 11 No. 51 AdVenture Media, Inc. a toxin found in its saliva. Researchers have Contact your Tidbits representative immediately with changes or correct discovered larders containing over a thousand FREE 760-320-0997 Fax: 760-320-1630 ADVERTISING PROOF 4:PM paralyzed earthworms. Moles also dig out Office: 760.320.0997 Fax: 760.320.1630 Wed., 2/3/2016 special compartments at the end of their tunnels Final Changes DUE: 5:00 p.m.. All Rights Reserved for sleeping birthing areas. Spelling Prices Hours Please review carefully. Double check: and Phone Number(s)
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• It takes a lot of energy to be constantly burrowing 1. LITERATURE: Who wrote theyour Tidbits Contact representative immediately with changes or corrections. and the mole eats from 70% to 10% of its body Property of children’s book “Tales of a Fourth CABINET AdVenture Media, Inc. Office: 760-320-0997 Fax: 760-320-1630 weight every day. This translates to a 2.8-oz. Grade Nothing”? 2. MOVIES: Who played the lead mole needing about 1.7 oz. of earthworms FREE female role in “The Silence of the daily. A mole can starve to death if it doesn’t Upgrade your760.320.0997 kitchen Fax: 760.320.1630 Lambs”? eat every few hours. with NEW solid wood 3. ANIMAL KINGDOM: What kind cabinets & countertops All Rights Reserved Property of can detect, catch, and VISIT OUR The star-nosed mole • • Desert Advanced and SAVE $$! AdVenturePolishing Media, Inc. of bird is the fast-moving roadrunner? SHOWROOM consume its food in less than one second! • 1/16 page, 4C, 6x disc. 4. GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: OVER 20 STYLES • •Feb. 2016 fur • Vol. What occupation is traditionally assoFREEand is often A 7, mole’s is 12: soft#7 and velvety AND COLORS TO ciated with leprechauns? highly valued. moles are born without 760.320.0997Baby Fax: 760.320.1630 CHOOSE FROM! 5. LANGUAGE: What is another All Rights Reserved name for comestibles? Free Upgrades Include: ADVERTISING PROOF 6. MEDICAL: What is the modSelf-closing doors Final Changes DUE: 5:00 p.m.. and drawers ern-day equivalent of the ailment once 4 Million Readers Weekly Nationwide!
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known as “grippe”? 7. GEOGRAPHY: The country of Wales was known in Roman times by what name? 8. MEASUREMENTS: What is the unit of measurement for stacked firewood? 9. MUSIC: Which pop star’s real name is Reg Dwight? 10. GAMES: Which two letters of the alphabet have the highest values in the game of Scrabble? (Trivia Test Answers answers page 16) 1. Judy Blume 2. Jodie Foster
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Week of February 7, 2016
Tidbits of Coachella Valley
A man who can breathe underwater? Gil. A woman involved in a lawsuit? Page 3 Sue.
by K
Famous Trios (from page one) Theodore, and Alvin. Bagdasarian took on the stage name of David Seville, named for the city in Spain where he had been stationed during World War II. His blockbuster hit “The Chipmunk Song” (“Christmas, Don’t Be Late”) sold 4.5 million records in seven weeks, and paved the way for the CBS program, “The Alvin Show,” which premiered in 1961. The success of the Chipmunks continues to this day, carried on by Bagdasarian’s son, Ross, Jr. • Who you gonna call? Ghostbusters, of course! This 1984 blockbuster film starred Dan Aykroyd, Harold Ramis, and Bill Murray as New York City parapsychologists who establish a ghost-catching business. Recently fired from their positions at Columbia University, the three develop sophisticated equipment that can capture spirits, operating their business from an abandoned firehouse. Aykroyd had written a role for his pal John Belushi, but upon Belushi’s death, Bill Murray was hired. The giant monster, The Stay-Puft Marshmallow Man, was one of the film’s beasts. Three suits were made for the character, each costing $20,000. All were destroyed during the filming. Fifty gallons of shaving cream were used to simulate the marshmallow “goo.” The movie was #1 at the box office for five weeks, and went on to gross more than $295 million worldwide. • Illustrator Vernon Grant created the cartoon mascots for Kellogg’s Rice Krispies, Snap! Crackle! and Pop! In the 1930s, Snap! was
the first one created, and appeared on the box alone for six years. In English, we say, “Snap! Crackle! Pop!” but in German, the Rice Krispies mascots say, “Knisper! Knasper! Knusper!, while those in Finland say, “Riks! Raks! Poks!” The little fellows say, “Pif! Paf! Pof!” in the Netherlands.
act together going into the 1980s, after having starred in more than 220 films.
1. W
• The Bible’s Book of Daniel relates the story sci of three young Jewish men who defied their king to worship God. Shadrach, Meshach, and mo Abednego lived in Babylon and were officials sea QUIZ BITS byKing KaraNebuchadnezzar. Kovalchik & Sandy of The King set up a ADVERTISING Wood PROOF • In 1968, rockabilly songwriter Dick Holler 90-ft. golden statue and commanded all to bow TUES., OCT. 13 2. Wp Finalof Changes DUE: 5:00 composed a tribute song to the memory down before it at the sound of the trumpets. 1. Double ‘Daisy’ was originally a To Please carefully. check: Famous Phone Number(s) page Spelling four assassinated American civil rightsreview leaders. tra Trios: 15 Price W nickname for what longer Entitled “Abraham, Martin, and John,” the fir Contact your Tidbits representative immediately with changes or correct girl’s name? song memorialized Abraham Lincoln, Martin Office: 760-320-0997 Fax: 760-320-1630 sp Luther King, Jr., John F. Kennedy, and Robert ITS 2. Which UIZ member of Britain’s Kennedy, written shortly after King and Bobby Kennedy were killed. “Anybody here, seen Royal has of been 1. What Family were the names Peter my old friend Abraham…” is the first verse, called ‘Lilibet’ (as Rabbit's three siblings? followed by King and JFK. The fourth verse least in private) Property of 2. What animals attempted AdVenture Media, mentions Bobby walking over a hill with the since childhood? bridge guarded by a Pool aService other three. Recorded by Dion, the song rose to Nicholsoncross troll? FREE Bz 1C 6x disc. of Coachella Valley #4 on the Billboard pop chart. Q AnswersFax: page 16 760.320.0997 760.320.1630 • You’ve no doubt heard of the Three Musketeers, Oct. 18, 2015 Vol. 11 - No. 43 ����������������������
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All Rights Reserved but do you know their individual names? Tues. 1/26/16 5:00 Alexandre Dumas’ 1844 novel tellsFinal of the Changes DUE: 1. V Pleasechildhood review carefully. Double check: Phone Number(s) Spelling Pric adventures of three inseparable 2. C Let us remove the ugly friends, Athos, Porthos, and Aramis. Their BITS Contact your Tidbits QUIZ representative immediately with changes or correc calcium stains from your well-known motto is “All for one and one for pool and spa! Effective on ANSWERS Office: 760-320-0997 Fax: 760-320-1630 all surfaces including all!” First published in serial form in a ParisADVERTISING PROOF ceramic tile, stone and glass. 1. MARGARET magazine from March to July, 1844, it takes WE’LL KEEP YOUR POOL BEFORE DUE:AFTER 5:00 p LOOKING BEAUTIFUL! place in the 1600s, and tells of theFinal daringChanges 2. QUEEN ELIZABETH II Professional pool maintenence, service & repair since 1991 Please review carefully. Double check: Phone Number(s) Spelling Prices “swashbuckling” deeds of these members of 760-408-5031 The King’s Musketeers. Incidentally, the Mars ● Licensed ● Bonded ● Insured Contact your Tidbits representative Beauty Salon immediately with changes or correcti candy bar of the same name made its debut Colin Visit us at: CA Lic#994598 Office: 760-320-1630 pg.,760-320-0997 BW, 13x discount Fax: ratePROOF ADVERTISING in 1932. During the 1990s, Mars’ advertising 1/16 February 7, 2016 Vol. 11: #7 Changes DUE: 5:00 p.m.. campaign ads featured three gallant andFinal QUOT CLIP SAVE Please review carefully. Double check:AND Phone Number(s) Spelling Prices Hours goateed men with drawn swords dressed as the Contact your Tidbits immediately with changes or corrections. legendary trio. ebruaryrepresentative EYEBROW WAXING
• Do the names of Gaspar, Melchior, and Balthazar ring a bell? Although their names are not specifically mentioned in the Bible, these are the names attributed to the three Wise Men of the East, or Magi, who came to present gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh to Jesus after his birth in Bethlehem. There is also no mention of the number of kings who made the trek from Persia, but because three gifts are referenced, tradition gave way to the assumption that there were three men. After presenting their gifts, the Magi were warned by an angel in a dream to return to their homeland by a different route to avoid the wrath of the jealous King Herod.
IDand the m 5 S peciaadhesive.” l ridiculous are the most
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• In 1925, Ted Healy debutedPROOF a vaudeville ADVERTISING
Enjoy the Outdoors act he called “Ted Wed., Healy 9/9/15 and His Southern ETS Final Changes DUE: 5:00 p.m.. E NUGG LED G FREE Gentlemen,” featuring the three Spelling Horwitz Please review carefully. Double check: Phone Number(s) Prices Hours of Coachella Valley W O N Property of brothers, Curly, Moe, and with Shemp. Their Contact your Tidbits representative immediately changes or corrections. OF K 4 Million Readers Weekly Nationwide!
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Disney Studios debuted Donald Duck's three nephews, Huey, Dewey, and Louie in 1937. The young ducklings were named for Huey Long, Thomas Dewey, and Disney animator, Louis Schmitt. Can you tell them apart? Huey's shirt and baseball are red, Dewey's are blue, and Louie wears green.
REVISED: Sept. 9, 2015
slapstick, nonsensical comedy routine was Office: 760-320-0997 Fax: 760-320-1630 a big hit, and they were contracted to make a film in 1932, Soup to Nuts. Shemp left the group shortly after,Assisted and a childhood Windsor Court Livingfriend of the boys, Larry Fine (Louis Feinberg), took Banner Ad, 4c, 26x rate his place. The 13, trio2015 separated from Healy special! Sept. 13 - Dec. • Vol.FALL 11: #38 - #51and became known as The Three Stooges. Their popularity soared and MGM signed the trio to a movie contract in 1933.SPRING In 1946, Curly SPECIAL! suffered a severe stroke and his brother Shemp returned to the group. Despite illness and old age, the beloved Stooges managed to keep their
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Vol. XII Issue 7
Tidbits of Coachella Valley
right? This book is helping to build my confidence in looking at a pile of ingredients and figuring out what to do with them, without a specific recipe. Would you believe I now know how to make Pad Thai sauce by heart? I do, and so much more! I just adore this book and study it all the time. So don’t ask to borrow it. You need your own copy! In a gift basket built around this “uncookbook,” I would add a nice balloon whisk, a set of bamboo kitchen spoons and spatulas, a nice pair of good kitchen shears, a nice big stainless steel colander and a Visalia Chop Wizard -- my favorite onion and vegetable chopping tool.
By Samantha Weaver
* It was Polish-born American rabbi and philosopher Abraham Joshua Heschel who made the following sage observation: “When I was young, I admired clever people. Now that I am old, I admire kind people.” * In medieval France, if a married woman kissed or allowed herself to be kissed by a man other than her husband, she could be found guilty of adultery. * In the summer of 1100, King William II of England went for a hunt in the New Forest, bringing along, of course, an entourage of nobles. One of his attendants, Walter Tirel, had a good opportunity to target their quarry, and the king urged, “Shoot! Walter, in heaven’s name!” Tirel did, indeed, shoot, but the arrow evidently ricocheted off a tree and hit the king, killing him. * Early cars in the United States didn’t have steering wheels; they were maneuvered by using a control similar to a joystick. * Those who study such things say the sport of boxing originated with the ancient Greeks and dates back to at least 688 B.C. It looked somewhat different then, though; at that time there were no gloves and no boxing ring. In fact, the fighters weren’t even standing; they battled it out while sitting down facing each other. The fight continued until one participant was battered into unconsciousness. * All of today’s housecats are descended from one particular kind of Middle Eastern wildcat. * In what is now Massachusetts, early European settlers came across a lake Native Americans had named “Chargoggogomanchaugagochaubunagungamaug.” This daunting appellation is said to translate Tell them you roughly as “You fish on your side, we’ll fish their ad will fish in the midonsaw our side, and nobody in Tidbits! dle.” *** Thought for the Day: “If what you are telling is true, you don’t have to choose your words so carefully.” -- Frank A. Clark (c) 2016 King Features Synd., Inc.
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by Mary Hunt
The People You Meet, the Books You Read The late humorist and master of salesmanship, Charlie “Tremendous” Jones, said one of my favorite quotes of all time: “You are the same today that you are going to be in five® years from now except for two things: the people with whom you associate and thebybooks you read.” Mary Hunt While he didn’t specify, I’m nearly certain Jones was talking about cookbooks. Reading cookbooks has changed me. Not only have they made me a better cook, learning how to do it and falling in love with the activity has impacted our household finances. Little by little, as I became a better cook, we naturally began to eat at home more. Even now, the more I read, the more I cook; the more I cook the better a cook I become and the more often we eat at home. It’s a beautiful thing! The hubs and I have reached the point that eating out has become more of a “Do we have to?!” than a “We get to.” We eat at home, gladly, at least 99 percent of the time. Today, I want to tell you about my current four favorite cookbooks (the lineup does change from time to time) and suggest a way that you could use any one of these fabulous cookbooks as the central item in a gift basket that you create for an aspiring home cook. I guarantee that a cookbook -- plus several items to go with the theme of that particular book -- will delight any home cook, from novice to advanced. What makes me so sure? Because I know how happy I’d be to receive any one of these gift baskets for any occasion.
ARTISAN BREAD GIFT BASKET “The New Artisan Bread in Five Minutes a Day,” by Jeff Hertzberg and Zoe Francois (Thomas Dunne Books, 2013). I might as well be the president of the Artisan-in-Five fan club for how this book and the method have changed my life. It does require a few strategic pieces of equipment. Take care to add the following four items to your gift basket: A wooden pizza peel, an oven thermometer, a dough-rising bucket or other 6-quart container with a lid and a baking stone are must-haves for baking artisan bread at home. All four items arranged together with the book in a big basket is sure to delight!
CAST IRON SKILLET GIFT BASKET “The New Cast Iron Skillet Cook Book: 150 Fresh Ideas for America’s Favorite Pan,” by Ellen Brown (Sterling Epicure, 2014). Oh my, how many ways can I thank Ellen Brown for writing this thorough, beautiful book? It is a cookbook, but it’s more than that. It is a how-to book for every possible question and instruction for owning, maintaining and cooking in cast iron. It is an art, and a lovely activity, too. My cast iron skillet is 40 years old. It was part of a set and a cheap set at that. It is the only piece that survived my brutality and abuse. Thanks to Ellen, my skillet has been totally restored. I’ve followed her precise instructions and could not be happier. I am pretty sure I’ve now built up 1,000 layers of seasoning. It glistens, it is so beautiful. And oh, the recipes in this book! GOURMET ITALIAN GIFT BASKET Making a gift of this book, plus four stra “Everyone is Italian on Sunday,” by Rachael tegic items is to give a gift that will be so enjoyed. Ray (Atria Books, 2015). This brand new cookbook Items to care for cast iron include a natural bristle currently sits at the top of my list of favorites. The brush, flax seed oil (it may be challenging to find, recipes I’ve tried in the past three weeks have all but so worth the effort, as this is the best oil for cast turned out so well, I’m pretty sure that soon I’ll iron), a scrubbing tool called a “Ringer,” (looks like be speaking with an Italian accent. At nearly 400 a piece of chainmail and just the coolest thing ever) pages, this oversized book contains hundreds more of what appear to be fantastic recipes. I can’t wait to plus what else? A lovely cast iron skillet. I suggest You read it you look for a Utopia 12.5-inch skillet. At around test them. This cookbook has all the earmarks of a $20, it’s a great deal and fabulous piece of kitchen in tidbits! great gift. It’s beautiful, quite hefty and written in an TUES., JAN. 26 wizardry. engaging, fun style. $26. Please review carefully. Double Phone Number(s) Spelling Pricesin Hours As for Jones’ other mention that quote, Additions to this gift basket could becheck: a salad I am so happy that you are one of the people I’ve set of a bowl, vinegar cruet and oil dispenser. A garContact your Tidbits representative immediately with five changes orThank corrections. met in the past years. you for being in lic press that crushes fresh garlic would be a great Office: 760-320-0997 Fax: 760-320-1630 my life and for being such a loyal reader. addition along with a bottle of good extra virgin olive oil. Finish your Italian gift basket with a set of beau-
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tiful pasta bowls.
Jan. 31, 2016 Vol. 12 - No. 6
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shrouded in myths that it’s filled with drug tight harmonies, vibrato, and falsetto sounds references, but Yarrow actually based it on a were their signature during the disco era. Older poem about the lost innocence of childhood. brother Barry and twins Robin and Maurice Ulf Strandjord & Air Conditioning began their career in 1958, signing their first • The trio’s onlyHeating #1 hit single, “Leavin’ on a Jet • Business Card, SPOT color, 13x discount rate ADVERTISING PROOF record contract in 1963. Plane,” came in 1969, a song written by their • Dec. 20, 2015 - MON., March 13, 2016 JAN. 4 recorded 5:00 friend John Denver, who had initially Final Changes DUE: • The family had moved from their native England • Vol. 11: #52 - Vol. 12: #12 it inDouble 1969. check: � to Australia, where the brothersPlease were voted thecarefully. review Phone Number(s) Spelling Pric Best Group of 1966, with Barry winning as Contact your Tidbits representative immediately with changes or correc Best Songwriter at just 17 years of age. Their Office: 760-320-0997 & Fax: 760-320-1630 1977 Saturday Night Fever soundtrack sold 15 Affordable Rates. Expert Service. million copies and won Album of the Year, with ADVERTISING PROOF five of the songs making it to the #1 spot on the Changes DUE: All Service Final 5:00 p.m.. Guaranteed charts. Please review carefully. Double check: Phone Number(s) Spelling Prices Hours
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• The Supremes started out in 1959 as the Primettes in Detroit, Michigan. First founded as a quartet, the group consisted of high school friends from a housing project, Diana Ross, Mary Wilson, and Betty McGlown, The 15-year-olds won a prestigious talent contest and landed an audition with Motown Records. In 1962, McGlown left the group, and they remained a trio with a new name, The Supremes. • By 1965, they were international stars. It wasn’t until 1967 that they were known as Diana Ross and The Supremes. The group is on record as America’s most successful vocal group, with 12 #1 singles on the Billboard charts. Their final performance as the original trio was in 1970 at Frontier Hotel in Las Vegas. THE TREE TENORS
• Perhaps the most famous opera singers in history, The Three Tenors consisted of Spaniards Placido Domingo and Jose Carreras, and Italian Luciano Pavarotti. Even people who didn’t like opera music liked this group, who made their debut as a trio in July, 1990. The concert, held as a benefit for leukemia, (Carreras had been diagnosed with the disease three years earlier), was recorded and became the best-selling classical album of all time. •
Their second televised performance held at Dodger Stadium (for which each tenor received $1 million) attracted 1.3 billion viewers worldwide. On their first worldwide tour, each received about $1 million per concert, which included a percentage of merchandise sold. Before disbanding as a trio in 2003, they had performed 34 live concerts.
• The Gibbs composed half of 1978’s Contact biggestyour Tidbits representative immediately Propertywith of changes or corrections. AdVenture Media, Inc. songs. Barry and Robin once wrote three #1 Office: 760-320-0997 Property Fax: 760-320-1630 of Heating & Air Conditioning Service Desert Coatings c/o JimMedia, Maisano AdVenture Inc. Proudly serving the Desert for 30 yrs. singles in one afternoon. Among the best-selling FREE BZ BW 26x disc. rate of Coachella Prompt Valley Service. Call me today. artists of all times, the BeeGees have had sales FREE Jan. 10, ADVERTISING 2016 Vol.760.320.0997 12 - No. 3Fax: 760.320.1630 PROOF of more than 220 million records. Of the three, CA Lic. 574857760.320.0997 Fax: 760.320.1630 Tues. 2/2/16 Final Changes DUE: 5:00 p.m.. All Rights Reserved Property of only Barry survives, Maurice having died from All Rights Reserved Please review carefully. DoubleAdVenture check: Media, Phone Number(s) Spelling Prices Hours Inc. intestinal problems in 2003 at 53, and his twin Contact your Tidbits representative immediately with changes or corrections. INTERIOR & EXTERIOR Robin succumbing to cancer in 2012. FREE Office: 760-320-0997 Fax: 760-320-1630 4 Million Readers Weekly Nationwide!
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• Founded in 1961, Peter Yarrow, Paul Stookey, and Mary Travers were the most popular folk group of the 1960s. Their debut album, which included “If I Had a Hammer,” “Lemon Tree,” and “500 Miles” was an immediate hit. Peter, Paul, and Mary re-released a Bob Dylan tune in 1963, “Blowin’ in the Wind,” and sold 300,000 copies in less than two weeks. Yarrow composed “Puff, the Magic Dragon,” a tune the group recorded in 1963. The song has been
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• Some of the most recognizable music in history was sung by the Brothers Gibb, or the BeeGees, as they called themselves. Their
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“Carol,” Rachel McAdams for “Spotlight,” Alicia Vikander for “The Danish Girl” and Kate Winslet for “Steve Jobs.” Best Directing: Adam McKay for “The Big Short,” George Miller for “Mad Max: Fury Road,” Alejandro G. Inarritu for “The Revenant,” Lenny Abrahamson for “Room” and Tom McCarthy for “Spotlight.” Best Adapted Screenplay: “The Big Short,” “Brooklyn,” “Carol,” “The Martian” and “Room.” Best Original Screenplay: “Bridge of Spies,” “Ex Machina,” “Inside Out,” “Spotlight” and “Straight Outta Compton.” ***
it has reupped “The Librarians,” “Murder in the First” and “Major Crimes.” *** Is Michael Weatherly really leaving “NCIS”? -- Katie P., via email
After 13 seasons of playing Special Agent Tony Dinozzo on Can you tell me when “Game of the No. 1 crime Thrones” will return. Now that the next book procedural, Miin the series by George R.R. Martin has been chael Weatherly delayed, I’m going through some serious with- is indeed turning drawals! -- Meaghan T., via email in his badge. He tweeted: “DiNoz While you wait (and wait) for the re- zo is a wonderful, lease of “Winds of Winter,” you can warm yourself quixotic character up with 10 new episodes of “Game of Thrones,” [and] I couldn’t which begins its sixth season on HBO beginning have had more April 24 at 9 p.m. ET/PT. Also debuting that night fun playing him are “Silicon Valley” and “Veep,” which will be pre- over the past 13 Michael Weatherly miering their third and fifth 10-episode seasons at seasons.” 10 and 10:30, respectively. *** *** READERS: It’s that time of year again. The Give it to me straight; I can take it: 88th Annual Academy Awards will be presented Has “Legends” been canceled? Sunday, Feb. 28, on ABC with Chris Rock as host. -- Jonathan T., Middletown, New York Here are the nominees for the main categories. Best Picture: “The Big Short,” “Bridge of TNT has indeed canceled the Sean Spies,” “Brooklyn,” “Mad Max: Fury Road,” “The Bean-starring spy thriller after only two seasons. Martian,” “The Revenant,” “Room” and “Spotlight.” The second season itself was a bit of a gift, but even Best Actor: Bryan Cranston for “Trumbo,” a season-two retooling of characters and storyline Matt Damon for “The Martian,” Leonardo DiCaprio wasn’t enough to save this sinking ship. for “The Revenant,” Michael Fassbender for “Steve Also on the chopping block for TNT: “Pub- Jobs” and Eddie Redmayne for “The Danish Girl.” lic Morals,” Edward Burns’ 1960s crime noir series; Best Actress: Cate Blanchett for “Carol,” and “Agent X,” the much-hyped Sharon Stone-star- Brie Larson for “Room,” Jennifer Lawrence for ADVERTISING PROOF ring vehicle. “Joy,” Charlotte for “45 Years” SaoFri,, 11/20/15 Final Changes DUE:Rampling 5:00and p.m.. On the renewal front, TNT announced that Ronan for “Brooklyn.” Please reviewirse carefully. Double check: Phone Number(s) Spelling Prices Hours Best Supporting Christian Contact your Tidbits representative immediatelyActor: with changes or corrections.Bale Office: 760-320-0997 Fax: 760-320-1630 for “The Big Short,” Tom Hardy for “The Revenant,” Mark Ruffalo for “Spotlight,” Mark Rylance for “Bridge of Spies” and Sylvester Stallone for “Creed.” Best Supporting Actress: Jennifer Jason Leigh for “The Hateful Eight,” Rooney Mara for
Photo credit: Matt Hoyle/CBS
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or until fish just turns opaque throughout. Makes 4 servings.
Good Recipes from
Coconut Rice Pudding 2 3/4 cup water 3/4 cup long-grain white rice 1 can cream of coconut 1 can evaporated milk 2/3 cup sweetened flaked coconut 1 tablespoon dark rum (optional)
Crunchy Mustard Salmon Using panko rather than regular breadcrumbs helps keep the topping thin for that perfect crunch. 1 pound green beans, trimmed 1 tablespoon olive oil 1/8 teaspoon salt 1/8 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper 1/2 cup panko (Japanese bread crumbs) 1/4 cup finely chopped flat-leaf parsley 2 teaspoons grated lemon peel 1 clove garlic, crushed with press 1/8 teaspoon salt 1/8 teaspoon pepper 4 salmon filets 3 tablespoons Dijonnaise 1. Heat oven to 400 F. 2. Toss, on jelly-roll pan, trimmed green beans, olive oil and 1/8 teaspoon each salt and freshly ground black pepper. Roast 15 minutes. 3. Meanwhile, in small bowl, mix panko (Japanese bread crumbs), parsley, grated lemon peel, garlic and 1/8 teaspoon each salt and pepper. 4. Place thawed salmon on foil-lined jelly-roll pan. Brush 3 tablespoons Dijonnaise on top of fish, then press even layer of panko mixture on top. 5. Roast both fish and green beans 12 minutes
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1. In 4 1/2- to 6-quart slow-cooker bowl, stir water, rice, cream of coconut and evaporated milk until combined. Cover slow cooker with lid and cook as manufacturer directs on low setting 4 to 5 hours or on high setting 2 1/2 to 3 hours. 2. If you like, while pudding cooks, toast coconut: Heat nonstick small skillet over medium heat until hot. Add coconut; cook 4 to 5 minutes or until lightly browned, stirring constantly. Transfer coconut to plate. 3. Remove bowl from slow cooker. Stir in rum, if using. Let pudding stand 10 minutes. Transfer pudding to serving bowl. If not serving right away, press sheet of plastic wrap onto pudding; refrigerate up to 2 days. 4. To serve, spoon pudding into dessert bowls; sprinkle with toasted coconut if using. *** For thousands of triple-tested recipes, visit our website at (c) 2016 Hearst Communications, Inc. All rights reserved
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* On Feb. 14, 1867, Sakichi Toyoda, whose textile machinery company spawned the Toyota Motor Corp., is born. In 1937, Toyota was formed as a spinoff of his Toyoda Loom Works. “Toyota” reportedly was considered a luckier name than “Toyoda” and is easier to write in Japanese characters. For thousands of triple-tested recipes, visit our website at * On Feb. 11, 1937, after a six-week
strike by General Motors autoworkers in Michigan, All rights reserved GM president Alfred P. Sloan signs the first union contract in the American auto industry. Among other things, GM agreed to give workers a 5 percent raise and permission to speak in the lunchroom. (c) 2016 Hearst Communications, Inc.
* On Feb. 8, 1943, Japanese troops evacuate Guadalcanal, leaving the island in Allied possession after a prolonged campaign in which an estimated 1,600 American troops were killed. * On Feb. 10, 1962, Francis Gary Powers, an American who was shot down over the Soviet Union while flying a CIA spy plane in 1960, is released by the Soviets in exchange for the U.S. release of a Russian spy. The event was chronicled in the 2015 film “Bridge of Spies” starring Tom Hanks. * On Feb. 9, 1971, pitcher Leroy “Satchel” Paige becomes the first Negro League veteran to be nominated for the Baseball Hall of Fame. In August of that year, Paige was inducted. Joe DiMaggio once called Paige “the best and fastest pitcher I’ve ever faced.” * On Feb. 12, 1988, in the waning days of the Cold War, two Soviet warships bump two U.S. Navy vessels in waters claimed by the Soviet Union off the Crimean peninsula. A confrontation was defused when the U.S. ships departed. * On Feb. 13, 1991, Sotheby’s announces the discovery of a manuscript of “Huckleberry Finn” by Mark Twain. The manuscript, missing for more than a century, was found in a trunk with some old papers.
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Challenges To Expect
With any new puppy comes certain predictable realities. There may not be blood, but there We leave it SPARKLING Property of will be challenges: AdVenture Media, Inc. Cold Call Stone Creamery Today: (760) 1) There will be chewing. 1/16 pg. 4C 26x disc. Property of AdVenture Media, Inc. Puppies, like babies, teethe. It’s a painful FREE HOLD for run dates 2465 E Palm Canyon • Palm Springs, CA 92264 of Coachella Valley CLIP AND SAVE process that most of us have zapped from our bank (760) 325-4444 • Next to Chipotle 760.320.0997 Fax: 760.320.1630 FREE of childhood memories. But in search of relief from of Coachella Valley All Rights Reserved The Neatest Little Paper Ever Read the intense pressure of new teeth forcing their 760.320.0997 760.320.1630 2465 E PalmFax: Canyon CREATE YOUR OWN Palm Springs, CA 92264 FREE way out, puppies chew and gnaw -- on furniture, on Buy One Like It Size Create Your Own (760) 325-4444 All Next Rights Reserved (Ice Cream + 1 Mix-in), Get One FREE to Chipotle shoes, on anything that feels good to their aching mouths. The solution is to provide your pup with something that feels good but isn’t potentially Created by Tom Underwood ©North North American Syndicate 2016 2012 America Syndicate, 2010 harmful and doesn’t cost hundreds of dollars to re2465 E Palm Canyon • Palm Springs, CA 92264 2465(760) E Palm Canyon• •Next Palm Springs, CA 92264 325-4444 to Chipotle place. The perfect chew toy for a teething dog? A (Wuzzles answers on page 16) (760) 325-4444 • Next to Chipotle 2465 E Palm Canyon • Palm Springs, CA 92264 frozen washcloth. (760) 325-4444 • Next to Chipotle Soak several washcloths and store them in Buy One 2465 Like ItE Palm Size Create Your Own Canyon CREATEYOUR YOUROWN OWN (Ice Cream Palm+ 1Springs, CA 92264 Mix-in), Get One FREE CREATE your freezer. Whenever your puppy puts his teeth FREE Buy One Like It Size Create Your Own (760) 325-4444 E Palm Canyon 2465 E 2465 Palm Canyon OWN (Ice Cream 1 Mix-in), Get One FREEDr. (Downtown Chipotle CREATE YOUR OWN ● Palm+CREATE Springs: 155YOUR S. Palm Canyon Ruby’s) to anything you’d rather he not, take the item away Palm Next Springs, CA 92264 Palm-tonear Springs, CA 92264 Buy One Like It Size Create Your Own (760) 325-4444 Palm Springs: 2465 PalmCreate Dr. (Next to Chipoltle - Smoketree Commons) Prices One Like It E. Size Your Own (760) 325-4444 (Icecheck: Cream + 1 Mix-in), Get One FREE Next to Chipotle Please review carefully.●Buy Double Canyon Phone Number(s) Spelling Hours sub in a frozen washcloth. His and immediately (Ice Cream + 1 78-380 Mix-in), Get FREE ● La Quinta: Hwy.10/31/15 111 One (Point Happy, & Hwy. 111) Next to Chipotle Expires PLU # 76 Washington sore gums will feel immediate relief, and the previContact your Tidbits representative immediately with changes or corrections. ous item will fade from memory like so many forExpires 2/29/16 PLU 55 Expires 10/31/15 PLU ## 76 Office: 760-320-0997 Fax: 760-320-1630 gotten baby teeth. Ice cubes also do the trick. The pain of teething also brings nipping and mouthing. Nipping is a diminutive bite. Mouthing is the constant placement of the dog’s mouth on some part of you -- hand, leg, ankle, arm. Both Property of habits can lead to biting if not corrected, so keep AdVenture Media, Inc. the washcloths coming. 2) There will be elimination. FREE of Coachella Valley Eliminating bodily waste is an act of nature 760.320.0997 Fax: 760.320.1630 -- like breathing. We as dog owners must understand that he doesn’t care where he goes -- we care. All Rights Reserved Thus, it is our job to teach him what we want. And so we must first make a choice: outside or inside? Housebreaking your puppy means he goes ® outside and only outside. Paper training entails Tidbits Word Search teaching him to go inside the house, in a specific area. I strongly recommend housebreaking. Once “Barnyard Balance” a dog gets the go ahead to eliminate inside, it’s difX Y K F K W K P L N C J R K P X V N ficult to switch gears. G D A I R Y C O W Q L T F T R G N X Once you and your vet have determined the G K E N I H C A M G N I K L I M V C proper diet for your pup, you’ll want to establish a L M A N U R E S P R E A D E R V Y J E R N T G D K W B L P L Q H M G L F CASEY’S CORNER: Turn to page 10
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cinodras eht htiw 1691 ni tih 1# a dah ohW .1 ?”waL-ni-rehtoM“ eht“ si tahw ,brevorp eht ot gnidroccA .2 ?”noitnevni fo rehtom -nacirfA fo eman tsrif laer eht saw tahW .3 ?yelbaM smoM enneidemoc naciremA ammoM worhT ot detnaw rotca mlif tahW .4 ?7891 ni niarT eht morf
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ADVERTISING PROOF Final Changes DUE: Mon., 5:00 p.m.. program can be a lifesaver. If no 9/21/15 one answers CASEY’S CORNER (from page 9) Please review carefully. Double check: Phone Number(s) Spelling Prices Hours the phone, a contact or the police will be called. Contact your Tidbits representative immediately with changes or corrections. Short of that, we can arrange with a neighbor consistent feed-water-walk schedule: He eats acOffice: 760-320-0997 Fax: 760-320-1630 by Matilda Charles that we’ll open a certain window curtain every cording to schedule, drinks according to schedule © King Features Synd., Inc. morning as a sign that we're ok. Or we’ll swap and is taken outside on the heels of either activphone calls. Or we’ll collect the newspaper off ity. Should an accident occur, clean the area thorthe porch. oughly, and immediately take the dog outside and Think about these things now, and put praise him. Herd Property Maintenance something into practice. Accidents are not cause for punishment. The news coming out of Maine was be1/16th pg, Spot Color, 13x They are opportunities for learning. Rather than yond sad: An elderly woman was found dead in Sept. 27Matilda regrets cannot - Dec.Charles 20, 2015 • Vol.that 11:she Issues #40person- #52 accentuating your displeasure when he gets someher home, and she’d been dead for two years. ally answer reader questions, but will incorporate them into her column w henever possible. Send email to columnrething wrong during the early learning stages, foGetting beyond the shock of that is difficult. We cus on demonstrating how pleased you are with ask: How could something like that happen? his corrected behavior. How could no one notice the disappearance of 3) There will be leash resistance. another human being, a neighbor? ADVERTISING PROOF Most of us know better than to throw a When the former teacher first moved to Final Changes DUE: 5:00 p.m.. saddle on a horse that’s never worn one and hop her rural property she’d been friendly with othPlease review carefully. Double check: Phone Number(s) Spelling PROOF Prices Hours ADVERTISING Property of At the on. A leash to a dog is no more natural. Dogs don’t ers, but later she became reclusive. Because Media, Contact your Tidbits representativeAdVenture immediately withInc. changes or corrections. MON., JULY 22 BEST 5:00 DUE: comep.m.. with diplomas. We must be patient with them being alone seemed to be her preference, Final Changes Office: 760-320-0997 Fax: 760-320-1630 Property of Prices! AdVenture Media, Inc. they adjust to all our wacky expectations. neighbors didn’t bother her. Please review carefully. DoubleADVERTISING check: Phone Number(s) Spelling asPrices Hours PROOF FREE Drywall • Baseboard Crown Molding • Trim The best way to gently introduce the leash The police had been called a few times Final Changes DUE:of Coachella•Valley 5:00 p.m.. FREE The NeatestLittle Paper Ever Read Please representative review carefully. Double check: Phone Number(s) Spelling Prices Hours Contact your Tidbits immediately with changes or corrections. to your pooch is to fasten a lightweight model to 760.320.0997 Fax: 760.320.1630 to do a wellfare check, but when the door Painting • Leaky SinksFax:with •760.320.1630 Door Installation 760.320.0997 Contact your Tidbits representative immediately changes or corrections. Office: 760-320-0997 Fax: 760-320-1630 his collar and supervise as he wears it around the Office: 760-320-0997 Fax: 760-320-1630 wasn’t answered, they were unable to press Garbage Disposals • Furniture Assembly AllReserved Rights Reserved All Rights house. This allows him to get used to the weight the issue. Eventually, because taxes went unCeiling Fans • Outlets & Switches +MORE! N O TI EN around his neck. Play fetch with him, have him M paid and foreclosure was imminent, the police JACK HERD IS AD FOR TH walk to his food bowl and eat, and do any number did break in and discovered the woman. -OWNERProudly serving 10% of normal activities; however, do not ever leave How many of us heard this story on the ADVERTISING PROOF Gee-Ar-Gee Construction Co. F the des F ert for him alone with the leash on. O news and said, “That could be me”? How many Exp. 2-22-16 16 ye5:00 ars p.m.. pg. BWDUE: 13xCallrate Once he’s had time to warm to the idea, Final1/16 Changes of us, because we don’t have nearby family 760. 702.7581 Please review carefully. Double check: Phone Number(s) Spelling Prices Hours Licensed • Insured Today July 28, 2013 Vol. 9 No. 31 take him on a walk. Allow him to pull you. Tugging or friends who are still living, could be in that same situation? Contact your Tidbits representative immediately with changes or corrections.on the leash while it’s attached to his neck is no way to make him enjoy wearing one. He’ll learn to We need to explore our resources now, Office: 760-320-0997 Fax: 760-320-1630 stop pulling once he begins obedience training and before it’s too late, and set up a system wherelearns “heel.” Until then, cut the little guy some by we won’t be left unnoticed for long periods CONSTRUCTION CO., INC. slack and have fun. of time, even as we guard our privacy. Handling All Phases of Construction & Home Improvement For more information on creating and The best way to ensure senior safety RESIDENTIAL FREE implementing a feed-water-walk schedule, houseis with a phone-in program, where seniors are Property of & COMMERCIAL AdVenture Media, Inc. breaking, chewing, mouthing, nipping or leash called every morning or have to call in to say PROMO - 08-2015 [updated] Insurance Jobs Welcomed training, read “I Just Got a Puppy. What Do I Do?” they’re OK. It’s available in many localities. FREE RESTORATION FIRE DAMAGE or “When Good Dogs Do Bad Things,” or visit For very private people, this non-intrusive New Construction Remodeling 760.320.0997 Fax: 760.320.1630 Roofing Room Additions Drywall Stucco All Rights Reserved Woof! Tile Block Walls Concrete Patios Apartments
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Dog trainer "Uncle Matty Margolis is co-author of 18 books about dogs, a behaviorist, a popular radio and television guest, and host of the PBS series “WOOF! It’s a Dog’s Life!” Read all of Uncle Matty’s columns at the Creators Syndicate website at, and visit him at Send your questions to or by mail to Uncle Matty at P.O. Box 3300, Diamond Springs, CA 95619. COPYRIGHT 2008 CREATORS SYNDICATE, INC.
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3. Whose two sisters were Mary and 91 KEEW -a)80QAndrew 2 Martha? b) Matthew 0 1 Y A M 4 Y A M c) Thomas d) Lazarus 4. From Deuteronomy 33, to whom did Moses give a blessing? a) Micah b) Ruth c) Joshua d) Children of Israel
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cinodras eht 6.htiwFrom 1691 n2i tiKings, h 1# a dawho h ohWdrove .1 like a madman? a) Jehu b) Ahab c) Ben-Hur ?”waL-ni-rehtoM“ d) Zimri eht“ si tahw ,brevorp eht(Answers ot gnidroconcApage .2 16) ?”noitnevni fo rehtom For comments or more Bible Trivia go to -nacirfA fo eman tsrif ©lae2015 r htKing saw Features tahW .3 Synd., Inc. ?yelbaM smoM enneidemoc naciremA ammoM worhT ot detnaw rotca mlif tahW .4 ?7891 ni niarT eht morf
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ADVERTISING PROOF automatically after he turns age 66. the guy who submitted the first question used in today’s column. But look where that got him!Final In Changes DUE: 5:00 p.m.. If you have a Social Security question, Tom Marother words, you could contact SSA and report Please review carefully. Double check: Phone Number(s) Spelling Prices H genau has the answer. Contact him at thomas.margenau@ YOUR your anticipated earnings. They will eventually To find out more about Tom Margenau and Contact your Tidbits representative or corrections. to read past columns and immediately see features with fromchanges other Creators stop your benefits. Then you could just cross your Syndicate writers and cartoonists, visit the Creators SynOffice: 760-320-0997 Fax: 760-320-1630 HouseatYogurt fingers that you keep your job and hope you don’t Beach dicate website PROOF 4CADVERTISING 26x disc rate run into problems with starting and stopping your BZ COPYRIGHT 2016 CREATORS.COM Tues., 10/13/15 Final Changes DUE: 5:00 p.m.. benefits in the future. Nov. 24, 2013 Vol. 9 - No. 48 by Tom Margenau Please review carefully. Double check: Phone Number(s) Spelling Prices Hours Or you could do what I’ve been advising CLIP AND SAVE people in your situation for years. And that is to do Contact your Tidbits representative immediately with changes or corrections. Office: 760-320-0997 Fax: 760-320-1630 nothing. Just let your Social Security checks continue to flow into your bank account -- remembering all along that you aren’t due any of those benefits and will eventually have to pay them back. At some point down the road (it might be later this year, or it may even be early next year), SSA will learn that you have been working -- either because of earnings reports from your employer or I’ve gotten more than a few emails recently through a computer data exchange with IRS. Once from Social Security beneficiaries who are under they learn you are working, they will stop your age 66 and still working and who are trapped in checks. And they will send you an overpayment letthe web of Social Security’s convoluted earnings ter. But, you will be expecting it and, assuming you CLIP AND SAVE penalty rules and the way they are administered. didn’t lose all the proceeds of your Social Security PROFESSIONAL Reliable Expert Property of Those rules are some of the messiest provisions checks in a wild gambling spree in Las Vegas, you Handyman Services AdVenture Media, Inc. in government and cause countless headaches to will have the money sitting in your bank account Repairing Desert d n a Homes for over both Social Security recipients and Social Security ready to pay them back. (And by the way, they 15 years! Property•ofPainting Plumbing • Carpentry • Electrical Administration employees. don’t charge interest.) FREE Property of AdVenture Media, Inc. of Coachella V alley AdVenture Inc. Drywall • Vanities • Cabinets •Media, Ceiling Fans In a nutshell, those rules say that for every The Neatest Little Paper Ever Read There are two advantages to doing things Flooring • Laminate • Tile • Showers • Stucco 760.320.0997 Fax: 760.320.1630 ADVERTISING two dollars you earn above $15,720 per year, one this way. One: You can pocket what little interest Concrete • Pet Doors • Appliance InstallsPROOF • MORE! FREE FREE of Tues,, Coachella Valley 10/06/15 Final 5:00 dollar must be withheld from your Social Security you might have earned on those benefit payments All Rights Reserved 10% Changes DUE: “Our repeatp.m.. 760.320.0997 Fax: 760.320.1630 R SE NIOcarefully. Please review Double check: Phone Number(s) customers Spelling make Pricesour Hours 760.320.0997 Fax: 760.320.1630 benefits. That sounds simple enough. But it’s just before they were stopped. And two: You avoid all T UN DISCO All Rights Reserved business thrive!” representative immediately with changes or corrections. All Rights Reserved the tip of the iceberg when you are trying to navi- the back and forth hassles with SSA -- the calling Contact your Tidbits ADVERTISING PROOF CALL d Johnson, FREE 760-320-0997 Fax: 760-320-1630 Office:760. icharp.m.. -R5:00 347.9485 TODAY: Final Changes DUE: Estimates -ownergate your way through the icy shoals of this convo- and waiting on hold and recalling and starting and Please review carefully. Double check: Phone Number(s) Spelling Prices &Hours Visit us online: Bonded Insured luted policy. stopping Social Security checks that the guy who Contact your Tidbits representative immediately with changes or corrections. Office: 760-320-0997 Fax: 760-320-1630 I thought I had written a recent column with sent the first letter experienced. tips for dealing with this issue. But I dug through What I am suggesting you do isn’t exactly my records and learned it actually was more than kosher, but it’s not illegal. You’d simply be bending two years ago. I’m going to dust off and update that the rules a bit. As long as SSA eventually gets its column and reprint it today because the subject money back, they’ll be satisfied. matter is as topical as ever. And finally, here is a message to both of these guys, and to any of my readers who are un I started my Social Security ben- der age 66, getting Social Security checks, and who THE LAW OFFICES OF efits at age 62 at the beginning of last year. decide to return to work thus forcing a suspension Then about 8 months later, I decided to go of those checks. Once you reach age 66, you will back to work. Because I would be making far get credit for those months in which you did not more than Social Security rules allow me to receive a benefit -- in the form of an adjustment to do, I immediately reported my anticipated your initial benefit reduction. Here is an example: earnings to the Social Security Administra- Mike started his Social Security benefits at tion. Several months later, my benefits finally age 62. Those benefits came with a 25 percent reProperty of FREE AdVenture Media, Inc. stopped. And I got an “overpayment” letter duction. In other words, his monthly checks were telling me I had to repay the benefits I got 75 percent of his full retirement (age 66) rate. At FREE before they were stopped. Then about three age 63, Mike returned to work and his benefits 760.320.0997 Fax: 760.320.1630 Tell them you months after that, I was laid off. So I ended up were suspended. He kept working even beyond age All Rights Reserved IN SPECIALIZING saw their ad Security checks were making nowhere near what I initially thought I 66. But at age 66, his Social ESTATE PLANNING in because Tidbits! was going to make for the year. reinstated at that point the earnings limit When you patronize PROBATE & TRUST I called SSA and reported this. I waited rules no longer applied to him. At about the same our advertisers, ADMINISTRATION about an hour on hold beforeYou I finally helptalked time, they recalculated his benefit rate to give him You read it REAL ESTATE LAW to someone. And then it took several The months, credit for the three years he didn’t get any Social in tidbits! support but eventually my Social Security checks start- Security checks. So, instead of a 25 percent reductidbits LIVING TRUST ed up again. But now, just a couple paper!days ago, tion, they applied only about a 7 percent reduction SERVICES INCLUDE I got another overpayment letter telling me I -- for the first 12 months he received Social Security REVOCABLE owe even more money to the government. benefits before the suspension. Mike doesn’t have LIVING TRUSTS This has been the worst experience of to request this readjustment procedure. It is done Remember: POUROVER WILLS my life. What can I do about it?
How to Deal With the Social Security Earnings Penalties
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I am 63 and have been getting Social Security benefits since last year. I have just been offered a job and will make way more than the annual Social Security earnings limit of $15,720. How do I go about stopping my Social Security checks?
Well, you could play by the rules, like
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If you read my answer to the next question in this column, you will learn what you should have done. But I know that is water under the bridge for you. The only thing I can suggest you do now is visit your local Social Security office and demand to speak to their earnings penalty expert. He or she will have all your records and can go over your benefit payment history with you and help you figure out how to handle this.
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Week of February 7, 2016
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Tidbits of Coachella Valley
Tally Income Step two is to calculate your retirement income. If you and/or your wife contribute to Social Security, go to to get your personalized statement that estimates what your retirement benefits will be at age 62, full retirement age and when you turn 70.
by Jim Miller
How to Calculate Your Retirement Number Dear Savvy Senior: Can you help me calculate about how much my wife and I need to save for retirement? We are both in our late fifties and still have a dozen years or so for getting ourselves prepared. We would like to know a way for making a forecast to see where we stand. -- Looking Ahead Dear Looking: Calculating an approximate number of how much you’ll need to save for a comfortable retirement is actually pretty easy, and doesn’t take long to do. It’s a simple, three-step process that includes estimating your future living expenses, tallying up your retirement income and calculating the difference. There are even a host of online calculators that can help you with this too. Living Expenses The first step is the most difficult – and that is estimating your living expenses when you retire. If you want a quick ballpark estimate, figure around 75 to 85 percent of your current gross income. That’s what most people find they need to maintain their current lifestyle in retirement. If you want a more precise estimate, track your current living expenses on a worksheet and deduct any costs you expect to go away or decline when you retire, and add whatever new ones you anticipate. Costs you can scratch off your list include work-related expenses like commuting or lunches out, as well as the amount you’re presently socking away for retirement. You may also be able to deduct your mortgage if you expect to have it paid off by retirement, and your kid’s college expenses. Your income taxes should also be less. On the other hand, some costs will probably go up when you retire, like health care, and depending on your interests you may spend a lot more on vacation travel, golf or other hobbies. And, if you’re going to be retired for 20 or 30 years you also need to factor in the occasional big budget items like a new roof, furnace or car.
In addition to Social Security, if you or your wife has a traditional pension plan from an employer, find out from the plan administrator how much you are likely to get when you retire. And, figure in any other income from other sources you expect to have, such as rental properties, part-time work, etc.
by Freddy Groves
Slap in the Face
For those who came by their service medals honestly, a recent federal appeals court ruling was a hard slap in the face. The court said you can wear medals you didn’t earn. It’s protected speech under the First Amendment. To keep from giving him even more press, Calculate the Difference I’ll call the central figure in the case E.S., a three The final step is to do the calculations. year veteran who enlisted after the Korean War. Subtract your annual living expenses from your Forty years later he filed for PTSD benannual retirement income. If your income alone efits, saying he suffered because of the secret Kocan cover your bills, you’re all set. If not, you’ll rean combat missions he went on. He claimed he need to tap your savings, including your 401(k) had been injured and also that when visited in the plans, IRAs, or other investments to make up the hospital by a captain, had been given a pile of meddifference. als, among them a Purple Heart, Silver Star and Navy Commendation with V. So, let’s say for example you need The Department of Veterans Affairs dearound $55,000 a year to meet your living exnied the claim (a written narrative). penses and pay taxes, and you and your wife E.S. then resubmitted and used a copy of expect to receive $30,000 a year from Social Sea DD-214 that showed he had earned a bunch of curity and other income. That leaves a $25,000 medals and had been shot. Based on that, the VA shortfall that you’ll need to pull from your nest gave him $2,366 in monthly benefits. egg each year ($55,000 – $30,000 = $25,000). In 2006, it was discovered that the copied DD-214 was a fake. Then, depending on at what age you E.S. is all over the court system. A review want to retire, you need to multiply your shortfall of documents has him testifying at the trial of a by at least 25 if you want to retire at 60, 20 to reman who offered him $10,000 to kill a judge. After tire at 65, and 17 to retire at 70 – or in this case all, E.S. was a trained killer, given all his medals. that would equate to $625,000, $500,000 and E.S. was investigated for wearing a Purple $425,000, respectively. Heart at the trial and was convicted of violating the Stolen Valor Act (in force at the time), faking Why 25, 20 and 17? Because that would his injuries to get benefits, forging his DD-214 and allow you to pull 4 percent a year from your savmore. He got 12 months. ings, which is a safe withdrawal strategy that in 12 NOON WED., JAN 27 us to today, He later appealed, bringing most cases will let your money last as long as OK to you didn’t earn be-Prices you do. Please review carefully. where Doubleit’s check: wear Phonemedals Number(s) Spelling cause it’s “protected speech.” Contact your immediately with changes corrections. representative A fast Wiki-type search reveals thatoronly If you need some help, there’s a bevy of Tidbits one 760-320-0997 of the 11 judges in the760-320-1630 appeals court ever Fax: free online retirement calculators to assist you, Office: served in the military. like the ones offered by T. Rowe Price ( or Financial Mentor Freddie Grove regrets that he cannot personally (
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Catherine Marcypossible. - Property RealSend Estate column whenever email to columnreply2@ of I applaud you for looking ahead now and AdVenture Media, Inc. 1/12 pg 4C - - planning for those retirement years while you (c) 2016 King Features Synd., Inc have time to establish the paths that will lead you Jan. 31, 2016 Vol. 12 - No. 6 to the financial security you will need later. * * *
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Send your senior questions to: Savvy Senior, P.O. Box 5443, Norman, OK 73070, or visit SavvySenior. org. Jim Miller is a contributor to the NBC Today show and author of “The Savvy Senior” book.
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plate that is part of a 12-piece place setting that I inherited from my mother. The set includes a matching coffee pot, creamer and sugar. I searched through the Rosenthal patterns, but couldn’t find this one. The set is in mint condition and I plan to insure it. Anything you can tell me would be appreciated.
by Anne McCollam
Origin of Dish is a Mystery Q:
Enclosed is a photo of a porcelain dish. I remember as a child, it was always in the family china cabinet that stood in the corner of the dining room. I’m 83 years old and ever ything in it was purchased years before 1932. The dish measures 11 inches in diameter. There is not manufacturer’s mark on the back, just the number “1072” painted in gold. Could you tell me anything about it and its value?
Rosenthal and Company have been located in Bavaria, Germany, since 1879
Philip Rosenthal and Company has been in business in Selb, Bavaria, Germany, since 1879. The mark you provided was used from 1946 to 1949. After World War II, Germany was divided in to four zones that included the American Zone, British Zone, French Zone and Soviet Zone. Hesse and Bavaria, located in the Southern Germany, were part of the American Zone. Beginning in 1949, the Federal Republic of Germany was formed by the American, British and French Zones in the west. The Soviet Zone formed the German Democratic Republic in the east. The pattern is Rosenthal’s “Ivory Diplomatic Sanssouci.” “Sanssouci” is a term to identify a specific shall that was decorated with various designs. The shape is recognized by gold scrolls on the rims and centers and decorated with florals. Your dinnerware was made sometime between 1946 and 1949. Insurance value would be in the range of $2000 to $2500. *** Address your questions to Anne McCollam, P.
O. Box 247, Notre Dame, IN 46556. Items of a general interest will be answered in this column. Due to the volume of inquiries, she cannot answer individual letters.
Lack of a Manufacturer's label or design name makes it impossible to know dish's origin.
Without a manufacturer’s mark, it can be almost impossible to know where it was made. The flowers sprays, color shading from cream to green at the edges, the scalloped edges and gold trim are typical of designs in the late 1800’s to early 1900’s. The gold numbers are design numbers. Similar dishes were made in both the United States and Europe. Your dish would probably be worth $25 to $50 -- possibly more if the manufacturer could be identified. ***
Vol. XII Issue 7
Tidbits of Coachella Valley
It’s OK to Win How many of you parents work hard all week only to watch your kid get yelled at by some borderline psychopath coach on the weekends? Why do we all stand there on one side of the field -- that we all pay to seed and mow, by the way -watching somebody on the other side yell out their life’s frustrations? One day, I was watching a coach melt down, and I surveyed the parents on the sideline. There were lots of quality individuals watching the game in my estimate. Many of them drove Bavarian-styled cars, and you could tell they followed the maintenance guidelines. We easily outnumbered the maniacal person yelling at our kids by a factor of hundreds, but we did nothing. “Are you seeing this?” I remember asking one parent. He had a cowboy hat on. Seemed like a stand-up guy. Without even looking at me, he nodded. “Yup.” “I don’t understand this. When do we foment an uprising? We have nice rims on our cars ... we don’t need to take this.”
“We also don’t have to coach,” he replied.
Good point. We decide it’s a teaching moment for the kids: Don’t be that guy. The other day I was watching my nephew play flag football. It’s a tie score and there are parents telling their kids to “ease up on the throttle.” They drive Porsches and Audis that go zero to 60 mph in 5 seconds flat that they got by being ruthless adversaries in the business world all week, but now we have to stand around and root for a tie on a freezing weekend morning in January? I look at my sister as the “teaching moment” starts getting bandied about by the coach. He’s a nice guy. her.
“You know what they say about ties?” I ask
“No. What?”
“It’s like kissing your sister.”
She springs into action, cuts out the middleman and motions for her quarterback son to come over.
Q: Enclosed is a picture of a dinner
“He’s been open all game on the right. They can’t defend him. End this.” Two seconds later he throws a strike, does a little dance, the game concludes and we apologize to the coach.
Charles Huff 760-969-5749
“We have seat warmers,” we explain.
We think it over and backtrack a bit on the drive home. We clarify to her son that winning at all costs isn’t the way to go ... that you don’t want to show up your opponents, be a good sport. And we explain that sports don’t have to be a chore. But it is OK to win. It’s more fun, and you don’t have to apologize for it if you do it the right way. *** Mark Vasto is a veteran sportswriter who lives in New Jersey.
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Week of February 7, 2016
Famous Trios
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His decree called for anyone refusing to bow and worship the image to be cast into a fieryNAPA Desert Area Corp. furnace. But the three men refused to do so.• 2” x 6” Golf “Caddy” When brought before the king, they explained,• Oct. 18, 2015 Vol. 11 - No. 43 “If we are thrown into the blazing furnace, the CLIP AND SAVE God we serve is able to deliver us from it, and he will deliver us from Your Majesty’s hand. But even if He does not, we want you to know that we will not serve your gods or worship the image of gold.”
• Infuriated by their response, Nebuchadnezzar ordered the furnace fired seven times hotter than normal and had the trio tightly bound and thrown into the inferno. But when he looked ADVERTISING PROOF in, he saw four figures standing and walking Changes DUE: 5:00 p.m.. laugh a unharmed in the roaring flames. Final Realizing Please review carefully. Double check: Phone Number(s) Spelling Prices Hours that an angel had been sent to protect them, bit with Contact your Tidbits representative immediately with changes or corrections. ADVERTISING PROOF he ordered the door opened. The three men Office: 760-320-0997 Fax: 760-320-1630 Mon., 10/12/15 inal Changes DUE:out walked without a single5:00 sign p.m.. of a burn or How many have paid good money for iew carefully. Double check: Phone Number(s) Spelling Prices Hours ENDANGERED SIGHTS & SOUNDS (cont’d): Get $50 OFF listed prices even the smell of smoke on their clothing. The a ticket to a horror film, only to cover act your Tidbits representative immediately with changes or corrections. with this coupon King then realized that theirs was indeed the • How been very since little you’ve Property of Office: 760-320-0997 Fax: 760-320-1630 their long eyes has andit“see” of used it? a Inc. true God and decreed that anyone who spoke 6V - AdVenture $689 Media, Pricing typewriter eraser? Or, if you’re younger, have Includes against their God should be torn limb from you moved your belongings into a long-unused 8V - $789 Taxes! limb and their houses burned to ashes. � HAPPY FROM TIDBITS! FREE desk, onlyHALLOWEEN to find a strange-looking gadget with 4 Million Readers Weekly Nationwide!
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Unfortunately this article is not about ways to save yourself coin by finding the best online golf rate, but more about the little secrets of grip techniques that top players used to win a lot of money. Steve Elkington was considered by many of his peers at the time to have carried the title of “best looking swing on tour” through much of the nineties. His set up was beautiful and his motion looked poetic. For Steve it all started with a great looking grip that his coach Alex Mercer had taught him while a young boy in Australia. Steve was taught to pinch together his thumbs and forefinger like he was holding a few coins in place. He even recollects walking to school in this fashion. By pinching the thumbs and forefinger together, he had to hold the club more in the fingers and his hands fit together quite beautifully. It takes a little training to use these small muscles of the hand, but it’s well worth it if you’re looking for a top grade grip to emulate.
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fiber-like hairs bushing out of one end? What SCARY MOVIES you’ve foundbyisRyan a typewriter Toepfer eraser. Usually shaped likejust a pencil, tiphaving was made of an Some people seem tothe love the living especially-abrasive to daylights scared out ofrubber, them.which Why was else used would “erase” typing error. Thebeother end featured horror and the suspense movies so popular? To a small brush made of stiff plastic strands that celebrate Halloween, Tidbits goes behind the wasof used to sweep remnants of the erasure scenes some classicthe thrillers. off the page. • When Alfred Hitchcock purchased the film • rights There’s shortage litter on theupground tofornoPsycho, heofalso bought as many day, butofthankfully, wenovel no longer discarded copies the original as heseecould find, pull-tabs. The tabs on older easy-open beverage hoping to keep the story’s ending a secret. cans pulled completely off the can. People who • The famous shower Psycho wasdodging filmed walked in bare feetscene wereofconstantly using double for Norman Bates, as Anthony these acarelessly-dropped metal hazards. Perkins was appearing in a play (Greenwillow) • in The rhythmic “beep” scanner is the New York at the time.of Thethefirst time Perkins musical saw accompaniment the at supermarket actually that scene wastoback the studio, checkout line. But if you’ve ever wondered watching the daily “rushes,” and he said he was where the cliché of saying “ka-ching!” in rejust as scared as everyone else. lation to money comes from, that’s the sound • Take a close look electric, at Michael mask in that the old-style not Myers’ electronic, cash the 1978 camp Halloween. Does registers made.classic Cashiers of that era hadthe to face look familiar? The movie was filmed on manually punch a series of buttons to ring up such tight budget, that the department your apurchase, followed byprop a smack of the had to make do with what they had. For Myers’ “total” button with the heel of the hand. disguise, they used an old Captain Kirk (Star • “Do you want your carbons?” used to be an Trek) mask, which they spray painted white and automatic question asked by merchants after then re-shaped the eyeholes. you’d signed for a credit card payment. At that turn the page for more! time, credit card receipts were filled out by hand in triplicate, with a small piece of carbon paper inserted between each sheet. It didn’t take long for thieves to realize they could retrieve the used carbons from the trash and steal valuable credit card information. Once that scam gained popularity, waiters and cashiers regularly offered the carbons to customers, giving them the opportunity to destroy them.
Play Better Golf with JACK NICKLAUS
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ADVERTISING PROOF Final Changes DUE: 5:00 p.m.. Please review carefully. Double check: Phone Number(s) Spelling Prices Hours Jason Jenkins was a 16-year member of the Jim McLean Golf Contact your Tidbits representative changesTop or 100 corrections. School teaching staff and wasimmediately one of GOLFwith Magazine’s Teacher Nominees 1999-2010. He Fax: was named one of the Golf Office: 760-320-0997 760-320-1630 Digest Top Teachers in California in 2011. Contact Jason at 760-485-2452 or
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