Vol. 19: #42 • The Sound of Muzak • (10-15-2022) Tidbits of Coachella Valley

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Week of October 15, 2023

Tidbits of Coachella Valley

• Peridot is one of only two gems that form in the molten rock of Earth’s upper mantle; the other is diamond. Other gems, including quartz, form in the crust.

Article #4

• Peridot is the most common gem of the various gems found in meteorites, indicating that other celestial bodies are also rich in silicon, oxygen, iron, and magnesium. Other gemlike minerals found in meteorites include diamond, black diamond (carbonados), opal (found only in Mars-based meteorites), and moldavite (a type Dr. Nicolas Campos of ‘space glass’).

PERIDOT: THE GEM Feel adventurous? Here's the recipe for the yellowish-green gemstone called peridot: Melt a load of silicon until it’s runny. Beat in oxygen at the ratio of four parts oxygen to one part silicon. Fold in a generous serving of iron, and add a touch of magnesium to taste. Let cool. Wear with pride.

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• One of NASA’s telescopes identified olivine - No. star, 42 with in the10-15-2023 gassy cloud Vol. of a 19 forming crystallized particles swirling in the currents like green rain.

• Some pronounce it “per-ruh-dot” but most mineralogists say “per-ruh-doh.” Whether or not it settles the matter, there’s a rhyme that says: “A mineral called peridot / is really olivine on show.” The name may have come from the Arabic “faridat” meaning “gem.”

• Olivine/peridot has been found on the surface of Mars by the Mars Rover. • Some of Hawaii’s lava flows are rich in olivine and peridot. As the mineral erodes out of basalt over millenia, it breaks down into sand. There are beaches featuring green sand, where you can walk on millions of granules of olivine and peridot.

• Eight main elements make up Earth’s crust. The top two are oxygen and silicon. When oxygen and silicon join under heat and pressure, they form silica. There are many types of silicate minerals. The most well-known silicate is quartz, composed of pure oxygen and silicon. Quartz is the second most common mineral in the crust of the earth, after feldspar, which is also a silicate. Silicate materials make up 90% of Earth’s crust.

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Nicolas Campos D.C.

Can Chiropractic Ease FINAL APPROVED BY DR. CAMPOS: the Pain of Scoliosis? 9/1/2023

DEAR DR. CAMPOS: I am a 45-yearold woman with scoliosis. I have had pain between my shoulders every day since breastfeeding my children years ago. The pain is worse some days more than others, but it is always there. Is this cureable, or something I will just have to live with? – M.S.

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Answer: Hello M.S. – Scoliosis is a spinal condition characterized by an abnormal lateral curvature of the spine, typically in a sideways “S” or “C” shape, when viewed from the back. Women are more likely to develop scoliosis than men, and the condition can vary • The San Carlos Apache Reservation in Arizona in severity, with some cases causing more sigis the source of nearly 90 percent of the world’s nificant physical and functional limitations than others. known supply of peridot. The pain associated with scoliosis is • Another type of silicate is called olivine (rhymes • Cleopatra famously owned an extensive rarely severe. It is generally of the low grade, with green). Olivine is formed when oxygen and emerald collection, though some historians and sore, achy type that is always there. With silicon join in hot magma underground, along scoliosis, muscles of the spine and surrounding geologists theorize that many of her green gems areas overwork, and these are the cause of the with iron and magnesium. It’s the iron that gives might actually have been peridot. relentless discomfort. Chiropractic and myofasolivine its green color. • The world’s largest cut and polished peridot came cial (muscle) release is a phenomenal way to • The ratio of iron to magnesium determines the from an island off Egypt. It’s almost 312 carats relieve the pain from scoliosis. No, you do not have to just live with shade of green, ranging from brownish green and is on display in the Smithsonian. Keep in scoliosis pain – there is a solution. People Please review carefully. Double check:  Phone Number(s)  Spelling  Prices  Hours to pale yellow-green. The more iron there is, mind that an average diamond engagement ring with scoliosis fill chiropractic offices precisely the darker the green. The more magnesium, the is one or two carats in size. because they get so much relief from the work. your Tidbits representative immediately with changes or corrections. lighter the green. OtherContact gemstones including • Peridot is the traditional gemstone gift for 16th Find a chiropractic office that has success Office: 760-320-0997 email: anniversaries valleybits@msn.com Fax: 760-320-1630 rubies, sapphires, and even diamonds, can come treating scoliosis and stick with it – I think you wedding and is also the birthstone in many colors, but olivine is always green. will be pleasantly surprised. for the month of August.  *** Olivine is the eighth most common mineral in Dear Dr. Campos: I am fifty pounds the earth’s crust. overweight, my low back hurts, and now my • When magma cools and hardens into rock, shoulders hurt too. Sometimes it is all I can olivine is mixed with other igneous rock, like do to get out of bed in the morning. I cannot keep living like this. I need help. – M.N. mint-green chocolate chips embedded in a big

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basalt cookie. Most olivine is cloudy with many flecks and flaws called inclusions. However, there are pockets of pure olivine that are clear as glass, and this gem-quality olivine is called peridot. Peridot shines like emerald when properly cut and polished.

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Answer: M.N. it sounds like you have three separate problems here. Low back pain, bilateral shoulder pain, and excess weight. I do not know by how much your weight is in excess, as you did not disclose height or weight, but fifty pounds for a small person is far more impactful than for a large person. While weight can be a major factor in both areas you describe, it is far more impactful on your lower back. When taken in order of least to most critical, the shoulders in this case might be the easier to treat (which is not always so), and then the low back pain. Excess weight is most difficult because it is a multi-factorial issue. The good news is that the shoulders and lower back are treatable. Significant relief can be had through safe, effective chiropractic 2 Eblocking, GAP RELand LIF perhaps a stability care, pelvic 91 KEback, EW - 8as 0Q2the primary weightbelt. The lower 0 1 Y A M 4 Y AM is working day and bearing area of the body, night to keep you upright and mobile. Add a few extra pounds and it will bog down your lower back even more. A stability belt can add support to the pelvis and sacrum, and, through STcompression, NESERallow P healing of the ligaments and joints. ™TNORFSWEN * * *AIVIRT

dooW is ydnaaSCranial & kihclavoand K araSports K yb Dr. Campos Chiropractic Doctor in Palm Desert. While he cannot answer every cinquestion odras ehvia t htemail, iw 169he1 will ni tichoose h 1# a one dah orohtwo W .each 1 individual week to ?”wamay L-niemail -rehtoquestions M“ answer here. Readers to

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