1 minute read
by Gleam Guard
cabinets continue to look great today. It is because of our hometown people in the greater Tulsa area that we were able to expand and help families across the country beautify their homes, including Kansas City, Branson, Northwest Washington and Canada,” he says.
Tracy and crew will be in and out, without interruptions or breakaways. eir work area, when nished, will look like no one was there. Gleam Guard’s amazing nish leaves your cabinets and woodwork pristine and easy to clean. A ercare is as simple as wiping with a damp cloth.
Tracy says when people see the di erence Gleam Guard has made in friend’s or relative’s homes, they are quite o en sold on the process! Even those considering new cabinets or refacing old cabinets frequently decide on Gleam Guard Wood Re nishing instead. It’s the sensible solution that makes a big di erence. Gleam Guard o en costs clients 70 percent less when compared to other options.
“I love to show people how they can save money and still have beautiful wood nishes that look like new,” says Tracy. “I would be happy to do an in-home demonstration on an existing cabinet door to give owners a glimpse of what Gleam Guard will look like in their homes.”
Getting an estimate is free and easy. You can send Tracy photos of your cabinets and woodwork by text to (918) 231-1375, to email them send to info@gleamguard.com; or, call (918) 455-4211.