Evidence Based VA
Gina Thomas
If Value Analysis Needs an Overhaul, What Should Clinical Decisions Look Like? Gina Thomas, RN, MBA, Procured Health Chief Development Officer
Applying More Agility I wanted to follow up from my last interview and provide some context into clinical decision-making processes aided by Q&A style and a few visuals. As a reference to this discussion, clinical decisions should include projects which are often managed in silo through Pharmacy & Therapeutic, Value Analysis, Care Variation, Care Improvement, and a host of other named governance structures. Healthcare is often paralyzed by trying to “get it right” or even perfect, or having meeting after meeting with either the wrong people and/or a lack of decision making. Agility needs to be instilled in healthcare in a bigger way. Q: Why can’t we adopt an agile approach in healthcare when so many other industries have?
Volume 6/Issue 1
Healthcare Value Analysis & Utilization Management Magazine