April Celebrations and Observances
by Kathy WolfeThis week Tidbits brings your attention to a few rather obscure events and occurances observed during the month of April that you likely weren't even aware of. So read on and weʼll bring you up to speed!
• As you celebrate National Dandelion Day on April 5th, consider all the good things that are actually true about this pesky plant that we usually consider as a nuisance weed. Appreciation for the lowly dandelion actually goes back more than 1,000 years when it was often used in traditional Chinese medicine. It was prescribed for many ailments, including warts, constipation, and even the plague!
• Every bit of the dandelion is edible, with a cup of raw greens providing 112% of the daily requirement for Vitamin A. They have more Vitamin A than spinach and more Vitamin C than tomatoes. Dandelions are rich in iron, calcium, and potassium, and are beneficial in helping the April Observances: Turn to page 3
(Answers on page 16)
1. GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: When did April Fools’ Day come into being?
2. GEOGRAPHY: In which nation is the Great Victoria Desert located?
3. MOVIES: What sport is featured in the movie “The Mighty Ducks”?
4. HISTORY: What is the name of the island where Napoleon was exiled in 1814?
5. ANIMAL KINGDOM: What is the largest rodent in the world?
6. LITERATURE: What is the name of Ron Weasley’s pet rat in the “Harry Potter” book series?
7. U.S. STATES: Which letter of the alphabet is not in any U.S. state’s name?
8. TELEVISION: Which iconic 1960s sitcom inspired two spinoff hits, “Petticoat Junction” and “Green Acres”?
9. U.S. PRESIDENTS: Which president was awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross for bravery in WWII?
10. ANATOMY: How many pairs of spinal nerves exist in humans?
(Trivia Test answers page 16)
1. Likely in the late 16th century, when calendars changed from Julian to Gregorian.
They’re the smallest living organisms and the basic structural and functional unit of all forms of life. Follow along as we explore the amazing human cell, the veritable building blocks of our bodies.
• The human body contains over 30 trillion cells – that’s the number 30 followed by 12 zeroes! This number can vary depending on age, gender, body size, and environment. About 200 different types of cell make up this total, including blood cells, skin, nerve, bone, and fat cells. Red blood cells are the most abundant, making up 80% of the total. Each cell contains an astonishing 100 trillion atoms!
• The liver, kidneys, lungs, and scalp each contain about 100 billion cells, with another 10 billion in the pancreas, 300 million muscle cells, and an astounding 1 trillion nerve cells. There are about 170 billion cells in the average brain. The skin’s 50 billion cells are dispersed to about 300 million per square inch.
• There are a huge number of different functions of the cells. Some protect the body’s outer surface and internal organs. Bone cells build up bones, while others carry nutrients and oxygen throughout the body, while removing carbon dioxide.
• Cells are constantly dying and being replaced. Close to 300 billion new cells are produced every day, with new cells arising from preexisting cells. A cell’s lifespan varies widely. White blood cells live for just 13 days, while red blood cells live for about 120 days. Liver cells can live up to 18 months. Some cells live for several years. The vast majority of the body’s brain cells stay alive throughout a person’s whole life. Unfortunately, when nerve cells in certain parts of the brain die off due to degenerative diseases like Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s, they are not replaced.
• Each tiny cell has three distinct parts. The nucleus is the “headquarters” of the cell, delivering instructions to the cell to grow, divide, or die. The nucleus contains the majority of the cell’s DNA. Cytoplasm is a clear, semifluid substance that surrounds the nucleus. The nuclear membrane protects the DNA and
separates it from the rest of the cell.
• Cells have many different shapes – round, square, spindle-like, and star-shaped. They maintain their shape with the help of the cytoskeleton, a type of scaffolding within the cell’s cytoplasm. White blood cells, those that defend the body against infection and disease, can change their shape, enabling them to move through narrow spaces.
• A British scientist named Robert Hooke was the first person to observe cells in 1665. Hooke was looking at dead cork tissue using a compound microscope that he had built himself. He named the structures cells because they resembled the small simple rooms where monks slept in monasteries. The cork cells were dead, left behind after the death of the live cells.
• In the 1670s, Dutch microbiologist Anton van Leeuwenhoek was the first to observe living cells, recognizing them as red blood cells.
• Human cells aren’t the only cells in the body. There are also about 37 trillion bacteria cells in the average body as well, outnumbering the human cells. Most types aren’t harmful, and in fact, help keep your body healthy.
• Good bacteria can be found on your skin, in your airways, mouth, digestive system, and urinary tract, and many other places. Bacteria in your gut absorb nutrients, break down food, and even prevent the growth of harmful bacteria.
• Other types can make you sick, such as streptococcus and staphylococcus, and are responsible for strep throat, whooping cough, staph infections, E.coli infections, urinary tract infections, and sepsis.
April Observances (from page one)
body’s liver eliminate toxins from the blood. Dandelion tea is a proven remedy for digestive problems. Although we make efforts to remove them from our lawns, as part of the daisy family, they were a favorite flower in European gardens. It’s believed the plants arrived in North America on the Mayflower, brought for medicinal purposes. Why are they so hard to get rid of? It’s because their roots can sink as deep as 10 to 15 feet!
• National Pecan Day is observed on April 14. The word “pecan” has its origins in an Algonquin word that means “a nut that requires a stone to crack,” due to its hard shell. Yet pecans aren’t technically nuts. They’re drupes, as they are the fruit of a tree, along with peaches, plums, and cherries. The trees, which are native to the United States, (where 90% of the world’s supply is grown) are a variety of hickory tree, and there are more 1,000 different varieties of pecans. The tree won’t bear fruit until it’s 12 years old. A tree might reach a height of 150 feet, with a trunk diameter of over three feet. Each tree will have plenty of time to bear pecans, as they live up to 300 years.
• April 15 is set aside every year as Titanic Remembrance Day in honor of the victims and
survivors of this tragedy. When the luxurious 883-ft. ship departed Southampton, England on its maiden voyage on April 10, 1912, it was deemed unsinkable. Yet when the ship struck an iceberg in the frigid waters of the Atlantic the night of April 14, it took just two-and-a-half hours for water to fill and rupture at least five of the hull compartments, breaking the ship in half, and sending it to the bottom of the ocean.
• Haiku poetry has a very strict pattern of structure. Traditional Japanese haiku is composed of one line of five syllables, followed by one line of seven syllables, and another line of five syllables, a total of 17 syllables. There is no rhyme scheme. It’s a brief poem with simple phrases, frequently articulating the imagery of nature. National Haiku Poetry Day is observed on April 17.
Appliance manufacturer the Whirlpool Corporation, made April 15th National Laundry Day an official observance in 2019. The date celebrated the 100th anniversary of their washing machine patent.
• Mark your calendars on April 30 for the celebration of National Mahjongg Day. The game originated in China over 200 years ago and takes its name from the Chinese word for “sparrow.” Mahjongg is a rather complicated game requiring strategy and calculation. Although most of the 144 tiles in the game are now mass-produced in plastic, they were originally hand-carved tiles, individually engraved with Chinese characters and symbols. A few artisans still produce handcrafted sets, made of bamboo, bone, or ivory, first engraving the tiles, then cleaning them, followed by a meticulous painting process that can take weeks to complete. Each of the four players receives 13 tiles, then draws and discards tiles until they complete their hand.
• Although Americans think of Abercrombie & Fitch as a vendor of stylish fashions, the company, which was founded in 1892, was the first U.S. company to sell mahjongg sets during the 1920s. The game became immediately popular, requiring co-owner Ezra Fitch to send representatives to China to purchase every last set that could be found.
• April 30 is also National Raisin Day, a day created by California raisin growers in 1909. Raisins can be considered one of nature’s nearly-perfect foods. They are rich in antioxidants to protect the body’s cells from
damage and reduce the risk of chronic disease. Raisins are a good source of iron necessary for the production of red blood cells. Their calcium and boron content contributes to strong and healthy bones, while raisins’ potassium helps regulate blood pressure levels. If all of that
April Observances: Turn to page 15
1. Which U.S. President was the first to declare an income tax?
2. Herbie Hancock was instrumental in creating this musical day on April 30. What is it?
Answers page 16
* Modern brunch was first proposed in 1895 as a post-hangover meal.
* Quetzalcoatlus, the largest known flying animal, was as tall as a giraffe and may have used its powerful forelimbs to polevault into the sky.
* Cathay Williams became the first African-American woman to serve in the U.S. Army in 1866. Since women were barred from joining the military at the time, she enlisted as a man under the pseudonym William Cathay.
* In Australia, weed whackers are called whipper snippers.
* Beaver College changed its name to Arcadia in 2001, partly because anti-porn filters blocked access to its website.
* The human body emits visible light, but it’s not visible to the naked eye.
* The FBI dubbed Ted Kaczynski “The Unabomber” because his early mail bombs were sent to universities (UN) and airlines (A).
* As astronauts spend months traveling to Mars, their eyeballs may change shape. Some scientists believe that’s due to the pressure from fluids that won’t drain from their heads, thanks to the low-gravity environment.
* President Thomas Jefferson hated formal affairs so much that he would often greet foreign dignitaries in his pajamas.
* The Antikythera mechanism, discovered by sponge divers in 1900, is sometimes called the world’s first analog computer. Designed to calculate dates and predict astronomical phenomena, it was so advanced nothing surpassed it for nearly 1,500 years.
* Some libraries have been known to use extraordinary measures to ensure titles remained on shelves. A notable example is Marsh’s Library in Dublin, Ireland, where in the 1800s, visitors desiring to peruse rare books were locked in cages until they finished reading! ***
Thought for the Day: “If we open a quarrel between past and present, we shall find that we have lost the future.”
-- Winston Churchill
by Mary Hunt by Mary HuntHow to Know if Stay-atHome Is a Reasonable Solution
by Mary HuntDEAR MARY: With two little boys, my husband and I are paying through the roof for day care. It seems like almost all the money I earn goes to child care, so I’ve been thinking of quitting my job and staying home with the kids. I’m enthusiastic at the thought of spending more time with them, but I also want to be sure my family will be OK financially. Is there an easy way to make sure the decision is right for us?
Monica, PennsylvaniaDear Monica: I think you’re on to something. But before you make any rash decisions, do this: Write down a figure that represents your monthly net (take-home) pay.
Now deduct from that all of your workrelated costs, including day care, transportation, clothes, lunches, gifts, office supplies and anything else you can come up with that would go away if you stay at home. But wait, there’s more.
Consider all the expenses you have because you work, like more fast food, take-out and restaurant meals because you’re too tired to cook. Do you hire help for the yard work or housecleaning? If you are home, there’s a good chance you can do those jobs and reduce your expenses even further.
You may be shocked to discover it’s actually costing you to hold down a job because you’re paying out more than you earn. Unless you make a whopping big salary, there’s a high likelihood you will be better off financially by being at home with your kids where you can also cook, clean and perhaps garden, too. Even if you decide to keep working, going through this exercise is bound to give you a new perspective and clear-cut reason for the decision you make. Hope that helps! ***
DEAR MARY: In the past, I have always donated my unwanted clothing to charity, but with 2-year-old twin daughters who are outgrowing their clothes faster than I can change their diapers, money is tight. I’d like to bring their old things to a consignment shop to earn a little extra cash. Can you give me some tips on how to make the most money? -- Priscilla, Texas
Dear Priscilla: Sure, I can help! First, make a list of the children’s consignment shops
in your area. One chain I know well is Once Upon a Child, which may be a good place to start, should there be one near you. Next, do some research.
Each shop will have its own unique policies on which types and conditions of items they accept. Find out the terms, i.e., once an item sells, how will they split the proceeds with you? Do they accept gently worn items or only pristine? Must clothes arrive in dry cleaner bags or freshly laundered?
Once you have all the facts, decide which shop you will try first. Make sure your items fit the store’s criteria, then make your first delivery. Keep careful records. Many shops have a policy that what doesn’t sell is given to charity unless you pick up the item within an established timeline. Consignment shopping and selling is a great way to turn good items back into cash. Another way is to do this online. ThredUp.com is a very popular online consignment and thrift store. Once you are at the site, select “Sell” to discover how this shop works. I have purchased items from ThredUp.com for my grandsons, and it was an easy, pleasant experience. The Kids department is very active. That you have matching same-size items could definitely give your items a lot of attention and quick sales.
It’s possible you will find selling your kids things at your own yard sale nets you more money for less trouble. You just have to experiment. If all else fails, remember when you donate to a qualified charitable organization, you are allowed to deduct the fair market value of each item from your taxable income. When you itemize your tax return, that can add up to a considerable amount and benefit you with a larger tax refund or smaller tax bill.
Mary invites questions and comments at https:// www.everydaycheapskate.com/contact/, “Ask Mary.” This column will answer questions of general interest, but letters cannot be answered individually. Mary Hunt is the founder of EverydayCheapskate.com, a frugal living blog, and the author of the book “Debt-Proof Living.”
Every cook loves non-stick cookware! This week, in commemoration of National Teflon Day on April 6th, Tidbits offers a quick history of this breakthrough material, considered to be the most slippery material in existence.
• In 1938, 27-year-old research chemist Roy Plunkett was working at the DuPont research laboratory in Edison, New Jersey. Plunkett had been assigned the task of developing an alternative to existing fluorocarbon-based refrigerants, working with gases related to the Freon refrigerant. He and his assistant had produced 100 lbs. of tetrafluoroethylene during their experiments, and needed a way to store it.
• The TFE was placed in small cylinders and frozen. But when the two checked on the refrigerant some time later, all the cylinders seemed empty although their weight was the same as when they were full. After sawing a bottle open, the interior of the cylinder was now found to be coated with a waxy white solid that was extremely slippery. That powder was polytetrafluoroethylene, produced from the cylinder’s iron interior acting as a catalyst at high pressure, causing the TFE gas molecules to polymerize.
• They knew they had stumbled upon something unique and significant. DuPont obtained a patent for the synthetic polymer in 1945, giving it the name “Teflon,” from the substance’s chemical name (poly) te (tra) fl (uoroethylene), and “–on” at the end to complete the new word.
• Although we think of Teflon as a non-stick
coating for pots and pans, it took quite a roundabout path before it ever found its way into our kitchens. In fact, it was first used chiefly for industrial and military purposes.
• In the late 1940s, DuPont formed a partnership with General Motors, producing more than two million pounds (910,000 kg) of polytetrafluoroethylene every year at a Parkersburg, West Virginia plant.
• Teflon was also used as a component during the Manhattan Project, the code name for the United States’ effort to develop the first nuclear weapons during WWII. When U.S. intelligence received reports that German scientists were working on an atomic bomb, the Project began research and development for the Allies. The Project’s uranium plant was located in Oak Ridge, Tennessee, where Teflon was used as an important material for coating valves and gaskets. The Teflon coating inside the pipes allowed for resistance to highly reactive uranium hexafluoride.
• Teflon has been vital to space travel as well. Due to its resistance to high heat, as much as 570° F (300° C), it’s been used in space suits and rocket components. Teflon parts were used in the Mars Exploration Rovers, because of the ability to survive temperature extremes and travel over the planet’s rocky terrain.
• In the world of medicine, Teflon is used for surgical catheters, prostheses, and artificial body parts, including synthetic arteries. It’s a stain repellant for clothing, carpets, and upholstery, it’s used in windshield wipers and light bulbs, and it’s found in plumbers’ tape for sealing joints in water pipes and heating ducts.
• So what about those non-stick pans? In 1954, a French engineer named Marc Gregoire coated his wife’s cooking pans with Teflon, a product he had been using on his fishing tackle. After achieving success, two years later, he introduced the first Teflon-coated pans, using the brand name Tefal, combining “Tef” and “al” (from aluminum).
• In 1961, American professor and inventor Marion Trozzolo, who had been manufacturing Tefloncoated scientific utensils, marketed America’s first Teflon-coated cooking pan, naming it “The Happy Pan.” One of Trozzolo’s original pans can be found at the Smithsonian Institute.
- Selecting an Agent and Price
There are many things to consider when deciding to sell your home. One of the first things you should do is interview agents to determine the best fit for your needs. Some things to consider are agent experience, agent market analysis and how the agent will market your home. For so many years, agents had to just put a sign in the yard, and they got multiple offers. Today, selling your home will require an understanding of what is working and what is not. Your agent should also understand current prices and if the market is increasing or decreasing.
- The Importance of Choosing a Local and Experienced Agent
It is important to choose a local agent that belongs to a local MLS to get the most exposure for your home. Our MLS cooperates with multiple Southern California MLS and therefore your exposure is beyond the Coachella Valley. Your Agent will help you establish the value of your home with local and current market statistics. You and your agent should avoid over or underestimating your home’s value. Your agent should understand the main selling season in your area and should know how to be strategic in selling your home.
- Complete Listing Agreement
Once you have agreed to an agent, you should sign your listing agreement and begin the process of preparing your home for sale. We will cover that in our next article so check back soon for more information on Preparing Your Home to Sell.
- Next Steps
If you are thinking of buying or selling your home, feel free to contact us for a free Market Analysis.
Q: Where can I see the new “Road House” movie? It’s not playing in local theaters, as far as I can tell. The original movie with Patrick Swayze is one of my favorites. -- D.D.
A: The remake of the 1989 cult classic isn’t at your local movie theater. Instead, it’s available now exclusively through Amazon’s Prime Video streaming app. The new “Road House” stars Jake Gyllenhaal (“Brokeback Mountain”) as a former UFC fighter working as a bouncer at a bar in the Florida Keys. There is also a romance (just like there was with Patrick Swayze and Kelly Lynch in the original), this time with a nurse played by Daniela Melchior (“Fast X”).
There are also plenty of fights -- lots and lots of fights. Gyllenhaal sports abs of steel as he faces off against real-life UFC pro Conor McGregor, who plays a mouthy hitman in the film. Keep an eye out for another celebrity-turned-actor -- Post Malone -- as well as familiar actors like Lukas Gage (“The White Lotus”), Billy Magnussen (“No Time to Die”) and Jessica Williams (“Shrinking”).
According to an article on IndieWire, Amazon gave the filmmakers and Gyllenhaal a choice between a $60 million budget and a big-screen release or an $85 million budget and a streamingonly release. They chose the latter, which “typically means a larger upfront payday for the filmmaker and their star(s).”
Q: Who is the current star of “The Bachelor”? On the commercials, they said he was a tennis player, but I don’t recognize him. -- G.W.
A: Joey Graziadei is a 28-year-old instructional tennis pro who is originally from Pennsylvania. He first appeared as a suitor on Charity Lawson’s season of “The Bachelorette,” where he was the runner-up. Before this, he played tennis in college at West Chester University, where he majored in communication and media studies. He then moved to Hawaii, where he taught tennis before being cast on the ABC reality shows.
Graziadei’s finale choice will have been revealed by the time you read this. Hopefully, he did find true love, but if not, then his newfound fame might lead to a career as a tennis commentator on television.
Q: I saw the actress who played Blair on “The Facts of Life” recently, and she hasn’t aged a bit. Is she still acting? -- C.S.
A: Lisa Whelchel is best known for her role as snooty Blair Warner on the ‘80s sitcom “The Facts of Life.” She actually debuted the role on an episode of “Diff’rent Strokes,” but before this, she was a Mouseketeer on “The New Mickey Mouse Club,” a series which ran in 1977.
Her acting career stalled for a while once “Facts” ended, but she had a resurgence about a decade ago with roles in several Christmas movies. Also, in 2012, she appeared as a contestant on the competitive reality show “Survivor: Philippines,” and she currently hosts “Collector’s Call” on the MeTV channel. The new season about “surprising collections, fascinating collectors and exciting trades” premieres on Sunday, April 7.
Send me your questions at NewCelebrityExtra@gmail.com, or write me at KFWS, 628 Virginia Drive, Orlando, FL 32803. (c) 2024 King Features Synd., Inc.
1. Split ................................ (PG-13)
1. Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire (PG-13) Paul Rudd, Carrie Coon
James McAvoy, Anya Taylor-Joy
2. Rings ............................... (PG-13)
Matilda Anna Ingrid Lutz, Alex Roe
2. Dune: Part Two (PG-13) Timothée Chalamet, Zendaya
3. A Dog’s Purpose (PG)
Josh Gad, Dennis Quaid
3. Kung Fu Panda 4 (PG) Jack Black, Awkwafina
4. Hidden Figures (PG)
Taraji P. Henson, Octavia Spencer
4. Immaculate (R) Sydney Sweeney, Álvaro Morte
5. La La Land (PG-13)
Ryan Gosling, Emma Stone
5. Arthur the King (PG-13) Mark Wahlberg, Simu Liu
6. Resident Evil: The Final Chapter (R)
6. Late Night with the Devil (R) David Dastmalchian, Laura Gordon
Milla Jovovich, Iain Glen
7. Sing (PG) animated
7. Imaginary (PG-13) DeWanda Wise, Taegen Burns
8. Lion ................................ (PG-13)
Dev Patel, Nicole Kidman
8. Love Lies Bleeding (R) Anna Baryshnikov, Kristen Stewart
9. The Space Between Us .. (PG-13)
Gary Oldman, Asa Butterfield
10. xXx: Return of Xander
9. Cabrini (PG-13) Cristiana Dell’Anna, John Lithgow
Cage .................................... (PG-13)
Vin Diesel, Donnie Yen © 2017 King Features Synd., Inc.
10. Bob Marley: One Love (PG-13) Kingsley Ben-Adir, Lashana Lynch
Good Recipes from
Ginger-Crusted Salmon With Melon Salsa
Spicy and fresh, this easy dinner of rich salmon and melon-hot pepper salsa is healthy and anything but bland.
2 cubed cantaloupe cut into 1/3-inch pieces
1 cubed honeydew, cut into 1/3-inch pieces
1/4 cup packed fresh cilantro leaves 2 tablespoons finely chopped fresh mint leaves
1 jalapeno chile
2 tablespoons fresh lime juice
2 tablespoons grated peeled fresh ginger
2 teaspoons curry powder
Salt Pepper
4 piece skinless salmon fillet
2 teaspoons vegetable oil
1. In medium bowl, combine cantaloupe, honeydew, cilantro, mint, jalapeno, lime juice and 1/4 teaspoon salt, stirring until well-mixed; set aside.
2. In small bowl, stir together ginger, curry powder, 1/8 teaspoon salt and 1/2 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper. Spread mixture evenly all over non-skin side of each fillet.
3. In 12-inch nonstick skillet, heat oil on medium 1 minute. Add salmon, ginger side down, and cook 10 minutes or until salmon just turns opaque in center, turning over once. Serve salmon with melon salsa.
Serves 4.
Fudgy Low-Fat Brownies
Moist, chocolaty and low-fat. Need we say more?
1 teaspoon instant espresso-coffee powder
1 teaspoon hot water
3/4 cup all-purpose flour
1/2 cup unsweetened cocoa
1/2 teaspoon baking powder
1/4 teaspoon salt
3 tablespoons butter or margarine
3/4 cup sugar
2 large egg whites
1/4 cup dark corn syrup
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1. Heat oven to 350 F. Grease 8-inch square baking pan. In cup, dissolve espresso powder in hot water; set aside. In large bowl, combine flour, cocoa, baking powder and salt.
2. In 2-quart saucepan, melt butter over low heat. Remove from heat. With wooden spoon, stir in sugar, egg whites, corn syrup, espresso and vanilla until blended. Stir sugar mixture into flour mixture just until blended (do not overmix). Pour batter into prepared pan.
3. Bake until toothpick inserted in center comes out almost clean, 18 to 22 minutes. Cool brownies completely in pan on wire rack.
4. When cool, cut brownies into 4 strips, then cut each strip crosswise into 4 pieces. If brownies are difficult to cut, use knife dipped in hot water and dried; repeat as necessary. Makes 16 brownies.
Each brownie: About 103 calories, 3g total fat (2g saturated), 2g protein, 19g carbohydrate, 6mg cholesterol, 88mg sodium.
(c) 2024 Hearst Communications,
Classic Fragrance
4/7 Metric System Day
4/8 Draw a Bird Day
4/9 Winston Churchill Day
4/10 Salvation Army Founders Day
4/11 Barbershop Quartet Day
4/12 Drop Everything And Read Day
4/13 Thomas Jefferson Day
Dog Talk with Uncle Matty
By Matthew MargolisDangerous Dog at the Door… Come On In!
Several years back, artist Gary Larson drew a The Far Side cartoon depicting husband, wife and their very large dog greeting another couple at their front door. The caption read: “Hey! Jack and Paula! You made it! … Now, quickly: Keep one hand across your throat and put the other one confidently down on Bruno’s head -- stupid dog’s going to get Agnes and me into a giant lawsuit one day.”
So, what came first: the cartoon or the epidemic?
This week I received a request to help a 2-year-old Shih Tzu named Verdell.
“From the time Verdell turned 1 year old, he began to act very agitated whenever he heard anyone approach the front door. When a stranger entered the house, he would run away and hide. After a few months, he stopped hiding and instead barked, growled and turned aggressive toward anyone other than the family. This has now escalated to biting anyone who comes into our house.
“I hired a trainer when this problem began, but I became very frustrated because her solution was to constantly distract him from aggression with treats. This worked for a few minutes, but after eating 5 or 6 treats, he lost interest in them and went right back to full aggression mode.
“I am now truly desperate. He has bitten over a dozen different people in our home, and although he is a small dog and won’t cause severe injuries, this behavior is absolutely unacceptable…”
I spoke with this woman about her dog and asked all the obvious questions: Why do you keep inviting people to your home? And why, when you do, don’t you keep Verdell alone in a room away from your guests? He, like Larson’s dog, should not be greeting anyone at the door.
What it boiled down to -- what it always boils down to -- is she didn’t want to feel like a failure. More than 12 victims in, she still couldn’t accept that Verdell is a biter. People are more willing to admit behavioral problems with their children than
by Matilda Charles © King Features Synd., Inc.When Do We Become Too Old to Climb Ladders?
Months ago I’d made my resolutions list for 2024, carefully picking options that I could realistically accomplish this year. I chose things like adopting a kitten pal for my cat, selling my father’s coin collection, and hiring my handyman neighbor to paint the bathroom.
Thus far it’s the bathroom painting that is causing the greatest annoyance and hesitation. Why, I keep wondering, can’t I do it myself? I’ve painted many, many rooms over the years and have always done a fine job. But, the question
Estate Planning Attorney
looming now is - dare I climb a ladder again?
I even went to the internet looking for support to justify myself that it would be OK at my age to climb a ladder and simply apply paint to the walls.
An Australian study of seniors cut right to the chase with statistics about how many over the age of 65 had died from serious injuries sustained after falling from a ladder, not to mention the list of ladder-related injuries that put many others in the hospital during their recovery.
The study points out that the tasks involved while standing atop a ladder often require tipping and turning of the head in unsusual ways we don't normally do while standing on solid terra-firma. These movements can cause dizzying moments of sudden vertigo that quickly place us off balance with nothing solid to grab hold of to steady ourselves. Down we go, landing hard on the floor. This is where serious head injuries often cause the most deaths. If we do survive, most of the bodily injuries suffered in this type of fall are the serious kind with long-lasting consequences.
A U.S. home-care website was aimed at the adult children who need to convince elderly parents to stay off ladders, and suggested citing statistics about deaths and injuries. Should that not work, said the website, pull in reinforcements like doctors and extended family to convince the renegade senior to stay off ladders.
The NIH (National Institutes of Health) even chimed in with a study about the risks of ladder use by seniors and went so far as to analyze the types of dangerous tasks seniors might do that involve ladders. That’s where I part company with the NIH’s study: I’m not interested in trimming tree limbs, cleaning leaves out of gutters, or hanging outdoor Christmas decorations on the chimney.
I only want to paint a bathroom.
Cody’s Corner (from page 9)
with their dogs.
Another woman called this week to discuss options for her 1-year-old show dog. He had been disqualified from his last competition for lunging at the judge. During the conversation she mentioned that she has three kids at home, ages 3, 7 and 9. I told her I didn’t think that was the right dog for a family with small children. We hung up, and five minutes later my phone rang:
“Uncle Matty?” boomed a man’s voice.
“You upset my wife. Sure, the dog lunged. But the judge had a funny look!”
Add that to the ever-growing list of excuses: He rarely breaks the skin. He only bites on Thursdays. He didn’t really mean it.
Blinded by love for their dog and crippled by their own egos, this couple showed no more concern for the well-being of their children than the other couple did for the safety of their houseguests.
For some households, “put one hand across your throat, the other confidently down on Bruno’s head -- and cross your fingers you don’t end up embroiled in a lawsuit” is standard operating procedure. And I bet Larson stayed far away from them.
Dog trainer Matthew “Uncle Matty” Margolis is the co-author of 18 books about dogs, a behaviorist, a popular radio and television guest, and the host of the PBS series “WOOF! It’s a Dog’s Life!” Read all of Uncle Matty’s columns at www.creators.com, and visit him at www.unclematty.com.
Update: I will not be getting the bathroom painted anytime soon. My handyman neighbor, a good 20 years younger than I am, fell off a ladder on a job last week and is now facing shoulder surgery. If I am ever going to get this job done it will be by someone further down on the age scale. Meanwhile, the bathroom will stay as it is.
* * *
Matilda Charles regrets that she cannot personally answer reader questions, but will incorporate them into her column whenever possible. Send email to columnreply2@ gmail.com.
by Tom MargenauMedicare, Medicaid and Social Security
In today’s column, I’m going to talk about Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security. Despite what many people think, these government programs are not like three peas in a pod. They are more like a pea, a bean and a stalk of celery. In other words, they are all sort of connected because they are government programs that sometimes have an overlapping beneficiary base. But ultimately, they are three very different programs with very different rules and very different management structures.
Before I go on, I want to share a story that will seem very disconnected from what I was just writing about. But I promise I will tie it in to the topic at hand.
About 50 years ago, when I first started working for the Social Security Administration in one of their field offices in central Illinois, part of my job had me running to local nursing homes to take care of the Social Security needs of their residents. One day, I got to chatting with the administrator of one of those nursing homes. I mentioned the music that was being piped into their sound system throughout the home. The instrumentals were big band era groups such as Benny Goodman and Glenn Miller. And the singers were the likes of Perry Como and Rosemary Clooney. I said something about how old-fashioned it seemed. And the administrator told me the residents liked it because it’s the music they grew up with. And then she said: “Mark my words. 50 years from now when our generation is in nursing homes, you will hear the Beatles and the Rolling Stones piped into our rooms.” I think I said something like, “No way that will ever happen!” (I guess I was thinking that just seemed so inappropriate. And besides, we’re never going to get old!)
Well, fast forward five decades to just a few days ago. My neighbor asked me to accompany her to a local nursing home where her brother was staying. And lo and behold, as we walked in the front door, I heard the Beatles’ “Hey Jude” playing on their sound system. Oh, my goodness! We did get old. And we took our music with us!
OK, so what does this have to do with today’s topic? Well, while at the home, my neighbor mentioned that her brother’s care was being taken care of by his Medicare coverage. I had to correct her and tell her that his nursing home care was very likely being paid for by Medicaid and not Medicare. She said she thought they were simply different parts of the same program. But they are not. And now I will explain.
But before I do, I must add this caveat. I’m a retired Social Security guy. As such, I am an expert in almost all Social Security matters. But I am definitely not an expert when it comes to Medicare and Medicaid. However, I know enough about them to give this broad-strokes overview of the programs. So that’s what’s coming.
I’m sure all of my readers are pretty familiar with Medicare. It’s the federal health care program for seniors over 65 and for people getting disability benefits. It’s managed by an agency called the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. It is NOT run by the Social Security Administration, as many people think.
Why the confusion? Because CMMS does not have any local field offices, they rely on the SSA to get people enrolled in Medicare. Because of that, and because Medicare premiums come out of Social Security checks, many people think the SSA
runs Medicare. Again, they don’t. Once you are enrolled in Medicare, the SSA essentially washes its hands of your Medicare experience, and CMMS takes over.
Anyway, Medicare has two basic plans. Part A, or hospital coverage, is paid for by the Medicare payroll tax deducted from a worker’s paycheck. So, it’s essentially free once you turn 65. (And by the way, even though the Social Security full retirement age has climbed to 67, the Medicare eligibility age is still 65.)
The other main Medicare plan is Part B, which pays for doctor’s visits, lab work, etc. Part B is financed by the aforementioned premium deducted from your Social Security check. The basic monthly premium is $174.70, but it can be much higher for well-to-do seniors.
I can’t tell you how many times over the years (tens of thousands of times) people have told me something like this: “Yes, I have both parts of Medicare. I have Medicare and Medicaid.” But what they meant to say was: “I have both parts of Medicare. I have Part A and Part B.” That’s just one example of the many ways people confuse Medicare and Medicaid.
Before I move on to a brief overview of Medicaid, I must point out that there are other parts to Medicare such as Part C (usually called Medicare Advantage Plans) and Part D, which offers prescription drug coverage. I know almost nothing about these programs, so I’m not explaining them here. I’m simply acknowledging that they exist.
So now on to Medicaid. What is it? In some past columns, I almost flippantly and offhandedly have told readers that Medicaid is like Medicare, but for poor people. And that is sort of correct, but of course there is so much more to it than that.
Briefly, Medicaid is a joint federal and state program that covers medical costs for people with limited income and resources. Because there is that state tie-in, the eligibility rules can vary from one state to another. So there is simply no way I
can explain them in a nationally syndicated newspaper column. Suffice it to say, you’ve got to be pretty darn poor to get Medicaid coverage. In fact, I’m betting that most readers of this column are getting Medicare, but very few of them are getting Medicaid.
I just said there are state-specific eligibility rules for Medicaid. But there is one national program that includes Medicaid eligibility. And that’s the Supplemental Security Income program. SSI is a federal welfare program that pays a small monthly stipend (rarely more than about $900 per month) to elderly poor and to poor people with disabilities. And Medicaid eligibility almost always goes along with an SSI check. And another one of the jurisdictional problems is that SSI is managed by the Social Security Administration. And that leads people to think that their Medicaid coverage comes from the SSA. But again, it doesn’t. Once the SSA gets you on SSI, then a state social service agency (i.e., welfare office) takes over your Medicaid coverage. So that’s a very brief overview of these often-confused programs.
If you have a Social Security question, Tom Margenau has two books with all the answers. One is called “Social Security -- Simple and Smart: 10 Easy-to-Understand Fact Sheets That Will Answer All Your Questions About Social Security.” The other is “Social Security: 100 Myths and 100 Facts.” You can find the books at Amazon.com or other book outlets. Or you can send him an email at thomas.margenau@comcast.net. To find out more about Tom Margenau and to read past columns and see features from other Creators Syndicate writers and cartoonists, visit the Creators Syndicate website at www.creators.com.
1. The book of Philemon is found in the a) Old testament b) New testament c) Neither
2. From 1 Samuel 17, how many stones did David take with him to face Goliath? a) One b) Three c) Five d) Seven
3. Which book first refers to Jesus as the Prince of Peace? a) Isaiah b) Luke c) Daniel d) Matthew
4. Who is thought of as being the "mother of all the living"? a) Ruth b) Rahab c) Eve d) Esther
5. In Numbers 22, to whom did the donkey speak after being beaten with a rod? a) Nahum b) Balaam c) Melchizadek d) Gomer
6. Where was Paul the Apostle born? a) Thessalonica b) Antioch c) Tarsus d) Nazareth
Sharpen your understanding of scripture with Wilson Casey's latest book, "Test Your Bible Knowledge," now available in stores and online.
(Answers on page 16)
For comments or more Bible Trivia go to www.TriviaGuy.com
Slower Heart Rates Are More Common in Athletes
DEAR DR. ROACH: I have a question about a resting heart rate, specifically when it is considered too slow for one’s health. I am a 67-year-old male who, from an early age to the present time, has always been physically active every day. Now retired, I feel a great sense of accomplishment when I work out. The endorphin boosts and benefits to my body are my daily rewards.
Recently, I received a fitness watch that tracks my heart rate. My nightly sleep sessions show a range of 39-58 bpm over the past month. During a dental visit a while ago, I was told by the hygienist that she knew of an athlete who died in his sleep, and his heart rate was so slow that it just stopped. Is this possible? -- D.M.
ANSWER: This really wasn’t a great thing for the hygienist to say, as there is very little truth to it. Most people who exercise do have a slower heart rate, and it’s a good sign of a healthy heart. However, some older people can develop heart block when the electrical impulse from the natural pacemaker of the heart fails to pass to the ventricles. This is an occasional cause of sudden cardiac death.
Your heart rate suggests, to me, that it’s more likely the healthy heart rate of an athlete than it is a disease of the electrical conduction system, but a visit with your regular doctor or cardiologist can separate this through a simple electrocardiogram in most cases. Some people just have slow heart rates, but they can be treated with a pacemaker if they’re symptomatic. ***
DEAR DR. ROACH: I read your recent column on overactive bladders. Like many middle-aged and older women, I’ve progressively had more and more trouble with frequent urination and bladder control. I saw a urologist who diagnosed me with bladder spasms. I got very good improvement on an expensive drug called Myrbetriq.
A few years later, an abdominal scan done for another reason revealed a large uterine fibroid. I eventually had a hysterectomy a year ago. Now at 75, I don’t have any bladder spasms and don’t take any medication. -- C.J.R.
* * *
Dr. Roach regrets that he is unable to ianswer individual questions, but will incorporate them in the column whenever possible. Readers may email questions to ToYourGoodHealth@med.cornell.edu.
(c) 2024 North America Synd., Inc.
Wanna Sell Your Car?
ANSWER: Fibroid tumors and other pelvic masses can press on the bladder and cause symptoms that feel like an overactive bladder. These aren’t common causes, but I am glad you wrote in about this cause and that your symptoms have gone away after surgery. Since the medicine worked, I suspect that the mechanical pressure of the fibroid triggered bladder contractions. * * *
by Freddie GrovesThe OIG in Our Corner
You hate to learn of it, but per a Department of Veterans Affairs Office of Inspector General (OIG) report, a former veteran who worked at a VA hospital was found guilty of stealing money out of patient accounts. It came about when the sister of a deceased veteran checked her brother’s account and discovered the missing funds.
An investigation showed that the thief was stealing from accounts where the veteran was unable to appear in person at the cashier window to withdraw money due to illness and tried to blame the missing funds on someone using fake identification.
All he got for his crimes was six months in jail and six months with an ankle bracelet under house arrest at home.
An elderly veteran lost his foot due to deficient podiatry care. The whole sorry mess involved defective specialty diabetic shoes, blocked blood flow to the leg, a patient fall due to the shoes themselves, lack of patient education, lack of communication among staff ... and ended with amputation of the patient’s foot.
There was enough blame to go around, but nobody to throw in jail. The podiatrist didn’t adequately instruct on the proper fitting of the shoes. The fall wasn’t correctly reported because the safety officer was new and hadnʼt received proper training in procedures. It could not be determined who did/didn’t warn the patient about possible amputation... and so on.
But not all OIG investigations are so serious. There was the VA employee auction of VA property, which was for the purpose of gathering funds for employee activities and parties. When purchasing agents placed orders for supplies, sometimes there were freebies or incentives sent by the manufacturer when the order was large enough. The employees would then auction off the extra goods, which were government property. It appears that the auctioning of the freebies had gone on for many years, with nobody admitting to the OIG that the vendor was always selected because of the freebies they would get. The bulk of the free goodies were big-name expensive coolers.
Freddy Groves regrets that he cannot personally answer reader questions, but will incorporate them into his column whenever possible. Send email to columnreply2@gmail.com.
Recommended Vaccines for Medicare Recipients
DEAR SAVVY SENIOR: My husband and I recently turned 65 and would like to find out which vaccines are recommended and covered by Medicare? New Beneficiaries
Dear New: All recommended vaccines for adults, age 65 and older, should be covered by either Medicare Part B or Part D, but there are some coverage challenges you should be aware of. Here’s a rundown of which vaccines are recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and how Medicare covers them.
Covid-19: Even though Covid-19 is no longer a public health emergency, it can still cause severe illness, particularly in older adults. Because the Covid virus continues to mutate, new vaccines are being developed to keep pace, so the CDC recommends that all seniors stay up to date with the latest Covid vaccines, including booster shots.
All Covid-19 shots are covered 100 percent by Medicare Part B.
Flu: Considered an annual vaccination, most people of all ages receive flu shots in the fall when flu season begins. The CDC recommends seniors, 65 and older get a high-dose flu shot for extra protection beyond what a standard flu shot offers. The Fluzone High Dose Quadrivalent, FLUAD Quadrivalent and FluBlok Quadrivalent are your three options.
Annual flu shots are covered under Medicare Part B.
Pneumonia: These vaccines help protect against pneumococcal disease, which can cause pneumonia, meningitis and other infections. The
CDC recommends everyone 65 and older get a pneumococcal vaccine. There are several different vaccine options available, so talk to your doctor or pharmacists to find out which is best for you or visit the CDC’s Pneumococcal Vaccination webpage at CDC.gov/vaccines/vpd/pneumo/ public/index.html
Medicare Part B covers both single dose and two-dose pneumococcal shots once in your lifetime.
Shingles: Caused by the same virus that causes chicken pox, shingles is a painful, blistering skin rash that affects more than 1 million Americans every year. All people over age 50 are recommended to get the two-dose Shingrix vaccine, which is given two to six months apart, even if you previously received Zostavax. In 2020, Shingrix replaced Zostavax, which is no longer available in the U.S.
All Medicare Part D prescription drug plans cover shingles vaccinations, but coverage amounts, and reimbursement rules vary depending on where the shot is given. Check your plan.
Tdap: Tetanus, diphtheria, and pertussis (whooping cough) are diseases caused by bacteria that can lead to serious illness and death. Therefore, a one-time dose of the Tdap vaccine is recommended to all adults. If you’ve already had a Tdap shot, you should get a tetanus-diphtheria (Td) booster shot every ten years.
All Medicare Part D plans cover these vaccinations.
RSV: Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) can lead to pneumonia or bronchiolitis and can worsen other chronic conditions common among older adults, such as asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). The CDC recommends all adults, age 60 and older, talk to their doctor about getting one of the RSV vaccines (either Arexvy or Abrysvo), usually in the fall and winter months when the virus is most prevalent.
Most Medicare Part D plans cover the RSV vaccine, but not all. If your plan doesn’t cover it, you can ask for a coverage exception. You can also pay for the shot out of pocket and then follow-up with your plan to get reimbursed. If you pay for the shot upfront, your plan must
pay you back.
Other Vaccinations
There are other vaccines you may need depending on your health, lifestyle or travel plans. To help you get a handle on which ones are appropriate for you, take the CDC’s What Vaccines Do You Need? quiz at www2.cdc.gov/ nip/adultimmsched. Also, talk to your doctor during your next visit about what vaccinations you should get. * * *
Send your senior questions to: Savvy Senior, P.O. Box 5443, Norman, OK 73070, or visit SavvySenior. org. Jim Miller is a contributor to the NBC Today show and author of "The Savvy Senior" book.
by Anne McCollam Creators News ServiceDiamond Carousel Pattern Circles Dishes
Q: I was given the set of dishes in this photo and would like to know more about them, as well as their value. There are eight each of dinner plates, salad plates, soup bowls, dessert bowls and saucers, but only seven cups. The set also includes serving platters, a cream pitcher, a sugar bowl with a turquoise lid and five water glasses.
A few of the dishes have chips, but most look as though they were never used. The dishes have an off-white background and are trimmed with turquoise, elongated diamond shapes alternating with starbursts that circle the borders.
Based on the decoration style, the set was made in the 1960s, I suspect. Marked on the back of most pieces are the words “Nest Stone -- Hand Decorated -- Made in America -- Oven Proof -- Detergent Proof -- Underglazed.”
Any information you can provide will be appreciated.
A: Your stoneware dishes are circa 1960. They were made by Stetson China Company located in Lincoln, Ill. They were in business from 1919 to 1965. Stetson made Nest Stone dishes for Marshall and Burns Company in Chicago. Nest Stone dinnerware was available in several different patterns and marketed under the name “Mar-Crest.” “Diamond Carousel” is the name of the pattern. The modern style pattern was designed by Stetson designer, Alfred Dube.
Your set would probably be worth $250 to $350. ***
Q: I have enclosed the mark that is on the back of a porcelain cake plate I have. The plate is decorated with three bunches of pastel roses against a white background. It is 11 inches in diameter and has small handles. Both the handles and the edges are trimmed in gold. It is in excellent condition. The plate was given to me by a friend who has since passed away, and I would like to know more about its history and possible value.
A: Your cake plate was made by Beyer & Bock. They made porcelain in Volkstedt, Thuringia, Germany, from 1853 to 1960. Beyer & Bock used this mark from 1905 to 1932.
Similar cake plates can be found selling in antiques shops in the range of $75 to $125.
* * *
Antiques expert and columnist Anne McCollam has since retired and no longer receives inquiries nor answers reader letters. Due to the popularity of her column, this publication will continue to reprint previous columns of interest to our readers.
To find out more about Anne McCollam and read features by other Creators Syndicate writers and cartoonists, visit the Creators Syndicate website at www.creators.com
* On April 8, 1930, baseball legend Babe Ruth signed a two-year contract for a then enormous sum of $160,000 with the New York Yankees, prompting the team’s general manager, Ed Barrow, to predict (with, of course, now laughable inaccuracy) that “No one will ever be paid more than Ruth.”
* On April 9, 1860, French inventor Edouard-Lacon Scott de Martinville used his phonautograph, the earliest known sound recording device, to capture himself singing the French folk song “Au Clair de la Lune.”
* On April 10, 2001, mercy killings became legal in the Netherlands following the Dutch senate’s controversial approval of a bill legalizing euthanasia for patients with unbearable terminal illness.
* On April 11, 1951, President Harry Truman fired Gen. Douglas MacArthur as commander of the United Nations and U.S. forces in the Far East after he made public statements calling for an attack on mainland China if Communist forces failed to lay down their arms in Korea.
* On April 12, 1877, with a well-justified fear of ricocheting foul balls (not to mention being hit by a bat), Harvard’s Alexander Tyng wore a converted fencer’s mask for a baseball game in Lynn, MA, becoming the firstknown player to don a catcher’s mask. While the new gear initially drew taunts from fans, designer Fred Thayer’s patent for the device was approved the following January.
* On April 13, 1964, Sidney Poitier became the first Black actor to win the coveted Best Actor Oscar for his role as laborer Homer Smith, who assists a group of poor East German nuns with building a church, in “Lilies of the Field.” Three years later, he was Hollywood’s top box office draw.
* On April 14, 2010, Neil Armstrong criticized the Barack Obama administration’s stripped-down space plans in an open letter co-signed by Apollo commanders James Lovell and Eugene Cernan, describing the president’s proposals as “devastating.” Supporters, however, insisted that the accelerated rocket program would set new goals for American efforts in outer space.
(c) 2024 King Features Synd., Inc.
"The corporate cutbacks are going to require certain sacrifices by each of us, which is why l'll only be playing nine holes today."
isn’t enough, raisins are rich in the Vitamin B complex as well as a source of Vitamins C, E, and K and zinc.
• Even 8-track tapes have their own day, April 11. Coming to the market in 1964, this invention changed the way the public listened to music and provided a new way to enjoy their favorite tunes, especially on road trips.
• The 8-track was invented by William Powell Lear, best known for his design and development of the Lear Jet, and his founding of the Lear Corporation, the first mass-manufacturer of business jets. Lear, who received more than 140 patents during his lifetime, improved on an earlier system, the 4-track tape, by doubling the number of tracks, producing longer uninterrupted playback.
• Although 8-tracks enjoyed significant popularity during the 1960s and 1970s, with 1978 marking their peak, improved technology led to their decline. Cassette tapes were smaller and had better sound quality, and could be rewound or fast-forwarded to particular songs. Compact discs were introduced in 1982, delivering the death blow to 8-track systems.
• Although Easter falls on March 31 this year, it often lands during April. Why does the date change? Easter, which commemorates the resurrection of Jesus Christ, is observed on the first Sunday after the Paschal full moon, which is the first full moon on or after the Spring Equinox. The word “paschal” is a translation of the Aramaic word meaning “Passover.” Easter’s earliest possible date is March 22, with latest possible date of April 25.
Center face contact should be the number one fundamental on any players’ list. When you mishit the center of the face, you’ll lose distance and direction control if the mishit is severe enough. If you’ve ever seen a top player’s set of irons, you’ll see a dime size wear spot in the center of the face. A swing’s effectiveness should be measured by its ability to consistently hit center face contacted shots.
The secret to gaining mastery of the center hit is creating awareness and feedback to the true space your clubhead is passing through.
By using two tees spaced a little over a clubhead apart, start by swinging through the open space until you’re aware of how you govern the space you pass through. Then hit shots with enough room to hit the ball, yet not hit the tees. Take note of where your consistent mishits tend to occur.
1. GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: When did April Fools’ Day come into being?
2. GEOGRAPHY: In which nation is the Great Victoria Desert located?
3. MOVIES: What sport is featured in the movie “The Mighty Ducks”?
4. HISTORY: What is the name of the island where Napoleon was exiled in 1814?
5. ANIMAL KINGDOM: What is the largest rodent in the world?
6. LITERATURE: What is the name of Ron Weasley’s pet rat in the “Harry Potter” book series?
7. U.S. STATES: Which letter of the alphabet is not in any U.S. state’s name?
8. TELEVISION: Which iconic 1960s sitcom inspired two spinoff hits, “Petticoat Junction” and “Green Acres”?
9. U.S. PRESIDENTS: Which president was awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross for bravery in WWII?
by Linda Thistle10. ANATOMY: How many pairs of spinal nerves exist in humans? Answers
The idea of Go Figure is to arrive at the figures given at the bottom and right-hand columns of the diagram by following the arithmetic signs in the order they are given (that is, from left to right and top to bottom). Use only the numbers below the diagram to complete its blank squares and use each of the nine numbers only once.
TRIVIA TEST Answers Answers
1. Likely in the late 16th century, when calendars changed from Julian to Gregorian.
2. Australia.
3. Ice hockey.
4. Elba.
5. Capybara. 6. Scabbers.
7. Q.
8. “The Beverly Hillbillies.”
9. George H.W. Bush. 10. 31 pairs.