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Week of February 4, 2024
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Vol. XX Issue No. 6
Dog Breeds
by Janet Spencer
Most of us could easily list a dozen or more names of common dog breeds, but how many could say how and where those names actually originated? This week Tidbits decided to look into the subject and share a few facts about where these breed names ADVERTISING PROOF 5:00 actually camepm from, so follow along and see what we FRI., DEC. 29 sniffed al Changes DUE: 12:00out! NOON
carefully. Double check: Phone Number(s) Spelling• Prices Hours The Corgi originates in Wales. In Welsh, the name
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meaning dog. Corgis are closely related to Fax: “gi” 760-320-1630
Siberian Huskies. Despite their short legs, they are fast and nimble runners and were bred as herding dogs. Queen Elizabeth II had owned more than 30 Corgis over her lifetime.
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• The Papillon derives its name from the long and fringed hair on the ears that resemble butterfly wings, and the French word for “butterfly” is papillon. They were bred as rat-catchers. Marie Antoinette owned one that reportedly ran out from
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Dog Breeds: Turn to page 3 INSIDE: Celebrity Extra............................. Page 6 Good Houskeeping Recipes ........ Page 7 Comics & Puzzles........................ 8-9 Pet Column.................................. 9 Your Social Security.................... 11 Doctor's Advice .......................... 12 Please review carefully. Double Phone Number(s) 14 Spelling Prices Hours Antiquecheck: or Junque........................ Golf Tips & Advice..................... 15 MON., DEC. 31changes Contact your Tidbits representative or corrections. Please review carefully. Double check: Phone Number(s) with Spelling Prices Hours ... And lotsimmediately more! Please review carefully. Double check: Phone Number(s) Spelling Prices Hours Office: 760-320-0997 Fax: 760-320-1630
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your body
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When asked in surveys which of the five senses people would prefer to give up if they had to sacrifice one, the one most often chosen was the sense of smell. However, people don’t realize how important the sense of smell actually is.
• We can see only when there is light; taste only ADVERTISING PROOF (Answers on page 16) ADVERTISING PROOFwhen we put things into our mouths; feel only FinalChanges ChangesDUE: DUE: Mon.,10/4/21 5:00 5:00 p.m.. whenp.m.. we make contact; and hear sounds only Final se review carefully. Double check: Phone Number(s) Spelling Prices Hours when they are loud enough. But we smell with e review carefully. Double check: Phone Number(s) Spelling Prices Hours ADVERTISING PROOF Contact your Tidbits representative immediately with changes orevery corrections. breath we take. ADVERTISING PROOF Contact your Tidbits representative immediately with changes or corrections. nal Changes DUE: p.m.. Office: 760-320-0997 email: 5:00 Fax:The 760-320-1630 sense of smell is fully developed at birth, al Changes DUE: ffice: 760-320-0997 email: 5:00 Fax:•p.m.. 760-320-1630
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senses lag behind. A baby recognizes and responds to its mother through act your Tidbits representative immediately with changes or corrections. t your Tidbits representative immediately with changes or corrections. smell rather than identifying her by sight. In LDR Construction : 760-320-0997 email:Svcs. Fax: 760-320-1630 760-320-0997 email: Fax: 760-320-1630 1/16 pg. 4C 26x disc. study after study, mothers can recognize their LDR Construction Svcs. newborn by scent alone. 1/16 pg. 4C 26x disc.
March 18, 2018 Vol. 14 - No. 12
• Neurons in the nose are replaced every 30 days or so, ensuring a constant supply of brand-new scent organs is available at all times.
Enjoy Enjoy the the Outdoors Outdoors
• For years it was estimated that humans could distinguish between 10,000 different odors. However, recent research shows it’s actually nearly infinite.
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• The sense of smell is estimated to be 10,000 times more sensitive than the sense of taste. Smell is thought to account for at least 70% of flavor. Plug your nose while eating a jelly bean, and you’ll be able to taste the sweetness, but not the flavor, until you unplug your nose.
• Today, there’s an entire science behind scent, and most odors can be created in a lab. One of the first perfumes based entirely on synthetic odors manufactured in a laboratory was Chanel No. 5. FREE Valley FREE The aroma of burnt almonds can be reproduced Property of ofCoachella Property of ofCoachella Valley AdVenture Media, Inc. Phone: 760.320.0997 Fax: 760.320.1630 in a lab with 75 different chemical combinations, AdVenture Media, Inc. Phone: 760.320.0997 Fax: 760.320.1630 none of which have anything to do with either All Rights Reserved FREE almonds or heat. All Rights Reserved of Coachella Valley FREE AnKoolfog Authorized Dealer/Installer Misting Systemsof Property of of (Additional Cost for City Permits) Property Koolfog Misiting Systems Building Custom Shade Structures in the Coachella Valley over 15 Years AdVenture Media, Inc. Building Custom Shade Structures in AdVenture the Coachella ValleyInc. over 20 Years Media, AllMaterials Materials Installation All && Installation including Owner’s Ceiling fan (Additional Cost for City Permits) (Additional Cost for City Permits) including Owner’s Ceiling fan
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1. ANIMAL KINGDOM: What is a beaver’s home called? 2. U.S. STATES: In which state would you find Crater Lake? 3. TELEVISION: Which animated cartoon character says, “What’s up, Doc?” 4. LITERATURE: Who is the author of “The Exorcist”? 5. MATH: In Roman numerals, what is XVIII times V? 6. ANATOMY: How many vertebrae are in the human spine? 7. GEOGRAPHY: Which nation is home to Europe’s largest glacier? 8. MOVIES: In which film does Doris Day sing “Que Sera, Sera”? 9. SCIENCE: What is anemophily? 10. MUSIC: Who sang the hit “Girls Just Want to Have Fun”? Answerspage 16) (Trivia Test answers 1. A lodge. 2. Oregon.
• The biggest consumers of artificial fragrances are industries that deal with detergents and soaps. Often, things labeled as “scent-free” have a synthetic musk-based odor added to cancel the natural smell of the product.
• Not everything has an odor. For a scent to be present, a substance must be able to release microscopic particles into the air. Things like stone, steel, and glass don’t. A raw cabbage has a mild odor, but a cooked cabbage has a strong
Vol. XX Issue No. 6
odor because more particles escape. • Weightless astronauts lose much of their ability to taste and smell in space because the spread of smelly particles is surprisingly dependent upon gravity. • During the pandemic, loss of smell was one of the leading indicators of Covid-19. It’s not yet understood why Covid patients who did NOT lose their sense of smell were more likely to be hospitalized and require a ventilator. • The sense of smell ‘turns off’ during sleep, so when you “wake up and smell the coffee,” it’s not the scent of coffee that woke you up. • Volunteers were given a selection of identical t-shirts to smell. Mothers were efficient at picking out the t-shirt worn by their child, and spouses were adept at choosing the t-shirt worn by their partners. Most people could correctly guess whether a male or female had worn the shirt. • A poll found that freshly baked bread ranks #1 on the list of favorite odors, narrowly beating out roses, vanilla, lavender, and lemon. • Women have keener noses than men. Pregnant women have especially sensitive noses. • The sense of smell peaks at age 18 or 19 and then gradually declines for the rest of our lives, along with taste. • An early indicator of the onset of Alzheimer’s is the loss of the ability to smell. • A particular fragrance can instantly trigger a vivid memory from our past. For example, the smell of your grandmotherʼs attic experienced during your childhood immediately takes you back.
Week of February 4, 2024
Dog Breeds (from page one) under her skirt after she was executed. • The Great Pyrenees was bred by Basque shepherds who inhabited the Pyrenees Mountains of southern France and northern Spain. The Pyrenees Mountains were named for Pyrene, a mythical Greek princess who was raped by Hercules, gave birth to a serpent, was killed by wild animals, and buried under the mountain range that now bears her name.
• The Pekingese was bred in the Chinese city of
Peking (now called Beijing) and is one of the oldest breeds. It’s also one of the breeds most closely related to the wolf, along with the Akita, Malamute, Basenji, and Shar-Pei.
• The Shar-Pei is known for its abundance of loose skin and deep wrinkles. The breed originated in Canton, China. The name means “sand skin” and refers to the texture of its short, rough, wrinkled coat. A Shar-Pei’s tongue is a blue-black color, making it the only other dog besides the Chow Chow that does not have a pink tongue. • The Yorkshire Terrier is a small dog breed developed during the 19th century in Yorkshire, England, specifically to catch rats in clothing mills. During World War II, a Yorkie named Smoky saved the lives of soldiers by dragging a communications cable through an eight-inchwide, 60-foot-long drainage culvert. • The Chihuahua was named for the Mexican state of Chihuahua. The word means “dry sandy place.” The Chihuahua is the smallest of all purebred dogs. A Chihuahua named Milly at 3.8 inches tall is the world’s smallest dog. At the age of two years old, she weighed one pound. In a comparison of brain to body size ratio, the Chihuahua has the largest sized brain. The Taco Bell dog’s name was Gidget and she was in many commercials (not all for Taco Bell). She died in 2009 at the age of 15. • The Bloodhound takes its name from the fact
Tidbits of Coachella Valley
that it was bred to follow the trails of wounded animals. It has a keener sense of smell than any other breed and can actually detect a scent from only one or two skin cells. • “Ticking,” a sturdy white material, is used to cover and protect mattresses and pillows. The Bluetick Coonhound has a white coat underneath a network of black spots, and the overall effect makes the dog look like it’s covered by blue ticking. If a dog has a white coat with brown spots, it’s called red ticking. The Bluetick Coonhound was bred as a hunting dog in the Southeastern U.S. and was only recognized as an established independent breed in 1946.
Page 3
where the Pomeranian was bred. They were bred from the large sled dogs of the north, making them another breed closely related to wolves.
• The word “spaniel” comes from the Old French ADVERTISING PROOF word “espaignol” meaning “Spanish dog.” 2. 12 W SpanielsDUE: were bred asMON., huntingJAN. dogs 1and have Final Changes
• Basset Hounds were bred for the purpose of t Dog Breeds: Turn to page 15 Please review carefully. Double check: Phone Number(s) Spelling pursuing rabbits, using their keen sense of smell f to track them down. Only Bloodhounds Contact have youraTidbits representative immediately with changes or c s better sense of smell. “Basset” Office: comes from the 760-320-0997 email: Fax: UIZ IT S French word “bas” for “low” and refers to the low-slung stature of the dog. It has the longest 1. What common emotion is shared ears of any breed, with Bloodhounds a close by all domesticated dogs? second. The ears funnel scents to the nose. Property of Because they are big-boned with heavy bodies SUPER BOX, Inc.many 2. How different AdVenture Media, Inc. and deep chests, they are poor swimmers. c/o Marcus breeds Goldsworthy of domestic dogs 1/16 pg 4C are 13xthere? Disc. Rate Dalmatia is the name for a region that is now January 7, 2024 Vol. 20 - No. 2
part of Croatia and Montenegro, formerly part of Yugoslavia, and before that an Austrian province. It's where the Dalmatian breed was developed. All Dalmatians are born pure white and develop their spots 1. later. The Dalmatian is related to the Great Dane.
Answers page 16
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The German word "pudel," meaning "to splash" gives us not only the word "puddle" but also the breed "poodle." Bred for the purpose of retrieving downed waterfowl from lakes, they were originally called "pudelhund," meaning "water dog."
1. 2.
2. • There are two types of Husky: the Siberian Husky and the Alaskan Malamute. The word “husky” 3. started out in the mid-1800s as “hoskey dog” or 4. refer to “Eskimo dog.” “esky dog” which both The Siberian Husky originated in northeasternADVERTISING PROOF Siberia and was the Chukchi Eskimos Final Changes DUE: 12:00 of northeastern Asia to pull heavy loads long Please review carefully. Double check: Phone Number(s) Spelling Pric 6. rough terrain distances, often across in bitterly Direct delivery to your Coachella Valley location cold weather conditions with very Contact little food. your Tidbits representative immediately with changes or corre They were also used herd reindeer and used Office: 760-320-0997 email: Fax: 760-3 as watchdogs. Huskies have a thick double coat 8. WWW.SUPER-BOX.US that keeps them well insulated. Their undercoat 9. the overcoat is long and is short and warm, while water-resistant. Their almond-shaped eyes allow Property of AdVenture Media, Inc. them to squint to keep out blowing snow.
• Pomerania is a region on the southern shore of the Baltic Sea in Central Europe, split between Germany and Poland. The name comes from the Slavic “po more” meaning “by the sea.” It’s
• The word “terrier” comes from the old French by “chien terrier” meaning literally “earth dog.” A cairn is a pile of rocks used to mark the way, from the Gaelic “carn” meaning “a heap of stones.” 1. A W cairn terrier was trained to flush small animals s that live underneath and inside cairns. A cairn m terrier named Terry played Toto in the 1939 film “The Wizard of Oz.” s
Page 4
Tidbits of Coachella Valley
by Mary Hunt By Lucie Winborne
Cash Wedding Gifts -Rude or Totally Acceptable?
Vol. XX Issue No. 6
in your area for a college of beauty, cosmetology school or community college with a cosmetology department that offers services to the public. Typically, you will pay for materials only. Students perform services under the close supervision of instructors. Try to get a recommendation from a satisfied customer or request a senior student who has demonstrated excellent colorizing skills. Hope that helps, and thanks for your kind words! * * *
● In 2012, a 90-year-old Baltimore woman named Venus Green locked a police officer in her basement when he Mary invites you to visit her at EverydayCheaptried searching her home without a, where this column is archived complete with rant. Afterward, she brought a civil rights links and resources for all recommended products and DEAR MARY: I just love your column, services. Mary invites questions and comments at https:// lawsuit and won a $95,000 settlement., “Ask Mary.” This it has certainly helped me in® a lot of ways. ● “Jeopardy!” contestants stand on column will answer questions of general interest, but letters My question has to do with wedding gifts. adjustable platforms so that they all apcannot be answered individually. Mary Hunt is the founder Mary Hunt Recently I’vebybeen swamped with invitations, pear to be the same height on camera. of, a frugal living blog, and the ● Chess is a required school subject and I was wondering if you had some good author of the book “Debt-Proof Living.” COPYRIGHT 2024 CREATORS.COM in Armenia. ideas for affordable gifts. I’m tempted to just ● Before the modern glass versions we give money or gift certificates, but I've heard use today became commonplace, mirsome say it's too impersonal and even rude. rors were made from bronze and were I'd like to know your opinion on this. prized possessions of rich households in -- Avid C., Texas MON., JAN. 15 Egypt, Greece, Rome, China and Japan. ● A study conducted at the University Please review carefully. Double check: Phone Number(s) Spelling Dear Avid: If the couple is registered with of Montreal showed that young people a major retailer like Target or Macy’s, you’re in Contact your Tidbits representative immediately with changes or co who played the 1996 game Super Mario luck. It’s likely there are several affordableOffice: items 760-320-0997 email: Fax: 76 64 for only two months increased their on their list for, say, $50 or less. On the question spatial and episodic memory, which imof giving money, I checked with the Emily Post proves brain capacity and helps to ward Institute for etiquette guidelines and learned that off dementia. Please review carefully. Double check: Phone Number(s) Spelling Pric PROFESSIONAL RESURFACING ● More than 20% of all the world’s it is quite proper to give a wedding gift of cash or your Tidbits representative immediately with changes or correc freshwater is in the Great Lakes. a gift certificate to the store where the Contact couple is Valley Floor Care ● While humans and giraffes obviously Office: 760-320-0997 email: Fax: 760-32 registered. 1/16 BW 13x Disc have vastly different neck lengths, they PLUS: Coatings for Patios,How Driveways much should you spend? The instistill have the exact same number (sevPool Decks & Walkways tute says there is no rule; it is entirely up to you.January 21, 2024 Vol. 20 - No. 4 en) of neck vertebrae. So let your affection for the bride and groom, and ● Ever wonder why some cocktails are your budget, be your guide. And thanks for your shaken while others are stirred? Chalk kind words! it up to the level of dilution and texture Carpet Cleaning, *** required: The longer the shake or stir, Tile Floors & Grout DEAR MARY: About a month ago I the more diluted and cold the beverage MAR. 28 Like NewTUES., Again! called to order merchandise from a company gets. Hence cocktails made with spirits, Upholstery, Sectionals, Sofas, I’ve done business with previously. Thereview cus- carefully. Double check: Phone Number(s) Spelling Please tonics and bitters should be stirred, while Chairs, Automobile Seats tomer service lady asked, “Will we be putting those featuring fruit juices, egg whites, PROFESSIONAL WORK GUARANTEED Contact your Tidbits representative immediately with changes or co cream or cream-based liqueurs should that on your MasterCard again today?” and Epoxy Garage Floor, Office: 760-320-0997 email: Fax: 76 be shaken. she rattled off my account number. Because Patio or Pool L O ars W *** EST 18 Ye I’m in the process of moving, I have a maPRICES IN Professional Deck Coating. Thought for the Day: “It is not by e nc rie Expe jor concern that the next person living here THE VALLE Y! We also rejuvenate old epoxy floors. muscle, speed or physical dexterity that might receive a catalog with my name and great things are achieved, but by refleccustomer number, call up and place an order, Desert Jewelry 10% Mart & Coin tion, force of character and judgment, Senior only to be given my card number by some LICENSED - BONDED - INSURED 1/12 pgDiscou 4Cnt! 26x rate and in these qualities old age is usually Property of REFERENCES ON REQUEST friendly but careless customer service rep! AdVenture Media, Inc. not only not poorer, but is even richer.” April 2, 2017 Vol. 13 No. 14 760-333-3987 Please review carefully. Double check: Phone Number(s) Spelling Prices -- Stacy M., California -- Cicero
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FREE Dear Stacy: You know, I’d never thought of Coachella Valley Office: 760-320-0997 email: Fax: 760-320We Buy and Sell your The Neatest Little Paper Ever Read about that, but it is certainly something to considPhone: 760.320.0997 Fax: 760.320.1630 er. Some companies do keep credit card numProperty of bers on file. You point out a very good reason to AdVenture Media, Inc. All Rights Reserved opt out from any retention of payment details. • Estate Jewelry • Diamonds At least one company, Citigroup, has a FREE of Coachella Valley • Jewelry Repair virtual credit card number program available for • Gold, Silver The Neatest Little Paper Ever Read Phone: 760.320.0997 Fax: 760.320.1630 some of their credit cards. The way it works, you • We Buy Coins • Platinum go online and receive a substitute credit card Loans on Jewelry • Watches Available All Rights Reserved number that is good for only that one transaction. Two gemologists on staff Your real number is never revealed to the merDiamond American Numismatic Assn. Jewelers Board of Trade Over 30 years Experts chant and provides great protection when orderNational Association of experience Jewelry Appraisers ing online or by phone. Free Quotes Lic. #33250995 *** DEAR MARY: For years I have been coloring my hair with an $8 name-brand Property of Serving the entire Valley product. It looks pretty bad and I need proAdVenture Media, Inc. Paper We Buy Mary fessional help. But how can I save money on ▲ Money Pickford Jewelry Too N this? Salons in my area start at around $100 Experts NFREE per session for color and highlights and it of Coachella Valley 111 The Neatest Little Paper Ever Read goes up from there. Phone: 760.320.0997 Fax: 760.320.1630 Thanks from a grateful reader, you 68783 E. Palm Canyon Dr. Cathedral City always have good advice and I trust your All Rights Reserved opinion. -- Sheila M., New Jersey ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ©2005
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Week of February 4, 2024
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mines have opened throughout the state, and tourmaline is Maine’s state mineral.
Article # 12
• Bigger deposits of tourmaline were found in California in the late 1800s. Since then, tourmaline has surpassed every gemstone in the state in terms of cumulative dollar value.
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• Because the crystals are prismatic in structure with long striated columns, some can even change color when turned at different angles.
• Tzu Hsi, the Dowager Empress of China, was the last ruler of the Ch’ing Dynasty, reining from 1860 until she died in 1908. She had a particular fondness for pink tourmaline and secured most of her supply from mines in California. It was distributed among royalty of the court, often being carved into snuff bottles, buttons, carvings, and jewelry. So prodigious were her purchases that the money she spent provided the financial foundation for the bank that eventually became Chase National, which became Chase Manhattan. Contact your Tidbits representative immediately with changes or corrections.
• The presence of other minerals results in a rainbow of colors, giving tourmaline a broader range of colors than any other gemstone. There are over 100 different colors of tourmaline including white, clear, and black. Tourmaline can even display two or more colors in a single crystal. A crystal can be one color on one end, and a different color on the opposite end, or it can be one color inside the crystal and a different color outside. It was chosen as one of October’s birthstones.
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• Tourmaline is a crystal made up of boron silicate, or “borosilicate.” During formation, borosilicates are capable of joining with a whopping 35 other minerals in various combinations. Therefore, tourmaline is not a single mineral, but a wide group of minerals.
• The molecular structure of tourmaline results in a feature where the crystals become electrically charged when heated (“pyroelectric”) or from friction when rubbed (“piezoelectric”). Both of these methods result in a negative charge at Dr. Nicolas Campos one end and a positive charge at the other. This 1/3 page, handy BW, 13x makes tourmaline for use in devices such 2-4-2024 Vol. 20 - No.gauges, 6 as sonar instrumentation, pressure depth gauges, and other scientific equipment.
ADVERTISING PROOF pm Final Changes DUE: MON., JAN. 29 3:00 5:00 p.m..
• The word tourmaline springs from the Sri Lankan phrase “tura mali” meaning “unknown gemstones of mixed colors.”
• When she died, she was buried with her head upon a pink tourmaline pillow. Just four years later in 1912, the Chinese government collapsed, taking the market for tourmaline down with it.
Chiropractic Patient Has Right to Change Doctors DEAR DR. CAMPOS: – I was involved in an auto accident which totaled my car and caused injuries to my neck and low back. I hired an attorney who sent me to a chiropractor. At that office, I get heat, electrodes, and some massage. Sometimes they put me on a mechanical table. I have not been adjusted by the doctor. I also do not feel like I am getting better, and they tell me I will be done soon. Should I complain to the attorney and ask him to send me to another office? - M.S. Answer: Greetings M.S., the answer is a definite, “Yes!” You must tell the attorney that you are unhappy with the care and that you are not getting any improvement. While the ideal scenario would be to inform the chiropractor that you are not responding to the current plan, so that he or she may modify the care. If that fails to happen then, yes, talk to your attorney.
• Tourmaline is formed when mineral-laden water vapor, heated by hydrothermal activity, filters into cavities in surrounding rock where it cools into crystals. Later, other vapors carrying The goal of any treatment plan is different minerals may enter the same crevice, to help the patient recover to pre-accident resulting in layers ofPlease diverse review colors. carefully. Double check: Phone Number(s) Spelling Prices Hours status. However, practices get busy, they may • There are tourmalines that encase water in fall into stagnation and fail to check-in with Tidbits representative immediately with changes or corrections. the patient, they may assume the patient is their centers, and quartz Contact crystals your that encase getting better and not ask, or God forbid, they tourmaline. Office: 760-320-0997 email: Fax: 760-320-1630
• Tourmaline crystals vary in size from microscopic to over a foot in length. The largest prisms can top out at over 220 pounds • For nearly 500 years, Brazil was the world’s leading source of tourmaline, though they were thought to be sapphires and emeralds at first. It was not recognized as a distinct mineral until 1793. Today it’s mined all over the planet, but the only two places in the U.S. where they are found is California and Maine. • Tourmaline was found in the U.S. for the first time in Paris, Maine in 1821. Since then, many
may even treat every case the same and simply focus on patient volume.
Whatever the case may be, it is your health and wellness at stake. It is not unheard of for patients to end up with chronic pain due to unresolved injuries 10-20 years after an auto accident. Do not let that be you.
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• Pink and red tourmaline are rarer than rubies. One type that’s pink inside and green outside is called “watermelon tourmaline.”
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Keep in mind that you are the boss when it comes to your auto accident case. You have the right to hire or fire any professional involved, including the doctor and/or the attorney. Obviously, that should be a last resort, but if you suspect you are not getting the proper care or representation, nothing says you must carry on. The ideal plan of action would be to first tell the doctor your concerns. If that fails, then tell the attorney. Both professionals should be accessible to you. If you have difficulty communicating with either, then consider replacing them. While this may create work for you, it will be worth your while. Auto accidents can cause headaches – literally and figuratively – but it’s your health on the line. You would be wise to find the right team to handle your case, so you can get back to living your life to the fullest. Call my office if you need help with this type of situation.
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Dr. Campos is a Cranial and Sports Chiropractic Doctor in Palm Desert. While he cannot answer every individual question via email, he will choose one or two each week to answer here. Readers may email questions to Learn more at: or call (760) 359-8838
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by Dana Jackson King Features News Syndicate
Q: What is Jeff Goldblum up to these
days? I only see him on commercials for apartments, but not in any movies lately. -- P.T.
A: Despite having what is surely a lucra-
ADVERTISING PROOF ago at the ESPY Awards and were even Natasha Rothwell, who played spa manager Belin- ten years Mon., 10/23/17 Final Changes DUE: 5:00 p.m.. that they da in season one, will be returning to the series. photographed together, but didn’t know Please review carefully. Double check: Phone Number(s) Spelling Prices Hours were related at the time. Joining her is an impressive cast that includes CarContact your Tidbits representative immediately with changes or corrections. Alanis Morissette was informed on “Findrie Coon (“The Gilded Age”), Parker Posey (“Best Office: 760-320-0997 email: Fax: 760-320-1630 ing Your Roots” that she also has a famous relative. in Show”), Jason Isaacs (“Archie”), Walton Goggins (“Justified”), Michelle Monaghan (“True Detec- In fact, her distant cousin is someone she already considered a friend -- actress Claire Danes (“Hometive”) and Leslie Bibb (“Popular”). Larry’s Plastering “White Lotus” creator Mike White and his land”). • 1/16th page, Full Color, 6x discount rate * * * cast have been a strong presence at the Emmy • October 29 - December 2017 Send me your questions at3,NewCelebrityExand Golden Globe Awards for the past two years. • Volume 13: #44 49, or write me at KFWS, 628 Virginia The series has also relaunched Jennifer Coolidge’s Drive, Orlando, FL 32803. career since she starred in Christopher Guest’s satiric film “Best in Show,” then later in “Legally (c) 2024 King Features Synd., Inc. Blonde,” opposite Reese Witherspoon. Coolidge has won two Critics’ Choice Awards, one Golden Globe and two Primetime Emmys for playing ditzy Tanya, so it’s no wonder that stars are lining up to No Job work for White. too small. *** ADVERTISING PROOF Property Construction of Remodels New Final Changes DUE: 5:00 p.m.. AdVenture Media, Inc. Q: I saw a headline that said singers Please review carefully. Double check: Phone Number(s) Spelling Prices Hours Let me Re-stucco your home now! Contact your Tidbits representative immediately with changes or corrections. Alanis Morissette and Ciara are distant cousOffice: 760-320-0997 email: 760-320-1630 FREE i ncrease Your Home ’s VaLue, Beauty &Fax: Function • • ins? Did they just find this out? -- L.B.
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both did appear on the same PBS show “Finding Your Roots.” In Ciara’s case, she learned that one of her distant cousins is former New York Yankees shortstop Derek Jeter. The two actually met almost
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1. Split ................................ (PG-13) (PG-13) Angourie Rice, Renee Rapp 2. The Beekeeper James McAvoy, Anya Taylor-Joy (R) Jason Statham, Emmy Raver2. Rings ............................... (PG-13) Lampman Matilda Anna Ingrid Lutz, Alex Roe WonkaPurpose ..................(PG) 3. A3.Dog’s Timothee Chalamet, Gustave Josh(PG) Gad, Dennis Quaid Die 4. Hidden Figures ....................(PG) 4. Migration Taraji P. Kumail Henson, OctaviaElizabeth Spencer (PG) Nanjiani, 5. La La Land .................... (PG-13) Banks Ryan Gosling,But Emma 5. Anyone You Stone (R) Sydney Sweeney, Glen Powell 6. Resident Evil: The Final 6. Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom Chapter ...................................... (R) (PG-13) Jason Momoa, Patrick Milla Jovovich, Iain Glen Wilson 7. Sing .......................................(PG) 7. I.S.S. animated (R) Ariana DeBose, Chris Messina 8. Lion ................................ (PG-13) 8. Night Swim Dev(PG-13) Patel, Nicole Kidman Wyatt Russell, Kerry 9. The Space Between Us .. (PG-13) Condon Gary Butterfield 9. Oldman, The Boys Asa in the Boat Joel Edgerton, Callum 10. (PG-13) xXx: Return of Xander Turner Cage .................................... (PG-13) Poor Things Vin10. Diesel, Donnie Yen
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A: There definitely will be a third season of “The White Lotus,” but not until sometime in 2025. Once again, the story will be set at a luxury resort, but instead of Hawaii and Italy, it’ll be Thailand.
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February 13, 2017
tive gig as the spokesman for, Jeff Goldblum is still very much a beloved and sought-after actor in Hollywood. Originally from Pittsburgh, Goldblum started out as most actors do when they move to California -- landing gueststarring roles on hit primetime shows. He landed small but memJeff Goldblum orable roles in movies (Upcoming in “Wicked”) like “Annie Hall,” “The Right Stuff” and “The Big Chill.” In 1986, he starred in the sci-fi/horror film “The Fly,” but it would be the “Jurassic Park” movies that would bring him his greatest box-office success. He’s caught the eye of other big-name directors, including Taika Waititi for “Thor: Ragnarok” and Wes Anderson for “Asteroid City,” the latter of which was just released last year. So, yes, Goldblum’s acting days are far from over. He even has a role in the highly anticipated film “Wicked,” which is based on the hit Broadway musical. *** Q: Is there going to be another season of “The White Lotus” on HBO? If so, where will it take place? I hope they return to Hawaii. -- G.J.
Vol. XX Issue No. 6
Week of February 4, 2024
Good Recipes from
Grilled Pork Chops With Zesty Apricots This tangy and simple recipe livens up pork chops to a new level your family and guests will love. 4 teaspoons olive oil 1 tablespoon olive oil 1/4 cup dark-brown sugar 1 tablespoon garlic powder 1 tablespoon salt 1/2 teaspoon salt 1 tablespoon freshly ground pepper 1 teaspoon dried sage 4 double-cut, bone-in pork loin chops 1 small red onion 6 apricots 1 tablespoon honey 1 tablespoon fresh lime juice 1/2 teaspoon lime zest 1/4 cup chopped fresh cilantro 1. In a small bowl, stir together 4 teaspoons oil, brown sugar, garlic powder, 1 tablespoon salt, pepper and sage. Rub mixture onto both sides of each chop. Place chops in a 2-gallon resealable plastic bag, and refrigerate for at least 3 hours or up to overnight.
Page 7
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petite. Thanks to its quick cook time, you won’t have to spend the entire Sunday morning in the kitchen.
potatoes are hot, stirring often. Stir in sausage. Serve with poached eggs. Sprinkle with chopped parsley. Serves 4. * * *
For thousands of triple-tested recipes, visit our Web site at finder4.
8 ounces sausage 1 red pepper 1 small onion 1/8 teaspoon pepper 2 cups leftover mashed potatoes Poached eggs Parsley
1. In 12-inch skillet, cook sausage on medium-high 5 minutes, stirring to break up with spoon; transfer to small bowl. To skillet, add ADVERTISING PROOF chopped red pepper, onion and pepper. Final Changes DUE: Fri., 1/26/24 5:00 p.m.. Please review carefully. Double check: Phone Number(s) Spelling Prices Hours
2. Cover; cook 5 minutes or until crispContact your Tidbits representative immediately with changes or corrections. tender. Add potatoes. Cook 5Office: to 7760-320-0997 minutes oremail: Fax: 760-320-1630
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2. In a medium pan over medium heat, heat remaining oil. Add onion and saute for 2 minutes. Add apricots, honey and lime juice; reduce heat to medium-low and saute 1 more minute. Remove from heat and stir in lime zest, cilantro and remaining salt. Set aside. 3. Preheat grill to medium-high heat. Grill chops until an instant-read thermometer registers 150 degrees F when inserted into the thickest part of a chop, 12 to 16 minutes per side. Transfer chops to a clean plate; cover with foil and let rest for 5 minutes. Top with reserved apricots before serving. Serves 4.
Sausage Scramble A combo of sausage, potatoes and egg make this a hearty dish sure to satisfy any ap-
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Week of February 4, 2024
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Dog Talk with Uncle Matty
3. The Weekly “Brain Breaker”
Medjoola Date Day
Meteoroligist Appreciation Day
Canadian Maple Syrup Day
Laura Ingalls Wilder Day
Boy Scout Anniversary Day
Cut the Cord Day
Pay it Forward Day
By Matthew Margolis Creators News Service
Canine Companionship: The Pros and the Other Pros
I spend a lot of time talking about the problem behaviors -- and their fixes -- that sometimes surface in the shared lives of dogs and humans. I’m a dog trainer; it’s what I do. But while problems come and go -- especially when they’re properly addressed -- the good stuff that comes from shacking up with a dog can last as long as the relationship itself. Young to old, single to full house, without respect to race, gender or religion, dogs across the board simply make life better. But don’t take my word for it. Just follow the science. A recent study published in the edition of Pediatrics found that infants who live “with dogs at home had fewer respiratory symptoms or infections and less frequent ear infections. The babies also needed fewer courses of antibiotics than other babies.” Turns out that dirty dog may be just what the doctor ordered. Dr. Mary Tobin, director of the allergy division of Rush University Medical Center, said, “It’s kind of exposing the immune system at an early age to all kinds of proteins the dogs would be exposed to in the environment, which somehow leads to a tolerance of the environment versus being more allergic to it.” Even as the commercial anti-bacterial crusade grows stronger, the truth is that there is such a thing as too much sanitization -- and dogs may be the natural antidote. But it isn’t just babies who benefit. In 1980, Dr. Erika Friedmann conducted a study of coronary patients that determined that “pet owners were more likely to be alive one year after discharge from a coronary care unit than nonowners.” And there are countless medical studies that link the companionship of animals -- particularly dogs -- to the improved health and longevity of humans: lower blood pressure and cholesterol, decreased levels of depression and anxiety, better physical fitness and more laughter. Yes, laughter.
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SENIOR NEWS LINE by Matilda Charles
© King Features Synd., Inc.
Filing Your Taxes on a Cellphone A recent newspaper story told of two senior women who were coaxed into an experiment e-filing their taxes either on their cellphone or tablet. E-filing apparently is becoming more and more popular, as more than 129 million people e-filed for the past tax year, and 85 million of those received faster direct deposit refunds because of it. Would I do this, e-file on a handheld electronic device? No, I would not. In all honesty, I did e-file once years ago, sending my information directly to the Internal Revenue Service with the tap of my computer send button. It was the only time in all these years of filing that something went wrong, and the IRS didn’t receive all the numbers. Some months later I received mail from them saying I owed additional taxes. Once I ran the numbers again and called them on the phone, it was clear that one entry never made it across the wires. After I sent the paper version of the tax return, all was well, but it caused grief and took time to sort out. Now I only send paper versions done on a computer where I’m more certain of the security software, hardwired to the outlet on CLIP AND SAVE
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my kitchen wall. The specific reasons I won’t use a handheld electronic device to file my taxes are these: 1) Handheld devices usually don’t have adequate security software installed on them, and if installed, it’s not familiar to the user. 2) If the device is hooked up via a home WiFi, the router connection might not be encrypted. If you don’t know the difference between WEP and WPA/WPA2, ask someone for help with your router to make sure you’re not on WEP, which can actually be cracked by someone just walking by outside. We seniors are targets in so many instances already. Be smart, and beware giving identity thieves another way to access your personal information and steal you blind. * * *
Vol. XX
Issue No. 6
Cody’s Corner (from page 9)
An experiment by Robin Maria Valeri on laughter in relation to humans and the animals in their lives concluded that people who live with dogs laugh more than both people who live with cats and people who live with neither. In encouraging further exploration of the connection between dogs and laughter, Valeri writes, “Dogs are also reported to laugh and to use laughter to elicit play behavior in other dogs. Do humans recognize the laughter of their dogs? And, if yes, do they respond to their dog’s laughter with their own laughter?” If she’s asking me, the answer is a solid you bet. And I think Jane Brody would agree. Blogging for The New York Times, Brody detailed the loneliness that weighed on her four years into widowhood and her subsequent decision to “acquire a four-legged companion, rather than a Matilda Charles regrets that she cannot personally answer reader questions, but will incorporate them two-legged one.” into her column whenever possible. Send email to colum“I am now making it work with Max II, little Please review carefully. Double check: Phone Number(s) Spelling mischief that he is, and I am besotted,” she writes. “But perhaps the most interesting (and unpremeditated) benefit has been thewith scoreschanges of people o Contact your Tidbits representative immediately I’ve met on the street, both with and without dogs, Office: 760-320-0997 email: who to admire him and talk to me. Max hasFax definitely increased my interpersonal contacts and enhanced my social life.” To varying degrees, dogs require time and energy Double and money aren’tNumber(s) for everyone. For Please review carefully. check:and Phone Spelling those who have the inclination and the resourcContact your representative withWhile changes es,Tidbits though, the benefits are invaluable. the or co c/o Melanie Thomas Property of immediately Office: 760-320-0997 Fax: 76 companionship of a dog is not a panacea, the comAdVentureemail: Media, Inc. BZ BW 26x panionship of the right dog might be the next best October 8,thing. 2023 Vol. 19 - No. 41 Woof!
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* * * of Property AdVenture“Uncle Media,Matty” Inc. Margolis is the Dog trainer Matthew Bgreen, Inc. co-author of 18 books about dogs, a behaviorist, a popular radio and television and 760.320.1630 the host of the PBS series Phone: 760.320.0997 Fax: c/o Melanie Ashe guest, “WOOF! It’s a Dog’s Life!” Read all of Uncle Matty’s columns BZ BW 26x, and visit him at
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Week of February 4, 2024
What We Expect From Government I have been writing this column since 1997. So this will be my 27th year of helping people better understand all the intricacies of the various Social Security programs. But I was recently reminded I’ve been doing that a long longer. While cleaning out my desk, I discovered a folder of newspaper columns I wrote way back in the 1980s while working at the Social Security office in Boise, Idaho. I had forgotten about the fact that during most of the four years I worked in that office, I wrote a weekly Social Security column for the local Boise newspaper. In reviewing those columns, I learned that most of them covered the same topics I’m still writing about today. (As I’ve explained many times in this column, despite the fact that conventional wisdom has it that government rules are changing all the time, the Social Security rules and regulations we have now are essentially the same ones I was writing about in the 1980s.) But I found one column that touched on a subject I really haven’t covered too often. I think the points I made in that column I wrote in 1984 still apply today. So here is that old column:
Back in about 1975, a couple years after I was hired by the Social Security Administration to work in one of their local field offices in a small town in the farm country of central Illinois, I was assigned to clean out an office storeroom. As part of that effort, I came across a stash of yellowing public information materials: things like old pamphlets and brochures dating back to the early days of the program. There were also some dusty 16mm movie reels that contained public information films intended to be used as educational materials to supplement speeches or other presentations that SSA public affairs employees would make to various community groups and organizations. Luckily, I also found an old movie projector in this storeroom. I was pleased with that because I really wanted to watch some of the old PR films, mostly because of a fascination I had developed early in my career with the history of Social Security. But I must admit I also figured I might get a bit of a chuckle out of the old fashioned film techniques and maybe the hackneyed messages the movies would contain. I wasn’t disappointed in either case when I watched a film called “Welcome to Medicare -- 1966.” It was a movie produced by the SSA to introduce the American people to the then brand new Medicare program. It told the story of an aging farm couple from Iowa. The husband, probably in his late 60s, had a heart attack and was rushed to the hospital. After learning that her husband would be OK, but would require extensive hospitalization that quickly used up what little health insurance and savings they had, there was a scene in which his wife was talking to the doctors. She said something like this: “I want you to make sure Elmer gets the best care possible. And don’t worry, I’m going to go home and sell the farm so that we will be able to pay all of these hospital expenses.” And then we got to the Medicare pitch. One of the doctors tells her: “Oh you won’t have to concern yourself with that Mildred, for you see the government has a brand new program called
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Medicare and it’s going to pay most of Elmer’s bills. You’ll just have to pay a small deductible out of your own pocket and that’s all. So you’ll be able to keep the farm and once we get Elmer up and around again, he can go back to raising those fine hogs of his.” Mildred had the last line in the movie: “Thank God for the government and this wonderful new Medicare program!” Fade to black. And it just so happened that the very evening following my storeroom cleaning stint and viewing the old Medicare movie, I was watching TV at home with my wife. A commercial came on promoting a Medicare supplement plan. It featured several obviously well-to-do men playing golf. As a guy was getting ready to putt, one of his colleagues asked about his recent gall bladder surgery. “Oh, I’m doing just great,” he said, “but I tell you, I’m kind of ticked off because that darn government Medicare program stiffed me with part of the bill. Why I had to pay $100 out of my own pocket!” And that led to a pitch from one of the other golfers for the Medicare supplement plan that would have picked up those extra expenses not paid by Medicare. I know both the old movie and the TV commercial I watched were fiction. But I think their messages did reflect the tenor of the times. And here is what struck me. I was amazed how people’s expectations of their government had changed so dramatically in just ten years. In 1965, we had an old woman who was willing to sell the farm in order to pay her husband’s hospital bill. And ten years later, we had a rich guy on a golf course griping because the government was forcing him to cough up a measly hundred bucks out of his own pocket to pay for his hospital stay! So that was the column I wrote 40 years ago. What struck me then was how our expectations of government assistance had changed so much in so short a time. And as I think about the kinds of
comments I hear from many people today, I’m even more intrigued. Here is what I mean. There are many millions of people in this country who claim they want smaller government and fewer benefits and services from that government. But if my emails are any indication, what so many of these people are actually saying is this: “I deserve the benefits I’m getting. In fact, I should get more. But THOSE PEOPLE over there sure don’t deserve anything!” For example, one woman wrote griping about Social Security benefits paid to “illegal aliens” (which by the way, is absolutely untrue). But at the same time, she complained that she wasn’t able to collect benefits from her ex-husband’s record because she had remarried. She wanted benefits from both her husbands’ records in addition to her own generous retirement benefit. Another woman, who said divorced women should not qualify for Social Security spousal benefits at all, was miffed because after her husband died, she only got the difference between her benefit and his in the form of widow’s benefits. She said she should continue to get his full Social Security check even after he died. And a guy whose email went into a long rant claiming Social Security spousal benefits should never be paid to “women who never worked a day in their lives” was convinced he was being cheated out of Social Security because “everybody I know gets more than me.” And so it goes. When it comes to how we view benefits and services from the federal government, 2024 isn’t really very different from 1984. * * * If you have a Social Security question, Tom Margenau has the answers. To find out more about Tom Margenau and to read past columns and see features from other Creators Syndicate writers and cartoonists, visit the Creators Syndicate website at CLIP AND SAVE
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do start drinking cherry juice. As far as fructose (most fruit sugar) versus sucrose (table sugar), there is almost no difference in its effect on your health. Sucrose is rapidly broken down into fructose and glucose, by Freddie Groves and both fructose and glucose are used for energy. Too much of either sucrose or fructose ADVERTISING PROOF isn’t healthy, and there isn’t a special benefit to M.D. “natural” sugar. Final Changes DUE: 5:00 p.m.. Keeping your simple sugar intake to Please review carefully. Double check: Phone Number(s) Spellingless Prices Hours than 10% of your total calorie intake (roughly 36 Contact your Tidbits representative immediately with changes or so corrections. grams for most men) is the healthiest option, The Department of Veterans Affairs has Office: 760-320-0997 Fax: 760-320-1630 a glass ofemail: tart cherry juice would be a significant started a new life insurance program for the first part of your sugar intake for the day. time in 50 years, and the details are worth noting. Called VALife, it’s different from (and much * * * better than) the previous insurance program. In Dr. Roach regrets that he is unable to answer inDEAR DR. ROACH: My daughter dividual questions, but will incorporate them in the column fact, within the first year, over 30,000 veterans have was exposed to infectious mononucleosis RDM Assoc. Tax Services whenever possible. Readers may email questions to ToYoursigned up. (“mono”) at college, and she is coming to1/16th Pg. BW 13x disc. - Prepay With the old program, S-DVI, veterans with spend a week at home. What precautionsJanuary do 21, 2024 Vol. 20 - No. 4 (c) 2024 North America Synd., Inc. service-connected disabilities only had two years we need to take to make sure that the rest of to sign up from the time of receiving a disability the family remains safe? How long does the rating. VALife has no such limitation. virus stay active on surfaces? CLIP AND SAVE With the old program, you had to be in Also, can she get her flu and COVID good health (except for the disability) before you shots? -- D.G. could apply. The new program has no limit, and no • Fed&eral ADVERTISING PROOF medical exam is required. ANSWER: Mono is classically caused Final 5:00 p.m.. te Changes DUE: Mon., July 24, ta S • The old program limited veterans to $10,000 2023 by the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), but very simiPlease review carefully. Double check: Phone Number(s) Spelling Prices Hours in coverage. The new program, VALife, offers up to ContactDouble your Tidbitscheck: representative with changes or corrections. lar symptoms can be caused by other agents, Please review carefully. immediately Phone Number(s) Spelling Prices Hours Don’t get stuck... LET ME HELP YOU! Office: 760-320-0997 email: Fax: 760-320-1630 $40,000 in whole life insurance. viruses and even a parasite as well. The virus is CELEBRATING 50 YEARS OF SERVICE! Contact your Tidbits representative immediately with changes or corrections. The policy starts to build cash value after transmitted through saliva, and sometimes nickI CAN HELP MINIMIZE YOUR TAX LIABILITY two years. If there’s a death in the first two years, Office: 760-320-0997 email: Fax: 760-320-1630 named "the kissing disease." Registered and MAXIMIZE YOUR with CA Tax the payment to the beneficiary would be the premiThe latency period (the time from expoEducation Council 2023 RETURN! ums that had been paid plus interest. (If you cursure until the time of symptoms) is longer than Mike Pendley Construction Fair Prices! rently have a policy under the old program, you can you might expect; four to six weeks is typical. Robert Melino 16th pg, BW, 6x Certified Financial Planner keep that coverage while you wait for the two-year Not everybody develops symptoms. Younger of July 30,Property 2023 • Vol. 19 - No. SENIOR 31 -Sun City ResidentAdVenture Media, Inc. ASSOCIATES children seldom develop symptoms at all when DISCOUNT benefit of the new policy to kick in -- that’s if you INCOME TAX apply before Dec. 31, 2025). with this ad. Exp. 4-15-24 infected, yet they still receive immunity. UnfortuSERVICES 1st Time Customers Only You can apply online and get an immediate nately, they may shed infectious virus particles FREE of Coachella Valley response. Additionally, you can make payments for months, years or even decades. The Neatest Little Paper Ever Read Phone: 760.320.0997 Fax: 760.320.1630 and changes to beneficiaries online. It is likely that the adults in your family are Premiums will never change and depend immune, since 90% of adults have had an EBV I do it ALL. All Rights Reserved on your age. infection before. EBV is not a particularly infecProperty of No job too AdVenture Media, Inc. If you’re a veteran age 80 or under, and if tious disease, so transmission to family memsmall. you have any level of service-connected disability Since 2002 bers is uncommon. Still, you should avoid sharFREE (that means 0-100%), your acceptance is guaranPhone: 760.320.0997 Fax: 760.320.1630 ing anything that saliva touches, like food, cups Curbless Shower Specialist ADVERTISING PROOF teed. If you’re over the age of 80, there are eligibilor toothbrushes. You don’t need to take special All Rights Reserved Vanities • Countertops Final Changes DUE: 5:00 p.m.. ity points that still might allow you to buy coverage. precautions with surfaces. Custom Showers • Tile Work See the URL below for those eligibility requireShe can get the flu and COVID vaccines Creative Design ments. as long as she feels well and doesn’t have a Lighting • Storage • Dry Wall To read the details about VALife, go online fever. Move Plumbing • MORE! to *** SUPERIOR ty/valife to see if you’re eligible and how to sign HOME FREE Estimates • Affordable Prices DEAR DR. ROACH: I am an aging athIMPROVEMENTS CO. up. The cost of the policy is noted in the drop-down EST. 2002 Call lete (60 years old) with a history of minor inCall Mike Mike chart of premium rates by age. (There is a discount TODAY! TODAY! juries and wear and tear on my body that has Quality Quality Workmanship Workmanship if you pay yearly.) Property of resulted in minor arthritis. Also, I have recurAdVenture Media, Inc. If you have questions, call the VA Life Inring bouts of tendonitis, IBS and depression, surance Center at 800-669-8477. so I avoid foods that cause inflammation. * * * Recently, I read that tart cherry juice is FREE Freddy Groves regrets that he cannot personof Coachella Valley very good for reducing inflammation. HowevThe Neatest Little Paper Ever Read ally answer reader questions, but will incorporate them Phone: 760.320.0997 Fax: 760.320.1630 er, in my efforts to avoid inflammatory foods, into his column whenever possible. Send email to I also avoid sugar. A serving of tart cherry All Rights Reserved juice has a lot of fruit sugar. This is confusing to me. Does tart cherry juice reduce or increase inflammation? What is the difference between sucrose and fructose in terms of health? -- P.G.
A New Life Insurance Program
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How to Take Precautions When a Family Member Has Mono
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ANSWER: There is some evidence that tart cherry juice does have anti-inflammatory properties, and studies on athletes have shown through blood tests that the benefits of tart cherry juice include faster recovery, improved performance, enhanced muscle oxygenation and decreased inflammation. A glass of tart cherry juice (without added sugar) has 25 grams of sugar, about the same as a glass of orange juice. The studies that show improvement included the effect of sugar, but I understand you want to reduce sugar, which means that you will need to be careful elsewhere in your diet if you
Tidbits of Coachella Valley
Week of February 4, 2024
Get a physical or wellness exam: As people age, it’s also very important to monitor changes in overall health as it relates to driving. Medical conditions like arthritis, dementia, diabetes, Parkinson’s disease, narcolepsy and stroke can all seriously affect driving safety.
-- by Jim Miller
Keeping Older Drivers Safe on the Road DEAR SAVVY SENIOR: My 86-year-old mother still drives her car and insists she is just as safe as she always was, but I know she's not. I've seen that her reactions are slower and she's not attentive enough to traffic situations. I worry about her safety and that of others. What do you suggest that I do about this sitiuation? -- Back Seat Daughter Dear Back Seat: With more and more older Americans driving well into their 70s, 80s and beyond, there are a variety of things your mom can do to help maintain and even improve her driving skills. Here are some recommendations by driving rehabilitation specialists who work with older drivers:
In addition, many seniors also take multiple medications or combinations of medications that can make them drowsy or lightheaded, which can impair judgment or affect reflexes or alertness necessary for safe driving. So, an annual physical or wellness examination and medication review is also a smart way to verify your mom’s driving safety. Take a refresher course: AARP and the American Automobile Association (AAA) both have older driver improvement courses that can help your mom brush up her driving skills and understand how to adjust for slower reflexes, weaker vision and other agerelated physical changes that can affect driving. Taking a class may also earn her a discount on her auto insurance.
Page 13
search “driving practitioner directory.” When it gets to the point that your mom’s driving isn’t safe anymore and she needs to quit, you may need to help her create a list of names and phone numbers of family, friends and local transportation services that she can call on for a ride. To find out what transportation services are available in your mom’s area contact the Eldercare Locator (800-6771116), which will direct you to her area agency on aging for assistance. * * *
Send your senior questions to: Savvy Senior, P.O. Box 5443, Norman, OK 73070, or visit SavvySenior. org. Jim Miller is a contributor to the NBC Today show and author of “The Savvy Senior” book.
To locate a class, contact your local AAA ( or AARP (, 888-227-7669). Most courses cost around $20 to $30 and can be taken online.
Get an eye exam: Because about 90 percent of the information necessary to drive is received Make some adjustments: through our eyes, this is a good first step Adjusting when and where your ADVERTISING PROOF in ensuring your mom’s driving safety. mom drives are another way to help keep OCT. 9 every 5:00 So, get your mom’sMON., eyes checked l Changes DUE: herp.m.. safe and behind the wheel longer. year to be sure her vision and eyewear is carefully. Double check: Phone Number(s) Spelling Prices Hours adjustments include not Some simple up to par. driving after dark or during rush hour our Tidbits representative immediately with changes or corrections. traffic, avoiding major highways or other 0-320-0997 email: Fax: 760-320-1630 busy roads, and not driving in poor weather conditions.
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Evaluate her driving: To stay on top of your mom’s drivADVERTISING PROOF Carl Moore Locksmithing ing abilities you should take a ride with Final Changes DUE: 5:00 p.m.. • Number(s) BW • 26x disc. Prices Hours her from time-to-time watching for probease review carefully. Business Double check:Card Phone Spelling 15, 2023 Vol. 19 No. 42or corrections. Contact your TidbitsOct. representative immediately with-changes lem areas. For example: Does she drive Office: 760-320-0997 email: Fax: 760-320-1630 at inappropriate speeds, tailgate or drift between lanes? Does she have difficulty seeing, backing up or changing lanes? CLIP AND SAVE Does she react slowly, get confused easCARL MOORE ily or make poor driving decisions?
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For more evaluation tips, AAA offers a senior driver self-rating assessment exercise (Drivers 65 Plus) that you or she can access at Exchange.AAA. com/safety/senior-driver-safety-mobility. If your mom needs a more thorough evaluation, you can turn to a driver rehabilitation specialist who’s trained to evaluate older drivers and offer suggestions and adaptations to help keep her safe. But be aware that this type of assessment can run anywhere between $100 and $500 or more. To locate one in your area, visit or –
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Page 14
ANTIQUE -- OR -JUNQUE by Anne McCollam Creators News Service
Wildflower Stories for Flower Children Q: I collect children’s books and pur-
chased this book so long ago that I don’t remember where I bought it or what I paid for it. The title is “Wild Flower Stories -- Book 1” and was written by Josie O. Gauthier. It was published by Cupples & Leon Company in New York City. The copyright date is 1918. The chapters are “Arbutus,” “Quaker Ladies,” “Violet,” “Jack-in-the-Pulpit,” “Daisy” and “Buttercup,” and each chapter explains the folklore of each wildflower. There are 30 pages. The illustrations are by the author, and there are 6 color plates. The book is a first edition, a hardcover and measures approximately 5 inches by 7 inches. Inscribed on the inside are the “Wild Flower Stories” was written words: “Flower by Josie O. Gauthier. Stories For The Little Flower Girl.” It is in excellent condition. I hope you can tell me its current value. A: Josie O. Gauthier, author and illustrator, wrote your book. She wrote a series of four books about flowers for children in 1918. Cupples & Leon Company published children’s books and first-year books for new mothers to record their babies’ growth and events. The color plates reflect the Arts and Crafts movement in style and design. The original 1918 price was 75 cents. Your book would probably fetch $40 to $75 in an antiques shop. * * * Q: This mark is on the bottom of a cookie jar that I bought last summer at a yard sale. The mark also includes the num-
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Tidbits of Coachella Valley
ber “317.” The cookie jar was inspired by the nurser y rhyme, “Hey Diddle, Diddle, the Cat and the Fiddle.” The container is a yellow moon with a blue base and has a cow on top that ser ves as the handle for the lid. It also has a dish and spoon running away, and a cat that is playing a fiddle. It is in mint condition. I paid $10 for it. Is my cookie jar antique or “junque,” and did I pay too much for it? Q: Your cookie jar is not old enough to be an antique; however, neither is it “junque.” Robinson Robinson Ransbottom Ransbottom Pottery made made cookie jars in the your cookie jar. It’s been in 1940s to the 1960s. business since 1901 in Roseville, Ohio. It made around 25 different cookie jars from the 1940s to the 1960s. A few years ago, cookie jars were all the rage, and prices skyrocketed. Today their values are more realistic. Your circa 1950s “Cow Jumped Over the Moon” cookie jar would probably be worth $150 to $300. *** Q: I have an old stoneware jug. Round and 8 inches in diameter, it has a wooden handle and its original stopper. “The Adaptable Hot Water Bottle and Bed Warmer” is the phrase marked on the front. What can you tell me about my jug?
A: Bed warmers have been used for hundreds of years. Even with the advent of central heating, they have remained popular. Your bed warmer was made by the Old Fulham Pottery, which was founded in the late 1600s in England. A word of caution: never use very hot water without first gradually warming up the jug. Your bed warmer was made around 1900 and would probably sell for $150 to $200 in an antiques shop. * * *
Antiques expert and columnist Anne McCollam has since retired and no longer receives inquiries nor answers reader letters. Due to the popularity of her column, this publication will continue to reprint previous columns of interest to our readers. To find out more about Anne McCollam and read features by other Creators Syndicate writers and cartoonists, visit the Creators Syndicate website at
Vol. XX
Issue No. 6
* On Feb. 5, 1922, DeWitt and Lila Wallace self-published and marketed the first Reader’s Digest magazine, designed to provide abridged articles on a wide variety of subjects for easy reading. It eventually gained a circulation of more than 10 million copies in the U.S. and is still believed to be the best-selling consumer magazine in the country. * On Feb. 6, 1911, Ronald Reagan was born in Tampico, Illinois. Reagan spent 30 years as an entertainer in radio, film and television before winning the California governor’s seat in 1966. Elected as America’s 40th president in 1980, he survived an assassination attempt and became the most popular president since Franklin D. Roosevelt. * On Feb. 7, 1301, King Edward I of England gave his son Edward (later King Edward II) the title of Prince of Wales. Edward I had conquered Wales and ordered the execution of David III, the last native Prince of Wales, in 1283. To this day the title “Prince of Wales” is reserved exclusively for the heir apparent to the British throne. * On Feb. 8, 1983, a 5-year-old thoroughbred stallion named Shergar was stolen from a stud farm owned by the Aga Khan in County Kildare, Ireland. Worth a stunning $13.5 million and commanding stud fees of approximately $100,000, the animal was never seen again. No ransom was paid and the case was never solved. * On Feb. 9, 2008, Turkey’s parliament approved two constitutional amendments easing the ban on women wearing Islamic headscarves in universities. While the government claimed the ban would result in many girls being denied an education, the secular establishment saw it as a step in allowing a more prominent Islamic influence on the state. * On Feb. 10, 1942, Glenn Miller became the first artist to win a gold record award, for his single “Chattanooga Choo Choo.” The tune was featured in the 1941 movie “Sun Valley Serenade” and inducted into the Grammy Hall of Fame in 1996. * On Feb. 11, 1990, Nelson Mandela was released from a South African prison after serving 27 years of a life sentence on charges of attempting to overthrow the apartheid government. Four years later, he was elected president in the country’s first all-race elections. (c) 2024 King Features Synd., Inc.
Week of February 4, 2024
Tidbits of Coachella Valley
Page 15
Dog Breeds from page 3 been around since the 14th century. Today there are 25 different types of Spaniels. One English breed was developed specifically for tracking woodcocks. These dogs are now known as Cocker Spaniels. Springer Spaniels were named for their ability to flush or “spring” game birds. King Charles Spaniels became popular due to their association with King Charles II of England, who ruled in the 1600s and had a fondness for the breed. • The story goes that the Chinese word “tsa” means “mix” and is pronounced “chow” as in “chow mein” with “mein” meaning “noodles.” The word “chow” also came to mean a meal, being a mix of food dishes. When dock workers were unloading ships laden with all sorts of Chinese goods, they referred to the cargo as “chow chow” meaning a mixed up mish-mash of items. When they unloaded a breed of Chinese dogs, the dogs also were called Chow Chows. Other people claim that “chow chow” is Chinese for “puffy lion dog.” Chows are famous for having black tongues, but a Chow’s tongue is pink at birth. • Cecil Rhodes was a British politician and businessman who bought up diamond mines in southern Africa, founded the DeBeers Diamond Company, worked to develop economic progress in Africa, and subsequently had a country named after him: Rhodesia. The country has since been split up and renamed, becoming Zambia and Zimbabwe. • So what does this have to do with dogs? People working in Africa needed to protect their livestock from lions. They cross-bred European dogs with the dogs the local tribes used that were remarkable for the Mohawk-style ridge of backwards-facing hair that lined their spine. The Rhodesian Ridgeback, a type of hound with a protective nature, can keep a lion at bay.
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Game Changers by Jason Jenkins
Play Better Golf with JACK NICKLAUS
Cross Over to Better Putting For years, any deviation from a conventional putting grip was thought to be a sign of a player having the yips or suffering from poor putting in the past. The cross handed, or left hand low, technique should really be considered a norm for any golfer who wants to putt better. If you need any proof, just look at recent Master’s champion Jordan Spieth’s putting statistics. Better yet, look at his putting performance on the world’s most difficult greens under pressure.
The left hand low set up creates two very helpful mechanics that ordinary putting techniques don’t employ. One, the left wrist becomes flat and can stay that way throughout the entire stroke. Two, the shoulders become more level to the horizon making it easier to swivel the shoulders more consistently. Try using the left hand low technique on shorter range putts to create a feel for the process. Use a conventional grip on longer putts if it ADVERTISING PROOF helps your feel. Don’t let criticism keep you from Finalbeing Changes 5:00 p.m.. a betterDUE: putter!
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Please review carefully. Double check: Phone Number(s) Spelling Prices Hours Jason of the the Jim JimMcLean McLeanGolf Golf JasonJenkins Jenkins was was aa 16-year member of Contact your Tidbits representative immediately with changesTop or 100 corrections. School teaching staff.and He was was oneofofGOLF GOLF Magazine’s Top 100 School teaching staff one Magazine’s Teacher Nominees Nominees 1999-2010. 1999-2010 and has named been named the Teacher He Fax: was one ofone the ofGolf Office: 760-320-0997 760-320-1630 Golf Digest Top Teachers in California. Jason teaches at GOLFTEC Digest Top Teachers in California in 2011. CENTER Contact him at ContactinJason 760-485-2452 or
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