1 minute read
Cindy Chavez, District
A Message From: Laura Rosas
VHP Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
Welcome to Valley Health Plan’s first Perspectives Newsletter of 2022. The pandemic has taken a toll on many over the past two years, and it is more important than ever to be vaccinated.
As you may know, children 5 and over are eligible for the COVID-19 vaccine. If you are fully vaccinated and six months past your last dose, you are eligible for a booster vaccine. If you are not yet vaccinated, please consider vaccination, to protect both you and your loved ones. Please see the County’s website at https://vax.sccgov.org or the new Centers for Disease Control (CDC) site at www.vaccines.gov/search to find vaccines and boosters near you.
As we move forward, it is a good time to take an inventory of your physical and mental health. If you are looking for exercise options, you can attend one of VHP’s in-person fitness classes. All Members also have access to virtual medical and behavioral health counseling services through MDLIVE. You can visit a doctor or speak to a counselor from the privacy of your home 24 hours a day/7 days a week. To enroll, visit MDLIVE.com/vhp or call 1.888.467.4614.
Our team works diligently to provide you with the best membership experience possible, and we are proud to announce that VHP has expanded its reach into San Benito and Monterey Counties. As we continue to grow, all our Members will benefit from our expanded options, both in choice of Providers and geographic reach.
Even as we cope with the many challenges we face as a region and a nation, our communities continue to be strong, working together to help ensure that those in need receive health care, food, and housing. As always, please reach out to our Member Services department at 1.888.421.8444 with any questions or concerns.
Thank you for putting your trust in Valley Health Plan! On behalf of all of us at VHP, we wish you continued health and safety.