VKC December Newsletter

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Table of Context Calendar ... 3

note from ... 4

rtc ... 5 extended board ..9 lets end this ... 12 contacts ... 13

= admin meetings = General meetings

Valley’s Tech Editor 2020 is surely coming to an end pretty fast. Cant wait for 2021 to start.. just thinking about it makes me have an existential crisis. However, im excited for what’s about to come for my family, friends and for my club. We all hope 2021 will treat us better than 2020, since it has messed us up pretty badly. let’s look forwards and move on, together

- Alexis R.M Creayla


Experience RTC

Christina Nyguen

To be honest, I had a lot of fun at RTC!! The only thing I would say that was a bit off was the leadership. I don’t know the LTG personally so I can only judge her as a leader and honestly, she didn’t do a good job being a leader. Especially in front of the whole district on the google meet. But yeah that’s the only “issue” I had with RTC everything else fine 8/10

Bryana Zarate RTC was definitely a fun experience, even though there were some things that bothered me. Beforehand we made some leis and students had gotten all dressed up for RTC, but it was a bummer getting told to turn off our cameras. Although this had happened, meeting people from different schools and getting their @'s made the whole meeting better. Overall, it was an amazing year for RTC and the people in charge of it did an incredible job knowing it was virtual as well!

Areli Salcedo Guerra

During the composed time in RTC, I planned to go to my workshops that I had enjoyed. For example, the first workshop that I attended was stress management. The key club members in charge had done a fantastic job presenting ways to manage stress such as taking a break when you need it, do something you enjoy, get some rest, etc. My next workshop was self confidence and something important to me as a person. The other key club members gave a vibrant experience to this as well into bringing others up regarding their mood. I did not enjoy though not being able to have your camera on or sometimes not being able to talk with others actively in the chat. Overall, the presenters had done an efficient job in making things interesting but I hope for a better experience next, knowing that virtual RTC could have been difficult for some.

Rachel peck

RTC was a cool experience, but something new for me, and everyone else involved. I had never been involved in clubs before this year,and now that I am it’s during a pandemic. Communicating with the keyclub community has been a great experience, and RTC introduced me tomore of it. I met a lot of cool people, in an unusual way, and learneda lot of new things. I had most fun in the self love meeting, just because of all of the nice people talking with each other. I really enjoyed the experience, and hopefully I’ll be able to experience it inperson next year.

Brianna Connor RTC was a pretty fun experience and I just know it would be so much better in person. I was a bit sad that we weren’t able to have our cameras on. I spent so long trying to make a cute lei! Mine was even sparkly and I hate glitter because it gets everywhere! It was a bit upsetting, but that’s okay. Besides that, I really enjoyed my workshops! I took some pretty good notes on all of them. The stress + mental health workshop was my favorite. It felt good to know that even the people running the workshop didn’t always have everything in order. I especially loved Lorelei doing more dares. She’s so committed, haha, I could never. Overall, I would say my RTC experience was really good and I hope to attend another one in the future!


Julian Luis Guinto I feel really excited and pumped up, with what I saw before the extension was chosen, it seemed like you guys had everything under control, you had amazing cooperation and management. And honestly I’m excited for the future we have for key club since it looks so much brighter than it was before, I can’t wait for all the cheers, the excitement, the energy and everything in between. I’m looking forward to all the friendships I’ll be making from it as well, especially the memories I’m gonna get with everyone!

Danya Youssif It feels amazing to be chosen as a sophomore rep. It is really exciting that I get to represent the valley key club sophomores considering that it is my first year in key club as well! I am most excited about getting to know my fellow peers in key club and to give up to my community.

Dora De Leon Well, I'm obviously really grateful about getting this position. It allows me to help our members have a great experience in key club, which is the main reason why I wanted to be sergeant at arms. As for what I'm most excited about, it would definitely be seeing the positive change I can bring to the club, and above all I'm excited to see our members enjoy their time while in Key Club.

Let’s End This Now, that might’ve sound like a breakup quote but, we should end our relationship with this year. It took a toll on everyone and we all deserve something sweet and rewarding. This concludes our 2020, monthly newsletter! we hope you’ve enjoyed what we’ve been doing for the past months! So now, we start continuing on with our separate journeys.


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