2 minute read
“As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God’s varied grace.” (1 Peter 4:10)
After 33 years at Valley Christian Schools, I wake up invigorated each and every day, excited to see how God will work in and through our students. Pursuing the Quest for ExcellenceTM is a passion I share with all of our faculty and staff. Witnessing our students’ discovery of the nature, character, and works of God is an experience second to none, and one that none of us take for granted.
I am continuously grateful that generous members of our Valley Christian community partner with us each year to further our mission. The individuals highlighted throughout these pages make it possible to spread the hope of Christian education throughout the Bay Area and beyond. In the 2018-2019 school year alone, 2740 students attended Valley Christian Schools. Of those, 390 were awarded Youth with Promise needsbased scholarships making it possible for them to attend VCS. Our influence did not stop at the boundaries of our campuses. Valley’s Junior University and Lighthouse Initiative (JULI) impacted students’ lives in four neighboring public schools through mentoring, academic tutoring, enrichment activities, and the implementation of our new Light, Life and Learning curriculum. Our ever-expanding Warriors Advancing the Lord’s

Kingdom (WALK) program saw over 200 students attend eight mission trips to areas including Mexico, India, Thailand, Chile, Haiti, and a local outreach incalculably affecting the lives of those they served. VCS is having an incredible impact on our students, and our students are Extending the Gift, not only throughout our community but around the world. I am so proud of them all!
It is often said but bears repeating, our generous community helps the Valley Christian Schools’ faculty and staff prepare the next generation of “WARRIORS,” equipping students to become leaders who serve God, their families, and to positively impact their communities and the world.
As 1 Peter 4:10 states, “…each has received a gift.” I want to personally thank those that have taken their gifts, whether it be time, talent, or treasure, and extended it forward “to serve one another.” You can rest assured that at Valley Christian Schools, we are fully committed to being “good stewards of God’s varied grace” by using your gifts for the betterment of not only our students but also those they influence now and in the future.

In His Service,
Clifford E. Daugherty, EdD
President Valley Christian Schools