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Valley Ministries, Inc. Highlights from 2016

Book Drive Success

Valley Ministries would like to thank Autumn Daniels and Amanda Dickens, local Usborne Book Team Leaders for donating $1,500 worth of brand new children’s books to our summer reading program. We have been able to give Bible stories and a fun books to all of the children our organization serves. Awesome job ladies!


A Message from the Board of Directors

Looking back on our first year in the Val-Med location, we would like to express our gratitude to everyone who has helped Valley Ministries serve Path Valley! We would like to thank the Valley churches, their congregations, and their pastors for their support and prayers during our first year. We look forward to serving this community in the years to come!


*1 in every 6 adults age 60+ will go without a meal or go without eating at all because they do not have the means to purchase food.

*1 in every 5 children are going hungry because their family does not have the ability to purchase food on a regular basis.

*During the previous three months, an average of 5 new families will receive supplemental food from Valley Ministries’ Food Pantry.

Mission Witness Story

*The QuarterMania fundraiser held on November 6th raised $3,786.65 for the Food Pantry. We’d like to thank Sandy Umbrell and Rhonda Eckenrode for organizing this fundraiser. Also, we’d like to thank Amberson United Methodist Church for hosting the event. Our thanks to: the St. Thomas Township Volunteer Fire & Rescue Company for the use of their auction paddles; the Path Valley Restaurant for supplying the rolls; Carrick United Methodist Church for supplying drinks; to everyone who donated food items to the kitchen; and to everyone who donated raffle items and door prizes. And our thanks to everyone who attended for their generosity.

*The Craft Day fundraiser held on November 26th raised $250 for the Food Pantry. We’d like to thank Diane Dewey for organizing this fundraiser. We’d also like to thank everyone who attended for their generosity.

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