• Istanbul, Turkey, is the only city in the world located on two continents, Europe and Asia.
• Wherever you are in Switzerland, there is a lake less than ten miles away.
by Janet Spencer
Whether you may simply have the general world knowledge you still remember from Geography 101 or consider yourself a geographic genius, Tidbits is about to show you that there's still a lot to learn. Get set for a firehose barrage of terrestrial factoids that are guaranteed to put you on information overload!
• 90% of the world’s population lives in the northern hemisphere. There are no lakes or rivers in Saudi Arabia.
• The Kola superdeep borehole in Russia is the deepest hole on earth, reaching a depth of 40,230 feet (12,262 m) which is deeper than the Mariana Trench.
INSIDE: Celebrity Extra............................. Page 6 Comics & Puzzles........................ 8-9 Pet Column.................................. 9 Your Social Security.................... 11 Doctor's Advice .......................... 12 Antique or Junque........................ 14 Golf Tips & Advice..................... 15 DON’T FIGHT IT! SLIDE IT! ESTIMATESFREE ADVERTISING PROOF Changes DUE: 5:00 p.m.. carefully. Double check: Phone Number(s) 760-320-0997 email: valleybits@msn.com your Tidbits representative immediately with changes or corrections. FREE The Neatest Little Paper Ever Read 4 ReadersMillionWeeklyNationwide! of Coachella Valley Property of AdVenture Media, Inc. Phone: 760.320.0997 Fax: 760.320.1630 ADVERTISING PROOF Final Changes DUE: 5:00 p.m.. review carefully. Double check: Phone Number(s) Spelling Prices Office: 760-320-0997 email: valleybits@msn.com 760-320-1630 Contact your Tidbits representative immediately with changes or corrections. So Cal Sliding Doors Prem. Front Pg June 19, 2022 Vol. 18 - No. 25 DISCOUNTSSENIOR760.574.7621760.574.7621 • Repair or Replace any type or style of Windows & Doors • Multi-Slide, Bi-fold, 2, 3, or 4 panel • Patio Doors • New Screen Doors • Mirror Wardrobe • All Types of Window & Door Glass • Frameless Tub & Shower Enclosures SoCalSlidingDoors.com Lic. & Bonded #419960 So. California SLIDING DOORSLIDING DOOR Repair & Installation ServiceRepair & Installation Service HIGH-ENERGY-EFFICIENTNEWVINYLSLIDINGGLASSDOORSStarting$1,800.at TUES., JUNE 14 STOP FIGHTING YOUR SLIDING DOOR! SUMMER SPECIAL! ADVERTISING PROOF Final Changes DUE: 5:00 Please review carefully. Double check: Phone Number(s) Spelling 760-320-0997 email: valleybits@msn.com Fax: 760-320-1630 Contact your Tidbits representative immediately with changes or corrections. FREE The Neatest Little Paper Ever Read 4 ReadersMillionWeekly of Coachella Valley Published by: AdVenture Media For Advertising Call (760) 320-0997 valleybits@msn.com Property of AdVenture Media, Inc. Phone: 760.320.0997 Fax: 760.320.1630 valleybits@msn.com All Rights Reserved ADVERTISING PROOF Final Changes DUE: 5:00 p.m.. Please review carefully. Double check: Phone Number(s) Spelling Prices Office: 760-320-0997 email: valleybits@msn.com Fax: 760-320-1630 Contact your Tidbits representative immediately with changes or corrections. FREE The Neatest Little Paper Ever Read 4 ReadersMillionWeeklyNationwide! of Coachella Valley Published by: Advertising Call (760) 320-0997 valleybits@msn.com Property of AdVenture Media, Inc. Phone: 760.320.0997 Fax: 760.320.1630 valleybits@msn.com All Rights Reserved Jeffrey A. Weaver Law Office Premium Front Page “Box” Ad Full Color May 29, 2022 • Volume 18: Issue #22 WeaverLawPS.com 777 E. Tahquitz Canyon Way, #200-23 • Palm Springs Friday, 5/20/2022 FREECarePersonalizedInjured?Matters. Consultation When You Want a Winning Attorney Who Cares, Call the Law Offices of Jeffrey A. Weaver. NO fees unless you collect Call Today: (760) 444-HURT • Auto Accidents • Slip & Fall • Wrongful Death • Disability • Personal Injuries • Insurance Claims • Premises Liability J effrey A We Aver T L O Injury Attorney Over 29 ExperienceYears Hi-Grade Materials Co Premium Front Pg. Display June 26, 2022 Vol. 18 - No. MON.,26JUNE 20 ADVERTISING PROOF Changes DUE: 5:00 p.m.. carefully. Double check: Phone Number(s) Spelling Prices 760-320-0997 email: valleybits@msn.com Fax: 760-320-1630 Tidbits representative immediately with changes or corrections. FREE The Neatest Little Paper Ever Read 4 ReadersMillionWeeklyNationwide! of Coachella Valley Published by: Advertising Call (760) 320-0997 valleybits@msn.com Property of AdVenture Media, Inc. Phone: 760.320.0997 Fax: 760.320.1630 valleybits@msn.com All Rights Reserved ADVERTISING PROOF Final Changes DUE: 5:00 p.m.. review carefully. Double check: Phone Number(s) Spelling Prices Hours Office: 760-320-0997 email: valleybits@msn.com Fax: 760-320-1630 Contact your Tidbits representative immediately with changes or corrections. FREE The Neatest Little Paper Ever Read 4 ReadersMillionWeeklyNationwide! of Coachella Valley Published by: Advertising Call (760) 320-0997 valleybits@msn.com Property of AdVenture Media, Inc. Phone: 760.320.0997 Fax: 760.320.1630 valleybits@msn.com All Rights Reserved . COM TIDBITS GEOGRAPHYPECULIAREXPLORESFACTS
• Sri Lanka only became an island in the year 1480, when a cyclone swept away the land bridge that connected it to mainland India.
Geography Facts: Turn to page 3 Luxurious studios or one bedroom apartments with kitchenettes, 24-hour staffing, delicious daily meals included, licensed nurse. Exciting, stimulating activity program, scheduled bus transportation for shopping, doctor visits; much more. Lic. #336412441 Independent and Assisted Living Community ADVERTISING PROOF Final Changes DUE: 5:00 p.m.. Please review carefully. Double check: Phone Number(s) Spelling Prices Hours Office: Fax: Contact your Tidbits representative immediately with changes or corrections. FREENationwide! of Coachella Valley valleybits@msn.com ADVERTISING PROOF Final Changes DUE: 5:00 p.m.. Please review carefully. Double check: Phone Number(s) Spelling Prices Hours Office: 760-320-0997 Fax: 760-320-1630 Contact your Tidbits representative immediately with changes or corrections. ADVERTISING PROOF Final Changes DUE: 5:00 p.m.. Please review carefully. Double check: Phone Number(s) Spelling Prices Hours 760-320-0997 760-320-1630 Contact your Tidbits representative immediately with changes or corrections. MON., DEC. 31 Palm Springs L.P. HALLMARK Visit us at: www.hallmarkpalmsprings.com 344 North Sunrise Way, Palm Springs (between Amado and Alejo) 760-322-3955 Ask about our Move-In Specials. Weekly Readers ValleyOverWide!70,000 ...and you’re one of them all rights reserved © 2022 Week of Sept. 4, 2022 Coachella Valley's Best Loved and Most Widely Read Weekly Paper 760-320-0997 Vol. XVIII Issue No. 36 valleyvisitors!WELCOME "The Neatest Little Paper Ever Read" ® “There has been a substantial difference in the feeling in my feet - for the better! Less tinglingnumbness,&burning!” - Bob H ADVERTISING PROOF Final Changes DUE: 5:00 p.m.. Please review carefully. Double check: Phone Number(s) Hours Office: 760-320-0997 email: valleybits@msn.com 760-320-1630 Contact your Tidbits representative immediately with changes or corrections. FREE The Neatest Little Paper Ever Read 4 ReadersMillionWeekly of Coachella Valley Property of AdVenture Media, Inc. Phone: 760.320.0997 Fax: 760.320.1630 valleybits@msn.com All Rights Reserved ADVERTISING PROOF Final Changes DUE: 5:00 p.m.. Please review carefully. Double check: Phone Number(s) Spelling Prices Hours Office: 760-320-0997 email: valleybits@msn.com Fax: 760-320-1630 Contact your Tidbits representative immediately with changes or corrections. FREE The Neatest Little Paper Ever Read 4 ReadersMillionWeekly of Coachella Valley For Advertising Call (760) 320-0997 valleybits@msn.com Property of AdVenture Media, Inc. Phone: 760.320.0997 Fax: 760.320.1630 valleybits@msn.com All Rights Reserved Holistic Primary Care 1/12th page, Full Color April 10, 2022 • Vol. 18 - No. 15 Mon., 04/04/22 www.H1Cmed.com 552 Paseo Dorotea, Ste 5 • Palm Springs DO YOU SUFFER FROM SANEXAS THERAPY TREATMENT a Breakthrough in Pain Management! Non-invasive • No Drugs • No Surgery!! NEUROPATHY & CHRONIC PAIN? 760.760.766.7200766.7200 • Now people with diabetes, trauma, chemotherapy damage, or unknown pain have HOPE FOR A BETTER QUALITY OF LIFE WITH: Call us TODAY to determine if your pain can be successfully treated: This cutting edge electrical cell signaling treatment uses a special pneumonic electrical system with suction cups placed on the skin to regenerate nerves by increasing blood flow. Covered by Medicare, PPO’s & many Insurance Companies.
• Average temperature of the Moon during the day: 224
5. GEOGRAPHY: What is the old est, still active volcano on Earth?
The largest moon is Jupiter’s Ganymede, and the smallest is Mar’s Deimos. Ganymede has a diameter of 3,273 miles (5,267 km), and Deimos has a diameter of seven miles (11 km).
• Dactyl is a moon less than a mile in diameter which orbits the asteroid Ida. It was discovered by the Galileo probe in 1995, in the Koronis asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter. Before this, scientists had not known that asteroids could have moons, but since its discovery a further 24 have been found which have moons orbiting around them.
What does space smell like? Here are a few descriptions by astonauts sniffing their equippment after re-entering their capsule in space: “Seared steak.” “Hot metal.” “Welding fumes.” “Carries a distinct odor of ozone, a faint acrid smell.” “Sulfurous.” “Just imagine sweaty feet and stale body odor, mix that odor with nail polish remover and gasoline … then you get And Back Which city has
6. SCIENCE: What is the tallest type of7.grass?LANGUAGE: What does the Greek root word “morph” mean?
Answers 1. “Baby Blue.” 2. Fear of wealth. 3. Maximus. 4. A rhumba. (Trivia Test answers page 16) OUTWORLDTHISOF One in a series
• “Gliese 436 b” is a Neptune-sized exoplanet located approximately 30 light-years from Earth. Immense gravitational forces have compressed the planet’s water into Ice-X, and even though the planet is around 1,0000 F, Ice-X does not melt.
Pain” People often decide to be Rolfed because of pain in the muscular-skeletal system, often in the back, shoulders and neck. While Rolfing® is not designed as a system of treatment for illness, it can often be helpful in these situations as it brings the body into better alignment. A Rolfed body is more vertically balanced, with the leg more directly under the torso for better support, the pelvis less tipped forward, the chest lifted and symmetrical, and the head sitting directly over the neck and shoulders. In this alignment, chronic aches and pains often clear up as the body is positioned and moves in the most comfortable way. Call to schedule an appointment or for a free consultation: Rolfing® in the Desert 760-219-5301 Bill Peter LeGrave Certified Advanced Rolfer www.RolfingintheDesert.com MON., Aug. 29 Over 30 years experience. BILL PETER LEGRAVE, talks about: Venice Motorcars LLC c/o Jay Saukkonen 1/16 pg 1C Open Rate June 12, 2022 Vol. 18 -No. 24 MON., JUNE 6 Wanna Sell Your Car? ● Any Model ● New or Classic ● Running or Not CASH DEALS $$$ The hassle-free, safe & fast way to sell your car! Call us or go to our website 760-910-1980 DesertCashForCars.com Licensed - Bonded - Insured ADVERTISING PROOF Final Changes DUE: 5:00 p.m.. carefully. Double check: Phone Number(s) Spelling Prices 760-320-0997 valleybits@msn.com Fax: 760-320-1630 your Tidbits representative immediately with changes or corrections. FREE The Neatest Little Paper Ever Read 4 ReadersMillionWeeklyNationwide! of Coachella Valley Published by: AdVenture Media For Advertising Call (760) 320-0997 valleybits@msn.com Property of AdVenture Media, Inc. Phone: 760.320.0997 Fax: 760.320.1630 valleybits@msn.com All Rights Reserved ADVERTISING PROOF Changes DUE: 5:00 p.m.. carefully. 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Double check: Phone Number(s) Spelling Office: 760-320-0997 email: valleybits@msn.com Fax: Contact your Tidbits representative immediately with changes or FREE The Neatest Little Paper Ever Read 4 ReadersMillionWeeklyNationwide! of Coachella Valley Published by: AdVenture Media For Advertising Call (760) 320-0997 valleybits@msn.com Property of AdVenture Media, Inc. Phone: 760.320.0997 Fax: 760.320.1630 valleybits@msn.com All Rights Reserved ADVERTISING PROOF Final Changes DUE: 5:00 Please review carefully. Double check: Phone Number(s) Spelling Prices Office: 760-320-0997 email: valleybits@msn.com Fax: 760-320-1630 Contact your Tidbits representative immediately with changes or corrections. FREE The Neatest Little Paper Ever Read 4 ReadersMillionWeeklyNationwide! of Coachella Valley Published by: AdVenture Media For Advertising Call (760) 320-0997 valleybits@msn.com Property of AdVenture Media, Inc. Phone: 760.320.0997 Fax: 760.320.1630 valleybits@msn.com All Rights Reserved My Uncle’s Shutter Factory c/o LDR Construction 1/16 pg. 4C 26x Disc. March 27 Vol. 18 - No. 13 Tues., 3/22/22 ADVERTISING PROOF Final Changes DUE: 5:00 p.m.. Please review carefully. Double check: Phone Number(s) Spelling Prices Hours Office: 760-320-0997 email: valleybits@msn.com Fax: 760-320-1630 Contact your Tidbits representative immediately with changes or corrections. FREE The Neatest Little Paper Ever Read of Coachella Valley Property of AdVenture Media, Inc. Phone: 760.320.0997 Fax: 760.320.1630 valleybits@msn.com All Rights Reserved HardREMOVALSTAINWater HardREMOVALSTAINWater Landy’s Window Cleaning Full Color • 26x discount rate Jan. 30, 2022 • Vol. 18: #5 Ad Size and Price Comparison: Window Cleaning Window Cleaning Window Cleaning Window Cleaning 760 668-9032 10% DISCOUNTSENIOR10%DISCOUNTSENIOR LANDY’S FULL SERVICE For BETTERaVIEWCallLandy! For BETTERaVIEWCallLandy! 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KINGDOM: What is a group of rattlesnakes called?
10. ANATOMY: Where are suture joints found in the human body?
• Length of one day on Mercury: 59 Earth days.
• Color of the sunsets on Mars: blue.
vowels? 5. Do more ships per day pass through the Suez Canal or the Panama Canal?
• Ganymede, a moon that orbits Jupiter, is the largest moon in the Solar System, and is even bigger than the planet Mercury. Ganymede would be classified as a planet if it orbited the Sun directly. The icy-rock surface has both craters and grooves, and a molten core, which allows it to possess its own magnetosphere within that of Jupiter.
• Neptune’s moon Triton is the coldest known object in the solar system with an average surface temperature of -391° F.
close!” □ ADVERTISING PROOF Final Changes DUE: 5:00 Please review carefully. Double check: Phone Number(s) Spelling Prices Office: 760-320-0997 email: valleybits@msn.com Fax: 760-320-1630 Contact your Tidbits representative immediately with changes or corrections. FREE The Neatest Little Paper Ever Read 4 ReadersMillionWeeklyNationwide! of Coachella Valley Published by: AdVenture Media For Advertising Call (760) 320-0997 valleybits@msn.com Property of AdVenture Media, Inc. Phone: 760.320.0997 Fax: 760.320.1630 valleybits@msn.com All Rights Reserved ADVERTISING PROOF Final Changes DUE: 5:00 p.m.. Please review carefully. Double check: Phone Number(s) Spelling Prices Hours Office: 760-320-0997 email: valleybits@msn.com Fax: 760-320-1630 Contact your Tidbits representative immediately with changes or corrections. FREE The Neatest Little Paper Ever Read 4 ReadersMillionWeeklyNationwide! of Coachella Valley For Advertising Call (760) 320-0997 valleybits@msn.com Property of AdVenture Media, Inc. Phone: 760.320.0997 Fax: 760.320.1630 valleybits@msn.com All Rights Reserved Gee-Ar-Gee Construction Co. 1/16 pg. BW 13x disc. Dec. 22, 2019 Vol. 15 - No. 52 Handling All Phases of Construction & Home Improvement "Large enough to serve • Small enough to care" &RESIDENTIALCOMMERCIAL 760-318-2490 No Job Too Small -- FREE Estimates 10% DISCOUNTforSeniors&Military Se Habla FinancingEspañolO.A.C. “We Aim to Please!” Friday, 12/13/19 A-1 TOP Quality! Specializing in KITCHEN & BATH CONSTRUCTIONGEE-AR-GEEREMODELSCO.,INC. www.GeeArGee.comTodayCallFully Insured LIC. #826297 Offering Solid Wood European Cabinetry! Finished with Self-Closing Hardware, and Granite or Quartz Countertops - All Selections! RESTORATIONDAMAGEFIRE Insurance Jobs Welcomed! VALUEYourIncreaseHome's&YourLifestyle! Serving all of the Coachella Valley since 1991 New Construction Remodeling HVAC Tile Block Walls Concrete Patios Apartments Roofing Room Additions Drywall Stucco Country Clubs Commercial Tenant Improvements Mobile Home Specialists Retirement Homes ADVERTISING PROOF Final Changes DUE: 5:00 p.m.. Please review carefully. Double check: Phone Number(s) Spelling Prices Hours Office: 760-320-0997 email: valleybits@msn.com Fax: 760-320-1630 Contact your Tidbits representative immediately with changes or corrections. FREE 4 ReadersMillionWeeklyNationwide! Property of AdVenture Media, Inc. ADVERTISING PROOF Final Changes DUE: 5:00 p.m.. Please review carefully. Double check: Phone Number(s) Spelling Prices Hours Office: 760-320-0997 email: valleybits@msn.com Fax: 760-320-1630 Contact your Tidbits representative immediately with changes or corrections. Property of AdVenture Media, Inc. Bill LeGrave Rolfing in the Desert (1 of 6) 1/8 pg BW 6x disc. Sept. 4, 2022 Vol. 18 - No. 36 Before After “ROLFING:®
• Length of a day on Neptune: 16 hours.
the largest area of urban blight in the U.S
2. PSYCHOLOGY: What fear is rep resented in the condition called pluto phobia?3.MOVIES: What is the name of the horse in the Disney animated movie “Tangled”?4.ANIMAL
• Number of Earths that could fit inside the sun: One million.
• First living creatures sent into space: fruit flies.
• Average temperature of the Moon at night: -243
• Since it was discovered in 1846, Neptune has made only one single orbit of the Sun, completing the circuit in 2011. It takes Neptune 165 years to complete one full orbit of the Sun.
1. TELEVISION: What is the song played at the end of the final episode of “Breaking Bad”?
• Uranus was named for the Greek god of the sky who, according to Greek mythology, was the great-grandfather of Ares (Mars), grandfather of Zeus (Jupiter) and father of Cronus (Saturn).
2. This country is the most sparsely populated in the world.
Here are more nuggets of knowledge for space junkies to add to their bevy of facts about the Great Beyond.
(Answers on page 16) Page 2 Tidbits of Coachella Valley Vol. XVIII Issue No. 36
support life.
Y? 4.
• Speed required for a rocket to get into orbit: 17,600 mph.
• The only planet that spins clockwise: Venus.
• In 1996, the Hubble Telescope detected a thin atmosphere surrounding Ganymede, which contained oxygen. However, it’s far too thin to
3. What two countries begin with the letter Which state’s abbreviation consists of two
9. MUSIC: Which Rolling Stones’ hit featured the line: “Who could hang a name on you”?
• Length of a day on Jupiter: ten hours.
• The densest planet in the solar system: Earth.
• Weight of a single teaspoon of a neutron star: 6 billion tons.
• Europa, one of Jupiter’s moons, has saltwater geysers that are 20 times taller than Mt. Everest.
• The longest time an astronaut has spent in space: 341 days.
8. FOOD & DRINK: What is a sam ovar used for?
• Denmark ranks as the least corrupt country.
• Sweden has more islands than any other nation at nearly 220,000, followed by Finland, Norway, Canada, and Indonesia.
• Canada has the most coastline of any country in the world, followed by Norway and Indonesia.
• Australia has more national parks than any other country with 685. Thailand is in second place with 147. The U.S. has 63.
1. No matter which direction you travel from Stamford, CT, you hit this state line first.
• Damascus, Syria, was flourishing more than 2,000 years before Rome was founded in 753 BC, making it the oldest continuously inhabited city in existance.
ADVERTISING PROOF Final Changes DUE: 5:00 Please review carefully. Double check: Phone Number(s) Spelling Prices Office: email: valleybits@msn.com Fax: 760-320-1630 Contact your Tidbits representative immediately with changes or corrections. Property of AdVenture Media, Inc. ADVERTISING PROOF Final Changes DUE: 5:00 p.m.. Please review carefully. Double check: Phone Number(s) Prices Office: 760-320-0997 email: valleybits@msn.com 760-320-1630 Contact your Tidbits representative immediately with changes or corrections. LDR Construction Svcs. 1/16 pg. 4C 26x disc. SUMMER special! $ 499 9$ 499 9 10’ x 30’ Attached Patio Cover - Lattice or SolidAll Materials & Installation including Owner’s Ceiling fan(AdditionalIncludes:CostforCity Permits) CustomElitewood/Aluma-WoodLDRConstructionServicesColumns&StylesAvailable • Lifetime Warranty General Contractor CA Lic #988835 Reliable Service • FREE Estimates Licensed Bonded LDRpatio@aol.comInsured760 413-4708 714 345-1652 Building Custom Shade Structures in the Coachella Valley over 20 Years An Authorized Dealer/Installer of Koolfog Misiting Systems Vinyl/Wood Fencing Composite Decks Patio Covers Enjoy the OutdoorsEnjoy the Outdoors San Jose (or San José) is the most common locality/place name in the world, with over 1,700 places bearing that name or a variation of it (1,716 to be exact). San Jose is a Spanish name meaning Saint Joseph. ADVERTISING PROOF Final Changes DUE: 5:00 Please review carefully. Double check: Phone Number(s) Spelling Prices Office: 760-320-0997 email: valleybits@msn.com Fax: 760-320-1630 Contact your Tidbits representative immediately with changes or corrections. FREE The Neatest Little Paper Ever Read 4 ReadersMillionWeeklyNationwide! of Coachella Valley Published by: AdVenture Media For Advertising Call (760) 320-0997 valleybits@msn.com Property of AdVenture Media, Inc. Phone: 760.320.0997 Fax: 760.320.1630 valleybits@msn.com All Rights Reserved ADVERTISING PROOF Final Changes DUE: 5:00 Please review carefully. Double check: Phone Number(s) Prices Office: 760-320-0997 email: valleybits@msn.com 760-320-1630 Contact your Tidbits representative immediately with changes or corrections. ADVERTISING PROOF Final Changes DUE: 5:00 p.m.. Please review carefully. Double check: Phone Number(s) Spelling Prices Office: 760-320-0997 email: valleybits@msn.com Fax: 760-320-1630 Contact your Tidbits representative immediately with changes or corrections. FREE The Neatest Little Paper Ever Read 4 ReadersMillionWeeklyNationwide! of Coachella Valley Published by: Advertising Call (760) 320-0997 valleybits@msn.com Property of AdVenture Media, Inc. Phone: 760.320.0997 Fax: 760.320.1630 valleybits@msn.com All Rights Reserved Desert Coatings c/o Jim Maisano BZ BW 26x disc. rate June 5, 2022 Vol. 18 - No. 23 INTERIOR & PAINTINGEXTERIOR CONTRACTOR LIC. #700980 Serving the Valley over 25 years Desert Coatings 760-251-1963 FREE ESTIMATES TUES., MAY 31 Small jobs my specialty Palm Springs area Licensed & Insured The longest highway in the world is Australia's Highway 1. Circumnavigating the entire coun try, Highway 1 connects all the major cities and stretches just over 9,000 miles (13,500 km). ADVERTISING PROOF Final Changes DUE: 5:00 p.m.. review carefully. Double check: Phone Number(s) Spelling Prices Hours 760-320-0997 email: valleybits@msn.com Fax: 760-320-1630 your Tidbits representative immediately with changes or corrections. FREE The Neatest Little Paper Ever Read 4 ReadersMillionWeeklyNationwide! of Coachella Valley Published by: AdVenture Media For Advertising Call (760) 320-0997 valleybits@msn.com Property of AdVenture Media, Inc. Phone: 760.320.0997 Fax: 760.320.1630 valleybits@msn.com All Rights Reserved ADVERTISING PROOF Final Changes DUE: 5:00 p.m.. Please review carefully. Phone Number(s) Spelling Prices Hours Office: valleybits@msn.com Fax: 760-320-1630 Contact your Tidbits representative immediately with changes or corrections. FREE The Neatest Little Paper Ever Read 4 ReadersMillionWeeklyNationwide! of Coachella Valley Published by: Advertising Call (760) 320-0997 valleybits@msn.com Property of AdVenture Media, Inc. Phone: 760.320.0997 Fax: 760.320.1630 valleybits@msn.com All Rights Reserved Moday Aug. 1 Mike Pendley Construction 16th pg, BW, 6x Aug. 7, 2022 Vol. 18 - No. 32 MP MP Construction Construction 760-620-9795760-620-9795 FREE Estimates • Affordable Prices 10% OFF Open-Concept & Traditional Kitchen & Bath Remodels Room Additions • Roofing Professional Creative Design Window & Door Replacement Lighting • Concrete Call CallTODAYMike!MikeTODAY!Licensed • Bonded • Insured • Referrals Upon Request DISCOUNTSENIOR Exp. 8-30-22 with this ad Quality Workmanship Since 2002 LicRemoved:#809661 & more!& more! EXPERT HOME REMODELING Private Homes & Investment Properties PRICESBEST! I do it ALL No job smalltoo! 9-30-22 Geography Facts: Turn to page 15
• According to the Gallup World Poll, Finland is the happiest country, followed by Iceland, Denmark, Switzerland, and the Netherlands.
In the Netherlands, it’s 92%.
• Every panda on earth officially belongs to China.
• Canada has more lakes than the rest of the world combined.
• Spain literally means “the land of rabbits.”
• South Sudan is the world’s youngest country, established in 2011 when it gained independence from England.
• Russia has more forests than any other nation; Brazil has about half as much forest.
• Zambia has the highest percentage of its land devoted to national parks, at 32%.
• Qatar has the highest ratio of men to women, with 3.4 men for every woman.
• Mandarin Chinese is the most spoken language in the world, followed by Spanish, English, and Hindi.
• There are twice as many kangaroos in Australia than people.
• Kyrgyzstan, also known as the Kyrgyz Republic, is the most land-locked nation in the world. Located in central Asia, it’s bordered by Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, and China, and is 1,620 miles from the closest coastline at the Indian Ocean.
• France is the most visited country with an average of 89 million tourists each year.
• Bhutan is the most mountainous country in the world with 98% of its land covered in mountains. The average elevation is 10,761 feet (3,280 m) above sea level.
• China has over 100 cities with populations of over one million. The U.S. has only ten.
Tidbits of Coachella Valley Page 3
• Rwanda has the highest percentage of women in parliament, with 61%. There are only two other countries where women outnumber men in government: Cuba and Bolivia.
• Woodward Avenue in Detroit carries the designation M-1, so named because it was the first paved road in the country.
2. Which has the greater mountainous region: Colorado or Switzerland?
• Finland drinks more coffee per capita than any other country, and they are followed by every other Scandinavian country.
• Brazil has the greatest biodiversity of any country on the planet.
• China uses more electricity than any other country in the world. The U.S. is second.
• About 40% of people in Vietnam have the surname of Nguyen.
• 11% of Iceland is covered in glaciers, while also sporting 32 volcanic systems.
• The highest elevation in Denmark is only 561 feet (171 m) above sea level.
• Brazil got its name from the nut, not the other way around.
Week of September 4, 2022 Geography Facts (from page one) by 2.What1.What’s2.CROCUS1.VERNALEQUINOX����������������� ����
• Suriname, the smallest independent country in South America, is the most forested country in the world, with 95% of its land area covered by trees.
• Missouri and Tennessee have the most bordering states, each with eight. Alaska and Hawaii both have no bordering states.
• New York City has the most subway stations in the world with 472, followed by Shanghai at 354.
• Wellington, New Zealand, is the world’s
southernmost capital. Reykjavik, Iceland, is the northernmost capital city.
• Chechnya consumes more beer per capita than any other country, at about 51 gallons per adult per year, about twice as much as Germany.
• Grenada has an underwater sculpture park sporting 75 artworks that can only be seen by scuba divers.
• Egypt has the highest percentage of vegans in the world, at about 5% of the population.
• 58% of the world’s population lives in cities. In the U.S. 83% of the population lives in cities.
• Citizens of the Netherlands are the tallest in the world on average, with men averaging 71.6 inches and women 67.7 inches. Citizens of Indonesia are the shortest, with men averaging 64 inches and women at 60 inches.
• Italy boasts 55 UNESCO World Heritage Sites, more than any other country.
* Dolly Parton once offered 7th- and 8th-graders in her hometown of Sevier ville, Tennessee, a gift of $500 if they graduated from high school, reducing the dropout rate from 30% to 6%.
* The “Josh Fight,” started in 2021 by Josh Swain after he discovered a num ber of other folks on social media who shared his moniker, is an event held in Lincoln, Nebraska, in which hundreds of people named Josh duel with pool noodles to crown the “Ultimate Josh.” To date, the event has raised over $20,000 for charity.
It’s an easy, painless procedure that takes about 30 minutes. The patient stands na ked from the waist up, turning in different direc tions while the technician clicks away, using a state-of-the-art infrared thermal camera.
* Titanic director James Cameron drew that famous nude sketch of Rose in the film. (Kate Winslet wore a swimsuit for the scene.)
* * *
-- Eleanor Roosevelt 2022 King Features Synd., Inc.
As I’ve mentioned before, breast cancer doesn’t just run in my family, it gallops. My grand mother, my mother, my sister, my niece and way too many women I know and love have all been diagnosed, so when I tell you I keep abreast of this subject, you’ll know I’m not just punning you.
Her mission is simply stated on her Two Birds Thermography website: To help women take care of themselves.
Marilynn Preston is the author of “Energy Express,” America’s longest-running healthy lifestyle column. Her new Amazon best-seller, “All Is Well: The Art {and Science} of Personal Well-Being,” is avail able now on Amazon and elsewhere. Visit Creators Publishing at creators.com/books/all-is-well to learn more. For more on personal well-being, visit www.
You don’t have to wait for your gynecolo gist or primary doctor to suggest it. Chances are, they know nothing about this continually improving imaging technology. It’s had lousy PR ever since it was approved by the FDA in 1982. Maybe because it’s simply not part of the lucra tive billion-dollar cancer industry? Maybe if it had a color of its Breastown?thermography -- using a digital infrared camera -- is safe, effective, involves no radiation or squishing of the breast, and is evolv ing as a super-important risk-assessment tool for the early detection of breast cancer.
by Mary Hunt
I’m not waiting for my insurance company to do the right thing. I pay the $199 out of pock et, and $50 dollars more for Ater’s careful review of the results.I’mnot
Page 4 Tidbits of Coachella Valley Vol. XVIII Issue No. 36 TRIVIANEWSFRONT™ NEWSFRONTANSWERS TRIVIA byKaraKovalchik&SandyWood 1.Whohada#1hitin1961withthesardonic “Mother-in-Law”? 2.Accordingtotheproverb,whatis“the 1.ErnieK-Doe 2.necessity 3.Loretta 4.DannyDeVito 5.CandyLightner TRIVIANEWSFRONT™ NEWSFRONTANSWERS TRIVIA byKaraKovalchik&SandyWood 1.Whohada#1hitin1961withthesardonic “Mother-in-Law”? 2.Accordingtotheproverb,whatis“the 1.ErnieK-Doe 2.necessity 3.Loretta 4.DannyDeVito 5.CandyLightner TRIVIANEWSFRONT™ PRESENTS NEWSFRONTANSWERS TRIVIA 1.Whohada#1hitin1961withthesardonic “Mother-in-Law”? 2.Accordingtotheproverb,whatis“the 1.ErnieK-Doe 2.necessity 3.Loretta 4.DannyDeVito 5.CandyLightner FILLERPAGE2 2Q08-WEEK19 MAY4-MAY10
* In the 1970s, American Kitchen Foods, Inc., perhaps inspired by a picky young eater at home, tried disguising peas in a fry-shaped form with a product called “I hate peas.”
* Before you embark upon a detox reg imen, you might consider this: In 2007, an advocacy group called Sense About Science reached out to the manufactur ers of 15 so-called detox products and discovered that not one could come up with a definition of what they really meant by “detox.”
I felt relieved when Ater went over my most recent thermogram with me. We both looked at the beautiful result, a Peter Max-like pattern of red, blue, green, yellow. It’s worthy of framing.“Looks good,” are the words I remember. She compared the new one with the one from last year. No new vascular supply, no suspicious heat patterns, no new asymmetries.
“You are the one who decides when and how you’re going to monitor your breast health,” says Ater, who’s been analyzing thermograms for more than ten years. “Thermography is a tool. It’s a piece of the puzzle that we can offer to help find abnormalities in the breast tissue before abnormal growth Mammogramsbegins.”--and I’m not going to get into all the pros and cons that have women so confused -- are simply not useful for early detec tion.
saying that thermograms can or should replace mammograms. It’s a first line of defense and prevention, an excellent tool for early detection of a spreading blood supply, and it’s not getting the good publicity it merits.
“A cancer has already been growing eight to ten years before it’s big enough or dense enough to be detected by mammogra phy,” explains Sandra Fields, a certified clinical thermographer with a Master’s in nursing and 35 years experience in women’s health care. She’s part of an expanding network of doctors, nurses, patients, and health experts who are spreading the good word about thermograms.
And here’s what I’ve discovered about the war on breast cancer that is crucial and has nothing to do with the color pink: Women should take command of their bodies and include ther mograms as part of their breast health regimen.
* The Hair Museum of Avanos, located beneath Chez Galip’s pottery shop in Cappadocia, Turkey, is filled with hair samples from over 16,000 women from around the world.
By Lucie Winborne
* Prior to 1998, it was illegal in Victo ria, Australia, to change a lightbulb un less you were a licensed electrician.
“Using thermography, we as patients can begin to take control of our own health using all the tools available to us.” -- Dr. Kathryn Ater
“Women need to know that breast ther mography is a promising and safe technology that is a welcome addition to helping women cre ate breast health,” says another wise advocate, the best-selling Dr. Christiane Northrup.
Thought for the Day: “If life were predictable it would cease to be life, and be without flavor.”
And early detection is everything. “When treated in its earliest stages, most breast cancer has a cure rate of 95 percent,” says Dr. Kathryn Ater, a doctor of Oriental medicine, who has given me my first, second and third thermograms over the last four years.
The science is simple and makes sense to anyone with a breast or a brain: By the time a tumor is the size of a pinhead (after about two years of growing) it requires its own blood supply. The process of developing that blood supply is called angiogenesis. Thermography is the best technology for detecting angiogenesis because it detects abnormal activity in the breast -- increased heat, blood flow or changing vascu lar patterns. All of these are early indicators that something suspicious is happening in the breast tissue and needs follow-up investigation.
“Nothings really changed,” she said, and we both know that’s very good news.
by Mary Hunt
Why Is This Powerful Secret Weapon Against Breast Cancer Still a Secret?
Where is Susan Komen when we need her?EARLY
COPYRIGHTMarilynnPreston.com2019ENERGYEXPRESS LTD. DISTRIBUTED BY CREATORS.COM ADVERTISING PROOF Final Changes DUE: 5:00 p.m.. Please review carefully. Double check: Phone Number(s) Spelling Prices Hours email: valleybits@msn.com Fax: 760-320-1630 Contact your Tidbits representative immediately with changes or corrections. FREE 4 ReadersMillionWeekly Property of AdVenture Media, Inc. ADVERTISING PROOF Final Changes DUE: 5:00 p.m.. Please review carefully. Double check: Phone Number(s) Spelling Prices Hours Office: 760-320-0997 email: valleybits@msn.com Fax: 760-320-1630 Contact your Tidbits representative immediately with changes or corrections. The Neatest Little Paper Ever Read ReadersNationwide!Weekly of Coachella Valley Published by: AdVenture Media For Advertising Call (760) 320-0997 valleybits@msn.com Property of AdVenture Media, Inc. Phone: 760.320.0997 Fax: 760.320.1630 valleybits@msn.com All Rights Reserved Monday, June 6 Manhattan In The Desert 1/6 pg. 4C [media trade] July 18, 2021 • Vol. 17 - No. 30 CHOOSE FROM: Add soup or salad for just $2.99. NO SUBSTITUTIONS. DINE IN ONLY: 4PM - Close Excludes Beverages. • FISH AND CHIPS • COUNTRY FRIED STEAK • HOMEMADE MEAT LOAF • GRILLED HAMBURGER STEAK • ROASTED BREAST OF TURKEY • GRILLED SALMON FILLET (6 oz) • SPAGHETTI WITH MEAT SAUCE • SPAGHETTI w/ MARINARA (VEGETARIAN) • CHICKEN FETTUCCINE ALFREDO • FETTUCCINE ALFREDO (VEGETARIAN) SUMMER DINNER SPECIALSUMMER DINNER SPECIAL CALL TODAY: $1499 $1499 CompleteDinner!only Plus Tax. Country Fried Steak ManhattanInTheDesert.com 2665 E. Palm Canyon Dr. Palm Springs (1 Block East of Farrell Dr.) 760-322-3354 It’s TOO HOT to cook at home! Come, let us cook for you!
8.5% female
• A 1996 Belgian study on 1,700 pairs of twins found that nearly 21% were left-handed. This is 5% more than the general population of lefties.
• Countries that have the most left-handed people: The Netherlands (13.2%), United States (13.1%), Belgium (13.1%), Canada (12.8%), and United Kingdom (12.24%).
• Only 0.5% of guitarists play left-handed.
interesting online. wholesome and entertaining wherever you are
- Both parents right-handed: 10.4% male /
• Around one percent of the population is ambidextrous, meaning they can use both hands equally well.
• According to one study, women in their 30s and 40s were far more likely to have left-handed children than younger women. A study of 2,228 college freshmen found that those whose mothers were aged 40 and over when they were born had more than twice the rate of lefthandedness as those with moms who had them at 30 or younger.
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• “The Simpsons” creator Matt Groening is lefthanded which may be why character Ned Flanders has his own left-handed item store, called The Leftorium.
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• Of the nine most recent U.S. presidents, five were left-handed: Lefthanders were Barack Obama, Bill Clinton, George H.W. Bush, Ronald Reagan and Gerald Ford. Righthanders are Joe Biden, Donald Trump, George W. Bush, and Jimmy Carter. Ronald Reagan was left-handed but was forced as a child to write right-handed. Gerald Ford was left-handed, but switched back and forth with ease.
• For every four left-handed women, there are roughly five left-handed men.
Kangaroos appear to be almost exclusively left-pawed.
• Countries that have the least left-handed people: South Korea (2.0%), Mexico (2.5%), China (3.5%), Japan (4.7%), and Taiwan (5.0%).
□ Desert Chapel Christian School features one of the valley’s most challenging educational systems, offering Accelerated Reader, ACSI math, art, and music programs at the Elementary level. OPPORTUNITYBESTfor2022! ADVERTISING PROOF Final Changes DUE: 5:00 p.m.. Please review carefully. Double check: Phone Number(s) Spelling Prices Hours Office: 760-320-0997 email: valleybits@msn.com Contact your Tidbits representative immediately with changes or corrections. “Academic Champions” Pastor Don Parshall ChristianDesertAdministrator,ChapelSchool ENROLL NOW!ENROLL NOW!for the 2022-2023 School Yearfor the 2022-2023 School Year Desert Chapel Christian School is a powerful blend of faith-based, and academically challenging curriculums designed to equip your student in reading, math, science, technology, and Bible; taught through credentialed educators whose passion is to see your student excel. We also offer 6th graders the Valley’s only junior high preparatory program to solidify their understanding of the scriptures, and their walk with the Lord as they embark on their teenage years. The cost of placing your child into this topquality learning environment may be less than you imagine. 630 South Sunrise Way • Palm Springs, CA 92264 630 South Sunrise Visit us online: DCeagles.org 760.327.2772 Please call us TODAY for information: Grades TK - 12 DCCS is a TK-12 fullyWASC PrivateAccreditedChristianSchool. College bound from kindergarten • Christ-like for life NOW ENROLLING!NOWCHRISTIANCHRISTIANDEsertENROLLING!CHAPELSCHOOLSCHOOL2022-2023SchoolYearSchoolYear • DC High School features numerous AP classes, and offers dual enrollment with College of the Desert. ADVERTISING PROOF Final Changes DUE: 5:00 p.m.. Please review carefully. Double check: Phone Number(s) Spelling Prices Hours Office: 760-320-0997 email: valleybits@msn.com Fax: 760-320-1630 Contact your Tidbits representative immediately with changes or corrections. • DCHS competes under the guidelines of the California Interscholastic Federation (CIF) competing in 8 varsity sports, holding 3 state football, and numerous league championships. DEsert CHAPEL Handerseft
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• The chances of being born left-handed are genetically influenced as follows:
• Two left-handed parents are twice as likely to produce twins.
“Left” comes from the Old English word “lyft” which means “weak.” The French word for left “gauche” means clumsy. The word “sinister” comes from the Latin “sinistro” which means left. But lefthanded folks themselves are certainly neither weak, clumsy nor sinister. Here's some quick facts and figures about all those proud southpaws among us.
• If a fetus sucks its left thumb while in the womb, it will grow up to be left-handed.
• In a 1998 full-page ad in “USA Today”, Burger King claimed it developed the “left-handed whopper,” a burger with the same fixings, but turned 180 degrees so it would not drip on lefthanded customers. It was an April Fools’ prank.
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• Left-handed people make up 12% of the world’s population.
Go Ahead Try It, now! Scan this “QRC” Use your “smart device” to Check us out online today: or TidbitsPalmSprings.comTidbitsPalmSprings.com Enrollment Changes Can be Made ALL YEAR LONG! ARE YOU SURE YOU’RE IN THE RIGHT SUPPLEMENT PLAN? I work with ALL Medicare Supplements, PPOs & HMOs If you’re not happy with the current plan you’re in YOU CAN STILL CHANGE! I can help! - with over a decade of experience making it easy for folks to navi gate the Medicare Supplement maze. I’ll let you keep the most money in your pockets! 100% Independent Agent. My loyalty is to you, not a particular insurance company. Brian Henderson -- Independent Agent at your service Call me 7 days a week -- Anytime 909-455-2491 CA Lic.# 0H48978 BrianMedicare.Pro@gmail.com others!manyAnd Some Medicare plansare offering Part reimbursements.B Call me and set up a consultationto learn about yourbenefit options. ADVERTISING PROOF
Brian Henderson Insurance 1/12pg BW 26x Disc. TF April 24, 2022 Vol. 18 - No.
• About 50 percent of dogs favor their left paws. The percentage is about the same for cats.
• About half of the top hitters in baseball have been left-handed. In golf, only four percent of the top players are left-handed.
• Britain’s monarch and the first and second in line for the throne are all left-handed: Queen Elizabeth II, Prince Charles, and Prince William all favor their left hand.
- If both parents are left-handed: 27% male / 21.4% female
- Righty father & lefty mother: 22.1% male / 21.7% female
- Lefty father & righty mother: 18.2% male / 15.3% female
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You can also hear him playing Sherlock Holmes in the Audible podcast “Moriarty: The Devil’s Game.”Asforthe new “Rings of Power” series, ex pect to see the effects of an enormous film budget on the small screen. According to IndieWire.com, the first season alone, which will consist of eight episodes, is reported to have cost $450 million, and “by comparison, a season of ‘Game of Thrones’ was estimated to cost $90 million.”***
immediately The Neatest For AdVenture Phone: 760.320.0997 valleybits@msn.com All Rights El Paseo Exchange c/o Michael BZ BW 13x October 4, 2020 • Vol. 16 #1 El Paseo Exchange 73-255 El Paseo Across from Armando’s WE760-779-8778WANTYOURJewelry & ConsignmentsWatch ADVERTISING PROOF Final Changes DUE: 5:00 Please review carefully. Double check: Phone Number(s) Spelling Office: 760-320-0997 email: valleybits@msn.com Fax: 760-320-1630 Contact your Tidbits representative immediately with changes or corrections. FREE The Neatest Little Paper Ever Read 4 ReadersMillionWeeklyNationwide! of Coachella Valley Published by: AdVenture Media For Advertising Call (760) 320-0997 valleybits@msn.com Property of AdVenture Media, Inc. Phone: 760.320.0997 Fax: 760.320.1630 valleybits@msn.com All Rights Reserved ADVERTISING PROOF Final Changes DUE: 5:00 p.m.. Please review carefully. Phone Number(s) Prices Office: 760-320-0997 email: valleybits@msn.com 760-320-1630 Contact your Tidbits representative immediately with changes or corrections. FREE The Neatest Little Paper Ever Read 4 ReadersMillionWeeklyNationwide! of Coachella Valley Published by: AdVenture Media For Advertising Call (760) 320-0997 valleybits@msn.com Property of AdVenture Media, Inc. Phone: 760.320.0997 Fax: 760.320.1630 valleybits@msn.com All Rights Reserved Catherine Marcy - Real Estate 1/12 pg 4C - -Aug. 28, 2022 Vol. 18 - No. 35 Serving the Coachella Valley 760.272.0753 Or visit me at: www.CatherineMarcy.com Catherine Marcy REALTOR DRE Lic. #01308234 NOW!! REALTOR ESPRIT PALM SPRINGS Open Floor Plan Vaulted Ceilings Turnkey Furnished Community Pools/Spas/Tennis Tahquitz Creek Golf Nearby 2700 Lawrence Crossley Rd. Unit #32 Palm Springs, CA 92264 1BR / 1BA 728 Sq. Ft. $279,000 CommunityGated Depositphotos Dominic Monaghan
Page 6 Tidbits of Coachella Valley Vol. XVIII Issue No. 36
creator as “Raising Hope.” I was a big fan of that show, but I can’t find “Sprung” anywhere. Is it coming out this fall? -- L.T.
Q: I read that there’s a new comedy series called “Sprung” hailing from the same
ries returning this fall, or was the reboot in tended to air just one season? I really enjoyed the cast, so I hope it returns. -- P.U.
“Law & Order” returns to NBC on Sept. 22 at 8 p.m. ET.
Contact your Tidbits
Q: Is the original “Law & Order” se
Q: Whatever happened to the actor who played Charlie on “Lost”? I know he was in the “Lord of the Rings” movies. Is he going to be in the new “LOTR” TV series on Ama zon? -- W.I.
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The foursome resort to a life of crime once again, only this time their targets aren’t the inno cent; instead, they only go after the duplicitous, in cluding a price gouger of essential items like toilet paper and a medical professional who falsifies CO VID results for monetary***gain.
A: Dominic Monaghan’s talent and luck have led him to have a career any actor would envy. He’s been part of two pop culture phenomena in the early 2000s: the TV series “Lost” and the “Lord of the Rings” block buster movies (as well as its se quels).
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King Features News Syndicate
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The new series “The Lord of the Rings: Rings of Power” is available to watch on Prime Video, but don’t expect the same cast as the movie. Monaghan has moved on, and he can currently be seen playing Detective Paul Sarno in the AMC+ series “Moonhaven.”
representative The Neatest 4 ReadersMillionWeeklyNationwide! AdVenture Phone: 760.320.0997 valleybits@msn.com All Rights
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by Dana Jackson
Send me your questions at NewCelebrityEx tra@gmail.com, or write me at KFWS, 628 Virginia Drive, Orlando, FL 32803. 2022 King Features Synd., Inc.
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“Sprung” takes place at the beginning of the pandemic, when some prisons released offenders of non-violent crimes early to help stop the spread of the coronavirus. “Raising Hope” stars Garret Dil lahunt and Martha Plimpton are a part of the cast, alongside Phillip Garcia (“Criminal Minds”) and Shakira Barrera (“GLOW”).
A: Yes, “Law & Order” will be back this fall for what is, technically, season 22. The only star not returning is Anthony Anderson, who played Detec tive Kevin Bernard. The actor had only signed on for one season, and reportedly, his absence will be explained in next season’s premiere. Moving into his spot is Mechad Brooks as incoming Detective Jalen Shaw. His character has teamed up off-screen with Jeffrey Donovan’s Detective Frank Cosgrove, so the partners should share a good rapport and focus on what’s important in this procedural format -- solving the case.
1. Split ................................ (PG-13) James McAvoy, Anya Taylor-Joy 2. Rings (PG-13) Matilda Anna Ingrid Lutz, Alex Roe 3. A Dog’s Purpose (PG) Josh Gad, Dennis Quaid 4. Hidden Figures (PG) Taraji P. Henson, Octavia Spencer 5. La La Land .................... (PG-13) Ryan Gosling, Emma Stone 6. Resident Evil: The Final Chapter (R) Milla Jovovich, Iain Glen 7. Sing (PG) 8.animated Lion ................................ (PG-13) Dev Patel, Nicole Kidman 9. The Space Between Us .. (PG-13) Gary Oldman, Asa Butterfield 10. xXx: Return of Xander Cage .................................... (PG-13) Vin Diesel, Donnie Yen © 2017 King Features Synd., Inc. 201713,February1. Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero (PG-13) Masako Nozawa, Toshio Furukawa 2. Beast ........................................ (R) Idris Elba, Liyabuya Gongo 3. Bullet Train (R) Brad Pitt, Joey King 4. Top Gun: Maverick (PG-13) Tom Cruise, Jennifer Connelly 5. DC League of Super-Pets (PG) Dwayne Johnson, Kevin Hart 6. Thor: Love and Thunder .............................. (PG-13) Chris Hemsworth, Natalie Portman 7. Minions: The Rise of Gru (PG) Steve Carell, Pierre Coffin 8. Nope......................................... (R) Daniel Kaluuya, Keke Palmer 9. Where the Crawdads Sing (PG-13) Daisy Edgar-Jones, Taylor John 10.SmithBodies Bodies Bodies (R) Amandla Stenberg, Maria Bakalova © 2022 King Features Synd., Inc. SERVICE,EXT. PROOF 5:00 p.m.. Prices Hours corrections.760-320-1630 p.m.. Hours corrections.760-320-1630 We Buy, Sell & ConsignmentsValuablesTrade &SilverGold,Coins ADVERTISING
(Go Figure solution page 14)
A: The new wacky comedy from Greg Gar cia (“My Name Is Earl” and “Raising Hope”) can be streamed on the Freevee app (formerly known as the IMDb app). Visit Amazon.com/adlp/freeveeabout if you have trouble finding it.
LifeStream is experiencing a major blood shortage. Our shelves are almost empty. We are measuring our blood supply in hours instead of days. We need our community members to help us now by donating blood or surgeries will be cancelled. We are running out of blood and we are the only supplier of blood products to hospitals and medical facilities in the Coachella Valley. Please give blood. We can’t save lives without you. Call LifeStream Blood Bank at 800-TRY-GIVING or visit LStream.org WE EXPERIENCINGARE A CRITICALSHORTAGE.BLOOD ADVERTISING PROOF Final Changes DUE: 5:00 p.m.. review carefully. Double check: Phone Number(s) Spelling Prices Hours Office: 760-320-0997 email: valleybits@msn.com Fax: 760-320-1630 Contact your Tidbits representative immediately with changes or corrections. The Neatest Little Paper Ever Read 4 ReadersMillionWeeklyNationwide! of Coachella Valley Published by: AdVenture Media For Advertising Call AdVenture Media, Inc. Phone: 760.320.0997 Fax: 760.320.1630 valleybits@msn.com All Rights Reserved ADVERTISING PROOF Final Changes DUE: 5:00 p.m.. carefully. Double check: Phone Number(s) Spelling Prices Hours 760-320-0997 email: valleybits@msn.com Fax: 760-320-1630 your Tidbits representative immediately with changes or corrections. FREE The Neatest Little Paper Ever Read 4 ReadersMillionWeeklyNationwide! of Coachella Valley Published by: AdVenture Media For Advertising Call (760) 320-0997 valleybits@msn.com Property of AdVenture Media, Inc. Phone: 760.320.0997 Fax: 760.320.1630 valleybits@msn.com Glossy - Women’s Boutique 1/8 pg. BW 13x July 10, 2022 Vol. 18 - No. 28 Dinah Shore Dr. Ave.MontereyLnShoppersWayMiriam N N▲ factory outlet A FACTORYREALOUTLETINTHEDESERT!FACTORYOUTLET GLOSSY GLOSSY CASUALCASUALSWIMWEARSWIMWEARCLOTHINGCLOTHING Hours: Mon.- Sat. • 9:30am - 5pm 760-329-1288 72-680 Dinah Shore Dr. Palm Desert Bargain Shopping with a wIde selection of: ● Dresses ● Cute Tops ● Sportswear ● Slacks ● Sandals ● Swimwear ● Mens Suits ● LOTS MORE! ● LARGE SELECTION ● MODEST STYLES ● MASTECTOMY SWIMSUITS Costco TUES. JULY 5 BELOW BELOWPRICING!WHOLESALEWHOLESALEPRICING! Costco Shopping Center
This five-ingredient chicken dish show cases the bright flavors of fresh basil, juicy ripe peaches and honeydew melon. Serve with brown rice for a heart-healthy meal.
4 medium skinless, boneless chickenbreast halves
loosely packed fresh basil leaves, coarsely3/4choppedteaspoon salt
2. In large bowl, combine fruits and syrup. Cover and refrigerate 2 hours, stirring oc
Good Recipes from
3/4 cup water
2. From lime, grate 1 1/2 teaspoons peel and squeeze 2 tablespoons juice. In medium bowl, stir together lime juice, diced melon, diced peach, chopped basil and 1/4 teaspoon salt. Makes 4 cups salsa.
Lime Chicken with Honeydew-Peach Salsa
2 cups (1/4-inch dice) honeydew melon
1/2 cup sugar
1 star anise
Each serving: About 125 calories, 1g total fat (0g saturated), 0mg cholesterol, 2mg sodium, 32g total carbs, 4g dietary fiber, 1g pro tein.
4. Place chicken on hot grill rack. Cover grill and cook chicken 10 to 12 minutes or until juices run clear when thickest part of breast is pierced with tip of knife, turning over once. Ar
1. In 1-quart saucepan, combine water, sugar, spices and lemon peel; heat to boil ing over medium-high heat, stirring frequently. Reduce heat to medium-low; simmer 5 minutes. Remove saucepan from heat; stir in lemon juice. Cool syrup to room temperature.
3. Place chicken on plate. Sprinkle chick en on both sides with lime peel, 1/2 teaspoon salt and 1/2 teaspoon pepper.
Week of September 4, 2022 Tidbits of Coachella Valley Page 7 TIDBITS SIMPLY SMARTER ADVERTISING! * * * For thousands of triple-tested recipes, visit our web site at www.goodhousekeeping.com/food-recipes/. (c) 2022 Hearst Communications, Inc.
3 cloves, whole
range chicken on platter and serve with salsa. Serves 4.
2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice
1 large, ripe peach, pitted and cut into 1/4-inch1/2dicecup
1/2 teaspoon pepper
6 cups fresh fruit, such as sliced nec tarines, plums, strawberries, blueberries and raspberries
1 3-inch cinnamon stick
Fruit in Spiced Syrup
1. Prepare outdoor grill for covered direct grilling over medium heat.
1 strip (3-inch by 3/4-inch) fresh lemon peel
Each serving: About 285 calories, 4g total fat (1g saturated), 90mg cholesterol, 525mg sodium, 28g carbohydrate, 4g dietary fiber, 35g
1 lime
Page 8 Tidbits of Coachella Valley Vol. XVIII Issue No. 36 NEST HEADS
(Solution on page 16) © 2022 King Features Synd., Inc. FindTheTwinsPenguins [Converted].pdf 12/23/2007 9:45:59 PM
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By John Allen
by Brett Koth by Walt
Dog Talk with Uncle Matty
--Don’t tether your dog to a tree in the yard. Instead, invest in a dog run or fence the yard.
--Ensure he gets sufficient exercise: two or three vigorous walks every day, with some spirited
© 2022 King Features Synd., Inc. 9/4 Newspaper Carrier Appreciation Day 9/5 Labor Day 9/6 Change Your Attitude Day 9/7 Grandma Moses Day 9/8 Physical Therapy Day 9/109/9 Grandparents Day NEXT WEEK in TIDBITS LOOKS UP SOME Remembrance for Aborted Children
behind excessive barking: tethering, improper confinement (e.g., in a room behind a closed door), outside distractions (e.g., construction, stray animals, lawnmowers, a steady stream of strangers), bad weather, separation anxi ety, heightened territorialism, lack of exercise, ge netics, temperament, hunger...
ignore complaints about your dog’s excessive barking. Instead, first find out whether you have a dog problem or a neighbor problem. Do a little sleuthing. Leave the dog with a friend or relative, or board him at a local kennel for a few days. During that time, ask your neighbor whether the barking has been a problem. If he complains even when the dog isn’t there, you have a neighbor problem. But if the dog turns out to be the culprit, there are adjustments that can and should be made to your behavior, the dog’s environment or the dog’s temperament.Possiblereasons
He’s All Bark
By Matthew Margolis Creators News Service
Barking is as natural as breathing. Trig gered by a state of excitement, barking is a dog’s means of communicating anger, loneliness, fear, playfulness or a need for something.
The excessive barking of an overindulged or neglected dog has ruined friendships, de stroyed relationships and added to the overwhelm of courts already jammed with frivolous concerns that are largely solvable without the aid of lawyers and judges. Time and money are wasted. Friends and credibility are lost. And if you’re a renter, you may come home to find yourself staring at a notice to vacate.Don’t
Some problems come with simple solu tions:
Excessive barking is barking’s obnoxious cousin. It’s an exaggeration of natural canine be havior that can only be eliminated by either giving in to the dog’s demand or reconditioning the dog. I’d advise the latter -- quick.
Page 9Week of September 4, 2022 Tidbits of Coachella Valley (CryptoQuip Solution on page 14 Mega Maze solution Page 14 Wuzzles solution Page 16
Dog trainer Matthew “Uncle Matty” Margolis is the co-author of 18 books about dogs, a behaviorist, a popular radio and television guest, and the host of the PBS series “WOOF! It’s a Dog’s Life!” Read all of Uncle Matty’s columns at www.creators.com, and visit him at www.unclematty.com.
* * *
--Don’t close your dog off in a room by him self. Dogs are social animals. When inside, keep him confined to one area of the house with a baby gate so he can see his world.
Fine Finishes
For information on effective reconditioning techniques and tools -- including the Margolis Ma neuver and the proper use of the human voice in dog training -- visit unclematty.com or read “When Good Dogs Do Bad Things,” available at your local library or online at unclematty.com.
* * *
you want to apply to your home, you can always use local materials. If you live in Paris, then let it be known that you live in Paris. Using local materials helps ensure that your home feels unique.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, in conjunction with Tufts University, has a free 126-page book titled “Growing Stronger: Strength Training for Older Adults” ( pdfphysicalactivity/downloads/growing_stronger.www.cdc.gov/
Do YourPickHomeworkupsome home magazines and try to find the design of your dreams. Make notes on what you like in an image. Take your time to plan properly; rushed decisions make for poor results. And although your instincts can guide you, your ideas can be polished throughout the design process. Thus, the result will be a perfect mix between what you wanted and what you have learned during the long “journey.”
--Before you leave the house without him, close window blinds and drapes, and play sooth ing music or low-level talk-radio to ease the pain of separation and mask exterior distractions.
For an additional source of help, consider investing in two sessions with an exercise coach who specializes in seniors. Things they’ll be able to teach you include how to do each exercise and how to use hand weights without straining joints. At the second session you’ll be able to ask any ques tion that came up and verify that you’re still doing the movements correctly.
make a big fuss out of every good bye. This only heightens his anxiety when you leave, which can result in a long tedious barking session on the heels of every departure.
Start using the book (either reading it online or having it sent to you) by completing the test to see if you need to run the program by your doctor, especially if you’ve had any surgeries for
by Matilda Charles© King Features Synd., Inc.
You know when you enter a room and sense a cozy feeling? Everything is in the warmth of the materials. Surely, the first thing that comes to mind is wood. Well, you’re not wrong. Psy chologically, earthy mate rials such as woods and stones are grounding and have a subliminal way of making us feel relaxed and warm. Of course, textiles also play a role in making a room -- for in stance, warming wools in winter and linen for when temperatures start to rise.
Build Muscles With Strength Training
Are Your Materials Hot?
And while you’re looking around the Con sumer Reports website, consider signing up for their weekly email newsletters. They’re free, and you can chose between cars, health, home, smart buying, money, food and more.
COPYRIGHT 2019 CREATORS.COM The Art DESIGNofbyJosephPublillones
games of fetch thrown in for good measure. The amount of exercise required depends on the breed of dog.
Page 10 Tidbits of Coachella Valley Vol. XVIII Issue No. 36
your knee or hip. Your second step should be to read the section on getting motivated, because yes, some of us need coaxing to start exercising. For additional information on senior exercise from the CDC, take a look at lactivity/basics/older_adults/index.htmwww.cdc.gov/physica
Joseph Pubillones is the owner of Joseph Pubillones Interiors, an award-winning interior design firm based in Palm Beach, Florida. His website is www.josephpubillones.com. To find out more about Joseph Pubillones and read features by other Cre ators Syndicate writers and cartoonists, visit the Creators Syndicate website at www.creators.com.
eral lights to know if they are the ideal selections. For example, when you see a house by day and then by night, it changes completely. Sometimes, the tones of the hills appear to be different. It is important to check the colors in natural light or in overhead light.
Your selection of materials and finishes is not like ordering fast-food. Finishing touches have the ability to change the perception of ma terials and create a sense of place. For example, in a city setting, polished marble might feel ap propriate and have a certain air of elegance. The same marble in a honed matte finish can speak of being at the beach or evoke a country house feeling. * *
Make Your Home a
Matilda Charles regrets that she cannot personally answer reader questions, but will incorporate them into her column whenever possible. Send email to columnreply2@ gmail.com.
--Don’t forget dinner and water. A satisfied dog is a quiet Barkingdog.problems that are more a matter of DNA are less likely but more complex, and require a reconditioning of the dog. This demands patience and persistence on the part of the dog owner. Con sidering the problems brought on by excessive barking, the effort is worthwhile.
Strength training is one of the best things we can do for ourselves to maintain strong bones, increase muscle strength and improve mobility, balance and coordination. Those things in turn reduce our risk of falling and help maintain our independence. Many of us, however, don’t know where and how to start.
It’s hard to know what information to trust these days, but one source I’ve always trusted is Consumer Reports. When not testing the items they review, they go straight to good, solid sources for information. Search consumerreports.org for “Strength Training Tips to Live Longer and Better.”
Cody’s Corner (from page 9)
of the novelist, setting up a house involves telling a story. The space you inhabit is an extension of you, and to get to know you better, there are interior designers who may need three or four interviews with their clients to get to the heart of the project. What are you expect ing from your designer? Many times, we believe that we want a space with certain character istics, and then it turns out that our preferences are different. Although many consider interior design frivolous, the truth of the matter is that your home is usually one of your largest investments and it is the backdrop for every activity in your life. Making mistakes is not a good way to start a project. That’s why I advise you to be realistic with your goals. Each room is like a chapter in a book, and every selection offers a nuance and gesture of your story. Here are some suggestions to make your story a best-seller.
). If you can’t download the book, call the CDC at 800-232-4636, and it can be mailed to you.
--Give him a Nylabone toy to while away the hours until you return. Boredom can lead to mind less barking.--Don’t
Bright Close-UpLookatall your project materials in sev
But again, the focus of today’s column is the scenario of a husband and wife with no minor or disabled adult children at home. And to repeat, the family maximum rules do not apply to them. Here are questions from readers about this issue:
CORRECTION TO MY BOOK: Before I finish out this discussion of fam ily maximum confusion, I’ve got to correct an er ror I discovered about this topic in my little Social Security guidebook called “Social Security: Simple and Smart.” In the “Benefits for Children” chapter of that book, when discussing the family maximum, I gave an example where a retiree took reduced benefits at 62 so that his teenage daughters could claim benefits on his record. And I said that it was his reduced benefit that gets figured into the fam ily maximum computation. But actually, it is his full benefit rate that is used, even though he’s getting a reducedButamount.still, the message of this column re mains the same. When we are talking about just a husband and wife getting benefits, the family maxi mum never comes into*play.**
(Answers on page 16)
So, here is the message of this column: The family maximum rules do not apply to a hus band and wife getting Social Security benefits all by themselves. These maximum rules only come into play when children are involved. That usually means cases involving children getting benefits on a deceased parent’s account. Or it can mean limiting benefits to families of someone getting Social Security disability benefits. But it also can occasionally apply to retirees who still have minor children at home. When this does happen, it’s fre quently because a retiree has an adult child who has been disabled since birth.
Q: I am taking my benefits at full re tirement age. I am married to a woman who hasn’t worked very much, so she is going to be getting half of my Social Security. But I also have an ex-wife who hasn’t remarried and didn’t work very much either, so she will be getting half of my Social Security, too. So, I’m going to get 100%, my wife will get 50% and my ex will also get 50%. That’s 200% com bined and that exceeds what I’ve been told is the 150% maximum that can be paid to my family. So how do they make these adjust ments to get down to the 150% rate?
“RULES FOR RETIREMENT AND SURVI VOR BENEFITSThefamily maximum formula for Old-Age and Survivors Insurance (OASI) benefits is based on a beneficiary’s primary insurance amount (PIA). The PIA is a beneficiary’s basic Social Security ben efit amount before adjustments for retirement age, earnings, and other factors. SSA calculates the fam ily maximum using a formula. Ultimately, that for mula yields a maximum for each family that is be tween 150% and 188% of the worker’s basic Social Security benefit, or PIA.”
by Tom Margenau
Q: My wife and I both plan to take our benefits at age 70 at the end of the year. I am estimated to get $3,444 per month and my wife will get $3,100. But there are two things we’ve heard about Social Security that scare us. We’ve been told there is some kind of maximum that applies to what we will be able to receive, and we’ve also been told there is a marriage penalty with Social Security that limits what my wife can get to one-half of my benefit rate. Please help us understand this.
A: Don’t worry. As I said in the beginning of this column, this family maximum stuff doesn’t affect a husband and wife getting benefits. You’ll note the rulebook section your accountant sent you refers to a “PIA.” That stands for “primary insurance amount,” which is essentially your full retirement age amount. That amount can never be more than a 100% rate. You are going to get a
ples. And there is no “marriage penalty” associated with Social Security. You mentioned a wife being limited to half of her husband’s Social Security. That would be a wife who does not have her own Social Security benefit, or who has a very small benefit on her own record and is therefore eligible to receive a dependent wife’s benefit from her husband’s ac count. Those spousal benefits are limited to the 50% rate, but you and your wife are each getting your own retirement benefit: $3,444 for you and $3,100 for your wife. So combined, you will get $6,544 in monthly Social Security benefits.
2. What sin did Paul tell the Thessalonians was likely to occur at night? a) Adultry b) Drunkenness c) Lust d) Thievery
Sharpen your understanding of scripture with Wilson Casey's latest book, "Test Your Bible Knowledge," now available in stores and online.
Family CouplesDoesn’tMaximumApplytoIfrequentlygetquestionsfrom
higher monthly benefit amount (up to 32% more) because you are delaying filing for Social Security until age 70. But your PIA remains at that 100% rate. Your wife is going to get a 50% rate. So, the most a husband and dependent wife can get in ba sic (PIA) combined benefits is 150%. (His 100% PIA rate and her 50% spousal rate.) And that 150% rate does not exceed the lowest family max rate (which is 150%), so a husband and wife can never be sub ject to the family maximum.
A: No adjustments will be needed. Any benefits paid to an ex-wife are just “add-on” ben efits. They don’t affect the benefits you and your current wife are due, and they also don’t affect this family maximum business.
1. The book of Judges is in the a) Old Testament b) New Testament c) Neither
If you have a Social Security question, Tom Margenau has a book with all the answers. It’s called “Social Security: Simple and Smart.” You can find the book at www.creators. com/books, or look for it on Amazon or other book outlets. To find out more about Tom Margenau and to read past col umns and see features from other Creators Syndicate writers and cartoonists, visit the Creators Syndicate website at www. COPYRIGHTcreators.com.2022CREATORS.COM
Week of September 4, 2022 Tidbits of Coachella Valley Page 11
For comments or more Bible Trivia go to www.TriviaGuy.com 2019 King Features Synd., Inc.2022 King Features Synd., Inc.
5. Who was the first Christian stoned to death for his faith? a) Paul b) Zechariah c) Naboth d) Stephen
soon-tobe retirees who have heard about a “family maxi mum” that applies to Social Security benefits, and they are afraid that rule will reduce the benefits they are due as a couple.
So according to my accountant and this rulebook entry, if our family maximum ends up being less than 182%, they are some how going to cut our benefits. So now I’m re ally worried. Why bother waiting until 70 to get increased benefits if they are just going to reduce our checks because of this family maximum business?
Q: I am waiting until age 70 to take my Social Security so that I will get 132% of my Social Security benefit. Then my wife, who was a homemaker all her life, will file on my record and she will get 50% of my benefit. So combined, we will get 182% of my Social Security benefit. Our accountant said that will be a problem for us because Social Security rules set the family maximum at somewhere between 150% and 188% of my benefit rate. The actual percentage depends on factors I don’t quite understand. The accountant sent me this clipping from what he said is the So cial Security rulebook.
A: As I’ve explained in this column, the family maximum rules do not apply to married cou
3. From Matthew 7, what did Jesus warn against throwing to pigs? a) Crumbs b) Sacrificed meat c) Pearls d) Shards
6. How many sons did Isaac have? a) One b) Two c) Seven d) Twelve
4. Who was the first man to experience physical death? a) Adam b) Abel c) Eve d) Abraham
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ANSWER: Fresh pineapple has a lot of fiber, which slows absorption of sugar and minimizes the increase of blood sugar that consumption of any sugar can cause. Canned or dried pineapple usually has lots of added sugar, along with the naturally occurring sugar, so avoid those. Increased fiber can help improve sugar levels.
2021 Flag Days
March 29 - Nat’l Vietnam War Veterans Day
American Veterans Post 66 c/o Tom Hernandez 760-324-5670
“Presumptive” means that if you have those conditions, and if you served in the designated lo cations during the specific time periods, it’s under stood that your service caused the illnesses. You don’t need to prove it.
I don’t think the answer to your diar rhea while traveling is in the water. The quality of drinking water in nearly all of Canada and the United States is outstanding, and bacterial contamination is exceedingly rare, as you say. Similarly, electrolytes are kept at very low levels in most parts of North America, although some water softeners do put a fair bit of sodium into the water in exchange for other ions, such as magnesium and calcium. Still, none of these trace minerals are likely to cause diarrhea.
If you were a post-9/11 combat veteran, your eligibility to enroll in Veterans Affairs health care is extended from five years to ten years.
And, in a big move, the act requires the VA to do a toxic exposure screening on each and every veteran using VA health care.
Office: 760-320-0997 valleybits@msn.com Fax: 760-320-1630
I wonder if you are eating pineapple instead of something else that might be raising your sugar more. For many people with diabetes, a small snack before bed can keep the blood sugar from getting too low. If your blood sugar is too low at night, the body responds by releasing hormones that raise your blood sugar (called the Somogyi effect). It may be that a little snack is keeping that from happening.
HOLD for available dates
DEAR DR. ROACH: While reading one of your recent columns, I learned that all water, except for distilled, contains elec trolytes. I wondered if there are differences in the amount of each electrolyte in drinking water in different places in Canada, and if so, whether that might explain why I experience cramping and diarrhea while visiting another place?
Feb. 15 - Presidents Day
May 31 - Memorial Day
July 27 - Nat’l Korean War Veterans Armistice Day
June 14 - Flag Day
1/16 pg. BW (PSA)
Sept. 17 - Constitution Day
The list of presumptive illnesses will expand over the next several years to include brain cancer, gastrointestinal cancer of any type, glioblastoma, head cancer of any type, kidney cancer, lymphatic cancer of any type, lymphoma of any type, melano ma, neck cancer, pancreatic cancer, reproductive cancer of any type, respiratory (breathing-related) cancer of any type, asthma that was diagnosed af ter service, chronic bronchitis, chronic obstruc tive pulmonary disease (COPD), chronic rhinitis, chronic sinusitis, constrictive bronchiolitis or oblit erative bronchiolitis, emphysema, granulomatous disease, interstitial lung disease (ILD), pleuritis and pulmonary fibrosis, and sarcoidosis.
Jan. 18 - MLK Jr. Day
Some people develop diarrhea with stress. Other people are more likely to drink alcohol while traveling, and excess alcohol can cause diarrhea. I can’t explain why drinking bottled or distilled water seems to prevent the problem.
Oct. 11 - Columbus Day
Oct. 27 - Navy Day
Through experience, I have been able to avoid the problem by drinking only bottled mineral or distilled water when I am away from my home. In cases where I have been on lengthier holidays, after I lived through the initial distress, eventually, my gastric system calmed down and seemed to accommodate the new source of water. I felt that my malady might be some sort of domestic version of Montezuma’s Revenge, but the analogy is in apt because the water I have consumed away from my home was not contaminated. -- M.T.
Nov. 11 - Veterans Day
Page 12 Tidbits of Coachella Valley Vol. XVIII Issue No. 36
Burn Pits and the PACT Act
Dec. 25 - Christmas Day
You’ll find eligible locations listed there.
* * *
Even if you think you don’t qualify for PACT benefits, enroll anyway in VA health care. Get a re cord going so it’s there in the future should you need it.
Volunteer drivers needed. Call Tom Hernandez: 760-324-5670
The act adds additional locations for Agent Orange exposure for Vietnam-era veterans, in cluding American Samoa, Cambodia, Guam, Laos, Thailand and Johnston Atoll, all during specific dates. Remember: Sometimes just being on a ship that called at those locations will qualify you.
by Freddie Groves
Fly the Flag on Labor Day... and every day to honor the USA! SHOW YOUR PATRIOTISM!SHOW YOUR PATRIOTISM!
Dr. Roach regrets that he is unable to answer individual letters, but will incorporate them in the column whenever possible. Readers may email questions to ToYourGoodHealth@med.cornell.edu.
You can also call 800-698-2411 or file online at va.gov using VA Form 21-526EZ.
Transportation for Veterans to the Loma Linda VA Hospital American Veterans (AMVETS) Post 66 provides free transportation by van Monday thru Friday to the VA Hospital in Loma Linda for Coachella Valley veterans. Pick up locations are in Palm Springs and Cathedral City. Medical appointments must be scheduled for mornings only as the return trip leaves Loma Linda at noon. Transportation reservations must be made in advance. Call for more information. * * * Freddy Groves regrets that he cannot person ally answer reader questions, but will incorporate them into his column whenever possible. Send email to colum nreply2@gmail.com. Ad Proof: John Cuddihy - Flags “A” Flying 1/16th page • 4 color Corrections due by: 5 pm, Mon., 3/8/21 ADVERTISING PROOF Final Changes DUE: 5:00 p.m.. Please review carefully. Double check: Phone Number(s) Spelling Prices Hours Office: 760-320-0997 email: valleybits@msn.com Fax: 760-320-1630 Contact your Tidbits representative immediately with changes or corrections. FREE The Neatest Little Paper Ever Read 4 ReadersMillionWeeklyNationwide! of Coachella Valley Published by: Advertising Call (760) 320-0997 valleybits@msn.com Property of AdVenture Media, Inc. Phone: 760.320.0997 Fax: 760.320.1630 valleybits@msn.com All Rights Reserved FLAGPOLEFLAGSSALES& VETERAN BusinessOwned USA States Foreign Military & Religious Flagpoles: Residential & Commercial (760) 343-1175John Cuddihy CALL ME TODAY! We’re Near! I-10 & Monterey in Thousand Palms • Delivery Available Flags of All Sizes
ANSWER: “Montezuma’s Revenge” is an (insulting) term for traveler’s diarrhea, specifically in reference to Mexico, where drinking water may be contaminated with bacteria.
Final Changes DUE:
April 4 - Easter Sunday
DEAR DR. ROACH: I have been predia betic for almost 20 years. Through diet and a prescription of metformin, I’ve been testing in the 115-120 mg/dL range for several years. Recently, I started eating fresh pineapple. I noticed that if I ate a few small pieces in the evening, my morning glucose would be in the 98-105 mg/dL range. This morning, it was 95 -- a double-digit range I haven’t seen in years. How can there be warnings that pineapple raises blood sugar levels, but in my case, it’s lowering my fasting glucose? -- K.G.
May 15 - Armed Forces Day
Different Drinking Water is Not the Cause of Diarrhea While Traveling
July 4 - Independence Day
Nov. 25 - Thanksgiving Day
The key may be that you can have just a few small pieces. I wouldn’t recommend more.
Spelling Prices
The Promise to Address Comprehensive Toxics Act, also known as the PACT Act, is intend ed to provide benefits and health care to veterans who were exposed to toxins and the subsequent ill nesses from those toxins. We’re talking about burn pits and other airborne substances.
changes or
For more information about eligibility for care under the PACT Act, go to sources/the-pact-act-and-your-va-benefits.www.va.gov/re
Jan. 1 - New Year’s Day
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Final Changes DUE: 5:00 p.m.. review Double check: Number(s) Hours
Contact your Tidbits representative immediately with changes or corrections. FREE The Neatest Little Paper Ever Read 4 ReadersMillionWeeklyNationwide! of Coachella Valley Published by: Ad enture Media For Advertising Call (760) 320-0997 valleybits@msn.com Property of AdVenture Media, Inc. Phone: 760.320.0997 Fax: 760.320.1630 valleybits@msn.com All Rights Reserved
Sept.6th 5th
Contact your Tidbits immediately with corrections.
Sept. 6 - Labor Day
Office: 760-320-0997 email: valleybits@msn.com Fax: 760-320-1630
Feb. 12 - Lincoln’s B-day
The Neatest Little Paper Ever Read 4 ReadersMillionWeeklyNationwide! of Coachella Valley Published by: Ad enture Media For Advertising Call (760) 320-0997 valleybits@msn.com Property of AdVenture Media, Inc. Phone: 760.320.0997 Fax: 760.320.1630 valleybits@msn.com All Rights Reserved AMVETS POST 66 Palm Springs, California tomswannhernandez@earthlink.net Call (909) 735-5065 for reservations
5:00 p.m..
Check-in app: If your mom uses a smartphone, a great solution to help ensure her safety is Snug (SnugSafe.com), a free app that would check in on her every day to confirm she’s OK. This app is used by thou sands of elderly seniors who live alone and want to make sure that if something happens to them, their loved ones will be notified quickly so they can receive help in minutes, rather than Here’sdays.how
Technology devices: You may also want to invest in some simple technology aids to keep your mom safe. One of the most commonly used devices for this is a medi cal alert system that cost about $1 per day. These systems come with a wearable “help button” that would allow her to call for help 24/7.
A computer automated phone system would call your mom at a designated time each day to check in. If she answers, the system will assume everything is OK. But if she didn’t pick up or if the call goes to voice mail after repeated tries, you (or whoever her designee is) would get a notification call. If you are not reachable, calls are then made to backup people who’ve also agreed to check on your mom if necessary.
it works. After download ing the app, your mom will choose what time(s) throughout the day she’d like for Snug to check in. Snug will send a push noti fication at those times asking your mom to check in by tapping the big green check but ton on her smartphone screen. If she doesn’t check in within 10 minutes or respond after multiple pings, Snug will notify her emergen cy contacts and share her last known loca
-- by Jim Miller
* * *
Send your senior questions to: Savvy Senior, P.O. Box 5443, Norman, OK 73070, or visit SavvySenior. org. Jim Miller is a contributor to the NBC Today show and author of “The Savvy Senior” book.
tion so that she can receive help quickly.
To find out if this service is available in your mom’s community, call her local police department’s nonemergency number. You should also check with the Area Agency on Aging in your mom’s area – call 800-6771116 for contact information.
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Daily Check-In Services for Seniors Living Alone
Another option that’s becoming in creasingly popular is smart speakers, like Amazon Alexa or Google Home. These devices work with third-party applications –AskMyBuddy.net and MySOSFamily.com – that would let your mom to call multiple emergency contacts with a simple verbal
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Week of September 4, 2022 Tidbits of Coachella Valley Page 13
DEAR SAVVY SENIOR: Can you recommend any services that regularly check in on elderly seniors who live alone? I live over 200 miles from my 86-year-old mother and worry about her falling or getting ill and not being able to call for help. -- Worrywart Daughter
ADVERTISING PROOF Final Changes DUE: 5:00 Please review carefully. Double check: Phone Number(s) Spelling Prices Office: 760-320-0997 email: valleybits@msn.com Fax: 760-320-1630 Contact your Tidbits representative immediately with changes or corrections. FREE The Neatest Little Paper Ever Read 4 ReadersMillionWeeklyNationwide! of Coachella Valley Published by: For Advertising Call (760) 320-0997 valleybits@msn.com Property of AdVenture Media, Inc. Phone: 760.320.0997 Fax: 760.320.1630 valleybits@msn.com ADVERTISING PROOF Final Changes DUE: 5:00 Please review carefully. Double check: Phone Number(s) Spelling Prices Office: 760-320-0997 Fax: 760-320-1630 Contact your Tidbits representative immediately with changes or corrections. Handi-Bars 1/12 pg 4C 26x disc. Feb. 21, 2021 Vol. 17 - No.TUES.,9 Feb. 16, 2021 “BEFORE YOU slip and fall give a call!” handi-bars provides security and safety in your bath, or any other area in your home. We provide profes sional installation and a selection of styles and finishes. Specializing In: ADA Approved Toilet Installation Hand-Held Shower Installation Non-Slip Floors Bathing Aids When You Need a Helping Hand Sturdy grab-bar assistance HANDI-BARS 760-469-3208 www.handibars.com JACK JONES - Ceramic Tile Lic. 482707 CallToday!Me Call Today!Me ADVERTISING PROOF Final Changes DUE: 5:00 Please review carefully. Double check: Phone Number(s) Spelling Office: 760-320-0997 email: valleybits@msn.com Fax: 760-320-1630 Contact your Tidbits representative immediately with changes or corrections. FREE The Neatest Little Paper Ever Read 4 ReadersMillionWeeklyNationwide! of Coachella Valley Published by: AdVenture Media For Advertising Call (760) 320-0997 valleybits@msn.com Property of AdVenture Media, Inc. Phone: 760.320.0997 Fax: 760.320.1630 valleybits@msn.com All Rights Reserved ADVERTISING PROOF Final Changes DUE: 5:00 p.m.. Please review carefully. Double check: Phone Number(s) Spelling Prices Office: 760-320-0997 email: valleybits@msn.com Fax: 760-320-1630 Contact your Tidbits representative immediately with changes or corrections. FREE The Neatest Little Paper Ever Read 4 ReadersMillionWeeklyNationwide! of Coachella Valley Published by: For Advertising Call (760) 320-0997 valleybits@msn.com Property of AdVenture Media, Inc. Phone: 760.320.0997 Fax: 760.320.1630 valleybits@msn.com All Rights Reserved Carlsbad / San Diego / Desert Communities Call for In-Home service appointment Servicing Coachella Valley on Fri., Sat. or Mondays 760-729-5121 -or- Bob’s cell: 760-802-4071 Howard Miller • Ridgeway • Sligh • Antique 43 experienceyears We repairalsoWall,Mantel,Ship’sandCuckooClocks Grandfather CloCk repair Service, Repair and New Movements from Germany BoB’s CloCk shop CloCk Grepair randfather Bob’s Clock Shop BZ 4C 26x TF May 10, 2020 Vol. 16 - No. 20 MON., MAY 4 ADVERTISING PROOF Final Changes DUE: 5:00 p.m.. Please review carefully. Double check: Phone Number(s) Spelling Prices Hours Office: 760-320-0997 email: valleybits@msn.com Fax: 760-320-1630 Contact your Tidbits representative immediately with changes or corrections. FREE The Neatest Little Paper Ever Read 4 ReadersMillionWeeklyNationwide! of Coachella Valley Published by: AdVenture Media For Advertising Call (760) 320-0997 valleybits@msn.com Property of AdVenture Media, Inc. Phone: 760.320.0997 Fax: 760.320.1630 valleybits@msn.com All Rights Reserved ADVERTISING PROOF Final Changes DUE: 5:00 p.m.. Please review carefully. Double check: Phone Number(s) Spelling Prices Hours Office: 760-320-0997 email: valleybits@msn.com Fax: 760-320-1630 Contact your Tidbits representative immediately with changes or corrections. FREE The Neatest Little Paper Ever Read 4 ReadersMillionWeeklyNationwide! of Coachella Valley Published by: V Advertising Call (760) 320-0997 valleybits@msn.com Property of AdVenture Media, Inc. Phone: 760.320.0997 Fax: 760.320.1630 valleybits@msn.com All Rights Reserved Wright Advice 1/12 pg BW 13x rate Dec. 12, 2021 • Vol. 17 - No. 51 Fri., 12/3/21 For ALL your MEDICARE needs! CALL US! Doug & Linda Wright IndependentLocal Agents Doug & Linda Wright Your IndependentLocalAgents • Turning 65? • New to the area? • Leaving your company plan? Call today for a FREE NO Obligation review 760.264.4600 WrightHealthAgency.com By calling the number above you will be directed to a licensed insurance agent. Medicare has neither reviewed nor endorsed this information. CA Lic. # OK90593 ...or do you prefer adding “Your” to make it more personal?
CoachellaAnytime.thefullValley archive.
be sure to check out Amazon’s Alexa Together (Amazon.com/AlexaTo gether), a new $20 monthly subscription service that helps families support and keep tabs on their older loved ones who live alone through an Alexa-enabled device.
For extra peace of mind, your mom can purchase Snug’s premium plan ($10/ month) where in addition to notifying her emergency contacts, Snug will request an in-person wellness check by a police offi cer who will visit her house to confirm she’s OK and provide assistance as needed. The app works with iPhone and Android smart phones.
Check-in calls: If your mom doesn’t use a smartphone, another option to help ensure her safety is a daily check-in call service program. These are telephone reas surance programs usually run by police or sheriff’s departments in hundreds of counties across the country and are usually provided free of charge. Here’s how they work:
Dear Worrywart: There are actually several different types of check-in services, along with some simple technology devices that can help keep your mom safe at home while providing you some peace of mind. Here are some top options to look into:
The fallback is if no one can be reached, the police or other emergency services personnel will be dispatched to her
If, however, her community doesn’t have a call check-in program, there are busi nesses like CARE (Call-Reassurance.com) and IAmFine (Iamfine.com) that offer similar services for under $15 per month.
writers and cartoon ists, visit the Creators Syndicate
JUNQUE by Anne McCollam Creators
* On Sept. 6, 1995, Baltimore Orioles short stop Cal Ripken Jr. plays in his 2,131st con secutive game. Ripken went on to play 2,632 games in a row before ending the streak by voluntarily removing himself from a game against the New York Yankees on Sept. 19, 1998.
umns of
* On Sept. 11, 1857, Mormon guerrillas, stoked by a deep resentment of decades of public abuse and federal interference, murder 120 emigrants at Mountain Meadows, Utah. The conflict apparently began when the Mormons refused to sell the emigrants any supplies.
* On Sept. 7, 1936, Charles Harden Holley is born in Lubbock, Texas. Performing under the name Buddy Holly, he left behind a rock ‘n’ roll legacy that includes “That’ll Be the Day” and “Maybe Baby” after his death in 1959 at the age of 22.
A: Your canister set was made by Ellis Products in Marshall, Texas. The firm was founded in the early 1900s by W. F. Rocker and sold to S. H. Ellis in 1905. In the beginning, they made crocks, jugs and canning jars.
* * * Antiques expert and columnist Anne McCollam recently retired and no longer receives inquiries nor answers reader letters. Due to the popularity of her col this publication will continue to reprint previous col interest
"Okay, this does it! This is the last time I ever try to play a decathalon course."
News Service
to our readers.
To out more about Anne McCollam Creators Syndicate website at
* On Sept. 5, 1972, at the Summer Olympics in Munich, Germany, a group of Palestinian terrorists, known as Black September, storms the Olympic Village apartment of the Israeli athletes, killing two and taking nine others hostage. In an ensuing shootout at the Munich airport, the nine Israeli hostages were killed.
bands around the perimeter, as well as in the center. They are beautiful and in pristine con dition.
Ellis Products are made in Marshall, Texas.
Page 14 Tidbits of Coachella Valley Vol. XVIII Issue No. 36 GOSOLUTIONFIGUREbreaking,SolutionsPuzzleIfabrandofchinawareisknowntoberesistanttoithasagoodcrackrecord.
* On Sept. 9, 1942, in the first and only air at tack on the U.S. mainland during World War II, a Japanese floatplane drops incendiary bombs on Oregon’s Mount Emily, setting fire to a state forest. The president immediately called for a news blackout for the sake of morale.
Hand-turned pottery on the potter’s wheel was introduced around 1930. Ellis Products is still in business
Haviland China has been in Limoges, France, since 1864.
* On Sept. 8, 1965, the five-year Delano Grape Strike begins as over 2,000 Filipino American farmworkers refuse to go to work picking grapes near Bakersfield, California. Over the next five years, even American households stopped buying grapes in support of the farmworkers.
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Q: This mark can be seen on my set of porcelain dinnerware. It was handed down to me from my great-grandmother. I am 80, so this set must be over 100 years old. Origi nally, the set was a service for 12, but over the years, many pieces were broken and some are missing, so the set is not complete.
A: Haviland China was established in Limo ges, France, in 1864. American businessman, Da vid Haviland, founded it. The company remained in the family until around 1972 when it was taken over by the financial and industrial company, FIDEL. In 1988, it was bought by Dominque de Coster and is still operating.Researching the name of the pattern of your dinnerware can be a daunting task. Haviland produced over 60,000 patterns. It can take time, dedication and also become frustrating to find your specific pattern. There are books available with pattern information. Check with your library for books by Arlene Scheiger.
and read features by other
Pottery Business Saved by Moonshiners
We would like to know the origin of the set and its value.
What can you tell me anything about my china set and what its value might be?
When glass-canning containers became popular in the 1920s, their business went into a steep decline. But timing is everything. What ap peared at first to be disaster turned out to be a windfall for the company. It was the era of prohibi tion and they were able to turn a handsome profit with a high volume of sales from crockery jugs that were snapped up by busy moonshiners.
There are 50 dishes left in the set, in cluding serving pieces. Each dish has scal loped edges and is decorated with pink floral
Q: Enclosed is a photo of a canister set that we found in an old shed. The set includes five canisters with lids, and they measure in graduating sizes 6- to 12-inches high. They are in perfect condition.
Yourtoday.canister set was made in the late 1900s and would be worth $150 to $175.
Your set was made around 1900 and would probably be worth $225 to $375.
* On Sept. 10, 1897, a 25-year-old London taxi driver named George Smith becomes the first person ever arrested for drunk driving. A true breath test didn’t come along until 1931 with a device called the Drunkometer. It in volved a blow-up balloon and a tube filled with a purple fluid (potassium permanganate and sulfuric acid). Alcohol on a person’s breath changed the color of the fluid from purple to yellow; the quicker the change, the drunker the person.
by Jason Jenkins
Game Changers
Tuck It Under ADVERTISING PROOF Final Changes DUE: 5:00 p.m.. Please review carefully. Double check: Phone Number(s) Spelling Prices Hours Office: 760-320-0997 Fax: 760-320-1630 Contact your Tidbits representative immediately with changes or corrections. FREE The Neatest Little Paper Ever Read 4 Million Published by: For Advertising Call (760) 320-0997 valleybits@msn.com760.320.0997 Fax: 760.320.1630 All Rights Reserved
Jason Jenkins was a 16-year member of the Jim McLean Golf School teaching staff and was one of GOLF Magazine’s Top 100 Teacher Nominees 1999-2010. He was named one of the Golf Digest Top Teachers in Jason
at 760-485-2452 or devgolfinstr@gmail.com
• Savannah, Georgia, is farther south than Tijuana, Mexico.
Week of September 4, 2022 Tidbits of Coachella Valley Page 15 Play Better Golf with JACK NICKLAUS Geography Facts (from page 3) @TidbitsAlso FOLLOWParler.comon@TidbitsPS@TidbitsNewspaprReadquickposts,funquotes,andgoodnewsonthego.US!
Game Changers
A good finish should have the left leg straight, the right thigh up close to the left leg, the right foot up on the toe, and the upper body arching back slightly. The trick is that the hips are now “tucked under” the upper body or the stomach is pushed forward. Many beginners, or players who don’t have good core strength, will finish with their hips pushed out behind their upper body. Learn to correct the finish by tucking the hips under or pushing your belt buckle forward in order to feel the correct position. Good leg work will assist in correct hip positioning as well.
Yes, that two inch piece of wood (or plastic) will tell you a lot about your swing approach:
• Portions of eastern Oregon are in the Mountain Time Zone and portions of the western part of the Florida panhandle are in the Central Time Zone, which is the farthest between two points in the U.S. that are only one hour time difference.
• Arkansas is bordered by six states and you can get to all six states by driving south from various points within Arkansas.
• Iowa is the only state where the eastern border and the western border are formed by rivers: the Mississippi on the east and the Missouri on the west.
• The least populated county in the U.S. is Loving County, Texas, near the New Mexico border, with a 2020 population of 64 people.
• The smallest state, Rhode Island, has a larger population than the largest state, Alaska.
• More than half the coastline of the entire United States is in Alaska.
• Alaska’s coastline at 6,640 miles (10,686 km) is longer than the coastline of the entire rest of the U.S.
Good driving requires a shallow angle of attack from a slight inside downswing path. You’ve maybe heard the term “sweep the ball” off the tee to create this approach. Yet, without a launch monitor by your side, how would you know if you’ve accomplished those goals? Time to look at your tee.
2. No tee movement usually indicates too high a swing above the ground or too inside a downswing approach.
• The Mississippi River is the longest river in the U.S. at 2,348 miles which is equal to the distance from Albuquerque, NM to Boston, MA. It takes about 90 days for a drop of water to make its way from the beginning of the river to the end.
• St. Paul, Minnesota, was originally called Pig's Eye after a man named Pierre “Pig's Eye” Parrant, who set up the first business there.
you.Try nicking the head of just the tee with many practice swings to master the “sweep spot” with your driver.Sweep Spot ADVERTISING PROOF Final Changes DUE: 5:00 p.m.. Please review carefully. Double check: Phone Number(s) Spelling Prices Hours Office: 760-320-0997 Fax: 760-320-1630 Contact your Tidbits representative immediately with changes or corrections. Property of Jason Jenkins was a 16-year member of the Jim McLean Golf School teaching staff and was one of GOLF Magazine’s Top 100 Teacher Nominees 1999-2010. He was named one of the Golf Digest Top Teachers in California in 2011. Contact Jason at 760-485-2452 or devgolfinstr@gmail.com
When I work with a lot of beginning to in termediate players, the finish position requires extra attention. The body is contorting into an unusual position and needs to be balanced to be effective. Advanced players take the finish position for granted, especially when it comes to the small arch in the lower back.
Poor finish position Correct finish position
by Jason Jenkins
• John North had a town named after him in the state of South Carolina: North, South Carolina.
□ CALL FOR A TEE TIME:CALL FOR A TEE TIME: Great Golf, Food & Spirits Only 30 min. from Palm DailyOpenSprings!7am 55100 Martinez Tr. • Yucca Valley ourwith *12 or 18 holes w/cart PLUS *Mon-Thurs. before 9AM Bring this AD. Good thru 5-31-22 of Warm-Up Range Balls! ADVERTISING PROOF Final Changes DUE: 5:00 p.m.. Please review carefully. Phone Number(s) Spelling Prices Hours Office: 760-320-0997 valleybits@msn.com Fax: 760-320-1630 Contact your Tidbits representative immediately with changes or corrections. FREE The Neatest Little Paper Ever Read Published by: Advertising Call (760) 320-0997 valleybits@msn.com Property of AdVenture Media, Inc. Phone: 760.320.0997 Fax: 760.320.1630 valleybits@msn.com All Rights Reserved ADVERTISING PROOF Final Changes DUE: 5:00 p.m.. Please review carefully. Double check: Phone Number(s) Spelling Prices Hours Office: 760-320-0997 email: valleybits@msn.com Fax: 760-320-1630 Contact your Tidbits representative immediately with changes or corrections. FREE The Neatest Little Paper Ever Read 4 ReadersMillionWeeklyNationwide! of Coachella Valley Advertising Call valleybits@msn.com Property of AdVenture Media, Inc. Phone: 760.320.0997 Fax: 760.320.1630 valleybits@msn.com All Rights Reserved Hawk’s Landing • Golf Caddy • May 8, 2021 Friday night is PRIME RIB & Live Music night! Hawk’sLandingGOLFCLUB 760-365-0033760-365-0033 Beat theBeat the Unique Course Design Excellent Summer Golf! $35$35 perplayer Special!EarlyBird*EarlyBird*Special! OnlyCOOLER15°We’reto20°!30min.away!We’re15°to20°COOLER!Only30min.away! Sun- Wed: 7am - 5pm • Breakfast & Lunch Thur - Sat: 7am - 9 pm • Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner FREE BUCKET Mon., 5/2/22 Call Reservationsfor 9-15-22 Jason Jenkins was a 16-year member of the Jim McLean Golf School teaching staff. He was one of GOLF Magazine’s Top 100 Teacher Nominees 1999-2010 and has been named one of the Golf Digest Top Teachers in California. Jason teaches at GOLFTEC CENTER in Indio. Contact him at jjenkins@golftec.com
• The average high temperature in San Diego, CA in June is 71 F. which is the same as the average high temperature in Fairbanks, Alaska in June.
1. Broken tees show either too steep a downswing or too low of a swing of the club head to the ground. If you’re hitting the ground while breaking the tees, you really need some help.
California in 2011. Contact
The best sign of sweeping the ball of the tee is a tilted tee still in the ground, or one that pops up in the air, landing anywhere around
by Linda Thistle
TRIVIA2022AnswersTESTAnswers© 2022 King Features Synd., Inc. Weekly-Answer-SUDOKU GO FIGURE! ©2006 King Features Syndicate,Inc.
The idea of Go Figure is to arrive at the figures given at the bottom and right-hand columns of the diagram by following the arithmetic signs in the order they are given (that is, from left to right and top to bottom). Use only the numbers below the diagram to complete its blank squares and use each of the nine numbers only once. DIFFICULTY: � � Moderate �� Difficult ��� GO FIGURE! Go Figure! answers © 2010 King Features Synd., Inc.©©202020222022King Features Synd., Inc. Page 16 Tidbits of Coachella Valley Vol. XVIII Issue No. 36 ANSWERS WUZZLES Answers® Weekly SUDOKU Tidbits® Word SearchTidbits® Word SearchAnswer peekers subject to merciless ridicule and public scorn BIBLE TRIVIA Answers 1. Detroit 2. Greenland 3. Yugoslavia & Yemen 4. Iowa 5. The Suez Canal, at about 50 vessels per day a name on you”? 10. ANATOMY: Where are suture joints found in the human body? Answers 1. “Baby Blue.” 2. Fear of wealth. 3. Maximus. 4. A rhumba. 5. Mount Etna, Italy. 6. Bamboo. 7. Form or shape. 8. An urn for making tea. 9. “Ruby Tuesday.” 10. The skull. © 2022 King Features Synd., Inc. 32803SERVICE,EXT.257 QuizANSWERSBits 1. New York 2. Colorado (by a factor of six) 22DOHC8616_FluAd_TB_10.5x13_Due8_22_VerA 1. (A) Old testament 2. (B) Drunkenness 3. (C) Pearls 4. (B) Abel 5. (D) Stephen 6. (B) Two