Kathy Wolfe
Gimme five! This week Tidbits looks at the number five and counts the ways this prime number figures into our lives every day. What exactly is a prime number? It’s one that is only divisible by itself and the number one! Follow along and letʼs see how all this adds up.
• The Latin and Greek languages give us lots of words related to the number five. For example, the Latin word for five, “quintus,” is the root for the word “quintet,” a group of five musicians. Quintuplets are a group of five babies, while in card games, a “quint” is a sequence of five cards in the same suit. The Greek word for five is “pente,” and we derive our words “pentagon” and “pentagram” for polygons from this root.
• A pentadactyl has five fingers and a pentad is a period of five years. The Torah, or Pentateuch, the Five Books of Moses, consists of Genesis, Exodus, Number 5: Turn to page 3
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It’s all about communication. That’s the job of the body’s nervous system! This week, Tidbits communicates the following facts about your body’s billions of nerve cells.
• As the body’s inner network of communication, the nerve cells take in information via the body’s five senses: touch, taste, smell, sight, and sound. The brain instantly interprets these sensory signals, causing a person’s body to automatically react accordingly.
• The nervous system has two parts – the central nervous system (CNS) and the peripheral nervous system (PNS). The CNS includes the nerves in the brain and spinal cord, the main organs of the nervous system, with about 100 billion nerves in the brain and 13.5 million in the spinal cord. All the body’s other nerves are part of the PNS.
• Two main types of cells make up the nervous system; neurons and glial cells. The neurons communicate with other cells via synapses, membrane-to-membrane junctions that allow signals to pass from one neuron to the next. Neurons are programmed to perform different functions.
1. GEOGRAPHY: What is the capital of Canada?
2. ANIMAL KINGDOM: What was the first animal to be cloned?
3. LITERATURE: In the children’s book series “The Bobbsey Twins,” what are the names of the two sets of twins?
4. CHEMISTRY: What is the symbol for the chemical element platinum?
5. MUSIC: What is the title of Elvis Presley’s first commercial single?
6. GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What is the first U.S. national park?
7. MEDICAL: What is a common name for xerosis?
8. FOOD & DRINK: What is a sommelier?
9. U.S. PRESIDENTS: Who was the first president to visit all 50 states?
10. HISTORY: What were the principal powers of the Axis in WWII? Answers
1. Ottawa.
2. A sheep.
3. Nan, Bert, Flossie and Freddie. 4.
• Sensory neurons deliver electrical signals from the outer parts of the body, such as glands, muscles, and skin, into the central nervous system. Motor neurons do the opposite, carrying signals from the CNS to the outside parts. Receptor neurons sense the environment – light, sound, touch, and chemicals – and convert it into electrochemical energy. Interneurons send messages from one neuron to another.
• Because neurons can’t replace themselves, nerve damage is usually permanent. We also lose neurons as we age. By the time we turn 75, ten percent of our neurons are gone, resulting in the brain shrinking about 1 to 2
every year due to neuron loss.
• Glial cells provide support and nutrition and participate in signal transmission. Glial cells are from the Greek word for “glue,” and one of their most important functions is to hold
neurons in place as well as provide insulation for them, along with removing dead neurons.
• The body has both voluntary and involuntary nervous systems. The voluntary, or somatic, system controls things that a person is aware of and can consciously control, such as moving various body parts.
• The involuntary, or automatic, systems take care of those things that the body doesn’t consciously control – breathing, regulating the heart rate, metabolism, and other vital body processes.
• During physical activity, the involuntary system causes the heart to beat harder and faster, and opens up airways for easier breathing. It stimulates digestion, helps the body relax, and detects environmental changes that will impact the body.
• The sciatic nerve is the longest, largest nerve in the body. It starts at the base of the spine, runs through the gluteus muscles, and down the back of the thighs and lower legs. This nerve’s functions are two-fold – it helps the muscles in the body’s legs and feet move, and helps a person feel sensations in the legs.
• At the sciatic nerve’s origin, it’s about a half inch (1 cm) wide, but as it extends down the legs, it widens slightly to its thickest point of just under an inch (2 cm) in diameter, about the width of a penny. It splits into two main branches at the knees, with one branch running from the outer part of the knee to the outer part of the foot, and another running down the back of the calf to the heel and sole of the foot. People with sciatica can experience great pain and discomfort if this nerve gets pinched or compressed.
Page 2 Tidbits of Coachella Valley Vol. XX Issue No. 9
Test answers page 16)
(Answers on page 16)
your body "Fearfully and wonderfully made" One in a series ADVERTISING PROOF Final Changes DUE: 12:00 NOON Please review carefully. Double check: Phone Number(s) Spelling Prices Hours Office: 760-320-0997 email: Fax: 760-320-1630 Contact your Tidbits representative immediately with changes or corrections. Property of AdVenture Media, Inc. Phone: 760.320.0997 Fax: 760.320.1630 All Rights Reserved ADVERTISING PROOF Final Changes DUE: 12:00 NOON Please review carefully. Double check: Phone Number(s) Spelling Prices Hours Contact your Tidbits representative immediately with changes or corrections. Next Level - A/C Htg 1/16th pg 4C 16x Jan. 28, 2024 Vol. 20 - No. 5 MON., JAN. 122 Prepare for summer NOW for as low as “TAKE YOUR COMFORT TO THE NEXT LEVEL!” 760-619-1866 FREE Quotes CSLB #1108975 $3,995 $6,995 HEATING TUNE-UP ONLY $69 ONLY $69 with purchase of your new Heating & Cooling System. COOL YOUR GARAGE AC Mini-Split Starting at just SAVE MONEY!! FREE WATER HEATER OR $1,500 OFF! OR $1,500 OFF! ADVERTISING PROOF Final Changes DUE: 5:00 p.m.. Please review carefully. Double check: Phone Number(s) Hours Office: 760-320-0997 email: Contact your Tidbits representative immediately with changes or corrections. FREE The Neatest Little Paper Ever Read 4 Million Readers Weekly Nationwide! of Coachella Valley Published by: AdVenture Media For Advertising Call (760) 320-0997 Property of AdVenture Media, Inc. Phone: 760.320.0997 Fax: 760.320.1630 All Rights Reserved ADVERTISING PROOF Final Changes DUE: 5:00 p.m.. Please review carefully. Double check: Phone Number(s) Spelling Prices Hours Office: 760-320-0997 email: Fax: 760-320-1630 Contact your Tidbits representative immediately with changes or corrections. FREE The Neatest Little Paper Ever Read 4 Million Readers Weekly Nationwide! of Coachella Valley Published by: AdVenture Media For Advertising Call (760) 320-0997 Property of AdVenture Media, Inc. Phone: 760.320.0997 Fax: 760.320.1630 All Rights Reserved Palms to Pines Gliding BZ 4 Color 13x rate Feb. 25, 2024 • Vol. 20: #9 Details at: Details at: An exhilirating experience you’ll never forget! An exhilirating experience you’ll never forget! Friday, 2/16/24 Breathtaking views of the Coachella Valley and mountains! Breathtaking views of the Coachella Valley and mountains! PALM SPRINGS PALM SPRINGS GLIDER RIDES GLIDER RIDES ● Gift Certificates ● Group Discounts ● Gift Certificates ● Group Discounts Palms to Pines Gliding Palms to Pines Gliding 760-275-2090 760-275-2090 Operating out of Thermal Airport Operating out of Thermal Airport 3 SCENIC TOURS 3 SCENIC TOURS Call Mike Today! Call Mike Today! 10% DISCOUNT 10% DISCOUNT with this ad with this ad Don’t forget your camera! Don’t forget your camera! A) B) The Nervous System
What famous actor starred in the 1997 film "The Fifth Element"?
What does the number five indicate in the Bible?
Name the most famous set of quintuplets.
What is the fifth planet from the Sun?
Of the world's five oceans, which is the largest? ADVERTISING PROOF Changes DUE: 5:00 p.m.. carefully. Double check: Phone Number(s) Spelling Prices Hours 760-320-0997 email: Fax: 760-320-1630 your Tidbits representative immediately with changes or corrections. FREE The Neatest Little Paper Ever Read 4 Million Readers Weekly Nationwide! of Coachella Valley Published by: Advertising Call (760) 320-0997 Property of AdVenture Media, Inc. Phone: 760.320.0997 Fax: 760.320.1630 All Rights Reserved ADVERTISING PROOF Final Changes DUE: 5:00 p.m.. Please review carefully. Spelling Prices Hours Office: 760-320-0997 email: Fax: 760-320-1630 Contact your Tidbits representative immediately with changes or corrections. FREE The Neatest Little Paper Ever Read 4 Million Readers Weekly of Coachella Valley Property of AdVenture Media, Inc. Phone: 760.320.0997 Fax: 760.320.1630 All Rights Reserved RDM Assoc. Tax Services 1/16th Pg. BW 13x disc. - Prepay January 21, 2024 Vol. 20 - No. 4 Fri., JAN. 12 Don’t get stuck... LET ME HELP YOU! CELEBRATING 50 YEARS OF SERVICE! I CAN HELP MINIMIZE YOUR TAX LIABILITY and MAXIMIZE YOUR 2023 RETURN! MADE EASY. with this ad. Exp. 4-15-24 Robert Melino 760.360.1622 -Sun City Resident- ASSOCIATES INCOME TAX SERVICES RDM Fair Prices! SENIOR DISCOUNT 10% • Federal • State & CLIP AND SAVE Certified Financial Planner Registered with CA Tax Education Council 1st Time Customers Only
Week of February 25, 2024
Number 5 (from page one)
Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy, the first five books of the Bible.
• According to the Chinese, every significant thing on Earth comes from five elements – metal, fire, earth, wood, and water. The Five Elements Theory, which first appeared around 770 BC, declares that the world changes according to these five “generating or overcoming relationships.” It's their belief that everything that occurs in the universe is the result of those interactions.
• What enables the body to identify the five basic tastes of sweet, salty, sour, bitter, and umami (savory)? The chemical compounds in different foods interact with specialized protein receptor cells in the taste buds on your tongue, which in turn send the information to your brain.
• There are five Great Lakes, large interconnected freshwater lakes that connect to the Atlantic Ocean via the Saint Lawrence Seaway. The five, Superior, Michigan, Huron, Erie, and Ontario, contain 21% of the world’s surface fresh water by volume. Their total surface covers 94,250 sq. miles (244, 106 sq. km), about the size of the United Kingdom. Only one of the five, Lake Michigan, is located entirely within the United States, while the others form a boundary between the U.S. and Canada.
• What does it mean to “plead the fifth”? In the U.S. legal system, this phrase refers to the Fifth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, an amendment ratified in 1791. It protects a person from being “compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself.” When a witness is called to testify, pleading the fifth signals their intentions to invoke the amendment’s protections ahead of their testimony if he/she feels that
statements might be negative or be used against them. The prosecution is not allowed to comment on the decision, and the jury is prohibited from drawing any unfavorable conclusions or equating the witness’s silence with guilt.
• French designer Coco Chanel released her famous perfume Chanel No. 5 in 1921 on May 5, the fifth day of the fifth month.
• The five-ring symbol of the Olympic Games was created by the co-founder of the International Olympic Committee, Pierre de Coubertin, in 1913. The five interlocking rings represent the number of inhabited continents represented by Olympians – Africa, Asia, Australia, the Americas, and Europe. The five colors, blue, yellow, black, green, and red, were chosen because every nation’s flag includes at least one of the colors. The rings were interconnected to symbolize a unified group of athletes.
• Most species of starfish have five appendages, or rays, an example of pentamerism. The five rays branch out from a central disk, with the end of each arm equipped with a microscopic eye, known as an ocellus, organs that help the creature differentiate between light and dark, as well as detecting movement.
• Several popular musical groups have incorporated the number five into their name. The 1960s band, The 5th Dimension, had memorable hits with “Up, Up and Away” and “Age of Aquarius.” Originally named The Versatiles, they changed their name in 1966, wanting something more up-to-date. It was five people and the dimension was about music.
• The English pop rock group, The Dave Clark Five, who formed in 1958 in London under the leadership of drummer Dave Clark, had big hits with “Glad All Over” and “Bits and Pieces.” Clark began the band as a side project to raise money for his soccer team. He wasn’t even a musician – he bought a drum set and taught himself to play them. The band was the first British rock band to tour the U.S., and appeared on “The Ed Sullivan Show” more than any other band.
• The Jackson 5, composed of five brothers Jackie, Tito, Jermaine, Marion, and Michael, was founded in 1964 in Gary, Indiana, managed by their father Joe. Their first break was winning the talent show at the city’s Theodore Roosevelt High School in 1966. A deal with Steeltown Records followed in 1967.
A group of friends, Adam Levine, Jesse Carmichael, Mickey Madden, and Ryan Dusick, formed a pop band during high school in 1994, calling themselves "Karla's Flowers." In 2001, they renamed themselves "Maroon 5," and released their debut album the following year. In 2005, that album was certified quadruple platinum. The band has sold over 120 million albums worldwide. Their song "Sugar" has had over 3 billion views on YouTube.
• The family comedy act of the Marx Brothers consisted of five brothers, Chico, Harpo, Groucho, Gummo, and Zeppo. The group appeared in 14 movies from 1905 to 1949, with their most famous, “Duck Soup.” Five of their feature films are included in the American Film
Institute's Top 100 comedy flms. After the group disbanded in 1950, only Groucho continued to a successful television career, including his popular quiz show “You Bet Your Life.”
Number 5: Turn to page 15
Tidbits of Coachella Valley Page 3
CLIP AND SAVE ANSWERS 1.VERNALEQUINOX 2.CROCUS 1.What’s scientific moment season
traditionally first spring ����������������� ���� QUIZ BITS Answers page 16 1. In baseball scorekeeping, what position is represented by the number 5? 2. What Washington state city is at the end of Interstate 5?
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By Lucie Winborne
* On their urban forest data site, the city of Melbourne in Australia assigned email addresses to each of the city’s trees so it would be easier to catch and rehabilitate damaged ones. Instead, the trees received love letters.
* Wild female chimpanzees, much like humans, experience menopause.
* Giant lily pads in the Amazon River can grow up to 6 feet in diameter and even support up to 100 pounds without breaking.
* A man in the U.K. who became paralyzed after a cycling accident spent four years raising £22,000 pounds for an innovative treatment that might enable him to walk again. However, when he heard of a disabled boy who also needed surgery, that had better odds of success, he donated the entire amount to the child instead.
* Eric Money is the only NBA player to officially score for both teams in the same game.
* A group calling themselves Sieged Security hacked into the Idaho National Laboratory with a most extraordinary ransom demand -- not cash, but for the lab to research the creation of feline-human hybrids!
* In the small Japanese town of Kamikatsu, residents are required to sort their solid waste into 45 different recycling categories.
You read it in tidbits!
* Morton’s toe is when your second toe is longer than your big toe. It’s widespread in art, with the Statue of Liberty being one of the more famous examples.
* Jenga blocks have subtle differences in dimensions to make their construction less stable. Each brick is a different size and weight, so no two games will be alike. ***
Thought for the Day: “Great things are done by a series of small things brought together.” -- Vincent van Gogh (c) 2024 King Features Synd., Inc.
by Mary Hunt
Turns Out It’s Not Just Me -- It’s AFS
I’ve written about it a lot over the years, and by “it” I refer to my six-figure credit card debt and how it affected me mentally, physically and spiritually. I speak of it routinely as I have addressed audiences across the U.S. and around the world. While my debt has been paid off for many years now (my gratitude knows no limits), I can recall and re-live the stress in a heartbeat -- and I do, every time I talk about it. It’s real. It’s palpable.
few days, track your thoughts, emotions and actions to spot stress patterns.
Manage. What thoughts do you have about your finances? Saying, “They’re terrible, and I’m terrible, and it’ll never improve” won’t keep you motivated. Instead, try thinking, “I’m working on it,” and “I’m strong, I’ve overcome tough times before.”
by Mary Hunt
For many years, I assumed I was the only one who’d ever experienced this -- that I was an anomaly and a true nutcase. Why else would I continue down such a destructive path piling on more and more debt while finding new and creative ways to hide this from my husband? Why would I find the pain of the debt and the lengths to which I had to go to keep all my destructive plates spinning so much more desirable than the far less worse pain of facing what I was doing, coming clean and owning up?
Oh, the shame, the fear. I was afraid of being found out, but even more terrified that I couldn’t stop this thing that was spinning out of control. I couldn’t think, couldn’t sleep.
And then it happened. I hit rock bottom. No more available credit. No more stories that would satisfy the collection calls. No more hiding. I began spiraling down into a deep, dark pit of despair -- an emotional bottomless pit.
Turns out I’m not the only person on earth who has ever experienced the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual effects of heavy debt and financial turmoil. What I experienced is real, its effects measurable. And now it has a name, thanks to scientific research and discovery.
According to Ryan Howes, PhD, in Psychology Today, acute financial stress (AFS) has a remarkable similarity to post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), resulting in many of the same symptoms as PTSD presenting problems with sleep, relationships, upsetting thoughts, emotional outbursts, avoidance, difficulty concentrating, being jumpy when the phone rings or easily startled, surges in heart rate, elevated blood pressure, fear, despair, abdominal pain, outbursts of anger and frequent failure to think clearly.
Simple stress management techniques do help AFS sufferers to gain more control over their stress. These techniques are not new. Stress is stress. These tried-and-true techniques borrowed from cognitive behavioral therapy that when applied personally on a daily basis can bring remarkable results that allow AFS sufferers to get back on track and onto their joyful journey to financial freedom:
Relax. Several times a day, or as you are able make time to relax. Begin by taking deep, slow breaths. As you continue breathing, tense the muscles in your feet briefly, then let them relax completely. Slowly work your way up your body, from your calves to your face. Repeat this process a few times daily. It helps me to clear my mind so I stop with all the negative thoughts and fear.
Identify. Figure out when your stress hits hardest: morning, noon or night. Over the next
The past. How did your family handle money when you were growing up? Who taught you about finances and what did they say? When did money start stressing you out? What’s its significance to you? How does your financial situation affect how you see yourself? All of that matters, and considering the answers helps bring clarity.
Mindfulness. Take a break from the hustle and bustle of the outside world and worries about the future. Instead, pay attention to your body, thoughts and feelings in the present moment. It’s a useful, quick way to feel more in control and relaxed.
I’ve discovered this kind of self-therapy is super helpful. Try it! You’ll find yourself able to think more clearly, get back to the work of living your get-out-of-debt plan, willing to endure temporary sacrifices that will speed you to your goals. Soon you’ll know and experience what I’ve come to believe because I have lived it.
* * *
Mary invites you to visit her at, where this column is archived complete with links and resources for all recommended products and services. Mary invites questions and comments at https://, “Ask Mary.” This column will answer questions of general interest, but letters cannot be answered individually. Mary Hunt is the founder of, a frugal living blog, and the author of the book “Debt-Proof Living.”
Page 4 Tidbits of Coachella Valley Vol. XX Issue No. 9
This week Tidbits steps into the halls of the Pentagon, the headquarters of the U.S. Department of Defense, and gives you an inside look at the structure itself and its critical function for our national safety and protection.
• Among other things, the Pentagon has the distinction of being the world’s largest lowrise office building. The structure houses 26,000 military and civilian employees daily, who park in 16 different parking lots. There are 7,131 stairways, 19 escalators, and 70 elevators in the building’s 6.5 million sq. ft. It’s all about the number five – five sides, five floors above ground, five food courts, and five ring corridors per floor. There are 17.5 miles (28.2 km) of corridors and 7,754 windows.
• In 1941, the DoD was known as the War Department, a branch of the government with 24,000 employees distributed across 17 different Washington, D.C. buildings. President Franklin D. Roosevelt called for a new military complex and several sites came into consideration. A site east of Arlington Cemetery was selected, a site that was bordered
by major roads on five sides, so architects set to work designing a five-sided building. FDR didn’t like the location, arguing that it would block the view of the Washington monument from the cemetery. He wanted it instead at a different site, the former home of Hoover Field, Washington, D.C.’s first airport. But the architects’ five-sided design location won.
• Ground-breaking took place on September 11, 1941, ironically, precisely 60 years before the September 11 terrorist attacks in 2001. More than 15,000 workers labored around the clock. The 689,000 tons of sand and gravel needed for the building’s concrete came from the nearby Potomac River. As the nation prepared for WWII, there was a steel shortage, leading builders to construct concrete ramps throughout the building rather than steel-enforced beams. In fact, until 2011, there was only one passenger elevator in the building, exclusively reserved for the defense secretary!
• The construction period was estimated at four years, with an initial budget of $35 million, but the Pentagon was completed in record time, just 16 months after groundbreaking. The speedy completion wasn’t without a price, however. The final cost reached $63 million, upwards of $900 million in today’s money.
• The structure was built wedge by wedge, with each occupied immediately upon completion as the remaining sections were being built.
• By 1990, the Pentagon was deteriorating and badly in need of a renovation. The building contained harmful asbestos and required new mechanical, electrical, plumbing, fire sprinkling systems, and updated security and IT systems.
• The massive project began in 1994 and was still in progress in 2001 when terrorists flew American Airlines Flight 77 into the building on September 11. The plane hit Wedge 1, where 4,500 people would have been working had the renovation not been in progress. Only 800 had moved back into their offices. All 64 plane passengers were killed, along with 120 Pentagon employees. Newly-installed blastresistant windows in that wedge saved many additional lives. The fire from the crash burned for nearly three days.
• Almost immediately, plans were put in place for the reconstruction, called the Phoenix Project, symbolic of rising from the ashes. The first step was the demolition of 400,000 sq. feet of the crash site damage. By August 2002, some workers were already moving into their
new office spaces. More than three million manhours were put into the reconstruction, which was completed in February 2003 at a cost of $5 billion.
• A two-acre memorial at the Pentagon opened to the public on September 11, 2008, a grouping of 184 illuminated benches, one for each of the lives lost in the attack, along with a plaque listing each victim's name and age.
Week of February 25, 2024 Tidbits of Coachella Valley Page 5
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by Dana Jackson
Q: I remember when singer Usher used to be on the soap opera “The Bold and the Beautiful.” Has he done any acting since? -- S.L.
A: Born Usher Raymond IV, superstar Usher was born in Dallas and sang in the church choir that was directed by his mother. The family later moved to Atlanta and then Los Angeles, where Usher released his first album in 1994 at the age of 16 and also hit it big with his second album, “My Way,” in 1997.
He flexed his talents even more by branching out into acting -- first in the sitcom “The Parent ‘Hood” on The WB network, then in recurring roles on “The Bold and the Beautiful” and “Moesha.”
More recently, he’s just played himself in several TV shows like “Dave” and The Lonely Island movie “Popstar.” However, being selected to headline the Super Bowl halftime show is a high honor for any recording artist, so I doubt he has any regrets about not having a hit acting career. He also just released his ninth album, “Coming Home,” so perhaps he’ll be adding his ninth Grammy to his mantle during the next award season.
Q: When is “Young Sheldon” coming back with new episodes? Is it true that this will be the final season? -- A.M.
A: By the time you’re reading this, you might have noticed that “Young Sheldon” returned to CBS with all new episodes on Feb. 15. Delayed by the writers’ and actors’ strikes, the seventh and final season will only consist of 14 episodes, with its hour-long series finale airing on May 16. It was inevitable that the show would end, since the title
character was getting closer to the age of his future self in “The Big Bang Theory,” the hit sitcom that preceded “Young Sheldon.”
However, there is a bit of good news on the horizon. According to The Hollywood Reporter, CBS is “reteaming with exec producers Chuck Lorre, Steve Holland and Steve Molaro to develop a spinoff of their prequel series ‘Young Sheldon.’” Although nothing official has been announced, word is that the new show will focus on Sheldon’s brother, Georgie (Montana Jordan), and his fian cee, Mandy (Emily Osment). It will debut as early as the 2024-25 television season. Hopefully, Iain Ar mitage will pop in occasionally as Sheldon. ***
Q: Is it true that Jon Bon Jovi lost his voice? Will he still be able to sing?
A: Singer Jon Bon Jovi is recovering from surgery to mend a vocal cord injury, but his career is far from over. According to Entertainment Weekly, the lead singer of the popular rock band Bon Jovi had undergone surgery 19 months ago with a specialist in Philadelphia who used a plastic implant to fix an atrophied vocal cord.
While promoting “Thank You, Goodnight: The Bon Jovi Story,” an upcoming docuseries on Hulu about him and his bandmates, Bon Jovi said that their new record has been completed and that he recently performed live for the first time since his surgery. He’s also about to become Millie Bob-
1. Split ................................ (PG-13)
James McAvoy, Anya Taylor-Joy
1. Argylle (PG-13) Henry Cavill, Bryce Dallas Howard
2. Rings (PG-13)
Matilda Anna Ingrid Lutz, Alex Roe
3. A Dog’s Purpose ..................(PG)
2. Lisa Frankenstein (PG-13) Kathryn Newton, Liza Soberano
Josh Gad, Dennis Quaid
4. Hidden Figures (PG)
Taraji P. Henson, Octavia Spencer
3. The Beekeeper (R) Jason Statham, Emmy RaverLampman
5. La La Land
Ryan Gosling, Emma Stone
4. Wonka (PG) Timothee Chalamet, Gustave Die
6. Resident Evil: The Final Chapter ...................................... (R)
Milla Jovovich, Iain Glen
5. Migration (PG) Kumail Nanjiani, Elizabeth Banks
7. Sing (PG) animated
6. The Chosen: S4.E1 (NR) Shahar Isaac, Paras Patel
8. Lion ................................ (PG-13)
7. Anyone But You
Dev Patel, Nicole Kidman
(R) Sydney Sweeney, Glen Powell
9. The Space Between Us (PG-13)
8. Mean Girls
Gary Oldman, Asa Butterfield
(PG-13) Angourie Rice, Renee Rapp
10. xXx: Return of Xander Cage (PG-13)
9. American Fiction (R) Jeffrey Wright, Tracee Ellis Ross
10. Poor Things (R) Emma Stone, Mark Ruffalo
Page 6 Tidbits of Coachella Valley Vol. XX Issue No. 9
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Good Recipes from
Salad With Spring Pea Mix
Made without mayo, this company-worthy combo of egg, shrimp and potato salad gets its creaminess from a tangy yogurt-and-mustard dressing. Plate it alongside fresh-picked peas tossed in a light lemon-dill vinaigrette.
12 large eggs
1 lemon
3 sprigs fresh dill
12 ounces large shrimp (16- to 20-count)
12 ounces Yukon gold potatoes
Salt and pepper
12 ounces sugar snap peas
1 1/2 cups frozen peas
1 cups plain yogurt
1 tablespoon Dijon mustard
1/2 cup finely chopped red onion (1 small onion)
3 stalks celery
1 tablespoon white wine vinegar
2 tablespoons olive oil
1. In 4-quart saucepan, place eggs and enough cold water to cover by 1 inch. Heat to boiling on high; remove from heat. Cover and let stand 5 minutes. With slotted spoon, transfer eggs to colander. Rinse eggs under cold water until cool enough to handle; peel and cut in quarters. Set aside 12 quarters for garnish.
2. From lemon, squeeze 3 tablespoons juice and reserve. To same saucepan of water, add lemon rind and dill stems; heat to boiling on high. Add shrimp, reduce heat to maintain bare simmer; cook 3 minutes or until shrimp just turn opaque throughout. Drain, rinse under cold water until cool, and drain again. Discard lemon rind and dill sprigs.
3. In same pan, place potatoes and enough cold water to cover. Add 1 teaspoon salt. Heat to boiling on high, cover and reduce heat to simmer 15 minutes or until just tender; drain well.
4. While potatoes cook, heat 3-quart saucepan of water to boiling on high. Add snap peas and frozen peas. Cook 2 minutes or until bright-green; drain well.
5. In large bowl, whisk yogurt, mustard, 1 tablespoon lemon juice, and 1/4 teaspoon each salt and freshly ground black pepper. Add hot potatoes, onion, celery, shrimp, eggs and half of chopped dill. Fold gently until well-combined.
6. In another large bowl, whisk vinegar, oil, remaining 2 tablespoons lemon juice and 1/8 teaspoon each salt and ground black pepper; add all peas and remaining dill. Toss until wellcoated.
7. Spoon shrimp salad into center of serving platter, then spoon pea mixture all around. Garnish with reserved egg quarters and serve immediately. Serves 6.
Chocolate-Macaroon Tart
Three ingredients make this chocolate macaroon tart a simple, decadent desert.
10 ounces coconut macaroon cookies
1 cup boiling heavy cream
1 pound finely chopped semisweet or bittersweet chocolate
Slivered orange peel
1. Press coconut macaroon cookies
into a greased 9-inch pie plate, then pour boiling heavy cream over semisweet or bittersweet chocolate in heatproof bowl and stir until smooth. 2. Pour into crust, chill 6 hours, and top with raspberries and slivered orange peel. Serves 12.
Week of February 25, 2024 Tidbits of Coachella Valley Page 7
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Cody’s Corner
Dog Talk with Uncle Matty
By Matthew Margolis Creators News Service
Clearing Up Humane Confusion
One of the most rewarding things a person can do is go down to the local animal shelter and adopt a homeless dog or cat. Local shelters, local humane societies and local societies for the prevention of cruelty to animals (SPCAs) are notoriously understaffed, underfunded and overpopulated with animals just waiting for a good home.
Emphasis on local.
The behemoth Humane Society of the United States serves a role in the nation’s ongoing animal-welfare campaign, and it is certainly no bit player. But the HSUS doesn’t operate a single animal shelter. Not one.
This very wealthy nonprofit works on a national stage, and while its concerns boil down to “animal welfare” at heart, its projects are largely legislative and investigative. The HSUS funnels much of its impressive operating capital into legislative campaigns to pass laws that protect animals and investigations into animal cruelty. Its more hands-on operations are its horse sanctuaries and wildlife rehabilitation centers, as well as the essential work it does in manning emergency shelters in disaster areas and providing veterinary services in remote areas.
In case you’re wondering, the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) has much more in common with the HSUS than with your local shelter. In the ASPCA’s own words:
“While we do not have a formal affiliation with local SPCAs throughout the country, we assist SPCAs, humane societies and local shelters around the country financially, as well as provide human and other non-monetary resources toward animal shelter programs and innovations, legislative issues, anti-cruelty and disaster response efforts on a national scale.”
But the ASPCA differs from the HSUS in one way: It operates an animal shelter in New York City. One. All of these organizations do good work.
Cody's Corner: Turn to Page 10
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1. 2. 3. The Weekly “Brain Breaker” Print Your Answers Here:
Forget Me Not Day
Set a Good Example Day
National Retro Day
Floral Design
Year Day
World Day of Prayer
National Play Outside Day ● ● (CryptoQuip Solution on page 14) (Word Search solution page 16)
® Word
"E motional Episodes"
by Matilda Charles © King
Don’t Reach for the Vitamins and Supplements
Oh, it was so tempting, I have to admit. When a neighbor strolled by on her afternoon walk, we got to talking about how she stays in shape, and she rattled off a list of vitamins and supplements that she takes. She swears by them, and she appears to be in excellent condition ... although being 20 years younger might have something to do with it.
Still, I was tempted to try some of those supplements she recommended. But a little voice told me to check first before I loaded up my cart at the big box store. It’s a good thing I did.
I learned that too much calcium can affect the absorption of several medications, and St. John’s wort alone can change how over 70% of prescription drugs work, sometimes in dangerous ways. I also learned that one of the supplements advertised on TV is made with grapefruit, which I cannot have.
This is a time to be cautious. Do not add any supplements to your diet without first running it by your doctor. Even giving a list of poten-
tial supplements to the nurse practitioner can be a good start if she also asks the doctor.
If you’re thinking about taking vitamin D or Omega-3, ask about increasing your intake of seafood instead. If you wonder about magnesium for bone health, ask whether you need it or if you should eat more bananas and drink more milk.
Read the labels on your food. Cereal, for example, is already fortified with several vitamins.
Remember that the vitamin and supplement industry is not regulated. Many are made overseas, and our FDA has no say in what’s actually in each one.
Do your own online research. Checking drug interaction websites can help. The one I liked best is (click “Interaction Checker”).
Read what the National Institutes of Health has to say about dietary supplements for seniors at Search their database of 178,111 supplements at
Remember, just because the bottle says "vitamins" doesn't mean it's good for you!
* * *
Matilda Charles regrets that she cannot personally answer reader questions, but will incorporate them into her column whenever possible. Send email to columnreply2@
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Cody’s Corner (from page 9)
But they do very different kinds of work. Knowing the difference is important, especially if you happen to be one of those people who feels the real reward comes from the act of adopting a homeless dog or cat from a shelter.
The work our local shelters, local humane societies and local SPCAs do is invaluable. It’s hard work -- physically, psychologically and emotionally. It’s necessary work. And it’s work that makes a tangible difference every day, for people and animals in every city and every town across the country.
The HSUS and the ASPCA are longstanding national animal-welfare organizations. And we should pay close attention to them, as we should any wealthy and influential nonprofit. But to do so at the expense of our local shelters is like voting for president but skipping the mayoral race. Those closest to us really do have the greatest and most immediate impact on all that we hold dear.
* * *
Dog trainer Matthew “Uncle Matty” Margolis is the co-author of 18 books about dogs, a behaviorist, a popular radio and television guest, and the host of the PBS series “WOOF! It’s a Dog’s Life!” Read all of Uncle Matty’s columns at, and visit him at
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by Tom Margenau
Geezers, Floozies and Valentines
Give or take a week or so, this column should be coming out sometime around Valentine’s Day. And it was 50 years ago, on Valentine’s Day, that my soon-to-be wife and I went out on our first date. How that came about makes for a cute story.
I had just started working for the Social Security office in the small farming community of Litchfield, Illinois. I had moved there from my hometown in Wisconsin just a month or so before. So I didn’t know anybody in town.
One of my duties was to verify Medicare numbers for the billing department of the Litchfield hospital. A local lass named Becky worked in that department and called me every day to check those numbers.
Becky’s boss knew that she was single and somehow learned that I was single, too. And he decided to play matchmaker. He invited me to the hospital for lunch. But the real purpose was so that I could meet Becky.
If it wasn’t love at first sight, it was close. And I was smitten enough that a week or so later, I finally worked up the courage to call Becky and ask her out on a date. And being the poster boy for anxiety and anal retentiveness, I had scripted out my entire conversation with her. It was in diagram form. For example, if she said yes, it led to one series of questions and comments. If she said no, it led to another and much shorter series of questions and comments.
Fortunately, after some nervous small talk, her answer to my first question (“Hey, do you want to go to a movie?”) was “Yes.” So that led me down the positive side of my scripted question list.
I was asking her out to the hit movie of the time, “American Graffiti,” a story about the last summer together of a group of high school seniors. The movie supposedly took place in 1962, and the tagline for the movie was “Where were you in ‘62?”
And that led to one of my clever scripted questions, “Hey Becky, where were you in ‘62?” Now in 1962, I was in 7th grade. And based on my one meeting with Becky at the hospital, I guessed she was about my age. So her answer surprised me. She said, “Oh, 1962 was the year I graduated from high school.”
Ohmigosh! There was nothing on my sheet of questions that covered that answer! I was asking an “older woman” out on a date! I stammered! I panicked!
I gave a quick thought to saying, “Oh wait a minute, I can’t go out. I’m polishing my shoes that evening.” There was nothing in my script to save me. I didn’t know what to do!
OK, long story short, I ended up going out on the date. And now here it is, 50 years later. Becky is still five years older than me. But I’ve long since gotten over the shock and panic of that discovery and I’ve been back on script ever since.
But that story reminds me that not everyone stays married forever. And the rest of this column deals with folks whose marriages didn’t last as long as ours has.
Q: I’m part of a group of old geezers who gets together every week at the local cof-
fee place. Social Security is a frequent topic of conversation. At our last meeting, the subject of benefits for divorcees came up. One of our geezers was married to his first wife for 16 years and has been married to his second wife for 30 years. His first wife remarried, but she is now divorced from that guy after 20 years of marriage. Our geezer pal is curious who will get what when he dies. He’s mostly wondering if his first wife will get Social Security from him or from her second husband.
A: Well, the answer depends on a lot of “ifs ands or buts” not made clear in your email to me -- such as people’s ages and Social Security benefit rates. So I’ll make up a scenario to give you an example of how all this would play out. We’ve got four people:
-- Geezer is 68 years old, started his benefits at age 67 and gets $2,100 per month from Social Security.
-- Princess, his current wife, is 62 and gets her own Social Security retirement benefit amounting to $900 per month.
-- Floozie, Geezer’s first wife, is 68, and she gets $1,200 per month in her own Social Security retirement checks.
-- Wheezer is Floozie’s second husband, the guy she divorced after 20 years of marriage. Let’s say he is 70, still living, and gets $2,200 per month from Social Security.
And now let’s say Geezer dies, and we’ll see what happens. Princess has a couple choices to make. If she wants, she can immediately switch to widow’s benefits. She’d keep getting her own retirement check, and that would be supplemented up to about 82% of his full rate, or about $1,722. So, she’d get $900 on her own account and $822 in widow’s benefits.
Or, she can opt to continue receiving just
1. The book of 3 Peter is found in the a) Old testament b) New Testament
c) Neither
2. What was a god of the Philistines that had a man's face and hands, but the body and tail of a fish? a) Dagon b) Bullock
c) Elohim d) Baal-gad
3. Who slew a giant that had six fingers on each hand and six toes on each foot when he defied Israel? a) Sibbechai
b) David c) Silas d) Jonathan
4. From Proverbs 22, what is a good name better than? a) Great Riches b) High praise c) Earthly kingom d) Long life
5. In which gospel is the Sermon on the Mount found? a) Matthew b) Mark
c) Luke d) John
6. On which day of creation did dry ground appear? a) Second b) Third c) Fourth d) Fifth
Sharpen your understanding of scripture with Wilson Casey's latest book, "Test Your Bible Knowledge," now available in stores and online.
(Answers on page 16)
For comments or more Bible Trivia go to
her $900 retirement check for now, and then at age 67 get that supplemented up to Geezer’s full rate. So, at age 67 she’d get her own $900 plus $1,200 in widow’s benefits for a total of $2,100. And no matter which decision she makes, she’d get the one-time $255 death benefit.
Floozie is also eligible for widow’s benefits on Geezer’s record, because she was married to him for more than ten years and she is currently unmarried. Since she is over her full retirement age, her own retirement benefit can be supplemented up to Geezer’s full rate. So, she’ll continue to get her own $1,200 per month, and she’ll get $900 from Geezer’s account to take her up to Geezer’s full $2,100 benefit rate. (And please note that anything paid to Floozie, the divorced wife, doesn’t take a nickel away from the benefits due to Princess.)
Floozie isn’t due anything on Wheezer’s (her second husband’s) Social Security account -at least not while he is still living. She’s technically due a divorced wife’s benefit (at a 50% rate) on his record, but she can’t get that because her own benefit, $1,200, exceeds half his rate, or $1,100. And of course, now that we also add in Geezer’s widow’s benefit, her combined Social Security benefits greatly exceed anything she is due from Wheezer.
However, when Wheezer dies, she can then switch to divorced widow’s benefits on his record. Her checks from Geezer would stop. And her own $1,200 retirement benefit would be supplemented with $1,000 from Wheezer’s record to take her total income up to $2,200.
Is the moral of this story to be a Floozie, dump a Geezer, marry a Wheezer, then dump him, too, and hope they both die -- then watch the checks roll in? You tell me! And should I worry that after 50 years, Becky will start looking around for a Geezer or Wheezer to replace me? Probably not. She’s already got quite a Doozie! * * *
If you have a Social Security question, Tom Margenau has two books with all the answers. One is called “Social Security -- Simple and Smart: 10 Easyto-Understand Fact Sheets That Will Answer All Your Questions About Social Security.” The other is “Social Security: 100 Myths and 100 Facts.” You can find the books at or other book outlets. (If ordering the “Simple and Smart” book from Amazon, click on “See all formats and editions” to make sure you are getting the 2024 edition.) Or you can send him an email at To find out more about Tom Margenau and to read past columns and see features from other Creators Syndicate writers and cartoonists, visit the Creators Syndicate website at www.
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Week of February 25, 2024 Tidbits of Coachella Valley Page 11
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COVID Vaccines Do Not Increase the Risk of Cancer
DEAR DR. ROACH: I am looking for your opinion regarding the new COVID booster. I am not opposed to vaccinations, as I have had the initial two shots and one booster.
About 18 months ago, I was diagnosed with prostate cancer and have since had my prostate removed. My current PSA readings are undetectable, for which I’m grateful. I was also diagnosed with melanoma 12 months ago (along with multiple basil spots). Biopsy results showed that all were successfully removed and were within positive margins, for which I’m also grateful.
I want to get the new COVID booster, but I’m reading that the boosters are creating cancer recurrence (including prostate cancer and melanoma) in some patients. Clearly, I don’t want either to return, but I also don’t want to get COVID. Can you help with my dilemma and offer a recommendation? -- T.I.
ANSWER: I have also heard people making that claim, but it isn’t supported by evidence. Both the National Cancer Institute and the American Cancer Society agree that there is no evidence, nor a scientific reason, suggesting that COVID-19 vaccinations increase the risk of cancer growth, whether it was the first one or an additional one. (By the way, if you saw, like I did, the term “turbo cancer,” you can safely disregard the claim, since this isn’t a real entity. That’s fearmongering).
The COVID vaccine, whether it’s an mRNA or a traditional vaccine (like the Novavax), is a very limited exposure of a critical protein in our immune system to help “teach” the immune system how to recognize a COVID infection. The vaccine provides pretty good protection against infections for a few months and excellent protection against severe infections (including hospitalization and death) for close to a year. Yearly vaccination seems like it might be reasonable, although public health experts have not decided on a long-term COVID vaccination plan.
People with cancer are particularly recommended to get vaccinated, since both cancer and its treatments may affect the immune system and make infections more serious. However, chemotherapy may affect the body’s ability to success-
fully react to the vaccine, so your oncologist can help you decide the optimal time to get the vaccine if you are undergoing chemo.
DEAR DR. ROACH: You recently wrote about varicoceles and said that they are more common on the left side of the body. Why is that? -- A.M.
ANSWER: A varicocele is a dilated vein in the spermatic cord that can sometimes cause symptoms of fullness or discomfort in the scrotum. A varicocele forms just like any other varicose vein -- increased pressure causes damage to the vein or the valves within the vein that are supposed to stop the backward flow of blood.
On the left side, the spermatic vein empties into the renal vein, but does so at a sharp angle that can allow for higher pressure and backward flow of blood. By contrast, the right spermatic vein empties into the inferior vena cava, which is large and has lower pressure.
In fact, when a man has a varicocele only on the right side, it raises concern for a tumor that can compress the inferior vena cava. However, the risk is still quite small -- 2.7% of right-sided varicoceles compared to 1.6% of left-sided varicoceles.
* * *
Dr. Roach regrets that he is unable to answer individual questions, but will incorporate them in the column whenever possible. Readers may email questions to
(c) 2024 North America Synd., Inc. All Rights Reserved
by Freddie Groves
Stand Downs Are Starting for 2024
The Stand Downs for 2024 are gearing up, with slightly warmer weather now upon us. They’ll run from now until the end of October in various places around the country.
Stand Downs, started in 1988, are one-, twoor three-day events meant to provide services to homeless veterans or those who are at risk of becoming homeless. The services provided can vary, depending on the location and the length of the event, but in most cases, veterans can get help with housing, mental health counseling, treatment for substance abuse, health care and screenings, help with VA claims, dental care, tax help and more.
You’ll likely find food, showers, clothing, haircuts and information about support for caregivers, suicide prevention and legal advice. Sometimes the events are held right on the grounds of a VA medical center or a fairground, city park or other community space.
The list of events for 2024 ( homeless/events.asp) is being added to all the time. So if you don’t see an event near you, check back. Or search online, putting in “Stand Downs 2024” and the name of your state for events that haven’t made it to the main listing yet.
But no matter what the event includes or where it’s located, it will be run mostly by veterans with help from volunteers.
How about you? Are you in a position to step up and assist at a Stand Down? You might be running a van to pick up veterans without transportation. Or you might be preparing food in a tent on the site. If you’re a legal professional, you might be looking over a document a veteran has received from a landlord. Whatever role you take at a Stand Down, it will be valuable and worthwhile -- and appreciated.
If you are part of a company or service group and want to host an event, start with the Stand Down POC (point of contact) at the closest VA medical center, or ask for the homeless coordinator.
And thank you.
Page 12 Tidbits of Coachella Valley Vol. XX Issue No. 9
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* * * Freddy Groves regrets that he cannot personally answer reader questions, but will incorporate them into his column whenever possible. Send email to Do you understand your insurance eligibility enrollment options? Do you understand your insurance eligibility enrollment options? Do you understand your insurance eligibility enrollment options? ADVERTISING PROOF Final Changes DUE: 5:00 p.m.. Please review carefully. Double check: Phone Number(s) Spelling Prices Hours Office: 760-320-0997 email: Fax: 760-320-1630 Contact your Tidbits representative immediately with changes or corrections. FREE The Neatest Little Paper Ever Read 4 Million Readers Weekly Nationwide! of Coachella Valley Published by: AdVenture Media For Advertising Call (760) 320-0997 Property of AdVenture Media, Inc. Phone: 760.320.0997 Fax: 760.320.1630 All Rights Reserved ADVERTISING PROOF Final Changes DUE: 5:00 p.m.. Please review carefully. Double check: Phone Number(s) Spelling Prices Hours Office: 760-320-0997 email: Fax: 760-320-1630 Contact your Tidbits representative immediately with changes or corrections. FREE The Neatest Little Paper Ever Read Million Readers Weekly Nationwide! of Coachella Valley Property of AdVenture Media, Inc. Phone: 760.320.0997 Fax: 760.320.1630 All Rights Reserved Rochelle Herndon 1/16th page, Full Color, 26x Freq. Discount Feb. 25, 2024 • Vol. 20 - No. 9 Fri., 2/16/24 TURNING 65? TURNING 65? MEDICARE MEDICARE This is a solicitation of insurance. Not affiliated with or endorsed by the government or federal We do not offer every plan available in your area. Any information we provide is limited to those your area; please contact Medicare at or call (800)-MEDICARE to get This is a solicitation of insurance. Not affiliated with or endorsed by the government or federal medicare programs. We do not offer every plan available in your area. Any information we provide is limited to those plans we offer in your area; please contact Medicare at or call (800)-MEDICARE to get more information. Rochelle Rochelle Herndon, CA Lic #OH76893 CA Lic #OH76893 CA Lic #OH76893 Licensed Insurance Licensed Insurance Broker Call Me Today: No Cost No Obligation! Call Me Today: No Cost No Obligation! 82365 Indio, 82365 Hwy 111, #111 Indio, CA 92201 DON’T MISS YOUR WINDOW! DON’T MISS YOUR WINDOW! 760-455-2401 760-455-2401 760-455-2401 760-455-2401 • You typically have only a 7 month period around your 65th birthday to enroll. • You typically have only a 7 month period around your 65th birthday to enroll. • I can help you avoid potential penalties or costly coverage gaps and help you find a Medicare plan that fits your needs and budget. • I can help you avoid potential penalties or costly coverage gaps and help you find a Medicare plan that fits your needs and budget. Arial 12 pt Both “insurance” & “Lic. #” are: Arial 12 point. This overlap comparison shows they’re the same. Arial 12 pt Final Ad Layout.
-- by Jim Miller
Easy-to-Use Dental Care Products for Elderly Seniors
DEAR SAVVY SENIOR: I have arthritis and hand tremors that affects my grip strength and makes brushing my teeth a difficult daily chore. I’ve seen ads for electric toothbrushes and other dental care products that are supposed to work well and help make the job easier. I don't want to spend my money on products that don't actually work as advertised, so I'm hoping you can make some recommendations for people with my condition. -- Shaky Senior
Dear Shaky: For seniors who suffer from arthritis or have other hand weaknesses or tremors, an electric toothbrush is often a turnedto solution for keeping your teeth clean. At the push of a button, an electric toothbrush will do everything but shake, rattle and roll to do the cleaning for you, and most come with a wide, slightly weighted handle and rubberized grip that make them easier and more comfortable to grip and hold on to.
How to Choose
With dozens of different electric toothbrushes on the market today, here are several points to consider to help you choose:
Cost: The cost of electric toothbrushes will range from $10 for a model with replaceable AA batteries to more than $200 for some models with rechargeable lithium-ion batteries, multiple brushing modes, smartphone integrations, and other features. It all depends on how much you're willing to spend.
Brushing action: Brush heads tend to be either “spinning” (they rotate very fast in one direction, then reverse to the other direction, and the bristles may pulsate in and out), or “sonic,” where they are aligned in a straight row (they vibrate rapidly up and down). Both methods are effective, so it's a matter of personal preference.
Electric versus battery: Choose a brush with a built-in rechargeable battery and an electric charging station. They’re much more conve-
nient and cost effective than toothbrushes that use replaceable batteries.
Brushing timer: Since most dentists recommend brushing for two minutes (most adults average about 45 seconds), get an electric toothbrush with a built-in brushing timer – most have them. Some brushes will even split the two minutes onto four 30-second intervals and will notify you when it’s time to switch to a different quadrant of your mouth.
Extra features: Most higher-priced electric brushes come with extra features like cleaning modes, pressure sensors, a charge-level display and more. There are even “smart” toothbrushes that connect to a smartphone or tablet via Bluetooth to track brushing habits. There is just about any imaginable feature available now that you possibly want.
Best Electric Toothbrushes
According to Consumer Reports – an independent, nonprofit product testing and research organization – the top electric toothbrushes for 2024 are the Oral-B iO 7 Series ($150); Oral B Genius X 10000 ($200); Brüush Electric Toothbrushes ($95); and the Philips Sonicare ProtectiveClean 6100 ($120). And the top rated low-cost electric toothbrush is the Brightline 86700 ($30).
The New York Times Wirecutter, another popular product reviewing service, rates the OralB Pro 1000 ($40) as the best electric toothbrush followed by the Philips Sonicare 4100 ($40).
Easier Flossing Tools
If flossing has become challenging for you as well, a good alternative to traditional string floss are floss picks. These are disposable plastic-handle tools that have floss threaded onto them, which makes them easier to hold and use. The floss is already tightly stretched for you making it easy to slip it in between your teeth using only one hand. They are also small enough for conveniently carrying in a pocket or purse. You can usually find the floss picks at your local drug store. DenTek, Oral-B and others sell packages for a few dollars. You can also check out the Listerine UltraClean Access Flosser, which comes with a toothbrush-like handle for a better reach.
Some other flossing products to consider that are easy on the hands are the WaterPik Power Flosser ($15), which gently vibrates to dislodge embedded food particles between your teeth. Or consider a water flosser, which shoots high-pressured, narrow jets of pulsating water to quickly remove food particles and plaque lodged
between your teeth. A dial allows you to adjust the amount of water pressure you want to use. The pulsating pressure also serves to stimulate your gums in the process.
WaterPik offers a variety of water flossing products at prices ranging between $40 and $140, as does Oral Breeze, which offers the Shower Breeze and Quick Breeze water flossers (around $40), which are devices that use hoses to connect directly to your faucet or shower head.
All of these dental care products can also be found at your local pharmacy or retailer that sells personal care items or online.
In any case, there are many dental hygeine products readily available for you that will make your daily brushing and flossing a much easier chore.
* * *
Send your senior questions to: Savvy Senior, P.O. Box 5443, Norman, OK 73070, or visit SavvySenior. org. Jim Miller is a contributor to the NBC Today show and author of "The Savvy Senior" book.
“The Neatest Little Paper Ever Read!” Read Tidbits Every Week ONLINE! Week of February 25, 2024 Tidbits of Coachella Valley Page 13
• Extensive valley-wide distribution in over 600 newsstand locations - including Wal-Mart, Walgreens, and Revivals, as well as restaurants, coffee shops, medical offices and more! • Over 70,000 faithful readers every week - cover to cover! • Survey results prove that 96.8% of readers notice and read the advertising in Tidbits (and you’re a perfect example) • Running your business successfully means making smart decisions. Make your advertising choice a wise one. • An ad schedule in Tidbits means you reach a whole new audience that doesn’t see your advertising in the Desert Sun or in other valley publications. Plus, our lower Cost Per Thousand ad rates save you money. Make the smart choice. Call Us Today. Tidbits delivers affordable advertising results. (760) 320-0997 ADVERTISING PROOF Final Changes DUE: 5:00 p.m.. Please review carefully. Double check: Phone Number(s) Spelling Prices Hours Office: 760-320-0997 email: Fax: 760-320-1630 Contact your Tidbits representative immediately with changes or corrections. You’re always working towards bigger things for your business. Your ad in Tidbits can help you get there. Advertise in Tidbits.
by Anne McCollam
Amberina Is the Gold Standard
Q: Enclosed is a photo of a small Amberina glass pitcher. It stands 6 inches tall and is in perfect condition. It shades from deep yellow at the base to red at the top. I recently paid $18 for it at an antiques shop in Maine. The dealer said it was made in 1890.
Anything you can tell me about my pitcher will be appreciated.
dinner was served on it. The plate is white and decorated with brown flowers and leaves that look like ink drawings.
I would appreciate anything you can tell me about my plate.
Colonial Pottery was made in Staffordshire, England.
A: Colonial Pottery was made by F. Winkle and Co., which was located in Stoke, Staffordshire, England, from 1890 to 1931. “Grace” is the name of the pattern, and it is a transfer print.
Your plate was made sometime between 1890 and 1925. It would probably be worth $30 to $40.
Q: I have a framed photo of Shirley Temple holding a dog when she was a little girl. She looks gorgeous with all her curls! I would like to know what it is worth because I’d like to sell it.
* On Feb. 26, 1917, the Original Dixieland Jass (later Jazz) Band recorded “Livery Stable Blues,” the world’s first jazz record, for the Victor Talking Machine Company in New York. That same year, the group also made the first appearance of a jazz band in a motion picture, a silent film titled “The Good for Nothing.”
* On Feb. 27, 1938, a new mascot design was created by Chris Klein and C. Karnstadt for use by the Pontiac car brand, in the form of an Indian maiden. The theme was inspired by connections with the General Motors war chief who was employed in the GM manufacturing division.
England Glass Company.
A: Your Amberina glass pitcher is an example of Early American Pattern Glass and is very collectible. Joseph Locke of New England Glass Company patented the Amberina formula in 1883. The color was achieved by adding gold to a compound that was used in firing.
New England Glass Company granted licenses to several other glass companies to permit them to produce Amberina glass. It has also been made by Fenton, Blenko and Boyd Art Crystal. Newer pieces don’t have the rich color and gradual shading.
Your circa 1890 Amberina pitcher can be found selling in antiques shops and eBay in the range of $50 to $75.
Q: I have enclosed a drawing of the mark that is seen on the back of a plate that was my mother’s. She always used it as the “Birthday Plate.” If it was your birthday, you
A: Without more information, it can be difficult to provide accurate information. There were many different photos of Shirley Temple holding a dog. Whether the frame is original, what kind of dog she is holding, and what she is wearing are a few of the details that are important.
Most photos of her and a dog sell in the range of $25 to $50. That being said, there is one early 1930s photo of her with a terrier dog that is valued at $400 to $450.
* * *
Antiques expert and columnist Anne McCollam has since retired and no longer receives inquiries nor answers reader letters. Due to the popularity of her column, this publication will continue to reprint previous columns of interest to our readers. To find out more about Anne McCollam and read features by other Creators Syndicate writers and cartoonists, visit the Creators Syndicate website at COPYRIGHT 2023
* On Feb. 28, 1983, the final episode of “M*A*S*H,” a series about the staff of an Army hospital during the Korean War, titled “Goodbye, Farewell and Amen,” became the most-watched television episode in U.S. history, with an estimated 106 million American viewers.
* On Feb. 29, 2012, Davy Jones, a former teen idol and singer for The Monkees, died of a heart attack at the age of 66. Jones starred with his bandmates in a popular TV series and a few other shows during his career, later returning to his first passion of horses and becoming a jockey.
* On March 1, 2008, Britain’s Prince Harry, who had been sent secretly to Afghanistan with his regiment in December at his request, was forced to return to Britain after the American website the Drudge Report made his deployment public.
* On March 2, 1969, the supersonic airliner and joint British/French project Concorde set off on its maiden flight, reaching 10,000 feet and 300 mph. It would be another seven years before the plane began commercial flights, which continued until 2003, when it was retired from service.
* On March 3, 2005, Steve Fossett became the first person to fly a plane solo and nonstop around the globe without refueling, landing his Virgin Atlantic GlobalFlyer in Salina, Kansas, after a 67-hour journey. Two years later, he would disappear while flying over the Great Basin Desert, with his wrecked aircraft discovered in 2008.
(c) 2024 King Features Synd., Inc.
Page 14 Tidbits of Coachella Valley Vol. XX Issue No. 9
do car mechanics always seem to drink coffee at work? Because it's break fluid!
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* * *
Amberina glass was made by New
• The strengths of hurricanes and tornadoes are measured on wind scales. Hurricanes rated as Category 5 on the Saffir-Simpson hurricane wind scale are those with sustained winds of at least 157 mph (252 km/hr). The scale was developed in 1971 by engineer Herbert Saffir and meteorologist Robert Simpson. Very few types of structures survive a Category 5 hurricane, only those of solid concrete or steel frame construction located at least 3 to 5 miles (5 to 8 km) inland. Nearly all trees are uprooted or snapped.
• Tornadoes are measured on the Enhanced Fujita scale, also first developed in 1971. A Category 5 is one with winds above 200 mph (322 km/hr). Except for heavily-built structures, virtually all buildings are destroyed, cars are hurled up to thousands of yards away, framed houses are virtually exploded and blown away in pieces, and even the grass is ripped from the ground. The most recent Category 5 tornado occurred in Moore, Oklahoma, in May 2013, with winds estimated at 210 mph (340 km/hr), a ravaging tornadic storm that killed 26 and injured 212.
• Did you know that the numbers given to all U.S. highways tell you the direction they are going? All major north-south interstate highways are odd numbers ending in 5. The westernmost interstate running through California, Oregon, and Washington is the I-5. Progressing eastward, the roads are numbered increasingly higher, ending with the easternmost I-95 along the east coast, running from Florida all the way to Maine. The major east-west routes all end with an even number.
creates maximum energy transfer and enables center contact more consistently than poorer impact alignments. In front of a mirror or window, rehearse slow swings that you can pause at impact. Notice the dynamic changes of the body, but pay particular attention to forming that compression line.
Week of February 25, 2024 Tidbits of Coachella Valley Page 15 TEE UP YOUR AD CALL TODAY 760.320.0997 HERE! Give your golf-related advertising message targeted visibility in full color in this weekly 2” x 6” fixed location $153 per insertion reaches 70,000+ readers each week at the low cost of only $2.18 per 1,000 reader impressions! TO RESERVE YOUR SPACE Play Better Golf with JACK NICKLAUS Number 5 from page 3 @Tidbits Also on @TidbitsPS @TidbitsNewspapr Read quick posts, fun quotes, and good news on the go. FOLLOW US! "The Neatest Little Paper Ever Read" ® Impact with a golf ball may be one of the most mysterious actions in any sport due to the speed of the swing and the conditions of the ball and club design. One of the great myths in golf is that the impact position should mirror the address position. Nothing could be further from the truth. Impact has dynamic changes in the body position, hand position, and especially club orientation. The “line of compression” of the left arm and club could be an image that revolutionizes your game At address, the left arm and club shaft should have a slight angle to one another. This may change slightly with woods, but for most irons it is consistent. By impact the body has turned and shifted from its original position, while the left arm and club now form a straight line. This line of compression is what
ADVERTISING PROOF Final Changes DUE: 5:00 p.m.. Please review carefully. Double check: Phone Number(s) Spelling Prices Hours Office: 760-320-0997 Fax: 760-320-1630 Contact your Tidbits representative immediately with changes or corrections. Property of Jason Jenkins was a 16-year member of the Jim McLean Golf School teaching staff and was one of GOLF Magazine’s Top 100 Teacher Nominees 1999-2010. He was named one of the Golf Digest Top Teachers in California in 2011. Contact Jason at 760-485-2452 or Game Changers by Jason Jenkins Address Impact (Compression Line) Jason Jenkins was a 16-year member of the Jim McLean Golf School teaching staff. He was one of GOLF Magazine’s Top 100 Teacher Nominees 1999-2010 and has been named one of the Golf Digest Top Teachers in California. Jason teaches at GOLFTEC CENTER in Indio. Contact him at ADVERTISING PROOF 12:00 NOON Phone Number(s) Spelling Prices Hours Fax: 760-320-1630 immediately with changes or corrections. Property of Media, Inc. Fax: 760.320.1630 Reserved ADVERTISING PROOF 12:00 NOON Phone Number(s) Spelling Prices Hours Fax: 760-320-1630 immediately with changes or corrections. Property of -No. 5 MON., JAN. 22 CLIP AND SAVE 760-343-2013 74580 Varner Road • Thousand Palms, CA Present this coupon for unlimited play on our beautiful course for only per person $30 $30 golf deal! Good after 2:pm tee time Mon., Wed., Thurs., Sat. & Sun. only. **Not valid Tuesdays or Fridays.** Coupon good for parties of 4 or more. Offer expires 5-31-24 “We pride ourselves on a friendly atmosphere and friendly service.” ● Manicured course ● PGA Recognized ● Driving range ● Complete Pro Shop ● Best golf value in the desert! - Golf Cart Included! 4PM IVEY RANCH
Compression Line
1. GEOGRAPHY: What is the capital of Canada?
2. ANIMAL KINGDOM: What was the first animal to be cloned?
3. LITERATURE: In the children’s book series “The Bobbsey Twins,” what are the names of the two sets of twins?
4. CHEMISTRY: What is the symbol for the chemical element platinum?
5. MUSIC: What is the title of Elvis Presley’s first commercial single?
6. GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What is the first U.S. national park?
7. MEDICAL: What is a common name for xerosis?
8. FOOD & DRINK: What is a sommelier?
9. U.S. PRESIDENTS: Who was the first president to visit all 50 states?
10. HISTORY: What were the principal powers of the Axis in WWII?
1. Ottawa.
2. A sheep.
3. Nan, Bert, Flossie and Freddie.
4. Pt.
TRIVIA TEST Answers Answers 2022 © 2024 King Features Synd., Inc. Weekly SUDOKU -AnswerGames October 23-29, 2006 GO FIGURE! ©2006 King Features Syndicate,Inc. by Linda Thistle The idea of Go Figure is to arrive at the figures given at the bottom and right-hand columns of the diagram by following the arithmetic signs in the order they are given (that is, from left to right and top to bottom). Use only the numbers below the diagram to complete its blank squares and use each of the nine numbers only once. DIFFICULTY: � � Moderate �� Difficult ��� GO FIGURE! Go Figure! answers © 2010 King Features Synd., Inc. ©2020 2022 © 2024 King Features Synd., Inc. Page 16 Tidbits of Coachella Valley Vol. XX Issue No. 9 ANSWERS WUZZLES Answers ® Weekly SUDOKU Tidbits® Word Search Tidbits® Word Search Answer peekers suffer public shame and merciless ridicule. BIBLE TRIVIA Answers Quiz Bits ANSWERS 760-325-3240 Rancho Mirage 70065 Hwy. 111 Suite 5 760-770-1703 1555 So. Palm Cyn. Dr., Ste D-103 STEIN MART Shopping Center REMEMBER - While other hearing centers seem to come and go, PALM SPRINGS HEARING AID CENTER has been your mainstay since 1966. We are proud and grateful to have served you for the past 58 years! J.D. and Susan Cunningham Hearing Aid Specialists VISIT US AT: Improving the Quality of Your Life Since 1966 Improving the Quality of Your Life Since 1966 HEARING AID CENTER HEARING AID CENTER Palm Springs PALM SPRINGS PALM SPRINGS HEARING AID CENTER HEARING AID CENTER TW0 LOCATIONS TO SERVE YOU! Palm Springs Celebrate Life all Around You with Zircon 2-R Connect with the sounds and voices that surround you Oticon Zircon 2-R creates a seamless experience to help you enjoy today’s connected world. With Oticon Zircon 2, you also get a wide range of connectivity options for a high-quality listening experience in everyday situations so you can go through your day with more confidence and convenience. ZIRCON 2-R Limited Time Offer Desktop Charger BE WISE! Trust our experienced Specialists for your Hearing Aid needs -- not an untrained store clerk. $995 each aid Special Pricing! FREE The Neatest Little Paper Ever Read 4 Million Readers Weekly Nationwide! of Coachella Valley Published by: AdVenture Media For Advertising Call (760) 320-0997 Property of AdVenture Media, Inc. Phone: 760.320.0997 Fax: 760.320.1630 All Rights Reserved ADVERTISING PROOF Final Changes DUE: 5:00 p.m.. Please review carefully. Double check: Phone Number(s) Spelling Prices Hours Office: 760-320-0997 email: Fax: 760-320-1630 Contact your Tidbits representative immediately with changes or corrections. FREE The Neatest Little Paper Ever Read 4 Million Readers Weekly Nationwide! of Coachella Valley Published by: AdVenture Media For Advertising Call (760) 320-0997 Property of AdVenture Media, Inc. Phone: 760.320.0997 Fax: 760.320.1630 All Rights Reserved January 14, 2024 Vol. 20 - No. 3
5. “That’s All Right.”
6. Yellowstone National Park.
7. Dry skin.
Wine expert.
Richard Nixon.
© 2024 King Features Synd., Inc. SERVICE, EXT. 257
10. Nazi Germany, Italy and Japan.
1. The third baseman
2. Blaine, Washington
1. (C) Neither 2. (A) Dagon 3. (D) Jonathan 4. (A) Great riches 5. (A) Matthew (5-7) 6. (B) Third day
1. Bruce Willis
2. God's grace and mercy
3. The Dionne Quintuplets, born in 1934
4. Jupiter
5. The Pacific