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Gala Time! Tulsa Making a Difference by Uncorking the Cure
Tulsa Making a Difference by Uncorking the Cure
February, 2022: On Friday, March 4, 2022, the National Multiple Sclerosis Society will present their 20th Annual Uncorking the Cure for MS fundraising gala at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in downtown Tulsa. This important event is your opportunity to contribute while also enjoying the exciting activities of the evening. You can help fuel solutions for everyone by participating, donating or volunteering in this event.
Multiple sclerosis is a neuromuscular disease that affects the brain and the spinal cord, in which the immune system mistakenly attacks healthy tissue in the central nervous system. Symptoms can be varied in everyone, from relatively mild to severe. The National Multiple Sclerosis Society strives to raise funds that are critical for MS research for treatment and, ultimately, a cure; and to better the quality of life of those affected by multiple sclerosis.
“This event has been very significant and impactful for fundraising, and raising public awareness and education about MS,” declares Nikki Smith, MS Leadership Events Manager. “Over the past 20 years, the Uncorking the Cure for MS event has raised over a million dollars! That’s so important to advancing our mission as an organization. The funds raised support our program, services and worldwide research.”
“We were founded 76 years ago; since 2002, our medical research breakthroughs have been significant,” says Smith. “We now have over 20 treatment options for those living with MS.”
Experiences of the evening include live entertainment provided by The STARS Band and a live auction. The main highlight of the evening will be the presentation of the MS Hope Award to Lucia and Dr. Brent Laughlin.
“The MS Hope Award is presented to our volunteers that have gone above and beyond,” explains Smith. “It represents our acknowledgement of their longstanding commitment to our (National MS Society’s) mission and the phenomenal impact of the support. It’s the most prestigious award we offer at our events.”
The Laughlin’s involvement with the National MS Society started over a decade ago with Uncorking the Cure, motivated by their love for their
Above: (Front) Lucia Laughlin and Nancy Hawkins, (Back) John Hawkins and Brent Laughlin.

sister-in-law, Nancy Hawkins, who was diagnosed with MS in 1983.
“It was through Nancy that we learned so much about the disease and people that live with it,” says Lucia Laughlin. Brent Laughlin, who is a family practice physician, has a professional involvement as well, he says, as being more in tune with MS patients because of his sister-in-law’s diagnosis. Resolute advocates to the cause, Brent and Lucia Laughlin are invaluable to the National MS Society.
To learn more about opportunities to further aid and become involved with the National Multiple Sclerosis society, call 1-800-344-4867 or visit the website at www.nationalmssociety.org. In addition, volunteers are being sought for Uncorking the Cure for MS and Spring Walk MS events. Interested individuals may contact Amy Stock by email at amy. stock@nmss.org.
This not-to-be missed gala that truly makes a difference for those affected by MS takes place March 4 at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in downtown Tulsa, beginning at 6 p.m. Dress for the event is cocktail. Individual tickets are $250.00 each; and $2,500.00 for a table of 10.
For more information about the Uncorking the Cure for MS fundraising event, contact Nikki Smith at: 918-7707262, email nikki.smith@nmss.org, or visit the website at mssociety.donordrive. com/event/uncorking-the-cure.
Uncorking the Cure for MS