Vol. 16: #18 • Babe Ruth • (4-26-2020) Tidbits of Coachella Valley

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Tidbits celebrates Babe Ruth Day on April 27 ADVERTISING PROOF ersonal njury aw by presenting some interesting facts about this nal Changes DUE: 5:00 p.m..

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ADVERTISING PROOF You’re Final Changes DUE:My Specialty! 5:0 PERSONAL INJURY & WRONGFUL DEATH CLAIMS 3:00 p.m. • Born George Herman Ruth, Jr. in 1895, Babe Ruth WED., MAR. 22 Please review carefully. Double Phone Number(s)  Spelling  nal Changes DUE: 5:00 p.m.. Whethercheck: owning ahome in our beautiful Coachella

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eight children, but one of only two of Valley is on your bucket list, or if you have a home to Contact your Tidbits immediately changes or co sell -representative let’s get down to business! My 30+with years of the Ruth children to survive infancy. German was corrections. Real Estate experience is ready to go to work for you! Office: email: valleybits@msn.com Fax: 7 Reserved • Motorcycle and Bicycle Accidents LOOK BEYOND ADVERTISING All Rights spoken in the family’s home near the rail yards760-320-0997 in 760-320-0997 email: valleybits@msn.com Fax: 760-320-1630 • Birth & Brain Injury • Dog Bites FREE CONSULTATION Ask friends or attorneys you know for references FREE Consultation  Free Hot Lists of Homes w/ Pools •Asbestos Lung Cancer of personal injury lawyers, or checkDO withNOT the Property of charge forRelated a consultation. the Pigtown section of Baltimore. Their upstairs Our attorneys DOOur NOT attorneys charge for a consultation. •Medical and Hospital Malpractice California Bar Association. It’s the best way to in Your Price Range. AdVenture Media, Inc. • Construction Accidents firm attorney limits its practice INJURY matters. find an ethical, Our competent with the trial to PERSONAL Liability apartment was directly above the saloon owned experience itWe takes to bring your case to aand fair dedication it• Product  Free Quick Overhave the experience takes to represent you. conclusion. Beware of the promises and claims • Construction Defect cases  So Cal Sliding Doorsthe-Phone Home Home attorneys and Hospital Consultation • 24-Hour Hot Line Ability and General Recommendation some inholds their the ads. Themake Firm highest Legal by his father, George Sr. Southern California Offices Evaluation Ratings AV (Very High to Preeminent) Martindale-Hubbell Law Directory Prem. Front Pg ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ©2005


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2, 3, or 4 panel MOPlease RE $$$review carefully. Double check:  Phone Number(s)  Spelling  Prices  Hours • The school's admittance records listed George as

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Vol. XVI Issue 18

from wood, cloth, rubber, and bearskin, while inside the figure metal levers, hinges, and an MEMORABLE air compressor controlled the mouth and facial expressions. Each night the skins had to be TRIVIA NEWSFRONT ADVERTISING PROOF removed in order to retighten the hinges. The eyes were created from carefully painted 12Changes DUE: MON., NOV. 18 5:00 p.m.. inch diameter blown glass balls. Three crew refully. Double check:  Phone Number(s)  Spelling  Prices  Hours members sat inside to operate the machinery. A ur Tidbits representative immediately with changes or corrections. large flatcar was used to move the figure from set to set on the production lot. Office: 760-320-0997 Fax: 760-320-1630 • Animators also constructed two right hand ADVERTISING PROOF and arm models from metal, sponge, rubber, and bearskin. One hand had jointed fingers inal Changes DUE: 5:00 p.m.. iew carefully. Double check:  Phone Number(s)  Spelling  Prices  Hours to enable Kong to clutch the blonde heroine. The apperatus was suspended by a crane, with act your Tidbits representative immediately with changes or corrections. Wray in the hand with the fingers closed around Office: 760-320-0997 Fax: 760-320-1630 Beach House Yogurt her. The crane was then raised and lowered BZ 4C 26x disc(Answers rate on page 12 ) for the needed motion shots. A giant foot was ADVERTISING PROOFIn 1933, RKO Pictures teamed up a colossal gorilla Nov. 24, 2013 Vol. 9 - No. 48 also created to show closeup shots of Kong Friday, 12/13/19 al ChangesCLIP DUE: 5:00 with p.m.. a tiny blonde and created the movie classic AND SAVE stomping on helpless civilians. carefully. Double check:  Phone Number(s)  Spelling “King PricesKong,”  Hours the first film to utilize several new • The prehistoric animal models for the Skull special effects that wowed audiences nationwide. your Tidbits representative immediately with changes or corrections. Island scenes were just 18 inches high. Similar This week Tidbits takes you behind the scenes for models of Kong were made for the New York 60-320-0997 email: valleybits@msn.com Fax: 760-320-1630 a few facts you probably never knew about this City scenes to make the gorilla appear larger bit of Hollywood monkey business! and more menacing. • In the early years of the Great Depression, • Kong’s angry bellowing was created by movie director Merian C. Cooper approached playing a recording of a tiger's roar run slowly Paramount Studios with the wild idea about ADVERTISING Gee-Ar-Gee Construction Co.PROOF backwards and layered over with a lion’s roar pg. BWDUE: 13x disc. Final1/16 Changes 5:00 p.m.. a gigantic, menacing primate that terrorized played forward. Although Kong is the title a major metropolitan city, but Paramount eview carefully.  Phone  Spelling  Prices  Hours Dec. 22,Double 2019check: Vol. 15 - No.Number(s) 52 character, he doesn’t appear until 47 minutes promptly gave it a thumbs down. ntact your Tidbits representative immediately with changes or corrections. into the 125 minute film. ce: 760-320-0997 email: valleybits@msn.com Fax: 760-320-1630 Increase • So he approached RKO with the concept, and GEE-AR-GEE Your Home's • A total of 238,000 feet of film was shot, but studio executives thought the whole idea might VALUE & Your CONSTRUCTION CO., INC. Property of y le! Lifest less than 10,000 feet were used for the final cut. "Large enough to serve • Small enough to care" AdVenture Media, Inc. have possibilities. They decided to produce the Handling All Phases of Construction & Home Improvement It was in post production for a full 55 weeks. film, but only if the studio had editing rights to RESIDENTIAL ADVERTISING PROOF • The film premiered at New York’s Radio City make changes, and Cooper agreed. of &Property COMMERCIAL FREE AdVenture Media, Inc. FinalMusic Changes of Coachella Valley Hall andDUE: the RKO Roxy across the street 5: A-1 TOP Quality! Specializing in • In the first draft of the screenplay, Please Cooper The Neatest Little Paper Ever Read review carefully. Double check:Total  Phone Number(s)  Spelling  KITCHEN & BATH REMODELS on March 2, 1933. seating capacity for 760.320.0997 Fax: 760.320.1630 referred to his title character as “The Beast,” ADVERTISING PROOF Offering Solid Wood European Cabinetry! FREE the Tidbits two theaters was 9,900. Ten shows a day or c of Coachella alley Contact your representative immediately with changes Finished with VSelf-Closing Hardware, and All Rights Reserved but RKO didn't like the name. Cooper changed Granite orFax: Quartz Countertops - All Selections! were run, and in the first four days, 396,000 760.320.0997 760.320.1630 Final Changes DUE:email: valleybits@msn.com 5:00 Office: 760-320-0997 Fax: p 7 it to “Jungle Beast,” but that was also rejected. Insurance Jobs Serving all of the Coachella Valley since 1991 moviegoers attended with ticket prices ranging All Rights Reserved Welcomed! New Construction Remodeling  HVAC Other titles were considered –Please “The review Eighthcarefully. Double check:  Phone Number(s)  Spelling  Prices from 35 cents to 75 cents. FIRE Tile Block Walls  Concrete  Patios  Apartments Wonder”, “The Monster Ape,” “King Ape,” Contact your Tidbits representative immediately with changes or correcti DAMAGE Roofing  Room Additions  Drywall  Stucco 10% • Although “King Kong” was the pioneer in the Clubs  Commercial Tenant Improvements and simply “Kong,” When “King Kong” Office: 760-320-0997 email: valleybits@msn.com Fax: 760-320 DISCOUNT RESTORATION Country Mobile Home Specialists  Retirement Homes use of several LDR Construction Svcs.new special effects, no Academy for Seniors was suggested it got instant and unanimous No Job Too Small -- FREE Estimates “We Aim & Military Award 1/16 pg. 4C 26x had disc.yet been created for visual effects at to Please!” agreement -- this one nailed it. Call 760-318-2490 Financing O.A.C. Fully Insured March 18,the 2018 Vol. No. 12  Today www.GeeAr Gee.com time of14 its-release. LIC. #826297 Se Habla Español • Cooper suggested using a blonde as the damsel Property of AdVenture Media, Inc. in distress for contrast between her light hair and Enjoy the Outdoors Kong’s dark fur, and executives agreed. Ginger ADVERTISING PROOF Rogers and Jean Harlow were considered for FREE MON., JAN. 7 of Coachella Valley Final 5:00 Property of the role of damsel Ann Darrow, but the part Changes DUE: The Neatest Little Paper Ever Read AdVenture Media, Inc. Phone: 760.320.0997 Fax: 760.320.1630 Please review carefully. Double check:  Phone Number(s)  Spelling P ultimately went to Canadian-born brunette valleybits@msn.com actress Fay Wray. The hair color problem could Contact your Tidbits representative immediately with changes or corr All Rights Reserved FREE be easily fixed with a blonde wig. w o o d / Alu m a - W o o d Office: 760-320-0997E l i t eemail: valleybits@msn.com Fax: 760 Phone: 760.320.0997 Fax: 760.320.1630 1. EXPLORERS: Which Western valleybits@msn.com Patio Covers • Excited that she was requested for a leading explorer discovered the Grand Canyon? Custom Columns & Styles Available · Lifetime Warranty All Rights Reserved role in a major film, Wray was only told that Vinyl/Wood Fencing · Composite Decks 2. TELEVISION: In the “M*A*S*H” she would be starring opposite the “tallest, Pre -Summe r Spe cia l SPRING special! series, which U.S. state did Radar General Contractor CA Lic# 988835 $2499 $ 3499 darkest leading man in Hollywood.” Thinking Licensed · Bonded · Insured O’Reilly hail from? Richard Bigley Computer Services & Repair 10’ x 30’ 12’ x 20’ 760 413-4708 714 345-1652 her leading man was most likely Clark Gable, Attached Patio Cover Patio Cover R e l i a b l e S e r v i c e · Free Estimates 3. LANGUAGE: What does the Lat1/16 pg Attached BW 26x Disc. - Lattice or Solid she was understandibly shocked when shown ldrpatio@aol.com ·Lattice or Solid· Includes: January 13, 2019 Vo. 15 - No.An3Authorized Dealer / Installer of in phrase “acta non verba” mean? All Materials & Installation All Materials & Installation a picture of her hairy co-star! She was paid a including Owner’s Ceiling fan Koolfog Misting Systems 4. GAMES: What are the names of the Property of salary of $10,000 for the role, about $200,000 Building Custom Shade StructuresAdVenture in the Coachella Valley Media, Inc.over 15 Years utilities in the Monopoly board game? in today’s money. ADVERTISING PROOF 5. COMICS: Who is Garfield’s girl• In the story, a film crew sails to tropical Skull Final Changes DUE: 5:00 p.m.. friend in the comic? FREE of alley Phone Number(s) Spelling  Prices  Hou ofCoachella V Island to shoot a film about the remotePlease and review carefully. Double check: Property 6. GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What AdVenture Media, Inc. Fax: 760.320.1630 Phone: 760.320.0997 uncharted island’s wildlife. There they discoverContact your Tidbits representative immediately with changes  Windows and Mac or corrections. valleybits@msn.com is the traditional birthstone for April? Office: 760-320-0997 email: valleybits@msn.com Fax: 760-320-1630 dinosaurs and other Jurassic-like creatures,  Desktop and Laptop Service All Rights Reserved 7. MUSIC: What does the musical  System installs & Upgrades FREE along with Kong, a monstrous gorilla who of Coachella Valley  Printer & Router Setup notation “allegro” mean? becomes obsessed with the crew’s female star. Phone: 760.320.0997 Fax: 760.320.1630  System Optimization 8. MOVIES: In which 1970s movie valleybits@msn.com After a series of fierce battles with prehistoric  Resolve Browser Issues does the Cahulawassee River play a  Microsoft Office Training All Rights Reserved beasts and the rescue of the damsel from Kong  iPhone & iPad Assistance major role? who had carried her away, Kong himself is I’ve retired after more than 30 years corpo9. LITERATURE: What do the captured and brought back in chains and irons rate software experience. Now I’m ready to use abbreviations stand for in the poet e.e. my professional expertise to help nice folks like to New York City for public exhibition.


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cummings’ name? 10. ROYALS: What was Princess Diana’s maiden name? Answers (Trivia Test answers page 12) 1. Francisco Vasquez de Coronado 2. Iowa

King Features Weekly Service

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April 20, 2020

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• Director Cooper used the dimensions of a gorilla from the American Museum of Natural History as the draft for the model of Kong. A bust of the head, neck, and upper chest was constructed


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b Tidbits of Coachella Valley

Week of April 26, 2020

baseball games in the Baltimore area.

Babe Ruth (from page one) an “ incorrigible troublemaker,” and although it seemed like a harsh beginning to such a young life, St. Mary’s strict discipline and hands-on programs of vocational skills training proved to be Ruth’s deliverance. • While at the school he was trained as a carpenter and a shirt-maker. Even later in life, Ruth used his tailoring skills to design his own collars, make his own shirts and do his own mending.

Page 3


behavior. He was cited for showing up late for games, using profanity on umpires, arguing with the league president, and climbing into the stands to fight with a heckler. His antics earned him ejections, fines, and suspensions. His off the field behavior of keeping late night hours, carousing with loose women and excessive drinking was also causing noticeable problems with his health.

• When Ruth had turned 19, one of the community games happened to be attended by Jack Dunn, owner of the Baltimore Orioles minor league team. As legend has it, after seeing Ruth's consistent batting ability and watching his pitching accuracy win the game for his team, Dunn was impressed enough to offer him a contract with his Orioles team on the spot. Babe Ruth: Turn to page 11 Ruth, of course, was excited for the chance, ADVERTISING PROOF but since he was still considered a minor Dunn Final Changes DUE: Wed., 4/8/2020 5:00 p.m.. took over the role as his legal guardian. Please review carefully. Double check:  Phone Number(s)  Spelling  Prices  Hours


• One of the monks, Brother Matthias, was a large, imposing man, a strict disciplinarian, • Because of his young age and youthful Contact your Tidbits representative immediately with changes or corrections. and himself a baseball player with considerable Office: 760-320-0997 email: valleybits@msn.com Fax: 760-320-1630 appearance, his fellow Orioles players knowledge of the game. He soon recognized 1. What nickname was given to sarcastically referred to Ruth as “Dunnie’s ADVERTISING PROOF George's natural abilities on the ballfield and right field of Yankee Stadium? babe” -- a greenhorn rookie taken under owner saw that he had above average potential. MON., OCT. 14 l Changes DUE: p.m.. Sand ‘n’ Sea Drain Company Dunn's wing. The name was also fitting ADVERTISING PROOF5:00Jack 2. Where did the Yankees • Despite the boy's resistance to authority figures, carefully. Double check:  Phone Number(s)  Spelling  Prices  Hours because of Ruth’s basic naïveté. He had never • Businessplay Cardprior Ad,toBlack & White, 6x discount rate the construcChanges DUE: 5:00 p.m.. Brother Matthias patiently worked long hours before traveled out of the Baltimore area and tion of their new stadium • April 19, 2020 • Vol. 16:#17 your Tidbits representative immediately withchanges or refully. Double check:  Phone Number(s) Spelling  corrections. Prices  Hours with him on developing his baseball skills of knew nothing of the proper etiquette of eating in 1923? 0-320-0997 email: valleybits@msn.com Fax: 760-320-1630 fielding and pitching.with Brother Matthias out in a restaurant, being a hotel guest, or ur Tidbitshitting, representative immediately changes or corrections. (Answers page 12) eventually became a father figure to young traveling on a train. The nickname stuck. 320-0997 email: valleybits@msn.com Fax: 760-320-1630 George, a close relationship that remained CLIP AND SAVE ADVERTISING PROOF • Jack Dunn later fell into financial troubles and throughout Ruth's life. Fri., 8/24/18 Final Changes DUE: 5:00 p.m.. was faced with no choice but to sell some of Please review carefully. Double check:  Phone Number(s)  Spelling  Prices  Hours OR • School rules required Ruth to remain at St. this best players to major league teams to raise Contact your Tidbits representative immediately with changes or corrections. Mary’s until age 21, but because he was the money. Ruth was one of them, and was soon on Office: 760-320-0997 email: valleybits@msn.com Call the #1 Local Drain Experts! Fax: 760-320-1630 school’s best pitcher and was becoming known his way to Boston to play for the Red Sox. { We FIX IT FAST! ADVERTISING PROOF A.R.C. c/o Willie in Concrete sports circles as anDougherty exceptional player, he • Emergency Sewage Back-Ups • Drain Cleaning FAIR • He made his debut in Fenway Park on July BZ BW Disc.special permission Property of PRICES was6xgiven age 18 to leave • State-of-the-art PipeAdVenture & Drain Restoration MON.,atMARCH 30 5:00 Media, Inc. nal Changes DUE: p.m.. Classic Garage Doors 11, 1914, winning his first game as a Red October 2019 on Vol.weekends 15 - No. 43to play in community • Certified Real Estate Drain Inspections • Much More! the20, facility $ rate ew carefully. Double check:  Phone Number(s)  Spelling  Prices  Hours • Business Card, Spot Color, 26x discount Sox pitcher in a close 4–3 match against the Over 15 yrs of Friendly Residential • Commercial • HOA’s FREE Service! • Oct. 9, 2018 - March 10, 2019 Drain Cleveland Naps. His first official major league Phone: 760.320.0997 TUES., Fax: 760.320.1630 ct your Tidbits representative immediately with changes or corrections. MAR. 24 g valleybits@msn.com • Volume 14: 760. #37 - Vol. 15: #11 Cleanin CALL home run was in September of that year. At exp. 5-22-20 760-320-0997 email: valleybits@msn.com Fax: 760-320-1630 All Rights Reserved ADVERTISING PROOF the end of his rookie season, he Please review carefully. Double check:  Phone Number(s)  Spelling  married Helen SandAndSeaPlumbing.com Woodford, a 16-year-old coffee shop waitress l Changes DUE: Driveways  Walkways 5:00 p.m.. Contact your Tidbits representative immediately with changes or c he had met on his very first day in Boston.  Patios  Pavers carefully. Double check:  Phone Number(s)  Spelling  Prices  Hours GARAGE DOOR SERVICE Office: 760-320-0997 email: valleybits@msn.com#1 In Fax:  Repairs  Resurfacing • Babe’s 1919 season with the Red Sox, in which We Service ALL Makes & Models! Customer our Tidbits representative immediately with 40 Years Experience ● All Workchanges Guaranteedor corrections. he set a record with 29 home runs, would be his Service! • Broken Springs & Cables • Rollers  Valley Floor Care 0-320-0997 email: valleybits@msn.com 10% Donate Fax: 760-320-1630 d last, as he was sold to the New York Yankees • Wind Damage Repair • Bent Tracks A.R.C. CONCRETE in your name to 1/16 BW 6x Disc. SENIOR for $125,000 (over $3 million today). Although charity of  OPENER REPAIRS & REMOTES Discounts! March 29, 16 - No. 14 760-999-0950 Lic. 2020 #CA664512Vol. you r cho ice • State-of-the-art Equipmenthe was an outstanding left-handed pitcher, the • Replacement & Glass Windows MANHATTAN IN THEPanels DESERT ADVERTISING PROOF Property of • e Drain Inspections Serving the entire Coachella Valley & Morongo Basin TUNE UP Yanks groomed him as an outfielder. During his Final Changes DUE: AdVenture Media, Inc. 5:00 p.m.. c/o Kim Guzman SPECIAL SALES Please review carefully. CLASSIC Double check:  Phone Number(s)  Spelling  Prices  Hours GARAGE first season with the team, he shattered his own 1/8 pg 4C COMP FREEor corrections. SERVICE & immediately $29,your2020 Contact Tidbits representative with changes DOORS OPENERS Property of RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL home run record, with 54 homers. His closest March Vol. 16 No. 14 + when space available Phone: 760.320.0997 Fax: 760.320.1630 INSTALLATION Office:per760-320-0997 email: valleybits@msn.com Fax: 760-320-1630 CALL door AdVenture Media, Inc. valleybits@msn.com Gene Bambusch TODAY! 760.578.9046 competitor in the league achieved only 19. CARPET & TILE ����������������������



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Babe Ruth memorabilia has FREE of Coachella Valley fetchedTheastronomical prices, with his Neatest Little Paper Ever Read Phone: 760.320.0997 Fax: 760.320.1630 1920 Yankees jersey listed as the most valleybits@msn.com expensive piece of sports collectables All Rights Reserved ever sold. In 2012, the jersey sold for $4,415,648. His first home run bat sold for $1,265,000, and a 1934 hat sold at auction for $537,278 in 2012. Actor Charlie Sheen owned Ruth's 1927 World Series ring until 2017, when he sold it for $2,093,927.

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• During the next season in 1921, The Bambino once again broke his own record with 59 homers, and a batting average of .376. By 1922, Ruth commanded the hefty salary of $52,000 a or year (about $850,000 today), more than twice e’re OPEN f W the largest sum ever paid to a player up to that ADVERTISING PROOF point. Ruth’s huge salary amounted to 40% of the entire team’s payroll. Final Changes DUE: 5:00




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Please review Double check:  Phone Number(s)  Spelling  Pric • The Yankees started their 1923 season in carefully. the are ready to prepare your meal for pickup! brand-new Yankee Stadium, and Contact Ruth hityour the Tidbits representative Give us a call and your meal will be or correc immediately with changes first home run there in the opening game. The (some menu items not available) . 760-3 waiting for you Office: 760-320-0997 email: valleybits@msn.com Fax: ballpark was designed with The Bambino in Open: 11:00 am -- 8:00 pm mind, and became known as “The House that of Ruth Built.” The right-field fence was closer, JOIN US AdVenture INProperty HELPING OUR Media, Inc. enabling left-handed batters to hit home runs HOMELESS COMMUNITY FREE more easily. Right field was also pointed away DURING THIS TIME! Phone: 760.320.0997DIFFICULT Fax: 760.320.1630 valleybits@msn.com from the afternoon sun, in order to keep the We invite you toAll Rights dropReserved off any donation of glare out of his eyes when playing this position. clothing, canned goods, bedding or toiletry Property of • 1927 was a stellar year for Ruth, with a new items in the dontation box in ourInc. lobby. AdVenture Media, record of 60 home runs, and his yearly salary had by now grown to $70,000. In 1930, Ruth We are donating food, Any Donation clothing and toiletries 4 Million demanded a three-year contract of $85,000 Welcome! Readers Weekly every day to Nationwide! FREE Thank You! annually, equal to the salary of then-President WELL IN THE DESERT of Coachella Valley The Neatest Little Paper Ever Read Herbert Hoover. Ruth quipped, “The President Phone: 760.320.0997 Fax: 760.320.1630 gets a four-year contract. I’m only asking for valleybits@msn.com three.” He was denied, and finally settled for a All Rights Reserved two-year contract of $80,000, (more than $1.1 million in today’s dollars). It was nearly twoand-a-half times the next-highest paid player. 2665 E. Palm Canyon Dr., Palm Springs 1 Block East of Farrell • The mischief of Ruth’s early days often followed him into his baseball career, as he 760-322-3354 was suspended from several games for bad Manhattan InTheDesert.com 4 Million Readers Weekly Nationwide!

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by Mary Hunt

By Lucie Winborne

* Humans are the only primates without pigment in the palms of their hands. * American alligator blood contains a serum that is so effective at combating bacteria and viruses, even alligators that lose limbs in mucky, germ infested swamps often avoid infection. * Irish author James Joyce was a great fan of Norwegian dramatist Henrik Ibsen’s plays. How great? He learned basic Norwegian just to send Ibsen a fan letter. * There’s a Facebook group called “Best Day of My Life: When I Realized the Old Brewers Logo Was a Ball & Glove AND the Letters M & B.”

Vol. XVI Issue 18

Prep Steps for FirstTime Homebuyers Buying a home can be exciting and terrifying all at once. And for first-time buyers, you can probably multiply those ®feelings by 100. According to Wendy Highfield of Distinct by Mary Hunt Real Estate in Denver, “Now is such a great time to purchase a home, especially with the low rates and personalized loan programs available to help families with unique financial backgrounds.” My best advice for any homeowners, but especially first-timers, is to take the time to prepare. When the time is right, you’ll be not only ready but also more confident.


Tip No. 4: Get preapproved. Knowing what you can afford, what you qualify for and what type of loan you want can help you find the best deal when you’re ready to apply for a mortgage. To get started, research the differences between conventional and unconventional loans, and use a mortgage term comparison calculator to get an idea of the cost. Find a great online mortgage calculator to get used to what monthly payments will look like. When you’re ready to shop for mortgages, use an online calculator like the “get a mortgage quote” tool at Realtor.com. This will allow you to see current rates and get quotes from lenders in your area. Tip No. 5: Find the right home. Start reading and researching as much as you can and as soon as you can. Use online resources like Redfin and Zillow. Don’t wait until you’re ready to shop to start looking at homes. Start early by researching neighborhoods in your target city and viewing homes online to get an idea of pricing. Once you’re ready to shop, you’ll have a much better idea of what you want, where you want to live and what you can afford. Take your time, and prepare well. Don’t let anyone talk you into anything that makes you feel uncomfortable. One thing worse than not owning a home is getting in over your head in a house you cannot afford. * * * ADVERTISING PROOF Would you like moreMON., information? AUG.Go 19to

Tip No. 1: Boost your credit score. Your credit score(s) will play a key role in your mortgage approval and the interest rate you’ll pay. Order your credit reports now from * China has the largest population AnnualCreditReport.com, a free service authoof smokers in the world -- 316 million rized by federal law. Go over each report, and people -- accounting for nearly onedispute any errors. Then pay off as much debt as third of the world’s smokers and 40% possible. You want to create a big gap between of tobacco consumption worldwide. But your overall available credit and the amount you just more than 2% of Chinese women are using at any given time. smoke, compared with more than half In the meantime, avoid big-ticket items of all Chinese men. like cars or furniture, and don’t apply for new credit. Triggering an inquiry or acquiring more * The term “deadline” dates to the debt by buying something can have a dramatic American Civil War. Lines in the dirt effect on the mortgage application and approval would be drawn around prisoners. If FinalEverydayCheapskate.com Changes DUE: for links and resources for5:00 process. they crossed one, they would be excarefully. Double check:  Phone Number(s) Spelling  Pric TUES., MARCHPlease 3 review recommended products and services in thiscolumn. ecuted by their guards. Not surprisingly, MaryTidbits invitesrepresentative questions, comments andwith tips changes at Every-or correc No. 2: Pull together a down payment. Contact your immediately both prisoners and guards soon review took to carefully.TipDouble Please check:  Phone Number(s)  Spelling  Prices  Hours “Ask Mary.” This column will andayCheapskate.com, Plan on needing between 20% and 30% Office: 760-320-0997 email: valleybits@msn.com Fax: 760-3 calling such vital mark the “deadline.” swer questions of general interest, but letters cannot down payment to qualify for the best mortgage answered individually. Mary Hunt is the founder of Contact your Tidbits representative immediately with changes or be corrections. rates. There are numerous programs available * Philematology is the scientific study EverydayCheapskate.com, a lifestyle blog, and the Glossy - of Women’s Apparel Office: 760-320-0997 email: valleybits@msn.com Fax: 760-320-1630 now through organizations like the Federal Housauthor the book “Debt-Proof Living.” of kissing. pg. BW202013x ing Administration that allow a smaller down pay-1/8 COPYRIGHT CREATORS.COM Aug. 25, 2019 Vol. 15 - No. 35 ment. Just beware that your interest rate will be * Research has shown that men who higher and you will be required to carry private kiss their wives goodbye live about five mortgage insurance, both of which will increase years longer, make up to 30% more your monthly payment significantly. money and are involved in fewer car accidents than those who don’t. Catherine Marcy - Real Estate Tip No. 3: Find the best real estate agent. 1/12 pg 4C - - * As if that weren’t enough, kissing Wendy's advice: “Look forPlease a buyer’s review carefully. Double check:  Phone Number(s)  Spelling  P March 2020 Vol. in 16working - No. 11 even helps keep your teeth healthy, by agent 8, who specializes with buyers Contact your Tidbits representative immediately with changes or corr causing an increase in saliva, which helps wash away plaque. Office: 760-320-0997 email: valleybits@msn.com Fax: 760 *** Thought for the Day: “Love takes off masks that we fear we cannot live The Canyon without and know we cannot live with55+ in.” -- James Arthur Baldwin Community

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morning similar to today’s practice of searching for colored eggs. • By the 1600s the pretzel’s intertwining loops had become a symbol of love. In some countries, royal couples included pretzels in their wedding ceremonies as a sign of their marriage bond, an act that may have been the source for the common phrase “tying the knot.”

In honor of National Pretzel Day on April 26, Tidbits presents the goods on this popular snack item and some facts about the twisty treat’s history. • Pretzels may be a simple blend of water, flour, and salt, but there’s really nothing simple about their history. There are several theories about their origin, but the most common is that they were invented by an Italian monk in the 7th century. • According to legend, the friar folded long strips of dough into a shape resembling a child crossing his arms in prayer, and then and baked the dough in the monastery’s oven. Dutiful boys and girls who had memorized their prayers would receive one of the treats as a reward. • It’s likely that pretzels derived their name from the Latin word “bracellae,” which translates “little arms.” The Germans modified the word to “bretzel.” Other traditions maintain that pretzels were first called “pretiolas,” meaning “little rewards,” for the children’s efforts in reciting their prayers. • Although most modern-day pretzels contain yeast, unleavened pretzels were eaten in the Middle Ages during Lent, when Catholics were forbidden eat certain foods. This led to PROMO - 08-2015to[updated] pretzels being associated with Lent and Easter, and the twisted treats were hunted on Easter

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• Sturgis is also credited with developing the first hard pretzels, which had a longer shelf life. This allowed his factory to ship the product to more distant areas while keeping them fresh, which increased his business enormously.

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Office: 760-320-0997 email: valleybits@msn.com Fax: 760-320-1630 • Pretzel production ADVERTISING continued to thrive in PROOF GENERAL CONTRACTOR Pennsylvania and eventually became the MON., JAN. 27 NOON Final Changes DUE: 5:00 p.m.. Concrete/Carpentry Services center of its manufacture and consumption, a Please review carefully. Double check:  Phone Number(s)  Spelling  Prices  Hours distinction it still holds today. About 80 percent Custom Homes • Remodels/Repairs Contact your Tidbits representative changes or Upgrades corrections. of all American-made pretzels come fromimmediately withADA/Seismic Handrails • Steps • Walls Pennsylvania, it is now a U.S.email: industry Office:and 760-320-0997 valleybits@msn.com Fax: 760-320-1630 Leaky Roof Roof & Concrete Repair generating more than $550 million annually. PAIRS Contact your Tidbits representative immediately with changes or corrections.

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introduced the first automated pretzel maker. Until then, all pretzels were still formed by hand, at the rate of about 40 per minute, per worker. The machine increased the output to 245 pretzels per minute.

• If you’re the average American, you will consume about 1.5 pounds of pretzels this year – unless you live in Pennsylvania. Residents of Philadelphia consume about 12 times more • German immigrants began arriving in North pretzels than the average person. Philadelphia America in the 1700s, with many settling in PROOF lovesADVERTISING pretzels so much they have a special Pennsylvania, where they became known as the Tues., 6/25/19 Final Changes DUE: 5:00 p.m.. park devoted to the twisted knots. A public Pennsylvania Dutch. In the mid-1800s, Julius Please review carefully. Double check:  Phone Number(s)  Spelling  Prices  Hours area formerly known as Manayunk Park was Sturgis owned a bread business in the town of Contact your Tidbits representative immediately with changes or corrections. in 2004 to Pretzel Park, featuring Lititz, and one day provided a hungry vagabond Office:renamed 760-320-0997 email: valleybits@msn.com Fax: 760-320-1630 pretzel-shaped looped sidewalk paths, and a some food from his bakery. six-foot-tall tall statue of a classic pretzel. • As the legend goes, the grateful man gave Sturgis a recipe for pretzels he had brought • How about the world’s largest pretzel? That honor belongs to one baked by El Salvador’s with him from Europe. Sturgis had never made Industrias la Constancia, a company that, pretzels before, so he baked the recipe in his in 2015, produced a pretzel weighing 1,728 oven, tested it on his family, then added it to ADVERTISING PROOF pounds. The enormous result measured 29 feet, his line of bakery goods. The new item was TUES., JAN. 15 Ultimate Final Changes DUE: three inches long by Home 13 feet,Repairs three inches wide. 5:0 so popular that he stopped his bread making Business Card, 4c, 26x Discount Rate That’s about 4,600 Phone times Number(s) heavier than your  Please review Double check:  Spelling altogether and baked pretzels exclusively. In carefully. June 30, 2019 • Volume 15: Issue #27 average six-ounce bakery morsel.  so doing, Julius Sturgis had establishedContact the firstyour Tidbits representative immediately with changes or co commercial pretzel factory in America. Office: 760-320-0997 email: valleybits@msn.com Fax: 76



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Tidbits® of Coachella Valley Published and distributed weekly by AdVenture Media, Inc. P.O. Box 4308 Palm Springs, CA 92263-4308 Phone: 760-320-0997 Fax: 760-320-1630 Email: valleybits@msn.com www.TidbitsPalmSprings.com All rights reserved. Publisher: Erik D. Long Editor: David L. Long Distribution by:


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Week of April 26, 2020

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Page 7

Casey’s Corner

Dog Talk with Uncle Matty By Matthew Margolis

Matty’s Hero

3. The Weekly “Brain Breaker”

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(Word Search solution page 12)

According to SafeKids.org, about 230 children die every year in “backover” or “frontover” accidents: accidents in which they are run over by a car, usually driven by a family member or close friend, and often in their own driveway. Imagine what that number is for dogs and cats. Then imagine what the aftermath looks like. Here’s a glimpse, as experienced by the following letter writer: “Kona, a Labrador mix, was 8 weeks old when my husband, Ron, and I brought her home. She was my first puppy, and I adored her! “On Memorial Day, Ron and I and the dogs -- Kona and our 5-year-old Rottweiler, KC -- were out front enjoying a beautiful day. I was washing my car; he was washing his work van. “Unknown to us, Kona had fallen asleep under the wheel of Ron’s van. When he went to move the van, he ran over her. I heard her cry out, and I screamed, too. Ron panicked and rolled the van back over her again. It was pandemonium at that point. I grabbed Kona, who was already going into shock, and Ron got a blanket. He and I rushed our puppy to our vet. They couldn’t help her, so we took her to a clinic. “The doctor told us Kona’s back left leg was broken in three places. Her tail was broken at the base and would have to be removed. The possibility of her ever being able to control her bowls was slim to none. We knew he was trying to tell us that there was no hope for Kona. Ron was guilt-ridden. I could not stop crying. Ron told the doctor to save her. “When we took her home, she had a metal rod in her leg. We had to keep her in a pen. A 5-month-old puppy. Can you imagine? My husband built her a really nice pen, and we kept it clean and free of feces. She had many meds that needed to be administered throughout the day and night. Needless to say, our lives were completely centered on Kona. “We got through the months of rehab, and her bowels were functioning perfectly. We were so happy! Then a strange skin infection appeared on her rear hip. To make a long story short, she needed surgery to cut out the infection: She had more than 200 stitches and gained the nickname ‘FrankenPuppy,’ but she recovered from that, as well. Casey's Corner: Turn to page 8




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Good Recipes from

SENIOR NEWS LINE by Matilda Charles © King Features Synd., Inc.

Trip to Supermarket Brings New Dangers

Spring Garden Saute With its bright colors and flavors, this warm dish of spring vegetables tastes even better than it looks.

Vol. XVI Issue 18

Casey’s Corner

(from page 7)

When you see Kona run, you would never know the awful events that plagued her life and ours when she was a puppy. She is a living miracle. We never regretted the expense or the time involved in getting her through it all.” The best way to prevent “frontover” and “backover” accidents is to be aware that they happen. Check under and around your car before moving it. Know where your dog is at all times. Keep him out of the street and away from the driveway. Use a lead in the front yard. Keep him on a leash. Fence in the front yard, separating it from the driveway and the road. Or decide that the front yard is off limits to the dog. Kona is one of the lucky ones. Lucky in life, lucky in love. Not everyone has the financial resources, and there are times when there is no way around that. But it’s also true that not everyone is willing to stand by through thick and thin, in sickness and in health. Often, when I share a letter from a reader, it’s an example of what not to do. But this letter is an example of pet ownership at its best: total commitment, unflinching responsibility and wholehearted dedication to the health and well-being of the animals that enrich our lives. Tell them you saw their ad Woof!

It occurred to me the other day that I haven’t been eating right. It’s been difficult to find food in my stores, and it’s been difficult to work 2 pounds asparagus, trimmed and cut into up the courage to go out, fearing I might get too 1 1/2-inch pieces 8 ounces sugar snap peas, strings reclose to someone who is sick. It also occurred to me that not eating right moved 1 tablespoon margarine or butter was bad for my immune system, should I need to 1 pound radishes, each cut into quarters fight off an illness. Salt and pepper I began going out just before my nearest 4 tablespoons snipped fresh chives store closed at night, dashing in for one or two items, using the self-checkout, and fleeing out 1. Heat large covered saucepot of salted the door with my haul. That’s assuming my two water to boiling on high. Fill large bowl with ice items were actually on the shelves. water; set aside. To saucepot, add asparagus and The store began holding “senior hours” snap peas; cook 4 minutes. Drain vegetables; cool early in the morning. Theoretically that would in bowl of ice water. Drain vegetables well. allow seniors to shop more safely and be able 2. Meanwhile, in 12-inch skillet, heat to find items on the freshly stocked shelves. In margarine on medium until melted. Add radishes, reality, said the store manager, it was likely more 1/4 teaspoon salt and 1/8 teaspoon freshly ground dangerous. He’d watched the security tapes of black pepper; cook 10 minutes or until tender-crisp. Transfer to bowl; keep warm. To same skillet, add a few early morning openings and had seen no in Tidbits! * * * asparagus, snap peas, 1/4 teaspoon and 1/2 less than 80 seniors pushing through the doors When salt you patronize Dog trainer Matthew “Uncle Matty” Margolis is coTidbits cookadvertisers, 5 when they opened, with no sign of social distanc- teaspoon freshly ground black pepper; You r author of 18 books about dogs, a behaviorist, a popular radio You help minutes or until tender-crisp, stirring occasionally. ing anywhere. support The and television guest, and host of the PBS series “WOOF! It’s in a tid Stir in 2 tablespoons chives. Transfer to serving But now, in the nick of time, two stores tidbits Dog’s Life!” Visit him at www.unclematty.com. bowl; arrange radishes around edge.paper! Sprinkle with have restarted pickup service, after having remaining chives. Makes 10 side-dish servings. cancelled it for over a month. IADVERTISING place the pickup PROOF order online, select a time slot Changes two days inDUE: adTues., Feb. 25 5:00 and Final p.m.. Tip: Asparagus snap peas can be Remember: vance, and drive there to have my groceries put Please review carefully. Double check:  Phone Number(s)  Spelling  Prices  Hours cooked through Step 1 up to one day ahead. Place in the car. It works, even if there are a representative lot of sub- immediately Contact your Tidbits withstorage changes or corrections. Tell the in plastic bag and refrigerate until ready to stitutions of items and Office: a few760-320-0997 items out of stock. advertisers email: valleybits@msn.com Fax: 760-320-1630 use. Remember to you saw their Here’s a thought: Do you have a suppleTELL ad inOUR mental Medicare policy or Medicare Advantage?  Each serving: About 45 calories, 2g total ADVERTISERS Tidbits! Does it cover meal delivery service, perhaps fat, 185mg sodium, 5g total carbohydrate, 2g diYOU SAW THEIR Meals on Wheels? Some do. Coverage might etary fiber, 3g protein. AD IN Gardner Outdoor and Pool Remodeling TIDBITS! only apply at certain times (if you’ve just had * * * For thousands of triple-tested recipes, visit surgery or have a medical condition), but a lot of • 1/4 Page, 4 Color, our 26xwebsite discount rate at www.goodhousekeeping.com/foodrules are changing now. It wouldn’t hurt to check recipes/. • March 1, 2020 Vol. 16 - No. 10 (You(Tidbits wouldn’t (c) 2020 Hearst Communications, Inc. your policy. wouldn't be


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Week of April 26, 2020



Social Security in Australia A couple of months ago, my wife and I returned from a six-week trip to Australia that also included a roundtrip cruise from Sydney to New Zealand. I had been planning that trip for about a year. And little did I know during that entire planning process that the dates I chose would work out so well. We went there after the worst of the bushfires that devastated parts of Australia and before the coronavirus devastated the world! We really were extremely lucky. Anyway, shortly after we returned from the trip, I mentioned in a column that I met more than a few old-age pensioners from Down Under. And I said I thought it would be interesting to compare their Social Security system to ours and that I would do so after conducting a bit of research. Well, little did I know what I was getting myself into. And before I get into all that, let me make this point: I’m always amazed by the number of people who think the concept of a Social Security system is unique to this country. Or they figure that we, and maybe some of those “socialist” Scandinavian countries like Sweden and Norway, are the only places that have Social Security. Actually, the opposite is true. Almost every country on this planet has a Social Security system in place for its citizens. And many of them had such programs long before we finally got around to passing Social Security legislation in the 1930s. In other words, people around the world recognize that a civilized society must do something to provide a base of support for its elderly citizens, for people with disabilities and for the dependents of a worker who has died. And the mechanism every country in the world uses to do this is a social insurance system. I have a book on my desk called “Social Security Programs Throughout the World” that provides a very brief overview of the system in each country. I counted. There are entries for 165 countries. And one thing I’ve always found rather remarkable is how similar the Social Security programs around the world are. They are usually financed through a dedicated payroll tax, and they provide retirement, disability and survivors benefits. But some countries do things a little differently. And I’ve learned that Australia is one of them. So here is a very brief overview of how Social Security works in what my favorite author, Bill Bryson, calls “the Sunburned Country.” Australia is one of many countries that set up a Social Security system long before we did. They passed a law establishing old age and disability pensions in 1908. They added survivors benefits in 1942. One of the major differences between their system and ours is in how it is financed. The money to pay Australian Social Security benefits comes out of general tax revenues. In other words, there is no dedicated payroll tax. Now, before my readers get all excited and start wishing they lived in the land of kangaroos so they could get a pension without paying direct taxes for it, they should know there is another big piece of the Australian Social Security puzzle that does involve payroll taxes.

Tidbits of Coachella Valley

Page 9

contribute. Frankly, I am a little bit fuzzy on how More about that in a minute. this fund operates, but I think it is something like a The general tax-funded Social Security pro semicompulsory individual retirement account. So, regram gets Australians a rather modest monthly an employee participating in this fund will gradutirement benefit that maxes out at about $2,000 for ally build up money, often into the hundreds of American an individual or $3,000 for a couple. In thousands of dollars or more by the time they redollars, that converts to $1,233 for a single person tire. And when they do retire, they can draw money the is or $1,849 for a couple. And remember, that maximum benefit payable. For comparison, the out of the fund. The couple I mentioned above who current maximum Social Security retirement ben- get no benefits out of the means-tested Australian efit in the U.S. is $3,011 per month. And there is no Social Security system get a fairly nice income from marital cap. In other words, a husband and wife, their Superannuation Guarantee fund. There is obviously much more to the Ausboth of whom had maximum Social Security earn- tralian Social Security system than I was able to $6,022 or ings, would each get $3,011 per month, discuss here. But I’m simply out of space. In next combined. MON., MARCH 9 sugweek’s column, I am going to discuss some the to And here is another interesting twist Please review carefully. Double check:  Phone Number(s)  Spelling  gested reforms to ourSocial Security program that  P are carefully. benefits Please review Double check: Phone Number(s)  Spelling Australian Social Security system. The involve some of the features of the Australian sys-or co income means-tested. In other words, the more Contact your Tidbits representative immediately with changes Contact your Tidbits representative immediately with changes or co tem. from760-320-0997 and assets you have, the less money you get Office: email: valleybits@msn.com Fax: 76 Office: 760-320-0997 email: valleybits@msn.com Fax: 76 Stay tuned. Social Security. * * * I know from all the emails I get from read- If you have a Social Security question, Tom Security ers that many Americans think our Social Margenau has the answer. Contact him at thomas.marsystem should be means-tested as part of any packgenau@comcast.net. To find out more about Tom Marage of Social Security reforms. But what they usugenau and to read past columns and see features from Clock Repair ally mean by that is that the Bill Gateses and War- Bob’s other Creators Syndicate writers and cartoonists, visit 4C 26x ren Buffetts in this country shouldn’t get Social BZ the Creators Syndicate website at www.creators.com. 15, 2020 Vol. 16 -MON., No. 12 JAN. 27 Security. As I’ve pointed out many times, you could March COPYRIGHT 2020 CREATORS.COM cut every billionaire (and even every Pleasemillionaire) review carefully. Double check:  Phone Number(s)  Spelling  Pric in the U.S. off Social Security, and it would hardly Please Contact reviewfinancarefully. Double check:  Phone Number(s) Spelling or corre Price your Tidbits representative immediately withchanges make a tiny dent in the system’s long-range Office: your 760-320-0997 email: Miller valleybits@msn.com Fax: 760-3 cial picture. Howard • Ridgewaywith • Sligh • Antique Contact Tidbits representative immediately changes or correct would you To make means-testing work, We also Repair and New Office: 760-320-0997 email:Service, valleybits@msn.com Fax: 760-320 repair Wall, have to do what the Australians do. And that is a Mantel, Movements from Germany Ship’s and pretty severe set of rules. There are both income 43 years Cuckoo Clocks experience BoB’s CloCk shop and asset restrictions. They are WAY too compliCarlsbad / San Diego / Desert Communities cated for me to explain in this short column. But ServicingGliding Coachella Valley on Fri., Sat., or Mondays many folks with even a modest amount of income Palms to PinesCall ratefor In-Home service appointment and assets start losing some or even all of their So- BZ 1 Color 13x 760-729-5121 -or- 1-800-734-5121 March 1, 2020 Vol. 16 - No. 10 cial Security benefits. I can give you one example. I got to know MON., DEC. 10 a retired couple in Australia fairly well. In fact, we PALM SPRINGS Please review carefully. Double check:  Phone Number(s)  Spelling  exchangbecame good friends, and we have been Property of our ing emails regularly since we got back from Property of Inc. with changes or c Contact your Tidbits representative immediately AdVenture Media, AdVenture Media, Inc.An exhilirating trip. This husband and wife are moderately wellBreathtaking Office: 760-320-0997 email: valleybits@msn.com Fax: experience off. They certainly are not rich. They would probviews of the you’ll never Coachella 3 SCENIC forget! FREE ably be considered upper-middle class if they lived Valley and of Coachella Valley TOURS FREE ns! ntai mou of Coachella Valley The Neatest Little Paper Ever Read 10 in this country. And because of the value of their Phone: 760.320.0997 Fax: 760.320.1630% ● Gift Certificates ● Group Discounts The Neatest Little Paper Ever Read DISCOUNT Phone: 760.320.0997 Fax: 760.320.1630 valleybits@msn.com for home and some other assets, they don’t qualify Wright Advice with this ad Palms tovalleybits@msn.com Pines Gliding Exp. 5-31-20 any Social Security benefits. 760-275-2090 1/12 pg BW 13x rate AllBermuda Rights Reserved 79880 Avenue 42, Dunes, CA 92203 All Rights Reserved But this is where we get to the other half Details at: www.PalmsToPinesGliding.com Dec. 16, 2018 Vol. 14 - No. 51 Please review carefully. Double check:  Phone Number(s)  Spelling  Pri I menpicture of the Australian Social Security tioned earlier. In 1991, the Australian government Contact your Tidbits representative immediately with changes or corre set up something called the Superannuation GuarOffice: 760-320-0997 email: valleybits@msn.com Fax: 760-3 antee. All employers are required to contribute to Property of this fund, and employees are strongly advised to


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Researchers Working on Cure for Herpes

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the antihistamine loratadine and the decongestant pseudoephedrine. Loratadine is considered safe in most people. Pseudoephedrine is safe for younger people, but it can raise blood pressure and pulse, and in older men, can cause urinary symptoms. He might try plain Claritin, which is just the loratadine, and save the Claritin-D for his worst days. Less pseudoephedrine is probably better. *** DEAR DR. ROACH: I read your comments to I.T. with interest, as I had my gallbladder removed way back in 1968. I feel you left out a side effect that follows the procedure for many patients: the “dump” syndrome, or diarrhea. This result has plagued me and several others for years. I found some relief by taking cholestyramine before eating. -- J.C.

Vol. XVI

Issue 18

VETERANS  POST  by Freddie Groves

VA Garners Awards

The Gears of Government Award is a program that recognizes individual federal employees and teams for performance and dedication to their agency mission. There are 29 agencies and councils DEAR DR. ROACH: If a person has in government, ranging from NASA to the Treasury been exposed (verified by blood test) to Department. The Department of Veterans Affairs won 16 herpes 1 and 2, can that person be a blood Gears of Government Awards this year. Here are a donor? Could a person catch herpes by sitfew of them: ting on a toilet seat that has been used by an * Patient safety was high on the list. Proceinfected person? Are scientists working on a dures were put into practice to prevent in-hospital cure for herpes? -- Anon. pneumonia and the prescribing of unnecessary drugs to veterans. VA police now carry opioid ANSWER: That’s a very good point, and ANSWER: There remains a stigma Ad Proof: reversing medication should there be an overdose one I did not highlight. “Dumping syndrome” against people with genital herpes, which is John Cuddihy Flags “A” Flying emergency. These two steps lowered VA costs by refers to bile being delivered to the intestine almost always caused by herpes simplex virus $24 million and improved care for 120,000 veterans. Biz Card, BW, It26x suddenly, causing diarrhea. isn’trate common, type 2. However, most people with genital her * Technological advances allowed eyeglassCorrections 5 pm, 6/19/17 fortunately, and due I, too,by: have foundMon., that cholestyrpes will not have major disruptions to their lives es to be created in minutes rather than a whole day. ADVERTISING amine can be very effective, in PROOF addition to eating provided they take some precautions. * Over 350,000 VA customer-service employFinal Changes DUE: meals. 5:00 p.m.. smaller, more-frequent First off, a person with herpes simplexPlease vi- review carefully. Double check:  Phone Number(s)  Spelling  Prices  Hours ees were trained on modernized and improved data *** systems, allowing real-time feedback. rus type 1 (about half of the population between Contact your Tidbits representative immediately with changes or corrections. Dr. Roach regrets that he is unable to answer * Processing times for disability compensaages 18-49, higher in older people) or HSV-2 Office: 760-320-0997 email: valleybits@msn.com Fax: 760-320-1630 individual questions, but will incorporate them in the tion claims were reduced by automating 40% of those (about 12% of the same population) certainly can column whenever possible. Readers may email quesclaims. donate blood. Second, being exposed doesn’t tions to ToYourGoodHealth@med.cornell.edu. * A group of VA individuals analyzed crimiguarantee infection. (c) 2020 North America Synd., Inc. nal information and provided assistance to nab Third, blood testing is not perfect. Fourth, five criminals involved in identity theft and fraud getting any kind of sexually transmitted infection schemes targeting VA employees and veterans. The from a toilet seat is very unlikely. Herpes viruses & schemes were stopped before veterans’ personal have a very difficult time getting through intact and banking information was compromised. FLAGPOLE SALES skin, which is why most exposures come through * Changes in the way vocational rehab counFlags of USAStatesForeign mucus membranes, especially of the genitals selors exhibited proficiency in job skills eliminated VETERAN all Sizes. Military & Religious and mouth. Owned inefficiency, leaving more time for direct service to Flagpoles- Residential & Commercial Busin ess There is a type of herpes (usually HSV-1, veterans. * The VET TEC group managed an educaoccasionally HSV-2) in wrestlers, called herpes Call me today! tional program giving veterans more job opportugladiatorum or “mat herpes,” and it can be trans(760) 343-1175 John Cuddihy nities through high-tech accelerated learning promitted from person to person through skin-to-skin We’re Near! I-10 & Monterey in Thousand Palms • Delivery Available grams. contact, especially if the skin is raw or chafed. * A training and response team developed Once a person has herpes of either variety, a safety program for patients receiving anesthesia, there is no cure. The virus stays in the nerve Property of which prevented the risk of emergence delirium AdVenture Media, Inc. cells. There is extensive work being done both (panic when coming out from under anesthesia). on preventing transmission and curing existing This has reduced the risk of injury for both the vetFREE of Coachella Valley infections, but herpes viruses are very good at erans and staff across the country. Phone: 760.320.0997 Fax: 760.320.1630 escaping the immune system. This makes hervalleybits@msn.com * Individuals were recognized, too, including pes difficult to treat. All Rights Reserved one employee who worked with community, state *** and federal organizations across Illinois to benefit DEAR DR. ROACH: Should a person homeless veterans and those facing incarceration. Wow! We knew there were some good peobe concerned about serious side effects from ple at the VA. Now we know where they are and what long-term use of Claritin-D? My son has been they’ve been doing. using the medication continuously for about nine years. He has had allergy shots, which (c) 2020 King Features Synd., Inc. were minimally helpful. He cannot use nasal rinses or sprays because they cause nosebleeds. He does have some sleeping problems, but since he’s been taking Claritin-D for so long, it’s hard to tell if that medication is the cause. -- M.S.


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ANSWER: Claritin-D is a combination of Puzzle Solutions

A gutsy ghost went into a pub but was told to leave. They didn't serve spirits there.


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Tidbits of Coachella Valley

Week of April 26, 2020

benefits beyond your full retirement age, you’ll get 8 percent more each year until age 70. Lump Sum Option If you are past full retirement age, and have not yet filed for your benefits, the Social Security Administration offers a retroactive lumpsum payment that’s worth six months of benefits.

-- by Jim Miller

Social Security Offers Lump Sum Payouts to Retirees DEAR SAVVY SENIOR: In light of the way the stock market is suffering with the Covid-19 restrictions on commerce, I’ve heard that Social Security offers a lumpsum payment to new retirees who need some extra cash. I have not yet filed for my retirement benefits and would like to investigate this if it is truly an option I have. What can you tell me? -- Seeking Cash Dear Seeking: There is indeed a littleknown Social Security claiming strategy that’s been around for many years that can provide retirees a lump-sum benefit, but you need to be past your full retirement age to be eligible, and there are financial drawbacks you need to be aware of too.

Here’s how it works. Let’s say for example that you were planning to delay taking your Social Security benefits past your full retirement age of 66, but you changed your mind at 66 and six months. You could then claim a lump-sum payment equal to those six months of benefits. So, for instance, if your full retirement age benefit was $2,500 per month, you would be entitled to a $15,000 lump sum payment. If you decided at age 66 and three months that you wanted to file retroactively, you’d get only three months’ worth of benefits in your lump sum, because SSA rules prohibit you from claiming benefits that pre-date your full retirement age. Drawbacks The downside to this strategy is that once you accept a lump-sum payment, you’ll lose the delayed retirement credits you’ve accrued, and your future monthly retirement benefit will be reduced to reflect the amount you already received. It will also affect your future survivor benefit to your spouse or other eligible family members after you die.

First, let’s review the basics. Remember that while workers can begin drawing their Social Security retirement benefits anytime between MON.,ageSEPT. You also need to consider Uncle Sam. ages 62 and 70, full retirement is 66 9 for Depending on your income, Social Security those born between and Number(s) 1954, but itrises w carefully. Double check: 1943  Phone Spelling  Prices  Hours benefits may be taxable, and a lump-sum in two-month increments to 67 for those born in ct your Tidbits changes or corrections. payment could boost the amount of benefits that 1960 andrepresentative later. You canimmediately find your fullwith retirement are taxed. age at SSA.gov/pubs/ageincrease.htm. 760-320-0997 email: valleybits@msn.com Fax: 760-320-1630

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At full retirement age, you are entitled to 100 percent of your benefits. But if you claim earlier, your benefits will be reduced by 5 to 6.66 Wilson Financial Services percent every year you start before your full 1/8 pg BW 26x disc. retirement age. While if you delay taking your

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The federal government taxes up to 50 percent of Social Security benefits at ordinary income tax rates if your combined income – defined as adjusted gross income plus nontaxable interest income plus half of your


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b) Peutadium c) Pentateuch d) Prednisone 3. From Genesis 3:24, who/what guards the Garden of Eden? a) Great chasm b) Armed angels c) God Himself d) Ark of the Covenant 4. What animal did God provide Abraham to sacrifice in place of his son Isaac? a) Ram b) Goat c) Dove d) Sheep 5. From Joshua 14, to whom did Joshua give a blessing? a) Caleb b) Jacob c) Moses d) Gibeon 6. After Moses' death in Moab, who undertook his burial? a) Joshua b) The Levites c) God Himself d) Not recorded (Answerson onpage page12) 16) (Answers For comments or more Bible Trivia go to www.TriviaGuy.com © 2020 2019 King Features Synd., Inc. Inc.

Social Security benefits – exceeds $25,000, and up to 85 percent of benefits are taxable if combined income exceeds $34,000. For married couples, the comparable income thresholds for taxing benefits are $32,000 and $44,000. To help you calculate this, see IRS Publication 915 “Social Security and Equivalent Railroad Retirement Benefits” at IRS.gov/pub/ irs-pdf/p915.pdf, or call 800-829-3676 and ask them to mail you a copy. In addition, if the lump-sum payment of retroactive Social Security benefits boosts your yearly income beyond the $85,000 level, it will increase your future Medicare premiums too. See Medicare.gov/Pubs/pdf/11579-medicarecosts.pdf for the full details.


Send your senior questions to: Savvy Senior, P.O. Box 5443, Norman, OK 73070, or visit SavvySenior. org. Jim Miller is a contributor to the NBC Today show and author of “The Savvy Senior” book.

Babe Ruth (from page 3) • Ruth played his final season with the Yankees in 1934. His age, his weight, and lack of conditioning was taking its toll. He was traded to the Boston Braves in 1935. Now at age 40, he played just 28 games of the season, hitting the final six of his record home runs for that team. • Before Babe Ruth had joined the Yankees, the team had never won a title of any kind. During his tenure, the Yanks bagged seven pennants and four World Series titles. • Boston’s sale of Ruth to the Yankees was highly criticized and resulted in a decadeslong superstition known as “the Curse of the Bambino.” Prior to the sale, the Red Sox were one of the most successful baseball teams, capturing five World Series titles. Once Ruth was sold, an 86-year winning drought began for the Sox, while the Yankees became one of the most successful franchises in history. • Between 1920 and 1964, the Yanks collected 29 American League pennants and 20 World Series titles, while the Red Sox earned only one pennant during that entire period. The curse was finally broken in 2004 when the Sox swept the St. Louis Cardinals to take the World Series title. The intense rivalry between the NY Yankees and Boston Red Sox remains today as one of the fiercest in all of American sports. • Ruth’s homerun record of 714 stood for 34 years. At the time of his retirement in 1935, he held 56 major league records, including home runs, RBI’s, total bases, and batting percentage. • The Baseball Hall of Fame was established the year after Babe’s retirement, and he was selected as one of the first five inductees. • Ruth was diagnosed with cancer in 1946. In 1947, the baseball commissioner declared April 27 as Babe Ruth Day to honor the baseball legend. With his body ravaged by the cancer, Ruth could barely speak above a soft whisper while sharing a brief statement with the 58,500 fans in attendance. He appeared at the stadium again on June 13, 1948 for the park’s 25th anniversary, his final appearance there, and the day his jersey Number 3 was retired. • Babe Ruth died August 16, 1948 at age 53. His casket remained on display in the Yankee Stadium rotunda for two days, viewed by more than 77,000 people who filed past. More than 75,000 stood crowded outside St. Patrick’s Cathedral during his funeral mass. 

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Vol. XVI Issue 1




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1. EXPLORERS: Which Western 1. EXPLORERS: Which Western 1. EXPLORERS: Westernexplorer discovered the Grand Canyon? Visit is explorer discovered theWhich Grand Canyon? Your explorer discovered the Canyon? 2. TELEVISION: In the “M*A*S*H” 2. TELEVISION: In theGrand “M*A*S*H” 2. TELEVISION: the “M*A*S*H” series, which U.S.In state did Radarseries, which U.S. state did Radar series, U.S. state did RadarO’Reilly hail from? O’Reillywhich hail from? O’Reilly hail from? 3. LANGUAGE: What does the Lat- 3. LANGUAGE: What does the Lat3. LANGUAGE: the Lat-in phrase “acta non verba” mean? in phrase “acta nonWhat verba”does mean? All CDC in4.phrase “actaWhat non are verba” mean?of the 4. GAMES: What are thecurrent names of the GAMES: the names 4. GAMES: are theboard namesgame? of theutilities in thelocal Monopoly boardand game? Federal utilities in theWhat Monopoly utilities in the Monopoly board game? 5. COMICS: Who is Garfield’s girl- 5. COMICS: Who is Garfield’s girlGuidelines 5. COMICS: Who is Garfield’s girl-friend in the Safety comic? friend in the comic? friend in the comic? KNOWLEDGE: What 6. GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What 6. GENERAL are strictly followed. Whatis the traditional birthstone for April? is6.theGENERAL traditionalKNOWLEDGE: birthstone for April? is7.theMUSIC: traditionalWhat birthstone for April? does the musical 7. MUSIC: What does the musical 7. MUSIC: What does the musical notation “allegro” mean? notation “allegro” mean? notation “allegro” mean? 1970s movie 8. MOVIES: In which 1970s movie 8. MOVIES: In which 8. MOVIES: In which 1970s movieadoes the Cahulawassee River play a does the Cahulawassee River play does the Cahulawassee River play amajor role? major role? major role? 9. LITERATURE: What do the 9. LITERATURE: What do the 9. LITERATURE: What do e.e. theabbreviations stand for in the poet e.e. abbreviations stand for in the poet abbreviations stand for in the poet e.e. cummings’ name? cummings’ name? cummings’ name?What was Princess 10.byROYALS: What was Princess 10. ROYALS: Linda Thistle G Diana’s O F I G U R E ! 10. ROYALS: What was Princess Diana’s maiden name? maiden name? Answer peekers -- Aw c'mon... Try Again! Diana’s name? TRIVIA TEST The idea of maiden Go Answers Figure is to Answers ANSWERS arrive at theAnswers figures given at Property of Answers Answers Weekly SUDOKU de Coronado Weekly SUDOKU 1. Francisco Vasquez de Coronado 1. Francisco Vasquez AdVenture Media, Inc. the bottom and right-hand columns1. of the diagram by folFrancisco Vasquez de Coronado 2. Iowa 2. Iowa -Answerlowing the arithmetic signs in 3. Deeds, not words 2.3. Iowa Deeds, not words the order they are given (that FREE 3.left Deeds, not words Electric 4. Water Works and Electric Compa- of Coachella Valley WatertoWorks is, from 4. rightandand topCompato Wateronly Worksthe and Electric Compa-ny bottom).ny4.Use numbers Phone: 760.320.0997 Fax: 760.320.1630 valleybits@msn.com below the diagram to complete ny5. Arlene 5. Arlene BIBLE TRIVIA Answers its blank5. squares and use each 6. Diamond Arlene 6. Diamond All Rights Reserved of the nine numbers only once. 1. (A) Old 6.7. Diamond 7. Lively and brisk Lively and brisk 2. (D) Pentateuch 7.8. Lively and brisk � DIFFICULTY: 8. “Deliverance” “Deliverance” 3. (B) Armed angels 8.9. “Deliverance” 9. Edward Estlin 4. (A) Ram Edward Estlin � Moderate �� Difficult 5. (A) Caleb 9. Edward Estlin 10. Spencer ��� GO FIGURE! 10. Spencer © 2010 King Features Synd., Inc. ©2020 6. (C) God Himself 10. Spencer ©2020 © 2019 King Synd., © 2020 King Features Synd., Inc. © 2020 KingFeatures Features Synd., Inc.Inc.


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