12 minute read


by Freddie Groves

$54 Million in Kickbacks

DEAR DR. ROACH: I had a thyroidectomy, and I take levothyroxine. Instructions for the medication state not to take it within four hours of consuming calcium. No discussion of the drug has clearly stated whether this only refers to calcium supplements or whether this also includes high-calcium foods.


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Nonprescription ways of treating pain seem like a very good way to treat the occasional pains we all get. Topical treatments, like menthol, camphor-based creams or even topical NSAIDs like diclofenac, may not cause allergic reactions, so you might have success by trying those.

* * *

I usually take levothyroxine when I wake up, between 2 a.m. and 3:30 a.m., to avoid breakfast dairy products (i.e. yogurt, cheese and soy milk) and dinner foods (broccoli, leafy greens, dairy and soy). I go to bed fairly early. I eat mainly plant-based, plus dairy.

I have asked some doctors and pharmacists, only to have them answer with the question: “Doesn’t that only apply to supplements?” I don’t know! That’s why I’m asking. I want my thyroid prescription to work as it’s supposed to. Can you shed light on this issue? -- E.G.

ANSWER: Large amounts of elemental calcium do decrease the absorption of the thyroid hormone, thyroxine. If you were to take thyroxine (Synthroid and others) at the same time as you would a large calcium pill, you could expect the thyroid medicine to be about 7% to 8% less absorbed. (Iron and caffeine also decrease thyroid hormone absorption.)

A glass of cow’s milk taken at the same time will decrease thyroid hormone absorption. Soy milk has not been studied, but I would expect calcium-fortified soy milk to be similar to milk, yogurt and some high-calcium cheeses in their ability to reduce thyroxine absorption. However, I think you may be taking things too far. One hour is probably adequate enough to separate calcium from thyroxine. Furthermore, if you are consistent in taking your medication, your dose will get adjusted to the correct level. I doubt that vegetables have any effect on absorption.

Finally, in a study of people who took thyroxine sometimes with and sometimes without their calcium, the change was not enough to get them out of the desirable range, although the levels were definitely affected. The dose of thyroid hormone has a little bit of leeway in most people, although some people (such as those with a history of thyroid cancer who are now on replacement therapy after surgery) need to have a very exact dosage. So, avoiding calcium, iron and caffeine in those cases is more critical. ***

DEAR DR. ROACH: I am a 72-year-old woman who, over my adult years, has developed allergies to Tylenol and all NSAIDs. Just this week, I developed a rash after taking aspirin, which was my last resort for pain. I was given a prescription for tramadol, but I really don’t want to take a narcotic for aches and pains I only have periodically. Instead, I use ice, heat, stretching and exercise, which keep me pain-free most of the time. -- T.W.

Dr. Roach regrets that he is unable to answer individual letters, but will incorporate them in the column whenever possible. Readers may email questions to ToYourGoodHealth@med.cornell.edu.

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Yet another scammer thought he would get away with his crimes. In a recent case, a thief was convicted for his part in a large compounded prescription drug ring, with kickbacks and bribes that included money, dinners and hunting trips. The Anti-Kickback Statute (AKS) bans offering bribes for medical care or drugs that aren’t medically necessary for patients. This applies to prescriptions that will be paid by TRICARE and Medicare (or any government program), and it was the physicians of those patients who were targeted and encouraged to use a certain pharmacy. Theft had apparently been going on for many years, likely beginning in 2012. Over the years, the thieves submitted over $54 million in false claims. Of that, TRICARE had paid out over $42 million in claims for those drugs. The compounded drugs in question had been rigged to be the most expensive possible to get back the most money in payment from TRICARE, and included drugs and pain/scar creams. The scammers would use “test billing” on fake claims to learn which claims would be paid the best.

TRICARE is the benefit program that provides coverage for retirees, spouses and families, active duty and others. In this case, the thieves submitted fake claims in over 30 states and a few foreign countries (which is likely why the scammer turned over his passport).

The original indictment was dated 2020 and included a whole alphabet of government agencies, including the FBI, Health and Human Services, Department of Defense, Department of Justice and the VA Office of Inspector General.

Meanwhile, several others were charged in the crimes, which included soliciting or receiving health care kickbacks and offering to pay kickbacks. Additionally, they used “blanket letters of authorization” as permission to modify the prescriptions of the drugs in order to get the most profit.

A big thumbs-up to the Health Care Fraud Strike Force Program that spearheaded the investigation. Since 2007, they’ve gone after thousands of thieves that have billed more than $24 billion in fake claims.

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Freddy Groves regrets that he cannot personally answer reader questions, but will incorporate them into his column whenever possible. Send email to columnreply2@gmail.com.

(c) 2023 King Features Synd., Inc.

-- by Jim Miller

Elder Mediation Can Help Families Navigate Thorny Caregiving Issues

DEAR SAVVY SENIOR: Can you recommend any services that can help families resolve elder parent caregiving conflicts? My 86-year-old father was recently diagnosed with early-stage Alzheimer’s disease, and to make matters worse, my sister and brother and I can't agree on the best way to handle his future caregiving needs and financial affairs. Are there people who know how to resolve disputes like this? -- Conflicted Siblings

Dear Conflicted: It’s not unusual when adult children disagree with each other regarding the care of an elder parent. If you and your siblings are willing, a good possible solution is to hire an “eldercare mediator” who can help you work through your disagreements peacefully. Here’s how it works:

Elder Mediation

Mediators have been used for years to help divorcing couples sort out legal and financial disagreements and avoid court battles. But eldercare mediation is a rela tively new and specialized service designed to help families resolve disputes that are related to aging parents or other elderly rela tives. The number of senior citizens is rapidly growing, partly due to people living longer due to advanced modern medicine.

Family disagreements over an ill or elderly parent’s caregiving needs, their medi cal care, living arrangements, driving issues, legal and financial decisions are just some of the many issues that an elder care media tor can help with. But don’t confuse this with family or group therapy. Mediation is only about wise decision-making, not feelings, emotions and conflict resolution.

Volunteer Drivers Needed

American Veterans (AMVETS) Post 66 in Palm Springs is seeking volunteer drivers. The drivers will drive a 9 passenger van known as the “AMVETS Express” from Cathedral City and Palm Springs to the Loma Linda VA Hospital and then return to the desert.

The driver will work one day per week. The van departs Cathedral City about 6:30 AM and returns to the desert in the afternoon of the same day. The van operates Monday through Friday.

Applicants for the position of driver do not have to be veterans. Applicants are required to study a training manual and pass a complete physical exam. The drivers cannot be over age 70. The drivers are volunteers and are not paid a salary.

The job of an elder mediator is to step in as a neutral third party to help ease family tensions, listen to everyone’s concerns, hash out disagreements and misunderstandings, and help your family make decisions that are acceptable to everyone.

Good mediators can also assist your family in identifying experts such as estateplanners, geriatric care managers, or health care or financial professionals who can supply important information enabling families to make the best decisions for their particular situation.

Your family also needs to know that the mediation process is completely confidential and can take anywhere from a few hours to several meetings depending on the complexity of your issues. And if some family members live far away, a conference or video call can be used to bring everyone together for discussion.

If you’re interested in hiring a private eldercare mediator, you can expect to pay anywhere from $100 to more than $500 per hour depending on where you live and who you choose. Or, if available in your area, you may be able to get help through a community-based nonprofit program that offers free or low-cost services by volunteer mediators.

Finding a Mediator

To locate an elder mediator in your area, start by asking for referrals from health professionals or hospital social workers, or search online at The Academy of Professional Family Mediators website (apfmnet.org) or Mediate.com. Both sites have searchable directories.

Or, to search for free/low-cost community-based mediation programs in your state, see the National Association for Community Mediation website (nafcm.org). Unfortunately, not all states offer them.

There is currently no universally accepted credential or professional standard for eldercare mediators, so make sure the person you choose has extensive experience with elder issues that are similar to what your family is dealing with. Also, be sure you ask for references -- and check them. Most elder mediators are attorneys, social workers, counselors or other professionals who are trained in mediation and conflict resolution.

The AMVETS Express has operated since 2004 and it is the only free van transportation from the desert to the VA Hospital. Drivers are not permitted to accept tips from the passengers. The AMVETS Express takes homeless veterans and veterans who are having a mental health crisis to the hospital. We also transport many disabled veterans who cannot drive a car. For many veterans the AMVETS Express is the only way for them to receive their medical care. We transport about 22 veterans per month. Because we only have three drivers right now on some days we cannot operate for lack of a driver. To apply please call

by Anne McCollam

Sandwich Glass Set Made in the 1800s

Q: My wife and I went to an antique shop in Cape Cod this past Sunday that had a lot of Sandwich glass. Needless to say, I bought a piece. It is a small blue bowl with an under plate with ruffled edges and the glass is threaded. The bowl is 3 inches across and 2 inches deep; the under plate is 4 inches across. The color on the tag called it “electric blue.” They had a number of other different colors, but I liked this one the best.

According to the information in my Sandwich Glass books, they made quite a few similar sets from 1880 to 1887. Am I correct believing a man by the name of Lutz developed the threading process?

Can you tell me its value? I hope I got a bargain!

glass rather than pressed glass. Similar blue glass sets are selling in the range of $125 to $175. ***

Q: I inherited my mother’s set of dinnerware and would like to learn more about its history. I have enclosed the mark that is on the bottom of each piece. The set is a service for four and consists of dinner plates, cups, saucers, a cream pitcher, sugar bowl and a platter. The dishes are decorated with a brown branch and blue flowers against a white background. Any information you can provide about the maker, age and value of my set will be appreciated.

* On July 24, 1959, the popularly termed “kitchen debates” took place between U.S. Vice President Richard Nixon and Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev in Moscow, where Nixon was visiting a house built as part of an exhibit in the American National Exhibition.

* On July 25, 1976, Viking 1, the first space probe to successfully land on Mars, took the famous photo of the Cydonia region that included a 1.2-mile mesa with the striking appearance of a humanoid face. The image has since been accepted by scientists as an optical illusion.

A: Red Wing Potteries Inc. made your dinnerware. The company was founded in 1877 in Red Wing, Minn.

“Driftwood” is the name of the pattern. Red Wing celebrated its 75th anniversary with the introduction of their “Anniversary Line.” “Driftwood” was one of the six patterns in the line. Your set is circa 1953 and would probably be worth $175 to $220.

Antiques expert and columnist Anne McCollam has recently retired and no longer receives inquiries nor answers reader letters. Due to the popularity of her column, this publication will continue to reprint previous columns of interest to our readers.

To find out more about Anne McCollam and read features by other Creators Syndicate writers and cartoonists, visit the Creators Syndicate website at www.creators.com


A: Boston and Sandwich Glass Company was located in Sandwich, Mass., from 1826 to 1888. They made blown three-piece molds, free-blown and pressed glass.

Nicolas Lutz was a master glass blower and designer who worked at Boston and Sandwich Glass Company from 1870 to 1888. He emigrated from France to the United States around 1869. He specialized in threaded and ribbon glass and was known for his paperweights and fancy glass marbles.

FYI. Check the bottom of both pieces to see if they have polished pontils, a sign they are blown

Puzzle Solutions

Town in which the roads are completely teeming with tire-snagging depressions: The Holey City.

* On July 26, 1863, Confederate cavalry leader John Hunt Morgan, along with 360 of his men, were captured at Salineville, Ohio, during a raid on the North. Starting in the previous July, Morgan made four major raids on Northern or Northern-held territory in a year, which, though of limited strategic importance, bolstered Southern morale while capturing badly needed supplies.

* On July 27, 1981, six-year-old Adam John Walsh was abducted from a mall in Hollywood, Florida, after following an older boy outside, and later found murdered. In the aftermath of the still-unsolved crime, his father, John Walsh, became a leading victims’ rights activist and host of the long-running television show “America’s Most Wanted.”

* On July 28, 1945, in a freak accident caused by heavy fog, a U.S. military plane crashed into New York City’s Empire State Building, killing 14 people, including the two pilots and a single passenger, and resulting in $1 million in damages.

* On July 29, 2012, rap singer Snoop Dogg (real name Calvin Broadus) was banned from Norway for two years after being caught attempting to bring a small amount of marijuana into the country in his luggage, as well as more cash than legally allowed.

* On July 30, 1733, the first Masonic Grand Lodge in the future United States, now known as St. John’s Lodge, was constructed in Massachusetts. It claims to be the third-oldest such lodge in existence, though this has been disputed by the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania and the Grand Lodge of Virginia.

(c) 2023 King Features Synd., Inc.


Left Handed (from page 3) the age of ten. Of 60 infants who sucked their right thumb in the womb, 100% grew up to be right-handed. Of the 15 who sucked their left thumb, ten were left-handed and the other five were right-handed. This still stands as one of the most accurate predictors of the handedness of a yet-unborn child.

Handedness In Animals

• A 2013 study published in “Psychology Today” examined 119 diverse animal species looking for signs of limb preference. Can crabs be rightor left-clawed? Can turtles? Or is this something unique to humans?

• Researchers found that 51% of animal species studied exhibited a definite preference for which limb they used most. However, 32% of species studied failed to demonstrate the species-wide preference so prevalent in humans. The other 68% did. For instance, Japanese blue crabs crack shells almost exclusively with their right claws. Pacific leatherback turtles show a strong preference for their right flipper when burying their eggs. Parrots prefer their left foot for picking up objects 90% of the time.

• A 2015 study funded by National Geographic showed that by far the majority of kangaroos are left-pawed. Another study found that the red-necked wallaby, a marsupial, demonstrates a definite hand preference when walking on two legs but not when on all fours. Even the octopus has a favored arm among the eight it has to choose from, while also exhibiting an absolute preference for which eye it uses. Cats, dogs, and most other four-legged species are split 50-50.

• Mice tend to have a 50-50 split when it comes to preferring one paw over the other. One research project attempted to deliberately breed a line of left-pawed mice by allowing only pairs of left-pawed parents to reproduce. Even after 15 successive generations, each newborn mouse still had a 50-50 chance of being left- or rightpawed. □

Knuckle It Up

Making any change to your golf game can be a difficult one, especially if it involves the grip. Yet, if the majority of amateur golfers would take that investment to improve their hand position, it would reap benefits for games to come.

The left hand is a particular problem for most golfers due to the natural tendencies to position it improperly. A poor left hand grip has the thumb separate from the forefinger, wrist barely turned to show one knuckle, and is gripped mostly in the palm. Very few players can get away with such a poor position.

In order to correct the hand position, attempt to achieve the opposite of the aforementioned: Connect the thumb to the forefinger area slightly, turn the wrist to show at least three knuckles, and grasp the club more in the fingers. If you can simply go from one knuckle to three, you’ll usually see an improvement in ball flight control. Mark your glove on the knuckles to be more aware of the hand’s position.

By taking a “stronger” left hand grip position, the chances of eliminating the slice and poorly struck shots will be greatly enhanced.

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