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by Janet Spencer
It's a pretty safe bet that cockroaches rank high on the list of creatures you don’t want to find running around your kitchen -- probably just below slithery snakes and spiders. But there’s actually a few things about these otherwise loathesome creatures that are downright interesting. Follow along and see.
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and “acha” means “contemptible” which combine to form “cucaracha,” or cockroach. According to the book “The Compleat Cockroach” by David Gordon, this widely reviled insect is one of the most successful species ever to creep on earth.
• It's believed by entomologists who study such things that cockroaches have been milling about on this planet since the time of the dinosaurs, and their design has remained unchanged throughout the millennia. To simply call them a hardy species is a gross understatement, and any hopes of permanently eradicating them are futile.
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• There are about 3,500 species of cockroach, though scientists are still discovering new ones. About 50 types of roach are considered to be domestic pests. Of those 50, only five show up regularly in American homes, and all five of those are not native to the U.S. but were imported accidentally. Complimentary Vein Screenings to evaluate for Varicose and Spider Veins
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• Cockroaches produce proteins that can cause Reserved Please review carefully. Double check: All Rights Phone Number(s) Spelling Prices Hours problems for those with asthma. The trails ofContact your Tidbits representative immediately with changes or corrections. Office: 760-320-0997 Fax: 760-320-1630 fecal matter and decaying molted exoskeletons Cockroaches: Turn to page 3
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than normal dirt.
TRIVIA NEWSFPROOF RONT ADVERTISING NOV. 18 al Changes DUE:requireMON., 5:00 p.m.. 1. Humans an atmosphere of
• Worms are hermaphrodites, meaning they can be either male or females, yet they still need another worm to mate.
One in a series
w carefully. Double check: Phone Number(s) Spelling Prices Hours at least 19.5% oxygen. How much
oxygen do roaches need?
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5. How long can roaches keep from breathing in air?
• Worldwide, there are about 6,000 species of worms. Of those, 180 live in North America. A third of those are the invasive species, including the popular night crawler.
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PROOF• Many scientists believe that in areas that were Wed. 10/7/2015 5:00covered p.m..by glaciers during the last ice age, all
• Every earthworm has a band that looks like a collar encircling its girth. After the worm mates, the ring hardens, and the worm crawls out of it. As it is crawling through the ring, the worm deposits eggs and sperm inside the ring, which then falls off. The ends of the ring are sealed off and the ring turns into a cocoon for the developing worm babies that emerge, fully formed but very tiny, several weeks later. • Aristotle called worms “the intestines of the earth.” Even Cleopatra recognized the value of earthworms and declared them to be sacred. FAST WORM FACTS
• Worms will come to the surface during heavy worm life was eliminated. When the glaciers rains because the damp earth facilitates ew carefully. Double check: Phone Number(s) Spelling Prices Hours melted, the northern forests grew back in an movement and makes it easier to find a mate. act your Tidbits representative immediately with changes or corrections. ecosystem devoid of worms. When worms • A robin can eat up to 14 feet worth of worms in were eventually introduced, either by wellOffice: 760-320-0997 Fax: 760-320-1630 a day. meaning gardeners, or in the root balls of plants • The largest earthworm ever found was in South imported from distant areas, the ecological Africa and measured 22 feet long. balance was thrown off. Colin Beauty Salon • The maximum lifespan of an earthworm in The for slowly rotting top layer of dead leaves 1/16 pg., BW, 13x discount rate (publisher allows Spot• Color captivity is about six years. on the ground surrounding the trees is called Breast Cancer Awareness ad) ADVERTISING PROOF duff. A problem arises when worms feed on the • On average, there are about one million October 18, 2015 • Vol. 11 - No. 43 earthworms in one acre of soil. Final Changes DUE: 5:00 p.m.. duff, which robs the trees of the nutrients they CLIPcheck: AND SAVE ease review carefully. Double Phone Number(s) Spelling Prices Hoursdepend upon for growth. When the layer of • Earthworms can burrow up to 15 feet below Contact your Tidbits representative immediately with changes or corrections. Oc duff has been consumed all that remains is the tober is: Property of ground. OBER EYEBROW WAXING OCETOffice: AdVenture(1stMedia, Inc. : Br Fax: 760-320-1630 IALS760-320-0997 ea st C time customers) Ca nc er hardened soil layer underneath, which sapling ADVERTISING PROOF SP • Earthworms have no lungs; they breathe Only $ Awareness tree roots cannot penetrate. Insects and other Month! through their skin. Final Changes DUE: 5:00 p LSof Property CIA FA small creatures whose lifecycles also revolve FREE SP AdVenture Media, Inc. EC Please review carefully. Double check: Phone Number(s) Spelling Price IAL: Coachella min! Valley $25 foof r 45 SPEC IAL: holes • If you're starting a composting heap of leaves al Read Shampo & The Neatest Little Paper turEver around duff are stressed by the loss. Worm o Se Using: Organic, Na t 760.320.0997 & 760.320.1630 yourother Tidbits representative immediately with changes mulch, decomposition will occur fouror correct ProductsFax: Starting at: $ under these conditions allow rainwater to flowContactand Aromatherapy FREE of Coachella Valley email: Fax: 760-32 times faster if you addvalleybits@msn.com earthworms to the mix. All Rights Reserved away faster instead of retaining the moisture inOffice: 760-320-0997 760.320.0997 Fax: 760.320.1630 Lip the soil. In some locales, oak forests became • Next time you have a craving to eat an $ Wax ● Personalized Service $ All Rights Reserved ● We REALLY Care, earthworm (and really, who hasn't?) remember overrun by buckthorn and barberry due to the 10-31-16 Because You Matter! W/this ad. 1 time customers only. Not valid with other discounts. Exp.10/31/15 Valley Patios that they are 82% protein. T-bone steak is only arrival of the worms and the subsequent loss of 1/8th pgprotein. • 4C • 26x 32% Worms are also high in omega-3 the duff. “El Paseo Style” Service - at Affordable Prices! Oct. 16, 2016 • Vol. 12: #38 fats. • In other areas where glaciation did not scrape
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the topsoil away and kill off all the worms, indigenous worm activity resumed along with the ecosystem. In such situations the worms provided invaluable services by “plowing” the soil to loosen it creating channels where tree roots could grow and oxygen could flow. It also allowed groundwater to percolate more easily. Worm activity mixes nutrients in the soil making it more fertile. Worm excrement, called “castings,” has a higher level of nutrients
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by Kara
Week of October 23, 2016
1. Wha scien forQUIZ three or four years while the young mature. mom about as much as an AA battery. One of the BITS ADVERTISING PROOFseaso by Kara Kovalchik & Sandy Wood smallest species is about the size of half a COCKROACH COMMUNICATION Page 3
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Cockroaches: (from page one) that roaches leave behind also contribute to the allergens they produce. Roaches may also carry bacteria, which can lead to the spread of disease as they crawl across food or surfaces in the home
peppercorn and it lives alongside socialFinal insects Changes DUE: MON., August 22, 2016 5:00 p • Cockroaches are able to make noises in the same such as ants, bees, wasps, and Please termites, living review carefully. Double check: Phone Number(s) Spelling Prices 2. Wha 1. waskatydids originally way‘Daisy’ crickets and do, bya rubbing body off their food stores, evidently in exchange for W for what longer Contact your Tidbitsnickname representative immediately with changes or correcti tradi Cockroaches: To page 15 keeping the area clean. ADVERTISING PROOF THE HEADLESS WONDER
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• The cockroach has a grouping of nerve cells Family immediately has been Contact Royal your Tidbits representative with changes or corrections. resembling a primitive brain in its head and 1. Which food in a laboratory called ‘Lilibet’ (as also in its tail. The two nerve centers are Office: 760-320-0997 Fax: 760-320-1630 study attracted the most Property of Th leastroaches? in private) connected and help the insect react quickly Carl Moore AdVenture Locksmith Media, Inc. ne since childhood? when disturbed. However, they are able to Business Card • BW • 6x disc. 2. Which food in the study operate separately from each other. Because of August 28, 2016 Coachella • Vol. 12 - No. 36 Valley attracted theof fewest roaches?FREE this, cockroaches can continue to live for weeks QU 760.320.0997 Fax: 760.320.1630 Answers page 16 after being decapitated, eventually dying of ADVERTISING PROOF AN All Rights Reserved dehydration or starvation. Mon., 9/21/15 5:00 p.m.. Final Changes DUE: ADVERTISING PROOF • According to records kept by the makers of Please review carefully. Double check: Phone Number(s) Spelling Prices Hours CLIP AND SAVE 1. VE • One scientist suspended cockroaches over TUES.,people Sept. 13, 2016 cockroach control who live in 5:00 W inal Changes DUE:products, p.m.. Contact your Tidbits representative immediately with changes or corrections. CARL MOORE a salt solution. If a roach extended its leg it 2. CR 760-320-0997 Fax: 760-320-1630 Office: Los Angeles buy the most insecticides, followed QUIZ BITS iew carefully. Double check: Phone Number(s) Spelling Prices Hours would get wet, which completed an electrical by New York City, Houston, Miami, and ANSWERS circuit, delivering a shock to the bug. It took act your Tidbits changes or corrections. Residential Commercial Dallas.representative Roaches haveimmediately been foundwith in volcanic 1. MARGARET the cockroaches about half an hour to learn Re-Pin Keys Made Mastere: 760-320-0997 valleybits@msn.com Fax: 760-320-1630 steam ventsemail: of Alaska 2,000 feet underground, Re-Key ADVERTISING PROOF to keep their legs up to avoid the shock. The 2. QUEEN ELIZABETH Fix or Replace II and even deep in the coal mines of England. Keying Deadbolts Installed Changes DUE: Maintenance 5:00 p.m.. researcher then tried the experiment using FinalHerd Property 24/7 SPECIALIZING IN: Number(s) Spelling Please review carefully. Double check: Phone Prices Hour • In 1969 a worker preparing the Apollo XII 1/16th pg, Spot Color, 13x decapitated cockroaches and found they were Interchangeable / Removable Cores EMSEERGENCY command module Yankee Clipper for liftoff Contact Serving your changes E All Cities20, • Over 30immediately yrs.• experience Sept.Tidbits 27Desert - representative Dec. 2015 Vol. 11:with Issues #40RorV-ICcorrections. #52 able to learn just as quickly. Office: 760-320-0997 Fax: 760-320-1630 saw one inside the capsule but couldn't catch it. CLIP THIS AD! Call me SAVE $10.00 on any TODAY! 760• A test performed in 1957 showed that female No one ever knew what became of the bug. It Preferred A/C, Heating & Plumbing regular priced service call. Certified Locksmith #LC05617 BONDED QUOTE roaches with access to water but no food have traveled 1/16 might pg. • 4C • 26x disc. all the way to the Moon. could live 42 days before dying of starvation. Sept. 18, 2016 12 -roach No. 39species comes from • One of the• Vol. largest ADVERTISING PROOF Property of Those given no food and no water lived two to AdVenture Media, Inc. “Nicknames stick to people, Colombia and is just under four inches long. Final Changes DUE: 5:00 p.m.. and the mo three weeks. Thus, they are ideally suited for Please review carefully. Double check: Phone Number(s) Spelling Prices adhesive.” Hours ADVERTISING PROOF ridiculous areof the most The heaviest comes from Australia and weighs Property FREE travelling and can be shut up for long periods At the AdVenture Media, Inc. ADVERTISING PROOF Contact your Tidbits representative immediately with changes or corrections. Final Changes DUE: 5:00 p.m.. 760.320.0997 Fax: 760.320.1630 BEST ~ Thomas C. Haliburton 4/22/16 Office: 760-320-0997 Fri., 760-320-1630 Please review carefully. Double check: Phone Number(s) Spelling Prices Hours of time while being accidentally shipped from Property of Prices!p.m.. Final Changes DUE:All RightsFax: 5:00 Reserved AdVenture Media, Inc. one area of the world to another, whether it’s in ADVERTISING PROOF Please review carefully. Double check: Phone Number(s) Spelling Prices Hours Contact your Tidbits representative immediately with changes or corrections. FREE Drywall • Baseboard Crown Molding • Trim Changes DUE:of Coachella•Valley 5:00 a soldier’s duffel bag, a ship full of timber, or a Contact your TidbitsFinal Office: 760-320-0997 email: valleybits@msn.com Fax: 760-320-1630 FREEp.m.. representative immediately with changes or corrections. 760.320.0997 760.320.1630 Painting • Leaky Fax: Sinks •760.320.1630 Door Installation crate loaded with produce. Office: 760-320-0997760.320.0997 Fax:Fax: 760-320-1630 Garbage AllDisposals • Furniture Assembly AllReserved Rights Reserved Rights Ceiling Fans • Outlets & Switches +MORE! Since 1991 the Department of Entomology at WATER HEATER INSTALLATION* ON • Warm climates and tropical countries are home to the most species of cockroach. Cold climates have the least number. Florida is the roach capital of the U.S. with 27 different species, and Texas comes in second with 15. Compare this to Costa Rica with over 150 kinds! Most of Canada is roach-free, with the exception of some large metropolitan areas.
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When the Bizzy Bees FREE of Coachella Valley Pest Control Company of Dallas Phone: 760.320.0997 Fax: 760.320.1630 offered a $1,000 prize for the state's valleybits@msn.com largest cockroach, they received All Rights Reserved 205 entries. Fourteen finalists were selected, with the winning roach measuring 1.92 inches long. The same sponsor now hosts the annual "Best Dressed Cockroach" contest where (dead) roaches are dressed up as characters such as LibeRoachi or Marilyn MonRoach.
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Purdue has hosted cockroach races around a circular track. Contestants are chosen from the school's own research stock and some 7,000 fans watch the races. Betting is permitted. The track is a two-"furshort" race (as opposed to two-furlong) and the stadium is dubbed "Roachill Downs."
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• To attract a mate, a female cockroach will flex her legs, lift her wings, and emit a chemical “perfume” called a pheromone that can be detected by a male roach up to 35 feet away. When the male approaches, the two seem to do a bit of fencing with their antennae. • In the majority of roach species, mating encounters are casual and the female later drops her egg case in a safe location and abandons it. But the story is different with the brownhooded wood cockroach, which inhabits the Atlantic coastline from New York to Georgia. They mate for life. Together the male and female chew into wood making a series of small chambers with connecting tunnels where they live with their family for the rest of their lives. About a year after the male and female bond, their first offspring are born and both parents assume duties of tending to the young. Families usually consist of less than half a dozen youngsters. The families stick together
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Vol. XII Issue 44
Challenge. This is open to everyone with the courage to draw a line in the sand by taking a pledge. ® If you’re in, please raise your right hand and repeat after me: by Mary Hunt “I accept the EC challenge and pledge By Samantha Weaver to do whatever it takes to get through the entire Holiday Season 2016 without dragging any new * It was 20th-century American journaldebt into the New Year!” ist and author Sydney J. Harris who made Congratulations! I believe we have just the following sage observation: “Men Something is different this year. First, it make counterfeit money; in many more started a movement. TUES., AUG. 9, 2016 seems like the holiday season is starting earlier cases, money makes counterfeit men.” Would you like more information? Log on than usual, which is just fine with me. Please review carefully. Double check: Phone Number(s) Spelling Pric to EverydayCheapskate.com, where thiscol I love Thanksgiving and Christmas so * The Hawaiian Islands didn’t have mosumn is archived complete with links and resourcContact quitoes until the 1820s, when a ship evimuch, I like stretching the season a bit. But an your Tidbits representative immediately with changes or correc es for all recommended products and services. ® dently brought the pests along with the avalanche of mail order catalogs? Most of them Office: 760-320-0997 * * Fax: 760-320-1630 * people. arriving in late September? Not so much. ADVERTISING Mary invites questions, comments and tips by Mary Hunt PROOF I’m kind of surprised that this year, more at mary@everydaycheapskate.com, or c/o Everyday * Those who study such things claim Changes DUE: 5:00 p.m.. than recent years past, far more catalogs are ar- Final Cheapskate, 12340 Seal Beach Blvd., Suite B-416, that, generally speaking, the more money Please review carefully. Double check: Phone Number(s) Spelling Prices Hours Seal Beach, CA 90740. This column will answer riving in the mail. a man makes, the less alcohol he drinks. Contact your Tidbits immediately with changes corrections. questions of representative general interest, but letters cannotorbe Here’s what I find puzzling. Given the With women, though, the opposite holds Office: 760-320-0997 Fax: 760-320-1630 answered individually. To find out more about Mary popularity of online shopping, why are compatrue: The more money she makes, the and read her past columns, please visit the Creators nies spending so much money on paper catamore alcohol she drinks. Syndicate Web page at www.creators.com. Mom’s Cleaning Services logs? These things in full color on glossy paper Bz BW 6x disc. * The name of the nation of India is deare not cheap to produce and mail. But I’m sure COPYRIGHT 2016 CREATORS.COM Aug. 14, 2016 Vol. 12 - No. 34 rived from the name of the river Indus. It’s marketing geniuses have been paid plenty to interesting to note, however, that the Infigure out that indeed we do respond well to hard dus doesn’t actually flow through any part copy catalogs. And that scares me a little. My Mary Klewein of modern-day India; it’s in Pakistan and Professional House Cleaning best intentions to not order my brains out can the disputed region of Kashmir. Honest, dependable service easily fall by the wayside once I flip open to see ● 25+ years experience what’s inside. * The snapping turtle is the only modern ● No job too big or too small ● Home ● Condo ● Apartment Seasonal Take these particularly adorable Drinking reptile that can breathe underwater, and ● All Offices ● I do windows House then only if it stays put on the bottom. If it Glasses I saw. These are only $3.99 and what ● Reasonable rates Sitting starts to swim, it has to surface to breathe. ● Excellent References cute little grandson would not love to watch his ● Canadian born (Yes, I speak English!) apple juice or milk flow up one side, around his MOM’S CLEANING SERVICES * A researcher named Joel Achenbach eyes and down into his mouth? says that the red in the occurrence of 760-671-9091 Did I say only $3.99? Well, plus tax and red eye in some photographs is actually of course shipping. And that’s not the only item blood. The color comes from the flash rethat’s easy to love in this Container Store Wish flecting off the blood vessels in the back Property of of Property Book. of the eyeball. Inc. Please review carefully. Double check: AdVenture PhoneMedia, Number(s) AdVenture Media, Inc. Spelling Prices Here’s what I need to do: I need to not Contact your Tidbits representative immediately with FREE changes or correctio * It would take 34 days (and nights) to open these things! Stop browsing, already! And of Coachella Valley ride a horse around the world. If you didn’t FREE I really should throw them in the shredder. Office:But 760-320-0997 email:760.320.0997 valleybits@msn.com Fax: 760-320 760.320.1630 ofFax: Coachella Valley Our Student Clinic is stop for sleep, of course. Or bathroom The Neatest Little Paper Ever Read I have an obligation to you, my dear readers. I open to the public. All Rights Reserved 760.320.0997 Fax: 760.320.1630 breaks, or food. And if you were provided ALWAYS: $30 per hour or need to research and report. Monday, 5/9/2016 a fresh horse whenever the one you were All Rights Reserved $40 per 1.5 hours I know that you count on me to keep you Shade Builders M–F 9am to 5pm riding began to tire. And if those horses view carefully. Double check: Phone Number(s) Spelling Prices Hours on the straight and narrow. Carefully navigating 1/8th pg. • 4c • discount rate could gallop across water. Call for an appointment or book online13x 760.321.9214 • www.somatherapy.com the waters of Christmas Shopping can be downtact your Tidbits representative*** immediately with changes or corrections. Oct. 2 Ste- B,Dec. 25, 2016 12: - #53 70-225 Hwy. 111, Rancho Mirage, CA 92270 • JustVol. west of the Valero#41 Gas Station at Peterson Rd. right treacherous. Thought for the Day: “I can’t underOffice: 760-320-0997 Fax: 760-320-1630 Besides, I’m a bit curious to find out just stand why people are frightened of new ideas. I’m frightened of the old ones.” -how many catalogs I get this year. So how about John Cage this? I’ll not open them, just stack them. And watch how high the stack will grow. (c) 2016 King Features Synd., Inc. With that, I am officially kicking off the Property of NEW FORTUNE ASIAN CUISINE AdVenture Media, Inc. Great Everyday Cheapskate Christmas Holiday
How High the Catalogs
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w carefully. Double check: Phone Number(s) Spelling Prices Hours Suite #F120 • Cathedral City (Across from Target, next to Upper Crust Pizza)
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Week of October 23, 2016
LOTTERIES • Augustus Caesar held the first known lottery, to raise funds to repair Rome. • Lotteries in the U.S. date back to the 1600s. The new English colony of Jamestown was financed by a lottery in 1612. The first lottery sponsored by Congress was approved in 1776. The Mountain Road Lottery was sponsored by George Washington to fund a road over the Allegheny Mountains. Yale, Harvard, Columbia, Dartmouth and the University of Pennsylvania all sponsored lotteries. The Continental Congress used a lottery to raise over $1 million in 1776 for the Revolutionary Army. • Claude Monet won the French lottery in 1891. His winnings allowed him to devote himself to his true passion -- painting, and he became one of the most famous painters of the century. • In 1851 in France, the French government needed money to sustain itself. Recent reports of gold strikes in California resulted in an idea. A national lottery was announced throughout France. Tickets sold for one franc each, and the prizes were solid gold ingots. The proceeds from this lottery were to be used to ship 5,000 fine French citizens to California in order to give them a new start in life. The lottery was rigged so that the gold never left the royal treasury. And instead of shipping 5,000 of Frances’s best citizenry, they instead loaded up the ships with prisoners, prostitutes, murderers and thieves — anyone they most desired to get rid of. • Every major religion (except the Quakers) established lotteries at some time in the early 1800s. Over 300 schools and universities and hundreds of transportation projects were funded by early lotteries. • After several scandals associated with lotteries took away the public’s trust and led to national
prohibition of the games, Congress basically outlawed lotteries in 1894. They weren’t revived until New Hampshire held one in 1964. • Phyllis Penzo was a waitress at Sal’s Pizzeria in Dobbs Ferry, New York. One night while waiting on police detective Robert Cunningham, he offered her choice of either a standard tip, or half of the winnings from a lottery ticket he had just bought. She choose the latter. The ticket turned out to be a winner worth over $6 million. Detective Cunningham stayed true to his word and made good on his offer.
Page 5
years with no apparent marital issues. Then, out of the blue, she filed for a divorce. Little did her husband know that only days before she had won $1.3 million, a secret she kept throughout the divorce proceedings. Once the truth came out, a judge found her guilty of violating California's disclosures law and awarded the entire winnings to her ex-husband.
ADVERTISING PROOF Final Changes DUE: Mon. 3/28/16 5:00 p.m..
• Upon learning that he had won the Illinois state Please review carefully. Double check: Phone Number(s) Spelling Prices Hours lottery for about $2.3 million, Harold Collins Contact your Tidbits representative immediately with changes or corrections. Office: 760-320-0997 Fax: 760-320-1630 of Pekin, Illinois, gave all of his winnings to his former wife. He had once promised that he would win her a million dollars. “Besides,” he said, “I like to work. I like the way I live. I like to watch sports on TV and go fishing. I mean, what could I have possibly done with almost $2.5 million? I don’t need it!” J. Anthony Plumbing, Heating & Air Conditioning • Joan Campaign of Australia found a wallet 1/12th page, 4c, 13x discount rate containing $225 in 1978. She turned it over the May 8 - July 31, 2016 • Vol. 12: Issue #20 - #32 police. The owner rewarded her with a stack of lottery tickets. One ticket was a winner and Joan ended up with a car, a boat, a trailer, a mobile CLIP AND SAVE home, and about $10,000 left over. • When Herbert Chun of Australia won a lottery prize of $150,000 he became so excited at the news that he had a massive heart attack and died the next day.
BEAT THE HEAT Air Conditioning Tune-Up $44 SAVINGS Property of AdVenture Media, Inc.
The Desert’s most thorough check list: Voltage & Amperage to all motors with electronic meters 4 Million Readers Weekly Nationwide!
FREE ADVERTISING • John Batt was out of the country and missed Contactors Pressure switch cut out circuitry PROOF Reg. 99 760.320.0997 Fax: 760.320.1630 Changes DUE: 5:00 p.m.. the one-year deadline for claiming his $50,000 Final Electrical lock out circuitry All wiring & connections PER SYSTEM Reserved with thisPrices ad. Not valid Please review carefully. Double check: AllRights Phone Number(s) Spelling Hours Condensate pan drainage & fittings Fan belts & adjust winnings in the New Jersey State Lottery by a with other offers. Exp. 10-31-16 Contact your Tidbits representative immediately with changes or corrections. tension Adequate refrigerant charge mere three days. Office: 760-320-0997 Fax: 760-320-1630 of Coachella Valley
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• Thomas and Denise Rossi were married for 25
10/23 10/24 10/25 10/26 10/27 10/28 10/29
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Vol. XII Issue 44
ADVERTISING PROOF He also plays Chip’s twin TUES., brother,OCT. Dale,18 who is a larious as Zach Galifianakis’ mother in Final “Bas- Changes DUE: 5:00 successful (when compared with Chip) entreprekets,” and he totally earned his Emmy for
Please review carefully. Double check: Phone Number(s) Spelling Pric
neur and dean of Baskets Career College. (Yes, Best Supporting Actor. Please tell me there arerepresentative twin brothers named Chip and or correc Tidbits immediately withDale.) changes will be another season of this uniqueContact and hi-yourthey Louie plays Christine Baskets, the twins’ larious series. -- Dottie P., Tulsa, Oklahoma Office: 760-320-0997 email: valleybits@msn.com Fax: 760-3 mother, a character who he based off his own mother. His portrayal of the lovable yet overbearThe innovative FX comedy will indeed ing mother earnedthe talented actor his first Pri- Prices be back for a second season, which should aircarefully. in Please review Double check: Phone Number(s) Spelling metime Emmy Award. early 2017. For those unfamiliar with the offbeat Contact your Tidbits representative immediately with changes or correctio comedy, Zach plays Chip Baskets, a failed profesFive-Star Carpet & email: TileatCare Write to Cindy King Features Weekly Service,Fax: 628 760-320sional clown in Paris who becomes aOffice: local rodeo 760-320-0997 valleybits@msn.com Virginia Drive, Orlando, FL 32803; or e-mail her at let1/16 pg 4C 13x disc. clown upon his return to Bakersfield, California.
ADVERTISING PROOF Final Changes DUE: 5:00 p
King Features News Service
While I am of course happy to see Kiefer Sutherland in “Designated Sur vivor,” I was thrilled to see that the gorgeous and talented Natascha McElhone plays his wife in the series. She was exceptional in “Californication.” Please tell me that the new show will be around for a while. -- Jake L., via email
ters@cindyelavsky.com. Oct. 23, 2016 Vol. 12 - No. 44 (c) 2016 King Features Synd., Inc.
A: I can tell you that ABC has ordered the
dramatic political thriller for a full-season pickup, so we know it’ll be around for at least 22 episodes. As you know, Kiefer plays Tom Kirkman, a lowlevel Cabinet member who becomes president of the United States after a catastrophic attack on the Capitol during the president’s State of the Union Address Kiefer Sutherland kills everyone above him in the presidential line of succession. *** I was so happy to see Jon Huertas from “Castle” pop up on a new show, “This Is Us,” so soon after his show’s cancelation. The bonus is that “This Is Us” is my favorite new show. Do you have any scoops about the series? -- Daniella T., via email
Please review carefully. check: Phone Number(s) Spelling Pric CLEANDouble and SEAL POLISH CLEAN/SEAL SPECIAL ! .70 Contact your Tidbits representative immediately withcents changes or corre .40 cents Fax: 760-320-1630
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Indian Wells La Quinta IndioCo. Desert Hot Springs ADVERTISING PROOF Gee-Ar-Gee Construction Family Property of FREE pg. BWDUE: 13x rate owned & Final1/16 Changes 5:00 p.m.. AdVenture Media, Inc. ESTIMATES operated Visit us at www.fivestarcarpetandtile.us Please review carefully. Double check: Phone Number(s) Spelling Prices Hour July 28, 2013 Vol. 9 - No. 31 4 Million Contact your Tidbits representative immediately with changes or corrections. Readers Weekly
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1. Don’t Breathe ........................ (R) 1. Miss Peregrine’s Home for Stephen Lang, Jane Levy 2. Suicide (PG-13) PeculiarSquad Children................ .............. (PG-13) WillEva Smith, Leto Green,Jared Asa Butterfield 3. Pete’s Dragon ......................(PG) 2. Deepwater Horizon ....... (PG-13) Bryce Dallas Howard, Robert Mark Wahlberg, Kurt Russell A: Critics and fans agree with your praise Redford 3. The Magnificent Seven . (PG-13) of “This Is Us.” The NBC series quickly scored an 4. Kubo the TwoChris Strings Denzeland Washington, Pratt .(PG) 18-episode full-season order, which means we’ll get animated 4. Storks ...................................(PG) to spend many hours with triplets Kate, Kevin and 5. Sausage Party ........................ (R) animated Randall, as well as parents Jack and Rebecca. And I animated 5. Sully ................................ (PG-13) am curious to see how Jon’s character, Miguel, fits 6. War Dogs ............................... (R) Tom Hanks, Aaron Eckhart in, since we found out in present-day scenes that Jonah Hill, Miles Teller 6.PROOF Masterminds .................. (PG-13) Jack and Rebecca are no longer together (either ADVERTISING 7. Bad Moms .............................. (R) Kate McKinnon, Kristen Wiig because of divorce or Jack’s death), and Rebecca is 9/24/14 Kunis, Kathryn Final Changes DUE: Wed.Mila 5:00 Hahn p.m.. now marriedPlease to Miguel. 7. Queen ofBetween Katwe ...................(PG) review carefully. Double check: Phone 8. Number(s) Spelling Prices Hours The Light It also was announced recently that “True Madina Nalwanga, David Oceans ................................ (PG-13) Contact your Tidbits representative immediately with changes or corrections.Oyelowo Blood” alum Sam Trammell will join760-320-0997 the cast toOffice: Fax: 760-320-1630 8. Don’t Breathe ........................(R) Michael Fassbender, Alicia Vikander ward the end of the year playing the role of Ben, 9. Hell or High Water Stephen Lang, Jane Levy............... (R) the sexy frontman for a popular jazz/blues band. As Dale Dickey, Ben Foster 9. Bridget Jones’s Baby ............(R) Francesco’s Cafe of this writing there is no further word on how his 10. Renee Mechanic: Resurrection Zellweger, Gemma Jones..... (R) 1/8th page, 4c, 6x rate character will fit into the cast of the family-centered Jason Statham, Jessica Alba 10. Snowden ...............................(R) Sept. 28, 2014 • Vol. X: #40 dramedy, or whether he will appear in present-day scenes or the 1980s flashback scenes. *** Louie Anderson was absolutely hi-
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Delicious Italian && Persian Dining! • Pastas • Seafood • Chicken • Falafel • Veal • Pizzas and Much More... & PROOF Lunch ADVERTISING Final Changes DUE: Property of 5:00 p.m.. r e n AdVenture Media, Inc. Din
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Week of October 23, 2016
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til golden on bottom, rotating sheets between racks halfway through baking. With spatula, Office: 760-320-0997 Fax: 760-320-1630 transfer biscotti to wire racks to cool completely. Store biscotti in tightly covered container at room temperature up to 2 weeks, or in freezer up to 6 months.
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Contact your Tidbits representative immediately with changes or corrections.
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Almond Biscotti Here is a delicious traditional Italian dessert everyone is sure to enjoy!
our website at www.goodhousekeeping.com/recipes/.
Ultimate Home Repairs
Business Card, 4c, (c) 2016 Hearst Communications, Inc. 26x Discount Rate All rights reserved May 15, 2016 • Volume 12: Issue #21
* On Oct. 30, 1864, the town of Helena, Montana, is founded by four gold miners who strike it rich at the “Last Chance Gulch.” Eventually, Last Chance Gulch would prove to be the second biggest gold deposit in Montana. p.m..
3 1/4 cup all-purpose flour Please review carefully. Double check: Phone Number(s) Spelling Prices Hours 1 tablespoon baking powder PROFESSIONAL Reliable Expert * On Oct. 26, 1881, in a shootout that 1/2 teaspoon salt Contact your Tidbits representative immediately with changes or corrections. Handyman Services lasts all of 30 seconds, the Earp brothRepairing Desert 3/4 cup butter or margarine Office: 760-320-0997 email: valleybits@msn.com Fax: 760-320-1630 and Homes for over ers face off against the Clanton-McLaury 15 years! 1 1/4 cup sugar gang in a legendary shootout at the OK Plumbing • Carpentry • Electrical • Painting Property of 3 large eggs Corral in Tombstone, Arizona. The Earps AdVenture Inc. Fans Drywall • Vanities • Cabinets •Media, Ceiling 2 tablespoons amaretto (almond-flavor Flooring • Laminate • Tile • Showers • Stucco and Doc Holliday were charged with Concrete • PetAir DoorsFresh • Appliance Installs • MORE! FREE liqueur) Duct Cleaning murder, but a Tombstone judge acquit10% 1/12th page, “Our repeat 760.320.0997 Fax: 760.320.1630 1 1/2 cup sliced almonds ted them. 4c, 13x discount rate R SE NIO
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customers make our
1. Heat oven to 350 F. On waxed paper, combine flour, baking powder and salt.
DISCO All Rights Reserved August 21 - November 13, 2016 • Vol.business 12: #35 - #47 thrive!” with this ad. exp. 11-15-16
d Johnson, icharp.m.. 760.347.9485 -R5:00 -owner-
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2. In large microwave-safe bowl, heat butter in microwave oven on High 1 minute or until butter melts, stirring once. With wire whisk, stir in sugar, eggs and amaretto until smooth. With spoon, stir flour mixture and almonds into egg mixture until dough forms.
Fax: 760-320-1630
Don’t let spoil the air quality in your home!
The buildup of dust in your home’s PROOF airADVERTISING duct system contains unhealthy Final Changes DUE: 5:00 p.m.. pollen, dust mites, pet 3. Divide dough in half. On ungreased Please reviewallergens, carefully.bacteria Double check: PhonecontamiNumber(s) Spelling Prices Hours dander and other large cookie sheet, with floured hands, shape 1 Contactnants that representative can cause serious your Tidbits immediately with changes or corrections. respiratory problems. piece dough into 14 by 4-inch log (dough will be Office: 760-320-0997 AFTER email: valleybits@msn.com BEFORE Fax: 760-320-1630
sticky). Repeat with remaining dough on another cookie sheet. 4. Place cookie sheets on 2 oven racks. Bake logs 25 to 30 minutes or until golden and toothpick inserted in center comes out clean, rotating sheets between upper and lower racks halfway through baking. Cool logs on cookie sheets on wire racks 20 minutes. Reset oven to 325 F. 5. Transfer logs to cutting board. With serrated knife, cut each log crosswise into 1/2-inch-thick diagonal slices. Place slices, cut side down, on same ungreased cookie sheets. Wright Capital Group
You need to have your air ducts cleaned!
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* On Oct. 24, 1931, the six-lane George Washington Bridge over the Hudson River between New York and New Jersey is dedicated. In 1946 two more lanes were built, and in 1958 six lower-level lanes were added. Today the bridge carries 106 million cars per year. * On Oct. 29, 1948, killer smog hovers over Donora, Pennsylvania, trapping the sulphuric acid, carbon monoxide and other pollutants released by steel mills and a zinc smelting plant. By the time rain washed the air, 20 people had perished and thousands were ill. * On Oct. 27, 1970, Andrew Lloyd Webber and Tim Rice released a double-LP “concept” album called “Jesus Christ Superstar” after they were unable to find financial backing for a stage production due to the nature of the story. * On Oct. 25, 1983, President Ronald Reagan, citing the threat posed to Americans in Grenada, orders the Marines to invade. Nearly 1,000 Americans were on the island, many of them students at a medical school. Within a week, Grenada’s government was overthrown. (c) 2016 King Features Syndicate, Inc.
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Portrait of a marriage in crisis: “Toodle is a sweet and loving dog that we adopted from the SPCA when he was very young. All Reserved % HoursHe’s infatuated with my wife, who spoils the heck Brooke Fagel, Please review carefully. Double check: Rights Phone Number(s) Spelling Prices Professional, AKC Certified Dog Trainer with changes or corrections. out of him. But he has one major problem: barking. Contact your Tidbits representative immediately Call me with this ad. “He barks when he hears other dogs bark. Office: 760-320-0997 Fax: 760-320-1630 Exp Exp..11157/31/ Today: 760.219.8391 1616 He barks at the music in ‘Law and Order.’ He barks www.PalmSpringsDogTraining.com at commercials and TV programs that include a bell, ring tone or elevator ding, as well as Vonage commercials and certain music bridges that are a part of KCRA Channel 3 news programming. He barks in the middle of the night -- sometimes at nothing! He’ll go off at 1, 2, 3 in the morning. “I’ve moved out of the bedroom. My wife will do nothing about it. She screams at him to shut up, which only causes more disturbing noise that accomplishes nothing. She seldom if ever insists Toodle sleep in his condo, which we keep in the living room. Instead, Toodle sleeps with us in the bed every night, which I’m not necessarily in favor of all the time. “When my wife goes to work, he quiets down -- still barks, but not as much. The only soProperty of AdVenture Media, Inc. lution we’ve tried is putting him in his dog cage, which we keep inside the house. That pretty much FREE calms him down. Toodle is a very smart dog -- or 760.320.0997 Fax: 760.320.1630 could be with some proper training. And my wife All Rights Reserved would love him even more if he were responsive to our commands. “One other thing: When we have guests over, he has a humping problem when they first arrive. After he’s been disciplined he stops ... but we still have to watch him.” 4 Million Readers Weekly Nationwide!
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by && Sandy by Kara Kara Kovalchik Sandy Wood Wood �Kovalchik GRASSHOPPER � BEETLEBEETLE GRASSHOPPER � CATERPILLAR 1. Who had a #1�hitLOCUST in LOCUST 1961 with the sardonic CATERPILLAR � MOSQUITO � CENTIPEDE “Mother-in-Law”? MOSQUITO CENTIPEDE � MOTH � COCKROACH 2. According to�theSCORPION proverb, � CRICKET COCKROACH MOTH what is “the � SPIDER � FIRE ANT mother of invention”? CRICKET SCORPION � TERMITE � FLY FIREANT SPIDER first name of AfricanWASP � GNAT 3. What was the�real FLY TERM ITE comedienne Moms (WordAmerican Search solution page 16) Mabley?
4. What film actor wanted to Throw Momma from the Train in 1987?
By and large, people don’t realize until it’s too late what their actions say. Wife’s actions: “I prefer the dog.” Husband’s actions: “I’ll be in the guest room if anyone cares.” Dog’s actions: “Call me boss or don’t call me at all.” While Toodle clearly needs training, it’s also true that a little marriage counseling might be in order: Hubby’s moved out of the bedroom. His wife would rather sleep with a dog that won’t shut up. They can only watch TV on mute. Meanwhile, Toodle has his choice of sleeping quarters that includes a luxury condo in the living room or the side of the bed formerly occupied by hubby! Casey's Corner: Turn to page 10
1. Ernie eK-Doe oD-K einrE .1 2. necessity ytissecen .2 3. Loretta atteroL .3 4. Danny otiVDeVito eD ynnaD .4 5. Candy renthLightner giL ydnaC .5 Mega Maze solution on page 14 EALWAYS ERF SYAFREE WLA ALWAYS FUN N UF SYAW LA
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Vol. XII Issue 44
number if your other details (series, face value, CASEY’S CORNER (from page 9) date issued) are correct. Pardon my exasperation. You’ll get a color-coded message at the The recipe for turning this mess into someby Matilda Charles top. Red, for example, means that your bond © King Features Synd., Inc. thing they can all swallow: a pound of marriage isn’t earning interest and should be cashed in. counseling, a dollop of training and a sprinkling of Blue means the bond is less than five years rules, priorities and boundaries. old, and you’ll forfeit three months in interest if Toodle should be spending nights in his you redeem it too early. Before you can get a condo, starting yesterday. Fill it with soft blankets printout list of your bonds, you’ll need to enter and favorite chew toys and teach him to retreat to it on command. If he resists, stand firm. Toodle’s your email address. condo isn’t a prison or a punishment, but he doesn’t Look at the In the News section for spe Do you have any old savings bonds get a say in when and whether to retire. cific information about how your interest can aftucked away, ones bought years ago to help a Other changes this couple could easily and fect your taxes. When you cash in bonds, you’ll grandchild with college expenses? Or maybe immediately implement to curb Toodle’s problem get a Form 1099-INT showing the interest you you want to take care of all your credit-card behaviors: earned. You might have to pay taxes on it. debt by cashing in bonds. Redeeming savings -- When home, use a baby gate to confine Please review carefully. check: Phone Spelling Prices Hours IfDouble you have paper bondsNumber(s) that you do bonds isn’t as easy as it used to be. Toodle in an area of the house where he can be not want to redeem yet, you can have them Savings bonds have been paperless for your Tidbits representative immediately with changes orseen and quickly reached to correct problem beContact corrections. switched to digital. Your best bet: Ask your haviors -- i.e., using a shake can to rattle coins or many years, and you can’t just buy or redeem Office: 760-320-0997 Fax: and 760-320-1630 bank if it redeems savings bonds, let it help squirt bottle to startle him out of a barking spell them anywhere now. There are some banks you. -- rather than yelling “shut up,” which translates to where you can cash in your bonds, but the pre * * * “bark louder” in Toodle’s world. ferred method now is to do it online. Matilda Charles regrets that she cannot personally answer -- When not home, leave Toodle in a comreader questions, but will incorporate them into her col As a first step, go online to check the umn whenever possible. Send email to columnreply2@gmail. fortable crate with good visibility or confine him Property of value of each bond. Try SavingsBonds.com com. AdVentureOCT. Media, Inc. to a small area of the house. This is a necessary 12 NOON WED., 18 and use the calculator. Click the yellow box element of training and will help to establish an apPlease review Hours “Get your bond values here” and select the carefully. Double check: Phone Number(s) Spelling Prices propriate hierarchy and keep him safe. FREE of Coachella Valley details of your bond from the drop-down menu. Basic dog training could transform this Contact your Tidbits representative760.320.0997 immediately changes or corrections. Fax:with 760.320.1630 It’s not necessary to include the bond’s serial Howard Miller • Ridgeway • Sligh • Antique household. And it sure beats saying toodle-oo to Office: 760-320-0997 Fax:Reserved 760-320-1630We also Rights the marriage. But I’ll leave that bit to Dr. Phil. Service, All Repair and New repair Wall, Mantel, Woof! Movements from Germany Ship’s and * * * 32 years Cuckoo by Linda Thistle Clocks experience BoB’s CloCk shop Dog trainer Matthew “Uncle Matty” Margolis
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Week of October 23, 2016
LBJ Did NOT Steal Social Security Funds Poor Lyndon Johnson. When it comes to Social Security, he gets blamed for something he never did. Our 36th president is often accused of being the first chief executive to tamper with Social Security financing. Well, he did tamper with it. But not in the way conventional wisdom would have you believe. And I was reminded of this in the reactions I got to my last two columns in which I cleared up myths about Social Security financing and presented a number of proposals for reforming the program. Dozens of you wrote and told me some version of this sentiment that came from a reader in California: “Social Security wouldn’t need any changes if Congress would just pay back the money that President Johnson stole from the Social Security system back in the ‘60s.” And here is another version of the story as relayed by a Texas reader: “We all know that LBJ cooked the books when it came to the Social Security trust funds. Get that money back and Social Security will be flush with cash!” For decades now, misinformed critics have charged that President Lyndon Johnson moved Social Security money from its own separate ledgers to the government’s general funds in order to spend it. That’s not quite right. Here is what really happened. We all know that the Vietnam War, which LBJ inherited from his predecessor, John F. Kennedy, was rapidly turning into a huge albatross around Johnson’s neck. And it wasn’t just the loss of thousands of young men’s lives that was bothering him. It was also the staggering costs of paying for the increasingly unpopular war in Southeast Asia. He was looking for a way to hide some of those costs, not just from Congress but from the American people. The government’s general coffers were essentially empty. But he noticed that there was an entirely separate government fund that was flush with cash -- the Social Security trust fund. What most people mistakenly think LBJ did was simply tap into those funds and “steal” Social Security money to help pay for the Vietnam War. But that is NOT what he did. What he did do was simply change an in-
ternal government bookkeeping practice. Up until rity funds not included. But a second is the unified that period of time, Social Security’s income and budget with Social Security funds still added in. Which budget picture Congress presents expenditures had always been kept on a complete- ly separate set of government books. President to their constituents depends on the message Johnson merely added Social Security’s accounts they are trying to convey. If they want to scare you to the general government budget. But this is the and tell you how bad the economy is and why you important (and almost always overlooked) point: need to re-elect them to help reduce the deficit, He did not change in any way the method used to they will show you the official budget books (with Social Security not included). If they want to iminvest and spend Social Security money. In other words, Social Security funds were press you and tell you how they have been worknot touched. By pulling off this bookkeeping ma- ing diligently to control government spending and neuver, by adding the Social Security funds to the reduce the deficit, and why you need to re-elect government’s overall ledgers, LBJ was able to dis- them to continue to do so, they will show you the guise the growing deficit caused primarily by all unified budget (with Social Security surpluses included). the spending for the Vietnam War. Having said all that, I cannot stress enough Maybe this analogy will help you under- of this game-playing with the government stand what happened. Fred and Ethel are married. that allADVERTISING PROOF has absolutely nothing to do with5:00 howp.m.. SoFriday, 5/27/16 They both work. And they keep separate bank ac- books Final Changes DUE: Please review carefully. Double check: Phone Number(s) Spelling Prices Hours counts to manage their finances. Fred spends mon- cial Security tax money is spent on Social Security your Tidbits immediately with changes or corrections. benefits and representative invested in government bonds. ey like there is no tomorrow. His bank balance is al- Contact Office: 760-320-0997 email: valleybits@msn.com Fax: 760-320-1630 So President Johnson, and no president ways near zero. Ethel saves a lot of her income, so she has a substantial account balance. Fred talks since, and, for that matter, no member of ConEthel into combining their assets. Neither person gress, has ever stolen a nickel of Social Security changes their habits. Fred keeps spending just his money. But they sure have played around with it! money and Ethel saves most of hers. But suddenly *** Fred looks like he has more money than he really If you have a Social Security question, Tom does because, on paper at least, his bankrupt ac- Margenau has the answer. Contact him at thomas.marcount has been combined with Ethel’s flush ledInfinitee genau@comcast.net. To Travel find outNetwork more about Tom Margers. 1/16th page, 13x and discount rate from genau and to read pastBW, columns see features Fred is like President Johnson and the other June Creators 5 - August 28, 2016 • Vol.and 12:cartoonists, Issue #24 -visit #36 Syndicate writers overall government budget. Ethel is Social Secu- the Creators Syndicate website at www.creators.com. ADVERTISING PROOF rity. Fred really hasn’t done anything wrong. He Final Changes DUE: 5:00 p.m.. hasn’t taken any of Ethel’s money. He’s simply usPlease review carefully. Double check: Phone Number(s) Spelling Prices Hours CLIP AND SAVE ing her money to make his bottom line look better. Contact your Tidbits representative immediately with changes or corrections. Like Fred, Johnson moved the balance Office: 760-320-0997 email: valleybits@msn.com Fax: 760-320-1630 sheets for Social Security money into the overProperty of AdVenture Media, Inc. all government budget for one sneaky reason: to mask his (and Congress’s) risky spending habits. FREE All that Social Security income made the actual Phone: 760.320.0997 Fax: 760.320.1630 valleybits@msn.com government deficit appear smaller. All Rights Reserved This accounting procedure, adding Social Please review carefully. Double check: Phone Number(s) Spelling Pric Security trust fund accounts into the overall federal bookkeeping ledgers, is known as the “unified budContact your Tidbits representative immediately with changes or correc get.” And despite its shifty intentions, you could Office: 760-320-0997 Fax: 760-320-1630 CST #211675-50 make the argument that the procedure is entirely 11+ Years of justified. After all, Social Security money is governA+ Rating with the Excellence ment money and it makes sense to add it in with all Better Business Bureau in the Tra vel other government funds. Service Hearing Aid Center CallSprings Us Still, after the American people figured out Palm Industry Property of 1/8 Today: pg. 4C 26x disc. AdVenture Media, Inc. what was going on, these bookkeeping shenanigans left a bad taste, not only in their mouths, but Property of AdVenture Media, Inc. FREE in those of Congress as well. That’s why back in the of Coachella Valley 1990s, Congress changed the law to remove Social 760.320.0997 Fax: 760.320.1630 FREE Security funds from the overall federal budget. So Phone: 760.320.0997 Fax: 760.320.1630 All Rights Reserved valleybits@msn.com Social Security went back to its original “off budAll Rights Reserved Serving the Desert Since 1966 get” status. Of course, by doing that, the government deficit, at least on paper, suddenly seemed much worse than it previously did. So almost ever since BE THE FIRST to try Xino Tinnitus® RISK FREE then, Congress has essentially kept two sets of for 14 days. NEW TECHNOLOGY is designed to deliver relief for ringing in your ears. books. One is the official budget with Social Secu-
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side effects of medications, sleep disorders, vitamin deficiencies and other medical condiOlundthese Fiduciary tions. AndRon by treating conditions he may pg., BW, 6x discount be able1/16th to reduce or eliminate the rate problem alOct. 23, 2016 - Jan. 1, 2017 (every other week) together. ***
Memory Screening: Another good place to help you get a handle on your husband’s memory problems is through the National Memory Screening Program, which offers free memory screenings throughout National Memory Screening Month in November.
What’s Normal, What’s Not? DEAR SAVVY SENIOR: At age 76, my husband has become somewhat forgetful lately and it has him worried. I try to tell him that everyone has their "senior moments" as they get older, but he is convinced that he may have Alzheimer’s. What information do you have that might help us get a grip on this? -- Concerned Wife Dear Concerned: Many seniors worry about memory lapses as they get older fearing it may be the first signs of Alzheimer’s disease or some other type of dementia. To get some insight on the seriousness of your husband’s problem, here are some resources you can turn to for help. Warning Signs: As we grow older, some memory difficulties – such as forgetting names or misplacing items from time to time – are associated with normal aging. But the symptoms of dementia are much more than simple memory lapses. While symptoms can vary greatly, people with dementia may have problems with shortterm memory, keeping track of a purse or wallet, paying bills, planning and preparing meals, remembering appointments or becoming lost when traveling out of a familiar neighborhood.
Fax: 760-32
Send your senior questions to: Savvy Senior, P.O. Box 5443, Norman, OK 73070, or visit SavvySenior.org. Jim Miller is a contributor to the NBC Today show and author of “The Savvy Senior” book.
Sponsored by the Alzheimer’s Foundation of America, this free service provides a confidential, face-to-face memory screening that takes about 10 minutes to complete and consists of questions and/or tasks to evaluate his memory status.
What sort of help do you need?
ADVERTISING PROOF PROOF • ADVERTISING Help to medical appointments • Shopping Screenings are given by doctors, nurse Mon., April 28,protection 20155:00 p.m.. Final Changes DUE: 5:00 p.m.. Final Changes DUE: • Errands • Asset & financial practitioners, psychologists, social workers or Please review Double carefully. check: Double check: Phone Number(s) Number(s) Spelling Prices Hours Please review carefully. Phone Spelling Prices Ho • Domestic assistance • Even walking your dog! other healthcare professionals in thousands Contact your Tidbits representative immediately with changes or corrections. Contact your Tidbits representative immediately with changes or corrections. of sites across the country. It is also important Office: 760-320-0997 email: valleybits@msn.com 760-320-1630 My name is Ron I’mFax: a licensed & Office: 760-320-0997 Fax:Olund. 760-320-1630 to know that this screening is not a diagnosis. bonded Private Professional Fiduciary Rather, its goal is to detect problems and refer offering special services to help people individuals with these problems for further evalumaintain their dignity Property of and “Caring for people AdVenture Media, Inc. is my passion. ation. independence. I am reliable, trustworthy and honest. I’ve been doing it Nordstrom, Steele, Nicolette & Blythe for 25 years.” To find a screening site in your area visit all me if you would like to meet in19person: FREE May 3, 2015 Vol. 11 -ofNo. • 1/8pg. 4C 26x NationalMemoryScreening.org or call 866Coachella Valley Let Me Ron Olund The Neatest Little Paper Ever Read 232-8484. It’s best to check for a screening loHelp You. Phone: 760.320.0997 Fax: 760.320.1630 Professional Fiduciary valleybits@msn.com cation at the end of October, because new sites are constantly being added. All Rights Reserved
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See a Doctor: If you are unable toIffind screening youa need an attorney as a result of a personal with injury, there certain If youareneed an attorney as a result of a site in your area, make an serious appointment his If you need an attorney as a result of a things you should consider.serious personal serious personal injury, there certain injury, there arearecertain you should consider. primary care doctor to get a cognitive checkup.things youthings consider. CONDUCT ETHICAL CONDUCT shouldETHICAL Property of This is covered 100 percent by Medicare as part We feel it is inappropriate for a lawyer or Media, Inc. ETHICAL CONDUCT AdVenture representative We feel it is inappropriate for a lawyer or to contact you as a result of an accident. In fact, unsolicited personal contact of their annual wellness visit. If his doctor susWe feel it is inappropriate for a lawyer or is prohibited representative to contact you as a result of anby the State Bar. The decision to contactto ancontact attorney is yours yours alone. representative you asand a result of an FREE accident. fact,the unsolicited personal contact pects any problems, he may give In him Memaccident. In fact, unsolicited personal contact NO FEE UNLESS RECOVERY Phone: 760.320.0997 Fax: 760.320.1630 is prohibited by the State Bar. The decision to is prohibited by the State Bar. The decision to This means that you pay no attorney’s feesProperty unless valleybits@msn.com ory Impairment Screen, thecontact General Practitioner of an attorney is yourscontact and yours alone. lawyer either negotiates a settlement with anyour attorney is or yours yours alone. Discover AdVenture Media, Inc. why other attorneys your approval wins and a judgement in All court. Rights Reserved Assessment of Cognition, or the Mini Cog. Each throughout California refer their This method of compensation makes legal representation available to many who otherwise injury cases to us. could not afford it. It also means that if your NO FEE UNLESS RECOVERY test can be given in less than five minutes. NOcase FEE RECOVERY hasUNLESS merit, you can be well represented by PERSONAL INJURY AND WRONGFUL DEATH CLAIMS 4 Million Readers Weekly Nationwide!
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Office: 760-320-0997 Fax: 760-320-1630 • Pedestrian • Slip and Fall To help you and your husband recogBirth & Brain Injury Dog • Pedestrian • Slip and Fall Bites izes in diagnosing and treating memory loss or LOOK BEYOND•ADVERTISING ••Motorcycle and Bicycle Accidents • Motorcycle and Bicycle LOOK BEYOND ADVERTISING nize the difference between typical age-related • Accidents BirthCancer & Brain Injury • Dog Bites • Asbestos Related Lung Ask friends or attorneys you know references Home and Hospital Consultation • for 24-Hour Hot Line Alzheimer’s disease. Southern California Offi ces • Birth &with Brain Bites Related Lung Cancer •Asbestos Ask friends or attorneys you of know for references personal injury lawyers, orAngeles check theInjury • Dog Palm Desert, Orange, Los & Escondido memory loss and a more serious problem, the &way Hospital Malpractice www.nordstrom-law.com •Asbestos Related Lung Cancerand Hospital Malpractice •Medical Association. It’s the best to of personal injury lawyers,California or check Bar with the • Medical • Construction Accidents Alzheimer’s Association provides a list of 10 •Medical and Hospital Malpractice (760) 837-1884 • (800) 830-7746 nd an attorney with the California Bar Association. theethical, best way to Keep in mind that even if your husbandfiIt’s •competent Product Liability • trial Construction Defect cases 72-960 Fred Waring Dr., Palm Desert, CA 92260 Liability • Product experience itthe takes to bring your case to a fair • Construction Accidents fi nd an ethical, competent attorney with trial warning signs that you can use as a reference at is experiencing some memory problems, it claims Liability • Construction Defect cases • Product experience it takes to bringconclusion. your case Beware to a fairof the promises and some attorneys make in their ads.• Construction Defect cases 10signs.org. doesn’t necessarily mean he has dementia. conclusion. Beware of the promises and claims FREE Consultation Noted lecturers for California Continuing Education of the some attorneyson make inother their ads. PROOF Bar; Recipients Trial Lawyers of the Year Award; ManyADVERTISING memory problems are brought by Our attorneys DOforNOT charge forEducation aCAALA consultation. FREE CONSULTATION American Board of Trial Members: State Bar Noted lecturers California Continuing ofAdvocates; the They also provide information including MON., SEPT. 19 of CA; American Bar Award; Association; Northern, LA County, Bar; Recipients CAALA Trial Lawyers of the Year factors like stress, DUE: depression, thyroid disease,Our attorneys5:00 Desert Bar Association: Consumer Attorneys Association Final Changes p.m.. FREE CONSULTATION DO NOT charge for a consultation. American Boardits of Trial Advocates; Members: State Bar Our firm limits practice to PERSONAL the signs and symptoms on the other condiof LANorthern, (PresidentLA Elect 1998 - President 1999-2000); OUR FIRM LIMITS of ITS PRACTICE CA; American TO Bar Association; County, Consumer Attorneys of CA; Association of Trial Lawyers of Please review carefully. Double check: Spelling Prices Hours Desert Bar Association: Consumer Attorneys INJURY MATTERS. WE HAVE THE INJURY matters. We have the experience OurPhone attorneysNumber(s) DO NOT chargePERSONAL for a consultation. America; NationalAssociation Academy of Elder Law Attorneys; Panel tions that can cause dementia, such as vascular of LA (President ElectTO 1998of- Arbitrators, PresidentAmerican 1999-2000); EXPERIENCE IT TAKES Arbitration Assoc. OUR FIRM LIMITS ITS PRACTICE TOAND DEDICATION Consumer oftakes CA; Association of Trial Lawyers of you. and it to represent REPRESENT YOU. Attorneys dementia, Lewy body dementia, frontotemporalContact your Tidbits representativePERSONAL INJURYwith MATTERS. WE HAVE THE dedication immediately changes or corrections. America; National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys; Panel HomeIT and Hospital Consultation • 24-Hour Hot Line EXPERIENCE AND DEDICATION TAKES TO of Arbitrators, American Assoc. The Firm holds the highest Legal Ability and General Recommendation The Firm holds the highest Legal Arbitration Ability and General Recommendation dementia, Parkinson’s disease, Huntington’s California Offices Ratings AV (Very High to Preeminent) Martindale-Hubbell Law Directory REPRESENT YOU. 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Tidbits of Coachella Valley
Week of October 23, 2016
The physician’s diagnosis was erythema multiforme. The doctor thought the EM was related to the strep throat, and he wasn’t sure if the Aleve played a role. I am interested in your thoughts on the possible causes of the EM and the chances of it returning. I have been blister-free for a year now, but fear that the EM will return or that there is some underlying autoimmune issue. -- T.C.
Skin Rash Associated With Many Conditions DEAR DR. ROACH: I am a 64-yearold male in good health. I had an outbreak of blisterlike sores on my upper torso, in my mouth and near my eyes. I had an almostincapacitating feeling and was able to consume only liquids and shakes because of the mouth blisters. The blisters took their course in seven to 10 days and scabbed over. These episodes reoccurred three separate times, returning two to three weeks apart.
Just prior to the outbreaks, I started taking Aleve because of sore knees while I was walking. On the third outbreak, I consulted my dermatologist, and he observed a reddened throat without any noticeable soreness on my part, so he swabbed the throat, and it showed strep throat. The sore throat was treated, and I believe I was also given steroids.
ANSWER: Erythema multiforme is a skin rash with a characteristic target appearance. They tend to appear on the backs of hands to the elbows, or on the legs from the top of the feet to the knees, and then appear closer toward the body. They stay for a few days and then leave after two weeks or so. EM has been associated with many medical conditions, including autoimmune diseases; however, 90 percent of EM is related to infection. The most common infection is herpes simplex (the cause of cold sores as well as genital herpes). Strep throat is not a common cause of EM. However, the naproxen (Aleve) is a well-known cause. I would advise against using Aleve or related medications, and reassure you that the likelihood of a hidden autoimmune disease is low.
Dr. Roach regrets that he is unable to answer individual letters, but will incorporate them in the column whenever possible. Readers may email questions to ToYourGoodHealth@med.cornell.edu. To view and order health pamphlets, visit www.rbmamall.com, or write to Good Health, 628 Virginia Drive, Orlando, FL 32803. (c) 2016 North America Synd., Inc.
1. The book of Haggai is in the a) Old Testament b) New Testament c) Neither 2. Which English and Scotish monarch authorized a Bible translation published in 1611? a) Charles II b) Henry VIII c) John Wycliffe d) James I 3. Who told Saul that rebellion was as bad as witchcraft? a) Moloch b) Mamath c) Samuel d) David
Page 13
VETERANS POST by Freddy Groves
Tuition Payment Errors Add Up to Big Bucks Hundreds of millions of dollars spent on Post-9/11 G.I. Bill payments is being lost due to mishandling and errors, according to the Department of Veterans Affairs Office of the Inspector General. The VAOIG recently evaluated the Veterans Benefits Administration to see if payments were being made correctly. In one year alone, the VBA was responsible for $5.2 billion in tuition and fee payments for 796,000 students. The VAOIG picked 225 students at 50 schools, totaling $1.7 million in payments, to double-check. One problem it found is that the VBA must rely on enrollment information provided by the schools, which sometimes submitted incorrect information. Is it a regular college or a community college? Tuition varies. How many times does the school let a student attempt to pass a class? One small item (until you add it all up) is the cost of books. VBA can’t tell whether it’s paying for supported or unsupported services, supplies and books, and generally it just pays the bill without asking. VAOIG’s suggestions were to reach out to the schools to ask for complete certifications, revise the handbook used by those who cut the checks and develop a way to check for satisfactory completion of classes (or at least remaining academically eligible), enrollment status, duplicate information on students and repeated classes. The bottom line: Of the $5.2 billion in tuition and fee payments for one year, the VAOIG calculated that $247 million was lost in improper payments, and more than $205 million was lost in missed recoupments (failure to get the money back in case of overpayment). Doing the math, the VAOIG concluded that, if things don’t change, the VBA could lose $1.2 billion in improper payments and $1 billion in missed recoupments over the next five years. That’s a lot of money that could be used for sending others to school.
4. From 1 Timothy, what is the root of all Final Changes DUE: Wed., 9/9/15 evils? a) Lust of power b) HatredPlease review carefully. Double check: Phone Number(s) c) Love of money d) Satan
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5. How old was Moses when he died? a) 100 b) 120 c) 140 d) 160
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6. How many sons did Judah have? a) 3 b) 5 c) 9 d) 12 (Answers on page 16)
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Vol. XII Issue 44
by Anne McCollam
This mark is on the back of an ironstone tureen. It is decorated with brown flowers, trees and foliage that are against a white background. The lid has a handle and is notched for a ladle, and there are handles on both sides of the bowl. It stands about 13 inches long and 8 inches tall. I bought it over 20 years ago at an antiques shop. Since I am in the process of downsizing my home, I am thinking of putting this item up in a yard sale. Anything you can tell me about it will be greatly appreciated.
Sun Rises on Berry Set Q:
When I was a small child, I remember my grandmother ser ving fresh strawberries in this cut-glass set. The gold trim on the edges fascinates me today as much as it did back then. The larger bowl is approximately 9 inches in diameter, and the small bowls are almost 5 inches in diameter. They are all in mint condition. I would appreciate information about the set’s histor y, as well as a price estimate, if possible.
T & R Boote was located in England
T & R Boote was located in Burslem, England, from 1842 to 1963. The diamond-shaped mark tells that the design and shape of your tureen was registered with the British government on Jan. 7, 1880. “Lahore” is the name of the pattern. Your covered tureen was made around 1880, and its value would probably be about $75 to $125. * * * Address your questions to Anne McCollam, P. O. Box 247, Notre Dame, IN 46556. Items of a general interest will be answered in this column. Due to the volume of inquiries, she cannot answer individual letters. To find out more about Anne McCollam and read features by other Creators Syndicate writers and cartoonists, visit the Creators Syndicate website at www. creators.com. COPYRIGHT 2016 CREATORS.COM
United States Glass Company introduced the Rising Sun pattern in 1908.
Your berry set is an example of Early American Pattern Glass made by United States Glass Company. The design is called “Rising Sun,” also known as “Sunshine” (the pattern number is 15110). Although the design is similar to cut glass, it is pressed glass. It was introduced in 1908 and can be described as having sawtooth edges, rising half-suns with button arches and hobstars. The sawtooth edges and the center of each sun are decorated with gold flashing. The United States Glass Company was a consortium of glass factories located in several states. There were plants in Ohio, Indiana, West Virginia and Pennsylvania. Rising Sun was available in a wide range of pieces, including berry sets, pitchers, sugar bowls, cream pitchers, tumblers, goblets and cruets. Your circa-1908 berry set would probably be worth $125 to $200.
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The Artful Dodger
This has been a season of losses.
Muhammad Ali, Gordie Howe, Arnold Palmer ... icons, idols and champions measured on a mythical scale that can never be tipped. But for every great player, there has been an equally masterful play-caller broadcasting their every move. They are the ones who paint the vivid, indelible pictures of their exploits into our minds and weave each significant moment into the fabric of time. They are the men and women who make calling singular moments of a game into their life’s calling. When Bobby Thompson hit one out of the Polo Grounds to send the New York Giants to the postseason, it wasn’t a mere home run, it was “the shot heard ‘round the world” that saw “The Giants win the pennant! The Giants win the pennant! The Giants win the pennant!” When George Foreman jacked up the champ, the moment was described as “Down Goes Frazier! Down goes Frazier!” Would anyone remember Bobby Thompson, a lifetime .270 hitter, if Russ Hodges hadn’t made that call? Would Foreman be the wrecking machine Ali used to shock the world with his “ropea-dope” if Cosell didn’t set the scene? Would you remember who won the 1980 gold medal in hockey had Al Michaels not been there to ask if you believed in miracles? In California, residents and sports fans have a peculiar sadness to deal with, for they have lost not one, but two broadcasting legends on the very same day -- Vin Scully and Dick Enberg -- yet both are still alive. Enberg not only did wonderful play-by-play for the Padres, he was the happy yet dignified play caller, the one who exclaimed “Oh my!” for every great shot at Wimbledon for decades. For fans in Los Angeles -- and really, for all baseball fans -- the loss of Scully is particularly painful. Nobody called a game better than Scully, and it’s unlikely anyone ever will again. For anyone under the age of 67, his was the only voice they heard broadcasting Dodger games. His genuine warmth and ability to make every game seem special had to be heard to be believed. Maybe that’s why his final sign off was enough to bring tears to adults everywhere: “You know friends, so many people have wished me congratulations on a 67-year career in baseball, and they wished me a wonderful retirement with my family, and now, all I can do is tell you what I wish for you.
May God give you ...
For every storm, a rainbow,
For every tear, a smile,
For every care, a promise,
And a blessing in each trial.
For every problem life sends,
A faithful friend to share,
For every sigh, a sweet song,
And an answer for each prayer.
*** Mark Vasto is a veteran sportswriter who lives in New Jersey. (c) 2016 King Features Synd., Inc.
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parts together. The sound is similar to running a finger over the teeth of a comb. They are also NAPA Desert Area Corp. able to emit a squeak when captured which• 2” is x 6” Golf “Caddy” premium position loud enough to sometimes startle the predator • Oct. 9, 2016 Vol. 12 - No. 42 into dropping them. When disturbed the Madagascar hissing cockroach expels air from CLIP AND SAVE its abdomen producing a noise that can be heard 15 feet away. KILLING COCKROACHES
• 400 rads of radiation can kill a human — but it takes 3,200 rads to kill a cockroach, and some can survive 10,000 rads. That means that some cockroaches survived Hiroshima. So how can you eradicate a roach? Through chemical ADVERTISING PROOF warfare. One of the cheapest and most reliable methods of roach control is powdered boric Finalacid. Changes DUE: 5:00 p.m.. review carefully. Boric acid is commonly used as Please an eyewash and Double check: Phone Number(s) Spelling Prices Hours your Tidbits representative immediately with changes or corrections. is available at any drug store. It’s Contact also called Office: 760-320-0997 email: valleybits@msn.com Fax: 760-320-1630 Borax and found in the laundry aisle of the Get $50 OFF listed prices supermarket. Roaches that walk through this with this coupon will groom themselves, ingesting the powder Property of which collects in their gut, eventually killing 6V -AdVenture $739 Media, PricInc. ing In cludes them. 8V - $839 • Spray a roach with Raid and a chemical dissolves the creature’s exoskeleton, a rather slow but sure way to end its life. • The labs at the S. C. Johnson Corp. breed and raise around 80,000 cockroaches each week. The company manufactures insecticides such as Raid, so a full-time staff works to provide experimental victims for the sole purpose of finding new ways to kill them. • When a recipe for controlling roaches appeared in a “Hints from Heloise” magazine article in 1982, the editors were swamped with over 40,000 requests for copies.
"A cockroach likely has no less brainpower than a butterfly, but we are quicker to deny it dignity because it's a species we dislike." -- Jeffrey Kluger
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• 3 YEAR WARRANTY All Rights Reserved Scary Movies • AUTO FILL SYSTEM pages 1-4
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laugh a bit with
How many have paid good money for a ticket to a horror film, only to cover • How been very since little you’ve their long eyes has andit“see” of used it? a ENDANGERED SIGHTS & SOUNDS (cont’d):
typewriter eraser? Or, if you’re younger, have you moved your belongings into a long-unused HAPPY FROM TIDBITS! desk, onlyHALLOWEEN to find a strange-looking gadget with fiber-like hairs bushing out of one end? What SCARY MOVIES you’ve foundbyisRyan a typewriter Toepfer eraser. Usually shaped likejust a pencil, tiphaving was made of an Some people seem tothe love the living especially-abrasive to daylights scared out ofrubber, them.which Why was else used would “erase” typing error. Thebeother end featured horror and the suspense movies so popular? To a small brush made of stiff plastic strands that celebrate Halloween, Tidbits goes behind the wasof used to sweep remnants of the erasure scenes some classicthe thrillers. off the page. • When Alfred Hitchcock purchased the film • rights There’s shortage litter on theupground tofornoPsycho, heofalso bought as many day, butofthankfully, wenovel no longer discarded copies the original as heseecould find, pull-tabs. The tabs on older easy-open beverage hoping to keep the story’s ending a secret. cans pulled completely off the can. People who • The famous shower Psycho wasdodging filmed walked in bare feetscene wereofconstantly using double for Norman Bates, as Anthony these acarelessly-dropped metal hazards. Perkins was appearing in a play (Greenwillow) • in The rhythmic “beep” scanner is the New York at the time.of Thethefirst time Perkins musical saw accompaniment the at supermarket actually that scene wastoback the studio, checkout line. But if you’ve ever wondered watching the daily “rushes,” and he said he was where the cliché of saying “ka-ching!” in rejust as scared as everyone else. lation to money comes from, that’s the sound • Take a close look electric, at Michael mask in that the old-style not Myers’ electronic, cash the 1978 camp Halloween. Does registers made.classic Cashiers of that era hadthe to face look familiar? The movie was filmed on manually punch a series of buttons to ring up such tight budget, that the department your apurchase, followed byprop a smack of the had to make do with what they had. For Myers’ “total” button with the heel of the hand. disguise, they used an old Captain Kirk (Star • “Do you want your carbons?” used to be an Trek) mask, which they spray painted white and automatic question asked by merchants after then re-shaped the eyeholes. you’d signed for a credit card payment. At that turn the page for more! time, credit card receipts were filled out by hand in triplicate, with a small piece of carbon paper inserted between each sheet. It didn’t take long for thieves to realize they could retrieve the used carbons from the trash and steal valuable credit card information. Once that scam gained popularity, waiters and cashiers regularly offered the carbons to customers, giving them the opportunity to destroy them.
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“Making homes 6. SCIENCE: What is the unit that is 79-710 Highway 111, Ste. 103 used to measure sound level? beautiful 7. INVENTIONS: ADVERTISING PROOF What was demonLa Quinta, CA 92253 Games 31, since 1972”strated for the first time on Dec.Final Changes DUE: 5:00 p.m.. October 23-29, 2006 © 2006 King Features Syndicate, Inc.
1879, in Menlo Park? Please review carefully. Double check: Phone Number(s) Spelling Prices HOURS: Hours Mon.-- Sat: 10am - 5pm 8. GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Sun: Closed What are the colors of Israel’s Contact flag? your Tidbits representative immediately with changes or corrections. Weekly SUDOKU 9. MYTHOLOGY: In mythology, Office: 760-320-0997 Fax: 760-320-1630 Visit us online at: what do theriomorphic gods repreAnswer sent? Go Figure! www.paperdollinteriors.com answers byGEOGRAPHY: Linda Thistle 10. What is the only by Linda Thistle Northeastern U.S. state that borders A . Property of Canada but not the Atlantic Ocean or Tidbits CROSSWORD ANSWERThe idea Tidbits®® Word Word Search Search GO FIGURE! - Answers of Go Figure is to AdVenture Media, Inc. ANSWERS TRIVIA TEST a Great Lake? arrive at the figures given at 1. Roaches can survive in only nswers Weekly Weekly SUDOKU SUDOKU Answers the bottom A and right-hand 1.5% oxygen FREE columns 1.ofAboard the Air diagram 2. Once every 15 minutes. -Answer-760.320.0997 Fax: 760.320.1630 Force One by following the arithmetic signs in 3. Up to 3.4 mph 2. A wish in German for “good All Rights Reserved the order they are given (that 4. Bright light and moving air health” is, from left to right and top to 3. Billie Holiday 5. Up to 30 minutes bottom). Use only the numbers 4. Chicago below the diagram to complete WUZZLES Answers BIBLE TRIVIA The breastbone its blank5.squares and use each Answers 6. Decibel of the nine numbers only once. 1. (A) Old 7. Incandescent light 2. (D) King James I DIFFICULTY: 8. Blue and white � Quiz Bits 3. (C) Samuel Place a number in the empty boxes in such a way 9. Animals � Moderate ��column Difficult 4. (C) Love of money that each row across, each down and each 10. Vermont 1. Sticky cinnamon buns ��� GO FIGURE! small 9-box square contains all of the 5. (B) 120 © 2006 King Features Syndicate, Inc.
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