ValueMatrix - OpenERP Profile

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OpenERP Solution from MillenniumSoft

What is ERP?

OpenERP at a Glance... An An Open Open Source Source Suite Suite of of Management Management Applications. Applications. –– Easy, Easy, Modular, Modular, Affordable Affordable –– The world's leader 1000 installations/day

A fast growing product 500 modules in 4 years

A world-wide brand Partners in 30 countries

Fully Open Source A strong & active community

Market Analysis The Enterprise market is saturated Penetration of the SME market remains low despite major investments from leading vendors. •ERP are too expensive •Lead time to implementation too long •Customers cannot afford a big bang approach •Existing solutions are not web based

About About Product Product    

New generation programming language Modular approach allowing incremental contributions Fully web based Same software deployed on site or out of the cloud

About About Business Business Model Model  

Free download : Everyone can test the product in a few clicks Customers benefit from previous contribution and contribute to enrich the portfolio The value created is shared fairly among the customer, our partners and us.

OpenERP OpenERP features features

OpenERP modules overview

One need, One module With With 500 500 open open source source modules, modules, OpenERP OpenERP provides provides the the feature feature you you need need to to boost boost your your productivity productivity Here are some examples of OpenERP modules:          

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Sales Management Services Organization Projects Management Manufacturing Resource Planning (MRP) Accounting & Finance Human Resources Direct Marketing Campaigns automation After-Sales Services Management Point of Sales

A flexible solution OpenERP's OpenERP's modularity modularity allows allows you you to to start start with with small small needs needs and and activate activate new new modules modules on on demand. demand.

One application will fit all your business needs. The more you install modules, the more they integrate together and automate tasks...

Fully Customizable No No heavy heavy development development required required to to customize customize to to your your business business

Workflow Designer

Screen Designer

Report Designer

Sales Management Sales module allows you to manage and classify your sales orders into a structural and hierarchical system. It gives you the ability to create new orders and to review the existing orders in their various states.

Key points:   

Get all information needed by the salesman to do his quote in one screen Complete follow-up and control of sales orders, deliveries and invoicing Traceability of all customers operations

Integration benefits:    

Integrated with point of sales Automatic accounting (financial and analytic) entries creation, Integrated with contracts, projects, master production shedule, Design of re-useable offers templates with the report designer

Purchases Purchase management enables you to track your suppliers’ price quotations and convert them into Purchase Orders. Open ERP has several methods of invoices monitoring and tracking of the receipt of ordered goods. You can handle partial deliveries in Open ERP, so you can keep track of items that are still to be delivered on your orders, and you can issue reminders automatically.

Key points:

Integration Benefits:

•Purchase tender management, Automatic procurement propositions based on different •Integrates best practices: MTS / MTO, JIT, MPS, Kanban, logistics, Perfectly integrated with accounting, stock, •Invoices, delivered products and services control. manufacturing and project management.

Accounting Open ERP provides a fully integrated accounting module that covers financial accounting, analytic accounting, third party management, taxes management, budgets, assets, etc. Open ERP has more than 50 extra modules for specific accounting features: electronic bank transfers, assets management, automatic invoicing, analytic controls, financial indicators, statements management, etc.

Key Points: Multi-company, multi-currency, multi-analytic axes, Real-time consolidation of multiple charts of accounts, Very good ergonomy for fast encoding of entries and invoices, Integrated analytic/cost accounting, Lots of customizables reports.

Integration Benefits: No more re-encoding , all documents are pre-generated, Accountants decisions impact on the whole system, Cross reporting with others modules.

Financial Project Management Open ERP integrates financial project management allowing you to keep control of your different activities. It keeps track of costs, budgets, automatic invoicing based on tasks achieved, profitability reports, etc.

Key Points: Based on the analytic accounting Fully integrated with human resources for cost control

Integration Benefits: Impacts of the planning on budgets and treasury Full integration of tasks and timesheets Integration of sales orders and tasks control

A strong viral marketing AA strong strong momentum momentum on on OpenERP OpenERP Google Trends:  OpenERP: blue  Ms. Dynamics: red  NetSuite: yellow

In a few years, we:  overpassed Netsuite's visibility  get 40% of Microsoft Dynamics' visiblity. Our 2009 marketing budget: 150k€ !

How How do do we we deploy deploy OpenERP OpenERP ??

Use Online or On Site Chose Chose between between On-Site On-Site or or On-Line On-Line solutions solutions

On-Site On-Site   

Install on your own infrastructure Allows custom developments Requires maintenance

On-Line On-Line    

Low-Costs Ready to use Accessible online No infrastructure required

And it works... They They use use OpenERP OpenERP

Contact us Value Matrix Consluting Pvt Ltd.

(A unit of MillenniumSoft Inc) Plot 337, 3rd Floor Road Number 4 KPHB – 500 072 +91 988 592 0601

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