2012 2 Virgin nia Asssociaation n of M Muse eums
Silent Aucction n Cattalog Marcch 17‐‐20 Newporrt New ws, VA A
Civil War Bassket
Baskeet full of Civill War toys an nd replica iteems Donated by: Design Master Asssociates Toano o, VA Value: $150 Minimum m bid: $50
Porttsmouth SSeawall G Gift bag
Lightsship PORTSM MOUTH mod del, bug and wooden magnet Donated by: Portsm mouth Navaal Shipyard M Museum & LLightship PO ORTSMOUTH H Portsm mouth, VA Value: $54 Minimum m bid: $20
The perfect ggift for the garden ner in you ur life!
Packa age includes garden apro on/hat, butte terfly soaps, Dionix Musccle Soak/Cutticle Salve//Citrus Hand d Treatment,, frame, orall history boook and decorrative birds Donated by: Herita age Farm Mu useum Lorton n, VA Value: $100 Minimum m bid: $35
1 year memb bership to o Kluge‐R Ruhe and a book
"Art frrom the Land" out‐of‐prrint book from m one of thee largest and d best‐ docum mented colleections of Au ustralian Abooriginal art ooutside Austrralia Donated by: Kluge‐Ruhe Aboriiginal Art Co ollection Charlo ottesville, VA A Value: $125 Minimum m bid: $45
Train n Basket
Comb bination of en ngineer hat and train re lated DVD, aactivity puzzzles and bookks Donated by: Childrren's Museu um of Virginiia Portsm mouth, VA Value: $85 Minimum m bid: $30
Gree etings fro om Richm mond Gift Bag!
"Resto oring the Go overnor’s House" signed by author R Roxanne Gilm more; cotton n towel w/ Richmon nd scenes; co oaster w/ vinntage Capitool image and d 4 Court End (Admission to o Valentine Richmond H History Centeer, John Passport Tickets (A ham House, JJohn Marsha all House & Black Historry Museum & & Cultural Wickh Center) Donated by: Valen ntine Richmo ond History Center Richm mond, VA Value: $120 Minimum m bid: $40
Isle o of Wight Gift Bag
Ham b book and ba acon soap! Donated by: Isle off Wight County Museum m Smithfield, VA $25 Value: m bid: $10 Minimum
DHR R's Historiic Preservvation Bo ookshelf
"The O Official Virgiinia Civil War Battlefieldd Guide", "A Guidebook tto Virginia's Historric Markers", ", "A Handbo ook and Resoource Guide ffor Owners of Virginia'ss Historric Houses" & & "Jordan's P Point, Virginnia: Archeoloogy in Perspeective, Prehisstoric to Mod dern Times" Donated by: Virgin nia Department of Histo oric Resourcees Richm mond, VA Value: $75 Minimum m bid: $25
10 & 11
One dual/fam mily mem mbership for one yyear (Two o membersh hip packag ges for bid))
Free eexhibition ticckets, previews, subscripption, parking ... plus d discount at sh hop/restaurrants and claasses Donated by: Virgin nia Museum of Fine Art Richm mond, VA Value: $75 m bid: $25 Minimum
Jame es Monro oe Presidential Po ortrait Coverlet
100% cotton depiction of the James Monrroe Museum m's Rembrandt Peale porrtrait y) of thee 5th Presideent of the USS. Washable (cold water,, tumble dry) Donated by: Jamess Monroe M Museum Fredericksburg, VA Value: $65 Minimum m bid: $25
4 fre ee passess for adultt admissiion
Allowss 4 adults ad dmission to tthe museum m during reguular hours Donated by: Virgin nia Quilt Museum Harrissonburg, VA Value: $28 Minimum m bid: $10
MOC CA House ehold membership p
1 yr. m membership to MOCA. B Benefits incluude discountts on classess, free a admission & 10% discoun nt in museum m shop! Donated by: Virgin nia Museum of Contemp porary Art Virginia Beach, VA A Value: $65 Minimum m bid: $25
Picasso Packaage from the 20111 landmaark exhibiition Picasso: Masterpiecess from the Musée National Picasso
Catalo og, bookmarrks, magnetss and postcaards Donated by: Virgin nia Museum of Fine Art Richm mond, VA Value: $27 Minimum m bid: $9
Fabe ergé Packkage from m 2011 exxhibition Fabergé Revealed d
Hardccover catalog g, tote bag a and scarf Donated by: Virgin nia Museum of Fine Art Richm mond, VA Value: $110 Minimum m bid: $35
Elviss Package e from the e recent exhibitio on Elvis att 21: Phottographs by Alfred d Wertheeimer
Catalo og, t‐shirt, keey chain, sun nglasses andd card gamee Donated by: Virgin nia Museum of Fine Art Richm mond, VA Value: $90 Minimum m bid: $30
Consservation n Package e: Head/H Hat Moun nt & Hanger
Archivvally‐safe dissplay/storag ge mounts annd hanger aall made of conservationally‐a appropriate materials. Donated by: Dorfm man Museum m Figures, In nc. Baltim more, MD Value: $250 m bid: $75 Minimum
Hand dcrafted Necklace e and Earrrings
Africa an resin, river stone, lava a, and Czech glass, brasss spacers, gold‐ffilled toggle/ e/ear wires. Donated by: Laurie e Baty University Park, M MD Value: $150 Minimum m bid: $50
Map ple and Co ocobolo C Centerpieece Bowll
From PA artisan M Madera Boniita, using hi‐‐end exotic w wood from ssustainable ssources Donated by: Portsm mouth Art aand Cultural Center Portsm mouth, VA Value: $80 Minimum m bid: $30
Fourr complim mentary p passes to Th hos. Jeffe erson's M Monticello o
Free ttour of housee & grounds,, includ des access to o the visitorss center, giftt shop and caafe Donated by: Monticello / Thoss. Jefferson Foundation, Inc. Charlo ottesville, VA A Value: $96 Minimum m bid: $35
"149 93: Uncovvering the e New W World Colu umbus Crreated" by C Chas. C. M Mann
A new w post‐Colum mbia history of the most momentouss biolog gical event siince the dea ath of the dinnosaurs. Donated by: VA Fo oundation fo or the Humaanities / VA FFestival of the Book Charlo ottesville, VA A Value: $31 Minimum m bid: $10
"Slavves Waitiing for Saale: Aboliitionist A Art and th he Americcan Slave Trade" by Maurrie D. McIInnis
This in nnovative bo ook uses Eyree Crowe’s paaintings to eexplore the ttexture of thee slave trade in Richmond d, Charlesto n, and New Orleans. Donated by: VA Fo oundation fo or the Humaanities / VA FFestival of the Book Charlo ottesville, VA A Value: $40 Minimum m bid: $15
“The e Right W Words” byy Kelly Ch herry / Illusttrated byy Frank Riccio
Letterrpress poetryy broadside, signed by thhe author, EEd: 22/65 Donated by: VA Fo oundation fo or the Humaanities / VA A Arts of the B Book Centerr Charlo ottesville, VA A Value: $35 Minimum m bid: $12
“Lucck’s Shinin ng Child”” by Georrge Garrett
Letterrpress poetryy broadside, signed by thhe author, EEd: 114/150 Donated by: VA Fo oundation fo or the Humaanities / VA A Arts of the B Book Centerr Charlo ottesville, VA A Value: $35 Minimum m bid: $12
Two o poems b by Charles Simic and Charlees Wright / Illusttrated byy Frank Riccio / 2 ssheets
Letterrpress poetryy broadside, signed by thhe authors, EEd: 83/100 Donated by: VA Fo oundation fo or the Humaanities / VA A Arts of the B Book Centerr Charlo ottesville, VA A Value: $45 Minimum m bid: $15
Intriguing Ow wl Baskett w/ behin nd the sccenes tou ur!
Tour ffor 6 to the V VLM, and ba asket with cuuddly stuffedd owl, 2 bookks, owl ornam ment, pin, cof offee cup and d change purrse. Donated by: Virgin nia Living Mu useum Newp port News, V VA Value: $260 Minimum m bid: $75
Red Hill Wearables Giift Baskett
From Red Hill, Pattrick Henry'ss last home aand burial siite, a t‐shirt a and cap AND D 4 asses to Red d Hill compllimentary pa Donated by: Red H Hill / Patrick Henry Natio onal Memorrial Brookkneal, VA Value: $55 Minimum m bid: $15
Red Hill Wine e Gift Bassket
A botttle of Red Hiill Chardonna ay, 2 wine gllasses AND 44 complimen ntary passess to Red H Hill, Patrick H Henry's last h home and buurial site Donated by: Red H Hill / Patrick Henry Natio onal Memorrial Brookkneal, VA Value: $70 Minimum m bid: $25
Pierrre Daura Notecard ds & Gallery Tote Bag
6 noteecards featu uring four pa aintings by Caatalan, VA, aartist Pierre Daura (1896 6‐1976) and ccotton tote w with red hanndles. Donated by: Daura a Gallery of LLynchburg C College Lynchburg, VA Value: $40 Minimum m bid: $12
"A G Guideboo ok to VA'ss Historicaal Markeers" compiled by Scott Davvid Arnolld
This 3 35rd edition p presents mo ore than 1,8550 official staate historica al markers placed d along Virginia's highw ways since 19927. Donated by: Virgin nia Department of Histo oric Resourcees Richm mond, VA Value: $20 Minimum m bid: $7
Rom mantic Ovvernight SStay in Historic Leee Hall Village
One n night in our P Politician Suiite with Cham mpagne & C Chocolate Donated by: The Boxwood Inn n Newp port News, V VA Value: $155 Minimum m bid: $50
Princce Wm. C County Historic Paackage
Bookss ("Bristoe Ca ampaign"/"TThen & Now w"/"Manassaas 150th"), ttour tickets, t‐shirtt, Brentsvillee/Ben Lomon nd magnets & & Rippon Loodge notecarrds Donated by: Prince e William Co ounty Historric Preservattion Division n Dumfries, VA Value: $100 Minimum m bid: $35
"Inte egrity, Civvility, Inggenuity: A Re eflection of George Washin ngton"
The m making of thee Ford Orientation Centeer and the Donalld W. Reynollds Museum and Educattion Center aat Mount Veernon Donated by: GWW WO, Inc. Baltim more, MD Value: $40 Minimum m bid: $15
Family & Chilldren Porrtrait Pacckage (Threee packagees for bid!)
Includ des session a and one 8x10 0 portrait; only a available in tthe Richmond & Charlotttesville areaa Donated by: Cliff B Bruce Photoggraphy Richm mond, VA Value: $390 m bid: $125 Minimum
Set o of Totallyy Unique VAM Cossters
Black wood holdeer with 4 glasss VAM coassters Donated by: Practiical Matters for Small M Museums Round d Hill, VA Value: $20 Minimum m bid: $7
Platyy‐Fish, byy Don Co orley of Barn Again n
Painteed barn boarrd and sheett metal fish ffigure Donated by: Practiical Matters for Small M Museums Round d Hill, VA Value: $65 m bid: $25 Minimum
Grow wn Up Co owgirl Trio
Colora ado Breeze b body lotion, bubble bathh and turquooise & white & black horseh hair necklacce Donated by: Practiical Matters for Small M Museums Round d Hill, VA Value: $22 Minimum m bid: $7
Leavves and Flowers
Small green plate,, hand towel, notepad w with floral/leeaf designs Donated by: Practiical Matters for Small M Museums Round d Hill, VA Value: $20 m bid: $7 Minimum
Crab b Quintett
Crab ccutting boarrd, knife, saltt/pepper shaakers & toweel Donated by: Practiical Matters for Small M Museums Round d Hill, VA Value: $40 Minimum m bid: $15
Deco orative Tiinwork M Mirror
Oval m mirror in tinw work frame with appliedd star Donated by: Practiical Matters for Small M Museums Round d Hill, VA Value: $20 Minimum m bid: $7
Paisley Pair
Brown n/maroon pa aisley scarf a and blue/pinnk paisley deecorated wood bowl Donated by: Practiical Matters for Small M Museums Round d Hill, VA Value: $50 m bid: $15 Minimum
In th he Pink!
Pink spatter mug with letter ""J" and cockttail napkins Donated by: Practiical Matters for Small M Museums Round d Hill, VA Value: $10 Minimum m bid: $3
Out‐‐of‐print book: "Stteam, Steeel & Stories"
90 Lin nk photograp phs of the N& &W Railwayy & rural Am merican life in n the 1930's Donated by: O. Winston Link M Museum Roano oke, VA Value: $65 Minimum m bid: $20
In‐W Wall Safe//Cabinet
10" x 14" x 4"D with key pad llock Donated by: Tiffin Metal Products Tiffin, OH Value: $200 Minimum m bid: $70
Behiind‐the‐scenes tou ur for up to 10 … alon ng with th heir newe est publiccation
"Dinin ng with the W Washingtonss: Historic Reecipes, Enterrtaining, and H Hospitality fro om Mount V Vernon" by SStephen McLLeod Donated by: Moun nt Vernon: TThe Home off George Waashington Moun nt Vernon, VA A Value: $435 Minimum m bid: $125
Histo oric Staunton Package
Ticketts to visit thee Woodrow W Wilson Libraary and Museeum and a Historic Sta aunton brasss ornament(22001 editionn) Donated by: Wood drow Wilson n Presidentiaal Library & Museum Staunton, VA $40 Value: m bid: $15 Minimum
Colle ection of Books
"Along g the Garden n Path" / "Th he Sunset Faarms Cookboook" / "Celeb brate Virginiia Cookbookk" Donated by: TRADOC Military History Offiice Hamp pton, VA Value: $40 Minimum m bid: $15
Cabo ot Cheese e Gift Boxx: From the farm ffamilies who o own the e cooperaative
An asssortment of award winn ning aged chheddars, withh a Cheddar shaker, cuttting board d & slicer in a a reusable bu urlap tote Donated by: Cabott Creamery C Cooperative e Midlo othian, VA Value: $75 Minimum m bid: $25
Corn nsticks for Breakfaast!
A bag g of stone‐gro ound corn m meal, a cornsstick pan, annd jams & & honey are a tasty wayy to start thee day! Donated by: Colvin n Run Mill Historic Site Great Falls, VA $25 Value: Minimum m bid: $10
Kick Back and d Read! B Basket
Bookss on Lynchbu urg history, b book bag, m ug/tea/coffe fee/hot chocolate, pens/p /pencil/journ nal, notecard ds, napkins, bblackberry ppreserves, t‐sshirt, lotion//soap/candlles, ornamen nt and ticketts to Point off Honor and d Old Co ourt House M Museum Donated by: Lynch hburg Museu um Systems Point of Ho onor Lynchburg, VA $100 Value: Minimum m bid: $35
Yankkee Candle Yard Lanterns
A wassp and butteerfly lantern to hang w/ ttea candles Donated by: Davé Warren‐Tayylor CIV Hamp pton, VA Value: $50 Minimum m bid: $15
Antique Printt: “Springgs of Virgginia” / 18885
Vignettes of famo ous Virginia llandmarks ‐ Natural Briddge & Whitee Sulphur Sprrings. Hand colored engrraving from Harper's We Weekly | 15" xx 22" Donated by: Micha ael Dowell & & Pat Gooch Amhe erst, VA Value: $90 m bid: $30 Minimum
Lanttern & fre ee admisssion passses
3‐panel glass‐sidees lantern an nd 2 passes tto the Tredegar Donated by: American Civil War Center att Historic Treedegar Richm mond, VA Value: $81 Minimum m bid: $27
Happy Hour B Basket
A seleection of item ms that bring g to mind ouur favorite hoour of the da ay: martini g glass, coctaiil napkins, beeer‐themed magnets annd much morre! Donated by: Librarry of Virginiaa Shop Richm mond, VA Value: $80 Minimum m bid: $27
Family Memb bership & & Books!
Discou unts for prog grams/shop & free admiission for $880 family meembership pllus "Desig gning Tomorrrow"/"Greeen Communiities"/"Natioonal Building g Museum" Donated by: National Buildingg Museum Washington, DC $180 Value: Minimum m bid: $60
New w Books frrom Osprrey & Shire
From your trusted d source for m military histtory & heritaage titles, a grab b bag of new w releases (some can't bee found in sttores yet!) Donated by: Ospre ey Publishingg Long IIsland City, N NY Value: $88 Minimum m bid: $30
Rubb ber Duckky, joy of jjoys … Whe en I squee eze you, yyou makee noise!
From the very privvate collectio on of Traceyy Gillespie; How d do you put a a price on lovve? Well okaay … Donated by: Sean & & Charlotte Value: $12 Minimum m bid: $4
Cold d Shot Maachine
Professsional bar eequipment: 3 3‐tap cold shhot machinee by Corneliu us; dispen nses cold corrdials or liqu ueurs of yourr choice! Donated by: Russe ell Bernarbo | Fine Object Conservaation Ashlan nd, VA Value: $700 Minimum m bid: $200
"Hid dden Com mpanion" by Tom A Antonish hak | 1992
Out‐off‐print limiteed edition | Signed & nuumbered | #1132/1250 Donated by: Micha ael Dowell & & Pat Gooch Amhe erst, VA Value: $120 Minimum m bid: $40
Spiriited Histo ory: Whisskeys & H History att Aldie Mill
Join w whiskey distilller Scott Harris & local hhistorian Ricch Gillespie ffor the 2nd annual evenin ng of fine wh hiskey, supe rb dining, ciggars, & taless of history. Admitts two. Donated by: Aldie Mill Historiccal Park Aldie, VA Value: $170 Minimum m bid: $60
Exhibition catalogue: "Bartolo di Fredi:: on of the Magi, A M Masterpiece Reco onstructed" The Adoratio
For exxhibition currrently at thee UVA Art M useum Donated by: Unive ersity of Virgginia Art Museum Charlo ottesville, VA A Value: $40 Minimum m bid: $13
New w River Vaalley Colle ection
Pulaskki Courthousse print, Men n of Rail DVD D, "Histo ory of Pulaskki Train Station" book annd postcardss. Donated by: Fine A Arts Center ffor the New River Valleyy Pulaskki, VA Value: $54 m bid: $18 Minimum
Musseum Reggistration Method ds, 5th Edition
"Biblee of the museeum registra ar" from the AAM Press Donated by: Re‐Livving History | Liz Maure er Alexandria, VA Value: $80 Minimum m bid: $25
Cockktails on tthe Creekk!
The RFFM cookboo ok and apron n Donated by: Reedssville Fisherm men's Muse eum Reedssville, VA Value: $33 Minimum m bid: $11
Ticke ets into tthe earth!
Two p passes to Lurray Caverns, largerst andd most p popular caveerns in Easteern America.. Donated by: Luray Caverns Luray,, VA Value: $48 m bid: $16 Minimum
Hand dcrafted Necklace e
Porela ain beads, gllass and sterrling silver n ecklace Donated by: Historrically Inspirred Designs Richm mond, VA Value: $36 Minimum m bid: $12
Hand dcrafted Necklace e
Porela ain beads, gllass and sterrling silver n ecklace Donated by: Historrically Inspirred Designs Richm mond, VA Value: $36 m bid: $12 Minimum
2 Go old Circle Seats
Two tickets to a m mutually agreeed upon evvent at nTeloss Wireless Pa avilion durin ng the 2012 sseason Donated by: nTelos Wireless P Pavilion Portsm mouth, VA Value: $100 Minimum m bid: $35
A ye ear of histtory!
One‐yyear family m membership to the Virginnia Historicaal Society Donated by: Virgin nia Historical Society Richm mond, VA Value: $100 Minimum m bid: $35
Delu uxe 3‐Piecce Riser SSet
3 sma all clear acryllic risers for exhibits Donated by: Hollin nger Metal EEdge Fredericksburg, VA Value: $25 Minimum m bid: $8
D‐Da ay Memo orial Gift Basket
2 D‐Day Memoria al Wine Glassses, bottle off Peaks of O Otter Winery wine, Bedford Boyss" (Alex Kersshaw) & posstcards "The B Donated by: National D‐Day ord, VA Bedfo Value: $50 Minimum m bid: $17
MSV V Exclusivves Goodiie Bag wiith 4 passses to MSSV
MSV b bag, Valley m music CD, MSV mug, andd Books! ... "Julian n Wood Glasss Jr. Collecttion," Valley chairs book,, Valley cookkbook, miniatures book, Glen Burnie history. Donated by: Museum of the Shenandoah Valley hester, VA Winch Value: $200 Minimum m bid: $66
Hand dmade Porcelain Vase
Vase ccreated at th he Hermitag ge Visual Artss Studio by SStudio Artistt Jim Alexand der Donated by: Hermitage Museu um & Garde ens Norfo olk, VA Value: $150 m bid: $50 Minimum
77 & 78
Bookk: "Clothing & Texxtile Colleections in n the Unitted Statees"
First g guide to list iinformation on more thaan 2600 Ameerican collecctions (2 cop pies to bid) Donated by: Georgge Washingtton Foundattion, The Fredericksburg, VA Value: $40 Minimum m bid: $13
Lee C Chapel Plate
10" Sttaffordshire Plate Donated by: Lee Ch hapel & Museum Lexinggton, VA Value: $28 Minimum m bid: $7
Photto: "F‐16 on the Saand" by aviation p photograp pher Paull Bowen | 11"x14"
Signed d, edition ou ut‐of‐print Donated by: Micha ael Dowell & & Pat Gooch Amhe erst, VA Value: $50 Minimum m bid: $16
Chessterfield C County C Chronicless: Appomatttox Stories from the Jame es to the A
Collecction of storiies about thee people, plaaces & ways of life in the county of th he 2nd perm manent Englissh settlemennt Donated by: Chesterfield Histo orical Societty Chesterfield, VA Value: $20 Minimum m bid: $7
Conffererate SState of A America C Civil Warr picture
Framee with photo o of Robert EE. Lee Donated by: Color‐‐Ad Signs & Exhibits Manassas, VA Value: $100 Minimum m bid: $33
Gran nd Army o of the Re epublic Ciivil War p picture
Framee with photo o of Ulysses SS. Grant Donated by: Color‐‐Ad Signs & Exhibits Manassas, VA $100 Value: m bid: $33 Minimum
Arch hival Scrapbook & Suppliess
Archivval quality sccrapbook wiith slipcase aand archival quality scrapbooking g supplies Donated by: Gaylo ord Brothers Syracu use, NY Value: $100 Minimum m bid: $35
Antiques of tthe Future
Hardccover book w with 70 awarrd winning hhousehold obbjects of dessign over tthe past 25 yyears (2 cop pies to bid) Donated by: Georgge Washingtton Foundattion, The Fredericksburg, VA Value: $30 Minimum m bid: $10
"Fitzz Catchess Up on His Readin ng"
Hand‐‐pulled blockk print, framed Donated by: Pressiing Needs | Suzanne Grrobbel Round d Hill, VA Value: $32 Minimum m bid: $11
"Yess We Can"
Hand‐‐pulled blockk print, framed Donated by: Pressiing Needs | Suzanne Grrobbel Round d Hill, VA Value: $30 Minimum m bid: $10
"Old d Point Co omfort Lighthousee & Keeper's Housse"
12x16 6 photograph h, framed, H HDR photogrraph of the hhistoric lighth house at Forrt Monroe. (TThe light is sstill operatioonal!) Donated by: Jerry G Gammon Hamp pton, VA Value: $90 Minimum m bid: $30
Colle ection of Donningg books
"The C Civil War Rem membered"//"Abraham LLincoln: A Liiving Legacy" "The W World War II Memorial"/ "/"George W Washington'ss Fredericksb burg" "A Wo oman in a W War‐Torn Tow wn" Donated by: Donniing Compan ny Virginia Beach, VA A Value: $75 Minimum m bid: $25
Anch hors Awe eigh Gift P Package & & VIP Tou ur
Tour ccertificate, a a USS Wiscon nsin book, peen, War of 11812 book, and print of 1897 USS Winslow w by Joseph B. Hinds Donated by: Hamp pton Roads N Naval Museum Norfo olk, VA Value: $150 Minimum m bid: $50
4 Ha ampton Sea‐to‐Staars passes
Admisssion for Dow wntown Ham mpton attracctions: Histoory Museum,, VA Airr & Space Ceenter, IMAX ffilm, ride onn restored caarousel, and cruisee of Hampton n Roads Harrbor (Inc. Norrfolk Naval B Base and Ft Wool Island d) Donated by: Hamp pton Historyy Museum & & Visitor Cen nter Hamp pton, VA Value: $156 m bid: $52 Minimum
Mou unt Verno on's newe est publiccation, signed by tthe autho or
"Dinin ng with the W Washingtonss: Historic Reecipes, Enterrtaining, and d Hospitalityy from M Mount Vernon" by Steph hen McLeod, d, recipes by Nancy Carteer Crump Donated by: Moun nt Vernon Laadies Associaation Moun nt Vernon, VA A Value: $35 Minimum m bid: $12
Tea from Mary's Housse and burg musseums 4 passes to 3 APVA Frredericksb
Teapo ot, tea, napkkins, notecarrds, cell phonne outlet covver (!?) & "Moth her's Blessing" print by a area artist D Dale Glasgow w Donated by: Mary Washington n House Museum & Giftt Shop Fredericksburg, VA $140 Value: Minimum m bid: $45
"Irish People, Irish Lin nen"
Kathleeen Wilson ttells of art, so ocial and ecconomic histoory, design, architecturee, technology, and ccultural tradiitions that ceelebrate thee industry of f making lineen Donated by: Kathle een Curtis W Wilson San Frrancisco, CA Value: $40 Minimum m bid: $13
A Su upporter o of Fort M Monroe Baasket: Colle ection of Casematte and Fo ort Monro oe Items
Golf shirt, ornameent, forget‐m me‐nots, penn, book, noteecards, shot glass AND FFort Monroee watercolor Donated by: Casem mate Museu um Foundation Fort M Monroe, VA Value: $100 Minimum m bid: $33
Potttery: for tthe joy off it!
Handccrafted ceramic vessel m made entirelyy of food saffe materials Donated by: Patz P Potz | Pat Raadcliffe Norfo olk, VA Value: $75 Minimum m bid: $25
2 bo ooks abou ut the 2nd d oldest ttown in th he Shenan ndoah Vaalley
"Two Peoples, One Communitty: The Africaan Americann Experiencee in Newtow wn" (Noya alas) and "Im mages of America: Steph en City" (Fraavel & Smith h) Donated by: Newto own Historyy Center | Sttone House Foundation n Stephens City, VA A $36 Value: m bid: $12 Minimum
A “T To Die Forr” packagge!
"Food d to Die For: A A Book of Fu uneral Food,, Tips & Talees" cookbookk / Jar of f Died and Go one to Heaveen Honey froom local hivees / Pack of notecards Donated by: Old Ciity Cemetery Museums & Arboretu um Lynchburg, VA Value: $40 Minimum m bid: $13
Earlyy Americaan Industtries colleection
Book: "Stanley Wo oodworking Tools, the FFinest Years"" / one yeear standard d membersh hip to EAIA a nd publicatiions Donated by: Early American In ndustries Association Hebro on, MD Value: $64 Minimum m bid: $22
ALHFAM package including mbership & severaal publicaations mem
Sven R Rentzhog's ""Open Air Mu useums: Thee History andd Future of a a Visionary Id dea" and other ALHFAM M publicatio ons Donated by: Assocciation for Living Historyy, Farm and Agriculturall Museums North h Bloomfield,, OH Value: $130 Minimum m bid: $40
103 & 104 Yorkktown Po orcelain O Ornamentt Comm missioned by the JYF gift shops for 2225th Anniverrsary of Ameriica's Victory at Yorktown n (2 orn naments to b bid) Donated by: Jamesstown‐Yorkttown Foundation Williamsburg, VA $22 Value: m bid: $7 Minimum
Two o combinaation passes to Jam mestown n Settlem ment and Yorktown Victoryy Center
Includ des tickes, gu uidebooks & brochures Donated by: Jamesstown‐Yorkttown Foundation Williamsburg, VA Value: $50 Minimum m bid: $16
Jame estown 2 2007 Com mmemoraative Plate
Ameriica's 400th A Anniversary, Jamestown 1607‐2007,, special collection, featu uring the ima age of one off the Jamesttown ships, bboxed. Donated by: Jamesstown‐Yorkttown Foundation Williamsburg, VA $20 Value: Minimum m bid: $7
Two o Blue Dellftware D Decorativve Tiles
Repro oduction tiless from the JYYF collection; n; displays military drills. Simila ar tiles found d in Jamestown excavatiions. Donated by: Jamesstown‐Yorkttown Foundation Williamsburg, VA Value: $40 Minimum m bid: $13
DVD D: "Curtis Matthew w Tributee"
1.5 ho ours of blueg grass and country music featu uring Jimmy FFortune and d many otherrs. Donated by: Nelso on County M Music Projectt | Oakland Museum Arringgton, VA Value: $25 Minimum m bid: $8
"Cofffee Mug" originall monotyype print by Pat heerself
Sepia and black in nks depicting g ceramic woork of Staunton potter Jiim Hanger | 15.25"x14" | Fram med Donated by: Pat Ho obbs Staunton, VA $160 Value: Minimum m bid: $50
"Lan ndes Parkk" originaal monotyype print by Pat herself
Print w with oil pasttel depicting an urban laandscape neaar downtow wn Staunton | Plate: 4.5"x4.5" | Matted Donated by: Pat Ho obbs Staunton, VA $100 Value: m bid: $33 Minimum
Frogg Hollow Y Yacht Clu ub packagge (The la ast place open in VA A for gas,, groceriees, & a beeer at thee bar)
T‐shirts & caps co ommemoratiing the reloccation/restorration of 193 32 Frog Leveel Servicce Station, no ow restored at Historic CCrab Orcharrd Museum Donated by: Crab O Orchard Mu useum & Pioneer Park Tazew well, VA Value: $60 Minimum m bid: $20
"No Union W With Slave ery" by Daavid Wilsson | fram med
Digita ally manipula ated photos of the enslaaved from the Library of Congress, layereed with newsspapers & do ocuments fro rom the same timeframee | Part o of the "Heavyy Burdens" ccollection Donated by: Newsome House Museum & Cultural Ce nter Newp port News, V VA Value: $200 Minimum m bid: $65
"Kidnappers"" by David Wilson n | framed d
Digita ally manipula ated photos of the enslaaved from the Library of Congress, layereed with newsspapers & do ocuments fro rom the same timeframee | Part o of the "Heavyy Burdens" ccollection Donated by: Newsome House Museum & Cultural Ce nter Newp port News, V VA Value: $200 Minimum m bid: $65
"100 0 Years off Marine Corps Avviation: An Illlustrated d History" by Roxaanne M. Kaufman n
A com mmemorativee work that offers a snappshot of thee people, airccraft, and events that co omprise the first centuryy of Marine aviation Donated by: National Museum m of the Marrine Corps Trianggle, 22172 Value: $120 Minimum m bid: $40
Two o bottles o of "Jarhead Red" w wine
True tto its name, JJarhead Red d boasts a roobust characcter with rich bllack fruit flavors and a ffinish that dooesn’t quit. Donated by: National Museum m of the Marrine Corps Trianggle, 22172 Value: $40 Minimum m bid: $15
Intim mate Gou urmet Garden Partty items w with adm mission for 6 to Norfolk Bottanical Gaarden
Vegettable/Herb b books, dressiing/marmalaade/tapenadde, platess/napkins, ga arden stake,, Bloom Maggazine Donated by: Norfo olk Botanicall Garden Socciety Norfo olk, VA Value: $120 Minimum m bid: $40
Eagle Nation Gift Packkage with h admissiion for 6 to NBG
Eagle t‐shirt, plush h eagle, with h eagle bookkmarks/mugg/magnets a and CD of eagle picturres Donated by: Norfo olk Botanicall Garden Socciety Norfo olk, VA Value: $128 Minimum m bid: $42
118 & 119 Dual Family C Charter M Membership to Mo orven Park One yyear memberrship to Morrven Park | This iss the charterr year & nam mes of membbers will be oon a plaque. (2 cha arter membeerships to bid d) Donated by: Morve en Park | Th he Westmorreland Daviss Memorial FFoundation Leesburg, VA Value: $85 Minimum m bid: $30
Histo oric Henrricus Baskket includ ding a fam mily mem mbership
An asssortment of items from the Henricuss Historical PPark Gift Sho op Donated by: Henricus Foundattion Chester, VA Value: $200 Minimum m bid: $65
Histo oric Chrisst Church h Books & & Music
Historric Christ Chu urch Heritag ge Book Seriees (4 books);; A Story of TTwo Boys: Ch hrist Churcch Parish, Lan ncaster Coun nty, Virginia; a; and a Cantticum Novum m CD. Donated by: Found dation for Historic Chrisst Church Irvingtton, VA Value: $53 Minimum m bid: $15
Va T Tech Hokiies Tailgaating Baskket
Hokie Bird Red an nd White win nes, VT wine glasses/coaasters/napkiins … and other goodiess for a perfecct tailgate pparty. Donated by: Reyno olds Homesttead Critz, VA $75 Value: Minimum m bid: $25
Bookk about ffoodservice in culttural institutions & & a $25 certifcaate to The e Wildsid de Cafe "The C Complete Gu uide to Food dservice in Cuultural Instittutions" & certifiicate to the V Virginia Livin ng Museum''s inhouse eaatery
Donated by: Mana ask & Associates Midlo othian, VA Value: $70 Minimum m bid: $20
NEW W book: "Restauraants, Cateering and Facility R Rentals: Maxximizing EEarned In ncome" … … publicattion datee:
On challenges for r museums sstriving to m manage efficiient and profita able catering g services | Book will bee shipped to winning bid dder when isssued Donated by: Mana ask & Associates Midlo othian, VA Value: $80 Minimum m bid: $25
"Losst Commu unities" b by Terri Fisher and d Kirsten Sparenbo org
Storiees of 30 oncee‐thriving com mmunities aand towns throug gh out the C Commonwea alth. Donated by: Terri FFisher & Kirssten Sparenborg Narro ows, VA Value: $50 Minimum m bid: $16
Case e of Wine e with cap p/sweat p pants
Case o of Old Housee Vineyards, from Culpeppper Donated by: Kearn ney & Assoc.. Culpeper, VA Value: $250 m bid: $85 Minimum
Requ uestAPrin nt Framed Reprod duction o of "Lincoln n the Railssplitter" b by Normaan Rockw well
Print ffrom the collection of the Butler Insttitute of Ameerican Art. On fin ne art archiva al material, fframed withh caption | PPrint: 16"x32 2" Donated by: Rudin nec & Associates North h Lima, OH Value: $345 Minimum m bid: $100
Mon nitor Mad dness! 20 012 is the USS Mon nitor's 15 50 birthda ay!
She w was launched d in NY, fought the CSS V Virginia in the Hampton Roads and later sank off Cap pe Hatteras. Remember her in style w/ this colleection! Donated by: Marin ner's Museum Newp port News, V VA Value: $45 Minimum m bid: $15
An EExhibition n Graphiccs Panel — — designed and produced espe ecially forr you!
Perfecct mount, dig gital print, m mounted on 33/4" black ggator board, trimm med in PVC sttripping | Max size 4'x6'' | Must be ppicked up Donated by: Mello on Street Graaphics Hamp pton, VA Value: $1200 0 Minimum m bid: $400
Wine Auction n on Derb by Day Baasket: Wiine & Run n for the Rose es at the Muscarelle Museum of Arrt
2 tickeets to the wiine auction, bottle of Muuscarelle Oliive Oil, severa al gallery pu ublications, t‐shirt and arrt mateirals. Donated by: Musca arelle Museum of Art att the Collegee of William m & Mary Williamsburg, VA Value: $330 Minimum m bid: $100
Tourr and Tasting for 8 8 people plus com mplimentaary glassees
A VIP tasting at th his award wiinning winerry in Madisoon County, VA VA Donated by: Prince e Michel Vin neyard & Wiinery Leon, VA Value: $160 Minimum m bid: $40
Shirlley Plantaation Pacckage
2 canvvas reproducctions of oriiginal Carterr family 17455 travel prints from the Greatt House, booklet, magnets, bookmarrks ... PLUS 44 admission tickets! Donated by: Shirle ey Plantation n Charle es City, VA Value: $100 Minimum m bid: $30
"The e Lure of Loudoun n: Centuriies of Chaange in Viirginia's EEmerald C County" b by Grovee & Poland
A diarry in picturess and text off one of the nnation's fasttest growing g counties Donated by: Loudo oun Museum m Leesburg, VA Value: $35 Minimum m bid: $10
Nauttical Colle ection fro om the Banana Pier Gift Sh hop
Nauticcal Tall Ship Pillow, Woo od Cutting booard with a metal Sailbo oat icon, Spreader, and Saiilboat party N Napkins, Naauticus Mug & Notebookk with pen Donated by: Nauticus olk, VA Norfo Value: $60 Minimum m bid: $20
DAR R Quilt Co ollection
NEW D DAR quilt bo ook and 25 p patterns for tthe intricateely appliqued d square tha at make up the quiltt on the bookk cover Donated by: DAR M Museum Washington, DC Value: $55 Minimum m bid: $18
DAR R Notecarrds
Two p packs of Wasshington DC toile note caards Donated by: DAR M Museum Washington, DC Value: $14 Minimum m bid: $5
Family Memb bership & & Books!
One fa amily memb bership, a totte bag/magnnets and guiide books fro om 5 sites: Scotch htown, The O Old Cape Heenry Lighthouuse, Jamestoowne, The Jo ohn Marshalll Housee and Bacon’s Castle Donated by: Preservation Virgginia Richm mond, VA Value: $140 Minimum m bid: $
"Wo oodland TTryst" by Charles V Vess
Signed d print, fram med Donated by: Virgin nia Field Trip ps Guide & C Charles Vesss Abingdon, VA Value: $250 m bid: $80 Minimum
A ye ear of fam mily fun at the museum!
One yyear family m membership to CMOR; coome see Seyymour! Donated by: Childrren's Museu um of Richmond Richm mond, VA Value: $125 Minimum m bid: $40
Wintter Wildlife Boat TTrip in VA A Beach
Excurssion narrateed by Aquariu um educatorr. Cruisees run from tthe end of December thrru April Donated by: Virgin nia Aquarium m Virginia Beach, VA A Value: $46 Minimum m bid: $19
"By tthe Sea" platter
Large Sculptured Porcelain Pla atter with cllown fish dettails and 3 teea lights Donated by: Virgin nia Aquarium m Virginia Beach, VA A Value: $160 m bid: $50 Minimum
Persspective m map of Newport N News, VA A
Laser engraved 48 8"x72" maplle panel withh English broown fill. Map iis the 1891 ((Library of Co ongress) Donated by: Smartt Designs Incc. Value: $975 Minimum m bid: $300
Genttleman's Vintage Tie‐Case w/ 2 tiess!
A vinttage taffeta‐‐lined leatheer case; incluudes 2 art tiees: Klimt's "TThe Kiss" and Rodin's "The Thinker" Donated by: Mary LaGue Fincasstle, VA Value: $70 Minimum m bid: $33
Pair of Mugs … PLUS
Drip‐p pattern ceram mic mugs arre accompannied by tea & & coffee Donated by: Mary LaGue Fincasstle, VA Value: $50 Minimum m bid: $17
Moo on and Stars Earrin ngs
Island d Cowgirl steerling silver eearrings Donated by: Mary LaGue Fincasstle, VA Value: $28 Minimum m bid: $9
Folk Art Birdss‐in‐a‐bush Earrings
Sterlin ng silver earrrings with co opper toningg Donated by: Mary LaGue Fincasstle, VA Value: $24 Minimum m bid: $8
Todd dler's Sweater
Hand knit winter w white acrylicc with cable pattern Donated by: Mary LaGue Fincasstle, VA Value: $75 Minimum m bid: $25
Babyy Sweate er
Hand knit aqua accrylic sweateer Donated by: Mary LaGue Fincasstle, VA Value: $50 Minimum m bid: $17
Bookk: "Patricck Countyy Yesterd day: Vintaage Photo ographs o of Loca al Life & C Culture" aand a Fairy Stone Cross!
Historrical photos ffrom Patrickk County inccluding counnty native, Geen. J.E.B. Stu uart / Also a an authentic Patrick County Fairysto ne (staurolitte) Crystal fo or pendant o or bracelet. Donated by: Patricck County Hiistorical Society & Museeum Critz, VA Value: $14 Minimum m bid: $5
Glasss jellyfish h paperw weight
6.5" ta all, by Dynassty Gallery. G Glows in thee dark! Donated by: Old Co oast Guard SStation Virginia Beach, VA A Value: $30 Minimum m bid: $10
One PastPerffect 5.0 trraining CD series
Trainiing CDs are a a great way to learn PasstPerfect. Donated by: PastPerfect Softw ware, Inc. Exton, PA Value: $120 m bid: $40 Minimum
Bookks by & aabout museum follk: "Cap pturing Beauty " b by VMFA Curator C Curry | “David Finle ey: Quiet Force for Americaa’s Arts” by David d Dohenyy
Curry was Curatorr of America an Arts at thee VMFA wheen he wrote of the othlin Collecction of Art; FFinley (18900‐1977) was the first direector of the McGlo Nation nal Gallery o of Art, found ding chair of f the NTHP, aand key in crreation of the Nation nal Portrait Gallery. Donated by: Unive ersity of Virgginia Press Charlo ottesville, VA A Value: $57 Minimum m bid: $19
Shell pendan nt
On wiire necklace Donated by: Anonyymous Value: $30 Minimum m bid: $10
Learrn someth hing new w!
Certifi ficate good fo for adult or cchild classes and workshops offereed in a wide rrange of visu ual arts Donated by: Visual Arts Center of Richmond Richm mond, VA Value: $ 10 Minimum m bid: $ 33
Purp ple glass p pendant
On steerling silver n necklace Donated by: Anonyymous Value: $40 Minimum m bid: $13
Colle ection of SW VA b books!
"Edwa ard Beyer’s TTravels Through Americaa, An Artist’ss View" / "Nineeteenth‐Centtury Brick Arrchitecture inn the Roanooke Valley an nd Beyond: Discovvering the Trrue Legacy o of the Deyerlle Builders"// "The A Architectura al Heritage off the Roanokke Valley" Donated by: Historry Museum of Western Virginia Roano oke, VA Value: $100 Minimum m bid: $33
Phottographyy services: Yourr interior architectture or su ubject of f your cho oice.
Photo os can be useed on web orr marketing pieces. Good within 50 m mi. of Richmo ond; travel reeimbursemeent required if further. Donated by: Shawn Stanley Ph hotography Richm mond, VA Value: $1200 0 m bid: $400 Minimum
SEM MC 2011 A Annual Meeting ‐ C Conferen nce Registtration
SEMC C 2011 Annua al Meeting & & Conferencee is in Williamsburg, VA,, Nov. 7‐9, 2 2012 Donated by: South heastern Mu useums Confference Atlantta, GA Value: $300 m bid: $100 Minimum
Tote e Bag with h Goodie es
Includ des golf ball, magnet, cofffee mug, poost cards, buutton, flip bo ook …. All witth Taubman n logo! Donated by: Taubm man Museum m of Art Roano oke, VA Value: $70 m bid: $23 Minimum
Colle ection of Central V VA bookss
"At A Place Called d Buckingham m" (Yeck) paign of 18665 through C Central Virgin nia" (Nichola as) "Sheriidan's Jamess River Camp "Magazine of Albeemarle Coun nty History" Two Volumees, 68‐69 fro om 2010‐11 Donated by: Albem marle Charlo ottesville Hisstorical Soci ety Charlo ottesville, VA A Value: $62 m bid: $20 Minimum
Guid ded house e and garrden tourr for 10
Oatlan nds, A Natio onal Trust Hisstoric Site, ooffers a remaarkable glim mpse into ourr nation n’s past, with h over 200 yyears of histoory in the 18804 mansion n, formal garrden, and preserved rurral views. Donated by: Oatlands Leesburg, VA $200 Value: m bid: $65 Minimum
Overrnight staay for two o with co omplimen ntary breeakfast
Have a good timee in Newportt News? Com me back and discover mo ore! Donated by: Marriott Newporrt News at City Center port News, V VA Newp Value: $170 Minimum m bid: $55
Andyy Fletche er’s print: "Southeern Locom motive 45 501" PLUSS a familyy membe ership!
Museu um’s residen nt artists wo ork, matted; ffamily mem mbership offeering free a admission (in ncl. 10 Anybo ody Passes fo for 10 friendss!) and discou unts on partiies & shoppiing. Donated by: Virgin nia Museum of Transporrtation Roano oke, VA Value: $90 Minimum m bid: $30
5 DV VD Set: American Revolutio on Historry
"Von SSteuben’s Co ontinentals", ", The Battle of Cooch’s B Bridge", "Yorrktown: Batttle for Vicctory", "The Battle of Grreen Spring",, "Up from SSlavery" Donated by: Lionheart Filmwo orks mond, VA Richm Value: $95 Minimum m bid: $30
8 DV VD Set: Ciivil War H History
"Wickked Spring", "Lincoln's La ast Night", "M Mr. Lincoln'ss Army", "Liffe and Death h of the Arrmy of North hern VA", "Th The Battle forr Atlanta", ""Gettysburg"", "Shadow in the Valleyy", "Up from Slavery" Donated by: Lionheart Filmwo orks mond, VA Richm Value: $160 Minimum m bid: $50
3‐pie ece Chocolate/Coffee set
Pitcheer & sugar bo owl/ white p porcelain Donated by: Virgin nia Beach Hisstoric House es Virginia Beach, VA A Value: $55 Minimum m bid: $18
Outd doors Virrginia colllection
"Along g Virginia's A Appalachian n Trail" and "Virginia Staate Parks" Donated by: Arcad dia Publishin ng Moun nt Pleasant, SSC Value: $44 Minimum m bid: $13
Ham mpton Roaads collecction
"Down ntown Newp port News" and "Jamestown" postccards Donated by: Arcad dia Publishin ng Moun nt Pleasant, SSC Value: $44 Minimum m bid: $13
"The en & Now w: Washin ngton County"
Washington Coun nty boasts piieces of paraadise rangingg nearly all of the 34‐mile Virgin nia Creeper TTrail, the toee‐tapping tunnes along Thhe Crooked R Road: Virginiia's Herita age Music Trrail … and more Donated by: Arcad dia Publishin ng Moun nt Pleasant, SSC Value: $22 Minimum m bid: $7
"Am merican Scchooner iin Full Sail" oil on canvas
11.5" x 15.5" canvvas / framed d / Artist unid identified Donated by: Willia amsburg Fine e Art Williamsburg, VA Value: $300 Minimum m bid: $100
Nauttical blue e delft serrving bow wl
Oven//microwave//dishwasherr safe Donated by: Hamp pton Historyy Museum Assoc. Gift Sh hop Hamp pton, VA Value: $45 Minimum m bid: $15
Fuse ed glass e earrings frrom the n new Glasss Studio and a t‐sshirt
Earrin ngs by glass sstudio mana ager Charlottte Potter. "Get FFired Up" t‐sshirt is worn by glass stuudio staff. Donated by: Chrysler Museum m of Art Norfo olk, VA Value: $58 Minimum m bid: $19
173‐74 4
Exhibition catalogue: American ns from R Rubell Fam mily Colleection" "30 A
This collection hass always boa asted a fine range of Afrrican‐Americcan art. On exxhibit at the C Chrysler: Ma arch 16‐July 15, 2012 (Two ccatalogues ffor bid.) Donated by: Chrysler Museum m of Art olk, VA Norfo Value: $40 m bid: $13 Minimum
175‐17 76 Posh h Pocketss Tool b belt: great to o use when in nstalling an exhibition. Keepss your tools a at hand whille on a laddeer! (Two P Posh Pocketts to bid) Donated by: Pamela Stewart || Independe ent Research h Consultantt Sperryyville, VA Value: $25 Minimum m bid: $9
dericksburg Bookshelf Fred
"A Sla ave No Moree" (Blight) "The C Civil War Dia ary of Betty H Herndon Maaury” “Journ nal of Jane H Howison Bea ale" Donated by: Frede ericksburg Arrea Museum m Fredericksburg, VA Value: $49 Minimum m bid: $16
DEA Fun!
An am mazing collecction of DEA logo goods:: team bag, bracelet, desk b blotter, tumb bler, waterbottle … and MORE! Donated by: DEA M Museum Arlinggton, VA Value: $170 Minimum m bid: $55
Two o tickets to Maymo ont by Moonlight
A Victtorian Holida ay evening w with the Doo leys; refreshhments, caro ol singing, horse‐‐drawn carriiage rides … a memorabble evening! Donated by: Maym mont Foundaation Richm mond, VA Value: $50 Minimum m bid: $16
180‐18 81 Family pack o of 4 tickets to Spo orts! A musseum that ho onors the Co ommonweallth's greatest sports legeends! (2 fam mily packs off 4 to bid) Donated by: Virgin nia Sports Haall of Fame & & Museum Portsm mouth, VA Value: $25 Minimum m bid: $9
Mod dern Art in Paris: A A collection of item ms abou ut or by FFrench Arrtists
“Mod dern Art in Pa aris” greeting cards of Frrench masteerpieces, CD: “M Music as Art, t,” a Renoir m microfiber clloth, and a V VanGogh ma agnet. As a special treat,, two free pa asses to tourr the William m King Museum. Donated by: Willia am King Musseum: Cente er for Art and Colonial H Heritage Abingdon, VA Value: $90 Minimum m bid: $30
183‐18 84 $25 Amex Gifft Card
Cash m money!!! (2 giftt cards to bid d) Donated by: Mark Lencke | Fid duciary Consultant ma City, FL Panam Value: $25 Minimum m bid: $9
Lightthouse Skketches
Pair of of framed ligh hthouse prin nts Donated by: Anonyymous Value: $60 Minimum m bid: $20
"Hea artbeats of Nelson n" by Pau ul Saundeers
Chron nicles Nelson n County, VA history from m the Civil W War through the deevastation off Hurricane Camille Donated by: Oakla and, the Nelsson County Museum of f Rural Histo ory Value: $60 m bid: $20 Minimum
Baskket from tthree She enandoah h Valley m museumss
VMI to ote & Little SSorrel Sweattshirt from V VMI Museum m, Preserves//butters from m VMCW W & coffee m mugs from Sttonewall Jacckson Housee Donated by: Virgin nia Museum of the Civil War | The SStonewall Jaackson Museeum | The V VMI Museum New M Market, VA Value: $110 Minimum m bid: $36
Ama azement SSquare G Gift Pack Two a admissions, g glow in the d dark youth t‐‐shirt, mug aand pencil
Donated by: Amazement Squaare Lynchburg, VA Value: $41 Minimum m bid: $13
Whe en in Paris … … thesse salad tongs are used!!
Donated by: Anonyymous Value: $30 Minimum m bid: $10
"Historical Skketches o of Alleghaany County" by Gu uy Arritt Main publication on county's history; mosst info was ppulled from W WPA Historical Inventorry
Donated by: Allegh hany Historical Society Covinggton, VA Value: $30 Minimum m bid: $10
Largge wine gllass … very large! Holds a whole botttle wine!
Donated by: Anonyymous Value: $15 Minimum m bid: $5
Colle ection of 8 Historiic Alexandria Ballp point Pen ns Fun an nd whimsica al, these pen ns are made ffor your offiice. Or start a collection!!
Donated by: Historric Alexandrria Museumss Alexandria, VA Value: $40 Minimum m bid: $13
Thin n Mints That rrare occassio onal treat … if no b bid, we'll takke them bacck to the officce and eat thhem!
Donated by: VAM Office Value: $0 Minimum m bid: $5
"Afie eld in Am merica: 40 00 Years o of Animaal and Spo orting Artt" Catalo ogue to NSLM M exhbition;; explores thhe remarkabble role anim mal and sp porting artissts have playyed in the hisstory of Ameerican art.
Donated by: National Sportingg Library and d Museum Middleburg, VA Value: $40 Minimum m bid: $13
195 “Ten Little “ e Rubber Ducks” b book and d a stuffed d one!
Donated by: Anonyymous Value: $10 Minimum m bid: $4
Rare e "Virginia Calvacaades" from the 19990s and early 200 00s No lon nger published; PLUS 2 ccopies of thee "Virginia M Magazine of H History and Biography" frrom the VHSS
Donated by: Collee en Callahan Richm mond, VA Value: $40 Minimum m bid: $13
Revo olutionarry War Era: Inform mal Dress Pattern
For 18 8" doll, with ffabric pack Donated by: Past C Crafts Patterrns Alexandria, VA Value: $30 Minimum m bid: $10
Revo olutionarry War Era: Inform mal Separrates Patttern
For 18 8" doll, with ffabric pack Donated by: Past C Crafts Patterrns Alexandria, VA Value: $30 Minimum m bid: $10
Bookks for the e museum m professsional
"Makiing Museum ms Matter" & & "Standardss for Excellennce" Donated by: Practiical Matters for Small M Museums Round d Hill, VA Value: $20 Minimum m bid: $7
Porttraits from m our passt
"Frankklin & His Frriends" and ""Though Inannimate, Theey Speak" Donated by: Practiical Matters for Small M Museums Round d Hill, VA Value: $43 Minimum m bid: $14
Hom me books
"Kitch hen Utensils"" & "The Cou untry Potteryy Companionn" Donated by: Practiical Matters for Small M Museums Round d Hill, VA Value: $23 Minimum m bid: $8
Tea Time Giftt Set:
Enjoy tea like John n Carlyle did d when he buuilt his stonee house in Allexandria in 1753. (Teapot, tea a, strainers, & drip catchhers) Donated by: Carlyle House | N Northern VA A Regional Paark Authoritty Alexandria, VA $26 Value: m bid: $9 Minimum
“A Study of aa Community – en Island d Architeccture and d Environment” State Autog graphed by a author Diann na Gabay, reetired curatoor of Virgin nia Holocaust Museum
Donated by: Diann na Gabay Stu udio Henricco, VA Value: $13 Minimum m bid: $4
Get outdoorss! One yyear family m membership
Donated by: Claude Moore Co olonial Farm at Turkey R Run McLeaan, VA Value: $35 Minimum m bid: $12
Two o tickets to the balllpark! Any 2012 regular season gam me (except oppening day, exhibition games & Julyy firewo orks)
Donated by: Norfo olk Tides Norfo olk, VA Value: $22 m bid: $7 Minimum
New wport New ws Basket Filled with Newpo ort News and d VA is for Loovers logo ittems, and tw wo VIP passees (each for 2) to all Newport Neews attractioons.
Donated by: Newp port News To ourism Deve elopment Newp port News, V VA Value: $225 Minimum m bid: $75
Musseums T‐sshirt
"Life iss Wonderfull, Museums Make it Bettter" (S: Large) Donated by: Anonyymous Value: $20 Minimum m bid: $7
Sampling of e exclusive line com mmemoraating Civil War Sesquicente ennial
2 t‐shirts, trinket b box, coin, tra avel mug, annd playing caards Donated by: Echoe es, the Manaassas Museu um Store Manassas, VA Value: $83 m bid: $27 Minimum
"Sou uthern Stalemate"" by Chrisstopher B Bonastia
Recou unts the storry of the five years Princee Edward Coounty offered d no public educatio on rather tha an integratee. (Releasedd 2‐1‐2012) Donated by: Roberrt Russa Moton Museum m Farmvville, VA Value: $45 Minimum m bid: $15
Behiind the sccenes tou ur for 8 of the Branch Housse, officce and ho ome to th he VCA Built iin 1919, the Branch Housse was desiggned by the ffamed archiitect of the Jefferrson Memorrial, John Russsell Pope, aand is recognnized for its h historical signifiicance at thee local, statee and nationnal level.
Donated by: Virgin nia Center fo or Architectu ure Richm mond, VA Value: $120 Minimum m bid: $40
A Past VVAM Auctionn “Little Monnster”with hhappy home.. “Litttle Monstter … Reggistered Independ dent” Steel ssculpture.
Donated by: Terry Ammons Peterssburg, VA Value: $Price eless Minimum m bid: $50
“Jap pan 5” photograph h by Lucy Koons 8 x 10 0 B&W photo ograph by trravel photoggrapher Koonns / framed to 11.5" x 14 4"
Donated by: Anonyymous Value: $150 m bid: $50 Minimum
“Com mposition n in Blue (Purple SShadows and Bluee Cham mpagne, 1941)” 2012, by G Greg Stevvens Hand painted pap per, collage a and mixed m media on cannvas board // Framed / Appro ox. 16"x20" // Stevens is tthe Assistantt Director foor Profession nal Developm ment for thee American A Association of Museumss
Donated by: Greg SStevens Washington, DC Value: $500 Minimum m bid: $150
NEW W 10” Rep productio on Doolitttle Bowl
Amos Doolittle (1754‐1832), a a self‐taughtt Connecticuut painter an nd engraver, gton to celebbrate the Coonstitution and the new createed this bowl for Washing federa al governmeent. Donated by: Georgge Washingtton’s Mountt Vernon Esttate, Museu um, and Gard dens (Courttesy of Reta ail Shops) Moun nt Vernon, VA A Value: $195 Minimum m bid: $65
12" G Geo. Wasshgton Houdon Bust
Imagees of Georgee Washington abound buut the most ffaithful liken ness remainss a terra ccotta bust crreated by Jean Antoine H Houdon, carrved in 1785. It has rema ained at Mo ount Vernon for two centturies. Donated by: Georgge Washingtton’s Mountt Vernon Esttate, Museu um, and Gard dens (Courttesy of Reta ail Shops) Moun nt Vernon, VA A Value: $66 Minimum m bid: $22
"The e George Washinggton Colleection" / Signed by Mo ount Vern non VP Carol Cado ou
The firrst official pu ublication hiighlighting tthe wealth of of fine and deecorative arts displa ayed in the new museum m. Donated by: Georgge Washingtton’s Mountt Vernon Esttate, Museu um, and Gard dens (Courttesy of Reta ail Shops) Moun nt Vernon, VA A Value: $40 Minimum m bid: $13
orge Wasshington’’s Leadersship Lesssons" / "Geo Signed by Mo ount Vern non Presiident Jam mes Rees
This b book reveals Washington n's characterr, his vision aand, most su urprising of a all, his bu usiness skills and acumen n. Donated by: Georgge Washingtton’s Mountt Vernon Esttate, Museu um, and Gard dens (Courttesy of Retaail Shops) Moun nt Vernon, VA A Value: $23 Minimum m bid: $8
"Fou unding Sp pirits" / Signed by Mo ount Vern non VP D Dennis Po ogue
The orrigins of the American w whiskey indusstry includess George Wa ashington’s rrole as thee owner of on ne the largeest whiskey ddistilleries in 18th centurry America. Donated by: Georgge Washingtton’s Mountt Vernon Esttate, Museu um, and Gard dens (Courteesy of Rettail Shops) Moun nt Vernon, VA A Value: $25 m bid: $8 Minimum
4 Co olonial Wiilliamsbu urg Annuaal Passes
Year‐rround unlimiited access tto all Historiic Area sites,, museums, a and program ms with d daily come‐a and‐go conveenience. ($660 each/Childdren under 6 6 free)
Donated by: Colon nial Williamssburg Found dation Williamsburg, VA $240 Value: Minimum m bid: $80
"Din ners, Drive‐Ins & D Dives" Food N Network's G Guy Fieri has included a ccouple of Haampton Road ds diners forr these cookbooks
Donated by: Melissa Mullins & & John Joness Hamp pton, VA Value: $40 Minimum m bid: $13
$50 Gift Certificate for fresh fo ood Leapin ng Lizards Ca afé offers seeasonal fare ffrom the loccal farms of Tidewater V VA. They w were featureed on an epissode of "Dinners, Drive‐inns & Dives" that w will air March h 23 & 24.
Donated by: Leapin ng Lizards Café Virginia Beach, VA A Value: $50 Minimum m bid: $17
2 complimen ntary dinn ners (up tto $20 value) & a TT‐Shirt Get Frresh Café wa as featured o on Diners, D rive‐ins & Diives. Part o of the 5 Points Farm Marrket, they seerve fresh loccally grown ffood.
Donated by: Get Frresh Café Norfo olk, VA Value: $36 Minimum m bid: $12
$50 Gift Certificate for good fo ood Specia alizing in Asiian foods in the Penisulaa Town Centeer
Donated by: Kenji Fusion Hibaachi & Asian Bistro Hamp pton, VA Value: $50 Minimum m bid: $17
2 tickets to o opening night of Th he Mikad do he Carpen nter Theaater in Ricchmond at th Be in tthe house w with the curta ain goes up oon Gilberrt and Sulliva an's most po opular work.
Donated by: Virgin nia Opera Norfo olk, VA Value: $130 Minimum m bid: $45
Two o night staay at The Homesteead, Ameerica's Premier Mou untain Re esort
Includ des breakfast, afternoon tea, fitness center, histoorical tours, valet parkin ng, shuttlle, service ch harge and ta axes Donated by: The H Homestead Hot Sp prings, VA Value: $500 Minimum m bid: $150
Ticke ets to the e Theatre e!
2 tickeets for any p performancee presented bby Hamptonn Arts at The American Theattre, excluding g Special Eveents. Reservaations requiired. Donated by: The A American The eatre Hamp pton, VA Value: $70 Minimum m bid: $23
A fam mily 4‐paack of adm missions
4 adult passes to the VASC an nd to it's IMA AX film Donated by: Virgin nia Air & Spaace Center Hamp pton, VA Value: $72 Minimum m bid: $24
SPECIA AL THIS YEAR: Ticketss for vario ous Histo oric Gardeen Week tours aro ound the state
2 Ticckets to H Historic G Gospel Hilll Staunto on Garden Tour
Tour H Historic Gosp pel Hill, five homes & gaardens plus W W. Wilson Prresidential Liibrary Donated by: Augussta Garden C Club Staunton, VA $50 Value: Minimum m bid: $17
2 Ticckets to O Olde Tow wne Portsm mouth Garden To our
"Strolling through h Olde Townee Portsmoutth" garden ttour including Hill House, e, venuee of 2010 VAM Scholarsh hip Event Donated by: Elizab beth River an nd Nansemo ond River Gaarden Clubs Portsm mouth, VA Value: $30 Minimum m bid: $10
4 Ticckets for Charlotte esville‐Albemarle Garden TTour
Tour tthrough Kesw wick hunt co ountry east oof Charlottessville includin ng Keswiick Hall and H Hunt Club, p plus tour of KKluge's recennt home Morven Donated by: Charlo ottesville/Albemarle/Riivanna Gard den Clubs Keswick, VA Value: $120 Minimum m bid: $40
2 Ticckets for Frederickksburg Gaarden Tour
Features the neigh hborhood arround Kenm ore, Georgee Washington n’s sister’s home and the firsst restoration n project by the Garden Club of Virg ginia; also th he James Mo onroe Museum & Librarry Donated by: Rappa ahannock Vaalley Garden n Club Fredericksburg, VA Value: $50 Minimum m bid: $17
Musseum Membership p AND 2 G Garden TTour tickeets w/ lun nch
Annua al patron levvel membersship to Wiltoon House, wiith 2 tickkets for tour and lunch off Richmond''s Ampthill‐W Wilton Area Garden Tourr Donated by: The Boxwood, Jam mes River, aand Three Ch hopt Garden n Clubs and the Tucka ahoe Garden n Club of We esthampton Richm mond, VA Value: $128 Minimum m bid: $41
2 Ticckets for V Virginia B Beach Gaarden Tou ur
Tour 5 5 private hom mes, 1 gardeen and 6 histtoric properrties Donated by: Virgin nia Beach an nd Princess A Anne Garden n Clubs Virginia Beach, VA A Value: $100 Minimum m bid: $33