Valley Christian Schools maintains dual accreditation through Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC) and Association of Christian Schools International (ACSI). Rev. 8/22 A 2013 NATIONAL BLUE RIBBON SCHOOL 2

BACK TO SCHOOL NIGHT PROGRAM Welcome & Prayer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dr. CliffordVCSDaughertyPresident Flag Salutes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . VCJH Students Security/Traffic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chief Joel Gonzalez VCS Director of Security Extend the Gift . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ms. Stephanie Rosas VCS Assistant Director of Advancement Connection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mr. Eric Maxwell VCJH Teacher Evening Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Miss Lauren Chaplin VCJH Vice Principal Cheer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mrs. Emily Caine VCJH Teacher Closing Comments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mr. Brian Clemons VCJH Principal Classrooms will be open until 8:35pm. The eighth grade Washington, D.C. informational meeting will take place at 8:40pm in the Main Gym. Pledge of Allegiance to the Christian Flag I pledge allegiance to the Christian Flag and to the Savior for whose kingdom it stands. One Savior, crucified, risen, and coming again, with life and liberty for all who believe. 3
Back to School Bell Schedule A Day 1 st Period 7:00-7:06pm 2nd Period 7:11-7:17pm 3rd Period 7:22-7:28pm 4th PeriodRefreshmentsBREAK7:33-7:39pminQuad B Day 1 st Period 7:55-8:01pm 2nd Period 8:06-8:12pm 3rd Period 8:17-8:23pm 4th Period 8:28-8:34pm Washington, D.C. Meeting (eighth grade parents only) Main Gym 8:40pm Special Notes 1. Please follow your child’s class schedule starting with first period at 7:00pm. An announcement will be made to move to the next class listed. 2. Due to time restraints, teachers will not be available to speak individually with parents. Each classroom will have a sign-up sheet, if you would like to schedule a conference with the teacher. 3. The following teachers will be in these locations: All Girls PE Teachers Main Gym All Boys PE Teachers Main Gym Study Hall Auxiliary Gym Special Tables Parent Teacher Prayer Fellowship (PTPF) Special Appreciation We’d like to say a big “THANK YOU!” to our PTPF team of volunteers for coordinating the refreshments for this evening, and to students for assisting as hosts and hostesses. 4
EDUCATION BUILDING First ThirdSecondFloorFloorFloor(Main Level) Fourth Floor E210 E215 E219 E218 E217 Operations OfficeE129CounselingCenterE133E130 CounselingCenter Scientific Research Lab 5

First SecondFloorFloor (Main Level)GYM BUILDING Pool StorageISSLab MachineAMSEShop ITC G124 Men’s AMSE Office BEIG11Office G11 6
CONSERVATORY BUILDING Elevator Practice RoomsPractice Rooms First SecondFloorFloor 7

RoomISORecordingStudioConservatoryOfficesSteinwayRoomCommonsLearning DevelopmentOffice SupplyArtRoom CommonsLearning Third Floor (Main FourthLevel)Floor Library Advancement 8

Steve Parmenter - Dean of Students
Steve graduated from Azusa Pacific University with a degree in Social Science and from National University with a Master’s in Educational Administration. Steve enjoys the outdoors, sports, and spending time with his family. He joined VCS in 2001.
Brian Clemons - Principal Brian (‘87) graduated from San Jose State University with a degree in Biology and from Shasta Bible College with a Master’s in Education Curriculum and Instruction. He enjoys spending time with his family, swimming, and taking walks. He joined VCS in 2012.
Lauren Chaplin - Vice Principal Lauren (‘06) graduated with a MA in Education: Innovation, Leadership, and Technology from William Jessup University; BA in English from University of California, Los Angeles. Lauren enjoys camping and visiting national parks with her son. Credential: ACSI Certification. She joined VCS in 2011.
Adam Gill - Athletic Director and Physical Education Administrator
Adam graduated from Liberty University and San Jose State University with degrees in PE & Health and Sport Management. He enjoys traveling. Some of his favorite foods are Panera bread bagels and Mexican cuisine. He joined VCS in 2002.

CJ Clark - JH Academic Counselor
Sara Olson - JH Academic Counselor Sara graduated from Westmont College with a degree in Sociology and San Jose State University with a K-8 Multiple Subject Teaching Credential. Sara enjoys hiking local trails, board games and takeout with friends, and movie nights at home with her husband and four kids. She joined VCS in 2022.
CJ (‘05) graduated from Biola University with a degree in Film Production and Masters in Spiritual Formation. He enjoys golfing. Some of his favorite foods are eggs, fish, and pour-over coffee. He joined VCS in 2016.
For a
visit 1 2 3Open your camera app on your phone Hover your phone over the QR code until the phone link appears Click on the link and view the website 1 2 3Open your camera app on your phone Hover your phone over the QR code until the phone link appears Click on and view 10
Shari Gambello - JH Academic Counselor Shari graduated from William Jessup University with a Master’s in Education. Shari enjoys waterskiing, snowskiing, pasta, and nonfat white mochas. She joined VCS in 2006.
JUNIOR HIGH FACULTY/STAFF complete list of the Junior High Faculty and Staff

Each year we select one of our teachers who not only completes their job description and the tasks assigned, but goes way above and beyond in the scope with which they serve our community. A teacher who thinks out of the box, is willing to take risks, is a committed follower of Christ and models that before each of us.
One of her team teachers and one she mentors says: “She is hospitable, selfless, servant minded, and excellent! Everything is about others. She is generous, a cheerful giver of her time, insight, and experience.”
Mrs. Hunter is one who you can count on to always have a smile on her face when you see her. When you have a conversation with her, you can always tell she really cares about what you have to say, and she earnestly wants the best for you.
• Instrumental in rolling out Connection Groups
Here are some remarks from students and parents about Mrs. Hunter: “She is a great teacher. My child learned and improved so much. Organized, encouraging, and very knowledgeable. A wonderful experience. We are fortunate for our kids to have this teacher.”
Everything she does is with an amazing attitude! We are so blessed to have such a wonderful teacher on our team!
• Mentor and coach for all of our new teachers
WEB Lead Teacher
It is our privilege to recognize our VCJH teacher of the year, Mrs. Justine Hunter!
Justine has very creative ways to help students learn and participates in the following activities at VCS.
SPOTLIGHT Mrs. Justine Hunter 6th Grade English Teacher Leadership Teacher 11
• 6th Grade English Teacher
• Leadership Teacher

A world where every student pursues their personal Quest for Excellence™ STATEMENT
| HS (408)
or visit Elementary (408) 559-4400 | JH (408) | (408) 513-2500 | 100 Skyway Drive,
valleychristian vcs_warriors
the Extend the Gift Advancement O ce
Valley Christian Schools supports the homes and churches of students in providing an education that is grounded in the Judeo-Christian values of the Bible, as reflected in the life and teaching of Jesus Christ. Valley Christian Schools is committed to a Quest for Excellence™ in all of its educational programs, and provides a comprehensive kindergarten through twelfth grade curriculum with a rigorous college preparatory program. Firmly founded on Christian values, Valley Christian Schools challenges youth to aspire toward lives of character, service and influence while pursuing their individual Quests for Excellence call at 362-7644 513-2460 513-2400 San Jose, CA
Valley Christian Schools’ mission is to provide a nurturing environment o ering quality education supported by a strong foundation of Christian values in partnership with parents, equipping students to become leaders to serve God, to serve their families, and to positively impact their communities and the world.
To support VCS, please