Vol. X: #40 • Seagulls • (9/28/14) Tidbits of Coachella Valley

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Week of September 28, 2014








Vol. X

Issue No. 40

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14,check: 2014 Vol. 10 - No. 38 refully. Sept. Double  Phone Number(s)  Spelling  Prices  Hours On October 1, 1919, the Mormon church of Salt FREE No additional proof needCAMERAbe sent. ❐ NOT APPROVED; of Coachella Valley READY TO unveiled COME — LakeARTCity a monument to a bird. Mormon ur Tidbits representative immediately The Neatest Little Paperwith Ever Readchanges or corrections. will provide a camera-ready ❐Client APPROVED WITH CHANGES; 760.320.0997 Fax: 760.320.1630 ad in time for publication. PLEASE RETURN THIS PROOF. were tending their ripening crops in 1848 Introducing theFax: Valley’s Newest Office: 760-320-0997 760-320-1630 NEWsettlers PROOF REQUESTED — Please call (760) 668-2226 for guidUNRETURNED PROOFS ARE For mat and content approved, with All Rights Reserved ance. when a plague of crickets descended, threatening changes. New proof requested CONSIDERED “APPROVED AS IS.” 4 Million Readers Weekly Nationwide!


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harvest. When all was thought lost, massive ❐ NOT APPROVED;flocks CAMERA- of seagulls suddenly arrived, ART all TO the COME crickets — READY ● Acute and chronic medical eating and saving the crops. The FREE Client will provide a camera-ready conditions Monument, designed by Brigham ● Diabetic Education, Planning ad stone in time Seagull for publication. 760.320.0997 Fax: 760.320.1630 and management Please call (760) 668-2226 for guid Young’s grandson, is thought to be the world’s All Rights Reserved ● Pre-operative medical exams, ance. only monument to a bird. The seagull is now the labs/EKGs ● Ultrasound-guidedPROOF joint injections ADVERTISING state bird of Utah. There is quite a bit more to these ● Comprehensive TUES., NOV. 5 physical Final Changes DUE: 5:00 p.m.. avians than you probably imagine. water-loving Now exams eview carefully. Double check:  Phone Number(s)  Spelling  Prices Hours and see! Followalong Accepting ● Post-op

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• The term “gull” refers to a group of 23 North American species belonging to the family Laridae, which comes from the Greek word meaning “ravenous sea bird.”

• Seagulls usually mate for life, but researchers say 5:00 p.m.. they do sometimes separate. Their “divorce” rate  Spelling  Prices is  Hours about three to five percent per year.


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• When gulls get mad, they yank grass up by the roots to displace their aggression.

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• The herring gull has 63 different calls. • Gulls can live for up to 32 years. SEAGULLS: Turn to page 3

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• A seagull’s feet stay at only 32°F while the rest of the body’s temperature remains at 100°F.


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Tidbits of Coachella Valley

1950 than during the entire 200 years previous. On the northwestern corner of South America, where many boreal songbirds winter, forest loss stands at 70% or more.




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1. How Double frequently will a mother hen turn  Prices  Hours Please review carefully. check:  Phone Number(s)  Spelling over her eggs to prevent the embryonic

Contact your Tidbits representative immediately with changes or corrections. yolk from sticking to the sides? Office: 760-320-0997 Fax: 760-320-1630 2. How many eggs will Ceasar’s Palace resort in Las Vegas serve in a typical day? 3. What beverage helps increase the body’s absorption of iron from the yolks of eggs? 4. Besides egg yolk, what other animalbased food source provides vitamin D? 5. How many eggs does the average American eat in a year?

Vol. X Issue 40


ADVERTISING PROOF (AnswersMon., on pageSept. 16) 22, 2014 al Changes DUE: 5:00 p.m.. • Bridget Stutchbury is one of Canada’s foremost

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ornithologists. She was born in Montreal, raised in Toronto and is now professor of biology at your Tidbits representative immediately with changes or corrections. York University. She is affiliated with numerous Imagine the life you want to Fax: live. I 760-320-1630 can help you. Office: 760-320-0997 organizations that seek to preserve bird habitats.

De-clutter Homes for Sale Help Heirs & Executors ADVERTISING PROOF • Sutchbury gained a lot of notice after her  Help with Downsizing Packing & Unpacking inal Changes DUE: 5:00 p.m..groundbreaking research into the sexual antics

• Stutchbury maintains that a primary cause of the deforestation of Latin America is because of the coffee industry. North Americans drink some 300 million cups a day and import over 3.3 billion pounds (1.5 billion kg) of beans each year. To meet demand, shade trees in coffee plantations have been cut down to make way for “sun coffee” which turns a quicker profit than coffee grown in the shade. Most commercial coffee farms resemble a cornfield rather than a forest, and farmers cannot grow sun coffee without heavy chemical inputs of fertilizers and pesticides. Only a few migratory songbird species can endure these conditions. • A shade-coffee plantation is a lifeboat for migratory songbirds because it provides a mini-ecosystem with towering tropical trees that shelter the coffee plants below, fertilize the soil, and prevent soil erosion during heavy downpours. Shade coffee farms provide alternative habitat for plants and animals which normally live in tropical forests.

PROOF Sutchbury explains, “In the swirling steam made international headlines. But she is • AsADVERTISING Palm Desert Area Chamber AdVenture Media, Inc. Tues., 4/1/14 thatChanges rises from your coffee cup could 5:00 be thep.m.. DUE: perhaps best known for her book The Silence of Final MORE SPACE MORE TIMEwithMORE tact your1/16 Tidbits immediately changesSANITY or corrections. pg.representative 4c, 6x discount rate Professional Please review carefully. Double check:  Phone Number(s)  Spelling  Prices  Hours ghosts of warblers flitting among the orchids, the Songbirds. 760 636 6208 FREE Office: Fax:#40 760-320-1630 Call today Sept. 28, 760-320-0997 2014Organizer: • Vol. X: Issue sipping nectarimmediately from spectacular bouquets your Tidbits representative with changes or corrections. ADVERTISING PROOF • Many species of migratory songbirds areContactorioles 760.320.0997 Fax: 760.320.1630 Final Changes DUE: 5:00 p.m.. Office: 760-320-0997 Fax: 760-320-1630 in the treetops, and thrushes flipping up leaves Please review carefully. Double check: All  Phone Number(s)  Spelling  Prices  Hours disappearing at an alarming rate. Surveys in Rights Reserved Presenting Sponsor October 2nd 2014 on the forest floor.” She encourages all bird Contact your Tidbits representative immediately with changes or corrections. Canada shows that between 1966 and 2007, the Fantasy Springs Office: 760-320-0997 Fax: 760-320-1630 lovers to drink only shade-grown organic fairpopulation of Canada warblers declined by 2.6% Resort Casino. trade coffee to give birds a fighting chance in 4pm - 7pm per year and olive-sided flycatchers declined by 120 Exhibitors southern regions, and to fight for conservation 3.7% a year. This amounts to a cumulative loss 12 Restaurants w/Samples rights in northern areas so all bird species will of 50 and 75%, respectively, in a single lifetime. always have a place to come home to. ‪ • One of the main problems for migratory ONLY songbirds is that they may travel 6,000 miles (10,000 km) or more between their summer habitat and southern climates. In between, Public Admission they need places to stop to rest and feed. Due Facial And Cosmetic Enhancement to steadily declining levels of forested cover, it Surgery Center of the Desert becomes increasingly difficult for birds to find A New Look for You the sanctuary they need.

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1. GEOGRAPHY: The Yakima Riv760.320.0997 Fax: 760.320.1630 er flows through which U.S. state? All Rights Reserved 2. TELEVISION: What was the theme song to the sitcom “Friends”? 3. MUSIC: What pop music group had a hit album in 1969 titled “The Age of Aquarius”? 4. COMICS: Which comic strip featured a character called “Dragon Lady”? 5. MEDICINE: How long is the average adult’s spinal cord? 6. FOOD AND DRINK: What fastfood franchise featured the story of Jared S. Fogle, who lost a lot of weight eating their products? 7. LITERATURE: Where did the Grinch live in the Dr. Seuss story “How the Grinch Stole Christmas!”? 8. MOVIES: What was the name of the mad scientist in “The Rocky Horror Picture Show”? 9. GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What is the significance of the acronym ROY G BIV? 10. FAMOUS QUOTES: What comedian and actor once said, “A day without sunshine is like, you know, night”? Answers (Trivia Test answers page 16) 1. Washington 2. “I’ll Be There For You” (The Rembrants) Published by: AdVenture Media

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September 15, 2014

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• Stutchbury found that the boreal forest is home DDS, the area’s premier specialist to 3 billion migratory songbirds and 25% of in Maxillofacial Surgery, & fellowship trained in Facial Cosmetics. the world’s intact forests. Almost one million Property of hectares are cut each year. Less than 15% of AdVenture Media, Inc. State-of-the-art facility & friendly staff - for complete patient comfort Canada’s boreal forest has been protected and ADVERTISING PROOF Specialized Procedures: FREE nearly a third has been allocated for logging, Fri, June 6, 2014 ADVERTISING PROOF • Facelift • Necklift • Eyelid Cor-p.m.. Final Changes DUE:forces 5:00 760.320.0997 Fax: 760.320.1630 mining and development. Clear-cutting Final Changes DUE: 5:00 p.m.. rection • Botox & Facial Fillers Please review carefully. Double check:  Phone Number(s)  Spelling  Prices  Hours Please review carefully. Double check: All  Phone Number(s)  Spelling Prices  Hours Reserved FREE birds to move elsewhere. • Rhinoplasty, NoseRights Surgery valleybits@msn.com

Office: 760-320-0997 or corrections. Fax: 760-320-1630 Contact yourthe Tidbits immediately with changes • A study comparing birdsrepresentative of Pukaskwa • Maxillofacial: Reconstructive Dental & Facial Surgery, Extracin who Ontario with760-320-0997 surrounding Office: Fax: 760-320-1630 1. National Name thePark artist released tions, Orthognathic Surgery 1. Which major-league team draftlogged landscape the 1960 song “He Willfound Break the Yourpopulation of • Liposuction: Legs, Arms ed current New England quarterback Heart.” ovenbirds and warblers was 50% to 90% lower Full Body Tom Brady asEmergency a catcher inor1995? 2. Who wrote recorded “Stay”? outside the and park. Most insurances accepted 2. In 2014, Washington Nationals Jennifer Hearne Care


3. What was on the b-side of Iron pitcher Gio Gonzalez set a franchise Available (760) MD, DDS Butterfly’s first single, “Don’t Lookcountries • At the other end, Latin American clear record for most victories in a season Indian Wells Smile Center hectares of tropical forest Down onabout Me,” 1968? 1900 E. Tahquitz Canyon Way, Ste. C-4 • Palm Springs cut 4in million ADVERTISING PROOF (21). Who had held the mark? What band released the glam-rock 1/84.pg 4C 13x disc. rate Learn moreplacekickers online • www.in JenniferHearneMD.com 3. since There are three annually. More rainforest been cleared Finalhas Changes DUE: 5:00 p.m.. song15 “Fox on the Run”? June (through June 29, 2014) the Pro Football Hall of Fame. Name carefully. 5. Name the songPlease that review contains thisDouble check:  Phone Number(s)  Spelling  Prices  Hours two of them. lyric: “Such a brief moment, a small Contact your Tidbits representative immediately with changes corrections. 4. Name the only teamorthat Michitime to spend, The dancing will slow I don't know. Office: 760-320-0997 Fax: 760-320-1630 gan State’s Magic Johnson lost to in Whatever soon, the music will end; In real life even I don't the NCAA men’s basketball tournawe’re happened plastic, nature’s Howwe got to unfair,think ment. can we breathe life, how can we share a Christmas5. The St. Louis Blues set a franour sexual The knowledge and insights hidden in FREE DENTAL chise record in the 2013-14 NHL SPECIAL seacard from them tombs.” relations? this year.son for most victories (52). What had Answers been the highest  Full total? set of X-rays 6. Who holds the NASCAR record 1. Jerry Butler. Butler still performs,  Comprehensive examby a for most consecutive victories while he serves on a county board of car owner in competition? commissioners in Illinois. He was Cup Complete teeth cleaning COMPLETE 7. When was the last time before inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall  Laser oral cancer exam 2014 that Roger Federer did not make of Fame in 1991.  Teeth whitening pensingles the final eight in men’s tennis 2. Maurice Williams, who penned S M I L E at the French Open. the tune in 1953 at age 15. The song Indian Wells Smile Center made it on the “Dirty Dancing” Answers 74-976 Hwy. 111, Indian Wells, CA 92210 (N.W. corner of Cook & 111) soundtrack in 1987. 1. The Montreal Expos. 3. “Possession.” www.DocFeld.com 760.341.2873 2. Ross Grimsley won 20 games in 4. The Sweet, in 1974. 1978, when the Property of team was based in 5. “The Music Box Dancer,” by Montreal. AdVenture Media, Inc. Frank Mills in 1974. The Mills ver3. George Blanda, Lou Groza and

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Tidbits of Coachella Valley

Week of September 28, 2014

SEAGULLS (from page one) • Gulls nearly went extinct on the East Coast when they were hunted for their feathers. • Groups of seagulls have been seen rapidly stamping their feet to imitate rainfall to trick earthworms into coming to the surface. • Gulls are able to drink both fresh and salt water. Most animals are unable to do this, but gulls have a pair of glands above their eyes specifically designed to flush the salt from their systems through openings in the bill. This makes it possible for them to spend days at sea without returning to land for fresh water. Given a choice, seagulls prefer fresh water over salt water because processing the salt is an energyconsuming process.

• Gulls often drop clams or other hard-shelled mollusks from high altitudes onto hard rock surfaces to break them open. Researchers found that gulls instinctively know the exact height required to drop a clam so it breaks open. Flying higher would only waste energy.

Page 3


• The California gull has a unique way of catching alkali flies which congregate in long, by K dense clusters along the shores of salty lakes in the Great Basin. The gull swoops down on one byend Kara Sandy Wood of aKovalchik huge raft of&flies along the beach and1. W glides along the entire length with its bill open, sci scooping up hoards of the winged insects for a mo beakful of din-din.


• The most common seagull species is the ringbilled gull, one of the most abundant species sea • The smallest gull species in most of North across North America. The population of these America is called the Bonaparte’s gull, named birds is estimated at about four million. ADVERTISING PROOF 2. W after Charles Lucien Bonaparte, a NOV. 18nephew of5:00 • In a gull colony, when one gull sounds FinaltheChanges DUE: MON., p SEAGULLS: To page 15 tra alarm, the entire flock will take to the safety Please review carefully. Double check:  Phone Number(s)  Spelling  Prices of the skies. However, some gulls are more fir skittish than others and frequentlyContact sound your the Tidbits representative immediately with changes or correctio spr Fax: 760-320-1630 alarm when it’s not necessary. Observers report Office: 760-320-0997 UIZ IT S that the alarm calls of the most jittery gulls 1. Of all the birds in the world, ADVERTISING PROOF are routinely ignored by the rest of the colony, which is the most common? reminiscent of the boy who cried “wolf.” Final Changes DUE: 5:00 p.m..

1. What’s the proper scientific name for the moment that the spring season begins? ����������������������

2. WhatQ flower is B traditionally the • Adults of many gull species have prominent first2.toWhat bloom as spots on their bill that serve as visual cues is often added to • One ornithologist noted that gullsPlease can review be carefully. Double check:  Phone Number(s)  Spelling  Prices  H chicken feed to make to youngsters. In order to induce the adult to spring cannibalistic at times, feeding not onlyContact on your Tidbits representative immediately with changes or corrections. ADVERTISING PROOF the egg yokes look

regurgitate food, nestlings peck on this spot. Mon., Sept. 22, 2014 • Gulls have a small claw a quarter of the way their legcheck: that enables themNumber(s) to snag ontohigh carefully.upDouble  Phone Spelling cliff ledges without getting blown off.

the young of other species of gull, but also Beach Office: 760-320-0997 Fax: 760-320-1630 yellower and more appetizing? House Yogurt Q occasionally eating their own offspring. The BZ 4C 26x disc rateAnswers page 16 researcher A  Prices further Hours noted that cannibalism Nov. 24, 2013 Vol. 9 - No. 48 would invariably increase every Sunday. Why? CLIP AND SAVE your Tidbits representative immediately with changes or Because corrections. one of their main food sources came ADVERTISING • Many species of gulls are ‘klepto-parisitic’ PROOF1. V from following fishing trawlers on the ocean. meaning that they steal their food from other Office: 760-320-0997 Fax: 760-320-1630 2. p. C Final Changes DUE: TUES., AUG. 19 5:00 None of the trawlers went out on Sundays in birds to feed themselves, often using simple Please review carefully. Double check:  Phone Number(s)  Spelling  Prices ADVERTISING PROOF observance of the Sabbath. intimidation tactics which cause other birds to Contact Final Changes 5:00 p.m.. abandon DUE: their meal. • A scientist who was capturing and banding gulls your Tidbits representative immediately with changes or correctio view carefully. Double check:  Phone Number(s)  Spelling  Prices  Hours Office: 760-320-0997 Fax: 760-320-1630 Palm Desert Area Chamber was frequently bombarded by angry flocks of the • Seagulls have excellent vision, even better than ntact your1/16 Tidbits withfew changes or corrections. pg.representative 4c,They 6x discount birds who resented the intrusion. Other people humans. areimmediately onerate of the birds with Office: 760-320-0997 Fax: 760-320-1630 Sept. 28,that 2014 X:inIssue could walk through the colony without arousing eyes can• Vol. move their#40 sockets. any attention from the birds, but whenever he ORD General Contractor set foot near them, they would group together 1/8 pg. 4C 26x disc. and gang up on him. He tried disguising himself Aug. 24, 2014 Vol. 10 - No. 35 Australia (Cairns, Sydney) & Fiji Islands by wearing different clothing, hats and various wigs, but they always recognized him. Finally Limited Availability Secure with Deposit Soon Property of Itineraries available online at www.pdacc.org/trips.html he donned a mask, and the problem was solved. AdVenture Media, Inc. He concluded that they recognized him by his Trip Informational facial features. Meeting on October

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In a test at the UniFREE 4 Million Coachella Valley rats were fed only versityof of Texas, Readers Weekly The Neatest Little Paper Ever Read Nationwide! one foodFax: to 760.320.1630 find out which are theFREE 760.320.0997 of Coachella Valley best and worst foods. Two-thirds of The Neatest Little Paper Ever Read All Rights the rats Reserved that were fed only white 760.320.0997 Fax: 760.320.1630 bread died after 90 days. Rats fared a bit better when fed only All Rights Reserved peanuts, hot dogs, hamburger, shredded wheat or macaroni. They lived somewhat longer on tuna or milk. The best single food was egg. Rats eating only eggs lived indefiinitly. Published by: AdVenture Media

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SALE!! “Spring is Nature’s way of For Advertising Call (760) 320-0997 760.320.0997 Fax: 760.320.1630valleybits@msn.com FREE of Coachella Valley All The Rights Reserved Neatest Little Paper Ever Read

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Upgrade your kitchen with NEW cabinets,All Rights Reserved cupboards & countertops and SAVE $$!

saying ‘Let’s party!!’” ADVERTISING PROOF • Almost half of the bird/plane collisions in the OVER 20 5:00 STYLES Final Changes DUE: ~ Robin p.m.. Williams U.S. are due to gulls. President Eisenhower was AND COLORS TO Please review carefully. Double check:  Phone Number(s)  Spelling  Prices  Hours

aboard Air Force One when it lost an engineContact your Tidbits representative immediately withCHOOSE changes orFROM! corrections. due to bird strikes on a flock of seagulls. Office: 760-320-0997 Fax: 760-320-1630

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American herring gulls were portrayed as winged stalkers of humans in Alfred Hitchcock’s film The Birds. But the plot isn’t pure fantasy after all. European herring gulls have caused serious head injuries and even human deaths as a result of vicious territorial attacks.


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• Trainers of Orca whales at the Vancouver Aquarium learned that they could train seagulls to peck bits of fish out of the whales’ mouths. • Seagulls in Cambridge, Maryland, continuously bombed cars with oyster shells after a parking lot was built over their nesting ground. • A company golf driving range was opened in 1984 for employees of Smith and Wesson in Springfield, Massachusetts. It had to close in short order when GENERAL flocksCONTRACTOR of seagulls mistook the white golf balls for edible clams. The gulls picked up the balls and dropped them in flight, bombarding employees, motorists, and innocent bystanders with falling golf balls.

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Page 4

Tidbits of Coachella Valley

Dollars $and $en$e$ by David Uffington

By Samantha Weaver

● It was French Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte who made the following sage observation: “Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake.” ● Given the notoriety Las Vegas enjoys as a place for quick weddings, you might be surprised to learn that, technically, it is illegal in that city for a mustachioed man to kiss a woman. ● In 1923, a man named Frank Hayes earned the distinction of becoming the first (and so far only) person to win a horse race posthumously. Hayes was actually a trainer rather than a jockey, and he was riding a 20-1 underdog named Sweet Kiss. It seems that Hayes suffered a heart attack in the midst of the race, but his body stayed in the saddle while Sweet Kiss beat the odds to cross the finish line first. For the rest of her life, the horse he rode was nicknamed “Sweet Kiss of Death.” ● In his spare time, Jim Cummings, a successful voice actor, calls sick children in hospital wards and talks to them as some of his most famous characters, including Winnie the Pooh and Tigger. ● Some state names have come to the English language through roundabout routes. Take Alaska, for example. The state name comes from the Aleut word “alaxsxaq,” which in turn comes from the Russian meaning “the object toward which the action of the sea is directed.” ● Those who study such things say that even fish can have distinct personalities. Within a single species, scientists have observed that some fish are quite adventurous, willing to go to great lengths to obtain food or a mate, while others are much more timid, eschewing daring feats altogether. *** Thought for the Day: “If a man does his best, what else is there?” -- General George S. Patton

7 Financial Moves Before Year End The last quarter of the year is a good time to make financial changes before year end.

Vol. X Issue 40

lose whatever you don’t spend before the end of the year. Your employer might have two options: a 2-1/2-month grace period in the following year to spend the money, or a maximum $500 carryover to the next year. Without either of these, you’ll need to spend the money on eligible health expenses or lose it. When you set up your account for 2015, consider the expenses you’re likely to have so there is no overage. Holiday money: Are you on track to be able to pay all cash for holiday spending? If not, October and November will give you a chance to set additional money aside.

ADVERTISING PROOF Vehicle purchase: If MON., you know you’ll MAY 5 need a 5:00 Final Changes DUE: W-4 deductions: If you’ve had a change ADVERTISING PROOF new vehicle soon, this is a good time to start shopreview Double check:  Phone Number(s)  Spelling  Pric in the number of dependents (birth ofPlease a child, for carefully. ping, comparing, reading reviews and looking at Final Changes DUE: 5:00 p.m example), you’ll need to change the allowances price guides -- but not purchasing. The closer to the

Contact your Tidbits representative immediately with changes or corre on your W-4 form. Don’t delay. Your employer has Please review carefully. Double Phone Number(s)  Spelling end of thecheck: year (inDecember), the more deals and Prices more than 30 days to get it done. Office: 760-320-0997 760-320-1630 incentives will be available as Fax: dealers try to close Contact your Tidbits representative immediately with changes or correction out the year with boosted sales figures. The next Level of savings: Are you on target for the Office: 760-320-0997 Fax: to760-320-1630 months also will give you time save more toward amount you planned to put into savings this year? a down payment, making your monthly payments There are three months left to make additional desmaller. posits to your savings account.

David Uffington regrets that he cannot personally

Insurance Services Mortgage: Don’t wait until the last week of Contractors answer reader questions, but will incorporate them into his BZ BW 26x disc. possible. Send email to column whenever December to send in an additional mortgage paycolumnreply3@gmail.com. ment for 2014. There’s too much chance that it willMay 11, 2014 Vol. 10 - No. 20 be delayed in the mail or that it won’t be processed TUES., SEPT. (c) 2014 King Features 23 Synd., Inc. in time at the mortgage company. Please review carefully. Double check:  Phone Number(s)  Spelling  Prices  Hours Winter gear: If you haven’t purchased winContact your representative ter coats and boots for the Tidbits family, don’t wait much immediately with changes or corrections. longer, as stock will be goneOffice: in many760-320-0997 stores. If necFax: 760-320-1630 essary, put items on layaway to make sure they’re held for you. Walmart’s layaway started Sept. 12; • Fast & Easy Quotes Burlington Coat Factory’s layaway ends Oct. 31. • General Liability Insurance If you can’t afford the whole amount now, layaway • Save Time - Save Money! • Last Minute Quotes Welcome should buy you a few weeks. • Coachella Valley Insurance Experts

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Paper Doll Interiors Flexible Spending Account: If you have an 1/3 pg. 4C 13x disc. FSA28; forOct. health remember that you could Sept. 26,expenses, 2014




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Douglas is a proud supporter of the ADVERTISING Hunter PROOF FREE Council (WCSC). Window Covering Safety SEPTEMBER 16for – DECEMBER Final Changes DUE: 5:00 p.m.. Visit windowcoverings.org important16, 2014 4 Million Readers Weekly Nationwide!

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ADVERTISING PROOF Page 5 Final Changes DUE: Mon., Sept. 15 5:0 out, but never her own. It is not known how a • In the early 1980s, scientists were eagerly Please review carefully. Double check:  Phone Number(s)  Spelling  female ostrich recognizes her ownPROOF eggs, unless watching a pair of rare California condors who ADVERTISING it Tidbits is by the pattern of pits on its surface that Contact your representative immediately with changes or co were incubating their single egg. Unfortunately, Final Changes DUE: 5:00 allow the chick inside to breathe. the pair got into an argument over whose turn it Office: 760-320-0997 Fax: 760-320-1630 Tidbits of Coachella Valley

Week of September 28, 2014

A Few Facts About


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• If eggs happen to roll around, their oval shape allows them to roll in a circle instead of rolling away from the nest. • The pattern of camouflage dots and splotches on each bird’s eggs is as uniquely individual as a fingerprint. • Some birds can lay an egg just 24 hours after mating. • When plenty of food is available, birds will tend to lay a larger clutch of eggs. • Some birds will continue to lay eggs until the nest feels full. They can be tricked into laying eggs continuously if the eggs are removed from the nest. A flicker tricked in such a manner once laid 71 eggs in 73 days.

was to sit on the egg. As they each jostled for • During World War II when eggs were scarce, position, horrified scientists watched Contact as the egg your Tidbits representative immediately withother changes researchers in the British Isles tasted bird or correc rolled off the cliff to smash on the rocks below. eggs trying to find a successful substitute. Office: 760-320-0997 Fax: 760-320-1630In The condors mated again and laid a second egg blind taste tests, the hen’s egg received the within a few weeks. However, ravens raided the highest rating, followed by a three-way tie nest and that egg was also lost. between the coot, moorhen, gull. At the ADVERTISING PROOF Mac-Doc Computer Services and bottom of DUE: the the eggs9/8/14 of the warbler BZ 1Color 13xlist were • Homing pigeons usually fly about 50 mph.Final One Changes Monday, • 5:00 4 PM p.m and wren. ‪ Sept. 21, 2014 Vol.10 - No.Number(s) 39 way to get a female racing pigeon toPlease fly faster in carefully. review Double check: Phone  Spelling  Prices  a race is to take her newly-laid eggs away from Contact your Tidbits representative immediately with changes or corrections her and replace them with eggs that are just Professional Computer Problems? Office: Fax: 760-320-1630 W i n d o w s760-320-0997 Mac about to hatch. When she is then removed from Smartphones COMPUTER SERVICES COMPUTER SERVICES For In-Home Help or Netflix Streaming T r a i n i n g point C o n t a cof t J the erry by the nest and shipped to the starting ●Instruction in basic to advanced skills ● New computer & peripheral setups . 4 back 5 9 . 5 to 092 race, she will fly as fast as shephone: can 7to6 0get ● Install Wifi, Skype, Magic Jack & others e-mail: i n f o @ o s x t e c h . b i z her nest before the eggs hatch. ● Website design & maintenance visit our website: ● Troubleshoot Mac or PC issues • All female ostriches lay their eggso rin a single large ●Integrate iPhone, iPads & Macs with iCloud www.OSXtech.biz Mr. & Mrs. Kleaning ● Will make house calls nest, which is then protectedR aby the dominant tes:$45/hour BusinessmacCard, BW hen. But she can only incubate about 20 eggs do c ADVERTISING PROOF 26x discount rate ($51.00/wk • Rate Card #6) Professional Computer Services at a time. She pushes all the surplus eggs out of Wed. 9/24/14 www.mac-doc.net 760-267-4805 Final Changes DUE: 5:00 p.m.. the nest, where they perish. But she never, ever Please review carefully. Double check:  Phone Number(s)  Spelling  Prices  Hours ADVERTISING PROOF pushes her own eggs out of the nest. Scientists DUE: 5:00 p.m.. Contact your Tidbits representative immediately Final withChanges changes or corrections. marked eggs and rearrangedOffice: them repeatedly in 760-320-0997 Fax: 760-320-1630 order to prove that she always pushes other eggs

PRO CLEANING & HOUSEHOLD SERVICES Please review carefully. Double check:  Phone Number(s)  Spelling  Prices  Hours Contact your Tidbits representative immediately with changes or corrections.

Residential • Commercial •Property Carpets of • Windows Office: 760-320-0997

• The blue color of a robin’s eggs help to reflect damaging rays of the sun.

• A female pigeon in solitary confinement will not lay eggs. Pigeons must be able to see other pigeons in order to become fertile. Their own reflection in a mirror works just as well. • The kiwi of New Zealand lays the largest egg relative to body weight. A single egg, which takes four to five days to be laid, weighs about a pound. The mother only weighs about 4 lbs. herself. After she lays the egg, the male takes over incubation, guarding the egg for the next 10 weeks.

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Q: If a rooster lays an egg on the peak of A:

the barn roof, which way will it roll?


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Roosters don’t lay eggs!

• The main ingredient of eggshell is calcium carbonate, the same stuff in chalk, limestone, shells, coral, and pearls.

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• Although the endangered whooping crane FREE usually lays two eggs, it will only bring one egg 760.320.0997 Fax: 760.320.1630 ADVERTISING PROOF to term. In order to boost the whooping crane 72-047 Dinah Shore Dr., #C-1 All Rights Reserved 5:00 p.m.. (Corner of Dinah Shore & Bob Hope) population, ornithologists remove one egg and Final Changes DUE: Wed, JULY 9 Please review carefully. Double check:  Phone Number(s)  Spelling Prices  HoursCenter • Rancho Mirage In  the Walgreens Cutting-Edge Trainers put it in the nest of a sandhill crane instead. The Contact representative immediately with changes or corrections. 1/3 pg BW 6x disc. LetyourUsTidbits Cater Your Next Event (760) sandhill crane becomes the surrogate parent of Office: 760-320-0997 Fax: 760-320-1630 Excellent food • Affordably priced July 13, 2014 Vol. 10 - No. 29 Open: Mon-Sat 10AM - 9PM • Sun 4PM - 9PM the whooping crane chick. 4 Million Office: Readers Weekly Nationwide!


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orking out is hard. Really hard. And that’s to your college waistline and have you feeling like true whether you’re into building up your you could climb Everest? “It all goes back to our YOU’RE LOOKING biceps or whittling down your waistline. knowledge base,” he says. “Our staff of trainers are IN 90 PROOF science and CPR qualified, GREAT So, if you’re going to put so much energy into all degreed in exerciseADVERTISING andFinal required to do a minimum of five something, you want the maximum reChanges DUE: 5:00 p.m.. DAYS OR IT’S hours a week of study stay  current.” sults. Which is why many people turn to Please review carefully. Doubletocheck: Phone Number(s)  Spelling  Prices  Hours Their role, as far as you’re concerned, FREE a personal trainer. Contact your Tidbits representative immediately with changes or corrections. is to: One, prevent injury; two, attain “Most people get a trainer because Office: 760-320-0997 Fax: 760-320-1630 desired results in the shortest possible they’re frustrated,” says Colt ThompGIVE US A TRY! time. son, founder and CEO of Cutting Edge Thompson doesn’t take that task Trainers (760-984-9691). “They work Property of EXPERTS IN: lightly; he sees too many trainers workout a lot, they use all the latest, greatest AdVenture Media, Inc. equipment, but they don’t get the results Colt Thompson, founder ing the gyms in a “pump ‘em up, pump ● Senior Fitness they want.” less FREE of Cutting-Edge Trainers “em out” mode, which is not only of Coachella Valley ● Cancer Survivor Rehab The problem, of course, is knowledge. efficient for the client, he760.320.0997 says, but Fax: po-760.320.1630 In order to get the best results, you not only have tentially dangerous. “That approach doesn’t take ● Training the Diabetic All Rights Reserved to work yourself into a nice juicy sweat, you have to each individual’s specific needs into account,” says ● Guaranteed Weight Loss do it in the right way. Thompson prides himself on Thompson. Since each body is different, Thompson the results he gets for clients; so much so that he takes vital signs on every client and has retained the offers something unheard of in the personal training services of a cardiologist, cardiac care nurses and “We care deeply field - a 100% money back guarantee if you’re not nutritionists to consult for any unique concerns. about you and As a former graduate of the United States Army happy with the new you in three months time. And it doesn’t matter if you look like Arnold Schwarzeneg- Academy of Health Sciences and a Special Forces the results you ger and have lost 20% body fat; if you don’t feel paramedic, you can rest assured you’re in capable wish to achieve” better, Thompson writes you a check. hands. And don’t think you’ll get away with slacking But how is he so sure he can whip you back off, either. of Coachella Valley

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Page 6

Tidbits of Coachella Valley

Vol. X Issue 40

ing of A&E’s “Longmire.” It was a great series. Why in Sam Hill did they cancel it, and to leave us hanging on who killed Longmire’s wife? Do you think another network will pick it up? -- Dominick C., via email


I’m a big fan of “Longmire” on A&E. Can you tell me why A&E would cancel one of the better shows on television? -- Mary E., via email


Now that “Dancing with the Stars” has started back up, I got to thinking about one of my favorite mirror-ball-trophy winners: Apolo Ohno. Can you tell me what he’s been doing lately? -- Frieda S. in Georgia


What the devil is A&E thinking, canceling “Longmire”? -- Hal T., via email


This is just a sampling of irate reader letters I’ve received about the canceling of the muchloved A&E drama, and to tell you the truth, I have no idea why it was canceled. The show is A&E’s mostwatched original drama series, and its season-three ratings had only a negligible dip from season two. There are heavy rumors that the USA network is a solid contender to pick up the series, so let’s keep our fingers crossed for that (and let USA Tuesday, know you approve!). *** Tuesday, 7-1


Healthy Exchanges

Farmer’s Fare Stew There’s something almost magical about shopping at a farmers’ market. I think it’s because the delightful fragrances and all the abundant produce spilling out of the baskets and containers takes us back to our roots. Try this delightful dish:

: The world-champion Olympic speed skater is deep in training for the Ironman World 8-10 ounces lean beef stew, cut into biteChampionship, a 140.6-mile triathlon competition size pieces that takes place Oct. 11 in Kailua-Kona, Hawaii. I 2 cups diced raw potatoes spoke with Apolo recently, and it just so happens 1 cup diced carrots that another “DWTS” champ was an impetus behind 1 cup chopped celery Apolo’s decision to compete. 1/2 cup chopped onion 7-1 “Hines Ward completed his first Ironman 1 (10 3/4-ounce) can reduced-fat cream of mushroom soup challenge in Kona (2.5-ounce) jar mushrooms, last year, and I was inPlease review carefully. Double check:  Phone Number(s) 1 Spelling  sliced Prices  Hours drained spired by it,” he said. Will “Hart of Dixie” return for anPlease review carefully. Double check:  Phone Number(s)  Spelling  Prices  Hours 1 tablespoon chopped fresh parsley or 1 “I had been thinking other season? -- Patricia S., via email Contact your Tidbits representative immediately with changes or corrections. teaspoon dried parsley flakes about doing it last Contact your Tidbits representative immediately with changes or corrections. year, but I was travelof Dixie” has been renewed by the760-320-1630 Office:“Hart 760-320-0997 Fax: 1. Preheat oven to 325 F. Spray an 8-by-8ing so much, it didn’t CW network for a 10-episode fourth season, but it Office: 760-320-0997 Fax: 760-320-1630 make sense. But I won’t premiere until early 2015 in order to accom- inch baking dish with butter-flavored cooking spray. 2. In prepared baking dish, combine meat, needed a challenge. modate star Rachel Bilson’s real-life pregnancy. It potatoes, carrots, celery and onion. Add soup, I needed to inspire was revealed during the Television Critics Associamushrooms and parsley. Mix well to combine. other people. I needtion press tour this summer that executive producer ed to inspire myself. Leila Gerstein is planning for the character of Zoe Cover and bake for 3 hours or until meat and vegSynergy Wellness Center Wellness Center etables are tender. I needed somethingSynergyApolo Hart to be pregnant as well. Ohno TUES., SEPT. 23 1/3that pg. wasn’t 4C Open ~ 3. Place baking dish on a wire rack and let 1/3 pg. 4C Open anything ~ July 6, 2014 Vol. 10 No. 28 set for 5 minutes. Divide into 4 servings. Write to Cindy at King Features Weekly Service, P.O. Box Please reviewJuly carefully. Double check: Phone Number(s)  Spelling  Prices  Hours like speed skating.” 6, 2014 Vol. 10 -No. 28 536475, Orlando, FL 32853-6475; or e-mail her at letters@cin Apolo is excited to make his mark once comdyelavsky.com. yourand Tidbits representative immediately with changes or corrections.  Each serving equals: 261 calories, 5g petition gets Contact under way, he got some advice fat, 22g protein, 32g carb., 594mg sodium, 4g fiber; 760-320-0997 Fax: 760-320-1630 from Hines: “The first thing Office: Hines said to me was, Diabetic Exchanges: 1 1/2 Starch, 1 1/2 Meat, 1 ‘Brother, I’m praying for you.’ He said to just enjoy it Vegetable. and to take my time. It’s once-in-a-lifetime opportuEarly Warning Signs For (c) 2014 King Features Synd., Inc. nity -- it’s pretty incredible. I’m in a whole new place now. I’m Cholesterol more confident; I’m stronger; I’m getting High Early Warning Signs For leaner; and I can’t wait to arrive in Kona. It’s a good High / Low Blood Sugar feeling.” High Cholesterol *** Synergy Wellness Heart HealthCentre


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Week of September 28, 2014

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Page 7

Dear Eleanor: There’s something around your like you do, and thanks for being such a careful property that those wasps really enjoy. Do not keep reader), we sold our home and will be relocating any food (including your pet’s) lying around. Keep next year to our new home in Colorado. As I write drinks covered when outdoors and always ensure we are still in our 18-month interim, living in a very ® that garbage cans are tightly sealed. Also, keep any small apartment. That LG set would not fit, and I fallen fruits from nearby trees or shrubs, as well as have to tell you that kinda broke my heart. Howevby Mary Hunt in the garden, picked up, as their sweet juices ater, the LG’s are safe and happy in our son’s home tract the wasps. nearby. For this small apartment, we got a full-size If the nests are large or you’re dealing with the stackable GE washer and dryer set. You may recall more aggressive types of wasps, such as yellow my warnings about front-loading washers in the jackets and hornets, you may want to call in reinpast. Having no choice because space limitations, Fri, March 29, 2013 we went with it. And I’m happy to report that this set forcements (professionals) to handle the job. There are times when, in the end, it just doesn’t pay to is fabulous, as well.I Phone am careful to do the “basket Prices Please review carefully. Double check: Number(s)  Spelling  Hours handle difficult problems yourself. Wasps have a clean” every 30 days, running a full cycle with hot Contact your Tidbits representative immediately with in changes or corrections. nasty sting and can pose health problems. Please water and a lot of bleach, as outlined the owner be careful! manual. And I leave the washer door open between Office: 760-320-0997 Fax: 760-320-1630 use to allow it to dry out. So far no odors, no prob® Dear Mary: Thanks for your most informaMary invites questions at mary@everydaycheapskate. lems. I hope you are enjoying your set. I’m still a tive recent column on poultry labeling. I have com, or c/o Everyday Cheapskate, P.O. Box 2099, Cypress, big fan. seen chicken theHunt supermarket that includes byin Mary CA 90630. This column will answer questions of general * * * “enhanced” on their label. As nearly as I can interest, but letters cannot be answered individually. Mary Dear Mary: How can I get rid of wasps? I figure this means pumping salty water into the Hunt is the founder of www.DebtProofLiving.com, a perhave used wasp spray, and they die and the meat. What is all this about? Thanks. -- Mimi sonal finance member website and the author of “The Smart Dr. Sohail Ahmad But as soon as I get rid of nest is destroyed. Woman’s Guide to Planning for Retirement,” released in 1/12 [inside 2013. Visit us at www.creators.com. one pg. nest, a fewpos] days later two more show up in Dear Mimi: The USDA allows meat products other areas. Can you please help with a soluto include solutions that deliver benefits such as tion? - Eleanor adding moisture, tenderizing meat or adding flavor. However, such additives must be fully disclosed on the label, which you know because you have seen this. It turns out that a lot of our meat is enhanced. About 30 percent of poultry, 15 percent of beef and 90 percent of pork are injected with some kind of liquid solution before sale, according to the ● Non-Operative Solutions for Hip Pain ● Hip specialist experienced in performing USDA, and it’s usually something high in sodium. arthroscopy and hip replacement to treat According to the American Meat Institute, the soluby Freddy Groves degenerative & congenital tion pumps up the meat’s volume and can “replace ADVERTISING PROOF conditions of the hip. the flavor and moisture loss that results from raisFinal Changes DUE: Center of 5:00 p.m.. ing leaner animals or from potential overcooking.” Please review carefully. Double check:  Phone Number(s)  Spelling  Prices  Hours Excellence in What you figured is right on. Contact your Tidbits representative immediately with changes or corrections. Office: 760-320-0997 Orthopedic Fax: 760-320-1630 * * * Surgery Dear Mary: I have an issue that I would like Hip Replacement Surgery cleared up. On the strength of your gushing Property of Dr. Ahmad has servedAdVenture CoachellaMedia, Valley Inc. Earlier this year, a physician whistleblower review of the LG Wave Force washer and dryer patients for thirteen years, introducing at the Department of Veterans Affairs hospital in that you purchased at very good prices, we the newest medical advancements. Phoenix said that 40 veterans died while waiting for Make your appointment today and find bought the exact same set. Recently, you wrote FREE of Coachella Valley how personalized one-on-one orthopedic care. He claimed that schedules were jerry-rigged that you had changed washer and dryer to The Neatest Little Paper Ever Read care makes such a positive difference. Sohail Ahmad, MD 760.320.0997 Fax: 760.320.1630 and falsified. The topic exploded into 225 more alsomething else and said “more about that later” legations in Phoenix and 445 around the country. (may not be your exact words, but something All Rights Reserved The VA Office of the Inspector General belike that). Please explain. -- Martha gan investigations at 93 other facilities. Its report 36-915 Cook St. Ste. #103 Palm Desert, CA concluded that scheduling problems are “a nationDear Martha: Wait. I gushed? I guess I did be760-340-1003 wide systemic problem.” The scandal led to the rescause I loved that washer and dryer. As you know, ● No facility charges ● Workers Comp. ignation of VA chief Eric Shinseki. that is a top-loading washing machine. If you’ve ● Medicare, PPO ● All ages accepted ● Evening Hours been following along with my life (which it sounds The investigation revealed that in Phoenix www.AhmadOrthopedics.com alone, 3,500 veterans likely never received an apProperty of AdVenture Media, Inc. pointment because of falsified wait lists. Patients who were new to the Phoenix area, had recently FREE 760.320.0997 Fax: 760.320.1630 been in the ER or who’d been hospitalized had difP R EMI ER QU ALIT Y T H RI FT All Rights Reserved ficulty even getting appointments. In detailed case studies, patients waited A unique not-for-profit resale store, top-of-the-line kitchenware, and months with uncontrolled diabetes, waited seven Collectors Corner offers a quality mix quality fashions and accessories — months for a cardiology appointment that would of elegant furnishings and antiques, all at surprisingly low prices. disclose the need for bypass surgery, waited six months for an appointment that would reveal a brain tumor ... and more. Conclusion: Patients encountered obstacles that affected their care and certainly didn’t help their overall outcomes. However, the bottom line in Phoenix is that investigators found no proof that those 40 veterans died because of delays in care. The OIG came up with a number of recommendations. For example, the health-care facilities will review the detailed case studies for disclosure to patients and families, ensure continuity of mentalhealth care, make changes to ensure timely access to primary care and establish a process whereby facility directors notify the Under Secretary of Health when the standards aren’t met. 71280 Highway 111 Call Collectors Corner To read the whole document, go online to Rancho Mirage, CA 92270 va.gov and search for 14-02603-267, the file number (east of Rancho Mirage Public Library) Ask About Free Donation Pick Up! for Review of Alleged Patient Deaths, Patient Wait 9:30 a.m. to 4:15 p.m. All proceeds directly benefit the programs Times, and Scheduling Practices at the Phoenix VA and services of Eisenhower Medical Center. Monday through Saturday Health Care System.


Chicken: Pumped and ADVERTISING PROOF Final Changes DUE: 5:00 p.m.. Plumped to Look and Taste Better Everyday CHEAPSKATE

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Phoenix VA Hospital Investigation Ends

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Freddy Groves regrets that he cannot personally answer reader questions, but will incorporate them into his column whenever possible. Send email to columnreply2@gmail. com. (c) 2014 King Features Synd., Inc.

Page 8

Shadow Hills Dental Care 1/8 pg. 4C 13x - Prem. Pos. Puzz. Tidbits of Coachella Valley April 27, 2014 Vol. 10 - No. 18

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Issue 40

From tooth loss to a permanent natural smile

TEETH IN A DAY Imagine - strong, secure and stable teeth NOW, in one visit while you sleep Come in and receive a Complimentary Dental Implant Consultation

“It’s time to regain ADVERTISING PROOF You Will: the confidence your natural teeth once with a Shadow Final● Meet Changes DUE:Hills Doctor to 5:00 provided. A truly lifep.m..

discuss Double your dental experience!” Please review carefully. check:condition  Phoneand Number(s) altering  Spelling  Prices  Hours have your questions answered

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Teeth in a day Implants provide improved stability and comfort All close Rights ReservedDr. J. Aghaloo, with functionality to that of natural healthy teeth DDS, “Dr. J”

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Gerry Johnson Realtor Fax: 760-320-1630 1/16 pg. 4C 6x disc. rate Sept. 21. 2014 Crossword Vol. 10Answers - No. on39page 16 THE VALLEY’S BEST


By John Allen

REAL ESTATE BUYS Manufactured Homes

Corkill Palms, DHS (Senior Park - #71) 17640 Corkill Rd. 2BR/2BA. Furnished. Hot mineral springs. $35,000 Silver Spur, Palm Desert (Family Park - 4 Box C) 3BR/2BA Cathedral ceilings, newer home. $56,000 Indian Springs, Palm Desert (Senior Park - #116) 2BR/2BA Beautifully remodeled home. $74,500

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Gerr y Johnson Realtor BRE 01335240



Visit me at

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Tidbits® of Coachella Valley

Published and distributed weekly by AdVenture Media, Inc. P.O. Box 2207 Palm Springs, CAValley 92263-2207FREE of Coachella The Neatest Little Paper Ever Read Phone: 760-320-0997 Fax: 760-320-1630 For Advertisingof Call (760) 320-0997 Property 760.320.0997 Fax: 760.320.1630valleybits@msn.com Email: valleybits@msn.com AdVenture Media, Inc. All rights reserved. All Rights Reserved 4 Million Readers Weekly Nationwide!


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Manuel Aguayo, Christine Aguayo All Winters, Rights Reserved John Donna Winters For advertising information call 760-320-0997 Member:

“In business as in life, we practice the Golden Rule” News content in the Tidbit s® Paper is provided by both Tidbits Media, Inc. and other news sources con sidered to be reliable, but the accuracy of all information published cannot be guaranteed. Tidbits® of Coachella Valley does not accept political advertising or news matter of any nature submitted for publication. Publisher reserves the right to refuse advertising from any business, individual or group for any reason deemed inappropriate or not in the Publisher’s best interest. Published news matter and advertising content does not necessarily reflect the views of the Publisher or of AdVenture Media, Inc. Tidbits® of Coachella Valley is not an adjudicated publication and therefore cannot accept official legal notices for publication. All copy, photos and graphic illustrations submitted for advertising publication are subject to publisher’s prior approval. We do not offer mail subscription services. So there.

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Each Wuzzle is a word riddle which creates a disquised word, phrase, name, place, saying, etc. For example, NOON GOOD = GOOD AFTERNOON

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c/o Barry Smith 760.323.3260 1/16 pg. 4C Sept. 28, 2014 Vol. 10 - No. 40


3. The weekly “Brain Breaker”

CCats ats,, D Dogs ogs and and O Other ther PPeople eople

A Cheerfully Chaotic Event

By Matthew By Matthew Margolis Margolis

Rowdy for Rawhide Please join us... with your animal ensconced in your favorite cage or wearing your finest leash.

Saturday, October 4th 9:30 a.m. DeMuth Park, Palm Springs

Across from the Palm Springs Animal Shelter Brought to you By Desert Property Oasis Chapel, of Palm Springs www.DesertOasisChapel.org AdVenture Media, Inc.

Created by Tom Underwood

©North North American Syndicate 2013 2012 America Syndicate, 2010


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PRIME OF MY LIFE! and for just the cost of your love, I will be your forever friend, couch mate, morning alarm clock, nuzzler, toe chaser, catnip junkie, professional napper, and best all, I am already potty trained! (references available upon request)

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(Word Search solution page 16)

My boyfriend and I are now scared of Rowdy and don’t know what to do. We have a puppy and don’t want her to model his behavior. What should we do? I am truly afraid he will bite us. He only acts like this with the rawhide and timeouts -- no other times. The rest of the time he’s his sweet loving self. You know, Einstein said the definition of insanity is doing the same thing again and again and expecting different results. First on the to-do list: Rid your house of those rawhides! It’s not going to hurt Rowdy to go without rawhides until he learns to let go of them, and you are likely to get hurt if you don’t cut off his supply.

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Tidbits® Word Search

Rowdy is a wonderful, loving and friendly dog … 99 percent of the time. When we try to take his rawhide from him, he growls and lunges and tries to bite if reprimanded. And when we put him in his crate for a timeout, he growls and darts into a corner. When we calmly try to get him out of the corner to go to the crate, he growls and barks and bares his teeth and will lunge at us before running into his crate. Once in his crate, if we look at him or talk to him, he bares his teeth, barks, growls, snaps, lunges and snarls. We have never hit him or punished him in any way other than time out in his crate.

(CryptoQuip solution on page 14

Coffee Tastes Best with Tidbits!

The next thing on that list you’ve already done: acknowledge that you are in over your head. Rowdy is warning you with every tool in his belt -- barking, snarling, growling, baring his teeth, lunging at you -- that he is going to bite you if you don’t alter your approach. This situation begs for professional intervention for two reasons:

1) Rowdy is a danger to you and others.

2) You have a new puppy, and you don’t want two Rowdys on your hands. A professional trainer -- who specializes in aggression -- will work with Rowdy to eliminate the problem behaviors, and will work with you to understand the root cause and modify your CASEY’S CORNER: Turn to page 10

Page 10

Tidbits of Coachella Valley

Vol. X Issue 40

the model of new and good behaviors for Rowdy. Just because Rowdy was there first doesn’t mean approach to Rowdy so you get the results you want. he calls the shots -- or even wants to. You call the ADVERTISING PROOF Ad Proof: Depending on the dog and the dedication of the dog shots, and a good trainer will show you how to call by Matilda Charles © King Features Synd., Inc. them so that your dogs not only respond to you, but owner, most behavioral problems can be eradicated Final Changes DUE:- Flags “A” Flying 5:00 p.m.. John Cuddihy love you for it. or at least controlled -i.e., if Rowdy’s problem is Please review carefully. Double check:  Phone Number(s)  Spelling  Pricesalso  Hours Biz Card, BW, 13x rate truly limited to rawhide, no more rawhide! Contact your Tidbits representative immediately with changes or corrections. Woof! First run date: June 22, 2014 (to A professional trainer will also demonstrate Office: 760-320-0997 Fax: 760-320-1630 alternate with original ad) Dog trainer Matthew “Uncle Matty” Margolis is the the concept of crate training. It may be too late for co-author of 18 books about dogs, a behaviorist, a popular Corrections duelove by:a12crate, pm,but Wed., Rowdy to ever truly it’s not6/18/14 too late radio and television guest, and the host of the PBS series for your new puppy. A crate should be a safe haven “WOOF! It’s a Dog’s Life!” Read all of Uncle Matty’s columns at www.creators.com, and visit him at www.unclematty.com. for a dog, not a place of punishment. If you’re still wary of using computer techDESERT OASIS TRAVEL Send your questions to nology because of the complications, or if you use 1/4 pg 4C 26x disc. dearuncle.gazette@unclematty.com or by mail to Uncle Matty at P.O. Box 3300, Diamond Springs, And it is possible that your new pup -TUES., APR 29 the computer at the library because the cost keeps 31,95619. 2014 Vol. 10 - No. 36 happy, socialized and properly trained -- could be Aug.CA you from having your own, AARP has good news Please review carefully. Double check:  Phone Number(s)  Spelling COPYRIGHT Prices  Hours CREATORS.COM Please review carefully. Double check:  Phone Number(s)  Spelling  Prices  2011 Hours for you -- the RealPad tablet, specifically designed Contact Tidbits representative immediately changes or corrections. for seniors. Contact youryour Tidbits representative immediately withwith changes or corrections. & FLAGPOLE FLAGS SALES Here are a few things that make the RealOffice: 760-320-0997 Fax:Fax: 760-320-1630 Office: 760-320-0997 760-320-1630 Pad good for hesitant seniors: There’s an intuitive interface to help you Flags of All Sizes send email and photos, browse the Internet and USA, States, Foreign, Military & Religious even have video chats. It comes already loaded Flagpoles: Residential / Commercial with apps (applications, or programs) and tutorial


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A Computer Tablet Made for Seniors

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You Deserve It!

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Matilda Charles regrets that she cannot personally answer reader questions, but will incorporate them into her column whenever possible. Send email to columnreply2@ gmail.com.


The Oceania Experience:

● FREE AIRFAIR on every voyage* ● Mid-size, elegant ships catering to just 684 or 1,250 guests ● Finest cuisine at sea, served in a variety of disctinctive open-seating restaurants, Custom Columns & Available · Lifetime Warranty AllStyles Rights Reserved at no additional charge Vinyl/Wood Fencing · Composite Decks ● Gourmet culinary program created by Pre -Summe r Spe cia l summer special! world-renowned Master Chef Jacques General Contractor CA Lic# 988835 $2499 Licensed · Bonded · Insured Pépin 12’ x 20’ 760 413-4708 714 345-1652 ● Port-intensive itineraries featuring more Attached Patio Cover Reliable Service · Free Estimates ldrpatio@aol.com overnight visits and extended evening ·Lattice or Solid· Includes: port stays An Authorized Dealer / Installer of All Materials & Installation (Additional Cost for City Permits) Koolfog Misting Systems ● Country club-casual ambiance; tuxedos Building Custom Shade Structures in the Coachella Valley over 15 Years and gowns are never required ● Bon Appétit Culinary Center, the only hands-on cooking school at sea+ ● Acclaimed Canyon Ranch SpaClub® ● Extraordinarily high staff-to-guest ratio Please review carefully. Double check:  Phonepersonalized Number(s) service Spelling  Prices  H ensures exemplary ● Youngest fleet immediately in premium-class cruisingor corrections. Contact your Tidbits representative with changes with 85% of accomodations featuring Office: 760-320-0997 Fax: 760-320-1630 private verandas 4 Million 4 Million Readers Weekly Readers Weekly Nationwide! Nationwide!

RealPad was available to pre-order early in September, and it will be in Walmart stores in midOctober. To see the RealPad, go online to www. aarprealpad.org.

Luxury Cruise

You deserve a massage!

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Call me today! John Cuddihy videos on how to use the touch screen, browse the Delivery Somatherapy st Institute Be Internet and set up a video call or email. Available (760) 343-1175 Prices BZ 4C 26x disc. (760) 343-1137 - Fax The RealQuick Fix feature has one button May 4, 2014Near! Vol. 10 - No. 19 We’re I-10 & Monterey in Thousand Palms. that helps you view the status of your tablet and identify what might be wrong (for example, if your WiFi goes out) and fix it with one click. Property of Customer service is 24/7 -- and free. Call AdVenture Media, Inc. the toll-free number, and you’ll get help with any questions. FREE of Coachella Valley Our Student Clinic is The price is $189, and it includes a year The Neatest Little Paper Ever Read open to the public. 760.320.0997 Fax: 760.320.1630 membership in AARP (or a year extension on a curALWAYS: $30 per hour or All Rights Reserved rent membership), plus a one-year limited warranty $ 40 per 1.5 hours on the tablet. M–F 9am to 5pm Here are some of the things that stand out Call for an appointment or book online 760.321.9214 • www.somatherapy.com on the list of specifications: 70-225 Hwy. 111, Ste B, Rancho Mirage, CA 92270 Just west of the Valero Gas Station at Peterson Rd.  powered by an Intel Atom processor, which means it’s fast.  a 7.85-inch touch screen Enjoy the Outdoors  WiFi (You’ll need WiFi in your home, or Property of Property of AdVenture Media, Inc. use a free one in stores, libraries and many other AdVenture Media, Inc. places.)  front- and rear-facing cameras (front for FREEFREE of Coachella Valley of Coachella Valley your video chats and rear for your own photos) The Neatest Little Paper Ever Read Paper Ever Read E l i t e w 760.320.0997 o The o Neatest d /Little Alu m a760.320.1630 -Wood Fax:  16 gigabytes of storage 760.320.0997 Fax: 760.320.1630 Patio Covers  built-in speakers All Rights Reserved

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Week of September 28, 2014

Page 11

vorced. I then married the same man in No- answer, anything paid to this ex-wife will not reduce Please review carefully. Double check:  Phone Number(s)  Spelling vember 2010 and divorced him a second time what you are due when your husband finally does in Januar y 2014. So we were married more Contact yourretire. Tidbits representative immediately with changes o If you have a Social Security question, Tom Marthan 10 years, although it was in two separate genau has the760-320-0997 answer. Contact him at Fax: thomas.margenau@ Office: 760-320-1630 stretches of time. Will I be able to get Social comcast.net. To find out more about Tom Margenau and to Security on his record?



read past columns and see features from other Creators Syndicate writers and cartoonists, visit the Creators Syndicate You lucked out. The rule normally does Help U Hear c/o JNS Media website at www.creators.com.


by Tom Margenau


I’ve been saving up some questions I’ve received from divorced women about potential benefits they might be due from their ex’s Social Security. Here are some of them:

Q: I was married to my husband for

35 years before he divorced me and married a much newer and better-equipped model (if you get my drift). They have even had a child together! I’m 62 and my ex is 65. If all his extra physical activity (if you get my drift again) causes the bum to drop dead, are the trophy wife and little love child going to get all his Social Security -- leaving me with nothing?


say your marriage must have reached its 10th 1/4 an- pg.COPYRIGHT 4C 26x rate 2014 disc. CREATORS.COM niversary before you can be considered potentially eligible for divorced wife’s benefits. But two periods of marriage to the same man that, combined, add up to at least 10 years will count IF the second marriage occurs before the end of the year following the year in which you got the first divorce. In other words, because you got divorced in April 2009, you had until the end of 2010 to remarry the guy and stay within the Social Security duration of marriage rules. And you just squeaked in by marrying him in November. So now I’ve got a question for you: Why the heck did you marry the guy the second time? I know, love can be strange! * * *


Divorced Women and Social Security

Tidbits of Coachella Valley

1 IN 3 1 IN 3

11 IN IN 33

People over the age of age People60People over the age People overthe theloss. ageofofof have over hearing have loss. 60 have60 loss. 60hearing havehearing hearing loss.

A 2012 Study suggests


A 2012 Study suggests I have been a stay-at-home mom A 2012 suggests Athat 2012Study Study suggests thatforforevery every all my life. I am 63, and my husband is 62. that forevery every that for 1010 dB We have been married for 20 years. He doesn’t dBloss lossininyour your 10 dB loss in your 10 dB loss in plan to take his Social Security until he is 66. hearing,your yourrisk riskyour hearing, But I’d like to get my wife’s share of my hushearing, your hearing, yourriskrisk Alzheimer’s ofofof Alzheimer’s band’s benefits now. I contacted Social SecuAlzheimer’s of Alzheimer’s increases 20%. rity and learned that I can’t get any of his Social increases bybyby 20%. increases Security until he files for benefits. I’m sort of increases by20%. 20%. OK with that. But here is the catch. He was Hearing loss is twice married before for more than 10 years to antwiceProperty of other woman. She never remarried. She is 63. inispeople common HearingasHearing loss isloss twice And I just learned that she has filed for and is AdVenture Media, Inc. in people as common who have receiving my husband’s Social Security. Howas in common in diabetes. people diabetes. who 4have the world can that be fair? Million

20% 20% 20% 20%

Don’t worry. You’ll get a full share of Mr. Wonderful’s Social Security. Whenever two (and very infrequently three) women are due benefits on the same man’s Social Security account, they don’t offset one another. They each get whatever Social Security spousal benefits they are due. And you might not even have to wait until he Weekly diabetes. who have Readers Nationwide! FREE dies from exhaustion. You are possibly due divorced of Coachella Valley This is one of those government rules wife’s (not widow’s) benefits now already. At your DECISIONS, DECISIONS, The Neatest Little Paper Ever Read 760.320.0997 Fax: 760.320.1630 age, you would be due about one third of his basic that sounds ill-thought-out and whacky until you DECISIONS!!!!!!!!! Social Security benefit -- but only to the extent that learn the reasoning behind the law. And that law Should I buy the cheapest? All Rights Reserved it exceeds whatever you might be due on your own does say a currently married woman can’t get any of Should I buy the smallest? Social Security account. In other words, if a third of her husband’s Social Security until he is getting benShould I buy the newest his Social Security is more than your own retirement efits himself. But a divorced woman can get benefits technology? benefit, then you will get that benefit plus whatever from her ex as long as he is old enough for Social SePerhaps you should discuss these FREE EVALUATION extra you are due on his record to take you up to that curity even though he might not yet be a beneficiary decisions with your Doctor of Audiology himself. at Help U Hear Hearing Centers. one third level. Coupon Value The reasoning behind the law has to do FREE EVALUATION Our Audiologists have beenput trained Don’t it tooff any longer. But if you’ve worked any decent amount of $150 determine the scope of your hearing loss with the issue of dependency. A woman qualifies for Call us today time, then it is very likely that your own benefit exValue FREE EVALUATION and canCoupon provide with information Expiresyou2/15/14 ceeds one third of his. Then you would have to wait a portion of her husband’s Social Security benefits that will help you make the right to(New get the service Patients Only, cannot be and care you deserve. $150 decision. until he keels over and you could be due much high- because she is considered to be financially depenCombined with any other offer) 2/15/14 dent on him. In other words, the law assumes that a Our DoctorsExpires of Audiology are educated er divorced widow’s benefits. (New Patients Only, cannot in determining your hearing loss, be not just And in case you are wondering, here is what woman (who doesn’t have her own job and her own Expiresselling 2/15/14 RANCHO MIRAGE LOCATION PALM SPRINGS Combined with anyLOCATION other offer) you hearing aids…… Social Security) was being supported by her husExpires 2/15/14 40101 Monterey Ave, 2465 E. Palm Canyon (New Patients Only, cannot be Drive Ms. Trophy might be due: Suite E-2 BLDG – Coupon 5, Suite be 500 Value: $150 FREE EVALUATION (New Patients Only, cannot Combined with any other offer) While he’s alive, she and little Junior can’t band while he was working -- and therefore, should RANCHO MIRAGE LOCATION PALM SPRINGS LOCATION In the Albertson’s Next to Jensen’s in Smoketree Commons Coupon Value $150 New Patients Only. With this ad. Center by a portion of his Social Security once Combined with any other offer) Drive get Social Security until ADVERTISING he files for benefits himself. be supported ADVERTISING PROOF 40101 Monterey 2465 E. Canyon PROOF 760.568.6028 760.322.9533 10-15-14 Cannot bePalm combined with any other offer. Exp.Ave, . Expires 4-30-12 he retires. Suite E-2 (New Patients Only, cannot be combined with any other offer) BLDG – 5, Suite 500 www.helpuhear.com At that point, Junior would get an amount equal to RANCHO MIRAGE LOCATION PALM SPRINGS LOCATION Tues., 7/22/14 Final Changes DUE: p.m.. Final Changes In the Albertson’s Center 5:00 p.m.. Next to Jensen’s DUE: Smoketree Commons So, as long5:00 as your husband is still working half of daddy’s Ms. Trophy is potentially 40101 Monterey Ave, 2465 E. Palm Canyon Drive 760.322.9533 orin760.568.6028 Pleasebenefit review rate. carefully. Double check:  Phone Number(s)  Spelling  Prices  Hours RANCHO MIRAGE LOCATION PALM SPRINGS LOCATION Please review carefully. Double check:  Phone Number(s)  Spelling  Prices  Ho 760.568.6028 760.322.9533 Suite E-2 5, E. Suite 500 due benefits as a young wife caring for a child. But, and not getting Social Security, the law just assumes BLDG –2465 40101 Monterey Ave, Palm Canyon Drive www.helpuhear.com Contact your Tidbits representative immediately or corrections. In the Albertson’s Center that with he ischanges supporting you with his wages or other in-to Jensen’s Next in Smoketree Commons Natasha Dewald, Contact your Tidbits representative immediately with changes or corrections. Suite E-2 due to rules that limit howOffice: much 760-320-0997 a family can get, Fax: BLDG – 5, Suite 500 760-320-1630 760.568.6028 Au.D. .C. 760.322.9533 come. Or to put that another way, if he doesn’t need O.A In the Albertson’ s Center Office: 760-320-0997 Fax: 760-320-1630 Next to Jensen’ s in Smoketree Commons she probably wouldn’t qualify for anything. When he Coachella www.helpuhear.com 760.568.6028The 760.322.9533 dies, then both Junior and Trophy could get survivor his Social Security, then you don’t need his Social Valley’s First www.helpuhear.com g benefits. However, if Trophy is working, her earn- Security either. Doctor of 0% FinaCncin OA But the law can’t make those assumptions Audiology ings would prevent her from getting any Social Secufor a divorced woman. Your husband is very likely rity. Wee Haul Moving & notStorage supporting this woman that he divorced more * * * than 20 SPRINGS LOCATION RANCHO MIRAGE LOCATION 1/8th page, SPOT Color, 26xyears rate ago. So under the dependency guide- PALM 40101 Monterey Ave, 2465 E. Palm Canyon Drive Suite E-2 BLDG – 5, Suite 500 lines, the rules say she has a right to claim some of I was married to my husband from July 27, 2014 - Jan. 18, 2015 In the Albertson’s Center Next to Jensen’s in Smoketree Commons PROOF O.K. BY: __________________________________________________ O.K. WITH CORRECTIONS BY:__________________ 760.568.6028 760.322.9533 www.helpuhear.com March 2001 until April 2009. Then we di- his Social Security. And as I pointed out in a prior


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Tidbits of Coachella Valley

up. Mom would say, “Hurry up and drink your orange juice before it loses its vitamins.” I’ve noticed that when a carton of OJ is left out for even five minutes, it swells up, apparently due to some pretty volatile organic compounds. I’ve learned through the years that Mom was usually right. Was she right again? -- M.E.K.

Vol. X Issue 40

DEAR DR. ROACH: I keep getting little black splinters under my fingernails that disappear on their own. I also have little black splinters under both of my big toenails that have not disappeared and have been there for a while. What is this? -- D.F.

ANSWER: These sound like splinter hemorrhages. The most common cause of these is ANSWER: Mom was partially right. Orange M.D. trauma to the nail bed, but some dermatologic juice will lose its vitamins over time, especially if it conditions can cause this as well, such as psoriasis gets warm. But that doesn’t happen in five minutes. and lichen planus. However, the most worrisome Products that sit on the shelf for a long time lose TUES., MAR. 15 an (but unusual) condition is infective endocarditis, their vitamins. As a student in organic chemistry, I TUES., AUG. 20 infectionDouble of the heart AnyNumber(s) fever or fatigue did an experiment to find how much vitamin was carefully. PleaseCreview check:valves.  Phone  Spelling  Pr should be promptly evaluated by an internist. in certain products. Fresh fruits and vegetables Please review carefully. Double check:  Phone Number(s)  Spelling  Prices  Hours *** Contact your Tidbits representative immediately with changes or corre (especially red bell peppers) had a great deal. A Dr. Roach regrets that he is unable to answer canned juice purportedly high in C had none at all. your Tidbits representative immediately with changes or corrections. DEAR DR. ROACH: Traveling forContact a Office: 760-320-0997 Fax: 760-320-1630 individual letters, but will incorporate them in the column Even vitamin C tablets had lost 20 percent of their length of time -- say, six hours or more -- on a Office: 760-320-0997 Fax: 760-320-1630 whenever possible. Readers may email questions to ToYstated value even before their expiration date. train, bus or plane makes me rather tired. OthourGoodHealth@med.cornell.edu. To view and order health Orange juice containers will swell if bacteers I discussed this with have had similar exBob’s Clock Repair pamphlets, visit www.rbmamall.com, or write to P.O. Box ria in the juice release gas, at which point it should 536475, Orlando, FL 32853-6475. periences. I find this strange, because for most BZ 4C 26x (obviously) be discarded. However, I wonder if the of the travel time I am sitting doing nothing but 2014 North America Synd.,12 Inc. Mar. 20,(c)2011 Vol. 7 - No. swelling in five minutes has to do with the air in the reading or daydreaming. My question is: Do ADVERTISING Gee-Ar-Gee Construction Co.PROOF WED., AUG 27 carton expanding due to the relative warmth of the physiological changes taking place in the body 1/16 pg. BW 13x disc. Final Changes DUE: 5:00 p.m.. air compared with the refrigerator. brought on by the long period of sitting while Please review carefully. Double check:  Phone Number(s)  Spelling  Prices review *** carefully.  Spelling  Prices  Hours Aug. 25,Double 2013check: Vol.  9 -Phone No. Number(s) 35 in transit account for the fatigue, or is it Please simply Howard Miller • Ridgeway •with Slighchanges • Antique or correction mental boredom? -- R.S. Contact your Tidbits representative immediately Contact your Tidbits representative immediately with changes or corrections.

Why Is Traveling Tiresome?

ADVERTISING PROOF So ADVERTISING PROOF Final Changes DUE: 5:00 Final Changes DUE: 5:00 p.m..

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Grandfather CloCk repair

ADVERTISING PROOF Service, Repair New Office: 760-320-0997 Fax: 760-320-1630 Office: 760-320-0997 Fax:and 760-320-1630 Final Changes DUE: 5:00 p.m GEE-AR-GEE Movements from Germany We also

repair Wall, ANSWER: I think it’s both mental and physMantel, Please review carefully. Double check:  Phone Number(s)  Spelling Ship’s and  Prices ical. Prolonged sitting recently has been shown to 32 years Cuckoo CONSTRUCTION CO., INC. Clocks experience BoB’s CloCk shop put people at increased risk for heart disease, as Handling All Phases of Construction & Home Improvement Contact your Tidbits representative immediately with changes or correction Carlsbad / San Diego / Desert Communities well as the known risk of blood clots. Getting up RESIDENTIAL Office: 760-320-0997 Fax: 760-320-1630 Catherine Marcy Real Estate and walking around is always a good idea physiServicing-Coachella Valley on Fri., Sat. or Mondays & COMMERCIAL 1/16 pg 4C Call for In-Home service appointment cally, and might help mentally as well. Tell them you A-1 Specializing in 760-729-5121 -or1-800-734-5121 ADVERTISING More than simple tiredness,PROOF chronic fatigue KITCHEN - No.36 saw their ad & BATH REMODELS Aug. 31, 2014 Vol. 10 ADVERTISING PROOF Final Changes DUE: 5:00 p.m.. JULY 26 on it5:00 p.m.. syndrome is all-encompassing. booklet in Tidbits!Insurance Jobs Welcomed Final Changes DUE: TUES.,The When you patronize explains illness andits treatment. To obtain a  Prices  Hours FIRE DAMAGE RESTORATION ease review carefully.the Double check: Phone Number(s) Spelling our536475, advertisers, New Construction  Remodeling copy, write: Dr. Roach -- No. 304W, Box You read it WAIT! The Valley Market is Contact your Tidbits representative immediately with You changes or corrections. Roofing  Room Additions  Drywall  Stucco DON’T Orlando, FL 32853-6475. Enclose a check orhelp monTile Block Walls  Concrete  Patios  Apartments in tidbits! support The Office: 760-320-0997 Fax: 760-320-1630 Email: valleybits@msn.com ey order (no cash) for $4.75 U.S./$6 Canada with Mobile Home Specialists  Retirement Homes tidbits 10% Country Clubs  Commercial Tenant Improvements the recipient’s printed name and address. Please paper! No Job Too Small -- Free Estimates DISCOUNT allow four weeks for delivery. “We Aim for Seniors Let me list and sell your to Please!” *** 760-318-2490 home for TOP DOLLAR! Fully Insured 877-433-1920 Stephen K. Su, D.P.M. Property of DEAR DR. ROACH: Orange juice was Se Habla Espanol LIC. #826297 www.geeargeeconstruction.com AdVenture Media, Inc. 1/16 pg. BW 13x disc.when we were growing Remember: Buying or Selling, I know the a staple for breakfast Property of Please review carefully. Double check:  Phone Number(s)  Spelling  Prices  Hours Contact your Tidbits representative immediately with changes or corrections. Office: 760-320-0997

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1. The760.320.0997 book of Revelation is in the a) Old TesFax: 760.320.1630 tament b) New Testament c) Neither


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2. In Genesis 16, who called the name of the Lord that spake unto her “Thou God seest me”? a) Hagar b) Naomi c) Cozbi d) Baara

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3. What method of death was for a man who blasphemed the Lord’s name with a curse? a) Hanging b) Stoning c) Starvation d) Beaten 4. Who used handkerchiefs and aprons to heal the sick and drive out demons? a) Jesus b) Paul c) Mark d) Peter 5. What did God call the firmament? a) Earth b) Heaven c) Hell c) Promised Land For more teasers log on to www.TriviaGuy.com

6. In Romans 6:23, “For the wages of sin is ...? a) Punishment b) Torment c) Death d) Woe Contact Wilson Casey at:


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Tidbits of Coachella Valley

Week of September 28, 2014

awareness of these things may well be your greatest gift! * * *

Dear Doug


 

Page 13

With the holidays just ahead my lady friend and I are faced with making family commitments. We are both widowed and our families have invited us to several family gatherings, both in different parts of the countr y. Our dilemma is that we can only accept one family’s invitation. We have thought about each celebrating with our own family, but neither of us wants to do that. What do you suggest?

Creators News Syndicate

GRANDPARENTS’ WISDOM Q: As part of our grandson’s high school

classroom assignment he has to make a list of the things that his grandparents believe are the most important goals he should accomplish during his lifetime. We have some good ideas, but would appreciate your thoughts as well. What would you place on the list ?


● On Oct. 4, 1937, legendary blues singer Bessie Smith is buried near Philadelphia. Smith was killed a few days earlier when the old Packard she was driving hit a parked truck near Coahoma, Mississippi. In 1923, Smith had released her first record, “Down-Hearted Blues.”

In today’s society many families face similar problems. Currently, more than half of families experience divorce, joblessness, health issues and many other factors which complicate things. ● On Sept. 30, 1949, after 15 months and Remember, holidays do not necessarily more than 250,000 flights, the Berlin Airlift He should learn to be competitive and strive need to be celebrated on the calendar dates. Why officially comes to an end. The daily airto achieve his passion. Hopefully, that passion will not consider visiting one family on Thanksgiving lift supplied tons of food and other goods. become his career. He should learn to love himself and exchange your Christmas gifts while you’re all TUES., SEPT. 2 Without firing a shot, the Americans foiled as well as another who loves him in return. He needs together. The following month visit the other famthe Soviet plan to hold West Berlin hosto adopt and maintain good work ethics, Pleasehealth reviewhabcarefully. check:Christmas.  Phone Number(s)  Spelling Prices  Hours ily Double to celebrate That, to me, seems  like a tage. its, personal integrity, and find and maintain his simple solution to the problem. representative changes or corrections. spiritual faith. He should recognize andContact protectyour the Tidbits If you can’timmediately afford the with travel expense to do ● On Sept. 29, 1954, Willie Mays, cenimportance of keeping family together and in close Office: both, 760-320-0997 your relatives on Fax: both 760-320-1630 sides should have no terfielder for the New York Giants, makes communication. problem understanding your situation. an amazing over-the-shoulder catch of a Some of the issues for your grandson’s future fly ball hit by Cleveland Indians first baseinclude the possibilities of losing face-to-face contact Doug Mayberry makes the most of life in a Southern man Vic Wertz to rob Wertz of extra bases Retirement community. Contact him at deardoug@ with acquaintences, needing to work longer hours, California UNIQUE COINS in Game 1 of the 1954 World Series. The To find out more about Doug Mayberry visit the fighting to get and keep long-term jobs, realizing the msn.com. 1/12th pg. 4C (26x Disc. Rate) catch has gone down as one of the greatneed for ongoing education and being prepared for Creators Syndicate website at www.creators.com. est in baseball history. Sept. 7, 2014 Vol. 10 No. 37 population increases, plus increased competition for COPYRIGHT 2014 CREATORS.COM jobs on an international scale. ● On Oct. 1, 1962, Johnny Carson takes Today, even before children learn to speak, over from Jack Paar as host of the lateparents are providing them with electronic toys, night talk program “The Tonight Show.” some of which can teach as well as entertain. A reCarson went on to host “The Tonight Show sult, however, is that kids are becoming more autonStarring Johnny Carson” for three deomous and distancing themselves from family and cades, handing over the reins to Jay Leno Old Gold Wedding Bands, Class Rings, FAIREST friends. PRICES in 1992. Gold & Silver Watches & Necklaces PAID! Seniors no longer need to be embarrassed TUES., OCT. 29 today by exposed hearing aids since most people ● On Oct. 2, 1971, “Maggie May” becomes already have some contraption or another plugged Rod Stewart’s first No. 1 hit and tops the iew carefully. Double check:  Phone Number(s)  Spelling  Prices C s oinHours • Gold & Silver Coins Rare into their ears. Unfortunately, the plugs also keep ADVERTISING PROOF U.K. and U.S. pop charts simultaneously. are a act yourgenerations Tidbits representative with from talkingimmediately to each other. changes or corrections. “Maggie May” was a last-minute addition Great • Currency • Collections Final Changes DUE: 5:00 p.m.. m ng-TerDouble o Please review L carefully. check:  Phone Number(s)  Spelling  Prices  Hours Office:Getting an email birthday card is not at all to the album “Every Picture Tells a Story” 760-320-0997 Fax: 760-320-1630 t! Ask about FREE Appraisals vestmen like a written one. Even methods such as texting Contact In and was originally released as the “B” side your Tidbits representative immediately with changes or corrections. Come see our large inventory of Coins and Office: 760-320-0997 Fax: 760-320-1630 make it difficult for generations to stay in touch. to the single “Reason to Believe.” Supplies including: Presidential Dollars, State & Park Quarters Your grandson already knows most of this. UNIQUE COINS, CURRENCY & SUPPLIES ● On Oct. 3, 1981, a hunger strike by Irish Assure him you understand his challenges and that Lifetime Member A.N.A. • N.G.C. Dealer Representative Palm Springs Hearing Aid Center nationalists at the Maze Prison in Belfast you will be there for him when help is needed. His Ask for Ed Nedderman 1/8 pg. 4C 13x Tamarisk in Northern Ireland is called off after seven 655 N. Palm Canyon Dr. ▲ Nov. 3, 2013 Vol. 9 - No. 45 months and 10 deaths. In the aftermath of N Palm Springs Call N CLIP SAVE “Unique CLIPAND AND SAVE the strike, British Prime Minister Margaret Today E. Granvia Valmonte Coins” Property of (760) Thatcher agreed to give in to several of the AdVenture Inc. Mon-Fri 10am-5pm • SatMedia, 10am-2pm Alejo Rd. protesters’ demands, including the right to Visit us at: www.UniqueCoins.net wear civilian clothing. 4 Million Readers Weekly Nationwide! FREE of Coachella Valley Serving the Desert Since 1966 ● On Oct. 5, 1990, “Henry & June,” starThe Neatest Little Paper Ever Read 760.320.0997 Fax: 760.320.1630 ring Uma Thurman, Fred Ward and Maria Through the years many have complimented us de Medeiros, opens in theaters as the first All Rights Reserved on our friendly, attentive staff and have expressed film with an NC-17 rating. A month earlier, appreciation for our broad knowledge and experithe Motion Picture Association of America ��� ������� by Linda Thistle ence in the subject of hearing and hearing aids. (MPAA) had debuted NC-17 (No One UnThe idea of Go Figure! is to arrive at the figures given Let our combined 60 years of professional der 17 Admitted) as a replacement for the at the bottom and right-hand columns of the diagram Property of experience provide the quality of hearing care that X rating. by following the arithmetic in the order they are AdVenture signs Media, Inc. given (that is, from left to right and top to bottom). Use you deserve.


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The human voice is one of the most complex sounds. Our lives center around our of ability Property to communicate with others. TheAdVenture ability to Media, hear and Inc. understand what someone is saying is at the heart of that communication.

Feel free to walk into most any environment and be confident that your hearing instruments will constantly adjust to your surroundings, providing optimum sound quality.

© 2014 2006 King Features Syndicate, Inc.

(Answers on page 16)

(c) 2014 King Features Synd., Inc.

Page 14

Tidbits of Coachella Valley

ter purchased sometime in the late 1970s. The figurine is a baby bending over and supporting himself with the palms of his hands. He is wearing blue pants and a white shirt. The glaze is shiny and looks similar to that of a Lladro piece, but, I don’t believe the mark is one of Lladro’s. I have been attempting to identify this piece without success. Could you please help to identify it as well as its possible value?

Address your questions to Anne McCollam, P. O. Box 247, Notre Dame, IN 46556. Items of a general interest will be answered in this column. Due to the volume of inquiries, she cannot answer individual letters. To find out more about Anne McCollam and read features by other Creators Syndicate writers and cartoonists, visit the Creators Syndicate website at www.creators.com COPYRIGHT 2009 CREATORS.COM

by Anne McCollam

Ironstone Dish Is Over 170 Years Q:

Enclosed is a photo of a blue and white covered meat dish. I received the dish last Christmas from my grandmother. Marked on the bottom of the dish are the words “Nankin Jar -- Granite Imported China -- R & M.” There is also a mark that looks like “F. Marlley.” It is in ver y good condition. I do not know what the value of my dish is or anything about the maker. If you could please let me know more about the maker and provide an estimated price of my dish, I would appreciate it.


Ridgway and Morley Staffordshire Potteries made your ironstone covered dish. They were in business in Hanley, Staffordshire, England, from 1842 to 1844. “Nankin Jar” is the name of the pattern. It can be recognized by the blue gray transfer print design of a vase in the center that is surrounded by a Greek key pattern and also small flowers. The “Nankin Jar” pattern was used by several other potteries and available in Flow Blue and Mulberry ware. Your dish was made around 1842 and would probably fetch $75 to $125 in an antiques shop.

Vol. X Issue 40


National Good Neighbor Day


Attend your Grandchild’s Birth Day


Ask a Stupid Question Day


International Day of Older Persons


Guardian Angels Day


Yom Kippur


Blessing of the Animals Day

Royal Copenhagen Porcelain Factory was founded in 1760.


Your figurine was made by Royal Copenhagen Porcelain Factory. They have been in business in Copenhagen, Denmark since 1760. It was founded by the Danish Royal Family and the three wavy lines represent the rivers that flow from Kattegat to the Baltic Sea. The factory did not prove to be financially successful, and it was sold to in 1867 to A. Faich. Royal Copenhagen has made high quality dinnerware services, vases, figurines and Christmas plates. The number 1518 is the design number. Your circa-1970s figurine of a baby would probably be worth $100 to $130.



Ridgway and Morley were located in Staffordshire, England.

* * *


This is the mark that is on the hand of a small porcelain figurine that my sis-

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Tidbits of Coachella Valley

Week of September 28, 2014

Page 15

SEAGULLS (from page page 3) Napoleon, who was a leading ornithologist in the 1800s. This is only one of a very few species of gull that prefers to nest in trees. • The lava gull makes its home on volcanic islands and is black from bill to wingtip. The swallow-tailed gull, native to the Galapagos Islands, is actually nocturnal—which is far from the norm. This bird often specializes in hunting small squid, swooping down in the moonlight to capture its prey. • When an estimated 7,000 seagulls took up

NG PROOF residence at the Monmouth County landfill in New Jersey, 5:00 officialsp.m.. decided to drive them away ues., 12/3/13

by using trained falcons to attack them. The entire flock of seagulls subsequently vacated the ediately with changes corrections. landfill andormoved into a local neighborhood. Fax: 760-320-1630 They roosted on fences, mailboxes and rooftops and bombarded the vicinity with poop, splattering homes, cars and often hitting pedestrians. The falcons were removed from the NG PROOF landfill after city officials decided it was better to have 7,000 5:00seagulls p.m.. pooping on a landfill of residential neighborhoods. ‪ Number(s)instead  Spelling  Prices  Hours


ne Number(s)  Spelling  Prices  Hours

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Professional Golf Tips With Tina Mickelson

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The smart warm up routine

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ella Valley

The time you spend warming up can set the tone for your whole round of golf, so it is critical to warm up wisely. Your warm up session is not the time to make drastic swing changes.


aper Ever Read

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Support Community Shuffleboard. Keep grandma off the streets.

If you seem to be hitting an extreme fade while warming up, instead of trying a variety of different swing thoughts or “quick fixes” it would be best to accept the fact that you are hitting that fade and just plan to compensate for it in your aim during the round. Then plan to schedule a lesson with your golf professional. Loosen up by swinging two clubs together and take some slow, full swings to stretch the exact muscles you use in your swing. Once you feel you are loose enough to hit a small bucket, start with your sand wedge and then work up to the driver. Again, you are simply trying to identify which ball flight you will be playing that day, and not wear yourself out before reaching the first tee box. Tina Mickelson, PGA

laugh a bit with

How many have paid good money for a ticket to a horror film, only to cover • How been very since little you’ve their long eyes has andit“see” of used it? a ENDANGERED SIGHTS & SOUNDS (cont’d):

typewriter eraser? Or, if you’re younger, have you moved your belongings into a long-unused HAPPY FROM TIDBITS! desk, onlyHALLOWEEN to find a strange-looking gadget with fiber-like hairs bushing out of one end? What SCARY MOVIES you’ve foundbyisRyan a typewriter Toepfer eraser. Usually shaped likejust a pencil, tiphaving was made of an Some people seem tothe love the living especially-abrasive rubber, which was used to daylights scared out of them. Why else would “erase” typing error. Thebeother end featured horror and the suspense movies so popular? To a small brush made of stiff plastic strands that celebrate Halloween, Tidbits goes behind the wasof used to sweep remnants of the erasure scenes some classicthe thrillers. off the page. • When Alfred Hitchcock purchased the film • rights There’s shortage litter on theupground tofornoPsycho, heofalso bought as many day, butofthankfully, wenovel no longer discarded copies the original as heseecould find, pull-tabs. The tabs on older easy-open beverage hoping to keep the story’s ending a secret. cans pulled completely off the can. People who • The famous shower Psycho wasdodging filmed walked in bare feetscene wereofconstantly using double for Norman Bates, as Anthony these acarelessly-dropped metal hazards. Perkins was appearing in a play (Greenwillow) • in The rhythmic “beep” the scanner is the New York at the time.of The first time Perkins musical accompaniment to the supermarket actually saw that scene was back at the studio, checkoutthe line. But“rushes,” if you’ve wondered watching daily andever he said he was where the cliché of saying “ka-ching!” in rejust as scared as everyone else. lation to money comes from, that’s the sound • Take a close look electric, at Michael mask in that the old-style not Myers’ electronic, cash the 1978 camp classic Halloween. Does the registers made. Cashiers of that era had to face look familiar? The movie was filmed manually punch a series of buttons to ring on up such a tight budget, that the prop department your purchase, followed by a smack of the had to make dowith withthe what they For Myers’ “total” button heel ofhad. the hand. disguise, they used an old Captain Kirk (Star • “Do you want your carbons?” used to be an Trek) mask, which they spray painted white and automatic question asked by merchants after then re-shaped the eyeholes. you’d signed for a credit card payment. At that turn the page for more! time, credit card receipts were filled out by hand in triplicate, with a small piece of carbon paper inserted between each sheet. It didn’t take long for thieves to realize they could retrieve the used carbons from the trash and steal valuable credit card information. Once that scam gained popularity, waiters and cashiers regularly offered the carbons to customers, giving them the opportunity to destroy them.

Play Better Golf with JACK NICKLAUS

Page 16

Tidbits of Coachella Valley

Vol. X Issue 40


October 23-29, 2006

September 15, 2014

KFWS • MindGym


Go Figure! answers

by Linda Thistle

The idea of Go Figure is to 1. GEOGRAPHY: The Yakima arrive at the figures given at River flows through which U.S. state? the bottom and right-hand columns of 2. theTELEVISION: diagram by Whatfol-was the lowing thetheme arithmetic signs“Friends”? in song to the sitcom the order they are What given 3. MUSIC: pop(that music group is, from left right toptitled to “The hadtoa hit albumand in 1969 bottom). Use only the numbers Age of Aquarius”? below the diagram complete 4. COMICS:to Which comic strip its blank squares and usecalled each featured a character “Dragon of the nine numbers only once.

Weekly SUDOKU 1. Name the artist who released 1. Which major-league team draft-Answerthe 1960 song “He Will Break Your ed current New England quarterback Heart.” 2. Who wrote and recorded “Stay”? Tom Brady as a catcher in 1995? 2. In 2014, Washington Nationals 3. What was on the b-side of Iron pitcher Gio Gonzalez set a franchise Butterfly’s first single, “Don’t Look record for most victories in a season Down on Me,” in 1968? (21). Who had held the mark? 4. What band released the glam-rock 3. There are three placekickers in Lady”? song “Fox on the Run”? the Pro Football Hall of Fame. Name 5. MEDICINE: How long is the 5. Name the song that contains this DIFFICULTY: � average adult’s spinal cord? lyric: “Such a brief moment, a small two of them. � Moderate �� 4. Name the only team that Michi6. FOOD ANDDifficult DRINK: What fast- time to spend, The dancing will slow ��� FIGURE! gan State’s Magic Johnson lost to in King Features Syndicate, Inc. foodGO franchise featured the story of soon,© 2006 the music will end; In real life Jared S. Fogle, who lost a lot of weight we’re plastic, nature’s unfair, How the NCAA men’s basketball tournaeating their products? can we breathe life, how can we share ment. 5. The St. Louis Blues set a fran7. LITERATURE: Where did the The knowledge and insights hidden in chise record in the 2013-14 NHL seaGrinch live in the Dr. Seuss story tombs.” October 23-29, 2006 son for most victories (52). What had “How the Grinch Stole Christmas!”? Answers been the highest total? 8. MOVIES: What was the name of 6. Who holds the NASCAR record 1. Jerry Butler. Butler still performs, the mad scientist in “The Rocky HorSUDOKU while he serves onWeekly a county board of for most consecutive victories by a ror Picture Show”? He was car owner in Cup competition? 9. GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: commissioners in Illinois. Answer 7. When was the last time before Go Figure! What is the significance of the acro- inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall 2014 that Roger Federer did not make of Fame in 1991. nym ROY G BIV? answers by Linda Thistle MauriceThistle Williams, who penned the final eight in men’s tennis singles 10. FAMOUS QUOTES: What by 2.Linda in 1953 at peekers age 15.got The song at the French Open. answer no scruples comedian and actor once said, “A day the tuneSudoku GO FIGURE! - Answers The ideawithout of Go Figure ANSWERS sunshine is like, isyou to know, made it on the “Dirty Dancing” Answers TRIVIA TEST arrive atnight”? the figures given at soundtrack in 1987. AboutExpos. 50 times per day 1. The1.Montreal Weekly Weekly SUDOKU SUDOKU the bottom and right-hand 3. “Possession.” Answers Answers 2. Grimsley Approximately 7,700 2. Ross won 20 games in eggs columns of the diagram by fol4. The Sweet,-Answerin 1974. 1978, when the team was based in 3. Orange juice 1. Washington lowing the arithmetic signs in 5. “The Music Box Dancer,” by “I’ll are Be There For (that You” (The Frank Mills in 1974. The Mills ver- Montreal. 4. Fish liver oil the order 2.they given 3. George Blanda,250 Lou eggs Groza per and year Rembrants) 5. About is, from left to right and top to sion was an instrumental that didn’t Jan Stenerud. 3. The 5th Dimension bottom). Use only the numbers get much airplay until it was acciden4. Kentucky in the Elite Eight, Terry and thetoPirates WUZZLES Answers below the 4.diagram complete tally sent to radio stations, where it freshman year in BIBLE TRIVIA 5. 17 to 18 inches its blank squares and use each took off in 1978. A year later, band- during Johnson’s Answers Subway only once. of the nine6.numbers leader Ray Coniff added the lyrics and 1978. 1. (B) New 5. The Blues games in the 1. won (C)51 Neither 7. Mount Crumpit put it on his “I Will Survive” album. 2. (A) Hagar 2. (D) Elisha 1999-2000 season. 8. Dr. Frank-N-Furter DIFFICULTY: � © 2014 King Features Synd., Inc. Quiz Bits 3. (B) (D) Stoning Beth-shan 3. 6. Carl Kiekhaefer’s teams tallied 9. A mnemonic device to remember ANSWERS Place a number in the empty boxes in such a way 4. wins (A)inPaul Elijah 4. (B) � Moderate �� Difficult 16 consecutive 1956. colors each of the column rainbow down and each that each rowthe across, 5. (B) Ephesians 1. The chicken 5. (B) Heaven ��� GO FIGURE! small 9-box square contains all of the 7. It was 2004. 10. Steve Martin © 2006 King Features Syndicate, Inc.




numbers from one to nine.

©2014 © 2010 KingKingFeatures Synd.,Inc.Inc. © 2014 Features Synd.,

DIFFICULTY THIS WEEK: �� � Moderate �� Challenging ��� HOO BOY!

©2014 © 2010 King Features Synd., Inc.

6. (C) (B) Death Isaiah 6.

© 2014 King Features Synd., Inc.

2. Marigold flowers

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