Vol. X: #45 • Fingerprints • (11/2/14) Tidbits of Coachella Valley

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Week of November 2, 2014

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This is a proof of your ad that will by Janet Spencer apTO pear in the first Bea . TISER: The practical use of fingerprints THE ADcon VER

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about 4 months before birth. Client will provide a camera-ready We have fingerprints (as well as hand and foot ad in time for publication. prints) in order to increase traction. The ridges Please call (760) 668-2226 for guidance. increase friction against surfaces. Foot and hand FINGERPRINTS: Turn to page 3

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Vol. X




Issue No. 45

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Tidbits of Coachella Valley

crime scenes to help with fingerprint evidence. This technology is now in global use and has provided crucial evidence in hundreds of major investigations.



review carefully. Double check:  Phone Number(s)Spelling  Spelling  Prices  Hours ew carefully. Double Phone Number(s)  Prices  Hours 1. True check: or false:Tongue prints are asindivid-

• As a result of his efforts, the Ontario Provincial Police became the first police agency in the world to be operational in this technology. After another decade of research, Dalrymple perfected the art of applying computer enhancement technology to sharpen images, once again placing the Ontario Provincial Police as Canadian leaders in forensic science. He also perfected methods on examining murder victims for fingerprints left by the killer on their skin.

One in a series.

ually representative unique as fingerprints ontact Tidbits immediately changes or corrections. ct youryour Tidbits representative immediately withwith changes or corrections. 2. The prints on what part of a dog are as Office: 760-320-0997 Fax:Fax: 760-320-1630 Office: 760-320-0997 760-320-1630 unique as fingerprints on humans? 3. Which lasts longer on a surface: Adult fingerprints or those of a child? 4. Which FBI director started the first national fingerprint register in America? 5. What famous author was the first to utilize Somatherapy Institute fingerprint evidence in his story to solve a BZ 4C 26x disc. crime? fictional

Vol. X Issue 45

Brian Dalrymple

ADVERTISING PROOF Brian E. Dalrymple was born in Toronto in 1947. MayChanges 4, 2014 Vol. 10 - No. 19 TUES., OCT. 7 Final DUE: 5:00 He gotp.m.. his baccalaureate in 1970 from Ontario (Answers on page 16)

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• In 1991, as Associate Section Head, Dalrymple introduced the first Computer Evidence System to Canada, becoming the first Canadian to offer expert advice in this technology. He was promoted to Manager of Forensic Identification Services in 1992.

1972 Dalrymple joined the Identification Services of the Ontario ADVERTISING PROOF ntact your Tidbits representative immediately with changes orForensic corrections. • Brian Dalrymple retired from the Ontario Provincial Police as a forensic analyst, beginning FRI., 10/24/14 Final Changes DUE:in 1999 5:00 p.m.. Office: 760-320-0997 Fax: 760-320-1630 Provincial Police and now runs a private Please review carefully. Double check:  Phone Number(s)  Spelling  Prices  Hours a 28-year career with the agency. firm dedicated to consultation and training in Contact your Tidbits representative immediately with changes or corrections. • In 1977 at the Xerox Research Centre he began Our Student Clinic is identification services. He specializes not only Office: 760-320-0997 Fax: 760-320-1630 open to the public. experimenting with lasers with two other men in fingerprints, but also in shoe prints, foot ALWAYS: $30 per hour or named Duff and Menzel. It bothered them that prints and forensic photography, helping solve $ ADVERTISING PROOF Délicatasse Olde World Euro Deli 40 per 1.5 hours every time they turned the lasers on, the laser homicides, drug crimes, fraud, and 5:00 to deter M–F 9am to 5pm 1/16 pg BW 13x disc Changes DUE: p.m.. beam would illuminate every single fingerprintFinalorganized crime. Oct. 12, 2014 10 - No. Please review carefully. Double check:  Phone Number(s)  Spelling  Prices  Hours Call for anVol. appointment or book42 online 760.321.9214 • www.somatherapy.com in the area, fouling up their experiments. It finally 70-225 Hwy. 111, Ste B, Rancho Mirage, CA 92270 Just west of the Valero Gas Station at Peterson Rd. Contact•your TidbitsDalrymple immediately with changes corrections. Brian is the author of ornumerous OFrepresentative NORWAY dawned on them that maybe this discovery could SONS ADVERTISING PROOF Office: 760-320-0997 Fax:recipient 760-320-1630 of publications and the Business Card, Full Color, non-profit rate =several $71/insertion Final Changes 5:00 p.m.. be a useful tool in crime detection. CLIPDUE: AND SAVE prestigious awards. Without his work, many 2 & 9, 2014 ease review carefully. Double check:  Phone Number(s)  Spelling  Prices  Hours • Fine-tuning their discovery, the team found that Nov. Authentic - Delicious gulity criminals would still be roaming free in Volume 10: Issues #45 & #46 Contact your Tidbits representative immediately PROOF Propertywith of changes or corrections. shining an argon ion laser on latent fingerprints ADVERTISING Property of & Meats our streets. ‪ German Sausages AdVenture Inc. Office: 760-320-0997 Fax:Media, 760-320-1630 AdVenture Media, Inc. would cause them to fluoresce, makingFinal them Changes DUE: TUES., AUG. 20 5:00 Gourmet Sandwiches highly visible. They found that the laser Please review carefully. Double check:  Phone Number(s)  Spelling  Pric Imported Cheeses, Wine &FREE Beer of FREE light bounces off the human fat residue and of Coachella Valley of Coachella Valley The Neatest Little Paper Ever Read perspiration left in the fingerprint, bothContact of whichyour Tidbits representative immediately with changes or corre The Neatest Little Paper Ever Read 760.320.0997 Fax: 760.320.1630 An Meal 760.320.0997 Fax: 760.320.1630 with your glow fluorescent yellow. The laser beam method Entrée Office: Reconnect 760-320-0997 Fax: 760-320-1630 Deal! All Rights Reserved Scandinavian Heritage: was also non-destructive, allowing the more All Rights Reserved Purchase one regular entrée and two beverages and receive the second entrée of equal or lesser value at Half Price. traditional methods of fingerprint identification Enjoy our "VIKING Program" 11-16-14 With this coupon. Expires 10-31-14 Open during construction! to proceed normally. Sat., Nov. 15 • 4:30PM • Hope Lutheran Church

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Property of • Additionally, they found that the goggles that Gee-Ar-Gee 45-900 Portola Ave. • Palm Desert AdVenture Media, Inc. ADVERTISING PROOF Construction Co. Specializing in all laser operators are required to wear while In e (760)disc. Ye Olde World Euro Deli Din 363-7704 before 11/12/14 5:00 p.m.. pg. BWCall 13x PARTY Final1/16 Changes DUE: or 117 La Plaza FREE working with a laser beam effectively blocked Take Out $7 PL AT Early Reservation: 5No. • AtNumber(s) TE RS In the heart of Downtown Palm Springs! Please review carefully.  Spelling  Prices  Hour Aug. 25,Double 2013check: Vol.  9$-Phone 35the Door: your guests Visit us at: Property of certain wavelengths of light, which made the 760.320.0997 Fax: 760.320.1630 will lov e! 760-300-3601 psDelicatesse.com Contact your Tidbits representative immediately with changes or corrections. AdVenture Media, Inc. fingerprint stand out even more. Further research All Rights Reserved Office: 760-320-0997 Fax: 760-320-1630 All rights reserved. Property of: Property of by Dalrymple showed that if a fingerprint is AdVenture Media, Inc. FREE stained with particular chemicals, it would cause of Coachella Valley CONSTRUCTION CO., INC. The Neatest Little Paper Ever Read an even greater degreeADVERTISING of fluorescence when the FREE Handling All Phases of Construction & Home Improvement PROOF 760.320.0997 Fax: 760.320.1630 laser light was beamed upon it. Together, these 760.320.0997 RESIDENTIAL Fax: 760.320.1630 Tues., 7/22/14 Final Changes DUE: 5:00 p.m.. AllProperty Rights Reserved developments proved to be Double so effective that Number(s)  SpellingAllRights of & COMMERCIAL Reserved Please review carefully. check:  Phone Prices  Hours AdVenture Media, Inc. A-1 Specializing in fingerprints Contact that were otherwise invisible using your Tidbits representative immediately with changes or corrections. KITCHEN & BATH REMODELS standard methods could now easily be revealed Fax: 760-320-1630 Office: 760-320-0997 FREE Insurance Jobs Welcomed 1. ANIMAL KINGDOM: What is with these techniques. FIRE DAMAGE RESTORATION 760.320.0997 Fax: 760.320.1630 1. How many No. 1 hits has Joan Jett the only food that koalas will eat? 1. Which Hall of Fame third baseNew Construction  Remodeling • The very first fingerprint identified and utilized in had? 2. CARTOONS: What All Rights Reservedwas the name Roofing  Room Additions  Drywall  Stucco man was on more All-Star Game ros2. Dig back for this one:this What year was located of Fred and Wilma Flintstone’s daugha criminal case using technology Tile Block Walls  Concrete  Patios  Apartments ters during his career: Brett or MobileGeorge Home Specialists  Retirement Homes did the Kingston release ter? on the sticky Trio side of a piece“Tom of black Mike electrical 10% Schmidt? 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U.S. STATES: What is the motto AdVenture Media, Inc. 2007 that the University of Cincinreleased “A World Without Love” in of West Virginia? nati football team won 10-plus games 1964. 5. MOVIES: Who wrote the screenin a season? 5. What was the first single that the play for “Mean Girls” and co-starred FREE of Coachella Valley 4. In 2009-10, the Orlando Magic Property of Eagles released? What was on the flip in the movie? The Neatest Little Paper Ever Read AdVenture Media, Inc.760.320.1630 set an NBA record for most three760.320.0997 Fax: Move for as Low as side? 6. GAMES: How many dots are on a point field goals by a team for a seaWe move you todayat 1980’s prices!! 6. Before Annie Lennox hooked pair of dice? per All Rights son — 841. What team held the old Reserved FREE hour up with David Stewart to form the 7. GEOGRAPHY: Where are the • Professional Movers • Fast, Reliable, Free mark? 760.320.0997 Fax: 760.320.1630 Eurythmics, they were both with Channel Islands located? includes Truck! from Damage • Local Long Distance 5. Who was&the youngest player to another band. Which band was• that? 8. HISTORY: What was the name All Rights Reserved ADVERTISING PROOF Residential & Commercial • Expertteam Packing make an NHL All-Star before of the motel where Dr. Martin Luther of Final Changes DUE: •Property 5:00 p.m.. (18 years, Answers & Unpacking Loading & Unloading Carolina’s Jeff Skinner AdVenture Media, Inc. King Jr. was shot? 1. Just one — “I Love Rock ‘n’ 259 days) did it in 2011? • A/C Climate Controlled Storage 9. GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Roll,” in 1982. The song went to the 6. Name the first Alpine skier to win FREE When did Staten Island residents vote top of the charts in multiple countries, the same eventsince at two Winter Olym“Moving760.320.0997 the Valley 1980!” Fax: 760.320.1630 FREE to secede from New York City? but it the only big single she’s had. pics. All Rights Reserved 10. MEASUREMENTS: How many 2. 1958.ESTIMATES Dooley, a Confederate CALL TODAYvet(760)7. Before Charl Schwartzel won the teaspoons are in a tablespoon? eran, stabbed and killed his fiancee, 2011 Masters finishing 34901 Spyder Circle • by Palm Desertwith four and he was hanged for it. The old (located Answers (Trivia Test answers page 16) PUC CAL T169389 birdies, who were the only two golfby “Barkingham Palace”) North Carolina folk song is based on 1. Eucalyptus leaves ers to win the Masters by finishing a true story. 2. Pebbles with two birdies? 3. Nearly 8 minutes (7:55). Right 3. Woody Allen


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Q Tidbits of Coachella Valley

Week of November 2, 2014

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by K


Fingerprints (from page one)

evidence. One of the most common methods1. W to a scene where two young children had is iodine fuming. During the late 1800s it been murdered. The mother accused an old prints are just as unique as fingerprints. by Kara Kovalchik & Sandy Wood sci was found that when iodine fumes come into man who lived nearby as the heartless killer. • There can be up to 300 ridges on the skin mo contact with body fats and oil, it reacts with He vehemently proclaimed his innocence. between fingertips and wrist. There are millions them in a way that makes them easily visible. sea In his search of the crime scene evidence the of sweat pores between the ridges, which exude ADVERTISING PROOF To accomplish this, iodine crystals are put into policeman found a bloody handprint on a door. a nearly invisible mixture that is 99% water and a beaker and heated,MON., which NOV. produces 18 a purple5:00 p He called the old man to the scene, andFinal had himChanges DUE: 2. W one percent fatty acid. Everything you touch gas. place an inked handprint on aPlease piecereview of paper. carefully. Double check:  Phone Number(s)  Spelling Fingerprints: To page 15  Prices becomes coated with this residue. The water tra When he compared the prints they didn’t match. will evaporate, but the fat remains indefinitely. fir Contact Next, he had the mother of the children do your the Tidbits representative immediately with changes or correctio In fact, fingerprints are still intact and readable same -- and the prints matched perfectly. When Office: 760-320-0997 Fax: 760-320-1630 sp on ancient mummies and artifacts. the truth came out the woman confessed that UIZ ITS • In ancient China, emperors used thumbprints ADVERTISING PROOF she had murdered her own children because 1. Do identical twins have identical to sign state papers. Artists used fingerprints the man she loved wouldn’t marry her as long Final Changes DUE: 5:00 p.m.. fingerprints? on pictures instead of signatures. But the fact as she was tied down to them. This isPlease the first review carefully. Double check:  Phone Number(s)  Spelling  Prices  H 2. What Australian mammal that every human being carries a signature on recorded instance of fingerprint identification Contact your Tidbits representative immediately with changes or corrections. has fingerprints that are their fingertips wasn’t put to use in police work being used to solve a crime. ADVERTISING PROOF Office:identical 760-320-0997 760-320-1630 to that of Fax: humans? Beach House Yogurt until William Herschel becamePROOF interested in ADVERTISING • Scotland Yard began using fingerprint evidence BZ 4C 26x disc rate Q SEPT. 29 Final Changes DUE: MON., 5:00 the study of fingerprints in 1860. page 16 Tues., Oct. At 28that time, 5:00in p.m.. 1901. Since then, fingerprint evidence has Nov. 24, 2013 Vol. 9Answers inal Changes DUE: A - No. 48 Number(s)  Spelling  Pric he was working for the British government Please review carefully. Double check:  Phone solvedinnumerable crimes. iew carefully. Double check:  Phone Number(s)  Spelling  Prices Hours in India handling the payment of pensions to CLIP AND SAVE Contact your Tidbits representative immediately with changes or1. correc V retiredrepresentative people. Too often, however, personor corrections. act your Tidbits immediately withone changes The term forensics originates from the Office: 760-320-0997 Fax: 760-320-1630 2. C would arrive to collect hisFax: money, only to be Office: 760-320-0997 760-320-1630 Latin forensis, referring to a public forum followed by another person arriving later to ADVERTISING PROOF petaining to legal trials. Evidence of forensic value is considered valid and collect the money using the same name. Final Changes DUE: 5:00 p.m..

1. What’s the proper scientific name for the moment that the spring season begins? ����������������������



2. What flower is traditionally the first to bloom as spring

• Herschel couldn’t keep track of the many people he dealt with— so he started having everyone sign for their money with a thumbprint, which stopped the fraud practice immediately. But it Coachella Valley Chapters of P.E.O. came into play was decades before fingerprints 1/16th,asBW, Non-Profit an effective method for solving crimes. November 2 + 9, 2014 • Vol. 10: No. 45 &was 46 called • In 1892 in Chicago, a detective


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• For many decades, each police department kept Office: 760-320-0997 Fax: 760-320-1630 its own collection of fingerprints on file. Any Desert Coatings c/o Jim Maisano police department with a suspicious person in BZ BW 26x disc. rate custody sent fingerprint copies to other police Oct. 5, 2014 Vol. 10 - No. 41 ADVERTISING PROOF departments, who then searched through their Tues., 10/28/14 5:00 p.m.. files manually to try finding a match. It was a Final Changes DUE: Please review carefully. DoubleINTERIOR check:  Phone Number(s)  Spelling  Prices  Hours & EXTERIOR tedious, time-consuming and often unsuccessful Property of Contact your Tidbits representative immediately with changes or corrections. process. AdVenture Media, Inc.

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suitable for courts of law.

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• Congress established the FBI’s Identification Serving the Valley over 20 years Property of Division in 1924 to be the central repository All work Guaranteed FREE AdVenture Media, Inc. of Coachella Valley for all fingerprint records. Now known as the Mike’s American Bistro Jim The Maisano Neatest Little Paper Ever Read 760.320.0997 Fax: 760.320.1630 Criminal Justice Information Services Division, • 1/12th, 4c,Desert 13x discount rate Coatings FREE of Coachella Valley the bureau employs around 3,000 people and • Nov. 2, 2014760-251-1963 - Jan.All18, 2015 Rights Reserved 760.320.0997 Fax: 760.320.1630 is the largest branch of the FBI. Currently the FREE ESTIMATES CONTRACTOR LIC. Including Saturdays #700980 All Rights Reserved FBI has over 234 million fingerprints on file representing over 81 million people. Of the CLIP AND SAVE millions of sets of fingerprints in FBI files, none have ever been found to match those of TOP PR IZE Property of another individual. 4 Million Readers Weekly Nationwide!



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“Spring is Nature’s way of saying ‘Let’s party!!’” -BB BEST T Q~ Robin Williams ASTE AdVenture Media, Inc.

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• Notorius criminal John Dillinger hired two Property of • Palm Desert Presb. Church • 47-321 Hwy. 74 AdVenture Media, Inc. crooked doctors to remove his fingerprints. FREE FREE of Coachella Valley of Coachella Valley However, he had an allergic reaction to the The Neatest Little Paper Ever Read The Neatest Little Paper Ever Read FREE 760.320.0997 Fax: 760.320.1630 760.320.0997 Fax: 760.320.1630 anesthetic they used and nearly died. After that, of Coachella Valley California Style BBQ 760.320.0997 Fax: 760.320.1630 the doctors tried a different method, this time All Rights Reserved S Rights •Reserved Slow Cooked • WoodAllSmoked Homemade from Scratch ET ADVERTISING PROOF G E using acid to burn away the skin. When he was G All Rights Reserved G D NU Property of E L AdVenture Media, Inc. killed shortly afterward, the prints were already Final Changes DUE: 5:00 p.m.. NOW K F O back.  Phone Number(s)  Spelling  Prices  Hours Please review carefully. growing Double check: 4 Million Readers Weekly Nationwide!

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Susie Hahn of Little Rock, FREE of Coachella Valley FREE • In 1999, the Integrated Automated Fingerprint ADVERTISING PROOF Arkansas was arrested and 760.320.0997 Fax: 760.320.1630 TUES., 14 or corrections. your Tidbits representative immediately withOCT. changes Final Changes DUE: 5:00 p.m.. charged with severalContact local burglarIdentification System (IAFIS) went into Please review carefully. Double check:  Phone Number(s)  Spelling  Prices Hours All Rights Reserved Smoked Salmon with 8 oz. Rib Eye in Smoked DryRubbed ies. Her fingerprints Please had been left carefully. Office: 760-320-0997 Fax: 760-320-1630 review Double check:  Phone Number(s)  Spelling  Prices  Hours operation. IAFIS stores over 51 million digital House Terriyaki Glaze Baby Back Ribs Contact your Marinade Tidbits representative immediately with changes or corrections. all over the crime scenes. She Office: 760-320-0997 Fax: 760-320-1630 • Steak • Rib Eye • Shrimp compares them at lightning speed or corrections. couldn’t figure out how theContact police your prints Tidbitsand representative immediately with changes • BBQ or Smoked Chicken had fingered her since she had within minutes, pulling up a list of potential • Pulled Pork • Chili Office: 760-320-0997 Fax: 760-320-1630 carefully worn gloves during matches along with their complete criminal • Turkey Burgers • Salads American Bistro the crimes. However, the • Fish & Chips • Salmon Steak•Seafood•Barbeque histories. State and local law enforcement gloves she chose to • Wine:$5/glass • Beer wear were golf agencies transmit fingerprint information to 68-525 Ramon Rd. A-101 Tarbell Realtors gloves, which are the system electronically, and get identification Cathedral City c/o Allen Lane / Evelyn Pelicofingerless. 4 Million Readers Weekly Nationwide!

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Vol. X Issue 45

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Dollars $and $en$e$ By Samantha Weaver

● It was beloved American author Kurt Vonnegut who made the following sage observation: “Laughing or crying is what a human being does when there’s nothing else he can do.” ● If you removed all the phosphorus from your body, you’d have enough to make about 250 matchheads. ● Those who study such things say that boys who have first names that are considered to be strange or peculiar have a higher incidence of mental problems as adults than boys with more traditional names. The correlation was not found to hold true for girls.

by David Uffington

Brazilian Body & Face Place

David Uffington regrets that he cannot personally Business Card, 4 color, 26x rate • $71/insertion answer reader questions, but will incorporate them into his Starting: Oct. 19, 2014 -Send Vol.email X: #43 • runs bi-weekly column whenever possible. to columnreply3@ gmail.com. TUES., OCT. 28

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Don’t Risk LosingContact your Tidbits representative immediately with changes or correctio ADVERTISING PROOF theBRAZILIAN Office: 760-320-0997 Fax: 760-320-1630 Heat This Winter Final Changes DUE: body & face place 5:00 p Please review carefully. Double check: DUE: Phone Number(s) 5:00  Spelling  Prices Final Changes p.m.. Please review carefully. Double check:  Phone Number(s)  Spelling  Prices  Hours Contact your Tidbits representative immediately with changes or corrections. Office: 760-320-0997

● You may have learned that the distress signal SOS stands for “Save Our Ship,” but that’s a myth. That signal was chosen because in Morse Code, it’s easy to remember and transmit the three dots, three dashes and three dots that represent those letters. ● There was a time when it was illegal in Hawaii for a woman to eat a coconut. ● According to the Guinness Book of World Records, the oldest documented living parrot is more than 80 years old. Cookie, a Major Mitchell’s cockatoo, has lived at the Brookfield Zoo in Illinois since May 1934. ● The New Orleans Saints were admitted to the National Football League on Nov. 1, 1966 -- All Saints’ Day. The team, however, was named for the iconic New Orleans jazz song “When the Saints Go Marching In.”

Fax: 760-320-1630

For MEN & WOMEN Please review carefully. Double check:  Phone Number(s)  Spelling  Prices It’s not too late in the season to benefit from an inspection and tune up of your home heatFull Body (Specializing in: Brazilian & Sphynx) Contact your Tidbits representative immediately with changes or correctio ing system. Whether you have a forced-air furnace Facials • Back Facials • Make-up Applications 760-320-0997 Fax: 760-320-1630 with full house vents, direct vent heaters in multiple Office:Body Tinting • Eyebrows & Eyelashes Andrew Patterson, Attorney rooms, a wood or pellet stove or an oil-fired boiler Jeanne Medical Center BZ BW 6x at the Aurora Property of with radiators, we have a long winter ahead of us. AdVenture73-950 Media,Alessandro Inc. Dr., (760) Nov. 2, 2014 Vol. 10 - No. 45 Any necessary repairs can be made now before brazilianbodyfaceplace.com Ste. 3 • Palm Desert we’re in the full force of winter, when quick service of Coachella WED,Valley OCT. 29 FREE might be impossible to get. Plus, you’ll add years to 760.320.0997 Fax: 760.320.1630 the life of your heat system by doing regular mainPlease review carefully. Double check:  Phone Number(s)  Spelling  Prices All Rights Reserved tenance. FREE changes or correction Contact your Tidbits representative immediately with If your system is a furnace with filters, buy multiple filters and change them regularly. If you carefully. Office: Double 760-320-0997 Fax: 760-320-1630 Please review check:  Phone Number(s)  Spelling  Prices have pets, once a month isn’t too often to drop in a new filter to keep clear air flowing through the your Tidbits representative immediately with changes or correcti Contact system. Be sure to read your heating system’s Office: 760-320-0997 Fax: 760-320-1630 manual. As good as they are for pulling pollutants Catherine Marcy - Real Estate out of the air, pleated filters can be too restrictive 760-898-2311 1/16 pg 4C for airflow, especially on startup. Know what your ap@ap-esq.com Nov. 2, 2014 Vol. 10 - No. 45 system requires. If you live in a cold climate, keep snow, ice and leaves cleared from the outdoor condenser, if you have one. Keep the flue on the roof clear of Great Opportunity! built-up snow. Indoors, be sure to keep the area 55+ Gated Community Property of Pool/Spa/Clubhouse around the furnace clear. AdVenture Media, Inc. Close to shopping & dining Consider having a preventive maintenance Open floor plan High ceilings agreement with a qualified technician or even your Two-car garage 2BR / FREE 2BA fuel supplier if it offers the service. Your annual of Coachella Valley TUES., AUG. 123119 sq ft The Neatest Little Paper Ever Read inspection will uncover any problems with pumps, $149,000 760.320.0997 Property Fax: 760.320.1630 of Please review carefully. Double check:  Phone Number(s)  Spelling  Prices ! airflow, electrical components and more. AdditionTour this lovely home AdVenture Media, Inc. HOUSE EN OP ally, most maintenance contracts offer service calls URDAY All Rights Reserved Contact your Tidbits SAT representative immediately 79285 Sign of Spring with changes or correctio NOV. 1st 24/7 if necessary. 11:00am - 2:00pm Watercolors Development Office: 760-320-0997 Fax: 760-320-1630 South La Quinta A hint for staying warm this winter if you FREE On 48 between of Ave. Coachella Valley Adams St. & Dune Palms Rd. have oil or propane and are on automatic delivery: The Neatest Little Paper Ever Read (Call for gate entry) 760.320.0997 SilentFax: 760.320.1630 Second Do your own checking once a week to see how La Quinta Housing Authority much you have left. If your tanks run dry because All Rights Reserved Catherine Marcy Serving the Coachella Valley ORD General Contractor your fuel company has miscalculated when you’ll 760.272.0753 1/8 pg.Or4C visit 26x me at:disc. www.CatherineMarcy.com need a delivery, you could face a big expense if Aug. 24, 2014 Vol. 10 - No.of35 debris at the bottom of the tank is pulled up into the Property AdVenture Media, Inc. furnace. If you don’t have a carbon monoxide detector, install one near your furnace and in other Property of FREE of Coachella Valley places around the house. Whether you choose AdVenture Media, Inc. The Neatest Little Paper Ever Read 760.320.0997 Fax: 760.320.1630 detectors that are hardwired or battery-operated, check them frequently, especially the one in the All Rights Reserved FREE CABINET basement, where you don’t see it often. If you have of Coachella Valley The Neatest Little Paper Ever Read hardwired detectors, be sure they have a battery 760.320.0997 Fax: 760.320.1630


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● The next time you’re at a holiday gathering and someone has had a bit too much to drink, you can say that person is cherubimical; it’s much nicer than calling a family member a drunk.

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backup in case of power failure. No matter what kind you get, be sure it’s UL-approved. Replace detectors that are more than five years old.

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Week of November 2, 2014

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them. Police recovered one, turned it inside out, took photographs of the man’s prints and cut and lifted a perfect print. them into small pieces, then began fitting them ADVERTISING PROOF together like a jigsaw puzzle. Before long he • In Cairo, Egypt, broke9/8/14 into a woman’s Monday, • 5:00 4 PM Final Changes DUE:a burglar p.m was able to match the reassembled fingerprints house. When she  awoke see a man bending Please review carefully. Double check: Phoneto Number(s)  Spelling  Prices  to a fugitive who was positively identified to over her, she began to scream. He put his hand Contact your Tidbits representative immediately with changes or corrections major drug cases in another part of the country. over her mouth, but his hand slipped and a finger Office: 760-320-0997 Fax: 760-320-1630 The suspect was jailed, convicted and sentenced went inside her mouth. The lady bit down— to prison. taking the tip of the finger completely off. The

FINGERPRINT FOIBLES • In 1941 a Texas cop stopped to question a hitchhiker. When asked to show his ID, he said he had lost it. The officer noticed his fingertips looked odd. The officer took him in for questioning. After being fingerprinted, the police were fascinated to find he had no fingerprints whatsoever. The man said he was born like that. Police had their doubts and detained him while they consulted the FBI. • On the advice of the FBI, the police searched the man’s body for scars. On either side of his ribcage they found five oval-shaped blemishes. When he held his arms folded across his chest, his fingertips fit perfectly over the scars. • A crooked doctor had surgically removed the skin from his fingertips, then cut out small patches of skin from his chest. His arms were folded across his chest and strapped to his body with his fingertips taped over the wounded skin. When new skin grew from his sides, it adhered to his fingertips in a natural skin graft. • Now alerted, the investigators sent photos of the man to other departments across the nation. He was quickly identified as a specialist in safe cracking, and was on an FBI Wanted list.

burglar fled. She took the fingertip to the police, • In Binghamton, NY, police had to wait awhile who matched the print to a known burglar. They before they were able to fingerprint suspect shortly had in custody a man who was missing Lane Fontes. Fontes was arrested after leaving ADVERTISING PROOF Mr.end & Mrs. the of hisKleaning finger. He argued that losing the the scene of an accident and, when apprehended, Business Final DUE: 5:00 p.m tip of hisCard, fingerBW was punishment enough and refused to give his identity. While sitting in the Changes 26x discount rate ($51.00/wk • Rate Card #6) Please review carefully. Double check:  Phone Number(s)  Spelling that he shouldn’t have to go to jail. But Cairo Prices  back of the police car, he chewed the skin off authorities didn’t agree. He’s still doing time.or‪correction the tips of his fingers which, of course, madeyour Tidbits Contact representative immediately with changes ADVERTISING PROOF the police even more suspicious. They held him Office:Final 760-320-0997 Fax: 760-320-1630 Changes DUE: 5:00 p.m.. in custody for two weeks while the fingerprints grew back. As suspected, they discovered that Residential • Commercial • Carpets • Windows he was wanted for parole violations and several Seasonal HOUSE Affordable Rates: serious charges in Virginia. e

PRO CLEANING & HOUSEHOLD SERVICES Please review carefully. Double check:  Phone Number(s)  Spelling  Prices  Hours Contact your Tidbits representative immediately with changes or corrections. Office: 760-320-0997

• In 1975 Larry Collins walked into a bank in New Jersey wielding a sawed-off shot gun. After grabbing over $3,000 in cash he was on his way out of the bank when the gun went off accidentally, striking him in the hand. He yanked off his glove to inspect the damage and threw it on the floor before running out. When police inspected the discarded glove, they found the tip of his finger still inside. They got a fingerprint from it, confirmed his identity, and shortly had the robber in custody. • In 1994 in Mendota Heights, MN, John Wuchko robbed a store. He was careful not to leave fingerprints at the scene, because he wore surgical rubber gloves. However, as he fled the scene, he stripped off the gloves and discarded

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• In Miami in 1990, police arrested a suspect Dr. Ahmad has served Coachella Valley patients for thirteen years, introducing who was thought to be a drug dealer. Upon the newest medical advancements. FREE of Coachella Valley fingerprinting him, they found his prints ran in Make your appointment today and find 11-2 Daylight savings time ends how personalized one-on-one orthopedic 760.320.0997 Fax: 760.320.1630 all sorts of crazy zig-zag patterns like nothing care makes such a positive difference. Sohail Ahmad, MD 11-3 Fill Our Staplers Day they had ever seen before. Tommy Moorefield, All Rights Reserved 11-4 Election Day (VOTE!) an FBI expert on fingerprints, examined the prints and concluded that the man had sliced 11-5 ADVERTISING Use Your Common Sense Day PROOF 36-915 Cook St. Ste. #103 Palm Desert, CA the skin on his fingertips into tiny pieces and 11-6 Changes National DUE: Men Make Wed,Dinner JULY 9Day 5:00 p.m.. Final 760-340-1003 Double check:  Phone Number(s)  SpellingDay  Prices  Hours then transplanted those pieces onto otherPlease review Cutting-Edge Trainers 11-7carefully. Bittersweet Chocolate & Almonds ● No facility charges ● Workers Comp. Tidbits representative immediately with changes or corrections. ● Medicare, PPO ● All ages accepted ● Evening Hours fingers. After 1/3 pg BW 26xthe disc.fingertips healed, his new Contact 11-8yourCook Something Bold & Pungent Day Office: 760-320-0997 Fax: 760-320-1630 www.AhmadOrthopedics.com print ran10in- all Moorefield July 13,patterns 2014 Vol. No.directions. 29 4 Million Readers Weekly Nationwide!


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orking out is hard. Really hard. And that’s to your college waistline and have you feeling like true whether you’re into building up your you could climb Everest? “It all goes back to our YOU’RE LOOKING biceps or whittling down your waistline. knowledge base,” he says. “Our staff of trainers are IN 90 PROOF science and CPR qualified, GREAT So, if you’re going to put so much energy into all degreed in exerciseADVERTISING andFinal required to do a minimum something, you want the maximum reChanges DUE: of five DAYS OR 5:00 p.m.. IT’S hours a week of study stay  current.” sults. Which is why many people turn to Please review carefully. Doubletocheck: Phone Number(s)  Spelling  Prices  Hours Their role, as far as you’re concerned, FREE a personal trainer. Contact your Tidbits representative immediately with changes or corrections. is to: One, prevent injury; two, attain “Most people get a trainer because Office: 760-320-0997 Fax: 760-320-1630 desired results in the shortest possible they’re frustrated,” says Colt ThompGIVE US A TRY! time. son, founder and CEO of Cutting Edge Thompson doesn’t take that task Trainers (760-984-9691). “They work Property of EXPERTS IN: lightly; he sees too many trainers workout a lot, they use all the latest, greatest AdVenture Media, Inc. equipment, but they don’t get the results Colt Thompson, founder ing the gyms in a “pump ‘em up, pump ● Senior Fitness less they want.” FREE of Cutting-Edge Trainers “em out” mode, which is not only of Coachella Valley ● Cancer Survivor Rehab efficient for the client, he760.320.0997 says, but Fax: po-760.320.1630 The problem, of course, is knowledge. In order to get the best results, you not only have tentially dangerous. “That approach doesn’t take ● Training the Diabetic All Rights Reserved to work yourself into a nice juicy sweat, you have to each individual’s specific needs into account,” says ● Guaranteed Weight Loss do it in the right way. Thompson prides himself on Thompson. Since each body is different, Thompson the results he gets for clients; so much so that he takes vital signs on every client and has retained the offers something unheard of in the personal training services of a cardiologist, cardiac care nurses and “We care deeply field - a 100% money back guarantee if you’re not nutritionists to consult for any unique concerns. about you and As a former graduate of the United States Army happy with the new you in three months time. And it doesn’t matter if you look like Arnold Schwarzeneg- Academy of Health Sciences and a Special Forces the results you ger and have lost 20% body fat; if you don’t feel paramedic, you can rest assured you’re in capable wish to achieve” hands. And don’t think you’ll get away with slacking better, Thompson writes you a check. But how is he so sure he can whip you back off, either.


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Page 6

Tidbits of Coachella Valley

Vol. X Issue 45

what I wanted to do with my life.” ***


Please tell me the rumors I’ve been hearing about a “Say Anything” TV series are not true! -- Callie F., via email



I saw Cameron Mathison in the Hallmark movie “Along Came a Nanny” and realized how much I had missed him. Can you tell me what else he has going on? -- Lola F., Erie, Pa.


The sweet and sexy former soap star is currently hosting a home-renovation competition show in Canada called “Game of Homes.” I spoke with Cameron about it recently, and he’s really excited about this new project. “It’s a really fun renovation/reality show where they’re taking four dilapidated houses off their foundations, and moving these houses to a really cool downtown location. The contestants make up four teams, and every week they renovate a new room of their assigned house. And every week there is a new challenge with prizes. You can win a trip to Paris or a weeklong cruise in the Caribbean. The ultimate prize is you win your house and a piece of land to put it on. Initially it’s going to air in Canada, but I have a feeling it’s going to Cameron Mathison appear elsewhere.” Cameron continued with his story: “Another aspect I like is that I graduated with an engineering degree like 700 years ago, and my dream was to go into a design firm with my best friend, who’s an architect. I was going to be the engineer, and he was going to be the architect. And then I bailed on him and went in the entertainment world. But since that time, this is the closest gig I’ve ever had that involves design, construction, engineering, load-bearing walls, header beams -- all that kind of stuff. For me it’s kind of coming close to my original dream of

I am thrilled to tell you that NBC’s planned “Say Anything” TV show has been canned. Less than 24 hours after news broke -- lighting up the Internet -- about a comedy sequel based on the hit 1989 movie, which was directed by Cameron Crowe and starred John Cusack and Ione Skye, NBC pulled the plug on the series. Apparently, Cameron called producer Aaron Kaplan (who was producing the series with writer Justin Adler) and voiced his objections to the project. Aaron and Justin were unaware that Cameron had not been contacted about or approved of the project, so they pulled out. NBC and 20th Century Fox followed suit and canceled the series. ***

Zucchini-Pimiento Bread Who would have thought it? Zucchini and a bread machine ... together. But after one bite, you’ll be glad that we did.

1/2 cup water

1 teaspoon table salt

1 tablespoon dried onion flakes

1/4 teaspoon dried minced garlic

1 (2-ounce) jar chopped pimiento, drained


1 1/2 cups grated unpeeled zucchini

2 3/4 cups bread flour


1/4 cup whole-wheat flour

When will “Hot in Cleveland” be back with a new season? -- Jeremy T., via email Season six of the hit TV Land sitcom returns Wednesday, Nov. 5, at 10 p.m. ET/PT. Get ready for 24 new episodes of this fun series, with Betty White, Wendie Malick, Valerie Bertinelli and Jane Leeves all returning. ***


I really enjoyed the most recent “Mission: Impossible” movie, and I loved the addition of Jeremy Renner. Are there more of these movies in the works? -- Patrick D. in West Virginia

A: The fifth installment in the “Mission:

Impossible” franchise will premiere Christmas Day 2015. “Mission: Impossible 5” -- which doesn’t yet have a subtitle -- will star Tom Cruise, with Jeremy Renner, Paula Patton, Simon Pegg and Ving Rhames rumored to be returning as well. The story line, as well as mention of any villains, has been kept pretty hush-hush so far, but I’ll be sure to share what I find out as news begins to leak. *** Write to Cindy at King Features Weekly Service, P.O. Box 536475, Orlando, FL 32853-6475; or e-mail her at letters@ cindyelavsky.com. (c) 2014 King Features Synd., Inc.

One gallon of oil can ruin up to one million gallons of fresh water. source: www.epa.gov/osw/conserve/materials/usedoil/

In the Coachella Valley this means one oil change could contaminate one million gallons of precious groundwater. Used oil can be re-refined or cleaned and used again and again. never put used oil or other waste into a storm drain. to learn about proper disposal and locations

visit Indio.org

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nOV. 8, 2014 • 9am to 12pm Drop off your used oil and filters

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Sugar substitute to equal 1 tablespoon sugar, suitable for baking 1 1/2 teaspoons active dry yeast 1. In a bread-baking pan container, combine water, salt, onion flakes, garlic, pimiento and zucchini. Add bread flour, whole-wheat flour and sugar substitute. Make an indentation on top of dry ingredients. Pour yeast into indentation. 2. Follow your bread machine instructions for a 1 1/2 pound loaf. Remove loaf from machine and place on a wire rack to cool. Makes 12 servings.  Each serving equals: 108 calories, 0g fat, 4g protein, 23g carb., 1mg sodium, 1g fiber; Diabetic Exchanges: 1 1/2 Starch. (c) 2014 King Features Synd., Inc.

Week of November 2, 2014

Tidbits of Coachella Valley



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How to Turn Your Electronic Stuff Into Cash

Everyday Trade in your phone. The average American getsCHEAPSKATE a new mobile phone every 12 months. It’s a good bet you’ve got some old phones and other ®

bring your games into a brick-and-mortar GameStop store near you. Secondspin.com offers online trading and selling of your good, used video games, as well as a shipping reimbursement program. You can get online credit, cash by check or cash by PayPal. Amazon.com offers its own version of video game trade-ins; however, payment is limited to an Amazon Gift Card. Trade in CD’s and DVD’s. While Amazon, and SecondSpin will be thrilled to buy CD’s and DVD’s that they want (they can be discriminating). Decluttr.com, unlike other sites, buys anything because that is their business model. They will buy any CD, DVD or video game that you want to mail to them. And they pay the postage, too. You can use Decluttr’s online valuation tool to learn what they will pay you for all of those CD’s and DVD’s cluttering up your life. I can only imagine that the Declutter headquarters, wherever that might be, is becoming quite cluttered. But only because they’ve asked for it.

by Mary mobile devices lying Hunt around. Trade them in for cash at sites like Gazelle (www.everydaycheapskate. com/gazelle). Just input the brand and model to see what these buyers are willing to pay. Gazelle paid one of my staffers $170 for his Mary invites questions at mary@everydaycheapiPhone 5, 64gb in good condition. Amazing? Max skate.com, or c/o Everyday Cheapskate, P.O. Box 2099, thinks so! Cypress, CA 90630. This column will answer questions of The thing we like about Gazelle is that it is general interest, but letters cannot be answered individually. so easy to get an offer to sell a cell phone, iPad/ Mary Hunt is the founder of www.DebtProofLiving.com, a tablet, Apple computer or iPod. Takes only a couple personal finance member website and the author of “The Smart Woman’s Guide to Planning for Retirement,” released of steps online to get a trade-in price, and shipping in 2013. To find out more about Mary and read her past the device to them is free. columns, please visit the Creators Syndicate Web page at Gazelle offers multiple ways to earn money www.creators.com. through a check, PayPal, or Amazon.com gift card. It is worth noting that selecting the Amazon Gift Card option will get you a 10 percent bonus over the quoted value. With the release of the new iPhone 6, lots FUN TIMES! Saturday Nov. 8 of similar online buyers will be vying for your 7am-1pm business. So far, my experience is that Gazelle Sponsors Desert Sun offers the best service and trade-in offers. But more EZ103.1fm than that, Gazelle is highly reputable, which counts TUES., OCT. 28 Burrtec Waste & Recycling Coachella Valley for a lot. Rescue Mission Please review carefully. Double check:  Phone Number(s)  Spelling  Prices City Hours of Palm Desert CAUTION: Before you part with your mobile Classic Party Rentals phone, makeContact sure you remove therepresentative auxiliary mem-immediately with changes or corrections. your Tidbits ory card, reset the password to its factory setting Garage/Yard Sales in one spot! Office: 760-320-0997 Fax:50 760-320-1630 and delete all of your information from the phone. Held in the Chamber of Commerce Parking Lot (heart of Palm Desert, just off Hwy 111 look for signs & banners) And remove its SIM card if it has one. Hw Fred Waring Come on Out and Find Your Treasure. Trade in unwanted video games. So the y 11 some selling space may still be available. Ta 1 kids got tired of those video games. Now what? rg et Information by Mall You (or they) can trade them in for cash or credit MARINE CORPS LEAGUE emailing info@pdacc.org SALE toward new games. c/o Lt. Col. Carl Lewke 760-288-7088 your treasure from 7am-1pm Please review carefully. Doublewhere check:you  Phone Number(s)  Spelling Shop  for Prices  Hours 1/6 pg. Check out GameStop.com, can For from the Westfield Mall) 72559 Hwy 111 (Across [non-profit disc] ticket purchase, contact Carl Lewke at Saturday November 8th get more information and instructions for how to (760) 288-7088 or ltcollewke@aol.com Nov. 2, 2014 Vol.your 10 - Tidbits No. 45 representative immediately with changes or corrections. Contact

Fall Community Yard Sale

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Marine Corps Birthday Luncheon Friday, November 7th 11:30 a.m. Miracle Springs Resort & Spa Desert Hot Springs

Guest of Honor

Lieutenant Colonel Seth Yost, USMC Commanding Officer 1st Battalion, 7th Marines

Ceremony will includ e Scottish b agpipe music and cake cuttin g

Page 7

by Freddy Groves

Telehealth Care For the fiscal year 2014, which ended in September, the Department of Veterans Affairs took care of 690,000 veterans via 2 million Telehealth visits. That equals 12 percent of all veterans enrolled in VA health care. More than half of veterans with Telehealth care live in rural areas, making it hard to get to clinics and hospitals, and not all physical locations can take care of all medical specialties. Granted, not every medical concern can be addressed via Telehealth, but there are more than 40 health specialties that can. Rehab, mental health, cardiology, neurology, occupational therapy and primary care are but a few. Surgical specialists also can be hooked in for consultations when required, both before and after surgery. Telehealth works in two ways. With Asynchronous Telehealth, information such as medical images and voice recordings is stored in advance, then sent to the doctor for assessment. For veterans with diabetes, PTSD or heart failure, it’s simple enough that vital signs can be sent via a telephone line. There are even digital stethoscopes and scales to help with weight-loss programs. A care coordinator keeps track of the information and works with the doctor to arrange any treatment changes or appointments. With Synchronous Video Telehealth, both the doctor and the veteran are hooked up with a realtime video communication link for checkups, diagnoses and more. The doctor also can review previously uploaded data and order prescription changes on the spot. Besides the benefit of receiving care while at home, the VA even pays for the equipment. If you’re interested in Telehealth and a possible hookup at your home, call the Office of Telehealth Services at 202-461-6946. Online, go to www.telehealth.va.gov and read more about each type of service. On the left side of the screen, also scroll down to Newsletters.

Freddy Groves regrets that he cannot personally answer reader questions, but will incorporate them into his column whenever possible. Send email to columnreply2@gmail.com. (c) 2014 King Features Synd., Inc.

This event is open to both Marine veterans and the general public. Tickets are $35.00 with proceeds donated by the Marine Corps League to the Marine Corps Junior ROTC Program at Desert Hot Springs High School. Individuals Property of who cannot attend are encouraged to purchase a ticket to AdVenture Media, Inc. enable a Marine cadet to participate. 4 Million

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Contractors Insurance Services BZ BW 26x disc. May 11, 2014 Vol. 10 - No. 20

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It’s one thing to battle over who gets the dog once divorce is imminent. It’s another to argue about the dog until divorce is imminent. This is a real problem: poorly behaved dogs that destroy marriages and deflate budding romance. What to do about these homewrecking dogs?




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It’s clear who’s wearing the pants in this relationship -- and that someone else would prefer to be wearing less of them. But the dog’s running the show, and he’s determined to drown out the competition.

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Since we can’t sit our pups down in front of an after-school special on the birds and the bees, we’re left with only one solution: training. Basic obedience training is an education all dogs should receive. It’s like sending your child to school: nonnegotiable.

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Simple commands like “come,” “down” and “stay” are powerful tools in thwarting a canine homewrecker. And the appropriate supplies are essential. Provide your pup with a crate or doggie bed, and teach him to retreat to it on command. Adorn it with soft blankets and favorite chew toys to make it a desirable place to visit. If he resists, stand firm. You want your dog to love his resting place -never banish him to his bed as punishment -- but he doesn’t get a say in when and whether to retire. Your “bedtime” is his bedtime. But your bed is not his.

Tidbits® Word Search

No pup should have the run of the house before the age of 2.

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(MegaMaze puzzle solution on page13)




Heed the following letter from a reader:

“My dog will not let my boyfriend kiss me without growling or barking the whole time, and it is impossible to be intimate without my dog wanting to be on the bed with us. I have tried removing him from the room, but the barking only gets worse. It has become very awkward and uncomfortable. Please help.”

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Created by Tom Underwood

Page 9



(Word Search solution page 16)

(CryptoQuip solution on page 13

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When you are home, confine the dog in an area of the house where you can at all times see him and quickly reach him to correct problem behaviors. CASEY’S CORNER: Turn to page 10

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Mac-Doc Computer Services Dog’s Life!” Visit him at www.unclematty.com. BZ 1Color 13x COPYRIGHT 2014 CREATORS SYNDICATE, INC. Sept. 21, 2014 Vol. 10 - No. 39

CASEY’S CORNER (from page 9)


ADVERTISING PROOF Tues., 4/1/14 Final Changes DUE: 5:00 p.m.. Professional

Baby gates work great.

by Matilda Charles

Vol. X Issue 45

When you are not home, inreview C oleave m p u t eyour r P r odog blem s? Please carefully. check:  Phone Number(s)  Spelling  Prices  Hours W i n d o w s Double Mac Smartphones a comfortable crate with good visibility or confine For In-Home Help or N eyour t f l i xTidbits S t r e arepresentative ming Contact immediately with changes or corrections. Training Contact Jerry by him in a small area of the house. This is a necessary ●InstructionFax: in basic to advanced skills Office: 760-320-0997 760-320-1630 element of training and will help to establish phone: ● New computer & peripheral setups 7 6 0 . 4 5 9you . 5 0as 92 ● Install Wifi, Skype, Magic Jack & others i n f o @and o s x to t e cgive h.biz the head of household, to keep e-mail: him safe, ● Website design & maintenance him time to learn the house rulesoand prove himself r visit our website: ● Troubleshoot Mac or PC issues trustworthy. ●Integrate iPhone, iPads & Macs with iCloud www.OSXtech.biz


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Seniors Want to Work

According to a study released by Mer● Will make house calls Rates:$45/hour Finally, if it’s all that incessant barking that’s rill Lynch, seniors don’t really want to completely mac- do c coming between you and true love: Professional Computer Services retire. Nearly three-quarters of us want our retirewww.mac-doc.net 760-267-4805 ment years to include some sort of work. --Keep a shake can nearby -- a tin can with a Given the economy, it would seem an easy few coins inside will do. When your pup barks, give guess that we would keep working not because the can a firm shake. The sudden loud noise will immediately divert his attention and eventually deter we want to, but because we need the money. But his barking. that’s not necessarily so, according to the study. Property of Facial And Cosmetic Enhancement AdVenture Media, Inc. Five years before retiring, 37 percent of us already --Another approach is to use a squirt bottle Surgery Center of the Desert have taken steps to having a career after retireinstead of a shake can. The sudden spray of water to ment. Half of us do take a break between official A Property New Look for YouFREE the face will startle and distract him. of of Coachella Valley performed by Jennifer Hearne MD, retirement and the next career. The break lasts AdVenture Media, Inc. The Neatest Little Paper Ever Read 760.320.0997 Fax: 760.320.1630 the area’s premier specialist DDS, --There are also safe and effective anti-barking for two years. We then spend the next nine years in Maxillofacial Surgery, & fellowproducts on the market -not recommended in lieu or so finding a balance between work and leisure, All Rights Reserved ship trained in Facial Cosmetics. FREE of training, but in tandem with training. Citronella of Coachella Valley with most of us opting for part-time work. A third of Property of The Neatest Little Paper Ever Read collars release a nontoxic yet irritating spritz of AdVenture Media, Inc. State-of-the-art facility & friendly staffFax: - for760.320.1630 complete patient comfort us become self-employed. 760.320.0997 citronella around your pup’s face whenever he barks. The study also addresses several myths Sonar collars work by emitting a high-pitched sound Specialized Procedures: All Rights Reserved FREE of Coachella Valley about us: that is annoying to the dog and inaudible to the dog ADVERTISING PROOF • Facelift • Necklift • Eyelid Cor760.320.0997 Fax: 760.320.1630 Final Changes p.m.. ● Retirement means the end of work. Not owner. rection • BotoxDUE: & Facial Fillers  Spelling5:00 Please review carefully. Double check: All  Phone Number(s)  Prices  Hours Rights Reserved so. Fully 80 percent of respondents said they work • Rhinoplasty, Nose Surgery Contact your Tidbits representative immediately with changes or corrections. A belligerent dog should not mean the end of Office: 760-320-0997 Fax: 760-320-1630 because they want to. • Maxillofacial: Reconstructive an otherwise sound romance. In cases such as these, Dental & Facial Surgery, Extrac ● Retirement is a time of decline. No, don’t get rid of the dog or the relationship -- get rid of ADVERTISING PROOF tions, Orthognathic Surgery again. The majority said that work keeps them the problem. TUES.,•JUNE12 Liposuction: Legs, Arms Final Changes DUE: 5:00 p.m.. young and holds off physical and mental decline. orSpelling Full Body Please review carefully. Double check:  Phone Number(s)   Prices  Hours Emergency Woof! ● People work past retirement age beinsurances accepted Care withMost Contact your Tidbits representative immediately changes or corrections. Jennifer Hearne cause they need the money. Twice as many said Available Office: 760-320-0997 Fax: 760-320-1630 Email: Dog trainer Matthew “Uncle Matty” Margolis is co(760) valleybits@msn.com MD, DDS they work to stay active, not for the money. author of 18 books about dogs, a behaviorist, a popular radio 1900 E. Tahquitz Canyon Way, Ste. C-4 • Palm Springs ● Retirees who work keep the same type and television guest, and Nicolette host of the PBS series “WOOF! It’s a Nordstrom, Steele, & Blythe Learn more online • www.JenniferHearneMD.com of career. No, over half have switched to new June 17, 2012 Vol. 8 - No. 25 / 1/3 pg. 4C 26x types of work, preferably with more fun and less stress. Do the working retired have any advice for us? Yes. Be willing to try new things, do something you enjoy even if it pays less, and keep up with FREE technology. To see the whole go2online to www. TUES.,study, SEPT. If you need an attorney as a result of a ml.com/retirementstudy. This was the third secserious there certain If need attorney as of Ifyou youpersonal needan aninjury, attorney aresult result carefully. Double check:  Phone Number(s)  Spelling  Prices  Hours If you need an attorney asasa aare result ofofa aa tion of a four-part study. On the right of the screen things you should consider. serious personal injury, there are certain serious seriouspersonal personalinjury, injury,there thereare arecertain certain lookrepresentative for “Work in Retirement: Myths and Motivayou should consider. things you should your Tidbits immediately with changes or corrections.things ETHICAL CONDUCT If you need anconsider. attorney as as a result of of aa things you should consider. If you need an attorney a result tions.” ETHICAL CONDUCT serious personal injury, there areare certain serious personal injury, there certain ETHICAL CONDUCT Office: 760-320-0997 Fax: 760-320-1630 We feel it isETHICAL inappropriate for a lawyer or CONDUCT things you should consider.


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Matilda Charles regrets that she cannot personally answer reader questions, but will incorporate them into her column whenever possible. Send email to columnreply2@ UNIQUE gmail.com. COINS

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things you should consider. We lawyer representative to contact you for as of or an We feel feel it it is is inappropriate inappropriate fora a aresult lawyer or ETHICAL CONDUCT ETHICAL CONDUCT representative to contact you as a result of accident. In fact, unsolicited personal contact representative contact you asfor a result of an anor We feel it is to inappropriate a lawyer accident. In fact, unsolicited personal contact is prohibited byit the State Bar. The decision to accident. fact, unsolicited personal We feel it is inappropriate for aresult lawyer or WeIn feel inappropriate acontact lawyer or representative tois contact you as afor ofto an Property of is prohibited by the State Bar. The decision contact an attorney isState yours and yours isrepresentative prohibited by to the Bar. The decision to contact you as aas result of an representative to contact you a alone. result of an Media, Inc. AdVenture accident. In fact, unsolicited personal contact contact an is and yours alone. contact an attorney attorney is yours yours and yours alone. accident. In fact, unsolicited personal contact accident. In fact, unsolicited personal contact

is prohibited prohibited by the the State Bar.Bar. TheThe decision toto is by Bar. The decision to is prohibited by State the State decision NO FEE UNLESS RECOVERY contact an attorney is and yours alone. contact an attorney is yours yours alone. of Coachella Valley contact an attorney is yours yours andand yours alone. NO FEE UNLESS RECOVERY


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I am 57 years old and married. My first husband died many years ago. I understand that when I turn 60, I can apply for widow’s benefits on my first husband’s Social Security account and then later switch to full benefits on my own. And I further understand that I could only do this if I divorce my current husband. Is this true? And then how long would I have to be divorced before I could collect my widow’s benefits?


I take it your current marriage is not a bed of roses, huh? But you are right. If you got a divorce, then after a two year waiting period, you would be able to claim widow’s benefits from your first husband. At age 60, you would be due 70 percent of his rate. If you can survive on that, then at age 66, you could switch to 100 percent of your own retirement benefit. Or you could wait until age 70 and switch to 132 percent of your benefit, because you would earn a 32 percent bonus for delaying your own Social Security until that age. * * *


I am 63 and my husband is 67. We are both getting our own Social Security checks. I wrote to you about a year ago and asked if I could take my husband’s Social Security at 62 and then at 66, switch to my own full retirement benefit. You said no. But then in a column I saw a month or so ago, you told a woman that she could do just that. So did you mislead me? Or did you mislead this other woman?


I didn’t mislead anyone. I gave both of you correct information. The reason you got different answers is that there is a huge difference between your cases. She was a widow. And you are not. As I’ve explained thousands of times in this column, you can NOT take reduced benefits on one record and later switch to full benefits on another record. The law simply forbids you from doing that. But there is one big exception to that rule. And that exception applies to widows. As I explained to the woman who sent the first question, a widow can take reduced widow’s benefits at 60 (or any age before 66) and then later switch to full benefits on her own record. Or, she can take her own reduced retirement benefits at 62 and switch to full widow’s benefits at age 66. Which way she goes depends on the money amounts involved. But you are not a widow. So, again, the rules


I purposely put your question right be hind the last one to further elaborate on the rules I outlined above. There I said a woman could not file for reduced benefits on one record and later switch to full benefits on another. In your case, you can make the switch -- but you will not really get full benefits. I’ll explain in a minute. But first I must point out that the difference between your situation and the one outlined in the previous question is that your husband will not be getting his own Social Security at the time you file for reduced benefits on your own. When he turns 66 and files for his, you can then file for wife’s benefits on his record. Here is how they will figure out what you are due. They will take your full age-66 rate (even though you will be taking benefits at 62) and subtract that from one half of his full age-66 rate. The difference will be added to your reduced retirement rate. By the way, there is one more option you guys would have. When your husband turns 66, he could file and restrict. This is a procedure I’ve explained many times previously. In a nutshell, he would file for husband’s benefits on your account and continue to get that until he reaches 70, when he would file for his retirement and get 132 percent of his full rate. Then at that point, you could file for wife’s benefits on his record. The benefit would be figured exactly as I described above, because your benefit is based on his age 66 rate, not his age-70 rate.

Fax: 760-320-1630

This column contains questions from women about Social Security benefits they are due either as a wife or a widow. I was recently chastised by a reader for always assuming all people due spousal benefits are women. I don’t automatically assume that. As I’ve pointed out in this column many times in the past, all Social Security rules are equal. In other words, men and women are potentially eligible for the same kinds of benefits. But, society hasn’t been equal. For a variety of reasons, men have generally made more money than women throughout their working career, so men get higher Social Security benefits than women do. Consequently, there are MANY more women who are due benefits on their husband’s Social Security record than there are men due benefits on their wife’s account. All these questions happened to come from women: * * *


Office: 760-320-0997

Wives and Widows Treated Differently

However, if he dies before you do, then your reduced retirement benefit would be supplemented up to his full age 70 amount -- in other words, the 132 percent rate. You know, I just went back and re-read my answer to your question. I know it sounds convoluted. But I explained it as simply as I can. If I were smart, I’d get off my retired duff and open up a Social Security consulting business. I think I’d be rich!

If you have a Social Security question, Tom Mar I am about to turn 62. I want to genau has the answer. Contact him at thomas.margenau@com take my Social Security now. I am due a ver y cast.net. To find out more about Tom Margenau and to read DESERT OASIS TRAVEL small amount because I spent much of my life past columns and see features from other Creators Syndicate 1/4 pg 4C 26x disc. as a homemaker. My husband is only 59. He writers and cartoonists, visit the Creators Syndicate website at Oct.www.creators.com. 12, 2014 - Vol. 10 - No. 42 plans to wait until 66 to file for his own SoCOPYRIGHT 2014 CREATORS.COM cial Security. He always made good money, so could I switch to his benefits when he starts drawing them? And if so, how much will I get?

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by Tom Margenau

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prevent you from taking reduced benefits on one record and switching to other benefits later on. However, those rules change dramatically if you wait until age 66 to file. If you had done that, then you would have had options. These are options I’ve discussed many times in past columns. But just as one example, you could have filed for wife’s benefits at 66 and then at 70, switched to 132 percent of your own retirement benefit. * * *

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Office: 760-320-0997 Fax:in760-320-1630 the stomach acid from going up into the esophaindividual letters, but will incorporate them the column whenever possible. Readers may email questions to ToYgus. However, if it isn’t bothering you, there is no ourGoodHealth@med.cornell.edu. To view and order health reason to stop drinking coffee. pamphlets, visit www.rbmamall.com, or write to P.O. Box One cup of juice usually doesn’t cause acid The Wright Group 536475, Orlando, FL 32853-6475. indigestion either. 1/6 pg. 4C 6x *** (c) 2014 North America Synd., Inc. Oct. 19, 2014 Vol. 10 - No. 43 DEAR DR. ROACH: What is a hammer All Rights Reserved toe? Is surgery always necessary? -- R.H.


ADVERTISING PROOF A hammer TUES., toe is a MAR. deformity 15 of 5:00 p.m.. Final ANSWER: Changes DUE: the second, third or fourth toe, where it stays per-

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Thyroid Top Cause Contact of yourwithTidbits too little toe room. Roomy shoes are always a representative immediately with changes or corrections.Medicare good idea, and taping may be tried if the toe is still Office: 760-320-0997 Fax: 760-320-1630 bendable. Eyebrow Loss Open Enrollment Surgery is used in cases of pain that

doesn’t respond to conservative treatments. Sur DEAR DR. ROACH: I am an active Bob’s Clock Repairnot be done just for cosmetic reasons. gery should 63-year-old female of normal weight. I exercise BZ 4C 26x several times a week and am in seemingly good *** Mar. 20, 2011 Vol. 7 - No. 12 that he is unable to answer Dr. Roach regrets health. About a year ago I noticed that my eyeYour health matters! Your insurance brows were disappearing, starting on the outer choice is IMPORTANT! edges. They are now almost completely gone. During my annual physical in November, my general physician found that I have thyroid Howard Miller • Ridgeway • Sligh • Antique nodules. Three large ones were biopsied and We also Service, Repair and New repair Wall, proved negative. Blood work, including a TSH Mantel, Movements from Germany level, is normal. Both my GP and dermatologist Please review carefully. Double check:  Phone Property Number(s)  Spelling  Prices Ship’s and of 32 years Cuckoo feel certain that the nodules are not causing the AdVenture Media, Inc. Clocks experience BoB’s CloCk shop Contact your Tidbits representative immediately with changes or correctio eyebrow problem, because I don’t have any othCarlsbad / San Diego / Desert Communities er symptoms of thyroid disease, but they don’t Office: 760-320-0997 Fax: 760-320-1630 Servicing Coachella Valley on Fri., Sat. or Mondays FREE know what is causing the loss. -- K.F. of Coachella Valley Call for In-Home service appointment

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ANSWER: The loss of eyebrows, superciliary madarosis, has many possible causes, but low thyroid is the first one that most doctors think of. A TSH level is a reasonable screening test for thyroid disease, but if the suspicion is high, I check additional thyroid tests, such a thyroxine (T4), free T4 and T3. Occasionally TSH still can be in the very broad “normal” range for most people but be abnormal for that person. Other causes of eyebrow loss include autoimmune disease, inflammatory skin conditions and infection. Repeated plucking of the eyebrows can lead to permanent loss of the follicles. Allergies to cosmetics also can cause eyebrow and eyelash loss. Have you changed your makeup recently? *** DEAR DR. ROACH: My wife continually tells me that I should not drink reheated coffee because it concentrates the acid in coffee and is bad for me. I never drink more than one cup per day, and I always use a non-dairy creamer and Splenda. I have researched this question online and several responses say it is not harmful. In the meantime, she drinks orange juice every day, which has a lower pH than coffee. She sometimes complains about acid indigestion. Your comments? -- A. ANSWER: Acid is measured by the pH scale -- with the lower the number, the more acid in the liquid. Coffee has a pH of about 5, slightly acidic, whereas orange juice has a pH of 3, which means it is a hundred times more acidic. Reheating coffee should not change the acid concentration. Your stomach has a pH of about 1.5 -- much more acid than either juice or coffee. The caffeine in coffee can stimulate your stomach to make more acid, and can weaken the sphincter muscle that keeps


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Since 1927, the American This month of awareness is Speech-Language-Hearing a good time to analyze your Since 1927, the American This of awareness is Association celebrates ownmonth hearing and determine Speech-Language-Hearing a good to analyze your Better Hearing and Speech if youtime are one of the estiAssociation celebrates own hearing and determine mated 28 million AmeriMonth each May. Better Hearing and Speech if cans you are of athe estiwhoone have hearing On May 21, 1986, Presimated 28 million Month each May. loss that can beAmeritreated. dent Ronald Reagan issued cans who have a hearing Even a very slight hearing On May 21,proclamation 1986, Presi-desa formal loss bean treated. lossthat cancan have impact on dent Ronald Reagan Property ofofficial ignating May as theissued Even a very slight hearing your daily life. Hearing AdVenture Media,desInc. a formal proclamation month to “heighten public loss an impact on losscan is have treatable, and there ignating MayProperty as theofhearing official awareness” about your daily life.for Hearing Media, Inc. is no reason anyone to month toAdVenture “heighten public FREE loss and speech disorders. of Coachella Valley loss is treatable, and there miss any of the important awareness” about hearing Many famous people such 760.320.0997 Fax: 760.320.1630 is no reason for anyone to FREE sounds of life. Annual loss and speech disorders. of Coachella Valley as President Reagan are miss any of the important hearing checkups are a All Rights Reserved Many famous people such 760.320.0997 Fax: 760.320.1630 affected by hearing loss. sounds of life. Annual good idea for people age 45 asAnother President Reagan are Keller, hearing checkups are a Allwas RightsHelen Reserved and up. affected byonce hearing she even saidloss. that of good idea for people age 45 Another was Helen Keller, Property of You all her sensory deprivaand up.owe it to yourself, call Inc. she evenshe once said that ofAdVenture tions, missed her hearforMedia, a free hearing test.* You owe it to yourself, call alling herthe sensory deprivamost. She noted if you can test.* be helped by a tions, she missed her for*toadetermine free hearing while blindness kepthearher 4 Million hearing aid. Readers Weekly ing the most. She notedhearseparate from things, Nationwide! to determine V ifalley you can be helped by aFREE of* Coachella while blindness kept her ing loss separated her from hearing aid. Little Paper Ever Read separate things,connechear-The Neatest For Advertising Call (760) 320-0997 valleybits@msn.com people from and human 760.320.0997 Fax: 760.320.1630 Do you recognize the signs? Please review carefully. Double check:  Phone Number(s)  Spelling  toHours ing loss separated her from tions. if any of these conditions affect youPrices please feel free give us a people and human conneccall. Our experienced hearing aid specialists can assist you in Do you recognize the signs? All Rights Reserved determining which solution , ifyou needed, bestfree for you. tions. representative immediately if any of these conditions affect pleaseis feel to give us a Contact your Tidbits with changes or corrections. 4 Million Readers Weekly Nationwide!


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Testimonial:  “I saw Joe for several weeks on a weekly Testimonial:

basis until we were both satisfied that I  “Ihad sawfound Joe for on a weekly theseveral correctweeks product...I didn’t basis untilhow we agitated were both satisfied that I realize I had become had found the past correct didn’t through twoproduct...I years...After wearing realize how agitated I had become the hearing aid with just the right pitch for through the past two years...After the masker I feel like a different wearing person. theMy hearing aid with just the right pitch agitation has lessened, and I havefor theregained masker lost I feelenergy like a feeling different person. less tired at My agitation has lessened, and I have the end of the day… I thank Joe…Ann R. regained lost energy feeling less tired at the end of the day… I thank Joe…Ann R.


I finally got my head together, now my body is falling apart.

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Some days you’re the windshield; some days you’re the bug.


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If God wanted me to be able to touch my toes, he’d have put them on my knees.

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Tidbits of Coachella Valley

covered butter dish that belonged to my grandmother in the late 1940s. It is the shape of an ear of corn with green leaves. The overall measurements are 7 inches long, 4 inches wide and almost 4 inches high. What can you tell me about the maker and value of my butter dish? Shawnee Pottery began in Zanesville, Ohio, in 1937.

by Anne McCollam

Vol. X Issue 45

marked; some just had paper labels, and some were only marked with the letters “U.S.A.” Several other potteries made corn-inspired lines, but are easily distinguished from Shawnee’s. As a rule, the “Corn” was glazed on both the inside and outside. The early pieces are more desirable with collectors than the later “Corn Queen” line. Your butter dish would probably be worth $90 to $125. Address your questions to Anne McCollam, P. O. Box

247, Notre Dame, IN 46556. Items of a general interest will

answered in this column. Due to the volume of inquiries, ADVERTISING PROOF be she cannot answer individual letters. To find out more about TUES., OCT. 28 McCollam visit the Creators Syndicate website at www. Final Changes 5:00Anne p.m.. A: DUE: Shawnee Pottery began in Zanesville,

review carefully.  Phone  Spelling Ohio, inDouble 1937. check: Your butter dishNumber(s) is part of their “Corn Prices  Hours Noritake China HasPlease Been King” ovenware line that was made from the 1930s Contact your Tidbits representative immediately with changes or corrections. to the 1950s. The line started out as premiums/ Imported Since 1914 Office: 760-320-0997 Fax: 760-320-1630 giveaways for Proctor and Gamble. The color of the creators.com

corn started out almost white and was called “White Enclosed is a photo of a plate that Corn.” In 1946 the color became more yellow and is part of my set of Noritake china. I have had they changed the name of the line to “Corn King.” it for about 30 years. There are 65 pieces and By 1954, their “Corn Queen” line was introduced. there is a ser vice for 12 that includes ser ving The color of the kernels was adjusted to a lighter Dunes Antique yellow, and the leaves Mall became darker green. The dishes, a butter dish and salt and pepper shak-Sunny 16thline page, BW, 26x discount rate dishes, shakers, pitchincluded teapots, butter ers. Each dish is decorated with a band of blue Nov. 2, 2014 • Vol. 10 - No. 45 flowers along the edge with a white background. ers, casseroles, cookie jars, bowls, platters, creamThe set has never been used and is in perfect ers, sugar bowls and snack sets. Not all pieces were condition Please let me know what it is worth.




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Ichizaemon and Toyo Morimura found ed an overseas trading company in Japan in 1876. They established an importing firm in 1878 in New York City. By 1914 they began producing dinnerware that appealed to Western tastes. They had factories in Kyoto, Tokyo and Noritake. Most pieces were marked with the letter “M” in a wreath until the 1950s. A plethora of sets were purchased by United States servicemen when stationed in Asia and sent to families back home. Noritake porcelain is still being made today. Noritake dinnerware sets are abundant on the secondary market, and prices reflect the supply. Many sets can be seen selling in the hundreds.

Palm Canyon

Noritake china was made in Japan.

Fax: 760-320-1630

• Quality Consignment Furniture Property of AdVenture Media, Inc.

Cobb Web Antiques Call Today: 760-325-7200 N  26x N disc. 1/16 pg BW 507 E. Sunny Dunes • Palm Springs Mesquite Oct. 26, 2014 Vol. 10 - No. 44 • Mon - Sun: 10:30-5FREE HOURS Sunny Dunes

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Page 15

FINGERPRINTS (from page page 3) • When an object thought to contain fingerprints is held over the iodine vapor, the vapor crystalizesNAPA Desert Area Corp. where it comes into contact with fats and oils,2” x 6” Golf “Caddy” 13x clearly defining the lines of the print. The printOct. 12, 2013 Vol. 10 - No. 42 is then photographed, and specialized filters CLIP AND SAVE on the camera will make the print image even sharper. Among other things, iodine fuming is effective at lifting prints from the insides of rubber gloves.


• Another method uses silver nitrate and ninhydrin as dusting powders. Ninhydrin reacts to the amino acids in human sweat, causing them to become visible. Silver nitrate combines with trace amounts of body salts to form sodium PROOF chloride. The print can then be lifted withADVERTISING a Final Changes DUE: 5:00 p.m.. sticky tape, and then photographed. Ninhydrin Please review carefully. Double check:  Phone Number(s)  Spelling  Prices  Hours and silver nitrate, used together, can also reveal youror Tidbits representative immediately with changes or corrections. prints left on porous surfaces such Contact as paper Office: 760-320-0997 Fax: 760-320-1630 wood. • A third method involves the use of superglue. In the early 1980s a British policeman was using superglue to repair a cracked film-processing tank in a darkroom, He noticed that the glue fumes enhanced the fingerprints that were on the side of the tank. This was brought to the attention of forensic scientists, and in 1982 the superglue fuming method of lifting fingerprints was first put to use. Similar to the iodine fuming method, the superglue is heated in a glass beaker and the object placed in the rising vapors. The gas condenses and sticks to the body oils and makes the pattern visible. Dyes are then used to make the pattern stand out even more. Superglue fuming reveals prints left on items such as tin foil, styrofoam, various plastic products, and even rubberbands.

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laugh a bit with

How many have paid good money for a ticket to a horror film, only to cover TO THE AD • How long has it been since you’ve used a their eyes and “see” very little of it?is a proof o This ENDANGERED SIGHTS & SOUNDS (cont’d):

typewriter eraser? Or, if you’re younger, havein the Be appear you moved your belongings into a long-unused COMPARE IT HAPPY HALLOWEEN FROM TIDBITS! FREE WITH desk, only to find a strange-looking gadget withYOUR O of Coachella Valley CONTENT fiber-like hairs out of one end? What 760.320.0997Leading Fax: 760.320.1630 TABLE OF Industry SCARY MOVIES TO THE AD VERbushing TISER : GRAPH This is a proof of your will you’ve found athat typewriter eraser. Usually ICAL 3 YEARAllWARRANTY byis.ad Ryan Toepfer CONTENTS Rights Reserved ap pear in the Bea con please check th Available shaped like aCAREFULLY pencil, the tiphaving was made of an COMPARE IT Some people just seem to love the living below, sign the a Scary Movies WITH YOUR ORIGINAL FOR especially-abrasive rubber, which was used to proved) and R CONTENT AND TY PO daylights scared out of them. Why else would pages 1-4 Then,The other endFAX GRAPH ICAL ERRORS. “erase” the typing error. featured to: horror please and checksuspense the approprimovies ate box be so popular? To Join the Club bealow, sign the approv al line of (if ap small brush made stiff plastic strands that celebrate Halloween, Tidbits goes behind the 832 pages 5-6 proved) and RETURN IT BY (760) wasto:of used to sweep remnants of the erasure FAX scenes some classicthe thrillers. Endangered off the page. DUE: Call 760.600.0995 • (760) When 832-8131 Alfred Hitchcock purchased DATE the film Sights and Sounds PROOF. • DATE There’s shortage ofalso litter on theupground to- as ind SERVING THE DESERT PLEASE RETURN THIS DUE: / rights fornoPsycho, he/13 bought many Ias approve pages 7-8 PLEASE RETURN THIS PROOF. FOR OVER 50 YEARS! UNRETURNED PROOFS day, ARE but wenovel no longer discarded I approve as thankfully, below — copies ofindicated the original as heseecould find, UNRETURNED PROOFS ARE CONSIDERED “APPROVED AS IS. ” pull-tabs. The tabs on older easy-open beverage CONSIDERED “APPROVED AS IS. ” • Today, digital scanners are used to capture an hoping toSignature keep the story’s ending a secret. Property of Sign AdVenture Media, Inc. cans pulled completely off the can. People who image of the fingerprint. To create a digital 13 Date: / / • The famous shower Psycho wasdodging filmed Date: walked in bare feetscene wereofconstantly fingerprint, a person places a finger on an ❐using APPROVED AS IS — The ad may FREE a double for Norman Bates, as Anthony optical reader, which converts the information by Jason Jenkins these incarelessly-dropped appear the Beacon with no metal hazards. ❐ APPROVED AS 760.320.0997 Fax: 760.320.1630 Perkins was appearing in a play (Greenwillow) changes. into digital data. The computer then instantly appear • ❐in The rhythmic “beep” of the scanner is the in the All Rights Reserved APPROVED WITH S —The first time Perkins New York at CHANGE the time. searches for the same pattern in the database changes. Format and content of the ad are to the supermarket musical accompaniment actually saw that scene was back at the studio, until it finds a match. approved, with indicated changes. Not all greenside chips are equal. There are checkout line. But you’ve wondered ❐ APPROVED W No additional proof need beif sent. watching the daily “rushes,” andever he said he was • If, heaven forbid, a heinous crime of some sort different lies, distances to the pins, and terrains Format ❐ where APPROVED WITH CHANGES; the cliché of saying “ka-ching!” in re-and con just as scaredREQUESTED as everyone happens to be on your to-do list, you’d be wise between you and the hole. Not only are all chips NEW PROOF — else. approved, lation money comeswithfrom, that’s the sound with i For mat andtocontent approved, not equal, but one club should not always be used to think twice about it. The advanced techniques No additional pr • changes. Take a New close look requested at Michael mask in proof that the old-style electric, not Myers’ electronic, cash for them all. used in today’s modern forensics make it almost (subject to deadlines). the 1978 camp Halloween. Does the One basic of the greenside chip should be a ❐ APPROVED W made.classic Cashiers ❐ registers impossible for criminals to get away with any NOT APPROVED; CAMERA- of that era had to consistent technique face look familiar? The movie was filmed on NEW PROOF ART TO COME — READY manually punch a series of buttons to ring up such crime! ‪ which includes setClient will provide a camera-ready Format and cont such atime tightforbudget, that the department adyour in purchase, publication. followed byprop a smack of the up, swing length, and changes. New Please call (760) 668-2226 for guid had to make do with what they had. For Myers’ impact conditions. “total” button with the heel of the hand. ance. (subject to deadlin disguise, they used an old Captain Kirk (Star After that, you have • “Do you want your carbons?” used to be an the freedom to alter the ❐ NOT Trek) mask, which they spray painted white and APPRO automatic question asked by merchants after ART club you’re using, its READY then re-shaped the eyeholes. alignment, and where you’d signed for a credit card payment. At that Client will provid turn the page for more! you hit it on the face. time, credit card receipts were filled out adby hand in time Assuming for now Please call (760) ADVERTISING in triplicate, with a small piece of carbon paper that the face is square and you’rePROOF striving for cencontact, practice FinalterChanges DUE: mastering three clubs around 5:00 p.m.. inserted between each sheet. It didn’t ance. take long Please review carefully. Double check:  Phonefor Number(s)  Spelling  Prices  Hours the green. Use the 8-iron long distance chips for thieves to realize they could retrieve the where yourepresentative can allow the ball to land quickly or and Contact your Tidbits immediately with changes corrections. used carbons from the trash and steal valuable roll out over760-320-0997 the length of the green. Adjust to the Office: Fax: 760-320-1630 credit card information. Once that scam gained pitching wedge when the pin is more centralized on the green and you don’t need as much roll on popularity, waiters and cashiers regularly ofthe ball. fered the carbons to customers, giving them Finally, switch to the opportunity to destroy them. the sand or lob wedge 4 Million Readers Weekly Nationwide!


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Three Club Chipping


to attack the short chips when the hole is quite near you. Each stroke should be similar, but the club will create different carry and roll results. By practicing with these three clubs, you’ll have a better gameplan around the greens. Jason Jenkins was a 16-year member of the Jim McLean Golf School teaching staff and was one of GOLF Magazine’s Top 100 Teacher Nominees 1999-2010. He was named one of the Golf Digest Top Teachers in California in 2011. Contact Jason at 760-485-2452 or devgolfinstr@gmail.com

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Play Better Golf with JACK NICKLAUS

Page 16

Tidbits of Coachella Valley

Vol. X Issue 45

Games KFWS • MindGym


October 24, 2011

October 23-29, 2006

Go Figure! by Linda Thistle

The idea of Go Figure is to arrive at the figuresKINGDOM: given at 1. ANIMAL What is the bottom and right-hand the only food that koalas will eat? columns of the diagram by fol2. CARTOONS: What was the name lowing the arithmetic signs in of Fred and Flintstone’s the order they areWilma given (thatdaughter?to right and top to is, from left bottom). Use only theQUOTATIONS: numbers Who 3. FAMOUS below the once diagram said, “It’stonotcomplete that I’m afraid to its blank squares and use each die. I just don’t want to be there when of the nine numbers only once.


Weekly 1. How many No.SUDOKU 1 hits has Joan Jett 1. Which Hall of Fame third base-Answerhad? man was on more All-Star Game ros2. Dig back for this one: What year ters during his career: George Brett or did the Kingston Trio release “Tom Mike Schmidt? Dooley”? What’s the song about? 2. Name the last National League 3. How many minutes long was the MVP before Jimmy Rollins in 2007 1977 Meat Loaf single “Paradise by who was a switch-hitter. the Dashboard Light”? it happens”? 3. When was the last time before 4. U.S. STATES:�What is the motto 4. Name the English duo who DIFFICULTY: 2007 that the University of Cincinreleased “A World Without Love” in of West Virginia? � Moderate �� Difficult nati football team won 10-plus games MOVIES: Who wrote the screen- 1964.© 2006 King Features Syndicate, Inc. ���5.GO FIGURE! in a season? play for “Mean Girls” and co-starred 5. What was the first single that the 4. In 2009-10, the Orlando Magic Eagles released? What was on the flip in the movie? set an NBA record for most three6. GAMES: How many dots are on a side? point field goals by a team for a sea6. Before Annie Lennox hooked pair of dice? October 23-29, 2006 son — 841. What team held the old 7. GEOGRAPHY: Where are the up with David Stewart to form the Eurythmics, they were both with mark? Channel Islands located? 5. Who was the youngest player to 8. HISTORY: What was the name another band. Which band was that? make an NHL All-Star team before Weekly SUDOKU of the motel where Dr. Martin Luther Answers Answer Carolina’s Jeff Skinner (18 years, King Jr. was shot? 1. Just one — “I Love Rock ‘n’ 259 days) did it in 2011? Go Figure! 9. GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Roll,” in 1982. The song went to the answers by Linda Thistle 6. Name the first Alpine skier to win by Linda Thistle did Staten G OWhen F I GIsland Uresidents R Evote! top of the charts in multiple countries, the same event at two Winter Olymto secede from New York City? Sudoku answer peeking! but it theSevere onlypenalty big forsingle she’s had. GO FIGURE! - Answers pics. The idea 10.ofMEASUREMENTS: Go Figure is Howtomany 2. 1958. Dooley, a Confederate vetANSWERS 7. Before Charl Schwartzel won the TRIVIA TEST arrive atteaspoons the figures given at are in a tablespoon? 1. True eran, stabbed and killed his fiancee, 2011 Masters by finishing with four Weekly Weekly SUDOKU SUDOKU the bottom and right-hand Answers 2. The dog’s nose and he was hanged for it. The old Answers birdies, who were golfcolumns of the diagram by folThosethe ofonly an two adult North Carolina -Answerfolk song is based on ers to 3. leavessigns in win J.theEdgar MastersHoover by finishing lowing the1. Eucalyptus arithmetic 4. a true story. Pebblesare given (that the order 2.they with two5.birdies? Mark Twain in “Life on the 3. Nearly 8 minutes (7:55). Right 3. Woody Allen and top to Mississippi” - 1883 is, from left to right Answers 4. Mountaineers always free now, Meat Loaf is on the The Guilty bottom). Use only the are numbers 1. Brett was on 13 All-Star rosters, WUZZLES Answers below the(Montani diagram complete Pleasure Tour, with U.S. dates to be semperto liberi) BIBLE TRIVIA while Schmidt was on 12. its blank squares and use each announced. 5. Tina Fey Answers 2. Chipper Jones of the Atlanta of the nine6. numbers only once. 4. Peter and Gordon. The song was 42 1.1.(C) (C)Neither Neither Braves in 1999. written by Paul McCartney, who was 7. Between England and France (D)Stephen Elisha 2.2.(B) DIFFICULTY: � 3. It was 1951. Quiz Bits (D)Bethlehem Beth-shan 3.3.(D) dating Peter’s sister at the time, and 8. The Lorraine Motel ANSWERS Place a number in the empty boxes in such a way 4. Phoenix4.4. hit(C) 837 three-pointers in (A) Elijah Four � Moderate �� Difficult was a No. 1 hit in both America and 9. 1993 each column down and each that each row across, 1. No (no two people have 2005-06. 5. (B) Ephesians 5. (C) Job ��� GO FIGURE! small 9-box square contains all of the identical prints- including the U.K.© 2006 King Features Syndicate, Inc. 10. Three (B)Yzerman Isaiahwas 18 numbers from one to nine. 5. Detroit’s 6.6.Steve (A) Joseph identical twins) 5. “Take Easy,” in 1972. King Features Synd., Inc. Inc. ©2014 © 2010ItKing Features Synd.,The Inc. ©2014 © 2010©King Features Synd., 2. The koala bear DIFFICULTY THIS WEEK: �� B-side song was “Get You In the years, 267 days old when he played in the NHL All-Star Game in 1984. Mood.” � Moderate �� Challenging 6. Alberto Tomba of Italy won the 6. The Tourists, from 1977 to 1980.




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Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.