The life you should’ve had

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The Life You Should’ve Had

The Life You Should’ve Had

The Life You Should’ve Had

The Life You Should’ve Had: Chapter One (Call) Katherine- Hello Elena how's stefan doing, you must be really happy with your life don't worry cause it won't be for long because im coming for you. (End Call) Stefan- Hey Elena did you check your messages Katherine is coming for you but don't worry we will be ready. Elena- Great it's not like there's anything I have to worry about, besides my Doppelgänger trying to kill me. At The Hotel Nadia- Hey Katherine where do you think your going Katherine- Oh I don't know im just out to kill my Doppelgänger who has the life I always wanted. Nadia- Katherine your obsessing Katherine - Im not obsessing im just planning to steal her life in some way Nadia- Ok good luck be back before midnight! Katherine Running To Elijah Elijah- Katherine what are you doing I thought I told you I never wanted to see you again Katherine- Technically you just said that I just needed to stay away from you so... Im 1m away, can we talk. Elijah- It depends on what you want to talk about Katherine- I miss you Elijah Im heartbroken from what happened between us. Elijah- Please Katherine spare me the tricks and games. Katherine- I don't know what your talking about. Elijah- Ok I will make you a deal, we can try to be friends but it won't be the same as before.

The Life You Should’ve Had Katherine- I am willing to give it a chance. Elijah- Ok then, see you around Katherine. Katherine- Ok see ya! Katherine at the hotel Nadia- So how did your revenge obsession go? Katherine- It went great I have a plan to destroy and take Elena's life for good! Nadia- Ok what's the plan? Katherine- Step # 1. Use Elijah for my personal use 2. Capture Stefan and Damon 3. Pose as Elena to do it 4. You go get you passenger friends 5. Bruise and Torture Elena 6. Passenger into Elena 7. Be Her and Survive!!! TO BE CONTINUED!

The Life You Should’ve Had

The Life You Should’ve Had: Chapter Two

Salvatore Home Elena- What are you guys doing? with all those stakes. Stefan- Long Story... Jeremy- We're going to kill Katherine. Elena- Again, Because I remember how smooth it went down last time. Jeremy- There's a new plan. Elena- and what would that be! Stefan- We don't know yet because we we're waiting for you. Elena- (Thinking) You know what it doesn't matter because Katherine is after me. Damon- Don't worry Elena, Nothing is going to happen to you. At The Mikaelson House Niklaus- Brother how was your lovely night with Miss Katherine Pierce. Elijah- You we're watching us Rebekah- No, but I was. That bitch I could see right through her. Elijah- Im sorry sister but she asked for a second chance. Rebekah- Ok but remember Elijah if she just using you for stupid games you will be sorry. Niklaus- It is obvious brother you've been blinded by love. Elijah- I have no love left for Katherine what so ever. Niklaus- For once I trust you brother for once, but keep mind of what sister has told you. At the Hotel

The Life You Should’ve Had Katherine- Im so bored and plus why am I still here, Im a vampire! Coming? Nadia- Not now Katherine Katherine- Come on we can grab a bite and I don't mean food Nadia- Ok Im hungry too, let's go In the Woods Niklaus- Hello Caroline Caroline- Stalk much Klaus, what do you want Niklaus- Hunting for Katherine I see Caroline- Yah why, do you think Im going to let Elena die? Niklaus- Not, Let my dear Caroline, simply not bothering. Caroline- Yeah, because she's my best friend and I stick by my friends. Niklaus- I'm impressed you set aside your differences and try to save her life. Caroline- Yes, because that's what good friends do. At the Mystic Grill Katherine- That was a great snack, she was delicious Nadia- She was, but there,s something awfuly wierd. Stranger- Hello Nadia Stranger Yes you know me I was your previous lover but you killed me! Nadia- Gregor how is their possible Katherine- Hey Gregor back off I killed you onceI can easily do it again. Gregor- On the contrary it won't be so easy to kill me this time Miss Katherine. Katherine- Oh yeah what's stopping me But once she reaches for Gregor's heart Nadia starts to feel something

The Life You Should’ve Had Nadia- (In Pain) Katherine Stop Katherine Stops Gregor- See my dear Katherine I'm linked to your only daughter Nadia Petrova Katherine- You son of a bitch Nadia- How could you do this to me? Gregor- (Angry) How could you do that to you, How could you do his to me you killed me Nadia, Twice! Nadia and Katherine- So it's time for your revenge Gregor- Yes, so if I were you I'd watch your back or atleast my heart Gregor Leaves

To Be Continued

The Life You Should’ve Had

The Life You Should’ve Had: Chapter Two

At the hotel Damon breaks door of Kaherine and Nadia's room Damon- Come out you motherless whore and slutty vampire daughter Stefan- She's not here Damon Elena- Then where is she? Jeremy- Probably out to grab a bite Damon- Shh! every one hear that? Elena- BOMB!!! 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 BOOM!!! After 5 minutes Everyone- Ugh Ouch! Stefan- Elena are you ok? Elena- Im fine, where's Jeremy. Jeremy! Jeremy! Elena bites her wrist and feeds her blood to Jeremy Caroline- Oh my god Oh my god Jeremy- (Deep Breath) what the hell happend? Damon- You nearly died Everyone- what's new (Laugh) Downstairs Ground Floor Katherine- Nadia, do you hear that?

The Life You Should’ve Had Nadia- Don't be so paranoid Katherine Katherine- No, No, No Listen! Nadia- It's them! Katherine goes to check the counter and gets two crossbows with stake arrows Katherine- Here Catch! Throws Crossbow Nadia- Where did you get these? Katherine- Less talk more "LOCK and LOAD" Nadia- Go im right behind you!!! Katherine and Nadia go upstairs Stefan- Hey guys they could be a while! Damon- Yah Matt go get us some beer the strong ones, the ones that you can pass out with. Matt- Way ahead of ya! Matt goes through the big gaping whole then he gets knocked out with a crossbow Elena and Caroline- Matt you ok? Matt- Ough! Nadia- Don't move or I'll blow his head off Katherine- Hi Stefan Stefan- Hello Bitch! Katherine- You feel like that now but later you'll be all over me. Like I said that's the start of a lovestory not the end of one. Stefan- What do you want Katherine? Katherine- Obviously you

The Life You Should’ve Had NEXT TIME TO BE CONTINUED!

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